Futa inko

On any normal day, Inko would have found herself at the local supermarket getting items to make katsudon or something akin to it. Looking for the cheapest of deals for someone who is now living alone. Since her son had been at the dormitories recently. Yet it would seem the world had different plans for her. The normality she had gained recently had shattered on the streets near her apartment. A villain running away from a hero decided to use her as a distraction. Doing so by bashing her head in with some kind of item and using his quirk. An action that proved to be successful when the hero had stopped to take her to the hospital. Allowing the villain to escape down an alleyway.

To Inko disgust and anger upon finding out once she awoken. The feeling could not last long while in the hospital. The doctor and officer easily distracting her with other information. She had been the latest victim of someone transforming random people genders to the opposites. Ensuring the same transformation had worked its way through her body. Except the process remained incomplete with lingering changes no one could predict. Resulting in them wanting to keep her in the hospital for a longer period of time to monitor her. Watching her as the head wound healed and the quirk forced its way through her body. Making sure there were no complications in that department. Which came to Inko embarrassment since it would appear everything worked all too well for her. More so when her son happened to be around. It only happened when he was around. She had hoped it was because of her concussion she had gained, a side effect of the quirk, or something else entirely.

Not a weird kind of attraction she had suddenly gained for her son. Especially since it happened so suddenly. There was a possibility it was a concussion. Inko mentally cursed the villain once more if it indeed was. Because she would not find herself in this predicament if he just used his quirk. Inko sighed as she watched her son sitting on the floor of the living room. Having left the hospital days ago when they no longer had a reason to keep her. Reminding her of everything that happened in the last few days as she stood in the kitchen. Ranging from a villain attacking her in his escape to her body changing in an unexpected way. Now looking like her skinny self from the around the time Izuku was four years old. The other thing that shifted was part of her gender. Now carrying a massive cock and with a set of plump balls in between her legs. The very reason she no longer held the thickness she once had. The quirk burning away anything it could latch onto to gain the energy needed to form everything below the waist. At the same time destroying what made her women. Then there was the chance her mental state might have changed. Despite the claims of the other victims.

Such thoughts causing her mind to shift back to her son. Slightly worried about his own mental state during this entire ordeal. At least he will be home for a little bit to help her out until she was better. Something that should be happy about. Except it became a meeting with dismay while all of this was happening. Having to walk around the house with a constantly stiff dick. Unable to rid herself of the erections for prolonged periods of time no matter the length she went to do so. It would only swell to full mast once she saw her son. Twitching and pulsing. Poking against the black skirt to make it rise. Inko started at it. Noticing it was a tiny bit bigger than before. New desires and attractions fueling its growth. The kind that should be meant for her husband. Not that Hisashi would have cared anyway. That man hasn't been home in the last few years. Only calling home occasionally to let them know he was still alive.

Thinking of that lowly bastard did make her blood boil. For Inko knows that man was living with a cheap whore while overseas. The woman had foolishly emailed her a long time ago. Still does occasionally with all the little tidbits that would cement her case of divorce. Should he ever return to Japan. A day she can't wait for, but that was a problem for the future. She had one right now. Debating on wither or not to jerk off now. To spill her seed onto the cabinet and floor. Silently wishing to stand behind Izuku to spray the back of his head with it. Wondering how it would look like when it was matted and dried with her seed. She growled as a hand pressed against the countertop. The urge to bend her boy over the table rising to the surface again. Knowing she could do it now after the parting tidbit the doctor had told her. That her quirk could have had upgraded as well. Not upgraded per say. Just became more powerful.

Grunting when a hand slipped under her skirt to stroke the cock. Not caring if her son was nearby. Too busy trying to bury these thoughts in the back of her while stroking one off. Moaning loudly for she would be unable to hide it behind the paper-thin walls of the apartment. Gasping when her seed splashed against the cabinets. Cursing in her mind at the large mess she had made. Sighing again as she went to work cleaning it. Missing Izuku looking back at her with a look of concern. Silently hoping that his mom would get pass this. Oh, how little they knew of the battle that was about to come. Leaving behind a rift that could become a double edge sword.


This rift indeed started to appear during that week. The constant erections had gotten Izuku concerned for his mother. Popping up at various times in the day without a chance of slowing down. Forcing Inko to jerk off in front of Izuku when she believed there was no chance in making it to her bedroom. Which was often for her penis looked more like a horse than a normal man in the last few days. At least she makes jokes about having a third arm now when it was soft. When erect it nearly reached her knees. Head red and sensitive as semen leaked out of the slit. Coating her hand and shaft. Greasing her stokes as it slipped up and down. Watching her son work on his schoolwork before he went out to train. Will quickly breaking under the hidden desires. Yet that tattered will kept her from voicing them. Though she believed Izuku had a suspicion of them. Having taken notes about the quirk since the beginning along with the changes that came after. Making sure to question the officer when they called earlier this week about capturing the villain finally. Not liking the implications that came with the information. The fear that filled his eyes. A memory that caused her to cum. Three large ribbons of white spraying out to land onto the back of Izuku head.

Appearing bright against the dark green locks. Seeping into the curls before touching scalp. Not the first time that happened this week. It had become obvious with the way Izuku grabbed a towel he had to whip it off. Knowing it was pointless to wash his hair off until later. Inko pouted as it vanished from sight. Wishing it had stayed longer. This was the second to last night Izuku was staying home. Having to go back to the dormitories the day after tomorrow. Something that brought joy, pain, and dismay into her heart. Joy since it would truly give her a clear indication that if it were her son that was the focus of her erections or not. Pain and dismay for he was leaving with the information that happened here. There was no doubt he would keep everything he saw to himself, but she would feel better know for sure that he wont. She did not know what to do about this. Other than talk to him.

"Izuku," Inko was about to call out before the ringing of her phone rang loudly in the room. She frowned at the phone. Screen brightly lit to the sight of the police department number. They had to interrupt her at the wrong time. She huffed then swiped the phone off the couch. Answering it with a scowl for this was going to a be a long call. She had the feeling it was.

"Hello, Midoriya Inko speaking." Placing the call on speaker so Izuku would be able to here. Not wanting to explain everything all over again.

"Greeting Midoriya-san. Sorry for calling you at this late hour. This will hopefully be the last one."

"I do as well. What have you found out about the man now." Izuku perked up and quickly turned to her. An eye twitched as she noticed how pink Izuku lips had become. Pink from sucking on a piece of candy he had gotten earlier. She took a deep breath and shook her head of the thoughts of what those lips can do.

"That we did. It would appear the criminal quirk is permanent. We won't be able to change you back to your original form. Unless someone finds a quirk that counters his. Which I doubt exists."

"Is that all?" Frowning deeper. Not liking she was now stuck with this thing on her. Izuku had seen enough of it already.

"Sadly no," a cough to clear his throat so he could speak in a clearer manner, "As you know. The previous victims had done criminal things weeks after the change. Those crimes are currently being overturned after what we had found out."

"That thing being, Officer?"

"The criminal quirk is a strange one. Being a mash up of various quirks that seem to work in tandem with each other. Besides strengthening another person quirk and changing their gender; he is also able to implant random desires into people if he injures someone hard enough. Another thing he can't remove either." Inko gulped for it would explain everything. The sudden thoughts she had since the hospital.

"Do you know what he could have implanted into me?" Voice shaking as she asked. For it would not be her fault if something had happened.

"I'm sorry. He is not giving us much to work on with that. Saying he could not remember much since he was running from a hero. That it was just a jumbled mess of emotions of family and escape." Inko gulped for an assorted number of reasons. There was not telling what kind of devilish thoughts the man pushed into her mind if the things the officer said was indeed true. The only other option is that the man knew what he was doing and what he gave her. Lips pursed tightly together for either one of those scenarios lead down the same path. A path where the victim became a villain.

"Are you sure he gave no way to reverse the mental parts of his quirk at least? I can live with the physical part of it."

"That I am sure of. There is nothing that exists that can alter, change, or remove the been offered to all of the villain quirk. Causing it to be a permanent element to the person. All because both parts of the man quirk are keeping them linked tightly together that removing one part of the would be impossible if something did exist. Not without causing damage to occur in the victim. Its either to take both parts out at once, or the person has to live with it for the rest of their life. The only thing I can suggest to do is therapy that was offered to all the victims should you believe you have urges that are different from anything that normal for you."

"Tha-thank you for taking the time to call me. Was that all you wanted to tell me?" The dejection is clear in her voice. This was not the information for which she was hoping.

"Yes, Midoriya-san. We will update you further if something should change. Before I go, are you sure you don't want to testify in court?"

"I am sure. I'm doubtful I can add anymore to what is in the police report. Plus, the hero had witnessed it all happen."

"Alright. Goodbye and have a good day." Now sounding defeated on his end.

"Goodbye." Hanging the phone up after her farewell and tossing it on the couch. Bending over to rest her arms on her knees. Unsure of what to do in that moment. She was truly stuck in a tough position now. She can take the offer of therapy but that came at a cost. The chance of losing her son, the stigma, and the way people will look at her with suspicion. Even if it was not her fault in the first place. She wasn't a fool. Inko had the feeling the villain had an idea of what he had done. The thing he tried to do to another victim the same day he attacked her. That other woman, turned man, had raped a random woman. He was trying to do the same to her in the moment. Except he added the tag of family and while anything else he was trying to do with this incomplete disaster since he was trying to escape. Her mind also wondered what her sone thought about the situation. He heard the same information. He also inherited her quick wit and smart mind. So Inko was a little worried when he remained quiet about the whole thing.

"M-mom," Izuku hesitatingly called out. Forcing her to look up into the emerald eyes full of worry, concern, and fear. Body shuddering for she wanted to break him of those emotions. Leaving behind only the fear decorating them. Inko pushed the urge away for now since it was not the best time to have them.

"Yes, Izuku?" Not like she needed to ask him what was wrong. Those eyes told her of what he wanted to say. Inko could always tell what is wrong with her child. A major problem for those who wear their emotions on their sleeves like her son. Not that she could complain. She was the same way. Always called a crybaby by the few friends she had, or they were able to predict things before speaking to them. Though it was just a habit to ask.

"I- What will happen now? We both know what the truth is. That you need help now thanks to him. I won't push you, but i can't stay here with you like that," Izuku bit his lip after saying this. Head bowing down as tears dropped down on the floor. Normally she would comfort him straight away when he felt this way. Except she wet her lips as he minds ran a mile a minute. Inko knew what he was trying to say. That he wanted to stay away from her until she got help. That this one of the first and biggest blockades in front of them. A plan formulating in her mind in figuring out a way of keeping him here. Breathing coming out in broken shudders as thoughts of breaking her son filled her mind. Urging her on to take this as her chance to break him without delay before he left. Swarming over any other thought that might have cleared her mind. To talk with her son in a calm manner that could have led to something more meaningful.

"I- I don't know for now. We still have to take this day by day. If you do go back to the dormitories to not return until break, then... then that is fine. I fully understand as to why. We both see it and the urges grow stronger with each passing hour. I just have one request for us to try. I want to see if it sedates what was been done to me." She says with anxiety and worry lining the edges of her voice. Seeing him with a sudden determined look on his face as he nodded. Closing her eyes for a brief moment as she gulped down that anxiety. Shakily pointing down towards her cock. Hoping the idea will work and not work at the same time. Having heard the other victim's urges had been suppressed for a fleeting amount of time after doing the crime the criminal had programmed them to do. This is what caused fear to grip her heart in a tight vice grip. Fear of what either side of failure and succeeding could mean. Fear that made her finally look back down at her son to see an array of emotion cross his face. Not a surprise after whole hardly agreeing to help a second ago. Unsure about the idea she had suggested. What she had asked him to do was out of bound of their relationship. Those emotions also forming two sides in her son as well. To deny the disgusting offer or go with his instincts to help. A small gesture that might help his mother to see if their hunch was true. To see what the clue the villain had given to them was true. Giving his mother a more direct path to find help.

That is if she does take the police officer offer for help. Izuku was far from stupid. He knew what the legal ramifications that could happen if she did. The questions that would come from it. The lies he would have to say. The chance of the government taking him from his family could be high. With a absent father who was a man whore and cheater were not a good look. No matter how hard his mother tried to hide it from him. The loneliness and betrayal always decorated her face after talking to him. The angry hushed voices behind closed doors after he had talked to him. He knew for a long time that his father was no good even if he provided a meager life for them. How little good that was. Inko had provided more with the job she had found and was the one who kept them afloat. Which made the debate even harder for him. He did not want to lose his mother. Did not want to lose his chance at being a hero with the scandal that could break out. There were so many what ifs on a topic that no one has assessed yet. Lips pressed tightly together as a large amount spit slid down his throat. Eyes focusing on the flaccid cock that barely poked out of the skirt. Having shrunken after cumming. Yet it retained the shape it had gained from the fleeting time.

Semen still leaking out of the open slit. Making it look more like a faucet with the head being large and heavy. He knows that it will barely fit in his mouth. There was no other choice in the matter. They needed to see if this evaluation could temporally fix the issue before going back to Yūei. Not without knowing if it was true. This made his mouth feel so dry in the moment. Breathing in deeply to let out. Hands and head going between her legs. Those hands going under her thighs to force them apart, eyes becoming hooded, and tongue darting out. Licking away at the semen and cleaning the head. Trying to picture on how he wanted someone else to do it to him. Inko groaned as her legs parted even further apart. The red skirt riding up to expose her lap.

It was already stirring awake. Not something unusual lately when Izuku was around. Her precious boy. Such a good boy and she knew she was lucky to have him. To have him help her in this way. Eyes narrowed as she gazed down at the curly mess of hair. A hand went and patted the head. Fingers weaving between the curls. Feeling the small shudders from such an action. She knew he was disgusted with her for suggesting this. Even though it pleased her that he was helping her. She felt guilty for using her son in such a way. But he always been like that. Having pressed the right buttons since he was a young child to do things for her. To make sure he behaved for her. Even rewarding him with anything All Might related. Her eyes widen at the revelation. The feelings might have always been there. Hidden under the layers of emotions she held for husband. Wanting to have revenge against them in any way or form. Only brought to the surface by the villain. Giving a truth she wanted to see every day. To have him riding her cock as he cries and begging for more. First, she wanted to see those pretty pink lips around her cock. Choking on it.

Soon she would. Watching him hesitantly wrap the lips at the end. Teeth slightly grazing the skin as more of it was increasingly engulfed. Chocking on the head as it stretched him mouth further apart. She ignored for now. He was inexperienced in such things. One thing that will change if this plays out exactly right. Instead, enraptured by the amazing warmth surrounding half her cock. Vanishing when he pulled backwards. Hand stayed on his head as it bobbed back and forth. Suckling strongly until it was the cock was at full mast. The ability to take half of it now gone. Taking what he could as more semen poured down his throat. Inko moaned at the sensations. The pleasure. It was so much grander than her hand. Drawing her closer to the edge far quicker than it. Moaning loudly as her fingers gripped Izuku head tightly. Pushing it down hard to shove her cock deep his throat.

Neck bulging from the appendage. Going back to normal when it left the throat. Causing Izuku to gag from the sudden intrusion. He did not have time to recover when she pushed his head back down once again. Thrusting in and out by forcing the head to move. Going faster and faster until she had the entire length in. Neck bulging twitching violently as thick ropes of semen squirts down his next. Causing Izuku to cough and choke around the erection. Desperate for the air he needs. Body hyper aware of the strange liquid sliding down his throat. Dropping down into his stomach. Firsthand his mother knees as he tried to pull back. Finding he could not as she unconsciously activated her quirk. Locking him in place till the last drop had left her. Shrinking down as she pulled out.

Izuku coughed and spit out semen as tried to breath. The spit landing on the sofa and floor. Throat hurting from the intrusion. Rubbing his throat did he glare up at her. Panting heavily with his defiance look. A look that she wanted to break even more. Hopefully soon. Right now, she needed to fix this. She knew she took it too far. Having gotten herself caught up in the moment of her first blowjob. Inko petted his head with a face of sympathy.

"I'm sorry Izuku. I did not mean that to happen," Inko apologies. Hoping to sooth that defiant nature he was showing. Which seemed to work. Calming down to a semi-angry look. Tears prickling the edges of his eyes. He silently got up off the floor and walked to his bedroom. Door clicking close in the silent apartment. Inko sighed for the umpteenth time that day. A multitude of things raging through her mind. Hoping the lie did work so life can return to normal while pretending this didn't happen. At the same time, she hoped it did not so this could continue. She had seen in his eyes. While ready to fight her, Izuku was not going to say a word to anyone about this at all. He had an idea of what the ramifications that could happened if someone got ahold of this information.


Inko stared out the window in the kitchen to the bit of the city she could see from it. Two weeks had passed since Izuku had went back to Yūei. That was after locking himself in his room on the last day home to avoid her. An event that plagued her mind. Swarming to group itself to the others filling it. The very same ones that caused the heaviness to rise between them in the first place. Even if her little lie had proven true. The sedation had worked after all. Having only stiffened twice while he was at school. Yet, it came at a large cost. The bond with her son breaking further. Not like she didn't expect it in the first place. Not with the way Izuku had left that day.

Inko sighed for she did not want any of this to happen. The truth of the matter is the fact their bond had been falling apart since the day they had found out he been quirkless. A bunch of crocks that was. Body shuddering at the thought of his quirk and how he had worked so hard to make it work for him. Inko pushed the thought away. Having done enough fantasizing about Izuku enough times already. Steeping away from the window to head to a nearby cabinet that held what she needed now. Pulling out a long white bottle and saucer. It had been a while she had drunk this much. It had taken Mitsuki to break her out of the stupor when this had happened before. She never really had stopped before. She merely slowed it down to once a month. Waiting long enough for the watchful gaze of her friends to disappear. Which they did a couple of years ago. The urge remaining in the pit of her stomach for the right reason to drink to. Given the circumstances this was a fairly good reason to do so. Making sure to limit herself so no one would suspect a thing. Be functioning enough with a light buzz. Working, shopping, and living life. Izuku never knew of the life of a drunken mother who was sad, depressed, and had so much self-loathing. Feelings still strong in her heart, but never dared showed to anyone. Not even to Mitsuki.

Gaze drifting to the saucer. Lingering for far longer than normal before forgoing it. Grabbing the bottle to head into the living room. Flopping down onto the couch to set her sights on the muted television. She didn't need the sound for what she was about to do. Popping the cork of the bottle to take a large swig of it. Gulping it down as she placed the bottle on the nightstand. Licking her lips to wipe away the excess. Breath heavy as she let herself become lack on the sofa. Trying to think of things other than the issues at hand. A break needed from the confines of her problems. Dreaming of days of innocence and when everything was good. A fantasy that was never real to begin with.

Imagining watching her son grow into a teen with the quirk he was destined to have. One that controlled and attracted fire. One that trained hard to achieve a dream of being a hero. An imagination that quickly shifted to one more sensational. A rabbit hole not wanted even if her mind happily skipped into the imagery of it. Seeing Izuku in a costume, very much like his current one of red and burnt orange, while on his knees. Head between her legs. Getting his morning breakfast before heading to school. Taking longer than usual because he was not sucking hard enough.

Inko groaned at such a thought. Picturing a world where such an act would not receive hatred and scorn. Hips shifting on the couch as something stirred. Body remembering the inexperienced mouth around her cock. Those tentative licks, the wet warmth, the tight passage of the throat. Going in and out as she heard the gagging noise. The memories of her chocking son urging her on. The fantasy starting blur to change scenes. Becoming more detailed as they soon found themselves in a bed. Him naked and waiting for her. The hero suit of a son never to be on the floor. A better place for it than on him. It made everything so much easier for them. A grand picture interrupted all too fast when banging of the door caused her to jerk up from her position. Eyes glaring at empty space then trailed over to the source. The front door. Inko frowned as she got up from the sofa. Fully aware of the stiffened dick pressing straining against her underwear and skirt. Marching towards it and nearly yanks it open. Instead opening it enough to see who was outside.

Eyes widening at the sight in front of them. Mind becoming blank as the anger faded away. Door opening even wider as she stepped away. Watching him shuffle in slowly with eyes pointing downwards. Heading to the living room with that dejected look. Closing the door quickly behind her and making sure it was tightly locked. Mind pondering as to why he had come home in the first place. Inko had been picturing he would give her one final call before cutting all contact with her. Going to live with one of those rich kids in his class during the holidays until he graduated. There were a vast number of students in the class that would support him. Two of them being from long standing hero families with the probability of taking him in willingly. A thought that usually made her blood boil even if it was understandable.

She poked her head back into the living room to see him sitting on the sofa. Inko winced for what she had originally planned doing on the piece of furniture. Not like she was going to mention it now. Instead, she calmed herself down as she entered the room again. Hard to do when your erection demands attention. Kneeling in front of her son with a look of concern. Inko still loved and worried for him despite her moral compass being out of sorts. A hand went to his head to brush a small portion of his hair from his face. Body moving away from the touch as her hand as he smacked it away. Rejecting the touch from her.

"Izuku... Why are you here? I thought you would stay at the dormitories this weekend," she asks him. Lips pursing together as she saw the anger build up inside. Only for it to slip away to defeat. As if he had been battling something for a while.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"I- I been thinking about what had happened. What if it hadn't worked? Mind wondering if it had to go further. Soon wondering if something was wrong with me."

"Why? What happened?" Puzzled about what he is saying. He looked away for a moment before shifting it downwards to her crotch. Eyes widen in realization of what it could mean. Yet the need for confirmation was still there. A hand went up to his chin to make him look into her eyes. Giving him the look that demanded answers and obedience from him. Silence and vague looks would not due. He blushed and gulped at the look. The stern eyes, furrowed brows and deep scowls of a parent who not taking any slack was all that took to break him.

"I... I could not stop the dreams from coming. The ones where you for-forced that thing down my throat repeatedly. Then these dreams changed to where you're starting to do things to more. More than the blowjobs. It had gotten to the point it started to affect my daily life. From daydreaming too hard on in the middle of the class. Wanking off in the middle of class to thoughts of you was the most embarrassing moment in my life. Wondering if you enjoy the way my body craved more of your cock just after one blowjob. It was luck that none of my classmates or Hizashi-sensei had caught me in that moment. I had to run of that class when I could feel my dick harden again. I had to spend the whole afternoon wanking off before it had finally softened. All this made me wonder if something was wrong with me as well. If that quirk had transferred to me as well." Hands gripping his shirt tightly and legs stiffen out of the fear of the memory. Causing various lines of winkles to form. Inko eyebrows seem to furrow in confusion at the information. As far as they knew the quirk was not transferable to others through biological means. Meaning that anything of the quirk should not be able to transferred over Izuku in such a manner. Did it mean there was an underlining effect that made him addicted to her. She shook her head of such a thought. One that was not completely impossible but kept it in the back of her mind.

The villain who done this to her might not even know he had given her this ability. To make everything so much easier for her. Inko licked her chapped lips as her mind ran a mile a minute. Trying to think of a way to respond that would be in her favor.

"I do not think it was the quirk doing it. No one had said that it could spread to others after it had activated on someone. The baseline of the quirk was to change gender and the mental functions of the person. Just make them do things they don't normally do. Have you spoken to any of your teachers or your classmates about this?" Izuku shook his head fast. Hands letting go of his shirt to place them on his face. Feeling overly embarrassed about the entire thing.

"What would I tell them? Hey! My mom has a cock now and I want my ass destroyed by it! They would look at me crazy for even saying that. I did think about telling Aizawa, Nezu, or All Might about it, but I quickly changed my mind about it. It was a conversation I did not want. Even if they had a clue to what may have happened."

"Then tell me what you want to do. Do you really want to go through with what your suggesting? Because if you do then there is no going back! What is done is done once it's over!" She growled at him. Grabbing his wrists to pull his hands away from his face. Seeing tears prickling around his eyes. Threatening to spill over to heavy droplets. Her erect cock twitched in response.

"Yes! Please," he yelled before his voice quickly became soft, "Please fuck me. I want to see if these thoughts I been dreaming can disappear once this over. So, destroy me for this weekend." Plunging forward to break out of her hold to kiss her. Surprising her with such a bold action. Never thinking he would act so fast. Mind going blank for a split second. Resuming to take control of it. Forcing him backwards until he hit the couch. Lips parting as Inko dominating him. Breast pressing against his chest as body inched closer together. Hands latching onto his legs to pull him closer. Cloths seem even more like an itchy annoyance than something valuable. Breaking the kiss all to quickly to stand up. Pulling him upwards in the process. The couch was no place to act like a horny, inexperienced teenager. The only one here inexperienced was Izuku. One who never thought of having a cock truly shoved up his ass in an act of pleasure. Maybe finding mild interest in a couple of the girls in his class. Never truly delving deeper than shallow crushes. There was even a brief moment he found interest in All Might. But it never blossomed to the way he wanted. Knowing that society would frown upon it. Very much like right now. Except he desired it. Wanted it very much. This was the first time something like this happened. Yearned for it in such a way. All of it made him feel so dirty. So hungry.

"Go to my bedroom and strip down. I will be right behind you," Inko ordered. Watching him nod before walking out of the living room. She did the same on the spot before heading to a closet. Leaving behind a pile of clothing on the floor. The door opened to reveal it to be full of junk gathered from years living in the apartment. Junk that didn't hold her attention. It was a simple cardboard box Inko aimed for in the far corner that she kept hidden. Using it when her child was not around in her heavy bouts of loneliness. Dreaming of using her husband in the past as revenge. Now planning to use a select few of them on her child. Ones she never used before because she had dreams of her husband return, but those dreams had dashed all too quickly. Not liked they mattered anymore since she has her new plaything for a night. With the small hope that this will go on for far longer than a couple of days of bliss. For that to happen she has to focus on the matter at hand. Rummaging in the box to pull out a collection of items. With one she will have to reorder, but it was enough for right now.

Getting up to kick the box back into the closet. Closing it as she left for her bedroom. A large grin on her face as the darken hallway greeted her. Happy that the trip to her room was very quick. All the while deciding to ignore the morality and anxiety building up in her stomach. She already knew there was no turning back from what she was about to do. Once over the first hurdle then it will be a point of no return. That this will be an incident that could land them both in trouble in the end. Hiding things from the officers and the people around them. Keeping this all a secret that tainted their strong hearts. It will soon contaminate their very bodies. Yet, she knew that Izuku will keep everything hidden of what was about to happen. How like she would.

Body shuddering at the thoughts of what could happen. As much as she loathed the thought. It had sent a thrill up her spine of such risk they were taking. A thrill that spoke in louder in thumping heart once she opened the door to a sight that stole her breath away. Izuku stood naked in the middle of her room. Looking nervous, shy, and anxious to be in such a position in the first place. The only thing letting her know he was going through with this, besides not running out of the house when he had the chance, was the small erection between his legs. Nestled on top of green pubic hair and plump balls. Inko made a face of disgust at the hair. Quickly changing it for she didn't want to think it was for the situation at hand. The hair will have to go soon. Her issues with the type of hair below the belt was another matter on its own. Compared to what was about to happen in this moment. Tossing the toys onto the bed before hands found their way to his waist. Rough hands from years of work felt familiar skin under her fingers. Traveling downwards to examine as much as she could. Once fatty flesh now toned and firm. With the exception of the of the butt. Still slightly flabby but should tell that there was still work behind it. That it will soon change like everything else with his training regimen. She actually looked forwards to that day. Giving her a fleeting amount of joy in the image it brought her. Even if she would never see it in the first place once this was over.

The fantasy broke all to quickly when Izuku shifted his body. Ass bucking in her hands while forcing her to look him in the eyes. Seeing the discomfort Izuku was feeling from the molestation. She hummed when she made his body press against hers. Cock rubbing against her stomach as she let her fingers knead the cheeks Spreading them apart to occasionally slip a finger between them. Rubbing the tight bundle hidden from their view. Izuku pressed his body even more into his mother body. Biting his lip to prevent the yelp from escaping. Finding the sensation weird and enjoyable against the skin. The blush-colored head smearing pre-cum all over her stomach. Inko just smiled because it was about to get a little bit more uncomfortable for Izuku. Although the situation calls for it since she needs to make sure he was properly prepared. She will not allow him to gain the same experiences she had garnered from her husband.

Hands soon found her way to his waist once more. Pushing them backwards until his body was flat on top of the sheets. Wrinkling and folding under the weight of the two bodies. Making Izuku smaller than usual under the shadow of Inko. Not hard to do when he was only slightly taller than her. At least for now. In the present moment she was going to enjoy the sight of him under her. The wide-eyed gaze he had that told her the fear held in the pit of his stomach. Afraid of what they were about to do. The hint of emotion that made her cock harder and twitch in excitement.

An excitement that gave her an idea. One that made her feel dirty for a simple act. Yet she loved it. Grabbing one of the toys off the bed to show it to Izuku. The object was nothing more than a see-through red ring. A ring that would get the job done for them. Keeping him nice and built up by giving off a strong vibration. Toy did seem to confuse her son. No matter the countless times he found himself scrounging around the naughtier websites there were things he hasn't seen before. Inko sighed then explained, "This is a cock ring, Izuku. They're normally made of solid silicon or metal, but this one is a special kind I had to order. Its toy will vibrate after turning it on. Only once it placed snugly around your adorable, little cock to prevent you from cumming all too soon. At the same time, we will be doing other things. I do plan to make use of the time we do have."

Once finished she let a haughty, smug smirk dance on her lips. Speaking in a kind of confidence she would never show in public. If one thing she was never shy in would be sex itself. It was Hisashi that had the significant issues in that department. It was a blessing now that he was not even here now. Having ignored every call, she and the police had sent him. To the point he had stopped answering all together. Driving down a horde of nails that contained all the suspicion she held of what he was doing overseas. Did not take a genius to figure out. It would appear that this quirk was becoming more a blessing. For it meant she would get the revenge she desperately wanted by using their son. All because he pushed her to doing this by doing all the deadbeat crap over the years. The crap he had done also became a gift to her. For you see, if this all worked out then she gained a nice little cock warmer whenever he come home. The hand with the toy slid downwards until it was in between their legs. Wiggling it on until it was nice and tight on her son. The ring was the smallest she had ordered but it was still able to engulf the squat erection. The head appearing more like a mushroom cap even more now. Something Inko fondly remembers teasing Izuku about when he was younger. When he couldn't bathe by himself at the time. So embarrassed that he would scream a denial and splash the water or cover his crotch. Using the tip her finger to wiggle it as much as should. Which was not much. Mostly playing with slit and pre-cum leaking out. Coating the tip until it shined under the dim light of the bedroom. Ears perking at the sound of Izuku becoming breathless. Cheeks becoming rosy, hands gripping the sheets and breathing became a bit faster. Body shuddering when she flicked the tip. Brushing harshly against the slit as she done so. To only have her thumb press against it to while her hand engulfed his entire erection. Squeezing what she could as continued to play with it. Accidentally turning on the device in the process. Grinning largely when his hips bucked upwards with a gasp from the sudden sensation. Dropping back down soon after.

Inko released her hold so she could lay onto the bed next to her son. Latching hand on her own erection to give a multiple of good tugs. Precum pearling out onto the bed while her free hand reached backwards for a pillow. A pillow Izuku had given to her after going to the dormitories at school. One with a picture of All Might face on it. Putting it in front of her crotch so she watches him hump it after giving him a command.

"Come her Izuku. Come to momma and feed, " she ordered. The tone of voice dropping deeply that combined with narrowed eyes. Her hand now rubbing one of her breasts harden nipples. Now darker than normal. Having changed from her constant need for release. Izuku hesitantly scooted it over to her. Unsure if he wanted to do this. Yet his gut urged him on to on like usual. Not backing down for a second. Mouth latching onto a dark nipple on one of the large tits. Tentatively suckling on it like he was a baby once more. Tongue occasionally rubbing against the nub. Flicking and playing with as he slowly grows bolder. A hand going to tit he's attached to give it a squeeze. The other going soon sinking into the free flesh of his mother unattached boob. Squishing it until the flesh poked between his fingers. Enjoying the softness that was mother. Playing with it like a toy soon after. Growing bolder and bolder as he focused on the singular task given to him. Causing Inko to let aloud wanton noises. Not caring if her neighbors heard her at all.

Fingers had weaved their way into his curly hair at somewhere in this just to push the head into her breast. Silently demanding for him to do more. To be quicker. Moving her body even closer to his as arms wrapped around him. Making sure he could not escape her grip. Forcing the bound cock to press against hers barely. The rough pillow the only thing separating them. Both of them humping the unfortunate pillow for the needed friction they desire. Stimulation becoming too much for Inko. Cumming hard against one side of the pillow while Izuku seemed to whimper around the mouth full of boob. He had cummed dryly and even more sensitive than before. A small stain of precum the only evidence he was able to leak anything out at all. It was time for the next step of the fun. She was still hard and ready for more. She can already see that Izuku was already tired. Even though it was the first round. So much for that greater stamina he had gained from training. Not she could blame him in the first place. Remaining as a virgin in the act of sex. Lacking the genuine experience in the act that wasn't just masturbation. Glee did swell inside her at the prospect of taking this from him as well.

Reaching over to snatch the lube bottle and the other toy off the bed. A simple and smooth vibrator. Nothing fancy for now since she wanted to ease him into anything else. That is if he wanted to do this again. Which she doubted. This is why she had to make this weekend the best so he would come begging her for more. For her mind refocused at hand when she felt Izuku hump the pillow a couple of times. Wanting more than this little bit of friction. Mouth still attached to a tit. Suckling hardly in a silent demand for his mother attention. Whimpering against the flesh in a pitiful manner. Sound ever so pathetic in her ears. One of the countless things Izuku had inherited from his father.

Maneuvering everything around to squeeze a tiny amount on the vibrator then onto her palm. Fingers loosen to drop the tube back onto the bed. Smearing the substance up and down the toy until well coated. Dropping the item back onto the bed soon after. The anticipation built up inside her was growing ever stronger. Even more so when the soft mounds of flesh parted for her. Nimble appendages finding the tighten skin knitting into one to rub at the patch of skin. Feeling it wink open and close from her handling before a finger slipped inside. Followed by another. Both going deep as they can go in the warm mass as they wiggled and squirm around them. Trying to push out the intruders but they remained. Moving in and out slowly. It all felt so strange for her. Having never have the opportunity to do something like this. It felt so amazing. He was clutching her fingers so well. She only imagines how he will feel around her cock. It was sad that the toy was the first object inside him. Though seeing him squirm on the device was treat enough. More so than seeing him now. Whimpering from the sensation of her fingers scissoring him open. Combing with the vibrating cock ring as he humped the rough pillow. Basically, fucking the face printed on the fabric with the dark red tip. Smearing globs of precum on it in a desperate chase for release he cannot receive. This was indeed a reward for her.

Inko part her lips as she watched his face for a moment. The half-lidded eyes containing a mix of emotions, mouth moving to her other tit that muffled his moans, pink blush crossing dusting his freckled cheeks, and nose buried in her flesh. She leaned forwards to kiss his forward. Her tit now smothering his face as she done so. Using it as a distraction to spread him wide open to allow the vibrator entry. Shoved inwards in a fixed motion. Causing Izuku to gag from sucking in a large volume of air out of surprise. The ring muscles and cheeks clutching the toy. Body trying its best to push the device out, but it slowly inched it deeper instead. This caused Inko to smile instead when she pulled back. A wide-eyed look now decorating his face. Eyes darting around before they focused her.

"Don't worry. It's just another toy. Trust me, it will feel good in a moment," Inko cooed to him. Hoping this will calm him down enough to continue to do what she wants. He looked susceptible for a moment before settling down. His suckling had slowed into a steadier pace. Allowing his arms to wrap around his mother waist to steady his body. Inko made a pleased sound from this. He was trusting of her. Even though he should not be in the first place. She happy that it was the case for now. She would be able to fuck her son and teach him to be a good boy for her. An idea that made her erection throbbed harshly against the pillow. One that will have to wait a long time for. The toy was still within her son ass.

Pulling it out to shoving back in. Letting the smooth, solid, red surface do the work. Wanting the body get use to the sensation of the plastic. Inko didn't want Izuku to accidentally activate and crush the device. It was the very reason she was going so slow before turning on the device. Nor did she want her hip accidently broken should he rapidly hump the pillow in an attempt to find stimulation. Leading to a trip to the hospital she didn't want to explain the outcome to. Maybe finding anti-quirk cuffs would be a promising idea and beneficial to the both of them.

A sudden cry from him drew Inko out of her thoughts. Telling her that had dried cummed again. Chasing a high with his fervently humping. Sending waves of tingling pleasure through his overly sensitive body with every touch he was receiving. Dragging him close once more so she could nuzzle her face into the side of his face. Purring softly to show how pleased she was with him. So much so that she slid the switch on the device over to its lowest setting. A soft gasp filling her ear like a roar. Her son was truly an inexperienced little thing. By the end he will a decent enough slut for her. Though a small pit of regret did pool at the bottom of her stomach. Not because of what she was doing – the quirk that hit her did a superb job getting rid of a good portion of that – but the fact the pillow was still in between them. It had done its job very well. But she desired it gone now. The way her son moved became all to delicious for her.

To the point she shoved the toy as far as she could into the twitching hole. Proving to an infallible move. Izuku head threw itself backwards from surprise. A throaty cry forced its way out of from shock, pleasure, and surprise. Toes curling and grip now tight around his waist. The soft vibrations now directly on top of his prostate. Pelting the spot with shallow hits. Causing him to screw his eyes tightly while his mouth remained partly opened.

A please sound had escaped her from the sight given to her. Glad that the toy had this kind of effect on her son. Even more so when she tugged at the pillow between them. Quickly removing the accursed thing to toss it to a random part of the room. Not caring where the item had landed. Her dick was more important at the moment. The heavy organ slapping against bare skin of the crotch. Sensitive heavy rubbing against the area, shaft pressed against the toy, and precum smearing on the skin. To distract herself from the humping she latched onto the soft butt cheeks of her son. Playing with the soft mounds as her personal toys. Spreading and pushing them apart in diverse ways by messaging them. The black end of the toy blinking in and out of view. Sadly, she quickly grew bored of playing with them. Her son had been the only to receive pleasure from all of this. It was about time for her to receive something in turn. Grabbing the open bottle of lube once again to squeeze the remnants of it onto her hand. It wasn't an exceptionally large bottle to begin with, but it was enough to create a decent layer of slick on her penis. Plus, Inko knew could easily get a much larger bottle from the shop she would regularly browse during the times she wanted to get out of the house. Never buying any of the object held within. At least for now.

Inko body shivered at the sensation of the thick substance smearing against the skin of her cock. The closest she could compare to was spreading cold lotion on her skin, or thick custard left out on a counter for to long. Was there complaint against it all. It was just an unfamiliar sensation for an area that never received such attention. A kind that sent tingles throughout her body as various levels of shallow gasps left her parted lips. Stroking it a couple of more times until she ruefully stopped. Doing so before an accident happen that she would come with regret. Instead moving the vibrator over as she guided the erect organ into the tight hole. Wet flesh and smooth plastic parted slowly for the organ. The vibrations now moving against a bulging vein of the dick. Both of her hands now tightly gripping his butt once again. To the point that it bulged between her fingers.

The combination of Izuku body warmth and the vibrator hits was so overwhelming. Becoming too much for Inko. Cuming inside from the stimulation. Stinging the twitching walls and coating the surface of the toy. And this was just entering his body with the toy still inside

"Fuck," she cursed out harshly. Not meaning to cum so soon from just entering him. She quickly pulls the toy out to toss it to the side. Not caring if it was still on. Just that it was gone from her sight and away from her body. Leaving the hole to wink close around her cock. Gently clutching the erect appendage before it settled. Izuku muddled mind still wondering how his mother could still have erection after cumming so many times. Even if he had witnessed the days after the change of her unable to keep the erection down. Unable to leave the house because of it. Those thoughts quickly disappeared when her hands latched onto his hips so she could tentatively thrust into his body. Going in and out but never fully in. Testing how hard she should force her way in. Only finding the position to be uncomfortable for her. Bodies soon moving around until Izuku was on top and firmly sitting on her lap. His calloused fingers spread out her smooth stomach when he placed his hands touched it. Large, plump, wet breast now splayed out on her chest. They looked so tempting to Izuku again. Licking his lips as he wanted to suck on her tits once more. A desire denied when she squeezed his hips. Sensing what he wanted to do. Izuku needed to remain a good boy for her and chase that high they wanted so desperately. It was time to show how good he had been during the entire thing. Removing the cock ring covering his penis. Laying it close by on the bed encase it she wanted to use it again. Even if it will lay forgotten amongst the sheets for the rest of the night.

Slapping a thigh to give him a hint of what he was supposed to do now. Growing slightly annoyed when he gave a her a confused look instead of doing what she wanted. Instead, she lifted his thighs a bit before letting them drop. Hoping he would get the idea this time of what he was supposed to do. Only to have that same look still smeared across his face. Inko sighed for this was taking far too long just to get him do what she wanted.

"Bounce for me," the only statement he received from his mother. It was more of a command than an instruction. Reaching deep into his mind and it finally clicking. Slowly moving upwards until majority of the penis was out. Only to slam back down. Skin slapping against skin. Repeating the action over again. Up and down till roughly till he formed a steady pace form himself. The cock reaching deep within him. Making the stomach bulge with every plunge downwards. Gradually going faster on his mother lap. The sounds of moans, the squeaking of the bed, and skin meeting each other filled the room. Fingers and toes curling at the sensation of the cock opening up so much. Not believing how great all of this feels. The throbbing cock covered in semen sliding in and out. Stretching him open nice and wide. It was all too much for him in the end. Crying out as thick squirts of cum sprayed onto his mother stomach. Followed by more thick streams shooting out. Landing on the ever-growing puddles. Yet he continues to ride it all out. Caught up in the high he was feeling from all of this. Not caring where the semen coming out of his flopping cock landed. He continued to bounce and wiggle his hips happily. Easily feeling the erection twitch inside him once again. Releasing another load within him. Further lubricating his ass on the softening penis. Finally giving out for the time being. Izuku didn't care as another wave of pleasure hit him. A new wave of semen now just leaking out slowly. Until he gave out by collapsing on top of his mother. Flaccid penis still wedged in him like a plug.

Inko just weakly smiled at him. Drawing him close to wrap her arms around her son waist. Knowing he needed rest more than anything right now. More fun they will achieve once they both the time to recover from all of this. Oh, what the fun they will indeed have in the next two days. Damn the ramifications that may come should everyone finds out. This is their private moment, and she was going to enjoy every minute of it. A groan wafted from then female form as it rose from the bed. Having no desire to leave the warmth the sheets had provided her naked physique. But the consent needs for a paycheck drove her out of that pleasant warmth to the air-conditioned room. Mind absently wondering about the missing person who was next to her last night. A thought quickly answered as she stumbled across the bedroom to the cold tile in the bathroom.

A cramp little room but it did what she needed. Like summoning the vision of her son once the sleepiness in her eyes was gone. Spying him at the sink washing his face with a wet towel. She went behind him to hug his waist while letting her chin res on his shoulder. Snuggling a cheek into the side of his face and neck. Finding it a blessing that he never inherited his farther height. For it allowed her to rub her throbbing erection between the soft mounds of his ass.

"Mom," Izuku yelped out, "We don't have time for that!"

"Meh, not asking to go all out. Maybe having a nice little blowjob for good luck before you go back for all those test and mock battles," she said with a chuckle. Hands slipping downwards to fondle the exposed dick. Hoping to make the flaccid organ harden. Just to experience a bit of relief without resorting to her hand. Fully aware that this tactic always worked on her son highly active libido. Another thing he had inherited from her. Which made every morning he was fun for them both. To the point he had become on integral part of their routine. All thanks to that bastard of a criminal who had started this forbidden relationship months ago. Last she heard the man had died in prison when he tried to do that little trick on someone else. Finding failure when the inmate dodged the touch then punched him the face. Forcing him the ground where he met the harsh kicks from other prisoners when they got to him. Successful killing him in their retaliation.

Good for them since it would mean the changes done by the quirk are now permanent. Changes Inko had found impacted her son in small ways. Ones she was willing to bring them to the grave before she could spill all the information on them. Even willing to keep it from Izuku, but that was a wasted endeavor. He had told her some time ago he had figured it out on his own. That he was willing to keep these changes a secret as well. Due to the fact he had his own reasons to do so. Not that she minded in the slightest. That is if no one figured out the true nature of their relationship. Especially after all the mess they had to walk through with the new coverage, court cases, and whispers from friends and strangers.

"You say that every time, but we always end up late," Izuku shot back. Finishing washing his face of the toothpaste staining his chin. Having taken a shower already before his mother had awoken. Wishing to leave early for once so he can be on time for school after spending the weekend at home.

"Much like now, you try to argue your way out of it. We can go back and forth several minutes about it or you can just cave in now. We both know you enjoy that pre-breakfast meal. Cumming every time you choke down big, meaty dick," Inko spoke candidly to him before whispering into his ear, "Doing all of that just because you enjoy the sensation of your mouth and throat being stretched opened until you can't properly breath anymore."

Izuku blushed a deep red. A blush reached from his cheeks until it reached down to his neck. Utterly embarrassed of the truth she spoke of. Knowing full and well he wanted to such a deed like any other morning. For he could not deny he enjoyed sucking her off whenever he had the chance to do so. Taking his time with such an activity since he would not be able to do it again until the available weekend. Going as far as to drain those heavy balls whenever his mother came in his throat. Pleased with the sensation of lingering twitches coming from the softening organ. The last bits of semen dripping onto his tongue when the soft head rubbed against it. Wiping away the remaining evidence of a once hard organ.

"Fine, let's hurry," Izuku states in a mocking huff. Removing himself from his mother hold to head back into the bedroom. Not because her suggestive message or the fact her fondling had made him hard. Nor the fact he wanted to do this. Even if it meant being late to school. Not that it mattered since his school load had lessened drastically since entering his third year. Which was over within a couple of months.

Though this did not stop a chuckle to fill his ears as he left. Inko knew how much that attitude contradicted what he wanted. She was more than happy to watch that toned butt move as he walked away. Luring her away from the bathroom by it. A sight broken when he got on his knees once he was by the bed. She followed suit by sitting down on the edge before spreading her legs far apart. Like the many times before. Green eyes locked onto the top of the messy mop of hair as it went between her legs. Quickly engulfing the bulbous head between plump lips. Vibrations of him groaning moved down the throbbing shaft as he took in more. Stopping when his nose pressed against the smooth skin of the crotch. Taking his time licking all over the organ to feel the familiar veins protruding the entire surface.

A hand latched onto one of his mother's legs when he felt wobbly all the sudden. At the same time, the stabilization allowed for his free hand to wrap around his own cock. Stroking it as he played with his mother. Enjoying such ecstasy as it throbbed in his throat. Getting to the point that it shifted into giddiness when the organ shifted deeper into his throat. Briefly losing his ability to breath in that process but gained it back as his head bobbed backwards. Tongue swirled around the tip in his entertainment. Occasionally digging into the slit to taste the pungent, salty semen dribbling out. Providing the lube needed to have the organ slide its way back into his waiting throat.

Tightening the muscles in his neck to give the dick a good squeeze. Doing it repeatedly until he got what he wanted. Rapidly twitching veins and as thick stream of cum splashing against the deep reaches of his throat. Cumming several times as he bobbed his head back. Coating his mouth by the liquid he was accustomed to. A kind of liquid that clogged every taste bud when it left no surface free in its domination. One he greedily swallowed with every new spurt.

Content with suckling until those spurts ran dry from the organ. Milking everything, he could gain to the point where her dick became flaccid and heavy. Forcing him to release his hold on his mother. Tongue giving the tip a final flick as he parted from it. Leaving a chain of chain of spit and semen behind. Breaking when the distance became too much. Now happy he had done this. Despite the unusual problems it would cause. Something he could solve easily when back at school. Though there was another problem he had to deal with before overseeing his tardiness issue. Hand stroking the shaft in search of an ending he could not reach. He was standing at the very edge, but on invisible wall prevent him from going over it. An edge that started making him slightly distrust and panicked. Causing him to whine and pant as his nerves seemed to vibrate with a new awareness for his own pleasure. Feeling each wave travel throughout his body. A sight that earned another chuckle from Inko.

A chuckle that quickly vanished when she decided to take pity on him. This was something that tended to happen occasionally. There were only two ways to solve this problem. She was going to use the quickest option available to solve it.

Hands latching onto Izuku to pull him upwards. Making him sit on her lap in a position where his knees were on either side of her waist. Guiding his arms up until they rested on her shoulders and firmly wrapped around her neck. Then pulling him closer to feel his erection pressed against her stomach. Giving her the freedom to spread those plump cheeks apart so a hand could play with the hole hidden from view. Yet she could feel the thick rim from repeated use as the tip of a finger poked at it. Giving way to the appendage after prodding at it for a bit. Letting it slip in with another finger. Using both to re-explore the familiar cavern that Inko claimed night after night when he was home. Feeling the warmth of the muscles move, shift, and squeeze her fingers. The slickness guiding her way as she messaged the innards from her search.

Spreading them apart occasionally to open his ass as far as she could. Urged one by her breathless son that clung to her. Wordlessly begging her to sink those fingers deeper into his body. Risking the chance of stretching him by turning into fists. A move they could not do because of the awkward position they were in. But it was ideal for the rough pads of her fingers to find his prostate. Toying with the spot by rubbing and pushing the bundle of nerves. Earning pleasurable moans to spring forth from Izuku parted lips. Sweet noises accompanied by shallow thrusts against her stomach. To the point he was nearly fucking her navel. Inko grinned at the fact she was the one who was doing this. Knowing no one else would be able to do this to her son. But she knew such a grand sight had to end. Izuku had to return to school. Meaning there was no time to continue their fun.

It was a good thing he was finally on that very edge he was desperate for. Signaled with the way he had tightened his hold around her neck. Knees drawing closer to her body as his thrust became even shallower and faster. Inko continued her work by thrusting her fingers faster into him. Abusing the prostate and walls of the ass. Quickly gaining the results she wanted from her son. Body pressed against hers as he came across their stomachs. Groaning loudly while thick ribbons of semen coated the skin as a large stain on their stomachs. Not stopping until his balls was completely empty and tiredness was the only thing left behind. Inko used a free hand to rub Izuku lower back as the other hand pulled out. Grinning largely as she waited for Izuku to catch his breath.

"Great, now I have to wash myself all over again," Izuku huffed. Getting off his mother lap once enough of his energy had returned. Going back to the bathroom he had occupied earlier.

"Do you want me to help bathe you," Inko cooed out in a gleeful manor. Already knowing the answer to her playful statement.

"No!" Izuku yelled back her in frustrated anger from the bathroom. A quiet chuckle passed her lips. Content in her teasing for the moment while deciding to spend her time waiting by ripping the dirty sheets off the bed. Piling them with the rest of the dirty clothes in the laundry room. It was better use of her time that would keep her from sneaking into the shower with Izuku.

*--* SIN *--*

(Elsewhere in the world)

A bottle smashed against a wall belonging to a vacant house. Now barren of the vibrant life that once occupied it a few days ago. The one he had forged for years as a workaholic, a drunk, a good man, and a cheat. Having moved to the states despite his dual citizenship. All just so he could avoid his wife, child, and family back in Japan after falling in love with a woman in the building he worked in. A lovely woman who was utterly normal compared to his wife. With a quirk that was equally divine. He was able to lie his way in creating a new life with her. Able to get her to love him back and marry him. Then shortly after they had a child together. Having built something here that did not look like the dysfunctional mess back in Japan. Yet, it all ended as quickly as he made it. Appearing far worst than the family back home.

This mess began simply enough. Messages sent by text, email, and spiritic letters that caused things to change while sparking fear in his wife. Though that anxiety was mostly his fault. Having lied by it is a stalker. But that changed when she got her hands on a few of those letters. Allowing jealousy to quickly replace that fear. Which paved way to a new set of questions surrounding the entire situation. Especially when all those messages never stopped coming. So, he kept on lying until his house of cards came crashing down. Breaking down and finally telling her the truth about it all. Only after he had no choice to do so after she pushed him into a corner. This of course left his love shocked and disgusted with Hisashi. He could feel the chains he had ignored for the longest were tightening around him. To happy to live in denial if it meant gaining freedom. Except it was now all falling apart as his place in Japan calls to him.

This was one of the reasons he was alone at him in such a sorry state. Angry and frustrated beyond imagination. Wife had gone to her mothers with the children. Along with majority of the belongings in the house. Leaving him alone to drink away the days until the dust settles down. There was no use in denying it. He could see it as clear as day. Along with the long stretch of legal issues that came from his criminal act of polygamy.

The only redeeming quality of this entire scenario was the chances that he could escape those charges. A chance given to him thanks to the connections he had gained throughout the years. Ones he had gained from all the shady dealings he had done to support the lifestyle he had created. Which made him curse the person who had started this train wreck. Leaving him unable to escape this disaster.

Maybe returning to Japan to be with Inko would be the better idea. He could lay low under the eye of his own government. Which would be better than remaining under the gaze of the United States. All he had to do was 'convince; his wife that was a bunch of lies. Lies belonging to an American woman who got too clingy and will not take no for an answer. Using her and her son to gain sympathy in front of the lawyers and the court.

Hisashi sighed for he knew the chance of that happening was not likely. It hinged on too many unseen things he not accurately predicts. Meaning his future was unknown to him and left high in the air. Diminishing the little will he had left even more. He reached for another bottle of beer laying on the floor nearby. Popping open the bottle to down the hot liquid held withing. For that moment, he no longer cared what the next day had in store for him.

*--* SIN *--*

(Months later – Apartment – Kitchen)

Inko licked at sucker in her mouth as she read the papers given to her by a lawyer. They were issued out to her about a week ago by the government. These papers told her of the troubles her no good husband had gotten into while in America. Problems big enough that they trickled their way down to her furious hands. All because he had to be so selfish to make his issues into international affairs. Where everyone had to be careful of the outcome. Luckily, during the years of absence, Inko had prepared should a comparable situation ever happen. Having figured out this man was a cheat thanks to one of his precious lovers and a private investigator she was able to get her hands on. She also had the gut feeling he would be stupid enough to marry whatever whore he was seeing.

Only Hisashi would be foolish enough to think he could get away with having multiple wives thanks to the ever-great expanse of distance. At least the other woman was not as idiotic as their shared husband. Deciding to look out for the young children they had instead of continuing the illegal act of polygamy. The only sensible thing they will be sharing any further is sending Hisashi divorce papers and leaving him. Hoping the man will become broken and penniless by the time all the drama settled down.

It made her remember the reasons as to why she pursued a job when Izuku was young. Now happy she had the foresight to do so. Having no desire to rely solely on the money Hisashi brought back. Just encase something were to happen. Now probing to be in her benefit. With now having a large amount of money saved up and no need to scramble to find a job. At the same time giving her a chance to escape if he dared look for them. In case the need arises during the court case or other scenario.

Such as the numerous times during Izuku schooling at Yūei. Supplementing whatever the school was offering as a scholarship at the time. Doing this to remind herself that she would damn the entire world before giving that deadbeat a chance to waste a single cent. Izuku did deserved most of it after his father abandonment. A title that would change soon enough. For Hisashi will be out of their lives soon enough.

Tossing the packet onto the table in frustration of the entire ordeal. Hand quickly reoccupying itself by tuffs of green hair. Mindlessly petting the hair in the effort to calm herself down. Easily obtained thanks to the fact her son had his face buried under her short skirt to suck her off again. Something they had been doing a fair amount lately thanks to the fact he had graduated from Yūei a couple of months ago. A blessing since he able to gain a job as a hero in an agency right away after he an agency scouted her son during his third year. Gaining an additional income that help her with all the legal proceedings and fees that came with divorce. A future that will soon fall in her lap.

"Izuku, how do you feel about me divorcing your father?" she asked. Looking down to see him pulling back suddenly. A question powerful enough to strike Izuku with its suddenness. Going as far as to full let go of his mother to show his confusion to her. He knew of what the packets were, and his mother had been candid to him in the last couple of years about her relationship with his father. So, it was surprising to her ask the question in the first place. Thinking she would just go ahead and do so without any of his input in the matter. Izuku could not blame her if she did so. His father was a bastard in the first place. Having heard all the details Inko had gained during the years. Seen the various picture of his affair, the family, and the life he had created elsewhere. It had made him so mad when he saw all this.

"You already know what I think of it. So, I understand if you want to go through with it. He wasted enough of our lives with the bullshit he had done," he states. Disdain for his father showing on his face. Clearly never liking the stuff the man has done in the past. While he did send money to them; such monetary gain does not mean he gave actual care and support to them. Nor does it erase any misconduct done in the name of that support.

"That is good to know. Believe I will go ahead with it," Inko states before giving him a smile. Taking a hand to ruffle his hair once more as her smile grew. Though a feeling of unease started to creep its way into their stomachs for an unknown reason. An un unease pushed aside as quickly when Izuku continued with his fun. Both never noticing the sensation of fear and uncertainty that briefly risen. To busy in their private world to care in that moment. Happy to be away from the leering eyes of the world while in their apartment. Where they can remain captivated by the pleasures that came with such a world.

"Your truly too good for me, Izuku," Inko suddenly states to him after he moved away from her once again. Licking away the remains of her climax from his lips. Confusion was born anew as wonder contorted on his face. Figuring out what brought about such a statement.

"I am saying that because you are truly the most blessed thing in my life. Which was not an easy feat in our little world of constant turmoil. A chaotic life that proved to me that I have not been the best mother to you. Yet, I love you more than anything in this world. I just wish I could give you more than I have in this world," she states with tears prickling her eyes. Confused as to what brought this one in the first place. Izuku shook he head in disbelief as he got up from the floor to cup his mother hands.

"Mom, I know our lives had not been perfect. Heck, it been chaotic in the recent years thanks to Yūei. But you have been a great mother to me. The love and support you gave me is enough of a reward. If given the chance, I would happily repeat this life again with you. With the added benefit of removing my rotten father away from you." Inko smiled from such a sweet confession. Loving the fact her son felt that way despite the mistakes she made. Breaking out of his grasp to cup her son cheeks to pull him to her. Giving him a chaste kiss to show how happy she was.

"Forget going on patrol today," she ordered in a husky voice, "I just want see your ass on this table."

Forcing him off the floor before pushing him slightly back. Giving her enough room to stand while she tried to hide the deep red blush on her face. Causing Izuku to chuckle at the failing attempt of his bashful mother. Finding pleasure in this side of his mother. A side he was able to create. A side that grew larger when he gave her a brief kiss on her chapped lips before she could walk away. Leaving her even redder and flustered when he pulled away. Not believing he had done such a thing.

"Already called in this morning, so I'm yours for the rest of the day," he replied. Voice matching the husky tone of his mother when he whispered in her ear. Then quickly moving away to remove the papers on the table to a clean chair nearby. Keeping them safe of any mess to come. Once satisfied with that he hopped onto the table and positioned his body to the length of the table. Laying down with legs hanging off the edge of the piece of furniture. Knowing what his mother was planning to do. Having decided to reward him anyway in this form because she became turned on again by such a confession.

He placed his hands onto the corner of the small wooden table as he waited in anticipation. Eager to what was to come. An excitement that grew when he heard his mother bare feet slap against the tile flooring. Stopping shortly after they had started. Then replaced by the sound of her rummaging through a drawer he was all too familiar with. One filled with a few objects to have fun with while in the kitchen. Well, the other kind of fun that was outside the realm of cooking and their 'special' meals. Though there had been times they were able to get away with a quickly or two while company was over. Having become more daring and kinkier during the short number of years. Years he enjoyed every minute of despite the sinful actions they were taking. That is why he craved more of this forbidden fruit. Not just because of the quirk that forced his mother in this position, but the sinful actions that came with the wrong doings in his life.

Wrongdoings and sins that have him exposing his neck to the world as he wiggled his butt to the very edge of the table surface. That allowed his anticipation to grow even bigger the longer he waited. One nearly spilling over the edge when Inko snapped the drawer shut. Startling Izuku out of his thoughts when he heard the bang of wood hitting wood. But it had gotten him to focus his attention to the source. Watching silently as she around the table with myriad of items in hand. Mind going over each item and what she could use them for this time. Although the main attraction of those items was in fact the rope that swung back and forth as it dangled off an arm. Each step making each swing large and arching. Each piece already cut to the perfect length needed for their little project. His eyes soon shifted downwards to her bare crotch. Noting that she had taken off her skirt to free her erection. Now slightly bouncing with each step she took as precum dribbled onto the floor. Causing him to mindlessly lick his lips out of habit. Re-tasting the remnants of semen consumed earlier. Oblivious to her placing the other items around his body. Not the fact she started to pace around him once again. Rope the only object remaining in her hand.

A focus broken when fingertips brushed against his arm. Starting from his elbow to his wrist. To have them latch onto the wrist in a vice like grip then loosen right after. Maneuvering the appendage to the end of the table before the touch of the rope brushed against his skin. It grew tight against his skin as Inko tugged upon it. Tying it tight around the muscled appendage before table leg received the same treatment with the rope. She soon done the same to the other arm. Now preventing Izuku from moving or escaping his makeshift prison.

While most would think Izuku would be able to escape, but they would quickly find that it was the exact opposite for the hero. That was because the rope is in fact made with fiber used to dampen a person quirk. An expensive piece of equipment in private due to the face it was a highly restricted item. Only a few people outside the government, heroic sector, and the private sector were able to see it. Let alone own so much of it. Its only possible if someone met special conditions. They were lucky they met other conditions to obtain such an equipment.

Conditions Izuku was happy to use time and again for such joyousness and blasphemes benefits. Not just for saving people in his life of work. For putting his life on the line was worth it if he gets to keep seeing the predatory gaze his mother gave him. A gaze she gleefully showed hm while walking to the other end of the table. Making sure to dig her fingertips into his body as she done so. Stopping once she reached his legs. A body part Inko she adored on her son.

At first it was due to how squeezable they were. Then evolved to how toned they became. In truth, it was due to how thick his legs were. All that surface allowed her to fondle them as much as she wanted. Much like his plump add. But she liked to see them more in her favorite position, the mating press. A position that allowed her to touch the legs all over during sex. Except it was a position more effective on a bed than a table. Which was why she was not going to use the position right in that moment. Such a loss did not dampen her love for the position. She still enjoyed what she could do and reach on the furniture. Such as now when she took one leg. Rubbing and squeezing the underside of the thigh. Taunting the skin as if it was a personal stress ball. Fondling it till she reached the knee. Using the joint to prop the appendage up to rest on her shoulder. The palms of her hands pressed against the thigh. Grinding them back down towards the crotch. Spreading out the fingers when they met crotch. Brushing over his balls and past swollen dick. Noting how the vein pulsed along the shaft. Branching from the underside to travel upwards. Twisting around the shaft until it rested on the side. Inko used this by mindlessly letting a finger rub the twitching vein. Enjoying the way her son squirmed and mewled from such a tiny tease. Bucking into the hand for her touch. One she denied when the hand moved on to the other thigh. Knuckles brushing the inner part before traveling to the underside. Latching onto it to lift it upwards. Propping it on her free shoulder. An unusual sight for those who might walk on them.

Not because of sexual constitutions this scene created between mother and child; that was a hug factor in that, but the height difference between the two of them now. With her son somehow shooting past expectations of him retained the height inheriting from his parents. Having frown to be a tall man with a build that could rival young All Might. One suited for any hero who just debuted in the hero society.

A body Inko was immensely proud of. She had seen the way women and men had looked at her son. Seen the way they desired his body and appearance she helped groomed to be what it was. Yet none of them could have it. She laid claim to Izuku a long time ago. A claim freely returned when her son submits to her will and desires. Getting his own fix throughout all of this. Now the two of them were complacent in the circumstances that brought all this about.

Circumstances that no longer mattered in the prospect of their future. After all, no one should be concerned with the things that happen in their home. Finding happiness in what they had created. Despite the turmoil and problems created by outside parties. Troubles easily forgotten when together.

There was a possibility that was an issue as well. Figuring that the quirk that changed her might have revealed something else. That she might have been using her son as a coping mechanism. A dependency that will eventually have to stop since she forgot the existence of her husband on some level. Having frown use to not having the man around. Not that she was alone in this. Izuku had fallen in the same trap as she did. Using her to find pleasure when the hero world had left him empty. Proven when she reached down to pull an anal plug from between the cheeks. Hole already puffy and swollen as slick lube oozed out. Telling Inko very clearly that he used toys earlier that day to play around. Fully aware which toy he could have used since she bought many of his favorites. Having seen him plunge those dildos into his body in numerous ways. It will be a view she will have to witness another time. She did have a task to finish at hand before moving on to something else. Placing the plug in an empty spot so she could wrap her finger around his erection. A part of his body, despite his rapid growth, remained small and thick. Staying as a cocklett she liked to play with a times. The right size to use a sound rod in or milk with the various other toys they have.

Even now she played with the tip by using her thump. The pad of the finger running over the wet slit to smear the precum all over. It will not take much to make him come in that moment. Sucking her cock always got to, or over, the edge during the first round. If the smeared semen between the palm of her hand and the shaft was any clue.

Soon she let go to trail her fingers downwards and over the heavy, plumps balls. Fingers grazing the skin to reach the loose hole. Yanking it open with a couple of fingers to see the abuse done inside. Humming in appreciation of how well Izuku had done it. The work done had brought about a sensitivity he craved for at times. A kind triggered by training and work but rewarded by sex when his mother was the center of it. One she took full advantage of many times. It forced Izuku to remember who caused the pain that day, and who was fixing that pain. Making sure other stimulated override it while derogatory words spilled out of her mouth and into his ears. Though that was not the cause this time. Just an over eager child who wanted dick and knew how to say the right thing to get her going.

Removing the fingers to latch onto the juncture where waist and thighs meet. Using her strength to pull his body down to fill the little gap left on the table. Causing the arms to stretch and lock further into place thanks to rope tugging at the wrists. Easily guiding her cock in with little no help. Experienced enough to do so after doing this so often. Grunting when she was fully inside in. Sliding part of herself out slowly before pushing back in. Repeating the action repeatedly. Speeding up her thrusts the longer this lasted. Now the one desperately seeking an outcome for them both. To enwrapped in this that Inko ignored the cries that came from her son. The pleading and begging for his mother to fill him up once more. To make his stomach bloated and large from the semen held within her sack. Groaning loudly when his own cock twitched and throbbed. Splashing his mother with his own bodily fluid that sprang forth from his cock. Coating the underside of her breasts and part of her stomach with the powerful jet.

A few more had shot up to only fall back down. Staining his stomach and table with the stink of his own pleasure. Not an uncommon stink for the apartment. It was more surprising that their home did not have a constant lingering smell of sex. A thought quickly whipped away from his mind by a powerful thrust jostling his body to plunge deep into the warm body. Stretching wide a part still not use to such an organ. No matter how many years had passed or the toys her used. The penis attached to Inko was always able to out beat any of the toys he bought and hit spots they could never reach. Scratching an itch no one else could manage.

Legs clutched the shoulders as his body shuddered from pleased thoughts and the multitude of sensations. His softening penis flopping and rolling against his stomach from the thrusts. To caught up in their private world did they miss the sound of a door opening and keys hitting a dish. Their names echoed out into the apartment right after. Mixing with the sound of footsteps hitting the floor. Moans and skin slapping against one another overriding it all. A large moan covering the gasp and the thud of a bag hitting the floor. Inko to focused on the task at hand kept going. Cumming into her son when his body arched off the table. Thrusts slowing down with each flow of semen. Trying to make the pleasure last until her balls was empty of the rich cum held within. If her son had a womb, then he would have become pregnant three times over. A sentiment emphasis when she pulled out. Softening dick coated in her semen with a thread of still linked to the gapping hole. Thinning out the more she moved backwards. Breaking when a glob suddenly dropped to the floor with a large splat. Inko was happy with the work she was able to do this time.

"I-Inko!" Head whipped over to the source of the sound to find a surprise standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Unable to speak and do anything from shock. Not believing what was happening. Let alone the person standing in her kitchen to witness their very sin.