
Uraraka Ochako is rescued from her tortured life as a sex slave and brought to Bakugo Katsuki's pack for protection. She is unlike any omega, Katsuki has ever encountered. And he isn't sure if it's because she is believed to be a pure blooded omega or because of her former life. One thing is certain though, his inner Alpha desires to be close to her.


Hello everyone,

This is my very first attempt at writing an A/B/O fic and it is definitely for fun and experimental for me. I apologize if it doesn't fit with he standard or norm of these nature of works, but I just went with what felt right to me. Your time and support is very much appreciated and I sincerely hope you will enjoy this fic as much as I have been enjoying writing it.


Chapter 1: little wolf.

Chapter Text

little wolf.

A thin veil of clouds shrouded the moon. Gnarly, twisted branches of the elms and oaks tore through the twilight. The wheels of the wagon crunched over the forest trail. Ochako lay in the cage, weakened and drugged.

"We're almost there," Touya said. The crackle in his voice reminded her of a dying fire. His skin marred with burns and scorch marks stretched from his wrists to his upper arms and even along his neck and face. Despite his frightening appearance, he had saved her from the hell she had to endure for nearly half her life.

For the last fourteen years since she was thirteen, Ochako Uraraka had been imprisoned in a brothel called: The Menagerie.

Her parents were indebted to a vile man. He came for his payment, and when they didn't have it, he stole Ochako away. She never saw her family again. He banished them from their city and took everything they owned.

From that day until the present moment, Ochako had been nothing more than a toy for the wicked.

The wagon halted. Gravel crunched.

"Touya," an unfamiliar yet soothing voice came.

Ochako peered through the tattered sheet over her cage. The sound of clinking chain links, causing her to stiffen.

"Little brother," Touya greeted. The wagon creaked as he climbed down. The two shook hands and bowed to one another. "I found someone who needs the help of your pack."

"You've been gone for almost two years and show up out of the blue needing a favor."

"I've been working on something," Touya said as he jumped into the back of the wagon. "Besides, I'm no Alpha. I have no reason to stick around."

"Right," the other said curtly. "Well, tell me why you asked me to meet you here."

"Shouto," Touya pulled the sheet from the cage, revealing a chained and muzzled Ochako, "I present to you a pure blooded omega."

She could hardly move due to the ache of her muscles with each movement.

Touya crouched down beside the cage, his cerulean eyes gleamed in the moonlight. "She's heavily drugged. Her name is Ochako."

Shouto's eyes widened as he looked upon her weakened figure. The wolf that lay before him was nothing more than a beaten dog, a shell of what she could and should have been. Shouto took in a deep breath, his lips a thin white slash across his face. He ran his fingers through his two-toned hair of fiery red and snowy white.

Ochako whined as she attempted to lift her head. Everything felt so heavy. Crushing.

Shouto frowned. "Where did you find her?"

"She's from The Menagerie."

Shouto's eyes narrowed. "Are you insane? You brought her from The Menagerie!"

Touya snorted and stood tall, glaring down at Shouto. "Did you forget what they did to Fuyumi?"

Shouto opened his mouth before immediately closing it. "Fuck."

"I covered my tracks and was careful. I wasn't followed and they won't come looking for her. That being said, she damn well won't survive on her own. So I'm asking you to take her."

Shouto licked his lips. "You should ask Bakugo yourself."

"He isn't my Alpha."

"You chose to leave the pack," Shouto said as he turned his back on Touya.

"I chose to live as a lone wolf. I still stand by that choice, but this isn't about me, you, and the pack I walked away from. This is about her." Touya jumped down from the wagon. "She's a pure blooded omega."

Shouto turned back to Touya and crossed his arms. "And what if Bakugo turns her away?"

"He won't."

"You don't know that."

"Then why don't you ask him?"


"I smell him. He's down wind and masking his scent, but I know he followed you. Call him."

Shouto groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "What did you expect?"

"This is going about how I thought it would. Now call your Alpha."

"Fine." Shouto took a deep breath and closed his eyes. In a matter of seconds, his body shifted from his lithe human form to that of a white wolf with a single red patch over his left eye and ear.

Despite being damn near unconscious, Ochako could sense the presence of a true alpha. The two before her were similar, but something was off.

In fact, in all her years of being among wolves and humans and all the other species, none had ever given her such pause and curiosity. Even being heavily drugged, she just knew of his command. The urge to bow down, the urge to please him, the urge to feel him had her burning inside.

A warm, beautiful howl filled the air around her. She whined as her bones and muscles ached when she tried to sit up. Her legs gave out, and she collapsed.

Her tail curled under her belly when the one called Shouto stopped his howl. That feeling. That urge had gone from a simmer within her to a storm of fiery chaos.

"Easy, Little Wolf," Touya said to her, reaching his hand through the bars. He laid his hand upon her russet fur. With each stroke, her body melted into a puddle of pleasure. "You're about to feel a real pack's dynamic. Don't let yourself lose control."

Ochako wanted to listen. Wanted to follow his instructions, but the closer the Alpha came, the more she wanted to run. She wanted him to chase her and force her to submit to him.

Shouto remained in his wolf form and came toward the wagon. "Have you been in the presence of a true Alpha?"

She stared, unblinking.

"Of course not, true Alphas would never go to The Menagerie. Even though they alone could stop it." Touya shook his head.

A low, menacing growl sounded from the shadows ahead of them. Ochako's ears perked as she craned her neck toward the sound. A massive wolf stepped into the moonlight, fur a rich gold with eyes the color of fire. She had never encountered a wolf of such stature. He was regal, powerful. As he stepped into the clearing, his muscles rippled, and his fangs glinted. He snarled, ears pinned flat against his head.

Touya narrowed his eyes. "Bakugo Katsuki. Well, you've certainly grown."

Shouto sat down and bowed his head as the golden wolf came forth.

"What problems have you brought to my pack?" Bakugo growled.

"She's a pure blooded omega. I rescued her from The Menagerie. I'm asking you to take her in." Touya gestured to her cage. "Without a pack, she'll never survive."

Bakugo sat back on his haunches and snorted. "Why did you save her? Pure blooded or not, what possessed you to rescue her?"

Touya shrugged. "I just did."


"What? You think I didn't just do this out of the kindness of my heart?"

Bakugo shook his head. "If you want me to take her into my pack and put all of their lives at risk, tell me the real reason you took her. You know damn well those crazy bastards will look for her and whoever aids her. So tell me the fucking truth."

"Is that a command?"

Bakugo rose to his feet, fangs barred and hackles raised. "Answer the damn question, Deserter!"

Shouto whined, laying flat on his belly. "Come on, Touya, just answer him."

"You may be an Alpha, but you are not mine!" Touya shifted, his midnight fur gleamed in the moonlight.

Ochako's gut swirled with fear that Touya and Bakugo would get into a fight. She'd witnessed betas fight over the breeders at The Menagerie. The majority of the fights turned out bloody and gruesome. She hated it. And she certainly didn't want to see Touya get hurt because of her.

She mustered every ounce of strength she had within her and shakily rose to her feet. "Please. Don't fight each other."

All three wolves fell silent, their gazes locked on Ochako as she stood on shaky legs. Touya was the first to look away from her. He huffed and shifted back into his human form. The other two remained where they were, eyes still fixed on Ochako.

Touya rolled his shoulders and then approached her cage. He unhooked the latch, opened the gate, and nodded for her to come out. "Come on, Little Wolf."

She staggered forward. Every movement was heavy and taxing on her muscles. She whined as she stepped out of the cage and stood at the end of the wagon.

Touya reached for the muzzle, pulled it from her face, and let it fall to the ground. He gently stroked her cheeks with his thumbs before pressing his head against hers. "You'll be safe here."

"I didn't say I would accept her into the pack," Bakugo cut in, voice cold.

"Then why did you listen to her?" Touya mused as he turned to Bakugo. He snickered and made his way to the driver's seat. "She's a pure blooded omega, Bakugo Katsuki. She has the potential to become a matriarch. And that is exactly what our kind needs right now."

Ochako jumped down from the wagon. She willed herself to stay upright, but her hind legs gave out on her. Her front legs slid forward as if she were on ice until she was lying down.

Shouto started to approach, but Bakugo gave him a sideways glance and low growl. He backed down and looked to Touya, who hadn't even looked back over his shoulder.

"If anyone from The Menagerie comes looking for her, I will not save her," Bakugo said firmly.

"Are you saying that for me? Or you?" Touya inquired with a chuckle as he lifted the reins. "They won't come for her or the pack. I'll make sure of it."

The wagon creaked away, heading down the rocky trail and into the shadows of the forest. Ochako wondered if she would see Touya again. More importantly, though, she prayed he would be okay.

"What do you wanna do, Bakugo?" Shouto asked, still in his wolf form.

Ochako lay on her side. The drugs in her system had her feeling like wet noodles. She desperately wanted to shake the grogginess and the numbness, but it was futile. The only way out of this haze was to go through it.

The golden wolf approached, towering over her frame. She had never seen a beast so massive. It was impressive. Despite his size and his coldness toward her, she had no sense of fear. She had a gut feeling that he acted tough but was a big softie. A teddy bear rather than a fearsome and powerful wolf.

He let out a huff of air. "Return to your human form."

A tingling ran through her body. Something of a gentle rain washing over her. Nothing like the times she'd be forced to shift by the assholes in The Menagerie. Perhaps he hadn't made it a true command. Or maybe the drugs had her that fucked up.

"Change back," Bakugo stated again. "If you can't, then I'll leave you here."

"Bakugo, she's drugged." Shouto stood and joined him.

"I know," he replied with a low growl, eyes locked on Ochako. "Regardless, she needs to be in her human form."

Shouto gave a small whine and made a move to approach her, but Bakugo snapped at him. He pinned his ears back before taking a step back.

"Don't comfort her," Bakugo ordered. "She must prove her will to survive."

Shouto nodded and then turned away. He shifted back into his human form as if it were as easy as breathing. Ochako envied him. Her transformations were never easy or simple. The pain it brought to her had her stomach in knots.

"Have you ever shifted willingly?" Bakugo asked.

Ochako couldn't ever remember doing so. Not even once. It had always been the drugs that forced her shifts. The Menagerie dictated when, how, and why for every single one.

The worst was when they had her shift only halfway. When she was half human and half wolf. They had customers who wanted to experience both forms at once–a hybrid form. She would be drugged, tied up, and muzzled while the customers would do what they wanted to her.


A fire ignited in the pit of Ochako's gut. Whether he had used a command or not, she couldn't be sure. The drugs always had her lost in what she wanted to do and what she had to do.

"I will not command you," Bakugo said, his hot breath kissed against her face. "You must overcome the effects of the drugs."

Ochako lifted her head toward his. Their muzzles almost touched. His golden fur glinted in the moonlight as it poured upon them. She licked her lips and willed herself to sit up. Bakugo remained still as a statue, eyes focused, heat radiating from his very core. She wanted to nestle within it. She wanted to feel the rumble of his body when he growled.

"Prove yourself, Omega."

Ochako swallowed the lump in her throat. She had to do it. She had to prove to him that she was strong. In reality, though, she also had to prove it to herself. Ignoring the weakness in her legs, the ache in her head, and the knots in her gut, Ochako forced herself to rise.

Bakugo remained in place, his crimson eyes boring into her brown ones.

She closed her eyes and demanded every muscle and fiber of her being to shift back to her human form. A dull pain waved throughout her body, but it grew stronger with each breath she took. Fire swelled at her joints as the shift began. The drugs within her tried to keep her from changing. She had the urge to vomit, but she wouldn't dare. Not in front of an alpha.

Then the pain settled, and the bubbling in her gut eased. A cool breeze tickled her skin, and the damp earth clung to her knees and palms as she collapsed to the ground. Her brunette locks cascaded over her milky shoulders and hid her bare, supple breasts. A shaky breath escaped from her lips. Whatever strength she had left faded as she collapsed onto her side.

"Go and tell Momo we have a new omega." Bakugo looked at Shouo. "She can stay in the temple for the first few nights until she regains her strength."

"Understood," Shouto said with a bow of his head, then darted off into the forest.

Bakugo shifted into his human form. It appeared to be so effortless and natural for him, like getting dressed. He was too damn handsome. If Ochako had any sense at all, she'd be blushing like mad as he stared down at her naked figure. His eyes traced every inch of her. Unlike the men and women who'd stared and touched her before, there was something different about Bakugo. He didn't gaze upon her with an insatiable hunger, but rather with a curious and soft look.

"How many times did they violate you?" He inquired as he knelt in front of her, peeling off his black jacket.

Ochako closed her eyes. Too many times. So many she had lost count. Since she was seventeen, they had forced themselves into her. Sucked her breasts, groped her ass, bit her, slapped her, and licked her. And not just wolves, but other species, too, including humans. All of them paid to have their way with her for a night, and in the morning, they'd leave her laying in a heap on the floor. Naked. Cold.

Warmth enveloped her and the scent of caramel with a hint of cinnamon and chocolate filled her nose. She melted into it.

"Sleep," he said in a gruff voice as he scooped her into his strong arms.

She snuggled close to his chest, breathing in his delicious alpha scent and bathed in his warmth. Was this happiness? It was so unfamiliar, but she never wanted to let it go.