Raped deku

Deku slammed his dorm door and slid down against it, tears falling down his face. Once again Kacchan wouldn't leave him alone. He looked at the bruises on his arms, a grimace on his face. He thought this was over. He thought Kacchan respected him after what they went through together. But sometimes he would get too angry and take it out on him. He wrapped his arms around his knees and cried into his lap. Next thing he knew, he was waking up to his phone alarm. 'Crap!' He grabbed his backpack and phone, then ran out the door. By the time he arrived he was 15 minutes late. He sighed as he shut his eyes and slid the door open.

Aizawa was going over the new trip details and the door slid open. Everyone looked over to see an obviously worn out Deku. Aizawa cleared his throat and said, "Midoriya, you're late." Deku opened his eyes with a frown on his face.

"Sor-sorry Mr. Aizawa. I over-overslept." He hurried to his seat before Aizawa could say another word. He stared at his desk as Aizawa continued.

"So, we're going on another field trip. This time, no one knows where we're going except the home room teachers. We'll also be on high alert just in case, considering how our last two field trips went. We're heading out this weekend, so make sure to get a bag packed and ready. That's all." He then, of course, went into his sleeping bag and passed out. The class proceeded to get into their little friend groups and talk about the trip.

"I hope we don't go to another forest, I hated the bugs there."

"I heard that we're going to the city this time!"

"Really?! I hope we get to stay at a cool hotel!"

"Maybe we'll get to meet a lot of pro heroes!"

"Will y'all just shut up already?!" Everybody looked at Bakugo, then went back to talking. He'd been on edge ever since his kidnapping, and was not ready for yet another field trip that was bound to go wrong. He scowled at everyone, but didn't say anything else. Deku felt such pity for him. Kacchan had been through so much in so little time. He understood why Kacchan took his anger out on him, it was just hard to deal with the pain sometimes. Deku rubbed his eyes, fluffed his hair, and tapped on Kacchan's shoulder. He turned around with a scowl.

"The fuck you want, Deku?"

"I-I was just wondering if yo-you were okay."

"Hah? And what makes you think that I'm not okay?"

"Wel-well, because of what hap-happened yesterday."

"Just forget about it, shitty nerd."

"O-okay." Deku hung his head and thought to himself. 'I wonder where we're really going. I hope it doesn't end up like the other times. I wouldn't be able to handle it if I let someone get hurt again. Or even worse, kidna-'

"Hey Deku! Are you excited for the field trip?!" Deku looked up to see Uraraka and Iida. He shook away his bad thoughts and smiled up at them.

"Yea-yeah! I bet it's gonna be awesome! I hope I get to meet some rare pro heroes that I haven't seen before." He scratched the back of his neck, a blush forming on his cheeks. To be honest, he had quite a crush on Uraraka. She was so cute and lively, he couldn't help but look to her for support. Uraraka blushed as well, hoping that she'd have the courage to finally confess to him during the field trip. She just hoped it had a romantic feel to it. As they chatted away, it wasn't long before the period was over. The other classes went by in a flash. Deku couldn't stop glancing over at Uraraka, a blush constant on his face. Next thing he knew, the school day was over and it was time to go back to the dorms. Deku yawned as he got up from his desk, realizing just how tired he was. He dragged his feet to the dorms and took the elevator to his floor. He got to his room and just plopped on his bed, ready to pass out. But before he could, there was a knock at his door. He groaned as he got up and opened it, his tiredness gone in a flash when he saw it was Todoroki.

"Todo-todoroki! What's up?"

"I was wondering if you could help me with studying. I haven't been able to focus lately."

"Of-of course! Come in!" Deku walked aside and opened his door. Todoroki came in and sat on his bed, looking around the room. It wasn't his first time in there, but he was always amazed at the All Might merch. Deku quickly closed his door and went to his backpack, grabbing all of his notes. "So, which sub-subject do you wanna cover first?" Todoroki gave the slightest of smiles.

"How about English? It's my worst subject." Deku quickly grabbed his English notebook and they started studying. After a few hours, Deku was starting to feel tired again. He kept nodding off, until he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. His head plopped onto Todoroki's shoulder, a little drool falling from his mouth. Todoroki looked at him, the smallest smile peeking out. He wiped the drool from Deku's lips, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. He tilted Deku's chin up, eyes fixated on his lips. Deku's eyes opened slightly, confusion in his eyes. Todoroki slowly brought his face to his, their lips closing in on each other. Deku didn't even have time to process it before Todoroki pulled away. He stared at him, a blush on his face. Todoroki quickly grabbed his books and ran out of the room, that same blank expression on his face. Deku sat there, trying to figure out what just happened. When he finally woke up and it kicked in, his whole face turned red. He quickly grabbed a pillow and squealed into it. When he came down from the surprise, confusion crept in. 'Wait, does this mean I like Todoroki? But, I like Uraraka! Am I gay? Bi? Ahhhhhh I don't know what to think!' He slammed the pillow in his lap, a furrow in his brows. He decided to just take his mind off of it and get some sleep. He cleaned his books up and got into his pajamas. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out cold. What an eventful day. Deku woke up to his alarm, groggy from too much sleep. He slowly got up and went to the bathroom, deciding to take a shower. Once he was done, he went back into his room and the realization hit him. It's the day of the field trip! He quickly got dressed and grabbed his overnight bag. He ran out the door and immediately bumped into someone. He looked up to see Uraraka. He blushed profusely and looked down.

"Hey Ura-uraraka! Excited for the field trip today?" She had a big smile on her face and her backpack on her shoulders.

"I'm super excited! I wanted to ask you if you wanted to sit together on the bus!" They both blushed and Deku rubbed the back of his neck.

"Of, of course! I'd love to!" He checked his phone, seeing the time. "Ah! We're gonna be late! Let's go!" They both ran to the elevator and rushed to the gate of the school. By the time they arrived they were both out of breath. Everyone else was already there, their luggage in hand. Deku chuckled and said, "Sorry to keeps you guys waiting!" Bakugo scowled, annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah, you and your girlfriend get to pick seats last then." Both of them turned red, trying to deny anything between them. Deku unconsciously looked at Todoroki, only to see a sad look in his eyes. He quickly looked away and turned back to Uraraka.

"Ju-just ignore them. Let's join them before Mr. Aizawa gets here!" Uraraka nodded in response and they went to the front of the group, ready to get on the bus. Suddenly, a yellow sleeping bag rolled out from under the bus, Aizawa inside. The students watched as he slowly got up, his eye bags darker than usual.

"Get on the bus. It's time to go." Without saying anything else, he hopped into the bus and took the front seat. Everyone stared for a second, then proceeded to get on the bus. Like they discussed, Deku and Uraraka sat next to each other. What they weren't expecting, was that they were three seat rows. Uraraka was at the window, Deku in the middle, and Todoroki at the aisle. Deku just looked at his lap, not knowing what to do. It was so awkward with Todoroki after the kiss, but it's not like he didn't like it. But he also liked Uraraka. He had no idea what to do. He didn't know if Uraraka liked him back, and what if Todoroki wasn't even serious about the kiss? What if he was just fooling around? Deku's brain felt scrambled as he couldn't stop thinking the whole ride. But it helped him avoid talking to either of them. He was relieved when they finally reached their destination. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. They were in Tokyo! He couldn't believe all of the lights and people. When the bus came to a stop, he realized that they were at a fairly nice hotel. Aizawa led them off the bus and into the lobby, explaining the field trip now.

"Yes, we're in Tokyo. We decided to take you to a highly populated area to get used to interacting with people. We have set up with the pro heroes of this city for you to pair up with. You'll go on patrols with them and experience Tokyo. Sometimes, pro heroes need to go out of their comfort zones, so this is what you'll be learning. The hotel rooms has been assigned to four per room, girls and boys separated of course. I'll call out the groups and give you each a key to your hotel room. I want you to go straight to your rooms and unpack. We'll meet the pro heroes today, and you'll start patrolling with them tomorrow." Aizawa then called out the groups. To Deku's dismay, he was in a room with Todoroki. But there was also Kacchan and Kirishima. At least he wouldn't have to be alone with him. That is until he saw the room. There were two king size beds, and of course Bakugo was not gonna have Deku sleep next to him. So it was Todoroki and Deku in one bed, Bakugo and Kirishima in the other. He sighed as he sat on his side of the bed, facing the wall. He didn't feel like unpacking yet. So he just waited until it was time to go back down. Once everyone was grouped back up in the lobby, they headed out on foot to the biggest hero agency in Tokyo, Dynami. Deku couldn't stop his jaw from dropping. The building was huge! It was even bigger than his school. He couldn't help but rush off the bus once it stopped. He stood at the entrance, his eyes wide and sparkling. He had the biggest smile on his face. The others chuckled, looking at his expression. Aizawa interrupted his little moment with even more instructions.

"Okay. You'll be paired with a hero each. Today you'll meet with your assigned hero and get to know them. Make sure you ask them about the patrol tomorrow. Now, I'll call out your name and your hero. You can then go in and look for them. You'll get to go to their office and experience a bit of the paperwork side of being a hero. Don't worry, it's not as boring as you think. Now, first off, Uraraka! You're paired with Fotoseru. Jirou, you're with Miss Hurricane…." Deku zoned out as he tried to peek through the doors. He could just see the silhouettes of all the amazing heroes. He barely had time to register his name being called. "Midoriya! Are you even listening?"

"Sor-sorry sir! I just got so excited!" Deku blushed, embarrassed that all attention was on him now.

"Anyway, you're paired up with Deathly Manner." Deku rose his brows at the name. Deathly Manner? It didn't sound very hero like to him. But what was he to judge, he was still gonna get to meet a new hero! He quickly entered the building, wowed by the number of heroes in one place. He went to the front counter, bouncing up and down.

"I'm looking for Deathly Manner?" The woman at the counter smiled at him before speaking into her microphone.

"Deathly Manner. I repeat, Deathly Manner. Please come to the front desk." Deku looked around as he saw a shadowed figure going through the crowd. When the hero finally emerged, Deku gasped. She was a beautiful hero. She wore a black cloak over her long, flowing, red dress. She had beautiful, curly dark orange hair that went down to her breasts. Her black eyes smiled at him. He gulped, a blush spreading across his face. She gallantly walked up to him, hands behind her.

"You must be my little helper. I'm Deathly Manner, but you can call me Manny." She winked at him, making his face turn tomato red. "Now, how about we go check out my office? You're lucky you got me, I have the top floor all to myself." Deku stumbled over himself as he followed her to the elevator. He watched as she pushed the top floor button, floor 300. He couldn't believe how tall this place was. He couldn't stop himself from looking over Manny. She had a beautiful figure, and a sharp face. She caught his eye and he went back to tomato red, quickly looking away. "Oh don't feel ashamed, young one. You're a teenage boy. Why wouldn't you be interested in a woman like myself?" She gently grasped his chin, turning his gaze back to her. Now he just had confusion in his eyes. She let go and chuckled as they arrived at their floor. "Lighten up kid." She led him down the hall to her main office. It had a beautiful sky line view. He sat down on the couch in the middle, excited to see how pro heroes work in the office.

After a few hours of talking about hero work, they decided to take a tea break. Manny sat next to Deku on the couch. As they drank their tea, he realized that she was getting closer and closer to him. Suddenly, her hand was on his thigh. He tried to scooch away, uncomfortable, but her grip tightened. He gulped, afraid of what was about to happen. He froze as she leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"Don't worry. You'll love it." Then she kissed him. Her kiss tasted like death. He suddenly got the energy to try to get away, but she quickly pushed him back down and got on his lap, straddling him. Tears started to form in his eyes, afraid of what was gonna happen. He didn't want this. Far from it. He started to hyperventilate when she took her coat off and pulled up her dress. Tears formed in his eyes when she unbuttoned his pants.

"Plea-please. I don't want to. I don't want to." He couldn't stop repeating those words like a mantra. But Manny didn't listen. She pulled down his pants and underwear, and was soon jerking him off. He tried to stop himself, but he got hard. Tears were pouring down his face at this point. He thought about using his quirk, but what would people think? That he was actually a villain and attacked her? He knew he couldn't do anything and that hurt. She quickly moved her panties away and positioned herself. Deku felt like everything was going in slow motion. Soon, she impaled herself on him. He gasped at the feeling, but didn't have time to process it before she was bouncing up and down on him. His mouth just gaped open as she took her time, enjoying every second of it. He was pretty big for his age. She looked into his teary eyes and grinned.

"I knew you'd be good. God, this is just what I needed. I'm glad I asked for you." She went in and devoured his lips, her tongue searching every corner of his mouth. She kept going until he almost couldn't breathe. When she finally backed off, he was panting for air. She decided to speed up, close to the edge. He was close too.

"No, no, no. Please no. I don't wanna come. Don't make me." But it was too late. They both gasped as they came, Deku blacking out for just a second. Manny panted as she slowly came down from her orgasm, content with herself. She slowly rode him some more, hoping to draw out a whine. It worked, the pain of overstimulation causing him to cry out. "Stop! Please! Enough, haven't you had enough?!" Manny chuckled and kept going, loving the feeling of torturing him. He kept whining, the pain was all he could think of. Soon enough he was soft again though, so she got bored and got off him. She sighed and pulled her dress down, grabbing her cloak and going back to her desk. It took Deku almost 10 minutes to regain himself. As he came out of his shock, he gagged. He quickly buttoned his pants, his hands shaking.

"I think it's about time for you to meet up with your friends. Oh, and don't forget, we're patrolling in the Shinjuku Ward. So be prepared." He jumped, forgetting she was still there. He quickly got up and ran to the elevator, having trouble pushing the button. Once it arrived, he dove in and mashed the button to the lobby, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible. As soon as the doors closed, he collapsed. He couldn't believe what just happened. 'She, she raped me. Right? I didn't want it! Oh god, I have to see her again tomorrow. What if she tries to do it again?! Oh god, oh no, I can't go through that again. I can't, I can't.' He started hyperventilating, unable to stop the thoughts crossing his mind. If he could cry, he would, but he ran out of tears a long time ago. All he could do was pull at his hair and barely breathe. When the elevator chimed, he quickly got up and ran into the lobby. Everyone else was already there, talking about how great their heroes were. The first to notice him was Uraraka.

"Oh, hey Deku! I heard you got the top hero! How was the office, was it cool?" Deku flinched when she got close to him. Just seeing her made him think about what had just happened. He couldn't bring himself to answer, or even look her in the eyes. "Is everything alright?" He quickly shook his head, hoping that he wasn't being too weird.

"Oh, oh! No, everything's okay! It was a beautiful office." He grimaced at the thought of the place. He knew he should tell someone, but who would believe him? He was a boy and she was the top hero! He couldn't bring himself to say it, at least not to Uraraka.

"And what about the hero? What was he like?" Deku frowned at that. He didn't wanna talk about her. Or even think about her.

"Oh yeah, she, she was cool! I learned a lot!" He hoped she would stop at that. But then Denki had to butt in.

"I heard she was hot! Was she? Was she?!" Denki was getting up in his face, Mineta behind him.

"I looked her up earlier! She's a total babe! Did you try to at least brush against her boob? I so wish I could've met her." Mineta was drooling by the time he finished talking. Deku couldn't stand it anymore. He turned around and ran to the bathroom. He quickly locked the door and hurried to a stall before throwing up. He never wanted this. Yes, she was beautiful, but that didn't mean he wanted to have sex with her. He couldn't stop throwing up until he was dry heaving. He sobbed into the toilet. He could still feel her touch. It burned. Everything burned. Especially his crotch. It felt like her grip was crushing it. He never thought he would lose his virginity this way. He thought he was gonna get married to a pretty girl, or even a cute guy, and then lose it. But instead he was raped by a damn pro hero. She was supposed to be a hero! He knew there were some corrupt heroes out there, but he didn't think there were ones like her. It took a while for him to pull himself together. When he finally did, he realized that his friends were at the door.

"Oi! Deku! Get your ass out here! We're leaving!"

"Deku? Are you okay?

"Midoriya, do you need me to get Mr. Aizawa?" He tried to pull himself together as fast as he could, making sure to splash some water on his face before unlocking the door. Uraraka was the one to open it, concern the only thing on her face.

"Hey, are you okay? You look pale." He tried to put on a smile, but it just turned into a grimace.

"Yea-yeah, I'm okay! I think I just had too much tea and upset my stomach. No worries!" Uraraka didn't believe him, but she didn't want to pressure him right now. She would wait until they got back to the hotel.

"Okay, well, it's time to go! We wanna get back before it gets dark!" Deku nodded and followed them back into the lobby with everyone else. They quickly headed out and it didn't take too long to get back to the hotel. Deku decided to skip dinner and just go to sleep, if he could. By the time everyone got ready to eat, he was taking a shower. He set it as cold as he could, anything to get rid of the burning. He didn't care if he was shivering, he could still feel it. Her hands, her lips, her thighs. Everything. It seared his skin. He was brought out of his daze when he heard Kacchan yelling. Shit, dinner was already over. He got up so fast he got dizzy, almost falling over. He tried to regain himself but failed. Gripping the wall, he turned the water off and got out. It took his eyes a moment to focus, but when they did, he spotted the towels and grabbed a few of them. He slowly dried off before putting on new clothes. He was freezing cold, but the burning was still there. God dammit, why wouldn't it go away?! He cursed as he opened the bathroom door, ready to pass out now. But Todoroki was in the way.

"Midoriya, are you okay? I didn't see you at dinner." That same pity in his eyes as Uraraka. He couldn't stand it. Ignoring Todoroki, he walked to his side of the bed and laid on top of the covers. He was too hot to get under them. Kirishima and Todoroki looked concerned, but Bakugo was just annoyed.

"Who gives a shit about the nerd, let's just go to sleep. We got patrol tomorrow, extras." Regretfully, they listened to him and just got under the covers. But they couldn't ignore the whimpers they would hear sometimes. The shifting back and forth. Even the soft pleads. Deku didn't get any sleep that night. Or any night from there on. When his alarm went off, Deku sighed in relief, but also shook in fear. He didn't have to keep pretending to sleep. But that meant he had to get up and go on patrol with Her. He didn't know if he was going to be able to stand even being by her, let alone going on patrol with her. He slowly dragged himself out of bed and turned off his alarm. Thankfully, it didn't wake the others so he would be able to shower first. He rushed to the bathroom with a pair of clothes and proceeded to take yet another cold shower. He took his time trying to scrub every remnant of her from his body. He didn't think to stop until he could hear Bakugo banging on the door.

"Oi! Shitty Deku, what's taking you so long?! We gotta shower too you idiot!" He scrambled to turn off the water and quickly dried off. He got dressed as fast as he could and pushed past Bakugo to head to the lobby. But before he could get to their hotel room door, Todoroki grabbed his arm. He froze, Todoroki's unusually cold hand burning him. He flinched as he turned around and yanked his arm out of Todoroki's grip.

"Woah, hey, Midoriya. Are you okay? It sounded like you couldn't get much sleep last night." Deku just glared at him before turning back around and leaving the room. This time even Bakugo was concerned. Deku was always a chatterbox, it was odd for him to not speak at all. Kirishima decided to be the one to say it.

"So, we're going to talk to Mr. Aizawa about this, right?" The other two nodded as they started to get ready for the day. Once everyone was down in the lobby, they pulled Aizawa aside to inform him of how Deku was acting. Aizawa immediately understood and knew that he needed to talk to Deku before he went on his patrol. It took Aizawa a minute to find him, but when he did, he noticed he was just sitting in the corner away from everyone else. He decided to calmly walk up to him and get his attention so as not to startle him.

"Midoriya. Is there something you need to talk to me about? Your friends are worried about you." Even though he was cautious, Deku still jumped from his voice. He could see him trying to process whether or not he should talk to him.

"Act-actually, there is something I need to talk to you about. But can we please wait until after the field trip? I don't want to ruin it." Aizawa was confused. What could he possibly tell him that would stop the whole field trip? He was really concerned now, but decided to grant his wish.

"Alright, but we're talking right after we get back. Okay?" Deku nodded his head and went back to just looking at his lap. Aizawa could see his hands shaking, but just thought it to be nerves. He was gonna be patrolling with the number one hero in Tokyo. Soon enough, all the heroes arrived and they went to their separate wards. Deku couldn't help but tremble at the sight of Her. He kept his eyes on the floor at all times, avoiding any contact between them. When they arrived at Shinjuku, he was relieved when they just went patrolling like normal. After hours of walking around and taking down quite a few bad guys, it was getting dark. They still had another hour before the patrol was over. He thought he was clear. But then they turned down a narrow alleyway. He started to breathe faster, wondering why they were going toward what looked like a dead end.

"Why, why are we going this wa-way? Isn't it just a dea-dead end?" Before he could say another word, she slammed him against the brick wall. He yelped, pain blooming in his shoulders. He looked at her in fear, knowing what was coming next. She put one hand over his mouth and the other down his pants. He tried to buck her off but she was too strong. Damn the strength of pro heroes. The tears finally fell as she wouldn't stop her hand, him getting hard. But suddenly, her grip loosened and the hand on his mouth fell. He opened his eyes and screamed at the sight. He watched as her body slowly fell down, her head cut clean off. He quickly pulled her other hand out of his pants and backed away. Now he was afraid of a whole new thing. A villain. Standing in front of him was a notorious villain in Tokyo named Dao. He froze in his tracks. He tried to activate his quirk, but it was too late. A blade was already to his neck. He squealed when it pricked him, a small drop of blood forming. Then the mysterious man spoke.

"I'm not one to take contracts, but I couldn't turn this down. Don't know what they want in a kid like you, but I'm here to deliver." Deku had no time to process the words before he was knocked out. Dao quickly threw him over his shoulder and made a call. "I've got the kid." He hung up just as fast, then a purple portal appeared. He walked through and there were the League Of Villains. But the most surprising thing was All For One. He was out of jail. And kidnapping Deku. As soon as Dao set him down, he looked to Shigaraki. "So, where's my payment?" Shigaraki grinned widely as he gripped his shoulder.

"Right here." He chuckled as Dao screamed, slowly turning to dust. Once he was gone, their attention turned to Deku. "Sensei, you're gonna let us have some fun, right? I've wanted to torture this child since I saw his dumb freckled face." AFO grinned before nodding and walking off.

"Bring him to his cell. It'll be his home for the rest of his life." His lackeys followed, carrying Deku. Once they arrived at the barren cell, they threw him in and locked the door. No light came into the room. It was pitch black. By the time he woke up, he was terrified. He opened his eyes and saw nothing but darkness. He felt around the room, for anything, but all he could feel was the cold concrete. He ended up with his back against the wall, knees to his chest. He was horrified. The last thing he remembered was seeing that villain kill Her. He couldn't stop the images from flashing through his mind. The blood, the blade, her dying body. All you could hear through the halls was his soft sobbing. He didn't know where he was or what happened, but he did know one thing. He was trapped. It was hours before the door opened. Even the dim light that peeked in hurt Deku's eyes. He squinted as he tried to see who it was. In the back of his mind, he was hoping it was All Might who came to save him. But once he got used to the light, his eyes widened at the villain in front of him. All For One.

"How, how?! How are you out?! Why didn't we hear about it?! What do you want with me?!" AFO did nothing but stand there and smirk. Then in came Toga and Shigaraki. Deku froze, all of his anger gone. He knew where this was going. Pain. AFO finally spoke after minutes of silence.

"You know what to do. Prepare him to become my bride. Make sure he doesn't lose that feminine charm." Deku looked on in despair. Bride? Feminine charm? What were they going to do to him?! He scrambled away into the corner when Toga approached him with a knife.

"Don't worry Izu-kun, I'm only gonna make you prettier!" She grabbed his arm and he tried to activate his quirk but couldn't. He looked at Shigaraki in confusion.

"We made sure to take precautions, so that little power of yours won't work." He chuckled as Toga dragged Deku towards him. The first thing he did was inject a paralyzer in Deku. He couldn't move, but could feel all the pain. Next, they removed his clothes. If Deku wasn't paralyzed, he would be hyperventilating like crazy right now. Then, when he saw the scalpel, he blacked out. But it wasn't even a minute before he was back. He saw Shigaraki holding smelling salts. They weren't gonna let him sleep through this. Then, Toga took the scalpel and went to his crotch. He tried to plead, to get them to stop, but all of it was gibberish. He watched as Toga took the scalpel and impaled his ballsack. He screamed as loud as he could, considering. She was sure to be slow and precise while cutting, making sure he felt every bit of the pain. She even stopped to lick her fingers at one point. By the time she was done, Deku had passed out 5 times, but was woken up every time by the smelling salts. The last time he woke up, when he looked down, he sobbed. He had been castrated.

"That was fun! You're blood really is the best Izu-kun! Don't worry, there's more to come!" Toga left, his ballsack in her hand. He chuckled dryly, unable to believe what just happened. Then Shigaraki grabbed his attention. He stepped on Deku's knee and grabbed his foot. Deku was confused until he mercilessly pulled his foot forward, breaking his leg. Deku cried out again, the pain somehow even worse than his castration. Then, Shigaraki did the other leg. By the time he was done, both of Deku's legs had bone sticking out. He grunted with a smile on his face before leaving the cell, the door still open. They knew Deku wouldn't be able to do anything in this state. Plus, he was still heavily paralyzed. Eventually, nurses came into the room and patched him up, setting his legs and wrapping bandages where his testicles once were. When they were done, they closed the door behind them, leaving him to pass out in the dark all alone.

Hours before, the students were slowly gathering in the lobby of the hero agency. Many had finished their patrols and were ready to pass out. Soon enough, everyone was there except for one. After a while, Aizawa was concerned.

"Has anyone seen Midoriya or Deathly Manner? They should be back by now." Everyone gave a chorus of "no"s and "I don't know"s. Todoroki and Kirishima were looking at each other, worried.

"Maybe they ran into a villain last minute? I heard they went to Shinjuku, the most dangerous ward."

"Kirishima's right. They probably just ran into trouble on their way back. They'll be back soon." Aizawa couldn't help but still worry. With the way Deku was acting earlier, he couldn't just shake it off. He went to the front desk and asked the receptionist to try and contact Deathly Manner. After getting no response for a few minutes, he paled. Something happened.

The students and their heroes were combing through the Shinjuku Ward, hoping to find some trace of Deathly Manner or Deku. After a few hours, they were almost ready to give up. Until Bakugo went down a narrow alley with his assigned hero, TeleNick. As he creeped through, his hands started to shake. Then, he stepped in something wet. When he looked down, he froze. The headless body of Deathly Manner laid in front of him. He couldn't get himself to speak, but TeleNick soon came up behind him and saw the same thing. He quickly informed everyone over comms and searched further through the alley for Deku. But no trace of him was found. Bakugo suddenly turned and threw up, unable to handle the sight. The only thing that ran through his mind was: Where the hell are you Deku?!

Once the crime scene was taped off, Aizawa was let in. As he saw the situation, his heart clenched. Something bad definitely happened. He went to the chief to hear his statement.

"It looks like she was killed by the villain Dao. Same m.o. She was hit off guard, didn't stand a chance. As for your student, there's no trace of him found, which is both good and bad. It means he wasn't hurt in the attack. But it also means that it'll be impossible to find him. We've already put an APB and Amber Alert out on him, so all we can do now is hope someone found him. We're also trying to find Dao, but no luck there either. I'm sorry about your kid. You might want to inform his parents of the situation." Aizawa sighed, walking to the group of his students that were trying to get past the tape. You could see the worry on all of their faces, even Bakugo's. He waited until they all got back onto the bus before he gave them the news.

"Thankfully, none of the blood was Midoriya's so we're assuming he's unharmed." Everyone sighed at that, the tension lessening just a bit. "But, we're still unable to locate him. We have to assume he's been kidnapped by an unknown enemy with the help of the villain Dao. Everyone is looking for him, so the only thing we can do now is go home and wait for more news. School will be canceled for a week while us teachers attempt to help the investigation." Everyone tensed up again at the news of no Deku. They all shared worried glances, not knowing what to do or how to help. Well, not all. In the back of the bus, Bakugo, Uraraka, Todoroki, Kirishima, and, surprisingly, Denki were plotting how they were going to insert themselves into the investigation. Just like when Bakugo was kidnapped, they weren't just gonna sit by. As they headed home to U.A., they all hoped one thing. That Deku was still alive. Deku spent a few days all alone in that cell. No food or water. No light. Just the feeling of the cold concrete walls around him. He was lucky when he didn't wake up with a headache. Then there was the pain of his legs and crotch. At first he just kept going in and out of consciousness, but then he couldn't sleep cause of the pain. So he would wait until he finally passed out from exhaustion, but he was never out long. Which meant he had to be alone with his thoughts. He thought about how no one would want him now. How his legs were probably permanently damaged. How he could never have children of his own. What was gonna happen next? Why did AFO want him as his bride? What else were they going to do to him? The thoughts never stopped. Even his dreams haunted him. She was always there. Lurking in the depths of his head, ready to come out and torture him once more. At one point, the burning of his skin got so bad he tried to scratch it away. He couldn't see, but when he was finished, his hands were covered in blood. He couldn't stand it. Sometimes he would just scream until his throat became raw. And once it was finally better, he'd start all over again. It was only three days, but for him it felt like eternity. When that door finally opened up, he wept with joy. He even dragged himself toward it, hoping to get some fresh air compared to the stuffy feeling in the room. The first to enter was Shigaraki, which made his smile drop. Then came Spinner, Compress, and someone he didn't recognize. He quickly scooted away, scared of what would happen next. Then, someone unexpected came in. Himself. He stared back at his own silhouette, confused. But then his other self spoke.

"Look Izu-kun! I'm you! I wanted this to be special, so I wanted to be you instead of just being a random man. It's gonna make this so much more fun!" Deku immediately knew it was Toga, wondering why she had to be a man. But as they inched closer, it clicked. He screamed, trying to crawl away, but it was too late. The unknown man and Spinner were already holding him down. Toga got first dibs, so she pulled down her pants and boxers and got down between his legs. "Look, we're matching! Except your balls are missing! Hehe." She didn't waste any time and thrusted into him. The pain wasn't anything he could've imagined. It spread from his entrance all the way to the back of his neck. He shrieked the loudest he ever had in his life. It had just started and he already couldn't handle any more. As Toga kept thrusting, he kept screaming and crying. He tried to close his eyes and look away, but they immediately grabbed his head and held open his eyes. They made him watch as his own self raped him. Soon enough, Toga came. But she was soon replaced by Shigaraki. He was even bigger. Now, they didn't care about him watching. So Spinner sat on his chest and shoved himself down Deku's throat. They each took multiple turns with him, all laughing and making fun of him. Shigaraki had the last turn. But he decided to take in up a notch and started choking Deku.

"I always liked how my fingers look around that tiny neck of yours." As he came, he put his pinky down, causing the decay to start. Deku's eyes rolled into the back of his head, silent screams trying to escape his mouth. Shigaraki finally let go after a few seconds and pulled out. "We're done here. Don't forget to thank Sensei for the treat." They all filed out, Toga making sure to collect a bit of blood on the way. Spinner gave him a kick for good measure, and the unknown man kissed him on the forehead. Deku was left in the room, unconscious. Minutes later the same nurses came in, giving him a sponge bath and changing his bandages. But they also left a bottle of water and some soup. As they left, they made sure to leave the door cracked ever so slightly so the light could peek in. And once again, Deku was alone.

It had been three days since Deku went missing, and still not a single clue. No eye witnesses, no DNA at the crime scene, nothing. Until they got shocking results from the autopsy report. Deathly Manner had sperm in her. And after some testing, they found out whose. Midoriya Izuku's. Aizawa had to leave the room, unable to stand it. What happened between them? Would Midoriya really do that? Then he got an idea. The security cameras at the hero agency. He ran out of the morgue, knowing what to do next.

Once he got to the agency, he went straight to the security room. He demanded they bring up the security cameras on the top floor, but they didn't have any. So he asked for the next best thing, the elevator footage. First he watched as they went up, Midoriya being his usual nervous self. Even turning red as a tomato a couple times. But nothing too out of the ordinary. So he had them skip to when Midoriya left the office. What he saw broke him. Midoriya rushing into the elevator, tears running down his face. His clothes disheveled and body shaking. He couldn't take his eyes off the footage. His frown deepened when he saw Midoriya collapse and go into a panic attack. 'How did I not notice it right away? I'm supposed to be trained in this! Is this what Midoriya needed to talk about? Dammit, I should've pushed him to tell me then!' He punched the desk, seething with anger. He grabbed a copy of the footage and ran as fast as he could. He may not be able to find Midoriya, but he could bring him some justice.

The rescue group was having a secret meeting in Todoroki's room. This included Todoroki, Uraraka, Bakugo, Kirishima, Iida, Momo, and Denki. They were able to convince Momo and Iida to join them. Todoroki decided to be the head of the group, wanting at all costs to get his Izuk- Midoriya back. Plus, he was the most sound of mind out of them. They didn't have much to their plan given that there wasn't much even they knew. That was until Bakugo decided to speak up.

"I know who took him." They all turned to him, confused. Uraraka was impatient though.

"Well then why didn't you tell us earlier?! It's been three days! And you decided to wait to tell us until now?!" She was seething, ready to jump him if he held back any more.

"Because, Round Face, I had to talk to All Might about it first." This just confused them even more. What would All Might have to do with Deku disappearing? Before they could ask him, he decided to just continue. "Deku is actually quirkless. Or, he was. But then he met All Might, who passed his quirk on to him. It's called One For All." Denki shot up, almost shaking.

"One For All? Does that have something to do with the worst villain ever All For One?!" Everyone was shocked at this realization, waiting for Bakugo to continue. Iida had to pull Denki to sit back down.

"Yeah. All For One created One For All. It's a long story, but that's how I know who took Deku. It was the damned League of Villains. All Might is going to talk to All For One tomorrow, meanwhile, I think we should try and find where their new hideout is. It's our best bet." They all sat in thought for a minute, contemplating if they were still wanting to do this. But no one left. They all looked at each other, determination in their eyes. Tomorrow, their plan will go into action. Find the League of Villains and get Deku back. They just hoped it wasn't too late. When Deku woke up, it took him a minute to realize where he was. When he did, he shot up and shouted in pain. With the little bit of light, he could see a small pool of blood under him. Which made him remember what happened. He shivered, looking around the room for something to distract him. That's when he finally noticed the soup and water. He pulled himself over as fast as he could, licking his lips. He took the water first, holding the bottle with both hands. He had to stop before he started choking, water running down his neck. He took a breath before grabbing the bowl of soup, making sure to drink it slowly this time. It was cold, but it was food. Once he was done, he soon regretted eating so fast. His stomach was doing flips. He decided to just lay back down and hope it went away. Soon enough he fell back asleep, a full stomach for the first time in a while.

The next time he woke up, he was strapped to a medical table. He panicked, trying to get a grasp on his surroundings. There were giant tubes filled with what looked like Nomus, scientific tools scattered everywhere. 'What, what is this place?! Is this where nomus are made? Am I gonna be turned into a nomu?! But, he needs my quirk, doesn't he? Do I even still have my quirk?' He quickly tested it out and was relieved when it activated. But when he tried to break free, he just ended up hurting himself more. 'Great, it repels my quirk. Well, I didn't expect to get far anyway.' He looked at his legs, sighing. It hurt to even attempt to wiggle his toes. Then his eyes went to his crotch. Tears stung his eyes as he jerked his head away. His dignity had been stolen, and he even pissed himself in his sleep. He tried not to, but he just kept crying. It took about ten minutes for him to calm down. Then, someone entered from behind him. He tried to turn his head to see, but they were too far away. He sat there, shaking, no idea of what was about to happen to him. When the mysterious person finally came into view, it was... his childhood doctor?!

Aizawa sighed. He was being dragged by All Might to visit AFO. He didn't understand why they had to go so early in the morning. He stood up as it was time to meet him. The chair slowly came into view, holding what appeared to be AFO. He could see All Might trembling with rage, so he decided to ask the questions for him.

"All For One. All Might's disciple Midoriya Izuku has gone missing. We believe you have something to do with it?" No response, not even a movement. They looked at each other, confused. All Might thought it's cause he wasn't doing the talking.

"Is it true? Did your League of Villains take him?" When once again there was no response, they knew there was something wrong. They pushed the emergency button in the meeting room, rushing toward the door. When officials went to restrain AFO, he turned to dust in their hands. AFO had escaped, and no one knew how.

Operation Rescue Deku was underway. Their plan was to use Denki to get the LOV's attention. They trailed him as he walked through the villainous part of town. This went on for hours, no sign of a villain anywhere. That was until after midnight. It had just turned 12:47 when Denki was ambushed. His friends quickly came to his aid only to see him being dragged through one of their infamous purple portals. Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kirishima were able to get through before it closed. Iida, Momo, and Uraraka stood there in shock. They just lost four more of their friends to the LOV. And they had no idea what to do. Text

"Ah, I see you're awake. That's good. I need you awake for this to work, otherwise you could've died. Plus, now I get to see you writhe in pain." Deku stared at his childhood doctor, fear in his eyes. He tried to struggle out of his restraints, but to no avail. His eyes followed the giant needle as it plunged into his abdomen, the pain causing him to scream. He watched the glowing red liquid slowly leave the syringe. The feeling of the liquid entering his abdomen felt like he swallowed slime. Then came the pain. The searing pain. He let out silent screams as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body arched. It felt like his organs were getting stabbed and rearranged. His crotch felt like it was splitting open. When he was about to pass out, the pain suddenly dulled. He was panting, his bandages soaked with sweat. He looked up at the doctor, his eyes pleading. The doctor just grabbed a stethoscope and went towards his crotch. He pressed the stethoscope to his abdomen, listening intently. He sighed, then slapped on a glove and dipped his finger in some kinda liquid. Deku was just confused, he didn't even know what that drug did to him. But suddenly, the doctor was sticking his finger in his asshole. Deku jerked, the new scabs from before threatening to open up. The doctor moved his finger around a bit, seeming to have trouble finding what he was looking for. But soon enough he found the opening hidden amongst the walls of his intestines and pressed in. Deku gasped, a new feeling he never felt before enveloping him. It was uncomfortable and he didn't know why. What was he pressing into? Why was he pressing into it? He squirmed as the doctor searched him farther, the pain increasing. He squealed when the doctor quickly pulled out, blood covering his glove now. The doctor sighed and removed his gloves, throwing them away.

"Well, looks like it worked. You're all ready to get pregnant." Deku froze at his words. Him, pregnant? How was that possible? Is that what he was injected with? Is that why AFO wanted him as his bride? He started hyperventilating, unable to grasp just how crazy the situation was. The doctor sighed and just jabbed him with a sedative. He grabbed his phone, dialing a number.

"Tell him his wife is ready. I'll be putting her in her room. Bring her a dress he'll like. That's all." He grabbed the table Deku was on and slowly rolled him out of the room, headed to the room that Deku would loathe for the rest of his life.

As soon as they got back from the prison, the school had a meeting. Even the top ten heroes were there. All For One had escaped and no one knew where to find him. And he was most likely responsible for the kidnapping of one Midoriya Izuku. Not knowing what they were doing to him, they increased the urgency of the search. It was now common knowledge among the top heroes that Midoriya was All Might's disciple. They started searching known areas of the LOV, but had no luck. Heroes were taken off patrol to help look. It wasn't long before basically everywhere was searched, but no hideout. They had no idea where the LOV were. When they had all grouped back up at U.A., Nezu received a mysterious email. He pulled it up on the big screen before opening it. All that it contained was a video clip. They braced themselves for what was on it. What they could see was shocking. It looked like Midoriya, on top of an injured boy. Raping him. They couldn't see the poor boy's face, there wasn't even any sound. All they could do was stare as Midoriya raped the poor boy. Once he came, the video ended. All Might was the first to speak.

"That wasn't young Midoriya. It couldn't have been. He would never do something like that. It had to be that villain Toga, right? She just took some of his blood and pretended to be him. I can't believe what that poor boy has gone through, but we're focused on Midoriya right now. And that's not him. They just want us to think that. We can't let All For One have him or his quirk. That would mean the end of heroes. I say we just try to figure out where this email came from and look for any clues within the video. Nezu, what do you think?" He was tense, hoping they thought the same thing. Everyone turned to Nezu, waiting for his say. Nezu answered through his actions. He sent the file to school's detectives, telling them to find out where it came from and any clues in the video. All Might sighed in relief. They quickly disbanded and went back to their patrols, finally having at least some evidence of where Midoriya is. All they could do was wait for the detectives to find something. They just hoped that it wasn't too late.

Kirishima, Todoroki, Denki, and Bakugo landed in a concrete room with a fancy bed in the middle. They were greeted by Shigaraki, Toga, Spinner, Compress, Twice, and Dabi. Bakugo was quick to try and use his quirk, but nothing happened. He looked at his hands in shock. The fighting started, but the villains easily had the advantage. Soon enough they were each shackled to the wall to the right of the bed. As soon as the villains left, they started planning how to get out.

"God damnit! I shouldn't have followed your stupid ass through the portal! Now we're all trapped! Fuck!" Bakugo began his temper tantrum, fists clenched and bloody. They were all beaten up at this point and their energy was sapped.

"Bakubro you know it's not his fault. We brought this on ourselves, trying to bait the League of Villains. Let's just stay calm and try to find a way out of these shackles." Bakugo slightly loosened, Kirishima's voice soothing him.

"Kiri's right. Do any of you have a bobby pin or something to pick the locks?" Denki was trying to hide his fright, blaming himself for lowering his guard and getting them into this mess. He just hoped the others told the teachers about them by now. Otherwise they were screwed.

"Why the fu-" Bakugo was cut off by the door opening. In came Toga. She had a bright smile on her face as she skipped over to them, her syringes in hand.

"Hey pretty boys! Time for your blood extractions! Trust me, this is gonna be so much fun!" She went to Todoroki first who just glared at her, unable to stop her. Once she had a vial full of his blood, she quickly moved on to Denki beside him. Denki shrieked as the needle pierced him, almost passing out. Next was Kirishima. He just closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. Last but not least, Bakugo. He remained calm until Toga got close, then he bit her arm. She squealed and stabbed him hard with the syringe, causing him to let go. She made sure to take two vials of his blood. Soon enough she left, licking off her syringes. They sighed in relief that she was finally gone, but they didn't have much time to adjust before the door opened once again. This time two men were rolling someone in a dress on a table into the room. They quickly laid them down on the bed and left without another word. The person was passed out and wearing a beautiful, doll like dress. It was lavender and white. They could see the bandages on the persons legs. But then they finally saw the hair. Green as a forest in the spring. Todoroki was the first to say something, the others in too much shock.

"Midoriya?!"As Deku opened his eyes, a small whine escaped his lips as the pain hit him. The first thing he noticed was there was light in the room. The second thing he noticed was he was on a bed. The third was the dress he was wearing. And finally, his ears picked up the breathing to his right. He turned to see four of his friends against the wall, chained up and bruised. His eyes widened and he choked on his words, the need to speak overwhelming.

"G-guys? Why are you here? What did they do to you?" They all flinched at the sudden voice. Bakugo was the first to speak, always ready to nag Deku.

"Why don't you worry about yourself first? What the hell did they do to YOU?" Deku looked down at his legs, black and blue peeping out of the bandages. He couldn't even move his legs now, not even a toe. He whimpered, wondering if he would ever be able to walk again after this. If there was an after. Before his thoughts could go even darker, Todoroki spoke up.

"All we care about now is that you're alive. We've been trying to find a way to break out of here. Do you think you could crawl over here and try to unlock us?" Deku quickly nodded, avoiding eye contact with any of them. He couldn't let them see through him. He would take his pain to his grave. He slowly got off the bed and crawled over to them, going to Kirishima first. When he was close enough, he looked at the shackles. Great, they were electronic. There was no way to unlock them manually. He sighed, backing away.

"I'm sorry but I can't do anything. They're electronic." They all frowned, their minds racing to find another way to get out. But before they could say another word, the door opened. Deku stiffened, his breathing increasing. He turned to see AFO come through the door. He whimpered, knowing what was to come. He tried to scramble back from AFO, but had nowhere to go. He ended up in front of Todoroki, tears filling his eyes at this point. AFO just smiled, bending down.

"Time for our honeymoon my dear bride." Deku turned to Todoroki, tears falling down his face. Neither said anything, just staring into each other's eyes as AFO picked him up and took him to the bed. He gently laid Deku down before taking a syringe out of his pocket. Deku shrunk, afraid of what he'll be injected with next. "Don't worry my dear, this is just something to make it easier." He grabbed Deku's neck and jabbed the syringe into it, injecting every last drop of the liquid. AFO's grin widened as he unbuckled his pants. "Now the real fun begins."

Aizawa was with the detectives rewatching the video over and over again. He just needed one little hint as to where Midoriya was. Just one. He didn't care how many times he had to watch it. On his 38th round, he finally noticed it. The one villain in the room that he didn't recognize had a company outfit on. He couldn't see the logo until it hit a certain frame. That one frame was enough. He could just make out the logo: Saijo's Meats. The man worked at a damn butchery. Aizawa quickly called everyone he could, ordering a raid to find that one villain. Soon enough he had everyone backing him, ready to find one of the men behind All Might's successor's kidnapping.

Uraraka rushed through the school doors, Iida and Momo on her tail. She ran right up to the principal's office, ready to knock on the door, when it opened. Nezu stepped to the side, letting them in. They were confused but accepted it, walking in and sitting in the chairs.

"So I'm assuming your little rescue op didn't go as planned?" They paled and looked at each other. "You should really assume that I know everything by now." Uraraka sighed, deciding to be the one to speak.

"Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Denki were kidnapped by the League of Villains and we need your help." Nezu sighed before locking his door. This was really gonna hurt U.A. Warmth filled his body in an instant. His eyes were blurred with tears and everything sounded far away. It wasn't until he felt something at his hole when he snapped out of it. His face was flushed and he was breathing deeply as he looked up at AFO. The man decided right then to push his finger in. Deku whined, the finger pushing against old scabs. He looked to the right and regretted it instantly. Denki and Kirishima were turned away, tears threatening to fall down. Bakugo was thrashing against his restraints, trying to find any way to save Deku. And Todoroki, well he was staring at AFO with fury burning in his eyes. He barely even blinked, probably hoping his looks could kill if nothing else. Deku gasped as another finger entered him and he turned away, unable to bear the thought that his friends had to watch. At least they could close their eyes, but the sounds would still be heard. When AFO was done fingering him, Deku sighed in relief when his fingers left. But a new panic set in when something much bigger was being replaced. He looked at AFO, the man's smirk burning him. He couldn't help but cry out as AFO suddenly went all in, the pain too much. He would never get used to something like this, he couldn't. But the whole time he was being fingered, that warmth in his body turned into a burn of need. He only just realized when he looked down and saw himself hard. He sobbed at that, hating that he was enjoying this even a little bit. All For One just deepened his smirk and pulled out all the way, before slamming back in. This time Deku let out a moan, his prostate being hit just right. He bit his lip to stop any more noises, not wanting to give AFO the satisfaction. AFO kept up a slow pace, constantly changing position as if looking for something. After about 10 minutes of Deku trying to restrain from touching his aching cock, he found it. A small slit in his anus that opened up with enough pleasure. He pushed in and Deku let out an ear piercing scream. He looked down to see Deku passed out from the pain. Deku was awoken by a sharp slap to his cheek. He gasped at the pain still lingering. This new area that AFO had penetrated felt horrible. It was raw and tight, definitely too small for AFO's length. He let out a low whine when AFO started up again, it getting easier and easier for the man to go in. He soon realized the reason, he was bleeding again. He fisted the bed sheets as he was violated in a whole new way, this untouched area being taken over by AFO. It wasn't long before the man was speeding up and thrusting sloppily, close to the edge. Deku didn't realise till then that he was close too. He tried to think of anything to stave it off, but nothing worked. Soon they were both cumming, Deku letting out a low moan as his vision flashed white. They both panted as they came down, and Deku looked to his friends once again. They all looked at him with pity, but also relief in that it was over. That was until AFO grabbed his jaw and kissed him.

"You didn't think just one time was enough, did you?"

Aizawa burst into butchery, running in and subduing the man working the counter. The other heroes were securing the citizens' safety and grabbing anyone else that worked there to interrogate. He took out his phone, pulling up the picture of the villain.

"Who is this man and where is he?" The worker stared wide eyed, his whole body shaking.

"That-that's Raul. He-he's processing in the back." Aizawa quickly let the man go, not giving him another thought as he ran toward the back. He ran past the other heroes and when he got to the processing room, he saw the butt of a man crawling out the window. He threw his scarf, entrapping the man's ankle, before pulling the man back in. He fell on the floor with a thud. Aizawa wrapped him up before looking at the man. He was definitely the guy from the video. His short platinum hair and the scar on his chin exactly the same. Aizawa grinned, they finally had a solid lead.

"Where is Izuku Midoriya?! What the hell did you do to him and where did you take him?!" All the man, now known as Raul, did was grin, bloodlust in his eyes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just a butchery worker." Aizawa, overcome with rage, whacked Raul right in the face. He was knocked out in an instant. Aizawa picked him up before walking back to the front, ready to interrogate the shit out of this scumbag.

Uraraka was nervous. She stood in front of the door, sweat dripping down her forehead. She bit her lip as she rocked back and forth, her finger hovering over the door bell. Right as she was about to finally press it, the door opened. She was greeted by a busty woman with spiky blonde hair. Yep, definitely Bakugo's mom. It was her job to tell Mitsuki that her son was once again kidnapped. Iida had to tell Kirishima's parents, Momo Todoroki's, and Nezu Denki's. The woman stood there, crossing her arms.

"May I ask why you've been standing outside my door for ten minutes!" Uraraka blushed, she didn't realize that they knew she was there the whole time. She rung her hands together and she spoke.

"Well, I have some bad news to tell you about Bakugo. And it's kinda my friends and I's fault." Mitsuki just stood there, her face that same blank expression.

"What the hell did that brat do this time?" She sighed, a slight smile on her face from thinking of her trouble making son.

"Well, he didn't really do anything. It was the League Of Villains who caused the problem, Bakugo was just swept up in it." Mitsuki frowned at the mention of the League Of Villains. The kid was already kidnapped by them, what happened this time?

"Please, come in and tell me what happened." She stepped aside to let Uraraka in. She closed the door after her and led Uraraka to the living room, sitting in a chair across from the couch. As soon as she sat down on the couch, Uraraka began.

"Ever since Deku was kidnapped, a group of us decided to do our own investigation. Just like when Bakugo was kidnapped, the heroes aren't doing anything. They're too slow. So we took it into our own hands. But we were stupid. We tried to bait out the League Of Villains. Our friend Kaminari was alone and he got grabbed. We tried to save him, and because of that, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Kirishima got taken too. So now we have five people kidnapped and it's all my fault." Uraraka was crying by the end. She felt the couch dip beside her and turned to Mitsuki when she was grabbed into a hug. She held onto Mitsuki and sobbed, letting out all of her grief in one go. Deku just laid there on his stomach with blank eyes as AFO finally got off the bed. The man had taken him six more times before he finally tired. Deku was just covered in come and blood by the end. The boys had tired out with their struggling by the third round and were just sitting there now. AFO rounded the bed to face Deku, the smirk never leaving his face. He leaned down to whisper in Deku's ear.

"I knew you'd make an amazing wife. Now we just wait for my seed to set. I know you'll make an outstanding mommy." This made something in Deku snap. He let out a guttural scream as he used the rest of his strength to claw at AFO, leaving bloody nail marks on the villain's face. AFO growled and grabbed Deku, flipping him onto his back and wringing his hands around the boy's throat. "You ungrateful little bitch! You should feel honored to be bred by me!" Deku clawed at the hands around his neck, his oxygen quickly depleting. The boys winced at the gurgling sounds he made as he slowly lost consciousness. AFO only let go once he was sure that Deku was passed out. He sighed and kissed his forehead before turning to his little audience. "Don't worry boys. You'll all get your turn." Unsure of what he meant, this caused them to panic and thrash at their restraints once again. Bakugo blew up immediately.

"I dare you to touch me you bitch! I'll rip out your throat with my teeth!" All the man did was chuckle before leaving, his job done for now. The boys immediately turned their attention to Deku. He looked dead, the bruises on his neck already starting to form. They only relaxed when they saw him take a small breath, his throat struggling to stay open. Denki was the first one to speak, dried tears evident.

"What the hell did I get us into."

The door to the interrogation room opened to show Aizawa in his sleeping bag. He hopped over to the chair and sat down across from the villain known as Raul. The man just sat there with a smirk on his face. Aizawa sighed, not ready to have to interrogate this difficult man.

"So, Raul. Your face was seen in a video that shows members of the League of Villains sexually assaulting a young male. One of the other assailants was identified as a student of U.A. named Izuku Midoriya. Where is he." The man just chuckled before sitting back in his chair.

"What a model student you have there. You must be letting just anyone into your school then." Aizawa grit his teeth at the comment. Of course this guy had to be a difficult one.

"Let's just get to the point. The more you tell us, the less your sentence will be. Right now you have life, one hundred years. For every important piece of information you give us that actually checks out, we'll remove 5 years." Raul sat up at this, intrigued.

"Hmm. Make it ten years each and you have a deal. I have a lot to say, but I could die for it. So I also want the best protection you got. And plenty of things to make me comfy." At this, Aizawa turned to the two way mirror, looking at the men on the other side. It took a few minutes before he got an answer, two knocks on the window. He nodded before turning back to the villain.

"You have a deal. But remember that you won't get any treatment until we can verify your intel. First question, where is Izuku Midoriya." Raul sat there for a minute, acting like he was thinking.

"Let's see, oh, yeah! He should be six feet under by now." Aizawa paled, his brows furrowing.

"Then what about my other students. Or the League of Villains. Give me a damn location." Raul's smile just widened like he won the lottery.

"Hmm, I don't know about your students, but the League of Villains are staying local. They even have a business backing them now. But that's all I can say." All this did was confuse Aizawa. He was about to ask more when Raul's nose, mouth, and eyes started bleeding.

"They found out! Get a medic in here now!" He tried to cancel the quirk but it was too late. Raul fell over, choking on his own blood. By the time Aizawa got around the table, he was already dead. He flipped the table and yelled. They just lost their one lead.

Uraraka woke up and was immediately confused. She was on a couch in an unknown house. That's when the memories hit her. She let out a slight sob before pulling herself back together. She must've fallen asleep after crying. She heard movement and looked to see Mitsuki coming out of the kitchen with two cups of tea.

"I see you're awake. I figured you were exhausted so I let you nap. How do you feel?" Uraraka took her cup and smiled.

"Much better. Thank you. I'm sorry you had to see me in such a state." Mitsuki sat beside her and took her hands.

"Don't be sorry. We all have hard times. Thank you for coming to tell me about Katsuki in person. I know I talk down to him all the time, but I always worry. He likes to act tough but even he has weaknesses. I almost couldn't handle it the first time he got kidnapped. I know the heroes are doing everything they can but he loves to antagonize people. I don't know what I would do if he doesn't come back one day. I know this is even worse on Inko, I have to go check up on the poor woman a few times a day to make sure she's at least eating. She never liked Izuku even going to U.A. I know she blames herself and I've tried to help but I was never good at feelings. Not to mention her asshole of a husband won't even pick up his phone. But I'm glad you and my son were at least trying to help. He just better get his ass back here, with Izuku at that." Mitsuki had silent tears flowing down her cheeks. Uraraka squeezed her hands, a sad smile on her own face.

"He will, I know he will. He may not show it, but I know he deeply cares about Deku. Thank you for the tea and the talk, but I should be getting back. We have a curfew after all." Mitsuki nodded as she got up and bowed before walking to the door and putting her shoes on. "I'll update you whenever I can. Thanks again. Bye Mrs. Bakugo!" She waved as she opened the door and left, tears welling up in her eyes. But she blinked them back. She was done crying. It was her turn to be strong and help, no matter the cost. It had been two weeks since that day. Two weeks since his friends were kidnapped. Two weeks since he had been violated in a whole new way. Two weeks since the sexual abuse began. Two weeks of his friends watching him be violated over and over again. Two weeks for him to conceive. He sat in the corner of the cell, back to his friends. All they could hear was his weak sobbing. He didn't talk anymore. Any sounds he ever made were scratchy and pained. Whenever the others would call out to him, he would flinch and start rocking, his sobs growing louder. Kirishima always tried to find something to talk about. He would drone on and on about the most meaningless things. But it gave them comfort, keeping their thoughts and memories at bay. Denki would secretly chew the inside of his cheek until he could taste blood. His own little punishment for causing this. Bakugo still yelled all the time, it was just a bit more quiet than usual. Every time someone entered his energy was refilled and he would start anew. It was the one thing that felt familiar to them. Todoroki was the worst off. He didn't talk, though that wasn't far off from his usual self. But he never reacted to anything. He would only stare straight ahead. Bakugo had to kick him until he would eat the slop the villains gave them. It usually consisted of spoiled leftovers and sometimes moist dog food. But they knew they had to survive. They just had to hold out for the heroes. And for Deku. Soon enough the resident doctor came in with a lackey. The man went to the corner and grabbed Deku, dragging him along the floor. Deku immediately started screaming and thrashing, his eyes wide and bloodshot. He knew what was coming today. They were going to see if he was pregnant. The man backhanded him, causing him to fall to the floor.

"Stop struggling you bitch!" He grabbed Deku by his upper arm and dragged him out of the room with more ease now. He was taken down the hall to the usual medical room. He was thrown onto the table and strapped down. The doctor pulled the sonogram machine up and quickly smeared the gel on Deku's naked stomach. After looking at the machine for a minute, he grinned widely. Deku paled at that and gulped. It couldn't be true.

"Congratulations mommy. You're pregnant." At that point he just shut down. He didn't give a response. His eyes just looked at the ceiling. "Heh, looks like he finally really broke." He was dragged back into the room and thrown on the bed. They quickly left and he just stayed in the same position. He didn't even blink until Bakugo started yelling.

"Oi Deku, you alive?!" He kept his straight face but finally started to move. He positioned himself up against the headboard and started kicking the wooden leg. He didn't even stop when his foot began bleeding. The others yelled at him to stop, but he wouldn't. He had to do this. Eventually, the leg finally snapped and the bed tipped over. He grabbed the broken off piece, eyeing the sharp end. The boys struggled against their chains as they watched him aim the stake at his stomach. Taking a deep breath, he plunged it into his abdomen, not even feeling the pain on top of everything. He slid to the floor as the doctor and lackeys ran in, a smirk on his lips. They weren't gonna get their way, he would make sure of it.

It had been two weeks and they barely had anything. Aizawa was working overtime trying to find his students. But the longer he took the more likely they were dead. Only close heroes were still looking for them. The 1-A's classes were now halved until further notice. Not that the students were in any mood to learn anyway. The disappearance of their friends hit them hard. Some even had to take a break and stay with their parents. Uraraka being one of them. But she wasn't in mourning like the others. She was training. Ever since her talk with Mitsuki, she's been training for her friends' rescue. She had already built a bit more muscle and lengthened the time limit of her quirk. She was also watching the web to find any sign of the LOV there. She didn't even bother coming to school, it wouldn't matter anyway. The teachers never taught anymore, especially Aizawa and All Might. So she kept to her training. She tried to get Aizawa to let her join the search but she was denied. He said he wouldn't let another one of his students get taken. So she resorted to spying on the teachers to find out what they know. Most of the time she would float to the ceiling and listen from right above. Turns out they found an old warehouse that had activity in it even though it was supposed to be abandoned. Aizawa demanded he be the lead, and no one objected. They were planning to hit it tomorrow and Uraraka was definitely going to join. Tomorrow. Foggy voices and bright lights are what he woke up to. The pounding in his head was overshadowed by the pain in his abdomen. It was a burning like he never felt before. As his eyes and ears focused, he realized that he was in what looked like a hospital room. Not like the usual room he was dragged to. Hope that he had finally been rescued bloomed in his chest. But it quickly vanished when that damned doctor walked in. He let out a silent sob as the doctor reached his bedside.

"Looks like you had more guts than we thought. You made us have to revise your room. And instead of a celebration for your conception, you'll receive a punishment. And who better to deal it than your friends. But that's for another day. For now, rest up. You'll need to get back into perfect condition so you can conceive again. And this time we'll make sure it stays." The doctor quickly left after saying his piece, leaving Deku alone in the room once again. He finally let the tears start flowing. Why did he have to live? Why couldn't he have just died with the demon that was in his stomach? He sobbed until no more tears would fall. He was damned to this hell with no way out. He looked around the room for something, anything sharp, but they were careful. There was nothing in the room he could hurt himself with. He laid back down, defeated. He closed his eyes and let the exhaustion consume him, tear drops decorating his eyes.

Bakugo was yelling once again. They didn't know how he never tired. Toga covered her ears as she walked in, Dabi behind her with his usual scowl on his face. The others just sat there and watched as the villains approached Denki. Dabi undid the shackles and threw the boy over his shoulder. Toga was the first to speak, the smile never leaving her face.

"We'll be borrowing him first! We just gotta make some cool adjustments to him! Don't worry, he'll have a blast!" With that, they walked out carrying a weak Denki. For the first time in two weeks, Todoroki spoke up, his voice raspy and broken.

"We're fucked."

Aizawa was the most tired he'd been in his entire life. Twelve hours from now he was going to be leading a giant rescue operation. If you could call it that. They didn't even know if the boys were there. All they had was hope. And even that was low. Right now he was busy deciding which heroes will go to which section. 135 heroes and 8 sections. He knew that him and All Might were going to the main section, the place most likely to be holding people. His main problem was trust. After what happened with Deathly Manner, he had a whole new look on heroes. It was hard to tell which ones were genuine and which were devils in disguise. He decided it was time for a break, AKA a nap. He entered his sleeping bag and passed out, knowing he would be woken up in half an hour from All Might bursting in the room.

Her plan was set in motion. She already had the support students help her make a new, more stealthy costume. It was gray and a muted pink with combat boots and the bubbly accessories were removed. She knew they'd understand when she asked for a more underground hero costume. She also had the location and time for when the heroes would infiltrate. But she was going in first. Eight hours early to be exact. All she needed now was to eat and head over there. She was going to rescue them, no matter what. Fuck quirks. Fuck heroes. Fuck villains. He wouldn't be cursed to this fate if they never existed. Fuck quirks that can fully heal you in an hour. Fuck heroes for being fake and leaving you with trauma. Fuck villains that don't even wait a day before subjecting you to more torture. The room was definitely "revised." The bed was now a foam mattress glued to the middle of the floor. Restraints for both his arms and legs hung from the ceiling, made of rubber as to not be used as a weapon. Everything was suicide proof. He didn't even have a pillow to smother himself with. As he was strapped up to the restraints, he looked over to his friends. Except for one of them was missing. He wanted to ask what happened, but they wouldn't look at him. Any remaining light in there eyes was gone. They couldn't look at Deku after what he attempted. So he just laid there as he was locked in and left on the bed completely naked. He wasn't allowed clothes or normal food anymore. All part of his punishment. But he knew this wasn't the worst of it. He knew his friends were to be involved and he was afraid of what was to come. The dread fully set in when Denki walked in alone, a grin on his face.

Darkness. That's all Denki could see. Until suddenly, his eyesight was back, but he couldn't control it. It was like he was watching a movie through his own eyes. He tried to move his body but nothing happened. When he suddenly stood up without wanting to, he knew something was really wrong. The last thing he remembered was AFO putting his hand on his head. Then this. He watched as his body went to the door and knocked. That damned doctor opened the door with a grin.

"Ah, so it worked. Good. I knew you would be the easiest. Though you will also have the least impact. But I just love saving the best for last. Now, shall we." The doctor led Denki's body down the hall to another door. When he opened it, he immediately knew just what they were making him do. Deku was already back on the bed and naked. He felt himself grin and cursed at his body. He had no control over his actions. All he could do was watch and he wailed. He was going to put Deku through even more torment and he had no way of stopping it. When he undressed and got on the bed, he tried to shut his eyes. But he couldn't look away. He had to watch Deku's face as he looked at him with those blank eyes. He had to listen to himself torment the poor boy, saying that he deserved this, among other insults. And he had to feel the pain and pleasure as he forcefully entered Deku, the way back long gone. He was raping Deku and there was nothing he could do.

She was finally at the rumored hideout. All she had to do now was find a way in and find her friends. She made her whole body weightless once she was inside, crawling along the ceiling to avoid detection. After wandering for about 15 minutes, she ran into a couple small villains. She hid around the corner as she listened to the conversation.

"I can't believe that brat tried to kill himself. He should've known there was no way to escape. Even if he killed the spawn."

"I heard Sensei has an awesome punishment in store for him. And once he's pregnant again, we all get a turn! I'd love a piece of that freckled ass."

"Yeah well don't get your hopes up. We're the lowest of the low here, he'll be all used up by the time we get our turn."

"Who cares, a whore's a whore no matter how many dicks he's taken. Plus, I heard they heal him every time anyway so he's always tight." As the voices faded, Uraraka struggled to keep the vomit down. Who could they be talking about?! And who does that to someone? She had to make sure she saved that boy after saving her friends. No way she would let someone stay in that situation. She followed the faint voices of the two men until she came to a giant hallway. It was empty, thankfully, so she dropped down and swallowed the bile in her throat. She had to do this. She had to save Deku. She heard screams that sounded way too much like her crush and she ran to the door, pulling out a knife as she slammed it open. But it was soon dropped as she took in the scene in front of her. Something that she would never forget. Burning pain. Hot liquid increasing it. Weight bearing down on him... gone? Deku opened his eyes since it started and thought he passed out and was dreaming. Denki's naked self was slowly floating to the ceiling. He quickly tore his eyes off his assailant and looked down to see someone he thought and hoped he'd never see again. Uraraka Ochako. If he thought he was broken, this just proved it. No tears were on his face, his tear ducts dried out hours ago. His once bright green eyes were now murky and nearly black. He just knew he looked as horrible as he felt. The blood trickling between his legs reminded him of how he looked, tearing his eyes away from Uraraka. She had seen him like this. Castrated and broken. He wouldn't be able to look her back in the eyes ever again. He wouldn't be able to go to her once they got out, to confess his feelings if he chose her, he still wasn't sure. He wouldn't be able to satisfy her, or give her children. He wouldn't be able to be a man. He stayed staring at his scarred stomach, refusing to acknowledge her any further. He'd rather die than go back and have everyone see how less he was. He would. Because he knew that was the only way to escape the torture he suffered.

Denki watched from the ceiling as Uraraka just started bawling. He tried to break free from the control, to at least cover himself up, but he couldn't even move an inch. Now that his body had done the deed, he was stuck like a statue, probably until he was locked up again. Which meant that the villains would be back soon and they'd catch Uraraka. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't let her suffer as well. He fought with all his might, screaming as loud as he could. But all he could get out of his mouth was the faintest whisper of 'run.' He saw Uraraka start toward Deku again, probably to remove his restraints, as the villains entered. He tried to yell again, but Uraraka was too engrossed in crying and trying to remove the restraint on Deku's ankle. The last thing he remembers is seeing Uraraka knocked out, falling from the ceiling, and hitting his head on the concrete floor.

As she woke, she knew she failed. First of all, she was tied up. Second, Deku was still stuck on the bed. Third, Kirishima was currently being dragged out of the room while Denki was locked up against the wall again, blood running down his face. She still couldn't believe what she found. Denki ra-hurting Deku and Kirishima, Bakugo, and Todoroki watching. Deku... missing parts and bleeding and just looking so broken. She hit her head against the wall, thinking about how she didn't even hear the villains approaching her. She let her feelings get the best of her and it made her fail. She tried to hold back her tears but failed. What were they going to do to her now? She saw what they did to boys, what would they do to a girl like her? She turned to the guys to ask, but no words came out. They looked even more broken than she thought. Their eyes were red and puffy, the bags under them a deep purple. Their cheeks already sunk from malnutrition. Their hair flat and dirty, clothes stinking of sweat, piss, and shit. She had to breathe through her mouth just to slightly stand it. She never could've imagined they would be this bad. She figured they'd be locked in a cell with one toilet, only getting slop for meals and the floor to sleep on. Not this monstrosity. And now she was succumbed to it as well. But then she remembered. The heroes were going to be there in the morning. She just had to wait until then. She could do that. Then she'd get praised for her bravery, how she had part in saving them. A slight smile of hope appeared on her face. That was until Kirishima entered the room with blank eyes and a devious grin. This time it's Kirishima thrusting into him, the pain even worse this time. Kirishima is slightly shorter than Denki, but thicker, causing Deku to be spread even more than before, tearing him apart. He tried to close his eyes and just hope it got over with, but the villains made sure this time was different. Kirishima's sharp teeth bit hard into his neck, causing him to scream out. He licked up the blood as he fastened his thrusts, close to completion. Deku cried as Kirishima came, his sperm mixing with Denki's inside him. Once Kirishima was off, lackeys came in and chained him back to his spot. They quickly left, leaving Deku to lay there in the drying fluids.

Bakugo growled as he watched the lackeys leave, they didn't even acknowledge him when they were chaining Kirishima up. And that pissed him off. It took a couple hours before they finally came back, this time looking frantic. They were talking about how they had to hurry their plans up, heading towards him and Todoroki. This is when he really started fighting. But it wasn't enough. They dragged both him and Todoroki away, their protests echoing down the hall.

It was almost time. In just 4 hours, they were going to raid the LOV hideout. Aizawa was on his 17th cup of coffee, the jitters clearly present in him. He had to rescue them, he just had to. All Might slapped a hand on his shoulder, startling him.

"We're gonna get them. I promise. Now, how about you lay off the coffee? You don't want to be too shaky to catch villains, do you?" Aizawa rolled his eyes and chugged the rest of his coffee, slamming the mug down on the table and turning to All Might.

"There. You happy? Trust me, I'm in perfect condition to beat those fuckers."

"Language, Aizawa! We're still in a school." He rolled his eyes and went back to prepping. There was no way he'd let them win.