Femboy deku futa Ochako

Succ You Dry



What do you do when your very touch can kill a person? Can drain their vitality away and steal their memories, their powers, their personality until nothing is left but a comatose husk- or even a corpse?

Well, in Midoriya Izuku's case: Move out to the Mie Prefecture as a kid, pick up a slightly awkward Kansai accent, start dating his transfemme BFF, call people "sugar" and "honey" a bunch, and, most importantly, dress like a goth femboy because it's really cute. Also: get pegged.

And, eventually, go to UA to be a hero!

Because angsting about volatile touch activated powers in a setting that's full of volatile touch activated powers is stupid.

Or: Izuku has Rogue's powers from X-Men. He doesn't let that stop him- and hey, who better to hang around him than the girl with a nigh infinite energy stockpile?


New story! Same posting procedure: 5 chapters now, and then 1 per day until I run out of backlog or finish the story! Also take note- this story is gonna be H O R N Y, so expect a lot of mediocre smut because that's pretty much the entire excuse for this fic- just the eventuality of Izuku getting pegged by a whole bunch of people.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

"UA…. Almos' never thought I'd get in," Izuku whispered, standing there at the gates a full week before classes began. He breathed in deeply, taking stock of himself and his belongings- the cute cat-eared backpack slung over his shoulder with his notebooks and spare gloves and other essentials, the luggage being carried faithfully onto the campus proper by the moving bots rolling the cart he'd stacked them on, and his actual clothes.

He bounced slightly, making sure that as little of his skin was exposed as possible. Thigh high black leather boots with platform wedge heels and the cute red toe and heel caps and ankle belts? Pulled up and not drooping anywhere. Translucent mesh thigh high highs? Clipped comfortably so that any skin visible on top of his boots was thoroughly covered. Black miniskirt? Ruffling adorably in the wind, but otherwise not revealing anything that wasn't supposed to be visible. Black lycra booty shorts? Keeping everything downstairs nice and tucked away- less for safety purposes and more for decency's sake, obviously. Leather belt? Firmly clasped around his thin, svelte waist and preventing his skirt from falling, or his shirt from riding up. Translucent mesh shirt? Firmly tucked into his belt with no skin visible. Oversized crop top hoodie? None of his arms were visible, and what little of his torso that was uncovered had his mesh shirt keeping things safe. Collar? Firmly locked and tightened ever so slightly. Bunny ear hood? Up and firmly around his head. Gloves? Fingerless, sure, but he could swap out to the full finger versions whenever he needed, and he'd rather get to show off his nail polish at the moment- and, also, maybe steal a hit of energy off of his girlfriend if it came to that.

He smiled, blackened lips glistening slightly from the glossy lipstick he'd applied earlier- his previous matte black had long since been lost, but, well. He enjoyed putting on his makeup more than he cared to keep it intact.

Especially with…

"That wasn't ever in doubt, Izukkun," Ochako giggled as she stepped up beside Izuku, wrapping her arm around his shoulders and grinning as she pulled him close with just enough force to squish his hooded face against her breasts, drawing an instant blush from the shorter goth boy who just responded the way he always did- squealing adorably and giggling as he snuggled closer to the side of his two meter tall, buff, amazonian girlfriend. "You're a hero through and through, remember?"

"Mm! I 'member, Occhan, but…" Izuku shook his head, sighing as he continued snuggling against Ochako's strong, muscular side and wrapping his comparatively much more delicate arm around her trim, toned waist (with his free hand gently brushing up against the exposed, taut skin of her rock hard abs and drawing a giggle from the taller brunette in return- and, in fact, a drizzle of energy that soaked into Izuku's bones with an electric warmth that never failed to make him shudder with how much it felt like Ochako's love.

"No buts, mister! You're a hero, you're my boyfriend, and you're both amazing and adorable and you deserve to be here just as much as anyone else!" Ochako shook her head and ignored the faint , pressing her hand down on Izuku's head instead and ruffling his hair through his hood- two toned in dark green and brilliant white and messy, fluffy and spiky at the same time in that artfully deliberate way that floofed out in the most pleasant of ways. "You got second place on the practical entrance exam, even! First place on the written exam!"

"Y-yeah, but Ah' had t'do it while borrowing your power," Izuku sighed as his Kansai accent slipped, blushing even harder to the point that his pale, almost chalky white skin glowed a brilliant pinkish red from the sensation of Ochako ruffling his hair- even through his hood, it made him all but purr in happiness as her strong, calloused hand pressed against his head. "I jus'… feel like it's… y'know. Like I'm a fraud fer havin' t'borrow so much power from… you know."

"Just because you used a little boost from me doesn't mean you're a fraud, Izukkun," Ochako sighed, then shook her head and rolled her eyes- clearly, she wasn't getting anywhere with her boyfriend like this. She never did have much experience with peptalks, but she knew one thing that never failed to break her darling Izukkun out of his spirals and cheer him up.

So, as the moving bots continued to carry in their luggage, Ochako decided that they'd stood there for too long and instead simply picked up Izuku into a bridal carry, grinning triumphantly at his startled squeak and giggling as he instantly buried his face against the soft fabric of her sleeveless hoodie- making sure not to touch too much skin against hers since if he had too much contact even she wouldn't be able to resist the drain- and listening to him blush and stutter until his brain ran itself into an endless loop of admiration for her muscles and breasts pressing against his svelte form.

Ochako had to admit- being two meters tall and absolutely shredded was great for topping Izuku the way he always wanted… especially when she added her (new) Quirk into the mix and wrapped her entire body in a suit made of writhing, black, pink tinged tentacles so she could do amazing things to Izuku's precious little butt and nnf….

"Occhan, 'you thinkin' about ruinin' my butt again?" Izuku deadpanned dryly, raising an eyebrow at his girlfriend as she vaguely stared off into space and blushed, a thin line of drool running from her mouth and a slightly thicker drizzle of blood dripping from one nostril as she walked more or less on autopilot towards the first year dorms. "Y'only look that spaced out when yer thinkin' about breakin' me, hon."

"Wh-huh? Naaaah, I wasn't! I was… um…" Ochako blushed, not letting go of Izuku despite the fact that she had the definite urge to bury her face in her hands and hide away from the world. "Er… Okay fine, I was thinking of using the Blackwhip suit again and um… running my hands all over you…. And squeezing you in all your sensitive bits… sucking on your nipples… squeezing you between my thighs and feeling you tremble~ "

She breathed out slowly, shuddering in time with Izuku as they both started to get a little lost in Ochako's (and, honestly, Izuku's too because the two of them were too in sync at times) fantasies of her utterly ruining him. "A-and… w-when you're good and ready and just about to cum… I wanna just ruin your tight lil' butt until you can't walk straight for a week…"

"Nnffhhhh…. Y'always know what to say, Occhan," Izuku whined out, shuddering and gulping as he pressed his soft, pale thighs together and tried not to shake himself right out of Ochako's arms as they paused in the middle of the path, standing slightly off to the side to avoid blocking the way. "I-I'm gettin' really worked up…"

"Nnhh… good girl~" Ochako murmured, biting her lip as she tried to focus on their actual surroundings, forcing down her horny (and trying really hard to not get a super obvious boner) in favor of continuing down towards the dorms, breathing heavily as Izuku continued to whisper the things he wanted her to do to him into her ear, both of them growing steadily more and more dazed by each other's presence until they were stumbling through the door, ignoring just about everyone else as they made their way to the closest of their rooms- Ochako's, on the second floor of the building- and fell into the unmade bed in a haze of blushes, giggles, gentle kisses protected by Blackwhip, and touches in utterly inappropriate places.

Needless to say, their rooms remained disorganized for several hours afterwards.

It started in Musutafu- a little boy awoke his quirk in a little rush of energy, and his friend screamed when it first activated. Little Izuku, only four years old, had latched onto his friend Katsuki's wrist on some kind of strange little burst of instinct the moment his quirk revealed itself, and instantly Izuku could feel… something flowing into him. Memories. Energy. The instinctive knowledge of how to make his hands sparkle like Katsuki's.

Katsuki screamed, because it hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt with the feeling of knives stripping through his nerves, like fire in his spine, like the all consuming blackness of pure exhaustion…

Izuku had let go rather quickly, backing off in fear as his hands sparked just like Katsuki's and made a crackling pop pop pop of fireworks going off.

Katsuki had started screaming for Izuku to give his quirk back, tackled the poor boy, and tussled with him as his rage made him power through the pain of being drained.

When all was said and done… Katsuki had been left in a nearly 36 hour coma, Izuku was thoroughly traumatized, and everyone in the Aldera school district knew that the little green kid had a new white stripe in his hair and a villain's quirk.

Less than two years later, Midoriya Inko moved her son out to Nabari in the Mie Prefecture. Her husband, Hisashi, fully approved and, although his work as an important liaison between the Japanese and American branches of his corporation kept him astonishingly busy, he always made time to come home at least once a month, sent letters and phone calls, packages and presents.

Izuku became friends with a boy girl who didn't care that he had a villainous quirk, and Uraraka Construction began seeing new contracts as Hisashi's list of contacts led to more development in the area.

Ochako transitioned over the course of junior high, and they began dating shortly before their first year of high school.

A year later, they met All Might, and the ridiculous workout regime that resulted meant that Ochako shot up a full half meter.

A year after that, Ochako received the sacred torch known as One For All, becoming its ninth bearer and unlocking an increase in her quirk so powerful they'd had to change its description from Zero Gravity to Gravikinesis.

A year after that, Ochako began unlocking the quirks stored within One For All after she mastered 40% of its power, necessitating another quirk update to Astro Manifestation

And now…

Now they were currently in the middle of the world's most awkward icebreaker, because apparently their dorm RA wanted all twenty people in the first year A-Track to get to know each other before classes started. Said dorm RA was a third year student by the name of Hado Nejire, and… well.

Izuku was a screamer.

The walls in the dorm were quite thin.

Everyone had heard Ochako completely ruining his ass, and to top it all off, he was stuck being held gently above her lap, because he was still too sore to actually sit in a chair so soon after getting his back blown out.

"Kill me now," Izuku muttered, shuddering and whimpering as he half sat, half awkwardly air-chair'd himself above Ochako's thighs, curled up in his thickest, most oversized hoodie to hide the marks that Ochako had left on him.

Ochako, meanwhile, was sitting pretty in a tanktop and pajama pants despite the fact that it was barely four in the afternoon, smiling as if nothing was wrong in the world- an expression mirrored by Nejire-senpai, who apparently didn't give half a shit that she'd walked in on Ochako very loudly and messily nutting in Izuku's depths.

The other eighteen (only seventeen of which were present for some reason despite Hado's request) students of the A-Track, however…

"... So…. I'd ask if the two of you were dating, but I think we figured it out by now," a pink skinned, pink haired, horned girl named Ashido Mina spoke up awkwardly from the other side of the circle they were all sat in, scattered roughly around the dorm common room on the various armchairs, stools, tables, and couches. "I really hope you aren't going to be doing that every night, cuz I don't think we're gonna get any sleep. You two are totes adorbs together, though! Real pastel lesbian and goth lesbian vibes!"

Wait, what?

Izuku and Ochako blinked slowly, looking at each other awkwardly in confusion- why was Ashido calling them lesbia…. Wait…

Izuku quickly took stock of himself- smooth, toned, pale legs peeking out from beneath his oversized hoodie and ending in soft, dark green bunny slippers. An oversized hoodie concealing everything but his shoulder length mop of excessively fluffy hair. The skirt peeking out from the bottom of his hoodie.



"... Sometimes I ferget what I look like," Izuku muttered, palming his face slowly as Ochako tittered and simply hugged him a slight bit tighter, turning to face Ashido with a slightly mischievous grin.

"We're um, actually not lesbians, Ashido-san," Ochako started, a slight titter entering her voice as she lifted Izuku slightly. "I mean, I'm bi, not just a lesbian. I'm also poly, but I'm more focused on just one person right now, and that's Izukkun."

"A-and… I'm… also bi," Izuku started, clearing his through as he lowered his hood slightly to better show off his face. "Also, Occhan's th'girl in our 'lationship. 'm actually a boy, sugar."

Izuku suddenly felt as though he was a hunk of meat dropped into a piranha infested river, the way that everyone in the circle immediately started staring at him with wide, curious eyes… including one blonde haired guy with red eyes, who was… startlingly familiar, and yet hadn't really participated in the introductions yet since he hadn't yet had his turn.

"YOU'RE A GUY!?" Ashido exploded, jumping out of her seat and pointing dramatically, jaw dropping wide as a blush began dusting her cheeks, eyes running over the length of his body with undisguised awe. "YOU'RE MORE GIRLY THAN I AM! HOW THE FUCK!?"

Izuku blushed, ducking his head slightly and waving his hands awkwardly. "A-ah, jus' some diet n' exercise? N' squats. Lotsa squats. Never skip leg day, sug', 's important."

"... Uh huh… And your girlfriend was…" Ashido blinked, staring at the trans flag stripes on Ochako's tank top and looking between the two. "... um…"

"Blowin' m' back out, yes."

"... Wow. That's the hottest thing I ever imagined." Ashido muttered, sitting back down and nodding to herself… with… everyone else nodding along at the same time- some more subtly than others, some staring directly at Izuku with undisguised lust.

The frog girl with the trans flag and lesbian pins on her denim jacket might have been staring at Ochako, though, but then why did he still feel vaguely like a piece of meat when she looked at them and licked her lips?

"Right, well that's way too much information for regular ice breakers but Ashido-kouhai is super duper right! That is super duper hot! Also I hope you guys know how to use protection, cuz there's a supply of condoms in every bathroom that refills regularly!" Hado spoke up, floating slightly as she halfway leapt out of her chair and got everyone's attention again with a quick clap. "Anyway! Let's keep going, everyone! Uraraka, Midoriya! Names, age, hometown, hobbies, quirks, favorite food, and cool fact about yourself, stat!"

"Oh- uh sorry! Um, Uraraka Ochako, eighteen, Nabari in the Mie Prefecture, researching space and weightlifting and long walks in the woods, Astro Manifestation- it's a really complicated quirk but most of it's just gravity stuff and some cool black tentacles, any kind of mochi, and… um… I can bench press about two and a half tons?"

"And I'm Midoriya Izuku, also eighteen n' from Nabari, I like quirk analysis an' hero fights n' going anywhere with Occhan, my quirk is Life Drain n' it lets me absorb memories, stamina, n' quirks from anyone I touch an' I can't turn it off so please don' touch my skin if y'can avoid it… fav'rite food's katsudon, n' I really like dressing in girly goth clothes!"

Both of them finished their introductions one after the other, blushing the entire time as they tried studiously to avoid looking anyone in the eye directly- that blue haired guy with the glasses looked like he was about to fucking explode on them in the worst way- and simply settled back down and tried their best to fade into the background as everyone else finished their introductions and Hado started reading out a bunch of things that they needed to know about dorm rules, useful items and locations (especially the soundproofed "study" rooms that Hado had fitted with fold out futon couches), and other important things they needed to know about life on the UA University campus.

Unfortunately, the entire time Izuku could still feel a few wandering gazes latching onto either him or Ochako.

And… considering that Ochako was really big into polyamory (and, honestly, so was Izuku)... well.

He feared for the integrity of his butt in the future.

He feared for it a lot .

The first week that Izuku and Ochako spent on campus was mostly taken up by exploring, learning the lay of the land, and making sure they knew the way to all their classes- which was to say, they knew the way to the primary A-Track lecture hall, along with all of the rest of the associated lecture halls that their classes could take based on the listings they'd received on enrollment.

They also spent a lot of time outdoors in the campus woods (and how nuts was it that UA had such a large amount of facilities that one of their outdoor training areas was literally an entire chunk of forest) with Ochako running her hands along the pale, delicate skin of Izuku's body- him stealing just a jolt of her energy to handle her rougher ministrations as she groped and kissed him with a thin layer of Blackwhip coating her hands and face and body as they ground against each other off the beaten path…

Just like they were doing now.

"A-ahhhh~! O-Occhan~!" Izuku moaned, gasping and writhing under the soft, gentle touches of Ochako's hands as they ran along the smooth, taut skin of his sides and belly and ever so sensually nipped and squeezed at the soft little creases between his defined muscles- he shuddered, goosebumps trailing with every featherlight touch as Ochako's fingerpads touched off of his skin four at a time. One hand rose up as the other came down, four fingers spread out and massaging a gentle rhythm at the edge of his ragged pre-torn booty shorts, making him strain against the suddenly far too tight material as his throbbing cock started trying to break through the zipper from sheer lust. Her other hand, meanwhile, came up and started pinching and massaging Izuku's engorged nipples, grinding the heel of her palm into his chest as though she were massaging actual breasts instead of the soft, delicate swell of Izuku's toned and yet subtle pectoral muscles, swirling in circular motions and sending shocks of pleasure like lightning up Izuku's spine with every single movement. "Y-yer drivin' me nuts, s-sugar! J-jus' touchin' me like tha-aaat~!"

"Mnnn~ Good girl, keep moaning for me~" Ochako murmured, licking her lips as she whispered into Izuku's ear, smirking as she took ahold of the delicate shell and nipped his earlobe between her teeth- reveling in the absolutely adorable sounds of Izuku bucking and squealing as her Blackwhip coated hands continued running over his torso, teasing and teasing and never letting up as she brushed over his smooth, pale, delicate skin and drew waves upon waves of goosebumps that prickled against her fingerpads… she giggled, her breaths coming out slightly husky as she continued playing with him without pause. "You're so beautiful , Izukkun~ So beautiful and soft and pale and delicate and you scream my name so sweet and loud~ I can't help myself with you- you make me want to do the dirtiest things to you~"

Izuku only gasped louder as Ochako tugged him back, pressing her breasts against him as the soft swell of his rear pressed against the throbbing bulge of her utterly rock hard cock, pulsing with heat as she bucked her hips while at the same time reaching down into Izuku's shorts and grasping his member in the soft, yet strong grasp of her fingers. "O-Occhan~! Nnhhh~! P-please, j-jus' t-touch me a'ready~! Yer gonna drive me nuts!"

"Keep squealing for me, my good girl, and I will~" Ochako purred , pulling her hand from Izuku's shorts and drawing a whine from the shorter boy, a throaty chuckle humming to life in her throat as she used her grasp of Blackwhip to swiftly disrobe him- not by much, just pulling down his shorts and the slutty, slutty G-string he'd worn to tease her with so she could gain access to his crotch, pulling up his adorable hoodie dress until his body was almost entirely exposed to the air. Moments later, a shroud of Blackwhip overtook her body even further- removing her panties and skirt as she pulled a bottle of lube from her bag and began preparing Izuku for what was to come.

A thin stream of lubricant drizzled down into her palm, quickly being lathered across her entire hand before she reached out and grabbed ahold of Izuku's throbbing rod again, slowly pumping the impressive length up and down as she sank her teeth into his shoulder and sucked , nipping and kissing and leaving a trail of slight bruises while her other hand reached down with another handful of lubrication and began smearing it over the cute, pink hole that was his rear, a strand of Blackwhip pouring even more lube onto her own throbbing member as it prodded up against Izuku's back and slid up against the curve of his spine- he gasped, shuddering as the cold, slippery liquid washed over his skin and squealing as Ochako's fingers pressed into his core, wiggling about as they entered his backdoor and stretched him out, preparing him for the length and girth of Ochako's cock.

"O-Occhan~" Izuku mewled quietly, reaching up and brushing his hand along Ochako's face- a thin drizzle of energy flooding into his body and making him crackle with a tiny rush of lightning that perfectly complemented the iridescent haze of Ochako's Nebula Shroud- as he arched his back further, lifting himself up until Ochako removed her hand from his twitching hole and lined up her cock instead. "P-please~"

"Please what, Izukkun~?" Ochako purred, grabbing ahold of Izuku's hips and clutching him tightly to her body, Blackwhip providing a barrier between the two even if he continued to steal the barest trickle from the energy whips currently taking the shape of a fullbody condom on Ochako's body. "What do you want me to do to you~? Ruin this tight lil hole? Make you scream and beg for mercy as I pound you so hard you won't even remember your name? Nnff, tell me what you want, Izukkun~"

"P-please… fuck me hard!" Izuku cried out at last, doing his best to try and slam himself down- to feel the familiar heat and rush of sheer sensation that was Ochako fucking him in the ass, biting down on his lip as he almost teared up from the sheer need racing through his body.

"Well~" Ochako murmured, licking her lips hungrily as she started pressing down, driving Izuku's hips into her own as her member started to spread open his hole and…

Izuku shuddered, whimpering and whining as Ochako paused halfway, not quite penetrating fully, but still feeling the massive rod poking him in the rear all the same. "P-pleeeease~!"

"Well, if you insist~ Sing for me, my sweet lil bunny~" Ochako breathed out huskily, followed by a short exhale of exertion as she plunged into Izuku and made him scream .

"O-OCCHAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAN~!"Izuku screamed as Ochako's thick, hard cock speared into his twitching rear, spreading him open and filling him up in an instant as she thrust into his depths, his own twitching member all but jumping in Ochako's hand as she insistently teased and stroked the shaft, the tingling feeling of Blackwhip buzzing against his soft, sensitive skin while her fingers ran over the glans and smeared slick, gooey precum over the entire length. He whined and mewled, both of them gasping and moaning as he unconsciously bucked into her, Ochako shuddering and squeezing him tighter in her grip as she plunged all the way into his rear and bottomed out, cock fully sheathed in Izuku's tight, warm insides.

"Y-you always feel so good, Izukkun. You're so perfect wrapped around me~" Ochako purred, her breathing turning husky and rough as she started to shift their positions slightly, leaning back a bit and settling into the cool grass of the clearing they were in, straightening out and pulling Izuku back with her until he was laying down on top of her body, one hand jerking him off while her other came up and gently settled over his chest, tweaking his cute pink nipples while she murmured sweet nothings into Izuku's ear and nipped at his delicate skin. "You're so soft, so smooth, you're so pretty~"

"O-Occhan~! Y-you're so warm n' big- nffff, s-so much inside me…" Izuku whined out, grinding against Ochako as best as he could while the taller brunette continued to tease and stroke his body, nipping gently at his neck and ears as her other hand gently pumped along his shaft, her thumb running along the tip and drawing gentle shivers even as Ochako started pumping slowly, her hips moving inch by inch as she drew herself in and out. "N-nggh~! A-ah~! O-Occhan~!"

"I'm gonna start moving now, okay~? Just hold on tight, my beautiful good girl~" Ochako breathed out, starting to thrust her hips faster and deeper, letting go of Izuku's twitching, dripping cock to cling onto his hips, Izuku wheezing out lewdly as he slowly sat up and started to move his legs and hips so he could bounce along the thick, long shaft of Ochako's throbbing rod. "Nnf~! Just like that baby~!"

"Occhan~! Occhan~! Y-yes~!" Izuku squealed, gasping and moaning as Ochako started thrusting for real, pounding into him and holding onto his hips tight enough to leave red marks along his curves. They rose into the air ever so slowly, Ochako glowing a faint pink as the glittering, shimmering stardust of her Nebula Shroud dusted around her skin. Gravity loosened its hold on them, hair and clothes billowing out as Ochako's thrusts became wilder, hips slapping against Izuku's rear as her cock drove into his rear and plunged against his prostate, the sheer size of it almost visibly distend his belly as it slammed home and drew a wave of enthusiastic screams from Izuku's dainty throat, his arms coming up and hooking around Ochako's head for support as she pounded into him from behind. "H-harder~! Harder~!"

Ochako just nodded, the two of them floating midair as she gripped on tighter, her cock slamming into Izuku's tight hole with wet squelches and loud slaps, both of them moaning without restraint as they pushed against each other, Izuku's pale skin slick with sweat as it slid against Ochako's. He heaved for breath with every stroke, clenching down around the thick, burning hot length as it drove into him with rough, regular motions like a piston, his own member bouncing and dripping as Ochako's hips clapped against his, almost ready to blow just from the few minutes they'd been going at it.

"G-gonna cum! G-gonna cum! Y-yer makin' me feel so good~!" Izuku whined out, almost choking on his words as Ochako wrapped her arms around his waist, flipping them over in midair so she could pound him in a floating doggystyle while clutching his torso to hers. She continued panting wildly into his ear as she plunged into his depths, drawing more and more squeals from Izuku as he trembled and spasmed around Ochako's rod, whining and moaning until- until-

"A-aaaaahn~! I-I'm cumming~!" Izuku cried out, screaming even louder as he arched his back and went rigid, toes curling as his hips bucked and his cock twitched, his orgasm rolling over him in a wave of tingles and fire racing up his spine, a jet of hot, sticky cum shooting out and splashing against the grass while Ochako continued pounding away, not stopping even as Izuku went limp in her grasp and panted wildly and continued moaning and mewling from the onslaught until Ochako reached her own orgasm, letting loose with a loud, shuddering moan as she flooded his insides with a wave of her own hot, gooey spunk, both of them all but collapsing moments later and falling back to the ground in a heap of shuddering gasps and sweat slicked skin. "Nnngghhhh~ O-Occhan…. S-so warm…"

"You're so amazing, Izukkun," Ochako murmured out after a few moments, swallowing thickly as she caught her breath and gently ran her fingers against where she'd latched onto Izuku's hips, licking her lips, rolling over so she wouldn't squish Izuku beneath her considerably taller and heavier bulk while Izuku just laid there, slowly winding down from his earth shattering orgasm and going limp in the grass as his girlfriend slowly pulled out of his rear- Blackwhip dissipating partially from around her cock so Ochako's thick, sticky cum could leak out of his gaped out hole. "So tight… so beautiful and soft and warm and smart and pretty~ You're like a star~"

"A-and yer amazing too, Occhan… Yer so pretty n' strong n' yer cock feels so good inside me n' you're just… you're my sun and moon~'' Izuku responded almost instantly, shuffling over slowly and cuddling against Ochako's body, gently stroking her cheek before reaching up and planting a gentle kiss on her lips with a bright, sunny smile. "A-and… um…. Y'wanna go again?"

Ochako blinked, blushing a bit as she sat up and held Izuku close, feeling him rubbing against her as he settled into her lap. She shuddered, licking her lips again and running her hands along Izuku's sides, feeling him stiffen again as his cock prodded against her belly, her own twitching back to life in nearly an instant as the surging rush of One For All beneath her skin removed her refractory period. "W-well… if you're sure, Izukkun… but we gotta go back soon, alright? We should get some lunch and finish touring campus…"

"Mnnn…. We got time, sugar~"

"Alright, but only one more, okay?"

"Mmkay~!"It turned out that having very loud, public sex in what was supposedly a training ground for wilderness survival was a great recipe for someone to find the two of them.

Fortunately, it was neither one of the teachers, the staff, or one of the upperclassmen who'd actually turn them in to the staff.

Unfortunately, it was one of their A-Track classmates.

Double unfortunately for Izuku, it was the blonde haired, red eyed guy who both looked and acted like kind of a low grade street thug with his skull tank top and saggy pants and generally pissy and unlikeable asshole attitude.

Apparently his name was Bakugou Katsuki, and… something about his face and personality was… very familiar to the goth femboy, and the way he held himself just screamed trouble… and also a good amount of disgust at having found Ochako pounding him against a tree in some sort of variant of a standing mating press, absolutely covered and filled with her semen (and his own too, honestly), legs up around his ears and moaning like a whore.

"What… the actual fuck!?" Bakugou hissed out, palms sparking wildly as he unconsciously flexed his hands into claws, a disgusted glare twisting across his face as he took in… just about everything in front of him. "What kind of fucking degenerates are you two!? This is a PUBLIC FUCKING TRAINING GROUND YOU ABSOLUTE HORNY PIECES OF SHIT! WHY ARE YOU TWO FUCKING HERE OF ALL PLACES!?"

"BECAUSE I'M HORNY AND IZUKKUN'S BOOTY IS FUCKING IRRESISTIBLE!" Ochako immediately shouted back, not at all willing to take any of Bakugou's shit no matter how good of a point he had that, well.

Public sex was, in fact, illegal, and even doing it on campus was technically frowned upon unless they were in a properly soundproofed and private area.

Not a clearing less than 20 meters from the path, barely more than half a kilometer into the forest trail where anyone could find them within mere moments.

"Occhan's cock is irresistible too~" Izuku moaned out, woozily coming back to himself at the sounds of Occhan screaming at Bakugou and also no longer pounding into his battered and gaping anus and filling him up with so much cum that his belly started to swell out from the sheer amount pumping into him. "A-and no one was around… it's noon… e-everyone's eating lunch by now…"

"IT'S THREE IN THE FUCKING AFTERNOON YOU STUPID FEMBOY SLUT! AND PUT THAT SHIT AWAY! YOU'RE FUCKING DISGUSTING! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU FOR MAKING ME LOOK AT YOUR NASTY DICKS LIKE THAT!" Bakugou continued screaming and screeching, threatening death upon them with ever decreasing effectiveness as his hands exploded in response to his rage.





How did he not realize earlier?

"You're the one who fucking came here in the first place you exploding jerkass piece of shit raggedy BITCH!" Ochako raised her middle finger at Bakugou, drawing another wave of nigh incoherent rage filled screeches vaguely aimed at the two of them as the explosive blonde threw up his arms and exploded again. "If you've got anything important to say, then fucking say it! Otherwise I am going to get back to turning Izukkun's boypussy into a gaping mess and you can just go fuck right off before I pick you up and throw you across campus you cockblocking small dicked overcompensator!"


Only to be immediately surrounded by a luminescent pink aura of pure stardust as Ochako pointed straight at him with her own open palm, finger pads glowing with the same brilliant pink.

For half a moment, there was a sense of stillness in the clearing, as if everyone knew just what was about to happen, and yet none of them were quite ready for it to happen. Izuku stared with wide eyes, hands coming up to cover his mouth in a silent acknowledgement of what Ochako was about to do. Ochako simply glared at Bakugou, completely ready to fling him into the sun if it weren't for the fact that doing so would be a murder charge and not a "training accident" or just the two of them being a little overzealous. Or Bakugou doing it to himself somehow.

Bakugou, meanwhile, simply stared down at himself, eyes widening as his blush faded and his pupils shrank with sudden realization.

"You fucking wouldn't," he hissed out, snarling as he tried to break out of the grasp of Ochako's gravity manipulation to no avail, straining in place for several seconds until Ochako flicked her wrist and Bakugou rocketed away across campus with a loud rush of wind and a scream that was one part overwhelming rage and one part cartoonish wail of defeat.

It honestly reminded them both of an old American cartoon from the pre-Quirk era. Tom and Jerry, Izuku thought it was called.

A few seconds of silence pervaded the clearing, before Ochako snickered to herself, smirking as she withdrew her hand and slowly pulled out of Izuku for the last time with a self satisfied expression, Izuku just groaning as she lowered him to the ground with a few tendrils of Blackwhip and started treating his sore butt with the ice packs she'd brought along in her temperature controlled bag.

"I fucking would Bakubitch," she spoke, throwing out a belated oneliner before letting her Blackwhip suit finally fade and leaving herself more or less completely spotless but for the faint sheen of sweat dotting over her skin, her naked body glistening in the sun as she leaned over and started picking up her clothes. After a moment, though, she turned to face Izuku as her expression changed from smugly victorious to openly concerned for her boyfriend, who was still staring off in the direction that Ochako had flung Bakugou. "Ugh, what a fucking moodkiller. You okay there, Izukkun? You look a little more pale than usual- do you need water? Snacks? More ice packs? I can give you a massage if you want? Is it too hot? Too cold?"

"... Bakugou…. Can fly, right?" Izuku muttered, furrowing his brow ever so slightly as a perfectly timed series of explosions more or less answered his rhetorical question. "... Really hope he c'n fly, oth'rwise he's gon' have a real hard landin', Occhan…"

".... Eh, he's a dumbass with a loudmouth and a hard head. He'll be fine," Ochako deadpanned, rolling her eyes as she retrieved a package of skin-soft wet wipes and started cleaning Izuku up while delivering a soft, chaste kiss to his cheek. "By the way- did you say something about a… Kacchan? Like that childhood friend you uh… y'know."

"... Yeah. Bakugou's th' Kacchan I drained as a kid. Put 'im in a coma fer almos' two days," Izuku nodded slowly, shuddering as Ochako's Blackwhip tendrils ran over his sensitive, marked skin and wiped the traces of semen and lube from his torso as she fussed over him. He sure was lucky to have a girlfriend who'd absolutely try to break him when they were having sex, but would always treat him so, so nicely afterwards. "Guess he's gott'n worse over th' years… Kinna a dick as a kid anyway, though."

"Huh. Neat."

Ochako shrugged, continuing to clean Izuku off for another few minutes before helping him get dressed again, both of their stomachs growling lightly as they realized just how long they'd been fucking.

"... We should go get some food, I think."

"Mmm… Katsudon?"

"You and your katsudon, Izukkun… you've got an addiction, I swear."

"It's tasty n' fillin'!"

"Like my cum?"

"Like your cum!"

"... Heh, horny lil minx."

"Mhmm!"Izuku and Ochako's first week on campus came to a close far faster than they would have liked, and although they'd managed to get everything they needed done in that time, it often felt like they were in a mad scramble… mostly because they spent hours in bed cuddlefucking and then hours outside having Ochako pound Izuku raw and then hours in bed again cuddlefucking to sleep.

Not that they let their training or pre-class assignments and paperwork slack, but they did, in fact, probably spend more time than necessary having sex, cuddling, making out, or just otherwise making a nuisance of themselves whenever they could.

On the plus side, it really didn't seem like anyone was disgusted by their blatant PDA, but at the same time… Ochako was pretty sure she was getting jealous looks for… some reason. She figured that Kirishima, Shouji, and Sato were jealous of her gains and T-girl swag (and, also possibly her fat girlcock) but why was Asui- er, Tsu- staring at them so much? It was a mystery.

Also, Ashido, who was less jealous and more blushy and drooly to the point that Ochako had seen her melt through at least three different coffee mugs just from staring really, really hard whenever Ochako decided to pick up Izuku into her arms and cuddle him while they ate breakfast.

And Yaoyorozu, who just kept staring at Izuku with an inscrutable expression and a hefty blush on her face whenever he did a little skirt twirl or skipped through the common room in nothing but a cute black sundress or wore one of his sluttier outfits around campus.

And Hagakure, who… well. To be honest, Ochako had no idea if the invisible girl was staring at either of them, but she could tell damn well that Hagakure always had a curtain of veiled danger about her- as if she was only just holding herself back from doing something extremely horny.

Not that Ochako would have minded- Hagakure was a good soul and a really nice person, so she'd be more than happy to be a little more than friends with the invisible girl. Just… maybe once they got to know each other a little more.

Same with the other girls in the A-Track dorm, honestly.

Izuku, meanwhile, was largely oblivious to most of his future classmates- not that he disliked them or anything or that he was avoiding them, but it was just that he spent all of his time with Ochako and really after the two of them basically grew up friendless outside of each other (Izuku because of his uncontrollable "villainous" quirk and Ochako because her family was poor up until they entered highschool) he wasn't… really always in the mood to make new friends so quickly.

Other people kind of gave him the heebie jeebies unless they approached first, or otherwise proved their trustworthiness.

Oh, except for…


Who, apparently, was on campus and yet hadn't come to visit or talked to them in the slightest in the entire last week .


Oh well, she was probably busy- she had mentioned that she was a TA this year, so Izuku wasn't all too pressed about her being out of contact. If she was actually working as a heroics track TA then contacting them at all was probably a breach of contract.

Izuku liked Himichan. She was nice and funny and after he and Ochako had fed her enough blood secretly to keep her from going insane she was actually way more chill and honestly even nicer than how she tried to present herself usually.

Ochako liked her too, but wasn't… super fond of Himichan's obsession with biting the two of them on the butt. Though, sloppy toppy from a vampire girl was… nnf.

Almost as good as Izuku.

Either way, they'd have plenty of time to meet up with Himiko later on when their schedules aligned better, hopefully.

Meanwhile, what they actually had to worry about was their first day of class- hero schools had a different class structure than any other normal kind of college major, and UA's class structure was even moreso a mystery than other hero schools, who at least gave an idea of what their first day would be like, and how their curriculums were structured.

UA had barely that, and although UA graduates tended to be the best of the best…. None of them ever spoke about how UA's school system worked either. Nejire was tight-lipped too, Himichan wouldn't reply, and none of the staff they'd talked to in the last week were saying anything either.

All they could really do was just… wait for class to start the next day, get there on time, and see what would happen.

"R'ya ready fer tomorrow?" Izuku asked idly, the two of them relaxing on the common room couch, Izuku dressed in nothing but an oversized t-shirt long enough to go down to his knees and his usual bunny slippers, Ochako dressed in a comfy oversized hoodie and pajama pants and more or less using him as a cuddle toy as she clutched him to her chest. "I'm kinna nervous, Occhan… I dunno what we're gonna do… it'll prob'ly be intense…"

"Mmm… I'm a little nervous too- Himichan finally responded to one of my texts and it's just a vampire kaomoji," Ochako huffed, nuzzling into Izuku's slightly damp, freshly showered hair and inhaling his scent for comfort- a hint of vanilla with an undercurrent of fruity shampoo and their shared mint scented conditioner. "So that all but confirms she's a TA for our class and she's going to be fucking with us tomorrow… somehow."

"Mou… why's she gotta be like that…" Izuku whined quietly, wiggling slightly in Ochako's arms as he adjusted his position, curling up slightly so that he wouldn't touch Ochako on accident- though, then again, One For All provided her with so much energy from its internal stockpile that she was about the safest person to touch- especially with Blackwhip keeping a barrier between their skin. "I love 'er, but… she likes fuckin' with us waaaay too much sometimes…"

"It's cute, but… in this case, slightly terrifying. I hope we don't have to do anything insane on the first day…"

"Mmm… yeah… an' if she does try sumn', I could just call'er sugar …"

"That does always shut her down… yeah, do it."

"Okay!"My first impression of you all is… wasted time and frivolities," the man at the podium stated dryly as he sipped at his thermos of coffee, a distinctly sleep deprived aura emanating from his general personage as he glared at everyone in the A-Track class, as if he was generally pissed that they were alive. "My name is Aizawa Shouta, I'm your primary heroics teacher and assistant instructor for this semester. My TA here is Toga Himiko. Since I hate introducing myself, I'll let the slideshow handle it. Read the syllabus that Toga is handing out, have it signed and returned to me by the end of the week either physically or by email. Don't go anywhere after the slideshow, we have a preliminary test for your baseline stats afterwards. Bring your gym clothes."

Izuku stared at the man who was apparently supposed to be their teacher, a little incredulous at just how casual and dismissive he seemed to be- hell, instead of actually introducing himself, he just let the pre recorded track on the slideshow play while it went through the slides automatically, all while sliding into a sleeping bag and and starting to nap behind the podium.

What the fuck.

Still, at least the slideshow was useful , if not… a little haphazard. There was mostly just text information about the man's name and experience, his various degrees and a few hobbies, and also a picture of his cat.

Scratch that, the vast majority of the entire slideshow was just pictures of his cat accompanied by the most monotone gushing one could think of.

This was Eraserhead, the underground Musutafu hero that he'd spent ages trying to emulate due to his subtle, melee ranged quirk? Honestly, he… wasn't entirely surprised. It wasn't like underground heroes were especially good at having healthy sleep schedules given all of their night shift patrols- Izuku had seen a few back in Nabari and… well. Eraserhead was about normal.

Ochako sighed beside him, the two of them sitting together at one of the tables up front as they watched most of the class more or less just goof off- sure, there were a few people noting down the important information listed on Aizawa-sensei's slideshow, but after it passed into the cat picture section, there wasn't really a lot else to be done. Even if said cat picture section was quite cute and also occasionally had some nuggets of useful petcare tips.

Meanwhile, Himiko stared at the two of them as she sat on the table next to the professor's podium, swinging her legs in a carefree manner and giggling quietly as she moved her hands in the familiar motions of JSL, silently starting a conversation with Ochako and Izuku without the rest of the class being any wiser (Mostly. Except for Koda).

'Heeeeeey! Occhan! Izukkun! Sorry I didn't text, I was suuuuuper busy making sure Aizawa's slideshow was actually presentable and wasn't just an hour of useless bullshit.'

Himiko signed in a rather carefree way, spelling out Ochako and Izuku's sign names with the signs for pink and space for Ochako and bunny and cute for Izuku, while also finger spelling Aizawa's name out first before repeating it with the signs for panther and sleep , along with a sign for coffee next to her heart.

Surprisingly apt name, that one.

Izuku huffed, rolling his eyes slightly as he started responding to Himiko, the studs on his gloves and bracelets jangling quietly as he gave her an answering smile- one that was much less feral than Himiko's, but was no less warm for it.

'It's good to see you again Himichan! We thought you were busy! What kind of test are we doing later?'

Izuku hummed, signing Himiko's name with blood and cute over his heart, winking at her afterwards with a sort of teasing look that made her face flame up in a hearty blush- ah, Himichan, never change.

'Not telling~! It's a secret! But you should get some of Occhan's juice before we do it! You're gonna need the power!'

Himiko responded, still blushing, with a foxy grin and a half giggle as the slideshow started winding down, winking at Ochako and Izuku as she stood up and clapped twice to get everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone, you heard the man's slideshow! There's a locker room to the left and around the corner- just follow the green stripe and keep an eye out for the signs! If you have any questions about that riveting slideshow that just wasted a cool ten minutes, send me an email! I hope you were paying attention, cuz my info was on there too!" she called out, directing everyone to follow the green stripes on the walls and vaguely waving her arms in a 'get going' kind of motion as everyone started standing up and leaving the room. "Also, if you don't have your gym clothes on standby right now, the locker rooms have clothes you can borrow! Just make sure to use the locker that matches your course number! For example, A-track gets the lockers marked with a big red A and the last two digits of your student ID- and since you're freshies, you get the ones marked 1-A. Got it? Good! Let's get moving! Meet at Field Epsilon for the next bit and try and get there within the next fifteen minutes! If you need directions, the campus map is on the UA app!"

What followed was a subdued burst of chaos as everyone started moving largely at once, though Ochako and Izuku waited just a bit so that the rest of the A-track students could file out first and not cause a blockage at the doors. Fortunately, they'd actually read the emails sent out the night before, and thus had actually shown up with their own gym clothes and duffel bags- Ochako's a bright pastel pink with dark green stripes that were almost black, and Izuku with a pitch black bag with a beautiful pink galaxy pattern on the flat ends.

"I'll see you in a bit?" Ochako murmured, leaning down and planting a gentle kiss atop Izuku's head- making sure to press it to his hoodie for safety, even if she could largely negate it with Blackwhip.

"Mhmm! Wonder what kinna test we're gonna be doin'…" Izuku answered back, smiling and nuzzling against Ochako for a moment before pulling back and waving at Himiko… who was apparently starting to pester Aizawa-sensei to actually get up and do his job properly. "Prob'ly some kinna baseline fitness test, y'think?"

"Sure seems like it… wouldn't ask for gym clothes if they weren't," Ochako shrugged then simply stood and headed out the door once it was clear. "C'mon Izukkun, we're not gonna find out just sitting around!"

"Mm! Let's go!"A Quirk Apprehension Test. A full benchmark test of everyone's physical abilities both with and without their quirks- once upon a time, Aizawa had explained, he would have expelled the lowest overall scorer because he was grading them less on actual physical ability and more on their ability to creatively apply their quirks, surroundings, and resources.

He'd also said that normally he wouldn't have even bothered explaining that last part, but since UA was a college now and not a highschool, he was beholden to different standards and figured that anyone who managed to get in despite UA's now even stricter hero track standards probably deserved at least a little bit more of an explanation for their troubles.

Or… something.

Either way, Izuku was having a lot of fun, despite the scary man having said to give it their all or face serious consequences like extra remedial work or public shaming (by way of Himichan taping a large paper 'DUNCE' hat onto their head for the rest of the day).

But beyond that, everyone's quirks were so, so, so cool! There was Shishida's Beast quirk, which gave him enhanced speed, strength, durability, and senses, and also Kaminari's Electrification, which he could use to augment his own muscles in a way that looked almost exactly like the green lightning Izuku manifested when he used Ochako's One For All, but in bright yellow instead of emerald green.

There was Hagakure's Invisibility, which she used extremely well during the hide and seek portion of the tests (Izuku had zapped a little off of her with her permission and used the subsequent burst of memories to figure out how to do Hagakure's amazing trick of refracting light to hide her clothes too), and Ashido's Acid, which Izuku so wanted to test out to see just how much she could do with it- maybe she could help him with chemistry? Iida's Engine was super duper cool too, and zapping a few minutes off of the glasses-wearing man was… well, it was honestly exhilarating just to feel them grow in! Sure, he couldn't actually use them since he hadn't drank any orange juice, but just feeling the way they moved and knowing instinctively how they meshed with the organic portions of his legs was… wow . And then- and then! Kirishima and Tetsutetsu's Hardening and Steel quirks! They were so similar and yet so different at the same time! They were both at nearly the same level of hardness and durability, but Hardening allowed for Kirishima to use his Unbreakable form during the timed (quirk use allowed) sparring matches everyone had done against Aizawa-sensei and Himichan (when did she have time to get so good with a knife???? She'd never expressed an interest in them when they took self defense classes together…) while Steel let Tetsutetsu turn into different alloys of steel for all kinds of different situations!

And all of them were super nice about Izuku using Life Drain on them! Well, mostly. A few of them were a little leery of it even if he only took just a tiny bit so he could complete some of the tests, but that was okay! He had Ochako's One For All to fall back on, even if he preferred to keep the overwhelming swell of stardust and warmth inside him for as long as possible instead of letting it all go just using it to power himself up.

He'd had to do it anyway, though, but for the most part he had hung on to the vast majority of the power that Ochako had gifted him, and saved it up for the final test, which was….

Throwing a ball.


Honestly, most of the class had pretty regular scores as they went up one by one, though some had some pretty standout scores when compared to their quirkless throws- Ashido had used her acid in a pressurized jet stream to launch her ball about a hundred and fifty meters, Yaoyorozu had gotten a score of a few kilometers with a cannon, Todoroki had made a giant glacier that flung the ball almost a half kilometer, Iida and Asui had kicked their balls pretty far too, and Kendo had done much the same except with a giant slap, Tokoyami had used his Dark Shadow to stretch out of the circle and then throw another couple hundred meters, and Bakugou had gotten just a hair over seven hundred with an explosive pitch.

And then- Izuku's pitch.

His normal, quirkless pitching score was honestly kind of pathetic, compared to some of the more muscular and well built people in class- only a paltry seventy meters despite his excellent angle and… somewhat unorthodox pitching method of pivoting around his hip to utilize a bit more centripetal force than a standard throw.

With all of the rest of Ochako's One For All sparkling and sparking inside of him, though…


"HOLY SHIT!" "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT SHOCKWAVE!?" "What an intense wind!" "My fucking ears!"

A supersonic projectile had quickly and swiftly disappeared into the sky, leaving Izuku with a slightly throbbing arm, some rather artfully and yet embarrassingly torn gym clothes… and a final score of over four kilometers.


And then Occhan casually just flicked a zero gravity ball out of the earth's atmosphere and into orbit for an effective score of infinity, so… that was that.

He wasn't jealous though- it was just more confirmation that Ochako was absolutely amazing and so cool and even without One For All her quirk would have been so, so useful for all kinds of heroics!

Izuku grinned, covering himself about as best as he could with Ochako's track jacket as class wound down, trying to make sure as little skin was showing as possible- which… was a bit of a lost cause, seeing as his yoga pants were kind of shredded and his breathable long sleeved workout shirt was almost entirely obliterated by that baseball throw, but… eh. As long as no one walked too close, it should be fine.

And that was when a strange, unwelcome presence became known to both Izuku and Ochako as they hung near the back of the crowd as they walked back to the locker rooms to get changed for their next series of lectures- a short, purple haired boy coming up from behind and speaking in an utterly disgusting lecherous tone of voice.

"Oi oi, Midoriya, are you sure you're a guy?" the purple haired boy exclaimed, visibly drooling as he eyed the tears in Izuku's pants, not at all subtle about how he was staring. "You look and sound like a girl, but you were changin' in the guy's locker room! Hey, hey, you're really cute though, mind letting me get a feel- I bet it's just like the real thing!"

Before either Izuku or Ochako could react, a loud smack echoed across the grounds of the open air gym, drawing a surprised yelp from Izuku… and then moments later, an agonized scream from Mineta as his energy was very quickly and forcefully drained away by the skin contact. Though, most of that scream was actually from Ochako reacting on instinct and punting the little bastard with enough force that he skipped away like a stone on a lake before his grubby hand had even touched Izuku for more than a fraction of a second.

Izuku shuddered , pulling a disgusted face and rubbing his rear where the tiny purple pervert had touched him. "W-what… in the fuck…?"

"Disgusting little creep!" Ochako hissed out, instantly grabbing Izuku into her arms, a protective glare settling over her expression as she held onto her boyfriend and scooped him into a princess carry. "I can't believe he touched you like that!"

"I-I can't either, Occhan… ugh… t-that was… so much worse n' anythin' back home…" Izuku muttered, trembling in Ochako's arms and trying not to think about Mineta more than he had to- at least he could see the little fucker getting dragged off by Aizawa and Himichan. "I mean really, on th' first day?"

"Yeah… what a fucking weirdo- hope he gets kicked out…" Ochako sighed, shaking her head before noticing Izuku's hair forming into interesting green and white orbs… and also his hands unconsciously groping her boobs. "... Izukkun?"


"... Are you feeling weirdly horny right now?"

"... Yeah, actually. I- oh… oh my …. I- nnf… Occhan, c-can we?"

"Next lecture isn't for an hour…"


"Well, if you're asking so politely~"


The second day of class, after their first day of just normal syllabus overviews and assorted powerpoints about their professors, was startlingly normal for a college experience… or so Ochako assumed.

There were beginning lectures on an assortment of topics ranging from calculus to English literature, with heroics being integrated smoothly into every single class in ways that were honestly quite inventive instead of just being hamfisted and awful.

For example, Snipe had started off his physics lecture by setting up a rope swing in the lecture hall and letting people swing around on it to demonstrate the motion of a pendulum, which was super awesome.

Power Loader had started his chemistry lecture by setting the demonstration counter on fire and then went on a long tirade about how lab safety was super, duper important and he already had one student this year who'd already blown up her assigned research section and he didn't need any more dumbasses blowing shit up in the middle of class, you got it!?

Needless to say, after the completion of Majima-sensei's year-start safety quiz, a lot of people had ended up needing the thick, protective sleeve gloves that UA provided to students with chemically volatile quirks. Kaminari, of course, because accidentally electrocuting someone while trying to work with liquid solutions was a bad idea. Ashido, because she sometimes secreted acid when she was stressed and that was just… such an unsafe thing when near other volatile chemicals. Bakugou because he exploded and he did not need to put explosive sweat within a meter of a bunsen burner if he valued the continued existence of the A-Track primary lecture hall. Interestingly enough, Asui ("Tsu, kero!") had to wear the gloves too, due to her natural mucous production being deemed just enough of a hazard that it was worth wearing the gloves just in case.

Izuku also had to wear gloves, but that was, well.

He still had his drain touch.

Still! Classes were fun, but were strangely intense for just the first real day! Honestly, by the time lunch rolled around, Ochako was already kinda spent- it was like high school but even worse! At least in high school they didn't start the semester with already hard stuff and assign a bunch of homework already! Sure, most of their weeks would be focused on heroics training (both practical and theoretical) and their actual academics would only be mondays and tuesdays, but gosh those two days sounded like absolute hell! Especially when their assignments were always due on those days!

"I can't fucking believe we already have an essay due next week! I mean, it's only a page long and it's about what kinda hero we wanna be but come on! The first week's supposed to be easy isn't it?" Ochako groaned, collapsing down next to Izuku as they settled into the cafeteria, a truly ungodly amount of food piled onto Ochako's tray, while Izuku had a much more dainty, small meal. Also at the table were Ashido and Asui ("Tsu, kero!"), as well as their RA, Hado… who was sitting there despite the fact that she was a junior while they were all freshmen.

"S'not that bad, Occhan," Izuku sighed, patting his girlfriend's shoulder as she pulled out her work laptop (which UA had generously provided free of charge) and started tapping away while she ate, shoveling onigiri down her gullet at a rate that was only surpassed by Yaoyorozu a few tables over. "S'just how UA is, y'know? Plus Ultra! Right?"

"Yeah, Plus Ultra!" Hado cheered, throwing her hands into the air for emphasis, joined by Ashido's slightly less enthusiastic cheer- thank goodness for that, because Ashido was holding onto a cup of french fries and if she'd thrown both her hands in the air like that they'd probably be all over the place by now. "Ne ne! Midori! Can I ask you a question? How come your accent is like that? And how come you can't turn off your quirk? Is it because you have a psychological block or something? Ne ne, and also do you really call people sugar? That's so cute! Oh- oh! We should come up with a cute nickname for you too! Like um… I know! Your hair looks kinda like a bush, so what about a plant nickname? Ah, what's a plant with green and white in it?"

There was a stunned silence as Hado rambled on, the sheer force of her personality seemingly pushing everyone at the table into their seats and forcing them back as the onomatopoeia for chattering filled the air like a visible cloud.

Or, rather… it was a visible cloud. A sparkly purple cloud, being breathed out by a very pretty girl standing off to the side, and who also had Himichan draped over her shoulders with one hand very visibly stuffed into the pocket of the other blonde's skirt and moving in… somewhat obscene ways.

Ochako blinked.

".... Oh hey Himichan! Who's this?" Ochako asked, ignoring Hado and leaving Izuku to his unfortunate fate of trying to match his usual muttering speed with the peppy blue haired senpai, turning her full attention to the ongoing display of PDA that Himiko was doing with the as of yet unnamed blonde.

"Heeey~ This is Camie~! She's a transfer from Shiketsu! Apparently she was like, totally harshed out by their vibe cuz they don't let students date still! Even though it's a college campus now!" Himiko introduced her fellow blonde, who blushed and waved before clearing her throat and doing her best to actually introduce herself even while Himiko literally had a hand in her skirt and was doing lewd things to her while they stood there.

"H-heyo! I'm Utsushimi Camie! You can just call me Camie, tho! It's all cool- totally lit! But yeah I'm like, super stoked to be here- it's way nicer than Shiketsu! Like, UA's got color n' shit everywhere and Shiketsu's totally just a fuckin military bootcamp and it's uggo , fam!" Camie huffed, temporarily overriding her horny by way of ranting about her previous school, while Ashido slowly became more and more excited by the way Camie spoke until she jumped out of her seat with a loud cry of-

"Faaam! OMG you're the first person here who uses the same slang I do! We're the same forreal forreal! I'm Ashido Mina! Call me Mina please! Were you the one who made that cool cloud thing? What was that, it was hella dope!" she grinned, pushing herself out of her seat and bouncing over to Camie with her hand extended, to which the blonde girl shook it and the two of them immediately began babbling in terms that went way over Ochako's head- though, she could hear something about k-pop and idol groups and Akihabara every thirtieth word or so?

"So… tough second day, huh?" Himiko asked idly as she slipped into the seat that was vacated by Ashido, staring at where both Hado and Izuku had… somehow gotten each other drawn into an unintelligible mumble storm about plant types of all things? Weird. "UA'll getcha like that, y'know? Super rough, but it gets easier… eh. Once you get used to the scheduling."

"... Are you sure? It feels like it's only gonna get worse," Ochako muttered, side-eyeing Hado for a moment before focusing on Himiko, sighing as she tried to pull together a work schedule for their classes- usually she just left it to Izuku because he was so, so good at organizing things, but she really wanted to learn to do it on her own so she wouldn't be leaning on her boyfriend for so much stuff. "I mean, I'm looking forward to it all, and y'know, Plus Ultra, but… whoof… if this keeps up, there's not gonna be a lotta time for anything else…"

"Yeaaaaah, it's fine honestly, just keep yourself organized, self study, do your research, and also keep a line open to the other courses- trust me, it's super important," Himiko shrugged, patting Ochako's shoulder and grinning wryly. "Management and business'll save your ass if you need help scheduling your study periods so you get to actually sleep more than four hours a night."

"Uh huh… right…" Ochako muttered, opening her mouth to ask Himiko about how she'd get said contacts… right before Hado pulled back with a triumphant cry and started floating in the air with her quirk as she held up Izuku by his slightly limp and shell-shocked frame.

"I got it! I'll call you Snow Pea! Cuz you're green like a plant! And white like snow! I'm a genius!"

"... uh huh…."

Ochako stared, a tiny glint of protective jealousy entering her eyes as Izuku slipped out of Hado's grasp- only fading when Izuku immediately flopped into Ochako's lap and buried his face into her thighs.

Himiko sighed, palming her face as Hado went to go take a lap around the cafeteria to proclaim her greatness. "And before you ask- yes, Hado is always like that. Trust me, I've been here long enough to find out the hard way. She's mostly harmless but… yeah."

Ochako nodded slowly. "... uh…huh."

And that was that, apparently. Alright, welcome to your first combat class," Aizawa deadpanned as he stood before the entirety of the A-Track as they stood in the padded gymnasium, hands in his pockets and glaring out at the assembled nineteen students. Himiko was once again at his side holding a clipboard and idly checking off several items on the sheet of paper there- not that anyone could see what she was writing, but presumably it was important. "The format of today's class is one on one quirkless spars. We're going to get used to actually hitting a person today, so you won't end up freezing or dying in the field later on if you end up holding back too much against a villain."

He paused, commanding everyone's attention as he shook his head and lightly kicked the box at his feet- a large crate that had what looked like a bunch of various pads inside, including full torso padding and thick helmets for sparring. There was a box of plastic wrapped mouth guards sitting on top, which was… slightly terrifying in its implications. "Don't worry if you've never thrown a serious punch before, it's a beginner class so I can get a better idea of your capabilities against a more equal opponent from the gym's camera footage later. Rules are simple- full contact, but don't go in with intention to actually permanently harm someone. Only strike on the pads, and if the person you're sparring against says stop- you stop. If by some miracle you manage to knock out your opponent, you stop and call me over. We have healing staff on hand in the other office, but I'd rather we not come to rely on them."

Once again, Aizawa paused to look out over the array of students, glaring slightly as they shuffled in place and looked awkwardly at each other. After a moment, he continued speaking, motioning to the various sparring circles painted onto the mats in the gym. "Any questions? No? Good. Pick a partner you think you can handle, put on your pads, and get in the rings. Fighting starts the moment I blow my whistle, and ends the same way. Midoriya, you stay back."

"Wh- why me!?" Izuku blurted out, furrowing his brow as the dark haired professor singled him out with a tired gaze, only for Aizawa to simply raise an unimpressed eyebrow and take a long drag from the thermos that Himiko suddenly handed him. "I'm not a delicate flower, sir! I know how to fight!"

"I'm more than aware, Midoriya, but I'm not risking a quirk accident even if you've covered yourself entirely," Aizawa sighed, rolling his eyes and motioning for the rest of the class to move on while he spoke to Izuku. "You're sparring with me, instead. I'm the only one here who can cancel out your quirk, and I know you can still drain Kirishima and Tetsutetsu even if they're armored up."

"... Yes sir…" Izuku sighed, while Ochako patted him on the back and gave him a commiserating smile- she didn't like it either, but… Aizawa was kinda right. If the worst came to happen and Izuku's exercise clothes ripped… or if someone's bare skin brushed against his- which was more than likely considering how many of the class wore workout clothes that showed just way too much skin for Izuku to even want to stand near them- then there could be a disaster. Even a brush against his skin was sometimes enough to knock a person out if they had a weak quirk, and while so far just the little taps he'd given his classmates the other day hadn't proven too bad… if there was prolonged contact, or if someone fell on Izuku and their bare skin touched the few areas that Izuku left uncovered… bad things would happen.

Things that wouldn't happen against Aizawa, both because he was a far better opponent who wouldn't get caught up as easily in Izuku's spidermonkey style grapples and submission holds, and because he could use his quirk to stop Izuku's if the worst came to pass.


Izuku sighed as he rolled his neck, stepping into the last ring with Aizawa once they'd finished putting on their appropriate pads, looking out across the gym to the others who'd paired off… and Himiko, who had turned into Aizawa . Because of course she would do that.

Idly, Izuku wondered if Himiko could actually use their professor's quirk. She could use the quirks of the few people she'd drank blood from back when they were in Nabari, but an erasure quirk was something they'd never been able to test before.

The whistle blew, then, distracting Izuku from his thoughts and making him instantly dodge Aizawa's experimental jab on instinct and roll to the side with a quick, smooth motion that instantly turned into a spring up as he leapt at Aizawa and attempted to grapple him from behind- only for the older man to slip out of the way and redirect his grasping hand away, forcing Izuku to overextend and stumble.

Not one to give up so quickly, Izuku turned his stumble into a duck and spin, passing under Aizawa's retaliatory backfist and sweeping the man's leg and going for the grapple- though Aizawa jumped over his outstretched leg and hopped to the side, prompting Izuku to kip up and throw himself into a complicated spin meant to confuse his opponent while he pushed off the ground with a handspring and- shit!

Izuku yelped as Aizawa seemed to move like liquid, dodging his impromptu kick in favor of simply grabbing him by the front of his pads and tossing him to the ground and almost stomping down on Izuku's chest if not for his quick thinking, rolling out of the way and contorting his body in a way that actually let him spring up and wrap his legs around Aizawa's middle and lift him up, his own natural muscle letting him flip Aizawa over while letting go halfway through the impromptu throw so he could grab the man's leg and-


"Almost had me," Aizawa grunted, springing back to his feet with a limberness that he definitely did not look like he should have had, rolling his neck and snorting as he took up a guard position once again. "You're good- a couple different grappling styles in there I see."

"Mm! I figured since my touch is already dangerous enough as it is, I don't usually have to work on striking power!" Izuku nodded, grinning brightly as he rubbed his chest and settled back to his feet- Aizawa's kick hadn't really hurt thanks to the pads, but it was still a little bit of a shock to get kicked away so quickly. "So I trained grappling skills and takedowns instead!"

"Mm. I'll set you up with a grappling instructor later if you wanna keep going with that," Aizawa nodded, relaxing for a moment before straightening up and watching Himiko guide some of the other pairs through their spars- Bakugou apparently was having a hell of a time not massively telegraphing his moves with huge sweeps and open palm strikes when he'd have been better served with regular punches (probably because of his quirk), while Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were both told to meet up with one of their on-campus boxing instructors so they wouldn't just be having an utterly inane slugfest.

Ochako, meanwhile, had apparently knocked out Shouji with an elbow to the face on accident and, from what Aizawa could observe, was explaining to Himiko that she had some fairly intense training in Muay Thai and MMA and… well. Shouji didn't.

Poor guy. At least he wasn't too injured. He'd definitely need a couple minutes to recover from getting cracked across the face by a high speed elbow though. Maybe some ice.

Aizawa sighed, motioning for Izuku to take his place again. If nothing else, he'd try and drill some better habits into his students before they had to deal with All Might's class on Friday.

Hopefully, the blond oaf wouldn't fuck them up too bad.

This is 1-10 illl post the rest later