
Paradisical Problem



Jun is a relatively average civilian going about his day. Until it turns out the local onsen has had a mishap that means they have only a single mixed bathing area remaining. And the person ahead of him in the line is- The Rabbit Hero, MIRKO?!

Commissioned by Anon

Work Text:

Disclaimer: All characters contained within are 18+. Mirko belongs to neither I nor the commissioner, though the original characters and the situation are creations of myself and the commissioner. And as always I love feedback.

*~o0o o0o~*

Jun Takeura did not want to become a hero. He understood fully well that his quirk didn't help in combat at all. But he still admired them. Admired them, and like many people, longed for them. Who wouldn't? Many heroes were powerful, brave, good-natured, and (except for those like Fatgum whose quirk demanded otherwise) universally very fit. Most popular heroes had whole fanclubs.

"We're very sorry ma'am, but there was an accident with some kind of poison related quirk the other day. As such we've had to cordone off what would usually be the women's onsen. We've temporarily switched to a single mixed area." Jun could tell that the old man at the counter was sweating, a timid shake rattling his thin shoulders. "Ah, but the remaining portion of the springs is completely safe, we guarantee it!" A tinge of desperation filled his voice in the end. Showing just how much the accident had likely hurt their business.

"Seriously?! What kind of dumbass goes to an onsen with a quirk like that?!" A brash voice almost as familiar as Jun's own filled the room. A husky sensual appeal mixing with the overpowering presence so that every word demanded his full attention. The attendant flinched at the woman's angry glare, though Jun certainly didn't blame him for it. There were few people in this world that wouldn't cower when being glared at by a woman as fierce as she. The Rabbit Hero: Mirko. Though it was true that many heroes were desired, none were so fervently admired as her. She may not have won out in terms of sheer popularity, no one yet came close to the near universal support that All-Might had garnered over the course of his career. But when it came to more carnal popularity she was the undisputed champion.

And she was standing directly in front of Jun, quite possibly preparing to enter a mixed bathing hot spring with him. He gulped, feeling a bizarre mix of thrilling anticipation and embarrassed dread. Some part of him thinking that surely it would show how many times he'd fantasized about this very woman. That she'd take one look at him and leave after somehow realizing that he'd jerked off to photos of her in action. He had to play it cool, had to appear calm and unaffected lest she realize how desperately he wanted to see her in the onsen and be creeped out by it. Despite himself Jun's eyes drifted down, taking in the full sight of her. It was strange, he was so used to seeing her in her hero outfit. Yet somehow this far less revealing clothing seemed almost more appealing. Perhaps it was the casual nature, her simple tanktop and tight jeans feeling bizarrely more intimate. Or maybe it was merely the closeness, the personal feeling of seeing her in front of him. Though it may also have been the jeans. The nature of her quirk and training meant that Mirko's lower body was especially well developed. Ensuring that the pants appeared to be straining to contain her rippling thighs with each movement, and her ass was contained so tightly that Jun swore he could see the curve of each muscle in her glutes highlighted on the fabric.

"Mixed bathing huh?" At hearing her continue Jun's eyes shot back up and he froze solid. For he saw Mirko's burning red eyes looking back at him. She'd seen him ogling her like a starving wolf.

'Please. Somebody, anybody, kill me quickly.' Jun was mortified beyond anything he'd felt before. His one in a billion chance at something with Mirko, even if it was just seeing her in a hot spring, and he'd ruined it in the worst way possible. Heat bloomed across his whole face, and he knew from experience that he must be turning a brilliant shade of red. The strength of his blushes lending even more embarrassment for them to feed off of. Contrary to what he expected however the Rabbit Hero didn't slap him. She didn't even tell him off for staring at her ass. Instead those cherry red eyes looked him appraisingly up and down.

"Like what you see?" She spoke as her eyes once again met his. Her voice was light and quiet, but with an undercurrent of challenge that Jun couldn't quite read. A voice that said he was standing in the middle of a minefield.

'Well, you only live once. And I'll never get a chance like this again.'

"More than anything." He said honestly. The words steady despite his squirming stomach. That his voice didn't crack had him thanking all the gods in all the heavens. Mirko blinked, her face going momentarily slack as she was clearly surprised by his reply. Then she smirked. A daring charismatic grin that could've just as easily been leveled at an enemy whose strength she had acknowledged as it could have been directed at a comrade. Her eyes seemed to dance with an almost feral glee, and she laid a hand on her hip before cocking it to the side. Her whole aura seeming to Jun as though she were about to challenge him. He began thinking panickedly about how he could remain in one piece if that were the case when Mirko continued speaking.

"Well good! I like people who speak their mind! And I like a man with good taste!" Her voice had recovered it's volume and energy. She let out a single bark of laughter before turning back to the man at the counter. "Yeah that's fine by me. Here!" She handed over some money to the attendant, who looked almost as shocked as Jun felt. Then the dark skinned beauty looked over her shoulder at Jun, and smirking once more as though she were taunting him said, "See you inside~" The words coming out almost as a purr in her husky drawl. Then she was striding off to the changing room as though nothing had happened. Jun stared after her, utterly dumbstruck.

'Did… did Mirko… THE Mirko… just flirt with me?!' He blinked lamely at the closed door for several seconds before slowly turning to the old man at the counter. Who was clearly just as shaken as Jun.

"Do…" He started hesitantly. "Do you want to go in-"


*~o0o o0o~*

Though Jun had hurried into the changing room, sending himself sprawling as he tried to take off his socks mid-run, he was still too slow to catch Mirko while she was getting into the spring. By the time he walked out into the open space she was already shoulder deep on the far side of the pool.

'Damn it! How did she get those pants off so fast?! It looked like you'd need a whole team to peel it off!' Grumbling internally though not out loud, Jun gingerly lowered himself into the steaming water. Thankfully Mirko's eyes were closed in relaxation, because he couldn't completely conceal himself in his semi-hard state. Knowing that the Rabbit Hero was so close by and naked! Well it was a wonder to Jun that he'd managed himself so well thus far. His eyes darted hectically around the enclosed space, but kept coming back again and again to the alluring woman nearby. Her head was leant backwards against a rock, her long and normally erect ears laying limply behind her. Speaking to the level of nirvana like relaxation that she must have achieved. Her long white hair was bundled up into a large bun, a scarce few strands escaping it and sexily sticking to her wet skin. Slowly despite his reservations Jun's gaze drifted lower. Though the cloudy water kept most everything below it's surface hidden from him he could still see the vague impression of her bare body. And what drew his gaze the most was her impressive chest. Seemingly half bobbing in the warm water, her already large tits seemed pushed up and presented. The barest sliver of lighter skin hinting at her areola before the water covered them.

Jun shivered, heat that had nothing to do with the water zinging through him with urgency. He had to turn his head to physically tear his eyes away from the sight. Minutes passed in silence, and eventually Jun began to feel somewhat disappointed. It had seemed like she was interested in him, even inviting him. Yet so far she hadn't moved an inch. Glancing over at her again he blinked in surprise. He could have sworn that she had hurriedly closed her eyes. Had Mirko been staring at him? Thinking back Jun snagged on the way she'd smiled at him. Almost as if she were about to challenge him. As if she were daring him.

'Is… she waiting for me to make a move?' Suddenly the idea seemed very obvious, but this was no normal woman. This was Mirko, the Rabbit Hero! One of the most admired, and lusted after, women in Japan. And Jun… well… He was fairly average in his own estimation. With a quirk that had no combat use, and relatively little use aside. Keeping in shape was one thing, but his physique would obviously pale in comparison to a hero's as they had to be in the absolute peak condition at all times. Really there was only one thing of note about him, and it wasn't exactly something he could lead with. 'Although, she did seem to already be interested in me.' Jun mused pensively. Another minute passed, and he almost jolted as Mirko suddenly groaned. Turning, he saw her rub at her shoulder with a disgruntled expression. Ears once again tense and standing straight. And suddenly an idea shot to the forefront of his mind. An idea so stupid that Jun almost slapped himself.

'But what would I be,' he thought slowly, 'if today ended and I never said anything to hear when I had the chance? Because I wouldn't even be a man.' Before he knew it, Jun had started moving through the pool over towards the pro-hero. Though her expression didn't change, her ears tensed up and twitched in his direction. Letting him know that she was aware of the shift in the situation. Closer and closer, until he could see the slight pebbling of her skin where the sliver of her areola showed. Then he paused feeling that he'd be overstepping his bounds to approach any closer before she'd allowed it.

"So," She drawled lazily. Lifting her head to stare at him with a feigned disinterest that her twitching ears mitigated. "Finally realized that you're a man?" Despite that it was a jab at himself Jun couldn't help but laugh at the accurate remark.

"Well, something like that yeah. I realized that I'd hate myself if I didn't take my chance with the sexiest woman I'll ever meet." He spoke with a straightforward honesty. Finding that the heady mixture of seeing her bare skin and the heat of the springs combined to melt away his inhibitions. If he was going in, he would go all in.

"Pfft!" She snickered at him, his mask of apathy shattering instantly. "You know most men don't lead with how sexy I am."

"Only because they're intimidated." Jun shrugged. "Both in a normal way, and a 'If I say I wanna bang her ass like a bongo drum she might kick my head off' kind of way." An almost explosive burst of laughter erupted from the reclining beauty. Her shoulders and bust shaking heartily as her face broke out into a full cheeked smile that sent the blush roaring back into Jun's cheeks. Strange jolts shot through him as she laughed. The sound so full of exuberant mirth that it seemed to fill his heart until he felt the mad urge to get up and run or else to go and attack her enemies. Not that any enemies of hers would be someone he could oppose.

"I probably wouldn't kick their head off you know!" She finally got the words past her laughter, though chuckles still lightened them. "Though it depends on how they said it."

"Oh well it that case; I wanna-" He breathed in dramatically, pausing just long enough for Mirko to grin widely and raise one slim eyebrow. "-give you a shoulder massage. If you want it." Her grin faltered and her brow furrowed in confusion.

"You… wanna give me a shoulder massage?" She said the words slowly, as though trying to figure out what hidden meaning they had. Jun nodded, feeling suddenly rather silly at her response.

"Well your shoulder seemed to be troubling you. And I just thought… well…" Clearing his throat Jun fought the urge to fidget nervously before her. Her sharp eyes seeming likely as any spear to pierce him through. "Heroes, especially ones as big as you, probably don't get much time to relax. And I figured if I was gonna interrupt your relaxation time then I could at least interrupt to try and make it better for you. Whatever little bit I can do to repay you for everything that you do for people." Not even her ears were twitching as she stared intently at him. Unable to stop himself from squirming now he continued in a lighter tone of voice. "Also it seemed like a good way to break the ice and get to touch you. Maybe cop a feel and pretend it was an accident." Her lips twitched, finally breaking the stoic facade before she returned to grinning widely.

"Don't pretend too hard." She purred with a wink before pushing herself up straight. Jun drew in a breath and his eyes went wide as she revealed her chest by doing so. The generous mounds were moderately large, enough to fill even a large man's hands. But like the rest of her body, were simply impeccably firm. So perkily spherical that it was like he was looking at an anime character come to life. The lighter tone of her areola clashed with her dark skin, drawing the eye inevitably to the pointed tips of her stiff nipples. Jun had to bite the inside of his cheek to stifle the groan of pure need that threatened to tear free of him. Smirking in a manner that made it clear she understood all too well what the sight had done to him, Mirko flipped around. Then slipped down and laid her head upon her crossed arms on the edge of the pool. "My right shoulder is the stiffest." Speaking mildly enough that he almost missed the teasing edge to her voice.

Frowning Jun wondered what she was intending before he approached and suddenly froze. He realized that with the position she'd placed herself in, stretched out at an angle, it meant that to reach her shoulders without rubbing his erection against her he'd have to awkwardly contort himself. No matter what he did she'd find out that he was hard, and likely have some idea as to his length in the process. 'Tease' suddenly felt like such an insufficient word. Jun paused, his brain struggling to figure out what he should do between the options. On one side were things like common decency, courtesy, and propriety. And on the other was everything he wanted to do right now. Turning Mirko looked at him with one half-lidded eye and smirked knowingly.

"What's the matter? I thought you wanted to rub me?" The words were low and even huskier than was normal for her. As taunting as they were full of hunger. Casting aside all care in that moment Jun approached. Causing her to grin wider and again lower her head. Stepping up Jun had to step to either side of her hazily visible hips. Almost straddling the woman in order to comfortably reach her shoulders. No longer hesitant so that a good portion of his turgid length pressed firmly against the smooth muscled back of the woman below him. She jolted, powerfully. Head whipping around to stare at him with wide dinner plate round eyes, pupils contracted almost to pinpricks. Knowing full well why her reaction had been as intense as it was Jun merely smirked as knowingly as she had before.

"What's the matter? I though you wanted me to rub you?" This time it was her turn to blush. The darkening of her cheeks immediately appealing greatly to Jun. Clearing her throat as though nothing important had happened Mirko again laid her head down. And with that Jun got to work. Despite the rampant sex appeal of the woman beneath him, he really did mean what he'd said about wanting her to relax. So he did his best to ignore the feel of her skin against his manhood and focused on massaging her stiff muscles.

"Ooooggggh, god~" She moaned throatily, her right shoulder shuddering as he worked out a particular knot. "Unngh, fuuuuuck~"

"You're doing that on purpose." Jun accused, knowing that she could feel how his length had gotten even stiffer when she'd started moaning. Mirko only chuckled though.

"Only a little, you're actually- nngggh- really good at that." It wasn't long before her long ears relaxed as they had before. Laying limp as the rest of her. A sense of surrealness fell upon Jun then. The heat of the hot spring fogged his mind and soon his hands drifted lower down the rabbit girl's back. There was no conscious thought to his actions now, he just acted on auto-pilot as he massaged more of her. Simply luxuriating in the feel of her flawlessly smooth skin, warm and supple beneath his touch. His hands ran down her back and a ripple flowed through the muscles around her spine. Trailing the line with his fingers soon caused another such ripple. He knew that Mirko was strong, knew what an amazing fighter she was and the incredible shape her body was in. But to feel each and every muscle in her back, to be able to trace the lines of muscle in her shoulders, was something else.

"Hey…" She said slowly, and a thrill of pride ran through Jun at how she sounded on the verge of sleep. "What's your name?" And that pride took a nosedive. How could he not have even introduced himself yet?!

"Oh, uh, my name is Jun Takeura. You can just call me Jun. If you want." A low hum of acknowledgment shook her body.

"Call me Rumi…" Jun had to fight back a stupid grin at that.

'I'm on a first name basis with Mirko! …actually the fact that I'm massaging her naked body is a lot more impressive. Hmm.' Shrugging that off Jun continued his ministrations lower and then stopped when he realized that he'd just laid his hands squarely on her ass. He could just about make out the small ball of fur that was her tail just between his hands. With a jolt of movement her ears once again shot straight out, and Rumi took a deep breath in like someone trying to rouse themselves. Noting that what she didn't do was tell him to stop Jun began to massage her large muscular glutes. Yes, just a massage given to a large and heavily used muscle group.

"Oh fuck it." He said with a rough gasp and squeezed her butt as hard as he could. Drawing her hips up so that he could push the painfully stiff length of his cock into the cleft of her firm cheeks. She gasped, hands clutching at the side of the pool to keep her balance. Looking over her shoulder Rumi stared at him with ruby eyes burning with desire, bottom lip caught between her teeth for just a moment.

"Oh no! If that log I feel is your cock, then you're fucking ME! So make peace with the idea!" Low and rough, her voice was filled with a demanding need that brooked no argument. Deciding to forgo anymore play or teasing, Jun shifted his grip to Rumi's waist and stood up straight lifting both their hips up out of the water. The Rabbit Hero's eyes again went wide as she finally beheld the leviathan that had so startled her before. Though clearly hard as could be it's own weight dragged it down, else she'd have seen it poking out of the water even when he was chest deep. It looked longer than her forearm, and was so thick that it's shape was reminiscent of a baseball bat. Even her round bubble ass wasn't enough to properly hotdog the girthy pussybreaker.

'I knew it!' Rumi thought as a fierce shudder ran through her. 'From the moment I saw this guy my rabbit breeding instincts went crazy!'

"Big enough for y-" Jun attempted to cockily spout off. Only to grunt in surprised pleasure as Rumi wrapped her incredibly muscular thighs around his waist. She was in a somewhat awkward position, held almost completely out of the water between her hands gripping the edge and her legs now gripping Jun. Despite this her well trained body had no problems bucking her hips up and down, rubbing the thick pillar of manhood with her absurdly tight spherical cheeks.

"Cut the crap and fuck me!" The horny heroine commanded. And it was a command, of that her tone left no doubt. Her legs tightening around his hips with an intense pressure. Jun was suddenly keenly aware of each and every cord of powerful muscle in her thighs and how they were hugging him. Realizing that in this position she could probably scissor him in half if she wanted.

"Yes ma'am!" He assented quickly, lust and a not insignificant trepidation hurrying him. Firming his grip on her waist, Jun almost jumped when he felt his own fingers. Looking at down at Rumi with surprise as he suddenly realized just how small she was. Despite her well muscled upper body and herculean ass and thighs her waist was tiny. Looking her up and down with a critical eye he noted with some confusion that she could only be a little over five feet tall. Her sheer presence had made her seen so much larger yet-

"Come on!" Rumi barked at the still man, adjusting one of her legs wrapped around him so that she could kick his ass. Having no trouble supporting herself with just one leg.

"Oof, right!" Leaping back into action he grabbed the small woman's waist and backed up his hips. Noting that Rumi loosened her grip on his hips so that he could. The strain built in his arms as he had to hold the rabbit girl at his full extension in order to draw his hips back enough. His head finally slipping free from the valley of her ass. Bobbing down until he pressed it firmly against Rumi's drooling vagina. The tight little slit looking woefully unprepared for the demolishing in store for it. "I'll take it slow, give you a chance to adjus-" But the rest of his words were cut off by a grunt from Rumi. Despite the distance she was just able to hook her feet around him, and pull. Yanked bodily forward Jun let out a deep and throaty, "FUCK!" as several inches of his rod were jammed into a hole of unimaginable tightness.

At his size Jun's few sexual escapades had always been incredibly tight. But nothing could have prepared him for the petite muscle rabbit's depths. It went far beyond simply being a close fit. More than that it felt like he was barely managing to stretch her. Each and every muscle in her core fighting against the intruder so that it felt like she was trying to crush him. Despite that the hot wet flesh of her pussy clung to him, sucking his length in deeper with every milking squeeze.

"Holy shit-" Jun gasped, clinging to the smaller woman's waist as though she was the only thing keeping him in one piece. Every tight pulse pushing against his shaft had his leg shaking, and each time her pussy walls seemed to push in and pressure him when her abs tightened fogged his mind. It took several moments before he realized that he wasn't the only one shaking. Rumi's legs twitched and spasmed around his hips. The muscles in her back tensing as she gripped the ledge supporting her just as hard as Jun was gripping her.

"Fuck~ Me~ Hard~!" She gasped out between panting breaths, ears shuddering as they stood tall and more stiffly tensed than ever before. Jerkily shaking her hips at the intruder railing her so that her firm cheeks shook randomly. With a white knuckled grip Jun began to throw his hips back and forth, making little progress until Rumi used her grip on his waist to add force to his thrusts. The pair slowly melding their rhythm until Jun was able to steadily force more and more of his length into the slim passage. Holding her entire waist in his hands Jun couldn't miss it when Rumi's abs began to tubularly jut out from his cock. His senses melding in a uniquely intoxicating way as he felt from the outside and inside alike the brutal milking she was subjecting his dick too. The sin smooth skin of her stomach fluttering beneath his fingers even as the firm muscle just beneath dug into the head of his cock.

"Oogh! Oh god~ So- so big~" Yet as far gone as Jun was quickly becoming, it was nothing compared to Rumi. Her heavy panting had accelerated to an almost inhuman level, the stone around the pool cracking slightly beneath her fingers. Yet no matter how hard her lungs worked she couldn't seem to get enough air. There seemed to be no room for it as the unrelenting pillar of manhood shoved more and more of her insides out of it's way. Every inch of her pussy was being stretched thin around the intruder, exposing sensitive places that she had never known existed. Each clench of her core crushing every pleasure center against the rock hard length. Which only caused her to clench harder until she was fighting for simple control of her body.

"HARDER YOU FUCK!" Rumi suddenly screamed at Jun as she noticed his thrusts slowing. The sheer tightness of her making it harder and harder to thrust as more of his length became ensconced in the vice grip. Loosing control of her strength for a moment in her desperate need she crossed her legs and crushed their hips together. Driving all the remaining inches in at once, smashing brutally into her cervix with such force that his head rammed through into her womb. The tight ring of her cervix practically strangling his head as it fit snugly under the lip of his frenulum. Meanwhile her deepest vault was gripping moist and unrelenting at the womb stretching head of his cock.


Stone broke under Rumi's clawed fingers as they dug into the ledge. Every muscle in her neck and lats stood out in harsh relief as they tensed to the point of immobility. Fiery red eyes lolled up under her dropping lids and strangled sounds of animalistic grunting were all that escaped her gritted teeth. The pressure of her thighs hugging Jun substantially increased to the point of pain and then relented shudderingly. Only to again strengthen and then release when Rumi returned her efforts to consciously loosening the grip. Jun was little better, his legs only holding him up because he locked his knees. His hands shifted to the tight bubble butt as he put most of his weight onto the small woman's cheeks. Feeling in his cock as the Rabbit Hero bowed down between her two grips.

Then as one the two began to rut their hips against each other. Their bodies working despite the pleasure incapacitating their higher thoughts. Both were left as little more than panting animals, pleasure tearing them so completely that they were blind to the rest of the world. Hardly even noticing each other, as Jun's rictus grip soon left a series of dark bruises across Rumi's cheeks where his fingertips dug into the abundant muscle. Likewise Rumi's thighs unconsciously tightened until a corner of Jun's mind could feel his hips begin to ache as the thick cords of muscle tightened python-like around him. Yet neither acknowledged the pain. Utterly drowning in the relentless thrusting pleasure. Every heavy slap of flesh on flesh shaking them to their bones.

"C-can't-! I'm gonna- FUCK!" Jun gasped, sweat covering every inch of his body above the steaming water. Their respective grips beginning to slide with every thrust as sweat slick skin slid no matter how tightly they clung. "Cum- gonna- gonna-!"

"CUMMING OH MY FUCKING GOOOOOOOD!" Rumi shrieked as her body shook and trembled from the point of her ears down to the very tips of her toes. Her pussy promptly tightening so much that Jun's thrust was stopped at it's apex, head deforming her womb and completely unable to pull out. Convulsing muscles gripped and loosened, the whole length of his cock subject to a maddening dragging and tugging. Every inch of her wet flesh licking forcefully at his dick until Jun's eyes crossed. Orgasm tore him like a flash of molten lead, one of his legs jerking suddenly as he began to cum before he could really process the beyond professional dick milking he was getting. Rumi's eyes widened as she felt the swelling of his shaft. Even in the depths of orgasm finding it impossible to miss as the wide cum vein under his shaft suddenly expanded drastically. Then with a heavy jolt dense cum shot into her womb with such force that her stomach shook as her womb ballooned out.

An insensate scream of pleasure rang out as Rumi threw her head back, tears running down her face freely as her tongue hung loosely drooling from her limp mouth. Her rabbit instincts going off with nearly as much violent force as the nova-like orgasm tearing through her. Each heavy load of semen dropped into her womb sending a wave of endorphins crashing over her brain. Jun leant forward, wrapping his arms around the short woman's waist as he ground his hips against her senselessly. Feeling the bulged plane of her toned midriff rounding out in sudden jolts as shot after shot was fired into her pussy.

"S-sho thick~" Rumi moaned nonsensically as her womb continued to be cumflated. A sudden muscle spasm tore through her, tightening her core and sending a huge rush of semen gushing out around the tight seal of Jun's rod. Almost an entire minute passed like this, Jun's virility fighting against the musculature of the fertile rabbit. Both of them entranced by feeling Rumi's stomach expand and contract, the unfortunate victim of their fierce tug of war. Finally the seemingly inexhaustible load tapered off. Panting and sweaty Jun grabbed the small woman's waist, wincing at the pain on his fingertips, and began to work himself out of the cum drowned depths of Rumi's hole. His head came out with a loud pop like a cork followed by a rush of thick semen as her slightly rounded stomach quickly flattened out. No longer supported by her grip on Jun's hips Rumi's shaky legs slipped against the floor of the springs as she pulled herself closer to the edge.

"You okay?" Jun asked out of breath. Listing forward until he could rub his hand against the gaping hole of Rumi's ruined pussy. "Not so tight anymore." He commented, an air of smugness that he couldn't manage to contain seeping into his voice. Flashing out like a snake the heroine grabbed at Jun's shoulder and pushed him at the edge of the pool. With a grunt he landed on his butt with only his legs in the hot water. He groaned throatily as Rumi then bent down and began to lick the cum from his cock. A needy haste filling every tongue stroke as she gasped and moaned. Taking a particularly long lick up his underside she looked up at him, hearts flashing in her wide red eyes, and opened her mouth to show it full of his cum. Then closed and gulped noisily.

"So thiiick~ God it's amazing!" She groaned, her voice a throaty purr that sent shivers down Jun's spine. "Mmmmm, you taste so good. Can I taste you every day, can I!? I'll wake you up with my throat every day if you want! Call me everytime you get hard and I'll hop there right away so you can use it to knock me up."

*~o0o o0o~*

Rabbit Breeding Fact #1: A female rabbit in heat can become extremely affectionate.

*~o0o o0o~*

Like a woman possessed the Rabbit Hero Mirko kept at her tongue polishing until she'd lapped up every drop of his cum coating his dick. Such an impossible turn of events that Jun's head was spinning, not enough brainpower left over from the sexy sight and pleasurable sensation to properly process.

"Look at you big boy~!" Rumi cooed as she moved down to suck at his balls. Bringing both of her hands up to cup and grope the sack. "Fuck! I can't even fit one of these in my mouth! You make cum fast right?! How fast? When do you think you'll be able to cum again? Let me know and I'll be there with my legs behind my head for your cock!" A sudden throb shook the rod above her. Drawing Rumi's attention to the fact that he still wasn't softening.

'Is- is he even harder than before?' She wondered with a sense of growing awe and excitement.

"I can always keep cumming." Jun said, before reaching out and undoing Rumi's bun. Allowing her hair to flow down long and free, the bottom several inches coming to rest underwater as it hung down to her waist. She didn't react though, completely frozen as she looked up at the length of him with his hands still gripping his package.

"You… what?" Deceptively calm and mellow, her voice was an alien thing completely unlike her normal speech.

"My quirk, Lady Pleaser. No matter how many times I cum I'll keep getting hard and keep cumming just as much until my partner is completely satisfied. Always kind of wanted to become a hero, but both my parents were pornstars with sex related quirks, so I got this inst-AH!" Suddenly Jun was flat on his back, not entirely sure what happened. Blinking he saw Rumi squatting above him, both hands on his cock rubbing it back and forth against her winking little asshole. Then he saw her expression, and a shudder of cold fear went through him.

*~o0o o0o~*

Rabbit Breeding Fact #2: Once a female rabbit enters heat… she never leaves it.

*~o0o o0o~*

"Really?! Forever?! You'll keep getting hard?! Keep giving me more of that thick tasty cum?! You won't get tired and stop, or hurt your pelvis and stop, you won't beg me to let you sleep or go to your friends?! You can keep fucking as long as I want?! Really?! REALLY?! REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY?!" Her frenzied words devolved into an inhumanly fast panting, her chest shaking wildly as she hovered over him. Her expression one of such degenerate and all-consuming lust that Jun didn't think she'd stop for anything at this point.

'Self-preservation?' Jun thought, addressing the loud blaring common sense in his head saying that he should run away. 'Fuck off and die.'

"The rest of me could wither away to skin and bones and my cock would still be ready to go. Now come on and prove it." He spoke with a confidence that surpassed what he actually felt. Sheer lust for the curvy and muscled rabbit bombshell above him feeding his words.

'I hope I live to regret this.' He mused. Rumi was seemingly beyond words as her lust spiraled ever further out of control at his statement. Lowering herself just a little until the head of Jun's spit slick cock was pressed firmly against her anus.

"Just go slow- OOF!" He was left grunting as Rumi suddenly drove herself down with force. All the many inches of long thick cock vanishing in an instant as her heavy ass slapped into his hips. A deep throaty moan escaped her as one hand tightly clutched at the absurd bulge punching out of her abdomen. Jun for his part was having trouble finding the speech part of his brain. Blazing warmth was surrounding his dick until it felt like he'd melt inside her. The tight springy flesh of her innards clenching him so tight that could he could feel every throb of their veins as each heart beat.

Yet before he could do more than realize the sensation Rumi laid her hands against his chest and began to fiercely throw her hips up and down. A rapid clapping filling the space and shaking his body as her glutes rammed into his pelvis over and over. It was all he could do to hold on for dear life as she rode him like a demon. The round tits bouncing wildly in front of him soon caught his delirious attention and he reached to sink his fingers in to the firm boobs. Drawing coos of approving pleasure from the rabbit girl.

"Excuse me?" The unexpected voice cut through the fog in Jun's mind like a razor. Sending a thrill of concern through him as he looked towards the entrance. "I've been hearing some concerning-"

*~o0o o0o~*

Rabbit Breeding Fact #3: Female rabbits in heat can be extremely territorial.

*~o0o o0o~*

Death. That was the only thing that Jun felt as Rumi turned to bare her teeth at the attendant who had come to check on the loud noises. Killing intent poured off her as every well built muscle on her body tensed as one. His heart stuttered and adrenaline dumped into his veins sharpening his senses. Part of Jun completely convinced that he was about to die, and only his quirk keeping him hard despite the terror. Yet for as bad as it was for him, the man who'd just walked in clearly got it much worse. He ran screaming from the onsen, tripping and flailing as though all the demons of hell were hot on his trail. Relaxing her body Rumi snapped back to Jun and he flinched. Yet already her eyes were once more warm hearts, her expression slackened into the loose lust addled grin of a slut whose heart is set on being bred all day.

"Don't be scared! I'll be gentle with you!" She promised fervently even as her hips rose and fell so fast they were a blur. Claps of flesh reaching Jun's hears so fast it was like a jackhammer. Something that felt about right for how numb his hips were going. "God you're so deep! Do you like that? Do you like being balls deep in my ass? Feeling your head gaping out my guts like you own them?! You do! You do own them! I love you, I love your cock! I'll ride it every day! Every hour! Don't you ever dare masturbate, if you get hard then fuck my ass instead!" Shuddering and moaning as orgasm overtook her her words devolved into a mess of nonsense. The mindboggling tightness of her hole seeming to draw the orgasm out of Jun against his bodies wishes until he was groaning as harshly as Rumi. Thick glugging jets of spunk rushing into her waiting bowels until her stomach began to expand once again. Though again her core strength kept her mostly flat as a flood of white poured out through the tight ring of her ass.

Without any other preamble Rumi spun around, sending Jun's legs spasming as a hot flash of pleasure tore through him from the tip of his still sensitive length. And she continued unabated, heavy cheeks now smacking into Jun's stomach so that he could see each and every deformation as they flattened against him. Determined to enjoy himself rather than be reduced to a dildo he pulled back a hand and let it fly. Loudly spanking the swinging ass cheeks before him causing Rumi to let out another whorishly loud moan.

"Yeah yeah yeah!" She babbled excitedly. "Spank me, smack me, I'm yours! And you're mine! You're gonna bend me over at breakfast and fill me up and push me down at lunch and fill me up and I'll swallow you down at dinner! You can stay with me from now on and fuck me and fuck me and fuck me AND FUCK ME!" She shrieked and ranted, lust so out of her control that she seemed completely incognizant of what she was saying. Though it seemed likely that she meant every word. "I'll marry you and your cock and you can breed me in every hole! Hurry up and cum, cum, CUM! Give me babies! Breed me!" Seemingly obliviously to the fact that they were currently engaged in anal, and not in fact breeding.

"Fine! You want me? You got me! I'll fuck you till you pass out and then keep fucking you till you wake up! I'll stretch every hole you've got out until everyone who looks at you knows you're MY woman!" Jun roared as he began to thrust up to meet the rabbit woman's hungry riding. Rumi practically cheered at his words between pants and moans. And actually did cheer when he finally thrust balls deep and unloaded once again into her crushing tight depths.

"YES! Cum cum CUM! Give it to me! Fill me up! Break my ass wide open! Oooouugh! My stomach is so fuuuullll~" Breaking down into a deep husky groan she shook and spasmed as the sensation of her stomach stretching out once again drove her to orgasm. From there Jun's memory began to fail him as hours passed.

*~o0o o0o~*

Jun was sitting with his back against the edge of the pool, head lolling back as he focused on the sensation assailing his cock. Kneeling in front of him Rumi was worshipping his cock with a fanatical zealotry. Kissing each and every inch before licking her way to the tip and slowly taking it into her waiting maw. When it hit her throat she swallowed an inch down, and then repeated. Swallow after swallow guiding his length down her throat in a languid lavishing of pleasure that had his balls aching with the need to bust a nut inside her before a whole minute had passed.

Though she had started out above water because of the length of Jun's manhood, his sitting position meant Rumi was slowly drawn underwater as she swallowed him further. The last clear sight he saw her heart filled eyes vanishing beneath the cloudy water. Rumi had been reduced to a blur through the water, and very sensation seemed to be heightened as Jun lost sight of the action. He moaned as the rabbit girl's lips pressed firmly against his groin. His head now pressed so firmly against some inner part of her that he knew her stomach had to be bulging from it. The rippling of her tight throat muscles traveling down the length of his shaft everytime she swallowed was nothing short of heavenly. A true milking designed purely to pull every last drop of cum out of him.

But Jun didn't want to waste deepthroat this amazing. He resisted the urge to just cum wildly, groaning in satisfaction as he relished in the hungry slut's attentions like an experienced connoisseur. However when her smooth oral attentions began to devolve into a broken rhythm of swallows and attempts to cough, he knew she must be running out of breath.

"That crazy rabbit will drown herself on my cock if left to her own devices." Jun sighed, shaking his head at the bizarre situation he'd found himself in. Then he reached between his legs and ran both of his hands through Rumi's long white locks. Gripping tightly as he mashed her face harder into his waist and released the flood. Blast after blast of cum filling her, and all the while her hands kneaded the two shuddering balls giving it to her. Finally drawn dry by her convulsing throat Jun gripped her by the hair and yanked Rumi up and off. The heroine appeared with a splash, gasping desperately for air and coughing. Before suddenly her mouth snapped shut a moment before her cheeks puffed out. She froze like that for a moment, and Jun almost laughed at the sight. With another cough thick white cum began to drip from her nostrils, yet with seemingly a monumental force of will she swallowed the backblast of cum down. Leaving her panting and bleary eyed, looking like she didn't even know where she was anymore.

"Holy shit." Jun muttered, lust like fire in his gut urging him to watch it again. Hazy eyes from Rumi looked around aimlessly while she panted for breath, until she caught sight of Jun's cock above the water. She dived at it, sucking the cock head into her mouth as though she needed nothing else.

*~o0o o0o~*

With Rumi in his lap Jun kissed her with a slow and deliberate passion. Their tongues grappling noisily for a time before Jun separated to sound of Rumi's disappointed whine. A sound that transformed into a gasp of pleasure as he caught one of her ears in his teeth. The sensitive inner skin contrasting with the soft fluffy exterior as the ear twitched madly under his ministrations. And all the while both continued to rock their hips, sedately grinding Jun's cock into the rabbit girl's sensitive womb.

"I'm gonna cum right into your fucking womb!" Jun growled savagely into the ear he had captured. Sending a shudder inducing wave of tingles down Rumi's spine. "Gonna knock you up, and then I'm gonna do it again. And then again, and again, until you pass out! Then I'm gonna tear your ass apart until you wake back up and blow me!" Rumi shuddered nonstop before the constant verbal assault. The vaginal and mental stimulation simply too much so that she was reduced to a state of constant orgasm. Jun's male ego soaring high as can be as the curvy hero babe clung to him. Her legs and arms alike were wrapped around him, holding so desperately it was like Rumi thought the world would end if they were separated.

Finally the assault of her convulsing vice like pussy was too much. And so even with hardly any thrusting Jun grunted, the sexy sound seeming to echo through Rumi's head before an enormous blast of seed blew her thoughts to pieces. Loud rushing bursts of semen erupted into her womb, every body wracking blast leaving her clinging even tighter to the man she was riding until her fingernails dug into his back. So far gone after hours of drowning in the mindblowing sex Jun barely even noticed the painful furrows.

"Feel that?" He whispered into her ear as he gripped her ass, pulling their hips together as hard as he could though there was no more space to remove. "That's the feeling of you getting bred." A fierce whole body ripple seemed to wave through her every muscle. Accompanied by an impressively deep shuddering groan as it seemed like her very mind was dissolving into nothing but satisfied pleasure.

*~o0o o0o~*

"CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM!" Rumi repeatedly chanted at him as her hands feverishly jerked at Jun's cock. She sounded like some sort of demented cultist, and the wide eyed slightly deranged look of worshipful affection she directed up at him only aided the impression.

"Fuck! Gonna-" A fierce growl tore from his sore throat as he came. Thick sludge like baby batter spraying forcefully into Rumi's waiting face. Cup sized shots splattering heavily across her features or firing into her open mouth so that she cooed delightfully. By the time he'd finished she was practically buried beneath the dense layer of splooge that ever so slowly trailed down her body. Not a second after his balls relaxed Rumi began to jerk at his sore rod faster than before.

"CUM CUM CUM CUM! I need your cum! On me! In me! EVERYWHERE! Every hole full! Still missing one!" Jun looked down at her exhaustedly, wondering what she was meant. He'd already came inside her every hole at least a dozen times each. Yet she showed no signs of slowing down, and in fact each cumshot only seemed to be ramping her lust higher and higher.

'If my quirk has a limit, I think we're gonna find it…' Jun worried as he panted. The steam filled air never seemed to give enough oxygen, and he could feel his strained mind growing more and more tired.

"What… what hole are we missing?" He asked between heavy breaths. Rumi's only response to grin wider as she shoveled handfuls of his cum off of her and into her endlessly devouring maw. Then, calmly and deliberately, Rumi turned her head. Leaning forward so that she firmly pressed the tip of him against her ear.

"You're joking." Jun said simply. Eyebrow lifting in profound doubt. Surely her libido frenzy wasn't that far gone- "Oh, wait you're definitely not."

"Nope." Rumi with an exaggerated pop of her lips before grabbing Jun by the waist and pulling them together. It was the strangest feeling to Jun, the skin of her inner ear smooth and soft so that it was like he was sticking his cock through satin. He was definitely too large for this, but the flesh seemed to be too springy to halt his passage. Though only so far until her actual skull pressed tightly against him. Jun watched her with wide eyes as Rumi slowly pulled him deeper and deeper. Her eyes unfocusing and then rolling back as her mouth fell open in an obscenely sloppy ahegao. When Jun began to feel open air on his tip once again he felt whatever remained of his common sense simply give up and relegate itself to a cold dark corner of his mind.

'Guess it's a rabbit thing'. Jun thought nonplussed.

*~o0o o0o~*

Rabbit Breeding Fact #4: Wha- This… this isn't a rabbit thing. Rabbits don't do this. Obviously.

*~o0o o0o~*

"Ouuugggh nnnngh! Fuuuuuuck~" Rumi moaned as her body rocked and shook in orgasm.

"Fucking hell! Do you really have to be such a hungry little whore that you need cock on the brain literally!" Angrily venting at the shock she'd given him Jun grabbed her head in both hands. Holding the short woman's skull like she were a sports ball before ferociously jerking her back and forth. Using her head like an onahole as he jacked off using her. It was too quickly beyond Jun to tell if Rumi was even conscious. The rabbit slut's mindless ahegao cementing itself in an endless orgasmic hell. "You just don't stop! You want me to breed your pussy, you want me to tear your ass wide open, you want me to dump so many loads into your stomach that you can't feel hungry! And now this! What kind of hero are you huh?! Just imagine all your fans reactions if they knew the great and powerful Mirko was getting off on being skullfucked like a brainless bimbo!"

Roaring in aggro fueled passion, Jun pushed Rumi back until he was no longer impaling her and came. His giant rod actually swelling too much in the process until it was firmly stuck in Rumi's ear canal. Before the far gone heroine could react to the intense pressure a great rushing flood of semen blasted through her head, sounding like a mad tsunami crashing straight through her brain. A deluge of thick cum glugged noisily out of her other ear, meanwhile trails of the white goo began to pour from her tear ducts and nostrils. Though she was already so coated in the substance that it was quite hard to tell.

*~o0o o0o~*

Jun had his hands wrapped around the back of Rumi's head, holding her body aloft folded in half in a full nelson. Pounding at her g-spot with relentless force.

"JUN!" She hoarsely screamed before a geyser of fem-cum sprayed from her annihilated pussy.

*~o0o o0o~*

Hands on the back of Rumi's knees Jun worked his exhausted hips like a madman. Throwing his whole body into each and every thrust as he-

*~o0o o0o~*

Blearily opening his eyes Jun tried to remember how long they'd been closed.

'Did I fall asleep or just zone out?' Familiar pleasure drew him into consciousness. Lifting his head he saw that he sitting at the edge of the pool. His still hard cock was being tightly hugged against the Rabbit Hero's breasts as he used her whole upper body to jerk his shaft. Meanwhile she was busy tonguing at his slit as though it were the sloppiest make out of her life. The thick blanket of white coating her made it clear that she'd been doing it through several of his orgasms.

*~o0o o0o~*

Jun grunted deep and low with every shot of cum. Punctuating it further with a heavy thrust as though trying to pack the cum further into her womb. When he finally finished cumming Jun fought to catch his breath. Realizing as he did so that there was nothing interrupting him. Pushing himself up to get a good look at the muscled young woman. She was a mess. Sweat and cum smeared every inch of her, plastering her hair to her face. The beginning of nasty looking mottled bruises were showing on her abdomen from the hours of ferocious beatings her stomach had been subjected to. And after hours of tiring exertion her formidable muscles had given out, allowing for Rumi's stomach to round out beneath the cumflating loads being dumped into her. The flesh of her core having gone taut and red as it stretched out as though she were pregnant. Or rather as though she were further along in her pregnancy.

"Rumi?" Jun rasped, confused at why she'd stopped. The short woman's face was locked in a rictus ahegao of mindnumbing pleasure. Drooling freely as her eyes saw nothing. She been fucked completely unconscious. Despite this Jun realized he was still as rock hard as ever. "So… so she still wants more, right? You wouldn't mind Rumi? You'd want me to keep fucking you, I know you would!" Talking himself into it as though there was any doubt what he'd do. Jun grabbed at her hips and began to rut the unconscious slut hard as ever. Occasionally drawing meaningless moans from her hoarse throat.

*~o0o Two Days Later o0o~*

The first thing Jun realized was that he was laying on a bed. Quite possibly the most comfortable bed that he'd ever lain on. Secondly he realized that he was ravenous. Hungrier than he knew how to convey. Thirdly, he realized that the Rabbit Hero Mirko was currently swallowing all sixteen inches of his cock like it was her duty in life to massage his shaft. It momentarily concerned Jun how exactly he was so sure, but as his brain shifted on more and more he remembered what had happened.

"You know it's wild that we met earlier today and I can already recognize you by the feel of your throat." Jun croaked, his worn voice coming out as a raspy whisper. Pushing himself up onto his elbows he saw that further down the bed Rumi was burying her face into his waist. Adoringly rubbing herself against him even as she continued to repeatedly swallow around him. Her eyes flicked up to him, and she held up a finger telling him to wait a moment. Grabbing his balls in both her hands she began to gag on him, the whole of her throat convulsing on his shaft while she did her best to massage the cum right out of his testicles. Letting his head fall back with a groan Jun didn't fight it, letting his overworked balls release their load into the hungry whore's stomach. When he was finally done Rumi slowly slid off him, keeping his head in her mouth just long enough to powerfully suck the remaining semen out of his shaft. With a popping sound she released him and sat up, stomach clearly swollen with the heavy load Jun had directly deposited into it.

"Actually, it's been two days." Rumi said, her voice as completely fried as Jun's.

"Two-" Jun sat straight up in a panic. "Are you serious?! Work! I have to-" But his words were cut off by the soft lips that pressed against his. Rumi's tongue invading his mouth and making his brain go fuzzy. As she pulled back strands of saliva connected them until the hungry vixen licked her lips with a smirk.

"Fuck your work. I make enough money." Then she leaned forward and began sexily gnawing at Jun's earlobe. Gasping he struggled to wrap his brain around everything.

"T-two days? Really?" Rumi chuckled, the sound low and throaty and unbearably sensual right in his ear.

"I know because I had to drag your sorry ass all the way here after the onsen owner called the cops on us. We were fucking in there for almost fifty hours." Jun's jaw dropped.

"Fif- Seriously?! And you still want more?!" He shot at her accusingly as he noticed her hands had once again begun massaging at his full sack.

"Oh I'll ALWAYS want more. And don't you forget it." Rumi growled the words into his ear as she pressed firmly against him. "You're MINE! There's no other man on the planet who could even hope to satisfy me, so don't think I'll let you go." Jun thought about that for a moment.

"Threats work better when you threaten people with bad things. Just saying." His words caused Rumi to burst out laughing, releasing him as she fell to the side sprawling nude across the bed.

"What? Are you saying that after fifty hours, you still want more?" She asked coyly, smirking at him as she showily lifted one powerfully muscled leg up… and up… and up. Until she was doing a vertical split laying down, the one thigh pressed against the side of her smug face.

"Just so you know, I'm starving. And we're gonna eat right after this." Jun spoke with a solid attempt at sternness before he rolled over to her. Shoving his cock into her hole, still tight to an unreasonable extreme despite how many times he'd already reduced it to a gaped out mess. "You better take responsibility for this. I'm completely broken for any other woman now. Stop smirking!" He growled as a shit-eating grin overtook her.

"I said I wasn't letting you go, didn't I?" Rumi whispered, a look of slavish devotion overcoming her as she reached up to cup at Jun's face. Though he didn't realize, a very similar expression was on his own face as he leaned down to kiss the beautiful woman who had become his whole world in one fell swoop of fate.