
You sat in the hot, sudsy water, the bathroom door swinging open lazily to reveal an exhausted looking Rumi, ears drooping and hair slightly matted as if she walked through a tornado to get there. Her eyes held super dark circles, the shine that usually radiated off her skin and luscious locks were now dimmer than the light of a single candle.

"Rough day?" You ask softly, concerned laced in the simple sentence.

"Very." She exhaled heavily, slowly stripping off her hero costume that held a bit of dust and grime, small tatters where the fabric was once conjoined. Her muscles flexed and bulged under every miniscule movement, her face projecting a wince impossible to describe. Rumi had days where she had the usual amount of soreness, but today was downright unbearable. She had been overexerting herself more than usual due to the influx of crime recently. With All Might's presence no longer being a threat to villainy, she had to step up into places that weren't usually resided for her. She had always worked extraordinarily hard to get where she was, yet the sudden promotion without much work on her part made her question her worth as a hero.

"Come on." You wave a soapy hand, beckoning the woman. Finally, free from her sticky clothing, she walks towards you, silver hair cascading down her body. She steps into the deep floor tub, wading towards you in a sense as the jets beneath the water rushed against her bruised calves. It hurt at first, but soon she was groaning in relief, sitting down as you made your way behind her. You switch the jets off, the water stilling slightly.

Rumi's legs were stretched out in front of her, and you sat behind her, breast to back.. You grab the nearby shampoo, a rose-like smell wafting from the bottle as you pour a hefty amount in your hands, working your fingers through Rumi's scalp. You massage and scritch behind her ears, which instinctively twitch with happiness at the gesture. Suds fill the crown of her head as she instinctively leans into your touch, her eyes glued shut. You work your way through sections of her long hair, being sure as not to neglect a single strand.

"Rumi?" You mutter in her ear, and she hums back sleepily in response.

"You're doing an amazing job, love. I just want you to know that." You reveal a small part of her back, and kiss her softly, and she sighs.

"I'm glad you think so." She mutters, and you allow her to speak, not interrupting her train of thought. "A lot of citizens feel as though I haven't earned my newfound position." You scoff.

"Yeah, but those same citizens aren't the ones risking their lives everyday."

"Most citizens are dumb, they don't get it, and I don't expect them to. I don't really want them too, either." Rumi speaks, and you grab a nearby pitcher and fill it with water. You tilt Rumi's head back, slowly dumping the water on her hair, rinsing out the soft bubbles. "That's what I'm here for, so they could stay ignorant and encased in their own personal space. I shouldn't let what they say get to me."

You hum in agreement, Rumi taking a deep breath as she prepares to unload more off her chest.

"I just feel like my chance to prove myself was taken from me." Rumi's foot thumps against the front of the tub in frustration, the water rippling. "Enji is off fixing his broken family, Hawks is MIA as usual… Best Jeanist is presumed dead, and Edgeshot doesn't want to take the responsibility of being Number 1 of Japan yet in the absence of everyone else."

You let out a laugh to humor Rumi, muttering a condescending "men" under your breath, which she finds herself giggling to as well, but it only lasts for a moment.

"I just…this isn't how I imagined my climb to the top to be. I feel like I didn't earn it. That maybe, just maybe the people are right." Rumi sighs, tracing circles in the warm water, the suds dissolving slightly.

"Hey Rumi, you've done more than earn it." You state in a matter-of-fact manner, parting her hair into three sections. You begin braiding, her soaked hair winding into patterned crosses. "If anything, this just proves how reliable you are, since you're willing to take over positions that, a, don't belong to you, and b, were put on you so suddenly. You had a major shift with no preparation or warning, be kinder to yourself."

Rumi exhales, her once tense shoulders relaxing slightly. You finish braiding, wringing out the sopping ends, and wrap the long braid around her skull like a silver halo, tucking it into itself so it doesn't unravel. You then begin kneading your fingers into her soft skin, earning a groan in approval as you work the rest of the tension out of her upper back.

"Maybe you're right." Rumi winced slightly, yet still leaned into your grasp. She can hear the smile in your voice as you reply. "Of course I am."

The bathroom fills with slight groans as you continue to massage Rumi's back, your hands gripping her shoulders tightly as your fingers danced across her body. Her sharp exhales caused you to think back, when was the last time you too had been intimate together? Rumi would often come home way after you were finally out cold after waiting on her to come home, or she would fall asleep on the nights where the two of you had set aside time to release some sexual tension. Rumi wasn't one to necessarily touch herself either, not because she was modest or anything, but because "it's not the same as you", or so she claimed. This pent up frustration probably went further than being thrust into a high position of power.

"(Y/N)?" Rumi moaned, face blissed out.


"Please, touch me." Rumi rasped. Her sudden mood changes through you for a loop, and you couldn't help being a bit worried. Of course you wanted to please her, her well-being placed higher than your own. You just wanted to be sure.

"Are you sure you aren't too tired?" You ask, pausing your movements. Suddenly, Rumi grabs your hand, placing it on her breast. You could feel her heart pounding as you gripped the area.

"Please…I need you…" She whimpered, and you picked up the bashfulness in her voice. You'd never seen her so needy, normally it was you begging her. But here she sat, trembling under your grasp, skin hot to the touch.

You kiss the back of her neck, trailing kisses everywhere that you could reach, leaving no part abandoned or untouched. Your hands snake around her ribcage, fondling her heavy breast, rubbing her ebony nipples. Rumi's breath hitched as she tried to keep her movements at bay, her nose twitching upward at the sensation of you all over her. She felt kind of selfish in the moment, feening for her own pleasure, but you didn't mind. You silently prayed for more moments like this; the scent of desperation that swarmed the bath.

You keep one hand circling gently, every now and then pinching the hardened nub, while your other hand trails down her toned abdomen, massaging her inner thigh. The small tremors from her jerks caused the water to slosh against your bodies, threatening to spill out onto the floor. After trailing your finger across her flesh, you finally make it to her clit, using two fingers to circle around the bundle of nerves. Rumi lets out a pitched whine, her back arching against your stomach. You placed soft kisses on her back, tongue darting out to trace the scars that she received from her battles. You were gentle, soft, and sensual, the delicate caress of your finger tips coaxing Rumi to open up to you more, one leg hitched on the side of the tub to allow your more access to her body.

"You're doing so good for me, Rumi." You gently worshipped her body, speeding up your fingers as she whimpered in a tired manor, her head dropping back to rest on your shoulder. "You want me to tell you how good you're doing?" You kiss her flesh every few words as her hands grip your legs. You feel her nails dig into your thigh.

"Y-yes…" She answered breathily, as you toyed with her clit. She felt a relentless warmth spread in her abdomen, her cunt contracting around nothing. You immediately fix that, inserting your middle finger into her lonely sex, curling it with ease.

"You take my fingers so well." You cooed into her ear, her thighs quaking. You slowly enter your ring finger as well, pumping in and out of her slit as she rides your fingers. "Sucking me in so easily…"

"Ugh, please (Y/N), faster…" She begged, and you obliged, earning a few gasps that made your heart melt. She felt so good, squeezing around your fingers, trying to suck in every inch of the digits.

"Touch yourself, Rumi." You coerce her, kissing her sharp jawline, and she whimpers, hands moving up to caress her own breast, her heartbeat ramming into her ribcage.

"I'm-!" Rumi attempts to warn, but her sentence wanes off into a throaty moan as she convulses against your body, releasing on your fingers. She heaves, resting on you in an attempt to catch her breath, but you still feel her cunt squeezing around you. You knew she was exhausted, but you couldn't help yourself. You wanted to play with her for just a moment long.

You begin moving your fingers again, Rumi's hands splashing through the water to grip your wrist, but you keep pumping, her plush walls begging you to plunge deeper into her being.

"(Y/N)- ugh, I'm…oh God…" She whined, and you kissed her neck.

"I know baby, just one more. I'll put you to bed right after this. I know you can take it." You whisper against her skin, curling into her flesh. The overstimulation caused her legs to involuntarily close, and you used your free hand to press her thigh out to widen your access.

"Keep 'em open for me…" You say, moving the hand from her thigh to her clit. Rumi gasped, flinching as the water around you jostled about, sloshing around the tub walls.

"You need this, don't you baby?" You asked your arousal spiking at the sight of your partner's pleasure. "Let me hear you."

"Oh God, yes- I need…fuck…" Rumi huffed her core clenching again. You curled your fingers, pace quickening as Rumi's whines filled the room, along with your coos of approval, leading her to the edge.

"You gonna cum on my fingers again?" You nibbled at her flesh, leaving marks that would surely darken later. Rumi gripped your thigh as your legs encased her, adding another finger into her cunt. She yelps, shaking her head with haste.

"No, no, ugh…please, I can't-!" Rumi wailed, desperation leaking out of her eyes in the form of tears. "It's too much!"

"Oh, but you did so well the first time, I know you can do it again. Go ahead."

Rumi mutters something incoherent behind her pitched whines before her cunt squeezes you again. She lets out a strangled moan, her body stilling for a second, before a rush of gasps exit her throat. You gently bite down on her shoulder, taking your fingers out of her. She whimpers, her body completely relaxed on you. Her eyes flutter closed, before shutting completely. You stare at her serene face for a second, before soft snoring exits her lips, her nose twitching. You chuckle softly, kissing her cheek.

You take Rumi's rag, and pour a bit of body wash on it, and begin scrubbing her down, carefully grazing her more sensitive parts so as not to disturb her peace. You got out first, drying off before returning to fish her out the tub.

Though Rumi was pure muscle, she actually wasn't that heavy to you as you swooped her out of the bath with a towel wrapped around her, and carried her wet body to your shared bedroom. She snuggled close to you, arms wrapped around your neck tenderly as you cradled her close.

"It doesn't matter if you're ranked as number five, or number 1,000." You say, nuzzling your nose against hers.

"You'll always be number one to me."