Groomed deku

Izuku loved his mama. She was so soft and warm and smelled like vanilla. The other boys in Izuku's kindergarten class bragged about being big boys who were too cool to be with their mommies. But, Izuku didn't understand. His mama was amazing! She always smiled and cooed to him, never failing to make him giggle. He followed her everywhere she went and cried when they were separated. He would grab her squishy curves and whine, and she would almost always go "my sweet boy" and lift him up and cradle his head into her breasts until his tears dried.

Inko loved her baby just as much and relished how much he needed her. So, while other parents were sighing in relief at their children being old enough to sleep in a separate bed, Inko held her breath each night hoping that it wouldn't be the last time Izuku curled into her side. The sweet scent of his soft curls and the feeling of deep little breaths removed all the stress of the day so she could sleep smiling.

The only problem with sleeping with Izuku every night is that Inko didn't have the privacy to take care of her…needs. Fortunately, she didn't have much of a sex drive, so she just masturbated when she had the opportunity. But, sometimes the need washed over her. Like now.

Izuku was fast asleep beside her, curled under her left arm, and drooling on her breast. Inko had been stroking his chubby arm absentmindedly with a fond smile on her face as she tried to fall asleep. She felt relaxed enough. But her body took that relaxation as a sign to feel good and warmth started to pool downward. Inko shifted her thighs together and bit her lip.

Fuck…it had been months since she last touched herself, and she was already getting wet. There would be no way she could fall asleep thinking about how horny she was. She looked at Izuku. Should she go to the bathroom? But she might disturb him if she got up, and he looked so peaceful. Surely, he wouldn't wake up if she stayed pretty still and quiet.

Trying not to jostle Izuku too much, Inko reached to the nightstand and opened the drawer to grab her rabbit vibrator. She settled back down and checked to see that Izuku was still asleep. He snuggled back into her breast. Inko cooed softly and lifted up the blanket. She knew she usually got very hot, so she moved the blanket off of herself and just over Izuku. Carefully, she shimmied off her shorts and panties, and the cold air exposed her dripping pussy.

Inko closed her eyes to start fantasizing about getting pounded and turned the vibe on to the quietest setting.

Izuku woke up confused. His heavy head told him it was still late at night. But the bed was shaking a little bit. An earthquake? He thought with fear and clung tighter to his mama. Inko let out a gasp and keen. Izuku must have surprised her. He wondered if she was afraid too because she was breathing shakily and whimpering. Izuku strained his ears to figure out what was happening. He heard…wet noises? And something vibrating? Everytime the machine whirred, there was a squelch, and his mama twitched.

"Don't wake up, now. I'm so cloooose," Inko whispered with a whine.

Izuku's heart started to race. He didn't know what his mama meant, but he didn't want to upset her, so he had to pretend to be asleep. But, he was so confused and wanted to know what was happening.

He squinted his eyes open and raised his head slightly. In the faint light of his All Might nightlight, he saw his mama moving her arm near her kitty. She had taken off her panties for some reason and had her naked legs spread. Izuku couldn't see her kitty, but it sounded like the wet noises were coming from it. He saw in her hand a green toy that had to be the machine vibrating. Mama was sticking it inside her kitty?

It sounded like his mama was in pain as she whimpered and breathed heavily, and she kept twitching. Izuku didn't want her to know he was awake, but he was scared for her. He tried not to cry and sought out the source of comfort next to him.

His mama's nipple was poking tall through her thin nightshirt, and Izuku's mouth was right next to it. He had tried to feed from her long after he got teeth, and the teething toys were nothing compared to his mama. He needed the comfort of suckling right now. He hoped Inko just assumed he sought her out in his sleep as he had done before. Izuku closed his eyes again and grabbed his mama's breast and placed the hard nipple in his mouth, trying to suck without his teeth.

"AHH!" his mama cried out before quickly biting her lip closed. She hissed, and the squelching got faster. "Good boy, Zuku." She started to mutter. "So good to your mommy. Fuck." She let out a swear as Izuku felt her tense up. "Keep sucking, baby. Just a little more."

Izuku was making his mama feel good? He suckled faster and let a few teeth scrape her nipple.

"Mmm, Zuku. So good even while sleeping. Mommy loves you. Making her kitty feel so good!"

Izuku's own kitty tingled at that. He kept suckling as he shifted his thighs together to get rid of the weird feeling, but it just made him grow hotter. Listening to his mama moan more as the squelching got louder made his head swim.

"OH, FUCK, I think I'm going to squirt," his mama hissed out.

Izuku opened his eyes just in time to see his mama shake all over as she pulled out the green toy to let loose…pee? Mama was peeing into the air as she rubbed the toy on her kitty. She whimpered until the peeing stopped.

She put the toy on the nightstand, and Izuku screwed his eyes back shut. Inko collapsed back on the bed with heaving breaths. Izuku had let go of her nipple in shock when she peed, so he snuggled back under her arm. His mama resumed stroking his arm.

"Good, he's still asleep. I got carried away there," she sighed. She decided she would just clean up in the morning and tell him she had an accident if he asked. For now, she rolled over and hugged Izuku close and finally fell asleep. Izuku had to know what his mama was doing. He just wanted to get a look at the toy and maybe try it out, but he didn't want his mama to find out that he saw her. There was never an opportunity for him to go in the bedroom without his mama walking in. He tried to be patient, but he would remember how his kitty tingled and he couldn't stop squirming.

He forgot mostly about it, though, when his mama told him that Kacchan was coming over for the weekend.

Kacchan was their 16 year old neighbor. He was so cool!!! The most handsome-est boy Izuku had ever seen (even more than All Might, although Izuku would never say that out loud). He had helped Inko move furniture, and Izuku watched in awe as he lifted the couch by himself. Izuku followed him around the neighborhood to watch Kacchan's morning jogs, basketball games with friends, and other workouts. His mama thought Kacchan was super rude, but Izuku thought it made him cooler. Inko thought him responsible enough to babysit Izuku, though. Kacchan always complained and bullied Izuku, but he always agreed. Izuku officially fell in love with him when he started playing an All Might video game in the living room.

Now, Izuku squealed and bounced up and down when his mama said Kacchan would be babysitting him for the whole weekend. "Kacchan! Kacchan! Kacchan!"

His mama laughed and ruffled his hair. "I know you love that boy, but try not to wear him out too much. Katsuki-kun won't say it, but he needs to rest away from his house," she said softly.

Izuku didn't understand how someone would need to be away from home, but he didn't question anything about Kacchan.

He perched on the couch and looked through the window, waiting until Kacchan arrived while his mama packed for her work trip. When he saw the older boy stomping down the sidewalk, Izuku started bouncing. "Mama! Kacchan's here!"

He leapt in front of the door and danced on his feet. His mama came up behind him with her bag and stopped him from jumping up to the door handle.

They waited a few seconds until Katsuki rang the doorbell, and Inko opened the door.

Izuku immediately latched onto the boy's leg. "Kacchan!!!"

Katsuki snarled and shook his leg. "Get off me, brat! I'm not even in the door yet."

"Ah! Sorry!" Izuku jumped back. He knew that he shouldn't touch people without permission. He had just been too excited. "Please come inside!"

Katsuki pushed Izuku aside to step in and remove his shoes.

"Hello, Katsuki-kun," Inko greeted with a laugh. "Thank you for agreeing to stay for the weekend. Hopefully, Izuku isn't too much trouble. Please make yourself at home, as always. I just bought groceries, so cook whatever you'd like."

"Yeah yeah," Katsuki grumbled. He knew the woman was only so nice to him because she had seen his shitty parents, and he hated the pity. But he did like having the woman's house available mostly to himself.

The downside was the damn stalker vibrating with excitement at his feet.

"Well, since you're all good, I'll head out now," Inko said.

Izuku's excitement broke. He loved seeing Kacchan but it also meant his mama was leaving. He leapt into her arms for a goodbye hug and started to tear up. Two days was a long time without her! "Mamaaaa," he whined.

Inko and Katsuki shared a look. "Baby, you were all excited, though. I won't be gone long, and you'll be just fine with your Kacchan," Inko cooed.

Katsuki blanched. "Don't call me that," he spat. "And, grow up, Deku. You're really so pathetic that you can't go without your mom for two days?"

Inko glared at him. "Izuku, I love that you love me–"

"No, Kacchan's right, mama," Izuku interrupted. "I can be independent." He tried to dry his tears and put on a brave face. "Bye, mama." He kissed her cheek.

Inko chuckled. Of course, he listened to Katsuki. She kissed Izuku's freckled cheeks and put him down. "Bye bye! Call me if you need anything."

Izuku stood in the doorway waving goodbye as his mama took her bag and got in the car to leave. He turned back into the house when he couldn't see the house anymore.

Katsuki was setting up his gaming console on the TV. Izuku got excited again.

"All Might game?" he squealed.

Katsuki tch-ed. "Maybe tomorrow if you're good. Tonight, my stupid friends are having an Overwatch tournament. And, you better not fucking distract me, Deku."

Izuku pouted. That meant Katsuki would be yelling through the night and not paying attention to him.

"For now, have you been fed?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku shook his head. "...Kacchadon?" he asked hopefully.

"It's katsudon, dumbass," Katsuki rolled his eyes and headed to the kitchen

Izuku knew that was a yes, and he bounced with excitement. Kacchan's cooking was so delicious!!! And he loved watching Kacchan cook. Kacchan faced each ingredient with determination, and his big arms moved with precision.

Izuku was starting to feel warm, but he figured it was the kitchen.

Finally, a bowl of katsudon was placed in front of Izuku, who dove in.

"Ow!" he cried muffled by food.

"Yeah, it's fucking hot, stupid Deku," Katsuki teased him as he ate the steaming food without flinching.

"Couldn't wait for Kacchan's perfect food," Izuku giggled. He blew the next bite and chewed it with a moan. "Sugoiiiiii!"

Katsuki's face grew red. Izuku wondered if the heat got to him, too.


After the meal, Katsuki pulled up Overwatch and put on headphones to talk with his friends. Izuku sat on the other side of the couch to not bother him. He still loved to watch Kacchan play even if the older boy yelled the whole time. Whenever he got a kill, he would smirk at his skill, and when his team won, he celebrated so smugly. Izuku thought he was so handsome in those moments.

Because he wanted Katsuki to win so bad, Izuku sometimes couldn't stop himself from yelling out tips. "To your left!" he squeaked.

Katsuki jumped, having forgotten that Izuku was beside him, and he didn't dodge in time. His character died, and while he was respawning, he turned to Izuku. "Look what you did, stupid Deku! Shut the fuck up or get out of here!"

"Sorry, Kacchan," Izuku whimpered. He curled in on himself and forced himself to be quiet. He started to get restless as the game got repetitive and Kastuki was talking anymore. It sounded like his friends were going to keep going for a while.

Izuku got an idea. Since his mama was away, and Kacchan was busy with his game, Izuku was free to investigate that toy his mama used on her kitty. His heart raced as he considered if Kacchan would catch him, but the older boy was too invested in winning. Izuku slinked off the couch as quietly as possible and waddled to his mama's bedroom.

He used the stepping stool to hop into the bed, and he bent over to search through the nightstand drawer. He found a black velvet bag and pulled it out. He slid the thing inside the bag out onto his hands. It was the green toy.

It looked like a rubber cucumber with an antennae on top. He looked closer at the antennae. It looked like a bunny! "Cute bunny!" he giggled as he pet the ears with his finger. He flipped the toy around and pressed one of the buttons. The toy started to vibrate, and he squeaked. It was strong. He pressed the button again to make it stop, and it got stronger and louder, making his whole body shake, and he worried Kacchan would hear him. He finally got it to stop, and he sighed with relief.

Izuku stared at the toy and tried to picture how his mama used it. She probably put the cucumber inside her hole and then the bunny would kiss her kitty. Did the vibrations make it feel good?

Izuku pursed his lips as he thought about using it. His kitty did feel tingly, and his mama sounded like it felt really good. He decided to commit, and he shimmied out of his shorts and panties. His kitty was still hairless unlike his mama's, and he felt very exposed.

Izuku slowly opened his legs and put the toy next to his kitty. The toy was huge next to him! From his kitty, it went up to his chest. How could it fit inside him?

Trying to be brave, Izuku pressed the button. "AH!" the vibration startled him. He bit his lip and pressed the toy around his kitty.

Izuku didn't know how he felt. It didn't hurt or tickle, exactly. It was just too much. He kept moving the toy around to find where it felt best. He pressed it near his peehole, and he shook violently with a moan.

He ripped the toy off and caught his breath. That was a lot. Could he keep going? But his kitty was so tingly now.

He braced himself and put the toy back on his peehole. "Haahh ah mmm," he whimpered and shifted around but kept the toy buzzing on him. It was starting to feel more manageable but the heat kept climbing. It felt like his heart was pounding in his kitty. He shifted his thighs together and felt wetness.

Izuku brought his hand down to touch his kitty and felt that his hole was producing a slick substance. This isn't pee? What is it? It must be to help the toy slide in, he reasoned, remembering how wet his mama sounded. Should he try and put the toy in now?

Izuku brought the toy head down to his hole and rubbed it around in the wetness. The toy was so much bigger than his hole. But, the small push made him gasp, and he felt his kitty clench and feel so empty.

Grabbing the toy with both of his little hands, Izuku had to reach far and curl his legs up to position the toy correctly. He started to press against his hole. At first, nothing happened, but then the toy started to move in. The head got caught on something, and it started to hurt. Izuku felt something start to rip apart, but the vibration felt so good inside him, and he wanted to know how the whole thing felt, so he kept pushing against the resistance.

With a burst of pain, something popped, and the toy slid in two inches. Izuku shouted and started to cry. He tried to be quiet as he sobbed and let the pain subside. The bunny part of the toy was now close to his kitty, and its ears vibrated near his peehole. It made the pain lessen, and his kitty started feeling empty again.

He resumed trying to press the toy farther in. He tried to quiet his whining as he beared through the pain as he was continuously speared open for the first time. He just wanted his kitty to feel good.

Once he got about five inches of the toy inside him, Izuku hit another block inside him. He tried to press on, but the pain jumped through his whole body, so he pouted as he gave up there. He clenched around what was inside him. His kitty was completely filled! The toy felt like it would blow into his insides, and the buzzing was melting him. The bunny part was now kissing the outside of his kitty, making him shake non-stop. Izuku felt himself dripping around the toy, down onto the sheets.

Now, he could start moving it in and out like his mama did. He gripped the toy again and started to pull it out. The ridges rubbed against him slowly.

"Haaah," Izuku let out a long moan as the toy came almost completely out. He pushed it back up as far as it could go. "MMM!" Too fast, too hard! It bumped up against the painful spot, but the slide itself felt so good.

He tried again, pulling out faster, and pushing in more carefully. His kitty squelched as wetness flew out. Izuku blushed in embarrassment at the noise. But, the wetness helped him move the toy easier.

His mama had gone really fast when she did it. Izuku gasped for air as he tried to move his arms as fast. He couldn't slide the toy out as far with his short arms, so he pulled an inch or two out each thrust. He rammed it inside him, no longer feeling the pain.

Each shallow thrust frothed the wetness around his hole with rhythmic squelches. Izuku couldn't hear it over his whines and moans. It felt so big inside his kitty and made the emptiness go away. The bunny rubbed over his peehole and made it feel even better. Izuku felt tingly and hot all over. He couldn't stop. He understood why his mama sounded so desperate. Was he going to pee, too?

"Deku, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Katsuki suddenly yelled outside of the door, and before Izuku could react, Katsuki had burst the door open and walked in.

The older boy stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the green-haired toddler with a vibrator the size of his torso shoved in his tiny bare pussy. Izuku met his eyes with a gasp as he twitched around the toy and squirted all over the bed with the loudest, most high-pitch moan/scream Katsuki had ever heard.

"Kacchan," Izuku cried with embarrassment and tried to sit up, but his limbs were too wobbly.

Katsuki found himself stepping over to him and leaning over to look at the boy. HIs wide green eyes were filled with tears, covering his red cheeks and too tight All Might shirt. Tiny nipples poked out, begging to be bitten. He was still convulsing from his orgasm and the vibrator whirring inside him.

Katsuki had never been harder.

"I didn't know you were a slut, Deku," he growled.

Izuku tilted his head and whimpered. "A what?"

"A slut. Someone who needs their cunt played with so badly that they can't wait for it. And who moans like a bitch in heat."

"My…cunt?" Izuku stammered.

Katsuki reached his hand out and rubbed the soaked, bare pussy. He prodded his finger between the toy and the stretched hole. "Your cunt."

"Haaah, Kacchan!" Izuku whimpered and tried to close his legs. "Please take it out of my kitty. M' sensitive."

Katsuki's cock throbbed. He held the kid's legs apart. "I bet your 'kitty' is sensitive. You're too young to be fucking it like that. Where'd you learn that?"

Izuku squirmed around and pouted. "I saw mama using it, and she sounded like it felt really good. Please don't tell her I saw!"

"I bet she'd be mad that you used her toy, Deku," Katsuki laughed meanly. "Adults are real private about this kind of thing."

Izuku started to cry more. "I didn't know, Kacchan. Please don't tell her! I just wanted to feel good, too."

"I won't tell her on one condition: you follow my instructions right now."

Izuku nodded desperately. "Of course! I always listen to Kacchan."

"Good boy," Katsuki groaned as he slid his hands down Izuku's legs and to his inner thighs. Katsuki saw blood on the soaked sheets below the boy. Damn, he just popped his cherry. "Did it feel good, Deku?"

Izuku squeaked. "Yes. After the pain stopped, it felt so good, Kacchan," he said with embarrassment.

"Let me see," Katsuki said before grabbing the toy and started to fuck the boy with it.

"Wait! Wait! I already peed," Izuku cried.

Katsuki groaned at his innocence. "It's called squirting, Deku. And you can squirt again. Plus, you said you would do what I say." He kept playing with the toy in and out of the tight pussy, watching the frothy slick run out.

"Okay, Kacchan, you can make me squirt again," Izuku whimpered.

Fuck, this kid. Katsuki ignored his aching cock and rammed the toy in harder. Izuku wailed and grabbed onto Katsuki's hand. Katsuki knew he was hitting the boy's cervix on each thrust. He decided to amp up the stimulation and pressed the button to make it vibrate on the fastest setting.

"KACCHAN!" Izuku screamed and thrashed violently.

Katsuki grabbed his cheek with his other hand and shushed him. "Come on. Be a good boy, Deku. You can take what I give you."

Izuku blinked through tears to gaze at him. He smiled at the older boy. "I'll be a good boy for Kacchan. Please give me more, Kacchan." He put Katsuki's thumb in his mouth and suckled.

Katsuki's cock twitched, and he set on making the boy squirt faster. "Play with your nipples, Deku. Twist them around," he ordered.

Izuku immediately brought his shaky hands to his chest and started pinching. He gasped and whined around Katsuki's thumb.

Izuku's pussy shot out slick on every thrust as Katsuki slammed it inside him. Izuku started to tense up and cried out "Uh uh uh uh!" Katsuki knew he was close, so he smashed the rabbit part hard against the boy's tiny clit.

Izuku let go of his thumb to scream again, "KAAAcchaaan!"

Katsuki ripped the vibrator out of him to watch the boy squirt into the air and onto Katsuki's clothes. His chubby pussy pulsated as the liquid trickled out.

As Izuku tried desperately to catch his breath, Katsuki quickly switched off the vibrator, threw it aside, and unbuckled his pants. He pulled out his leaking cock and got on the bed next to Izuku's head.

Izuku looked up to him through heavy eyelids and gasped at the sight. "Wah?"

Katsuki grabbed the boy's messy hair and brought his mouth closer to his cock. "Since you like sucking shit, put your mouth to work and make me feel good, too," he barked.

Izuku awed at the throbbing thingy in front of him. "I wanna make Kacchan feel good! I want Kacchan in my mouth!" he keened. He didn't hesitate to start suckling on the head of Katsuki's thingy.

"Fuuuuuck," Katsuki groaned and bucked his hips up. "You really are a fucking slut. So desperate for cock. Open your mouth wider, take the full thing in." He pressed down on Izuku's curls.

Izuku stretched his mouth open and tried to relax to let the 'cock' in. Kacchan tasted salty and it smelled so strongly of him down here. Izuku salivated around the cock, and he started sucking faster.

"Just like that, Deku. Good boy," Katsuki praised with a gravelly voice. "Should have been doing this every time I came over." He felt Izuku swallow, "Yeah, you like that idea? Good, because I'm not leaving alone a slut like you. Train you to take my cock down your throat. I'll fuck your needy cunt next time. But, I'm bigger than that pathetic toy. You want me to break your little 'kitty'?"

Izuku moaned around his cock and looked up at Katsuki pleadingly.

"You're mine now, Deku. Mine to take your mouth or cunt whenever I want."

Katsuki grabbed the green curls and used the boy's mouth as a fleshlight as he chased his orgasm. "Fuck, Deku, fuck," he muttered as he felt it build. Izuku kept swallowing to keep from choking. Finally, Katsuki felt release as he shot hot cum into the boy's mouth. He groaned as he leaned back and let his high come down.

Izuku tried desperately to swallow everything. He assumed Katsuki had just squirted into his mouth, but this felt a lot thicker. And salty. It poured out from his mouth.

Katsuki pulled out while cum was still dripping, and he smeared it around the boy's face, mixing cum with tears and snot. Izuku gasped for air. Fuck, he looked so pathetic. Katsuki's cock shot one last rope of cum across the boy's face.

Izuku peered his uncovered eye open at Katsuki and stared at the flagging cock. He wiped the white stuff from the tip and peered at it. He licked his finger to taste that it was the same as what he was swallowing. He licked more of it from around his mouth.

"Did Kacchan…squirt?" he asked.

Katsuki laughed. "I came. I came hard. Do you like my cum?"

Izuku blushed and nodded hard. "But it's messy. I feel sticky all over."

"Mmm," Katsuki hummed as he looked Izuku up and down. He grabbed the boy's face and pulled him into a disgusting kiss. The puffy lips flew open, letting Katsuki devour him. He didn't care that he was licking out his own cum and getting his face dirty, too.

Izuku squealed into the kiss. Kacchan was kissing him! Kacchan liked him!

Katsuki let go of the boy and rubbed his wet cheeks as the boy gasped for air. Cute.

"Kacchan, are we boyfriends now?" Izuku asked shyly.

"Sure, baby," Katsuki grinned, feral. "We're boyfriends now. But you can't tell your mama, remember?"

Izuku nodded seriously. "Whatever Kacchan wants."

"Perfect. Let's get cleaned up now," Katsuki said and then bundled Izuku into his arms.

Izuku gasped. "I get cuddles with Kacchan now?"

"As long as you don't tell your mama, and we get to play like this when I want, you can cuddle me all you like," Katsuki grinned.

Izuku didn't see any downsides in that. It all sounded perfect. "...I love you Kacchan."

Katsuki gripped the boy's hips harder. "Let's go bathe, baby. We can play the All Might game after." This boy wasn't leaving his sight. Katsuki slowly woke up the next day as a warm weight burrowed into his chest. He felt the chill of wetness on his nipple, and his nose was tickled with the sweet scent of baby shampoo. Katsuki peeled open his eyes to see Deku sleeping on top of him. He was partially disgusted at the annoying toddler clinging to him and drooling all over his chest. But damn, those pursed wet lips and pudgy freckled cheeks stirred Katsuki's heart and cock.

Katsuki instinctually brushed his hand through Deku's soft curls, revealing his round forehead. The kid mrrphed like a cat and nuzzled into the warm hand. "Mama…" the boy mumbled.

"Eugh. I ain't your mama, Deku," Katsuki grumbled. He ignored how his cock twitched at Deku's sleepy response. He kept stroking the boy's face, mesmerized by the squishy baby fat feeling.

Deku whimpered and moaned as he was stirred awake by the petting. His little hands tried to grab into Katsuki's bare abs. "Kacchan?" he mumbled and raised his head.

"Finally waking up, lazy ass?" Katsuki smirked.

Izuku blinked his eyes open and saw Katsuki's cocky smile. H-handsome! Izuku flushed red, realizing he was cuddled on top of a half-naked Kacchan.

Katsuki was amused by the kid blushing and squeaking. Izuku sat up to scramble away, but Katsuki grabbed him by his chubby thighs and pulled the boy up his chest.

"WAH-chan!" Izuku squealed and squirmed in the tight hold.

Katsuki sat up more to tower over the boy. He took his time taking in the sight of the toddler burning red, only wearing a too-big shirt and tiny panties. He squeezed his hands to feel up the squishy thighs again. He was rock hard now.

"C'mon, you can't be embarrassed now, Deku. We're boyfriends, remember?" Katsuki teased.

Izuku's eyes fucking twinkled as he gasped. "We are!!!" he giggled. "I still can't believe Kacchan is mine now." He shyly put his arms around Katsuki's neck.

Katsuki possessively took Izuku into the hug. He mouthed into the kid's shoulder, "You're mine."

Izuku shivered in his arms.

Katsuki wanted more adorable, delicious reactions. He pulled the boy's shirt collar askew to reveal his soft neck and small shoulder. Katsuki put his mouth on the bare skin. Beneath the scent of soap was the uniquely kid smell like sun-soaked dirt and milk. Katsuki inhaled the scent and lapped his tongue into the skin hungerly.

"Ah!" Izuku gasped. He tried to wiggle away, but Katsuki's strong hands kept him locked in place. "T-tickles, Kacchan."

Katsuki groaned into the freckled skin, sending vibrations through Izuku's whole body. He began to nibble at the boy's neck.

"Nnn, mph, don't eat me, Kacchan!" Izuku giggled breathlessly.

Katsuki mourned that he couldn't bite harder lest he left a mark Inko would see.

"Why can't I eat you? You said I can do what I want with you," Katsuki asked seriously.

Izuku crossed his arms to his chest. "Not like that! Mama would miss me!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Guess you're right. Shame, though. You look delicious." He punctuated by grabbing Izuku by the cheeks and pulling him into a kiss.

"MMPH!" Izuku squeaked at the suddenness.

He opened his lips for air, and Katsuki took the opportunity to further the kiss. He explored the boy's tiny mouth with his tongue. Izuku's plush tongue was half the size and hung limp as the boy was too stunned to move.

Katsuki licked his tiny teeth before pulling back from the boy. "Don't you want to kiss your boyfriend back, Deku?" he teased.

Izuku panted and looked away embarrassed. "Das not kissing. Kacchan's eating me!" he mumbled.

Katsuki laughed at him. "That's how adult boyfriends kiss. With lots of tongue."

"Oh." Izuku opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out. "O-ay -en!"

Katsuki snorted at his dumb dog-like expression but was pleased by the kid's eagerness. He decided to mess with him further.

Katsuki stuck his tongue out and licked up the length of Izuku's tongue. Izuku shivered violently. The blond grabbed the boy's nape and forced his head back. Izuku's eyes snapped open to see Katsuki ready up spit. Katsuki shot out the spit directly onto Izuku's waiting tongue.

"Swallow," Katsuki ordered.

Izuku put his tongue back in his mouth and swirled the spit around, savoring the taste of Kacchan. He moaned, rolling his eyes back as he gulped it down. Then he turned to look at Katsuki with eager eyes, begging 'Did I do good?'

"Fuck," Katsuki groaned. "You like being my good boy, don't you?"

Izuku lit up. "Yes! Yes! I like making Kacchan happy!" He bounced on Katsuki's lap.

Katsuki was gonna bust soon, but he wanted to breed this toddler slut first.

"Do you? If you want to make me really happy, take your clothes off and lay on your back for me, okay?" Katsuki instructed.

Izuku turned red as he realized where this was going. "Y-yes, Kachan!" He wiggled off his shirt and panties and lay on his pillow. He instinctively covered his kitty with his hands.

Katsuki took his boxers off and crawled on top of Izuku. He grabbed the kid's tiny wrists with one hand and pulled them up. "Nuh-uh-uh, Deku, your pussy is mine now."

"P-puthy?" Izuku cocked his head.

Katsuki groaned and pulled Izuku in for a quick hard kiss. Fuck, every time he acted so innocently, it turned Katsuki on more. "Your pussy, Deku," Katsuki repeated while rubbing two fingers across Izuku's pink mound.

Izuku started to tremble beneath him. "Hahhh."

"I need to teach you proper anatomy, don't I?" Katsuki teased.

"I wanna learn, Kacchan!" Izuku nodded eagerly.

"Good boy." Katsuki gave him a kiss as a reward. His fingers kept stroking but he avoided the sweet spots to keep the boy on edge. "What you call your 'kitty' is also called a cunt or a pussy by adults. But those sound a little too crude for a baby like you."

"N-not a baby," Izuku pouted. "I can say puthy—p-p-pussy!" He squirmed trying to squeak out the word. "And, c-cunt!" He looked at Katsuki smugly.

Katsuki chuckled. "Good job trying, baby."

Izuku took in a sharp breath at the pet name. He knew Katsuki was making fun of him, but he couldn't help but smile.

Katsuki continued, "Why don't you try calling it your cunnie for me?"

Izuku nodded. "Cunnie!"

"Tell me what you want me to do with your cunnie, Deku," Katsuki urged him.

"Oh," Izuku gasped. He trembled some more as he thought. "You said you wanted to f-fuck my cunnie, right? I want whatever that is!" He smiled like he figured out a puzzle.

Katsuki grabbed the base of his cock to stop himself from cumming. "God, fuck, Deku, fuck! Yes, I'm gonna fuck your cunt, you damn slut." He pulled Izuku into a kiss and bullied his lips, getting out the urge to tear into him.

Izuku kicked his legs at the rough tactics, and he felt his thighs getting wet from his pussy. "Mmph! Nnn," he tried to speak into the rough kiss.

Katsuki ripped himself off before he started humping into the kid. "Be patient," he told Izuku and himself. "I got more words to teach ya."

He finally slid his two fingers down in between Izuku's soaked pussy lips. He swirled through the slit until he found the slightly raised bump.

"AHH! Kacchan!" Izuku screamed and nearly folded in half.

"Shhh, baby," Katsuki petted Izuku's head back onto the pillow and then held him down firmly. "This spot–" he tapped it twice, making Izuku twitch all over– "is your clit. It makes you feel good. Unlike that shitty toy of yours, though, I'm not gonna be playing with yours while I fuck you. I'm more interested in this." He slid further down to play with Izuku's hole. It was drowning in slick and pulsating, begging to be filled. "This part, specifically, is called a vagina. But I'm just gonna call it your hole."

"Vagina! I know that word!" Izuku blurted out through whimpers.

Katsuki chuckled. "Smart boy. But did you know that it's made for cocks? Your hole is made for my cock to fuck. When I cum inside you, you'll get pregnant with babies."

Izuku gaped excitedly at him. "Babies! Kacchan can make me a mama?"

Katsuki nodded and swallowed hard. "That's right baby. Gonna fuck so much cum into you. You'll be waddling around with my kids growing inside you." Katsuki knew Izuku was probably too young to actually get pregnant but the thought of the toddler swelled up with his kids made him feral. Izuku seemed to love the idea, too, from how much he was panting.

"I want Kacchan's babies! Please, please put your cock in my cunnie!" Izuku begged.

Katsuki spread open the kid's legs and put his cock on top of the baby-pink pussy. "Fuuuuuck." His cock throbbed, finally touching something warm and wet.

Izuku wiggled to feel more of Katsuki's cock rubbing against his sensitive spot. "Feel it against my clitty, Kacchan," he moaned.

"Hahhh," Katsuki held himself back. He noticed how his dick went all the way up to Izuku's chest. That was gonna be a problem. "Baby, one more thing. I'm a bit bigger than that toy, but I need to go all the way inside you to get you pregnant. It's gonna hurt a lot at first."

"Dat's okay, Kacchan! Izuku can take it! Wanna get pregnant!" he babbled. He was already playing with his puffy nipples subconsciously. "Hahh, please, Kaccaaannnn."

"Don't say I didn't warn you, Deku," Katsuki gruffed.

Katsuki grabbed his fat cock and lined it up with Izuku's tiny hole. Fuck, he hoped he wouldn't kill this kid. He pushed the tip in enough to keep it secure. "God damn, fucking tight."

"OH! Unnn," Izuku wailed. His pussy spasmed around the thick intrusion. "Big, Kacchan."

Katsuki put his hands on either side of Izuku's head and stared at the crying wide eyes. Izuku smiled up at him with adoration. Hopefully, he still would after this next part.

Katsuki snapped his hips forward, forcing the entirety of his 8-inch cock into Izuku's toddler cunt. The tip speared into Izuku's cervix, making way for 3 inches to fuck into his kid womb.

"AHHHHH!" Izuku screamed and began to sob in pain.

Katsuki clenched his eyes and his cock adjusted to the vice around it. He could feel every heartbeat and tremble through the walls of the stretched pussy and tiny womb. His precum poured out into Izuku's ovaries.

Once he prevented his orgasm, Katsuki opened his eyes to look at Izuku. The kid was hiccuping with the force of his sobs. Katsuki knew it would be too much for him. He bent down to lick up Izuku's tears.

"H-huh?" Izuku opened his eyes again and came back to the moment. "Kacchan. Hurrrttsss."

"I told you it would, Deku. But you promised to be good for me, right?"

Izuku sniffled. "Yeahhh."

"So try to breathe for me. I'll make it feel better," Katsuki promised.

Izuku nodded and began to count out his breaths.

Katsuki snorted and moved his lips down to suckle at the kid's neck again. He felt Izuku's breath hitch. Katsuki lapped up all the tears there and kept moving down. Finally, he got to the boy's puffy nipples. Katsuki latched his mouth around the right one and sucked hard, nibbling at the point.

"NNNGH!" Izuku choked. "I…I don't have boobies, Kacchan. Why?"

Katsuki pulled off the nipple with a pop. "Not yet, you don't. But if we keep playing, you will. Don't you want boobs to feed your babies with?" He moved to the left nipple and continued.

"HahhhAHHH," Izuku moaned. "Y-yes! Wanna feed Kacchan's babies! Like Mama feeds me!"

"Mhmm" Katsuki hummed into Izuku's nipple. He popped off again. "Feel like continuing now?"

Izuku nodded eagerly. He wrapped his clammy little hands around Katsuki's arms. "F-fuck babies into me!" he said, determined.

"Good boy," Katsuki growled. He pulled his cock back a bit and rammed back in.

"GUH!" the air knocked out of Izuku's lungs.

Katsuki repeated the action, noticing how he could see the outline of his cock through Izuku's taut belly. Every time he rammed back in, the tip bulged out above the kid's belly button. "Fuck, you're tiny. Look, Deku."

Izuku struggled to lift his head and peer down. He saw something in his tummy moving back and forth as Katsuki moved. It felt like something was moving around his guts. "Wh-whassat?"

Katsuki groaned, "Me. My cock inside your womb."

Izuku's eyes widened and a dumb smile floated on his face. "Kacchannn. Kacchan inside my guts. Kacchan filling me full," he giggled. He placed one of his pudgy hands to his tummy to feel the bulge. He pressed down on it. "Ahhh!"

"Fuuuuuuuck," Katsuki hissed. He felt the little hand press into the womb, making the vice around his cock even tighter. He was losing it. Katsuki grabbed Izuku's tiny legs and folded the boy in half. He started fucking faster, wilder.

"NNNN!" Izuku wailed even more as the new angle caused Katsuki's cock to rub harder into his pussy walls.

Slick spilled out every thrust, foaming around Izuku's pussy and taint. Every thrust in, slick splashed onto both their stomachs.

Izuku felt dirty that his cunnie was leaking so much. His face was covered in his own slick, tears, and snot. The sound of SHLICK, SPLISH, SHLICK made him burn red. But all he could do was whimper out "Hnnn uhhh Ka…."

His cunnie was so full! Kacchan's cock felt so much better than his mama's toy! He was so big and warm. Izuku started to feel the tingly feeling build. He was gonna squirt.

Katsuki felt Izuku's cunt squeeze him. He bent him even further, fucking like a rabid dog. "Fucking slut! Taking my cock to your ribs and just giggling like a baby! Unph. Fuck. Gonna make me cum so fucking hard. Hahhh."

Katsuki's abs now rubbed into Izuku's clit. Izuku humped into the pressure, rubbing his wet cunny wherever it could reach. With every hump, Katsuki's cock slammed even further into his womb, and Izuku's clitty throbbed.

"Ah ah! Ah! Kacchannnn, gonnaaaaaa, gonna…"

"Gonna squirt? Do it, Deku, squirt all over my cock, you slut!" Katsuki grunted out. He slapped himself into Izuku harder.

"AHHHHHHH!" Izuku wailed as he felt the force of Katsuki ramming into him reverberate all throughout his cunnie, clitty, and nipples. He spasmed hard as his peehole shot out squirt after squirt. "KACHANN!!!"

Katsuki didn't slow down as he got sprayed with Izuku's cum. He was gonna cum soon, too. The wet pussy squelched as he drilled into the kid womb. Squirt kept shooting out with each thrust.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, take my cum!" Katsuki yelled as he felt his cock start pulsing. Hot cum shot through his cock and into the far walls of Izuku's womb.

"Yessssss," Katsuki panted in relief. He lazily kept thrusting through his orgasm. His cum frothing around his cock inside of Izuku.

Izuku gasped at the feeling of Kacchan's seed. "W-warm," he mumbled. His cunnie pulsated again at the feeling. One last weak stream of squirt shot out of him. "Hahhhhhh."

Izuku dropped down onto his pillows and basked in the feeling of feeling full and squishy inside. He rubbed his hand around his tummy.

Katsuki had stopped cumming but kept his softening cock inside Izuku as he caught his breath. He looked back at Izuku, who looked like he was sleeping peacefully.

"Deku," he rasped out. "You good?"

Izuku giggled with closed eyes. "Mmhmm. Feel good, Kacchan. Gonna be a mama….."

Katsuki's cock twitched again. Fuck his balls hurt from coming so much. Else, he definitely would go for round two.

"That's right, baby," Katsuki gruffed. He slowly pulled his cock out with a hiss.

Izuku opened his eyes. "Nooo! Wanna be full!"

Katsuki ignored him and stared at Izuku's empty cunt—red, puffy, and oozing with grool and cum. His fingers played with the gooey mess and stuffed it back inside.

That appeased Izuku. "Ohhh, mm," he whimpered. "Sensitivvvvvve."

"Thought you wanted to be full," Katsuki replied mindlessly as he felt the thick wetness squelch around his fingers, cock hardening with each thrust.

"I-I do! Need to keep Kacchan's cummies inside!" Izuku slurred out.

Damn it. Katsuki was rock hard again.

"How about Kacchan gives you more cum, huh?" Katsuki asked, thumping his heavy cock back onto Izuku's sore pussy.

"Ohhh," Izuku gasped. He nodded shyly and braced himself for another battering.

Katsuki impaled the toddler's bruised womb again, not for the last time that day.

"Two matcha brownies and…hmm…the dark chili brownie!" Inko asked the cashier at the bakery she passed from work on her way back home. "I assume Katsuki-kun would like that."

"What was that last thing?" the teenage worker asked.

"Oh! I'm just muttering to myself," Inko laughed, embarrassed. "Here's the cash for those three brownies."

The cashier rolled her eyes and handed Inko the bag of brownies. Inko thanked her and hurriedly left the store. Despite the rude cashier, she smiled as she walked home.

Katsuki-kun had been coming over a lot more often lately, and it wasn't just when he was in a bad mood. He actually seemed to be growing fond of Izuku.

Inko felt so happy for her baby. She was scared he got himself attached to the wrong person, but of course, his pure heart full of love could turn even a Bakugou soft. She didn't know how she got so lucky with the sweetest boy in the world.

To celebrate this development, Inko wanted to surprise them with dessert. She had asked Katsuki-kun to pick Izuku up from school and make dinner since she would have to stay late at work, but fortunately, her boss let her go before it got dark. The two boys were probably finishing up dinner now.

Inko arrived home and entered the front door with a cheery "Tadaima!" She kicked her shoes off with a frown as she heard no response. Usually, Izuku would yell out "Okaerinasai!" as soon as he heard her keys in the door.

She put her bags on the strangely empty coffee table, noting that the kitchen was empty, too. "Maybe Izuku needed an early nap," she guessed to herself and began walking to Izuku's room.

Inko saw the light pouring out of Izuku's bedroom, and she breathed a sigh of relief. "Ka—" she started to call out when she heard it.

"Hnnngh, Kacchan!" Izuku slurred out.

Inko then noticed a thumping sound with increasing volume. And wetness?

The woman flushed as dirty images of her son masturbating flooded her mind. She shooed those thoughts away with a nervous laugh. Surely, Izuku's too young for that.


That was Katsuki-kun's voice. Coming from the same room.

Inko's heart dropped to the floor as she hurriedly snuck to Izuku's door. She braced herself as she peered inside.

Her baby Izuku, naked as the day he was born, sat in an equally naked Katsuki-kun's lap. The teenager voraciously thrust up inside the toddler.

Inko couldn't move or shout out. Her blood boiled. She had trusted Katsuki-kun, and now he's…

"Kacchan, so full," Izuku whimpered out. His head lolled back and rested on Katsuki's pecs, covering the blond in drool and tears. "Love your cock in my cunnie."

Inko's jaw hit the floor. Her baby sounded so slutty!

Katsuki-kun seemed to agree as he chuckled with a groan. "Yeah, Deku? Tell me more. Tell me how fucking good it feels to have my fat adult cock digging into your tiny guts," Katsuki gruffed out with staccato thrusts.

Inko's eyes followed the bulge in her toddler's belly, moving up and down. Katsuki-kun's dick must really be huge, and it was going right through Izuku's body. How split open was her baby's pussy?

"Sugoi, sugoi, sugoiiiii," Izuku blabbered out, giggling as he was jiggled around. He nuzzled his face into Katsuki. "Kacchan's so warm. Makes my cunnie tingly. 'M gooey inside hee hee."

"Am I melting your insides, baby? You're dripping so much," Katsuki teased. He smiled fondly; an expression Inko has spied on before, now making those times take a different light.

Katsuki twisted Izuku's head up and craned himself down to meet their lips in a sloppy, wet kiss. The teenager's mouth completely covered Izuku's. The toddler's squeals were muffled by squelches and smacks.

Inko felt her heart flutter. She couldn't help but feel a tenderness in the scene.

Katsuki finally detached his mouth from Izuku's, and they pulled apart with a bridge of saliva connecting them. Red eyes devoured the sight before them: wide green eyes shiny with tears, sweet curls matted down with sweat, pudgy cheeks burning red, and open pink lips covered in Katsuki's spit. Izuku panted and squirmed under Katsuki's intense staring.

"You're beautiful," Katsuki whispered.

Inko and Izuku gasped. Inko hoped the other sounds drowned her out.

Fresh tears streamed out of Izuku as he smiled hysterically. "Kacchan thinks Izuku is pretty?" he awed.

Katsuki stroked Izuku's warm, freckled cheeks. "Too fucking pretty for your own good," he growled. He licked his saliva off Izuku's lips and resumed his thrusting at break-neck speed.

Izuku's head turned back around as he wailed at the ceiling, "OH, Kacchan! My cunnie!"

The teenager's rough hands squeezed around Izuku's thigh and hip, digging into the pudgy boy. Katsuki slammed Izuku up and down onto his cock like an onahole. Slick flew out of Izuku's hole onto the floor.

Inko noticed the large puddle below them. Her clit jumped as she realized her baby was a squirter like his mama. She shifted in place, trying to ignore her clit, but she just smeared her drenched panties around her throbbing pussy.

She bit into her hand. "No, Inko, you have to stop them," she told herself.

"MMMPH, nnnnghhh, Kachannn," Izuku started to moan even louder. "Gonna… againnn!"

"Already gonna squirt again, Deku? Well, go ahead, fucking slut," Katsuki laughed evilly. He raised one arm with bulging veins and brought it down hard onto Izuku's clit, the wet slap reverberating through the kid's whole body.

"GUH!" Izuku spasmed in Katsuki's tight grip and dug his little hands into the blond's arms. Squirt spouted out of his pussy, splashing onto both boys' laps. Izuku's chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath, but Katsuki never paused fucking into Izuku's pulsating cunt. With each thrust, another shot of squirt soaked the floor.

Inko's hand slipped down into her skirt.

"My peehole burns, Kaccahn! My cunnie won't stop cumming," Izuku cried. He tried to squirm out of Katsuki's hold.

"Too fucking bad," Katsuki grunted. "You wanted another, hahhh, round so your cunt could be full of cum again. So, I'm not stopping until I cum." He hissed the promise out with increasingly hard thrusts.

"Cummies! Yes, 'Zuku wants Kacchan's cum!" Izuku slurred out, now slumped over.

Inko fingers met her clit and bullied the sensitive nub. "F-fuck," she breathed out. Her baby really was a slut. His perfect pink kitty was taking a cock deep inside! He just wanted to be ooey-gooey inside with cummies!

Katsuki moved one hand to pinch at Izuku's nipples. Izuku twitched like he was electrified. The blond continued to tease him, "That's my good boy. My perfect cumdump. Gotta get you pregnant, right?"

"Yes! Yes, please," Izuku squealed. "Wanna get…NNNGH…p-pregnant with Kacchan's babies."

Inko brought her fingers down to her soaked cunt and shoved three fingers in. Her hole fluttered wide open as her fingers slid into the copious slick. She unconsciously fucked herself at the same pace Katsuki fucked her baby. Her pussy squelched with each wet slap, but Inko couldn't care about the noise with how horny she was.

"That's right, slut. Gonna get you fat with my cum," Katsuki growled. His hand sprawled over Izuku's tummy possessively. "You'll be such a sexy mama."

Izuku giggled. "Just like my mama!"

Oh! Inko spasmed. Her heart clenched with affection, which only brought her pussy even closer to orgasm. She dug the heel of her hand into her clit with even thrust into her g-spot.

Izuku kept babbling, "Wanna be like Mama. Soft and round. Want boobies to feed babies with!"

Inko's ignored tits began to throb for her baby's mouth. She brought her other hand up to pull at her nipples.

"Already so fucking soft and round," Katsuki grunted. His face scrunched up. He was getting close. "This pussy's the softest damn fucktoy." He hunched down and bit into Izuku's shoulder.

"Kacchan's cock's twitching!" Izuku gasped.

Inko's pussy clenched around her fingers. She was gonna squirt standing right here in her clothes outside her son's room!

"Gonna cum right on your ovaries, Deku. Take my fucking cum!" Katsuki yelled out as he clenched Izuku down.

Inko imagined Katsiku's hot seed flooding Izuku's pink womb. She lurched forward as she came, too. Squirt spurted out her twitching cunt, soaking down her panties and stockings, dripping onto the floor. She kept playing with her frothing pussy as she rode down the high.

White cum started to spill out from Izuku's cunnie with how much he was being filled. The bulge on his belly swelled. He already looked pregnant.

Katsuki's thrusts slowed to a halt and he threw his head back with an exhausted groan. "Fuuuuuck, Deku. Don't think I've ever cummed that hard."

Izuku snuggled into Katsuki's arms sleepily. "Good," he mumbled. "Need more cummies to get pregnant."

Katsuki snorted. "Always a one-track mind with you, Deku." He squeezed Izuku into a hug. "Fucking dork," he muttered affectionately.

Izuku melted into the hug. "I love you, Kaccahn," the toddler whispered.

"i…love you, too, kid." Katsuki kissed his green curls. Izuku squealed with happiness.

Inko began to tear up at the sight. She finally removed her pruned hand from her panties and tip-toed to the kitchen.

Ten minutes later, Inko chopped vegetables with her washed hands, and she heard Katsuki and Izuku walk into the kitchen.

"Mama?" "Midoriya-san!?" The two yelled in surprise.

Inko turned around and tried to fight back a flush. Izuku was swimming in one of Katsuki's shirts, and Katsuki was just in shorts. Their hair was still sweaty and ruffled. The blond looked petrified.

"Hi, boys," Inko greeted, hopefully casually with a natural smile. "I got home a bit early. I saw that most of the lights were out, so I assumed Katsuki-kun put Izuku down for a nap." Technically, she wasn't lying.

Izuku looked up at Katsuki with a worried face. Katsuki squeezed the boy's neck. "Yup," Katsuki replied. "The brat was yawning the whole walk back from school, and he dragged me right to bed with him." He shook Izuku a bit.

"Y-yeah!" Izuku yelped. "I was so sleepy. Wanted to nap with Kacchan. But now I'm hungry!"

Inko giggled at their bad acting. "Good thing I'm starting some ramen now. Katsuki-kun, feel free to stay for dinner since it's so late. Plus, I got you two a treat," she winked.

Izuku gasped and ran toward her. "Tweat! Tweat!" he chanted. Still such a baby even if he was a slut.

Inko lightly swatted his prying hands. "You have to wait until after dinner, sweetie."

"Nooo! Izuku wants tweat now!" the toddler stomped.

Inko looked at Katsuki for help.

Katsuki swooped Izuku up into his arms, covering the boy's bare bottom with his large hands. "Good boys listen to their mamas, right, Deku?"

Izuku pouted with a blush dusting his puffed cheeks. "Yes, Kacchan."

Katsuki booped his nose. "Good boy," his voice went into a dangerously low growl.

Inko's own pussy clenched at that. She wondered if Izuku was soaking his panties or if he was commando.

"Mmm, Izuku needs to go potty!" Izuku suddenly yelled and squirmed out of Katsuki's arms.

The blond dropped him, and Izuku speed-waddled away. Guess that answered Inko's question.

Katsuki awkwardly stood in the kitchen doorway, hoping he'd wiped away enough to not reek of sex.

Inko kept cooking but cleared her throat. "You and Izuku seem happy," she pressed.

Katsuki flinched and took a minute to respond. "Y-yeah, the brat's…kinda sweet," he coughed.

Inko hummed. "As long as he's happy and healthy, that's all that matters to me," she said pointedly and met Katsuki's eyes.

Katsuki squinted. He swallowed dryly. "What did you see?" he forced out.

Inko turned back to the food. "Absolutely nothing, Katsuki-kun. Just my baby being loved."

Katsuki took a seat in a daze. "O-okay," he said mostly to himself. "Yeah, Izuku's very happy."

"Good, and as long as it stays that way, you can keep coming over anytime," Inko replied.

"Thank you, Midoriya-san," Katsuki breathed out a sigh of relief.

Inko turned to look at Katsuki again. He noticed her flushed face and slight panting. "No, thank you, Katsuki-kun," she giggled with a wink.

Katsuki chuckled and rolled his eyes. Yeah, Izuku was just like his mama.