Cam ochako

Ochako let out an exhausted breath, her body glistening with sweat. She spread her legs, making sure her patrons got a good view when she slid the knotted dildo out of her abused hole. Fake cum poured out of her as she removed it, giggling and turning on all fours to present and let the substance slide down her legs.

"Thank you for your knot, Alpha," she said in a sultry voice. "Can't wait for you to fill me up again."

She blew her camera a kiss and turned it off with a deep exhale. Ochako stood up and stretched, then walked across her plush carpet to her laptop and checked her funds. She smiled at the number in her bank account staring back at her. One patron, Explosion God, had tipped her a little over 260,000 yen. That was crazy. Being an omega when there was a market for lonely, unmated alphas and alpha-leaning betas needing to get their rocks off sure had its perks. The online sex market was a multi-billion yen industry, and Ochako decided to use her body to help get her further in life. Coming from a poor family she still supported while struggling to pay for college; Ochako had to figure out ways to earn a living. This was an easy way to make enough to fund her classes. One more semester, and she'd have her bachelor's in chemical engineering.

Ochako walked into her bathroom, flicked on the light, and studied herself in the mirror. Her flushed skin and damp hair showed she'd worked hard to entertain her audience. Now she needed to shower and lay her clothes out for tomorrow's interview. The competitiveness in chemical engineering meant she had to go above and beyond with not just her grades, but an internship or two would be required if she wanted to stand out against her peers. She'd snagged an interview with the League, a pharmaceutical company known worldwide for its advancements in modern medicine and complex disease management. Maybe if she got the internship and impressed them enough, she could land a job there once she graduated. The entire situation, while stressful, made a giddy smile cross her features. Only twelve hours until her interview. Ochako knew she would nail it.

Ochako arrived at her interview thirty minutes early to give herself time to get lost, which was a great plan because she got off on the wrong floor of the massive building. The halls bustled with busy-looking people lost in their own world of work. Ochako hoped she'd get to be like them. She smoothed her black skirt, stepped out of the elevator on the correct floor this time, and followed the signs to the office number she'd given in her confirmation email. Once she reached the glass door with League Pharmaceuticals Inc frosted in neat handwriting on the door, Ochako took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She could do this. It was just an interview… an interview that would botch her chance to work at the prestigious facility if she messed up.

She swallowed her nervousness and entered the room. A woman sat at a desk to the right, clacking away at her keyboard. Her instructions said to check in at the desk, and since there wasn't another desk, Ochako couldn't get that wrong. She walked over and cleared her throat.

"Hello!" she said in a cheery voice. "My name is Ochako Uraraka, and I have an interview for the internship with Atsuhiro Sako."

The woman glanced up at her over red horn-rimmed glasses. Her bust almost spilled out of her tight-fitting blue top, showing an omega tattoo on her left breast.

"Your meeting has been adjusted," she said. "Mr. Shigaraki will see you."

Ochako's eyebrows shot up. The head of the chemical engineering department wanted to do her interview?! Oh, shit. She didn't prepare to talk to someone that high up! Tomura Shigaraki and his team made significant strides in pediatric brain cancer treatment. Their clinical trials sparked other research facilities to attempt replicating their process and had seen success. This was a huge honor, and Ochako's mind ran a mile a minute as excitement buzzed underneath her skin. She had to make a good impression.

"You're purring."

Ochako jumped and chuckled. "Sorry, I'm surprised but happy. I'm even more nervous, though."

The woman smiled at her. "Please sit, and Mr. Shigaraki will call you into his office."

She nodded and all but skipped to the row of armless chairs. She would meet the Shigaraki, and while that had her giddy, that brought on its own issues. Shigaraki's cocky and rude attitude rubbed many people wrong in their field, but they couldn't deny his work ethic and results. What if he didn't like her? Ochako didn't know how long she'd been lost in her own raging thoughts, but she jumped when someone called her name. Ochako looked up to see a man with ivory-colored hair and a wicked smile nearby. He wore a white coat with his name embroidered on it. His presence made her want to get on her knees, but she fought the urge and stood up.

"Let's go," he said, turning on his heels.

He didn't check to see if she followed. Ochako trailed after him but not into the office by the check-in desk. Instead, he traveled down another long hallway until they reached a closed door at the end. Ochako swallowed, glancing between him and the door once he opened it.

"Well? Are you going to stand there all day, or are we going to get this interview over with?"

"S-sorry!" Ochako sputtered. "I'm just a little nervous, but yes! Let's get started."

She squared her shoulders and entered what turned out to be a conference room. The big windows let in ambient light and helped calm her frayed nerves. She could do this even with the curve ball she'd been thrown. Shigaraki moved over to the square table and took a seat. Ochako sat across from him and placed her information folder on the table.

"Thank you for the opportunity to meet you," she began. "I've always admired League Pharmaceuticals and your work to improve lives."

"That's boring," Shigaraki said with a yawn. "Tell me something original."

Ochako blinked. "Okay, well, here are my college transcripts. I've gotten straight As throughout the semester, showing my dedication to learning and becoming proficient in this field. I've volunteered at smaller laboratories in my off time to absorb as much information as possible."

"You're an omega, right?"

"Um, yes?" Ochako answered. "What does that have to do with this interview?"

Shigaraki smiled, leaning back in his chair and linking his fingers behind his head. "It doesn't. Are you mated? You don't smell like it."

Ochako didn't like this conversation. He was the type of asshole she didn't want to deal with. It wouldn't be the first time some meathead alpha tried to get her attention, but she had a goal.

"No," Ochako answered while opening her folder. "I may be new to this field, but I'm not like anyone else. Please let me study here and become something League Pharmaceuticals can be proud of."

Shigaraki said nothing, his crimson eyes traveling over her body, making goosebumps rise on her skin. He wasn't attractive in the conventional sense, but his eyes and unique facial features—that jawline and prominent Adam's apple would be lovely to plant kisses on—gave him a look that caught her attention. She shoved aside her body's response to his stare and cleared her throat.

"What are you looking for in an intern?" Ochako asked, leaning her elbows on the table and refusing to drop his stare. "Outside of the generic explanation the online job summary has."

"Spicy," Shigaraki chuckled. "Someone who doesn't cry when things get hard. A person who can take orders, weigh the pros and cons and pick the right answer. An intern who doesn't crack under pressure. I don't have time for that shit."

She didn't expect the language, but Ochako supposed she appreciated him not holding back with her. It wasn't professional, though.

"Then I'm your intern," Ochako said, standing up and extending her hand. "When would you like me to start?"

Shigaraki smiled at her, mischievous. "You're pretty confident, aren't you? I want to show you something first."

Ochako retook her seat and placed her hand on the table while Shigaraki pulled his cell phone from his pocket. He searched through it and then slid it over to her. Ochako's heart dropped into her stomach. It was a video of her getting railed by her fuck machine. Shigaraki turned up the volume, and with each wanton cry, Ochako's face reddened. Her ears burned, and embarrassment threatened to swallow her whole.

"Figured that was you," Shigaraki said, turning off the video. "Who knew such a cute omega would be a sex worker? I mean, I don't blame you. Caring for parents while paying your way through college gets expensive."

"How do you know that?" Ochako whispered.

"Simple background check with a little extra," Shigaraki answered. He tapped his fingers on the wooden table and tsked. "It would suck if every time someone looks you up online, these hot videos pop up, huh? Gonna make it hard to get a job."

"What I do in my free time is none of anyone's business," Ochako shot back as her anger rose.

"It does when it can affect this company's reputation," Shigaraki replied, "but listen, I'm not one to ruin a pretty omega's livelihood. I think sex work shouldn't come into play when determining if someone can do their job, but hey, that's the world we live in. Plus, you know it's frowned upon for omegas to be sex workers, even though there's obviously a demand for it. It's stupid."

"What do you want?" Ochako demanded.

"I want you to intern here, of course."

Shigaraki stood and held a hand out to her. Ochako stared at it, unsure of what this man planned to do. She didn't trust the wicked smile on his face, but she didn't have much choice. This was her dream internship. Ochako reached for his hand, and he helped her to her feet. He didn't release it, opting to walk around the desk and pull her flush against him. Shigaraki wrapped his arms around her waist. His pungent yet hint of sweetness, like the decay of flowers, reached her nose. She had to stop herself from burying her face in the crook of his neck.

"And I want you to spend an evening with my mate and me," Shigaraki said, his hand sliding to her hip. "We wanna see your show live, Omega. You're so fucking hot, you know. He's the one who found you, so you're gonna be a little present for him."

Shigaraki had a mate? It surprised her to find out he liked men, let alone that he'd bonded with someone. Who would want to be mated to an asshole like him?

"And what if I refuse?" Ochako asked.

"Hmm, well, you can, but don't blame me if you can't find a job in this field. It would suck if your videos made it to your college board, maybe even officials at other companies like this one. They don't want to hire an omega with a side job like yours. It would be too… distracting."

Ochako racked her brain as she processed his words. Shigaraki was blackmailing her! If she didn't spend an evening with him and his mate, a clearly sexual evening, he'd release her videos and ruin her career before she started. A wave of anger washed over her, hating alphas like him who walked over others because of the power they wielded. Her hand itched to crack across that smug face and wipe the smile off it, but Ochako took a deep breath. Who would lose if she lashed out? While chemical engineering was her passion, she also went into this field knowing she could financially support herself and her parents until they got back on their feet. She couldn't let them suffer because of him.

Ochako closed her eyes and counted to five before opening them.

"What time and where?"

Shigaraki released her and tipped her chin back to match her gaze. "This Friday at eight. I'll send a ride to come get you. We'll pick out what you're wearing for the evening and what toys to bring."

The urge to slap him rose again, but Ochako pushed it down and remembered her goal. She'd wring every bit of profit if she had to do this.

"Fine," Ochako said, pulling from his touch and picking up her folder. "Hope I don't make your omega jealous."

Condescending laughter reached her ears, and Ochako's jaw tensed when Shigaraki stepped back.

"He'd be pissed if he heard you say that, but don't look so glum, Ochako," Shigaraki teased. "It's gonna be fun. I promise."

Ochako rolled her eyes and exited without another word. She closed the door behind her with a click and walked down the hallway, numbness crawling over her skin. Even after she did this for them, Shigaraki could still release her videos. She'd have to find something to hold over his head, or Shigaraki could keep blackmailing her until he grew bored. Ochako was intelligent. She'd figure out a way to keep herself and her future safe.

On Wednesday, Ochako received an email with instructions for boarding as an intern at League Pharmaceuticals with a start date the week after. It wasn't as amazing as it would have been if the lead chemical engineer hadn't threatened to release her sex videos if she didn't spend a night with him and his mate. Ochako sighed, sitting on her couch with a bowl of ice cream, wondering what kind of depraved things Shigaraki would want her to do. She felt a sadistic side, capable of dark things, which frightened her. Still, she held onto the hope for her future.

She glanced down when her phone chimed and checked her new message. It was an email that said 80K yen had been dropped into her bank account. What the heck? She hadn't made another video since the one she'd done the night before her interview. Ochako picked her laptop off the glass coffee table and opened her adult content page. The tip was from Explosion God again.

Buy yourself a white lingerie set. Lace. Matching stilettos that strap up your calf. Also, go to Midnight's Toybox and buy a collar and leash for Friday night.

Ochako chewed on her bottom lip. Was that Shigaraki or his mate? Eighty thousand yen was way more than she needed for so few items, but she wouldn't complain. She wondered if they would treat her like an animal because of the order to buy a leash and collar. Ochako's thighs rubbed together, and she let out a slight whine. While Ochako prided herself on being an outspoken and independent omega, some instincts took over.

She imagined Shigaraki placing the collar on her, his lips brushing against her neck. Would he yank on her leash and demand she followed orders, or would he coax her to be the good pup he knew she could be? Both ways sounded just fine to Ochako.

"Get it together!" Ochako chided, hating that her body betrayed her, leaking slick into her underwear.

It seemed like an over-exaggerated response, but a realization came over her. Ochako opened her phone calendar and groaned.

"Fuck," she whispered to herself.

The first day of her heat started on Friday. That was bad. She was a horny, insatiable mess whenever her heat took over. Being around an alpha could have dire consequences. As if the universe understood the severity of her plight and wanted to see how her story would play out, she received a text. Her heart pounded in her chest. Shigaraki seemed like an alpha who would love an omega pouring slick and begging for his knot. His superiority complex, and the one she guessed his mate had from his blunt note in the tip comment he left, told her she'd be like a baby gazelle to wolves. Ochako jumped when her phone chimed again. She picked it up with shaky hands and sighed when she read the answer.

Ochako pushed herself off the couch in a huff. She'd angrily finish her ice cream, then head to the sex store Shigaraki's mate told her she needed to buy. This Friday would be a night to remember, whether good or bad. Ochako hoped for her sanity; it was the former.

When Ochako arrived home, she found herself in better spirits. She bought the lingerie and stilettos Shigaraki's mate told her to, and honestly, he was onto something. She looked gorgeous in white. The lacy panties that showed a good portion of her thick ass cheeks and the winding strappy design of the brasier left little to be desired but enough for the viewer to need more. Ochako decided to feed into her blackmailer's demands, showing a little defiance when she had no control of the situation.

She placed her items on her bed, changed into her new lingerie set, and turned on her camera.

"Do you like this, Alpha?" she asked, running her hands over her breasts and down her sides. "I bought just what you asked for. I got some other fun, sexy things for you to use on me, too."

Ochako sighed, spreading her thighs to cup her sex. She would have to cut her video short before she got her new outfit soaked with slick.

"I should get rewarded for my good behavior, don't you think?"

Ochako got on her knees and turned around to give her viewers a nice view of her ass before righting herself and blowing the camera a kiss. She turned it off and giggled to herself. Anticipation of Shigaraki or his mate's response teased her, so she focused on making dinner instead. She ignored the pings from her phone as she made some curry rice. The aromas wafting throughout her kitchen made her stomach rumble, and she couldn't wait for her first bite.

Just as she poured her bowl of curry and rice, her cell started ringing. She raised an eyebrow, placing her bowl on the counter and picking up her phone. It wasn't a number saved on her phone, but it was a local one, so Ochako answered it.


"Alright, brat," came a rumbling voice she didn't recognize. "Who said you can show off my outfit online, hah?"

Ochako paused, putting together that this must be Shigaraki's mate, but she decided to play dumb. "Who is this?"

"I'm the one who paid for that lingerie," he snapped.

"Hello, the one who paid for my lingerie; I'm Ochako," she teased, loving when he growled.

Oh, it was going to be too much fun pushing his buttons. If they were going to rope her into this relationship she didn't want, Ochako wouldn't go quietly. They picked the wrong omega if they wanted someone to submit without question.

"Wait until I get my hands on you, Omega," he said. "You're gonna leave soaked in slick and cum, begging me to stretch your little cunt out on my knot again."

Ochako choked; on what she didn't know. Her ears burned, and she sputtered her denial, an attempt to string a sentence together, but the most she got out was a shaky, "Y-you can't just say things like that!"

He chuckled. "You're not as tough as you think. I'm gonna fucking ruin you; pump your insides so full of cum you'll leak long after you leave."

The juncture between her thighs throbbed. It had been too long since she last got to fuck someone. That was her horny brain talking. The rational side dissipated the moment he spoke.

"What's your name?" Ochako asked as she returned to her bowl and struggled not to spill the curry on the counter.

"Alpha is what you're gonna call me, but it's Katsuki."


His name rolled off her tongue so sinfully she almost repeated it. "Well, Katsuki, I mean, Alpha, did you like the show?"

"What the hell do you think?"

Ochako giggled. "Sounds like you liked it a lot."

"Can't wait to see it in person so I can rip it off you."

He hung up after that. Ochako stared at her phone in disbelief. Yep, Shigaraki's mate was an asshole just like him. How did those two personalities find love? Katsuki must be an alpha-leaning beta to have such sass. Ochako pushed them out of her mind for curry because that was more important. That and fixing the aching in her core later.

Ochako's heartbeat pounded in her ears as she sat in the back of the BMW Shigaraki had sent, and they drove them through the city and to the outskirts of town. This was deranged, but what choice did she have? Ochako could go to the police, but Katsuki was a police lieutenant. She didn't doubt that with the shady shit they'd pulled her into, he would figure out a way to turn the whole situation on Ochako and ruin her life. She couldn't risk that.

Still, her curiosity kept tugging at her. Explosion God was Katsuki's username, and he sent her another 60K yen with no instructions this time. Ochako moved it over to her savings. She didn't like taking money from someone for free but told herself she would earn it Friday night. Ochako rubbed her fingers over her neck where her scent gland must have been putting off some potent aromas because her heat had started and ramped up every second. If her driver smelled it, he didn't say anything, but the way he glanced at her and smiled told her he did.

Heat flashed over Ochako's body like she might start sweating, so she opened the window to let the cool night air flow over her skin. It helped some. It didn't help her nipples, which hardened under the thin material of the black strapless dress Shigaraki chose. She bit back a desperate whine as slick trickled from her.

Let this car ride end soon, or she might embarrass herself.

A few agonizing minutes later, they pulled into a gravel driveway leading to a large, gorgeous house. When the driver pulled into the garage, she was sure it was the size of her entire studio apartment. Ochako stepped out with her small backpack hung over one shoulder and followed the driver through the door leading into the house. She glanced around at a gorgeous kitchen filled with every gadget someone who loved to cook could ever want.

"Mr. Shigaraki, Mr. Bakugou, your omega has arrived."

Ochako frowned at him, hating that he spoke of her like an object, but he winked and exited back through the garage door. She heard the garage open and the car start. It was her and two hungry men. Ochako shifted her weight from hip to hip with nervousness.

"Come here, Omega."

That was Shigaraki's voice. Ochako's body moved without a second thought, her inner omega ready to follow his every command, even if her stubbornness didn't want to. Her heels clicked over the gorgeous wooden floor until she reached the gray carpeted area of a dining room. She'd been instructed not to take her heels off at the door, a difficult habit to break, but she was under their control tonight. Ochako glanced to the right, seeing a massive living room with an entertainment center covering the opposite wall. Video games lined it, and Ochako saw a few of her favorites there. Who did they belong to, Shigaraki or Katsuki?

Ochako froze when Shigaraki entered through an entryway left of the black leather couch. She sniffed the air, able to smell his heady, pungent scent from where he stood. She got wetter by the second, drinking him in. He wore a white button-up that he'd left open when baggy black slacks and no socks. Shigaraki didn't seem like he cared about impressing her, and in his defense, he didn't need to because he already had. Her mouth grew dry as she took in his lean form, the desire for him to run his hands over her body strong. Ochako realized that despite what a wicked man he was, she wanted Shigaraki to fuck her within an inch of her life. They'd figure out the blackmail situation later.

"Wow, you look hot," he commented.

"Thank you," Ochako said. "Um, where's Katsuki?"

Ochako still didn't know what he looked like. She could have searched for him online but decided not to. When he followed behind Shigaraki, swatting him out of the way to stride toward her, Ochako's jaw dropped. Blonde hair, powerful red eyes, and flawless skin. He had more muscle mass than Shigaraki, although shorter. His biceps flexed when he crossed his arms over his chest, causing her mouth to snap closed to keep herself from drooling.

"Oh," she said lamely.

Katsuki stopped in front of her, mere centimeters away. His scent, smoky yet sweet, threatened to overtake her. Even with her heels on, he still stood a head taller than her. Ochako's underwear had become a wet mess. She couldn't stop her whine this time, realizing that Katsuki was not a beta. He was an alpha prime. Because he didn't wear a shirt, she got a good view of the alpha prime tattoo on his neck and the swirling mate tattoo on his left pec. Alpha x Alpha relationships were forbidden and not seen as true bonded mates. Society still fell into the old ways of second genders, believing that two alphas should never be together because they could not have pups. Ochako never cared about things like that, but no wonder Shigaraki didn't correct her when she'd called Katsuki an omega. The tendrils of her sanity threatened to fade away when he reached out and grasped her chin.

"Dress. Off. Now."

"Yes, Alpha," she breathed, all the fight extinguished with three simple words.

He released her and motioned for Shigaraki to come over, which he did while wearing a wicked smile. Katsuki caught him by the neck and pulled him in front of him. They leaned against the couch and watched Ochako drop her backpack, slide her dress off, and show them their lingerie pick in person.

"She's fucking gorgeous," Katsuki murmured. "You gonna put on a show for me?"

"Obviously," Shigaraki teased, his breath quickening when Katsuki trailed his other hand over his stomach. "Tell me what you want, Alpha."


When Ochako's dress hit the floor, they perked up. She heard their twin growls from a distance between them. It sounded so perfect. Her nipples tingled, and she felt so empty.

Big alphas. So strong. Take Alpha's knot.

Which alpha did she let knot her first?

"Please," she begged in a voice that sounded desperate to her ears. "I-I'm, I need―"

"Need what?" Katsuki challenged as his hand dove into Shigaraki's pants.

Ochako chewed on her lip, watching as Shigaraki tossed his head back, eyes closed and knees sagging under his alpha's touch. Her eyes zeroed in on the telltale movement behind Shigaraki's slacks, wishing it was her hand, mouth, or any hole he chose of hers wrapped around him. Katsuki walked his mate over to the wall and slammed his back against it. He shifted his thigh between Shigaraki's thighs while removing his hand to grind their clothed cocks together.

"Oh, fuck, Alpha," Shigaraki panted. "You're gonna make me cum before I get her."

"Don't you fucking dare," Katsuki warned, but he didn't stop grinding against him. "Our omega brought some fun stuff to play with, and we're gonna fucking play."

He crushed their mouths together as they rutted against each other. Shigaraki gripped Katsuki's ass, pulling him harder against him and moaning into his mouth as if Ochako wasn't even there. She felt forgotten, whining louder because she wanted to be sandwiched between them, feeling their cocks pressed against her. Katsuki glanced over at her with a grin.

"You want something?"


Shigaraki stared at her. "Yes, what?"

"Y-yes, Alpha," she corrected herself, turning away and moving to her knees. "Need your knot. Please, fill me up."

"Don't present."

Ochako's body locked in place, preventing her from showing them what they were missing out on, as much as she loved the show. An alpha command to keep her from getting what she wanted. How cruel! Her head swiveled to see Katsuki let go of Shigaraki and pad over to her backpack. He opened it and turned it upside down, its interesting contents spilling onto the floor. Ochako sat on her haunches while he picked up the large wooden spoon and the black collar. He snapped it around her neck with finality.

"Fucking pretty," he said, his eyes half-open. "I'm gonna put you on a leash, Omega. You won't know when we'll use it until we do. Is that a problem?"

Ochako shook her head fast. Katsuki wrapped his hand around her throat and tilted her head back. Her breath caught in her throat when he inhaled her scent against her neck.

"Use your words."

"No, Alpha, it's not a problem," she answered like the obedient little omega she didn't think she'd become.

"You like being spanked?"

"Yes, Alpha. Do whatever you want to me." Ochako wiggled her hips. "I guess that's what the wooden spoon is for, right?"

Katsuki chuckled before letting his tongue drag along her scent gland. She yipped, but it turned into a guttural moan because Katsuki dove his fingers into her lacy panties to rub them against her swollen clit. Her thighs widened, and she rutted forward for more of that delicious feeling.

"You're already a dripping wet little bitch for me," Katsuki said, nipping behind her ear. "What a pathetic omega you are, desperate for the knots of alphas who blackmailed you into sex. You're fucking trash."

Oh, fuck, he was mean. Ochako wasn't expecting that, nor did she think his words would wash over her like molten lava and ignite her further. Katsuki pressed his mouth to hers, his claws elongating and reaching perfect areas inside her without causing her pain. This wasn't his first time. Obviously, because he was mated, but Ochako figured from how well his finger worked inside her that Katsuki Bakugou had his fingers deep in someone else's cunt before.

"You smell so fucking good," he whispered against her skin.

Ochako couldn't find her words, but when Katsuki removed his fingers, she gave him a pleading look, which brought a smile to his face and exposed his fangs. God, she wanted those buried in her neck.

"Oi, get over here!"

"I'm coming," Shigaraki sighed as he walked over and knelt beside him.

Katsuki turned and shoved his fingers into Shigaraki's mouth. Shigaraki moaned, gripping his mate's wrist and licking every centimeter he could.

"Alpha, I think we've played with her enough, right?" he asked between sucks.

"I decide when we move on," Katsuki replied, raising an eyebrow. "Get her ass up for me."

Shigaraki popped his mouth off Katsuki's fingers and reached for the leash. Ochako felt small, yet this was what she hungered for. She must have made a puddle on the floor by now, her omega begging her to convince these alphas to knot her, but Ochako knew she was on their time. Shigaraki stood up, pulling her with him, and guided her to the couch.

"Stand there, Omega," he instructed, pointing to an area behind the couch as he circled around it and removed his shirt.

Ochako allowed him to pull her across it, her ass perched nice and high since she was too short to keep her feet on the floor. She focused on Shigaraki, which allowed Katsuki to crack the spoon on her ass. She jolted forward and tried to look behind her, but Shigaraki yanked on the leash.

"Did we say you could turn around?" Shigaraki asked.

"No, Alpha."

"That's a good omega," Shigaraki purred. "Do you like when he spanks you?"

Katsuki swatted her rear on the left side.

"Ah, I love it!"

Shigaraki hummed his approval, running his fingers through her already disheveled hair. "Tell him thank you every time he hits that pretty ass of yours. That's the least you can do for such a nice spanking, hmm?"

And so Katsuki kept spanking her, switching between each cheek, giving them a soft massage in between that varied in time. Ochako never knew when he would hit her again, but she ached for it. The bruising would look so pretty later. Her moans increased, her thank yous growing more high-pitched with each spank. She whined, wanting the next strike but not being given it until Katsuki wanted to. When he entered her with two fingers, working her over fast and hard between massaging her reddened skin and spanking her senseless, Ochako thought she would lose her mind. She was close to cumming, and they hadn't even given her their cocks yet.

"Call this punishment for showing off my outfit without permission," Katsuki said, stopping seconds before. "And you had the nerve to call yourself a good girl while you did it? Tch, you're lucky I don't edge you until you cry."

"No, please, I'm sorry!" Ochako pleaded. "I'm so close!"

"Yeah?" he murmured, leaning down to kiss her spine and leaving electricity in his wake. "Too fucking bad."

Ochako whimpered, very close to those tears he mentioned. She'd never experienced a heat this vicious before. She had her toys to help satiate her, but what she wanted wouldn't give in. She throbbed hard enough to make her toes clench. Just a little relief and Ochako would feel better.

"Fuck her, but don't knot her," Katsuki said.

Ochako perked up but frowned when she processed his words. "No knot?"

"No knot until I say, but keep begging, and you won't get shit."

Ochako clamped her mouth shut and watched Katsuki move to her peripherals. She noticed Shigaraki's hands were cooler than Katsuki's touch. Or maybe that was because her ass burned from the spanking he'd given her. Shigaraki roamed a hand over her hip seconds before sliding her thong to the side and shoving his cock inside her in one stroke.

"Oh, god!" Ochako sobbed, cumming instantly.

Shigaraki didn't give her time to come down from her orgasm. He grasped her leash, pulled her head back, and drove into her hard. Her moans turned to shrieks as he pounded her up against the couch. It was difficult when Ochako's eyes were unfocused, but she saw Katsuki stroking his cock as she watched. Her mouth tingled with the need for her alpha prime to fuck her mouth until the tears he wanted trailed down her cheeks. She reached for him, but he smacked her hand away.

"Did I say you could touch me?"

"N-no, hah, mmm, Alpha!" she struggled to say.

Katsuki moved closer, planting his foot on the couch, his scent thick and making her omega mewl.

"Needy little bitch," he taunted with a harsh laugh.

"She's so tight," Shigaraki said through ragged breaths. "I wanna knot her."

Katsuki growled as viciously as a wild animal. "Don't. You. Fucking. Dare."

Shigaraki sighed and slowed his pace. "Come on, Alpha. You're not letting me have much fun."

"Looks like you're having fun," Katsuki replied.

"I mean, fucking her is fun, but I wanna finish inside her."

"Do as I say, and I might let you."

Katsuki kept stroking himself, the bulbous head of his cock leaking and the base of it swelling a little. They talked to each other like Ochako was an object for their sexual gratification, not a person; it was as if she didn't exist.

"You say you'll let me like you don't wanna fuck my ass," Shigaraki quipped, ever stopping the snap of his hips. "I don't know if you've earned that."

"You little shit," Katsuki said, amusement lacing his voice.

Shigaraki pounded her against the back of the couch, gripping her hair and the other hand holding her leash. His breathing grew harsher as he fucked her, chasing his own pleasure with no care for hers on his horizon. She hated that she loved being an object for him to keep his cock wet. Ochako's cries grew louder when Shigaraki's knot swelled, but he pulled out before he locked inside her. Tears she couldn't help pooled in her eyes.

"Alpha!" she whined, knowing it was futile but unable to stop herself. "Please don't stop."

"Ah, shut up," Shigaraki said as he released her and put slack on her leash. "How was that?"

"Fucking sexy," Katsuki growled, striding over to Shigaraki.

Ochako watched as they made out, tongues swiping over each other. Shigaraki cupped Katsuki's face, tilting his head while Katsuki's arms wrapped around Shigaraki's slim waist. The height difference and their mismatched appearances might make anyone think they were an odd couple, but to Ochako, as mean as they'd been to her, they looked like two bonded people passionately in love.

"You ready?" Katsuki asked when they broke apart.

Shigaraki glanced at Ochako with a mischievous gleam in his red eyes.

"Let's fuck her up, shall we?"

"On your hands and knees like the fucking mutt you are," Katsuki ordered.

Ochako dropped onto all fours and awaited her next command with humiliation and arousal. Katsuki took her leash from Shigaraki's nimble fingers and walked toward the hallway he'd appeared from.

"Come," he said without checking to ensure she followed.

Her fingers sank into the carpeted floor as she crawled after him. He led her to the left, where a door stood ajar at the end. Ochako perked up, knowing she was about to be railed into oblivion. She craved it.

"Stop that whimpering. You'll get what you want."

That was Shigaraki's voice. She didn't think he'd be one to say anything remotely nice, but she clung to those words like they were her last breath. On her hands and knees, she crawled like the beggar she was.

"She'd look cute with some paws and a muzzle, don't you think, Katsuki?"

Katsuki pushed the door open. "How the fuck is she gonna suck my dick with that shit on?"

Shigaraki chuckled. "You're so particular."

Katsuki glanced over his shoulder and grinned. "I'd put your ass in a muzzle and paws, though. Maybe a tail plug once I'm done knotting you to keep my cum inside you."

Ochako didn't dare glance back, but she hoped from the sputtering laugh that Shigaraki was blushing. She also liked the picture her Alpha Prime created, but she didn't get to focus on it for long. Ochako's heart filled with more desire as she saw the mountain of clothes and blankets on their bedroom floor. She couldn't focus on how nice and simple it was or the warm glow of the orange bedside lamp Katsuki turned on. Not even the giant wall mirror across from it. All Ochako understood in her heat-muddled brain was that she needed to fix that pile.

"Nest," she whined.

Katsuki snapped his fingers. "Well, get over here already, you fucking mutt!"

Ochako crept toward it and buried her face in a black t-shirt without thinking twice. Smokey, sweet. That one belonged to Katsuki. A white muscle shirt with a bitter, succulent scent of dying tulips. Oh, yeah. That was Shigaraki's shirt. Ochako busied herself with setting up the nest just how it needed to be. She was meticulous, making sure it was perfect. Her alphas remained quiet while she worked. They studied her, listening to her happy purring and rubbing the materials across her scent glands. To her satisfaction, they stripped down to nothing, and it took everything in her not to stop and admire their lithe, downright sexy bodies. Shigaraki's alpha and mate tattoo placements were opposite of Katsuki's, and their mate tattoos matched. How adorable was that?

When Ochako finished, the pulsing between her legs tripled, earning a pained whine. Slick gushed from her, reminding her of what she desired most. Katsuki turned her perpendicular to the mirror, moved behind her, and shoved her face into the soft fabric. He lined up and sank into her, not allowing her to adjust to his larger girth before he drove forward. Ochako's eyes crossed as she melted onto the floor and let him have his way. He'd let go of her leash as if he'd forgotten about it, and his only focus was pumping her full.

"She's so tight," Katsuki breathed. "Fuck, s-she's so good. Watch yourself get fucked, Omega."

He buried his face into her shoulder and sank his teeth into it. Ochako hissed in between her moans. The sting of his canines was as delicious as him thrusting inside her and catapulted Ochako into her next orgasm. She struggled to keep her eyes open as her walls pulsed around him. Still, her body craved more. She watched him grimace in the mirror, his eyes half open as he stared at his cock sinking into her. Ochako smiled and lifted her hips to give him better access. Those gorgeous expressions of pleasure looked delicious on him. That loss of control left her feeling desired deeper than just as a piece of ass. Considering how she felt earlier in their romp, she wasn't sure why that mattered.

Katsuki cursed, and despite her addled brain, Ochako didn't miss that stutter and higher inflection of his voice. He sounded desperate. Not something she expected, but she loved it. She wanted him to want her, and seeing his cocky attitude falter meant something. Ochako glanced over her shoulders just as Katsuki tossed his head back and screwed his eyes shut.

"She's supposed to just be a fucking hole!" Katsuki snapped.

"Guess she's not," Shigaraki chuckled. "She's special to us."

Ochako had questions, but she'd ask them later. Instead, she lifted her head when Shigaraki knelt in front of her. She wanted that pretty, curved cock in her mouth and let them fuck her until she choked and came again. Shigaraki must have read her mind because he guided her mouth to his groin.

"Show me how a good omega uses their mouth."

Ochako enveloped him in her mouth and bopped her head along his length without hesitation. She loved how he wove his hands in her hair, forcing her down more. His cock kissed the back of her throat, threatening her gag reflex, but she fought it with sheer determination to make her alpha cum. Her inner omega purred as Katsuki fucked her from behind. They became growling, moaning messes, lost in each other's orbit. Her gaze matched two pairs of intense red eyes in the mirror, and Ochako would remember the image of her getting railed from both ends for years to come. The way her ass bounced when Katsuki's hips slammed against it, his firm grip on her waist, and Shigaraki's lickable Adonis belt seared into her head like a signature. Ochako's mind melted away, her eyes fluttering closed as Shigaraki cupped the back of her head and drove into her mouth. Drool trickled down her chin, but she didn't care.

"She's so fucking―" Katsuki panted. "Mine."

Shigaraki growled that single word at the same time. Ochako, in her heart, agreed that these were her alphas. Ochako needed their hands roaming her body, their kisses fluttering across her skin. She desired to fall asleep in their arms and wake up to a mess of limbs. Why the hell did she want that?

"Mate," Shigaraki whispered as his knot swelled in her mouth.


Something in Ochako's chest warmed and pulsated. She realized she could feel other sexual sensations. Warm, wet, tight. It intensified for each short burst of Katsuki's thrusts. She could feel what Katsuki felt as he wrecked her. Swirled within that was a tongue sliding along her skin. It must have been what Shigaraki felt as she sucked on his cock. She couldn't describe the otherworldly sensation, and it grew more challenging to give him head the longer those sensations combined. Another orgasm ripped out of her and stole her breath away.

"I f-feel like I'm being fucked and cumming at the same time," Shigaraki moaned. "Shit!"

Katsuki's stuttering movements, swelling knot, and inability to do anything but pant his pleasure told her he was experiencing the same thing Ochako and Shigaraki were. Orgasm after orgasm battered Ochako's body until she struggled to remember her name. Just then, Shigaraki yanked her off his cock and pulled her head up. Katsuki and Shigaraki sank their teeth into each side of her neck. Ochako came for the seventh time, mewling and reaching up to claw at them. Wet warmth splattered across her chest just as something snapped into place. A sharp bolt of lightning seared through her chest. They all gasped for air. Shigaraki exhaled and stared into her eyes. He kissed her, his lips a bit chapped, but she didn't mind. Ochako returned it, but it was hard because she couldn't stop her purring. A hand grasped her under her chin to tilt her head back, and a different pair of firm lips pressed against hers. Shigaraki busied himself with scenting her, rubbing his cheek against her neck.

"Fuck, that was so hot," Shigaraki said as Katsuki released her, leaving her breathless.

"What happened?" Ochako asked.

Her gaze zeroed in on Shigaraki's mate tattoo. She moved closer to see a star overlapping it in the top right corner, looking red like a fresh tattoo would.

"Look at your mate tattoo!"

Shigaraki blinked and turned to the mirror. "Oh shit. Guess I got another mate."

"Do I have a mark?" Ochako asked.

Katsuki's knot had deflated enough for him to pull out. Cum spilled out of her, and Ochako hated it. What a waste of good cum.

"On your lower back," Katsuki said, standing up and pulling her to shaky legs. "Look."

Ochako turned around and noticed a tattoo on her lower back. It was the new version of the tattoo Shigaraki wore, so Katsuki must have the same one. Holy shit, she had mates.

"How?" she murmured, turning to face them.

"Alpha primes can have two mates, and whoever their first mate is can bond with the second mate if they're soul mates. Come on, Cheeks! Basic second-gender anatomy here!"

"I know, but there are barely any alpha primes left!" she argued. "I never thought I'd meet one! And why are you calling me Cheeks?"

Katsuki grinned. "Because your face is round, duh."

Ochako exhaled through her nose, a response her blonde alpha asshole liked. Afterward, silence blanketed them. Awkwardness, too. They needed to talk about the reason she'd come over to begin with. Now that they were mated, Ochako didn't care about pissing them off. She crossed her arms underneath her breasts and stared between Katsuki and Shigaraki.

"So, Shigaraki, you―"

"Tomura," he interrupted, scratching his head and glancing away. "Might as well call me by my first name or whatever since you're my mate."

"Tomura," Ochako continued. His name roaming over her tongue felt just right. "You got me here by blackmailing me. My first impression of you and Katsuki is that you are terrible alphas who will do anything to get what they want at the expense of others."

"I mean, you're not wrong," Shigaraki muttered. "Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but I don't know how to court an omega."

"Well, the first step is not blackmailing!" Ochako yelled. "Are you still gonna release my videos?"

"Of course not!" Katsuki snapped. When Ochako turned her glare at him, his expression softened. "Alright. We know we fucked up. We are assholes, but we're your assholes now, so get used to it!"

Shigaraki walked over to Katsuki and hooked his arm around his shoulder. He reached for Ochako by the nape and guided her over.


Ochako almost sighed when he kissed her forehead, but she couldn't let them get away with what they'd done. "Then show me, you jerks."

"Oi, who are you calling a jerk?!"

"You, Alpha Meathead Prime!"


Shigaraki chuckled and let go of Katsuki to pick up a shirt from Ochako's messy nest. He helped her put it on. "We'll make it up to you. I never was gonna leak your content, anyway. Let's start with food."

Her eyebrows rose in shock, but he just smirked and shrugged. Oh, what a jerk! Ochako's belly grumbled before she could give him a snappy retort.

"Well, I guess I'm happy to hear that. Still doesn't make me comfortable. I could eat, though. But you two have to earn my trust. Just because we figured out we're fated mates doesn't mean what you did wasn't cruel, and I'm gonna just forget about it."

Katsuki grasped her hand and took her to the kitchen, not caring that he wore no clothing. Ochako trailed after him, her body still buzzing from her romp with them, even though her brain had fizzled into something calm and more relaxed. Despite the rocky and problematic way they'd met, a piece of Ochako wanted to get to know these alphas on a deeper level. Anyone else might think she was crazy, but she'd take it slow. Their relationship would move on her terms.

Katsuki put an apron on and pulled out pans. Ochako sat on the barstool at the marble counter while he started pulling ingredients out of the fridge. She giggled at Katsuki, whose perky ass faced her whenever he faced away from her. Having nothing but an apron was kind of hot. Shigaraki joined her, leaning over to scent her.

"Are you thirsty?" he asked.

"Water would be nice," Ochako said, realizing she was, in fact, parched.

Shigaraki didn't hesitate to go to the cabinet. "Ice?"


He fixed her water and brought it over. Ochako took the glass with a grateful thank you and drank, the cool liquid sensational sliding down her throat. When she placed it down, Ochako heard the sizzle of meat.

"Are you cooking a full meal?" Ochako asked.

"You said you were hungry, so I'm gonna cook," Katsuki replied, padding to the sink to wash some rice.

"Chips would have been fine."

"Fuck that! My omega is gonna get the best food," Katsuki replied with annoyance.

"Katsuki is an amazing cook, and it's one way he shows affection," Shigaraki said. Ochako heard the fondness in his gravelly voice. "Let him provide."

It was 11 o'clock at night, and this alpha prime decided he'd prepare a full meal because she was hungry. That was something she wouldn't mind.

"Hey, listen." Shigaraki turned to face her. "What I did was pretty shitty. I didn't know you were gonna be our mate, though, just knew you were hot. But I trusted you knowing I'm mated to an alpha. That's gotta mean something, right? That knowledge could ruin us."

"It was shitty to use my personal life against me," Ochako echoed. "I don't know where to go from here because you threatened to hurt my reputation. I'm gonna need space until I figure things out."

Ochako played with her nails. "I didn't take you or Katsuki as alphas who care if people know you're mated."

"Normally, we wouldn't, but it would affect our jobs." Shigaraki nipped her jaw. "Now, we have you."

Ochako's mouth opened to protest that comment, but Shigaraki placed a finger to her lips.

"Fate picks mates," Shigaraki said. "We never thought we'd have another mate. Didn't even cross our minds, but here you are. You're more than just someone to keep us from getting some social flack. So, don't even think like that, or I'll kick your ass."

"We're gonna make it up to you. We fucking promise, Ochako," Katsuki said, placing the washed rice into a rice cooker. "We're your alphas, and we're gonna earn you."

Ochako nodded, leaning into Shigaraki without realizing she had. He rested his chin on top of her head. Katsuki brought over three plates of steaming rice, pan-seared pork, and small miso soup and salad bowls. His ability to carry them all impressed her. Ochako almost sobbed when her first bite of the pork all but melted in her mouth, the seasonings unreal. Katsuki mussed Shigaraki's hair before walking around the counter to stand across from them. Their small talk flowed into full conversations that could last for hours. Eventually, Ochako asked whose video games were in the living room, and it was Shigaraki's collection. She told him she'd been playing Call of Duty since the franchise started, and she'd run circles around him, which ignited an argument and led to the gaming system getting turned on at 2 A.M.

Apparently, her alphas wanted her to keep doing cam girl work as long as she wanted because they found it hot, too. Thinking about them having sex or masturbating to her reignited her core. As she and Shigaraki yelled and played, their knees pressed together with Katsuki asleep on the couch—poor thing couldn't stay up any later—Ochako felt safe. After what had transpired, it was a strange feeling, but something beautiful had blossomed. She'd found her fated mates. While they weren't the prince charmings she hoped for, they were hers. Ochako had to see if something viable could develop into a beautiful relationship.

Oh, and she needed to be fucked to hell by them again. That was high on her priority list.