Rehabilitation toga

Released Rehabilitation Footage

Chapter Text

It was not the first time Himiko Toga had been behind bars throughout her crimson crusade through criminality. Starting a life of crime at the young age of sixteen had locked her into a difficult life path, one fraught with danger, conflict, and alienation from the society that labeled her "villain." Citizens feared her, police chased her, and heroes hunted her day and night. The harsh demands of survival had been so intense they left permanent dark circles marred under her golden eyes. Though the world had not been kind to Toga, at least time had. Now at the age of nineteen, the young woman's body exploded with sex appeal.

At its mildest, she had grown a whole head taller which was vital for maintaining some sense of proportion on her well-developed body. Beyond that, the violent high-schooler had aged into a veritable sex-doll. Crime apparently pays well enough to eat. Toga's body had become thick in the extreme. Each of her soft pale thighs were now of such a size they wobbled with every step she took. Keeping pace with the rest of her lower half and then some, the young villain's ass had blown up to ludicrous jiggling proportions, the cheeks so large they were visible from the front between her impressive thigh gap. But this should not lead one to believe Himiko simply got fat. The life of a close range combatant is full of trails for the body but not without its own rewards for the few that had the will and the skill to endure it. For Himiko Toga, those rewards manifested as a set of six pack abs that sat firmly above a pair of wide hips. But even these changes were insignificant compared to her chest.

Himiko Toga had never been a particularly voluptuous girl growing up. This never bothered her but only leant to a more thorough surprise when her tits expanded to sizes that made her head look small. Each of her pale jugs were so large they hung to her naval and so round the surpassed her elbows when her arms were to her sides. In only a few short years, Himiko had come from flat to busty to absolutely stacked. Even her pink nipples had swollen to enlarged sizes, a quality that made them impossible to hide behind clothes. This was of course assuming she had even found clothes that could fit over her massive rack. Her old school uniform now looked like an erotic cosplay on her new body. It was likely this constrictive clothing combined with the utterly obscene amount of jiggling that resulted in her normally agile movements becoming clumsy, her typically quick moves becoming sluggish. This slowdown facilitated her capture but the young villain had a feeling she had not been taken to the usual incarceration facility.

The first indicator was the prisoner's outfit she was given. She expected a one-piece jump suit or maybe a shirt and pants. That's what the other villains had told her they wear in prison. But this was nothing like either of those. She supposed it did have the prisoner's stripped pattern that she anticipated. But the design was a slightly more revealing than that she would have guessed. In reality, it was more revealing than even the most risqué swimsuits and Himiko had been give the largest size they had. There were a mere two articles: a thong with the prisoner's stripes across the thin strip of fabric that was so tight it revealed every detail of the young villain's pussy and a single long strap. The strap, also in the prisoner's stripes, consisted of a pair of nipple covers, notably too small to cover Toga's large pink areolas, that then slung behind the neck like one third of a bikini top. A collar with a short length of chain was also fastened around her neck while two manacles strapped her arms behind her back which Himiko considered the least unusual of the scant clothing she wore.

The second sign the manslayer saw that this was no ordinary facility was in the form of the other inmates. All of which were villains, some she recognized from tales heard in dark alleys, bars, and other places people spoke of legendary misdeeds. All of which were also female. This didn't surprise Himiko. They didn't keep prisons co-ed typically. But most noticeably, all of them looked like Toga. As she was walked down the prison's corridors she saw that each and every woman behind these walls had massive tits, a fat ass, tight abs, or some combination of the three. These women were all stacked just like her. Well. That was an incorrect assessment. None of these women were stacked quite like Himiko Toga.

Himiko took all this in with a sense of blasé. Perhaps it was her rebellious loathing of the guards or her fatigue at being dragged through the criminal justice process but no obvious emotion appeared on the normally passionate villain's face. Mechanical apathy fixed her gaze low and her posture casual.

The keen-eyed killer was correct in her determination that this was no ordinary prison. This was a facility specifically designed by and for the new hero: Justice Orc. What the man lacked in looks (and he lacked in looks a great deal) he made up for in results. Through unknown means, deemed too important to risk revealing, Justice Orc had rehabilitated dozens of female villains. These women had entered the facility as hardened criminals and left as happy citizens! Albeit, there were some post-release reports suggesting the reentered still sought communication with Justice Orc. But these were swept under the run. Meanwhile, the hero was quickly gaining renown for his unprecedented results and though the means of his process could not be revealed he acquiesced to requests for video journals by those inmates going through the process. Justice Orc was stern but at the end of the day: a hero.

This very hero smelled Himiko Toga's entry before he saw her. It was a unique smell, more pungent than any he had ever picked up on in his time as warden of a whole prison full of depraved women. No, he caught whiffs of this on some female villains here and there but nothing like this. It was the powerful, concentrated, and overwhelming scent of a complete and total slut. Justice Orc stomped out of his office with a purpose and charged down hall after hall in pursuit of the smell's source. A guard in his path halted and saluted him but the hero rushed forward and shoved him out of the way. This was more important than decorum! A calming thought crossed Justice Orc's mind just as he began what smelled like a final approach. Smelling like a total slut doesn't mean shit for appearance. There way the very real chance that this pungent aroma came from a total uggo! His breathing settled comfortably and he gathered his composure.

Only for him to lose it instantly as Himiko Toga walked by, led by two guards, and looking bored out of her mind. Justice Orc stammered in awe. Himiko, oblivious, continued what she was doing: walking. She did not intend for her walk to cause her thick round ass to bounce deliciously from side to side. She didn't exactly choose for her massive pale jugs to jiggle lewdly on her outspread chest while her hands were forced behind her back. She didn't intentionally enter a facility where she was the curviest woman in a building full of absolute babes, booty and breasts both larger than any other and on the same small girl. Himiko did not plan for her every step to be marked by an obscene wobbling of her absurd sexual endowments that tantalized the onlooker with only mere hints of what her overripened body could do. But it did. Justice Orc was aghast. This young woman not only gave off the most powerful stench of whorishness he had ever encountered but also the fattest tits and ass in the entire prison! She was a complete package. He needed to have her – I mean – rehabilitate her.

"I will take this prisoner from here." Justice Orc said to the two guards with heavy breaths as though he had just run a marathon. The two looked at the hero and then at each other and then back at the hero. "I will be beginning her rehabilitation today." That flimsy excuse was all it took for a pair of prison guards to break protocol. It wasn't like they were dealing with "real" people, no definitely not, these were inmates.

Himiko looked at the man up and down with total apathy. Completing her survey, she shrugged and faced forward. Justice Orc led the young villain to her cell but not by the direct path. He made her walk a particularly circuitous route to ensure he got a through and private view of her thick bounding rear and head-dwarfing tits in motion.

Once in the cell, Justice Orc removed a camcorder and lodged it in the cells bars. Himiko watched this with curiosity but gave no indicator of her interest. "This is a for a video diary of your rehabilitation. Stand and state your name, age, and crime." At first, Toga just sat there coldly meeting the man's gaze. But after a moment she did as she was told and Justice Orc, clad in his green shirt and mask and black jockstrap while bearing the phallic image of his heroic status on his chest, took a place behind her.

"Himiko Toga, 19 years old, in addition to murder I have committed several crimes." Her monotone was assertive in its apathy.

"The video report is done." Justice Orc rumbled. "You despicable villain…I, the Justice Orc, will teach you a special lesson."

"Yes sir." Himiko answered in crushing indifference.

"What a bitch." Justice Orc thought to himself then added from behind. "And state your three sizes. For the record."

Himiko paused. Her face gave away none of whatever emotion she was feeling. Then she answered with the same brutal boredom: "I don't know my three sizes. All I know is that I have not found any clothes or underwear that properly fit me in over a year."

Justice Orc snorted like a pig settling into a delightfully cool pool of mud. "Very well. This video record gets sent out to the Hero Association. Is there anybody specific you would like to receive this?"

The corner of Himiko's mouth pulled into a smile but she quickly stifled it. "Izuku Midoriya."

"Very well. I will see it done on my honor as a hero." Justice Orc declared as he closed and returned the camera to his bag. "We will now begin your rehabilitation. The first step of the program is simple. You must demonstrate your desire to begin rehabilitating." From the same bag, the hero removed a large purple condom. "To demonstrate this, you must take out my dick and put this condom on it for me."

There was another long silence. Himiko was utterly still, trying to keep her movements as contained as possible. Whatever she was feeling it was intense and it took great willpower to restrain. "No." Was her simple, monotone reply.

"Very well." Justice Orc said nonchalantly. "Then experience my Quirk: Pheromones!" The hero thrust his arms behind his head as though his armpits were guns primed to fire. In a sense, they were! Green fumes erupted from the man's body. Himiko's apathy broke into shock and she took a step back but it was useless. The small cell would give her nowhere to run from the powerful scent of musk that quickly chocked the young villain.

As the manic murderer coughed and chocked on the potent gas, she felt a powerful sensation overcome her. Something in her lower stomach ached with need. She felt her pussy go wet. But most responsive of all were her large nipples which now became as stiff as the iron that formed the bars around her. Himiko turned to the Justice Orc who stood there proudly. Something in her needed him. He tossed the purple condom at her and it tapped her face before falling to the ground of her cell. "We will try again tomorrow."

"No." Himiko thought to herself, her mask of apathy now gone and replaced with struggle and panic, "No! Don't leave me like this!" Justice Orc exited the cell and walked away. Himiko threw herself on the bench of her small room and breathed steadily. Her will would not be broken by this. She sat there, nipples harder than they had ever been, and waited for it wear off.

The next day came and Himiko Toga was still hot and bothered. She grit her teeth in frustration, both from rage and from lust. But she continued to sit there, bitterly turned on. When Justice Orc arrived Himiko leveraged a herculean amount of willpower and her previous day's apathy washed over her. She looked as bored as ever, totally uninterested and definitely not painfully aroused.

"We meet again Himiko Toga." Justice Orc said from beyond the bars. "And so, I ask you again: take my dick out and put the condom on for me." He gestured to the purple rubber that had remained on the floor the entire night.

The devious villain gave nothing of herself away. Nothing but her eyes. Golden iris dipped from the man's gaze to his crotch. She gave a heavy exhale but caught herself well enough to let nothing else slip. Whatever was down there, she considered, it was stretching out that jockstrap like it was bent on breaking it. Another heavy exhale but this was last one – she swore it! But that is a lot of meat, she mused, a lot of delicious meat. Another powerful gust of air left her lungs and she grit her teeth in blatant anger with herself once it left her lips. "No!" She yelled, frustrated at him, herself, and her burning body.

"Very well." Justice Orc said, unphased. "Then endure this!" His arms flew backwards and once again the cell was filled with noxious stink. Himiko held her breath but it was no use. It was just sitting in her cell. When she finally couldn't hold out her lungs forced a deep inhale and she got a deep breath of the stuff. The feelings inside her instantly got more intense. Her face bloomed spots of pink blush. But worse yet was when her mouth began to salivate. She was thirsty. But Himiko knew she wasn't looking for water. Her gaze was blurry but it fixated on the man's jockstrap.

"Yes." she thought to herself madly, "Yes! I'll put the condom on you! I'll even help you fill it, old man!"

"I'll see you tomorrow." Justice Orc said as he had already begun to walk away.

Himiko Togo's eyes went wide. With the reflexes and speed of a killer, she bolted from the bench and crashed into the bars. "No! No, come back! I'll do it! Don't leave me like this!" She shouted as she writhed on the floor, with her arms still bound, it was impossible to catch herself. But the hero did not turn back. He walked on and Himiko laid there going steadily more and more mad with lust and frustration.

When the next day came, Himiko sat on her knees by the bars. The night had taken its toll on her. A steady flow of wet lubricant dripped from her needy pussy. Her womb, she now was sure of it, positively throbbed with a desire to be filled. Her tongue had, almost of its own volition, snaked out of her mouth at regular intervals to lap her lips in thirst. She needed cum in her mouth. She knew nothing else would do. All night had been like that. Now Justice Orc came and stood before her.

"You've changed positions have you?" The man asked and Himiko did not answer. She just looked down at her own knees, panting. "Very well. I will ask you again: take my dick out and put the condom on for me."

The blonde shivered. Whether it was with anger or excitement, Justice Orc could not tell. Finally, Himiko looked up. She couldn't say anything, still too much pride and will remained, but she opened her mouth. With her tongue, she gestured to her long fangs and nodded her head as if to say "I will take it out with these." Her eyes were filled with unadulterated passion. Justice Orc knew she would not betray him, at least, not like this.

He approach the bars and pressed his crotch forward. The thing radiated musk and Himiko recognized it immediately. Wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible she buried her face in the man's gut then pulled downward until she caught the top of his jockstrap in her teeth. She continued to pull down further and further until her face was nearly at the floor. When the Justice Orc's immense cock was fully revealed Himiko became panting madly at the sight of it. The massive brown phallus was thick like a club and long like a bat. Its head was bulbous and its shaft was decorated in a host of prominent veins. The whole this was framed by a backdrop of equally stupefying balls. Massive, she thought to herself, I need it. I need it. I need it. I need it. I need it. I need it. "The condom." Justice Orc interrupted Himiko's train of madness.

But her crazy didn't stop. She got up, swift and wild, and turned around before planting her face into floor of her cell. With her cheekbone she held the condom in place while using her teeth she tore it open. Justice Orc admired her frantic obedience. Most women would have just asked to use their hands or tried to do it behind their back but it seemed that Himiko didn't give a single shit. She got back on her knees which she then scooted forward on to the cells bars where she looked up. Himiko opened her maw to reveal the purple condom outstretched over her lips and ready to put on – with her mouth. Her eyes were at once dizzy with desire and desperation.

Justice Orc snorted in delight and grabbed the base of his cock which was already stiffening at the sight of her mad depravity. His nose was never wrong; she was complete and total slut. He held it above Himiko's face and she whimpered in the shadow its immensity with some kind of fear or excitement of giddy mixture of the two. Justice Orc reached in the bars and grabbed the villain's head by her two buns. Himiko felt like her nipples might tear her sorry excuse for a top with the extent of their arousal. The hero aimed the oversized cockhead at Himiko's mouth that was unquestionably too small. He pushed downwards and stopped against her lips. The size difference seemed to make anything more impossible. But heroes are not daunted by such odds. It is in desperate moments like these that they do not give up. They go "PLUS ULTRA!"

Himiko's collar made of thick leather nearly snapped around the pressure of her overstuffed and overstretched neck. Above her neck, her chin was obscured by the mass of Justice Orc's fat nuts. Beyond this, the young villain's jaw was cranked open like it never had before while her lips stretched around the hero's absurd girth. At the top of it all, the girl's eyes, leaking tears, were flat whites, having rolled back deep into the recesses of her skull. Perhaps most notably however was beneath this entire scene. On the floor, between Himiko's thick skull-crushing thighs, was a widening pool of liquid climax. The force of Justice Orc's brutal insertion balls-deep into her throat, combined with days on needing this, caused her to have a violent squirting orgasm that her lower half continued to shiver from.

Slowly, Justice Orc withdrew his oversized bitch-breaker and the sounds Himiko's gullet made as it was removed were nasty in an especially depraved kind of way. Covered in the wet shine of saliva, the hero's cock rose triumphantly above the villain, a condom stretched over its tip. "You have demonstrated your desire to begin rehabilitation. The next step is the verbal contract. You must say aloud all that you would do to earn your rehabilitation."

Out loud? Himiko, with the scant brainpower she had, couldn't let herself do that. Doing all this nasty shit was one thing but saying she wanted it? Admitting it to a hero? No. That crossed a line for her that the last vestiges of thing she could call willpower would not allow to pass. Eyes still white, mouth still gaping, tears still running, Himiko meekly shook her head no.

"Very well, Himiko. Then we will try again tomorrow."

"No. Please no." Something in Himiko begged pathetically.

"Pheromones!" Gas chocked her back to her senses. Willpower? Himiko consider the concept and thought it was so utterly stupid. What was she thinking? She blew it! She blew her chance for relief, for sanity, for cum! Her body quivered as she bent over and coughed. Her eyes glanced ahead and saw the towering form of Justice Orc's mighty cock and her whole body convulsed at the sight of it. But just as it crossed her eyes, glassy with tears, it turned to walk away from her.

Hands hit the bars. "No! No, no, no! Don't leave!" Himiko tried to force her head through the rails which, of course, only resulted in a loud bang. "Don't leave, please! Come back! I'll tell you all the things you want to hear! I'll tell you anything you want, old man! Just fuck me! JUST FUCK ME!!!" Himiko began banging her head against the bars in lust-crazed madness. "So stupid! So stupid! No! No! Why didn't I just do what he told me?! Never again! I'll never disobey him again! NEVER! Come back here!" She shouted but nobody was there. Her breathing grew intense. Never, she had said it and she meant it. If he wanted to hear what she was willing to do for "rehabilitation" she would tell him.

She would tell him everything.

Himiko got up and began thinking about what kind of filth would leave her mouth, practicing to nobody. She spent the whole night pacing around her cell, mumbling profanities to herself, and smiling like a utter maniac.

When Justice Orc returned the next day, he found Himiko Toga sitting on the bench staring at the floor, talking to herself. There was a brief moment where the hero was concerned he may have overdone it and actually broke her. But he got over it. "Himiko!" He yelled and the blonde bombshell looked up at him wildly. Her eyes were a frantic in how they searched him over and then fixating on his now replaced jockstrap. Her mouth streamed drool and breathed steam. "You have already demonstrated your willingness now is-"

"Your verbal contract!" She interrupted him excitedly.

"I-Indeed." Justice Orc stammered and thought to himself, "What happened to her last night? Are those bruises on her forehead?"

"Yes! I have it all prepared Justice Orc, sir!" She shot up from the seat causing her erotic body to briefly jiggle up and down. "I have a list of things I would be willing to do for my rehabilitation starting from the top."

"Top of what?" Justice Orc asked, genuinely.

"Top of me!" Her smile was wide in a way that no sane person's would be. "Starting with my mouth. Justice Orc, sir, my mouth would be completely yours to do whatever you wanted with. I'll suck your huge nasty dick whenever you want, day or night, for as long as you want, a minute or hours! You can go deep in my throat and dump a thick nasty load or I can make out with the head like we're on a nice romantic date!" At this, she allowed her eyes to roll slightly back as she opened her smiling mouth to allow her tongue to offer a lewd, wet, and frantic demonstration. "And your balls too! They look so heavy Mr. Orc! They must need rest so just shove them in mouth for a while. I'll lick till they're clean. I don't even care if they have nasty pubes on them. I don't care at all! I'll be your anytime, anywhere, daytime, nighttime, sloppy, sweet, suck and slob slut! Doesn't that sound good? I give really good head, by the way. I suck really well."

Justice Orc was stunned. He could not have anticipated this. The concentrated scent was absolutely right – no – it was an understatement! This girl wasn't a slut. She's a full blown nymphomaniac! The realization strained his jockstrap like a weight had been dropped in it.

"Next are my tits!" Himiko continued to smile and shimmied her chest causing her massive bust to heave left and right. "I know you've been looking at them Justice Orc, sir. I don't mind. They are huge. They're super-duper sensitive too, especially my nipples. You asked me about my three sizes and I was honestly I don't know. The last bra I wore was an H – "H" like Himiko! – and it was way too small. That was months ago! Now they're way bigger. This top your prison has is too small too. Are you sure this is the biggest size? Wait, no, anyway! You can use them however you want. You want a titty fuck? Just lay back and I'll do it for you! Or you can push me down and use them like a pussy. They're really soft so I bet you'll cover them in lots of thick warm spunk. How is that? Himiko, your own big-titty fuck girl, always ready to service you with her giant boobs. Ooo! I can be your personal paizuri prisoner! How does that sound?"

The only discernable sounds coming from Justice Orc was his aroused grunting and the fabric on his underwear slowly straining beyond its limit.

"Next is my butt because it's so big." Himiko said and turned around. She raised her bound wrists in the air and began to lewdly squat and gyrate her hips causing her thick cheeks and thighs to wobble violently as she picked up speed. "I saw you staring at this too. So big right! Super embarrassing! It's not lady-like to have such a big fat butt. I can't help it though. I guess I was just made to be your type or something, Mr. Orc. My butt is so fat and jiggly I feel it whenever I run and – oh! Sometimes when I jump it claps!" The young girl demonstrated just that. Pulling her legs together and swiftly bouncing up and down with an almost childlike abandon, Himiko clapped her cheeks so loudly it echoed off the walls of her cell. But the mindless monster inadvertently also sent her chest heaving in a similarly clapping display. "Isn't that fun? I think it's fun. Except not when I'm trying to get away quietly. But I would never want to get away from you Justice Orc, sir! You can have this big ass whenever you want! You can fuck me from the back and watch it bounce or just rest your big heavy dick between my cheeks. I can do all the rest. And I know what you're thinking! The answer is: 'yes, of course you can fuck me in the ass, Justice Orc, sir!'"

Fabric had gone from strain to tearing and Justice Orc was salivating.

"Then there's the last thing: my pretty pink pussy." Himiko turned around face the man then fell backwards, catching herself on her bound hands before landing flat on her ass, only to raise her legs up and then spread them in a wide V. "This place is special for girls, you know? But I'll let you use mine whenever you want. Fuck me whenever you want. In whatever position you want too, my pussy will feel good in all of them, I promise. And you know what else? I'll let you cum inside. I'll let you knock me up. I'll let you fill my little pussy with your cum. But you have to make me a promise that you'll also flood my womb with your nasty jizz too, ok? I've been reeeally craving that. If you want you can just do that over and over whenever you want for a whole day until I'm full of your babies, for sure. Yeah? That sound good? I could change my name to Cum-Dump Toga?"

The Justice Orc was speechless. His cock was nearly exposed by the force of his own erection. He was a genius! His rehabilitation program scored him the nastiest filthiest curviest bitch in the world, the man thought to himself. Shortly thereafter he began congratulating himself with the repeating thought: he truly was a hero.

"Oh!" Himiko interrupted him. "I forgot one of the mouth ones." She got up and skipped to the bars in front of Justice Orc. She pressed her body up against them until her massive bust poured through the bars and her face rested against them. "You can kiss me too. Like, whenever you want. I love kissing. I can kiss like a good girl or I can kiss like a bad girl, you know, like not on the mouth? Like down there? You just tell me. Wherever you put my mouth I'll make sure you feel good. I don't care how nasty it is. You're getting this tongue! Ok?" The mad villain giggled and then lolled out her tongue in another flailing display of what one hoped was affection and ignored was psychosis.

This broke the limit for Justice Orc. His ass clenched at the suggestion and his cock went surging forth, tearing his jockstrap asunder, and landing right between Himiko's legs. "Oh! Do you want to start now? Was my verbal contract good?" The salivating sex-fiend asked.

"Himiko." Justice Orc stammered. His brain was racing a million miles a limit. His eyes looked nowhere in particular. This girl opened up new possibilities. New opportunities. New pleasures. He needed time to thoroughly explore them all. This could not be taken lightly. "Your verbal contract is above and beyond. I think you're ready for more than simple rehabilitation. How would you like to be my Exclusive Breeding Intern?"

Himiko paused in what appeared to be genuine consideration. Then she gestured for the man to get closer with some quick tilts of her head. He did so and the maniac got right up in his ear. "If you think it'll help my 'rehabilitation' I'll be anything you want, sir." The inside of his ear felt warm and wet as she then began to tongue it sensually. "Himiko Toga," she breathed into it, "Exclusive Breeding Intern, at your service~"

Justice Orc simply remained there and relished in the jittering excitement of his greatest victory.

. . .

Weeks later, Izuku Midoriya got a CD. The return address placed it from an Orc Maximum Security Rehabilitation Facility. He couldn't guess why something from there would be addressed to him. The cover read "Publicly Released Rehabilitation Program Footage." He popped it into a laptop.

"Hey Izuku~" It was Himiko Toga on the screen but she was wearing the lewdest prison uniform he had ever seen. In one hand, she held what appeared to be a purple condom but the amount of spunk inside was too absurd to be real. In her other, she waved around three more! Her face was flushed with joy even as she was covered in what were unmistakably pubes. Her pits and crotch were also harrier as if she hadn't shaved in weeks. On her right nipple was a yellow tag. "Exclusive Breeding Intern" it read and Izuku had no idea what that meant. "Today, I'm doing my rehabilitation again. I feel like my mind is clear now thanks to Mr. Orc."

If Himiko was truly feeling like her heard was clear that was over in an instant. Suddenly, her face blushed a hard red and her frothing tongue spilled from her mouth with an expression of such delight it seemed insane. Instigating this? From off-screen, a massive dark cock fell onto Himiko massive bust. Along the shaft was the word "JUSTICE." The thing was obscenely sized, so much so that Izuku wouldn't have believed it was real if the man's gut wasn't visible on the side of the frame. That man spoke and pet her head like a dog. "Well done. From now on it'll be a routine and we'll only go raw. Be ready for it."

Liquid dripped from between Himiko's thighs as she answered like she was melting with pleasure: "Yes sir~"

. . .

Izuku didn't know what to make of contents of the video. Himiko's video diaries of being in prison? But why would he get those? He flipped through his mail and found yet another CD from Orc Rehabilitation. It had a note on it in cute handwriting. "Hey Izuku, I snuck this one into the mail for you too. I hope you enjoy it. I did~ Love, love, love you, Himiko Toga." The hero shivered as he read the name and flipped over the second disk. Its cover read: "Himiko Toga Rehabilitation, Exclusive Breeding Internship Program Footage. We will be documenting this," Justice Orc almost couldn't get the words out with how heavy his breathing was with excitement, "for future research into your Internship Program." The heavy set man fixed the third camcorder between the bars around her cell. It did not take long for him to cancel all of his appointments for the rest of the day and acquire all the necessary materials. This took precedent above all other matters. He also instructed the facility's guards to quarantine off this whole cell block. Justice Orc would broker no interruptions. At least, no interruptions from anybody but Himiko Toga.

The hero was so busy adjusting and setting up the camera he didn't see the insane smiling face of the blonde serial killer just over his shoulder panting with arousal even worse than he. His hands froze in the middle of what they were doing as he felt her long wet togue run the back of his ear. She whispered into it, with a voice that sounded something like seduction and something like a threat. "If by 'future research' you mean fap material then please do."

Their two scents comingled in the tight cell. One was the pheromones of the fat lust monger. The other was the aroma of an absolute slut. Separately these stenches were foul but together they smelled, admittedly, intoxicating. They both breathed it in now, barely able to stop themselves from forsaking all human intellect and turning into stupid rutting beasts. For Justice Orc, it was the need to document this, his greatest achievement. Never could he have imagined any woman possessing such massive breasts, such a fat rear, or such a voracious appetite but Himiko had all three and now she was all his. The only thing holding the voluptuous villain back was the command from her 'rehabilitator' who she had sworn to herself she would never disobey again. But even that was unraveling at the seams. He had attached a yellow tag to the large right nipple of her prison "uniform" that displayed her new designation: "Exclusive Breeding Intern."

It jingled against itself as Himiko leaned deeper in. "Or by 'future research' do you mean record of how you knocked up this cute little villain? I like that too, you know?" Her whispers were hotter and her tongue felt wetter. Himiko was about to go in a potentially fatal fucking frenzy.

"Done!" Justice Orc announced. Focusing on his task with a truly heroic level of concentration was the only way he could get it done with Toga's sensuous whispers and tender licking pulling him away. "Now! We can start. Prisoner! State your name, age, crime, and assignment."

Unlike her earlier apathetic introduction, this one was packed dense with barely restrained emotion. "I'm Himiko Toga, age: 19, crime: not finding Mr. Orc's giant cock sooner!" She looked over her shoulder at him with a big smile and eyes utterly starving for praise. The hero pet her head and she shivered with pleasure. "My assignment: Tryouts for the Exclusive Breeding Internship position. I will get a box of condoms and have to fill every single one with Justice Orc's jizz no matter how long it takes. If I succeed I will start my new routine."

"Perfectly so, Himiko." The hero laughed deeply and then placed a small box in her hands before unbinding her wrists. The villain pulled her arms free and stretched before examining the container. Durable, Extra-Strength, Grape-Rush Flavored XXXL Condoms, it said. Her gold eyes scanned the thing until they got to the bottom of the pack. Her heart stopped. She didn't know her nipples could get any harder but the promise of the next great trial of her life made her want to squeal. Bulk Item, it said, Rubbers Contained: 100. Her gaze drifted maddeningly ahead as her breathing rapidly approached hyperventilating. This time, Justice Orc leaned in from behind and whispered in her ear. "We better get started Intern Himiko. You have a lot of work to do."

She didn't need to be told twice. In fact, she never needed to be told at all.

. . .

It didn't take long for that prison cell to get downright nasty. Used condoms filled with absolutely absurd amounts of jizz littered the floor, some getting tossed just outside of the bars while others were tied to them like some kind of obscene decor. The box of these purple rubbers had been tucked under one of the straps of Himiko's scant top, a decision she made on her own for ease of access in between ejaculations. The other fluid decorating the prisoner's floor and bench in copious amounts was Himiko's seemingly limitless supply of frothing, warm, bubbling spit. The girl's tongue was getting the workout of its life and she loved it. She never wanted it to end. Never.

The smell of sex was so thick in the air that it was blessing the cell block was quarantined because if an unwary traveler opened their mouth in the area they would actually taste the stink. But if the sights, smells, and tastes were not enough of a full-sensory experience of depravity between the two horniest people for hundreds of miles, the sounds would be the sloppy, wet icing on the cake of oral decadence. *GLURK* *HURLK* *MMPH* *SLURP* *SHLURP* Blowjobs. Himiko was good at them, she was sure of this, but she never had to give one to a man of such a fiendish – no – heroic size. The first few were awkward and brutal as the hero gave her no mercy in acclimating her jaw and throat to their new main use for the foreseeable future. But Himiko was no quitter. No, the little villain loved it. The sensation of Justice Orc's massive cockhead scraping her gullet in places she didn't know she had, filling her mouth more than she knew was possible, and stretching her throat like she never knew she needed was one of constant eye-rolling, hands-free orgasmic delight. One didn't need to know Himiko for a long time to guess she was an oral sex addict but now it was different. She would kill, literally and frequently, to slurp down Justice Orc's cock after this.

Himiko Toga was getting the hang of it now and working her man. Justice Orc slouched on her bench, naked from the pelvic fat down. The skillful villain was on her knees between his reclining legs. One hand, she was so glad they were free now, reached beneath him to skillfully reach up the hero's ass and massage his prostate while her other, which she was so thrilled to use for this, ferociously pumped the length of the man's epic shaft. She pounded it like she was getting that cum whether he wanted to give it up or not and such speed was only possible due to the ample lubrication her mouth supplied. Her mouth suckled the head, stretching her mouth and lips in a truly nasty display, while dancing her tongue along the glands and underside. A constant waterfall of natural lube rolled down the bottom which was well-used to jack the man off like only a villain truly could. Justice Orc howled out in pleasure and Himiko's eyes were filled with such a delight it would be cute if the lower half of her mouth wasn't stretched into a second condom over the man's cockhead. His hips bucked and the little nightmare practically gushed herself. Another load was coming and she was thirsty for it! A heroic howl rang out and Justice Orc inflated the condom into Himiko's mouth which she received with eye-rolling gratitude. This was one she wasn't going to pass up, no sir! She snapped the thing off and held it above her head. She outstretched her tongue that was second in length only to a frog's and poured the contents of the just-filled condom into her thirsty mouth. When her tongue attempted to flick the remains down her throat some landed across her face and she didn't mind at all. That's where it would stay. There would be plenty more to come.

"Throat sex is addicting!" Himiko's mind screamed out for the thirty-fifth time in the last ten seconds. She was on her back later, her hands secured around her lover's musky butt cheeks, while he mounted her face, his hands around her slim pale neck, and drove into her mouth like it was pussy. Every thrust of that heroic cudgel sent Himiko's hips lewdly thrusting up off the ground and into the air. She hadn't been fucked yet properly but what she was getting now was better than anything of the sort she had received before. Justice Orc fucked her face better than other men even fucked her pussy. "Addicting!" The pumping of the girthy beast was accompanied, to the depraved girl's absolute delight, by repeated, dazing, vision-blurring blows to the face by its owner's giant nut sack. It left its musk and pubes all over her face that once vaguely, if one didn't look too closely, resembled the purity of youth. "Addicting!" In between securing himself to the villain's throat, Justice Orc reached forward to slap and grope Himiko's fat wobbling jugs which were giving him no shortage of a bouncing show on their own as he pounded their owner face first and sent a bulge all the way to her chest. At one point the hero, and what a hero he was to Toga now, jumped up onto his heels and grabbed a fistful of stiff nipple in each fist as he drove into her neck like some kind of fucked-up oral mating press only for girls with giants tits. "ADDICTING!" He grunted like a beast and forced himself to base, kneading the fat udders while he began to dump a particularly thick load into the condom now deep in her core. The confluence of perfect sensations was too much for Himiko again who bucked her wide hips into the air and squirted with such force it reached beyond the cell's bars. In contrast to the dark circles under them, her eyes were flat whites, not revealing if the girl was capable of any thought at all while wracked with a gut-searing orgasm. "ADDICTING!!!" But she was. And those thoughts demanded more.

"Yes Himiko, give the camera a good show of your head's 'rehabilitation.'" Justice Orc grinned as he stood upright, arms folded proudly, as he just barely entered into the frame. The majority of which was taken up by the young villain who was in a vulgar spread-leg camera-facing squat slurping the long log of JUSTICE from the side. The hero referred to her drastic improvement in blowjob skills over the course of her assignment. She was a skilled learner but all students could only progress as far as their own desires took them. Himiko's desires would take her farther than any sane person would go. If her lover wanted a blowjob and a show, well, Himiko was all-too happy, far, far too happy, to oblige. She could now bob her head up and down half of the hero's meat on her own. She had even gotten to the point where going down only sent one of her eyes rolling back into white blindness! But the request was not just head but a performance. Her hands sank into the plush bounty of titflesh in front of the camera and uplifted it into a shelf to catch the continuous stream of spit that leaked from her hard-working lips. Once a small shimmering pool of the stuff gathered in the valley of her uplifted bust, she let the pair drop against her toned abdomen with an audible slap, spilling the gathered saliva everywhere. She ran her hands along her abs, then the undersides of her breasts, then letting herself go to town on the twin globes. She was oiling up her upper body with her own mouth lube while never ceasing in the head she delivered expertly if not also a bit uncontrollably. Once oiled and glistening, Himiko presented her bust as though she was some kind of model for massive jugs. Then she slung one arm over both, which their size very nearly engulfed in its entirety and shoved her other between them in a wet, violent faux-titfuck. She fisted her own breast-pussy like she needed them to be treated. But as her excitement began to peak, so did her madness. Her arm reached up past her swiftly pumping neck and began to force her fingers into her mouth alongside Justice Orc's obscene, lip-stretching cock. The message was clear to the hero. She would suck his dick, she would tifuck his dick, and she would do both at the same time if she could.

The hero was awed but wanted to her go further. "You know, Himiko," he began, arms still folded imperiously, "there is a rumor in this facility that women with large breasts cannot give good head. Their reliance on their chests is their own weakness. Prove them wrong if you would." This was of course a complete fabrication but Himiko Toga didn't know that. Her eye lids twitched from the bottom as her face bloomed red. Rage, embarrassment, fury, indignation, lust, they all swirled into the hurricane she soon became. Her head began to buck further and harder, coring out her own throat with no hands. Her face betrayed its inability to hold her passions in any sort of control. When her lips were around the cockhead her eyes glared with fierce indignation. When they approached the base they became rolled-back subservient love pools. Back and forth she worked herself, emotions spiraling. But she would ensure this rumor was put to death thoroughly and with many (metaphorical) knife wounds. Her head was immaculate, she told herself as continued to make her way to base. But never let it be said that such could not be the case while having a pair of giant tits! Himiko kneaded and groped and jiggled and clapped her own breasts before the camera as she throated the man like a woman possessed. Perhaps her disregard for her own safety was in her favor, as those facilities in a normal brain would not have let her, after much sloppy labor, much self-brutalizing effort, finally deepthroat Justice Orc's arm length cock to the base while also lapping the balls. But then again, who needed safety with the kind of orgasm Himiko was having? She pinched her own sensitive nipples hard and pulled them as her deeply distorted neck sputtered and throbbed. Justice Orc was rewarding her display with another overstuffed condom of jizz and Himiko received it with a tit-pulling, leg-spread, eye (Just one! She was improving!) -rolling, squirting orgasm. One serial killer with big tits and masterful blowjob skills, present, cumming, and accounted for!

The next several loads from Justice Orc's seemingly unending supply were inspired by Himiko's voluptuous display. The acrobatic assassin was more than ready to put her heftiest weapons to use.

The hero reclined on the prison cell's bench soaking in the pleasure and wonder. How many other men could claim to have a young stacked blonde thirstily milking their shaft with their giant jugs while they just sat back and enjoyed the show? Furthermore, how many men among those could say they had enjoyed it to completion six times in a row? Justice Orc was sure he counted correctly but double checked. Indeed, Himiko buried her own hands in the engulfing masses of her prodigious bust and massaged his shaft with six separate used condoms tied to the thin strap of her top. Three on each side. They slapped against her pale titflesh and left them a mess but what could the man say? He liked how nasty this little nightmare got for him. Her suck skills were well-proved and now she simply allowed her open mouth and dangling tongue to mash itself up and down the sides of the veiny tower. Jerking this man off with her tits, covered in rubbers filled with his nasty jizz, Himiko felt positively owned by this man. She liked it. And as with many things Himiko liked, she liked it with a vast, dark passion. Subservient whispers and outright begging left her sloppy lips as she looked up at the man whose pole she felt like she had been working for hours. He grunted and flexed now. She didn't even look at it when it happened. She just kept pouring on sweet nothings while staring him in the face when the condom inflated and eventually obscured her eyes with its white creamy volume. At no point did she stop pumping her heavy hangers for even a second. She fished out another condom. She didn't need to ask if he wanted another titfuck. He would tell her when to stop. A seventh condom, this one particularly full, was tied to her right strap and she began jacking him off all over again.

"Don't get tired on me now, Himiko. You have to service the left one now." Justice Orc mounted the young busty bitch again and buried his prodigious staff of civil service in the soft warm valley of reformed villainy that was this girl's fat rack. Beneath him and his stinking ass, Himiko lifted her head up from the cell floor, at the behest of her lover and warden, to begin suckling on his left testicle as she had done for what seemed like hours to the right. Her pubic hair, spit, and sweat covered face was not lacking in enthusiasm but her eyes revealed the truth. Heavy eye-lids had begun to fall under the great weight of fatigue. Himiko's super-endowed body had been working to drain load after load from the man longer than she could even guess. There were no windows in her cell but she would not have been surprised if a whole day had come and gone. A normal girl would have passed out long ago from raw exhaustion. But Himiko was no normal girl. As Justice Orc had correctly sensed, she was slut among sluts. Her eyes shut, a quick nap she would promise, but her mouth did not stop! Her vacuum suction seal continued to massage and stroke the man's hefty left nut even as she drifted from consciousness. The girl had been so well-trained she would suck him off in her sleep! No, perhaps even without training she would always have been this thirsty to please. The Justice Orc continued to jack himself off with her bountiful bust while she nursed his nuts even while sleeping. The hero made a mental note of this as it would be useful to know that this nympho didn't even have to be awake to milk a load from him. But now was not the time for rest. It was time for rehabilitation!

"It seems you need a bit of a wake up call, Himiko Toga!" He roared and awoke her but she did not come to her senses fast enough. The man dropped his filthy rearend on her face before she could do a thing. The stench of muck, sweat, and pheromones blasted her directly in all of her vital airways. She gasped as it suffocated her. She began huffing it down until it saturated her brain. Her hands lashed out and gripped the stonework beneath as her legs began to kick. Smelling salts had nothing on Justice Orc's natural stench. He rose to ensure the girl was still conscious or if his nastiness had asphyxiated her. Himiko looked up at him with a big rosy smile enshrined with pubes and other filth. Her eyes were wide with her usual manic energy that almost seemed to be begging for a second helping. Who was he too deny her? The man was a hero, after all! "Breakfast is served, bitch!"

"And it's my favorite!" Himiko thought as she began to tongue his ass like she had just been reunited with a long lost lover. A lover whose distance she felt every moment it wasn't near. A lover who she had pined for in empty beds for weeks. A lover whose taste she had thirsted for more than the freshest water. A lover who fucking reeked! Justice Orc thought her heard the girl giggling with a giddiness unbecoming of one face deep in man-ass but at least her tongue was busying itself with wet work. He picked up the pace and continued mauling himself with the villain's vast valley of breastmeat while beneath him she flailed her limbs and tongued his ass like somebody experiencing the joy of their first kiss with a hysteric degree of delight. Another condom filled between her hefty bust and Justice Orc felt one anal pleasure warranted another.

When Himiko was told to bend over her whole body seized up and dropped onto all fours like a startled cat, except what moved the girl was not fear but an animal excitement. Justice Orc slapped the canyon of her ass crack with his meat and the mostly naked inmate responded with panting arousal. "In such a hurry to have your asshole rehabilitated, Himiko?" The hero chuckled. Himiko nodded with such a fury she made herself dizzy. "Hm? But what's this? This ass doesn't seem to need rehabilitation at all. This is the ass of a good girl." Justice Orc smiled and sat on the cell's bench to enjoy jacking off to the ensuing riot.

Himiko did not disappoint. She arched her back up in bewildered horror. "What? No! Impossible! This is not a good girl's ass at all!" Her face was a true mask of terror. It was as though somebody had told her she would never again see sunlight or anybody she loved but instead it was merely the withholding of anal sex. The difference was irrelevant to Himiko. This girl needed to get railed!

"Prove it."

"Look at how big it is!" She nearly pleaded. Himiko stood, reached around, and scooped her two cheeks up in her hands. The sheer amount of pale assmeat hung beyond the makeshift shelf of her fingers and she jiggled it up and down demonstrably. When she let both buttocks fall they clapped together and she demonstrated this over and over with eyes that frantically watched to ensure he was seeing all the booty on display. "See? See? Not a good girl's ass! It's so fat and thick. It's bad girl's ass that's made to cushion the thrusts of men's hips while they shove their dicks inside it and fuck me from behind."

"Ugh!" Toga panicked when she saw Justice Orc look elsewhere as though rudely daydreaming. "No! NO! This is a bad, rude, naughty, nasty girl's ass!" Her agility took center stage as she let her legs sink into what was nearly a full split, something she could have done but then would not have been able to thrust her hips up and down in a lewd ass-rippling cheek-clapping motion. "This the ass of a girl that needs anal sex! One who needs to get fucked in the ass! That's so bad, right? But! But! Not even like regular anal sex! I need really REALLY rough anal – with, with only the biggest dicks! Yeah! That's SO bad, right? I'm a bad girl with a fat ass that needs to be pounded hard by giant dicks! You have to rehabilitate me!" She begged over the *WHAP* *WHAP* of her clapping cake. Himiko looked like she would legitimately cry if she wasn't going to get her anus blown out by the cock of JUSTICE.

"URGH!" Toga grit her teeth and her eye twitched as she saw she still lacked her lover's attention. She backed up onto the man until she was twerking right on his shaft. Her arched back rose as she rested her hands on her knees. The prisoner's thin thong was doing nothing to conceal the panicked pervert's needy asshole which almost seemed to be begging itself. "This is not a good girl's ass!" She began to frenzy as she gave the hero a lap dance like no dancer in their right mind could attempt. "This is a bad girl's ass! This is the ass of a girl who walks around and knows men watch her butt go by and she likes that, a girl that will put her fist in it herself when she's alone at night, a girl that will shake it for strangers if they look like they have something big between their legs, a girl that likes it slapped and spanked dur-"

A chain leash was hooked onto the prisoner's collar around Himiko's neck seconds after the impact but still minutes before her consciousness would return. Balls deep in one motion. One thrust and the sound of cheeks getting clapped rang out before, for the first time in a while for this cell block, silence. White eyes, hanging jaw, so frozen stiff it was unclear if she even breathed. Himiko Toga had never taken so much up the ass before, let alone so quickly or with so little warning. The sensation was utter brutality. An unprepared mind would naturally shut off due to the excruciating pain. It would have been considered cruel had it not been so deserved. "My apologies, Himiko. You're right. This is in fact a very bad girl's ass." Justice Orc smiled and rose, the girl still speared on his cock and the leash now clanking in his fist.

Himiko Toga did not have many regrets in her life. Villains were afforded very few if they wanted to maintain the resolve to live another day. So the serial killer took to life with an act-first don't-worry-about-questions-later kind of mindset. That had carried her through the good part of nineteen years all things considered. But now things were different. Himiko now had a regret.

If she had known it would be like this, she never would have so thoroughly begged for Justice Orc to fuck her ass. She never would have said she was a bad girl.

Screaming, fists clenched around the iron bars of her cell, slapping, tears running down her face ripped from her eyes not by sadness but pain, shaking, legs like jelly on the verge of giving up but never allowed to lest they receive another punishment, cumming, Himiko's thighs were positively soaked in her own liquid climax. "I'M SORRY!!!" Even inmates and guards beyond the sealed cell block heard this and they feared its unknown cause. The Exclusive Breeding Intern seethed and hissed and wailed as her fingers bore into the door like she sought to break it. Her eyes drifted between focused and buried in the ignorant bliss of her eyelids. Her teeth were bared to the world as she grit them and grunted like a beast – anything to endure the anguish. A slap came down that sent fire and wobbling across her backside. It did not compare to the molten hot pain that thick pillar of JUSTICE wrought by spearing through her guts. When will this end, Himiko wondered to herself, the thought a moment of calm in eye of the storm of violence and pain, when will this end?

Not anytime soon. Justice Orc yanked on the chain leash with one hand and steadied Himiko's hips with the other. He was ramming her hard against her own cell door. The whole thing sounded like it would rock from its foundations. But the hero did not relent. He merely took in the view. Toga's thick bubbly backside bounced up and down against his stomach like it was showing off. Her hanging udders jiggled and clapped beneath her, occasionally banging against the cell door humiliatingly. The pace was intense and the force was monstrous. Himiko bent over and held onto the rails in front of her for dear life as her tear-strew face looked over her shoulder at the man who had forever ruined her ass. Her eyes were filled with desperate, submissive need. He offered her one of the filled condoms her tight backdoor had already wrung from him and the brutalized bad girl opened her mouth pathetically for him to pour in her mouth while he continued devastating her behind.

Normally, prisoner's would shit their pants with joy if their cell door was opened for them with no strings attached. Himiko didn't exactly have strings but instead had a long chain leash so it was a less than perfect outcome from the inmate and her ass. The pained penitent crawled on all fours around the empty cell-block like a dog on a walk. Her prisoner's thong was arrayed with all of the used condoms her now well-punished ass had earned. Occasionally, Justice Orc would decide to force her down and really fuck her into a screaming mess right there on the floor. Other times, he would bend her over the railing so her moans and cries rang out with a resonant echo through the whole building. But at all times Justice Orc had his long girthy ass-breaker deep inside Himiko Toga. She crawled uneasily, her usually graceful movements now stalled by a fat man's thrusts delivered straight into her stomach or contorted in a squealing climax. It was a trial like nothing the little criminal had ever faced. But, eventually, her regret turned to gratitude because, after earning herself what was essentially a full skirt of used condoms, the pain started to fade and the mind-melting pleasure remained strong.

Her screams of pain turned to screams of pleasure by the time Himiko had learned to fuck herself on the punitive pillar of JUSTICE ass-first. Justice Ogre took his usual seat on the inmate's bench while the fierce little fiend violently squatted up and down with an intensity that was mind-breaking. But mind-breaking was exactly where Himiko Toga was at home. "Thank you! Thank you for rehabilitating my big fat ass!" The girl moaned out wildly over and over. Lewd gratitude poured from mouth like so much spittle from her flopping, free-hanging tongue. Her arms were interlocked behind her head to allow her warden to also get a visual display of her gratitude. The thickest prisoner in the entire facility bucked her hips up and down and appeared, with a body like hers, as a living image depravity made flesh. Nothing compared to sight of the maniac's wildly bouncing curves as she fucked herself up the ass and thanked the man for it. The utter shame on display was completed by the flailing pleated skirt she had accumulated made entirely of cum-inflated condoms that swung with every swing of her madly gyrating hips. Each one was the product her hard working ass's long journey to rehabilitation and Himiko would repay the man who made it possible by offering him no less than double that volume with her own twerking hips. "Thank you, sir!" Justice Orc reached around the woman's undulating body to sink his large hands into her heaving tits. He helped himself to their softness as Himiko continued to bounce in his lap. When he pulled her close and she wrapped her hands around the back of her lover's head. She looked at him over her shoulder as she continued to work her fat dumper on him. She became silent and her eyes filled with a fierce affection. If those eyes could speak they would be more honest than her mouth suddenly refused to be. They would say: "Kiss me. Kiss me while you play with my huge tits like their yours. Kiss me while I work my huge ass for your personal pleasure. Kiss me while I become your curvy incarcerated cock-sleeve. Kiss me!" Himiko Togo and Justice Orc kissed on that prison bench and the vivacious villain knew who she belonged to. Her ass would not be slowing down any time soon.

Himiko was hoisted in the air by her legs and presented herself in a flying mating press. Even after all she had done and shown today her hands came to clutch her blushing cheeks. The condom-clad cunt-crusher was finally leveled between her drooling pussy lips. "This will be the final part of your tryout, Himiko. Are you prepared?"

"I'm going to get my womb smashed by Mr. Orc's big meaty cock. I've wanted this for days! I've wanted this my whole life! Make me your cum-dumpster!" Her insane confession of something that could maybe resemble love did not go unheeded. The mighty hero drove up into her and bulged her tight, firm abs around his sheer girth. Himiko threw her head back, hands still clasped to her face, as she moaned out lovingly. The bulge smacked her heavy hanging breasts and caused them to, as they had endlessly during their time together, bounce with an eroticism that demanded cum be offered at the mere sight of them. Himiko's gaping ass flexed as the hero's meat pillar did whatever the fuck it wanted to her insides. The thrusting began and the moaning, jiggling form of the villain had to do nothing but endure this last marathon. Her body was used like a big, loud sex toy designed to dimensions too absurd to be thought to resemble anybody real and yet she very real indeed.

"Pheromones!" Justice Orc yelled out and the cell once against filled with green gas. Smooth pale skin became electrified with sensation. Himiko's whole body had been tuned to dangerous extremes of sensitivity. The hero had learned not use this many pheromones elsewhere but he truly felt his crazy cunt could handle him at PLUS ULTRA!

Golden eyes began searching for something but the girl knew not what. As she gazed up at the ceiling of her cell which was now dripping with the condensation of their body heat from near-endless fucking, it almost felt like things began to slow down. Her mind and her body began to fall out of synch in ways that even for Toga they never had before. It was something like peace, something like stillness, something like ecstasy but things began to move in slow-motion for her and she couldn't pin down the feeling's source. Still, her eyes searched for something unknown.

Meanwhile, in real time, Justice Orc was going full speed, tip to base with every thrust into the tightly-held Toga. The hero didn't hear the villain make much voice with her mouth but her pussy answered the call as it squirt violently in a spray that seemed as unending as her lover's stamina.

But in Himiko's mind, she found what she was looking for. In the distance a far star emerged and expanded. A blinding white overtook her vision, spreading across her eyesight like shattered glass. Eventually, it eclipsed everything. There was only a white expanse. Not even Himiko herself was left. Ecstasy was the only thing that remained.

The girl's blonde head fell back onto her lover's shoulder, tongue out and eyes dazed like a fool. She had passed out. At last, though she did not know she was looking for it her journey took her here nonetheless, Himiko Toga finally found somebody that could break even her brain. Justice Ogre bottomed out in the warm womb of the catatonic killer and filled another condom. He freed himself and prepared to set the girl down after who knows how long he had pounded every single one of her holes. But just as he began to lower her, Himiko pulled off his filled condom and presented a new one from the box tucked into her top. Justice Ogre looked at her. She was still passed out. But this nightmarish nympho was going to finish the tryout even if she had do it unconscious. Justice Ogre smiled and laughed to himself lightly. Who was he fooling? This slut was the one going PLUS ULTRA. He slipped on the new condom and thrust right back inside her.

. . .

When Himiko Toga woke up sprawled out on the floor of her cell surrounded by (and wearing) used condoms and the stench of sex, she looked down and groaned in pleasure that her body gradually recalled even if her mind didn't. There must have been a dozen filled condoms crammed in her gaping cunt. Her pussy was absolutely wrecked. It was going to be totally unusable now. Well, totally unusable except for one hero.

"Ah, Himiko. You're awake." Justice Ogre, that beast of man in more ways than one, walked before her cell. The girl looked up with drool on the side of her mouth. "Your tryout was exceptional. I mean that. For a villain of your wickedness, you show great potential for rehabilitation." Himiko offered a weak smile. Her head was still a spinning daze. "However, you did pass out in the end. I'm afraid that means you have failed the tryout to be Exclusive Breeding Intern." Toga's face went pale. Her heart felt brittle. This nasty man had fucked the absolute shit out of her and it wasn't enough. He went through one-hundred condoms in her holes over what she now was sure must have been days. But she passed out. She failed. Glassy golden eyes looked back at the hero above the pitiful state of her battered body. Was this a breakup?

"But." Himiko froze. "As I mentioned, you show incredibly potential." He thew something at her that landed on her muscled abdomen. "I will be back tomorrow should you wish to try again." Himiko looked down. Then felt dumb because she can't see anything the shelf of her breasts. Her hands fumbled and picked up the thing. Durable, Extra-Strength, Grape-Rush Flavored XXXL Condoms, it said, Bulk Item. Rubbers Contained: 100. Then Himiko, with her trademark unstable levels of enthusiasm, went wide-eyed as her breathing quickly approached hyperventilating.

"Next time!" she screamed into the echoing confines of her own mind, "Next time! Next time I'll be his cum-dump for sure!"

And, after several long days of brutal throat-stretching, breast-beating, ass-pounding, cunt-crushing marathon sex of the absolutely foulest variety (she made sure to rim him properly this time), Himiko did succeed.

"Hey Izuku~" It was Himiko Toga on the screen but she was wearing the lewdest prison uniform he had ever seen. "Today, I'm doing my rehabilitation again. I feel like my mind is clear now thanks to Mr. Orc." She held up the condoms in her hands that marked her victory. Himiko was now officially Justice Orc's Exclusive Breeding Intern. She had earned the badge that hung from her right nipple cover. Her joy seemed like the true height of bliss. But Himiko was always pushing to new heights.

Suddenly, her face blushed a hard red and her frothing tongue spilled from her mouth with an expression of such delight it seemed insane. From off-screen, a massive dark cock fell onto Himiko massive bust. Along the shaft was the word "JUSTICE." The thing was obscenely sized, so much so that Izuku wouldn't have believed it was real if the man's gut wasn't visible on the side of the frame. That man spoke and pet her head like a dog. "Well done. From now on it'll be a routine and we'll only go raw. Be ready for it."

Liquid dripped from between Himiko's thighs as she answered like she was melting with pleasure: "Yes sir~"