Deku sad life

Sorry, Kid, it's not gonna happen." The Doctor said to the child sitting across from him.

Izuku looked to pure shock and started staring off into the distance, non-blinking.

"Oh dear, do you think there's something wrong then? Most of the other kindergartners in his class have begun to show signs already." Izuku's Mother spoke, hoping for the Doctor to be joking.

The Doctor looks down at the records of Inko and Izuku and states, "My record says you're a fourth-generation quirk user. What power do you and the boys' father have?". He looks back up from his papers to the Mother and child.

Inko blushed and crossed her arms across her stomach, "Nothing too special. I can float small objects towards me, and my husband has a fire-breathing quirk. They're useful enough, I suppose".

"Hmm, Izuku should have already manifested one of these quirks or a combination of both, but after viewing his X-rays, I don't think he's going to. When superpowers began appearing, after many research studies, doctors discovered a link between a bone and a person's foot and there likely hood of developing a quirk. People with powers have only one joint in their pinky toes. Their bodies have evolved into a more stream-like version of the human form. You can see here that Izuku has two joints in his pinky, roughly 20% percent of the population these days. Based on the available research, it's safe to say that your Son isn't going to develop a quirk." The quirk doctor explained as he looked at the shocked child and worried Mother.

"Oh my, that's quite a shocker..." Inko says as she puts her hand over Izuku's shoulder to comfort him.

"Yes, I'm as surprised as you are. Based on you and your husband's quirks, I would've thought he had to have developed one over the other." The Doctor got out of his seat to file some of Izuku's test results.

"I guess it can't be helped. Thank you anyway, Doctor." Inko said as she stood and lifted Izuku to carry him.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Midoriya." With that, Inko and Izuku left the office and went home.

Midoriya Household

"And he's smiling!!" A voice came through a speaker.

"Mom..." Izuku starts as he's face-deep in his computer screen, watching All-Might save people.

"No matter what kind of trouble you're in... He'll save you with a smile." Inko is turned away from her Son in his room but turns her head in concern for her Son's happiness.

Izuku turns away from his computer with watery eyes and shakey hands, "A super-cool hero like that. That's what I wanna be."

Inko turns around entirely and runs for her Izuku to comfort him in her embrace, "I'm sorry, Izuku. I'm sorry!" Inko, too, starts crying as she holds her Son against her.

The next day, Izuku walked home from school alone as his Mommy had to take care of some errands. He walked through the door to see his Mommy crying at the table with a bottle of wine opened.

"Mommy, are you ok?" Izuku tugged on her shirt off to the side.

Inko looked down at Izuku and lifted him into her arms, "No, Mommy is not ok, honey."

Izuku looked concerned and panicked, "Oh no! What's wrong? Are you sick? Are you hurt?"

"No, it's none of that, Izuku."

Izuku was persistent and kept questioning, "Then tell me what's wrong, and as your hero, I must help you!" Izuku started tearing up after calling himself a hero to his Mommy.

Inko hugged her Son tightly, "How did I deserve such a good Son?!" Inko, too started crying. Izuku kept his hold on her, and neither let go until Inko calmed down from her tears of pride.

"Will you tell me what's wrong now?" Izuku asked as Inko calmed down.

Inko dried her tears with the sleeve of her sweater and set Izuku down on the ground, "Your Father has filed for me and him to divorce and is no longer sending money our way."

Izuku frowned, "Why would he do that? Did we do something wrong?"

Inko looked down, debating whether she should tell her Son the truth or not. She ultimately decided against lying as it would just hurt him later on in the future. Inko lead Izuku to the couch, where they both sat down. The Mother held her Son's hand in her own, "Your Father has left us because he believes that since you don't have a quirk, we are useless to him."

Izuku was petrified and looked away, 'Daddy left Mommy and me because I was quirkless? Is this my fault?'

Inko felt that Izuku was blaming himself and turned Izuku's head so that he was facing her, "Izuku, don't you dare blame yourself for this. If anyone is to blame, it's me for not being the one to give you a quirk. Never blame yourself for what's going on between Hisashi and me."

Izuku nodded, "Good. Now, I have to return and find a job to help support the two of us. I also would need to get some babysitters for you, which would cost more money..." Inko panicked but stopped the infamous "Midoriya Ramblings" when Izuku tapped her leg lightly.

"Mommy, It's like you taught me. Focus on one thing at a time, then move forward."

Inko giggled suddenly and rubbed her Son's hair, "Aww... When did my little Zuku become so wise?"

Izuku just crossed his arms and pouted, causing Inko to giggle some more.

One Month Later

True to her word, Inko went to look for any job positions that needed to be filled. She managed to snag onto a few interviews but was ultimately rejected when they looked into her Son's record. Their reasons for denying her are both relatively simple and ridiculous. The countless job openings that Inko applied for were not accepted because of her Son's quirklessness.

Yep, that's right. Inko can't seem to get a job anywhere because of something outside of Izuku's control. What a time to be alive. The leftover money that Inko and Izuku had from Hisashi before he cut them off was dwindling quickly. So far, though, Inko has only looked towards office jobs or small businesses to receive a job, but she hasn't looked anywhere in the red-light district of Musutafu.

Right now, Inko was walking down the main walkway of the red-light district. She left Izuku in the care of Masaru and Mitsuki until she returned to pick him up. Inko knew how sketchy Musutafu was at night when you were alone, so she kept her purse in her tight hold the entire time she was there.

'What kind of job would pay well here?' The green-haired woman thought as she looked up at the signs and billboards across the buildings. She eventually decided to stop and take a peak inside one place and see how it was.

She walked into what appeared to be a strip club called "Love & Lust."

'Man, that's a pretty self-explanatory name for a place like this...' Inko came in through the front entrance, and it smelled of sex, alcohol, and drugs. The inside was blaring with bright neon colors overhead with a long stage going through the main room with strippers and dancers rained on by money. Both men and women sat close to the stage as the girls gave them a highly sexual dance.

The Mother walked up to the bar to see a guy with a lamp for a head, "Hello, excuse me. Who do I talk to if I want a job here?"

The lamp bartender man looked in her direction and pointed to the bouncer standing by a set of double doors. She came up to the muscular bouncer with the head of a reptile with spikes along the back of the head and the red cross points around the eyes (good for you if you can guess who that is).

"Hey, is your boss in there? I want to apply for a job here." The reptile-headed man nodded and opened the door, allowing her entrance inside before closing it behind her.

Long story short, Inko was hired and agreed to work as a stripper and apply herself to the sex worker portion of the job. She was to work nights on weekdays and get the weekend off. She would be required to have sex with paying customers and empty their wallets to the best of her ability. Inko texted Mitsuki that she was on her way to pick up Izuku and told her what kind of job accepted her.

Mitsuki was ecstatic when she heard that her best friend was now a stripper. The Bakugou Matriarch always said that Inko should use her attractiveness to her advantage, and now she nailed a job that required you to be attractive and good in bed. Inko got home from her impromptu interview with the club's boss and picked up Izuku from the Bakugo's and went to bed after giving Izuku some dinner she picked up on the way home.

Midoriya Household, One Week Later

A week has passed since Inko has started her job at the strip club, she was a bit uncomfortable during the first night but got used to it after flaunting her body off to the dozens of horny patrons and giving them delicious sex when they asked for her.

Thankfully, Izuku understood his Mommy when Inko told him that she would be working nights and would sleep through the morning and be awake in the afternoon, so that was cleared up quickly.

Inko now sat at the table with two teenagers while Izuku watched hero videos in his room leaving Inko to talk to the two.

"Ok, so you two are okay with babysitting my Izuku while I work through the late-afternoon and night?"

The girl with blonde hair and purple eyes who was the younger of the two teenagers spoke up, "Yeah, we can do that. My parents have always said that I need to start doing this kind of thing anyway as a learning experience."

The other girl would was older and had darker skin with red eyes and white hair with rabbit ears on top spoke after her friend, "Plus, this will be good for us since we are put under serious training at school."

That last bit confused Inko, "Wait, what kind of school do you two go to?"

The two girls spoke at the same time, "We are learning to become pro-heroes at U.A. High School."

Inko looked happy at this, 'Oh my. My Izuku is going to be babysat by two future pro heroes! My Son is the luckiest boy in the world!' "Well that's quite impressive. I heard it's incredibly difficult to get in there."

The blonde one added, "Oh it was pretty easy for me since my quirk is pretty well-suited for it."

"Oh? What is your quirk if you don't mind me asking." Inko was genuinely curious as Izuku's curiosity about quirks rubbed off on her a bit.

The older one answered, "Well this firsty's quirk allows her to become a giantess pretty much while mine is more rabbit based. Meaning I can run faster, jump higher, and have greater reflexes."

"Wow, that's pretty useful compared to my meager ability to pull small objects to me." Inko said pitifully as she thought that these two girls had quirks that were far cooler than hers, how embarrassing.

Over the next hour, the single Mother and two teens discussed about babysitting Izuku and agreed on all terms, times of availability, and payment (that part was mostly asked by the blonde one). With everything out of the way, Inko called Izuku out of his room and had him meet with his two new babysitters.

"Izuku, I want you to meet these two girls here. They will be your new babysitters when I'm gone or unavailable. Introduce yourself."

Izuku was shy and nervous but spoke up anyway, "Um, hi. I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm four-years-old and I like learning about and watching pro-heroes."

The blonde one introduced herself after Izuku first, "Nice to meet you Izuku, my name is Yuu Takeyama, and I'm currently learning to become a pro-hero at U.A. High School." She introduced herself and shoo Izuku's small hand.

Then came the other girl, "I'm Rumi Usagiyama and I'm becoming a fully licensed pro-hero in a few months."

Izuku beamed at this, "Woah! You two must have some pretty cool quirks then!"

"We sure do!" Rumi said excited about babysitting Izuku and becoming a full fledged pro-hero.

"We look forward to becoming friends with you, Izuku." Yuu admitted as she smiled at the green-haired boy that looked like he had broccoli for hair.

"Me too!" Izuku said as the three talked about themselves as Inko prepared dinner for the four of them.

After dinner, Izuku learned about the two babysitters and how cool their quirks were while the two enjoyed learning about Izuku and all of his hobbies involving pro-heroes. The two girls left the Midoriyas as they went home leaving the two family members excited for what's coming in the future. Six Years Later

The Sun was out, and It was a lovely spring day with barely any clouds in sight. Next week was Summer, and people were walking all around the streets shopping, hanging out with friends, doing something with the family, or working.

Today was the perfect day to do something outside as it was tranquil for the citizens of Musutafu.

While civilians were doing their things, Pro-Heroes were walking around the streets, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, or flying high above. They were on their daily patrols to look out for crime, villainy, or if someone just needed help walking across the street.

Two heroines are seen patrolling the streets together. These two were Miruko and Mount Lady.

Mount Lady's hero costume was composed of a purple and pale tan-colored skintight bodysuit accented with orange stripes. The suit had a pair of purple gloves with orange accents on the edge of the cuff. The design is similar to her boots, cut off at the thigh in a deep v-shape. The suit also has three peculiar orange diamond-shaped dots on the purple top that are located under her chest, and she also wears a purple domino mask with horn-like protrusions on the sides.

Miruko wore purple thigh-high boots to compliment her white leotard with a metal band around her stomach, with more plating around the heel and toe areas, making her feet look like a rabbit. She also has a pair of thick, white gloves on her hands with long cuffs, sporting small triangular protrusions around their edges. Rumi! It's too hot to be patrolling!" Mount Lady complained as her body was bent forward with arms drooping and swinging from side to side.

The dark-skinned rabbit hero's eye twitches, 'You have been my friend for years, but holy shit. You complain too fucking much!' Miruko thought as she looked back at her patrol partner with an annoyed look, "I told you not to use my name in public. They may already know it as it's in the registry but call me by my fucking hero name, damn it!"

The day before was Yuu Takeyama's first day as an official Pro-Hero that also graduated from U.A. High School. She was afraid that she'd be held back because of her grades in the past but had a bunch of help from Inko, Rumi, and Izuku, the kid they babysat all those years ago.

Takeyama celebrated her debut at the Midoriyas as she no longer lived with her parents as they were victims of a villain attack some years ago. It was hard for Yuu at the time as she became depressed until Rumi, Inko, and Izuku helped her escape it.

Today was Mount Lady's first patrol, and she forgot how dull they were from when she had an internship with her teacher, the R-Rated Hero: Midnight. At that time, all she did was assist with paperwork as a T.A. for the first-year students.

Mount Lady exhaled tiredly, "I know. I know... But we've known each other for years. I shouldn't have to call you by your hero name."

Miruko turned around to face her friend and walked backward, "I'm aware of that, but at least try and give me the respect I deserve. You're not a normal teenage graduate while in uniform. You're a Pro-Hero. Act like it." She turned back around and continued walking the usual way.

The creamy blonde-haired heroine scoffed and waved her hand about in a mocking way, "Puh-lease!... Don't try and act all high and mighty. You want to see some action. You want to always be in dangerous situations."

"And you want the fame and fortune." Miruko shot back.

"Whatever! Not everyone needs a noble reason to be a hero. As long as people are being saved and villains are stopped, who cares about your reasons for being a hero?" Yuu rhetorically asked nobody in particular.

"Careful, Mount Lady. You'd be surprised how much people care about why you're in this line of work. Maybe Izuku will care..." Miruko giggled as her friend pouted.

Often when the two babysat Izuku, he would tell them he wanted to be a hero like All Might. One who saves people with a smile and lets them know, "I Am Here!" While the two girls found it cute of him to want to be like the top Pro-Hero in Japan, they felt this was quite concerning given his current Quirkless status. They never discouraged him from achieving his dream but always told him to have a backup plan if it never worked out.

Luckily, the small green bean understood that quite well, as he always had a backup notebook in case he lost or ruined one. But that didn't stop him from his dream. It only reinforced it.

"That kid will understand when he's a bit older that the world isn't as simple as making people smile..." Yuu said in all seriousness.

Miruko nods in agreement. Sometimes, putting on a happy face isn't good, especially during natural disasters. Sure, heroes would save people, but smiling if people end up dead or injured is not intelligent.

Miruko stopped her musing and froze in place as her ear twitched. The younger hero looks at her oddly, "Rumi? Something wrong?"

The rabbit hero didn't try and correct her this time as she narrowed her eyes in the direction of the sound she heard, and her muscles tensed. Mount Lady now listened to the sound and gasped as they saw a villain burst out the side of a building with bags of cash in his hands. His quirk was that he had octopus legs.

The villain was a giant and held a bunch of civilians in its tentacles who screamed and cried for their lives. Miruko quickly came to their rescue as her legs propelled her toward the villain at breakneck speeds.

The rabbit hero was about to hit the villain's main body with one of her powerful kicks but then hesitated and froze as the villain brought a civilian in its tentacle to block her attack.

This civilian wasn't just anybody. This person had fluffy green hair, wide eyes, a skinny body, and little freckles on the cheek. He was crying in fear as he tried to escape his current prison.

"Izuku?!" Miruko said this before she was smacked away through a brick wall by another tentacle.

Mount Lady heard the kid's name, activated her quirk, and grew to maximum height, but before she could begin her attack, the villain grew as large as her, with the hostages looking more minuscule in the enlarged tentacle prisons.

The giant hero looked directly at Izuku and brought his attention to her, "Izuku!" The green-haired kid looked up at her, "It'll be okay. Rumi and I will get you out of there. You have our word; you'll be safe." Izuku nervously nodded and ceased his struggle, for now, to save his strength for later.

The villain laughed, "Don't make promises; you can't keep you, giant bitch!" The tentacles on the villain now seemed to multiply, "You can't handle the Kraken!"

The newly formed appendages burst at Mount Lady, who dodged the first two and grabbed the third and fourth. Her focus wasn't as good now as the kid she had watched grow for years was now in danger. A fifth tentacle wrapped itself around her foot and flung her through the air, crashing into the side of an office building.

Miruko got up from her spot and bolted toward the villain. Right now, her main goal was to rescue any hostages from their seafood prisons and curb stomp the shit out of the villain. She ran up against the villain, who was trying to make a break for it. The villain saw her coming, though, and used the tentacles that didn't hold hostages and shot them forward, intent on smashing the rabbit hero to bits.

Miruko saw the tentacles coming, jumped right over them, and aimed for one tentacle with a hostage. She brought her leg up and flexed her leg muscles before bringing it down with tremendous power onto her enemy, "Luna Arc!" Her leg was brought downwards like an axe and sliced right through the limb and quickly grappled onto the civilian she rescued and brought her down to the ground. She ran off after thanking the hero, who jumped back into freeing others.

The villain moved his tentacles in a way so that they took a swipe for the hero while also blocking her path. Miruko dodged, weaved through the tentacles, smashed her way through each one, and made for the other civilians. The villain quickly reacted as he swiped at the hero and knocked her back.

Miruko landed on her back and rolled into a ball, but the villain was still fast enough to grab her legs and toss the hero high into the air, "Uruk!" The villain lunged forward with its tentacles made into fists to act like hammers.

Miruko sprung her body off the ground and rolled just in time to avoid the hammer-like attack. The tentacles slammed down and crushed the earth beneath them. Miruko got up and immediately charged at the villain. She swung her legs forward and released a barrage of kicks at the villain's tentacles.

Miruko was strong but couldn't take down a giant villain alone. She decided to grab the nearest civilian and shield herself from the villain's attacks. The villain was furious but knew that Miruko was only protecting the civilians. He focused his energy on crushing the rabbit hero instead.

The villain grabbed Miruko's leg with his tentacle and began to squeeze it. Miruko gasped in pain, knowing she wouldn't last long in his grasp but was thrown away again. Mount Lady jumped back into action, thrust her knee into the villain's body, and pulverized his form into the concrete.

The villain growled and decided to end this fight quickly. He threw all of the hostages at the Mount Lady, who scrambled backward as she carefully caught each one but then noticed that Izuku was not in the palm of her hands like everyone else was. She looked up, terrified to see that the kid was still trapped in the villain's grasp as leverage.

"Izuku!" She cried out.

The villain used this opportunity to slither (would that be the right word to use for one with octopus tentacles for legs?) across the ground and attack the other hero.

Mount Lady put the saved civilians onto the ground quickly and safely. As the last person got off, she formed a fist and punched the villain's body before performing quick jabs, kicks, and punches on the body.

"Eat shit, you Fucking villain!" Miruko yelled out, sounding like a particularly explosive teen with an ego and superiority complex the size of Jupiter. Luckily, the villain was distracted trying to take down the giantess hero, so she was in the clear to take down this pansy-ass.

"Luna Rush!" With a high series of powerful kicks that would usually kill a man, Miruko landed her strikes on the villain's head, making him unconscious.

The tentacles fell, but so did Izuku as he was let go of one high above the two heroes.

"AHHHH, HELP!!!!" Izuku cried out as he fell to the ground quickly.

'Shit! I can't get to him on time!' Miruko thought as she tried fighting through the pain coursing throughout her body from taking heavy hits from the downed villain.

"I GOT YOU, IZUKU!" Mount Lady assured him as she quickly got into position to catch him safely within the palm of her hand.

Unfortunately, Izuku's body was blocking the Sun's full power from hitting Yuu, so she was blinded when his body was past the Sun in her vision.

"Ah Fuck, stupid Sun!" Yuu complained as she didn't have her palm out now and instead covered her eyes from the Sun.

A brief second later, she looked back to see Izuku. But he wasn't falling into her hand anymore. He was aimed toward her head. Yuu's eyes widened as the kid's body smashed right into her plump lips (👁️👄👁️).

On instinct from catching Izuku, Yuu's quirk deactivated, making her shrink to her standard height and sprawl on the road. She held Izuku close so that the softness of her body blocked the inertia from falling to a solid stop on the ground.

Yuu and Izuku were blushing profusely as the hero wrapped her arms around the kid, pressing him tightly against her body. At the same time, Izuku had his mouth connected to hers while his hands were pressed against her voluptuous chest.

'So soft...' Izuku commented as he gave his pro hero babysitter's chest a feel.

Yuu was blushing far more than Izuku as she felt her breasts being fondled. The green-haired boy noticed this, "Yuu? Are you sick or something? Your face is red all over. You shouldn't be out saving people if you're sick. You could get others sick, and that's not heroic."

'OMFG, he's so dense. But cute. He's just my type..." Yuu commented mentally as she had some perverse and kinky thoughts and ideas playing in her head. However, that came to a screeching halt as she processed what she thought, 'Wait, did I just fucking think of him that way?! He's ten! No way Inko would be okay with that!'

The two were interrupted as civilians flashed their cameras and took pictures of them together. They quickly got up from each other, but Yuu held Izuku close protectively and attempted to shield him from the cameras. In all the years she and Rumi have known the kid, he hated it when others made him the center of attention. And people taking photos of him in public didn't help his anxiety.

Soon, the police force came to apprehend and take the villain into custody for transport to Tartarus, while paramedics arrived to check on the rescued civilians and Izuku.

The kid sat in the back of an ambulance while a medic checked his blood pressure and heart rate. Yuu covered Izuku from the crowd as they focused on Miruko instead. Well, more like they backed off when Yuu got mad at them for swamping her little green bean.

She stepped over to the paramedic that checked over the kid, "How is he?"

The man checked over the kid's results and answered her, "He's fine. Just some bruising around the abdomen and his arms from being squeezed by the villain's quirk. Besides that, his vitals, blood pressure, and heart rate are all normal."

Now she could finally relax. Inko would have her hide if Izuku was injured any more than he was now, "*sigh* Thank you, sir. You could go check on the other civilians if you're done here."

He agreed, "Very well. Have a good day, ma'am." The paramedic walked off to check on the others, leaving Izuku and the heroine together.

Yuu crept closer to Izuku, sat next to him, wrapped her arms around him like before, and brought him into her comforting embrace. Izuku was shaking and clung to her.

"Are you okay, Izuku?" She asked, keeping her voice low so only he could hear her.

"I was going to die." His body was now trembling like a leaf.

"You were not going to die. Rumi and I would not have allowed that to happen." She rubbed the mop of hair that she and Rumi liked to call his "head of broccoli."

Rumi jumped out of nowhere and landed next to them, "That's right, kid. You're not going to the cemetery on our watch!" She flexed her muscles but stopped as she heard people flashing pics of her showing off her muscular frame.

'Fucking perverts. Don't go on with your day and not do errands; instead, stare at my ass.' Rumi thought sarcastically as she then addressed the two.

"We should probably hurry and get the kid to school. Don't want those asshole teachers giving you more shit for being late." Izuku agreed and stood up alongside his two babysitters.

The two heroines then escorted Izuku to school even though he complained they were busy with their patrol. They shot back with, "Your Inko's little green bean. I think Yuu and I agree that escorting you to school after a villain attack counts as patrolling since we're doing a service."

The boy didn't bother disputing that and instead stayed silent as they dropped him off at school and said they'd see him later at home.

Love & Lust

The sound of music blaring filled the building, along with both men and women cheering and laughing. The smell of sweat, perfume, and alcohol flowed through the air as dancers worked their magic on the stage by twirling their bodies on the stripper poles. They were doing their best to empty the customers' pockets to fill their own.

A group of girls shook their bodies on stage, practically toying with the customers that wanted to get a piece of them. Their bikinis, lingerie, fishnets, and sexy clothing hug their curves beautifully. Each of the girls was unique and had different skin colors, hair lengths and styles, and body types, but they all shared the same thing: a huge ass, large breasts, a pussy, and thickness all over.

Customers threw money at the girls, making them smile and strut their stuff more. One of the dancers paid extra attention to a guy with a fat wallet, so she moved close to him and stepped down the stage to give him a show up-close. The man smiled and laughed and tipped the dancer more money.

Another girl, a brunette with a thick ass and a small waist, was enjoying the attention she was getting from another one of the male customers. She started grinding on his lap and moving her hips slowly back and forth. He placed a hand on her ass and rubbed his fingers through her panties.

"Mmm, baby, you are so fine. If you keep toying with me like this, I'll have to fuck you." The customer said to the girl, who then broke character and giggled at him.

"Let's see how much you've got in your wallet, mister. Let's break it open," she commanded.

The man removed his wallet from his pocket and gave her a look at how much he was packing. She grinned and brought her face close to his, "Well, now I know your wallet is packing. But what about you? Let's look at just how much you're truly packing." The girl got off the man and led him into one of the many curtain-covered booths where the girls would give their bodies to the customer for however long they desired.

Beside that occupied booth was another where the curtains were parted, and stepped out another one of the club's dancers. This one was in the prime time of her life, being just the right age for any man or woman to get their rocks off because of her.

This woman was Inko Midoriya, and she was one of the most sought-after dancers in the entire club. There are two perfectly logical reasons for this. One reason was that she was a middle-aged MILF personified. And the other reason was that she specialized in providing Pro-Heroes for her body. Out of the dozens of girls working in the club, she was the only one to be able to handle whatever the heroes wanted to do to her. Her confidence grew over the years quite well.

Over the years, her body changed quite a bit. No longer was Inko, the skinny housewife who only got financial support from her ex-husband Hisashi. Now, her body was practically sculpted to take anything thrown at her regarding sex and adult entertainment.

Inko now stood at 5'6" with an overweight body that retained her past beauty. Her breasts have grown larger, and so has her belly. Her hips were wide with a huge fat ass that was great for slamming one's cock in between. Lastly, her thighs were thick and meaty. Depression for not being able to give her Izuku a quirk and Hisashi divorcing her truly made her different.

Unfortunately, for that last bit, some Pro-Heroes and many civilians had a thing for women with thick thighs that could crush their heads if stuck between them. Inko wouldn't be able to crush their heads with her thighs but could suffocate them, which works just as well.

The only sexy clothing she wore when on the job was a black bikini and bra, fishnet thigh highs, and arm gloves. Inko walked out with sweat dripping down her body and her hair messed up from the rough sex she just went through. She held her stomach and squeezed her thighs together as a wad of cash was tucked into her fishnets.

"Holy Fuck! Who knew Endeavor was that big?" Inko asked no one in particular. As she walked away from the booth, the curtain was slightly opened, but one could see a naked and exhausted Enji Todoroki putting his clothes back on if one looked hard enough.

Inko walked through the club to the dressing room, where the girls would put on their make-up, perfume, and clothing or just hang out. Each of them had a desk, so Inko sat down at her desk between two of her co-workers whom she called close friends.

One of the girls was from Texas in the States. She had long black and curly hair with red lipstick wearing a pair of aviators. What made her interesting was that her quirk gave her a military-grade assault rifle for a leg with a grenade launcher attachment. She hated her name as it reminded her of her tragic past in the States. Instead, she went by the name Cherry.

(You are a man (or woman) of culture if you know this character)

The other wore fancy and skanky clothing with jewelry all over her. Her quirk was that she had a peahen's head and tail feathers. Her name was Fubuki Tokoyami.

(Edgy birb boi and broccoli boi having adult dancer mothers FTW)

"*Sigh* How are you, girls?" Inko asked as she washed her face in the sink to reapply her make-up.

Cherry was texting on her phone while sucking on a Tootsie pop but answered, "Everything's fine. My boyfriend and I are going on vacation to Egypt soon."

Fubuki pouted and crossed her arms over her large bust, "Lucky! I wish I got to go there! I've been meaning to take my son, Fumikage, out of the country for a few days so that he can get out of his dark and gothic room."

"Oh yeah, how is he anyway? I heard that his quirk kind of lost control of the news." Inko mentioned.

"Not great. He's traumatized because of his school. Fucking teachers don't know when a kid needs help from bullies." Fubuki answered bitterly.

Her Fumikage nearly killed a bunch of the students and teachers from the school because some bullies locked him away in a dark room. His partner, Dark Shadow, manifested and grew in size and power from the absence of light and destroyed part of the school. Luckily, no one was killed, so he had to do online classes instead.

"That's ridiculous. There are too many children being categorized as villains just because of the nature of their quirk. I mean, look at me." Cherry gestured to the gun in place of her right leg, "I've had this quirk since I was four, and I never shot up a school once with it."

Inko and Fubuki cringed at that last bit, "That's a bit much."

The lamp-headed bartender walked into the room and looked directly at Inko. The girls silenced themselves to see what the man had to say.

The bartender didn't use words as a means of communication. Instead, he used Morse code with light flashes to represent the dots and dashes. Everyone that worked at the club was required to learn Morse Code if they wanted to communicate with him. Inko, there's another hero out there that just arrived. Looks like she's a newcomer. You should introduce yourself before she leaves.)" The man suggested with a rapid series of flashes.

"Oh, thank you for telling me, Mr. Yamamoto!" Inko finished up at her desk and got ready to head back out there, "Ladies. I will see you after work." And then she left the room to see who the newcomer was.

Inko walked around the club to try and find the newcomer before he or she decided to leave. She thought her search would be long, but it was very immediate. The hero in question was within her vision when she left the backroom.

From what Inko could see, she was quite a tall and curvaceous woman who looked her age. She had sky-blue eyes framed by a red domino mask and long, thick, spiky, dark-purple hair that reached her waist. Her hero costume consisted of many things that would be reminiscent of a dominatrix. She wore a breastless black leather leotard that looked similar to a corset over a thin, skin-tight white bodysuit that hugged her curvy figure. Around her wrists were chainless handcuffs, and the center of her leotard was embroidered with red gemstones from her collar, done to her midriff. Black thigh-highs covered her legs, and black knee boots held up by a utility belt with a gold plate across the front. If one looked hard enough, they could see she had a leather flogger hanging from her belt. There are next to no Pro-Heroes that look anything like this woman. Since her son was such a fanboy for anything hero related, he has shown her his favorite heroes that he researched in his journals. And one of those heroes just happened to be sitting alone at a table, drinking some Japanese whiskey. That hero's name was...

"Hey, you're Midnight, right?" Inko made herself known to the woman, who then turned to her in surprise.

"Mm? Oh! Yes, ma'am. I am Midnight." The woman said with a polite smile.

"What are you doing here? Don't tell me you're looking for pleasure from a lady." Inko winked.

Midnight blushed, "Yeah. I haven't had sex since high school graduation, and I wanted to get back into it." She stated with a nervous smile.

Inko chuckled, "Well, I guess it's your lucky day I was here." She slid herself into the seat cushion next to Midnight and leaned over to her, "Now, why don't I help you finish this glass of whiskey here, and then I can give you a good time. How does that sound?"

"Daaamn..." Midnight looked at Inko in awe, "That sounds like a hell of a deal. But I need to ask something first."

"Like?" Inko asked.

"What's your name?" Midnight asked.

"Oh... My name is Inko Midoriya. I'm the only girl working here that can handle anything a Pro-Hero can throw at me. I specialize in making Pro-Heroes extremely pleased with my services." Inko smiled at Midnight, "So, how about we get started?" Inko refilled Midnight's empty glass and took the bottle in hand.

The heroine genuinely smiled and clinked their glasses together, "My name's Nemuri Kayama. It's a pleasure."

Inko smirked, "The pleasure is all mine." Now, Inko and Nemuri drank their whiskey while discussing other things.

Once the whiskey was all gone, both of them were blushing. The heroine was getting the hiccups and looked into Inko's eyes, "That was strong stuff. How could you handle all that?"

Inko laid her head back, "Comes with the territory of working here for many years."

Nemuri nodded and looked away. Inko lifted her head to look at her, "You don't have to worry about that. I'll take care of you tonight, okay?"

Midnight gulped and looked up at her again, "Okay. Thank you, Miss Midoriya. Can I call you Inko?"

"Sure, why not?" Inko replied with a chuckle.

Nemuri blushed and looked down at her hands, "Thank you, Inko. Now, I think you promised me a good time. Am I wrong?" She asked playfully.

Inko laughed and stood up from the seat, "Don't worry. I'm gonna show you a night to remember." She led her guest to one of the booths where the dancer would give the Pro-Hero everything.

Nemuri sat on the bed while Inko closed the curtains, "Now, which do you prefer? Being on top or bottom?" After asking, Inko took over her current outfit, showing off her plump body, and so did Nemuri.

The heroine looked confused, "Huh? Oh, I... Well, I don't know either way."

Inko put a strap-on on the mattress between the heroine's legs, "Then let's start with a bit of oral action. Then I'll take you from behind if you want."

Nemuri watched Inko seductively move to the side of the bed and crawl over her body. When Inko took hold of the strap-on, Nemuri looked at her wide-eyed, "You aren't wearing any panties."

Inko smirked, "We're gonna have fun tonight, and I'm going commando." Inko brought Kayama in for a kiss and danced her tongue around the roof of her mouth. She pushed her tongue into the Hero's mouth and sucked on her lips, pressing them against hers. The two women continued to make out until Inko broke the kiss to breathe in the air.

Nemuri's breathing was heavy as well, "Oh, wow... So good..."

Inko purred in approval and kissed her neck, "It feels nice, doesn't it?"

"Yes... Ahh~!" Nemuri moaned as Inko pulled away and pushed the woman's head into her breast, mouth on the nipple.

Inko gasped as Nemuri's warm tongue licked along her sensitive nub. She clipped the strap-on on her body and pressed it against the woman's tight pussy, teasing her.

The blonde woman whimpered, "Ahhh... I want to feel you inside of me."

Inko laughed and lightly slapped Nemuri's cheek, "Well, I'm not sure how willing I am to do that. Do you want me to finish this job, and then you can come back tomorrow?"

Nemuri shook her head, "No. Please, Inko. Take me now."

Inko smirked and rubbed the tip of the strap-on against Nemuri's slit, "All right. Now, tell me what to do."

Nemuri looked up at Inko with her puppy dog eyes and spoke, "Please put it in me. Fill me up. Make me yours."

Inko smiled, "Are you sure?"

"Y-yes. I love you, Inko. I want to be with you forever!" Nemuri panted and looked up at Inko with passion.

'Alright, I wasn't expecting her to say that... Though, the thought of someone I love living with me again does sound appealing.' Inko thought as she slammed the strap-on into Nemuri's pussy.

"AHHH~!" The heroine cried out as the toy stretched her out.

Inko chuckled, "You're so wet already. This is going to be quick." She grabbed the woman by her hips and began thrusting into her, pumping fast and hard.

"Oh, God... It feels so good~!" Nemuri cried out, slamming her hands onto the bed above her head.

Inko kept pumping into the woman as she came close to climax. Well, the strap-on climaxing was designed to squirt synthetic cum when used to its fullest extent. Once she felt the moment approaching, Inko picked up the pace and slammed into her faster and harder than ever.

"I'm cumming!" Nemuri screamed as she shot her orgasm out, coating the strap-on with her juices as it then filled her up with its synthetic cum.

Inko grunted and came as well, exploding inside the Heroine. As the two calmed down, Inko pulled out the shaft and cleaned it off with a tissue, "Damn, that was something else."

Nemuri giggled, "Yes. You're amazing, Inko. I would never have expected you to be this... Good."

Inko smirked, "Well, having sex with multiple people on a shift does help me with that."

Nemuri smiled as the two cleaned up and put their clothes back on. Inko looked back at her to see a fat wad of cash in her hand, "Here. You most definitely earned it." Inko accepted it and stuffed it into her bra, "Thank you." Before the two could exit the booth, Kayama gripped Inko's hand into her own.

"This was fun, the sex and getting to talk to you. I would like to see you again." She admitted.

Inko smiled and wrote her phone number and address on a piece of paper before stuffing it into her other hand and kissing her lips, "Why not come see me at my house tomorrow night? It's my night to cook dinner. My son, Izuku, would be so pumped to meet you."

Nemuri blushed and looked away, "Oh... I'd love that."

Tomorrow Night, Midoriya Household

*Scroll Scroll Swipe Scroll Crunch Ruffle Crunch*

Yuu Takeyama is seen being a Couch Potato while still in costume, minus the horned mask. She was eating a bag of her favorite chips while she looked at recent news articles and videos about her on her phone. She managed to find many people who were either just perverts, straight-up fanboys, or just... Normal.

There were many things she found that she couldn't help but blush at—news articles concerning how she managed to save Izuku and the aftermath.

"New Pro Hero: Mount Lady Gets Kissed"

Mountainous Bombshell's Lips are a Savior?"

"Kid Safely Lands A Kiss After Villain Stopped"

A vast majority of the hero gossip and news sites were saying similar things about how she managed to save Izuku from dying was questionable to people claiming they would make a cute couple. However, those people were in the minority.

She found a video clip of the scene, and this person taped Izuku when he was giving her chest a massage, "God, these guys are such perverts. Do they have no life? *Crunch*"

Rumi Usagiyama was seen helping Inko out in the kitchen, cooking dinner for them and their guest coming by tonight, "Yuu. Don't let them get to you. You did the right thing, and that's all that matters now." Rumi was chopping up an assortment of vegetables with precision while Inko stirred the pot of stew.

"I agree with her. You saved my son from having to be in the ER. As long as my Izuku is safe, that's all that should matter now." Inko commented.

Rumi turned around to face Yuu, "How do you feel about it?"

Takeyama closed her chip bag, got off the couch, and stretched her limbs, "I don't know how I feel about it. I'm happy that I managed to save Izuku but after that? There was something else."

"Oh? Like what?"

Yuu looked off to a part of the wall where there was a portrait of the Inko and Izuku along with her and Rumi, "Well..." She blushed, "I thought that he was dense and cute."

"That's pretty true." Inko and Rumi interrupted her.

"Also, I kind of thought that he was my type." Yuu finished. Rumi and Inko continued cooking and chopping but stopped suddenly after a minute to process what they had just heard, Yuu admits.

"Yuu?" Rumi began, "Are you thinking of Izuku that way?"

Yuu looked away, embarrassed, and scratched her hair before giving a slight nod.

Rumi grinned, "Nice..." The younger of the two looks back at her in shock, "Wuh?! You mean you also felt that way toward him?!"

"I know, it was quite a shocker to me as well, but he grew on me quite well..." Rumi said.

Yuu then looked at the still-frozen Inko, "How do you even feel about us liking your son that way?!"

Inko turned around to face the two and opened her mouth to speak until they were interrupted by the doorbell.

*Ding Dong Bing Bong Bing Bong Bong Bing* (my attempt at the Five Nights At Freddy's alarm)

Inko was about to continue but thought about discussing it with the two girls later. She walked toward the door and opened it to see, "Nemuri! So glad you could make it."

"Thanks for having me over for dinner, Inko." The heroine thanked her.

In the kitchen, Yuu slumped her shoulders when she heard Inko say, "Nemuri." There was only one person who could be, "Just great. It's Midnight."

Rumi raised an eyebrow at her friend's attitude. From what Yuu has told her before, Midnight was the Heroic Arts teacher at U.A. High School, and they never got along. When the rabbit hero was in school, Midnight wasn't teaching there yet, so she didn't know her that well. All Rumi knew about Midnight was that she was very adult and Rated-R.

Inko came around the corner into the main room with Nemuri Kayama in tow while still in costume like the other two.

"Rumi, Yuu," Inko began, "This is Nemuri Kayama. I suppose we just started dating." Inko admitted as she noticed Takeyama glaring at their guest while Kayama grinned back at her.

"Fancy seeing you here, Ms. Takeyama and Usagiyama. Your guests as well?" Midnight asked them.

"No, I live with Inko and her son, Izuku." Yuu corrected.

"I live next door, but I'm over here so often that I might as well live with them..." Rumi explained.

Inko led Nemuri over to the table and pulled out a seat for her. The mother looked at the stew she was cooking, "Well, this looks about finished. Yuu?" She looked at Inko, "Could you go get Izuku to come out for dinner?"

She nodded, "Yeah. Sure." Yuu then walked off to Izuku's room.

The hallway was lined with portraits and family pictures of the mother and son duo, along with Rumi and Yuu doing a bunch of celebrations and events, along with going to scenic places around Japan. One of their best trips was going to Okinawa and visiting the war memorial where Inko's ancestor, Saito Midoriya, fought and died during WWII before the age of quirks.

Yuu went to Izuku's room and knocked on the door, "Come in! His voice was heard on the other side.

The 18-year-old heroine walked into the kid's room. Izuku was quite the fanboy. His room was filled with hero memorabilia and merchandise. Everything from action figures to posters, comic books, inspirational quotes, clothing, games, and other stuff. Most of it was of All Might, the strongest Pro-Hero in Japan and arguably the world.

Izuku was seen watching videos about new heroes fighting villains and taking notes of their quirks in his hero analysis notebooks. His face was glued to the screen while writing at a fast pace keeping a grin the entire time.

"Hey, kid!" Yuu hugged Izuku from behind as he sat in his desk chair, "What are you doing?"

Izuku looked up at her, "Hey, Yuu! Check this out." He flipped through his notebook to a page and showed it to her. Yuu took the notebook and blinked in surprise, "I made a whole entry dedicated to you and your quirk!"

Yuu read through the page, "Wow, Izuku. This is quite impressive. And you drew me quite well." Izuku's smile grew ten times bigger, if possible, and his eyes shined at the praise.

Yuu rubbed his mop of hair and gave him a noogie, "Come out to dinner, brat. We got a guest over."

"Okay!" Izuku closed his notebook and got out of his seat to follow Yuu to the dining room where his mom, Rumi, and the guest were. This was no ordinary guest such as the Kacchan and his parents. This guest was one of the top female heroes in Japan. This person was the R-Rated Pro-Hero:...

"Oh, My God! You're Midnight!" Izuku made a wide stance and pointed at the person in question.

She looks at him from the other side of the room and bolts out of her chair to lift him into her arms, squealing, "*Gasp* Inko! He's so adorable! Oh. My. God. He has freckles!" Izuku was now barely able to breathe as he was hugged tightly, his face buried between her breasts.

Midnight released him from the hug and leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek, "It's nice to meet you, little man."

Izuku blushed bright red, "Uh, yeah... You too..." His face suddenly shot up in realization, "Oh! I should show you my notebooks!" Izuku turned to run back to his room to get the notebook that had an entry of Midnight but was stopped by Yuu grabbing the back of his collar.

"Now, now. You can show her your notebooks later. But right now, dinner." Yuu scolded him as he pouted before following her to the table. Midnight joined them, and everyone sat at the table.

Inko, with the much-appreciated help of Rumi, made sukiyaki for dinner. This meal consisted of raw beef, noodles, and cut vegetables poured into a rich and creamy broth. This was one of the many meals that Inko learned to make from Rumi's parents when they visited a few years ago. She was told that serving Izuku katsudon daily was not a healthy diet and that he needed more to grow properly.

Luckily, Izuku never complained about it, as that would've been a nightmare for Inko to handle.

"Mmmmm... This is quite delicious." Nemuri commented as she savored the rich taste of the broth and noodles.

Inko blushed, "Thank you. This recipe came from Rumi's parents."

Nemuri gave a sly smile and leaned forward in her seat, looking at Rumi, who sat across from her, "Well, well, well. I guess I know who to go to when looking for good recipes." She gave the younger hero a wink.

Izuku was wolfing down his meal, making Rumi rub his head, "Izuku, slow down. The food isn't going anywhere."

He blushed, "Sorry." Izuku now looked to the hero, who his mom invited over, "Miss Midnight?" She looked over at him, "I wanted to ask you some questions, if that's okay."

She giggled, "You don't need to call me Miss Midnight. Just Nemuri, Ms. Kayama, or Midnight is fine. But sure, go ahead with the questions."

Izuku quickly nodded, "So, how did you come up with your hero name?"

Nemuri had to think about that one, "Well, that's the first time someone ever asked that question." She scratched her cheek, "Well, since my quirk releases a gas that forces people to sleep. I suppose it's because midnight is a time when people sleep."

"Right... That makes sense." Izuku mused as he tapped his legs in excitement. He asked another question, "So, regarding your hero outfit. Do you need to rip it to use your quirk? Wouldn't it be better not to have it in the first place?"

"Well, no. But I do so mostly for the appeal. Also, I'm why there's a law for heroes on how much skin they may show. So, I pretty much have to wear it." She said, embarrassed as she remembered her original outfit from her rookie years.

Izuku asked her more questions, which Midnight was happy to answer, but eventually ran out of things to ask her, so he just continued eating his dinner.

Yuu decided to bring up the question regarding her former teacher's visitation, "So... Midnight." She looked over at Takeyama, "How do you know Inko? You save her from a mugging?"

Inko answered, "Nemuri and I met when I was working my shift. She felt out of place because she hadn't done anything like we did since her U.A. days."

"Yeah, you have no idea how many of my students tried asking me out on a date. I caught one of my students doodling lew–" Nemuri glanced over at Izuku and then back to Inko. The mother motioned for her to go on with a nod, reassuring her that it was okay to speak of such things around Izuku. She continued, "Doodling lewd pictures of me all naked with him, and I ended up giving him a failing grade for not working on his studies and instead studying my body."

Rumi snickered, "I would have given that guy a good curb stomp."

"Of course, you would have. You're particularly known to do that to just about any villain you come across." Nemuri commented and then drank some wine before moving on to what she was interested in.

"But I want to know how it is; two former students of mine seem to know Inko and her kid?" Suffice it to say, what her two former students had to say intrigued her.

They were Izuku's babysitters for about six years and mostly hung out with the mother and son. Inko took in Yuu after her parents died in a villain attack. And a bunch more things that involved the three women and Izuku.

Sometime later, after dinner, Izuku showed Midnight his hero collection and his "Hero Analysis" entry of the heroine. To say she was impressed would've been an understatement. Inko and Rumi sat at the table while the ever-so-lazy Yuu was chosen to do the dishes and clean up.

"So, should we talk more about what happened yesterday?" Inko asked Yuu as the teenager stiffened and blushed.

She stopped washing and leaned against the counter, "I don't know what else to say. I enjoyed the feeling of him pressed up against me, kissing him, and then claiming he was my type in my head."

"Out of whose head?" Nemuri came out of nowhere, making Rumi and Inko nearly spit out their wine in surprise and making Yuu freak out because of her sudden appearance.

"N-no one!" Yuu attempted to claim.

"Oh? But when I was walking out of Izuku's room, I heard someone talk about kissing."

"Oh, just that Yuu loved kissing Izuku and having sensual feelings for him." Rumi giggled a bit before pouring herself and Inko more wine, as this would be an exciting conversation.

"R-Rumi?!" Yuu chucked an apple from the fruit bowl at her friend, who easily caught it.

Nemuri needed clarification about what was going on, "I'm a bit lost here. Does Ms. Takeyama have a boyfriend with the same name as the kid?"

Yuu wanted to crawl under a table and die but looked to Inko for guidance, "Should we tell her? I don't know what she'll even say about this."

Inko had to think about it. Though, knowing that Nemuri was a very kinky person from what she learned the other night and through their texts. She was sure that they could trust Nemuri.

"*Sigh* I trust her to keep quiet about this. We might as well to her about it." Inko said with a small smile letting Yuu know it was alright to tell.

Nemuri felt this would be difficult for Yuu to explain, so she sat at the table and filled herself with some wine.

Yuu began her tale from yesterday when she went on patrol with Rumi. They fought a villain with a Kraken quirk and had civilian hostages with him. One of those hostages turned out to be Inko's son, Izuku.

Of course, Nemuri had some questions but was told to reserve those for after the tale.

After knocking the villain unconscious, Rumi wasn't close enough to Izuku as he fell to the ground, but Yuu was. She managed to save Izuku but not in a typical way. His body smashed into her mouth, making the gigantic heroine and Izuku kiss. They fell to the ground, and Yuu told of how she enjoyed the intimate feelings and sensations when she had the kid in her arms. Soon after, the paramedics gave him a check-up, and she and Rumi decided to escort Izuku to school since it was the morning.

After Yuu told the tale, she showed one of the gossip articles to Nemuri. She read that it spoke of the younger hero and Izuku blushing from having their bodies together.

Nemuri leaned back in her seat and drank her wine. Rumi, Yuu, and Inko waited with bated breath, preparing themselves for what the heroine would say.

After sipping some wine, Nemuri leaned forward over the table, fingers interlocked, head resting on her hands, "Well. How did it feel having someone younger than you kissing and touching your breasts like that?"

Yuu's heartbeat raced from one hundred miles per hour to a screeching halt. Her mind was rewinding exactly what Midnight just said over and over again, "Wait... What?! You're not going to say anything about reprimanding me for doing something like that?!"

The kinky dominatrix-based heroine giggled and gestured to herself, "Me? I would be the last person to do so. Kan and Aizawa would be the first ones to do so. Me, on the other hand, find it quite hot."

Yuu removed herself from the kitchen and sat back at the table, "How are you ok with it?! You were never okay with anything I did when you were still my teacher!"

The older heroine smirked, "You're right about that. But I also have a thing for relationships with age differences. I kept that part of me secret for quite a long time. I only looked at that stuff online and read about it in fanfiction during my teenage years."

Rumi leaned over to Inko and whispered to her, "I knew Kayama was a kinky person and often spoke inappropriately. But not this much."

"I know, this is quite surprising..." Inko added.

The four women continued talking about the situation and then talked about other things until Kayama checked the time, "Oh, looks like it's time for me to go." She got out of her seat, "Inko. Thank you for inviting me over and introducing me to Izuku. I look forward to seeing you two again." Both of them locked lips before parting and addressing Yuu and Rumi, "Ms. Takeyama, I'm sure Inko and I agree that as long as it's consensual, then we have no problem with it. Same with you, Usagiyama."

Rumi and Yuu accepted that and watched as the heroine waved them goodbye and walked out the door, "Tell that darling, Izuku, that I enjoyed speaking with him and that I'll be seeing him again."

"Sure thing..." Inko said before Nemuri Kayama left the family of four's apartment.

A few moments go by, and Rumi hops to her feet, "Well, I think it's time for us to get to bed."

"Yep/agreed!" Both Yuu and Inko said simultaneously.

They all got out of their seats and made their way to their rooms to sleep through the rest of the night, while Rumi just went next door to her apartment to sleep. She only really uses it for the bare minimum, like sleeping or having quiet time, while she does everything else with Yuu and the Midoriya family.

Yuu got into her PJs and exited the bathroom. She stopped in the hall, in front of Izuku's door, and thought, 'Now I need to figure out how to go about this smoothly. Maybe there is some stuff online about relationships with age differences.'

"Goodnight Izuku." Was all Yuu said before continuing her way to the living room couch, which was a pull-out bed. She hoped Izuku would be okay with her loving him like this.