my hero academia

Musutafu Hospital, July 15th 2245

Before this day if anyone had asked Midoriya Hisashi what the happiest moment in his life was, he would be likely to wave it off and give a generic answer of 'The day I married Inko', to a select group he may give a more honest answer of 'The day I managed to reclaim my brothers quirk' and now, looking down at the bundle of joy held in his arms, he knew that his answer would change to the moment he laid eyes upon his son. Throughout his 150 years of life he had been called many different names, from 'The King of the Underworld' to 'Sensei' to 'The Symbol of Evil', but at this moment he knew that he would never allow himself to be called a bad father. He began to plan on how to make Izuku's life a paradise where he never has to suffer a single day as long as his father is still around to help him.

Hisashi wasn't an idiot, it would be hard to do half the things he had managed to do if he was. He knew that as the male population kept declining and there was still yet to be a publicly known quirked male - Hisashi himself was smart enough to know that if any government had discovered his quirk back when it manifested he would never be free again - men were treated worse and worse with each passing generation. He decided that it would be worth it to use any and all of his resources he had gathered over the last century to do whatever it took to give his son a happy life. Install puppet governments in all of the worlds superpowers, call in favors with old associates to start lobbying new laws, whatever it would take to give his son paradise, he would do happily. Whatever it took.

Midoriya Residence, September 24th 2245

"I'm home!" Inko exclaimed, having just come back from visiting Mitsuki and her daughter, a five month old girl named Katsumi who had just entered her teething phase and seemed to be shaping up to be as big of a trouble maker as Mitsuki was in their youth.

"Inko, dear, could you take a seat? There's something I need to tell you." Hisashi began, having barely mustered the courage to finally confess his past and all his secrets to his wife. He had hoped to keep his personal and criminal lives separate, and had been successful until this point, but now with him beginning to use his underworld connections to craft a better life for his son he had no choice but for the two to collide, and it would get extremely messy if he couldn't smooth things out with Inko sooner rather than later.

"Is everything alright Hisashi? You sound more serious than norm-" before she could finish her sentence she was stunned into silence as Hisashi, not wanting to drag out the conversation longer than needed activated one of his stolen quirks, transforming his right arm into flames. "Hisashi what is-"

"I haven't been completely honest with you dear. I will answer any questions you have, but the bare basics of the story are as follows..."

Inko could scarcely believe what her husband was telling her. Sure, she had noticed that he healed from injuries unusually fast, and that he had to leave for company trips often, but she had never expected that the explanation for all of that was that she had unknowingly fallen in love with the boogeyman of the underworld, a name she had heard only one time before at a bar while she was overhearing some people talk about why the world have gone through so much effort to stop men from dying out

"All I'm shaying" the woman slurred, cradling another drink to her chest "ish that we've invented ways for two woman to procr- procrat- pr- have children, so why keep 'em? Evolushion clearly seems to be done with 'em" Her sober friend quickly cut her off, not trusting her to stop ranting anytime soon, and so instead tried to reason with her.

"C'mon now Kanna, you don't mean that. Men are people too, their lack of quirks doesn't make them any less deserving to live."

"I'm not shayin' we go round killing 'em Aiko, all I'm ashking is why go through the effort to keep 'em around when we could be in the shtars by now"

"I'm sure there's perfectly good r-"

"I heard a rumor once," interrupted their third friend, also holding a drink but no where near as drunk as the first women, "that there exists a single man out there who has hundreds of quirks, and that he will bring down any nation that decides men are a lost cause" the other two woman look at her, bewildered, before they begin to laugh at the insanity of the story.

Inko had been inclined to laugh as well, the idea of a man who lives in the shadows, secretly controlling world governments while hoarding hundreds of quirks had been absurd to her, and it remained that way right until her husband confessed to be that very man. "I- I need to go lie down for a moment"

"I understand dear, this is a lot of information that I'm asking you to digest, and I understand if you feel we can't cont-"

"Hisashi, my love, I could never hate you," she said, cutting him off before he could even begin to mention the possibility of them splitting. Even if she had been too shaken from the news and wanted a divorce, there was still the matter of their two month old son they had to raise, "I just need to rest, then we can talk more of what this means for us going forward"

"Thank you, that's more than I could have asked you fo-"

"But just so you know you're on diaper duty from now on for keeping me from the exciting part of your life."

"...Alright that's fair"

Chapter 2: Katsumi's Punishment


Thanks for all the support so far on the first chapter, I currently have up to chapter 5 'planned out' (read: bullet points in a txt doc) but no promises on how fast I can write the actual chapters themselves. Also now that I'm writing this there is a lot more plot than I expected so I might end up going full "Porn with Plot" instead of my original plan (I'll still have chapters that are pure porn later though)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Aldera, May 2249

Kaya Karasu couldn't believe how unlucky she had been recently. First, the MLA had made her take up a position as the principal of some random school in an effort to get some new recruits instead of letting her have a more direct role in their plans all because she was the only one nearby who had a teaching degree - far easier than forging one, they had told her - and as if that weren't enough she was stuck with a male in the school, one she couldn't just expel or else there would likely be an investigation done that she doesn't have the patience to deal with.

No, instead she simply decided to let the children deal with it themselves. They could be cruel by themselves, but throw in the principal telling them all how weak and useless all men are alongside the boys dream to be a hero of all things? He would be out of here by the end of the year is his mother even cared for him.

That Bakugo girl had taken to it like a duck to water, becoming the ring leader of all the others to make him realize the truth about himself - now that she though about it the girl might be a shoe-in for the MLA, best keep an eye on her.

She was bought out of her musings by the sound of her desk phone ringing. "Who is it?"

"I-It's Watanabe Ma'am, u-um..."

"Come out with it then, what are you bothering me for?" she spat out, patience running thin

"Midoriya Izuku's father is demanding a meeting with you ri-"

"What? His father?" she replied, shocked. Only about 0.5% of Japanese citizen's with a 'father' have met the man, let alone having an actual bond between them. She supposes that it's just her luck though, that that boy would bring more men alongside him. "Tell him to leave! I'm a busy woman I don't have time for him."

"I'm afraid I've tried that Ma'am," Watanabe responded nervously, "I tried to make him leave but he keeps refusing to go until he gets to talk to you."

'It's fine,' Karasu though to herself, 'the MLA has enough influence to cover this up, I'll just do the world a favor and get rid of him'

"Let him through, if he's so desperate to talk to me then I am happy to talk."

She waited a moment before her office doors opened, revealing a man in a three piece suit standing at 200 cm tall. He held a powerful air around him, and if Karasu didn't know any better she'd believe it to be related to his quirk, but that would be impossible for a man, so she held no fear.

"Can I help you, Midoriya-san?" she asked, preparing to grab the weapon she had hidden beneath her desk.

"You most certainly can, Madam Karasu," the man responded in a jovial tone. "You see, I'm here to talk about an apparent issue in regards to my son..."

He continued talking as she grabbed her gun from under the desk. Or, as she tried to. 'Where is it?' she though, frantic 'I'm certain I put it here, so wh-'

"You did leave it there yes, but I decided to make our meeting far more peaceful by getting rid of it." stated the man, with the same grin on his face as he had since he arrived

"'Getting rid of-' what do you mean you got rid of it ?!"

"I mean that I removed it from the room when I entered, now, can we keep this meeting to be about my son or are you going to make things... unpleasant?"

She was shocked, her luck could not be getting worse. A man of all things was trying to threaten her? She would not stand for this.

As she got out of her chair to restrain the man before her, she felt her whole body go stiff as the man slowly approached her.

"What a shame," he sighed "and here I was thinking we could do this all peacefully. Ah well, I'm certain someone with a teaching license owes me a favor and is free to come take over here. Now all that remains is how I should deal with you. Hmm, perhaps we can come to some kind of agreement after all." he said, writing down a series of instructions on a piece of paper. "I want you to go fulfill all of these for me, that should help make this all be worthwhile."

All she could do was nod, her body now out of her own control, only listening to the orders of that man. The last thing she registered was leaving the room, before her consciousness faded completely.

"Good grief," Hisashi exhaled, "and here I was hoping that a member of the MLA would be smarter than that. Oh well." He began rummaging through the principals desk, finding a copy of her plans to run Midoriya Izuku out of Aldera, paying particular close notice to the role of Katsumi Bakugo.

"Perhaps I should try to try and persuade Mitsuki into punishing her daughter more."

Later, it would be reported that a former member of the MLA had dropped off internal files to the police detailing high profile individuals the MLA had their grips on, allowing them to force the group back into hiding for the time being, but the woman herself was found in a river days later. It was ruled a homicide conducted by the remaining MLA members over the betrayal, with the truth becoming lost to history.

Midoriya Residence, July 15th 2249

In most households the excitement held around the child's 4th birthday is electrifying, with even the grouchiest uncles getting excited to see if the birthday girl will unlock her quirk. This is because 80% of young girls that were not born with their mutation, they awaken their quirk on their 4th birthday exactly, with 15% getting it up to a month earlier and only 5% showing up later, but never after their 5th. This excitement however was nowhere to be found in Izuku on this special day.

"Izuku, dearie, what's wrong? It's your birthday, shouldn't you be happy?" Inko was worried for her son, like she felt any good mother should be. He had come home from school one day covered in bruises that he claimed he got from playing heroes at school - both she and Hisashi knew he was lying, with Hisashi going to fix the issue at the school not too soon after, but by then the damage had been done and kids would still bully him, nor could they take him out of Aldera, with it being the only school near them that accepted boys in the first place and with all the staff being under Hisashi's influence allowing them to make sure Izuku is never physically harmed.

Then, with his birthday coming up he hadn't shown the excitedness or nervousness other kids would show, instead he seemed saddened by it.

"Mom," he began, in the weakest voice Inko had ever heard him speak with, "is it true that I'll never get a quirk? That I can't be a hero and save people, all because I'm a boy?"

'Of course that was the issue,' Inko thought to herself, annoyed that she somehow hadn't considered that the other kids hadn't told him that to crush his dreams.

"Of course you can be a hero Izuku," Hisashi said, having caught the conversation as he returned from his 'job' "there's nothing I don't think you could do if you put your mind to it."

"But how?" Izuku asked him, crying, "Ka-Kacchan told me that a strong quirk is what makes a hero, and that-that I'm just a we-weak and useless boy who won't have one so I c-"

Izuku's rambling's were cut off by Hisashi turning his arm into flames, stunning Izuku. "This is how you can be one." he said to him, smile beaming as he looked down at his son. "My quirk allows me to give and take quirks as I want. This power will one day be yours my son."

Hisashi went on to explain to Izuku how his young body is not yet ready to handle All for One itself, and so Hisashi would give his son a singular quirk on each birthday to acclimate his body to handle the over time before finally giving it to him on his 13th birthday, giving him 5 years to get used to it before UA begins - because Hisashi has no doubts that he'll make it in to UA with his determination combined with All for One. He also made sure to stress how important it was to not let anyone know about this before the time was right. Izuku was saddened by this, understandably having wanted to show off at school like all the girls got to do when they turned 4, but he understood that it was serious.

"Now then for your first quirk, something passive that's easily hidden would be for the best. Hmm, let me think." Hisashi said while putting on a stereotypical thinking face and sticking his tongue out much to Izuku's amusement "Aha! I picked up a Super Regeneration quirk not too long ago, that will certainly be helpful for out little hero here, won't it Inko".

After this, the energy of the night became far more electric with Izuku ecstatic from the news he would be able to get a quirk after all, even if it was not his to begin with, began bouncing all over the house from joy as Inko and Hisashi follow after him, laughing all the while.

Aldera September 2255

6 years later life was still going good for Izuku. His parents were still fully supportive of him becoming a hero, even after some of their neighbors had gotten wind of his dreams and tried to 'politely' convince them that it would be 'far too dangerous for a boy such as him', his mother was quick to come to his defense on that matter.

Aldera had also largely improved since the incidents during the first month and a half of school. Ever since the new principal came in she tried her hardest to shut down all of the quirkist and misandrist bullying Karasu had festered in the school. Unfortunately, the children had already learnt that by taking their frustrations out on Midoriya, they would be praised - so when the praise stopped, they started going harder to get it back.

Fortunately for him, the new principal had no hesitation in punishing those students until most finally understood that their actions were wrong. This meant that most of Izuku's peers were now on neutral ground with him, having stopped harassing him, with even some having directly apologized.

This is not to say that his life was now perfect, or that everyone at Aldera now treated him kindly. There was still a decent portion of the students at Aldera that still bullied him whenever they could get away with it, all of which is typically spearheaded by a single girl. One who he was about to have a run in with if the ringing from his latest quirk is any indication 'This is why i keep telling dad I need to train Danger Sense, it's too late to have noticed her now'

"Oi, Deku!" calls out an angry voice from the side, just as he exits out of Aldera's gates.

"H-hey, Kacchan." Logically he knew that with all of the quirks he has now he could easily beat her in a fight, but that didn't help his emotional response upon seeing the girl whose been the main cause of his suffering for the last 6 years. None of that was to say that Izuku did not want her to be his friend again, he truly did. It was after all the reason he still called her Kacchan after all these years.

"What the fuck did I tell you about calling me that name you shitty Deku!" she walked towards him, threateningly. "Perhaps I'll just have to beat it into that weak, useless skull of yours ho-"

"Katsumi Bakugo!" yelled out an enraged voice, all of the girls posse fled at the sound of the voice, leaving them the only two there.

"O-Old Hag? W-What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same of you!" she retorted, angrily, tugging on her ear. "I get off work a bit late and decide to come pick you up myself and what do I find? You, bullying Izuku again. How long have you been doing this Katsumi, you promised me you would stop years ago." Her voice became softer as she turned to face Izuku "Izu, dear, how long has this little brat been treating you like this?"

Izuku could feel the glare the girl was giving him, threatening him should he tell the truth to her mother. However, Izuku had long since gotten used to the girls glare, and didn't believe that even she was hot headed enough to do something now that her mother will undoubtably keep a closer eye on her. "She never stopped, Auntie."

"Oh you poor thing," she said, pulling him into a hug "I'm so sorry I didn't stop her earlier, now, why don't you take a seat while I go call Inko about all of this, okay?"

A couple minutes later, once she finished her phone call with Inko, Mitsuki walked back over to the two 10 year old's. "Okay, the two of you are coming back with me, if that's okay with you Izu?"

Izuku was confused why she had asked him to come to her house, but he still trusted her enough to be fine with it, especially with his mother knowing about it.

Bakugo Residence

"Now, Izuku, come and take a seat over here while I go and fetch something from the other room. As for you, brat, you'd better stay where you are and stay quiet if you know what's good for you."

With that threat left hanging Mitsuki left the living room she had brought them to, leaving Izuku to let his mind wander as to what was going to happen. Thankfully, Katsumi didn't seem eager to test her mother's threat and so stayed quiet until she returned.

"It's good to see that you can follow some of the things I tell you." she remarked upon seeing Katsumi standing exactly where she had been when she left. Izuku craned his neck to try and see what she had gone to get, 'A hairbrush?' he though, confused why she had gone to get it.

Katsumi, on the other hand, very much understood what was about to happen.

"Wait, please, mom, we don't have to do this!" she said, frantically. Izuku startled at this 'When was the last time I heard Kacchan call Auntie 'mom' instead of 'Old Hag'' "Especially not while Deku's he-"

"And here I was thinking we were finally making progress with you," she sighed, disappointedly "very well, if you want to be difficult it will be your problem soon. Now Izu, just sit back and watch okay, I just want to show you what happens to little brats who decide to spend their time bullying people. Now, Katsumi, take that off." She said, snapping her fingers at the girl.

Izuku still didn't understand what was gong on, so he turned to look at the girl to see if she knew what was going on, only for a massive blush to creep up his face once he finally understood what she had meant by 'that'.

After hearing her mothers command the girl, while very pointedly looking in the opposite direction from Izuku, had began to unbutton her shirt with shaking hands. Slowly she made her way down until she opened the last button, at which point she dropped the shirt to the floor, moving an arm to cover her training bra from Izuku's eyes while the other got to work on her skirts zipper, until that too fell, joining her shirt on the floor around her leaving her standing there fruitlessly trying to hide her underwear from Izuku's line of sight.

"Stop covering up," Mitsuki barked at her, causing the girl to drop her arms in fear, giving Izuku a full view of her white bra and panties "also brat, i don't remember telling you to stop, Keep going."

Both Izuku and Katsumi were stunned into silence as the words registered in their heads, before Katsumi came to her senses and yelled "What do you mean 'keep going'? I'm not going to go naked in front of Deku!" she only registered how bad of an idea it was to say that once she had already said it.

"Katsumi Bakugo! Remove them now or I will get up and rip them off you and make your punishment one hundred times worse than it already is for all of this!"

Katsumi, on the verge of tears, lifted her hands to her bra, before removing the garment in one move, letting Izuku get a full view of her barely developed chest before she put her hands into the waist of her panties, quickly pulling them down before covering herself again from his view. Izuku, for reasons he did not yet understand, starting to get a 'funny feeling' while watching her humiliation.

"What did I say about covering up brat? Whatever, now that your finally done with that, over my lap," she demanded, patting her lap for emphasis. "Now"

Katsumi did as she asked, giving Izuku an unobstructed view of her ass in the process as she lay down.

"Now, Izuku, I'd imagine you don't know exactly what's happening here so let me explain. What I'm about to give this brat here is called a spanking, the only type of punishment brats like her will respond to. And this brat in particular is about to receive 30 of them from me."

"Thirty!?" Katsumi yelped from her lap, about to cause a ruckus before having her ass slapped by Mitsuki's hand.

"Yes thirty, you brat! 20 for lying to me and continuing your bullying of Izuku, 5 for continuing to call him 'Deku' and 5 more for trying to cover up before! And no, that one doesn't count. Now, for each one of these I want you to count it and then say 'I'm sorry Izuku!', do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am" she replied softly, afraid to anger her mother further.

"Good, now then let's start" Slap

"Ooowwww," she cried out, "one, I'm sorry Izuku" Slap "Two, I'm sorry Izuku." Slap

Izuku watched the sight before him, transfixed at the sight of Katsumi - the girl who had been a constant source of pain ever since they were four - laid bare before her, the Slaps of the hairbrush against her ass sounding throughout the house as the girl was made to repeat over and over how she was sorry to him. Slap Slap Slap it continued, with Katsumi having long since burst into tears, her apologies now more babbling messes than words. He could still scarcely believe this was happening, nor could he understand what he was feeling in that moment, only that he knew he was enjoying watching the girl suffer at her mothers hands.

Slap "Nin-nineteen, I'm sorry Izuukuuu" she cried, tears falling all over her face. Seeing her daughters distress doesn't cause Mitsuki to stop however, if anything she begins to go harder for the last third, determined to truly teach her a lesson.

Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap all come in rapid succession, each consecutive hit making Katsumi's buttocks redder than the last and her voice hoarser each time she apologizes "Twen-twenty five, I'm sorry Izukuu".

Mitsuki pauses for a moment, gearing up to make her daughter experience hell for the last 5 hits. SlapSlapSlapSlap she delivers 4 in quick succession, barely giving Katsumi time to speak in between before she winds back for the final one.

Smack! "Oooowwwwwwww, th-thi-thirty! I'm so sorry Izukuuuuuu!" she manages to get out, before her body collapses onto the couch Mitsuki was sitting on, relieved that her punishment would finally be over. Or so she thought.

"Now that the first part of that is done," Mitsuki began, causing Izuku to tilt his head in confusion, and her daughter to look up at her in horror, "Go stand in the corner so Izuku can see just what happens when you misbehave. And don't even think about covering yourself"

Reluctantly, Katsumi pulled herself up and waddled over to the corner, not able to walk properly from the pain, before she stood, legs apart and hands behind her head to avoid re-angering her mother.

"Now, Izuku dear, why don't you go take a good look at my brat of a daughter." she said, encouraging him.

Izuku, who previously was conflicted about whether or not he should, found himself emboldened by this encouragement and walked over to the girl. He took in her young figure first, before he decided to take a good look at the results of the spanking. Katsumi's ass, formerly the same flawless white as the rest of her skin, was now a deep red, with some area's begging to go purple from the bruising. He knew just by looking at it that the girl would not be sitting comfortably for quite some time, with the thought of her coming into class the next day wincing in pain as she took her seat while waving off the questions from the 'extras' around her while only he knew the truth stirring the same feeling from before inside of him.

"Now, dear, if Katsumi decides to start acting up again, you come tell me alright? I'm willing to do this how ever many times this brat here needs me to before she learns how to treat people with respect"

Izuku could only nod, content with knowing that either Katsumi would stop bullying him daily, or he'd get to enjoy this sight once more.