Camboy deku

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Izuku sat on the bed as naked as he was born. Sheets a mess and crotched covered in semen. Practically drenched in it. A dirty dildo sat on the bed next him as his legs were neatly tucked under him. Smearing more of his cum onto his legs. This was the sixth time he had done this when his mother was out. These outing mostly consisting of visiting aunt Mitsuki for a few hours or shopping of some kind. He still felt so shy and humiliated when he does these acts in front of a camera. Yet he felt a thrill doing the request he gained from the small number of followers he was able to gain. He feared what his mother would say if she found out doing this for money to buy more merch of All Might. Doing this so he would not have to ask for the small amount of money they get to live on is not spent on his obsession and current crush. One he finally got to meet two weeks ago.

Now it was something he had to worry about while he was with the man. Now having to find a way to accommodate his weekly live feeds as a camboy with the training regimen along with avoiding his mother at all cost. Though Izuku knew he could probably live without the comments about his fat, chubby ass. Even if a small part of him liked the compliments. Which draws him to the new person who had entered the chat shortly after it had begun. For some reason it reminded him of All Might. Maybe it was because of the username that was used and that he did not talk until halfway into the performance. He liked the tag even though it was cheesy. Who dared name themselves BeefyScarecrow. Beefy did earn a lot of respect from the few in the chat when he requested from him to show his ass to the camera as the dildo went in and out. Izuku had turned scarlet but did the request of the user. Pushed the toy in and out in front of the camera. Panting and moaning before squealing when cum suddenly splashed onto the bed. Toy popping out soon after to show off the puffy hole trying to close but failing. Winking at the camera as it begged to be filled. A cry that went unfilled when Izuku sat back up to face the camera and computer on his desk. Ending the session after doing one more request. Getting a few small donations but the largest came from BeefyScarecrow. Shocking the green haired teen for a few minutes. Thanking the person for the large donation before shutting it down. Saying he would see them next week at the new time.

Never knowing the truth of the new user. The disgust he felt for finding the page of his successor. Soon rationalizing it that it was none of his business. Everyone has their skeletons in their closets. Saying he was going to close the window and forget about. Ignore that it existed and never bring it up his student. Even if it meant he could not look him in the right way anymore. Yet, he stayed and watched him take requests from these dirty people in the chat. Staying silent as he began to feel dirty as well. Becoming hard as he watched Izuku play with his nipples and cock. Fingers rubbing the slit at the end of his cock as he climaxed. Soon joining the rest by requesting him to see the dildo get thrusted into the small body. Pumping at his own cock as he watched. Cuming when Izuku did. Staining the underside of his home desk before flopping back into the office chair. Hand covering his face in shame for doing such a thing. Uncovering it when the chat suddenly blew up with a bunch of dings. Eyes quickly focusing on the winking hole that made his cock twitch with interest. The sight disappeared to see the small flaccid cock of the successor in the cum stained lap. A tiny thread of semen still leaking out of the slit. Hand going back to his hardening cock to palm it. Donating a large amount of yen to Izuku. Tainting this budding relationship even further. Toshinori felt so dirty for just watching this. He came onto the site looking for something to ease the loneliness he has from the lack of sex life. To find this and masturbate to it. And donating real money in the hopes of Izuku would get something better than that small, old dildo he had. Hope that he gets something much larger by the time he returned. Cumming at the thought as the feed into Izuku room cut out. Balls tightening as he empties himself against the desk.


To say the last ten months were the biggest amount of stress Toshinori had would be an understatement. Trying to keep his distance from Izuku while maintaining a mentor/student relationship. Which was hard to do when his body started to get erections from just being around the teen. To the point he was wearing baggy pants and trying to stay out of his hero form more often. Easily using his flimsy lie of wanting to convert energy for being a hero. While keeping silent he had watched the video and was still watching it during the ten months. It took every bit of will power to choose a hair to give One for All through to his successor over a blow job. Desperately wanting to see how that mouth looked around that cock of his. Fully aware Midoriya has a love for him that went pass hero worship. Regretting the decision right after the hair was consumed. Wishing it was his thick, bitter semen being swallowed instead. He truly became a dirty old man.

Which brought him to the situation he was in now. In front of his desktop with pants around his ankles as he waited for the feed to start. He was chatting with some of the other regulars in the wait. Izuku had alluded to something might happen if he gets the good news he was waiting for. Everyone knew what he was waiting for. With Toshinori being the only one fully aware his successor had been accepted. Looking around the page that became slowly became more modern and sleeker through the months. Having gained a large following rather quickly. Much to Yagi distaste. Growing jealous whenever he gave someone else attention but quickly cool himself down. Knowing full and well he got to be in his presence on the daily basis.

Then he noticed it. A few new buttons that were greyed out were on the side of the page. It wasn't there last week, so it meant he got during the wait of the letter. He wondered what it was meant for. Mind buzzing around with thoughts of what it could mean. Nearly on the cusp of figuring it out before the sound of Izuku voice greeting them broke any thoughts he had. It quickly focusing back to the problem he had gained from waiting for the live stream to start. Though he couldn't help but smile when he noticed how bouncy Izuku was. Like he was ready to jump out of the video.

Telling everyone he got into the school he wanted to get into. Saying his stream may slow down a bit. Though he got something to celebrate the occasion of getting into the school and the fortieth live stream of being a cam boy. Having gone out in search a special product to buy. One that was linked to the new icons on his page. Having order the new, expensive toy at the beginning of the month thanks to the donations he received. Able to pay for the service as well for the toy to be linked to. Toshinori eyes widen when he realized what he was talking about. The little minx got a teledildonic.

He closely listens as Izuku opens a simple wooden box sitting on the bed. Explaining what he could of the toy as he pulls out a long, thick black vibrator. If one were foolish enough, you would assume the black covering the parts inside was utterly smooth and flexible, but some knew better. Toshinori being one of them. Having recognize the brand of the product and knew the surface of the silicone was covered in deep etchings. He watches as the box was placed onto the floor before Izuku arose again to begin showing off the toy. Now taking notice of the thick white substance coating the object. Showing off the crevices that was filled by the lubricant. Getting an eye full of the decorative lines and carvings with only a few spots completely smooth. Only noticing them because Izuku had gotten up to bring the object closer to the camera. Allowing Toshinori to get caught up in a trance as he examined the toy. It was not until Izuku said the magick words was he able to snap out of it.

"To be the one to use this one me, you have to be the first one to donate. Its already linked to the service thanks to Bluetooth and ready to do. Just need one of you."

He might an old man, a dirty old man, be he never clicked so fast on the donation button in his life. Donating a large lump sum that was much larger than the usual amount he would give. Beating out a couple of the other regulars by mere seconds. Toshinori laughs out loudly as he can see them cussing him out in the chat. Some of the poor ones who could not donate called him a lucky bastard. He just grinned when Izuku made an oddly pleased sound before congratulating him for being the first to donate. Going over the desktop to activated the controls for him then Izuku went back to the bed. If he didn't see it, he wouldn't have believed it, but Izuku swayed his hips as he went back to the bed. It just turned him on more. The bed sank underneath the weight of Izuku as he got onto all fours. Making sure to present his ass to the camera in the way Toshinori liked. Showing off his small, leaking cock and already prepped hole. Spreading the cheeks apart as he slipped toy in. Thrusting the toy in several times. Vanishing into the hole as Toshinori waited for the right moment to turn on the toy itself. Ignoring the complaints from the other users in chat. Waiting when Izuku moaned and back slightly arching back.

When that moment came, he set it to a medium speed. Earning a surprised yelp from how fast that speed was and the sudden surprise. Heart rate going fast as a small spurt of cum had left him. Hand gripping the sheet tightly as the rest of his body stilled. Trying to calm down from the shock. He was able to continue his previous action when the speed was finally lowered. Moaning when speeds of the vibration periodically changed between the slowest and medium speeds. These intricate carvings scrapping along the twitching muscles inside him. All of them feeling so good as they dragged and vibrated against his twisting insides. It was clear he wasn't going to last with this new toy. Toshinori watching closely for the clues that would tell him Izuku was about to climax. Stroking his own erection vigorously as he licked his lips in anticipation.

Eye twitched when noticed Izuku spread his legs apart. Chest pressing against the bed that made his back arch. Showing off more of his ass to the camera. Toshinori smirks as he turns the device to the fast speed it has. Making Izuku to accidently shove the device in deeper than before. Vibrating against his insides as he screamed when he came. Jets of semen squirting out onto the sheets while the toy shook on his prostate. Over simulating the young OFA user as his balls grew tight against his body. A large pool of white gathering underneath until he was completely emptying himself of everything. Toshinori turned off the device to let Izuku collapse onto his own mess. Semen smearing against the top of his legs and stomach as he whined and groaned on the bed. Toy still stuck in his ass and in the view of the camera. Toshinori soon joining Midoriya by splattering his seed against the desk. The sight of the of the collapsed teen was all too good.

The blond perked up with Izuku slowly got up on the bed. Obviously tired already from the way his arms wobbled. A hand reaching behind him to pull out the dirty toy to toss it behind him. Izuku groaned when he got off the bed to state that the session will be ending sooner the expected. That took more out of him than he had anticipated. Most were disappointed while others left the chat quickly. Majority agreeing in chat that it was the most exciting and hot thing they saw. Toshinori just rolled his eyes but left soon as well. Not before dropping another donation for his successor. Silently wishing he could be that toy.


Izuku sighed as he sat his desk while everyone talked amongst themselves. Everyone was waiting for the last class of the day to start. That was All Might class: Heroics. All he could really think about was how hectic the last week had been. From training, schoolwork, the threat of getting expelled, and someone breaking into the school for some unknown reason. He knows the cam session this weekend was going to be a big stress relief for him. He kind of looked forward to it. Since it would mean BeefyScarecrow was going to be there in the chat. The username still gave him the impression that it was All Might behind persona. He wished that was true, but he knew that wasn't likely at all. A feeling that grew more when the Toshinori came into the room in his hero form. Izuku squints as he thought of the name. Analyzing nearly every possible way his BeefyScarecrow symbolized, and not at the same time, his crush. How beefy his hero form was and tall he was. Truly a beefy scarecrow. Utterly focused on this for the entire class. By the time it ended, Toshinori was the first to leave the class followed by everyone else. He now had a mental list of two scenarios of him being and not being that user.

Izuku knew he was projecting his desires onto a username. He sighed as he began to slowly make his way out of the classroom. Until a loud ding made him stop and turn around. It was from a phone. Going to where the source of the noise to see it was Toshinori own phone left on the podium. The screen was still lit up from the notification. Being the nosey student like majority of the others, Izuku looked at the notification to see something he didn't expect. It was a reminder of the service he used about his own web cam. Grabbing the phone to look at the text to see part of the username. "BeefySca-" was all he could see of the username but had no need to look at the rest. Already knowing who it was. So, Yagi was indeed the rich person dropping money on his videos. The one who made him cum with that toy. The very crush who probably jerked off to the sight of him. Face grew red as wild thoughts flew around his mind. Thoughts that made something stirred on his insides. Body finding new interest of getting dominated by the beefy or skinny form he had.

Izuku took in a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down. Last thing he need people seeing was him having a hard on. Izuku placed the phone back down after making the screen go black. Then bolted out of the room before anyone comes back to look for him. The OFA user was sure All Might would come back to the class once he realized he was missing the device. A plan slowly forming in his mind as he ran down the halls. A way for him to give clues to the man that he knew he was watching him. That Toshinori was being a dirty old man and he found some sort of thrill from it. The only clear answer was through the live streams themselves. A smirk grew as the plan settled. All he needed to do was go to his favorite sex shop that would sell to him.