mha lactation

Izuku carefully balanced the tray of soup and tea on his hand. He had put together some warm foods for his classmates, and one of the girls he would never admit he had a crush on, Momo Yaoyorozu.

She had taken the day off from their college classes, something the straitlaced heiress never did. She loved UA University, but could be a little intense when it came to studies.

He decided that he would be the one to bring her something for her sickness because One For All prevented diseases and illness, so he made her hot soup and tea, as well as brought her a handful of antibiotics.

He knocked gingerly on her door, hearing no answer from within. He knocked a little harder and heard her groan. "Yaoyorozu? I-I'm coming in, okay?" He called.

He eased open the door and stepped inside, seeing Momo blush as she wrapped herself in a soft robe.

"M-Midoriya? W-What are you doing here?" She asked before her eyes went to the tray in his hand. "I-I see, it was very sweet of you to bring me a care package, you are very good to me. Y-You may stay, but I need to brush my teeth."

Izuku blushed and nodded, setting the tray on her table and sitting on the bed. He heard a clinking sound from under the bed and investigated, finding a small bottle of milk. It was thick and creamy, making him curious. Certainly Momo wouldn't mind if he had a little sip, right?

He opened the bottle and let the milk touch his tongue before groaning in happiness. The milk was delicious! It was a very warm and layered flavor with a thick consistency and mouthwateringly rich.

Momo walked out of her bathroom and froze, her eyes wide and her cheeks red. "M-Midoriya?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to drink all your milk, it's just that it tasted so good! I-I'll buy you some more, just tell me where it came from." Izuku said, looking at the empty bottle.

"M-Me." Momo said, not meeting his eyes. "You really liked it? The taste of my milk?"

"Y-Your milk?" He asked, looking down at the bottle. Bottles made in a factory had a seam down the middle where the two halves meet, but Momo's creations had no such restrictions.

"Yes. I-I have a secret that you cannot tell anyone. I sometimes lactate when I overeat. My mother has a Quirk that allows her to turn fat lipids into breast milk on demand. My late father had a creation Quirk, so I can create things from fat, but if I go too long without creating, it turns to milk and leaks out uncontrollably. I-It hurts, but I have no choice but to endure."

Izuku blushed as she opened her robe, revealing her glistening nipples to him. They were red and agitated, with white nectar leaking from them.

"H-How do you milk yourself?" Izuku asked, developing a theory despite his embarrassment. His friend was in pain.

Momo blushed and looked away while she showed him, pinching and pulling at her nipples as it trickled into the glass bottle she produced.

"Let me help. I spent a summer with my uncle on his dairy farm, I think I can help you. Please let me help you." Izuku said, stepping close and extending his hand.

"V-Very well, please be careful." Momo whimpered.

Izuku nodded. He gently took her right breast into his hand and he squeezed while gently rolling her nipples. Momo let out a content sound as he massaged her breasts.

"I-It's working. It feels better, Izuk- Midoriya." Momo blushed, not meeting his eyes as he gently coaxed milk from her heavy swollen breast.

"Y-You can call me Izuku. Just hold still and let me work, you're such a good girl." Izuku said, focused on his massage as he filled the first bottle with milk. He was able to work much faster than she was, and it actually felt good, not a painful experience.

Izuku finished the first breast, filling a two bottles with her rich milk before switching. "Halfway done, you're doing so good. Such a good girl. Shhhhh good girl." He praised, making her blush even harder.

'I-I'm a good girl? I feel so warm when he says that.' Momo thought, moaning a little as he milked her.

Izuku finished milking his tall friend, with her filling four bottles! Normally, when she was forced to do it herself, she only got three after a couple hours of excruciating pain. She felt light and soothed, like she had some tea right after a day at the spa. She was looking at Izuku with hearts in her eyes.

"I would like to propose an agreement, Izuku. I want you to come and do that to me every day, and in return you can keep the milk. You did it incredibly gently and I don't think there's someone around who could do it better. You can have those four bottles to do with as you see fit, but I beg of you, do not let people know what it is or where it came from. Will you please come by after class tomorrow to help me again?"

Izuku flushed at her proposition and his past actions caught up with him. His scarred hands, which she held between her breasts with both hands, had milk on them from where he, a previously Quirkless nobody had milked her, the amazing and graceful Momo Yaoyorozu, like a cow.

Before he could protest, however, he looked at her. She was very shy and nervously awaiting his answer. This was clearly a problem she had to deal with, so he was loath to make her deal with it alone. He had to help. It's what a hero would do, right?

"I-I'll do it." He said, his face red but determination shining in his eyes. Then Momo kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, my hero." Momo gently said, making his face burn even more as he stole glances at her unclothed breasts. "Please, look as much as you like. You will be getting very familiar with them soon enough. At the very least it's you who will help me, not someone like that pervert Mineta. You may even feel them, if you wish, I do not mind if it's you."

Izuku slowly and reluctantly moved his hands to cup her large breasts. Pushing her back into her bed, Izuku sat beside her and gently caressed and played with her boobs.

"Good girl, giving me so much milk. Just relax and enjoy this." Izuku gently commanded, his calloused thumbs rubbing her nipples, making the pink nubs even stiffer.

He adjusted both of them until she laid in his lap and he sat on her bed. One arm supported her head while the other continued to play with her breasts until she gasped, her eyes squeezed shut, her lip trembled, and her thighs squeezed together tight.

"I-I am sorry Izuku, but I need you to leave now. I would still like you to help again tomorrow, don't forget your milk!" Momo said, shooing him out the door as politely as possible.

Izuku's brain was catching up to him as he stood in the hall, four bottles of milk in his hands. She must have cum. He just made her cum with his hands on her tits.

Izuku looked down at his hands. They were rough, scarred, and honestly a little ugly in his opinion, but they made an angel like Momo Yaoyorozu cum. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.


Izuku stood slightly nervously outside Momo's door. He had received a text message from the heiress asking him to hurry, but he was still reluctant. He had drank all of the precious bottles of milk and was returning them to her now, but he honestly wished he had more. The milk was very rich and had a savory, buttery quality to it and he felt that it was rapidly becoming his favorite beverage.

Sighing, he eased open the door and found Momo sitting elegantly on her bed, but he quickly realized she wore only very small red panties.

"M-Momo?" Izuku stuttered, his eyes locked on her exposed skin as well as her covered privates before he could stop himself.

"Yes Izuku, please excuse my attire but I am low on clothes and in desperate need to do laundry. I knew you wouldn't mind because you are so sweet and understanding." She said with a red face and warm smile.

Izuku nodded and turned his attention to her nipples. They were red and clearly irritated as milk leaked out and he came to a realization.

"You tried to do it yourself again, didn't you?" Izuku questioned, making Momo look away in shame.

"Y-Yes, sorry. It felt very good when you did it to me, so I tried to replicate your actions, but only hurt myself. Could you forgive me?" She asked with a pout that made his pants tighten considerably.

"Y-Yeah, why don't we just get started?" Izuku suggested, pulling the bottles from his bag as well as an ointment. "I found this when I searched for things to help with sore nipples and bought it for you. When I'm done... milking you, rub some on and let it sit. Okay?"

"Yes sir." Momo said before wondering why calling him that made his blush increase.

"Okay then, just lay back and let me take care of you." Izuku said, beginning the process of milking her and drawing pleased moans from the heiress. "Easy girl, that's it."

"I-Izuku? I-I don't want you to think I don't like it, in fact I love it, but why do you call me a good girl? It is so relaxing, but I'd like to know why." Momo said, enjoying him helping her.

"W-Well it's kinda embarrassing, and I guess a little demeaning. Ever since I was ten, I've been helping out on my uncle's dairy farm over the summer for some extra cash. He taught me that you need to be soothing so you don't spook the cows, so I was kind of in a... milking headspace of sorts. I'm sorry to treat you like a cow." Izuku apologized as he finished filling the first bottle.

"I-It is no problem, but you must remind me to send your uncle a gift basket for teaching you to milk so well." Momo said.

'I wouldn't mind being Master's needy little cow.' she thought. What she hadn't counted on was Izuku's muttering habit rubbing off on her.

"W-What?" Izuku asked with a bright red face as he finished off her second bottle.

Momo was a very smart girl, but social pressure wasn't her forte, so she did the first thing that popped into her head. She pulled him into a searing kiss.

Izuku froze at the kiss before his instincts took over. He grabbed her nipple between his fingers, pinching off the stream of milk and making the girl whine at the contact to her sensitive erogenous zone.

"Shhhh, it's okay sweetie. Master is going to take care of you, okay?" He muttered, putting the bottle to her stream of milk.

"Th-Thank you, Master. I am yours, your needy little cow." Momo swore, feeling her new Master gently stroking her breast while he coaxed out more and more of the rich liquid. Soon, he had finished her first breast and began on the second.

Izuku continued to milk her, filling two more bottles before he was satisfied and licked up her nipples, cleaning the leftover milk.

"M-Master? Could you stay with me?" Momo asked, shyly biting her bottom lip.

"Of course, Momo." Izuku said, taking the last bottle he filled with them as he sat down, laying her on his lap as he stroked her face gently.

"Izuku?" Momo asked, abandoning the Master thing for the time being.

"Y-Yeah?" Izuku asked, not stopping his ministrations. He sipped the rich milk and moaned slightly at the buttery rich taste.

"I-I meant what I said about becoming yours, but I don't just mean being your cow while you milk me. I-I would like to be your girlfriend too." She said with a blush, as if asking him to be her boyfriend is more embarrassing than asking him to milk her regularly.

"I-I mean, I-I well-" Izuku stuttered with a red face. It wasn't that he didn't like Momo, she was one of his female classmates that he certainly had a huge crush on, but he was reluctant for reasons he wasn't entirely sure about.

"If you are worried about your friendship with Ochako, I am not the jealous type. If I'm being perfectly honest, sharing you with others sounds almost appealing."

Izuku's face turned red before he realized that she was talking about friendship, not romantic relationships. Right?


Izuku stood outside his girlfriend's door for the third time, holding a small paper bag for privacy. He opened the door and found a sight that made him hard in a second.

"Moo~ how are you Master? Moo." Momo said, wearing a skimpy cow print suit, complete with a headband and collar.

He rushed over to her, his hands cupping her cheeks while he kissed her. "What's this?"

"I-I have decided to be your slutty pet cow, so I researched and dressed appropriately. Do you like it? Moo~." She said her breasts filled with milk and begging to be milked.

"I love it. Do you want to make out after I milk my slutty little cow?" He asked, only for her to pat her lap.

"A-Actually, I wanted to do something else today. Could you lay in my lap and let me feed you right from the tap?"

Izuku wasted no time in claiming his spot on Momo's lap, eagerly awaiting her heavy breasts to fall from their skimpy, cow printed confines. "O-oh! A-are you ready, master? Um... Moo~"

"I'm pretty sure I was born ready!" Izuku said, his excitement was infectious and Momo practically tore her bikini top off in response. Her breasts fell out, the weighty orbs plopping heavily onto her boyfriend's face.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Let me just-" Momo went to move her breasts, but before she could, Izuku's mouth was firmly latched onto both of her nipples. Momo went to speak again, but then he began to suckle and the only thing that escaped her mouth was a long, drawn out "Moooo~"

Izuku sucked eagerly, scraping his teeth gently on her hyper sensitive nipples and feeling her thighs tremble under his head.

He popped her right breast out and gently pinched the nipple to save the milk from spilling onto him.

Momo blushed as the way he was gently pleasuring her, her hand finding the button on his pants and undoing them, pulling down his pants and freeing his cock.

Momo gasped a little at the size of it, standing at ten inches long and pointing up towards her uncovered breast. She realized with a start that she could actually smell his scent mingling with the smell of her milk and that made her positively quiver.

Izuku finished her first breast, gently flicking her nipple and making her hips buck under his head. "Such a good girl. Do you like my dick? Maybe when we're done, I'll let you have some of my milk for once. Would my dirty little cow like that?"

"Y-Yes Master!" Momo cried, leaning her head over and putting her nose right into his cock, inhaling deeply.

Izuku chuckled a little at how quickly Momo flew to his cock and how eagerly she inhaled his scent. "I guess if you're so desperate for it, we can do it now?"

Momo looked over to her boyfriend eagerly, but then finally caught herself and blushed. "U-um, well, I..."

Izuku got up from Momo's lap, standing in front of her and positioning his long, thick dick right in her face.

"Go ahead, girl. Give it a taste." Izuku said, the command was soft, almost sounding like a request. Without a second's more of thought, Momo was taking the head of Izuku's rod into her mouth. She clumsily licked her tongue over his dick slit, eliciting a content groan from Izuku's mouth.

"An eager girl, huh?" Izuku grunted. Momo hummed an agreement, continuing to suckle on Izuku's cock.

Momo loved the feeling of his dick in her mouth, the taste of his musky cock was a little bitter on her tongue, but she certainly enjoyed it. She continued to bob her head up and down his cock until he groaned and grabbed her pony tail, making her gasp at the sharp tug while he pulled her off his cock.

Izuku used one hand to hold her hair, and released his hold on Momo's tit with his other hand, making it get a coating of her rich milk. Izuku used that hand to stroke up and down his cock, using her milk as lube until he looked her in her lust filled eyes, which were locked firmly on his cock.

"Lick my hand clean." He said holding his hand under her chin and grinning as she lapped at his hand with her small, soft tongue. "Good girl. Are you ready to taste your milk on my cock? Be sure to slobber all over it to make it nice and messy for me. Now be a good girl and get back to work." He demanded, putting his tip right under her nose to make sure she got her fill of his scent.

"Yes sir. Use your slutty cow's slutty throat. Pump your milk down my throat and fill my stomach, Master. Pretty please, fuck my slutty mouth, I've been such a naughty cow. Moo~"

Momo frowned when he pushed his cock into her throat. She tasted her milk, but unfortunately she could barely taste his cock anymore. Soon enough, she had his whole cock down her throat and her nose was buried in his pelvis.

"Good fucking girl. I fucking love you-" Izuku said, catching himself and looking down to guage her reaction.

Momo gingerly pulled herself off his cock, continuing to pump it while smiling up at him. Her face was tear-streaked, her light mascara was running, and her lipstick was smeared, but she looked up at him with adoration in her eyes and Izuku thought she never looked more beautiful.

She shot him an elegant smile, dispite her ruined appearance, and planted a wet kiss on his tip. "I love you too, Izuku Midoriya. Now, let your slutty cow go back to sucking your thick, hot cock before I go back to your perfect girlfriend."

Momo opened her mouth and jammed his cock down her throat, gagging herself until he finally groaned and shot cum down her throat, slightly bloating her belly with cum.

"Thank you, Master. Finish milking me? Then we can watch stupid hero fail videos and cuddle naked."

Chapter 2: Sweet Kyoka

Chapter Text

Kyoka stared down at the small pink pill in her hand. She got the pill through an admittedly shady website, but she was willing to risk it for him.

The pill promised the one thing she needed to get the boy of her dreams: tits. Boobs. Big ol honkers.

Everyone said that he had a thing for big boobs, and honestly she could see the evidence. He was always hanging around Ochako, who had developed a large chest, and he always blushed when his support tech got too touchy, and she had massive ones! He had even been hanging around Momo lately, ever since the day she stayed from class with a cold. Momo had the largest breasts in the whole class!

Unfortunately for Kyoka, she didn't think that he'd ever even notice her until she got bigger tits, and she'd die before getting implants, not that she could afford them anyway, so shady internet pill it was.

Swallowing her fears, Kyoka similarly swallowed the pill. It took a few minutes, but eventually she felt a hot sensation within her chest as her tiny mosquito bites grew from A cups to B cups.

She waited for more to happen, but nothing did. She frowned and turned to fish another pill out of the box, expecting much bigger tits, when she noticed that the front of her white shirt was growing wet. "What the fuck?"

Kyoka practically tore her shirt off to look down at her now larger tits. The previously pink nipples were now bright red and tingling from the open air, but more importantly than that, she had a steady drip of milk coming from them.

"They made me fucking LACTATE?" She practically shouted, panicking and pinching her nipples to stop the flow of milk, only to yelp in pain. They were definitely more sensitive than before.

"Fuck, what am I going to do? Alright Kyoka, calm down and think about this. Maybe Momo could help? If nothing else she would be able to get me through this, right? She has been doing this most of her life, she knows how to deal with it!" Kyoka rationalized as she pulled out her phone. She called her best friend and tapped her foot impatiently while it rang.

She swore out loud when Momo didn't pick up, which was strange for her, and then immediately sighed in relief when she called her back.

"Y-Yes, Kyoka? S-Sorry, I was a little... tied up, what do you need?" Momo said, panting. Thanks to her advanced hearing, Kyoka could tell that Momo was clearly in the middle of masturbating, due to the tremor in her voice and the hot panting. If Kyoka wasn't borderline obsessed with Izuku, there's a good chance she'd be crushing on the sexy heiress instead.

"Look, I'm sorry to bother you, but I really need your help! I-I did something stupid to impress Midoriya and I don't know how to fix this! Can you come over to my room asap?" Kyoka blurted, realizing what she said about the resident green bean in retrospect.

"Of course, dear. I'll be right over." Momo said before hanging up. Kyoka groaned and flopped back on her bed. Her nipples were so damn sore!

'Is this the price of big tits?' she thought, knowing she kinda liked nipple stimulation before, and was sorta worried that she wouldn't be able to practice the pinching and tugging on herself anymore. 'C'mon Kyoka, bigger fish to fry.'

There was a knock on the door. "It's open!" She shouted, assuming it was Momo. Unfortunately for Kyoka, Izuku walked in and immediately blushed and covered his eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry, I thought you were decent!" He stammered while Kyoka's face was bright red.

"I thought you were Momo!" She shot back, covering up with her blanket when Momo walked in.

"Sorry, Kyoka, but I thought you would want me to bring him along, and he was right there with me when you called."

Suddenly several things clicked into place for Kyoka. Midoriya and Momo's closeness lately, the fact that he was the one who brought the heiress supplies when she was sick, the fact that they've been joined at the hip. They were dating. Momo knew about her crush and scooped up the boy anyway. Hell, thinking back, it seemed that they were fucking when she called!

"Just get out." Kyoka said coldly, a feeling of betrayal washing over her. She couldn't believe she was so stupid. She felt tears stinging her eyes, but didn't notice Momo sitting down on her bed, setting the bottle Kyoka didn't realize that she brought on the nightstand.

"I am so sorry, Kyoka. I knew how much he meant to you and still tried to be coy. I was being... a bitch, for lack of better terms. Please, I promise I had good intentions in bringing him. I want you to tell him how you feel, and then he can go from there. Y-You are the first real friend I've ever really had, I don't want to alienate you, but I also love him too. Please, let me help you, then if you don't completely hate me, I-I'd be more than willing to share him with you." Momo said gently, holding the smaller girl to her chest. That's when the blanket fell down. The now-wet blanket.

"Oh dear, are you lactating? How did this happen?" Momo asked, frowning a little at the coincidence. Still, if anyone could help the girl...

"I-I took a pill to get bigger boobs. It had a side effect of making me lactate. I panicked and called you for help." Kyoka said, almost not noticing how the boy with his eyes covered began to mutter.

"Why would she want bigger ones? Her's are adorable! At least they didn't get that much bigger, these ones are a bit big for her frame based on the glance I got before covering my face. Now she's lactating like Momo. I kinda wonder what her milk is like. Maybe Momo could make another cow-print outfit for Kyoka? Fuck, she'd look even cuter in that than Momo!" He said, muttering up a storm while Kyoka blushed.

She got a whole lot of information from him there, but a couple of things stood out to her.

One, he liked the way she looked and already thought she was adorable, which made her kinda squeal internally. Two, he already knew that Momo lactated too, and apparently she wore a cow print outfit while Izuku milked her. Hot. Three, Izuku wanted to do the same to her. Awesome.

"Izuku? Could you uncover your eyes and come take a look at her? This is really your field of expertise." Momo said, gently pushing Kyoka back so she was leaning on her headboard, her small breasts on display.

Izuku continued to blush, but got closer, leaning down so he was eye level with her small milkers. It seemed that his headspace kicked on.

"Oh, you poor thing, look how red you are! Don't worry, I'll get you taken care of, does that sound good sweetie?" He cooed, making Kyoka's eyes go wide and her face burn.

"Y-Yeah, thanks." She stuttered. 'Why the fuck was that so hot and heartwarming?'

"Atta girl. I'm going to start now, okay? Just stay still for me." He said gently, snaking his tongue out and gently lapping at her sensitive skin, wiping the milk away. "You taste so sweet. That's not really surprising though, considering how you act. Such a sweetheart."

Izuku continued to gently lap at her nipple, making her squirm as he got her used to his touch. She stifled a moan as he did it again, only for him to look up at her. "Go ahead and moan for me, sweetie, it's cute. I want to hear you moan for me." He said, gently rubbing his thumbs on her nipples, his large hands on her ribs and making her feel small.

She couldn't help but moan, whimper, and whine as he slowly built up her tolerance to his touches. When he knew she was ready, he wrapped his lips around her nipple and made her scream his name.

"Shhh, just let him work." Momo said, soothingly running her hands through both of their hair.

"O-Okay, keep going Izuku." Kyoka groaned as he worked her milk out of her small breasts.

"You taste so good, sweetie. Do you like being relieved of your sweet vanilla milk? You're so cute." Izuku cooed while he rubbed her nipples, making her face burn and her pussy throb, which Izuku noticed.

"Awe, do you want me to make you cum as well? I promise my sweet girl an orgasm when I'm done caring for you. You're doing so well." He said, making her nod eagerly as he switched breasts.

As Izuku finished off her second nipple, he planted a kiss on both of them before his fingers tucked into her waistband, her sharp hipbones getting little bites and nips on them.

"Are you sure?" He asked, resisting the urge to tear them off her and fuck her brains out. Hell, he hadn't even fucked Momo yet.

"Y-Yes Daddy. Thank you for milking me, please just make me cum now." Kyoka said, only for him to pull her underwear and shorts down in one go and plant a wet kiss on her clit. "OH FUCK!"

"Language, sweetie. Would you like a drink?" Momo asked, offering her a bottle of warm milk.

"I-Is that yours?" She asked, feeling hot as Izuku worked to make her cum.

"Of course! I definitely wouldn't mind feeding my best friend my milk as my boyfriend is in between her legs. Open wide." Momo said, tilting Kyoka's head back and slowly dumping the buttery-rich milk down into Kyoka's mouth.

Kyoka was sent to heaven as she was eaten out and fed milk, so she came around Izuku's tongue very quickly.

Izuku grinned and worked his way up to kiss her lips, the taste of her milk, her cum, and Momo's milk all mixing with the taste of his tongue.

"Good girl." He said, giving her nipples a sharp tug I'm either direction and making her buck her hips.

"Th-Thank you, Izuku." Kyoka said, breathing heavily as she came back down from her orgasm.

"I-It's no problem. Do you feel better?" Izuku asked, playing with her purple hair.

"Yeah, definitely. Look, if you don't like me-" Kyoka began, only to be cut off with a searing kiss.

"Kyoka? Will you be my girlfriend? I really like you." Izuku said, stroking her face gently.

"W-What about Momo?" She asked.

Izuku smirked and turned her head to Momo, whose fingers were thrusting in and out of her pussy.

"Izu? Could you come help? I never got to cum! And neither have you." Momo panted, chasing a high that continued to elude her.

Izuku kissed Kyoka again and turned to his first girlfriend, who was still masturbating furiously, and removed her hand to replace it with his one.

Momo came on his hand and collapsed next to Kyoka in the petite girl's cramped bed. "Izu? Come join us, dear?"

Izuku smiled at the sight of both girls together, feeling his cock throb at a combination of them together and him leaving it unattended.

"Momo? I think he's a little hard. Wanna help?" Kyoka asked, sitting up and putting her face by his crotch, inhaling deeply.

"O-Of course. Would you like your cow girls to suck your cock, Master? Would you like to paint us with your thick delicious cum?" Momo asked, pulling his pants down and letting his dick smack Kyoka on the cheek and leave a splotch of precum on her face.

Momo dumped the remainder of her stored milk on her hand, using it as lube like he did before stroking his cock.

Kyoka was transfixed at the sight until she felt Momo's slender fingers dig into her hair as she got a grip on it. "Open up, Kyoka. I'll be using your throat to milk our Master."

Kyoka's eyes widened as she registered what Momo was about to do, and she opened her mouth to protest, but it was immediately filled with hot, hard cock as Momo pushed her forward.

Kyoka adjusted as she felt her best friend set an aggressive pace with her hand in her hair. She realized that she could tap on Izuku's thigh, and he'd stop Momo, or just brace her arms against his legs to stop Momo, but she found she kinda enjoyed the way this felt. She was always kinda rough on herself on those lonely nights, thinking of Izuku as of late. She'd slap, pinch, and pull on her nipples and call herself a dirty bitch, so having her face used as a glorified fleshlight to jerk off the object of her affection was pretty much the hottest thing to ever happen to her.

Eventually, she felt Momo's hand leave her head as Izuku pulled it away. "Give her a sec, Momo. You're doing great Kyoka, you're being such a good girl. Just take a tiny break for me, okay?"

Momo pulled Kyoka's head back, and licked some fluid off the corner of her open mouth which was partially drool and partially precum. "You two taste delicious together, Master. I'm sorry, Kyoka, but I've always wanted to do that. You forgive me, don't you?"

"" Kyoka panted as she felt the cum-drool leak out of her mouth while she gasped for air. "H-How close are you, Izu?"

"Close enough. I won't last another blowjob like that." He said, stroking his cock.

Momo grinned and grabbed Kyoka's hair again and plunged her down on his dick again. "C'mon, Kyoka, swallow his whole cock! Take it all into that adorable little mouth!" She coerced, slapping the girl's ass with her free hand before moving it to cup and massage Izuku's balls.

"C'mon Master, cum down her throat and fill her belly up! If you cum enough, she'll look pregnant! Ooh, could you imagine her tiny body heavy with your babies?" Momo cooed, never losing her pace as she planted a kiss on his balls before opening her mouth and putting his balls in it.

Izuku couldn't take it anymore, his balls churning in Momo's mouth as he grabbed Kyoka's head and jammed his whole length down her throat, burying her nose in his pelvis while he shot ropes of alabaster cum down her throat.

His breathing heavy, Izuku pulled his dick out of Kyoka's abused mouth, with her hiccuping and grinning dumbly up at him. "Did you enjoy my throat, Master?"

"Fuck. Yeah." Izuku said in between breaths as he played with her hair and stroked her face while her jacks coiled around his arm.

"Good. I'm glad you enjoyed this, Master. I think a nap would do all of us good." Momo said, kissing Izuku's cheek and patting Kyoka's ass in a teasing way.

Izuku nodded and laid down on Kyoka's bed, letting both girls take residence on his shoulders while his hands cupped their asses. "I love you both."

Chapter 3: Strawberry

Chapter Text

Mina wasn't stupid.

Sure, she didn't get the greatest grades, and she was a little slow on the uptake when it came to academics, but she was far from naive.

It started with Izuku Midoriya, the scrumptious little cinnamon roll of 1A, who had brought soup to Momo. That wasn't necessarily strange as she was sick, but what was strange is the fact that after that they began to hang around each other a lot more after that. Of course, that could be chalked up to Momo falling for Izuku's charms like most of her female classmates before her, but that didn't track because Mina knew she had already fallen.

Then the strangeness continued with Kyoka, she was acting suspicious. She spent a lot of time using Mina's laptop - with her permission of course, all Mina really used it for was watching porn anyway - but, when Kyoka returned the pink leopard print laptop, Mina found she was visiting some shady websites. Kyoka covered her tracks well enough that Mina couldn't quite pinpoint what it was she looked into. A few days after the fact, a brown paper bag was delivered to the dorms and Kyoka hurriedly hid it under her shirt and ran straight to her room.

So that's when Mina resolved that she would figure out what's going on. She hatched herself a relatively simple plan, sneak into the rocker-girl's room and hideout on the balcony. When she did camp out on Kyoka's balcony, she got an eye full.

As it turned out, Izuku was a babe milking stud, Momo and Kyoka were his cows, and Kyoka's bag held pills that would make her lactate.

To reiterate, Mina was not stupid, but she was impulsive. As soon as the three went to sleep, Mina slipped in quietly and dug out a pill, downed it, and moved to leave when it hit her.

It started as a dull ache in her breasts but as each second passed the feeling grew more and more intense. She had a medium sized bust that was squeezed into a tight white shirt that stopped above her belly button, exposing her strong but not overly muscular core.

She got her shirt at a novelty store. It had pink lettering across her bust that read 'Please ask to handle merchandise.' She was proud of that particular purchase, but as a ripping sound tore through the room, her lost shirt was the last thing on her mind.

As her perky pink tits spilled out, she noticed that her nipples, which were usually a darker pink in comparison to the more subdued and pale pink that was the color of her skin, were now bright fire engine red. How her nipples looked, however, was a similarly minor concern when faced with their new hyper-sensitivity. The air had begun to sting them, making her bite back a pained whimper.

Izuku sat up groggily when he heard a tearing sound. That's when he saw Mina staring at him with wide eyes and biting her bottom lip in an attempt to stifle her pained gasps. They just burned so much, and were getting worse by the second! What really got his attention was that not only were her nipples agitated, but her cup size had gone up by one, just like Kyoka's had. It didn't take someone as smart as him very long to figure out what had happened.

He got out of bed fast, moving towards Mina and stopping when he got close, not sure how to proceed. Mina pushed her chest out towards him with her black and gold eyes moistening. "You can fix this, right Midori?"

Mina was focused on Izuku, so she didn't notice the petite girl from the bed sneaking behind her. Kyoka reached around the pink girl and grabbed her sore nipples, growling into her ear. "That's Master to you."

"Kyoka!" Izuku barked, shocking both of them. Kyoka released the soft nubs, with Mina gingerly rubbing them in an attempt to soothe them.

"Sorry, Master. I just thought-"

"You don't have the authority to punish on my behalf. What were you thinking?" Izuku said, his expression softening a bit at her submissive deposition.

"Sh-She took my pills! How am I supposed to get bigger boobs without-"

"Excuse me?" Izuku asked before his own fingers grabbed Kyoka's dusky pink nipple and gave it a firm twist, making her yelp, but not try to stop him. "This is how they are supposed to be. Any bigger and they wouldn't be as cute. Am I understood?"

"Yes Master. I-I'm sorry for saying something so stupid, of course they're perfect." She agreed. She still had her doubts, but he was too passionate about them for her to believe that he felt negatively about them.

"Great. Now that that's clear, I want you to go over there and bring me the soothing ointment. That's a good girl." He said, giving her a playful pat on the ass and receiving a half amused, half annoyed glare with all the heat of an ice cube behind it.

"At least make it sting next time." She murmured as she recovered the ointment that he had used on her and Momo.

"Noted. For being mean to Mina, you're going to help me milk her. Isn't that what you wanted, Mina? For me to relieve that awful burning sensation?" He asked, gently pressing his thumb to her nipple and rubbing a small, gentle circle.

"P-Please Midori, just make it stop." She whined. It was obvious she was in pain, but she also had annoyed Izuku a little bit.

"Hm. I don't think I will." He said, lying through his teeth. He got the desired result from both of them.

"W-What? Why not?" Mina whined. She had assumed that, being the nice guy he was, Izuku would immediately help her!

"Remember what you did last week during that free period?" Izuku asked, making her golden eyes widen.

"W-What? That thing with my ass? All I did was sit on your desk!" She protested, knowing that she was technically lying.

"Then you grabbed my hand, sat on it while knowing you weren't wearing underwear under your skirt and said, and I quote, 'Ooh Midori, didn't know you wanted to grope my fat, jiggly ass so badly. You should have asked!' I don't like being teased, Mina." He said matter of factly.

"W-What? B-But I wasn't teasing! I-I'd seriously be okay with it! Y-You can do it after you fix my boobs, I swear! Hell, you can fuck my ass! It's self lubricating!" She shouted in protest. Momo was awake now, watching with a sleepy interest.

"Easy to say now. I don't believe you, how do I know you aren't just using me?" He asked, having a hard time keeping up this charade.

Poor Mina was almost in tears. She truly did like Izuku, but now wasn't the best time to convince him. She realized that she didn't have many options as a single hot tear slid down her face. Her eyes became downcast and depressed along with the pain until she felt Izuku wipe it away. He began to gently and easily rub her nipple. "You have been hiding something from me, haven't you?"

"Y-Yes." She practically sobbed. She was filled with a mixture of relief and embarrassment as she was forced to confront her feelings.

"You have a crush on me, and you didn't know how to get my attention without acting like a slut." He accused, taking a bottle from Kyoka and placing the top of it right under the red nipple, a pink liquid dripping out. It shocked Izuku, but he had bigger fish to fry.


"So now you're going to be my slut." Izuku growled, smacking her ass and enjoying the way it jiggled and shook. "My slutty little cow. Understood?"

"Y-Yes sir. Yes Master!" She corrected herself. She looked at the milk in the bottle as his assistant Kyoka handed him another bottle to fill with the pink liquid.

"You like the attention, don't you sweetie? Being the center of my world for a bit, feeling me pamper and massage your nipples? Do you feel better, dear?"

"Y-Yes! Ooh, this feels so good. I feel so warm and fuzzy, Izu! C-Can I have a kiss?" She asked, getting a light peck on the lips. Her second nipple ran dry, filling just under three bottles in total. Izuku took an experimental sip and frowned, looking at the substance.

"W-What's wrong?" Mina asked, worried that her milk wasn't good. It wouldn't be the first time her strange physiology had ruined something for her.

"It's… strawberry." He said, taking another drink, this one bigger than the experimental sip he took before. "It tastes very good, but I wonder why you produce strawberry flavored milk. Maybe your skin tastes similar?" He theorized before latching his mouth to the side of her neck and sucking, leaving a very prominent hickey. "Huh. No, you don't taste like strawberries at all."

Momo walked over to join the conversation. "I-I don't think it's that simple, love. You say mine has a sophisticated, rich, and buttery taste. Well, I also happen to be rich and sophisticated. You say that Kyoka's has a sweet, simple vanilla taste. Kyoka is sweet, but to the point. Maybe the taste isn't determined by what's normal, but by other things. My milk production is natural, but the same cannot be said for your other cuties, and we have no way of knowing how these pills work. I would like permission to expand your little… farm for further testing."

"W-What? What are you talking about?" Izuku asked. It seemed a little weird that the girl who was his official girlfriend was so interested in him getting other girls.

"I-I just want to learn about what's causing this. That's all, I swear! You have… four more pills, so that is potentially four more girls to be your dairy cows."

Izuku was about to tell Momo 'no' when he heard a slight clapping sound. He turned and found his pink skinned cow girl twerking at him, her head upside down and peaking at him from between her legs.

"Hey master? I-I want you to fuck my ass, just like I said! I-I'm your good girl, and I wasn't lying before. Pretty please come fuck my ass?"

Izuku stared for a moment before he grabbed Mina by her short hair and dragged her to Kyoka's bed. He bent her over and spread the thick, juicy ass cheeks apart. She was visibly wet and her asshole was winking at him. He spat on her asshole and rubbed his finger on it before pushing it in and getting a moan from his new, strawberry-flavored cow.

"Sh-Shove your cock in! Fuck me without any mercy, Master!"

Izuku rolled his eyes and continued to finger her back door. By the time he had two fingers inside and was easily sliding in and out, he figured she was ready.

Izuku grabbed Mina by her hair again and she let out a hiss when he jerked her head back. "Thank you, Master. Fucking abuse me!"

Izuku thrust inside her, filling her and sinking his cock inside her with a single thrust. Mina screamed, and Izuku realized that someone probably noticed, but the closest room that was occupied was Ochako's, and she was a couple doors down, so he wasn't too worried.

Mina bucked against him, moaning loudly and clawing at the sheets while she was torn between loving the painful stretch, and, well, pain.

Izuku slapped her ass a few times, thrusting faster and faster into her until he felt his end coming. He cupped her pussy, hoping to give her an orgasm before her tight ass milked a load out of him, but he found her entrance soaked and the bedsheets beneath her in a similar state.

"You dirty girl, you came from getting your ass fucked?"

"Y-Yes sir! I'm your dirty girl! Your cock felt so good in my guts, stretching my asshole! Fucking fill my guts and leave me leaking!"

Izuku couldn't take it anymore. He fisted her hair and pulled the head back to kiss her lips while he shot ropes of cum into her. Mina felt her eyes roll back in her head as she came again and her belly was filled with cum and started making her look really, really full.

Momo, the very good girl she was, was waiting with a plug as soon as Izuku pulled out. Only a couple drops escaped before she plugged the pink girl, and she promptly licked up the stray drops.

While Momo saw to Mina and helped her to lay down, Kyoka made sure her Master was cared for. She dropped to her knees and took Izuku into her mouth until she was satisfied with how clean she got it. "Master? I was hoping you'd do something for me."

"Of course, baby girl, what do you want?"

"I-I need to be cuddled and I wanna keep your cock warm. Please?" Kyoka asked, her nose and lips dragging all over his cock and balls.

Izuku smiled fondly and picked the petite girl up in his arms. He carried her over to her bed and settled next to a bloated and fucked-silly Mina. He picked the small girl up, set her on his cock, then kissed Mina fondly.

Momo cuddled into his other side and he wrapped an arm around her. "A-As I was saying, master. I would like to make more cowgirls for you."

"Oh, so we can figure out how the pills work?"

"Oh! Um, yes, that's why, of course."