Mina desire

Ever since I agreed to this stupid program, my dreams have been filled with his…"

Mina's eyes widened in anticipation. "His?" She queried, poking for more information.

She sighed, long and hard. "With his cock!"

Her friend's head launched backwards as to open her airways completely. The deep rasping laughter that shot out of Mina could have been heard two blocks away.

"It's not funny!"

"No," Mina struggled to breathe. "It's damn near fucking perfect!"


Curious, that wouldn't have been the word she would have picked Mina to use. Hilarious, sensational goss, engrossing even. But perfect?

Wiping a tear away, large dark eyes met hers. "Yeah, Perfect! I mean, the thought of you two fucking is kinda hot" She said, winking for added effect.

"Stop teasing me! I need your help..." Uraraka groaned, throwing her face into her hands.

Having foreseen this reaction, Uraraka had made the decision to still consult her friend. The intrusive thoughts of her turbulent co-worker had become unmanageable. She needed it fixed by the time they had to meet, to discuss their upcoming UA program. Something she stupidly agreed to last summer.

"Honestly…" A finger raised to her friend's glossed lip. "You should just fuck him, get it out of your system! Ya know?"

Fucking hell.

"You're a deviant Mina"

Eyes locked onto his large, scarred hands. The sexual force between them was so thick she could almost grab at it with her fingers.

"Are you sure you can handle me cheeks?" Words coasted from his lips before his brazen smirk returned.

She had to tilt her face to the ceiling to connect with his red gaze. "I'm not frail Bakugou"

Demonic hysteria flushed across his sharp features, making her throb with anticipation.


"No cheeks, there's nothing frial about you"

Abrupt movement drew her attention back to his hands. She couldn't help it, for all the power she had gained. Still, she couldn't stop her mouth opening eagerly. Dropping the waistband of his loose joggers, his thick, hard, mammoth-ed sized cock sprung free.

The fog cleared and her mind vaguely wandered back to reality.

"Fucking hell" she groaned, waking reluctantly from her vivid dream filled slumber.

Her pussy tinglingly from the lingering sights and thoughts of a huge cocked Bakugou. Maybe Mina had been right, this obsession was obviously not going anywhere anytime soon. Fingers slipped into her messy, tangled locks. Pressing into her skull and massaging.

What the fuck was she going to do? Today was their first meeting. How could she face him after dreaming about his cartoonishly large hog.

A laugh sprung from her chest, forcing her lips into a smile. Thinking of her friend, she would enjoy knowing of the newest instalment of her fantasy induced dream. Why did it have to be Bakugou? Reaching lazily to her bedside table, she felt out for her phone. Bring the small black computer to her face, she unlocked it with her enlarged finger tips.

Couldn't it have been anyone but him?

Fucking Bakugou.

Goddamn it, I seriously can't take much more of these dreams about Bakugou! You will never guess what I hallucinated this time ? he even had a pet name that just hit differently… Cheeks. What is wrong with me?

She hit send, right before continuing her text.

His cock was fucking huge Mina! Like, the most thick dick I've ever laid eyes on. I'm still recovering ? ゚メᆭ I think I have a secret size kink!

Pressing the small arrow shaped send button, a wave of anxiety cascaded over her. Her eyes, unwillingly flicked to the top of the conversation as the message clicked over to 'sent'.


"Nooo! Ochako you fucking idiot!"

Being stuck in a confined space with him, while suffering through her delirious attraction to him was bad enough. But by the way his arm hung confidently over the chair beside him and the insatiable glare he was impaling her with. He had read her text.

His cocky fucking grin didn't help him look any less attractive.

"Uraraka, we are so glad to have been asked to collab with you. This will definitely be an interesting program this year" Bakugou's agent chirped beside him.

"Interesting is a good word to describe today"

His smug reply made his agent's eyebrow raise in curiousity. "Uhhh… Well, anyway, what do you two have in mind?"

Muted conversation went on around her, it felt surreal to be sitting across from him after having a mini meltdown before the meeting this morning. He had not messaged her back, but he did open and read the message at 7:48am. Fuck. This was going to be a long few months. Maybe she could pass it off as a joke and move on from it.

It was all she could do to not look into his eyes, but his gaze still bore into her like a predator watching prey.

"Do you two suits mind giving us a second? I have sm'thin to talk to cheeks about" He said, flashing his incisors.

The agents exchanged looks. She heard her agent, Will, sighed beside her.

"Why don't we go discuss the logistics and let these two…" He looked over at her, eyebrows furrowed. "Talk"

She looked over at the pro hero, as the only professionals in the room got up to leave. Papers were pushed back into folders and chairs slid out, shrill sounds filling the air of the room. The intense stare of Bakugou's red eyes never left hers.

"Ok, so let me explain"

"Oh, I understood cheeks ," He said. "Perfectly"

"Stop calling me that"

"You don't like it? That isn't what you said this morning"

Holding her body firmly she bit back. "You are really loving this aren't you?"

He chuckled and folded his arms over his broad chest. "You have no idea"

"Look! It was a joke, ok? It wasn't meant for you"

"So you haven't been dreaming of me?"

Instantly her cheeks caught on fire. Betraying the feeble front she had put up.

"Come on, you can tell me" His grin became all encompassing.

Fuck why did he have to be so damn attractive.

"Can we just forget the text and get through this program" She finally looked into his eyes. "Professionally?"

A black tight tshirt hugged his large biceps as he slowly unfolded them. Making him look even more massive than she knew him to be. The fire had been lit. Raging out of control, her mind flicked over thoughts of him over her. Encompassing her. His eyes continued to penetrate her. Leaning backward again, his arms reached behind him resting behind his head. Noticing him tense his muscles, her heart pumped. Really though, it didn't matter if it was on purpose or not. Because it worked. She was so fucking attracted to him.

Ever since watching him save the young children from an out of control quirk last week.

It had set her fantasies wild.

Finally he ended the torture of silence. "How can I forget it? Especially after googling 'size kink', wow!"

"Oh my god…" She whimpered. "You're not going to let this go are you?"

"No, I'm not"

"What's it going to take for you to get over this?"

She was ready to bargain, her pride be damned. This uncomfortable aura between them had to go. Especially if they were going to be teaching high schoolers. She wanted to do a good job, and she couldn't do that with Bakugou encouraging the constant throb between her legs.

Air left his nostrils, he moved again. Elbows on the table, his chin resting on his intertwined hands.

"There's only one way to make the dreams stop, cheeks"

For the second time in less than 24 hours she dropped her face into her hands. "Don't say it"

Hearing him laugh only made her stomach drop further.

"8pm, I'll text you my address"


Looking up, he had already risen from his chair. His husky voice sounded behind her. "I'm confident I can help you explore your kink, Ochako"

Her back hit the door as it clicked shut. In the sanctuary of her tiny Tokyo unit, her hands came up and dragged down her face. If her shaking was anything to go by, the nerves inside her were shot to shit.

"What have I done?" Uraraka pushed out a moan.

How had this day turned into a living hell? The last person on earth she wanted to know about her dirty little secret was him. Her dirty little sex-dreams-about-Bakugou-and-his-enormous-cock secret. And she had been the idiot who told him.

An animated buzz in her jean pocket fractured the built up self loathing and her train of thought. Pawing at her phone she looked at the screen.


"Oh, girl you won't believe the…"

"Ochako! What the hell... I just saw Bakugou!"

There was that sinking feeling again.

Feigning ignorance, she lowered her voice. "Really? What did he say?"

"He showed me the texts you sent. You idiot!" She could hardly container her laughter.

Though the real thing was not too far from the surface, fake cries came tumbling from her mouth. "What do I do?"

"Fuck him!"

"No, Mina, it was so embarrassing! And he is such a cocky shit!" She squeaked.

"Tell me what happened, he was a little lax on the details"

Of course he was neglectful of the details. He acts like a conceited dick, drops the bomb and walks away. Expecting her to come crawling to him without admitting his part in it all.

"He told me to come over to his house at 8pm. That he could help me with my kink!"

"Oh my god! He has a huge cock! I knew it!"


"Also, you have a size kink?"

Uraraka sighed heavily. Once again, dropping her face into her hand.

"What am I going to do?" She asked.

"Are you going to go over?"

"Absolutely not!"

"You're making a mistake, think of the sex! It would be so hot"

"I am not going to have sex with Bakugou-fucking-Katsuki!"

"Oh, you make me all tingly when you swear"

A small beep sounded through the speaker. He pulled it away and spied a notification.

"You are no help at all"

"I gave you advice, you won't take it! That's not my problem"

"Goodbye Mina"

Her finger glided the hang up button across the screen, just in time it seemed, as Mina's voice peaked and disappeared. Her unashamed friend had been pushing for her to get a dick appointment for months. This must be such an eventful day for the pink boisterous hero.

As the screen flicked back to her home screen, she read through the message.

56 3 Higashiyama, Meguro.

Holy shit. He really was serious. And lived so close to her too.

It's not happening Bakugou.

The phone erupted. Lights and vibrations broke out of the phone as the call came screaming in. The screen reading Bakugou .

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

Thoughts tugged her in opposite directions. Her brain was pleading to run and hide from him, at least until this was all forgotten. Save as much face as she could. But her body was making an uproar, her traitorous body wanted him and everything that went with it.

In the end, her curiousity and craving won out.

"Hello Bakugou"

"Cheeks, let's cut the bullshit. Do you want to do this or not?"


" You messaged me "

"It was an accident"

She could hear him baring his teeth through the speaker.

"That's not fucking fair, you've got me all riled up"

Oh dear lord. The dream was a goddam, fucking premonition. That part inside her, the one exceedingly attracted to him, clawed for control. "Is that so?"

"Yes, I can't stop thinking about those small hands wrapped around my massive cock"

Holy shit. Who was she kidding, this was so happening. Only this morning she had soaked her underwear dreaming of his cock. Now this. She would not be able to hold out any longer.

"Really?" Was all she could manage to whimper.

"Yes, I'd love to see how much of it you can handle cheeks"

"Your huge cock?"

"My huge, thick cock, as dreamt by Uraraka Ochako"

The laugh escaped her before she could contain it. How did he know her full name?

"Oh my god"

He was growling through the phone at her now. "Come over" That voice, so thick with need. She could just picture his mouth moving to his voice.

"What happened to 8pm?"

"I can't wait any longer. I've waited long enough"

Waited? He only found out this morning. He was as impatient as he was cocky.

"Bakugou I…" She laughed again, embarrassment mixed in with giddiness. She had a sinking feeling she would regret this decision.

Fuck it.

"I'm leaving now"

"Good girl"

Train on time and fairly bare, her pasmo card topped up only days ago, their stations were so close to each. Everything had been easy, yet her anxiety was at titan proportions.

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, trying in vain to rearrange the tight, lace panties she had changed into. Internally she rolled her eyes at herself. Unable to face the fact that she was so fucking excited to be going to him.

She had known for a while what her kink was. Slowly exploring it on her own. Ever since she started dating, she realised size mattered to her. In more ways than one. Hearing her fantasies echoed by one of the most attractive men she had come across was mind blowing. No wonder she was anxious. Her body would not stop shaking.

After an eternity living inside her mind, the train trip ended. Each step toward the gates made her heart trip into a more rapid beat.


Her gaze shot up, Meeting a pair of crimson eyes. Full of confidence and bravado. Did it fucking have to be him? For fuck sake.


Simply nodding his head to the northern exit, she fell in behind him. The crowds had grown larger since she hopped off the train. His tall, broad frame sheltered her from any further anxiety. Giving her a relaxing sense of calm in a pretty chaotic street.

Once they reached his unit building, he stepped aside leisurely, allowing her to enter the lift first. A sizable hand slipped beside her and typed in a password, the beeping of the pad setting her alert system off. A few steps backwards and she was pressed tight against the opposite wall. Bakugou echoed her movement.

The top ten pro-hero began his visual pressure again.

"This is a nice building"


"You're so close to your agency"

Instead of moving his mouth to talk, he just grinned wildly at her. His phone twirling between his thumb and index finger. A visual representation of his own elation. She took it to mean he wasn't going to start, to initiate anything until she was through the threshold of his apartment.

And she was right.

His immense body forced her up against the wall, right as the entryway met the living room. Pressing himself between her legs, an ample grip pinning her wrists above her head.

The feeling of him encircling her made her core pulse with need. He had complete control, the pads of her fingertips useless, unless she could break free of his hold. Even if she could, she didn't want to. Playing a weak, helpless role was sexy. Turning her on beyond belief.

Built up tension escalated until he finally made a move, pressing his lips hard against hers. Their tongues slipping and licking each other. The tingling across her body and the flood of dopamine in her brain let her know, she didn't want him to let her go. Never could she have guessed how much she needed him, until right in this moment.

"Such a tiny thing" He whispered, tearing away from her lips. "I can't wait to fill you up"

Wiggling under him only made him push into her with more intensity. "Fuck" she whimpered. "Bakugou"

"Is this how you dreamt it would be like? He purred into her ear. "Just like this?" His hard cock pressed into her.

"Not quite"

"Then how?"

Shifting her wrists as she tried to convey her meaning through her eyes. But he was too focused on how she felt beneath him. "Let me show you?" She asked.

There was that fucking grin again. Goddamn, it expelled a wave of pleasure from her spine, outwards to all her limbs. All rational thought had fled, all that's left were her sexual instincts. His grip loosened and she dropped her arms. Moving her hands slowly she touched each side of his hip, using him to bend down to her knees as he backed up.

"Fucking hell cheeks" He moaned watching her kneel before him.

"Show me that giant cock of yours"

He groaned harshly, slipping his thumbs under the tight band of his pants. She could already see he was hard as fuck. The large bulge directly at eye level, her dreams were nowhere near as alluring. Tugging down his pants, he released his stiff shaft.

"Oh my god" Uraraka whimpered.

Such a big dick, so fucking thick and full of veins. He was so hard his cock pressed against his stomach. He was just so much better than anything her imagination could conjure up.

Immediately she wished it was stretching her wide. Just like in her dream, her mouth fell open at the sight of him. Feeling his gaze penetrating from above, she clasped his meaty dick with both her hands. He was so right. Her hands looked so small in comparison. It was such a turn on.

Hungrily she extended her tongue and licked up the pre-cum from the tip of his cock.

"You look so good, so fucking tiny"

Allowing her eyes to swing upwards. She was rewarded with his flushed, handsome face. His large hand reached out and cupped her cheek. It was almost as big as her face. The feeling just made the yearning for him stronger. She wanted to be completely wrapped up by him.

Fuck he knew exactly what she wanted. His fingers dug into her skin a little while she pushed his head through her pursed lips. Making a decent suction for him as his hips naturally bucked.

"Such a good girl, will you take it all?"

Taking his question as an instruction, she opened her mouth and allowed his thrust to penetrate further. His cock slammed into the back of her throat. Being a size queen meant she had been throat fucked many times, her control over her gag reflex second to none.

Although, he was one of the largest she had ever had, so a few more thrusts and she might need to regain her composure.

"Oh my fucking God, you are perfect cheeks"

A few more pumps into her hot mouth and he pulled out suddenly. Her fingers slinked up to her mouth and wiped away the spit that had escaped.

"Something wrong?"

"Yeah, I want to fuck you and you will make me cum sucking my cock like that"

"You liked it?"

"I've never had someone take that much in before"

She couldn't help giggling at his praise. It made her more insatiable, her lace panties wet with desire for him.

"Do you want me to fuck you?"

"Mmmm" She said, standing up with his help. "I thought you'd never ask."

What came next almost made her climax there and then. His body bent slightly as his hands forced her into his grasp. Throwing her over his shoulder, her body smacking into his with a resounding thud. Being picked up like that was mind blowing. No one had ever done it.

A hand slightly raised and slapped her ass hard. The loud smack sounding even through her long skirt.

"It's so easy to pick you up and do what I want with you"

Fuck. He really could help her with her kink. She didn't want this to ever end, he was so damn good. Suddenly she was flung onto his bed, and pinned down once more.

"You aren't going anywhere until you've cum"


"Yes little Ochako" He growled, hands feverishly pushing up her flimsy top. His mouth quickly followed. Kissing her goosebumped skin. "I promise"

Throwing her hands up over her head and arching her back only encouraged his hands naturally slipped under her back. Pulling her in tighter to him, His mouth sucking on her tits, and flicking over her nubbed nipples. His kisses quickly turned to bites.

"Oh god, Bakugou" Rolling her hips did not make him move down quicker. But it did manage to urge him to glide a hand down and under her skirt. "Yes, please!"

"Hmmm, is this what you want?" His fingers teased the edge of her underwear, pulling and slipping inside. His skin slicked in her juices. "Oh, fuck, you are so wet cheeks"

"I want that cock inside me"

"No, I want to taste you first"

Her legs were roughly pushed up, along with her skirt. Tugging at her panties he buried his face into her slit. Lapping her wetness up as his tongue traced her folds and circled her clit. Fuzzed vision and an explosion of intense pleasure keep words from forming on her lips.

"You taste amazing kitten, so fucking tasty"

Pressure from his tongue and suction from his lips made her legs quiver. Fingers naturally slipped into his blonde, spiky locks. She grinded her hips into his face as he ate her out wildly. Vibrations from his groaning only escalated her climax. A hand raised from below, wrapping around her throat and gently squeezing. The pressure was exquisitely consuming, pushing her to climax.

"Cum on my face" He commanded.

The quivering burst into shudders as the intense white burn of orgasm swept through her whole body. Thighs squeezing his head. "Fuck." Ripples of pleasure trickles down her back and into her core.

Seizing the moment, he tugged at her panties. Slippng them off her silky legs. Tender kisses moved slowly up her body until he reached her lips. She sucked and licked at his lips and tongue, licking up her slick. "Such a good girl."

"I want to be filled up, Katsuki" She said between kisses. "Please fuck me"

Apparently he didn't want to waste anymore time. His knob pressed against her folds. "Are you sure you can take it all?"


She spread her legs wide for him, rolling her hips upwards. Trying to show him she could handle his enormous cock. Hands gripped her hips and his body weight pushed her further into the bed. His hips rocking his tip in and out of her slit. "So tight" He said, as his shaft rammed further and further inside her. "Fuck Ochako"

"Your cock feels amazing"

A low rumble erupted as his hand returned to her throat. His tempo built as he pumped his cock into her. Filling her, stretching and going to the hilt. Feeling so stuffed and incredible, she exploded into moans. Their wet skin slapping as his thrusts pounded deeper into her on made the moment that much more sensational.

"Fuck me harder" She sung out through his enclosed hand around her neck.

He pushed her deeper into the bed, rocking his hips faster, pumping with more force. The feeling of his massive cock stretching her made her cry out. Which only encouraged him further. "You feel so good, so fucking good that I'm going to cum"

"Fill me up, please! I want your cum"

His grip tightened, as he rounded hip hips upwards. "Fuck!" He moaned as his cock throbbed hard inside her. Shooting his cum up deep inside her. Slow waves of convulsion rippled through his body, then he collapsed on top of her. His thick cock still consumed by her cunt.

"Oh my god" He said, hands finally freeing her. "Uraraka, we've you been hiding that amazing pussy from me"

"Hiding it from you"

Growling, he bit into her shoulder. "I've wanted to fuck you like that for years"



Even after the amazing pounding he just gave her, she still found herself blushing. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't think you'd be into it." He admitted. "And I respected you too much to hit on you"

"Wait!" She laughed. "You respect me?"

Finally he pulled his muscular form from her. "Yeah, you're a fucking amazing fighter and hero cheeks" He said, collapsing back down next to her.

"We aren't playing a game anymore, you don't have to call me cheeks"

"I'll call you what ever the fuck I want"

Verbally she groaned, but her rolled back eyes gave away her feelings better than any sound could. "Ok Bakugou"

"You ever wonder why we got paired for the UA program?"

Her eyes shot over to him. "No, you didn't?"

"I did," He smirked. "Told them I wouldn't do shit unless I was paired with you"

"Oh my god"

"And call me Katsuki, I like the way it sounds coming from you"