chapter 5 why did he attack me?

Amidst the bustling sounds within the sacred shrine, a large crowd had gathered, their murmurs filling the air with an air of anticipation. "There he is," a woman exclaimed. "I heard he's the soldier who was held captive by the Beast. They're going to execute him for being possessed," another woman added,"But he looks so innocent, as if nothing has happened to him," a lady remarked skeptically.

" killing human on foolish myth which never exist " a man said with frown

" we can't continue this, watching them killing us like sheep until we fight back " the woman said

" But who dares to go against the imperial Court?" The man ask

" Ida clan will do! The next time another soldier dies because of this myth tales we'll hold the clan accountable " another man interfered.

The shrine attendant's voice cut through the chatter, "Make way for the great general and the heir of the throne, the eldest prince!"

As the crowd parted, the prince and the general entered the shrine. "Welcome, General, and welcome, heir of the throne," greeted the high priest. Turning to the soldier, he asked, "Shall I commence the ritual?" The prince nodded, granting his approval.

The high priest presented a large clay bowl filled with spiritual water to the soldier, who consumed it. Within minutes, a transformation occurred – his eyes turned red, his body became more robust, radiating a new-found strength that awed the onlookers. He broke free from the ropes that bound him, launching an unexpected attack on the prince.

The soldier was taken aback and knocked down. The soldier was swiftly taken to the front of the goddess of war's statue and beheaded without hesitation. The crowd dispersed, leaving the prince in shock. "My prince, I shall take my leave," the general declared before departing, leaving the prince with his shadow guard.

The prince was left pondering the scene. "This is not my first time witnessing such an event, but now I understand more than before," he mused aloud. Deep in thought, he departed for Ida's residence, his shadow guard following closely behind.

**In the Courtyard**

Arẹwa issued a soft command to the maid, requesting the presence of the head of maidservants. Soon after, an attendant announced the arrival of the royal prince. "Greetings to the future heir of the throne," she said with a warm smile as he entered.

"You don't need these formalities, my dear. You grow more beautiful with each passing day. You're like the eye of the gods, my dear beauty. Will you allow me to adore you?" he cooed as he hugged and gently kissed her forehead. Her cheeks flushed as she met his gaze.

"Beloved, I fear losing you," she confessed, her gaze dropping. Perplexed, the prince inquired, "What do you mean?"

"Rogba...I am now the heiress of my clan. According to our customs, the heiress must not get weded . Will you marry me?" she revealed, her voice tinged with sadness. "And if I do, it means I won't move to the palace. Instead, you'll have to come here, which could lessen your privileges as the future king," she added, her worry apparent.

"My beauty, I feel compelled to share my fortune and my life with you. Being in love is the most exquisite feeling. Your love intoxicates me like fine wine. I cannot imagine a life without you. I've chosen this path for love and not the throne, for my affection for you and the kingdom," the prince professed passionately.

She was left astonished. "You've withdrawn your claim to the throne?" she questioned, disbelief in her eyes. "Yes, I informed the king," he confirmed with a smile.

"But…" she started, interrupted by a sudden and surprising kiss from the prince. It left her momentarily speechless and flushed.

As a maid entered with wine and cups, they both regained their composure. They shared a meaningful look, then took their seats, sipping their wine as they maintained eye contact.

Changing the topic, the prince asked, "Would you consider visiting the shrine?" Blushing slightly, she shook her head. "The soldier was executed there," he explained.

"Something felt amiss, something you mentioned last night," she said, her expression contemplative. "What do you find strange?" she inquired.

"I observed that when he drank the spiritual water, he appeared calm. But afterward, he seemed possessed and attacked me," the prince recounted.

"Attacked you?" she echoed in alarm, scrutinizing him for any injuries.

"Yes, but I wonder why he didn't attack me when we found him wandering in the dark forest. He only insulted me then," the prince pondered aloud.

"Perhaps he's not truly possessed. There could be something unusual about the water he consumed. And maybe he encountered something within the Beast's Kingdom that you're unaware of, which left him bewildered or changed," she theorized, her doubt evident.

"Could that be the case?" he questioned.

"Yes," she replied, and the prince stood, announcing his departure. "I'll take my leave," he said, to which she curtsied in acknowledgment. "I'll wait for you here," she said sadly.

"No, don't. I have other places to attend to. Wait for me here. Always remember, my love is with you," he assured her with a smile before departing. As he left, his shadow guard materialized. "Summon the high priest to meet me at the general's residence," he instructed, hopping onto his horse.

**Dear Reader,**

I remind you that this novel is participating in a contest. Your likes, votes, ratings, comments, and additions to your library would mean a lot to me. I'm a student striving to bring you enjoyment, even though English is not my native language. Please bear with any grammatical errors.

Much love to you all,

Sending you affection and blowing kisses.

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