
Miles is nothing more than a regular 18-year old boy with some masculinity insecurities, when he 'accidentally' breaks his mother's old teapot while playing with his friends. What he doesn't realize is that the teapot was actually a heirloom possessing the spirit of femininity, so now he and his friends must atone for their crime by being force feminized by every single woman they meet until they become nothing more than brainless bimbo girls.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

The soft, serene pitter patter of rain quietly drummed outside, roaring, powerful bolts of thunder rumbling off in the distance. Enclosed within the cozy walls of his upper-middle class home, the young 18-year old Miles let out a sigh as he leaned against his living room wall. Today looked to be yet another day in his average, quiet hometown. Maybe a bit more boring than usual thanks to the rain. And that had to be the most disappointing part of it all.

Though Miles had invited his friends over so they could hang out and have some fun, it seemed the group of boys was now stuck beneath the same roof without anything to do. Something which Miles did not enjoy in the slightest, as quite disliked spending time in his house. Especially in his living room. With how pretty, pink and cutesy it looked, it was a painful reminder of the boy's recent struggles with masculinity. But unfortunately, it was also the only place where he could fit his friends and not get wet.

Gripping the football in his hand tightly, Miles flung the ball all the way across the room in frustration. The ball flew it directly at the glass cabinet on the other side, threatening to crash against it and shatter the window into pieces, only for it to be intercepted at the last second by one of his friends.

"Woah!" His buddy cried as he caught it. "That was a pretty strong throw Miles!" Though he didn't seem that bothered by it. In fact, it almost looked like he'd enjoyed the challenge.

This boy's name was Jarmal, and he was an athletic lad of African-American descent. Jarmal was everything you'd want in a man. Handsome, buff, a nice guy and pretty good at sports. The chiseled jawline, smooth buzz cut and mocha-tinted skin made him look like a professional football player. Unfortunately, Jarmal wasn't even part of the local high school's team. The boy also had some severe social anxieties. His utter fear of competition and struggle to socialize with other people caused him to slip right into Miles' crew. Not that this bothered Jarmal too much, as he was more than happy to find a relaxed group like this one.

"Right back atcha!" Jarmal hollered as he passed the ball back to Miles. The air whizzed as the ball twirled in the air, its force and speed palpable. Miles was far from a slouch at sports however, and he was able to catch it just fine.

"Hey, can you two jackasses stop throwing a ball inside?!" Came a loud, angered voice from the couch.

Miles rolled his eyes in annoyance. Sitting on his living room couch, with his eyes staring at the TV like a zombie and a PS5 controller in his hand was Leo, the nerdy kid of the group. A little bit chubby, a bit sarcastic and a bit rude, Leo made for all his shortcomings by with his intelligence and reliability. Leo was kind of the brains of the whole operation. Whenever the group got into trouble, he was the one who'd help them out. Because despite how much teasing he usually delivered, he's the kind of guy you can always trust in a pinch.

"Whatever Leo." Miles responded in a dismissive tone. "This is my house, remember? I can play whatever I want." He spoke with assertion, accentuating his point by throwing the ball at Jamar again.

"Ugghh..." Leo sighed in compliance. "I'm just saying. If you two keep throwing that ball around, you're going to fucking break something."

Woes that went completely unanswered as the two boy behind him kept on exchanging throws. Setting his controller aside with an exaggerated groan, Leo leaned against the boy to his right, sitting on the couch along him. Leo's hands patted the boy's head softly, causing the boy's face to light up with a blush.

"Ohhh... Alec... Can you see how bothersome it is to babysit those two?" Leo asked in a sorrowful tone. "I'm so happy we have you as our sweet obedient boy. Never change please~"

"H-H-He-h-he... A-Alright..." Alec responded with a bright blush, embarrassed but also a bit happy to be praised.

Out of all of the boys, Alec had to be the shortest of the bunch, and he was as cute as a button. Soft-spoken, mild-mannered and overall an absolute delight to spend time with. His baby face, small physique and thick, brown hair made for a grandma's dream kid. Never getting into trouble, never getting into arguments, the good-boy definition fit him right to a t. But Alec was certainly able to speak his mind whenever the situation needed, even if he did so in a very soft and gentle manner. He was also Miles' childhood friend, so the two shared a pretty close relationship.

"H-Hey Leo... I already took your first bar..." The cute boy commented with a hint of nefariousness.

"Aww what the hell?! You didn't pause?!" Quickly darting back towards his controller, Leo parted sharply separated from Alec and began to focus on the game once more. "That was cold Alec... Maybe you're not as sweet as I thought..." A comment which was only met with a giggle from Alec himself.

Behind the duo of gamers, Miles and Jarmal continued to trade footballs over and over again, but this motionless, sanitized version of football wasn't really entertaining Miles in the slightest. Catching the ball from the air, Miles let out a sigh of frustration. Was he really just going to spend the rest of his day passing around a ball? He wanted to do something thrilling, like going on a hike or taking a trip to the arcade. Anything to stay away from this blasted house.

Of course, there was nothing inherently wrong with Miles' house. It was the perfect living environment for any child. However, it was also absolutely clear that Miles was the only man in this house. The living room was perfect piece of evidence for this. Every piece of furniture was white, with pink highlights, from the tables to the shelves and chairs. Hearts and flowers were scattered everywhere like leaves in a jungle. And there was this sickening fruity smell that seeped into your nostrils, absolutely refusing to let go. It was as if Miles was living in a fricking Barbie house!

And it pissed him off. Miles wasn't really the hateful type. Most of the time, he was a nice, easily flustered and understanding sort of kid, even if he could get pretty stubborn and reckless at times. It was just... Living in a house where he was surrounded by nothing but women wasn't easy. And now that Miles was entering the peak of his puberty, he was starting to have some serious issues with his own sense of masculinity...

The boy stared at his reflection on the glass panes from the china cabinet across the room, tens of disappointed expressions staring back at him. His face was fairly androgynous, not a single strand of facial hair having grown in his entire life. Combined with his severe lack of pubic hair, it only compounded on his already existing troubles. With light, tanned brown skin, his body was quite light on the muscle department. He was thankfully thin, but perhaps to a fault because it looked like he didn't eat enough. Even his silky, well kempt brown-reddish hair was not enough to make him fully stand out.

Suffice to say, seeing the physical manifestations of Miles' imperfections sitting before his very eyes like this made him more than a little bit peeved. Especially as it stood imposingly on the other side of the room in the shape of a china cabinet filled with all sort of cutesy fancy porcelain tableware. He wanted to be more normal, he wanted to be accepted. He just wanted to break free!! Winding up his arm with building rage, Miles threw the football at the cabinet as hard as he possibly could. The ball whizzed directly at it like a bullet, shooting through the air with so much speed and power even the sport whiz Jarmal wasn't able to catch it.

And as the ball struck the cabinet right on its glass panel, every single boy in the room turned their heads towards it with an expression of utter shock. The glass itself didn't shatter, but the cabinet was struck with enough force, its old, worn legs caused it to wobble back and forth in an uncontrollable manner. Thankfully, every piece of china contained within the cabinet's insides remained completely secured thanks to the sturdy doors. All but one piece, a beautiful, elegant, feminine teapot, which teetered and tottered at the tip of the cabinet as there was no place to store it inside. This teapot shuddered along to the cabinet's vibrations, threatening to spill over at every second. Until finally, the gorgeous piece of china tripped over the cabinet and unceremoniously crashed upon the ground.


A loud, shattering crash echoed throughout the house, the silence that ensued accentuated by the soft thumping noise of the rain outside. Without exchanging any words, a circle quickly formed around the fallen china. The boys stared down at the victim in a mixture of terror and disbelief, gazing upon the pieces of broken ceramic strewn about the floor like they were witnessing a murder scene.


Thunder bellowed out in the background, rocking each one of their spines. There was no doubt about it. They'd broken this precious teapot.

"Oh god- Miles I'm so sorry!" Jarmal was the first one to apologize, his face paler than it had ever been before. "Y-You threw it so fast-! I just couldn't catch it in time!"

"You two morons!!!" Leo angrily pitched in. "I told you guys to stop throwing that thing inside the house! Now look at what you've done!!"

"Pah- Relax Leo. It's fine." Surprisingly enough, though it was his mother's property and he had been the main one responsible, Miles seemed to be the least concerned of the group. "My mom doesn't even use that teapot anymore. Plus, it looked fucking stupid."

"B-B-But Miles!!" Alec clasped his friend's hand with a worried expression. "W-Wasn't that a p-precious family heirloom?! Y-Your mom is going to kill you if she finds out!!!"

"Then... Maybe she doesn't have to find out." Leo spoke in a serious tone. The rest of the boys quickly turned their heads towards him, their faces gazing in an expectant manner. "You said your mother doesn't use it, anymore right?" He continued. "Then we have to make sure she doesn't find out it's broken. By the time she realizes it's gone, she'll probably think that she's lost it somehow."

"B-But how?" Alec asked timidly.

"We bury it."


A powerful, roaring bolt of thunder crackled nearby, thunderclouds shuddering angrily above. Though none of the boys looked quite happy with the answer, none of them were against the plan either. From tonight on, the group would all be accomplices in this accidental crime.

"Ngghhh..." Miles let out a low-pitched groan, his body feeling like he was floating in the air. Though the thick blanket of drowsiness bore unto his psyche like a crushing weight, the boy could feel his body becoming more energized with each passing second. Slowly but surely, his consciousness began to return. "W-Where... Where am I?" He asked in a groggy tone.

As Miles' eyes slowly parted open, his mind restarting its regular functions, he was instantly met with an instant void of all-encompassing darkness. It extended off into the distance with no end in sight, completely vast, featureless and blank. Though there was a floor Miles could stand on, it blended into the rest of the darkness seamlessly. It was as if he'd been transported into the void of space, nothing but emptiness surrounding him. The one and only detail of note in this blank, black universe was a singular spotlight off in the distance, which shone onto a table with a set of familiar silhouettes.

Filled with a mixture of confusion and intrigue, Miles began to walk towards this light without any further questions. For some reason, there was no sort of concern in his mind about where he was or how he got here. Miles focused all of his efforts on reaching towards the light instead. It almost felt like it was calling him, beckoning him to come closer, and Miles could do nothing but follow its sweet serenade. With every step his pace increased, with every meter his body moved faster and faster. As Miles approached the spotlight with speed, he felt ready to see what laid beneath its golden glow.

It did not take long for Miles to finally arrive at the source of the light. And as his gaze set onto the place it was shining, the boy couldn't help but break into a sarcastic smile. Down in the center of the light's glow was a beautiful and ornate white tea table, with a fancy teapot at its center and four teacups scattered about. Most striking of all however, Miles could clearly see his three best friends sitting around the table with joyful expressions, except each and every one of them was wearing some sort of extremely girly outfit.

On the left, Alec bore a cutesy yellow sundress that looked like it had been plucked from a middle grader's closet. On the right, Jarmal was dressed in a slutty pink top and a set of mini jeans that exposed most of his body, a feminine outfit that clashed with the boy's muscled figure. And to top things off, Leo sat across the table in a white turtleneck shirt, a puffy, extravagant white fur coat and a set of tight black jeans that looked like they were squeezing the fat out of his body. Besides that, each one of them looked basically no different than they did the day before, which only made the fact that his friends were currently wearing such embarrassing girly clothes all the more hilarious to Miles.

"Gosh Jamey! You nails are sooooo cute today!" Alec spoke in an intentionally high, feminine pitch, one which came with surprising ease considering his voice was soft to begin with. "You're always wearing such cute things!"

"Awww, like- Thanks a ton babe!" Jarmal responded with an energetic smile. "I think your dress is like, super duper pretty n' stuff as well! It's like, so you! And Leah! Your fur coat is like, totes fancy and beautiful like you!"

"Thanks dear~" Leo responded in a smooth, soft manner, his legs crossed with refinement. "The two of you are simply wonderful. I'm so happy I get to spend teatime together with such beautiful girls such as ourselves!"

"Pft- Pffffttt- Puahahahaha!" Unable to control his voice any longer, Miles burst into an uncontrollably litany of hearty laughter, catching the attention of the three boys around him. "What the hell are you guys doing?!" He spoke up, wiping a tear off his eye. "Why are you all acting and dressing like a bunch of girls! You guys look ridiculous!!!"

His friends didn't feel insulted by Miles' comment, however. Instead, they seemed to look at him with confused expressions.

"But Emily..." Alex spoke to Miles softly, his cute eyes bearing into Miles' soul. "We are girls. Don't you remember? You're dressed like a girl too! Because, you are a girl."

"Wha-?!?" Face quickly darting downwards, Miles finally set his eyes upon his own body. And in that instant, every single bit of cockiness and superiority was drained from the boy's body, replaced instead by a stomach-turning sensation of dread.

Just like all of his friends before him, Miles' was fully clad in a set of beautiful, elegant feminine clothes. Instead of his usual shirt and pants, Miles wore an dazzlingly majestic purple gown dress, with a hem that was so long and flowing it reached the floor. His arms were completely exposed thanks to it being sleeveless, and the huge v-neck gap on his chest showed off his cute, underdeveloped boyish pecs. The worst thing perhaps was how perfectly the dress fit him. It was so comfortable Miles hadn't noticed he was wearing it until now, and it was so cute it made him look like an actual princess.

"N-No... No!!!" Miles shook his head wildly, hoping- Praying that this was some sort of illusion, a gross misunderstanding. And still, the truth was before his very eyes. Even now, in such a bizarre situation, Miles couldn't help but be the least masculine of his friend!

"There's no use denying it, Emily~" Leo cooed in a sultry alluring tone. "Deep down inside, you know it's the truth. You were always meant to be a girl"

"Miles is a girl! Miles is a girl Miles is a girl!"

All of a sudden, the trio of boys began to sing out in unison. With bright, cheery smiles on each of their faces, each one of the crossdressing boys called out to Miles with excitement, creating a harmonic symphony that rocked him to his core. Miles staggered backwards, a strange sensation swelling within him. He knew they were wrong! All of this- Everything was messed up! Yet, the more he kept on hearing his friends' message, the more appealing it became...

"Urgh-! N-No! I-I-It's not true-!" Miles tried his best to fight back, his hands covering his ears as his body writher with a strange heat. "I-I can't-! I-I-I'm not-!!!"

But there was nothing Miles could do by this point. The instant this idea of femininity had been planted in his head, it was already too late. Miles' breath became heavy, his heart beating faster and faster. Surging forth from his crotch with purpose, Miles' cock slowly began to bulge out from his puffy dress. The member grew harder and larger until it was fully erect, its shaft embracing the soft silky cloth of Miles' dress. Even if his mind didn't want to accept it, Miles' body had already given in.

"You have to be a girl! You have to be a girl!" They continued, not breaking their powerful chant for a single second.

A girlish moan escaped from Miles' lips, his brain becoming hazier by the second. Every inch of his body fluttered with heat. His friends' chorus kept on repeating loudly inside Miles' head over and over, as if he couldn't block out the sound no matter how hard he tried. Miles wanted nothing more than to fight back against these slanderous words, to the blatant lies filling his head. But all the pleasure he was feeling! All the warmth that filled him whole! It overwhelmed him both in body in mind! Miles felt like- He felt like he was going to-!!!


Then in an instant, it all stopped. Before Miles could reach this strange apex his mind was climbing towards, the boy's consciousness was plucked back from the brink of madness. Gone were his friends, as were their voices and taunts. Though their effects remained, as Miles did his best to regain his composure.


"W-What?! N-No-!" The boy desperately tried calling out to this being, his heart beating with dread at the thought he'd have to relive that experience again. "Y-You can' do that! P-P-Please! L-Let me atone some other way! Don't gooooo-!!!!"


Bolting up from the bed with a sharp upwards motion, Miles let out a scream of pure terror into the air. His face quickly turned about with anxiety, scanning the room in search for any signs of the mysterious deity he'd just heard. However, instead of being trapped within this endless vortex of black, Miles found himself in a normal bedroom. Four plain, beige walls, a cluttered desk with a computer, and a window that gave view to a wonderful morning glow. He was... He was in his room! Miles' breath escaped as a sigh of relief, every single part of his body filling with relaxation. It had all been just a dream! Though even as dreams they seemed to be quite impactful, for Miles' cock was still rock hard with unforgiving morning wood...

With a huge, ecstatic grin on his face, Miles ignored his flaring hard-on as he happily flung the bed covers off his body and started getting ready for school. He promptly made his way to his closet, focusing on picking his clothes instead of those strange lingering thoughts from the dream. Knowing those strange visions were nothing more than silly dreams, Miles felt more revitalized than ever! A curse? Atonement? Feminization? It had all been part of Miles' zany imagination. Now that Miles was in the real world, there was nothing to worry about but going to school and having a good time with his friends!

In just a couple of minutes, Miles was dressed up in his usual outfit: A plain colored shirt and some blue jeans. Such were the benefits of not caring about fashion or clothes, he could wake up and be ready in less than five minutes. Grabbing his book and his backpack, the boy eagerly headed through the door of his room and walked into the hallway, where he met with his little sister Mandy who seemed to be heading to school as well.

"Good morning Mandy!" Miles greeted his sister with a cheery attitude.

"Miles?!?" However, the response Miles received was far from inviting. Instead of greeting her brother with her usual excitement and affection, the girl stared at Miles with an expression of utter revilement and disgust. It was as if she was looking at a horrid creature instead of her dear family member. "What. The. HECK. Are you wearing?!?!?"

Miles flinched in surprise, completely caught off guard by his sister's utterly venomous remark. Turning his head downwards, Miles looked at his outfit to see if there was really something so horrible with what he was wearing. But as he stared as his white shirt and pants, Miles found nothing out of the ordinary. "Uhh... Just my regular clothes, I guess?" He responded with a confused tone.

"Nuh-uh! You are NOT going to school dressed like that!" The girl spat back with such gravitas and prowess, her voice sent shivers down Miles' spine. "I knew you were always a bit of a dope, but I never expected you to have such a horrible fashion sense!"

Anxiety began to spread through Miles' body, a familiar, ominous sensation of dread creeping into his stomach. The boy tried to back away from his sister and into his room, but he quickly discovered his body was completely stuck in place. His arms budged no more than a millimeter, his legs pinned down to the floor. It was as if he'd been left to his sister's mercy, and from the menacing smirk on her face, that did not seem like a good thing...

"Don't worry, big sis~" Mandy accentuated that last word with a sultry tone, causing Miles' already volatile penis to shudder with arousal. "I'll fix you up real quick~ You'll be the cutest girl in your entire high school~!"

With a simple snap of Mandy's fingers, every single article of Miles' clothes was instantaneously replaced by something else. Something... Much more feminine that Miles could have ever imagined. Instead of his usual shirt, Miles was now wearing a bright yellow sleeveless crop-top that had a huge boob window to show his soft, flat chest, which also seemed to be adorned with a lacy, frilly pink bra. A thin denim coat covered his arms, though it did not cover much else as the entirety of his taut tan tummy was left totally exposed. His legs were left in a similarly bare state, for his pants were now replaced by a black micro skirt that did little to hide the bulging pink panties on his crotch. Even facial features and hair changed, his lips turning a shade of dark red, his face becoming clearer and softer, and his hair turning jet black as it grew into medium bob cut.

As Miles adjusted to the instant transformation of his clothes, the boy realized he looked like a boy no longer. His new outfit was fashionable, modern, slutty, and most importantly, unabashedly feminine. At this moment, he looked more like a trendy teen than he did like a regular high-school boy, and he was rocking the look.

"There. Much better." Mandy cooed with a satisfied sigh. "Don't you think Emi?" Her eyes gazed proudly upon Miles' body, as if to make sure he knew she was the one responsible for him being in this outfit.

'No!!! What the hell did you just do to me?!?" Was the response that came to Miles' head. Though what he actually said with his mouth was much much different.

"Totally sis!" Emi responded with an enthusiastic, high-pitched, raspy voice. His expression was full of confidence and attitude, his hips cocked to the side in a prideful, exposing pose. Despite how much Miles hated it on the inside, on the outside Emi looked like he was proud of being this bitchy character. "Your fashion advice is always top notch Mands. I always end up feeling powerful and sexy with your help~"

"Hehe~ I'm happy to hear so, big sis" Again, Mandy accentuated that last word, pridefully admiring the way in which she'd dressed up her brother. "Now that you don't look like some dumpy dork, hopefully you'll be able to snatch a hot boyfriend~!"

"What do you mean hopefully?" Emi shot back with hurt pride. "I'm definitely going to land a hotty like this! I mean, just look at me!" The boy marched forward confidently, shaking his tight booty with every step he took. "I'm steaming hot! No boy could resist this!"

Mandy merely smiled at Emi's remark. "You're totally right Emi! I can't wait to see the cute boyfriend you snag~!"

Satisfied with Miles' display, Mandy happily skipped out of the hallway and headed to school. And as the girl escaped Miles' line of view, the boy instantly felt as if a tremendous amount of pressure had been lifted off his shoulders. His body relaxed, his posture becoming less stiff and more natural.

"What the heck was that?!" Emi asked himself out loud.

Without any sort of reason or warning, his little sister had somehow transformed Miles' outfit into that of a slutty, teenage zoomer. What's more, even his behavior had been modified to match the part, as his body refused to listen to his commands and instead acted of its own accord. Though he felt a bit more free now that he wasn't in her presence, Miles still found it hard to drop the mannerisms of this girly persona he'd adopted. How could such a thing happen?! Miles' relationship with his sister had always been solid, so there was no reason for her to bully him like this. And as far as he remembered, she didn't possess any sort of magical powers. Magic wasn't real in the first place! Could this... Could this be that atonement he heard about in his dream?!?

N-No... Miles shook his head wildly. Regardless of what had just happened, thankfully it was all over. Now that Mandy was gone, he could easily remove these clothes and put on something else. At least, that's what he thought at first, because as soon as Miles tried to take off this slutty outfit of his, he found himself entirely unable to do so. It wasn't that the outfit was stuck to his skin, or magically sealed off from being removed. Rather, Miles' hands refused to do what he commanded, as if they didn't want to take it off. As if... He didn't want to take it off.

Of course, under any kind of normal circumstances, Miles would be absolutely abhorred to wear such a thing. Yet, no matter how hard he tried, the boy couldn't muster the willpower to take it off. It felt comfortable to wear. It was fashionable and cute. And if he had to be frank, it didn't even look that bad on him. Why would he ever want to-

"Gah! Stupid ass curse!!" Emi grumbled in frustration, quickly shaking that train of thought off its tracks before it arrived at the station. "I guess I'm stuck like this for now. And I gotta hurry up or else I'll be late for school."

Not that Miles was particularly thrilled to go to school in such a get up, but just like before, his feet were compelled by an intrinsic drive that Miles could never truly control. Trying not to panic over his new predicament, Miles slowly made his way into his living room. The boy stalled actually going outside for as long as he could, completing all sorts of menial tasks as excuses whilst he tried to figure out how he was going to get out of this. Time was fleeting however, and as the star of school came closer, Miles found it harder and harder to resist its call. If only... There was... Something to save him...!!!

"Miles!? What on earth are you dressed in?!?!"

Like the voice of an angel crying down from the heavens, Miles was hit with a fresh injection of pure relief as his mother's melodic tone called out to him. The boy instantly stopped in his tracks, quickly spinning around to face her like she was his savior.

"This is simply unacceptable!" Carol continued, looking down indignantly upon Miles' clothes. "No son of mine is going to go to school dressed like some sort of harlot!"

The sense of satisfaction Miles felt at this moment could not be quantified. Of course his mother would be the one who relieved him from this fate! She was always so kind, reasonable and wise. There was no way she wouldn't realize what was wrong here!

"No, you should go as mommy's little princess instead!" The woman instantly changed her tone into one of excitement.

Before Miles could even react to the comment, Carol's fingers had already snapped, changing all of Miles' clothes in the blink of an eye. Miles' skirt instantly exploded outwards into a cute, poofy, pink princess skirt that flowed down to his ankles, with so many frills, creases and lots of sparkling glitter. His top shifted into a plain white t-shirt with the words "I'm a Barbie Girl" in bold, pink letters while his previously lacy bra was replaced with a soft, sports bra and his panties became white and dull. Instead of majestic high-heels, Miles was wearing a pair of old, multicolored sneakers, and for his hair style, he was donning a couple of childish-looking blonde pigtails. No longer did Miles' appearance remotely resemble that of an adult. Instead, he looked like an 8-year old girl in the body of a high-school senior.

"Now that's much more appropriate for mommy's cutest little baby girl!" Carol clapped with excitement upon seeing Miles in his new clothes. "You love your outfit, don't you Emilia?"

Miles felt an utter whirlwind of emotions right now. Hatred, embarrassment, anger, shame. But his body communicated none of these. Instead, it gave the happiest, most eager smile it could muster. "Oh yes mommy!" Emilia cried out in unapologetic bliss, hugging his dress and prancing about. "I love love love LOVE my dress!!! It makes me feel like a real life princess!"

"That's right darling~" Carol soothingly sang with a beaming smile. "No matter how old you get, remember you'll always be mommy's little princess~ And now that you're dressed appropriately, run along to school before you're late!"

"Okay mommy!!" Emilia responded in an innocent tone.

Unable to disobey his mother's command, Miles exited his house and began to promptly make his way to school. His face grew beet red with embarrassment as he happily skipped around the neighborhood like a prepubescent girl. Yet even with all this embarrassment, Miles could feel his cock throbbing needily with each hop he made. While Emilia twirled her favorite little dress about with pure happiness, Miles couldn't help but scream out with absolute dread inside his mind. Why was her mother in on this scheme?! Why did she also possess the power to transform him?!? Miles tried to rationalize it in every way he could, doing his best to find some sort of explanation to what had happened to him. But there was only one thing that came to mind.

That 'curse' he'd seen in his dream was real. He was being punished for breaking his mother's pot, which meant that somehow girls had the power to dress him up in all sorts of outfits. The worst part? His body was forcing him to go to school, where the girls would be much less kind to him than his sister or mother. Miles let out a mental sigh. Today would be a long day...

Once Miles had finally arrived at his school, he found that not much else was out of the ordinary. Kids were scattered about all corners of the school's hallway, chatting with friends, checking their lockers, walking to class... Which only made the fact that he was dressed in this childish princess outfit all the more embarrassing. He walked past groups of acquaintances and strangers alike, feeling the way their stares bore into his soul. Many of them giggled, they whispered to each other some looking shocked while others looked entertained. But neither said a single thing directly to Miles, as if they knew about Miles' punishment. As if... They knew this was how things were meant to be.

"Hey Emilia! Over here!"

Thankfully, before things could get too hectic, Miles' attention was taken as someone called out to him. The boy quickly turned towards the voice, only to realize it belonged to his friend Holly. Miles could feel his embarrassment skyrocketing as he saw the amused smirk on Holly's face, the girl barely managing to hold her laughter in. He and Holly had been very good friends for quite a long time, which only made the fact that he was wearing this horrible dress in front of her all the more embarrassing. Though Miles wanted nothing more than to crawl up into a hole and die, his body eagerly hopped towards Holly.

"Oh. My. God..." Holly spoke in an awe-struck tone as she got a good look at Miles. "Emilia, you look absolutely adorable! Did mommy dress you up today?"

"She sure did!" Emilia responded with excitement, the heat in his groin growing hotter the more he embarrassed himself. "And she did a greeaaaaat job! I'm a super duper cute princess!!!"

"Ahaha~ You really are!" Holly shot back enthusiastically, her eager smile displaying how much she was enjoying this moment. "As cute as you look like though, that might not be the best outfit to wear at school." A luscious expression spread onto Holly's face, pure deviousness oozing from her demeanor. "Shall I change you into something more appropriate~?"

"Ah!" Emilia's eyes lit up with excitement, the boy feeling so thrilled he didn't catch the glint of nefariousness in his friend's eye. "W-Would you really do that miss Holly!?!"

"Of course~ That is, with one condition~" Holly paused, the nefarious smirk on her face telling Miles everything he needed to know. "That you'll let me fatten up that cute butt of yours~"

Stepping forth confidently, Holly wrapped her arms around Miles' body and commandingly grabbed onto his buttcheeks, squeezing his tender ass with her slim fingers. Miles yipped in response, his heartrate doubling in mere seconds. Cheeks growing redder and redder with a profuse blush, Miles could feel his erection reaching full mast.

"M-M-Miss Holly?!?" Miles gasped, half in arousal and half in surprise. Holly had always been such a good, caring friend to Miles, he was caught completely off guard when she did something so bold! Not that it was really out of the ordinary, considering the way his mother and sister had treated him before. Still, that wasn't even the strangest thing. No, the weirdest part of it all was the way his body reacted, every inch of his being twitching with glee as if he liked being dominated and demasculinized in such a controlling manner...

As Miles stared deep into Holly's bright blue eyes, his blush growing redder with each passing second, the boy truly considered Holly's offer. The idea of having a bigger butt wasn't ideal in the slightest but... Walking around in these little girl clothes wasn't much better either. Plus, even if Holly was acting in such a strange and dominating manner, there was no way she would give him an outfit that was worse than what he was currently wearing... Miles looked away, unable to withstand Holly's imposing gaze.

"Y-Yes Miss Holly..." Miles begged in a childish tone of voice. "P-P-P-Please help me c-change..."

Holly's expression turned from nefariousness to one of bliss, the triumph fully visible on her face. "Very well~ Let's make you into the cutest school girl around~"

This time, the transformation was like an instantaneous poof. One second Miles was wearing his old outfit, the next second his body was draped in something entirely new. Miles' feet were snugly inserted into a pair of cute, jet black platform heels, his legs covered in white, semi-transparent knee-high socks. His skirt was now a short, red plaid skirt that left his thickened thighs visible, and his shirt was a white crop top with a tie on front, which kept his tanned chest and tummy beautifully exposed. On his face were a pair of thick, prescription-less square black glasses, along with thick layers of feminine make-up. And his hair was now a set of two long, girly blonde pigtails. One could say Miles' new clothes were fitting, perhaps too fitting, because he became the spitting image of a slutty schoolgirl.

The outfit was not all that had changed this time, however. Miles could perfectly well feel the heat surging from his rear. The boy's butt, once unremarkable and plain, now ballooned out into two thick spheres that almost bulged out of his skirt. Miles moaned as Holly's fingers lovingly squeezed them, causing his supple fat to ooze between her fingers. His dick throbbed with delight, tenting through his panties and almost bulging onto his skirt. Each squeeze made Miles' spine tingle with pleasure, each grope sending pleasure directly into his mind. In this moment, Miles felt as if he was completely under Holly's control, nothing more than a doll for her to play, and it aroused him more than anything ever had before.

"Mmmmmhhhh~ Very very good~~" Holly moaned in a luscious tone as her fingers enjoyed the fat of Miles' butt. "Don't you think you look much better Emilia?"

"Y-Y-Y-Yeah~!" Emilia moaned out in bliss, his eyes slowly rolling to the back of his head. "I-I-I guess..."

Without any sort of warning, Holly leaned in towards Miles' face and forcibly planted her lips on his, joining the two in a passionate embrace. Miles' eyes shot wide in surprise. At first he tried to pull back, doing his best to struggle way from Holly's grasp. But as the girl's tongue commandingly invaded his mouth, sucking onto his lips with ardor and force, Miles could only moan and shiver while his best female friend stole his first kiss.

Once the girl was fully satisfied, Holly finally let go of Miles' lips with a hearty gasp. Her hands released Miles' fattened buttocks as well, her body taking a couple of steps back so she could admire her work. Miles had been left in a totally disheveled state. The boy could barely stand on his own, his eyes rolled back into his head, his lips coated with saliva, and a throbbing erection pushing forth without any sort of inhibition. He looked frail, obedient, needy... If there was any hint of rebellion in his eyes, it was slowly but surely being melted away.

"Awesome!" Holly exclaimed with an eager smile. "Having you be comfortable while you become a girl is the most important priority. Plus, I really enjoy playing with your body hehe~ Aren't I just so sweet~?"

"Yeshhh Holly~" Emilia moaned mindlessly, his mind growing subservient as heat lingered inside his body. "Thanks for being such a good friend~"

"Teehee! No problem!" Holly responded happily. "Now, I guess I'll be seeing you in class then!"

But before she parted ways, Holly made sure to give Miles' ass one final, thunderous slap, causing the boy to yowl out like a bitch in heat. As he saw Holly slowly walk further and further away, he couldn't help but shiver in utter bliss. What was happening to him?! And why was he enjoying it so much?!? Miles had to get a hold of himself before it was too late. Thankfully, this 'form' gave him a bit more freedom than the previous two, so he didn't feel forced to act or speak too out of character. Miles took a couple of deep breaths, doing his best to ease himself. What was he going to do now...?

"Hi Emilia..."

While Miles tried to think, the boy's attention was caught by the sight of a dazzlingly cute girl that seemed to approach him. She was wearing an adorable sailor uniform, with a pleated deep blue skirt and a white shirt that had a big, dark blue ribbon. Her hair was long, smooth, silky and black, her make-up was soft yet also accentuated, and she barely went up to Miles' chest. This had to be one of the prettiest girls Miles had ever seen in his life, and she was eager to talk to him!

"Hi Alex..." Miles responded nonchalantly, his mind still deep in thought about his situation.

Except, this wasn't a girl at all. No, the cutie before Miles' eyes was no other than Alec, the boy's childhood friend fully dressed in girly clothes in the same way as Miles. He didn't seem to be any more into it either, as he stared down at the floor with a fiery blush on his pearly cheeks. Eyes wandering onto Alex's body, Miles began to analyze his friend's outfit as he tried to think. Alec was looking super duper cute today. His make-up was on point, making him look soft and adorable. Miles would have to ask him how he got it to look that good. Plus, his outfit really complimented his petite figure. Miles could never understand how Alex always managed to look so pretty. Alec, his childhood friend. Alec, who was wearing girl clothes right now. Alec... Alec...

All of a sudden, the gears inside Miles' brain began turning over time. His eyes shot wide in surprise, his head shaking wildly with disbelief. "W-W-Wait, A-Alex?!?" The boy shouted out with shock, finally realizing what laid before his eyes. "W-What the hell happened to you?!?"

"The same thing that happened to you, I suppose." Alex responded with a depressed sigh. "When I woke up today, every girl I've seen has been able to dress me up in all sorts of girly outfits. And I can't do anything about them..."

"Damn it!" Miles snapped with rage, his feelings of lust subsiding in favor of anger. Having this deity punishing him was one thing but doing it his friends was something Miles couldn't take sitting down! "I can't believe that stupid curse got you!"

"I'm scared Emilia!" With an uncertain expression on his face, Alec clung onto Miles' arm in a tight, needy manner. "The more time I spend like a girl, the more I enjoy it... W-What are we going to do?"

Miles' cheeks lit up with a blush, his heart beating fast as the warmth of Alec's soft, girly touch spread to his system. It wasn't just himself he was starting to enjoy, Miles seemed to also be enjoying his friend's transition as well.

"D-Don't worry Alex!" Miles tried to reassure his best friend, despite the fact he himself was not in the best state of mind. "A-All we need to do if find our friends and break the curse!"

Alec looked up at Miles expectantly, his shiny crimson eyes glittering brightly. "C-Can we really break the curse?" His pleading face was enough to give Miles all of his courage back.

"Of course we can!" Miles responded enthusiastically. "And we will!"

Grabbing onto Alec's hand firmly, Miles began to pull his friend along the school's hallway as he began to search for the last two missing members of the group. It could honestly be considered quite the embarrassing display, two extremely feminine boys running through the school and making a ruckus while they lovingly held hands together like a couple of lovers. But Miles didn't pay any mind to the stares and giggles he received as he sped past a countless number of students. He was determined to beat this thing no matter what!

"W-Wait-! E-Emilia!" Alex pleadingly yelped at Miles. "S-Stop!"

As Alec's words entered Miles' ears, the two soon reached a grinding halt where they stood. Alec instantly bent forward, panting and gasping for air with desperation. Despite the fact the two were able to move in women's shoes without the slightest of troubles, it seemed Alec's body wasn't still wasn't quite used to very much physical exercise.

"What is it Alex?" Emilia replied.

The only response Alec could muster while he still tried to catch his breath was to slowly point his fingers forward. Miles sharply turned towards that same direction, his eyes catching a glimpse of this beautiful, ebony lady wearing a cute cheerleader outfit. Her face was beaming with makeup and a smile, her hair long, flowing and blonde. On her body, she bore a bright pink sleeveless crop top with a matching pleated mini skirt and cute sport sneakers. Though her breasts were only B-cups, and she had a bit of a sharp face and some muscle, she looked like quite the cute cheerleading gal.

"I-I-I think..." Alex panted in a paused manner. "I think... T-That's Jamey..."

The instant those words came into Miles' mind, his entire body was shaken with the crippling weight of realization. Alec was right. This was no normal cheerleader. No, the cute girl that stood in front of them this moment was none other than their close friend Jarmal. Some of Jarmal's old features were still recognizable, his smooth chocolate skin, his well-kept body, his cheery attitude. But it was clear the feminization had taken its toll. His once rocking muscles were now barely visible, as his arms became thin and his stomach flattened. His body had fattened up considerably, as his fat ass bloated outwards with a set of thick thighs, and two clearly feminine bumps rose from his chest. Even his expression had changed, transformed into this vacant, brainless look as if he was truly playing the part of a cheerleading bimbo.

Miles could barely believe what he was seeing. But he also couldn't argue with the reality laid before his eyes. It wasn't just that this person looked like Jarmal, Miles somehow intrinsically knew that this was the exact same sporty friend he'd seen yesterday. Eyes opened wide and mouths agape, Miles and Alec couldn't do anything as they stared on at their friend in a mixture of disbelief and dread.

"Oh. Emm. Gee..." Jamey exclaimed excitedly as he finally noticed his friends gawking at him. "If it isn't Emilia and Alex! My favorite two BFF's of the entire world!"

Dashing happily towards the two, Jamey eagerly wrapped his arms around Miles and Alec, pulling the two into a tight intimate hug. It was honestly incredible how deep the mental feminization was going for him. There was barely any trace of Jamey's old personality showing. If it wasn't for the weird mental link and Alec's keen eye, Miles would have never noticed this was Jamey. It was a pretty scary concept frankly. Would the same sort of thing happen to Miles too? No... He had to stop this!

With a sharp jolt, Miles quickly broke up Jamey's embrace, instead placing his arms firmly on Jamey's shoulders as he addressed his friend in a serious tone. "J-Jamey! Look! Listen to me!" The boy stuttered as he began to shake his friend fiercely. "This is not who you are! You need to come back to your senses!"

"Like, what are you talking about silly~?" Jamey giggled in response, an expression of mindlessness and bliss blatantly displayed on his face. "I've always been a cute cheerleading bimbo! Heeheehee~

"No you haven't! Come on Jamey, snap out of it!" But Emilia persisted. "Remember who you were! You love playing sports, not cheerleading! You're shy and anxious, but you're a nice guy! You're our guy friend Jamey! A guy!!!"

As Miles continued to desperately shake Jamey's body, a slow feeling of realization slowly dawned upon the airheaded cheerleader. His eyes regained color, his mood quickly shifting into one of dread. Staring at Miles' face wordlessly, Jamey looked like he was an entirely different person.

"Oh my gosh..." He muttered softly, his tone less peppy though his voice was still quite high-pitched. "I... I remember. Emilia, I remember..."

Both Miles and Alec sighed with relief at the same time, happy to have brought their friend back to reality. Jarmal on the other hand, was far from enthused. The boy began to tremble in place, a mixture of arousal and fear causing his heart to thump right through his chest.

"I-I like, totes can't believe it..." He panted, leaning towards Miles' body for support. "I-I super felt like a girl a few seconds ago. And it was soooo fun... Doing all those pirouettes in cheerleading practice- Getting ogled by all the cute boys- I..." Jamey gulped, staring into the distance as if he was longingly remembering his morning routine.

Hands flying onto Miles' shirt, Jarmal gripped his friend with desperation, his face looking like it was at its limit. "What the heck are we like gonna do Emilia?!? I don't wanna be a cute girl n' junk!"

"Relax Jamey! It's going to be fine!" Miles tried to reassure his friend. "Leo is going to help up! He'll figure out a way to undo all of this and turn things back to normal!"

"And why would he do that~?"

That was when the boy's attention was taken by a sultry, feminine voice that came from behind. The trio sharply turned back towards the voice, their faces turning into utter shock at what they saw. She had a simple yet elegant sleeveless single-piece dress that looked like it was made with a fancy party, though pink hair flowed out wild, strong and untamed. Two titanic D-Cup breasts protruded imposingly from her dress, while her thick, stocking covered thighs and plump ass poked out from the bottom of her skirt. And she wore all sorts of expensive accessories to develop this sophisticated style, from brand watches, to golden bracelet and even designer shoes. Before their very eyes stood the most beautiful rich girl they'd ever had the pleasure of seeing.

Of course, by this point, Miles knew better than to judge a book by its cover. "L-Leo!?" He gasped in utter disbelief.

"It's Sol, now hun." She corrected them in a pompous, haughty voice. "But you boys can call me Sunny~"

Miles could feel himself burning up with rage as he stared at Sunny. She was so amazing and beautiful! But more than that, she looked proud. Not like she'd been forced to wear these amazing clothes against her will, but more like she'd embraced this sudden surge of femininity. It made Miles feel like he'd been betrayed, at least that's what he told himself, for he really did not want to entertain the possibility that he was jealous.

"What have you done Sunny?!?" The boy barked at his friend with fury.

"Ohoho~ But I haven't done anything, my dear Emilia." Sunny responded with a high-born chuckle. "We both know very well that the one responsible for this is you. You're the one who broke the teapot that cursed us. If anything, we should be angry at YOU!"

Miles gulped loudly, feeling the expectant gaze of his two other friends upon him.

"But I'm not angry." Sunny continued. "Faaar from it my dear. In fact, I'm not ashamed to admit I absolutely love being a girl~!" Pushing her chest forward, the girl began to greedily grope her own tits right in front of her friends. "I love how big my breasts are~ I love how girly I look~ I've never felt this confident and sexy in my entire life~~ I tried to resist at first, but there's honestly no point really. Why should we fight something that feels so good anyways~"


Before any of the boys could even respond, the school's bell rang loudly within the ears, marking the start of the day's first class. Sunny turned around sharply, her butt shaking left and right as she walked away from them with a cocky demeanor. "You three should just give up and embrace being beautiful girls~! There's nothing that's going to stop you from becoming girls now~ Ohohoho~~"

There were no more words exchanged between the group as they saw their close friend and only hope to defeat this curse haughtily walk away. Their legs began to move of their own volition, dragging each one of them towards their class regardless of whether they wanted to go their or not. Though none of them wished to admit it, deep down they knew Sunny's words would soon come true...

As Miles finally arrived at his classroom, the boy wasted no time in taking his usual seat. Around him, he could feel the mocking gazes of his fellow classmates and acquaintances piling in, as if he was some sort of circus actor performing for their amusement. But Miles tried to pay them no mind. Instead, his thoughts were much more focused on Sunny's ominous words. 'Embrace being a girl...' Could Miles really do such a thing?! Did he even want to do it in the first place? Deep down, Miles felt like he'd always want to be a regular, popular boy. But the longer he spent in this form, the harder it became to fight against his body's intrinsic desires...

"Good morning class! Please everyone, take your seat!"

Before long, Miles' teacher Mrs. Flora stepped into the room, calling out to the student with the confidence and gravitas of a respectable female instructor. The classroom grew quiet around her, letting her start the day off with the regular routine. Assistance taking, pledge of allegiance, daily announcements... None topics Miles was particularly interested in, especially not in his current situation. The boy zoned each and every one of Mrs. Flora's words out, steeling himself in hopes that he would be able to survive the rest of the day unscathed. But unfortunately, it seemed fate had other plans for him...

"I hope you're all excited for today's lesson!" Mrs. Flora continued in an enthusiastic voice. "Because as you may all know, it's a very special occasion!" The excitement was very palpable in the air, everyone around miles looking like they had been waiting for this for months. Mrs. Flora's mouth morphed into a smile, a smile that did not convey the devious details of the event. "Yes, that's right! Today is feminize Miles day!"

In an instant, the entire room burst into excitement and cheer, every student eagerly shouting their anticipation into the open air. That is, every student save for Miles himself, who stood there frozen as if he'd been stabbed in the heart. Time began to slow down, his blood growing cold while a sensation of emptiness filled his limbs. 'Feminize Miles Day'? There was... There was no way that could be what his teacher said, right? Surely, Miles must have misheard her speak somehow, that was the only reasonable explanation. Sweat pouring profusely down his body, Miles did his best to try and ignore the ongoing commotion.

"Come on Emilia! No need to be shy!" Mrs. Flora's voice rang directly towards Miles, cutting right through all the noise and chatter. "Step right up to the front so we can get our lesson started!"

A cold shiver coursed down Miles' spine, his body paralyzing in fear the moment his ears perceived Mrs. Flora's command. As if a spell had been cast upon his form, Miles could feel himself quickly losing any sort of control from his own limbs. His body sharply stood up from the desk, his legs carrying towards the front of the class against his will. Though Miles summoned every ounce of willpower and strength in his system, the boy couldn't do a thing as his body walked towards the chalkboard with a bright, eager smile.

Standing directly in front of the class with a stiff posture, Miles could feel the devious gazes of his fellow classmates all burying into him at once. Face stuck in a perpetual, fake smile, he felt less like a person and more like a mannequin, nothing more than an inanimate object for them to use and enjoy. It was dreadful, it was terrifying. But there was also a part of him deep inside that was trembling with anticipation at what was to come...

"Now class, you know the drill! Just yell out what sort of outfit you want Emilia to wear and she'll don it like the girly princess she is!" Mrs. Flora eagerly explained, as if the fantastical feat was just part of daily routine. "I'll go ahead and start~ I'm quite fond of vintage girls, so how about you transform into a 50's housewife Emilia~?"

Once again, Miles was embraced by that familiar buzzing sensations, and in the blink of an eye his outfit had been entirely transformed. A cute, pink shirtwaist dress had replaced most of Miles' clothes, its fabric covered in a litany of plastic-looking print cherries that screamed old-timey. His feet fit snuggly in a pair of white flat pumps that looked gorgeous along with the boy's exposed, plump feminine legs. Even his chest seemed to have inflated, going from painfully flat to slightly inflated, saggy ma boobs. With a white, pearly necklace around his neck, thick, red lipstick coating his lips, and smooth blonde hair bunched up into a cute bun, Miles looked like he'd been plucked right out of an old 50s TV show!

"See? It's as easy as that!" The teacher demonstrated with a smile. "Now Milly, be a dear and please present yourself to the class!"

Though Miles wanted to do nothing of the sort, his body was more than excited to fulfill the request.

"I'd love to Mrs. Flora!" Milly exclaimed in the loud yet gentle tone of a mother. Stepping forth, he greeted the rest of his classmates with a soft smile and a submissive posture. "Greetings students! My name is Milly, and I love being a cute, caring housewife~ I spend most of my day cleaning the house and taking care of the kids, though also love to bake sweets for my dear family every now and again!"

As the words came out of Milly's mouth, the boy could feel his heart flutter, almost as if merely expressing them aloud was causing him to feel the same way. "But the thing I love most in this world is taking care of my hubby~ There's nothing that makes me happier than making his food, washing his clothes, taking his big meaty penis on those wonderful nights when the kids are asleep~~~"

Images of Miles and his imaginary family began to fill his head, causing his cheeks to become flushed and his breath to quicken. Beneath his soft, thin bra, Miles' nipples began to twitch eagerly as the thought of his children forced them to start producing milk. Miles could clearly see this amazing version off a husband staring off in the distance, his cock quickly becoming erect the more he thought about him. It was almost as if he was devolving further and further into this sexual parody of a character he'd been forced to play.

And his fellow classmates watched every single second of it. Miles knew very well that all of the eyes in the room were on him, but the sensations afflicting both his body and mind were much too strong for him to even attempt to contain. The boy's body rocked left and right with an eager, dancing motion, his gaze brightly looking out towards each one of his classmates. Some students snickered, some paid it no mind, and some even stared at him with desire. Regardless, the result was the same. Miles was feeling embarrassed beyond his wildest dreams. A powerful embarrassment that caused his cock and nipples to tremble in arousal.

"Hey Milly! Your nipples are leaking!" One of the boys pointed out to miles with a giggle.

Head tilting downwards, Miles promptly shifted his gaze onto his chest in response, where he found the boy's comments to be absolutely true. In the spot where his nipples poked out from his body, Miles could see a couple of warm, damp spots forming on his pristine pink dress. Yet, even this moment of embarrassment did nothing to wipe the caring smile off Miles' face, as he turned to the students with an apologetic tone.

"Oh goodness gracious! How uncouth of me!" Milly explained aghast. "To be leaking like this in front of you all... Excuse me one moment while I milk myself~"

Without any sort of delay, Miles eagerly lifted his hands and pressed them against his pulsating chest. His eyes became crossed as his fingers came into contact with his sensitive pecs, his nipples twitching from all the stimulation. Miles could feel the pressure slowly building up the more he caressed his chest, every single bone in his body bursting with an ecstatic sensation that utterly paralyzed him. As the boy kept on playing with his nipples, twisting, poking and pulling them hungrily, the pressure in his chest kept on growing and growing until-


Moaning blissfully with a debauched expression, Milly arched his body backwards as his nipples began to squirt out thick jets of warm milk right through his dress. The boy's milk spilled all over the floor, his cock throbbing in ecstasy as the sweet sensations of release came over him. Around him, Miles could hear the giggles and gasps of his fellow classmates, each one of their gazes bearing into his body while it spasmed uncontrollably. But Miles paid them little mind, for the sensations in his brain were so thorough the boy couldn't think about anything but his continuous nipple orgasm.

"Hey, I'd like to transform Milly~"

Once the stream of milk began to die out and Miles began returning to his senses, the boy's glazed eye slowly shifted towards the direction of the shrill voice that just called out. And its owner was none other than Victoria, one of the bitchy popular girls at school. Miles had never really gotten along with Victoria, who always pranced around like she was queen at the ball. Unfortunately, it seemed these disagreements would only hurt him in the long run, for the devilish expression on her face made it perfectly clear that her plans for him were quite twisted.

"Go ahead Victoria." Mrs. Flora replied with a smile, utterly annihilating any remaining hope Miles might have held.

Staring at Miles with a smug expression, Victoria was more than happy to state her desires. "I'd like to transform Milly into a subservient, sexy French maid!"

Just as it was spoken, the deed was done. Without any sort of fanfare, Miles clothes were stripped in favor of a slutty French maid outfit the likes you'd see at an adult Halloween costumer party. The shoes were a pair of jet black high heels, accompanied by two net stockings that clung closely to the supple tanned skin of Miles' legs. Its black miniskirt barely managed to cover his crotch, which was dressed in a pair of cute white panties, while the midsection of the sleeveless dress possessed various number of frills, ribbons and a sweetheart neckline that perfectly exposed Miles' chest.

And what a chest it was! The pair of orbs clinging down from Miles' body could no longer be considered any types of masculine. Though they were no bigger than a simple B-cup, each glob of fat possessed the perfect shape and consistency of a pair of beautiful female breasts. They didn't even have a bra to hold them together! Letting them push forth with imperativeness by themselves. Combined with the cute neckpiece and a simple plastic duster, Miles had really transformed into a man's dream of a sexy French maid.

"Bonjour masteughs~" He spoke in a thick French accent, bowing his head forward to show subservience towards the rest of the class. "Mon nom est Àmelie, and today I will be yough faithful meid~"

The room began to explode with bustle yet again as the last remaining bits of Miles' masculinity were crushed bit by bit. Miles could feel Victoria's proud, condescending smirk bearing into him like a dagger right through his heart. And yet, no matter how hard he tried, Miles couldn't bring himself to hate her. Rather, Miles seemed to be quite excited to serve her as a dutiful servant serves her master~ H-His master, he meant. N-N-No! He didn't want to serve anyone at all!

Though the boy's face was sultry and alluring like that of an experienced, mature woman, deep within him Miles was starting to have some real existential struggles. A deep, subservient desire to serve sprung from his heart, and Miles was doing his best to fight against it. However, the longer he stood here before so many adoring eyes, the harder it became for him to justify such a thing. Why was being a cute French maid wrong? Why was he supposed to dislike being pretty and ordered around? Miles knew there was a reason- T-There had to be a reason! But his mind simply couldn't explain why it was bad for him to do something that made him feel so so good~

"Okay Àmelie, show us your panties!" A boy shouted from the crowd, eager to put Àmelie's claim of servitude to the test.

"But of cousse monsieurs~" The maid happily replied.

Hands drifting onto the ends of his dress, Àmelie pulled up his skirt without the slightest show of inhibition, exposing his semi-bare crotch to the entire class. Beneath the many frills and cloths, his cock pointed outwards painfully erect. The member bulged from his panties, threatening to slip free from its fabric prison at any second. It almost looked... Smaller than it was before? His cute shaft throbbed and nut sized balls twitched with delight within their prisons of fabric. Though such indecent exposure would have usually shut down a person, the sight of so many eyes upon his soft, feminine body was making Miles harder than he'd ever been.

"Wiggle your crotch too! Like the gross pervert you are!" Another shout came in, this time from a more feminine voice.

Miles couldn't help but moan out in absolute bliss at such a demeaning command. Tongue hanging out from his mouth in a debauched manner, the boy began to swing his hips back and forth energetically. His cock flopped up and down with each one of his motions, precum oozing from his tip and dampening his panties. It felt... Good~ The way everyone was staring at him, the manner in which he was degrading himself- It all felt extremely wonderful~ The mere act of following orders and being a good little maid was more than enough to send his libido into overdrive.

Soon, Miles could no longer tell whether his body was moving on its own or he was moving it himself. The more he danced and heard the whispers of his classmates watching, the more he felt an insatiable desire to fulfill his request. Unable to resist his lustful desires, Miles' hands flew onto his bust, making him moan as he eagerly squeezed his own titties. Why did it suddenly feel so right for these delicious clumps of fat to hang from his chest? Why was he enjoying himself in this situation so thoroughly? C-Could it be... Could it be he actually liked being a girl...?

"See~? That's the spirit!" Mrs. Flora cheered Àmelie's enthusiasm onwards. "Now, who wants to transform Àmelie next?"

The classroom instantly burst into a sea of raised hands, every single student in the room expressing their desire to further feminize the poor boy. Miles shuddered with anxiety as he scanned the room of eager faces. His mind was stretched so thin by this point, even the slightest of tugs would be able to break it. The integrity of his sanity would be entirely dependent on whatever he was changed into next....

"You! Over there!" The teacher pointed out towards the back of the room.

As soon as they were called, the selected student eagerly stood up from their seats. A wave of relief crashed over Miles the moment he saw her. It was Holly! Sweet, delightful Holly! Gentle Holly had always possessed a kind soul. She'd always been good friends with Miles. How poetic it was that she'd be the person saving him~ If there was anyone he could count on in times like these, it was certainly her~

"Hmmmm..." Holly hummed out softly, as if thinking what to say. "I'd like to see Àmelie as... A cute dancing ballerina girl!"

In an instant, the sound of Miles' heart breaking snapped deafened that of his clothes changing, as if every last remaining scrap of hope had been crushed. And in its stead, all that was left was Miles in a cute ballerina costume. His natural brown hair was carefully wrapped into a cute bun, his face covered with sharp makeup and a glimmering smile. For clothes, Miles was wearing a painfully pink puffy tutu accompanied by thin tights and a pair of pink ballet shoes. The boy's chest burst forth from his body as two titanic double-D sized breasts, every inch of his figure completely smooth, curved and feminine. He even held a sophisticated ballet pose, with his right leg stretched to the side and his arms spread outwards. In every sense of the word, Miles had become a happy, girly ballerina.

"Hello everyone!" The boi-llerina exclaimed with utmost excitement and cheer. "My name is Emily and I looooove being a cute pink ballerina~ Teeheehee~ Dancing is my passion, so getting to perform in front of a crowd like this is totally amazing~~! Would you guys like a demonstration~?"

The response was more than obvious, for the room quickly erupted with cheers and whistling in response. Miles felt his cheeks become hot with pride. He was happy~ He was actually happy~! There was no one forcing strange feelings into his mind, nothing constraining his sealed heart. No, for the first time in this whole day, Miles felt some genuine excitement from being girly and presenting his feminine side to everyone else in the world. It was extremely liberating~ So very fulfilling~ And by this point, Miles didn't want to deny it any longer.

"Alright, alright~" Miles reassured the crowd, his throat tingling with joy. "I'd be more than happy to dance for you all~"

Twirling about the front of the class in a swift and refined manner, Emily began to perform a magnificent dancing piece the likes pros could only ever dream of. His body moved entirely on instinct, his limbs swirling around with motions so clean and sharp it was almost like they were cutting right through the air. As the boy hopped from one place to another, his large breasts jiggled and bounced in all their wobbly glory. With each spin he made, his cute little cocklet throbbed in absolute delight. He moved with passion, he danced with heart. And it showed, for his audience was going absolutely berserk.

"Miles is a girl~! Miles is a girl~! Miles is a girl~!" The enthusiastic shouts from the students came pouring in.

It was a myriad of melodic chants that rang blissfully within Miles' ears. Miles' body began to dance with more passion, his every motion making it seem like he was gliding through the air. Each time the phrase repeated within his mind, he could feel his entire being shuddering with utter ecstasy. His mind, the last bastion of his sanity, tried its best to put some semblance of resistance. 'No Miles, you're a boy! You love manly stuff, and hanging out with the guys!' It argued. But his soul was singing a different tune. The more her swung about on that stage, the better and more free he felt, creating an existential identity crisis within his core

"I'm-! I-I-I'm~!!!" Emily gasped loudly with a breathy tone, his dancing winding down as it reached its climax.

'Girl! Girl! Girl!'

The chanting continued on repeat inside Miles' head. Pulling his leg up and standing before the rest of the class in a magnificent pose, Miles gazed down upon the faces of his fellow students. They were all excited, happy, accepting. All the things he should have been... Miles' eyes began to glitter in that moment, a wave of realization embroiling his body whole.

"That's right, I'm a girl!" Emily shouted at the top of her lungs with a tremendous smile. "I'm a girl! I'm- I'm~~ I'm cumming~~~"

Body trembling with complete bliss, Emily's dick throbbed as it began to shoot clear white globs of jizz directly through her pink panties. The girl's balls gurgled with force, eager to expulse the last bits of her masculinity out of her body. Her nipples throbbed from within her bras, her breasts wobbly wildly due to her breathing. With her teeth clenched and eyes rolling backwards, Emily basked in the sweet relieving sensation of her orgasm.

"I'm a cute, girly girl that loves wearing dresses and being cute~~~" Emily continued moaning, her brain having completely embraced her brand new identity. "I love girly underwear~ I love being used~ I love being a girl~~~!!!"

As the last droplets of cum parted from Emily's urethra, the ballerina was filled with a sense of relief the likes she'd never experienced in her life. Hearing the continuous and supportive chants of her classmates, she felt not anger, nor jealousy, nor discontent. She was happy. Genuinely, eagerly happy. There was no longer any reason for her to worry about her masculinity. She was all girl now~