Death Knights And Tyrants

Archer was back in the Domain with Inara, Edith, and Meredith as they watched the cities he robbed break down into chaos. Novgorodians were around while the Church Knights searched for him, but he wasn't there.

While sitting there, the blonde maid turned to him with a curious expression as her green eyes sparkled. ''Why did you burn down that city, husband?'' she asked.

He bristled when hearing that, but answered honestly. ''They created effigies that looked like you girls and were hanging them by the necks or burning them. None of those people are innocent, so they're now food for my Monster Army for their actions.''

''How many people did you kill this time, Arch?'' Alexa inquired in an unknown voice when walking into the room.

Archer turned to her and shrugged. ''Millions. Now they're stacked up inside the Monarchs' colonies for their disturbing practices. I didn't want to do it, but the look in their eyes worried me,'' he responded.