game unlocked


"Good Morning! You have, one new message!"

Izuku groaned, seeing his quirk activated. He hates this damn thing, due to it not doing anything for him. It wasn't that it was bad, no, it stopped the bullies, but it wasn't helpful either.

He glanced around, and opened the message, even though his mother must have left hours ago. He looked at the Message

"To apologize for the wait, of your quirk being ready, we have given you some boosters!" It said, and he saw a different screen pop up. He's glad he's alone, because this was going to take a while.

"This is the inventory screen. It is one of your main tools. It can store anything, that is not living. Food is a sometimes. Oh right, let me show myself."

A girl with green and black hair popped up on the screen. She was only wearing a black bra and panties, with black fishnet stockings. Her ears were like a fox's as was her tail, both being the same colour as her hair. She had purple eyes, that stared at Izuku. She was dainty, like she hasn't been moving much.

"My name is U.I-Chan. It's nice to meet you! I'm gonna teach you how to use your quirk!" She cheered, on the little monitor. Izuku nodded, and smiled.

"Thanks, U.I-Chan. What else is there to do with this? The Inventory thing is already pretty good."

"If that was all, why would it take 7 extra years? No, it's actually so much more. Some you're going to have to unlock yourself, but most... I can tell you. First one? Dungeons. Something that will be good, as that will allow you to make money, and also get stronger. First one, is easy. With little to no punishment. Later ones, are harder, and will kick you out if you are too weak. So, you want to try your first?" She asked, and he saw that it said tutorial. Meaning it was easy, and meant to be done now.

"Ok." He said, pressing the Yes button. He saw the rewards was a fire ability, of his choice. Not bad, he guessed.


Forest Of The Forgotten

"Welcome, to the Forest. It's one of the easier ones to form, and houses most easy enemies." She said, as her little icon appeared. A silver star, on a green backing.

"So, what is in here?" He asked, as a fire ball hit the tree next to him.

"Right now? Fire Goblin mages." A.I-Chan said. Izuku muttered something about needing all the information before going headfirst into danger, and A-Chan looked sheepish. Sounded sheepish? Her Icon seemed to dim slightly.

"Sorry, but you do have slight Fire Resist, due to your father." She said, and Izuku sighed, and nearly screamed, when his shirt became ash.

"Oh come on!" He shouted, and he saw that it was only one. Huh, he should be able to rush this.

"Level one. And so are you. This will be an actual fight. Sorry, Izu-Chan. We needed the time, but didn't realize that we were taking some of your strength." A.I-Chan said. Izuku shrugged, his bare shoulders.

Novice Mage: Goblin

A shot green skinned monster, that wears a red hat, and leather clothing. It has a blue and red cloak. One foot is bandaged, no matter what. usually charging up the attack it has.

A basic enemy, but can give you trouble, as they are often in groups. Sometimes are scouts, and don't have many around. Not much trouble and a good starting point, in any adventure. Wear clothing that is resistant to wear and tear, due to magic being any at the lower levels. There are some that specialize, but those are later enemies.

Izuku felt the wind on his bare chest, and noticed another fireball headed towards his heart. He dodged out of the way, and A.I-Chan gave a cheer. He gripped a stick, and rushed forwards, trying to attack the Goblin, and it jumped out of the way, but he then followed it. Should be easy, he thinks. Oh how wrong that is.

"Idiot. Check the Sticks description." A.I-Chan muttered, as he tried slashing again, but it didn't hit.

"Boomerang branch: A branch from a boomerang tree, used to make boomerangs, due to the innate power of being able to hit things from behind, as they will return to where they are thrown from." Izuku read, and his pants got hit, and turned to ash.

"Damn it. Focus now, read later." He hissed, as all that was left was his shoes, that were falling apart, and his underwear.

"Boomerang Branch!" He shouted, throwing it. His underwear got hit while he was doing that, so now he was fully naked, in the forest. Shoes were almost gone.

"Nice job." A.I-Chan cheered, as the Goblin was destroyed, and became nothing but dust.

"And for a reward, on top of everything else, once you get to the exit, a free costume! Spin the wheel." She said, and the Greenette nodded.

"Ok?" He muttered, and noticed it landed on a R grade one. There was C, UC, R, SR, SSR, UR and UR+. He noticed what it looked like, and sighed.

"Better than nothing?" A.I-Chan asked, and Izuku had to agree.

Aphrodite's Nighty

A pink nighty, with black lace around the top and bottom, and black heels. Changes to match the size of the wearer. Can make even the manliest look feminine. A black choker is also present.

Izuku was not happy about it, but he decided to get home, so he can get changed.

"Oh, right. Time outside of dungeons does not pass, meaning you could spend like a year doing quests, and only a second would have passed." A.I-Chan said, and Izuku breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the bonus on this thing? It said it had one, but not what it was." He muttered, and A.I-Chan responded.

"I'll tell you after we get out of here. It doesn't activate, unless it's in the real world." She said, and Izuku nodded. He reached the portal, and pressed it, hoping it would take him home.

"Error!" It shouted at him, and he pressed the report button.

"Cannot finish a dungeon, in an outfit found in said dungeon. In case of being in a public place." A.I-Chan explained. Izuku nodded. Makes sense. He de equipped it, and stepped through.

Izuku rushed to get some clothes on, and A.I-Chan then started explaining.

"You can just call me A." She said, as he nodded at A.

"I am your quirk. And you are my user. You have completed the quest, meaning you get all rewards, as well as a bonus, due to you not having the best luck." She said, and popped up his status. Her tail flicked, as she moved away from that area. She then tapped his skills.

"Here's your status, and stats.

Knowledge: 5, Knows tomatoes are a fruit, but not that Kacchan is an ass.

Strength: 5, Not the weakest, yet. But cannot hold themselves up for hours on end either.

Endurance: 9, Can go for hours, running and otherwise. Can take a hit.

Magic: 2, Just learned Fire, and that this was a thing? What did you expect?

Femininity: 8, Mistaken for a girl, and the voice doesn't help.

Masculinity: 2, Have you seen yourself? Just add eyelashes, and boom, Femdoriya is here.

Speed: 12, due to years of being chased, you are faster than most kids your age. And reaching Adult level.

Intel: 10. Highest, as you have many notebooks, to quirks alone. Grades are not half bad." She finished her report, and he smiled.

"Not bad?"

"Considering what I did? No. Not bad at all. Sorry again, sweetie." She said, becoming a fully fledged being. And hugged him. He smiled, and hugged back.

"It's fine. So, what's up with... Aphrodite's Nighty?" He asked, red faced, as A went back to being a Dash board pop-up.

"Well, that's the thing. It's able to make people fall in love with you. Works better the more feminine you are, as that's why the stat was there. It can also be bad, as some people will actively try and get you to go with them, but you should be fine, if you use it sparingly. Works best on Lesbians and Straight men." She finished. Izuku didn't want to know the extent of that.

"Hey, you got two more rolls, how about it?" She asked, and then held up a hand.

"You can save these up, and your current clothing can increase certain options. Right now? Unisex, or ambiguous. Female clothing is the second highest, due to your feminine stat." He nodded.

"One roll." He said, and she nodded.

"Oh, right. Fire. Here's your magic." She said, and a red hand bopped his nose and he knew how to summon fire.

"Increases the chance of fire proof clothing." She shrugged.

He rolled, and got SR Fire Fox Assassin.

A Leather tunic, that is held together with a steel clasp. A red cloak, that can go over the head, is present, with a white fox shaped warmer around the shoulders. Boots of a mysterious red leather, adorn the feet, reaching next to the knees. Black leather gloves, with sliver and red at the ends, are on the hands.

He saw that it was unable to be burned, and gave him a greater resistance to Fire. He also had additional stealth.

"Nice roll. Now, you better get some sleep. Even if your clothes took the brunt of the damage, you still had some, and you will crash." She said, and Izuku nodded. Guess it was bed time.


Izuku: I thought I told you to stop reading my emails.

A.I-Chan: Well, I thought I told you to stop keeping secrets!

A.I-Chan: We have to plan, we have to figure something out.

Izuku: A.I-Chan, when have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.

Chapter 2: Day 2: Working the farm


Izuku's learning more about his quirk.

Chapter Text

He groaned, as he saw A had popped open a notification.

"Morning, you have one new message." She said, and he opened it.

"Congrats on surviving the first day, due to you doing so well, you have received one new gift." She said, and opened the status menu.

"You can now change your appearance. Basic stuff, like Hair length and colour. If you spend the time upgrading it, you can even change Age, gender and Skin." She stated, and he nodded.

"Oh, by the way, you levelled up, meaning you can get one new skill. Here, as a freebee, due to me not having explained everything, you can view up to a point, the different paths." She explained, and he saw the paths.

Fire Walker: Allows to touch fire, with less damage taken (Once fully upgraded, fire will do little to no damage) Cannot be used with other skills of the type.

Flash Fire: Able to vanish, and reappear in another place, within a tornado of fire. Takes time to charge, (Once fully upgraded can be done with no build-up.) Cannot be used with others of the same type.

Fire Rush: Can charge at things, coated in Fire (Cannot be used with others of the same time) levelling up increases damage, and burn chance.

He looked at A.

"Yeah, kinda OP right? That's why they start at Level one, and the Teleport takes up to 5 minutes." Izuku nodded, realizing that it would take a while. A.I-Chan then sighed.

"Look, I'm sorry it took this long. In fact, there's going to be new things added all the time, cause we rushed to get you this part of it already. It's school time, try equipping your uniform." She said, as he saw the auto equip.

"School Uniform(Male): Due to it being the male uniform, you get a boost to Masculinity, and Intellect. You will stand out on Sundays, or during the night, but during the day, no one will look twice at you.

+ Learning




Izuku sighed, knowing that was probably why he was targeted. He put it on, and noticed a different notification.

"No Underwear: Due to not having underwear, you walk funny and slightly girly.




Izuku sighed, and selected some underwear.

"Underwear(Male): Not the most comfortable for you, but it'll do.




He was confused, why wasn't it the most comfortable for him? He was a guy, and it's wasn't uncomfortable, unlike what the notification said.

"I don't know. I might be your quirk, but I don't know everything." She muttered, teeth bared, as she looked towards the clock.

"Time to go, I think." She said, and Izuku nodded.

His Masculinity was higher than his Fem right now, and he was getting a few weird looks.

"Oi Deku. What the heck's up with you? Why's everyone staring?" Kacchan asked, and Izuku shrugged.

"I don't know." He said, confused. It was the end of the day, and Izuku was going to go into another dungeon, and try and receive the Ice spell. He hasn't chosen an ability yet, cause he was saving that up.

"So, you just going home?" Kacchan asked, and Izuku nodded.

"Mum's still got work, so I better stay home, in case anything happens." He said, and his friend nodded.

When he got home, he noticed some money on the table. And a wallet.

"Hey sweetie. I know I've been at work a lot, but to make up for that, here's some money! I know it's not the best, but I thought you would be able to get something nice, like a new outfit, or something else. Enjoy!~ Mum"

He smiled, and put the money in the wallet, and the wallet in his pocket.

"You now have Money. It'll show up under status, and you will receive money from Dungeons. You can use it in the shop, from here, meaning that you can get random, or unique items, or at stores, for normal things." A.I-Chan said, and Izuku nodded.

"Shop?" He asked, and saw the menu.







He asked her why the Costumes were separate from clothing.

"Because they are rarer, and gives a bonus, no matter what. While clothing, has to be worn together, for the bonus." She said, and Izuku nodded. He selected the Weapons, and saw the two choices.

Artemis' Twin Daggers: Dagger Design Commission


Dragon's Tooth

Blade of Ukko

Izuku looked at both, and noticed that he could only afford one, without blowing all his money. He selected the Daggers, as the Sword's ability was to cause burn. The Daggers could be thrown, and return in seconds.

"Not a bad choice. They are made with a little bit of Boomerang Wood." She said, and Izuku was reminded of how crap the battle went to the first time.

He saw that another dungeon was unlocked, at the previous one, had a + beside it.

Forest of Souls+

Farm of the Dead-

"Ok, what's with the Minus?" He asked. The Kitsune shrugged.

"To show that this is an easier dungeon, as putting easy in front of everything is kinda a waste of words." She shrugged. He nodded.

"Of the dead? Like, Zombies?" He asked, and she made a so-so motion.

"Could be, or it could be something else. They are not always what it says on the tin, and more of it sounds cool." She explained. He nodded, and selected the Farm of the Dead.

Farm of the Dead!

old barn

Izuku stared around the abandoned farm, in nothing but his underwear.

"A.I-Chan!?" He cried, as he noticed. She giggled.

"School clothes cannot be used in these places. The shoes are, because those are impossible to ruin." She stated, and he nodded.

"Ok, find clothes, then check this place out." He muttered, as his underwear bulged a little, as his penis was fully erect. It barely showed.

"Ok, farmhouse." He muttered, seeing the actual house, and entered, as the door was unlocked. He felt something was off.

"Don't worry. It's because you are currently in stealth. Nothings going to find you, until the sun goes down, and you exit the house." She explained, and Izuku nodded. He looked around, and noticed the only clothes that would fit, were the ones from the girls room.

"Sigh. Better than nothing." He muttered, as he opened status.

"Clothing: Pink stockings with school shoes, blue denim shorts, white crop top, and pink and white striped arm warmers."

"Farm Girl: The outfit of many a farm girl, that works for a family.


+Animal Tending

+Crop tending


He then noticed that there was a full bonus, but it was locked, because of his underwear. He noticed A.I-Chan motioning for him to open a draw. He did so, and saw two pieces of underwear, and sighed.

"For the bonus." He muttered, as he took off his shorts, and underwear, putting on the black panties, and bra. He looked at the bonus, and saw that it was worth it.

"Farm hand: If you have defeated a demonic farm animal, you can absorb it, and obtain new power. Defeating the same enemy, will upgrade it, or using the form." He read, and then he noticed the sun was going down.

"Relax, at most there would be one, due to it being a -. Sweetie, it'll be fine, don't worry." A.I-Chan stated, and Izuku nodded. He noticed something galloped by, and reached for his daggers.

Tainted Spirit: Horse

No demons here

The spirit of a horse that was poisoned, doomed to run around the Farm of the Undead for the rest of eternity. Putting it out of it's misery, might grant you a boon.

Izuku felt remorse for the horse, as nothing deserved that fate.

"All right. Let's put this spirit to rest." He said, stepping out side. First thing he noticed? It's massive veins. It was glowing bright green, like the marks on it's horns. It's twin horns looked deadly. That was the second thing he noticed.

"Relax, and calm down. She's a bit of a tempest, but you have Fire, and Boomerang Knives." A-Chan stated, and Izuku nodded. He readied his fireball, and got ready to fire. He noticed that unlike the goblin, this thing had a health bar, so he decided to watch how much the fire does. He got close enough, that the fireball will deal the most damage, and saw the health bar go down.

It was now 9/10ths full. He sighed, as this will take a while, and rolled out of the way of the twin horns. He doesn't know how much he himself has, but does not want to find out the hard way. He was glad he was in these clothes now, as he almost rolled into a pile of horse shit, that was large.

"Do tainted spirits even need to poop? Or was this left over?" He wondered.

"Worry about that later, find a good vantage point, and attack from the shadows." AI-Chan hissed in his ear. He gave a subtle nod, and while the Spirit looked around for the Greenette, Izuku climbed a tree. Waiting for it to come this way. It did, thank the lord.

"Stealth Attacks deal so much more damage than normal. Especially on enemies that have taken damage from you before." A-Chan stated, and he nodded. And leapt down, dagger in his left, aiming for it's head. He was silent, sure, but it raised it's head, and Izuku was about to hit the horns. He moved slightly, and slashed as the side of it's face, dealing massive damage, but not as much as if he put the blade through it's skull.

He yelped, as he ran away from the charging beast, that only had one good eye left. He felt better about the fail, when it's health bar showed it was down to half. He was starting to like the clothes, they were easy to move in, and seemed to wear good.

"Oh right, boomerang wood." He muttered, throwing the daggers at the Spirit. One hit it's other eye, dealing another 3/10ths, and the other missed, but came back to Izuku. Izuku stayed silent, as it seemed to be listening. He crept up to it, and finished the job, by stabbing it's heart. The health finished, and he felt stronger. He saw his status.

"Izuku Midoriya: Farm Girl/Farm Hand

Level: 2

Health: 50/50

Mana: 80/80

Stamina: 125/125

Congratulations, you have levelled up!

Skill points: 8"

He nodded, and looked at the spirit that remained.

"Be free now." He said, rubbing his hand over it's smaller face. It made it's usual noise, and vanished, as it left something for him. A small seed. And a box with some soil in it.

"Oh, that means you can now farm." AI-Chan said, as she looked at it. Izuku yawned, and made a mutter about needing sleep.

"Let's get you home, I'll tell you about it tomorrow." AI-Chan said, as the portal to the real world opened up.

Chapter 3: Day 3: No more school!?


Izuku has discovered something he never thought was possible.

Chapter Text

Izuku groaned, as he looked at his bedroom ceiling. He looks towards the message, not saying good morning, but warning.

"Your mother is in the next room, be careful." It said, and Izuku got into normal clothing.

"Morning?" He asked, and Inko turned to him.

"Morning. Oh, don't worry about school. You, are not having to go anymore. Online school, is going to be better for you." She said, and then pulled up an article.

"So's Katsuki." She said, and Izuku looked at the headline.

"School closed, after Students came forth about favouritism."

"Huh, sweet. So, what's wrong?" He asked, and she sighed.

"I don't know. When I got home, you were here, and asleep. You seemed so tired, that I took the day off, to see you. Be with you." She said, and Izuku gave a watery smile. He noticed that she was slimmer than normal.

"How much have you eaten?" He asked, worried. She looked at him.

"I should be asking you that. You look really skinny." Inko asked, and Izuku nodded.

"Because I've been... Training. You don't look to have been eating." He said, looking worried. She waved him off.

"More hours, meaning not as many chances to eat." She said, and Izuku sighed, and decided to get something for both of them to eat.

After eating, Izuku got out his plant, and box. Inko asked where he got them, and he said he bought them. Not wrong, but not entirely right. He also realized, with a start, when he saw his status screen, due to no one else being able to see it. He noticed he was still wearing hi- the panties, and bra. He didn't noticed he was wearing them. He was thankful that he was wearing an old T-Shirt that was big, and pants, so he just De: equipped the Bra. He noticed that he's got a planting boost.

"Wow, you're good at this." Inko said, and Izuku chuckled. He noticed that the farming effect, was due to his title. Oh, that makes sense. Wait, it still said FarmGirl/FarmHand.

"So, what do you think it'll be?" He asked, and Inko sighed.

"That's the thing about seeds. You never really know." She said, and noticed the time.

"Wow, the day went by fast. I'm gonna go to bed, night sweetie." She said, giving him a hug. Izuku nodded, and was planning to head back to the Forest of Souls, see if anything else could be found there.

It was the plus version, meaning it was more powerful, and also meant the Child lock was off, as AI-Chan said. He was told that it was filled with bugs this time around. He entered, in his Farmgirl clothes.

"Let's see." He muttered, as he climbed up a tree. AI-Chan was being quiet, as he ran around, and noticed something was moving.

"What is that?" He wondered, but AI-Chan had shut down, as she needed to update something, so he was running blind.

"Cockroach!?" He cried, as he fell over. He accidentally equipped the random roll he got right before coming in. School Girl. He felt the hairy legs rip open the shirt, and his small hardened, and lifted up his skirt enough, and he didn't have underwear, due to the auto equip taking it off, as it did not come with underwear. It was call the C-Tier Hentai Girl School Uniform.

The giant Cockroach, with the massive cock, pushed Izuku against a tree. His eyes became green and pink hearts, as he saw it, and smelled the must smell of the insect. His chest being held by the legs, of the Cockroach, as he held his legs up to rub against it. He watched, as it rubbed it's large cock, against his skin, and crotch. His mouth forming an O shape. After a few seconds, it sprayed it's hot sticky insect semen, against his bare belly, and took a second, before thrusting it's bumpy penis, into his raw and tight ass.

He cried out in pain and pleasure, as it rammed into him, feeling the semen bounce against his chest, and a little bit of his face. It thrust and thrust into his ass, and clung tightly, when it started quivering in his ass, as he made sounds of pleasure, getting rape, fucked, breeded, by the giant bug. It's hot sticky cum, washed into his ass, as he wrapped his legs around it.

He opened his mouth, and let it's tongue, enter as his small penis, twitched, and sprayed his watery semen. It covered a little bit of it's chest, and it just kept thrusting, and Izuku could barely breath, with how much pleasure he was feeling.

"AH~ AH~ AH~!" He cried, as it started humping. It started thrusting, not letting it's cock move much, and started loading more semen into his ass. He moaned, as he held on with his legs. After a few seconds, it took it out, and he saw how much was on there, and knew there was more in his ass. He sighed, in relief, and watched, as it left. He groaned, as he tried to move, but felt weak in the knees, and wasn't able too. He stayed there, for a while, and then something pushed against his ass. From the inside. He moaned, as something came out, a Larva. And more were coming.

Hundreds exited the boys ass, as he moaned, and even climaxed a few times, as it happened. He gave birth to about 300 Larva, and they were already starting to grow. He tried moving, and was able to. He left, and pressed the emergency evac option.

He was on the floor of his bedroom, covered in monster Cockroach cum, and a ruined hentai uniform. He felt like crap, but moved towards the bathroom.

He sat on the toilet, as he could just wipe it away after the shower, and tried to release the amount that was still in there. Thing was, that it had hardened, so he was trying to push wads of the insect semen, out of his tingling, and pained asshole. He almost moaned in pleasure, as a large chunk exited. He slapped a hand over his mouth, and decided to have a shower, and think about it in the morning.

Day 4: Learning

Izuku groaned, as his whole body felt the effects of last night. He stared at AI-Chan, who looked sorrowful. He just shook his head.

"A warning would have been nice." He snarked, as he felt pain from using his voice. How loud was he? How long was he screaming in pleasure?

"I am sorry. But, that means you now have access to some skills, that were locked until you did that. I am sorry." She said, and showed him the new skills.

"Femboy: A girly boy, that will suck, and have sex, with both male and female(Level:4)

Cock Rider: Giving sex with your ass, is easier (Level:3)

Girly voice: Voice is mistaken for a girls, more chance at higher levels (Level:4)

Bestiality: You love to make animals love you, no matter the pain to your body, more effective at higher levels (Level:3) "

"AI-Chan, why?" He groaned, as he noticed the fact that his status was also different.

"Izuku Midoriya: Cock Rider/Femboy

Knowledge: 5, Knows tomatoes are a fruit, but not that Kacchan is an ass.

Strength: 6, can hold on, even when being pounded.

Endurance: 11, Can go for hours, with even the horniest of animals. Can take a hit.

Magic: 3, has practised with fire.

Femininity: 10, you had sex with a male animal, and screamed and moaned like a girl the whole time. Your voice has changed.

Masculinity: 0, You are going to be mistaken for a girl, sometimes even by people that know you. Need I point out last night?

Speed: 12, due to years of being chased, you are faster than most kids your age. And reaching Adult level.

Intel: 10. Highest, as you have many notebooks, to quirks alone. Grades are not half bad." He read, and sighed. He didn't really want this to happen.

"Sorry." AI-Chan muttered, and Izuku shook his head.

"I should have waited for the update to finish." He said, and she sighed.

"You're too pure. Well, you were. Hey, how about a few free rolls. Of the costumes, I think that might be a good idea." She said, and Izuku nodded.

He got a

C- Sakura Miku outfit. jrswai Womens Anime Cosplay snow Costume JK Sailor Dress High School Uniform Halloween Full Set(3XL,Grey) : Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry

A R- Cam girl costume with a wig. It was a bikini top, that barely covers his nipples and two gloves that were mainly pink that had white stripes at the arms. A white Skirt, that was short enough, that even if he pulled it down, constantly, his penis would be visible. Or Panties.

1boy androgynous armwear balls_in_panties bare_shoulders barefoot black_hair bow cheerleader cheerleader_uniform cosplay crossdressing crossplay feet femboy feminine_male girly gloves hit_or_miss hourglass_figure human legs male male_cheerleader male_only marmalademum meme meme_attire nyannyancosplay penis penis_in_panties penis_under_skirt small_breasts solo thin_waist toes trap twintails uniform white_skin

1boy anus areola balls breasts cheerleader cheerleader_uniform crossdressing erect_nipples erection femboy feminine_male looking_at_viewer male_cheerleader male_only marmalademum nipples nyannyancosplay penis penis_under_skirt rule_63 skirt small_penis solo testicles tiktok toes trap twintails

And a UC- Di-Va costume, It came with the wig and headset. It was skin tight, and no underwear.

1boy bodysuit brown_eyes brown_hair bulge edit erect_nipples femboy headphones human long_hair looking_at_viewer male_only overwatch rule_63 ruleram smile solo stretch text tight_clothing yui.h

He blushed, at what he got.

"I think you might be able to get more male clothes, later on, but don't' worry about that right now. Right now? Rest more. Get back to tip top shape. Now, sleep." She ordered. Izuku nodded, sleepy.

Chapter 4: Day 5: Horse girl


Izuku learns another way, he can unlock new powers. He not opposed.

Chapter Text

Izuku glanced around the farm, as he decided to go back. He noticed that it was peaceful.

"If you clear a place, fully. There is a chance it becomes a haven. Were animals, and other things can thrive. This here, is a horse ranch. Meaning you can have a mount stored here, and grow. Downside? None. Time is frozen in the real world, and nothing ages in here. Meaning, you can keep it in here, for the rest of time." She said. Izuku noted that she didn't say until he died. He doesn't want to know why. He glanced around, and put his hands in his farmgirls pockets. He felt his tiny penis. It got smaller last night.

"So, want to roll for your first mount?" AI-Chan asked, and Izuku nodded. He got a Sr- Black Stallion. Izuku looked at it, and blushed.

"Oh, it's big." He said, looking downwards, at the things cock. He could see why people call it a horse cock, and wondered if it would feel as good as the Cockroaches did. In fact, he wondered what the semen tasted like. He un equipped all his gear, and stood naked, in the field, as he was about to get on his knees. It was smaller, a younger Stallion, as Izuku was about his height.

Thunder, and Farm Hand Izuku

animal_genitalia animal_penis balls bestiality bikini_tan biped black_body black_fur bodily_fluids bryce_(marmalademum) digitigrade duo equid equine equine_penis erection femboy feral flaccid fur genital_fluids genitals girly horse horse_penis horsecock human imminent_sex larger_feral larger_male male male_only mammal marmalademum navel nipples nude penis plantigrade precum precum_drip quadruped size_difference skinny small_penis smaller_human smaller_male suntan sweat tan_line tanline text url zoophilia

Izuku got onto his knees, and held it up to his mouth, and opened wide. He smelled it, and licked the tip. He pushed his mouth, and it went almost all the way to the back, and there was still more. The Stallion understood what he was doing, and started humping the cock, further down, and towards his throat. He could feel the sticky seed, starting to release from the giant breeding machine, and started to suck on it. He liked the taste, and sucked. He continued, until he felt the twitching, that meant it would realease the full load.

He forced his head forwards, as it started shuddering, and realeasing the delicious seed.

"AHH~" He moaned, as he tasted the salty liquid. The horse looked like it still had energy.

"Well then big boy~" He whispered, in a sultry tone. His voice being the most feminine yet. "Breed my ass" He said, pushing his back side up. The cock wavered over the open hole, and then plunged, thanks to the saliva and semen on the shaft and head.

Hours later, and Izuku was unable to move, as his stomach was swollen, and bulging. He moaned, "Ahh~" As he stretched out, the stallion having finally gotten tired, after hours of sucking from the Farm Boi, and ramming said boy's ass.

"Well, Thunder~ I'm going to be counting on you." he said, rubbing his side, and noticed her legs.

They looked stronger, and his feet seemed to have a layer of something over them. His cock, had grown, and his body had gotten slimmer, like a professional runners. He felt his head, and noticed that it was the same, but felt slimmer, and then noticed his hands. They had the same sort of coating, a clear kind, almost black, with thickness. He felt around his ass, and noticed a hairy thing. It felt like hair, and when it was brought around, he saw it was a tail.

"You have unlocked the Horse Boy, and Girl, form. It allows your stamina to never run out, and your punches and kicks to be stronger, if there is nothing on them." AI-Chan said, and then looked at Izuku.

"Are you ok?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah. Just a little tired. Sorry, about this." He said, gesturing to his cum stained body, and hair. AI-Chan shook her head.

"This is what was going to happen. It just happened earlier than thought. And you have the max level version of this form, due to what you did. meaning, that you have a powerful form, no matter what. Let's go home, and get you clean." She said, and he nodded.

A shower later, and a change of clothes, and Izuku was feeling better. He had some of the cum drip out of his ass in the shower, and then went to the toilet, releasing it all, and shooting off water semen from his own penis, during that time. AI-Chan said that it was normal, and he shouldn't feel ashamed.

"Side effect, of having me. Anyway, are you ready for some clothes shopping tomorrow? Cause you just received a lot, from getting max level. And your mother. So, let's get some clothing. Right now? Sleep." She ordered. Izuku nodded.

"Night, AI-Chan."

Chapter 5: Day 6: Calling the exterminator


Izuku has to deal with the children he birthed, and it ain't child support. It's getting rid of their rights to live.

Chapter Text

Izuku looked at the costumes, that he could buy, straight up, no rolling, nothing like that. The one that wasn't the most lewd, was one for a witches outfit, and came with a wig, and hat.

"Wigs will actually change your hair, you can use them to hide from humans. Unless it's by smell. Contacts, also work." AI-Chan said, as Izuku looked at the outfit.

He got it, and decided to wear it, as he was going back into the forest, and it gave a boost to all magic.

Witchy Midoriya:

A witch boi : r/CuteTraps

It was cute, and he didn't hate it. In fact, he was starting to enjoy the clothing.

"Oh, this is main 1, main 2, is Horse Boy, and main 3 is Horse Girl. Try having a look, at some point." She said, as he pressed to ok button to enter the dungeon.

So many Bugs, all of them Cockroaches. some, looked to have a slight green tinge to them. And others, more or less human.

"Are they..." He started to ask.

"The larva you gave birth to after getting raped? Yep. Oh, you also got a form for that, didn't tell you, cause you seemed a bit out of it." He looked at Main 4. Insect Midoriya.

Insect Midoriya

SmolCebela – vTubie

Bee's are hard workers, as is Izuku. It only makes sense, that he get's this kind.

He sighed, as he was naked, and noticed that the air smelled of honey. He saw that his back, now had a giant stinger. He felt the top of his head, and felt two antennae. His hair was longer, and darker. He opened his mouth, and his tongue, was longer, and dripped honey, instead of saliva.

"Neeeat." He said, and noticed a hum behind the words. His wings fluttered, and he noticed only one leg was covered. He felt warmer around the neck, as there was fur there.

"I'm gonna stick with Mage right now. Might get a bit too horney, with all the creatures." He said, as he became the witch. Magic was back up, and he noticed the ability, that allowed him to not be effected by monsters.

"Good idea." AI-Chan said.

MidoriRoach: Male

1boy 2016 antennae anthro anus arthropod ass balls big_butt black_eyes brown_body cockroach english_text girokett humanoid_penis insects legs_up lying male male_only nude on_back penis purple_background shadow signature simple_background smile solo text

MidoriRoach: Female

1girls 2023 anthro arthropod black_eyes brown_hair bug cockroach completely_nude completely_nude_female female female_only full_body furry furry_only imbynova insect_girl insects looking_at_viewer magalnik naked naked_female nude nude_female rachie self_upload solo solo_female tagme

Both have hard skin, and are not opposed to incest.

Izuku shuddered, as he watched two go at it.

"Ok, that is wrong, on so many levels." He muttered, and got his fire spell ready.

"Ok, use fire." He muttered, and noticed that a few were sniffing at the air.

"Oh, that means the father is home. Take him out, and it will take out all those that share it's DNA. Careful, all of them will try to protect him. And he is one tough bug. Also, he might, or the children might, make more babies. Meaning you either get more children, or be the mother of your grandchildren." AI-Chan said. Izuku sighed, and looked for the Rape Bug.

One spotted him, a female one. It started clicking, and Izuku couldn't tell what it was saying, but it sounded weird.

"Mother." It said, as it pulled down his shorts revieling his penis, and placed it's vagina over the small rod. It lowered onto it, and started riding it. Izuku felt like it could go for hours, as could he.

Bouncing up and down, the breasts it sported, bounced, and it hugged Izuku close. He started sucking on one, and released his seed into the womb. It glowed slightly, and he heard it speak.

"Thank you for making me a mother. I hope to see you again, mother." It said. And left, flying away. He pulled his shorts back up, and was confused.


"If one get's pregnant, it needs to be killed not just it's parent. Ok, take out the big one, before you get anymore grand children. You are so lucky that the girls take after humans in that they can only have one baby." AI-Chan muttered, as Izuku readied his fire spell, and let it fly at the giant roach. It got burned, and it turned to ash, in seconds.

"That was..." He muttered.

"A little easy? Yeah, well. It was fire, and it was an insect. So, you know, not that powerful. She said, as everything else turned to ash. Izuku opened the chest that spawned, and grabbed what it was. A green dress, that shimmered, and blended in to the surroundings.

"Thank you, for saving the forest." A voice said, and Izuku turned.

1girls big_breasts breasts female female_only huge_breasts nintendo pokemon pokemon_sm shiny_pokemon solo solo_female tailzkim tsareena

A woman with purple hair, and white skin walked towards him. A lovely smell coming from the flower bud on her head. Another two walked up to him

1futa 2022 3_fingers abs alternate_species areola barely_visible_penis big_breasts black_body black_bra black_clothing black_footwear black_skin black_socks black_underwear blue_eyes blue_hair bottom_heavy bra breasts bulge bulge_through_clothing cleavage clothed clothing curvy_figure dickgirl edit eyelashes facial_markings fingers flaccid footwear futa_only futanari generation_7_pokemon hair head_markings hi_res huge_hips humanoid humanoidized ineffective_clothing ineffective_skirt knees_together knees_together_feet_apart legendary_pokemon legwear lips long_hair markings mostly_nude nintendo open_mouth panties penis pokémon_(species) pokemon pokemon_(species) pubes purple_eyes purple_lips small_penis small_penis_futa socks solo standing tapu_fini thick_thighs thigh_highs three-quarter_portrait underwear venela visible_penis white_eyes wide_hips

This one had a watery smell, and kept trying to catch his eye. He could see the bulge of a cock near its legs.

The other one was like the first, but mainly green, and a bit more nude.

1girls alpha_channel ass back bare_shoulders big_ass big_breasts breasts crown elbow_gloves eyelashes female female_only franktonius from_behind full_body garter_straps gloves green_hair hair_ornament high_heels huge_ass large_ass lingerie lipstick long_hair looking_at_viewer looking_back nipples no_nose personification pink_background pink_eyes plant pokémon_(species) pokemon pokemon_sm red_eyes simple_background skindentation smile solo standing teeth thick_thighs thigh_boots thighhighs tsareena very_long_hair white_skin wide_hips

He turned to look at all of them, and the blue one planted a big kiss on his lips. He could taste salt, and sweet. And felt her tongue in his mouth. he leaned into it slightly, but then she pulled away.

"I would love, to have fun with you. But I think we need to know each other more. How about you can call on me, and my power, when you need to. I'll be by your side, cutie. Don't hesitate to call, if you want a good time. Or a save." She winked, and turned into vapours. The other two sighed.

"Horny Nymph." They muttered. And then turned to Izuku.

"But, thanks to you, the forest is safe. Thank you. You are always welcome back." They said, and Izuku noticed the door. He returned home, and went to bed, as he was tired. He wasn't as tired as when he first started, but still tired.