Toga breeding

Himiko Toga rushed back to her bedroom, she could feel the pressure building inside and her clothes starting to get tighter. She wanted to get back before it got any more noticeable, the last thing she needed was Twice or Dabi making stupid comments. She got inside and locked the door, breathing a sigh of relief, if she has to do this, she'll do it in private.

She could feel her belly starting to swell already, she lifted up her cardigan and looked at herself in the mirror, there was no denying the experiment was successful so far, she was definitely pregnant now. She started to rub her belly as it grew and she wondered how she got roped into this experiment.

The science division had been experimenting with a new kind of Nomu, one that could be grown from an embryo but required very particular conditions, specifically a surrogate womb. Out of the limited options available, Toga was selected to gestate the Nomu embryos, due to the theory that her shapeshifting quirk would help her body adapt to the rapid pregnancy more easily. She wasn't sure how many embryos she had been implanted with, but the operation was over relatively quickly. She was told that the pregnancy would take just a few hours, and she wasn't going to stay in that stupid lab the whole time. She insisted on going back to her room to rest, she had plenty of time before she was supposed to deliver, anyway.

She was snapped back out of thought by the increasing pressure in her belly. It didn't hurt, but she could definitely feel it growing. It didn't feel too much different from shapeshifting, really. By now, she looked like she could've been five months pregnant and her belly was still growing. She rubbed her swollen pregnant belly, this wasn't actually too bad. She had thought about having a baby before, but it would have to be with someone she really loved and admired, she blushed at the thought of having a child with one of her crushes. She was enjoying this pregnancy so far and a belly swollen full of Stainy or Izuku's babies would be a dream come true.

But for now she was just pregnant with experimental Nomu.

What do you call a group of baby Nomu, anyway. A clutch, a brood, a litter?

She could feel her breasts growing, too. They were starting to get swollen and tender. She was fine with the idea of playing surrogate mother to the embryos but she hoped she wouldn't be expected to nurse her brood of little Nomu. As if on queue, she felt a flutter of movement in her swollen belly, she could feel the first kicks of all her babies. She rubbed her belly, it was sensitive to the touch and rubbing it felt really good. Her belly was even bigger now and her clothes were starting to get strained. She decided to strip so that her constantly growing pregnant belly didn't tear through her clothing.

Himiko Toga caught another look at herself in the mirror, admiring her now heavily pregnant body. She really liked the changes from this pregnancy. Her breasts had grown, her hips had widened, and she thought that the belly looked super cute on her. Being a mother-to-be wasn't that bad at all, she actually felt kind of sexy. Her belly hadn't stopped growing yet, she easily looked full term for just one baby, but she knew it wasn't going to be over anytime soon. She started to think...She definitely had plenty of time before she was due to deliver her babies. She could indulge herself for a while.

She sat on the bed, legs spread, facing her bedroom mirror and started to stroke her clit. Being pregnant had made it more sensitive, and she was definitely enjoying this more than usual. She dipped a few fingers deeper and started to moan as she soon brought herself to climax. But she was nowhere near done. She wasn't satisfied yet, and she was going to engage in her favorite activity.

Himiko Toga started cycling through her collection of copied bodies, stopping on some of her very favorites, taking a good, long look at how the pregnancy changed them and stroking herself to orgasm again and again. By the time she was done, her breathing was heavy and she was starting to feel tired. Her belly had continued growing, she looked like she was carrying triplets at least. She knew she had been implanted with more than one embryo and judging by the way her belly continued to swell, it had been quite a few.

She laid back in bed, legs dangling over the edge, hands rubbing her massive, swollen pregnant belly. The skin was stretched tight and it was so sensitive, she loved the way it felt to rub it. She could feel her brood of babies moving more than ever, they were getting pretty active now, their kicks making her belly shake and wobble. She really enjoyed the feeling of movement inside her womb, she never thought it would feel so nice to have new life growing inside her, even if they were just Nomu, she loved being full of babies. She knew it had to end eventually, she would have to give birth to her babies. She hoped the experiment would be successful so she could carry another brood, after all she wanted to do everything she could for the cause.

The fact that she discovered how much she loved being pregnant was only a bonus.

Being a mother-to-be felt so good, being full of new life was so exciting and she loved feeling her babies move around inside her belly. She already felt a bond to her brood of Nomu, they were her precious babies, she loved them more than anything and she would do anything for them.


Toga yawned a bit, being so heavily pregnant was a bit tiring, and after all that self-indulgence, she could use some rest. A quick nap and then back to the lab before she went into labor. She curled up with her Stain body pillow, which was a little awkward to do with her huge pregnant belly, but she eventually found a comfortable position and drifted off to sleep.

She was awoken suddenly by heavy movement inside her belly. She jolted awake and tried to sit up, but was pinned down by her now massive pregnant belly. It had kept growing while she napped, it was now twice as big as it was before she rested, if not bigger. She wondered how long she had been asleep. Her babies were very active, making her huge, swollen pregnant belly shake. She tried to rub it and coo at her babies to calm down, but it didn't do much good, the rubbing did feel good, though.

Her train of though was interrupted by a sudden pressure keep inside her body, and then a wave of pain. She wasn't sure what to think, and it wasn't long before it happened again. She soon realized what it meant, she was going into labor. She knew she had to get back to the lab right now. She tried to get up, but the sheer size and weight of her pregnant belly had her pinned down.

She started to worry, maybe if she kept trying, or shapeshifted into someone stronger she could get up, but soon she felt something warm running between her legs and she knew her water broke. There was no stopping the birth, it was going to happen right now. Worry started to turn into panic, could she deliver her babies here alone safely? Would they be okay? Toga stopped and though. Panicking wouldn't do her any good. She was stronger than that. She was a supervillain and a mother-to-be. Yes, she could do this. She loved her babies and she wasn't going to let anything stop her from giving birth to her brood of precious little baby Nomu.

Himiko Toga steeled herself against the waves of pain, each contraction happening faster and the urge to push getting stronger. Her breathing was getting heavy, but she knew everything was going to be okay. She followed the instinct to push and the let out a scream as the pain was too intense to hold back and soon, a large, shiny black egg slid out from between her legs. It was beautiful. Her first baby was born, after that, she knew she could deliver the rest. Her labor continued, delivery of the second egg was easier than the first, there was still pain, but now that she knew what to expect she could handle it better. More pushing and with another scream she gave birth to a third egg. She was getting more and more tired with each birth, but judging by her still massive belly, she had a long way to do.

After giving birth to six, large, black Nomu eggs, all in a cluster at the foot of her bed, she was exhausted, she didn't know how much longer her labor would go on for, but she was determined to see it though. She had given birth to six beautiful babies and she wasn't going to stop until her entire brood was born. Her labor pains continued, she knew another egg was coming. She drew on all the remaining strength she had and started to push. This one was more difficult than the others, but nothing could beat her determination. She pushed harder and could feel it slowly moving through her, she tried to stifle another scream, but couldn't resist it as she started delivering another egg. She pushed again and finally the last egg was born. She tried to catch her breath, the contractions were slowing down and the urge to push was fading, she knew she was done.

Himiko Toga was completely exhausted, but she looked at her brood of Nomu eggs with pride. She had gone through an entire pregnancy including labor and birth in just one day. But it was all worth it, she was a mother now, and she had seven beautiful babies. As difficult as giving birth was, it was all worth it for her precious children, she would do it all again just to make sure they were happy and healthy. She loved her babies. She would do anything for them. Absolutely anything.

She needed more rest again, she pulled her brood of eggs close to her, cuddling up with them, and drifted off to sleep, she loved being a mother and hoped that she could do it all again tomorrow.

Himiko Toga had gotten very used to being pregnant with Nomu eggs, she loved the way it felt to be pregnant, to have a big belly full of life. And she loved all her beautiful Nomu children. But today was going to be very, very different. The new plan was to bring a brood of Nomu eggs into UA, something only Toga could do, her shapeshifting quirk making her perfect for infiltration.

However, there was only one way to smuggle in the eggs, she would have to carry them herself and give birth to them somewhere secluded so they could wreak havoc once they hatched. Being a UA student inside the school was easy, but being obviously pregnant would cause suspiscion.

Getting the uniform was easy, but she had to move fast before the pregnancy started to show. She had been able to copy a few UA students by now, so that part wasn't going to be difficult at all. Toga indulged herself by turning into her favorite, making the excuse that one of UA's star students would be the least suspicious.

"Izuku Midoriya" casually strolled onto the school grounds, minding his own business and being polite to anyone he crossed paths with. Toga had complete confidence in her disguise, her shapeshifting quirk made her into a perfect duplicate and infiltration was simple for her.

What was not simple was the layout of the school. Distracted by being lost, she walked right into someone. A perky, brown haired girl with rosy cheeks and a fantastic ass who just happened to be one of Toga's favorites to turn into, Ochako Uraraka.

"Oh, Deku! There you are!"

"Ochako! Hiiii. Sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going."

"It's fine. Anyway, I've been looking for you. We were going to have lunch together, remember?"

"I, uh, I guess I forgot!"

"Oh, is everything okay? You seem distracted."

"Yes. Uh. Quirk...stuff."

"Quirk stuff? I can tell when you're stressed, Deku. "

"Yeah...I've just...I've got a lot going on right now!"

"If you want me to take your mind off things, we could go...relax...together."

Ochako leaned in close and whispered "There's an empty storage closet not far from here."

Toga blushed brighter red than usual, Ochako was really coming on to her. Of course, she thought she was Izuki. Toga briefly considered the morality of sleeping with someone while disguised as their significant other. After thinking it over, she came to the conclusion that the most important factor was that she was very horny.

Toga let the gravity controller drag her away into a secluded spot, and soon they were all over each other, Ochako sharing some very passionate kisses with the shapeshifter. She was finally getting to be alone with Ochako, she had been carrying a torch for her since the day they met in the forest, and this was more than she had ever dreamed about.

The two quickly stripped, Ochako knowing exactly what she wanted, laid out on a table, offering herself up. Toga, for her part, didn't have as much experience using a man's body for this sort of thing, but she knew well enough what to do. She started by stroking the other girl with her fingers, gently stimulating her clit, which elicited just the right reaction.

"Mmm, Deku. You know just how to get me going..."

"I'm only getting started."

Toga keeped fingering Ochako, bringing the other girl closer and closer to the edge.

"Stop teasing me, I need it, I need it now! I need you inside me!"

Toga was happy to oblige, grabbing Ochako by the hips and pushing her way in to the other girl's warm, wet pussy. Doing the best she could with a rhythmic pounding. All Ochako could do was moan with pleasure, trying not to get too loud.

Sex with Ochako was just as good as Toga imagined, and she had imagined it very often. She wanted to make sure this was memorable for the other girl, so she decided to get creative. Not having perfect control of her stolen quirk, she had to be careful, but Toga was still able to add some extra force to her thrusts. Something Ochako very clearly appreciated.

They went at it for a while, but Toga's relentless pounding soon brought the other girl to a climax, Ochako doing her best to stifle a scream of pure pleasure, and Toga herself finished not long after.

Ochako was clearly exhausted by the time they where done, laying limp on the table, out of breath.

"That was...amazing, Deku. You've never been this good before. I definitely need a break..."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'd do anything to please you, Ochako."

"I'm just...gonna lay here...and take a little nap..."

The gravity controller drifted off to sleep, while Toga was left standing there. She definitely couldn't use Izuku's shape anymore...and with Ochako out of commission for a while, well, this was the perfect opportunity to use another of her favorite forms. Without another thought, Himiko Toga shapeshifted into a perfect duplicate of Ochako Uraraka.

Well, nearly perfect. Her Nomu pregnancy had been progressing and she was starting to show, she had spent a bit too much time indulging herself with Ochako. She quickly put on the other girl's uniform, which was a tight fit around the middle, she hoped her swollen pregnant belly wasn't too obvious. She walked out into the hall, shutting the closet door behind her.

Of course, Toga still didn't know her way around the campus, and she was entirely sure she was lost again. She wondered if she could ask for directions without raising too much suspicion, she just had to find the right person. She did quickly come across someone else, but was pretty sure she couldn't ask him for help getting around. She was face to face with Izuku Midoriya.

"Ochako! Hey! When you didn't show up for lunch, I got worried. I've been trying to find you."

"Deku! Hi! I was...busy...with...quirk...stuff."

"Quirk stuff?"


"Well, we can still go have lunch if you want to. Unless you wanted it and do...something else. Together."

Thinking back to earlier today when she was in this exact same situation, Toga again pondered the implications of using a stolen identity for sex. She rationalized that sleeping with both people in a relationship on the same day is basically just a time-delayed threesome. Also she was still horny.

"That sounds perfect, Deku...I'd love to."

"Should we go to the usual place?"

"No! Let's do...the other one?"

"Oh, sure, that's fine."

"Awesome! Lead the way."

"Ochako Uraraka" soon found herself in a different storage closet, in the arms of another of her crushes, being lavished with affectionate kisses. Their clothes were off in seconds. Deku's hands were all over her body, and she could tell exactly how ready to go he was, something she was going to take full advantage of.

"Mmm, Deku. I want you on your back right now. I'm in charge today."

"You can do anything you want, Ochako. That's what I'm here for."

With Deku on the floor, Toga spread her legs and stood over him. She could see she didn't need to warm him up the way she did with Ochako, and she was immediately straddling him and quickly slid down on top of his erect cock. Her time with Ochako earlier was only a warm up, this was more what she needed, and it felt so good to have him inside her.

Toga rocked back and forth, moaning as she rode Deku's cock, and he responded in kind. She was finally with Deku and she wanted to make this a very memorable experience. Having much better control of this stolen quick, Toga manipulated gravity as she rose up, and then bore down on Izuku's cock even harder. Something Izuku very clearly appreciated.

Toga was having an extremely good time, moaning as she went up and down on Deku's cock, and he could barely hold back as she soon brought him to climax, but she was absolutely not done. She kept him pinned down as she rode him even faster, milking him for every drip she could get out of the green-haired hero. Once she was fully satisfied, she moved off of him and let him rest.


"I had a lot of fun, Deku. You gave me everything I wanted..."

"Ochako Uraraka" stood up, arching her back to compensate for the weight of her increasingly large belly, her body now looking very obviously pregnant. Deku stared and started to stammer.

"Ochako?! Your belly! Are you...are you pregnant?!"

Toga, still basking in the afterglow of the sex, and thrilled at the progress of her growing brood of Nomu eggs, responded with out taking time to think about it, rubbing her belly happily.

"Oh yes, there's six of them in here."

"But and I...but...I...but you..."

Deku went limp on the floor, completely blacked out. Toga thought she saw his soul leave his body.

With Izuku out of the picture, hopefully just unconscious, Toga considered her next move. The growth of her pregnant belly wasn't stopping anytime soon, but Ochako did look super cute with a big baby bump. She should probably find another shape before anyone could ask more questions.

Fortunately, there were more students she could turn into. She thought of which one would give her an excuse for her pregnant belly. Weighing the options, she settled on her best one, abandoning Ochako's form for another of her crushes, then quickly dressing in the now way too small uniform.

A frog girl with a very swollen belly waddled down the UA halls, "Tsuyu Asui" looking to find a secluded place to give birth to her Nomu eggs. She had spent way too much time having fun and she didn't know how much longer it would be before she had to deliver her babies. Hopefully she wouldn't get sidetracked and pulled into another supply closet. Unless it was someone very cute.

Toga finally found some signage giving directions, she found out exactly how to get into the basement, which was the perfect place to give birth to her babies, they would be safe down there while they got ready to hatch and grow. She waddles in that direction as quickly as she could.

She was very careful to avoid anyone that got near, dodging students to prevent as many awkward questions as possible. This worked pretty well for a while, until someone energetically started shouting at her. A girl with bright pink skin and little horns. Oh damn, this one was cute, too.


"Oh, hey! Uh...Mina!"

Toga was pretty sure she was named Mina Ashido. She had been briefed about the UA students once, but that was quite a while ago, and she certainly couldn't be expected to remember everyone in class 1-A. She mostly only remembered the ones she thought were cute. And Mina was very cute.

"Tsuyu! Your belly is huge! You look pregnant! Are you pregnant?! What happened?"

"Uh, quirk stuff?"

"Huh? What kind of quirk stuff?"

Mina blinked at Toga. Toga blinked at Mina.


"Oh, sure. You look kind of cute that way, actually."

"Really? You think so?"

"And just when I thought you couldn't look any cuter, Tsuyu."

Toga sighed with relief, she wasn't sure how that had worked, but it did so she was in the clear.

"Anyway, I was looking for you. I need something only you can help me with."

"Sure. What can I do for you, Mina?"

"You can sit on my face and then show me what you can think of to do with that tongue."

Yet another person had approached Toga, while she was disguised as their partner, and propositioned her. Is everyone here this horny all the time? Himiko Toga began seriously regretting that she didn't go to UA. Regardless. By this point, Toga had moved beyond questions of morality. She knew she was in this way too deep and decided to just continue having one of the best days of her entire life. And she was still very, very horny.

Mina pulled the pregnant frog-girl down the hall and into yet another storage closet, Mina getting her own clothes off in record time, and Toga happy to get out of what was now an extremely tight and ill-fitting school uniform. She looked down at her swollen belly, the skin stretched tight and very sensitive to touch. The pink girl put her hands on Toga's belly.

"I don't know what happened to you, but I definitely like it. Do you know what caused it?"

"Uh, maybe? It's new..."

"How does this feel...?"

Mina started rubbing Toga's belly, it felt fantastic, she let out a soft moan. She hadn't let anyone see her during one of her pregnancies before, and this was certainly the first time anyone touched her. Being pregnant always made her hornier, and she was excited to have someone to use for relief.

"Maybe you're going to lay some little pink frog eggs. Hehehe...Wouldn't that be nice?"

" would, yeah..."

"Next I think I'd like to eat you out, so why don't I lay down and you show me that cute pussy."

Mina laid back on the floor and Toga got into position, Mina immediately starting to lick away. Toga gasped, the pink girl was extremely good at this, she must've been doing it for a while. The shapeshifter couldn't help but moan as the pink girl gave her pussy very generous treatment, something about the way she used her tongue added an unique tingle that Toga thoroughly enjoyed.

Of course, Toga didn't want to be too selfish and she did have yet another stolen quirk right now. Not much experience is needed to make creative use of a long, flexible tongue. She went to work licking and plunging her tongue between the other girls pink pussy lips. Something Mina very clearly appreciated.

The pink girl had amazing stamina, no matter how much Toga gave, she gave just as much back, even when Toga climaxed, she didn't stop being very thorough with that frog tongue. Toga was having fun and had no plan to stop anytime soon, and even with the pregnancy slowing her down a bit, she still outlasted Mina, the pink girl eventually giving up and needing a rest.

Having utterly exhausted a third partner for the day, Toga was finally feeling mostly satisfied. She definitely would have to sneak back into UA the next time she had an itch that needed scratching. She looked at the sleeping pink girl and thought about how cute and affectionate she was, Toga had a new favorite. Not her absolute favorite, of course. But Mina was definitely now in the top five.

She could feel the Nomu stirring in her massive pregnant belly, making it wobble, she rubbed it and tried to calm her babies down, she needed to get to the basement as soon as possible, she could give birth any minute now. But she thought, it would probably be a good idea to change disguises again.

She looked down at Mina and decided to indulge herself one last time.

"Mina Ashido", now so obviously and heavily pregnant that her uniform barely covered her breasts, her swollen pregnant belly on full display. She waddled down the hall, which was particularly awkward with the size and weight of her belly, really hoping there wouldn't be another distraction. But at last, she finally made it to the basement. Toga's babies were more active than ever, and she knew that always meant she would be giving birth soon.

She tried to find a secluded place to deliver her babies, settling for a dark corner behind a wall of boxes. She removed her uniform and tried to get herself ready. Toga normally had a bit more comfortable place for giving birth, but she had done it enough times now that she was confident everything would be okay.

Soon, she felt the first contraction and she knew her labor was starting. She was used to the pain and pressure, and was prepared to do it again, so by the time she felt her water break, warm liquid flowing out from between her legs, she was in a position to deliver her babies.

She felt the urge to push, and following her instincts, she soon delivered the first large, black egg. The contractions continued and it was followed not long by a second, and then a third. Toga was already getting tired, having spent most of her energy riding three of the cutest students of the school to exhaustion. But her determination never wavered, she was dedicated to safely delivering her babies.

The last three eggs were born much easier and Toga, despite her exhaustion, was proud to be a mother yet again. She was very sore and didn't have much energy left, but she had a feeling she and her babies would be safe down here. She moved a few boxes around to make sure they were all obscured, then laid down, cuddled up close to the Nomu eggs, making sure they would be warm as they got ready to hatch and drifted off to sleep. This had been an extremely fun, and exhausting, day.

The rest of the day for many UA students was...very confusing. Confusion that only added fuel to the fire as rumors swirled about stolen uniforms, storage closet hook-ups and secret pregnancies, but everyone was distracted when a pack of giant mutants began rampaging on school grounds.

Further questions had to wait.

Himiko Toga, for her part, once she had rested up from giving birth, did not linger at the school very long, slipping away with her stolen uniform and stolen shape during the chaos caused by her Nomu children. She was so proud of her beautiful babies and all the havoc they were wreaking.

She hoped she would be assigned this sort of mission again soon. Very soon.

Himiko Toga was pregnant again, and she loved every moment of it. She was carrying another brood of Nomu eggs, they said they wanted to test the limit of how many she could carry at once, they were planning on eight, but she insisted on trying ten this time. She blushed bright red at the idea of being pregnant with ten babies and loved the idea of having a massive pregnant belly yet again, already starting to get a bit dewy between her legs. She loved getting to be a mother again.

She always thought it was funny that she was impregnated first, then got horny after. It was supposed to be the other way around, after all. What she really wanted to do was sneak into UA again, but she was told that she had to stay in the base this time in case anything went wrong. If it made sure her babies were safe, she'd stay. She'd have to make due with her fingers, this time.

As she walked back to her room, she could feel her belly growing, it was getting bigger faster with this large brood. She grinned and giggled, it was hard to hold back her excitement, so she moved a bit faster. Quickly running back to her room and locking herself inside, she checked herself out in the mirror. Her pregnancy was just starting to show, with her belly pushing out from under her cardigan.

Himiko Toga couldn't wait any longer, she laid down in bed and slipped her hand below her waistband and into her panties, she was already achingly horny and wet to go along with it so even the gentlest touch of her fingers was enough to make her shudder. She'd done it plenty of times before, so she knew exactly what to do. But the pregnancy made her so much more sensitive, it was even easier to bring herself to climax, something she planned to take advantage of while it lasted. After dexterous movements with delicate fingers brought her to a third orgasm, she decided to rest.

She laid there panting, trying to catch her breath. Her panties were completely soaked, so she slipped them off and tossed them aside. Her belly was still getting bigger, she looked about four months pregnant now, her cardigan not fully covering her swollen pregnant stomach. She felt amazing, but she could already feel the lust starting to build up deep inside her again. Her session of self indulgence had been enough to satisfy her for now, but she could feel she was going to need a lot more than that, no matter how good she was with her fingers. That, plus her wrist was really, really starting to fucking hurt. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and Himiko Toga desperately needed to get fucked by somebody right now.

Once she had collected herself, Himiko Toga left her room and ventured out into the rest of the base. It was oddly quiet, none of the usual sounds. No TV on, no music playing, not even any random bickering. This was unusual. Eventually, when she got to the common area, she finally found someone: Kurogiri and Dabi. Kurogiri was cleaning and Dabi was slouching in a chair with a magazine.

"Limited options, but I'll make the best of it." Toga went over to Kurogiri first.

"Hey, where is everybody?"

"Everyone was getting a bit stir crazy, so they all went to a movie with Tomura."

"Why didn't Dabi go, too?"

"He didn't want to watch "Promare" for some reason. I haven't the foggiest why."

"Right. So anyway...Hey Kurogiri. What are your plans for tonight?"

"I'm going to stop you right there, Toga."


"I am literally a sapient cloud composed entirely of shadowy black energy."

"...So you're telling me that you don't..."

"No, I do not have a dick."

"Fair enough. I guess I'll go for Dabi. But I want some assurance that you won't go blabbing."

"Toga, I want to make this absolutely crystal clear. There is literally nothing I am less interested in than keeping track of exactly who is currently fucking who."

"Again, fair enough..."

Himiko Toga took a deep breath, and then made her way over to the pyrokinetic, making sure to swing her hips a bit more than usual as she approached him. Dabi did not look up from his manga,

but he did give the shapeshifter his customary greeting for her.

"Sup, headcase."

"Hey, Dabi. I see you're over here all alone today."

"And I see you're playing mother hen to a bunch of Nomu again."

Toga giggled and lifted her shirt, putting her hands on her belly. "Thank you for noticing!"

"So do you actually spread your legs for a Nomu or is it more of a turkey baster situation?"

"Watch it, matchstick dick! You don't get to insult my beautiful babies!"

"Sure, fine. What do you want?"

"Actually, there's something I really, really need your help for."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?"

Himiko purred and leaned in close to him, smirking slyly.

"I'm feeling a bit pent up and I could use some stress relief. And you're the perfect man for it."

"...This is because I'm the only person here right now, isn't it?"

"Not exclusively! You're totally in my top three."

"...Who's number 2?"

"Do you actually want the answer or do you want to fuck me raw for a couple hours?"

"I don't know, the last thing I need is to get added to your stalking list."

"Look, burnout. I may be getting desperate, but this is a limited time offer. We're alone here and we can do anything we want, just as long as we agree to tell nobody and never talk about it again. Besides, I'm already pregnant. What's the worst that could possibly happen?"

"That's a pretty good argument, but I'm not sure."

"I'm so wet that I can't wear panties without soaking them. I don't even have any on right now."

"...My room or your room?"

"My room. Now."

She grabbed his collar, taking the lead as the pair rushed off to Toga's room, planning to get some thorough use out of her bed. Once they got to the room, Toga slammed the door behind her, then began stripping, revealing her swollen belly first, then putting the rest of her pregnant body on full display for him. She cradled her belly in her arms.

"Like what you see, Dabi?"

Dabi did, in fact. The Nomu pregnancies had changed Toga's body for the better, her hips were wider, her breasts were fuller and her curves had filled out in general. And that belly...well.

Dabi smirked. "Yeah, I always thought you were cute. But the maternal look on you is definitely working for me."

"Do you want to feel my pregnant belly? I'll let you rub it if you really want to. And if you promise to be gentle."

Dabi reached out and put a hand on Toga's belly, running his hand across it. Toga shuddered, loving the feel of someone else touching her pregnant belly.

"Mmm, you know just what to do..."

"Oh yeah, I'm definitely getting into this."

"Really? Then why don't you show me exactly what you've got on your mind?"

"I've never nailed a pregnant girl before, but I've never stuck my dick in crazy either. But I still think it'll be fun to give you a pounding."

Toga made a pouty face.

"No romance? You're not even going to warm me up with some foreplay?"

"What? I thought you wanted to just bone."

Toga cradled her still growing pregnant belly and rubbed it softly. "But I'm a lonely, single mother-to-be that desperately needs some companionship, can't you be a little more compassionate?"

"Okay, I'll play this game. How can I best please a lonely mother-to-be?"

"You've got a pretty smart tongue, why don't you show me exactly what you can do with it?"

Himiko Toga went over to her bed, laying down and spreading her legs.

"I'm ready whenever you are, unless you suddenly got cold feet?"

"When are you gonna stop it with the hot and cold jokes?"

"When are you gonna give me a good reason to stop?"

"Okay, fine, you want to see what I can do? I'll give you my best."

Dabi got on his knees at the foot of the bed and grabbed onto her thighs, then started licking away. Toga started to moan softly in response. Dabi knew that just licking her pussy lips would only get so far, so he gave some attention to her clit, at first licking, then nibbling, then sucking. This elicited even louder moans from the shapeshifter, her belly bouncing and wobbling as she writhed in pleasure. He picked up the pace, treating her a bit more roughly, which she definitely appreciated judging by the sounds she was making. When he finally brought her to orgasm, he learned that Himiko Toga was definitely not a woman who was quiet when she climaxed.

Once she caught her breath from screaming so loud, Toga sat up in her bed.

"N-not bad. You really are good with your tongue..."

"That's not all I'm good with."

"Then hurry up and strip, I can't wait anymore. I need it, now!"

Dabi quickly got naked, throwing his clothes in a pile on the floor, then standing over Toga.

"Now why don't you tell me how you like what you see, Toga?"

Toga did, in fact. She could tell that Dabi's fire quirk wasn't the only powerful thing he was gifted with. He was definitely capable of meeting all of her needs right now.

"I think you'll do very, very nicely." She held out her hand to the pyrokinetic and grinned.

Dabi took her hand, and the shapeshifter started giggling as she yanked him down onto the bed. He managed to roll over onto his back, but she quickly had him pinned down, Toga then grabbed his cock and gave it a good, hard squeeze.

"Ah! What the hell, psycho?! Careful!"

Still giggling, Toga looked down at him. "I just want to make sure you know who's in charge."

She started pumping his dick. "I'm going to use you and this nice, fat cock until I'm satisfied, and you're going to do your best to not disappoint me." She grinned manically at him.

"You're not going to get anything out of me if you fucking tear it off!"

"Oh, don't worry. I know how to be gentle with one of these..." She continued playing with his cock.

"I should've known you were a nutcase in bed, too!"

"I just wanted to make sure you were ready for what I had planned for us."

Toga released her grip on Dabi's dick, then positioned herself to straddle him, she loomed over him, her pregnant belly larger than ever, looking at least six months along. She grinned down at him, then slid herself down over his cock. Toga couldn't help but moan softly as she took the length inside, feeling every hard and very warm inch of it. She started riding him for all he was worth.

"You're...unf...pretty well equipped. But are you just gonna lay there like a dead fish, hot stuff?"

Dabi growled a bit. "Oh yeah? Fine! I'll show you what I can do!"

He grabbed her hips and started thrusting in time with the way she was riding his dick, something Toga very clearly appreciated. She lifted herself slightly, only to bare down on him even harder each time. Toga's still growing pregnant belly and swollen breasts bounced as she rode Dabi's cock. Watching her, Dabi could tell that she her belly was getting bigger. She already looked full term if it was only one baby, but the growth wasn't showing any signs of slowing down.

Toga herself wasn't slowing down either, moaning loudly as she enjoyed ever inch of the pyrokinetic's length, speeding up as she was driven to orgasm, but this only made her speed up. This treatment was too much for Dabi and he couldn't hold back, climaxing and starting to pump hot cum into the shapeshifter. Toga moaned in pleasure as she was filled up, but she certainly wasn't done with him.

Dabi huffed, a little out of breath. "That was pretty fucking good, but I need a break."

"A break? But we've only just started. I'm not letting you go until I'm fully satisfied."

Dabi tried to protest, but between Toga's surprising strength and the weight of her heavily pregnant belly, he was trapped. The shapeshifter, still mad with lust, had no intention of stopping or letting him go. Dabi had no choice but to fuck the horny, pregnant yandere until she was satisfied.

"Okay, fine. Then I'll fuck you until you've finally had enough!"

Toga giggled. "That's just what I wanted to hear!"

The two continued their furious, rough sex. Her riding his dick, and him doing his best to keep up. Dabi lost track of how many times Toga climaxed, and he wasn't sure how many times she had brought him to orgasm, her muscles squeezing his cock and milking it for every last drop of hot cum to fill her up even more. Toga's pregnant belly was still growing the entire time, she was massive by this point, she looked full term with quintuplets already.

Toga finally started to slow down, lifting herself off Dabi's cock and leaning back.

"You weren't bad at all, burnout. You gave me just what I needed." She purred at him.

"And you were so fucking rough I thought it might break off."

She giggled. "It wasn't that bad, besides I want you in one piece for next time."

"Next time!? Just give me like...ten minutes and I'll be good. Okay? I need time to breathe."

"That's fine...I could use a little break, too."

Toga, weighed down with her massive pregnant belly, awkwardly climbed off of Dabi, laying back against the headboard of the bed and putting her hands on her belly and starting to rub it.

Dabi sat up and looked over at her. "You're fucking huge, way bigger than we started."

Toga grinned. "Thank you for noticing. They wanted to test the limits of how many I could carry."

"Damn, how many are in there?"

"Ten. Ten of my beautiful little babies. And they're still growing."

"Holy fuck, you're going to be massive."

The shapeshifter giggled. "Yeah, isn't it wonderful? I love having all these babies growing inside me. Nothing has ever felt as good as becoming a mother, even if they're just Nomu eggs. Ooooh, they're kicking! This is my very favorite part! Here, feel!"

Dabi looked at her belly, it was shaking from the movement inside, he reached over, putting both hands on her belly and rubbing it and feeling the babies inside her stirring.

Toga had a dreamy look on her face, loving the pregnancy and all the attention it was getting her.

She sighed happily, but her urges were rising again, she looked up at Dabi with a devilish grin.

"I need more, I want to go again."

"We're gonna need to get creative, you're too huge to do it laying down..."

"Don't worry, I have an idea that just might work!"

She giggled, managing to stand up and waddle over towards a wall, leaning forward and spreading her legs.

"I don't know how long I can hold this position...but I'll do it for as long as it takes."

"Hehe. I like the way you think, psycho."

He stood behind her, slipping his hand between her legs and stroking her clit. This was enough to illicit a moan from her, her advanced pregnancy making her that much more sensitive.

Dabi grabbed Toga's hips and slid his cock inside her wet pussy, getting an even louder moan from the pregnant shapeshifter as Dabi started thrusting.

"Hnnn...Got any sparks left in you, firebug?"

"I swear to Stain, one more pun out of you and I am never fucking you again."

"Then give me a reason to shut up!"

Dabi immediately went to work, pounding away, pinning Toga up against the wall. But she wasn't going to just stand there and take it, she shoved her hips back, pushing against Dabi's thrusts, driving his cock even deeper in. Toga moaned, loving this rough treatment. Her belly was even bigger by now, it had swollen so large that she could feel it reaching the floor from her position against the wall. She was pregnant with ten fully-grown eggs and she definitely looked the part, she knew it wouldn't be long before she went into labor, but she wasn't going to let that stop her from getting off one more time.

Dabi sped up his thrusts and Toga could feel herself rapidly approaching a climax, her moaning turned to screaming as she begged to get fucked even harder as she finally went over the edge into a final, truly mind-blowing orgasm, her muscles clamping down on Dabi's cock as it was deep inside her, causing him to reach his peak, flooding her womb with hot, thick cum, it felt amazing as her body was greedily milking him for every last drop of his seed.

The two of them stood there for a minute, both lost in a complete haze of pleasure. Eventually, Dabi pulled out, taking a step back and leaving the girl slumped forward, leaning against the wall, the both of them panting and gasping for air. They had both gotten more than they bargained for.

"Ohhh fuck. So is this what happens when you stick your dick in crazy?"

Toga giggled. "You gave me everything I needed and more."

"I'll be your stress relief anytime, psycho."

Unexpectedly, the door opened and Spinner, the League's resident scaly, stepped into the room.

"Hey, so I know you didn't want to come..."

Spinner stared at Dabi and Toga.


Dabi looked at Spinner, then at Toga, then back to Spinner.


Toga looked at Spinner. There was the sound of water splashing against the floor. She looked down.


Toga groaned as she felt the contractions starting. Dabi attempted to be helpful.

"Do you need some help? water?"

"Grrn...I've done this twice already, I don't need any help!"

Spinner, extremely confused, also attempted to be helpful.

"I mean, she's going to lay eggs and I'm a lizard..."

"GET! OUT!" Toga screamed as her contractions worsened.

Dabi quickly grabbed his clothes with one arm and Spinner with the other then proceeded to rush towards the door. The lizardman was still extremely confused.

"So, were you two really..."

"Oh, yeah, sure. I'll tell you all about it NEVER."

"...Is this why you didn't wanna see Promare?"

Dabi slammed the door behind them, leaving Toga to give birth to her Nomu children alone.

In hindsight, Toga probably could've used a hand getting into a more comfortable position, but it was too late for that now, the contractions were getting stronger and she could feel the urge to push. She managed to get down into a squat, with her legs spread, still leaning forward against the wall.

The first egg was coming right now, she groaned and grunted as she tried to push it out. Toga had gone through two pregnancies and thirteen eggs before today, but for as much as she had gotten used to it, giving birth still wasn't easy.

The first large, black Nomu egg slid from between Toga's legs with a wet plop sound. She didn't have time to catch her breath, as she could feel two more moving down. They were coming faster than usual, and it wasn't long before she gave birth to her second and third egg. Toga knew the others would be more difficult. Just because she was in labor didn't mean the eggs stopped growing. She was able to carry the burden of ten eggs, but she was worried about giving birth to them all before there were any problems.

She bore down, pushing, struggling to keep delivering the eggs. Four, five, six, seven...They were still getting larger, but they weren't that much harder to push out. The last three might be a different story. Toga could feel eight and nine on their way, this was definitely a strain, but with a small amount of struggle, a by now familiar wet sound announced the birth of the next two eggs.

Toga was exhausted, she had spent most of her energy with Dabi and had already burned through most of what she had left. She was already a complete sweaty mess, and her whole body was sore after the first nine eggs, but there was one left. Toga knew that her baby needed to be born now, she drew on all the strength she had left as the final round of contractions started. This was the hardest labor for her yet, but she wasn't going to let down any of her precious babies, not now. It was a struggle to push out the overgrown egg but eventually it passed from between her legs and laid in a pile with the rest of her clutch.

Toga was completely out of energy, but she still managed to get into a somewhat more comfortable position. She sprawled out on the floor and finally caught her breath.

"Definitely not going for ten at once again...Still, I wish they'd let me keep one sometime."

She giggled to herself at the thought of keeping one of the babies to raise by herself, and drifted away to sleep, enjoying a fantasy of motherhood as she slumbered.

In the aftermath of the "occurrence" Dabi did everything he could to ignore Toga, Toga moved Dabi higher in her personal ranking, and after literally no one believed the claims about what he saw that night, Spinner decided it was a lost cause and gave up trying to explain the "occurrence".

Meanwhile, the science division was somewhat perplexed at how this batch of Nomu displayed fire-related quirks when that wasn't included in their design, they did, however, settle on an explanation.

"Experimenting with unstable genetic mutant abominations is more of an art than a science, really."

But they did agree to take note of it for the next round of experimental development.