Targeting The Water

Joseph continued to command the 21st when a message came through the Mana Radio, informing them of ships in the distance. He rushed to the balcony only to notice an enemy fleet bearing down on them.

There were twice as many vessels as they had, but he was confident in the Draconian warships designed by the Ironfoot Family. Even with better weapons, it would be a hard fight and they would lose ships.

'Damn! I'm glad Mother taught me how to fight on the sea,' he thought with determination burning in his pink eyes.

Following that, he turned to his crew and gave out his orders. ''Prepare for battle! Tell Commander Dagny to engage the enemies with her Tidefangs. She needs to slow them down so we can form up!''

Moments later, the 21st moved into the line formation, bracing for the impending battle against the advancing Alliance Fleet. Warships adjusted their positions with practice, their black hulls gleaming under the stars.