chapter 6 The beast's tribe must be eradicated!!! (i)

War is a game which were their subjects wise, kings would not play at. ~ William Cowper



The prince arrived at the general's residence, striding in with an air of haste as slaves and servants within the compound paid their respects.

"Hello, Prince," a woman greeted from a distance as she approached the prince.

"Being a friend of mine doesn't excuse disrespect," the prince retorted sharply.

Undeterred, she flirtatiously traced a finger along the contours of his well-defined chest. "No, my prince, it appears you're not in the best of moods. I understand you're not here for me," she said, her tone dripping with innuendo. The prince's bodyguard looked on, clearly taken aback. Before she could proceed further, the prince grasped her hand, prompting her to wince. "Ouch! That hurts." She said harshly and look away walk towards the window

"My father isn't home; he's away on official duty. Would you care to join me in the courtyard? I can explain the progress I've made on the task you assigned me. It will give you something to share with my father once he returns," she suggested, her grip on her hand still pained. "No, I'll leave then," the prince said

" No wait"

she quickly added, sensing his intent to depart.

"Could you please allow me a moment to elucidate the status of the task you assigned?" she implored, trying to recapture his attention.

"Let's sit here," the prince suggested, relenting slightly. "Regarding the matter of the slave merchants, I've deduced that there are only two active within our kingdom. One hails from the Ilé-Ifẹ̀ kingdom, while the other is a local civilian. Our focus thus far has been on tracing the slaves they've traded outside our borders..."

Her words hung in the air, anticipation painted across her face as she hoped to engage the prince's interest.

"Where do we stand? Have you successfully carried out the order? I don't associate myself with..." The prince's words were cut off as the general's eldest son, the commander of the western border, made his entrance.

"Greetings to the heir of the throne," the elder son greeted respectfully.

"Greetings to the heir of the sword," the prince responded in kind.

"Could you excuse us?" the general's eldest son requested from the woman, his sister.

"May we have a private conversation, my prince?" he asked.

"Yes," the prince agreed, and they both left the courtyard, making their way to Akin's own courtyard.

"Akin, your demeanor towards me has shifted since we've come of age. And do you still visit the wrestling house?" the prince inquired.

"Your highness, just as the seasons are fleeting and life is but as long as a gun's staff, my prince, the days of our youth are brief. Back then, we used to attend lessons at Ida's clan residence and partook in activities together, even venturing to the wrestling house. In our innocence, we didn't recognize class distinctions. As one of royal blood, I dared not disrespect you, my prince. Regarding the wrestling house, I urge you to investigate the rumors surrounding the establishment, particularly the bar within it," Akin explained. The prince signaled to his shadow guard, who promptly exited the scene. "You can leave us," he said to his personal bodyguard.

"What happens? " Prince ask

" There brothel and some illegal game going on and hard a strong back up" he said

" An investigation will be carry on it" the prince said " one more thing my prince " he said

"Akin! Akin!" the general called impatiently.

"Father!" Akin responded with greetings.

"Greetings to my prince. Where have you been, son?" the general inquired, attempting to balance his annoyance with composure.

"Dear father, I was out hunting and returned with unsettling information. I was just about to disclose it to my prince," Akin explained, meeting his father's gaze head-on.

"Please, have a seat. The priest will join us shortly," the general suggested.

"Is this truly necessary?" the prince and the general chimed in simultaneously.

"Greetings to the household," the old priest greeted as he arrived, staff in hand, radiating an aura of mystery.

"Greetings to you and the gods," they responded in unison.

"You summoned me?" the old priest inquired.

"I hold you in the highest respect, old priest. This is an urgent matter," Akin began, receiving an affirmative nod from the priest.

"Please, be seated. Father, my apologies for being away. I ventured into the forest for several days, accompanying Odejimi, the head of the Hunter's clan. However, he left the forest for official palace duties, leaving me to continue hunting alone. During my hunt, I felled an antelope with my arrow, only to realize that the arrow wasn't mine..." Akin revealed, showing them the arrow in question. The priest examined it carefully.

"As I stood there, a man emerged, garbed in strange attire, not monstrous but accompanied by a fox—loyal as any dog," Akin continued, his account being abruptly interrupted by the prince.

"He's a member of the beast's tribe! What happened next?!" the prince demanded.

"He gazed at me, returning my arrow, then vanished into thin air. I was..." Akin began again. " Where is the arrow " the priest requested and start investigating itp

A burst of flashing light seized the old priest's attention, causing him to cough up blood as he attempted to conjure magic around the arrow. "The arrow... it's... dangerous," he managed to say through the pain.

"Can we assist you?" the general inquired.

"No!" The priest's voice quivered as he absorbed the illuminating light, slowly recovering. "Priest!!!" the prince uttered, his cold aura becoming palpable as he paced around the priest.

"Is there something you know about the beast's tribe that's hidden from us?" the prince questioned with intensity.

"What do you mean?" the priest responded.

"Why did the man react after drinking the water and attack me?" the prince pressed with a chilling tone.

"This tradition has persisted for millennia. We offer them water to trigger the curse placed upon them by the beast. But the attack... I cannot explain it. This arrow... I will take it for further examination. If there's anything to uncover, you shall be informed. Keep a watchful eye on any changes in the customs of the kingdom; Ida's clan may rise to combat it," the priest concluded before departing.

"General, something feels amiss in this situation. Why didn't he attack your son, and why did the soldier target me?" the prince pondered.

"It's indeed suspicious," the general concurred, his brow furrowed in thought.

"The beast's tribe must be eradicated," the prince declared resolutely, his resolve unyielding as he left the scene.