multiverse deku

Quirks That Izuku Has:


Gives the wielder the Power to rewrite parts of someone's brain to make them obedient to their will. The Drawback is that they have to have sex with the intended target.

Global Resistances:

Makes the user heavily Resistant to most things. This does include Magic, Heat and Cold as well as Impact damage. The only Drawback is that it can be overwhelmed if too many different types of damage are coming in at once.

Multiverse Travel:

As the name says it gives the user the ability to transport them or anyone they are holding to other universes they choose or back to their own universe. The Drawback is that it can be only used Twice a Day (So one to a New universe and one Back to his own one).


Allows the User to produce a pheromonic clear Gas from their body like Midnights Somnambulist Quirk that can arouse someone. This does have the same downside to Somnambulist with it not affecting anyone holding their breath or wearing a mask.


Gives the user the Ability to transform the body of someone to their liking. The Drawback is that it can only be used once a day.

Mystery Quirk:



Theirs the summery of quirks. If anyone has any other Quirk Ideas be free to comment them and I might put that quirk in.

The First Girl that is going to be chosen is of course Ochaco Uraraka (as I have noticed that the MHA Girls don't get brushed up on in these multiverse stories. Though the Girl after her will be from another universe.

Chapter 2: Ochaco Uraraka


Izuku Starts his Adventure to getting a Harem. His First Target the Girl who he has had a crush on for over a year.


Name: Ochaco Uraraka

Hero Name: Uravity

Ability: Zero-Gravity

Anime: My Hero Academia

Picture link:

All credit to the Picture goes to THORO07

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ochacos Pic

Izuku has never been this nervous ever before in his life. Currently he was pacing back and forth in the Class 3A Dormitory. He had just asked out Ochaco Uraraka who agreed to have a date with him. They decided to spend their date at the beach and Izuku knew exactly which one to go to.

Due to him from his own knowledge only having a resistance quirk he decided he would make himself physically stronger by cleaning up Dagobah beach. At the Time he didn't realise that All Might wanted to train his Successor their, so during one of his training sessions All Might brought his successor Mirio Togata down to the beach to train him further however when he got there he saw Izuku clearing the beach as training as well. All Might did go down to Izuku to ask him why he was cleaning the beach (out of Curiosity). "well I want to get into UA to help save people even though alot of people would deem my quirk unhelpful in a fight" Izuku sighed and looked away from All Might. "Why would People Say its useless Young Man" All Might Looked at the Boy with a lot of concern and curiosity, He Must know what this boys quirk is as his motivation is really pure.

" My quirk is just a Resistance quirk so i can take a lot more hits of any type before I even feel any pain" Izuku looked down in dread thinking that All Might would Laugh at him as well. Despite what Izuku though however the Symbol of Peace simply put his hand on Izukus shoulder and said "I believe you can be a Hero". Izuku's face widened with shock as All Might Said that. "wha..." He was about to say something before being interrupted by All Might. "Remember Kid, Its never the quirk that Defines the Person or makes them a Hero. It is usually the Heart and Drive that person has to make the right choice" All Might Smiled at him and continued " besides being resistant to most attacks is defiantly helpful in a fight as long as you compensate for those missing areas" All Might Glanced Around the Beach "I am guessing that is why you are Training here Young....". "Midoryia.... Izuku Midoryia" He answered immediately trying not to make his Idol wait.

"ah yes Young Midoriya" All Might glanced back to his Successor "Though you being here and already cleaning up this beach has ruined Young Togata's game plan" He chuckled. Izuku looked behind All Might to see the smiling form of Mirio Togata " hmm its no problem All Might, I know why don't me and Midoriya here clear the rest of this beach together then we can do a little be of sparring" Togata decided. Izuku got concerned as he had never had a sparring match with anyone before, not counting Bakugo's Bulling though. "hmm that is a good Idea Young Togata" he turns to Izuku "What do you think Young Midoriya, having some combat experience can help you get into UA and can help with your hero path" Izuku took a deep breath and thought to himself "Sure I would love to at least try and have a good spar with you after this".

Izuku remembers that time very fondly as that was his starting point and in some way a key part of his origin story. Suddenly someone interrupts Izuku's reminiscing, "what you thinking about Deku-kun" Izuku turned around to see his crush Ochaco Uraraka who was dressed in a smart casual dress and she carried a backpack with some stuff for their date and day out. "U-u-Uraraka-san" he stuttered out "you ready to go". Uraraka just smiled and she got close to him "yep, ready as ever", she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and skipped out the dorm leaving Izuku a blushing mess. 'how am I so lucky' he thought to himself remembering what had happened in the past 2 years. He snapped himself out of it to avoid making Uraraka wait and he ran outside.

"Uraraka may I ask you a question" Izuku decided to say breaking a bit of silence on the bus to the beach. "Sure you can Deku-kun" Uraraka replied curiously, "Why did you say yes to go out on a date" Deku asked nervously, He started to fidget and was waiting with anticipation for her answer. "Why would you ask that Deku-kun" she was confused by what he meant by that question. " Well look at me I am not that handsome, I tend to mumble a lot and my quirk isn't that good" he looked down disappointed in himself for feeling like he's useless, despite people like All Might and Mirio telling him he isn't useless and that his quirk is very useful in a fight. Uraraka just stared at him with a sympathetic look " Izuku" She looked him directly in the eye "you are the bravest and most noble person I have ever met, you always try to prioritize everyone else before yourself and I can already tell that you are going to be a amazing hero when we graduate" Izuku could tell how honest she was being with him "That is some of the many reasons I fell for you and unlike what you seem to think you are very handsome and despite you not having a power type quirk you have the body of one" Izuku was shocked by that statement "what, I'm not that handsome" Izuku replied to her. she sighed mentally 'The Girls are going to kill me for saying this' "Izuku if you don't think that then I will say this us girls did a vote on who we thought the most handsome guy in our class is and the guy we would like to sleep with the most" she started, Izuku just looked at her confused and flustered at where this was going, "and you were number one Izuku" she blushed heavily "every Girl in class picked you as their ideal guy, so of course I would accept a date from the hottest guy in the class". That shocked Izuku 'I thought it would of been Todoroki or Kirishima. The only guy I thought I would beat in that department was Mineta' he started mumbling to himself at how he felt like he shouldn't be the hottest guy in class in the eyes of his female classmates. Uraraka realised he started mumbling and tried to snap him out of it "Izuku, Izuku … IZUKU" That shout from Uraraka snapped him out of his mumbling session. "Oh sorry Uraraka was I mumbling" he apologised, "Its fine, oh hey look we are here" she replied while getting excited for the beach.

Shortly after getting off the bus they reached Dagobah beach, even though Izuku and Mirio cleaned the beach and there was not even the tiniest bit of trash on the beach no one really used it. which was disappointing in some ways but in others it meant they had the beach to themselves. "Wow this place is beautiful Izuku-kun" she was amazed at the sight but then a thought crossed her mind "Hang on, Izuku isn't this the beach that was covered with Trash a few years ago". Izuku looked back to her and smiled "yes it was this was where I was doing my training for UA and is a very special place to me". She could only smile and think that she couldn't believe he was showing her such a important place. "anyway shall we have some fun" He suggested with a bright smile that people would need sunglasses to look at (Good thing Uraraka had some). "Sure" She Then Hurried to a nearby changing room that only recently was built due to the improvement to the beach as a whole thanks to Izuku and Mirio.

Izuku was sat on the sand of the beach looking to the ocean waiting for Uraraka to finish changing 'I hope she doesn't think that I am being too forward with location for our date' while it would be obvious that she loved the place of choice he couldn't help but have doubts about his choice of first date. As he was mumbling his self-doubts, he was suddenly had his attention somewhere else which distracted him off of his own thoughts. It was Uraraka wearing a black bikini with a smile on her face, she looked at her now stunned crush "How do I look, Deku-kun", flirtatiously she moved her hips to further pronounce her curves. "Y-y-you l-l-look G-good U-uraraka-san" Deku cursed himself for being so nervous that he sounded like he was in a car going over a rocky hillside. As he was mentally cursing himself he moved his eyes up and down Uraraka as he felt a heat burn within him as he locked his eyes on certain parts.

'What is this feeling' he pondered his eyes tracked the glistening of her lips down to her very decent bust, while she didn't have as big of a cleavage as his Classmate Momo Yaoyorozu or his Teacher Midnight she still had a very good Rack being the Third biggest in his class not counting Toru as he obviously couldn't see her. His eyes then fell to one of her biggest physical points, her big child-bearing hips, ass and Thighs all of which made Izuku lust for every night for the past 2 years.

As Izuku was lusting over her body, Uraraka in her own time was examining his. Her eyes doing the same as Izuku's just going up and down his body. At first they fell on the adorable face that she first fell in love with then she blushed as she looked at his immaculate Six-pack abs, while most of her Male Classmates had Six-packs, she knew how much strength Izuku possessed and that was one of the facts that turned her on about him as well as how determined he gets when he's in the heat of battle. While she was day-dreaming her eyes took quick notice of something as she drifted her eyes further down. It was that Izuku had a massive boner in his trunks. She could remember the talk her and the rest of the girls had recently in Momo's Room about who they thought would be the most well-endowed out of the guys. Most of the girls all agreed it would be a toss up between Midoriya and Todoroki as they thought Bakugo's attitude was overcompensation. Herself and Tsu believed that it would be Midoriya that was the largest while Toru and Mina thought it would be Todoroki. Looking at the bulge of his boner she just smiled 'Ha, I knew he was large'. She then realised the reason of his hard-on 'oh, At least now I know that he likes my swimsuit' she was so happy that he was attracted to her. She then shook her head ' He wouldn't of asked me out if he didn't I guess unless it was part of some loser beat he made with the guys' though she pushed those doubts aside due to both seeing his reaction of current and that she knew the boys would never sink that low.

Izuku however still in his daze of seeing his crush in a swimsuit was soon to find out something new about himself. 'Fuck Her' A Voice in his mind permeates, 'Dominate her' It reverberates through his head, the last thing the voice uttered almost drove him over the edge 'Breed Her' the voice shouted again into his mind. This time he quickly pinched himself to snap himself out of it. Which did end up confusing Uraraka who was in her own little world.

"Uh Uraraka, do you want to go for a bit of a swim" He hoped in his head that she would say yes as this would help him cool off and stop him from pouncing his crush right there and then. "Good Idea, Izuku" she quickly replied trying to cool herself off from her own thoughts as well. They began swimming for a decent amount of time and enjoyed their date. There was a few times where Uraraka would tease him which put Izuku threw his paces mentally and physically.

It soon Approached time to leave but Uraraka had one surprise for him "Deku-kun, could you follow me somewhere before we head back to the dorms". "Sure, Uraraka-san" He was so Giddy that she invited him somewhere, they quickly got changed into their casual clothes and Izuku carried their things. As he followed her, he soon realised where they were heading "A-a-are you sure Uraraka" He stuttered as he came face to face with a Love Hotel. She just smiled "come on, don't tell me you don't want to". He could say nothing to that as he knew that he couldn't hold himself back much longer.

They both entered the Hotel and using what money they both had payed for the room for the night. 'Thank god we don't have Class tomorrow' He mentally thanked as he knew this was going to be a long night. They got to the room and Izuku sat on the bed. "Could you wait here please Deku-kun" He could only nod trying to let the recent set of events catch up with him.

After a few minutes Uraraka came out of the small attached bathroom to their room. Izuku's eyes widened as he saw her wearing the exact same swimsuit she wore at the beach. "Uraraka why are you wearing your swimsuit again" He was becoming a blushing mess.

"Ochaco" she stated.

"huh?" Izuku Looked at her confused.

"Ochaco, Call me by my first name" She looked at him with pleading eyes hoping he would go threw with calling her by her first name.

For Izuku he felt that fire within him begin to stir again once he heard that she wanted him to call her by her first name. Out of no where Izuku grabs Ochaco and throws her to the bed. She was about to say something but he shut her up with a deep Passionate kiss.

'What's gotten over me I could of hurt her' He pondered to himself while unbeknownst to him he started releasing a clear gas from his body which took a sudden hold over Ochaco.

Ochaco quivered as a intense heat and pleasure waves over her. 'What's this I am feeling' She looks up at Izuku with passion and need in her eyes as he breaks the kiss and backs up off the bed. In a move of desperation she quickly grabbed Izuku's Trousers and Boxers and pulled them down. Her eyes widened as she saw his massive 9 inch penis. She sat there in shock and amazement as she stared at his dick. "Its so big" She muttered under her breath, The heat she was feeling began to increase even more as she was getting more aroused. She started crawling more towards Izuku and looked up at him while slowly shaking her ass side to side invitingly.

Izuku however couldn't hold himself back anymore as he gave her ass a quick slap. "Eep" she squeaked in surprise as his hand hit her ass, 'Please keep going' She hoped as Izuku instinctively grabbed her by the hair and continued to spank her. 'Yes, Harder, Please Daddy Deku' she was living out a long fantasy of hers, She had always hoped that one day Izuku would bend her over like this to spank her and use her as he pleases.

Izuku was in his own little world as he just continued to mercilessly spank Ochaco, Suddenly he heard that same voice from before 'Yes, That's it, please her, Make her submit to you. This will be the first step in your journey'. After hearing that voice he quickly looked down to see the constantly quivering Ochaco. He could see how red her ass was and he started to massage it. This in turn started to make Ochaco moan in delight.

'She seemed to enjoy how I acted when I lost control of myself'

Looking at the look of pleasure on her face he deduced that she enjoyed him being dominant and the fact he was spanking her. 'So she likes me being dominant, Though now I am in control of myself I have no clue how to be a good dom'. While he was having his mental struggle he didn't notice Ochaco getting up and she stripped herself naked putting herself on display for Izuku to see. She crawled over to him and grabbed his dick, Before he could react she put the tip of his cock into her mouth and began to twirl her tongue around the tip.

'Thank god, Mina got us to practice Blowjobs on some Dildo's she had' she mentally thanked her wild classmate.

Izuku driven by instinct again grabbed her by the head and pushed her further down onto his dick. Ochaco started to gag on his cock but herself persevering as she was determined to take his whole length into her throat. He forced her head to bob up and down his length, 'Yes Deku, Fuck my throat' she mentally moaned as she was being forced to deepthroat him with it being something akin to being used as a flesh-light. After a small bit Izuku felt a surge coming from deep within him and in one single move he pushed Ochaco's head to the base of his shaft and let out a torrent of cum down her throat. He held her there for a good minute before releasing her head as she slumps backwards onto the bed.

Unable to keep the sheer amount of cum inside her throat, Ochaco proceeded to cough up some cum that she couldn't quite swallow. 'Jesus, Deku produces a lot' She marvelled at the quantity 'If he released all this inside me then' her mind drifted to a image of her pregnant with Izuku's child. In a state of pure lust she tried to pounce on Izuku to try to dominate him, However he quickly turns the tables as he grabbed her by the thighs and pinned her below him.

"Yes Deku-Kun, Fuck Me, Breed Me, Make me yours" She screamed as he pressed the tip of his cock onto the entrance of her pussy.

"Ok, Ocha I am going to insert it now" He whispered into her ear.

"Yes do it" She begged him and started squirming under him trying to insert it herself. Before he inserted it, he decided to tease her a little as he pushed his cock upwards and he started to rub her clit.

"No please Deku I want it" She Squirmed under him in pleasure but with a desperate need for his Dick.

"If you want it so bad call me by my First Name, not the nickname you gave me." He demanded, Just the tone he said it and the fact she had been edging for a while made her orgasm.

"Oh did you cum with just my words" He said with a smug look on his face. While Ochaco was recovered from her orgasm she still wanted his dick inside her so she did what she was told.

"Izuku please put your cock inside me, I need it so badly." She couldn't think anymore, she was so desperate for him to dominate her and breed her. Nothing else mattered.

"Ok Ocha, You get your wish" He then Quickly inserted himself into her.

"Gahh" She squeaked as she felt his dick hit her womb on the first thrust, Totally obliteration her hymen. Izuku knew he took her virginity and held her in place until the pain was gone. After a few minutes he decided to check if it was ok to continue moving.

"Ocha, you ok now" He stared down at her with a look of concern.

"Yeah, you can start moving Izuku" She looks up at him with that same amount of lust and need as before.

"Ok, here I go" He then pulled back and started to thrust slowly into her.

"Ah, ah, ah" Ochaco pants as she starts to feel the pleasure of him thrusting into her. "Harder" she moans as he continues to thrust into her. Izuku obliged and started to make his movements faster completely squishing her body underneath him making her feel helpless. "YES,YES,YES,YES FUCK HARDER DADDY DEKU" she screamed while he started pounding her harder and harder.

'He's Pounding me so hard, can't think, thoughts aren't needed' she thought as he relentlessly pounded into her. He face twists to form a ahegeo as she is giving in to the pleasure completely and just by seeing her face Izuku had one big wish. 'I need to make her mine, I want to dominate her and for her to only look to me for anything' Is all he could think as he continued to put her into a mating press.

"YES GIVE IT ME DADDY, MAKE A MESS OUT OF MY PUSSY, CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN AND BREED ME" she screamed at the top of her lungs and if it wasn't for the fact they were in the moment, Izuku would of been concerned that the rest of the people in the hotel would of heard them then again this is a love hotel.

Relentlessly he thrusted into her and heat begun to rise in Ochaco and she realised what it was. "DADDY I'M GONNA CUM" She shouted to him, "Then Cum baby girl" As he said that he began to move faster keeping her body close to his.

"I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMIINNNGG" she then had the biggest orgasm of her life and squirted a massive amount drenching Izuku's lower half. Without even giving her a moment to rest he continued to press down on her and pound her in his mating press.

This resulted in her having continuous orgasms for over 5 minutes, "I think I'm gonna cum Ochaco, where do you want it" he announced to her, "INSIDE ME DADDY, PLEASE CUM INSIDE ME, I WANT TO FEEL IT AS YOU FILL ME UP" And as if on command he hilted inside her and started to cum jet after jet of sperm into her fertile womb. Ochaco looked down at her belly as she notice it swell only the tiniest of bits. 'you really did fill me up daddy' she looked up at him 'you own me, you're my master, daddy'.

Izuku tired from that assault on Ochaco's womb collapsed onto the bed 'I get the feeling I am going to need to work on my stamina' he laments to himself. He was about to ask her if she wanted to cuddle for a bit but instead he saw he Shakely get up and crawl to him. she swayed her hips from side to side and started to suck on his dick gently. 'what's with her she almost looks hypnotised' He then looked to her belly and saw that around where her womb should be a crest was there. 'what the hell is that, did I make that' he looked at his hands 'but I thought I only had my Global Resistance Quirk'. He decided to see what that crest meant. "Ochaco" he said trying to get her attention, she only looked up at him and took her mouth away from his cock. "Yes Daddy" she replied which shocked him of why she started to call him that. "um, how are you feeling?" he asked her nervously, "Great daddy, like your the only one for me so anything you say I will do" she looked up at him with a face of devotion.

Just the thought of her doing anything he says is tempting him 'no I mustn't be tempted, this isn't what a hero is supposed to do', though looking down at Ochaco's face brings up a more selfish side of him that not even himself realised was there. 'I do want her to be mine but she can't be calling me daddy in public' with a idea of what to say he looks to Ochaco, "Ochaco you can call me daddy and stuff in private but please don't say it in public. I also want you to act with complete freedom as well when we are in a public setting." he told her. "Ok, Daddy" she then happily went back to sucking his dick like it was her favourite hobby.

He then looked back at his hands 'I really should go see the quirk doctor about what these random quirks I have are and maybe ask someone for advice'. He then dozed off to sleep with Ochaco who stopped sucking his dick crawling up onto his chest and cuddled into him and thus ended their first times together.


However the mastermind behind this strange mishap is lurking in the shadows. The man is looking threw camera's that are watching Izuku's every move. He chuckles to himself "So my son, I see you found my gifts. I can't wait to see what you do with them." He then heard a call threw his monitor and sighs "Yes Tomura" He asks threw the Microphone, "uh Master when can we move with our plan to Eradicate that brat" His successor asks. "Only when I say so" he reply's "remember good things come to those that wait".

He then looks at a picture of All Might in his Glory days "I wonder if you made a good choice of Successor, All Might". He then realised something 'SHIITT, If Inko finds out what Quirks I gave him' He shivers on the thought. 'I would say good thing she thinks I am away on a long business trip for years but then again the instincts on that woman' He shivers again and looks to the ceiling 'I hope you will learn to be selfish Izuku'.

He smiles ' I hope you will join me one day my little Izuku'


Harem Members:

Ochaco Uraraka


This is only my second story chapter I have done so I am still new at this. Forgive me for any gramma Issues.

The next chapter will have a girl from a different universe.

Izuku will also get his quirks revealed to him though he did use 2 technically in this episode which was his aphrodisia and Brainwash (admittingly accidental for both).

To make this fun and have it so its easier to choose a girl, I will do a pole type thing where I will put a title and then everyone can pick the title and guess who it might be. if you guys would prefer a vote with the actual girls names or to keep it with titles to add some mystery to the girls you can also put that with your vote for this one. anyway here's the first 5:

The Princess of Ruin

The Hokage

Royal Bull

Newbie Wizard

The Maid

Chapter 3: Tohru


Izuku goes to the Quirk doctor and has a moment with Ochaco. He does practice his multiverse quirk and Teleports to the Dragon Maid Universe. Where he meets a certain Dragon.


Name: Tohru

Race: Dragon

Ability: Powers of a Chaos Dragon

Anime: Mrs Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Picture Link:

All the Credit to the picture goes to TAKAO_0901

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku waited outside of All Might's Office nervously waiting for his Idol to let him, so he can talk to him. "Come in" All might called from inside his office. "Right" Izuku opened the door to let himself in and sees All Might at his desk waiting. "You wanted to speak with me Young Midoriya" His Idol said from his desk. "Yes I wanted to tell you something and help me with it" He told him. This peaked All Might's interest "What is it" He looked at him curiously. "Well I think I might have multiple quirks" Izuku then covered his face nervous for All Might's Response. "What makes you think that Young Midoriya" All Might looked at Izuku with a questioning look on his face. "Well, When I was on a date with Uraraka Yesterday things started taking a unsuspected turn as I noticed something throughout the date flare up inside me." As Izuku continued with his story All Might just looked at him puzzled. The older man was about to say something but stopped when his student mention something that didn't match what he was about to say, "and after that period she became very flirty and started to be very subservient to me" All Might's eyes widened at that. "Young Midoriya should we take you to the quirk doctor" He asked him.

"I was planning to go yeah, but since I technically already had my quirk checked they probably won't want to see me again" He told his teacher, "Don't worry about that, I can help with that and if I am being honest. I want to see what these quirks are so I can guide you on how to use those ability's for good" With that said All Might took Izuku to the quirk doctor as fast as possible.

When they arrive at the Quirk Doctor they are quickly let in due to All Might being the Ex Number 1 Hero. "Ah All Might what did you need from me" The Quirk Doctor asked, "Yes well I would like you to triple check my Student Izuku Midoriya here, You see we have reason to believe that he may have multiple quirks and we would like you to double check for us what they could be if he does have them" He informed them. "ok this should be quick young man" when they said that they placed their hand on his head and were immediately shocked. Seeing the look on their face immediately got All Might's Attention "So did you see any" he queried, The doctor coughed and took a deep breath "uh, yes I did see some that weren't his original quirk found. One is called Brainwash" All Might was surprised about that and asked "So what does it do" even though he knew the answer he wanted to know any conditions for it like their is for Shinso. "Yes, Well it allows the user of the quirk to permanently alter parts of a person's brain to make them more loyal to them though the downside is that they have to have sex with that person" Izuku Immediately got embarrassed about those conditions. "Ahm the others" All Might blurted out trying to move the chat along, "Well his second out of the five new ones is a quirk called Multiverse Travel, This allows the user to transport to a universe once a day though this counts for the trip back and multiple people can travel with him as long as they have contact with him" The Quirk Doctor explained.

Izuku beamed to this quirk as to him that means he can help other universes with their issues. All Might too was surprised and realised that not only can he use his quirks for their universe but others too. "The third quirk..." The Doctor continued "... is called Aphrodisia, which is a quirk that produces a clear gas that can arouse though like Midnights quirk it won't work on someone who wears a mask that can filtrate the air or if they hold their breath". This once again embarrassed the young man while All Might could only think of one thing 'At least I know who to send him to for advice on this quirk', The doctor continued " The Fourth Quirk is called …" They paused their explanation 'What is with these quirks' they thought to themselves. "So what is it called and what does it do" All Might asked, "Well this one is called Bimbofication, It allows the user to change someone's body to how they see fit and the only downside is that it can only be used once a day". Izuku's face flushed at that and considered he probably only used 2 of those quirks on Uraraka yesterday. "Hmm and the last one" The ex symbol of piece asked so he can finish this appointment and come up with a plan to guide Izuku. "well thats the issue I can see a 5th new quirk but it seems to be locked and I can't seem to see what it is. So I have no clue what it is or let alone how to unlock it though judging by how some of the quirks are, I would assume it would probably be another sexual quirk" They explained. Izuku could only sob at the amount of sexual quirks he has.

After that appointment was done we see All Might taking Izuku back. He looked to see Izuku looking stunned, He sighs "Look Young Midoriya, while it seems these quirks may affect you from being a hero, I can assure you it won't." Izuku could only look at his Idol with confusion but before he could say anything his mentor continued "for example you could easily subdue a villain with quirks like that especially the aphrodisia and brainwash since you can combine the two like how you did it accidently to Young Uraraka. If you want to only use it on Female Villains you can, you might also make them want to redeem and potentially sway them from evil in a more peaceful way. Then theirs your Multiverse quirk which you can do a lot of good with it, you can go to other universe's and help them with any problems or evil that may be their. Though for that as a bit of advise with that, even if it looks like you are doing good just watch how people would receive that sort of thing. If you go to a world that doesn't have quirks and basically everyone is quirkless, they may see you as a threat and maybe even fear you" He advised his student which he could see Izuku was listening. "Also I will make sure you have the right people guide you on some of your quirks and I do give you permission to test out some of them in the training field just tell me when you are going to use the Multiverse one so I know where you have gone" He then added.

They arrive at the Dorms "you know what All Might is it ok if I try to active that Multiverse Quirk today just to see what I need to do with it" Izuku asked with pleading eyes. All Might Chuckled "Sure Young Midoriya", he started to walk off and the ex hero thought 'I should probably tell Nemuri as she might be able to help him more with his sexual quirks or know her' He shudders at the thought as he then recollects her Dominatrix side 'I probably should only get her to teach him to control that Aphrodisiac Quirk'. He then headed to his office.


Izuku pondered what type of world he would like to go to for his first Multiverse visit. I should go to a world that won't be too much but I don't know if I am able to pick the world I can go to. He then heard a knock on his dorm room door. "Come in" he the saw a face a he defiantly recognise "Ochaco?" he announced as he saw his infatuated Girlfriend walk in. She locks the door behind her to make sure there was no disturbance. "What do you need Ocha" he said walking over to embrace her in a hug. "Well you see Mas.." She stopped herself as she remembered what Izuku told her "Izu I wanted to know how things went with the quirk doctor". Izuku could only freeze at that and told her everything about what the Quirk Doctor said to him " I am so sorry Ocha" He said on the verge of tears though to his surprise Ochaco wasn't mad at him she instead looked happy. "Don't worry Izu, sure brainwashing me loyal after we had sex wouldn't be the best first date move" she teased him which only made look down "but its not like you did it against my will before your brainwash all you did was make me more horny than I was at the start of the date, which if I am being honest wasn't that much of a increase" She consoled him. "Remember I wanted to date you without any of those quirks getting involved, the reason I went on that date with you was because I loved the person you are inside though your amazing body and dicks a bonus" she once again teased our poor broccoli boy. With her teasing, Izuku did see the point that she was getting at which made him feel better. "Also it wasn't like it felt bad, you basically broke my mind yesterday without a need of a brainwash quirk" she went back to the teasing as she started to rub his crotch and licked her lips. "you've been hanging out with Mina too much" Izuku said embarrassed as he tried talk to his girlfriend.

"Maybe, though I may or may not of let something slip today" she confessed. "....WHAT" Izuku shouted in surprise. "Oh it was nothing major" she comforted her boyfriend "Just the fact I may of told the Girls what sex with you was like" she announced while poking her fingers together embarrassed herself as she revealed something that they wouldn't want to announce yet. 'damn you Mina and your interrogations' she mentally cursed as she remembered how Mina got the information out of her.

Izuku however was having a mental breakdown at this revelation. 'They know, what happens if they put some stuff together and find out I have multiple quirks, would they label me as a pervert and ignore me for the rest of my life'. Ochaco seeing her boyfriends having a mental breakdown went over to comfort him "Don't worry Izu, I made sure they swore secrecy", Her saying this made Izuku feel better. "So since you have been a good boy so far today I want to give my man a reward" Ochaco announced to him as she quickly pushed him to the bed and in a swift movement took her top off revealing her large tits to him again. Izuku, who is now starting to get used to Ochaco stripping herself in front of him, decided to just accept the advances with open arms. She then pushed him onto the bed and pulls down his trousers and boxers to reveal his dick once again. It didn't take much for him to harden as she started to suck on the tip of his cock trying to get him to harden. Once he reached full mast, she carefully placed her boobs on top of his lap and shuffled them to make sure his cock was in between her cleavage. She smirked before she started to move her tits up and down his shaft. Izuku groaned in pleasure though he wanted to make sure Ochaco was feeling good as well so he decided to take control for a bit. He grabbed her tits himself, The sudden movement and feeling made Ochaco moan. He then pinched the end of her nipples and started to play with them which brought out a louder moan from his girlfriend.

"Yes Master, Play with my tit's more" She begged him completely forgetting that she promised him to call him at least by a new nickname, He obliged as he grabbed a handful of one of her boobs and still pinched and teased the other. Ochaco's moans were becoming louder and louder, Izuku was hoping no one was listening in to this. Little did he know he did have someone eavesdropping their moment together.

On the other end of the door we see our resident shipper and our petite ear jack girl listening in to their moment. "Why did you want me to do this Mina" Jirou asked embarrassed that she was made to listen into such a private moment. "Because I want to know how far they went in their relationship" The pink skinned girl answered. Mina did knew that they had sex yesterday after their date to the beach but she didn't believe Ochaco's words about what he's like in bed. Though just be listening to this display she unknowingly started to play with herself just outside the door, though Jirou wasn't in a much better state as she was also starting to play with herself while her jacks were in the door. At this point they didn't really care that they were in the middle of the hallway as they were too absorbed into what was happening in Midoriya's room. The only thing that might break them out of their heated trance would be a certain purple ball headed midget, which they would probably beat the life out of him if he saw them like this.

"CUMMIINNGG" They heard a scream from inside of the room which snapped them to reality. 'Did Ochaco cum that hard just from having her tit's played with' Mina wondered as she wished she was in that room right this second. However in Midoriya's room Ochaco is panting pulling a ahegeo face while she's trying to recover from the intense orgasm she received. Izuku however is no where near done, He picked up Ochaco in a princess Carry and placed her on the bed. "what do you want me to do now master" Ochaco looked up at her boyfriend with hearts in her eyes. Izuku now brimming with confidence and does not have any concern on who might be listening could only say one thing "Spread your legs for me now". She immediately did as he commanded and spread her legs as far as they could.

Izuku started to produce some of his Aphrodisia gas which started to fill the room though he didn't notice the little of it that left the room under the door. On the other side of the door Mina and Jirou breathed in the gas, "Mina, do you mind if I leave as I want to sort something out" she panted as she felt a heat build up inside her. "Yeah, I'll stay listening" she replied trying to get a hold of herself as she felt the same heat that her ear jack friend was feeling. With given permission Jirou rushed to her room and locked the door instantly. 'What's with me, I shouldn't be this turned on just from listening to Midoriya and Uraraka having sex' she pondered to herself as she was trying not to moan. She put her hand over her mouth as she continued listening.

With the gas released in the room Izuku looked to his now desperate girlfriend and he knelt down and quickly planted his face into her pussy. "Oh, Yes Master Izu" she moaned as he immediately started to lick around her walls and was stimulating her clit at the same time. Ochaco was going wild with pleasure "YES,YES,YES RIGHT THERE MASTER!" She quickly bucked her hips forward as he pushed his face further into her to try to reach as deep as she can. The way he was licking her pussy would make you think he was starved of sex after he first experienced it, he was desperate to make her feel pleasure. He felt her Pussy clench and he then gave her one quick lick up as he removed his tongue from her and licked upwards hitting her clit. He continued to focus on her clit and started to put 2 fingers in and out of her pussy.

"MMM,YEEESSS,OH I'M CUMMING,I'M CUMMING" She shouted as she wrapped her legs around his head and began to squirt. Izuku however didn't care as he just continued as he was getting sprayed with her juices. When she finished her orgasm, he removed his head away from his now twitching girlfriend as he yet again gave her one of the best orgasms of her life. "where did you learn to use your tongue like that Izu?" she questioned her boyfriend, "I wouldn't say I learned it from somewhere" he replied. "I guess you are a natural at this Izu" she marvelled at her boyfriends sexual prowess, quirk or not he was slowly becoming a god in the bedroom.

"I just realised something Ochaco" this made her look at him "I just remembered that I have yet to claim one more hole" he looked at her with a hunger in his eyes that she has never seen in him before. "So in a few days, I want you to prepare this big fucking ass for my dick" He gave her ass a quick slap, "Am I clear my little slut" he whispered into her ear. Hearing those words come out of Izuku's mouth almost made her cum on the spot again "Yes sir, I will" she panted under her breath. "good now lets get some rest" he told her as he tucked her into his bed. "I'll be back as I am going to grab a drink of water" she could only nod to that as he unlocked the door and took a step out the room.

Upon stepping out of the room he felt his foot touch something wet. He looked down to see a puddle of liquid near his door, he smirked 'Well looks like we have a peeping tom on our hands.' he knew it would of been one of the girls though who it was, he has no clue. He went down and grabbed the water he wanted and drunk it. 'I should probably walk around to see who might of been spying' he pondered, he ended up deciding to head past the girl's dorms to see if he can hear anything. "Mmm, Midoriya" that caught his attention as he looked at what dorm room it came from. He was shocked to see the sound came from Jirou's room, He pressed his ear to the door which also led him to a conclusion ' Was Jirou the one that was spying on me'. "Damn you Mina why did you make me join you on your little intel mission. Why was she so desperate to hear Midoriya and Uraraka have sex. Dammit I need so much release but Denki's been ignoring me recently" she continued to play with herself.

'Kaminari's been ignoring her?' This confused Izuku as it was Kaminari himself that asked her out. This annoyed our broccoli boy to no end 'I would love to help her but it isn't really my place to interfere with their relationship'. He could only feel sorry for her as he continued down the girls side of the dorms 'So Mina was the one who wanted to spy and brought poor Jirou in on it' he headed to her dorm room and to his surprise she too was masturbating "OH GOD YES RAIL ME MIDO-BAE. I'VE BEEN SUCH A BAD GIRL!" She shouted from inside her dorm room. This made him flush immediately as she wasn't exactly being quiet about her masturbation and who she was masturbating to. 'How can she shout like that without a care of being caught' Izuku decided that would be enough for today and headed back to his dorm room to have a good nights rest with his girlfriend before he could test his quirk the next day after class.


The next day after his classes we see Izuku in the field getting ready to use his new quirk. "Good thing I got All Might's permission to do this" He thanked his mentor for the amount of freedom he gets with his quirks. The only people that know about his multiple quirks are All Might, That Quirk Doctor, Mirio and Uraraka to his knowledge as Mina and Jirou did hear about it when they were eavesdropped. "I wonder how this is going to work. Could I pick the universe or is it going to send me to a random one then back to my original universe when I am done" He was confused on how it would work but he tried to think of a type of world. He first thought of a world that is going to have similarities to his own namely a city in Japan.

He closed his eyes and when he opened them he realised he wasn't in UA anymore and he looked around. He was in a forest that was on a hill, he turned around to look at the view and saw a city below them. 'This place is similar to mine so I am happy that need was met' He started to roam the forest and he came across something unexpected. His eye's widened as he saw a large green dragon laying in a clearing in front of him, he soon got over his shock as he saw their was a sword stuck in the dragon. 'Poor thing is probably in pain' he could only feel sympathy for this creature, though he knew if he helped it there could be consequences, but he could tell it will need help and he followed a hero code. He couldn't leave it here so he climbed the dragon's scaly skin up to the sword. He grabbed a hold of the hilt on the sword and pulled. Luckily for him it came out with ease, He fell to the ground and saw he had the sword in his hand.

He threw it to the side out the way, though he didn't notice the dragon's eye was open and watching him. It looks at Izuku. "Go away unless you want to be devoured, Human" Izuku was shocked to hear a feminine voice come out of the dragon. "YOUR A GIRL" He shouted in shock. This pissed her of a tad "OF COURSE I AM YOU STUPID HUMAN!" She then puffed some smoke out her nostrils. "sorry" he replied meekly, he decided to bow to try to get her forgiveness "Sorry I was being rude".

She could only look down at him and gave him a judging look "Idiot" she huffed. She then realised something way too late, her eyes widened as she looked at the sword 'How did he remove gods sword', she gave him a quick look of admiration "You saved my life, thank you, I am in your debt" she bowed to him. 'This feels a little weird having a dragon bow to me" he felt like something was weird about this whole situation. "So how did you get that sword stuck in your back" he asked unsure whether it was a sensitive topic or not. She could only sigh as she started to say how she got it, "I got it in a fight with god himself and I had to escape into this world to get away" she looked back at the sword. "The only way you could of removed it, is that you lacked faith in the god and so you were then able to remove it without any consequences". This sparked a hit of realisation in Izuku 'That was a terrible Idea as I had no clue luckily I don't know too much about the god of this universe. He just sounds like a prick to me though'.

"I am truly grateful for your help" she thanked him once again. "Don't worry about it, I just did what I felt was right" He calmed her. As he was talking to her, he heard a rumbling sound which to his surprise once more came from this dragon's belly. Embarrassed she looked away from him, "You want something to eat" He asked her as he remembered he had put some snacks in his pockets just in case he was gone a while testing his quirk. Her eyes sparkled with excitement "you have food, thank you", He quickly hands her the food he had on him. "hmm you might struggle to eat these at that size" He pointed out. "yeah your right, hold on a sec" As soon as she said that a white aura enveloped her as her massive form shrunk. When the light was gone all Izuku saw wasn't a dragon but a girl with orangy-yellow hair, red eyes, horns coming out of her head, covered with a black robe and a large green tail trailing behind her. "is this a human form" he assumed. "Yep, most if not all dragons have the ability to change into a human form" she confirmed to him which was enough information to basically blow his mind.

As he gave her the food one thing popped into his mind "Are you lonely here in this world, Though I have not been here for long I understand the feeling if I were to stay for a long period", She paused at that and looked at him confused "how can you understand? Are you not from this world". He realised he probably shouldn't of blurted that out and now has to reveal that he isn't from that world let alone universe. He sighs "No, I am not from this world, Its more like I am not from this universe", Then he gets a idea while she was trying to absorb this information "You said you were getting pursued by the god of this universe". She looked at him to try to figure out what he was getting at but simply replied with "Yeah, Why?". He looked her directly in her eyes "how about you come with me to my universe since there will be no way they could follow you then. Plus this will stop you getting lonely". Tears started to form in her eyes as she thought about what he has done for her so far and what would come if she refused, "Ok, I will but are you sure your universe could accept someone like me" she looked into his eyes to search for the answer. Though he just looked at her with no worry "Don't worry, In my universe we have someone that can transform into a dragon using a ability that most of our world has called quirks". He then started telling her the history of the world of MHA, She just knelt their listening to him and learning as much as she can about his universe.

After that information dump Izuku could only think 'In the future, If I need to reveal about me being from a different universe, I may need to ease it on them rather than blurting it all out at once'. He looked at the dragon girl "Do you still want to come with me", She looked at him with determination "I do" she nodded and was happy that she wasn't going to be alone. "Ok, Hold my hand quick" He smiled at her which caused her to blush a little. "Why" She looked at him in confusion, "It's how I can take you with me to my universe" he then reached out his hand for her to hold and with a smile on her face she happily grabbed his hand.

'Ok, please quirk let me go back' he pleaded to himself. Then he and Tohru disappeared from there in a bright light.


Izuku and Tohru landed on the training field with a thud. He opened his eyes to see that he was on UA grounds at the same place he transported from. 'Does it save my location when I teleport I wond....' His trail of thought was cut off by a very familiar face that was glaring over him. "AIZAWA-SENSEI" He shouted at his annoyed teacher, Instantly getting wrapped in his tired teachers scarf "Problem Child, would you mind explaining what's going on here and who is she" Looking at Tohru. Now sweating incredibly he could see a little anger in Tohru's Eyes too as she was just seeing her new friend getting roughly restrained. "LET HIM GO" she shouted angrily at the teacher and got embraced by a white light and turned into her dragon form. As a reaction Aizawa tried to use his quirk on her but to his surprise with no success, 'What? Does she have multiple quirks' the confusion on his face was clear as day. Before she could lay a hand on the baffled form of Eraserhead she heard Izuku shout "DON'T HARM HIM TOHRU, HE'S MY HOMEROOM TEACHER", This made her stop going for a attack and transform back into her human form.

Eraserhead could only glare at his student who is begging for forgiveness for what he has done and how Tohru behaved. "Ok, Explain then Problem child" Izuku could tell his teacher was absolutely fuming with anger so he decided to tell him everything that happened. Aizawa could only sigh "Your really too heroic for your own good aren't you kid", This made Izuku a little embarrassed though he asked one thing of his teacher "Could she stay in the dorms, she doesn't have to join classes but just so she has a place to stay. I will feel terrible if I brought her here and she has no where to go." He begged. Aizawa looked into his eyes and saw how determined he was for her to be allowed, He eventually relented "Ok, She can stay in the dorms but I will need to inform Nezu about this. Since I don't agree to her just freeloading she will need to do something to help us. Since I obviously can't trust you or your class to clean up the place a little how about she becomes a bit of a housekeeper for your dorm." Izuku could only nod to his teachers terms. "I will say this problem child, You are luckily we have a lot of rooms on the girls side of the dorms" Saying that he nodded and signalled them both to follow him to the dorms.

When Izuku gave a quick glance to his new dragon friend, he noticed she wasn't wearing anything under her cloak so he quickly took off his shirt and gave it to her to wear and just prayed that Mineta didn't try to peak under the cloak. 'I need to get her some clothes', she looked at him confused once more "Do you think what I am wearing at the moment is not appropriate", Izuku froze when she said that "Of course it isn't" he questioned her, she only nodded and quickly looked at some girls walking to their dorm's and changed what she was wearing to a UA school uniform. He looked at her with surprise "WHEN COULD YOU DO THAT", "Since forever, this isn't too hard for a dragon to do" she replied to him casually.

They eventually get to the dorm and Aizawa decides to introduce Tohru to the rest of the class "OK BRATS GET YOUR ASSES HERE NOW!", Immediately all 19 members of Class 3A came down, "Sir, why did you need us" said the normal Demon hand chopping form of the class Representative Iida. "From today until further notice we will have someone new in class, she will be a housekeeper for you as you idiots can't take care of the place by yourselves that well. She also is a foreigner so treat her well" He also pointed to Tohru and some of the class went over to say hello to her while some were looking at her and making comments. "Damn, who would of thought Midoriya would bring such a hottie to be our maid" Izuku heard the class pervert Mineta say to who he assumed was Kaminari.

Though the next voice that gossiped something was to defiantly be expected as he turned to see the girls chatting about Tohru. "Oh my god, she looks so cute" Toru mentioned excitedly, "Yeah though I wonder what's with her horns and what her quirk is *kero*" Tsuyu said with her normal expression, "While you girls may be excited remember to treat her kindly and don't overwhelm her" Imputed Momo being the most level-headed person among the girls as normal. "Ohh I wonder how she and Izuku met" Ochaco said curiously, Though she quickly noticed two of her classmates wasn't focusing on Tohru but Izuku himself as she saw both Jirou and MIna staring at Izuku. She smirked 'Looks like daddy's going to get a big harem, not that I mind' she thought as she started to imagine Izuku dominated all of their female classmates and Tohru at once, which made the girl shudder with pleasure at the image. 'Though how to get them into daddy's hands, I won't need to really do anything with MIna and Kyoka as they already seem to be infatuated with him. That just leaves Toru, Momo and Tsu. Though he could also get girls from other universes with that multiverse quirk he has, so the new Tohru girl is probably from another universe' she was starting to plan on how to make her boyfriend's harem.

A Few days pass, Tohru is starting to fit in with Class 3A and has done a lot of their chores for them which most of the class is happy about. Izuku, Ochaco, Iida and Momo have all pitched in to help her every now and then when they can. She has also started to gain more feelings for Izuku considering what he has done for her and has started to treat him the same as she did in the anime to Miss Kobayashi. This does include her trying to sneak her tail into only his meals and such.

Later on in the evening we see Izuku sat in his bedroom practicing with his quirk's again in a area so he can control them. He heard a knock on the door, Expecting it to be Ochaco he went to the door in only his boxers and was surprised when he saw that the person who knocked on his door wasn't her but Tohru dressed in a maid costume. "May I come in" She bowed and asked him trying to not to look at Izuku's mostly naked form. "sure" he looked at her nervously as he guided her in, "So what is it that you need and why are you dressed in that maid costume" he looked her up and down and realised just how much that costume show's off her curves. Since she is a dragon, Izuku found it funny that she had D-cup Breasts which showed quite well in the costume as it was a little tight on her, The tail did not help. "To answer you question your tiny friend said it would be a crime if I didn't do the chores in this and I have seen in town a few places wearing this so I thought this was normal for housekeepers to wear." she answered him honestly. He could only curse in his mind 'Damn you Mineta, Tricking poor Tohru just because she doesn't understand the culture here'. He would reveal to her that it wasn't the case but he had a feeling she would probably murder Mineta which would not be good for her to do, No matter how much the little pervert deserved it. She quickly blushed with the amount of Izuku is staring at her. "That's fine its just maybe try to make it slightly bigger ok" she only nodded in response.

While Izuku was chatting to her, he forgot one important thing which was the fact before she came in, he was practicing to control his Aphrodisia Quirk so the room was filled with that same gas and only now was it starting to affect Tohru. Her eyes started to haze and she started to pant as the heat started to get to her. 'Oh crap, I forgot I was practicing with my quirk control earlier. It seems she's starting to be affected by the gas' he finally deduced but it was too late as all of her primal instincts took over and pounced on Izuku right there. Izuku wished he could lock the door to avoid Tohru getting exposed to someone, especially Mineta.

Though his prayer came to be as he heard his door lock, He peeked to the door to see his Girlfriend Ochaco Uraraka looking at him. "Ochaco! You see this is..." He was cut off by Ochaco stripping herself down to only her bra and underwear as she walked over to his bed. "Don't worry Deku, I know she's been affected by your quirk besides I am not against you getting more girls." This slightly surprised Izuku though he did chock it up to his quirk. His attention was brought back to Tohru as she was now not in her Maid costume and was now completely nude. He could see her in all of her naked glory, To his surprise her hips and ass matched even Ochaco's with how round & plump they were. With him being distracted by Tohru, he didn't notice Ochaco sneaking onto the other side of the bed now fully naked herself and pinning Izuku's top half on the bed while Tohru grabbed his boxers and pulled them down to reveal his flaccid member. "Don't worry girl, I know the fastest way to get him up" Ochaco said with confidence as she quickly planted her large tits onto his face. Tohru deciding to help make this process quicker started to suck on his balls one at a time.

The combined sensations cause him to reach full mast. 'I don't know what's going on with me but I want him even more than normal' Tohru could only think as she found her body moving on its own to put her lips on the tip of his cock. Ochaco however quickly pushed Izuku up into a sitting position as she got a idea of how he could dominate the little dragon maid, if he did what she was thinking he was going to do. Tohru started to lick around the tip getting it ready for her mouth to take. Ochaco decided to have her own fun by licking her boyfriends ear and pushing her boobs into his back somewhat supporting him from behind. Though the dragon maid decided to try her luck and tried to put the whole thing in her mouth at once, she started to gag as she felt his entire cock go down her throat. She was happy as she managed to deepthroat his whole 9 inch length, when she felt like she accommodated his size enough she started to move her head back and forth. To make sure she wasn't forgotten, Ochaco pulled away from his ear and grabbed a hold of his arm. She slowly moved his arm between her legs and started to grind on his muscular forearm. "Please Daddy Deku, Show me how strong you are" she whispered into his ear, While he didn't have a power up quirk like one for all, he still did train to try and match his unmatched resistances. While he has strength no were near a power up quirks ability, he can still lift a incredible amount and as he flexed his bicep he started to lift Ochaco off the ground as she was grinding on him.

"Oh my god yes, Your so strong Daddy" she moaned as she had gotten even more aroused by this display of strength. Now Tohru realising she was starting to get ignored picked up the pace as she started moving her head faster and trying to get to the base of his shaft. Unable to resist he quickly grabbed her horns like they were handlebars and forced her head down to the base of his dick causing her to gag around his member. He held her there for a few seconds before releasing, To go with the flow he placed Ochaco on her back on to the bed and stood up. Tohru looked up at him waiting for him to give her a order, "On the Bed now" he commanded her, with zero resistance she complied and crawled onto the bed.

In a instant he flipped her over and lined the tip of his Cock to the entrance of Tohru's pussy. He slowly pressed it against her entrance, In one swift movement he penetrated into her causing her to moan beautifully "Ahah" is all that could come out of the poor dragon girls mouth. He stayed still while he waited for her to become accustomed to his size and he started to put two of his fingers into Ochaco's pussy and began to finger her. "Oh such a attentive boyfriend" she moaned cheerfully, Ochaco wanting to hold onto something grabbed onto one of Tohru's tits and started to massage them. "Ochaco...please more gentle" The dragon girl moaned, Izuku taking full advantage of this started to move and pumped in and out of her. He also started to finger Ochaco faster trying to get her G-spot as he dug into her walls, Though he wanted to try something as he moved his thumb to her clit and started to play with it. This got a instant reaction out of her "OMG, DADDY KEEP GOING" She moaned as she bucked in pleasure and started to push her pussy further onto his hand.

Seeing how much pleasure Ochaco was in made Tohru feel a little jealous "Please can you move faster" she pleads as she tries to move herself when she's under him, To acknowledge he did as she wanted and started to move faster. He wanted to focus on her for now so he pressed her between him and the bed making her feel restrained. She squirmed from under him as he started to move faster and harder making sure that after this was done she would only be able to think of him. 'He's pounding me so hard now, Is he trying to claim me? I imagine he did the same with Ochaco, That does explain why she is so devoted to him' She looked up at him to see a dominating Aura coming from him and this only increased her arousal. 'I almost feel like this is my purpose' Unbeknownst to the three of them Izukus brainwash quirk activated again and was starting to rewrite Tohru's mind. 'Yes, this is what I needed. He is my one and only master' In that moment Tohru's eyes became hearts as she looked up at him with the same admiration as Ochaco did during her first time with Izuku. His heart knew he wanted to fully claim her and make her his, So he started to move even faster making sure to hit her womb. This caused her to make a quick squeal and her tongue started to droop out of her mouth.

"OOOH, PHWEESE MHASTER GWIVE IT TO MEH" she panted out as he started to rail her harder and it brought out another instinct within her, "MHASTER PWEESE, BHREED ME, KEEP POWNDING MEH WITH YOUR BIHTCH BWEAKER, FUHK MEH" she slurred as she was slowly loosing her mind to the pleasure. "Is that what you want huh, to be my pregnant little dragon?" his voice demanding an answer, "YEWS, I DOO, BWEED MEH, MAHKE MEH YOUWR WITTLE DWAGON SWUT" She tried to respond, "What's the matter dragon bitch, Is my cock too much for you to speak properly" he domineered over her but he was so fixated on breaking poor Tohru that he forgot he was still fingering Ochaco who of now was pulling ahegeo face as she had been made to cum over and over. Realising this he gave his girlfriend a break and focused all of his attention to Tohru.

He grabbed both of her legs and pushed them close to her chest which did make her D cup size breasts get pushed out a little, he made sure he was fully over her and started to put her into a mating press. "Tohru, Its time to make you a nice and pregnant Dragon" he whispered into her ear, "YWES MAHSTER, MEH WOMB ISH WEADY, I'LL BWE A GOOWD MAID AWND..." As she was replying to him, he quickly pressed his face into hers to shut her up with a deep and passionate Kiss. He felt her walls tighten as she started to continuously cum around his cock and with the constant clenching of her walls Izuku felt like he was getting close.

He picked up the pace and kept smashing her womb as he wanted to make sure he was nice and deep. Tohru's instincts kicked in once again as she wrapped her legs around Izuku's hips as he relentlessly thrusted into her. He then pulled away from their kiss and went to her ear again "I am going to cum, Tohru. Take all of it into your womb" he whispered quick only to shut her up by kissing her again.

Izuku put all of his force into one Last thrust and hilted inside her as he released load after load. He released her from his kiss once again but all she could do is moan as he kept filling her up. 'I need to fill her up more' he thought as he pushed himself even deeper into her as a torrent of cum continued into her. Her stomach started to bloat up to point of making her look like she was 8 months pregnant. "sho full" she muttered before passing out, Izuku slowly pulled out of her and a stream of cum flowed out of her now abused cunt.

With Tohru now down and out, Izuku turned his attention back to Ochaco who has now regained consciousness. "Ochaco? Did you prepare your ass like I said a few days ago?" He questioned her, she looked down nervously "No daddy, I didn't do it for today but I can prepare it for tomorrow" she revealed, she kept her head low as she thought she was in trouble. All Izuku did was grab a hold of her and brought her close "Don't worry baby girl I'm not mad. Though for today if your up for it how about I wreck your pussy again today. I need to be a attentive boyfriend and make sure your topped up huh." she moaned at his words but when he placed 5 fingers on her something unexpected happened.

A Pink glow emanated from his fingertips and Ochaco started to float. They both paused and looked at each other, "WHAATT" They screamed in shock as they had no clue what was happening.


Meanwhile at the All Might's office. All Might is doing some of his normal paperwork to finish off the day when he got a call. "Hello, who is this" he asked. "Its me all Might the Quirk doctor that saw Izuku Midoriya a number of days ago" he heard the doctor say on the other end of the line. "oh what is this about?" he waited with baited breath for what the doctor was going to explain to him. "Well we found out what that locked quirk is and believe me its a strong one though it fits well with the sexual nature of his quirks" he revealed, ever curious All Might just had to ask "So what does it do and how does it work?" and as the doctor explained the quirk to him All Might's eyes widened.

He looked out the window towards the Class 3A dorms 'Well Young Midoriya your just full of surprises aren't you'.