my hero academia harem

Bakugo Residence

20 minutes after Izuku had left Katsumi was still standing in the corner, ass beaten red and her eyes wet with tears. Mitsuki was not done with her daughter however, choosing to continue the punishment even after Izuku left.

While Katsumi was in the corner, wondering when her mother will finally let her go back and get dressed, she heard the shutter of a camera from behind her. "Mom! What are you d-"

"Be quiet!" she snapped, continuing to take pictures of her bruised backside. "What I'm doing is getting Izuku's birthday gift ready. He quite clearly enjoyed that so I figured it could help mark the occasion, now turn around. Besides, I recorded that whole thing, there's nothing the camera hasn't seen."

Katsumi was horrified at that revelation, but did as ordered and turned around exposing her budding breasts and hairless vagina to her mothers camera, tears falling down her face as more and more pictures of the most humiliating moment of her life were taken.

"Alright, now over here brat," she directed, pointing to a point on the floor where she had neatly folded all of her clothes that she had discarded earlier, with the layout emphasizing the placement of her bra and panties alongside -

"Is that my fucking student ID?!" she exclaimed upon seeing it next to her clothes.

"Language, brat, and yes it is. Consider it a final piece of warning to never anger Izuku once I give these to him, now get in a dogenza next to them."

Reluctantly, Katsumi complied with her mothers demands, getting down in a full dogenza with her clothing and ID framed next to her while her mother continued to take pictures.

Finally, Mitsuki decided that she had enough pictures of her daughter for Izuku, and so decided to get on with the last stage of Katsumi's punishment.

"Now listen here brat, you better pay good attention to what I'm going to say, or I'm going to make what happened here look like paradise, understood?"

"Y-yes Ma'am" Katsumi replied in a small voice.

"Good, now, how you're currently 'dressed'" she said, gesturing to her daughters naked body, "that's all you're wearing while at home for the next week, nothing more."

Katsumi was stricken by this, but still nodded in affirmation, tears silently streaking down her face.

"Okay, now follow me" she commanded, leading the two towards Katsumi's bedroom, the girl herself having a nervous feeling about what was about to happen.

Her fears were proven right as her mother pulled out a large bag before opening up the girls underwear drawer and started to stuff them in. "Mom! What are you doing!" she cried out.

"Trying to teach you a lesson," she snapped back, continuing to drop her daughters underwear into the bag, "Inko and I used to be punished like this when we were younger, but I thought I'd be less strict when raising you, and clearly I've made a mistake. Knew I should have listened to her from the start but no 'I'm a good enough parent to not need humiliation to raise my daughter' I said." as she explained this she finished shoveling the underwear into the bag.

"Now, brat, here's how this is going to work. Your ability to wear underwear is now a privilege I have revoked indefinitely. I've already done you the favor of confiscating everything in your underwear drawer but if there's any more hidden around this room it's in your best interest to give it to me before the end of the day, understood?"

"Y-Yes Ma'am..."

"Good, now further more you are only allowed to wear skirts bellow your waist when you go outside, no pants, no shorts, no tights, nothing. This little area here will remain at constant risk of exposure, understood?" said the woman, delivering a firm slap to Katsumi's groin for emphasis.

"But-but that means -"

"Yes, as I just said it means that you'll be at constant risk of exposure. Frankly you should consider yourself lucky that I haven't confiscated all of your clothing, god knows my old caretaker loved to do that to me and Inko, now do you understand me?" Katsumi knew that this wasn't a hollow threat with a new law having passed recently letting parents punish their children however they saw fit with few exceptions, of which public indecency was not one - all Mitsuki would need was for Katsumi to carry a card detailing this was a punishment for it to be perfectly legal in the eyes of the law.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Alright, now we're getting somewhere!" she cheered, before remembering the next matter, "ah right, there's one matter left. The pair of underwear left in the living room, I'm not going to confiscate that now. Instead, I want you to give it to Izuku at school tomorrow as a way to help remind him about what happened today, now chop chop, best not leave any bras or panties left in this room by tonight. Oh and I will be inspecting you every morning before you leave to make sure you're not wearing anything you shouldn't be, so don't getting any funny ideas." With that final threat she left, leaving the young girl to quickly scrounge around her room for any stray underwear.

Mitsuki's Room

'Well, best get on with it quickly I suppose.' Mitsuki mused to herself as she pulled out a second bag.

When she explained the punishments she and Inko had received as children she hadn't quite told the full story, because their caretaker was a firm believer that it is a mothers duty to teach their daughter right and wrong, and that any bad behavior from a child reflects badly upon a parent. As such, whenever the woman had punished Mitsuki and Inko, she would take the same punishment upon herself, often going so far as to confiscate her own clothing. Mitsuki thought back to the conversation she had with Inko shortly before taking Katsumi and Izuku to her house.

"I guess I was too lenient on her Inko." she said, overcome with sadness over her daughters actions.

"I told you she inherited some of your worst qualities," replied her best friend, "although, I doubt it's too late to change her attitude if you finally decide to take up a firm hand."

"Yes, i suppose you're right, it's just... If I do decide to go through with that I'm not going to half-ass it, it will be all the way, both me and Katsumi."

She was brought out of her musing as she opened up her own underwear drawer and, much like she did her daughters, began to place all of them into the bag, her mind rushing with the humiliation of doing this to herself but continuing on anyway.

Once she was done with her own underwear drawer she made a quick stop to the laundry room where she collected all of the underwear from there as well before returning to deposit them into the bags. After she was done with that she continues her own punishment, stripping herself naked she set up a tripod in her room to continuously take pictures of her like she had her daughter, planning to also give these pictures to Izuku for his birthday. She took pictures in the same poses she had forced her daughter into, even doing her own naked dogenza while showing off her last remaining set of underwear and her ID.

Satisfied with the pictures she had taken, she threw the final pair of underwear into her bag before sealing it shut, leaving Katsumi's open for any underwear she found in her room. With that, there was only one thing left for her to do.

'Okay,' she thought to herself, 'time to sort out my rules now. First of all, no underwear until...' she paused for a moment, wondering who to give this decision too. She quickly came to a conclusion however, as she remembered how enthralled Izuku had seemed with Katsumi's punishment. 'Yes, Izuku will do, he's less likely to let me off nicely unlike Inko the sweetheart, plus, he's the person who was suffering because of her negligence as a mother.

Okay, rules. One, no underwear for me or Katsumi until Izuku says we can have it back. Two, nothing other than skirts bellow the waist for both of us, but I'll give myself the limit of none going lower than mid thigh too. Three, Izuku also deserves a chance to spank me just like Katsumi was, I'll have to go over to let him. Probably best to deliver these at the same time.' the final part was thought while she looked over to the bags containing their underwear.

With her rules firmly in place Mitsuki laid down on her bed, grabbing her hairbrush on the way, and decided to start part of her punishment early. Setting the camera to record she spread her legs wide as she slammed the hairbrush down onto her pussy.

Smack "One, I'm sorry Izuku!" she yelled out, saying the same phrase she had ordered her daughter to say.

Smack "Two, I'm sorry Izuku"

The Smacks kept coming as she struggled to keep her legs open against the pain. By the seventh Smack she began to tear up, her labia turning red from the continuous impacts as the woman humiliated and punished herself out of guilt for her daughters actions.

By the tenth and final Smack tears were streaming down her face as she calmed down. Not content with her punishments yet she swore to let Izuku do far more harm to her than she had done there as she turned off the camera, but not before taking some final pictures of her swollen vagina lips.

Chapter 2: Laws of Japan and UA, Explained


Not an actual chapter, just me going over some stuff real quick. Might give you a glimpse of what to expect if you look close enough


This 'chapter' is just going to be me rambling about the laws this AU has in place, feel free to skip it if you don't care. Added a tl;dr in the end notes if you don't want to read me explaining the way too in depth justification to a smut fic

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

At the dawn of quirks parents around the world were met with the rise of young girls developing super powers as toddlers, leading to parenting as a whole becoming much harder. In order to combat this multiple governments across the world - starting with Japan - began to relax the laws about what parents can and cannot do as a "Punishment". As time passed these laws became more and more relaxed until 200 years later when a 10 year old girl being punished by being stripped completely nude and left in public would be a perfectly legal punishment - provided there was proof that her mother/care taker authorized it.

Due to this, there are many shops across countries such as Japan that have these lax rules that are basically fetish sex stores for minors that sell items one would need to punish them sexually, such as vibrators, humiliating clothing, full body bondage gear, chastity belts, etc. (This is where all of Katsumi's potential underwear is coming from until her punishments done) These stores are allowed to operate fully legally providing that they require a mother to present a specific ID at the entrance. Most people who don't punish their daughters' like this don't know about them though.

This ID is a "Disciplinarian Card" that a mother must get once her daughter gains her quirk or turns four years old, whichever comes first. This card acts to prove that she is her mother and gives her the right to do anything she wants as a form of discipline.

Due to how long it's been in effect everyone in universe treats this all as normal, though everyone is still humiliated by it the same, and many parents have opted to not use these laws when raising their own daughters as a personal preference. (Roughly half to 3/4's of class 1A will have never faced these kinds of punishments before and will be shocked that UA is using them with those that have being resigned to it).

A mother cannot continue punishing her daughter however she wishes once she is over 18 as that is when the daughter is considered to have matured and no longer need a parents guidance.

To get around this and continue punishing them UA uses it's status as an autonomous state to pass it's own laws. In UA most laws don't apply, the only one's that do are those enforced by Nezumi (and eventually Izuku). As time passes these "laws" will become more depraved and misogynistic, making Izuku's peers exist as objects of his pleasure, but at the start the rules basically just say that UA staff may punish students however they deem fit, outlines the dress code for female students, and defines the authority hierarchy.

This hierarchy has 5 levels.

Level One: The student body, everyone who joins UA starts at level 1

Level Two: This is for the class representatives and "promoted student". A promoted student is a student who has been granted authority by someone of level 3 or higher. Can be temporary or indefinite.

Level Three: Teachers and Staff, and also the Big Three as a reward and extra responsibility. for becoming the best of the best at UA

Level Four: Nezumi and Recovery Girl, the main two people responsible for making UA function (Recovery Girl's quirk also keeps her looking like she's in her 30's).

Level Five: Izuku. No one bellow level three is aware that level 5 even exists, they are all lied to and told that Izuku is level one like the rest of them.

As you go up the hierarchy punishments get more severe (For instance a level one and a level four making the same mistakes could result in a spanking for the one and a public whipping for the four). This applies all the way until Izuku, who cannot be punished under UA's rules

Anyone of a higher level may punish anyone bellow them (for example Midnight could punish any student aside from the big three), however if they are a single level bellow then they must provide adequate reasoning to a higher authority after. This authority figure will then decide if it was justified, and if it wasn't then the girl will receive a punishment (So for example if Momo as class rep of 1A punished Mina she could and then would need to provide a report to a higher authority who decides if it was justified or not, and if it wasn't then Momo herself would be punished harshly for misuse of power).

The only exception to this rule is Izuku. Due to him being the highest possible level he does not need to report to anyone if he wishes to punish Nezumi or recovery girl.

Additionally, due to him pretending to be level one technically he would be lower than some other students who may wish to use the opportunity to feel him up. Therefore Nezumi announces a rule that if a level two wishes to punish Izuku she must submit the justification before performing the punishment in order to "prevent the girls from abusing him due to him being the only man in a very female populated industry". Failure to do so will result in the harshest possible punishments. Since everyone level three or higher knows of Izuku's true authority they will always say that it's not justified and the girl in question will be punished for attempting to abuse her authority, and might have it stripped depending.

In the same vein of trying to prevent Izuku from being harassed by his female peers there are multiple "Male Only" zones that no woman, regardless of her authority, may enter without his permission. These zones include his changing room, a bathroom, a class room for him to study in, his personal residence and much later the 5th floor of Height's Alliance. There's more to these area's than just "No Girls Allowed" but that will be expanded upon in the main story. Any girl caught trying to enter without his permission, or caught spying on him period will be punished incredibly harshly and will have a complete loss of privacy (must change in hallway outside of locker room, confiscation of underwear, etc.).

Around the same time as Izuku starting at UA Hisashi, Kaina and Nezumi get the Japanese government to pass a law detailing "Minimum Required Skin Exposure For Heroines". This law is passed quite silently meaning that not many people are aware of it at first, especially since it's not retroactive, but the girls at UA learn about it when they get their costumes and they're much skimpier than expected (Jirou's costume is now a crop top and short shorts, Uraraka's body suit is now transparent at most parts, etc.). The only student to not notice at first is Momo as her outfit fit this new guideline perfectly (Hagakure can turn her invisibility off in this world and so got a full body costume like Mirio's that then got made skimpier).

This covers most of the rules, the rest I feel would be better to be explained naturally as the story continues - such as the dress code and expectations that heroines need to meet. A fair bit will most likely come about when Izuku and Himiko get their acceptance letters.

Now, here are the students in class 1A.

Izuku Midoriya

Katsumi Bakugo

Himiko Toga

Ochako Uraraka

Kyoka Jirou

Mina Ashido

Tsuyu Asui

Toru Hagakure

Momo Yaoyorozu

Eiko Kirishima

Itsuka Kendo

Shoko Todoroki

Ibara Shiozaki

Setsuna Tokage

Fumiko Tokoyami

Denka Kaminari

Tenka Iida

Haruka Sero

Pony Tsunotori

Melissa Shield

For anyone who's curious Himiko, Mina, Ibara, Shoko and Katsumi are the only one's who have received a humiliation/physical punishment before coming to UA.

Also as a side note, a bunch of these girls will also be misandristic towards Izuku. This is mainly because they've been conditioned for 18 years by living in a world where men are dying out and "basically worthless" due to not having quirks, and from a writing stand point it gives me more opportunities to punish them for this.


To anyone who did read that feel free to ask any clarifying questions you want, my notes doc is way too full of this stuff that won't come up for a few chapters still, or even some suggestions of your own

Tl;Dr - Parents can do whatever they want as punishment to children and UA works however the current principal decides due to it operating under it's own laws in it's own system and hierarchies. Nezumi also has systems in place to protect Izuku. Also scroll up a bit for a list of my currently planned 1A and let me know what you think - whether you want me to remove someone, add someone, if you think one of the gender bent names sounds dumb, etc.

Chapter 3: UA Dorms Rules, Explained


Going over the rules of Heights Alliance, which won't be relevant in the main story until after the training camp so this is very much not required reading


Decided to do this again, but this time going over Heights Alliance because I have an entire note doc filled with ideas for it and I want it to be out there.

That and the next chapter of the main fic is refusing to be written, should hopefully be done by Sunday.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Going to start by saying that all of these rules are subject to change due to how far away this is from where the main fic is at (My notes go to chapter 20 which is just after the internships while the dorms are showing up at the same time they do canonically) and that the first part of this is going to contain 'spoilers' for the fic, so if you don't want that then don't read the next paragraph.

During the training camp arc Katsumi snaps and assaults Midoriya before running of into the woods where she is kidnapped by the last few members of the MLA that Hisashi had yet to track down and kill. All of class 1a see this and the girls agree to go rescue her behind their teachers backs like canon (Himiko starts it because she recognizes they're likely to be punished for it, and Izuku ordered her to cause the girls to get punished as much as she could). Izuku meanwhile goes to get the heroes. Izuku and the pro's go rescue Katsumi (since he was given a license by Nezumi he can join). Things go well and she's rescued, and the heroes discover the girls going behind their backs. Due to this it is decided that they all need to be punished for going behind the teachers backs, the others for being complicit, and Katsumi for assaulting Izuku, and that Izuku needs to be rewarded. As such, the dorms are made with rules that explicitly punish the girls and reward Izuku.

Story stuff done with, lets go over the dorms themselves.


Heights Alliance is made up of 5 floors. The first floor contains general facilities, like the common room, a kitchen, girls showers, etc.

The second through fourth floors are the girls dorm rooms and also some other miscellaneous rooms such as laundry, a specific towel room, etc.

The entire fifth floor is a male only space that serves as Izuku's dorm with the only exception being the area in front of the elevator that is just a small corridor leading to a locked door preventing unauthorized access.

That elevator is only for Izuku's use, as well as anyone he says can use it. The girls meanwhile must use the individual staircases on alternating sides of the building, meaning that to go from the 4th floor to the 2nd a girl needs to walk down the 4th floor stairs, go across the entire third floor, and then go down the third floor stairs to the second floor.

Part of the reason for this is to cause constant humiliation as one of the rules of the dorms is that the girls are not allowed to strip in the shower room, nor may they bring a towel with them. Instead they must strip their clothing and place it in the laundry room where it is taken by a chute and cannot be retrieved, go from there to the showers, and then go out and walk to the towel room. In addition, towels are not allowed to be taken out of the towel room, so they must then walk to their dorm naked to get changed.

The showers are on the first floor while the laundry and towel rooms are on the fourth floor, all as far from the stairs as is possible. So, if a girl whose dorm is on the second floor wanted to shower she would have to walk naked from the forth floor to the first, back up to the forth, and then back down to the second, all while in public view of everyone. Additionally, the shower room consists of a single cubicle with no indication if it's locked, meaning girls could be stuck waiting outside for the previous girl to get out (if there even is a girl in there and Izuku didn't lock it just to mess with them).

Due to this the girls who get punished the most are put on the second floor as an additional punishment.

Girls Dorm Rooms

As for the dorm room themselves, while the doors have a lock the girls do not hold the key. Instead it is a mechanical lock that Izuku can trigger from the fifth floor at any time, locking some or even all of the girls out of their dorms. Depending on when he does this he can leave them naked and stranded. The girls are not aware of this, instead being told it is an automatic punishment for them committing too many minor infractions (What these infractions are is unspecified).

Additionally, the girls must keep them at an "Adequate level of cleanliness". This is decided by performing random checks on the girls dorms at any point in the day, and administering punishment for anything that the inspectors (normally Izuku and a teacher) find wrong. During this inspection they also check the girls wardrobe's to ensure they are following UA's dress code at all times and will confiscate anything they deem unfit (even potentially just taking all of their clothing).

Girls must also be in their dorm room by 11 pm, no excuses, and cannot stay in other peoples dorms. So if Izuku locks them out they need to find a friend to let them into theirs knowing that they'll both be punished if it's discovered, beg Izuku to be allowed to stay in his dorm's 'spare room', or stay in the "Punishment Dorm" (described later).

Each girls dorm has a group of hidden camera's that capture everything inside the dorm leaving no blind spots. These are connected to a surveillance network on the fifth floor.

Punishment Dorm

The Punishment Dorm is a special room on the first floor. There is a one way mirror between it and the common room, meaning everyone in the common room can see in but the girls in the punishment dorm can't see out. The dorm itself is a row of 20 wooden horses with steel edges connected to wires that periodically electrify them. Any girl staying in the punishment dorm must be strapped onto one of these and fitted with a dildo gag molded after Izuku's enlarged cock. This gag is connected to a tank full of Izuku's semen, forcing the girls to drink it down.

There are two of these tanks for each horse. The first is filled with Izuku's normal semen while the second is full of his semen after he used his quirk to give it a vile taste. The two tanks are constantly and randomly switched, meaning that a girl must connect her gag to one of them, hoping it's the better one (most of them still hate the flavor of semen and both tanks, but much prefer it to the vile one), knowing that she'll be strapped in there until 9am the next day to go to classes.

Girls found violating curfew will be made to spend the next three days in these dorms as punishment.

Izuku's Dorm - Floor 5

Izuku's dorm encompasses the entirety of the fifth floor, and so as such he has all of his own facilities that the girls have scattered across the 1st to 4th floors - only his are normal and not sexualized. He also has a bedroom which is larger than any of the girls dorms

In addition to these he has a spare room that any girl may sleep in rather than their own or the punishment dorm.

Perhaps the two most important rooms in Izuku's dorm are the surveillance room and the dungeon. The surveillance room is a room filled with a group of screens showing security feed from all over UA, from the class rooms to each girls dorm (even those outside of class 1A). Izuku can flick through these feeds using a control panel for the main monitor while the others show feeds that have detected motion. This control panel also has other functions such as locking doors and more that will be explained later in the main story. The camera's for these are visible in public area's such as the corridors but are hidden elsewhere to give girls a false sense of security and make them not think they're constantly being watched.

The dungeon is Izuku's own BDSM room filled with all manner of items made to inflict pain on someone. He can, for any reason, call a girl to come there (Or claim Nezumi is ordering him to do so as he's still "only level 1" to his classmates) and punish her however he likes, with the only limit being no permanent physical harm.

Miscellaneous Dorm Rules

Izuku is to be the 'Dorm Master'

No sexual activity of any kind without the Dorm Masters permission

This includes intercourse, masturbation, kissing, etc.

Girls must take daily showers

Girls must leave their rooms between the hours of 7am and 10pm for at least 10 hours

At 10 pm girls must gather in the common room for their daily maintenance spankings

Dress code must be followed at all times

Other Changes to UA

UA dress code is altered for class 1A, used as new punishment uniform for everyone else

Skirts may be no longer than 3 inches bellow your panties

Girls are given new shirts that go sheer when exposed to any moisture

Girls may no longer wear a bra

Girls under this punishment face a loss of privileges

This might get added to over time but for now that's what I've come up with.


Again just like with the last one, please feel free to ask any questions or make suggestions.

Chapter 4: UA App and Currency, Explained


Now we finally get into Izuku's contributions to UA's new rules, the mandatory App and new currency system.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

A large portion of this is very subject to change because I was inspired by a comment I received the same day I started writing this to add it to the story, so if this contradicts something that happens there just assume I changed it, but for now this should all be what I have planned for it.

Also for context Izuku will know all of this because it was part of the rules he submitted to Nezumi to implement, so most of the learning when it shows up next chapter will be from Himiko because Izuku never told her his plans, figuring it would be more fun if she had to learn them like everyone else. Also I should probably mention that I'm going to have Izuku order her to act like she doesn't know him and to encourage the girls to break rules and/or be misandrist so that they all get punished more often (Izuku will also be punishing her for it despite ordering her to do so).

UA App

Starting this year UA begins to mandate the use of an app by students (Those without a phone that can install it will receive a special UA phone that I'll detail later) to streamline the process of assignments and classes, as well as a some more miscellaneous stuff. It also serves as their ID, so students without the app cannot enter UA without the gates shutting down in front of them. There are three versions of the app.

1- The Student App. This is given to all female students before their first day via a QR code alongside their entrance exam results, contains all the basic usages of the app.

2- The Staff App. Given to everyone with level 3/4 authority. Has all the same functionality of the student version with added functionality.

3- The Master App. Given only to Izuku. Has all functionality of the Staff version but with even more.

Student App Functions:

The app serves multipole purposes in it's base form. First and foremost it serves as a timetable for UA, showing when they have what classes, when the breaks are, what classes they have, etc. Also allows teachers to assign work to be submitted online (does have a risk of "accidentally" not registering a girls work however, causing girls to be unfairly punished. As a compromise it is decided that any staff member found to have conducted a punishment for work not being submitted due to device error will receive her own punishment.)

It also has a messaging feature that functions similarly to discord. This can be both 'private' and group chats.

The app also shows girls their own punishments. Due to the prevalence of forced stripping as a punishment, there is a dedicated section of the app detailing a girls "Currently Permitted Uniform". The girls can only see their own punishment records and not each others.

The app also allows girls phones to work as electronic keys to areas of the school like the changing room (and their individual lockers), toilet, etc. Most areas that are not for staff or Male Only are accessed via the app.

The app also has the ability to be installed on a computer for ease of use if they want to.

Staff App Functions:

The staff app has all the same functionality of student app (schedule, list of their punishments, messaging, keys, etc.).

Also allows members of staff to add punishments to the profile of someone of lower authority, and see a girls permitted uniform to check there's no violation. The staff also have their own "Currently Permitted Uniform" that they can see and others can't

Key allows them to enter any non-Male Only area and open all of the girls lockers.

Shows the location of everyone with the base app.

Hidden App Functions:

The app functions as a virus that records everything on the phone and silently installs onto every device nearby (The ability to install it on computers is more a formality)

It records everything on the device, so any message regardless of if it's sent via the app or not, any pictures or videos, the girls search history, etc.

All of this is sent directly to Izuku's app, no matter how quickly it is deleted. (Due to this Midnight likes to have the girls take nude selfies to 'boost their confidence' by telling them "You can just delete it after anyway")

The app also automatically detects when a girl is watching porn and will start recording both the screen (To see what she is watching) and their camera. Izuku can use the app to alter the results they get when looking up porn to suit his tastes better. Later once the dorms are established it can also trigger aphrodisiac gas to be released in a girls room.

Izuku can also use the app to send girls subliminal messages of whatever he wants (most often use of this is convincing the girls to continue breaking UA's rules well beyond the point they would have normally)

The app also serves as a tracker for everyone except Izuku, feeding the locations to everyone higher in the chain. (So Izuku always knows the rough location of everyone at UA, staff know the female students, etc.)

Master App Functions:

Izuku's version of the app serves as a master key that can unlock any lock in UA, in addition to serving as his controller to trigger "accidents" such as a girls locker not opening no matter how hard they try, sprinklers going off making the girls thin shirts all transparent, etc.

He can view the "Currently Permitted Uniform" of anyone, and change it as he wishes without reason (When he does this a level 3+ has to come up with any reason to enact the punishment).

It grants him full access to any conversation on any other device with the app, and the ability to alter any sent messages as he likes.

Has a sub-menu that shows the footage of every security camera in UA - there is no room (excluding male only rooms) that doesn't have a camera somewhere.

Full list of every student at UA alongside very detailed information from their check-up with recovery girl, includes their sizes, biological information, as well as recordings of the naked health inspections.

UA Currency System

The official explanation given out by Nezumi for the system is to "Allow students to understand the plights and effort of the common woman".

The balance of every ones currency (Which I will be calling UA$ for simplicity here but please do feel free to suggest a better name) can be seen on their app, and again a higher tier can see those of a lower tier (Staff can see students' balance, Izuku can see everyone's). The currency has the exact same value as Yen, but can't be converted, you can only earn UA$ in UA, in an effort to give both the rich and poor the same experience.

Everyone has a different base income depending on their authority tier (Exact numbers to be determined).

UA$ are used to purchase everything in the school, from food to textbooks to new uniforms. Everyone has a limited amount except for Izuku.

Whenever a punishment is issued it also comes with a fine that will be subtracted from the girls balance, and likewise girls can be paid for good behavior.

Both students and staff can take on jobs to earn more UA$. Students jobs start of fairly normal but progressively get more sexual as time goes on (i.e. starts by just cleaning classrooms, then they're given a uniform, then it's changed to a maid uniform, then the shirt is shortened, then they are told to not wear underwear, etc.). The girls are told they have to do as their 'employer' says or they won't get paid. These jobs are all decided by Nezumi with Izuku's approval.

The staff's jobs on the other hand are all decided by Izuku and range from having a certain quota of punishments they need to hand out in a time frame or else they get punished themselves, to serving as Izuku's fuck toy, to having "Milking Duty" where they are to extract large amounts of semen for Izuku to be used elsewhere in the school (Such as secretly putting it in food, to be used as punishments, etc.). All of them are sexual and degrading in nature.

If a girl goes bellow 0 UA$, she enters 'bankruptcy' and cannot earn money by any means except by accepting harsh punishments that will clear out UA$1000 worth of debt each (Roughly $6.68). The average fine for a normal punishment is 500 - 800 UA$ so typically a girl will only need to accept one punishment, but she will then be placed at 0 and need to earn enough to not go bankrupt again to escape further punishments.

Izuku, while having an infinite supply of UA$, has his app display him being constantly close to bankruptcy. This is so that his more misandristic peers that want to seem him be punished like they are will be constantly attempting to get him in trouble, resulting in them being punished more. It is also to help him pretend like he isn't secretly in charge of the entire school. In addition, when a girl is being punished for being a misandrist she is made to pay the fine to Izuku as an apology, and he is allowed to view her punishment. (He views them all anyway, but they normally don't know)

Izuku also has the ability to use his app to alter the displayed balance of anyone, but not their actual balance, so he can trick girls into going into debt by making them think they have more money than they really do.

While the first set are completely free, the UA uniform is given a very high price tag in the school, so girls are very likely to go into debt if they have to buy new one's. To help "solve" this issue, Nezumi set up a system where if a girl can prove her current UA uniform is not suitable to wear she can receive a replacement set for free. This process involves the girl being made to stand nude before a panel of staff (And a hidden Izuku) and put on her uniform for them to inspect. The girl may undergo this process for a variety of reasons, such as broken buttons on the shirt, torn fabric, the uniform itself getting too small, etc.

Izuku then decides whether or not the girl should get a new uniform after a long inspection wherein Izuku can make the staff tell the girl to go in any position he wants to "prove" it's not suited to be worn.

As for the girls underwear, UA also has a large mark-up for panties and so girls must either bring in their own from outside of school (Most of which will violate the very strict dress code), pay for them and likely go bankrupt, or be made to go without. The underwear dress code won't be enforced for the first few days/weeks so that girls stop worrying about it until suddenly the staff get really strict.

Girls without phones that can use the UA app will be able to receive a phone from UA with the caveat of them receiving less base income and less from working, meaning they have to take more jobs or do one's that are more degrading and humiliating. This is probably only going to affect Ochako, but other girls could be punished by having their pay cut across the board later.

Occasionally auctions will be held for certain items. Izuku will be attending these and using his unlimited balance to artificially inflate the items prices making the girls have to spend more. These items could be a range of stuff, from extra privileges to clothing.


Wrote this chapter while constantly jumping back and forth between the questions so feel free to ask me to clarify anything if it's confusing to you. Might also go back and add anything I missed due to that, but I've definitely got all the main points here already.

As always, any ideas or the like feel free to comment.

Now I'm going to go figure out how to make all of these hero costumes more sexual, feel free to suggest stiff for this as well, so far I only have a few done that aren't just "Make it skin tight/Skimpier"

Chapter 5: Locker Rooms and Sports Festival, Explained


Normally I try to keep these contained to one topic but both of these ideas were hitting me simultaneously so if you only care about one they're separated by a line break.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

UA Locker Rooms

The rules surrounding the locker rooms are mostly made by Nezumi after testing it out on the "trial students" (Students who they used to "test" the new discipline system like Miruko) and the staff. For future reference most rules pertaining UA's infrastructure will have been made by Nezumi with most other stuff being of Izuku's design. Now, onto the locker rooms.

There are three types of locker rooms in UA, those being the regular ones for female students, the staff changing room and the Male Only changing room. Despite only having a single male student there are equal numbers of all of these changing rooms as they are built together, with the male changing room in the center, students to the left and staff to the right.

All three have different rules for it's occupants.

Student Changing Room:

The right wall is covered by a mirror, starting about halfway up the wall and extending almost to the ceiling, spanning the entire width. Secretly another one way mirror.

Rather than one locker per student, the changing room has 2 full sized ones and 1 smaller one. After the Quirk assessment test on the first day of class Aizawa goes in with the students and explains how they are to get changed from now on. This is done to "speed up potential response time in the future" officially. While she is explaining all of this Jirou says something under her breath and Aizawa makes her serve as the model for these instructions.

Upon entering the changing room, only a girls first locker will be open - which is empty. The girls are instructed to strip naked and place their clothing into this locker before shutting it and triggering the lock which won't unlock for the next hour unless opened by someone with Level 3 or higher authority. The girls are told that their uniforms and other clothes need to be put in here to protect them as they're not designed for hero work, and that it will be inspected at random to make sure the girls all comply with this.

Once a girl has locked all of her clothing away the second, smaller, locker opens up. This locker contains the girls make-up and a mirror to help them apply it to themselves. A girls make-up is seen as an important part of her costume and so girls will be punished if they are not wearing any, or if their make-up is of a poor quality. To be fair to the students they are given a small grace period at the start of the year where the punishments for this will be less severe, but after a month or two has passed the girls will be expected to be able to do it properly. Once they are done with the make-up they put it back and lock it in, allowing the third locker to open.

The third locker contains three outfits for each girl. First, their Gym Uniform, which is a pair of shorts that barely cover half of a girls ass and a tight white shirt that turns transparent when wet (such as by exposure to sweat), no underwear is provided. Secondly, their regular Hero Costume, this will typically be a slightly more sluttier version of their canon hero uniforms, most of them will have a skirt and so panties will be provided, but not bras with girls instead being given pasties. Finally we have their "Bare Essentials" Hero Costume, which for most girls will be something like a sling bikini or a reverse suit with only pasties covering the nipples and crotch.

A girl must get dressed in one of these outfits depending on the situation. Gym classes should be done in a girls gym uniform while Heroics should be done wearing either of a girls costumes.

Girls must shower after any heroic's / Gym lesson. The showers are unchanged for now, but they very well could be for a punishment - such as by forcing the girls to have an enema, replacing the water with semen, etc.

In addition to this, Aizawa and Miruko (The homeroom and heroics teachers of 1A respectively) enforce another rule - that all of the girls must be able to change from school uniform to hero costume quickly. To enforce this they set a timer (Which they constantly change), and when that's done they will enter the changing room and give everyone inside 10 to 15 seconds to finish up what they're doing before they are all dragged outside to class, no matter if the student is almost fully dressed or completely naked.

This has the (very intended) effect of causing the girls to have to rush when changing and be more likely to make a mistake with their make-up, forgetting to remove/put on an accessory, etc. leading to them being punished either way. It also causes a girl to be more likely to choose to wear the "Bare essentials" costume if she thinks time is running out soon, since Aizawa and Miruko give out extra punishments for how far behind a person was when they ran out of time.

The girls also only have one version of each of these outfits, and in order to get new one's must go through the same procedure mentioned in the previous chapter for girls replacing their uniforms, but with some differences. Due to the expense, UA only fully gives out the "Bare essentials" costume for free, a girls "regular" costume may be refurbished but she will not receive any underwear alongside it. Instead each girl must go to a shop on UA's campus that specifically sells underwear for their individual costumes. The prices are high however, and other people are free to buy a different girls underwear to either sell it out or artificially inflate the price.

Also in the hallway in front of the changing room are a few lockers. These are for girls who are being punished for whatever reason and a member of staff decided they no longer had a right to privacy - later on entire classes could be punished by having the door (Which is fairly large) between the hallway and changing room removed entirely meaning anyone in the hall can see all of the girls changing.

Staff Changing Room:

Has it's own one way mirror on the left wall, same design as in the one in the girls room.

The most like a normal changing room, except their are no lockers. Instead each woman's outfit is displayed on a life like mannequin modeled after her when not in use.

In addition, there is a glory hole in the showers and a light. The light can be turned on by Izuku whenever he wants, indicating that whoever is in there needs to service him, after which they should beg him to be allowed to continue getting dressed.

Aside from this rule they are free to get changed as anyone normally would.

Male-Only Changing Room:

Only a single locker for Izuku's stuff (A regular UA tracksuit and a costume designed after All for One's suit), the rest of the room is designed for his pleasure. Next to the one way mirrors on each side are control panels that allow him to influence certain things. Firstly it lets him turn the mirror into a window and vice versa, in addition to allowing sound to start travelling one way.

The control panel can release colorless and odorless gasses into the air that have a variety of effects. These can be released out of a main vent or out of smaller ones at each locker to target a specific girl. The first one is an aphrodisiac causing the girls to become hornier while changing. The second slows down the perception of people that inhale it, causing them to take longer to change than they normally would leading to more girls being forced to get out naked. A third temporarily lowers their inhibitions making them more likely to put on less. Etc.

Izuku is also able to cause a girls locker to "malfunction", meaning that all three doors are locked shut and wont open, forcing the girl to go completely naked (or have a friend go while they hide and hope their time limit doesn't run out) to get a member of staff to manually open it.

UA Sports Festival

For the most part the festival itself remains unchanged, most of the stuff I'm doing comes after the festival itself, with the punishment festival I'll describe in a second and the girls' internships which will all be under UA rather than other hero's sending in offers.

Before the sports festival Aizawa 'encourages' class 1A to do well as there will be extra punishments for those who rank low - and due to 1A's strict requirements anyone who doesn't make it to the top 8 of the tournament are considered to have failed.

In addition to this, anyone who doesn't make it to the tournament to begin with must act as cheerleaders for their classmates in slutty cheer costumes that they are banned from wearing panties under, meaning they will be flashing the entire stadium while doing so.

The three events of the sports festival are still the same race, cavalry battle, and tournament from canon. They go similar to canon except Izuku is dominating everything (And there'll probably be a plot point here about the media discovering a guy with a quirk exists but that's not important right now).

The main fun comes a few days after the sports festival, where the girls who are deemed to have failed from the first year heroics course are gathered back at the stadium for the "Punishment Festival"

UA Punishment Festival:

All of the girls are gathered to be punished for their performance, excluding those that made it to the top 8 of the tournament. The only person from top 8 to be present is Izuku who won and so is here as a reward.

Each girl is going to be punished for each event they failed in, and all the ones above them. So a girl who failed the race (Which some of them will have, not sure who yet) will suffer through all three punishments, one who lost the cavalry battle will do the last two, and those who lost in the tournament only do the last one. First the girls are all made to strip naked and discard all of her clothes, and then the punishments all begin.

The results from these events will be recorded to help the girls improve upon their weaker aspects later during their internships.

Obstacle Course Punishment:

Girls who failed to make it to the top 40 and move on to the nest round (I'm making it 40 rather than 42 because frankly I never understood why they went to 42 and then to a teams of 4 round - Aside from being able to have Mei and Shinso be there alongside all of 1A and 1B) will compete in another race.

This race will only be 200 m, but the girls will be walking across a knotted crotch rope with their ankles chained together. It's adjusted at a specific height for each girl where she has to walk on her toes and can't raise herself up to avoid the rope. The rope is soaked in an aphrodisiac. Each girl will also have her hands tied behind her back forcing her to stick out her chest. All the while Izuku is sitting at the finish line on a throne having some of the pro heroes service him.

In addition, Izuku can also adjust the height of any girls rope whenever to whatever height he wants, making it o either the rope no longer matters or causing the rope to begin lifting the girl off the ground.

Additional penalties will be given out to those with times bellow half, rounded up (So if there were 9 or 10 people, the slowest 5 get additional punishment).

Cavalry Battle Punishment:

In this round, rather than having teams of 4 each girl is alone. And rather than riding on their classmates they will be strapped on top of a wooden horse with a metal edge - additional weights will be added to their knees to keep them from lifting themselves off the edge. The wooden horse is on a moving platform designed similarly to a bumper car whose controller is given to the girl to hold in one hand, before her hands are tied behind her back in a reverse prayer, such that if a girl drops the controller she cannot pick it back up.

The girls are then gagged and placed into the arena of the stadium and must compete to push the others out of bounds, at which point the remote will stop functioning and the metal edge will become electrified, shocking the rider until the round is over while the horse begins to violently shake it's rider. Each collision also causes the wooden horse to bounce forcing the girls to move around on it's edge and preventing them from getting used to it's pressure.

Izuku once again is observing all of this and can trigger any of the horses to become momentarily electrified, or to start rocking back and forth.

Round ends when only one person remains. To prevent it taking too long, after a period of time each girls horse will become electrified and the "out of bounds" circle will begin to shrink.

Like last time the first half of people to have lost will receive additional penalties.

Tournament Round Punishment:

This round will be the only round that includes all 32 girls (Everyone from the hero course excluding those that came in the top 8 - that list might be the same as canon or I might change up some rankings to include some girls who knows)

Consists of 5 rounds of 1v1 matches between the girls. The goal of each match is very simple, the first girl to orgasm loses.

Each girl is strapped into a harness before they are lifted over a swimming pool filled with Izuku's semen, before they are both put in front of fucking machines placing the two 'combatants' faces next to each other. The harnesses are secure so the girls can't move and the fucking machine is put in place behind them before clamps are attached to each girls nipples and clit. Finally the girls are forced into a double ended gag modeled after Izuku's cock (If you don't know what I mean picture a double ended dildo, but with straps going both ways at the middle to hold a girls head there), forcing them both to choke on it while being made to kiss each other.

The fucking machines are then activated, both going with enough forcing to push the girls into each other. This continues until one of the girls orgasms, at which point her harness and gag detach, sending her falling into Izuku's semen - each round has it's own different flavor for it.

In addition Izuku can electrify the clamps or change the speed of the fucking machine at any time.

To prevent these matches going on too long if neither girl reaches an orgasm after 10 minutes has passed the harnesses and fucking machines will begin to lower down into the pool of cum. This will not stop until either a girl orgasms or they reach the bottom of the pool. If no one cums and it reaches the bottom then both girls are considered to have 'lost' and are no longer in the tournament, giving her next opponent a free win.

Just because a girl gets a free win doesn't mean her round doesn't happen however, instead they will be strapped in with a staff member of Izuku's choosing. The match will play out as normal, but the girl is always considered the winner - even if she cums first - and the staff member will always be dropped in at the end as they can't 'win'.

Just like as before, the bottom 16 girls will receive additional penalties.

Finally, once every event is over, the girls are allowed to dress, only to discover that their clothes have been confiscated and all they have left are 32 copies of the slutty cheerleader uniform which someone 'accidentally' dropped into the pool of semen, and that each girl must get one for herself. This forces the girls to search through the bottom of the Olympic sized semen pool to find a fitting uniform, since anything too small won't cover enough and anything too big will fall off. The girls then return home, both body and outfit covered head to toe in semen.

The catch is that there are only 24 sets of the uniform, meaning that the last 8 girls to find one will be fruitlessly searching before they are told that they found some spares and they can have them if they follow any of Izuku's orders for the next week. The girls all agree and are given micro bikini's to walk home in, and are told that if they ever refuse one of Izuku's orders in the next week, no matter what it is, they will be severely punished for going back on their word.

Feel free to suggest what these "Additional Penalties" could be - they could range from anything to a number of spankings right then and there or a long-term modification to a girls uniform, whatever. Even something made deliberately to disadvantage her in the next round of competition. Also feel free to make suggestions on who I should focus on because I frankly don't have the time to describe the full course of each event in detail. Also feel free to suggest who the 8 girls being made to follow Izuku's every order should be.

As always feel free to make any suggestion you'd like, doesn't have to be related to either of these.


Fun fact, I only made the first one because someone told me the conversation between Izuku and Nezumi in her office "reads the way a federal fraud indictment under statute 1264G under the revised code smells" which is bar none the funniest way I've ever had anyone ever tell me I'm boring, and so just because of that I decided to just publicly post my notes for how UA and the greater world operated, and for some reason people seemed to like them.

Anyways, as always feel free to comment any of your own suggestions or ask me to clarify something - because it's very possible that I just mentioned something that only I know about as if everyone should.

Also also btw if for any weird chance any of you want to use this stuff for your own fic feel free so long as you send me a link so I can read it

Chapter 6: Villains Punishments, Explained


UA isn't the only place that's become more sexualized. While Nezumi worked to enhance UA for Izuku's pleasure, Hisashi had the head of the HPSC - the pro hero Lady Nagant - work on reforms surrounding the rising numbers of Villains


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

While Nezumi is busy modifying UA, Hisashi had Tsutsumi Kaina work on reforming how villains are treated in society. For context, most of Nagant's backstory is still the same - she was a pro hero that was forced to work as an assassin for the HPSC, rebelled and killed a bunch of HPSC members and then got locked in Tartarus - except after she was arrested All for One used his influence to reveal the truth of what had happened and eventually install her as the head of the HPSC.

However, due to her still feeling guilty about what she did she still thinks of herself as a villain, and so all of these were first tested on her as her way of paying her debt and clearing her conscious - and she continues under the system from then onwards, to show that it is not biased and even someone with as much authority as the head commissioner can be punished. Also important to keep in mind that the general public don't actually know what exactly these reforms are, just that they're happening and have 'proven' to work.

There are two sets of rules that are implemented, the first are for Tartarus, the largest - and only - prison designed to deal with 'villains' and not just criminals (Villains specifically being woman who use their quirk to cause intentional harm towards others). The second set is for "Free" villains, those that have served their sentence and left Tartarus (such as Lady Nagant herself).

It is also worth noting that the moment a woman is deemed 'Guilty' of villainy, she loses all human rights and protections - even once her sentence has finished. The only way for this to be annulled is for the court to come together and decided that a huge error has been made which is very infrequent.

Upon being sentenced, the woman is branded with a red hot iron, declaring to all that she is to never be free. The location of this brand differs from person to person, but it is almost always in a humiliating place, such as the ass, over the womb, on her tits, etc.


Tartarus itself is made up of two main facilities, There's the main prison that holds all of the villains most of the time, and the "Correction hall" where they go to serve their punishments. While in the prison, everyone is given an incredibly skimpy version of a classic orange prison jumpsuit. It consists of a crop top designed for each woman to barely cover the nipple, but not the bottom of the areola. The pants are tight shorts that barely cover a quarter of the ass and constantly ride up showing a girls cameltoe with the ability to open over a girls crotch for ease of access.

In addition to this each girl when not serving her punishments is locked into a pair of high heels that are chained together, limiting how last she can move. She also has her arms bound behind her back and is constantly gagged. The type of gag can be changed for good behavior, so for instance someone who complies with all of her orders could have a small ball gag whereas someone more rebellious could end up with a large dildo shoved down her throat 24/7.

This uniform must be worn at all times unless the villain is serving her punishments in the correction hall, she is sleeping, or she is 'showering'. The process of 'showering' in Tartarus involves the inmates being made to strip nude before a viewing area as their bodies are blasted by a water hose until their guards decided their done. A lot of guards decided to "wash out" the villains with this, by shoving the hose up her ass or pussy and seeing how much she can expand before she releases it all - basically a forced enema.

The villains beds are also not normal beds. Instead the girl strips naked and tries to sleep while being edged by a fucking machine. It is designed in such a way that the machine cannot give a girl and orgasm, meaning they will be constantly horny but with no way to satiate this except by begging the guards or her 'guests'.

The Correction Hall:

The correction hall is where the girls go to work off their debt to the world. It is essentially a massive brothel that is open to those that know the truth of the new reforms (Politicians, Pro Heroes, some Celebrities, etc.). It is also where the showers I mentioned earlier are located.

In this hall a convict cannot say no to any request, no matter what it is. Due to this it is a large gathering of those that want to sate some more taboo desires. Anything goes as long as the villain can continue to serve others when you're done with them.

It is also here that the girls are allowed to eat. All of their meals are drinks made of animal semen with their necessary nutrients added in after.

While a girl is not being used she is to be put on display, her hand tied and pulled above her head suspended so only her toes can reach the ground. Around them are a series of whips and other similar instruments that the guests are free to practice with on any of the display girls.

"Free" Villains:

The term "Free" Villain refers to one who has finished her sentence in Tartarus and has been released to the outside world - such as Lady Nagant herself. However, they are never truly free and instead must live the rest of their lives under a series of strict rules.

Despite having finished their stay at Tartarus all "Free" Villains must spend at least 72 hours of each month in the Correction Hall as a reminder of their crimes. Should she fail to do so for any reason she will be deemed to have not learnt and be resentenced to Tartarus.

Additionally, regular inspections will be done of their residences. These inspections serve to find if they have continued with any illegal activity, and also to humiliate the villain by inspecting everything and having it all be recorded and available to those in the know.

"Free" Villains also lose all legal protection, meaning a court will never care for their case. This means that someone else could rape her in broad daylight and not get in trouble for it. This is rare of course since most people don't know about this, but could very much happen.

A villains clothing is also limited, as she must ensure that her brand is fully visible at all times. If at any point she is found to be hiding even a small part of it she will be harshly punished and resentenced.

UA's Villain Simulation:

Due to the facts showing time and time again that the deadliest villains are those that were trained by hero schools such as UA or the HPSC specialty training programs (With Nagant herself serving as the prime example) UA and the HPSC have come together to create a "Villain Simulation".

During this simulation, girls - both the students and their teachers - will experience the full consequences of villainy to teach them why they should never go down that path.

At some point in the story (not fully decided when yet, currently thinking post internships but that could easily change) Midnight holds a class detailing these punishments to everyone with demonstrations from Lady Nagant, at which point they are told they will be going under a simulation of these punishments in groups (I'm thinking 3-4 at a time, feel free to suggest who should be first), and that this will be repeated twice a year.

The first group of girls to be imprisoned are "randomly" chosen from the students in the class and one teacher at UA (actually decided by Izuku), while their "Correctional Officer" is the person in the class with the highest average results since they began at UA (Which is always Izuku since his tests are all rigged in his favor). The chosen girls are then stripped naked in front of the class and given a temporary tattoo rather than the brand, but it serves the same purpose and may not be covered up. For the duration of the sentence the teacher will be treated exactly the same as the girls.

Due to the girls still needing to attend class and not legally being villains the simulation has a few differences from an actual sentence, but it is designed to come as close as possible.

A special dormitory is made (This is before the UA dorms are specifically established for the record) to hold these prisoners. The girls must move in ASAP and from then on are under Izuku's authority. He is free to do whatever he wants to them, and can inspect any girls room for "contraband" to confiscate (Typically ends with him taking all of a girls underwear, which they can't buy more off since their accounts become frozen during their sentence).

The girls are dressed in the same prison uniforms as real inmates and are subjected to the same general rules, such as how they're allowed to 'shower', their bed being turned into an edging machine, etc.

Due to them not being actual villains the girls can't be put on free use to anyone outside of Izuku, so instead their correction hall is a large gathering of torture machines that they are put into at Izuku's digression. (Also sidenote, mentioned this in a comment but these Machines come from the punishments of support course girls, who are tasked with making and testing a machine to torture/humiliate themselves and Mei is a mega masochist who loves making these anyway.) Feel free to suggest machines the girls could be put in.

When they are going to class Izuku first inspects that the girls are wearing their proper uniforms - a school uniform similar to UA's normal one but underwear is banned and their "Brand" tattoo's must be fully visible, meaning some girls have to have their skirts fully rolled up, some need to keep their shirts open, etc. The girls are then collared and connected via chains where they are then lead to their classroom by Izuku. Once they get to the classroom the chains are disconnected and they go to where their chairs normally are, but instead UA have installed wooden horses for all of them to have to ride for the full class. Teachers undergoing a sentence cannot teach any classes and instead are placed on their own wooden horse in the corner of the room.

When the class has a practical lesson they cannot be out of Izuku's sight and so are lead into the male changing room where they strip naked and don't get any costume, instead having to do the class like that. They are then all blindfolded and tied to a wall facing away from the room so that Izuku's can change privately, and also have his way with them.

During the lessons themselves the girls are normally either made to try to complete near impossible challenges with harsh punishments after or serve as training dummies for their peers.

Their meals are similar to those in Tartarus, but rather than animal semen Izuku's is used, with a different flavor depending on how much good behavior an inmate has shown/

The inmates are also normally forbidden from orgasming during their sentence, as this is not meant to be enjoyed, and will be harshly punished if they do. Girls try there best but are constantly secretly fed aphrodisiacs in their meals and so can't help it, leading to very regular punishments for them. The only time a girl is permitted to cum is when Izuku gives her permission to do so, typically after having her complete an order or two of his.

The girls sentence lasts for a month, at the end of which a special ceremony is held. This ceremony is just a thinly veiled excuse to degrade all of the girls, forcing them to read humiliating speeches about how they're glad they could be corrected in their villainess ways, to being forced to play games degrading each other where the loser will be harshly punished in front of their entire class, all the while each girl worries about the fact that they will be forced into that position eventually.

Once the dorms come along this process changes. Rather than the previous dorms that were being used the girls are made to sleep in the punishment dorm and become free use for all of their non-sentenced classmates, not just limited to Izuku. By this time a lot of the girls will have begun to form grudges against one another and so happily use the excuse to torture their classmates, only to get tortured in return once their time to be sentenced has come.


Come down with an illness recently so I apologies if parts of this are incoherent, can't really look at my desktop screen for more than 10 mins at a time before my head starts killing me. So if you think I explained something poorly feel free to ask me to go into more detail since my phone isn't causing the same issues (And I refuse to write this chapter on my phone).

Again as always I'd love to hear any and all ideas that you have

Chapter 7: UA Curriculum, Explained


The more perverse lessons that take place at UA, alongside some of the perverted changes to normal ones


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Now that the main fic has officially made it into UA I figured there's no better time than the present to explain the curriculum. Keep in mind also that this is not an actual syllabus or whatever, and more so just a collection of ideas I have for different lessons across UA.

'Normal' Lessons

By normal lessons I'm referring to the standard stuff you would expect in any school (Math, Art, History, Etc.). Lessons that are not perverted in and of themselves but have perverse ideas added on, whether by lesson plans or added punishments. The contents of these classes will typically be normal aside from some notable exceptions where the class itself could act like a punishment - for instance two girls failing a subject could be made to participate in a strip trivia game about it.

The material in the classes could also be subtly altered as Izuku wants, for example in their literature classes they could learn about writings that depict male domination/female submission.

Other ideas that I had for punishment classes could be stuff like the pool water in a swim class be replaced with semen, a math class where the girls have to bet on statistical outcomes (With these bets being humiliating in nature obviously) just to name a few examples.

Honestly not too many ideas about stuff to do with these regular lessons, but if canon can just skip them and only show the Heroics lessons then I can do so too.

'Girls Only' Classes

The 'Girls Only' classes refer to a number of classes that the girls are told are separated by gender, when in reality Izuku will be secretly watching - and sometimes will be brought in to 'combine' them. The classes here are ones that would contain nude/sexual aspects for reasons other than punishments, such as Sex-Ed or 'Public Image' classes which are the two I will go in more detail on in a moment, but other classes could also be 'Girl Only'.

These classes also exist to give the girls a false sense of security and comfort, allowing the girls who have sided against Izuku a period of time 'away' from him. None of the girls are informed that Izuku is watching these classes, instead thinking he is doing his own 'Male Only' version of them.

Sexual Education

Rather than being regular lessons about how to practice safe sex or stuff, these sex-ed lessons instead are designed to teach the girls how to best pleasure a man. They begin by teaching female anatomy using a 'volunteer' among the students - with the 'volunteer' typically being the girl with the lowest score in the "Sexual Knowledge Exam", being either Momo or Shoko as both were raised with almost zero sexual exposure.

These volunteers later on will also be made to help with Izuku's "female anatomy" lessons. This is told to the girls early as a motivation for them to study hard and not be forced to act as an anatomy model for Izuku. What is not told to them is that Izuku is also altering their scores so that most - if not all - of them will end up a "volunteer" eventually.

Later lessons will go into teaching the girls sexual techniques. One such example is a lesson where the girls are presented with a 'dildo' protruding from a wall and they have to deepthroat as much of it as they can. What they aren't told is that the 'dildo' is just Izuku standing behind the wall (Which he can see through). The girls will then be punished based on how much they couldn't take.

These punishments will be in the form of being stripped of their uniform for the day. If a girl can take Izuku's entire cock she can stay fully dressed. If she can take most of it she loses her underwear. Only half and she's naked. Any less than that and she's given punishment accessories, such as a penis gag to help her get better at having cock in her mouth or clamps on her nipples and clit.

Public Image

The girls public image class is made to teach them about how to best present themselves and how to handle PR. Due to this it is split into two main sections, one designed around 'Personal Image' and one for 'Public Relations'.

The personal image classes are basically just an excuse for Izuku to have the girls conform to whatever beauty standards he wants. The first class they have will be one where each girl is given a full body wax to remove any body hair as it is required for their skin tight hero costumes. The girls will then be expected to keep this up themselves afterwards, and will be inspected in later lessons to ensure they do not slack off. Later lessons of this will involve other such standards being imposed, like making the girls sunbathe nude so that they do not have tan lines, training them how to walk properly in high heels, training them on how to properly apply their hero makeup, etc.

This is probably the most loosely defined lesson on the curriculum, since every lesson could change based solely on what Izuku wants the girls to do/look like.


The previous classes were all universal across UA, but Heroics is (as you can guess from the name), limited to just classes A and B.

There will be quite a few heroics lessons that are more or less the same, but most (if not all) will have sexual/humiliating punishments at the end for the losing students. For example, the Hero Vs Villain exercise that they do in their first lesson, I plan to have go as basically normal but each losing team must complete a forfeit. For the hero teams, they must go on 'Live TV', strip naked and apologize to the audience for failing to save everyone - with the 'Live Audience' being represented by Izuku. If the villain team loses however, they must instead conduct a similar apology, also fully nude, to their evil boss for failing to complete their mission - and of course the boss is represented by Izuku.

Miruko, the heroics teacher, explains that these punishments are so harsh despite being the first lesson as a way to acclimatize them all to the standards UA holds them to. She also explains that to balance out Izuku getting to watch all of the punishments if he is to lose he will have to do the same in front of them (Both she and him know that this could never happen). Some of the girls could even potentially try to up the ante knowing this and result in them humiliating themselves further as a result.

Another example lesson that could happen is one where the girls are being trained on how to negotiate involving hostages. In this lesson the villain (Izuku) has taken someone hostage (Current plan is for these hostages to be Miruko and another pro like Ryukyu) and the girls must each individually go in and convince him to let them go.

The hostages are trapped in a torture device that if the girl cannot convince Izuku to stop will activate as the girl is forced to watch as her failure results in the hostages being punished incredibly painfully.

The girls have two options upon entering the room. Option 1, they try to negotiate and come up with something they can give Izuku in exchange for the hostage. This could be something immediate like having sex right then and there, it could be something more long term like promising to send him a nude daily for the next month or two. Whatever it is it must be suggested by the girl, with Izuku only acting to make them offer more and more humiliating things before he either decides it's enough, at which point the girl must then fulfil her promise no matter what it was, or it's not enough and the torture begins with the girl being given her own punishment later.

The second option is that a girl may pretend to negotiate with Izuku, but then try to attack him when he isn't expecting it. On his person is a remote to control the torture device, should a girl retrieve it they have passed without needing to fulfil any commands. Should Izuku stop her however, she will be exchanged with the hostage and placed in the torture machine. It will then be activated for a time, before being turned off once more. At this point, either the girl was was previously the hostage or Miruko must now negotiate for the students release. They are allowed to offer anything of their own OR the students during this (I.e. she could offer both her own and the girls wardrobes to be fully inspected by Izuku and have anything he dislikes destroyed as an example.) This all happens while the girl is made to watch, helpless to refuse anything happening to her.

The hostage and Miruko will always come up with demands that are incredibly humiliating and demeaning, so all the girls who choose to attack end up much more humiliated than their classmates. Feel free to suggest possible outcomes for these, and also which of the girls would choose attack over negotiate (I already have some ideas like obviously Katsumi would attack, but feel free to suggest anything). Also for reference yes the girls are also allowed to suggest stuff on behalf of the hostages, but most won't do this and therefore suffer the brunt of the humiliation themselves.

Another possible idea I had was for the girls to end up in a simulation of the prisoners dilemma, where they are made to choose to betray or save their team mate. If both save they are both stripped naked. If both betray then they are stripped and will be given a public punishment for their lack of heroism. If only one betrays however then the "safe" one gets to stay clothed while the betrayed has her nudity extended and gets a harsh punishment.

Those of you familiar with the prisoners dilemma know how most of the outcomes would go, however I could see some girls like Ochako choosing to save anyway despite this due to her heroic nature, so feel free to suggest who else could join her in getting betrayed.

Support Course

The support course has a much larger focus on making "Punishment Gear" than supportive gear. This gear is used to detain and punish villains - but first it is all tested on the designer and other students as punishments. When a support student is being punished she is made to design and create a machine to humiliate/torture her and then demonstrate it before a panel of judges (Including her homeroom teacher, Izuku, and a few other members of staff). They will then decide if the machine is up to standard. If it is then the punishment is done, if it isn't she must make an ever worse machine to do it over again.

When the girls of other courses are being punished it's quite similar, but instead of it just being a punishment it's also a lesson for the support course. In this lesson they must demonstrate their machine on the girl being punished (If no girls are set for punishment then names are drawn at random and that teacher will be inserted in) and convince the 'judges' who have taken the role of a potential investor that their product is worth their money. (Think something like sharktank but all the inventions are made to punish/humiliate someone).

To go along with this the support girls have their own version of the "Public Image" classes where alongside everything else they're taught how to convince investors that their product is worth it - the techniques they're taught involve things like whoring themselves out to the investor and the idea that getting the money is more important than their dignity. This goes double while the girls are at UA since they can make offers such as "Invest and I'll throw away my underwear privileges for the next week" or the like, with offers getting more desperate and degrading as it goes on.

To further this support girls are required to buy their materials using their own UA money (with the prices being largely inflated as time goes on), and are competing for actual money to continue on building without going bankrupt or needing to take on degrading jobs to afford it.