
I worship You



The Great Tomb of Nazarick have an Heir named Izuku, who is Keigo's mate. What happens when the Commission tries to harm the heir. Spoiler alert, it wouldn't end well.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

With a flap of his black wings, Izuku flew, his body shiver in glee when the building come in sight. Just as he landed on the open balcony with a wave of his hand he send out a spell to disarm the security cameras and alarms and placed an illusion. Silently he walks inside in search for his prey, and he found his victim sleeping on his bed. His mouth salivate and his glowing viridian eyes lighten in glee as he saw his prey on his underwear. He let out a sweet smell which put his prey immobile to his advances, thus giving him the chance to use the red rope that he had brought earlier, tying his prey's wrist together before positioning the man unto his back.

He smiled in glee when he saw that his prey is sporting an erection. He crawled towards it sitting in between his prey's spread legs, with skilled hands he stroked the clothed cock making it even more harder. His prey let out a grunt but didn't wake up thus Izuku took it as sign to unveil the hardened rod, his mouth salivate on the sheer size and length. He didn't take waste another moment before he took the head to his mouth, swirling his tongue, tasting the precum. His prey let out a gasp when he hollowed his cheeks and start to bob up and down. The scent of arousal, his preys grunt and gasp, alongside Izuku moaning spread around the room, Izuku felt himself get even more wet that he knows that his slick is already licking through his thighs. When he felt the cock twitched, he took the whole length into his mouth, his eyes water from it but he let out a satisfying moan when his prey cums on his throat and mouth.

His prey cock is still hard when he removed it from his mouth, Izuku didn't wait another moment as he removed his underwear that is soaked with his slick. The succubus tattoo on his lower abdomen shine a dull glow. He placed his knees on his prey's hips, rutting his swollen cunt unto the hard length, his smile grew wilder hearing his prey's moans. The man still deep in his sleep thanks to Izuku's sweet scent. He raised his hip, placing his right hand unto the man's chest for balance while using the other to aline the hardened length to his twitching hole before slamming his hips down. He let out a loud gasp and moan when he felt hit his cervix and his insides rearrange from the sheer size and length. He placed both his hand unto the man's chest who was gasping in pleasure.

Izuku glanced down to his lower abdomen and saw that man's cock is so huge that he saw an outline of it, this caused him to be more aroused and more excited that his cunt release more slick as he started to ride the man. He wings flutter in his excitement and pleasure as the cock mess him up, his mouth was drooling, his eyes were tearing up in pleasure.He was in so deep in pleasure that he didn't see his prey woke up.

"What the fuck!" his prey yelled in shock before moaning as Izuku continues to ride him. Izuku was surprise to see him awake yet it bring him even more thrill when he saw his prey try to fight the pleasure and try to remove his bindings. "Relax, oohh! So big!" Izuku moans before taking the whole length once more before moving his hips. His prey threw his head back before letting out a moan, Izuku moans as he felt the knot forming and catching on his pussy hole until he slammed down and screams in pleasure, knot fully inside him as he felt his prey let out a huge load inside his womb.

His prey isn't on his rut thus it takes only for 30 second for the knot to deflate but Izuku was on high as he raised his hips, pulling out. His hole twitched as cum flows out unto his thighs. He saw his prey giving a pout before giggling and placing a kiss, he let out a gasp when he was about to pull away as hand hold the back of his head and a tongue forced it's way unto his mouth. He tried to dominate against it but failed as he moans, letting the man fuck his mouth, before they pull away to allow the man to take a breath.

"Surprise?" Izuku said, before he was suddenly flipped over to his back with the man in between his legs. "Ooooh it's a nice surprise indeed, you little minx" the man said before placing his lips unto Izuku who gasp when he felt his nipple being played with. The two battled for dominance, Izuku was about to take the lead once again when he gasped when the man pushed his cock inside.

"No fair *Gasp* Kei-chan!" he yelled in between gasp as, Keigo started to thrust inside him, holding a tight grip unto his waist when he tried to move away. Keigo just let out a smirk before pulling Izuku into a kiss swallowing his moans and gasp before rutting his cock even more harder unto his little minx who wrapped his legs around his waist. Izuku pulled away from the kiss when Keigo slammed hard,

"OOh!" he cried out, throwing his head back,

Keigo took the chance to bite and kissed his neck. Keigo wasn't satisfied, his alpha instincts are already taking over wanting to mark his mate so he had left a trail of bite and hickies unto his shoulders, before bending down to suck unto Izuku's perky nipples causing Izuku to tighten down unto his cock, making him moan.

"Yes! Yes! There!" Izuku moans, already feeling the knot forming before careening in pleasure and cums when Keigo bite unto his nipple and knot his pussy. He can feel his womb being overfilled that his womb is distending, making him moan and groan in pleasure. After thirty seconds, Izuku whimpers when he felt his vaginal walls protest from over stimulation when Keigo pull out. He can smell the Alpha's scent which is Honey and Cranberries, he was so deep into the smell that he yelp when Keigo flip him over to his stomach. He turn his head just as Keigo hold his hips to prevent him from flopping over. He already knows what is about to happen but he is over stimulated and want to wait for a few more minutes but it seems the alpha has other ideas as he felt himself being filled again.

"Ooo! wait kei!-" he didn't managed to finished what he was saying when Keigo started to fuck him again, slamming against his cervix, from this position, he felt it even more deeper. He held unto the sheets as Keigo fuck him with wild abandon, the slapping sound of skin and squelching sound as he felt his Alpha's cum flowing out, made him even more aroused. He screeched and cums when Keigo bite his nape before he felt the man knot him again, feeling him even more. He could feel his womb distend from the increasing volume of cum inside him. He pants as he comes down from his high only to whimper and moans when Keigo, still knotted inside him started to rut against him, stimulating him even more. "Kei wait!" he whimpers but was only met with growls, turning around he saw Keigo's eyes fully dilated, which is a sign that his alpha completely took over Keigo. He gulps as he knows that his pussy will be sore next morning.

At the Avian Agency, Pro hero Hawks, civilian name, Takami Keigo is seen sporting a smile and joy in his steps which bewildered his sidekicks and other staff as last week the man was insufferable, always gloomy that you could actually see a storming cloud unto his head. Tokoyami is bewildered on such change but didn't care much about it. Whatever made him that way seems to be resolved as it seems that he is back unto his cheerful and charismatic personality.

Keigo felt like he was in full battery unlike last week when his mate was away to visit his parents and do his duty as the heir of the Tomb of Nazarick for a month. A month of no cuddles, kissing and hot sex deprived him of his needed fuel to function that he felt that he is going to die from Izuku depravation. So last night was a good and satisfying surprise, he wished that he could stay with Izuku today but duty call so he ensure that he provided the greatest aftercare so back at his penthouse, Izuku was lying on their nest as he know that his mate is sore all over, covered in his marks, he put a plug unto his pussy to prevent his cum from leaking out. He knows how important it is for him as a half succubi.

He knows that he shouldn't be with Izuku as he, his father Ainz Goal and his guardians as still seen as villains by the Hero Commission no matter what the others say, but he couldn't help it, his heart had fallen in love with the succubi when they first met in the Birthday Party thrown by Ainz when Izuku turned 21 which was also the day that he was given to lead three floors that had been built on the Great Tomb of Nazarick. He courted the succubi for three years, enduring the onslaught from his two protective mothers and his father the Overlord who had threatened that he will place a curse on him before ensuring that his body will be used for experimentation and research if he ever made Izuku cry.

Now they are couple for two years, he wouldn't change a thing between them. Izuku is his light in the dark, his little minx and he knows that if anything happens to him, he will also die.

However he had to hide his relationship from the Commission as he knows that they will try to extract information from him even by force. He remembers one of their soldiers who have black lizard scales and quirk named chameleon which give them the ability to mimic their surrounding, whom they sent to spy unto the Great Tomb but after a day, their contact was cut off, he didn't know what happened to the spy until Izuku showed him some of the floors of Nazarik and his collections that he saw black lizard scales.

He shivers when he remembers Izuku's eyes boring down to him when he saw Keigo looking at the scales. "Ooh, that was from a lowly life form that was hanging down from the ceiling spying on me." Izuku said before walking towards his chair that face a window that looks over a forest. (He was confused at first as to how there's a forest in the Tomb but when Izuku explained on how it came to be he understood.) Izuku sat on his chair and looks at Keigo.

Keigo knows that Izuku is testing him, to see if he is also a spy which he is not. He walks towards his mate, knelt down and placed his head on Izuku's thighs. "I would never betray you my love" he said, before gently holding Izuku's right boot, gently removing it before doing the same for the other one. "Let me show how I love you so much" he said before spreading his mate's legs.

He quickly shakes his head to prevent himself from sporting a tent on his pants while on patrol.

Thankfully he was on th sky as he remember the first time that they made love, thus no one seen or smell his arousal.

He was stuck on his happiness that he didn't saw the foreboding storm brewing in the commission.

President Hera of the Hero Commission was pissed when she saw images of her soldier getting frisky with the villain's heir. It seems her soldier needed to be reminded of his place and it seems that they can finally get one over the Overlord, through the death of his heir.

"Get Agent M,and call Keigo, it's time to see what his memories show of the that villain's weakness." she ordered.

It was night and Izuku was cooking fried chicken for his boyfriend, he had answered calls from his mother Shalltear while he received a visit from his mama Albedo in the form of a green haired woman. He just finished frying the last chicken leg when his phone rings, he never used human inventions as he use magic and telepathic communication with his subjects and family but when he learned that he can send pictures through this phone, he had used it to tease Keigo especially when he knows that the alpha is on a serious meeting for hero raids or others.

He answered the phone when he saw that Keigo is calling him.

"Hello love" he said cheerfully but frowned when he heard grunts and yelling

"Izuku! get away from there, run! They are-" the line was cut off just as he felt something prick his neck. He grabbed unto the hand and ripped it apart from the body, his attacker scream in pain as they stumble away from him but Izuku didn't let them, Instead he march towards them and summoned an axe that is similar to what his mama Albedo uses and cut the person in half. He stumble when he felt himself getting light headed but before he fell unconscious he managed to send his mother and mama a message.

On the Great Tomb Of Nazarik the people that live 8 kilometers away from it suddenly felt chills run to their spine and sense of dread. They know this sign, it's a sign that a guardian or Ainz Oal Gown is angry and furious. They pray that they wouldn't suffer and that they wouldn't be punished for one's mistake, whoever that is.

Keigo Takami woke up when someone slap his face, it took him a few second to remember what had happened earlier. He was called to report to the Commission, he knows that it doesn't make sense since he had always submitted reports that should have satisfied them but when Hera slapped the pictures unto his face, he felt fear not for himself but for Izuku. He knows that they are going through his memories by using agent M, thus he tried to run and warn Izuku but was knocked out.

Once he recalled everything he look around only for his eyes to widen and felt his heart dropped into his stomach when he saw Izuku bound in chain made of silver, fifteen feet away from him. He tried to get into him but soon realized that he was being hold down, a metal cuff on his neck that he knows has quirk suppressors on it.

"Izuku!" he shout, panting and had a moment of relief when Izuku raised his head and their eyes made contact.

Their heard someone clapping, and saw Hera clapping while sporting a smirk on her face and face Keigo. "Thank you Hawks for providing us what the Commission needed to bring down a villain" she said mockingly, before one of her goons presented to her a silver gun. She took it with glee before pointing it to Izuku who looked at her like she was just a pest and what she was holding wasn't something that he should fear, this pissed her off.

"Never have I thought that your kind could only be killed with silver bullets, but oh well." she smiled before putting her hand unto the trigger, Keigo heard a small click on the metal cuff on his neck, his eyes landed on Izuku who's hands just stop moving. He felt his quirk came back and pull out a sword feather cutting the people holding him, but too late as Hera pulled the trigger.

Keigo felt everything moved slowly, his body was so slow, his feathers was also slow. He felt his eyes tears up, as he hopes that he could save his mate. He tried but all a sudden a portal appeared in front of Izuku just in time for the bullet to hit his head. Two figures came out of the portal, the people in there shivers in fear when they saw who they are. Albedo and Shalltear who is looking at them with furious faces. Keigo didn't falter instead he quickly flew towards Izuku and immediately tried to cut off the chains.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he chanted as he free Izuku from his bounds. "Did they hurt you? Where?" he asked while trying to look for injuries. "I'm okay, they didn't hurt me" Izuku said, before placing a hand unto Keigo's cheek.

Albedo watched as her son's pet leaned and hold unto Izuku's hand. She smiled, proud that her son had garnered a loyal pet that worships him.

"But you were chained with silver, I had to make sure that you are not bleeding" Keigo said but stopped when Izuku hushed him with his finger. "Why don't we go, so that you can check me if I'm truly hurt" Izuku said, Keigo knows that he is starting to get aroused thus he carried Izuku, bridal style, thankfully it seems one of Izuku's mothers opened a gate/portal for them both which he gladly stepped into.

Albedo's smile turn into a snarl as she face towards the ugly bitch that dared to hurt her son, the heir of the Great Tomb of Nazarik. "How dare!, how dare! how dare! how dare you low life pest try to touch Lord Ainz's heir!" she shouted just as when a bullet shot at her but she just caught it. She watch furious as the bitch eyes widen as if the bullet should have hurt her.

"Impossible! Silver should have worked!" the bitch screeched,

Albedo watched as Shalltear laughed at what the bitch said. "Silver? hahahahaha! young master Izuku truly played with you all. I'm so proud of him" she continues to laugh as the bitch turn pale before getting furious and throw the gun away, and ordering her people to attacked them as she tried to run away. Albedo stayed to play with the heroes and agents under Hera while Shalltear turn to chase Hera. Screams and Shalltears laughs were heard from the building.

"Yes! Yes!"

Grunts, moans and gasp and the sound of skin slapping against another and the bed creaking echoes across the room, the scent of sex and arousal was prominent. Izuku was on his back and felt his cervix was about to break to pave way for the large and hard cock to his womb. His wrist that are in tight grip of Keigo were pulled back just in time to meet Keigo's thrust. His hands were suddenly freed, he wrapped his arms around Keigo who in turned pulled him into a mating press.

Izuku felt that he was truly about to break, "Wait! wait! Keigo!" he gasp but his mate didn't listen instead thrust even more harder, until he truly broke when he felt his cervix gave away and felt the cock slammed into his womb. "Aaah!" he moaned as he came so badly that his vision went white for a second before careening back as Keigo keep on slamming his cock unto his womb. "Good mate, squirting upon my cock" Keigo said through his grunts, Izuku was shocked upon hearing it, he never squirted but experiencing it for the first time make him crave it even more.

"More! more!" he pleaded and moans just as Keigo delivers. Squirting once when Keigo knotted him and slammed unto his womb.

Hera woke up and was immediately blinded upon the light. she tried to move but saw that not only was she bounded on her wrists and ankles, she was naked and gagged with a metal bar. Suddenly a green glob with many small tentacles that have painted nails, a mouth and large eyes appears on her view.

"My you're awake. Did you sleep well?" it said, before one of it's tentacle touch her face. She was about to use her quirk but suddenly felt empty that's when she realized that her bounds are laced with quirk suppressants. She suddenly felt fear since she had seen from viewing the memories of what Keigo had seen the scales of the agent that she had sent to spy on Nazarick. "Oh my, there's no need to shrink so much with fear" it said, that's when Hera saw that she is truly shaking in fear.

"Oh where are my manners. I, Neuronist am the Tomb of Nazarick's special intelligence collector, You know what they are right?" it asked,

Hera's eyes widen in fear and she whimpers in fear.

"Well then, you've committed a great crime against us" it said before revealing showing to her a small metal tool with ball of spikes on th end. She whimpers upon seeing as she know's what it's for." The Supreme being who created me, suffer from kidney stones as a sign of respect for that, we shall start with this. We're going to spend a lot of time together, it would be a shame if you start crying from small thing like this" it crooned as she whimpers and let out a muffled scream in terror at the creature just laughs at her.

"So silver never hurts you" Keigo asked, they had cleaned themselves after having another round in the large golden tub while they let the maids clean the room. They are now spooning with Keigo as the bigger spoon, he laid his chin unto Izuku's head. his hand wrapping his mate tight. His alpha is still shook upon the prospect that he had almost lost their mate.

"Yes, it was a lie that I told everyone and I saw it on the spy's memories that they had someone that could see and show someone's memories whether the host is willing or not. And I saw what your Commission were doing to you, thus I ensured to set up a trap for them. I'm sorry if I scared you" Izuku said.

"My little minx is so intelligent" Keigo croons and placed a kiss on Izuku's head and wrapped his mate even more tighter.

After presenting their Fidelity, Demiurge had given his report about the information that they had gathered. Knowing that his son had planned this, Ainz couldn't even get even more proud to how intelligent his son is. He's truly fit for the throne, now that he had done his part it's now Ainz's turn.

"Place the bodies in a state where it's seems like suicide after leaving a note of how they couldn't bear that their informations are leaked and are looking for another way out of jail, but first spread the information"

When the news spread and the bodies were found, the hero society of Japan almost crumbled as civilian's trust on heroes were broken until a hero named Momon who were carrying big sword lead them and ensure that a proper hero system was established before disappearing.

The boogeyman of the underworld that All Might had made his mission to destroy suddenly disappeared at the same time which gave the news to the people that Momon sacrificed his life just to ensure peace thus it pushed the Heroes to do the same especially when a new boogeyman appeared in the name as Viridian who seems to put everything on fire.

Screams of terror as green fire burns bright on the street, helicopters couldn't approach as the smoke was thick enough that gave low visual upon the sky thus it didn't show them two figures dancing on a crumbling rooftop. Izuku wearing a white dress while Keigo is wearing a white suit, on their hands were two matching golden rings.