Nudist mha

Blue curtains with a pattern of falling cherry tree petals. How fitting. The rest of the conference room they had reserved, sported a similar theme. Not that spaces usually reserved for quarterly reports and business deals are rarely, if ever, designed to cheer anyone up, but there was a girls' night to be held, and nowhere in the dormitories was both spacious and closed-off enough to fit all thirteen.

"She didn't even get a proper funeral," Kyouka moped, as she enters the room.

The war had taken too much toll give any one fallen hero their dedicated due. At most, Midnight's face were just one of many used by news media to spin a narrative about pro-heroes becoming too "cowardly" and "lenient" against serious criminals these days. There had been so-called experts and other talking heads featured, arguing that pro-heroes should fall within the same jurisdiction as the proper police force, in order to "truly restore the peace and stability," blaming the youths and western academia on having the wrong opinions on the matter. But surely, Midnight would never be content with such conclusions. Not that anyone would ever know.

What the girls from both heroics classes did know, was that Midnight was a highly cherished teacher to all of them, so in liue of any official process, they quietly gathered around the oblong table, taking a seat each. All thirteen of them had brought foods, drinks and snacks that they had researched in beforehand were Nemuri's favourites. Well, everyone except for Kinoko.

"Komori, are those what I think they are?" Ochako broke the eery silence with.

Kinoko stared with unusual pride at the seven, massive black bottles she had picked up from her bag. "My uncle's girlfriend owns a distillery up in the Gunma prefecture," she explained. "After telling them what I had been through, the two thought there was no better time than now to smuggle these cuties in."

"So no bowling later tonight?" Reiko said, half-disappointed at Kinoko for having lied to her earlier the same day.

As Kinoko went around the table and hand everyone a shot glass each, Tsuyu couldn't help but stare back at those giant bottles. Once it was her turn, she felt obligated to ask Kinoko, "Are you sure this is appropriate? I feel like your relatives just want an excuse for you to shill their product."

"Not to mention how unheroic it is to give in to the vices!" Ibara added. For her too, the crystal echoes of the glass just rung into a very uncomfortable place.

"Who cares?" Setsuna asked, while enthusiastically slamming her fist down on the table. She knocked her glass against the table with a distinct rhythm, as she continued, "Midnight would've done the same for us. Also, I feel it would be disrespectful to her, to care about what's improper or not. Skirting the rules was always kind of her thing."

Yui watched the strong stuff fill the small glass in front of her. "She's the reason for so many rules existing," she said, "it's as if the universe was always aligned against her."

With that, silence had to resume once more. One more word, and too many vivid imageries from the battlefield would conjure. These girls were broken, too broken to fire up a debate. Instead, after everyone's first (and hopefully only) round were served, Itsuka took upon the role as the toastmaster. "To Midnight," she said, raising her glass.

Everyone else present toasted in unison, "To Midnight," before they and Itsuka chugged down their respective drinks in one fell swoop...

Itsuka woke up with millions of lead anvils assaulting each and every of her neurons; that couldn't be anything else but a hangover. "Water," she muttered, assuming she had slept in her bed, or really, on any surface she could physically get up from. However, the only thing that ever got up, were stomach acids rushing through Itsuka's throat, after her vestibular system got really confused as to why she was suddenly rotating up and down for at least 720 degrees. "Curse you, Uraraka," Itsuka said to herself, watching the vomit drip down onto the carpet flooring. She wiped her mouth with her forearm and looked around with the recollection that the room they had booked, had a small bathroom with a sink to the side. But it wasn't for long Itsuka could let the thought of chugging down a running stream of clean tap water, before she caught something off with her surroundings. And even that jolt wouldn't reach the front of her mind, before something slimy wrapped around her waist and dragged her back down to Earth.

"Wild night we had yesterday, ribbit?" Tsuyu told Itsuka, looking welcome to the morning by comparison. After realizing that Itsuka hadn't woken up enough yet to respond, she continued, "A bit too wild for you, ribbit?"

"Water..." Itsuka murmured again.

"Lucky for you I was close enough to the floor, ribbit," Tsuyu said, "because I don't think you had any way to propel yourself." She dragged Itsuka's arm to lean on her own opposite shoulder and continued, "Come, let's get you refreshed," before heading to the sink.

Arriving at the scene, the first thing Itsuka noticed from looking at the bathroom mirror, was her hair. Or rather, the relative lack of it: one side of it had been shaved to a buzz, while the other had been left alone with the exception of her hair tie being discarded. The unkempt styling made her look less like the honour student she had shaped her identity around, and more like a low-level thug who deals meth to old ladies behind a closed-down cornershop in some obscure, dying town. "I'm never drinking again," she said to herself, before leaping her head to the water.

"There, there," Tsuyu said in a soothed tone, while petting Itsuka's naked back.

Right. Naked. Itsuka was naked. And so was Tsuyu. And so were everyone else, now that she thought about it. Itsuka launched herself back up into an upright position, and let her eyes trail down her uninterrupted skin. Down and down and down and... "Where's my...?" Itsuka didn't dare finishing her own question.

Not that the question needed to be finished, because Tsuyu immediately answered, "Yui said it looks and feels better."

Naked-naked. Not just natural naked; at least pubic hair does a pretty good job at hiding what's down there. But now, Itsuka could see her smooth slit in its full glory, for the first time in what felt like an eternity. And she didn't like what this implied, given the women she knew who would go through this shedding. "By feels better," she asked, "do you mean we...?"

"You were easily one of the more aggressive and dominant girls, ribbit," Tsuyu answered.

"So how come I don't remember any of this, but you do?"

"I wasn't the one chugging down an entire bottle."

"You're kidding, right? That amount of hard liquor would've literally killed me, easily!"

"All I know, is that one shot was enough to make me feel terrible. But not for you, apparently; I do recall you saying something about 'drowning the sorrow.'"

Itsuka paused to consider everything that 'drowning the sorrow' would entail. "C'mon, Asui," she said exhausted, "let's put our clothes back on, and head back to the dorms."

"About that..." Tsuyu said, before silently dragging Itsuka towards the balcony right outside the conference room.

On the way there, Itsuka noticed eleven sleepers, as naked as herself, floating mid-air. She obviously could tell who ten of the girls were, but the last one, a blonde with shimmers of pink, green and cyan, was a complete stranger. At least, she was a stranger, until Itsuka figured out who that was. "Hagakure?" she asked, mostly rhetorically.

Tsuyu did feel the need to explain, though. "Turns out her quirk toggles after each orgasm," she said.

Another thing Itsuka noticed, was a large pile of red hair, her colour, lying on the table, alongside a similarly large pile of black hair. She looked up, and indeed, she found Momo with her hair cut short, sleeping in Kyouka's embrace. "Why am I not surprised?" Itsuka said to herself.

Out on the balcony, Tsuyu showed Itsuka a large, blue plastic barrel with its lid sealed shut. "We filled it with, not just all our clothes," Tsuyu explained, "but also any curtain, towel and blanket in the room we could find. Then, Mina filled the barrel some more, with an acid strong enough to dissolve it all."

"And our other belongings?" Itsuka asked.

Tsuyu closed her eyes and gave a single nod. "Afraid so," she said.

Itsuka took her palms to her face and gave them a pained groan. After her fingers slipped down to reveal her face again, Itsuka looked Tsuyu right in the eyes and shook her shoulders, asking as if she had to confront a child that didn't yet understand the concept of 'priceless antique vase,' "And you were okay with that!?"

"Not at the beginning, no. But I didn't want to ruin the mood either, so I just went with the flow. And honesty," Tsuyu looked down at her backside and stretch out legs, "I'm beginning to enjoy this look on me, ribbit!"

"So that's it then? We're going to have to streak our way back home?" Itsuka asked, sounding defeated. Just not entirely defeated; there was still enough desperation in her to slap some sense into Tsuyu, to ask her further, "Do you have any idea how much trouble we're going to be in!?"

"I don't think expulsion is ever going to be on the table, if that's what you're wondering," Tsuyu answered while stroking her sore chin. "At worst, we're going to have to go through detention and sensitivity training."

A vein bulged out right next to Itsuka's temple, hopefully visible enough for Tsuyu to notice it. "What makes you think that?" she asked.

"We're too high-priority targets to just be thrown out on the street."

Itsuka wasn't convinced, but it was enough to kill most of the anger. She let go of Tsuyu and threw her hands up in the air. "Either way," Itsuka said, crossing her arms, "this is going to haunt us for the rest of our lives. Do you know how many are going to point their camera phones at us, while we're at our lowest point ever? What is going to happen to us, once those pictures spread online!"

"You're right," Tsuyu said while slowly receding into a fetal position, "this was probably a mistake..."

"Probably!? This is a mistake, by far our greatest mistake ever! No one is ever going to take us for anything but common whores ever again! We may as- WAHHH!!!" With Itsuka's body language growing aggressive and chaotic again, this time even more so, she accidentally stomped on the concrete floor hard enough for her to bounce away from the building, out into the air over campus. She concealed herself best she could, out of panic that anybody down on the ground would catch a glimpse of her.

Luckily, Tsuyu's tongue was quick enough to drag Itsuka back inside. The two rolled into the room like bowling balls, causing quite the strike. There were already some slowly waking up from the two arguing, but this was a morning alarm rude enough for everyone in the room.

There were varying degrees of distress echoed onto the walls, as all the girls were taken from their dreamlands and into dreary hangovers. The one to whom the rudeness was the strongest, though, was Ibara. She woke up taking the lord's name in vain, in between shouting a few more secular obscenities, and grabbed the two suspected perpetrators with her vines. Once Itsuka and Tsuyu were brought in the court of sacred justice, Ibara prayed to God for forgiveness for her sudden fit of wrath, so that she could condemn them in good conscience. But when she did meet the two eye to eye, that train of thought got immediately lost; she asked with a not-so-gentle tone, "Why are you naked!?" Good thing Ibara's hair had the two of them covered from shoulder to ankle.

"The same reason you are," Tsuyu answered bluntly. The dense bondage of vines made it almost impossible for her to move her body, but she could still move her head and eyes, so she gave a clear glance down Ibara's body.

It only took about a microsecond for Ibara to figure out what was going on; she eeked out in panic and quickly did her best to cover as much of her frontside with her limbs. "What is the meaning of this!?" she cried out. "What foul creature would do this to us!?"

"Good morning, you hopeless dyke!" A merry and mischievous voices approached Ibara's ear a few centimetres too close.

"Tokage!?" Itsuka cried out in disbelief.

Setsuna's head had suddenly appeared behind Ibara's, alongside two hands to massage her shoulders with. "So which boy do you wanna show your freshly shaved pussy to first?"

Ibara still had more than enough hair to arrest yet another sinner, if not the whole congregation all at once. She brought Setsuna before her and shouted sternly, "Setsuna Tokage, this is not funny in the slightest! And you have no right to call me, or anyone else, those kinds of words!"

"Not even after you came wildly against Mina's throbbing cunt while shouting something about Jesus actually being Magdalene?" Setsuna asked back.

"Lies! I would never say or do such despicable... things!" Tears began flowing down Ibara's cheeks out of disbelief. She looked at her class representative, in a desperate search for validation.

But all Itsuka could do, was shrugging her shoulders to her best capacity. "I'm sorry," she said, "I don't remember anything from last night."

"Wh... wh- What is going on?" Ibara asked, sounding utterly defeated.

"So, we're stuck like this forever?"

It had taken about half an hour for everyone to recollect themselves, and an additional five minutes for anyone in the circle of thirteen to speak up. In this case, it was Kyouka, sitting with her chin leaning on her knees and arms wrapped around her ankles. "I mean, not literally forever, but we can all agree we can't really go back to normal, right?"

"It's probably nothing!" Ochako was chuckling nervously and rapidly waving her hands. "Let's just head back to the dorms, get dressed and pretend like none of this ever happened."

"You sure that's going to work?" Tsuyu asked.

"Ah, well..." Ochako stroke the back of the neck. "It's not the end of the world if anyone spots us, exactly. Or even, a crowd of people..."

"So you don't think that's going to have any significant consequences for any of us?" Momo asked.

"I sure hope not!" Ochako answered, still nervous in her body language.

Setsuna cheered Ochako on, saying, "Yeah, you're damn right, girl! I say fuck it, we ball!"

"Besides, any creep that approaches us," Kinoko suggested, "I'll just mould their mouths so much the aftertaste will linger for six months straight!"

"You say it like you've done it before," Tsuyu croaked.

Itsuka couldn't hold it in any longer. Furious at Ochako's callousness, she walked up to her and punched her in the face, to the collective gasps of everyone else. "How's that for a significant consequence for you!?" she yelled. Realizing what she had just said and done, Itsuka sunk to her knees. "I'm sorry, I..." she blubbered, "I'm just not used to my friends doing me wrong like this!"

"Nobody here has done you any wrong," Yui told her.

"Say what!?" Itsuka turned her gaze to who she thought was her best friend, thus by logic closest ally. She rose up, and looked right into her with the intent of even more violence, as she asked, "You're seriously going to take Uraraka's side!?"

"So say there's a high risk someone will film us on the way back, given how there are cameras everywhere. Do you really think anything worse will come out of it than us becoming masturbation material online?"

"You say it as if that's not the worst thing that could happen to us!" Ibara protested.

"I hate to break it to you," Yui told her classmate, "but no matter what we do, we were going to become that sooner or later, if we haven't already. That's just the reality of being a woman and a public figure."

Woman . Far from the first time that word pumped discomfort into her very being. Usually, it had been because of a peer or a superior being impressed by her achievements... for "being female." This time was different, though: while Itsuka hadn't exactly ever felt any shame from looking at herself, including now, she had always been reluctant to show too much to anyone else. However, she honestly didn't fear anyone looking at her with lustful intent; that was never the issue. No, what she did fear, was anyone looking at her nude body, and to conclude: woman . Girl . Any epithet signifying her as explicitly female. That's just not part of what she was, not really. Heck, would 'she' even be the best pronoun for her? Not that another assault on another friend would ever communicate any of those thoughts or feelings, so Itsuka backed away from Yui, pretending to admit defeat. "Guess we have to accept the fact that the universe wants us nude," they said.

"Better than dead, at least," Reiko added.

Tooru, who had up until that moment been comfortable with not adding anything to the discussion, asked for everyone's attention, prompted by Itsuka's last remark. "I was originally going to wear a full-body suit," she said, "its fibre was going to be based on my hair, thus not obstructing my invisibility, and it was going to be a fairly loose fit. But..."

"But what?" Reiko asked.

"The company rejected my proposal," Tooru explained. "They insisted on 'sex appeal.' Their words, not mine."

"That probably explains why my costume ended up tighter than I expected," Ochako added. "I had more of a skydiver-type of jumpsuit in mind."

"I fucking knew it," Kyouka groaned, "this whole industry is filled with suits who are too horny to consider us fully human."

"I wouldn't go that far, but they do seem very eager to signify us as female, more than anything else," Itsuka said.

"Exactly! They don't consider women to be fully human!" Kyouka said, just to be sure her message got across.

Clenching her hands together, Ibara added, "I pray those sinners come to their senses before one more hero comes out in a degenerate display."

Kyouka knew Ibara so desperately wanted to bring traditionalist Christian morals into the discussion. Annoyed, she reminded her, "Okay, I'm not sure you were ever taught this, but this has nothing to do with what appearances are supposedly 'correct.' This has everything to do with autonomy! Respecting others' autonomy!" Kyouka pointed her finger at her prime example, and explained further, "Look at Yaomomo: dignity and intelligence embodied! Do you really think it was her decision to dress skimpy like that? No, it was clearly the costume designer wanting to sexualize her to the detriment of practicality!" Gradually, her indigo brow had morphed into soaking red cheeks.

"Kyouka... are you alright?" Momo asked, leaning over to Kyouka to provide comfort.

"No, I'm not alright!" Kyouka cried out. She burrowed her face deep into Momo's bosom.

"A repeat of last night, I see," Yui said.

"What?" Kyouka turned her head to see who spoke.

"The question is now," Yui added, "whether or not Yaoyorozu will admit to being a nudist, like she did after Jirou had this exact same rant."

"WHAT!?" Kyouka's jacks buzzed out as if they had caught a distress signal.

"Did... I really say that?" Momo asked with a frail tone, gently fortifying her blush in her typical, ladylike manner.

"Damn right you did!" Setsuna shouted, making one loud clap to contain her laughter.

"Yaomomo..." Ochako said.

"Tell me," Momo asked, looking at Tsuyu.


"Can you confirm... I ever said anything close to that?"

"You were quite drunk," Tsuyu answered, "so I simply took it as you just saying words without actually meaning any of them."

"Oh," Momo said rapidly with an insecure tremble. She quickly diverted her gaze to an insignificant spot of the floor, all the while her pupils shrank. Looking back up, the first person Momo turned her attention to, was Tooru.

"Yaomomo, you're hyperventilating," Tooru said. After noting a lack of response, she asked, "Are you thinking about that time we...?" No more words would come out, for Tooru too started to concentrate too much on her own breathing.

"The time you did what?" Mina jumped up on top of Momo's shoulders, eagerly staring at Tooru.

"Yeah!" Setsuna cheered along. "Time for some hot gossip!"

Tooru swallowed a healthy gulp of air and calmed her breath back down. "I, uh..." she confessed, "get turned on from being naked. In public. Among other people." She had been wiggling her thighs left and right this whole time, and it was now clear as to why.

"I first learned about this about three months ago," Momo explained. "It was during a training session, where Hagakure and I happened to be left relatively isolated from everyone else. She was 'going commando' and I got... curious. One thing led to another, and there I was, in the altogether. Caressed."

"She was fingering you!" Setsuna shouted.

Momo continued, unfazed, "That's where I discovered, that I too felt better not wearing anything. As I climaxed with the air brushing my skin undisturbed, a strange energy rushed through my vines. I felt as if I had become at least five times stronger. More capable."

Kyouka grabbed Momo's shoulder to drag herself back up from her mental ruin. "You can not be serious, can you?" she asked her.

Momo stroked the back of Kyouka's hair, and told her, "Sorry for not telling you earlier; I really should've. I guess, I was just too afraid of accidentally spreading a rumour..."

"Wait," Mina asked, "was that the time you effortlessly wiped the floor with the rest of us, by unleashing thousands of those gizmo drones? I hated those things!"

"Sorry..." Momo giggled gently.

Now bitter, Mina resumed to her place in the circle. "If only you had done this during the-" Mina had stop herself from saying too much.

"I had the exact same thought that day," Momo said.

"So," Kinoko said, standing up and ready to leave, "let's just head back and pretend like it's nothing?"

"No!" Momo protested.

"No?" Ochako asked.

"I have rich parents. Extremely rich parents. I'm part of one of Japan's most powerful families of industrialists," Momo explained. "I know what traditions they cherish, and what vices they condemn."

"I've heard some," Reiko added, very clearly nervous to say it out loud, "not very good things about that family. And with you around, I've never had the courage to tell any of my friends about it. Not to anyone, really."

"It's okay, Yanagi," Momo assured her, "some truths are too heavy to carry alone."

"I mean, you did just unload a few," Itsuka commented, "and I have a feeling you're about to unload some more."

"Indeed," Momo told Itsuka, "were I to be caught in this state, my dear mother and father would spend every resource at their disposal, on disowning me from all of civilization, at best. Even after that, they'd still have more than enough to entirely erase all of you from both existence and collective memory, which they almost certainly would, seeing how you are technically enablers."

"We are not enablers!" Ibara shouted, visibly signalling her modesty by covering her breasts and loins with her hands like a renaissance painting. "I certainly am not!"

"Tell that to the Yaoyorozo corporation: owner of several technologies that can make both gods and demons alike cower out of relative impotence," Momo said. She then asked Ibara, "I take it there's a church you attend every Sunday, no?"

Ibara quietly cowered back to her spot, before she answered, "Yes?"

"Well, you can expect that church to not defend you, and even if they do," Momo explained further, "you can expect a lot of mysterious disappearances and arson attacks that never end up resolved."

"God help us all," Ibara whimpered, eyes clenched and staring into praying hands.

Itsuka's face had sunken flat and half-closed. "I presume the same goes for my dojo, then?" she said.

"Or my uncle's distillery," Kinoko said.

"Or the coast guard, for that matter," Tsuyu added.

After thinking long and hard about it, Mina cheerfully slammed her fist against her palm and yelled, "I got it, Yaomomo! Let's just pit your scumbag family against the Meta Liberation Army! Surely we can find an angle?"

It only took one, scornful glare from Momo to shatter those hopes and dreams. Almost as if her eyes spelt out loud, in boldface, You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes, do you?

"I do not like what that implies," Setsuna said through strained lips.

"Basically," Momo pointed towards the hallway, "if we walk out that door, we're officially meddling with the primal forces of nature. And we will atone." She left the room silent enough for everyone to hear their own heartbeats.

"Jesus fucking Christ, that is some heavy shit," Pony commented, looking at the door as if it were the gates to hell. She turned back to Momo and asked her, "So that's it, then? It's over for us? We're Texas toast and spare ribs?"

Momo didn't say anything at first; she simply turned her gaze the opposite direction, to the balcony, waiting for anyone else to realize what alternative route could possibly exist, and what it would entail.

"Am I thinking what you're thinking?" Itsuka asked Momo.

"Say it out loud, and we'll see," Momo answered.

"No, no way," Itsuka said, shaking their head and on the verge of tears, "we can't just leave everything behind, can we?"

"Right now, the only saving grace from complete annihilation," Momo argued, "is to make everyone think that has already happened. Friends, family, teachers, colleagues, acquaintances? Sever ties with all of them, immediately."

"Fuck!" Setsuna let out an exhausted gasp and raised her hand to lean her weary mind against.

"You sound like you've never been that close to anyone," Kyouka said while nervously twirling one of her jack around her finger.

"I'll survive," Yui said, sounding pretty much entirely unaffected.

"Our phones already went down that barrel," Tsuyu pointed out, "so at least that part isn't going to be difficult, ribbit."

"But," Ochako trembled her voice weak, "what if someone sees us? We'd be reported as missing, and our faces would be even more recognizable than they already are."

"Not missing, Uraraka," Momo stood up and walked to the middle of the circle, where she created another barrel, identical to the one in the balcony, "dead. Murdered. Slaughtered." She slammed the large barrel down on the floor. "The official story will be that a serial killer somehow managed to sneak through UA's security system, snuck into this very room, chopped all thirteen of us into pieces small enough to fit inside containers like these to be dissolved. Once the authorities arrive, they'll be greeted with an organic sludge, containing each of our DNA."

"And they'll think that's us," Reiko said, "and the forensic team will confirm that theory. Is that what you're expecting?" She looked around at the others, waiting for anyone to come with objections.

"I can't believe I have to say this, Yaomomo, but your plan is really fucking stupid," Mina said. She stood up, walked up to the barrel Momo had just created, and spat in it. "But I can't think of any better idea," she added.

Confused over Mina's reaction, Momo asked, "Did you just spit in...?"

"I know what DNA is!" Mina answered pre-emptively and brashly. "I'm just saying, you have clearly not planned this through."

"I know," Momo admitted. "We have no place to take refuge, for starters, which means..."

"We'll be homeless," Ochako finished the sentence in defeat.

"It sounds like that's going to happen, no matter what," Yui pointed out.

"We'll figure something out," Momo assured the rest. "For now, we need to focus on getting out of here unnoticed..." She created a medical device she instructed everyone to spit in, as the device would convert the spit into a blood-like substance while still retaining the genetic codes. With the help of Yui's size quirk and Mina's acid quirk, Momo managed to fill two barrels with the stuff.

After the barrels were sealed and disinfected, Momo created invisibility cloaks for everyone to disguise themselves with. One by one, they twirled out of the premises without anyone else noticing, and landed onto the rooftop of an office building, quite a handful of blocks away from campus. Once out of sight and hearing, the girls hid behind a large HVAC to finally take off their cloaks.

Ibara was particularly mesmerized by how the cape worked: one side looking like the mesh of a very thin blanket, the other hiding anything it happened to wrap around. She looked back a the huge H-shaped building in the now great distance, as it'd probably be the last time she'd ever see it. But then it struck her. "Hang on!" Ibara suddenly pointed out with a harsh tone. She promptly got hushed at, as a reminder that she she still could be heard. Still, Ibara hadn't finished explaining, so she continued, "If you can make all those wondrous gizmos on the fly, then you could've also created basic clothes for us to wear."

"Oops," Momo eeped out, before being wrapped around a thousand thorny vines.

"Yaomomo!" Kyouka called out.

"This," Ibara shouted while holding her cloak up to Momo, "is cloth! Fabric! Furthermore, we can use these cloaks to get back to our dorms undetected; let's do that right now!"

"NO!" Momo cried out in desperation. She breathed heavily and exhausted at the silencing shock she had just sent out.

"This isn't just about not being caught streaking, is it?" Itsuka said. She gestured at Ibara to release Momo.

Momo choked for half a second, as she desperately gasped for the air she missed while being bound up. After she rose back up upright, Momo demanded the attention of everyone, and said, "I admit it: I'm a nudist. An exhibitionist, one might even say."

"But you haven't been allowed express that part of yourself, I see," Ochako said.

"Man, that must really suck," Mina commented.

"In that case..." Yui walked up to Momo, pushing everyone else aside, and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

"Yaomomo, watch out!" Kyouka yelled.

"Ribbit?" Tsuyu stared neutrally as she usually does, but now she was struggling to keep that face.

"Eh!?" Itsuka got utterly flabbergasted at her classmate's bold move.

"Lord have mercy upon you..." Ibara, about as scandalized, leaned inward to pray.

"Oh-ho my god!" Pony wasn't very scandalized, truth to be told, but she still clenched her fists and raised her voice to fuel the hype.

"Kyaah!" Tooru shut her eyes as hard as she could, and developed a deep blush. "I get so nervous around lovey-dovey stuff!"

"Me too!" Ochako turned around to Tooru for a tight hug to bury each other's faces in.

"Woo!" Setsuna cheered at the kiss. "Let's fucking go!!!"

"Yeah!" Mina concurred very strongly with Setsuna. She held her hand up at her and said, "High five, sister!"

"Can't say I saw that one coming..." Kinoko just scratched the back of her neck, and resigned from commenting any further.

"I'm sorry, what?" Reiko, who had at that point completely zoned out and just acted along with the flow, not paying attention to the recent conversation whatsoever, looked up from the gravel floor to see why everyone were suddenly hooting and hollering.

After finishing her kiss, Yui looked Momo in the eyes and continued, "...consider me a nudist too. I think it's clear do not want to do this alone."

"Kodai..." Momo almost slurred her speech, from how much the sudden affection had disturbed her inhibitions.

"Call me Yui," she insisted. "I pretty sure people are on first-name basis, by the time they've cummed on eachother's pussies more times than one can count."

"Yesterday was reckless, wasn't it?" Momo shyly leaned her face against her knuckle.

There was one name that Ochako hadn't dared to bring up the entire morning, but now, she felt obligated to ask, "This is about Midnight, isn't it?" And like that, the rosy atmosphere faded away as quickly as it had arrived. "Is it that you want to keep her legacy alive?"

"Back during the war," Momo explained, "I couldn't help but wonder if I would've fared better if I... if I hadn't worn anything..."

"And you think the same applied to Midnight?" Kyouka asked.

Momo solemnly nodded.

"Uh, right! Let's do this, then!" Setsuna chuckled nervously and pulled Ochako and Mina to each of her side. "Let's skirt around the rules and align the universe against us!"

"You mean like," Ochako asked, "become vigilantes? You really think we're capable enough to pull it off?"

"Girl, I've seen what you can lift," Kinoko suddenly stepped out of her post of passive observation, to brashly point out, "we'll be fine! Heck, I alone could take down whole droves of thugs just by infecting their throats!"

"And my horns can pepper them into dust!" Pony added, while jumping down from the table to make a power stance on her hooves, and do her signature horn fingers gesture.

"And I guess these things can do more than just spy on the room next door." Kyouka was referring to the plugs extending from her ears, while holding them up right in front of her.

"I'm telekinetic," Reiko said, looking down at her palms. "I think that alone should say it all." She looked over at Ochako.

"Eh?" Ochako was clueless over what Reiko's droopy stare implied.

"You can shoot people into the air," Reiko said.

"And also drop items I've oversized on anyone who deserves to be squished," Yui added.

Only somewhat flattered by the compliments, Ochako held up her hands to look at the pads on her fingertips. "But that's about it, right?"

"You know, I honestly doubt it," Itsuka answered. She then looked at her inflated hand and clenched it, "As for me, all I can offer is hand-to-hand combat."

Kinoko half-stumbled at Itsuka to fawn over her muscles, as she protested, "Are you kidding me!? You're a true martial arts champ! You're the class rep for a reason!"

"I mean, I guess..." Itsuka blushed over the praise and affection.

"And then we have the stealth master herself," Kinoko continued stretching out her whole hand at her next exhibit, "Setsuna Tokage! She can be everywhere and anywhere at the same time!"

"Oh please," Setsuna casually waved of the claim, "it's not like I can literally turn invisible." She looked over at Tooru with a confident smile.

"Oh, me!?" Tooru got startled at the attention, and did her best to laugh it off. "It's not like I'm just an invisible girl... but we can figure something out, if we work together."

"She's right." Momo folded her arms and gave Tooru and approving look. "The important part is that we work together and for each other. Especially now that we have lost literally all other forms of support networks."

"I mean, with your quirk," Setsuna gleefully pointed out, "you're already one support network and a half! You're a literal money printer, for crying out loud!"

"But-" Momo was aghast and anxious over the implications, "the inflation..."

"The only thing you need to worry about inflating, is your belly!" Setsuna cheerfully slapped her own abdomen. "Not to mention the amount of sick weapons you could create!"

"Wait," Mina could suddenly sense a whole lot of question marks surrounding her, so she turned to Setsuna on her immediate left and asked, "are you guys implying we can be more flexible with the whole... you know, no killing part?"

"I mean, can is doing quite a lot of heavy-lifting there, I feel," Setsuna answered, "but yes!"

"Awesome!" Mina made a happy jump, and then boxed in the air. "I can't wait to see some real life gore I've caused!"

"MINA!?" Tooru yelped in shock and horror.

"I do not approve of these sinful intentions!" There was not a smidgeon of positivity in the words that left Ibara's mouth.

"Yeah, that does not sound particularly heroic, ribbit," Tsuyu leaned over to confront Mina. "Murder is still murder."

And like that, Mina stood still and awkwardly, reduced to a half-gaping hum.

"What about you then?" Setsuna asked Tsuyu.

"Ribbit?" Tsuyu looked puzzled.

"Isn't your whole deal that you can be literally any frog?" Setsuna clarified.

"I don't like where this is going."

"Including highly poisonous frogs?"

Tsuyu groaned loudly at the suggestion, but she nevertheless gave in to elaborate, "Yes, there are a whole bunch of frog species that pose grave danger to humans. I just don't think it's very heroic to emulate such traits, ribbit."

"Even when someone threatens to kill us?" Itsuka asked.

"Ribbit?" Tsuyu continued to sound very annoyed and exhausted.

"Remember," Itsuka said, "we'll be well outside the confines of the law, and if the law won't protect us, we'd just cause problems for ourselves if we expect our enemies to enjoy that privilege."

"Kill...?" Ochako looked down at the pads of her fingers, imagining how destructive her quirk could realistically get.

"Still," Itsuka was looking directly at Mina, as if it was intended specifically for her, "we should save such measure for when every option for redemption has been exhausted."

"Redemption?" Kyouka asked. "Why not just tie them down and hope the police will pick them up? You know, like he have been trained to do?"

"We can't hand anyone who has confronted us to the authorities," Itsuka answered.

Kyouka stopped twirling her cords and shut her eyes open. "They'll know we're out there, and start hunting us down... fuck!"

And so, all that was left talking, was the electric hum of the ventilation machine, orchestrating yet another moment of doom and despair.

Trying to console herself, Pony made the usual L-shaped gestures with her hand, but they weren't placed against her forehead. No, she looked down on them, reminiscing about the times she had together with her friends. Together with friends. "We can take them on!" Pony suddenly shot up in hope.

"What do you mean?" Itsuka asked.

"It's like Yaoyorozu said earlier," Pony explained, "we'll make it if we just work together! Power of friendship!"

"So like, if we just train ourselves against enough goons while hiding from the law, we'll be strong enough to take down any threat?" Kyouka asked. "Is that your plan?"

"I don't think we can hide forever," Pony answered, "but yeah! We should be fine by the time we're found out!"

"Aight, I'm down." Kyouka gave Pony a singular nod.

"I suppose we're not putting ourselves in even more danger than before, ribbit," Tsuyu said. "Not like we exactly can..."

"So do we all agree this is what we're going with?" Momo looked around, until she spotted one very grumpy-looking face. "Shiozaki."

"We were supposed to protect the law, not fight it," Ibara hissed.

S etsuna slowly approached Ibara to try calming her down. She massaged her shoulder and asked, "What's the point in protecting what won't protect us?"

"I..." Ibara had nothing more to say on the matter.

"Understood," Setsuna said in mild happiness. She slapped Ibara's back to get the adrenaline going. "Come on then," she hollered to the whole group, "let's go beat up some wrongdoers!"

Chapter 2: You Stuck to Me like A Tattoo


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Before any of the girls could confidently head into action, there was one small, but admittedly risky detour they would make. Apparently, Yui had a relative who knew a guy who knew a guy, who had been to a tattoo parlour nearby; that should be at least one grade of separation too many, for the wrong person to gain any suspicion. Of course, coming in from the front entrance was out of the pictures, so Yui led the twelve other girls through the back. This was unquestionably an intrusion, but their numbers were enough to properly intimidate the clerk at the counter.

"Hark!" The clerk yelped. "What is the meaning of this!?"

While Momo was off to install barricades that gave the impression the shop was closed for the day, Yui slammed down a thick bunt of cash on the counter. "Tattoo our hero names on our pussies," she said without any emphasis or hesitation, "right where our pubes used to be."

The worker behind the counter picked up the stack of banknotes with a trembling hand, and scrolled through the stack to check for validity. Not that it would matter, since the assumed risk from saying no would've been too great to gamble against, so the money silently went into the register as if it was just like any other legal tender. "Who wants to go first?"

"I want mine, uh," Tooru stepped forward and leaned over the counter, "I want mine with, an, uh, cute, bubbly font and ribbons and- and- and rainbows and, uh, shooting stars!"

"I'll see what I can do." The clerk, who obviously was the artist, guided Tooru and the others to the studio itself.

"Father, our lord in heaven..." Ibara prayed quietly but intensively, as she coped through the persistent stings against her crotch.

"Like I said a million times already, this is usually not the body part for one's first tattoo," the artist explained as calmly and patiently as possible.

Meanwhile, Ochako was gawking alongside Momo, at Kyouka's new ornament. "So cool," she gasped.

"You're god damn fucking right about that one!" Kyouka's voice shuddered; there just was something about seeing two bombshells right in front of her, in their birthday suits, on all fours, worshipping her body, that made her heave for all the oxygen in Japan. Kyouka guided her plugs alongside the violet outlines to her twisting branches of peach, cherry and amber, as she explained for one particular detail, "This is the spilled blood and guts of villains. I want to give a clear warning about what's to happen to anyone with evil intent."

Momo drew a resounding sigh. "If only I were as imaginative as you," she told Kyouka, before she suddenly felt an irritated slap against her bottom cheek.

"If only you were as attentive as the rest of us." It was Itsuka; she gestured at the small TV mounted in a top corner of the studio.

"...we will update later today on the progress of the police investigation." The screen showed thirteen very familiar faces.

"Maybe coming here was a mistake," Momo said.

"Wouldn't say that," Itsuka proudly inspected her new, tiger-themed logo between her legs, "but it does mean we have to deal with..." she pointed her hand at the tattoo artist, finishing up Ibara, the last client.

"...and that's it!" The artist put away the pen and cleaned off the excess from Ibara's mound, and then took a relieved gander at the DI-VINE, speckled with Christian and botanical iconographies.

Ibara was about as relieved, if not even more. "Oh, thank the sacred mother of the lord," she panted, "my prayers have been heard!"

"Come on, let's get you up, Shiozaki," the tattoo artist told her.

Once upright and out of the chair, Ibara was greeted with a half-stern Itsuka. "Please tell me I didn't do anything wrong," she said.

"We're on the news," Itsuka explained, "and they don't think we're dead. Merely kidnapped."

"I'm sorry, what?" After checking the news coverage, the tattoo artist had about a million more questions to ask, as if the previous stack wasn't already overwhelming. "You do know this place has security cameras, don't you?"

"Then remove the footage," Itsuka said as if it was the most obvious thing to say.

"Why would you want that? Your parents are running up the walls over this. And so are your friends. Why do you want to keep everyone worried?"

"Because we'll suck your cock if you erase any trace of us ever being here." Yui stepped to the forward of the crowd.

At least half a dozen of the girls shouted in unison, "YUI!?"

"Yeah, hold up, I never agreed to that part!" Kyouka rose up from the bench and looked like she was preparing herself to tear a raging bull in half with her bare hands.

"Let me explain," Yui gestured at the others to calm down and listen carefully, "what we're primarily escaping from, is modesty. And what is the polar opposite of modesty? The most extreme form of exhibitionism? Free use. The idea that we never wear anything on our bodies, that we get rid of our pubic hair to reveal our pussies in their entire display, and that we make ourselves sexually available to any stranger we come across."

"Any stranger?" Tsuyu asked. "Even the ones we're not attracted to?"

"Attraction is not the same thing as consent," Yui explained. "For all I care, you could willingly let as many men as humanly possible cum inside you, and still be the biggest lesbian in the world."

"Ribbit," Tsuyu gulped.

"Is that really how it works?" The scepticism hung heavy in Kyouka's question.

"You'll learn soon enough..." Yui turned back around, and pulled down the tattoo artist's pants.

The suburbs were always the safest to walk through. Or at least, that's what the TV news claim, giving the commoner an idea about what is most important to protect. Ordinary Woman certainly thought that, which is why she chose to take that rather large and admittedly inconvenient detour around the Arab district. Not that she had anything against foreigners, it's just that she has heard rumours about what it's like to walk alone, enough times that she decided it's better to be safe than sorry, especially now with all these villains on the loose. But even then, Ordinary Woman wasn't feeling particularly safe that late evening; it's dark, it's raining, and working overtime hasn't exactly made her more alert to her surroundings. Still, no group of goons would be wicked enough to try tamper with the idyll of a villa, a volpino and a Volvo. Right?

"Hey look, there's one!" a distant voice shouted.

"You sure about that?" That was another voice, coming from the same direction.

"I know it when I see 'em," the first voice assured the other.

"All right, boys, let's go!" A third voice yelled, followed by running footsteps. A lot of them. And they were approaching Ordinary Woman.

Realizing what was happening, Ordinary Woman began to run away as quickly as possible, drag from her umbrella and burden from her work bag be damned. And sure, there was a small chance, the faintest glimmer of hope, that the mob may have been referring to someone else. But let's be real, nobody else was walking down that quiet street that night. And she knew it. Ordinary Woman could figure out on her own, what was really going on: she was being singled out for being a mutant, presumed to be a villain.

"Yo, what a beast!" The voice right behind her, was clearly referring to Ordinary Woman's extraordinary height. "I don't think our regular weapons gonna do much, chief."

"Trust me, these creatures are frailer than they look." That must've been the leader of the pack, who right away proceeded to whack something metal, something cold, hard against Ordinary Woman's thigh.

"NOOO!!!" Ordinary cried, as she fell to the wet asphalt with a painful whack, losing her umbrella to the wind, and dropping all of her hard day's work into a wide spread under the insensitive precipitation. She flipped over and yelled, "Stop!" at the eight or so men, maybe more. Hard to tell, in this noir setting. "I'll call the police!"

The sternest, widest, most confident man of the bunch, the alpha of the pack if one will, stepped forward and picked something out of his jacket. It was a police badge. "They're already here, sugarplum," he said.

"Wh- what?" Now Ordinary's fear got an unhealthy dose of confusion blended in.

The sergeant casually shrugged his shoulders at the conundrum. "What can I say? With heroes either dropping like flies or dropping out left and right, our precinct decided to take this whole, villains-on-the-loose thing, into our own hands."

"B- But... I'm not a villain!"

"You sure fit the profile."

"What the hell are you talking about!? I'm a- I'm an... assistant archivist at a real estate bureau!"

"Is that so?" The sergeant picked up one of the wet papers and pretended to read the smudged out ink. "It says here what areas are recommended for the Poison Wolves to strike next. Oh, and would you look at that? Chisanawan Preschool is right at the very top! Ken over here has his four-year-old little Sakura attend there; she loves drawing kittens and eating chocolate pudding."

"What the actual fuck!?" Ordinary had never seen this level of made-up bullshit.

The sergeant leaned forward and told her, "You're under arrest for lying to law enforcement, obstruction of justice and conspiracy with a terrorist-classified villain organization." He nodded to his mates to get the tools out.

"You can't do this!" Ordinary protested. "I've never seen a policeman this corrupt!"

"I'm afraid this is all legal and ordained, honey," the sergeant replied. He pulled something else out of his jacket; this time it was a syringe. "Now will you please hold still for me? If you're nice to me, I'll promise to cut your sentence in half."

"No... No. NO!!!" Ordinary screamed and wailed. She tried to move and kick around, but the strong arms pinning her down, wouldn't let her.

"I promise this will not hurt a bit," the sergeant said, as he steadily approached the needle towards Ordinary's eye.

"But this will," a young woman's voice mischievously commented.

A splash of liquid was thrown over the sergeant's face, to which he screamed loudly and horrifyingly. He immediately dropped the syringe, because he had to use his hands to uselessly cover his face from the unimaginable pain.

The syringe landed needle down on the hand of one the sergeant's friends, to which he too wailed in terrible pain. Unfortunately for him, that wouldn't stop the syringe from emptying its contents into his bloodstream, causing his head to bald, his face to wrinkle, his voice to peter out, and ghastly moles to grow across his skin. All this, before his eyes sank into a mulch, and his body collapsed into a mummified corpse.

Speaking of which, the sergeant's head too had turned into mulch, spread out on top of some of the already ruined documents. Oh, if only he could hear his men either scream while running away in panic, or let out gasps of all their air being ejected from assaults they were hopeless to even identify. Heck, it'd be mystery and half to crack, as to why one of the screams left in a rather vertical manner. Oh well, it's not like anyone would ever know what he would have to say.

Ordinary herself were certainly shocked at this rather random turn of events. There was nothing to suggest help would be on her side, not even the microscopic sensors placed on the lampposts or the supply drone hiding in the clouds. Gods do not come from the machine, but the god from the machine walked up to the side of Ordinary Woman, and lent her a hand.

"Are you okay?" Itsuka asked. "We saw you got hurt."

"I'm f- fine, thanks..." Ordinary was still rather shook from her recent experiences, and it was clear that she had to limp while standing up.

"Momo, get this lady some bandages, a towel and a new umbrella!" Itsuka turned back around to shout.

"I guess you're the ones who saved me, so I guess I owe yo-" Ordinary stopped right as she actually saw Itsuka, not just heard her disembodied voice.

"By the way, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you," Itsuka said, before ripping off the soaked clothes from Ordinary Woman's body. Yes, all of them.

Ordinary frankly didn't react; getting stripped wasn't even in the top three of the most distressful things she had to endure that day. So she remained silent, as she saw more of her saviours approach.

"How bad are we talking?" Momo asked, as she handed Itsuka the umbrella, towel and first-aid-kit.

"No serious injuries," Itsuka answered, "but she's gonna need help home."

While receiving her new umbrella, Ordinary told the girls, who all looked really familiar to her, "I... I can call a taxi, it's okay!" It was pretty clear she wanted to get everything over with and pretend as if nothing had happened.

"You can forget that." Kyouka picked up the phone from the front pocket, making sure not to use her hands, and pierced several times right through it with the sharpened plugs of her earphone jacks, understandably to Ordinary's protests. "Call a company, or use their app, or even touch your phone outright, and you'll get curious question from the authorities tomorrow morning, as to why you were last seen with a dead cop. And you should know by now, that they will not take your answers as true."

"That... was my work phone." There was not a morsel of anger in that sentence; Ordinary said it as if it was a neutral statement. Which it was.

"You can afford a new one, right?" Kyouka asked her. "If not, Momo can just make one for you. But only after we get you home."

"How do you know where I live? Wait. Do you know where I live?"

"The police have a registry of individuals they believe to become villains in the future. Your name is on it."

"Wait, WHAT!? W- Why...?"

"The thing about artificial intelligences, is that they're more artificial than intelligent," Momo explained, "They run on people's biases rather than any higher truth."

"Thankfully, the local station's servers were laughably easy to hack!" Itsuka said, as she wrapped bandages around Ordinary's bruised thigh.

Mina snorted at Itsuka's remark. "Not as easy as bribing the hacker with the best head in she's ever had in her entire life."

"And you!" Now it had begun to dawn on Ordinary, where she had seen all these faces from before. "You're... you're...!"

"X-Rated Heroes: The Hairless Pussies!" Mina boldly declared. "And these," she gestured with bold movement at her crotch, "are our costumes! They're symbols for how we freely fight and fuck for true justice!"

"And if you'd like, you can have sex with us after carrying you home," Momo added.

"I'm clearly no longer young enough to catch with the current trends," Ordinary said, mostly to herself.

"It's okay," Ochako stepped forward to lend her hand out, "let's get you home first."

"One thing I don't get," Ordinary said, as she was carried into her apartment, "why didn't you bring me new clothes?"

"Because women are the most liberated when completely nude and perpetually horny," Yui told her.

Once inside, Momo plopped a burner phone on the kitchen table. "Call your employer, and tell them you need to take a week off due to illness."

"But I'm not sick," Ordinary said, as Ochako put her down on her couch.

"You're injured," Momo explained, "which means you need about that much time to recover."

"And by the time you are, you will have been so accustomed to nudity that brining it public won't faze you," Yui added.

"I was about to ask you to bring me my pyjamas and then leave, thank you very much," Ordinary said while crashing further down into the cushions.

"So... no sexy times?" Setsuna asked, like she was a disappointed puppy.

"I'm afraid I'm not interested in you that way, sorry." Ordinary Woman took hold of a pillow, placed it on top of her face, and screamed into it.

Tsuyu leaned over to Momo and whispered, "I think we should do as she says and go."

"You're right," Momo said, and headed over to the closet, from where she picked out a purple two-piece.

"But I do swear," Ordinary said after removing the pillow, "I will not tell anyone about you. With that being said, I'm not sure how well covert action and public indecency go together; they kind of seem like opposing concepts."

"I honestly don't think any of us are sure," Itsuka told her, "but we're trying to make it work. It's certainly easier now than it was at the start."

"Yeah, you guys were quite a few news cycles ago," Ordinary pointed out. She thanked Momo for being handed her nightwear, and began putting it on. "Oh, and If you have nowhere else to go, you can sleep here tonight. Though I guess some of you will have to sleep on the floor."

"Eh," Setsuna shrugged, "it'd at least be better than that bridge from the other night. Besides, we mostly sleep levitated thanks to Uravity over here." She pointed with a hitchhiker thumb at Ochako.

Prompted to say anything, Ochako chose gratitude. "Thank you so much, I swear we will not bother you more than we already have."

"It's okay," Ordinary said, "you don't look like the kind who'd trash my apartment."

Usually, almost always even, that extra space to the sides of Ordinary's bed would be largely unused; she could've gotten a bed custom made for her length, but a regular king-sized bed was cheaper. This night however, she would have company. To her left slept a tranquil Tooru Hagakure, also known as Stealth Hero: Blindspot (she had to change her hero name, since her previous one was too generic). Too her right, an about as exhausted Ibara Shiozaki, a.k.a. Sacred Hero: Di-Vine. Both of them naked, very naked. So naked, in fact, that neither of them had bothered to slip under the covers. Ordinary did not really mind this, though she did feel weird about being the only woman in the room with even the slightest of dignity left, weird enough to have trouble sleeping. And soon, she would have even more trouble, for she saw a third girl approach. "Sorry, this bed is full," Ordinary whispered.

"It's not the bed I'm here for, ribbit." Without hesitation, Tsuyu climbed on top of Ibara and kissed her.

Ibara in return, prolonged the kiss and eclosed Tsuyu into her embrace. She raised her knees up to the sides of her chest and hummed a needy moan into Tsuyu's tongue. "Cleanse me of my sins, sister," she plead.

Tsuyu answered by properly adjusting her thighs to be right on top of Ibara's, and began thrusting. "Does my pussy bless you enough, ribbit?" she asked.

"Yes," Ibara whimpered, "demons entered me today, and I need to cum them out."

"Good girl..." Tsuyu's tongue exited Ibara's mouth to instead twist around her body. It slimed across her back, before encircling her breasts and tweaking her nipples.

Ibara made a pleasured grimace at the long lick. "Tsuyu... my cunt is aching for you blessing." Having her prayers heard, she let out an enraptured gasp at the tongue slipping in between their two clits.

Meanwhile, Ordinary laid there, completely shocked at how casually and unprompted the girls would just have sex, without any rituals in before hand, not even a simple question. They would just... fuck! Literally fuck. And they would both be okay with that. But maybe it was just those two girls; maybe they're in a special long-term relationship, where those necessary barriers have slowly eroded over time. It can't be normal enough to extend to anyone else, can it?

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Tooru!" On the other side, Ochako had suddenly appeared to rest Tooru's foot on her own shoulder, and rub their wet pussies together.

"Ochako, I love you!" Tooru brought her clenched fists right below her chin, and used her forearms to squeeze her boobs together.

"I love you too! Your pussy is as amazing as the other girls'!"

Oh god, it's all of them. The various sexual noises around her scored that realization, guiding it down to Ordinary's most precious core. The excitement spilled onto the purple fabric, and suddenly, the duvet that had previously felt comforting and assuring, instead felt somewhat constraining. Ordinary spent most of her days worrying about how long she could hold her current job, and whether or not her job would ever be enough to land her a competent man before she was expired cake. By contrasts, here these guests were, loudly proclaiming through action their disinterest in such banal matters; a single day for them must be more eventful and profound, than her entire life had been for her. "Get off, please..."

"What was that?" Ochako was worried she had angered her hostess.

"I can't... breathe!" Ordinary's gasps for air sounded very struggled, all of a sudden. With her bedmates alerted and promptly stepping off, she discarded the duvet in one fell swoop, stood up on her knees, and in a primal grunt, ripped off her blouse, button for button.

"Such showmanship," Tsuyu commented, sounding genuinely impressed.

After falling back down to laying, Ordinary raised her butt to slip down the hem of her second and last piece. She threw it aside, and spread her nude body as wide as possible. "Ah, much better," she sighed in relief. Though it wouldn't be long before her hands would travel to entertain her own bosom and loins. "Continue," Ordinary meekly implored in between her frail moans.

"You... liked watching us?" Ibara asked.

Ordinary gave a light nod, and eyed at them to return to the bed. As she saw the two pairs resume tribbing, she was amazed at how much the movements brought out the beauties of their forms. Their boobs bouncing, their asses shaking, their pussies dripping, the muscles of their hourglass torsos bending and twisting; it was as if their bodies were made for this kind of mutual intimacy. Of mutual...

"Cumming!" Tooru cried out.

"I'm cumming too!" Ochako cried alongside.

"Sister!" Ibara yelled in her orgasmic rush.

"Ribbit!" Tsuyu croaked in delirious pleasure from feeling her lewd juices spray against Ibara's.

And Ordinary, she too came. Hard. After catching her breath, she panted out, "That was best fucking orgasm I've ever had in my life. And I didn't even use any toys."

"Wanna join this time?" Tsuyu asked.

Ordinary thought about it for a few seconds, before she answered with a resound, "Yeah."

"Thank you for letting us sleep here," Pony said to Ordinary.

"It's been a pleasure, it turns out." During the morning, Ordinary would usually spend in her morning gown and slippers, but today didn't feel right for that. She leaned her nude body against the open window, looking out over the neighbourhood while cupping her breakfast tea. "Does this happen to every woman you save?" she asked.

"There haven't been many we had to carry home," Reiko answered. "It's usually an affair of meet-and-go, so I guess the answer is we don't know."

Ordinary took her first sip of caffeine for the day. "I see."

Meanwhile, Momo checked on her phone, for possible whereabouts of villains to potentially fight. In truth, a smartphone proved to be a lot more convenient and potent source of information, than that dusty encyclopedia that used to hang on her back. "There's an unidentified villain heading downtown," she said, "should we go and at least take a gander?"

"Why not?" Itsuka shrugged at the suggestion.

"Alright, ladies!" Setsuna brashly and joyfully brought Ochako and Kyouka to each of her respective side. "Ready for another day of asskicking?"

"Eh... sure, I guess?" Ochako let out a few nervous giggles.

"It's kind of become routine at this point," Kyouka said while relatively unfazed.

"Then let's fucking go!" Setsuna pointed a finger into the air, before she divided her self into several parts and have each part fly out the window. "Bye, very nice lady!" she said while leaving.

Ordinary Woman waved gently at Setsuna, and then proceeded to get more proper goodbyes from the rest of the girls, last of whom was Itsuka.

"And you take care of yourself, alright?" Itsuka told her.

"I will," Ordinary answered.

"And you know which number to call us?"

"I do."

"Hope to see you again, some time." Itsuka grabbed onto a rope hanging outside the window, and then proceeded to fling away.


Oh dear, it's been a while since I posted here. Long story short, is that none of my real world issues ever got resolved, and are unfortunately looking to only get worse. So it would be very kind of you to leave a thoughtful comment, and share this with anyone you deem would like it.

Chapter 3: My Muscles Involuntarily Flex


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The attempts to subdue the chaos up at the top floor gym, had so far largely failed. Granted, Yo and Tatami had never been taught how to coordinate large crowds of strangers, largely because there wasn't anyone who knew how, let alone being able to teach that. Basically, they were about as capable and qualified for this task, as any seasoned professional.

"You failed to protect us!" A man in his thirties, slightly louder than everyone else, drew a heavy steel pipe and pointed it directly at the two hero students tasked to evacuate these people. "Our families are dead because of your cowardice!"

Yo was scrambling for words to respond with. "Listen, we can help you get somewhere actually safe," he finally said. Truth be told, it was mainly the low-ranking licenses that were sent to deal with the more difficult mobs. That way, no high-profile heroes, or god forbid, the very institution of pro-heroism itself, would ever receive any of the harshest criticisms. A part deep within Yo knew that he and Tatami were essentially sacrificial lambs.

"Safe?" the man scoffed at Yo's offer. "You mean where all the heroes are?"

"Yeah, we may as well paint big red targets on ourselves!" A woman in her forties, dressed in what looked like a nurse or some other type of caretaker uniform, stepped forward and beside her comrade.

In an attempt to calm down the agitated, Tatami told them, "I know most of you feel like you've lost everything, but I promise, you haven't. There are still things worth protecting, and it can remain that we way, if you just let us help you." She reached out a diplomatic hand.

The man took a quick glance out the window. "Help us?" He asked. "If anything, it's you who need our help."

"What are you talking about?" Yo asked.

"I'll show you," the man answered. He then leapt forward, and tackled Yo to the floor, with the caretaker woman doing the same to Tatami, before a huge blob of flesh crashed through the window and reducing the middle of the gym to rubble.

"Now!" A voice from the other side of the crater shouted.

As Muscular slowly arose from the pile of concrete and rebar, around fifty people jumped on to him from behind to counter his destructive force.

"The arms! The arms!" another voice shouted. "It's the arms he relies upon!"

"See that?" The man who had just Yo's life, got off of him and helped him back up. "That's us commoners working together, helping one another. It's called collective action, mutual aid, community effort. Something you status-obsessed otakus would know nothing about!"

Yo didn't really pay much attention to the small lecture he was give. Instead, he gasped at the sight of Muscular. "That's one of the escapees from Tartarus, what are you doing!?" he yelled at the people piling on top of the villain. "He's too strong for you, let me take care of him!"

"Kid, no!" the woman yelled at Yo.

"TREMORING EARTH!!!" Yo planted his hands on the floor and sent immense shockwaves towards Muscular.

All that did, was shake off all the civilians, and let Muscular who to target next. "Ohoho!" he mockingly chortled at Yo. "Looks like I finally have an opponent worth fighting!" He then launched forward.

"Yo!!!" Tatami screamed, as she saw Yo get gripped by the neck and pushed out the window, onto o a nearby rooftop. Trying not to lose her spirit, she looked around to see nobody else got hurt. "Come on," she said to one of the survivors, "let's get everyone out of here before this building collapses."

"You heard the young lady!" the survivor shouted. "Grab any supply you can get hold of, and run! Then we go save the kid!"

Meanwhile, Muscular was still pressing his opponent against the crackled stonework. "Feel that?" he asked. "That is 12000 layers of muscle, all bulking up to squeeze the life out of you! Such a shame, I had hoped for some actual combat experience!"

"Oh yeah? Well, experience this!" Yo managed to land a final taunt during his gasps for air, before sending a massive shockwave through the villain's body.

It didn't work. Muscular stood steadfast where he was, more determined. "You don't get it, do you? There are no heroes. There are no villains. There are only the strong... and the dead..." The words coming out of his mouth were surprisingly soothing. But before he could even get set for his final blow...


In a flash, Yo disappeared from Muscular's grip like a slippery bar of soap. In his stead, was a streak of fluid that felt sticky. Slimy. Burning, almost.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" Muscular suddenly sounded very scared and confused, having found his intended victims to very seldom, no longer be victims. It's just like that time with that little water toddler again!

The Grand Yo Shindo, meanwhile, had half slipped into unconsciousness, by the time he had found himself in a stranger's bridal carry. His eyes could no longer make out details, so when he looked up to see the face of his saviour, he only saw a silhouette of a head with short, bushy hair. "Midoriya...?" He muttered with the frailness of damsel recently rescued from heavy distress.

Mina stayed silent as she skated through the cloud of smoke and dust. She stopped right at the gates of the building she had seen Yo get shoved out of, laid him down carefully on the ground, and disappeared as quickly as she arrived.

"Yo!" Tatami found him alone once he was out of the fog of war. She knelt down and checked for his pulse. "Thank goodness your okay," she sighed in relief.

"Stand back!" One of the civilians implored Tatami as they came right behind her. "Let me check his vitals!"

"Are you a doctor?"

"Even better: an assistant nurse at an underfunded maternity ward!" You could almost taste the bitterness in their response. "Doctors would give themselves an electrical shock from just looking at a defibrillator. That's how hopeless they are in actually handling patients..."

"WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT!?" Muscular shouted, as turned around to see who had stung his back with a bazillion... toenail clippings? No, these were too big to be that, or even whole nails. They almost look like crooked little horns. Nevertheless, Muscular didn't see anyone, but he took huge leaps over the cityscape's roofs, in the direction the projectiles seems to have come from. "I WILL TEAR YOUR GUTS OUT WITH MY BARE HANDS! I WANT TO SEE EVERY AGONIZING SECOND OF YOUR HEAD BEING SLOWLY CRUSHED INTO A PULP!"

"Those were some pretty vivid descriptions you came up with on the fly there, chief!" Setsuna's detached head had landed right on the villain's shoulder to taunt him. "Let's see if you're just as creative in combat..."

"What are you...?" Muscular tried to turn and see who had suddenly appeared to lean on him, without losing too much focus on where he was landing. "Is that a... tickle I feel?" He bellowed in scornful laughter at that absolutely pathetic counter-offensive.

Setsuna flew her head right to in front of his face, bumping forehead to forehead. "Who's to say? Maybe my plan is simply beyond your levels of understanding."

"Now, listen here, you-!" Muscular stopped to dead in his speech to laugh over one of his more sensitive spots being gleefully brushed by lightest touch of fingers. And it was not sneering a laugh like it was before; this time he was genuinely laughing as a reflex. He giggled, squirmed and cringed at the tickles, helplessly begging Setsuna to stop, right until he saw her head move out of the way, whereupon he saw that he was darting alarmingly fast towards the asphalt. "WAITWAITWAITNONONONONONONOSHITSHITSHITNONONONONOOOOO-"


After landing back on the ground and reassembling herself, Setsuna took a look at the results of her trickeries. In front of her, she saw a massive, pinkish pile of something that looked to have the consistency of aspic, with gross waters leaking all over. Understandably, Setsuna yucked at the mess that she had caused.

"Set!" Mina shouted as she arrived at the scene. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," Setsuna assured Mina once she was within reachable distance. She then pulled her in and kissed her, after which she planted her against the most nearby wall and dug her finger in. "Nothing like fucking a hot girl in broad daylight after slaying a man several times my size."

Mina held up her hands and lightly wrapped one around her other index finger. "There really is something about doing all this without ever wearing any clothes, isn't there? Feeling strong, feeling free, feeling like we need literally nothing than each other."

"You just wanna rub your pussy on mine, don't you?"

"Dunno what made you think that," Mina lowered her hands to behind Setsuna's neck, "but yeah." She went in for another relentless kiss.

Setsuna slowly lowered herself down on the ground. Once her whole back laid down, she let her limbs pop off and go lazy; the legs for making sure her pussy was available as possible for tribbing, without any of those pesky thighs getting in the way; the arms for heightening her sense of orgasm, to no longer have any extremities to put the breaks on the stimulation by writhing and stretching as a coping reflex. "Now, I'm your little fucknugget!" Setsuna hissed sensually.

"Shut the fuck up and just moan." Mina sat upright on Setsuna's crotch, lined up their slits together, and started grinding her hips.

Because her detached limbs had gone lazy, Setsuna couldn't move; it would take about a day for a new set of arms and legs to grow back. Until then, all she could do was uncontrollably wail at her clit being run over by a Formula One strawberry. With every thrust she received, a wave of spasm would rapidly pulsate through her torso, providing a violent bounce each to her stack. And this force continued to rush through Setsuna, without any pause or lull.

Mesmerized by the rhythmic jiggle of Setsuna's giants busting out of her relatively slender frame, Mina aimed for them with a drooling grin. "I'm grabbing your massive boobs," Mina could feel and see her hands become almost enveloped by the soft flesh, "and there's nothing you can do about it!"

"How about you come down here and squeeze your tits against me, then!?" Setsuna panted.

It wasn't as if Mina had ever really felt ashamed or insecure over her own figure, so none of the awe she felt towards any of her girlfriends could accurately be described as envy. Which is to say, there were no size related logistics issues, when it came to her to bend down and collide nipple against nipple. "Setsuna, you're such a big lesbian!" Mina wailed in bliss.

"You too!" Setsuna gazed right into the lewd abyss deep within Mina's eyes. "We're both big-titty nudist lesbians with hairless innie pussies and slutty womb tattoos!" It had become something of a mantra, only getting further elaborated upon each repeat.

"SETSUNA!!!" Mina screamed, as fluids aggressively exited her slit.

"MINA!!!" Setsuna came too, at the same time.

Though that didn't stop Mina from keeping her sapphic dance going. "You're mine," she whispered into Setsuna's ear.

"Far from it, ribbit!" Tsuyu extended her tongue to put her friend aside and place herself in her stead.

"Hey, I wasn't done with her!" Mina shook her fist at Tsuyu, but resigned quickly to spread her knees apart and dig into herself, as she watched the two.

Tsuyu croaked ferally with thrust she pushed against Setsuna's impossibly exposed groin. "Mom said it was my turn on the fucknugget." She was referring to Itsuka, but she also lied; Itsuka had nothing to say on who got to fuck whom in what order.

Meanwhile, Kyouka had arrived to inspect the aftermath, after tracking down with her super-hearing. "I'm assuming that's the so-called Jailbreaker?" she asked.

"Was," Momo clarified. She checked for pulse on what she at least assumed was Muscular's neck; hard to tell, given how much his body had disintegrated into a mountain of gore. "The immense muscle mass must've crushed his bones and collapsed his internal organs upon impact."

"Urk." Kyouka backed away from the carcass, especially as she noticed the liquid running by her feet.

Also newly on scene, was Itsuka, having ordered the rendezvous point be wherever Setsuna ended up. "Wasn't this guy supposed to be really dangerous?" she asked, brave enough to lift the folds of meat to see if there was anything of interest underneath. "As in, pulverize-a-highrise-and-kill-everyone-in-it dangerous?"

"You know about diamonds, right?" Momo asked back. A heap of shining diamonds emerged from her palms.

"Yeah," Itsuka picked out a diamonds to stim with, "diamonds are forever. That's how the saying goes."

"Except it's a myth," Momo said. She "Diamonds may be hard, but they're also brittle; they pierce through just about anything, but can shatter just as easily, like glass. Even then, diamonds will, with time, ultimately wither to the more stable state of graphite."

In her slight impatience, Yui sneaked forward and gave the formless pile of flesh a light kick "So," she asked, "what do we do with the body? It's too big to simply be disposed of."

Momo looked up and around for any possible eavesdroppers. "We eat him," she finally answered.

Kinoko's special-aged filets were searing well and frequently on the many grills created for the feast, steadily draining the supply to a skeleton. Despite the initial protests, the meat went down without issue for the very hungry heroines. Though it was really just Momo who had the hunger enough to get rid of the body. Still, everyone were eating happily and to satisfaction, including Setsuna, who had to be fed.

"Say 'ah'." Reiko was sitting on top of Setsuna's slit, continuing the duty of tribbing her senseless, all the while transporting food into her mouth.

"Aaaaahhh... nom!" Setsuna very much enjoyed being pampered like a baby during these special breaks of hers. Although, looking at her body language and the usage of her quirk, she noticed there was something about Reiko she didn't really see with anyone else. "You okay there?" she asked after swallowing her fill.

"What, me? I'm kind of already full, that's all," Reiko answered.

"No, no, there's something else."

"What do you mean?"

"Your arms. You seem to hold them tightly around your back."

"Oh. Is that so?" Reiko looked away in a blush.

"You into bondage, mayhaps?"

"That's... one way to put it. It's more that, um, my quirk works better if I don't move my arms..."

"Huh. Have you ever asked anyone to tie you up? Momo could probably create the rope needed."

"I already have! But..."

"But what?"

"It didn't feel right..."

"So... you're not into it?"

"Don't get me wrong! The immobility, I actually liked. But the rope itself... felt like an article of clothing."

"You didn't feel as naked, I see."

Reiko nodded. "If only I could, I don't know, snap off my arms or something. Like you can."

"Ooh!" Setsuna's smile went so strong that her lower eyelids began to cover her irises. "You're on that level of kinky!"

Letting out a gasp of relief, Reiko said, "I knew deep down, that you would understand."

"Of course I would, ya nerd!"

"So you wouldn't mind if I said I also think it's hot when other girls are armless?"

"More reason to love me, I guess. Just for you, I'm gonna keep my arms detached as much as I humanly can!"

"Fuck, that's so hot..."

"It is very hot, yes!"

"I want to know what it's like to have no arms!"

"Girl, you have no idea how amazing it feels!"

"I WANT MY ARMS TO BE RIPPED OFF!" Reiko screamed as loudly she possibly could, while experiencing the most potent orgasm she has had in a very long while. Of course, she screamed that loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." Kyouka, a girl who for bass-guitar-skills reasons would like to keep her arms, thank you very much, resumed her meal as if nothing had happened.