What you won't do?

Through the gates, elsewhere— a better word other than "the usual place where villains of a movie would be hiding"— was a place near Carson City, but one that isn't, better yet, it wasn't

With jagged lines formed by the seems of a tree in the middle of a suburban holographic house, the individual would enter and pass through.

Inside, there was a black... all sorts of black.

Ruins painted with void, randomly tall structures as if made by artificial intelligence rose and took over the already blank wallpaper— all outlined with white and blue for viewing pleasure of course.


There was a sense of uneasiness; not much had [REDACTED] been here aside from all the times [REDACTED] needed to be here. Nonetheless, it has happened and one would be surprised.

"Right..." he muttered, bringing a hand up to scratch the itch behind his neck, "No... not right..."

"Yeah, it's not..." 

A stressed tone, followed by a slurp. Grey hair reaching down his shoulder, black polo shirt and pants matching the obvious background— making you wonder if this person even had a torso, to begin with— white shoes just to spite that nothing here ever gets dirty. 

"Drinking swamp water again?" much of the un-shallow river, jokes could be made. 

"Yerba Mate, Naikhee..." another sip, "...and also," breathing out, "... it's healthy..."

"Really? Healthy?" Blondie scoffs, walking over to close the line-door-not-door "door", treading gently and sitting on a big brown bean bag. "Look, Xehnyier, you do realize that drinking those does nothing, right?" little giggle and grumble, facing the man. Despite the large depth of the river of why he came here, there wouldn't have been any more incentive than to joke around if that'd be the case right away.

"My conscience is the benefactor, shoe product, so it makes me feel healthy, okay?" Xehnyier replied, motioning the latter to hand him some yunomi-kettle hybrid, gently pouring down some hot water off to the side of the gourd, beside the pile of leaves with the bombilla sticking on the pit. The aroma of serenity, "...just smells right..." Grey would mutter, taking another sip and making the water go hallway empty.


There wasn't much to talk about aside from the small ones, with Blondie kicking his feet to the void-ey floor and Xehnyier sipping, breathing out in relaxation.

Awkwardness aside, tension wasn't building up like a barometer in panic mode. Rather, it was just a chill section. Could've afforded to have some music playing, Naikhee thought. Maybe some hip-hop beat instrumental music would work? Hardcore rock's not the type, and uber-classical isn't the cup of both their tea.

"Could go for some beats right now..." Naikhee had just got there and ADHD— or plain boredom, who knows— took over like a bullet train.

"Hey, you two, mind handing me over that tray of pizza? Thanks..." said a feminine voice, walking out of something, the void being a short curtain around her for a short while. How exactly? Stuff only they know about.

"Svanthurnsa, long time [no see]..." Xehnyier said and pointed for Naikhee to grab over the request— it being just next to the table beside him— reaching over to deliver the flavored dough to her.

Sun-bright yellow hair, honey-amber eyes, beige blouse, draped necklace, high-waisted skinny jeans in deep indigo, olive green jacket, white sneakers, and statement earrings. Like some list of things to buy on a holiday for one's girlfriend- just so long and too specific.

"Yeah," tilted her head she did as she picked up one slice, lining it up in her mouth before eating it, her teeth biting into the chewy gooey cheese, stretching out like lines. "But... enough small talk, you had to escape, yeah?" glaring at Blondie's eyes like some staredown to see who would blink, except it would be the first who chickens out and leaves the den.

"Yep. She's too strong..." said Naikhee, chuckling right as he raised a finger, with Svanthrunsa handing him a slice. "But, the objective's done, so... at least there's a silver lining..." Reassurance as there was, he had to resort to using...

"...using the hostage wasn't part of that objective, though..." titled Sun-bright, slowly crouching down in the void as she stared up the tall reaching structures, all pulsating in some ethereal light bathed in the darkness on a dimension no science could apply. 

Mostly, theories such as the Hilbert space could prove its existence and even state that said place could be considered as one. But sometimes... reading comprehension is an issue spread throughout media. Statements can't really prove anything without visible proof, even though the very void exists above it.

"...but it's only because you had to as a means to mentally weaken her, right?" she asked him again, with Naikhee nodding.

"Though that failed in the end, we got what we wanted... Information." Blondie placed fingers on his chin, running from his throat up to the bottom lip. "I got leads on Nicole's current capabilities. There's even news all over about her influence, though... that'd need further discussion..." he looked at her, "Svan, where's the boss?" 

"She's... at Viewpoint. Watching the news, actually." she shrugged, lifting another finger, and ate yet another slice.

"I do wonder, though..." Xehnyier sips, "...what do you think could be the reason behind that [incident involving Nicole causing worldwide tempo-discrepancies]?" taking more hot water and pouring it.

"Isn't that, like, what Naikhee is asking for-?" snickered Svan, with Blondie walking out of view, making his way to the pungent ooze of esoterism.

"I know, but, I wanna see your own interpretation of it..." takes a long sip, "Since, to me... I don't think Nicole would do that. There's not anything good it would do to just randomly stop and accelerate time at uncalled intervals, or even send people back in time just because... You could argue she could be starting a prank channel on YouTube, but that would get her straight canceled on social media...." continued Grey.

It was nothing different when comparing black to a paint darker than it. Though to "people" with eyes above that of any norm, colors are more than simply visible and rather more expressive than the muted, dull, and trichromatic spectrum of black, blue, and white.

Squares, rectangles, lines, and geometric shapes. Tesseract, Hypercube, 100, Aleph, basic screens surrounding some individual sat upon a bean bag- probably stolen so that one could sit.

Shoulder-length hair, bluer than even the ocean (even though it's technically not, given circumstances), white crop top and palazzo pants with different shades, and canvas shoes matching the void underneath. 

Cross-legged, her inverted-colored eyes traced the message and visuals. Minutes pass by and the woman tilted her head, turning around slowly.

"What is it, Naikhee?" asked her.

"I've brought some stuff, Erimythees..."