Four of them walked along the path toward their destination and met many other Windrunners from servants, maid to guards once in a while. They would salute the four and continue their journey after receiving their response. All figures were the most top-level boss characters; who dared to be impudent. Although many Windrunners knew these bosses were not so narrowminded and wouldn't even bother to care about them as long as no one broke the rules, the prestige of the three elder women had a suppressive effect on their subordinates. After strolling for fifteen minutes, they saw the dining hall, which was naturally a huge building having three floors. There were pack of people and audible combined murmurs of huge amount nearly frightened the birds nearby. Some clanking sound produced by the consuming actions of diners made one thought as if they were in a prosperous town.
Because it was lunch time, huge crowd was unavoidable. Lireesa and the other found the staggering crowded competitive experience very interesting. Lireesa stopped one of the maids who seemed to have just finished eating, nearly startling her since big bosses rarely came to crowded area. Lireesa comforted her first and asked her to deliver her message, which was to ask the servants of her residence, to prepare the dishes for her daughters. Apart from thinking her Lady's instruction was strange, since mandatory tasks similarly weren't required to be reminded for the highly trained servants of her mistress. But she didn't dive her thoughts too much. Subordinates doesn't need to ask, just obey the orders. They could think independently as long as command objective were followed.
Of course, Lireesa's meaning could only be understood by the people of her own. Her maids would know what to do as soon as they heard her sentence. It was to wake her three daughters up and not allow them to sleep any further. Even if they protested, her servants were clear to force their eyes opened by any means. Having been together with her servants, everyone directly knew as soon as she spoke. She couldn't directly voice what she intended to the servants outside of her household.
Although they were part of Windrunners, it's best to reduce gossip related to her family. If everyone saw the behaviors of her daughter sleeping till noon and spread out, her daughter's prestige could be ruined and would likely affect when they took over the command. Even if the problem wasn't serious, because nearly anyone could sleep a lot sometimes, she must hold the prestige firmly so as not to affect her daughter's future path. Before everyone's respect was earned enough, reputations and prestige were essentials for one's growth especially in military career.
Soon they entered the buildings and attracted other's attention. Lireesa discovered they were all women and really felt lucky to be reborn in this body. Who could resist being inside daughters' kingdom, especially all elven women were extremely beautiful along with their athletic figures. One could even see the vest line in their belly, exuding their strong core muscle as warriors. They all had toned muscle and were not being bulky to destroy feminine charm. Watching all these feasts, Lireesa even felt very hot, and her nostril widens. Her heart even accelerated into an accident. Naturally, she was exaggerating. Although the beating wasn't fast, it became stronger, loud enough that she could even hear herself.
Four of them were quickly noticed even though they were wearing the green robe similar to other Windrunner's guard. This had to be owing to their odd temperaments when compared with the crowd. Others would feel pressure staying around them. Sena and Ella hadn't been in the high leadership roles for thousand years for nothing. Not to mention Lireesa was actually outstanding and couldn't be hidden due to her distinct silver hair. There were very rare silver hairs inside Windrunner's manor plus Lireesa's figures and temperament allowed others to recognize her instantly.
Every Windrunner inside the first floor stood up to salute, bowing their head slightly and clasping their fist toward the left chest. Except for Alleria who was stunned for a moment, the other three adult naturally responded and said out to continue eating. They raised their hands and gestures for them to seat. Some even got out from their seat sending condolence for the loss of her husband and asked Lireesa to take their places, which all of them smiled and declined. The team leader of the canteen walked out and guided the four toward private room lobby. Even after they were inside the room, they still heard discussions. Only until 15 minutes later after they took the seat and food was served, the surrounding chants relented when surprise had passed.
Everybody ate in silence except for the sounds of utensil, not wanting to discuss previous topics because of the public area requiring confidential and in order not to instigate confusion amongst their subordinates. Lireesa was contemplating about the dressing of her Guard units. She realized apart from her high-level leaders most of the rangers rarely wore leather armor and leggings for protections. Although she had no doubt, they were highly trained elite and very maneuverable, once they had face-to-face battle, all their advantages would be scrapped. It seemed, she discovered one factors to directly improve combat effectiveness of her guards. It would be best if they all wore leather armors similar to them except for decorations representing the soldiers' rank.
The next obvious shortcoming that she could take advantage of was food. Even though it was learnt elven food were the most delicious in Azeroth among other races, because elves tended to spoil themselves in enjoyment because they were long-lived species, compared with Earth, it was like heaven and ground. The contrast was too colossal where food cultures would be delightfully accepted and quickly integrated into the society. Lireesa could even cook those recipes as a university student in previous life. In the name of Windrunners, she could set up restaurants across the whole Quel'Thalas, earning loads of money which could support her plans. Dreaming about money made her drool and received white eyes from her companions.
After finishing their people, silence took over. Lireesa initiated the conversation. She turned her head toward Alleria and demanded, "Alleria, I promote you to the rank of ranger-lieutenant of our Windrunners, since you don't want to take over my position in the future."
Alleria was shocked and about to refuse when Lireesa waved her hand to interrupt. Ella and Sena didn't say a word as Lireesa was the lord and she could decide anything she wanted to. They were just amazed why Alleria refused to inherit her mother's position. Alleria's eyes were complicated as her mother followed her wish and immediately felt her body very light.
"Sena, please help my daughters' affair," Lireesa asked Sena who nodded her head happily. "Place her position in your group. Sena, I ordered to you to mobilize 1000 Windrunners guards in preparation for war. Your mission was to have skirmishes with trolls near the border. No real objective except to chip away their number and show our attitude for the capital to see. The priority is to have no single casualties and not to take risk at all. Can you do that?"
Receiving Lireesa's stern eyes, Sena instantly turned serious from joking mood. She faced some difficulties in how to go to war without even having to risk her soldiers. In fact, it wasn't complicated, but she felt there was no real gain for this war. Resources would be loss in vain. So, she didn't want to agree.
Lireesa saw through her thoughts and didn't explain. She continued to elaborate her orders, "These thousand guards will be divided into three groups of 300 women. The remaining act as your reaction force with you Sena. Another 500 guards will be added as quick reaction force to act as reserve unit. Ella, you can transfer the command to who you deem fit. With two quais-legend, I believe safety isn't a concern."
"Sister Lireesa, is it just for a political show," Ella cut in. "Or is it a real military operation." Ella knew Lireesa must react whether for real or for show, because Windrunners reputations against the troll must be maintained. Although no rumors had spread yet, nearly all high levels had realized the direct cause of Lireesa's husband death. Trolls' assassination was really a slap to the face of Windrunners.
"It'll be both ways," Lireesa added. "In the meantime, I'll breakthrough Legendary realm, it shouldn't take more than a month. By then we will wage a new type of war." She smirked like everything was under control. Though Sena was interested what new idea evolved inside Lireesa's head, she was now busy because of Lireesa's orders.
Alleria was a bit confused and realized she was really going to experience a war. No matter how your skills was better than an experience fighter, if one really hadn't faced the true reality, you would still be a flower in the greenhouse. Only after growing through blood and struggles, would one's heart and will be hard as steel and grew as a warrior. She was also scared as well as excited for the first time.
Lireesa knew Alleria would grow or else in the original history she wouldn't be a badass ranger general.