
Izuku lowered his head as he spoke to his husband, his shoes tapping the white tiles of his agency lightly. "I'll probably get off at nine, I don't have any after hour sessions or meetings this week. It won't take that long if I take the bus." He looked up, the large clock on the wall of the other side of the department appeared to say 7:24. He sniffed awkwardly and then focused on the deep voice on the call. He chuckled as he continued the smooth conversation, oblivious to a pair of red eyes staring at him.

Soon enough, Izuku ended the call with a 'I love you too', which made the blonde with red eyes feel jealousy down to his gut. The greenette crouched down after he pocketed his phone, face tucked in his cream colored sweater, staying like that for a minute.

The blonde just watched his every movement, timing his best moment to confront him. Izuku lifted his head, cupping his cheeks as he closed his eyes, possibly wandering his mind for a bit. Just as Izuku opened his eyes, he could see the blonde's tall figure from his crouched position. "...Kacchan?" Bakugo narrowed his eyes, before looking away while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Did something happen? Why do you look like you're about to cry?" Immediately, Izuku stood on his two feet, taking Bakugo's arms into his hands.

"I want you back, Deku." Bakugo tried to ignore the different alpha scent Izuku had, and finally looked back with sparkly eyes, passionate to the core. Izuku took a step back, stumbling onto nothing, processing those few words. "No you don't," Bakugo frowned. "You have Uraraka-san, she loves you!" He exclaimed, gripping the end of his sweater slightly. "Well not anymore, she cheated on me, Deku! You know I've always loved you, you're my only one!" He tried, but to no avail. "Don't try to sway me with those words, did you forget how you dumped me? When you said you loved her more than me?" Izuku could feel tears in the corner of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I have matters to attend, you should go back to your department as well." Izuku turned away, blinking hard to expand the intensity of the tears in his eyes. His thin arms were roughly grabbed, forcing him to look back to the hurt blonde. "Don't say that, I know you love m-" "No! Please, you should be thanking me for forgiving you after all that!" Izuku bitterly let the words flow out, before shoving his arm back to himself.

"Wait! Let's talk, please.." Bakugo trailed off, a defeated look on his face. Izuku furrowed his brow and proceeded to forget all of his plans after his work. "The front gate at 9:10, okay?" Without getting an answer, Izuku turned away once more, this time walking away for real. Bakugo watched as the thin body with soft curves walked away, eager to tell him everything and finally get him back.


When the freckled male walked out of his department after a long day of researching and managing projects, he sighed softly, suddenly remembering the blonde. Izuku speed-walked down the parking lot to the front gate, seeing a tall figure from far afar. The alpha had his hands in his black jacket, tapping his foot anxiously, as he occasionally scratched his head. Izuku gripped his satchel bag, taking a short breath without walking closer.

"Deku, god, I thought you left." Bakugo approached, a tired look visible in his eyes. "Can we just get to the point? I have plans." Izuku grumbled, averting his eyes to the ground. "Deku, see this?" Bakugo showed his phone, the screen showing, indeed Uraraka, kissing intensely with Todoroki Shoto, known as one of the top advertising models in Japan. Even the ad that popped out on the top of the screen showed Todoroki advertising a peach scented shampoo. By the looks of it, they were really getting into it, with the male groping Uraraka's ass with both his palms.

Izuku squinted away from the screen, re-adjusting to the darkness of reality as Bakugo shoved his phone in his pocket. "Believe me now? She was just using me! And I was a fool to believe her lies about you, please, I don't think of you like that, you know that! We were together since kids!" At this point Izuku's hands were shaking from how Bakugo was gesturing with his words. "I'm so sorry, I can't believe it, you must feel so sad." Izuku gripped Bakugo's hands, comforting him with what he could.

"I don't care about her anymore, you're only in my mind, only you, I can do better than that scum!" Izuku groaned, face suddenly twisting in anger. "Don't talk about Kai like that! He's treated me better than I know you could ever do!" Izuku was ready to walk away, offended by his words towards his husband. Bakugo clasped his hand, clenching it tightly to where the golden ring was placed on Izuku's ring finger, making Izuku whine. "Let go, Kacchan, I only see you as a friend now, actually no, not even a friend anymore."

"A fancy ring is all your pretty boyfriend can offer, Deku, I could give you whatever you want and even give you the love you deserve, you know that! He's just playing with you, just say it!"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear any of your blabbering anymore, he loves me, and I love him too!"

"Deku, through all these years, every day I thought of you, I regret my actions, blame me all you want, just come back to me! And what about the kids? Aren't you going to let them even see the father? Don't you want them to be happy?"

Izuku struggled against his grip, his skin starting to turn pink from the friction made from the struggling. "Kids? What kids, you dumbass, they're all dead because of you! I had a miscarriage when you left, and Kai's been treating me the way nobody out there could! You know I can't, Katsuki." Bakugo froze at his words, remembering all the phone calls he tried the past year and the unseen texts on his phone. He let go, and Izuku only sobbed quietly as he stepped back, staring at his figure.

Miscarriage? How come he didn't know?

Izuku's omega pheromones were releasing stress responses, and Bakugo started to panic. "All I could say for you is that you should move on, or just entirely forget about who I-" Before Izuku could finish, warm rough lips were pressed against his own, making him gasp.

Bakugo started to drive his tongue inside Izuku's mouth, licking each corner until he deems satisfied. He held Izuku lovingly, and Izuku grimaced, but to no avail, Bakugo took no notice of his discomfort. "Mh- Auh, Kacch- Mhh!" He pressed himself to one another harshly, before taking off of Izuku's mouth, diving towards his neck, arms digging towards the omega's hips. He screamed, cried, and begged for him to stop, and by this time he's sure he's going to have a hoarse voice for a week.

"St-stop! Stop it! Stop-" Izuku was beyond the tears he was producing, he felt overwhelmed, scared, and hurt. His pheromones weren't enough to back the alpha off, and he wished he could just escape. They both tripped from each other's struggling, causing Izuku to scrape the side of his knees and his right elbow. He let out a hiss but Bakugo didn't seem to care, too wrapped up in the heat of the moment.

"You don't have to hide it, I could hear it in your voice, Deku." Bakugo spat, licking up towards Izuku's jawline. He tried covering that particular alpha scent off of him by trying to scent him, and he breathed in the smell of sweet mangos, relishing every moment. Although the knee kicks or the back punches were merely a light tapping to the alpha, the omega still tried to defend himself.

The front gate barely has any security guards or pedestrians, so it would be hard to notice them in the dark unless someone were intentionally looking for them.

There was bloodstained on his sweater, and he prayed his suffering won't go any further than this.

Before Bakugo could go any further his actions were abruptly halted when he heard a door of a car close, and light footsteps coming closer, and then slowly stopping in its tracks.


A deep, smooth voice called, and Izuku whipped his head around, relieved that his husband was here. Big tears flowed down like waterfalls and the taller alpha snapped, walking towards the two rather quickly. A murderous aura oozed out of the taller alpha, and he loosened his white tie slightly, giving him space to breathe more freely.

He punched the blonde like his life depended on it, and the blonde finally backed off of his significant other. He gently pushed Izuku out of the way from the ground, protectively guarding him with his arm extended. He whispered to Izuku lovingly, telling him to go back to the car and wait.

His golden eyes glared at the blonde murderously, "Don't worry, I'll pay for the hospital bills."

He lunged before Katsuki could react. The alpha held onto the blonde's dress shirt for support as he started to continuously punch him in different places. The blonde tried fighting back but he already knew he would come to a defeat. He sensed the taller alpha was much, much more stronger than him. Chisaki kicked his shin, and then his calves harshly, getting a hiss from the blonde as he stumbled backwards.

He tried hitting the alpha's shoulder blade, only to get a hit at the side of his arm, causing him to shriek. The taller alpha slid down a small blade under his sleeves, successfully nicking the red eyes alpha's skin right under the chin. He flipped the blade into his fist as he gripped the hair on the alpha's nape.

Izuku's husband then swiftly aimed and started throwing brutal punches with the small blade pointing out from his curled fist at his bottom jaw, nose, cheek, the temple, the temple, the tem-

"Kai, that's enough!"

"No it's not, or are you saying you care for this man who had just tried to rape you?"

"I-I'm not saying that, because ugh-" he caressed his husband's wrist, "You're bleeding too." Izuku finished, staring at the alphas golden eyes with a convincing look.

The older one took a look at the blonde, taking notice of its bruised, bloody state. He examined every corner, a shade of purple forming its way into the swollen eye, the slashes that dripped the thick red liquid, the bloody nose and wrecked teeth. The agile punches went for about ten minutes and Chisaki would understand Izuku.

Chisaki sighed, ready to let go of the other, when he punched a good last time to his other eye. And then that's when he finally let go with a growl, purposely making the blonde trip instead of stumble. He coughed out blood, wiping it away with his arm.

Bakugo looked at Izuku, his sweet, clumsy Deku who would fit right into the warm embrace of his arms, and frowned. "You can't do this to me! You don't know how much I thought of you every night, don't you? We can start over, just give me one more chan-" Just as he was getting emotional and desperate once more, Chisaki relentlessly cut him off.

"One more word, and he won't stop me a second time, you whelp." He glared with his vibrant honey eyes, and Bakugo backed down when he felt overwhelmingly uncomfortable and the urge to run away. He realized Chisaki was a dominant alpha, a level way higher than his own. He also realized the tall man was indeed the man in the picture from 5 years ago, and the fact that he recognized this man as the CEO of Shie Hassaikai, one of the largest business corporations of Japan and globally.

"If you ever look, or touch my wife again, I'll murder you." Bakugo wasn't sure if he himself took those words into heart because he wasn't over Izuku yet, the omega just needed to understand who was a better husband material for him.

Chisaki glared and Bakugo felt like he was getting shot by lasers poking holes in his chest. "Nod if you understand." Bakugo nodded ever so slightly, barely an inch passing by. Bakugo internally scowled

Bakugo should be grateful he's even alive to this point- Chisaki never allows any of his victims to be alive after he decides he'll get rid of it. But he's not, because goddamn Chisaki turns away and looks at Izuku with worrying eyes, checking over his body at least 4 times before he wipes away his incoming tears with his latex gloves. And then he hugs him too, with Izuku clinging onto the dominant alpha, angering even more.

Bakugo should be the one beating Chisaki up and touching Izuku, why was his life like this? That's right, all because he believed some airhead bitch's words and a photo.

Chapter 2: 2


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Katsuki grabbed his lunchbox from the counter after ruffling his cute husband's hair, and getting a "Good luck at work".

His life was perfect like that, he had money, he had a loving husband, and he was soon to be a father with two pets- one golden retriever and a tabby cat.

Everything was going super great, like it was a calm before a storm vibe. Maybe he shouldn't have jinxed it though. That night, when he went to drink with his colleagues after work, Uraraka, the front desk manager, showed him a picture of Izuku, possibly on a date with an extra he didn't recognize.

Uraraka managed to convince him with a few more pictures of Izuku with the same man, in different locations and outfits. The man had short cropped brown hair with an amazing physique, and piercing gold eyes. The man had a black mask on, clearly looking suspicious for some reason. He mostly looked dangerous, in his opinion. He had ear piercings and most of the pictures show his eyes looking at Izuku with love.

He rushed back home to Izuku snuggling with his cat, and he ripped it away from the body, making it hiss as it landed on their legs as they ran away.

"Kacchan, why would you do that to Kumi?" The omega sat up, yawning as he rubbed his belly for a good moment before taking in the sight of the fuming alpha above him. "Kacchan…?"


"What?" The omega tilted his head in confusion.

"I said out, you whore! I know what you've been doing behind my back, now get out, I'll send you the divorce papers through email!"

Katsuki grabbed the omega's arm, throwing him on the ground. "Pack your bags, and get the fuck out this instant!" The alpha bitterly spat, not caring if the omega spilled his tears away.

"C-can you at least tell me…why?"

"Did you fucking hit your head? That's alright, I'll tell you, you fucking shithead. It's because I don't love you anymore, and I have someone else, like you do too."

"Wh-what are you talking about? I-If you think I'm cheating, I'm not, I-I can prove it!" But Katsuki only brushed him off, leaving him lonely in the cold living room.

Izuku's world crashed down, and Katsuki felt like he had finally started his life for real. A life with Uraraka.

After Izuku left, he noticed he took their- er, his cat too. He was relieved to be honest, he never liked that grumpy pet anyways. But now the dog was all alone without his friend. He also noticed Izuku didn't appear to be on the company grounds, nor did he even see him anywhere around him for six years. But that didn't matter, since Uraraka was his wife now, after a year of dating.

As years passed by, his growing yearn for the omega's touch grew slowly, and even though the female beta had amazing curves like an omega, she was always on her phone or shopping with his card. Even though every week they would fuck two or three times, he could see Uraraka was only chasing pleasure for herself and herself only, never once serving her husband attention. Bakugo was frequently left hanging on a thread, the beta suddenly getting off when she deems it done. He was going insane from how he couldn't even cum without jerking off.

He realized she was spending more time with her friends and shopping than with him. He also realized Izuku was the one for him. Maybe he should've had Izuku explain, or prove, but he knew he was so wrapped in his own rage that he couldn't bear to hear anymore of that voice.

He knew he could just walk to the opposite direction from his department but he couldn't face the possibilities of the reaction Izuku could show. He was sure he blocked him, but surprisingly he could still call him. It was mid November, and it was getting chilly. Which meant the pheromones the omega released and the scent of his marking made it even more pungent when he crossed by him without the other one noticing.

And then it was one night, when his wife came home looking very drunk, to the point she looks high, even. Katsuki sighed, grabbing her bags from her hands as she playfully moaned. And if that phone didn't drop from her thin hand, he doesn't know if he was going to keep on getting played by her.


Bakugo watched as Chisaki held Izuku's waist, pulling him closer as they entered the black car. He could hear Chisaki comforting Izuku as he removed the omega's arms from his face when he tried to wipe away his tears. Small 'it's okay' or 'you're with me,' or even 'don't worry' made thunder in Bakugo's guts. A siren of the ambulance ringing at the far end of the street, where he could barely make it out in the corner of his eyes.

That's right, he couldn't move, he should be in the ER.

He could see through the tinted windows where Chisaki wipes away Izuku's dried tears with a wet cloth, a smirk visible in his golden eyes as he stared at Bakugou for a moment before turning his head back towards his lovely wife, his expression changing into one of the softest looks Bakugo has ever seen in his life.

Maybe that's why Izuku didn't choose him, maybe he wanted a delicate lover who treats him gently and carefully, unlike how Bakugo shows his love language. He groaned in pain, not from the cuts or he punches but the way that Izuku relied onto the brunette earlier. It made him give himself more motivation to get him back and spit at the dominant alpha's face.

He glared at the medical technician, before getting pulled into a strapper, groaning while doing so. "Red eyed, blonde, and alpha…name please?" The sound of clicking pens and tapping digital tablets annoyed the blonde. The man in the emergency medical suit snapped his fingers, "Name, please?" Bakugo answered easily, avoiding their intense gaze.


As the car smoothly ran down the street, Chisaki could sense his assistant, Chronostasis was trying to not mind the couple, not very open or comfortable to such behavior from his boss engaging in PDA so casually. "Is…everything fine?" Chrono questioned, but seemed rather to confirm the fact. Chisaki didn't respond, which probably meant not so good. The alpha removed his black mask, and pecked his omega on the forehead, gently telling him that everything's okay, that he wasn't mad about what happened back there.

The dominant alpha stroked his omega's hair who was on his lap, hiccups escaping his mouth as he sobbed a bit, tired out by the emotional exhaustion. Chisaki could only hold his saddened wife, releasing enormous amounts of soothing pheromones to the extent the car felt overwhelmingly stuffy. He nuzzled his neck in a relaxed motion, re-scenting his dear omega as he quietly growled at the unfamiliar scent of the other alpha. He breathed in the smell of their soap, shifting a little to get more comfortable in his sitting. "Shh, it's alright." Chisaki whispered, letting the younger hug his torso as he started to doze in his lap.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket carefully so as to not disturb the sleeping beauty, and wrapped his arms around his wife as he typed in messages for his work. He rested his chin on Izuku's shoulder, and quietly sighed as he powered his phone off. "Find everything out about that runt."

"Yessir.." Chrono equally took his phone out, most likely putting his order into the list filled with thousands of to-do's this week. "You should go rest too, Chrono." Chisaki simply stated, not opening his eyes as he cuddled with his mate. "If you say so, but I doubt I can with all this stuff."

"...Hand half of it to Mimic if you've got so much, he's been slacking off just because our management is stable. I'm sure he can handle it." Chisaki responded, squinting his eyes open to glare at the driver. "And tell this fucking guy to drive faster." Said driver tensed before looking at the rear view through his tinted glasses, a chill running up to his spine as he quickly avoided his boss's molten gold eyes glaring at his soul.

"I'm sorry, sir..." The driver looked ahead to the freeway and gradually, the car sped up as he was told, he didn't want to look like one of the goons that's been killed earlier of the day by Chrono. Chrono laid his head back as well as Chisaki did, hanging his arm above his face to observe his phone for a moment.

In less than no time, the car came to a stop in front of Chisaki's residence, a penthouse inside a condominium in which the riches only know. The dim lights made it easier to spot the dark hallway of the main floor, and the driver rushed to help open up the car door. And because Chisaki had Izuku in his arms, he couldn't scan his thumb on the fingerprint scanner up ahead, so Chrono escorted his boss inside, repeating the numbers of the passcode in order in his mind before unlocking the smart lock.

He wished them goodbye and quietly ordered the driver to drive him back to the base.

It was almost 11pm, and he's sure he'll have to pull an all-nighter to sort his and his boss's schedule and other stuff he could definitely shove it to Mimic, that lazy bastard. Paperworks, paperworks, paperworks…


Kai carried Izuku in bridal style, careful of the noise of his footsteps he could possibly make with the slim body in his arms and the leather loafers he had. As he waited for the elevator to come, he looked at Izuku and kissed his cute nose. When he entered, he pushed the 'P' button at the top of the luxurious elevator before coding in the passcode, which swiftly made its way through all 50 floors in a minute. By the time it reached his dwelling Izuku woke up, breathing in the familiar scent.

Kai sat him down on the couch, before removing his tie and his vest, leaving it on the edge of the sofa. He ruffled the greenette's hair and walked towards their connected large kitchen. "Do you want tea?" The omega nodded, yawning as he stood, yearning for his child's presence.

"Mhnn…I'm gonna go check Eri…" The greenette sighed as he inhaled the smell of chamomile and peppermint. "Go take a shower, or do you want me to help?" Izuku merely chuckled, a blush slowly forming on his cheeks as he kept wary of his throat that was about to give out any moment if he even laughed a little. He was still tired from the bruises and meaningless words thrown at him, he decided to end the day to cuddling with his husband later.

He slowly walked towards a particular bedroom on the west side of the dwelling, the door white with a name plate 'Eri'. At this hour Izuku would assume she would already be in bed since Eri's caretaker that comes oftenly messaged him before he came home with Chisaki.

He gently opened the door to see his daughter sleeping soundly on her plain pink bed. The miscarriage of his twin scarred him a lot, so birthing Eri was the happiest thing that could ever happen to him. It's been 4 years ever since his angel has come to the open world, and he vowed to protect and take care of her fully.

Her long silver blue hair was knotted in hair locks, and the dam couldn't help but brush them with his fingers. Eri looks nothing like him or Chisaki, but took in the genes of Chisaki's side of family for her silver blue hair, and the omega's father for her red eyes, if that were to explain anything.

"Hnn..Mama..?" Eri woke up as she sat up, and Izuku felt bad. He smiled, pulling her into his arms. "Did my sweet Eri wake because of me? I'm sorry." He cooed, nuzzling his head to his daughter's head. "Mama, did you put on purple lipstick? You shud put it on correctly! You missed some spots!" She called, still in a daze. He pulled the covers back for his daughter. "Sleep, you have pre-school tomorrow." He gave her a goodnight kiss as she giggled, ready to sleep against her fluffy pillows where she can relax.

Izuki turned the dim lights off, which was standing on the nightstand, before tracing his fingers on his lips as he walked away. As soon as he exited, he went to the master bedroom which was one the very end of the corridor. He opened the door, striding straight towards the bathroom as he started to strip. He needed to get it out, the sudden realization that Kacchan touched him.

He scrubbed every corner until the scent of Chisaki's been pretty much washed away as well, not that it completely did though. He winced as he accidentally forgot to avoid scrubbing his wounds so harshly, the sting in the flesh remaining before washed away with water. When he got out 20 minutes later, he could see his short sleeved hoodie and shorts along with other undergarments.

When he exited the bedroom, he walked towards the cabinet across the living room, where they had medical supplies packed. As he opened it and started to reach for the kit, he could hear light footsteps approaching.

"Bunny, let me help, you go drink that on the table." Chisaki suddenly appeared behind, gently placing his hand on his omega's shoulder as the greenette shook his head, which caused the little drops of water still remaining at the tip of his green locks escape towards the rug.

"You don't have to, you've got work tomorrow, don't you? Go to bed, I'll join you after I finish cleaning up." Izuku said as he grabbed his sweater from the sofa left from earlier, revealing tiny spots of dried blood around the sleeve. He tossed the sweater in the hamper, planning to wash the bloodstained off later by hand. He examined his skin, the blood slightly drying when he tried to pick.

"You think work's more important than you?" Izuku looked up, resting his arms to his side. "What do you think I feel when I say I love you?" Chisaki said calmly and as stoic as he always was, before looking up with one eyebrow lifted. In his golden honey eyes were pool of emotions Izuku could familiarize with, worry. It made him devastated to leave his husband like this. "Do you think my words carry no value?"

"No, never."

"Answer properly, Izuku." The greenette sniffed, Chisaki rarely calls him by his name, usually Bunny or other cute names when Izuku usually always calls him by his name. Chisaki arranged the tools he needed, before looking up once again when no response was heard.

"I…don't know…I just think I'm dragging you down with my problems."

Chisaki frowned, before sighing. He gestured to come closer as he sat on the sofa, putting the medical kits aside. The dam hesitantly walked over, looking down at the space between his feet, and Kai pulls him by the arms, careful of the wounds, to his lap. He reaches for the kit, leaning onto the shoulder he placed his hand on the younger's shoulder, and leans back. "Don't you remember what I said 5 years ago?" He doesn't look at Izuku, but instead takes out a swab and slides it across the smooth vaseline, before holding Izuku's chin in place. "When you were panicking whether you'd be good enough for me or whatever."

He makes eye contact with the greenette, staring at him with questioning eyes. "I do." He quietly answers, blinking slowly. Kai rubs the swab on the bruise, a wince escaping his wife's pretty lips. "I'll say it for you as many times as you want," He reaches for the ointment, again taking another swab and, "But don't forget," He presses the ointment, the omega watching as he squeezes onto the swab. He looked into the green pools of eyes.

"You'll never be good enough, because your existence already is priceless to me." Kai gently grabs Izuku's arm, pulling towards the elbow to take a look at the injury. "Alright?" Izuku just looks down at his husband concentrating on putting a patch over the ointment.

"But I'm supposed to be the one supporting you, not the other way around or something." He mumbles, clearly dissatisfied with his husband's statement. "Sh, none of that now bunny, just give it back to me later, we'll both be equal then." Izuku tilted his head slightly before gasping as he realized. Soon enough, they switched positions and Izuku was sitting on the same spot Kai had sat, and he was on the floor kneeling as he took care of the painful graze placed on the side of his leg.

"We're supposed to be helping each other out, you need to understand that." Kai lightly tapped the patch over the wound, before standing up and pulling Izuku to his chest. "What if I think I'm not helping you out like you are to me?"

"Then I'll help you realize how you're helping me out."

"Then, then, wh-what if I'm not a good mother to Eri?"

"Eri doesn't think of you like that, stop trying to argue."

"What if no one likes me anymore?"

"Sweetheart, no one in this universe has ever hated you except for those who envy you, isn't it obvious?"

Izuku huffed in annoyance as he suddenly stood up. "How do you always know the right words to say? It's like I'm the only one filled with problems." Kai grinned and Izuku melted once and for all. "I don't need to be reminded of that, you know me, Bunny."

"But you're never like this to anyone else."

"Why would I need to be like this to anyone else?" Izuku scoffed, letting Kai go before drinking the tea placed in an insulated water bottle.

"You're not the only one who feels like that, sometimes I feel like I wouldn't be able to be the husband or the father you've always thought of me as." Izuku narrowed his eyes as he listened. Kai sat back down on the edge of the couch as he rested his arms over his lap.

"Bunny, if you weren't by my side my life would have no meaning. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be so ambitious, nor would I be working so hard. It's almost a problem, I don't think I'll let myself watch you leave my side." Izuku felt his heart sink as he heard Kai's words. He took a deep breath and leaned over to hug Kai tightly. Kai closed his eyes and leaned into Izuku, feeling the warmth of his arms around him.

"Cause, what if you've actually left for him, in this massive fucking house? You're my everything, Izuku." Kai was suddenly alerted by the change in the pheromones, his inner alpha telling him to immediately comfort the omega right now. "Did I make you cry, I'm sorry." He wrapped his arms around his mate into his arms even more, peppering him with kisses to his face as he shushed him.


Mind you that Izuku is 28, soon to be 29, Bakugo is 30, and Chisaki is 33.

Chapter 3


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku cried as he sobbed, a true blessing to have someone like Kai in his life. He looked into the honey eyes, perhaps waiting for something to happen. And so suddenly, because Izuku soon found his back on the couch while his husband was holding the back of his head as he kissed him passionately.

"Hn, open up, bunny." The alpha whispered slightly, playing with the soft meat of the younger's thighs as he bit onto the bottom lip. Izuku gasped and Kai dived into the deeper warmth of his mouth as he explored every corner with his tongue. Izuku couldn't help but kiss back, smearing the vaseline on each other's lips as the last drops of tears escaped from his eyes to the cushion. But when the alpha started to remove his shorts and slide his hand under his pucker, Izuku stopped him by taking a breath from the kiss.

"K-Kai, Eri's in the other room." He averted his eyes as he blushed furiously, moaning a little when Kai didn't stop. He whimpered as his arms were blocked by a strong one, alluring golden eyes staring at him. "Kai.."

"Shh, did you forget how big this house is?" Kai kissed his forehead before shoving inside him without a warning, and if it weren't for the generous amount of slick that formed around Izuku's hole, the greenette's sure he would've whined loudly from both pleasure and pain. Izuku squeezed his eyesーit was too much at the same time, and too bad Izuku can't multitask for a long period of time.

"Don't muffle yourself, bunny." The alpha whispered, letting his mouth wander around Izuku's neck and jawline, slightly biting onto the omega's scent blocker. His fingers doubled, and now two fingers were pulsing in and out rhythmically, making Izuku's eyes roll for want. "Ah, Kai, ngh…" The omega moaned; his words barely coherent to even recognize.

"What, like this?" The alpha pushed a third finger in, before taking it out. "Hgh, Kai, please," Kai once again pushed it in, purposely missing his prostate as he brushed the side of it. "Kai!" The younger one cried, grabbing his husband's wrist to get himself off by himself, but Kai quickly grabbed his arm before he had the chance to get his fingers. "Why don't you be a good boy for me and be patient?" Kai nibbed on the shell of Izuku's ear, making him squirm.

"Please, Kai." Izuku gripped the alpha's shirt, tugging at the cloth until it wrinkled. Izuku hugged Kai's torso with his legs slightly, still a bit wobbly from pain. He tried so hard to hump or grind, to make even the slightest friction to soothe his frustrations. Kai teasingly cooed, kissing Izuku's eyelids and biting his cheeks lightly.

Izuku lifted his head to harshly try to rip the scent gland blocker off, the skin-colored patch completely sticking to the pale skin, and by every second Izuku couldn't get it off he was getting even more desperate. But when he finally ripped it out, the strong scent of omega pheromones was engulfing the entire place.

The omega wrapped his arms around his mate's neck, pulling them into a kiss. Chisaki kissed him so softly, licking the omega's lips to insert his tongue inside. Chisaki grinned at the way his omega moaned pretty for him, which made him dig his fingers precisely into Izuku's prostate finally. Izuku arched his back perfectly, trembling while doing so. That won't do any more.

Chisaki retreated his finger that was covered in wet slick and grabbed Izuku's hips. He broke the kiss, and Izuku whined, trying to bring him back. "Speaking of which, your waist wouldn't hurt if we did it here, right?" Chisaki lined up against Izuku's pussy, slowly starting to breach in. "It doesn't matter, just-" Izuku's high pitched moan caught Chisaki off guard, and he gripped his hips to the point bruises could remain.

The alpha had to grit his teeth and hold back a moan from the way Izuku immediately clenched onto him. Izuku made a small noise that sounded like a choked whimper, and Chisaki's eyes looked back to his face. It's just been way too long since they last had sex. Izuku practically screamed in delight, wrapping his milky thighs around. Izuku looked so cute in his pastel green sweater as he blushed, pearls of sweat slowly making its way down the omega's temple. He started to move without warning, and soon slow, sensual thrusts became fast-paced poundings.

Chisaki himself was in ecstasy, pounding in to make sure he shoved his cock as deep into Izuku as he could. Both of them could hear the audible sound of the slap of their skins on top of Izuku's moans. They only broke eye contact when Izuku rolled his back, his back arching beautifully as Chisaki lifted one of the omega's shaky legs and put it on top of his shoulder to gain a better position.

"God you're perfect, you're so tight every time." Chisaki whispered, and he growled softly when Izuku responded with parting his lips, and seeing that tongue slightly moved out. Izuku sang so pretty, and with each thrust he looked like was about to cum on the spot. "Kai, I'm so close, please don't stop," Before Chisaki could answer, Izuku stopped breathing and clenched even more, closing his eyes in bliss as he came. It was a silent moan, and the way the omega's face contorted made Chisaki even more turned on.

Chisaki smirked, feeling his own climax coming closer as he pounded into his lover even faster, which soon became tight again from overstimulation. "Wait-waiiigh-" He could feel his back aching from the scratches and how hard Izuku grips on his flesh. "You're mine, all mine. You belong to me. Only me. You got it?" The alpha whispered in a possessive manner, and at last, he released his semen inside. He panted, slow strokes beginning to settle down to finish off. Izuku mindlessly nods his head, his legs starting to quiver.

"I'm yours, I'm yours, Kai. I don't want to leave you."