minerals harem

Ever since entering U.A. University, Izuku Midoriya had begun to attract the attention of many people. His personality, cute looks, and powerful quirk had essentially made him the center of attention. But most notably was the unnatural attraction that women, and even some men, had for the cinnamon roll. At first, it had started with Uraraka Ochaco having a crush on her hero (crazy, I know), but this quickly devolved into an actual relationship. The two made a wonderful couple, but Uraraka realized that she wasn't the only one that liked her favorite cinnamon roll. She proposed to help Izuku start a harem, to which he promptly passed out from such a lewd idea. After regaining his consciousness, Izuku began to think long and hard about the idea. Realistically, having a harem was a hard task, and with all that was occurring around them, especially with the League of Villains, and eventually, the Paranormal Liberation Front, Izuku thought that the idea was more of a fantasy than anything realistic. But then again, having a harem was quite literally the fantasy of every guy on Earth, even Izuku's (although he'd never admit this out loud). Plus, Uraraka also wanted to do this for the sake of preventing herself from being destroyed by Izuku in bed. The two often engaged in sexual activities, leaving Uraraka feel like she was gonna faint while Izuku was still eager for more. At first, Izuku was a bit apprehensive when it came to any sort of sexual activity, but after Uraraka had assured him that they'd both experiment together, he was willing to try it out. Their first night of sex was quite a great one. Izuku himself had an impressive 7 inch cock, and after hours of sex, he'd manage to make Uraraka fall in love with him even more. Since then, they engaged in sex however many times they could, but it would always lead to Uraraka being too tired to carry on for too long. Due to this, Uraraka believed that a harem could remedy the issue, and frankly, to give her friends a chance to be with their beloved cinnamon roll.

The first step of creating this harem was to conquer all the girls of 1-A. Thankfully, with a bit of approval and encouragement by Uraraka, the girls eventually fell one-by-one, becoming apart of Izuku's new harem. Each girl in 1-A already had a crush on their cute little green bean, but after a nice fucking ,they would fall in love with him even more. Izuku and the girls originally tried to keep things as secretive as possible, but their constant sexual activities, and with how every girl in the class was on Izuku 24/7, it was frankly really easy for his other classmates to notice. Regardless, they decided to announce their status and were met with pretty positive, albeit jealous reactions. Even Ida supported their decision, even if it was a bit taboo. However, one grape-haired midget was essentially pissed and boiling with jealousy. Mineta Minoru had always dreamed of having a harem and constantly had thoughts about starting one with his female classmates. He voiced some standard opinions about how this situation wasn't fair or that he deserved to have a harem, but he was met with the usual reactions, basically a sign for him to stfu. Despite his outbursts, Mineta would apologize to Izuku as despite his jealousy, he still respected Midoriya as a friend and decided to just leave it at that. However, Mineta would still cry out every so often about how unfair this situation was, especially if he saw Izuku doing anything even slightly taboo with his harem. Every night he prayed for a chance at having a harem, and would even dream about it. Whether it was fate, luck, or some sadistic divine being who wanted to see how this would play out, Mineta's wishes would sooner or later come true.

Anyways, the news of Izuku having a harem had gotten the attention of 2 particular, and frankly unforeseen classmates. These 2 classmates were Bakugou Katsuki and Shouto Todoroki (I'll explain why in their respective chapters). The girls had honestly expected other girls to join in on the harem, but for Bakugou and Todoroki to want to join was quite strange. However, given their past with Izuku, it made more sense as to why these 2 boys wanted to become Izuku's lovers (Again, I'll explain in their respective chapters. There is some canon divergence for this). Now, Izuku had never been with any guys before, but he was certainly interested by the idea, and in the case of Bakugou and Todoroki, he was more than willing to let them into his harem. After a usual dickdown with the 2, both became willing members of Izuku's growing harem. The groups shenanigans had continued for about a month before a chance to add some new members had arose. After the incident at the Forest Training Camp, Principal Nedzu decided to have both 1-A and 1-B participate in joint-training. This became a perfect opportunity for Izuku to gain some new lovers. Due to the conversation between Momo and Itsuka at student council meetings, Itsuka, and by extension the 1-B girls, had learned quite a bit about 1-A's cinnamon roll. They already had quite the good impression on Izuku, but the joint-training only cemented them. Izuku had helped them out greatly during training, and the subtle advances that he made allowed him to conquer each girl. Ibara was perhaps the hardest due to her beliefs, but she nonetheless fell as well. This streak of conquering girls had become quite a common occurrence throughout his 1st year of college. As he goes into his second year of college however, things begin to change in quite an interesting manner.

Izuku had gotten himself quite a big harem throughout his first year. Managing to conquer not only the girls of 1-A and 1-B, but also the likes of Hado Nejire, Hatsume Mei, Melissa Shield, girls from other colleges, some civilians that he knew and met, and even many pro heros. After the events of the Final War against All For One, Izuku decided to settle down a bit and focus on spending time with his current harem members. The harem became quite massive, and if he kept adding more, it would honestly become the death of him. After spending the entire summer engaging in sexual shenanigans with his harem, Izuku and his many lovers returned to their daily lives. He expected his 2nd year to be relatively quiet, along with the rest of his years. However, during a work-study at Endeavor's Agency, Izuku, alongside Bakugou and Todoroki, would encounter a villian that would change the fate of Midoriya forever. This villian, a rather perverted man, had a hormone quirk that allowed the target to be altered, depending on what their original gender is (Think of Ivankovs power from One Piece, but as like a gas). The villian wasn't a match for the trio, and the three managed to corner him in a tight room. However, before he was able to be arrested, he released a last-ditch attack. A large cloud of hormonal gas was released by the man. The gas was concentrated in a single blast, making it hard for the 3 to dodge. All 3 students were hit by the gas, feeling the immediate effects of the hormonal powers. Despite this, Izuku quickly threw Bakugou and Todoroki out of the room while he tried to put on his respirator, which was upgraded to have a built-in filter. Danger Sense had alerted Izuku of the villian rushing towards him, but he was unable to dodge in time. After a bit of struggling, and with Bakugou and Todoroki charging in the help, they was able to subdue the villian with quirk-nullifying cuffs. However, just after momentarily celebrating, Izuku began to feel rather strange before promptly passing out.

After about 2 hours, Izuku woke up, finding himself in a hospital bed. He was brought to the hospital after passing out and put under supervision. After waking up, he was greeted by a worried Bakugou, Todoroki, Endeavor, Burnin, and Recovery Girl. Feeling weird, Izuku decided to look at himself in the mirror, only to find himself as a girl. Shocked and about to faint, Izuku was only saved when Bakugou and Todoroki caught him. Recovery Girl explained that the hormone quirk had altered his body due to a more prolonged exposure, but the effects shouldn't be permanent and he would regain his regular body within a day or so. Thankfully, they were at the end of their work-study and were allowed to return home. After arriving back at U.A., the girls were very shocked, but also quite excited at the prospects of Izuku becoming a girl. The guys had quite a lot of "interesting" views on this, but Mineta was the loudest as he essentially wanted to fuck Izuku, but was quickly dragged away by his classmates. The girls were pretty excited and dragged Izuku off to his bedroom, with Todoroki and Bakugou following along. That night, Izuku learned the wonders of being a girl in bed, a feeling that would stay in his subconscious forever.

After the 2nd day, Izuku was back to being his regular self. However, there were some unforeseen side-effects. For a start, Izuku noticed that his body had somewhat changed compared to his old self. His face was now much softer than before. The muscle that he had built-up from before was now mostly replaced. Instead of pecks and a six pack, there was now a pair of small A-Cup sized boobs with perky nipples and a somewhat muscled stomach. His ass also got much softer and became a bit more plump, with his thighs becoming soft, and having a much curvier waist. His hands, arms, legs, and feet got a bit slimmer. But the most shocking change to his body was his dick size. What was once a nice cock that was 6 inches flaccid and 7 inches hard with a nice pair of balls, was now a flaccid 2 inch nub with rather small balls. Surprisingly, Izuku began to strangely admire his new body, marveling at its uniqueness. This mix of feminine and masculine traits, well mostly feminine, made him feel quite turned on. His dick became erect, but only grew to be around 2.6 inches long. His once mighty dick had become a shadow of its former self. Still, Izuku kept stroking his small cock, thinking of how to use this new form, remembering about the night after he returned. However, Izuku was quickly surprised and disappointed after he came only around 30 seconds after he started to jerk off. The amount of cum he shot out also disappointed him. Whereas his old self shot out thick, white sperm that filled up an entire cup and more, his new form only had a sad cumshot of a barely white strand of cum, and a few droplets of clear cum. After cleaning up, he immediately rushed to Recovery Girl to find some answers.

After reaching Recovery Girls office, Izuku was shocked to find both Bakugou and Todoroki there as well, suffering from a similar issue. After running some tests, Recover Girl noted that there were some unforeseen consequences to the hormone quirk. Apparently, due to more concentrated dose that the three had received, especially with Izuku, there were now some permanent effects. Their bodies were still male, but their hormones were altered, resulting in a decrease in male hormones. Bakugou and Todoroki received similar, albeit shorter doses, which only altered their bodies by a smaller margin. Their faces were a bit softer, with Bakugou getting a slightly rounder face, their chests still had flat pecs, but much softer ones, and their nipples became more perky. Their hands, arms, feet, and legs became a bit slimmer, but still similar to their old self while their ass, thighs, and thighs became more plump but not as recognizable as Izuku's. Unfortunately, their dick sizes were also changed, but not as badly as Izuku's. Bakugou, who was 4.5 inches soft and 5.3 inches hard, had his cock reduced to being around 3.7 inches soft and 4.3 inches hard. Todoroki, who used to be 4.2 inches soft and 4.9 inches hard, now became 3 inches soft and 4 inches hard. This news was rather concerning for the 3 boys, but Recovery Girl assured them that she would work on a way to revert these effects. Being somewhat hopefully, the three left to return to their dorms.

On their way back, the 3 were pretty worried about adapting to their new bodies, especially concerning how the girls would handle this news. Thankfully, their former strength was still present within them despite the physical changes (The power of fanfic is a strange one). After getting back to the dorms and gathering everyone for a meeting, the three broke the news of what was happening. Thankfully, they had received pretty good support from their classmates, especially from the girls. However, one MIneta Minoru saw this as an opportunity. The news of the three becoming more feminine was spread throughout the harem, allowing them to take in what was happening. At night, the girls came to Izuku in the hopes of cheering him up with sex. However, Izuku found himself unable to get hard after seeing the girls in all their naked glory. The girls were admittedly puzzled by this, but decided to call Bakugou and Todoroki over to help out. After arriving and taking their clothes off, the sight of their cocks being bigger than Izuku's was slightly concerning, but they chose to ignore it. After seeing the 2 men in new naked form, Izuku managed to get hard. Uraraka was the first and although Izuku's dick didn't fill her up, she still tried to let him enjoy the ride. However, after cumming in only 20 seconds and with barely any cum being left at all. Izuku was quite sad as this meant that he could no longer please his massive harem, but the girls, and guys, assured him that things wouldn't be so bad. They would still love their favorite cinnamon roll even if he couldn't satisfy them.

However, the lack of decent sex proved to be quite a challenge for the members of Izukus harem. Due to being stretched, filled, and railed by Izuku for nearly a few months to a year, the girls had largely adapted to sex with Izuku's former cock. Their pussies were stretched to perfectly fit his cock, and their sex drives were changed to satisfy his endless need to fuck them. However, due to him now being unable to satisfy them, their bodies were in a constant state of lust, begging to be railed by his former cock. Most girls were able to handle this while some were finding it quite hard. Toys didn't really help as they needed the real thing. The girls did indeed still love Izuku, but the lack of passionate and long sex made them feel more and more frustrated as the days went on. The girls would often spend hours trying to satisfy this growing lust using any means they can. Whether it was in the lockers, showers, private rooms, or bedrooms, the girls tried to satiate their lust whenever and however they could. One day, Mina was in an old storage room, riding a green dildo in a cowgirl position. She was quietly moaning and cursing about this growing lust, especially with how sad it was that Izuku could no longer satisfy them. Unbeknownst to Mina however, a certain grape-haired pervert would be listening in, grinning at this newfound opportunity as he walked towards his room, thinking of a plan to steal Izuku's harem. From this one-sided encounter, Izuku would slowly lose the harem that he had accumulated, but he would not be left behind so easily. Instead, fate had plans for Izuku to still be engaged with his harem, just in a different way.

Chapter 2: Fall of the Alien Queen


Ashido Mina becomes the first member, or victim, of Mineta's new harem.


So the way I'm going to progress this story is that each chapter is dedicated to every member of the harem. We briefly explore how they became apart of Izuku's harem, and the majority of the chapter will be about how each girl, and guy, will fall into the hands of Mineta's new harem. The smut scenes will be about 1/3 of the actual chapter as the rest is kinda just plot and steps. Due to the foreseeable length of this story, I'm currently debating on whether to introduce Izuku's chapter during the middle of the story, or near the end.

Edit: I wrote way too much. If it becomes too bothersome to read, then I might need to split this into 2 chapters. I'll wait to see how well it's perceived before I do any changes. Also, I'm thinking of changing the title to "Mineta, The Harem Stealer," so do comment if y'all think it sounds fitting. This is my 1st smut attempt, so if it sounds unrealistic and boring, then forgive me for being a terrible writer. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy.

Chapter Text

Ashido Mina was a rather vibrant and outgoing girl. She was a stark contrast from the quiet and shy Izuku Midoriya, but lo and behold, the 2 made a nice pairing for a majority of the harem's duration. Mina herself had always found Izuku to be quite cute. Originally, it was mostly admiration, and also a need to tease both him and Ochako. However, as time progressed, and with hearing the many feats that Izuku could perform in bed, she, alongside the other girls, decided to pursue Izuku and be apart of his newly established harem. Being apart of Izuku's harem and acting as his lover was a very nice experience for Mina, but the introduction of sex was the best part about it. Due to her energetic nature, Mina was often the one who engaged in sex the most with Izuku. This allowed her to keep up with Izuku in bed compared to the other girls and guys. Plus, her flexible body allowed for them to experiment with many ways of engaging in sex. Things were going smoothly for them throughout their 1st year of college, but all that would change in their 2nd year. After the news of Izuku, Bakugou, and Todoroki having their bodies altered by the hormonal quirk, Mina was admittedly a bit worried. Izuku and the other guys had changed quite a bit with their outward appearance, but most didn't mind and still showed support for them. However, main source of worry would come later that night. Mina and the 1-A girls wanted to cheer Izuku up, and decided to head to his room to have sex to help him relax. After minding out that Izuku's dick had changed in size as well, many of them became quite worried, but decided to try and see things more positively. The initial failed attempts to get Izuku hard only added to the concern, but thankfully the appearance of Bakugou and Todoroki had helped to alleviate the issue. But after finding out that Izuku's sex drive was now a shadow of its former self, Mina was internally panicking on a small level. She and the others did reassure him that things would be fine and that they would still love him, and they still tried their best to ease his worries, just not with the usual sex they had. They mainly did things like cuddling and kissing, and engaging in more lewd tasks like handjobs, blowjobs, and even footjobs. Since he wasn't able to please them with his dick like before, Izuku had begun to worship each persons body more, such as suckling on their tits, taking in the beauty of their asses, and even engaging in foot worship. Another thing the girls did was try out rimming with Izuku, which noticeably allowed him to cum at a higher frequency compared to other methods, something that the girls would remember for later on. Despite all this, the girls found it quite hard to manage their growing lust, with Mina and Tsuyu having the toughest times. As such, Mina often used her free time dealing with the ever-growing lust. Izuku was still able to pleasure them to a degree, mainly by eating them out or worshiping their bodies, but even this wasn't enough. Mina would often times have to finger herself for many hours or use sex toys for a prolonged time to even try and satiate her lust, and even then it would only be a temporary solution. As such, she would often be found in abandoned rooms or in her bedroom, constantly trying to get herself off. She didn't blame Izuku for this as this was something that he couldn't control, but on a deep, subconscious level, she knew that this lust was caused by Izuku and his former cock. And luckily, or unlikely, Mina would find a solution for this growing lust of hers, but her fate, alongside the fate of all her fellow lovers, would be changed drastically.

We now jump to around 2 weeks after the news of Izuku, Bakugou, and Todoroki having had their bodies be altered. Mina herself is currently in her bedroom, panting as she desperately tries to get rid of her growing lust. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, c'mon, class is about to start.," moaned Mina as she desperately fingered herself. Mina had woken up earlier than usual today, and the lust that had been building up starting to boil over again. She had been fingering herself for about an hour now, and she was desperate to try and get rid of it. She tried to think about the times in which Izuku had pounded her into submission, but these thoughts only served to further build her lust. Mina then reached behind towards the head of the bed. Mina had requested that her bed have a hidden compartment at the head of it, allowing her to keep some personal items. After fishing around a bit, Mina managed to pull out a large green dildo. It wasn't as long as Izuku's old cock, but it was honestly better than nothing. After applying some of her quirk to the dildo (she trained and experimented with it to make it into lube), she began to insert it inside of her. Even if she was wet, the feeling of a dry dildo being shoved inside her wasn't exactly a pleasant one. The dildo helped to alleviate the lust within her as Mina kept pumping it in-and-out of her pussy. It gave her a nostalgic feel, especially considering the color of it. "Oh yeah, fuck that's the spot.," Mina moaned as she was able to scratch the small itch within her pussy. She knew that this wouldn't get rid of all her lust, but it would be enough to help get her through class. She then grabbed one of her tits, fondling and rubbing her tits, hoping to help speed up the process. After around 35 more minutes of this, Mina was able to achieve release. After managing to finally cum, Mina went to clean herself and the dildo. She first cleaned the dildo, making sure that it wouldn't be dirty for her next session, and placed it back into the secret compartment. She then left with a towel and her uniform and went to the dorm showers. Due to her waking up early, and having around an hour of time before even Ida would wake up, she figured that she could have a peaceful shower. However, on her way to the showers, she failed to notice that a certain grape-haired midget was stalking her. Mineta had often been an early bird and woke up much earlier than everyone else. He usually did things like masturbate or just wander the various floors. Nothing usually happened in the mornings, so Mineta was often bored out of his mind. However, on this particular day, Mineta had seen Mina heading towards the showers, leading to him having many fun ideas.

After reaching the shower area, Mina began to undress, all while not managing to notice a pair of eyes watching her. She put all her clothes and slippers into her cubby and headed inside the showering area. Her little stalker decided to follow her, but stopped himself to grab her panties before proceeding to enter the shower room, only stopping by the corner of the entrance. As she turned on the water, Mina began to think how she and the others would continue to handle this growing issue with their lust. She knew that Recovery Girl was working on a fix, but it's hard to know when it'll be completed. Still, she had high hopes and decided on taking a relaxing showering first and getting through the day. As she enjoyed the running water and began to wash her body, Mineta was having the show of his life right now. The showers didn't really have any stalls, and the only wall was the one by the entrance that allowed him to hide and peep. As he continued to watch Mina shower in her glorious, naked self, he reached for his pants and began to jerk off. Using Mina's panties, he sniffed them, taking in her scent as he imagined the things he would do with her. Mineta had to be careful however, as if he was to actually cum, there would be many issues, but not in the way that you'd think.

Mineta was an anomaly when it came to his physical appearence and personality. He was rather perverted for someone who wanted to be a hero, and although many pros like Midnight and Mt.Lady use their sexual appeal to gain popularity, they weren't openly perverted at every scenario like Mineta was. Even though Denki was also pretty perverted, he was still pretty tame compared to Mineta. His physical appearance was also one that created much confusion, especially with a specific part of his body. Mineta was around 3'6 1/2, making him quite short as even children like Eri were taller than him. But despite all this, Mineta had a certain part of him that no one really knew about, and that was his abnormal dick. Mineta had a very big dick, one that was even larger than Izuku's old dick. Izuku once stood at a proud 6 inches when flaccid and 7 inches when hard, but Mineta had him beat by a decent margin. Mineta, surprisingly and weirdly enough, had a massive dick size of around 8.6 inches flaccid and 9.2 inches hard and was much thicker than Izuku's dick, along with having balls that were nearly the size of tennis balls. This combination would essentially make Mineta a sex god with just tool capability alone. Mineta also was able to produce more cum on average than Izuku. Izuku, at his highest peak, would produce enough cum to fill almost half of a bucket. Mineta on the other hand, could produce enough cum to fill that same bucket and maybe even a bit of a 2nd bucket. If the 2 men were to compare dicks, Mineta would have easily beat Izuku by a long shot. Thankfully, neither of the 2 knew about their cock differences, with Mineta initially believing that Izuku had a far bigger cock than himself, when the reality was that Mineta had the biggest dick in their school. However, the 2 would soon learn about the vast differences in cock size, leading to some interesting outcomes.

Anyways, Mineta wanted to avoid cumming as doing so would lead to a lot of cum being left in the showers, creating a mess that he feared would get him caught. However, the beauty of Mina's body, and the fantasies that accompanied it were making his no-cumming rule quite hard to accomplish. Mineta thought of the various parts of Mina's body that he desperately wanted to use. From her nice pair of tits, to her thick thighs and ass, and even to her feet. The sight of her pink pussy, along with knowing that she was flexible, made his dick harder than usual. As Mineta kept stroking his massive cock, Mina was enjoying her hot shower, clueless as to what was happening behind her. As she was about to apply her body wash, her hands slipped and dropped the bottle. She then bent over to pick it up, allowing for her ass and pussy to be exposed even more, making Mineta jerk off even harder. However, Mineta was getting extremely close to cumming, but he was too focused on Mina's body to stop himself. As such, many thick strands of cum shot out of his dick, creating a quiet splatter when they hit the floor. Thankfully, Mina didn't hear the cum hitting the floor, but Mineta still had to clean it up as she was almost finished showering. Luckily there were paper towels in the bath area, and he went to grab some and started to quietly clean it up. Unfortunately, Mina had finished her shower earlier than expected, leaving Mineta no choice but to hurriedly exit, leaving behind a few strands of his cum.

Mina felt very relaxed by the shower and was glad that she could cool herself off before staring class, though she knew that the lust would eventually come back. As she was leaving, Mina couldn't help but notice a few strands of reflective liquid on the floor near the entrance. Curious, she squated down and picked up a strand with her fingers. Upon closer inspection, she realized that it was actually semen, making her alerted as it meant that someone was peeping on her. However, before she could rush out to possibly find the culprit, the smell of the cum had reached her nostrils, making her feel strange. Over the past year, Mina had developed a taste for Izuku's cum and indulged in it whenever they had sex. She knew that his cum was thick, but the strand of cum that she picked up was much thicker than his, and it even had a much stronger smell. As such, her body was telling her to taste the cum, a sort of instinct she developed due to eating Izuku's cum so much. Although she knew that it was wrong and dirty, her inner devil was nudging her to do it. After some hesitation, Mina took her fingers and placed it in her mouth, tasting the cum. As soon as the cum hit her taste buds, Mina began to grow slightly aroused. The cum had tasted similar to Izuku's cum, but was much saltier and noticeably more delicious to her. She begin to suck up the last bits of it on her finger before picking up more from the floor. Due to 2 weeks of not having any of Izuku's former cum, Mina had a withdrawal effect, making her crave it even more.

After licking up the rest of the cum, Mina began to regain her senses and tried to focus on what was really important; finding the peeping tom. Granted, she was willing to let this go for now since her peeping tom was able to produce such tasty cum, but she pondered as to who actually produced the cum. She knew that it couldn't have been Izuku, especially given his current situation, and especially since this cum was much thicker than his. It couldn't have been Bakugou or Todoroki since they were never able to produce cum like this. This meant that it was another guy in their class, but given how most wouldn't do this, it left her with 2 suspects: Denki and Mineta. She knew it couldn't be Denki as Jirou, who had dated him previously, stated that his dick wasn't the best as it was 4 inches hard at best with small balls, meaning that he couldn;t produce cum this thick. This left her with the only possible suspect and the one that she dreaded thinking about. If this cum really did come from Mineta, then she would've probably threw it up at this point. She hoped that this wasn't case, but given the evidence, it was very possible that the cum came from him. After peeking out of the showers to confirm that no one else was around, she breathed a sigh of relief. She committed what she believed was the most disgusting thing she could ever do, but decided that since no one saw her and what's done is done, she decided to just carry on with her life and forget about this. "It'll just be a one-time thing. Midori-chan will get back to normal and I can hopefully forget the taste of this deli- DISGUSTING cum!," Mina thought to herself. After all, this taste of the cum wouldn't cause too many issues. Right?

As it turns out, eating that random cum would indeed cause problems for Mina, ones that would create a massive domino effect. Mina was currently sitting in class, barely able to focus on the lecture that Midnight was giving (She lives!). The taste of that cum from earlier was still lingering in her mouth, with her mind focused on wanting more of it. The lingering taste also made her more aroused, making all the previous efforts to quell her lust go to waste. As class went on, Mina kept drifting off into her hind, trying to remember every vivid detail about the cum, causing Midnight to call her out for daydreaming (Being fellow lovers didn't make Mina safe from under performing in class). Thankfully, Midnight's class was the last one before their lunch break, allowing time for Mina to deal with her issue. Although she wanted to spend time with Izuku and the others, she excused herself, stating that she needed to go have a meeting with Snipe. As she was leaving, Mineta caught wind of this and decided to sneakily follow her, keeping distance as to avoid suspicion. After a bit of roaming, Mina rounded a corner and found what she was looking for; an old, abandoned storage room. As she entered the room, she made sure that no one was around and promptly closed the door, not realizing that someone was indeed following her.

The storage room was somewhat forgotten by the school and was left to collect dust, although the janitorial bots still maintain it, keeping it in almost pristine condition. There wasn't much in the room besides old equipment and boxes, although surprisingly there was also a couch. Even if it wasn't the best situation, Mina decided that being in a secluded place was far better than having to make the trek back to her room. She made her way to the couch and sat down, lowering her panties as she tried getting comfortable. Meanwhile, Mineta was peering through the small crack of door as Mina didn't fully close it. As Mina sat on the couch, she began to rub her clit with her right as her pussy was getting increasingly wet. As she was rubbing, she wet her other hands' fingers before beginning to finger herself while grabbing her breast with her right hand. Mineta was extremely surprised, yet highly turned on by what he saw. He had only previously seen her in a naked state, but no she was masturbating with her pussy being more open. He couldn't risk jerking off though as he was still in a hallway, but the large bulge in his pants made the idea very tempting. He instead settled for just simply stroking it a bit through his pants, it wasn't the most comfortable action, but it was better than letting his cock just twitch and strain.

As Mina was fingering herself, she began to let out quiet moans, being unable to contain them as she was extremely horny again. The memory of eating that thick shower cum (kill me) was bringing back many memories about the numerous times she ate Izuku's cum. She wanted to taste it again, but she knew that it was impossible given what had happened. Mina never blamed Izuku for the lack of pleasure, nor did any of the other harem members, as she knew that this was out of his control. However, deep down, Mina knew that to an extent, Izuku was to blame. Due to the constant amount of sex that he's had with her and the others, they've developed a need for it. Thankfully, Izuku was always able to satisfy them, but this increased sex drive was both a blessing and a curse. "Fuck, why did that have to happen to Midori." Mina had quietly moaned out. Mineta listened closely and carefully, being curious as to what Mina had meant."If Midori didn't get his dick shrunk, then me and the others wouldn't need to deal with this."(this sounds so cringy)

This line had heavily surprised Mineta. He knew that Midoriya had his body altered due to a hormone quirk, and he did feel bad about it, but he never expected to hear that Izuku had his dick shrunk. However, Mineta also smirked, realizing that this was the perfect opportunity for him. In his twisted mind, Mineta thought about how he would "help" Midoriya by pleasing his harem for him. After all, that's what friends are for, right? Plus, he felt bad for him and since no one knew how long a cure would take to make, he decided to be a good friend and help the girls (and guys) deal with their lust-filled issue. However, he knew that he needed a plan for this to actually work. Mineta was a pervet, but he wasn't an idiot. He knew that barging in right now and flashing his dick would almost immediately lead to his dick being melted off. Instead, Mineta decided that creating a plan was the best course of action. As such, he hesitantly and quietly walked away, already thinking of how to approach and "help" Mina. Meanwhile with Mina, who didn't know that Mineta followed her, continued to finger herself at a faster rate. She knew that class was going to resume soon, so she had to hurry and cum. Unfortunately, before she could get any sort of release, her phone's alarm went off, alerting her about heading to class. Deciding that she can hopefully deal with this issue later, Mina disappointingly left the storage room to head to class. As she entered class, she did the usual activities like talking to her friends and lovers, along with checking up on Izuku. She hoped that the rest of the day would be simple so that she could focus on dealing with her lust. Sadly, things would not work out so smoothly for her. Due to a major exam that was occurring by the end of the week, Mina had to deal with a ton of homework of studying, giving her little time to achieve any release.

Their entire class decided to form a large study-group to better tackle the exam. During these study sessions, Mineta noticed that Mina was much more stressed and restless, indicating that her internal lust was building up. He knew that he had a better chance of approaching and helping her, but he still needed the perfect setting for this to occur. On the day of the exam, Mina was noticeably more restless and preoccupied with her thoughts than before. If Izuku still had his old dick, Mina would've probably fucked him in class. Unfortunately, she still had to get through this exam, and so she tried directing all her thoughts towards finishing up. After nearly an hour, the exam was finally finished, with Mina barely finishing in time. A sigh of relief was heard throughout the class as everyone was dismissed. As people were leaving the class, excited to finally rest, Mina was approached by Momo. She and their other lovers were wanting to see if she wanted to go watch a movie with them and to spend time together. Mina, not wanting to dissapoint her lovers, and because she missed spending time with them, reluctantly agreed to it. Mineta overheard these plans, smiling as this could start his plans if things go correctly. After spending the rest of their day watching the Mario Movie (no correlation with real-life time) and spending time at an extremely expensive restaurant, Izuku and his harem returned to the dorms with Mina being passed out from a lack of sleep. Bakugou and Momo took her to her room and tucked her in, returning to the lobby to spend the rest of the night doing whatever.

At around midnight, Mina had awoken from her sleep, feeling very horny and sweaty. She had just awoken from a very lewd dream, causing her to awake. Feeling way too tired and sweaty, Mina decided to go shower off so that she could resume sleeping. As she left her room, a small, hidden camera was watching her, with the owner of the camera watching while smiling. Since it was midnight, no one was awake and were soundly asleep, meaning that Mina could have a peaceful shower. As she reached the shower room, she began to undress and put her clothes in small laundry basket as she brought a fresh pair of nightwear just in case. She looked down at her pussy, noticing that it was getting very wet. As she began to head into the showers, she was too tired to notice that someone else's clothes were in a cubby, indicating that someone was here. As she walked in, she didn't notice any sounds, indicating that she was alone. However, a certain someone was sitting in the corner shower right next to the wall, hiding his small stature as he watched Mina in all her naked glory walk towards the opposite shower. Before she could turn on the water, Mina heard a voice that made her stop in her tracks. "Oh? What are you doing here Mina?"

Smut Warning: The actual smut starts around here. Proceed at your own risk.

The sound of this very familiar voice gave Mina chills as she feared for the worst. As she slowly turned around, all she saw was Mineta standing across from her, naked and currently looking blankly at her. Mina wanted to scream out, but couldn't as this everyone was still sleeping, and she'd rather not make a major deal out of this. "I-I just woke up and wanted to t-take a shower. W-why are you here?" Mina asked nervously. "Oh. I just stayed up a bit late to do some "training" and I just finished, so I came to take a shower." Mineta replied nonchalantly. Mina didn't exactly believe Mineta's words, but she had no proof to doubt his words. "W-well in that case I'll-" but before Mina could finish her sentence, something had caught her attention. Something that caused her to get even more aroused. Looking down, she saw Mineta's massive cock, dangling and nearly hitting the floor due to how big it was. Upon laying her eyes on his cock, Mina's pussy began to start dripping, her body already in need of release and the presence of such a massive cock was not helping. Mineta noticed this and was internally smiling as he knew that things were going smoothly. He pretended to cover up his cock, but left enough of the head exposed to show off its length. "Sorry about that. I was just finishing up on scrubbing my body."

"I-it's alright. I shouldn't have stared. L-look, let's just finish the showers and go back to our rooms alright?" Mineta nodded before turning around to turn on the water with Mina doing the same. As they continued showering, Mina couldn't keep her mind off of Mineta's cock. From that brief look at his cock, she knew that it was just as big, if not bigger than Izuku's. She subtly looked over her shoulders to look at it again, curiosity being ever-present in her mind. Mineta was turned around to the side, with his cock in full view for Mina to see. He was currently rubbing it back and forth while applying soap to his body. His cock getting semi-erect, becoming bigger and making Mina feel even hotter. She started to slowly and carefully rub her clit, not wanting to alert Mineta about the fact that she was masturbating to him. Mineta however realized this and pretended to not know. "Are you alright Mina? You seem a little off." Upon hearing this, Mina knew that she couldn't keep rubbing herself and decided to stop. "Y-yeah, I'm alright. Just a little tired is all." "Ohhhh. Well in that case, do you want me to help you wash then?"

Normally, those words would make Mina either attack or storm out, especially if it came from Mineta's mouth. However, her mind was clouded with lust right now and she wasn't exactly thinking entirely straight. "N-no it's alright I-," "Nonsense. I can help you out. After all, that's what friends are for, right?" "A-alright, if you insist." Mineta turned off his shower and began to walk over to Mina, with his cock flailing along the way. Mina was becoming increasingly nervous, but she was also somewhat excited to see where this would go. Mineta reached for the body wash that Mina normally used and applied it to his hands. Due to his short stature, Mineta had to start from the bottom of Mina's body, her feet. Mineta squat down a bit and began to rub her heel and moved around to get the top of her feet. Mina raised her feet a bit for Mineta to get the bottom, to which he happily started to rub them. In his mind, Mineta was practically drooling due to being able to feel the soft soles that Mina had. Years of dancing and delicate care allowed her feet to turn out nicely, a big turn on for Mineta. As he finished, Mineta began to move his hands up her calves and legs, rubbing each spot carefully. Mina was beginning to feel even more aroused. Mineta's hand were surprisingly gentle, but they also pressed against her body in all the right places. Mineta had spent a while practicing these skills, even taking up massage classes just to prepare for this moment. As he got to her thighs, he traced his hands all over them, admiring the feel of how thicc they were. He kneaded even inch of her thighs, causing her to start dripping as the feeling of his hands were getting to her. He slowly moved up to her ass, expecting a reaction, but surprisingly, she didn't really seem to mind. As such, Mineta began to rub and feel all over Mina's ass cheecks. He took his time to take in the feeling of her soft and luscious thick ass (idk how to describe sizes, so Imma just common terminology). As he finished, he removed his hands from her body to go grab a stool, but not before "accidently" tracing his fingers down to near her pussy. Mina was startled by the action, but found herself enjoying it a little, especially since she hasn't been touched down there by anyone else in about 3 weeks.

After placing the stool behind Mina, Mineta stood on it, being able to now reach near her upper back with no issue. He placed his hands back on her hips, working his way up her body. He rubbed all over her lower back, and reached over to hover over her womb area. He subtly began to sink his fingers a bit to reach near her pussy, making it clear what he was trying to do. By now, Mina's brain was clouded by lust, and although she knew what Mineta was trying to accomplish, she didn't seem to mind. He moved his hands to her back again, before rubbing her hands and arms. He continued on before finally reaching her boobs. He slowly moved his hands all over them, rubbing and massaging them, admiring their softness. Mina had already crossed a dangerous line by letting him do this to her, but she was enjoying this way too much to care. Audible moans came from her mouth, making it clear to Mineta that this was working. Just then, Mina felt something touch hard and hot touch her ass before eventually moving to in-between her thighs.

Standing proudly between her legs was Mineta's massive cock, now erect and hot to the touch. Mina's heart dropped upon seeing this massive rod that stuck out between her thighs. The dick was just quite literally just a few centimeters away from touching her pussy. She could feel the heat radiating from the dick, and he could feel the heart of her pussy as well. Mineta adjusted himself a bit, causing his dick to now come in contact with Mina's pussy, making her nearly cum. He began to move back and forth a bit, making it so that his dick was now grinding against her pussy. Mina knew that his cock was big, but seeing it in-between her thighs made her realize the sheer intensity of its size. "I know that you like what you're seeing Mina~. My massive cock is making your pussy ache isn't it~." "N-no I-" "I know that Midoriya hasn't been able to please you lately. But I'm willing to help you out with that issue~." Mina was shocked upon hearing this. "H-how did you-" "I overheard you talking about it in the storage room. But don't worry. I'll do you and Midoriya a favor by pleasing you for him." "I-, but-,...-alright then."

With those words, Mineta knew that he'd one. He was able to get Mina to fuck him. He stepped down from the stool and brought over a smaller one instead, all while Mina turned over in anticipation. As he stood on the smaller stool, he immediately ordered for her to spread her legs, which she reluctantly did. Her pussy was now in clear view as Mineta spread her folds, allowing him to peer at how bright it was. He inserted his middle and ring finger into her vagina, rubbing the walls, giving Mina much needed stimulation. Mineta was surprisingly at fingering as Mina noticed how his technique felt better than Izukus. After a few more seconds, he took his fingers out, revealing how wet they were, and proceeded to lick her pussy juices, commenting on how sweet it tasted. He then pressed his mouth against her clit, sucking and licking it. As he kept lapping at her clit, Mina was in a state of pure ecstasy. His technique for eating out her clit felt amazing and she was glad that she didn't turn him away. Mineta then moved down to her pussy and began to lick and taste all over her insides. "*Huh~*, *Huh~*, *Huh~*. Faster Mineta~, pleaseeeee." Mineta began to pick up his pace, licking faster and sticking a few fingers in from underneath. One of his hands reached over to her ass and began to rub it before giving her a smack. The sound and feel of Mina's ass cheek as it was spanked made Mineta's cock even harder. It acted as the final push that allowed for Mina to cum, releasing her sweet nectar as Mineta began to lap it up.

Mina had essentially collapsed on the floor due to achieving the best release she's had in about 2 months (work study is 1 month, plus these 4 weeks). As she sat on the ground, she looked up to see Mineta's massive cock towering over her. Now that it was in her face, Mina knew that his cock was far bigger than even Izukus old one. She didn't have the spirit to say that, but she knew that it was the truth. "Here's what you wanted Mina~. My nice, hard cock, all for you." Mina grabbed the cock with her hand, barely able to wrap one hand around it as she felt its warmth. She brought the cock down to her face and noticed how clean it was. Despite this, a musky smell radiated from his dick, causing her to get even hornier. It wasn't a bad smell, rather, it was one that she enjoyed. Mina began to kiss the tip, causing a bit of precum to release. She enjoyed the taste of his precum, lapping up every bit of it, thinking about how it tasted similar. After licking up the precum, she dropped to his balls and began to sniff at them. They were far bigger than even Izukus, and their smell was divine to her.

She started to lick the left ball sensually while her right hand caressed his other ball. After a bit, she began to lick up the bottom of his shaft, working her way up to his tip before opening her mouth to take the head in. Mina was no stranger to taking in big cocks, especially given her experience with Izuku. But considering that Mineta was far bigger and thicker, she had to take this slowly for now. As she kept bobbing her mouth on his cock head, her tongue began to swirl and caress his bright head, making Mineta feel insanely well. His wildest fantasies were coming true as he had Mina on her knees, sucking his cock. As Mina kept sucking, with her hands pumping his shaft, she gradually started to take in more and more of his dick. "Ah fuck yeah! Keep going Mina. Suck on that cock!" Mina eagerly began to go further down his shaft, increasing her tolerance inch-by-inch. Mineta wanted to fuck her throat, but he knew that forcing her wouldn't bode well. Still, Mina was persistent in trying to deepthroat his cock, especially one that's so big. After a bit more of determination, Mina managed to reach the base of his cock. Shortly after hitting the base, she immediately pulled her head back and released his cock, saliva and drool coating his cock. Mineta was ecstatic that Mina could deepthroat him and immediately grabbed her head, shoving it back onto his cock. As soon as Mina hit his cocks base again, he froze, realizing he overstepped a bit. Looking down, he saw that Mina looked at him, not with anger or resentment, but with heart eyes and lust. He knew that this was her telling him to keep going. As such, Mineta kept fucking Mina's throat, rocking his hips back and forth as her tight throat was squeezing his cock, making him closer to releasing his spunk.

Mina was wet, insanely wet. Mineta was currently doing what Izuku had never done; facefuck her. Mina always liked it a bit rough during sex, but Izuku was quiet gentle when it came to fucking. Even though he is capable of rocking her world and has done so multiple times, he was more into the simple activities like regular fucking, blowjobs, handjobs, etc. But Mineta, he was willing to fuck her in any way. She wanted to be treated roughly, and by god was Mineta treating her rough. After a few more minutes, Mineta was nearing his limits. "Ah fuck! Get ready Mina you slut! I've got a big load for you!" And just like that, Mineta released a copious amount of thick, pungent cum into Mina's throat. She felt the hot cum hitting the back of her throat, and she loved every second of it. As he pulled out, many globs of cum landed on Mina's tongue, bringing back many memories. Mina now knew for certain that the cum she tasted that day was from Mineta. She should feel disgusted or angry, but instead, she felt horny. She sloshed the cum around the mouth, trying to break it down so that she can swallow it. It was so thick that she had to somewhat chew it just to get it to go down smoothly. After swallowing all the remaining cum, Mina opened her mouth again, showing Mineta that she swallowed it all. "Good girl~"

Mina then activated her quirk and started coating Mineta's cock in her lube. Even if it was covered in spit, it's better to be safe than sorry. She couldn't take it anymore and wanted him to take her right there. There was already enough foreplay, and they could always do other stuff later. As she laid back, Mina raised her legs towards Mineta and spread her pussy open. "Fuck me Mineta! Do what Midori has been unable to do for 2 months! CLAIM MY PUSSY!" Mineta was smiling. His plan had worked, albeit quite differently from what he expected. He decided to tease Mina a bit more before diving into the main course. He grabbed her feet and started to lick them, taking in their softness and wonderful taste. Mina seemed quite taken aback, but didn't mind as Izuku had done this before as well. As he kept sucking, Mina used her other other foot to stroke his cock. Mina had somewhat flat feet that arched a bit near the sides, making the experience very wonderful for Mineta. He licked from the ball of her foot before moving on to her luscious soles. As he kept licking, Mina picked up her pace while fingering herself. Mineta then started to suck and lick her toes, enjoying the experience that he's been dreaming about for a while. After a bit, he stopped licking, and Mina brought her wet foot to his cock and clasped them together, creating a foot-pussy. Mineta began to fuck the foot-pussy hard and his massive cock poked out of her feet like a mighty spear. "You love fucking my feet don't you Mineta-kun~. Well don't worry, cause they're all yours for now~." After a couple more minutes of this, Mineta finally came and splattered his thick cum all over her. Mina enjoyed the white shower and licked up much of the cum.

Mineta placed his cock on Mina's pussy and started to rub it all over her pussy lips. Mina was growing increasingly wet. The initial anticipation was killing Mina, and she was almost willing to pounce him instead. "You ready to have your pussy destroyed Mina~." Many thoughts ran through Mina's head. Her good side was telling her to stop here and that this was wrong, while the bad side was screaming for her to take in his dick. "YES! POUND MY PUSSY MINETA! MAKE ME FEEL GOOD!" And with that, Mineta slowly pushed his cock into her pussy, making her body quake in pleasure. The tight walls of Mina's pussy constricted his cock, making the drive to shove his dick deeper a hard one. Even though Mina's pussy had been stretched before, Mineta's cock was a whole different beast. He took it slowly, not wanting to break her in half. As he kept going, he eventually hit her cervix, with around 2 inches left exposed. He slowly slid his cock out of her pussy before going back in, repeating this motion til Mina got used to it. He was fucking her in a missionary style, and started to pick up his pace a bit. "You like that you little slut. You love it when my cock hits your womb don't you."

Mina was barely able to make a response. Her head was bent backwards as her mind was being overloaded with pleasure. Her tongue was out as tears began to form in the corner of her eyes. Not tears of pain, rather, the were tears of joy. It had been a grueling 2 months since she was last fucked, and she was wanting to enjoy every moment of this. Mineta straightened his upper body and began to lick Mina's thighs, all while continuously fucking her, carefully trying to avoid hitting her womb. However, Mina suddenly brought her legs and crossed them, enclosing Mineta. She then sat up and got close to Mineta's ears, whispering, "I appreciate the concern Mineta-kun~, but I want you to pound my pussy. I WANT you to hit my womb. I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME TIL I CAN'T FEEL MY BODY!" Being locked in and with a horny alien practically begging him, Mineta decided to ram his cock inside her pussy, hitting her womb and making her head rock back again. Mineta kept pounding with no remorse, grunting as her pussy was still squeezing his cock tightly. "*Huff* You little slut! You want me to wreck your pussy huh!" "YES! I WANT YOU TO DESTROY MY SLUTTY PUSSY!" Mineta picked up his pace, he was now ramming Mina's womb with no remorse. Her body was now shaking as the feeling of Mineta's 9 inch cock was essentially breaking her.

After around more 15 minutes of hardcore sex, Mineta was on the verge of cumming. However, Mina still kept him locked in, making it impossible for him to pull out. "Fuck! I'm gonna cum in you Mina! Get ready to feel bloated!" "Do it! Fill my pussy up!" After a few more thrusts, Mineta's cock unleashed a mass amount of cum, making Mina's womb get nearly filled. Mineta slowly pulled his cock out as Mina was currently laying on her back, shaking after the intense pleasure she received. As his cock popped out, all the cum in her womb started to leak out. "So, how's my cock compared to Midoriya's?" Mineta asked as he placed his cock over Mina's eyes. Mina, who was still cock-drunk, began to ponder about that question. Mina began to sit up, her body still shocking, as she crouches in front of Mineta. "Indeed you were Mineta-kun~. Your cock is so much better than Midori's dick, both before and after~. Mina then started to kiss his dick again, going up and down his shaft. Mina had passed the point of no return, and she had no issues with it. The lack of sex with Izuku for the past 2 months have been hell for her. She wanted to enjoy as much of this as she could.

"Y'know Mina, I managed to help you deal with your lust, maybe I could help the others as well~." Normally, she'd feel mad about such a question, but after experiencing what Mineta had to offer, she smiled at the idea of her friends being pleasured after so long. "I think that's a great idea Mineta-kun~. All the girls have been dealing with this issue as well, just not as badly. But, I know that they still need some cock, and they'd loveeeee your massive cock~." Mineta was ecstatic to hear this, with Mina giving him a boobjob as he was getting more excited. "But I gotta ask Mineta-kun, why are you helping us with this?" Mineta was a bit nervous to answer her truthfully, but decided to tell her the truth. "Wellll, I do want to help you all, but I'm doing it to help Midoriya too. Since he can't handle the task of pleasing a harem, I'll help by "temporarily" doing his job." Mina was quite conflicted by what she heard. If Izuku wasn't able to revert back to normal, then it meant that Mineta was basically committing a takeover. Mineta knew that his words alone couldn't ease her, so he decided to do the next best thing; fuck her into accepting.

3 hours later...

Mina was now lying on the floor again, panting as her entire body was covered with cum. Her pussy leaking out copious amounts of Mineta's thick spunk. Thankfully, modern medicine made it so that contraceptives were now 100% effective, meaning that Mina didn't have to worry about getting pregnant. Mineta currently had his cock over her mouth, still covered in a bit of cum and her pussy juices. Mina was currently licking and sucking on his shaft, still trying to lick up all the spunk left on it. She was now thoroughly convinced that Mineta was going to help her and her friends. Normally, Izuku would have already been tired and having a break by now. Mineta however, was still hard and ready to go, showing no signs of stopping. "So what do you say Mina-chan. Wanna help me "borrow" you and your friends to help Izuku~?" "Yes~." Mina began to get up for a bit before kneeling and prostating before his cock. "Please help me and my friends by borrowing us from Izuku~. His little dicklet can't satisfy us right now anyways. Plus, we can always go back~." (No they can't >:3) After stating this, Mina started to kiss his cock again, pressing her lips against every part of it. Mina was now his, and soon so would every other girl, and guy, in Izuku's harem. However, deep in Mineta's mind, a dark thought popped up. He could help Midoriya more, by letting him in on this fun. But for now, he would focus on converting more girls over to his side.

Meanwhile, outside the shower area, a certain green-haired girl had overheard and saw everything that occurred within the shower room. Her pussy had gotten wet as she saw the entire ordeal occur. The sheer power that Mineta carried when fucking Mina-chan made the girl quiver with fear, and with lust. She was silently rubbing and fingering her pussy, trying to avoid being seen or heard. She wanted to alert the others about what was occurring, but a side of her was curious as to what it would be like to join Mina-chan. Her mind and body were conflicted, but for now she decided that going back to her room and letting them be would be the best bet. Maybe this was a bad dream and she needed to wake up. She stealthily tried exiting the outside area and returned to her room. Unfortunately for her, a little pink alien noticed the intruder and smiled, knowing exactly who it was.

Meanwhile...."*Huh~*, *Huh~*, *Huh~*, Mina-chan was so dirty, kero~."