
The day after the incident with Katsumi Izuku was feeling great, for the first time since he was four he no longer had to worry about getting cornered by his bullies while walking through the school grounds. There was still the occasional mean comment made just in earshot of him, talking about how "worthless" he is or how he should "just stop trying to be a hero already", but no one seemed to want to come up to him and say these in person.

'Kacchan probably warned them against it' he though to himself upon entering the building, 'she's probably paranoid over getting punished again'. Just as his mind began to wander back to what he had witnessed yesterday he heard a voice call out to him just as he turned a corner to an empty hallway.

"Hey, I-Izuku, could you come here a second?" called out Katsumi, looking at the floor with a red face. Izuku instinctively began to back way before he decided that there was nothing to lose from talking to her.

"Kacchan? What is it?" he asked, taking in her nervous expression while noticing her hands holding something behind her back.

"Ju-just hold out your hands and close your eyes, alright De-Izuku?" she asked, correcting herself at the last minute. Izuku, deciding that he didn't have much to fear from her anymore, did as she asked.

'why'd she doing all of this?' he mentally asked as the girl placed the objects in his hands.

"Yo-you can look now..." she murmured.

The boy looked at what she had placed in his hands, a blush spreading over his face as he processed what it was 'A girls underwear?' he questioned as he took at good look at the bra and panties she placed in his hand, 'Wait, why is Kacchan giving these to m...' his thoughts were cut off as he looked up at the girl, barely able to process what he was seeing.

"The Ol- uh I mean - My mom told me to give those to you 'To help remind him of what happened yesterday'," the girl explained, but Izuku almost didn't hear it, his mind busy watching the girl as she opened her shirt and lifted up her skirt, revealing to the boy that she was not wearing any underwear beneath it, "and also to serve as the final part of my punishment." she clarified standing in front of him with all of her most private area's exposed, knowing that anyone could walk into the secluded hallway the two were in and catch a glimpse of her budding chest and hairless slit. Izuku on the other hand had no such worries, happy to just watch and take in the girls body, taking note of her still bruised ass from yesterday. "Okay, it's been long enough!" she snapped, fixing her clothes. "All mom said was that I had to show you, so don't you dare go round telling people about this!"

Izuku couldn't take the threat seriously with him currently holding the girls underwear, but agreed none the less. That didn't stop him from sending knowing glances to the girl throughout the day as he watched her struggle to sit comfortably and keep her skirt down, all the while enjoying watching her squirm. And if it lead to him making some less than age appropriate searches on his computer that evening, that was between him and the screen.

UA University, Principal's Office

Hisashi Midoriya is a man who has lived a life far longer than any other, and in that long life he had learnt many things. The main one being that if you want to advance in life, you need connections, and so connections he made. Connections that allowed him places and meeting's others could only dream of, leading to today.

"Ah, Hisashi, Kaina my old friends, to what do i owe the sudden visit." said Nezumi, the principal of UA, watching the two exit through one of the man's teleportation portals. He had first met her 30 years ago when he stumbled across a Public Safety Commission laboratory where the girl was being kept as they studied her dual Mutation/Hyper Intellect quirk before he helped set her free, and since then they've been working together in the background of society to help mold it to suit them. The other woman with him as he entered the office was Tsutsumi Kaina, formerly the pro hero Lady Nagant, and the current head of the HPSC. They first met when the old head discovered his existence and ordered him to be eliminated, sending Nagant to do the job. Hisashi used this to help Kaina break free from the commissions chains, with both Hisashi and Nezumi helping to set her up as the new chairwoman.

"Good evening to you too, Nezumi," Hisashi responded, pulling up a chair for himself and Kaina, "we're here to discuss a potential change to UA's normal operations."

"A change you say?" said the principal, her ears perking up.

"Yes," Kaina replied, "Now, do you want to hear the official, or the unofficial reasoning behind them?"

Nezumi chucked, "Very well, let's get the boring one done first, what is your 'official' reason for this?"

"We at the Hero Public Safety Commission have noticed a concerning trend in recently graduated heroines," she began, "wherein they lack the discipline and mental fortitude required for the role that they now hold. For this reason we are proposing a series of rule changes for Hero Universities. The plan is to slowly roll them out over the next few years, starting with a test in UA due to it's high levels of existing autonomy with the system, if it proves effective, being completely implemented 8 years from now with limited versions being applied to other schools."

"I see, tell me more about these 'rule changes' you have planned."

"Of course," replied Hisashi, pulling a document out of his suit "all the proposed rules and new punishments are in here. However, I am obliged to first tell you that they are a touch more, how do you say... eccentric than normal" he said as he handed the document to Nezumi.

They both watch as the woman flicks through the pages, her eyes beginning to glow with a mad glee as she read over the document before she reached the end and begins to cackle maniacally, "I think we can work out an agreement for this" she said before beginning to cackle once more. Most people would run in fear upon hearing Nezumi's manic laugh, but to Kaina and Hisashi it was the sound of their success.

"You don't even want to hear the unofficial reasoning?" Hisashi questioned, grinning himself, already having predicted her answer.

"It's quite easy to figure it out," the principal replied, "I don't think it's a coincidence that all of these rules and punishments specify 'A female student', there are specifics for how any potential male students are to be treated and it just so happens that the first year of these rules being mandatory would be the year he starts at UA. I am curious though, what brought this on? Why modify UA to be so much more sexualized?"

"Well it's not as if the downwards trend of modern heroines is a lie," Kaina informed, pulling out a second document filled with statistics, "over time, the average heroine is performing worse than the previous generation did with the same amount of experience, so truthfully this is also an attempt to fix that."

"However," Hisashi interrupted, "that issue is not as major as people may believe. Even with a total decline in heroine usefulness I will still be here for a lot longer yet while getting stronger as time goes on, so truthfully there's no large threat the new generations will have to solve on their own, so even if this has a negative affect upon performance it is not outside of our power to hide it and market it as a success."

"I understood as much," said Nezumi, sipping on her tea, "the question I'm asking is why this? I know neither of you are attracted to the students here, so what's the interest?"

"Well you see, my son was involved with an incident yesterday with a girl that bullied him throughout his school years, and her getting punished in a rather humiliating way by her mother with him watching" Hisashi explained "and lets just say that he's not the best at hiding his search history..." he said, remembering how he stumbled across it the night before.

"Ah, that explains it, it's all part of your son's life of paradise you're making for him," she chuckled "yes yes, I think we can implement all of these rules and punishments quite nicely, and you can apply that quirk to the premises as soon as possible."

"One second, miss Principal," Kaina interrupted "I can't help but notice you didn't even question or acknowledge one of the sections of the document."

"Ah, the 'Rules and Punishments for Female Staff', don't worry Kaina I read that section thoroughly." the principal said, her grin returning.

"But why-" started Kaina, before being interrupted as Hisashi leaned over to whisper,

"She's a massive masochist, maybe even more so than she is a sadist, she's probably relishing the chance to be punished and humiliated by one of her students."

With Kaina's question answered the three sat down to work out how the implementation of these rules should go. Eventually they agreed upon them being decided by Nezumi to use on particularly troublesome students, with the principal throwing the name 'Usagiyama' around, intending on having her be their first test subject. As the meeting drew to a close, Hisashi got up to prepare to use one of his quirks.

Over the years he had acquired hundreds of quirks that had a wide range of abilities, and the one he was going to use was no exception. The quirk worked by selecting a physical area, in this case being UA university, and within that area the user can designate an emotion that a selected group can never get used to, and will be amplified by certain actions. In this case the group is all females, said emotion was 'Humiliation', and it will be forcibly amplified when being punished. With this quirk even a woman who was totally confident in her body and would feel no shame while being nude i public would be totally humiliated while wearing even her underwear within UA, allowing punishments to remain effective no matter how many times they are applied.

Musutafu Streets

Later that day Izuku was walking home from school, his hand firmly in his pocket containing Katsumi's underwear, mind racing remembering how she spent the entire day squirming. If he didn't have the two pieces of fabric in his pocket right now he likely wouldn't have even believed it had happened. 'I really need to thank Auntie next I see her' he thought.

He was brought out of his musings when he heard a trash can fall over in an alley next to him. Being as inquisitive as he was he decided to check it out to see if it was anything interesting, only to be shocked by what he found.

As he turned the corner he found a blonde girl, looking to be the same age as him, drinking the blood of a dead rat. As he approached she turned, startled by the sound of his footsteps.

"Please," she cried, crazed with unfocused eyes "please let me have some of your blood!"


For anyone wondering Nezumi is a human girl with a Mutation quirk that gives her traits of an unidentified mammal and has the intelligence boost of High Specs if I didn't make that fully clear during the meeting. Also does anyone want me to start adding titles to these chapters? Because I suck at that but if anyone wants it to be able to find specific scene's later on I could probably come up with some.

Alsoalso I made a fic for Omakes, I recommend you check it out, they're likely to be about 90% kink stuff and contain some sneak peaks for later chapters

Chapter 4: A new pet(?)


I keep sitting down to write these only for my ADHD to kick in and instead make me plan stuff for well later, so now I've got plans going as far as the Training Camp arc so hopefully I get there eventually and future chapters don't fight me as hard as this one did

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Musutafu Streets

"Please," cried out the blonde girl, crazed with unfocused eyes "please let me have some of your blood!" She jumped out of her seated position and ran up to Izuku, moving as if to grab him before stopping herself halfway.

The boy was stunned at the sight. Before him stood a blonde girl his age wearing what could only be described as the tattered rags of something that was once a school uniform, caked in dirt and dried blood. His base instincts were screaming at him to get away from the girl before he was injured, but he did not move. The girls eye's were not those of a predator, instead they gave away her own fear at her actions, as if her body was being controlled by her quirk more than her own mind.

"It's okay," he whispered to her, bringing her into a hug "your quirk needs it right? That's why you were drinking from that dead rat? You can have mine instead." His instincts kept screaming at him to run, but he could see that this girl needed help, and he refused to falter i his first chance to help someone.

The girl said nothing in response to him, instead she brought her mouth down to his neck and began to drink with tears streaking down her face. Izuku was content to let her drink as much as she needs, knowing that his regeneration quirk will stop him from suffering any blood loss symptoms. 'I should probably start trying to come up with a reason why I'm not woozy'

Before he managed to come up with a good excuse the girl dislodged herself from his neck, before immediately bringing him into an even tighter hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Tha-"

"Y-you don't have to thank me," he cut her off, nervous over all the affection she was suddenly showering him with. "My name's Midoriya Izuku, what's yours?"

"Himiko! Say, Izu-kun, can I come with you? I promise to behave."

"Uh, okay?" he answered, unsure by what the girl meant by that, but before he could ask her to clarify he heard a voice call out.

"Izuku? What are you doing here?" The boy turned around to see his dad standing at the entrance of the alley. Once he and Himiko explained to him what happened he agreed to take the young girl in for the night before deciding what happens next.

Midoriya Residence

The next morning Himiko explained to Hisashi and Inko the reason she was out on the streets all alone, telling the two the story of how her parents starved her of the blood her body requires to stay sane, and how they decided that she wasn't worth raising so they kicked her out, up until her meeting with Izuku and her promise to behave if he let her stay with him.

The two adults were furious over the Toga's treatment of their daughter to say the least, and so Inko assured the girl that she could stay with them permanently while Hisashi went into another room to plan on making them 'disappear'. After that he began thinking on the girls words, and decided it was time to let his son become a little more independent while also giving the two of them their own space.

"Hey, Izuku, could you come here a moment? There's something I need to show you." As Izuku followed him he led them to a locked door near the back of their house.

"Wait dad why are we going into a - woah." Izuku could not believe his eyes as his father opened up the door to reveal a high class residence on the other side.

"This is a house that I originally used as a safe room," he explained as the two walked in "of course, now that there aren't any major threats to us it's been sitting here collecting dust. As such, now that Himiko will also be living with us I feel it will be much better used as a way to give you some more independence, but that can wait for later. For now just think of this as your own room, but larger, and with a kitchen, and a living room, and a- anyway you get the idea."

Hisashi proceeded to take Izuku on a tour of his new home, showing him where all the rooms were located and answering any questions he had. What he didn't mention was that as they were doing the tour he set up the same 'Emotional Regulation Field' around the house that he did at UA, nor it's side effect that gave people not of the select group the desire to inflict that emotion upon those in it 'With how Himiko was talking and looking at him it'll be quite appreciated' he thought, deciding to explain it to his son once he was older.

Meanwhile, Inko and Himiko had finished discussing the girls history and instead were focusing on her future. Their current plan was for Hisashi to 'make something happen' to the Toga's so that they can go in and retrieve her belongings before they enroll her at Aldera alongside Izuku. Said girl was ecstatic that she would now be going to school with the boy she had very quickly fallen in love with. Once Izuku and Hisashi got back from their tour of Izuku's new home Inko took her husband to the side for a quick discussion.

"Do you think we should tell her since she'll be living with us? About you and Izuku having quirks?"

"I'll take care of that, don't worry." the man responded, preparing a quirk that would prevent a person it is used on to speak of a designated 'secret', unfortunately he often finds little use for this quirk as it is very limited in how much information can be contained within a select 'secret' and can be overcome by someone with enough will to do so, but for this situation it would work. The two then went back to the children and began to explain it all to the girl.

"So you mean I can drink as much of Izu-kun's blood as I want?!"

The man chuckled, "Yes, Himiko. There is no risk of you drinking him dry." As soon as he finished talking the girl jumped onto the boy and latched onto his neck, continuing to drink to her hearts content drawing another laugh from the adults in the room.

Once Himiko had had her fill of the boys blood they decided to set her up with a proper room in Izuku's new house as they moved all of his stuff in. And later that night as far as anyone was concerned the Toga family got on a cruise ship to America only for it to sink somewhere in the pacific where there bodies could never be recovered, all while Hisashi slipped in to retrieve all of their daughters belongings.

Izuku's House

Later that evening Izuku and Himiko were sitting on a couch watching a cartoon as a question from before came back to the boys mind.

"Hey Himiko? I meant to ask this earlier but dad interrupted me, what did you mean by 'I promise to behave'?"

"I thought it was pretty obvious, I promise to be have and do anything you say in exchange for your blood!"

"Anything?" the boy asked, fantasies already filling his hormonal mind. In response the girl nodded enthusiastically, happy to do anything her beloved wants of her. Izuku, thinking back to the previous school day knew exactly what he wanted from her. "If you'll do anything for me then," the boy gulped nervously "take off your underwear, right now, and give it to me."

The girl blushed not expecting Izuku to give her such a bold request, but just as Izuku thought that he should take it back and beg for forgiveness the girl lowered her hands beneath her skirt and lowered her panties before stepping out of them and presenting them to her love with a strange mix of embarrassment and excitement. "H-here you go, s-sir."

Izuku wordlessly took the fabric from her hands as his mind processed that Himiko was in fact willing to do anything he asked. Fueled by this new found authority alongside the perversion of the last few days he decided to continue onwards. "While you're in this house, following my orders obediently, you are a pet and nothing more, understood?" The girl mindlessly nodded, sinking to her knee's "Firstly we'll need to set up some rules for you. Number 1, pets don't wear any underwear, so neither can you while in this house. Number 2, you may wear panties when leaving the house, but only after I have inspected and allowed them. Number 3, you must never lock any doors in this house, as your owner you have no right to privacy from me. Number 4, to help you behave properly I'll give you a weekly maintenance spanking. Finally, I can add to this list whenever I want."

The girl could only nod along, enamored with his dominance over her and the feeling of humiliation that flooded her body at how he was going to treat her.

"There is one more thing I want from you today pet," the boy began, before beginning to describe a fantasy of his to the girl, "When you start at Aldera on Monday I want you to take certain pictures of all of the girls. Not normal ones, but exposing ones, like up skirts or shots of the changing room just before or after gym class." Again the girl only nodded, feeling herself get drawn into the depravity.

Just as the two finished up there was a knock on the connecting door between their new and old houses.

"Izuku, you have a visitor." called out Inko as the boy walked over to the door, opening it to reveal Mitsuki carrying two bags with her.

"Hey, kid. Could we - uh, talk alone for a bit?" she asked eyes flickering over to Himiko, who quickly moved to her room to give the two some privacy. Izuku closed the door behind the woman as she entered. Just as he was about to ask the woman why she was here she set down the bags and got into a deep bow.

"I wanted to come and apologize to you."


Went back through the last three chapters and gave them some titles - I'll probably have one for every chapter going forward just incase anyone wants to jump around to a specific scene. Also I'd recommend checking out the first chapter of the Omake fic before the next one because it gives some context for events, isn't necessary to make sense though otherwise I'd have put it in the main fic

Chapter 5: Mitsuki's Apology


My brain's become hyper focused on an idea for a different fic now so updates may start slowing down but I have no intentions on dropping this one any time soon

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku's House

The woman got into a deep bow "I wanted to come and apologize to you."

"Apologize? What for?" The boy questioned while shooting a confused look at the two bags Mitsuki had come in with.

"For what Katsumi has done to you," she explained, getting on her knees "she mocked and belittled you for 6 years, and I did nothing to stop her."

"It's okay Auntie, I don't blame you for-"

"You should! It's a mothers duty to teach her child right from wrong, and clearly I've failed to do that. Now, what did Katsumi tell you at school?"

Izuku felt his face blush as he thought back on that moment. "She told me that she was to give me her underwear as her final punishment."

"Of course she only told you the bare minimum," she sighed before walking over to the couch, gesturing for Izuku to take a seat too "allow me to explain it all in more detail for you then, please open this." She handed him one of the two bags she had come in with. The boy took a look inside and felt a jolt of excitement go through his body 'These are...'

"That is every piece of underwear Katsumi used to own, I'm giving them to you as part of the apology. They are now yours to do as you wish."

"Wait! Every?" Izuku exclaimed in shock "Then that means that..."

"Yes, it means that she no longer has any of her own. Well, it means that she has none that I know off, but I made her well aware that she shouldn't try to keep any without me knowing." Ne thoughts and fantasies raced through the young boys head. He had thought that day had been a one off occasion, that his long time bully would go back to normal the next day of classes, but here was the girls mother giving him all of her own daughters bras and panties. He continued to enjoy knowing that Katsumi will be acting so humiliated for a long time before a question crossed his mind.

"Hey Auntie, if this bag has all of Kacchan's underwear, then what's in the second one?"

The older woman gulped, looking down nervously at the ground before she stood up and offered him the second bag. As Izuku opened it up he realizes what it contains, and as he looks up to confirm this she begins to explain.

"The second bag contains all of my underwear, which just like my daughters you are free to do with as you wish. As I said earlier Izuku, you should blame me just as much as my brat for what she did to you, maybe even more so." As she spoke the woman unbuttoned her blouse, revealing her bare tits to the boy. "And it's for that reason that I deserve the same punishment as her, so please Izuku. Punish me!" She emphasized her begging by lifting her short skirt, showing off her clean shaven pussy.

Izuku was almost feeling overwhelmed by the events of today. First he gets himself a new 'pet' that he can command however he wants, then the mother of his long time bully comes to his house, strips naked, and then begs to be punished by him. He was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth however, and as he spotted a familiar hairbrush in one of the bags he had a fairly good idea where this was all going.

"We're going to do this differently than Katsumi's though," the woman said, spreading her legs over the couch "instead of painting my ass red like I did to the brat, you're going to be hitting me here." Izuku's eyes were dragged down to her vagina, where Mitsuki was presenting herself for the boy, spreading her labia.

Izuku wasted no time and happily began to bring the hairbrush down on her most intimate parts with no restraint. "Ow fuck- One! Thank you Sir!" she shrieked. Izuku decided he liked the sound of that, and ordered her to keep calling him that as she counted. Unlike Katsumi, she was not given a number that she would be counting too leaving her in constant suspense for when it will finally be over.

Tears began to well up in Mitsuki's eyes as Izuku showed no remorse in her punishment, simply allowing himself to enjoy the woman's cries as she counted towards an end that she does not know. "God- Eleven! Thank you Sir!" she wailed as he carried on. The woman was convinced she cry herself hoarse before he even slowed down as they kept coming in rapid succession, but the boy seemed to stop by the twenty-fifth hit.

The boy was not done however, as he turned his sights higher towards the woman's tits and began to beat them too. The woman's wails returned as the boy delivered ten strong hits towards each of her breasts, before finally he put down the hairbrush and slapped Mitsuki on the face.

"Thir-Thirty six. Thank you Sir."

"Get on the ground, it's time to discuss what's happening going forwards." Izuku didn't fully know what had possessed him giving him so much confidence to speak to the woman like he is but he was certainly enjoying it all so he would refrain from questioning it for now.

Mitsuki did as asked and got on her knees bellow Izuku as he sat on the couch. "Tell me, is this-" he gestures towards the two bags "the last part of the punishment, or is there more to it?"

"Those bags contain every piece of underwear that me and my daughter used to own, and now all of it's contents are yours to use as you wish. Destroy them, display them, use them for your pleasure, whatever you want. Of course, that's just our currently owned underwear, and so going forward neither myself nor Katsumi will be buying any underwear unless you say so. Additionally, we are both forbidden from wearing anything but skirts so that we are both at risk of exposure - otherwise the punishment would not be as effective, with my rules being more specific and not allowing any of my own skirts to reach bellow mid thigh."

Izuku felt his enjoyment of the situation continue to grow even further as she explained all of the rules, before deciding to add his own. "Here's what's going to happen now. I will allow you and Katsumi the opportunity, once every three months, to buy a single pair of panties. Each time you go to buy them you will send me a picture of five options for me to chose for you or Katsumi to buy, at which point I will select one and you will then get them and send me a video of you or Katsumi standing in nothing but those panties doing a twirl to show them off to me. However, if I do not like any of the five options I am presented with, you will not buy any and will have to try again in 3 months time. Additionally, if I do not like how they look in the video they must be given to me, so make sure you both do your best to show them off properly, understood?"

"Yes Sir, than you for being benevolent enough to allow us to regain the privilege to wear panties."

"Good, now bra's will have the same rules applied to them, but you only get a chance once every 6 months, and Katsumi will get her first chance for one when she turns 15. Now, pick a number between 0 and 3."

"Two, Sir"

"Excellent, Katsumi's punishments will last for the next 8 years, 6 for the length of time she bullied me, and your selected 2 years for he lying about it to you. For you however, the punishment shall only end when I think it should." He thought for a moment, "Also during the course of your punishments I may demand to inspect you or Katsumi at any time I want to ensure you are following these rules."

"Understood Sir, thank you again." The woman looked up from her spot at the ground and noticed that the boy had gained a very prominent erection beneath his pants. "Do you... want me to help with that, Sir? I imagine it's my fault, so I should take responsibility, I've heard it can get painful if a man is left like this." At the sign of the boys nod she freed his erection and took it into her mouth.

Izuku couldn't believe the sensation he was feeling. He thought that seeing all of these girls debased and humiliated was the height of pleasure, but now with the older woman's lips wrapped around his cock he wasn't so sure. Idly he thought to himself that having a girl blow him while she's in pain and humiliated might feel even better than either separately did, but for now he had more pressing matters.

As Mitsuki moved up and down Izuku's penis it didn't take long for the young boy to reach orgasm. As he came Mitsuki wrapped her lips around the head, taking all of his semen into her mouth, presenting it to the boy once his orgasm subsided. She then made a show of her swirling it around in her mouth before swallowing it in one large gulp.

"Thank you for letting me service you, sir. And for the free meal."

With her business here now complete Mitsuki put back on her mini skirt and blouse, wincing as she stretched the thin material over her bruised tits, before leaving to go inform her daughter of the full terms of their punishment. As he escorted her out however he noticed someone just behind the corner.

"Himiko? What are you doing ther- Is that my phone?"

"I'm sorry Sir, I just couldn't help myself and had to know what was going on, but I took a video of the whole thing as an apology."

Izuku took back his phone and saw that the girl was not lying, she had captured everything that happened from the moment they went over to the couch.

"This is nice pet, but you still need to be punished. Follow me." With that he lead a dejected looking Himiko over to the couch where he picked back up the hairbrush he was just using. "This feels like as good a time as any to go over this. For every infraction you accumulate it will lead to an immediate punishment and additions to your maintenance spanking which starts at 10 strokes a week and will increase by two or five each time I need to punish you, depending on the severity. Additionally, I feel the need to remind you that you are my pet. The reason you continue to wear clothes is the same reason sometimes a person will dress her dog up, because I feel like it - but at any moment I may change my mind. Now, this will be 10 strokes now, and plus 5 to your maintenance for invading my own privacy, start counting."

Midoriya Residence, July 15th 2256

Izuku's eleventh birthday has easily been his best one ever. He spent the morning with his family and pet as normal before Mitsuki had come over and gave him both a recording of Katsumi's punishment and pictures of her and her daughter nude and debasing themselves. In addition, his father took him aside and explained that this years quirk will be more sexual in nature than the last ones much to the boys joy. The quirk would give him more sexual stamina and be able to change the size and shape of his cock at will. This of course filled his head with sadistic ideas of making it deliberately too big to comfortably fit into a girl, but it was the next part that really caught his attention.

The quirk would also allow him to produce absurd amounts of semen and he can choose whether to make it fertile or not. This allowed him to bring one of his biggest fantasies that he couldn't yet achieve to life. A few weeks after their family had taken in Himiko as a pet she and Izuku were eating dinner together when Izuku realized that she was still eating like a person. At the time all he could do was have her start eating her food out of a dog bowl, but his mind had bigger ideas. He though back to his first blow job (he had since had Himiko give him many more) and the sight of Mitsuki swallowing his semen, and he thought about how most pets were fed their food wet. This gave him the idea to make Himiko only eat food that was coated in his semen, but he couldn't produce nearly enough to do that, but now that he could ejaculate anywhere between a few ounces and gallons at a time he could.

The quirk also had a fun side effect that he could change the taste of his semen, allowing it to either taste like a nice dessert or the worst most revolting piece of dirt you've ever seen. This again set off some sadistic urges in his mind, as he decided to start having Himiko eat her food wet without telling her what he made it taste like. Of course, he wasn't cruel, if she behaved it would taste amazing - that is, unless he felt particularly sadistic on that day.

All in all, Izuku would say that life was nice, and that it would only get better from here.


Next chapter should be a time skip as we go to Izuku's 13th birthday where he gets All for One and then we go to the UA entrance exam and finally get to the bulk of the fic.

Chapter 6: All for One


Izuku gets All for One and then we finally get closer to UA in this fic focused around a sexualized version of UA

Chapter Text

Izuku's House, July 15th 2258

"Are you ready Izuku?"

He had never felt more ready in his life, today was finally the day his father gave him one last quirk - All for One. He had been excited to receive all of the others of course but now he could get them himself without needing to be reliant on his father.

As he felt the quirk enter his body he felt complete in a way he hadn't before. He felt it mold together with the 9 quirks he had previously received as what had before felt like nine separate muscles became one. Before he could only use the quirks one at a time, focusing on which he wanted to activate when he did. Now however, he felt as if he could wield dozens at a time.

He couldn't dwell on the feeling for long though, as Hisashi told his son that they would be meeting with Nezumi later to sort out 'a few potential issues' as his dad had said. Unfortunately, this meant that Izuku did not have the time to play with his pet as he normally would - but still he couldn't be too upset, he was getting to meet the principal of UA after all.

UA Principals Office

"Izuku, please come in. Your father has told me much about you."

When his father had told him that they would be having a meeting with Nezumi, he didn't expect that to actually mean he was meeting her while Hisashi went off to complete some quote unquote side quests, but he supposed that's just the way his father is with these things.

"Hello, uh, m-madam Principal, it's a pleasure." After the last few years living with a girl he treated as a pet he wasn't used to showing signs of respect, but the woman who sat before him had a big enough reputation that he could show some deference.

"Oh please, there's no need to be so formal. Come, take a seat." She gestured to a chair laid out in front of her desk. 'Well looks like swallowing my pride was pointless'. As Izuku sat down, he noticed a peculiar object on her desk.

"Is that-?"

"Indeed, it's a quirk license for you. Of course it's not on any public records as your and your fathers quirks are still classified secrets, but it still has all the functions any other would hold."

Izuku picked up the license and took it in. After his life of being constantly told that he'd never be a hero and never have a quirk, he finally had tangible proof that he could show them. Well, he couldn't without unravelling a major global conspiracy, but the thought of it was enough for him. He was brought out of his musings by Nezumi clearing her throat.

"Now then, how much did Hisashi mention about what we would be discussing today?"

"Not much, he just told me that I would be meeting with you to 'sort out some potential issues'"

"I see, well I suppose that is correct - in a very Hisashi like way. Lets get these 'potential issues' out of the way then first. So, you wish to come to my school in 5 years time correct?"


"Good. Now that does leave the question of what to do about the general public once they find out." Izuku was shocked to realize he had never considered this, he had watched the sports festivals every year he should have known this would be an issue. "Thankfully, I have an idea that may just work."

"What is it?"

"We do nothing."

"I-I'm sorry? Nothing?"

"Yes, we do nothing. Let the media fight amongst themselves over the details while you remain safely within UA's walls until the world has accepted the idea of a quirk bearing male. All students and staff are under a non-disclosure agreement about UA and it's facilities so the earliest you should need to be concerned is your first year sports festival."

Izuku thought about it for a moment before deciding that this insane plan of doing nothing may just work. As long as he and his family were safe inside UA the media would inevitably start fighting amongst themselves for a tiny scrap of detail surrounding him which could not last the full three years he would be there. Still, one detail did strike him as odd.

"You seem pretty sure I'll make it into UA despite the exam being 5 years away."

"To be blunt Midoriya it's not unlikely that you could pass the practical exam right now if I were to throw you in there - the written I doubt you'd be able to pass but you still have 5 years of schooling left before you will be taking it. I have full confidence that come five years time you will be sitting in a classroom right here."

Izuku beamed at the words of encouragement "Thank you miss Nezumi. Will that be all?"

"Not quite, how much has your father told you about some of UA's newest policies?"

"I don't think he's mentioned them to me? Why do you ask?"

"Well I believe these rules will be of great interest for you. Come over here, let me show you something."

Nezumi stood up, gesturing for Izuku to take her seat. As he did he noticed a paused video on her monitor - currently all it displayed was a black screen with the words 'Rumi Usagiyama - July, No. 4' displayed. The name seemed familiar to Izuku but he couldn't quite place it. Suddenly the video began playing, showing what looked to be security camera footage of Nezumi's office, with a time stamp in the corner showing that these events happened merely an hour before he arrived.

The recording opened with Nezumi standing in front of a girl in UA's uniform.

"You know Miss Usagiyama these punishments were meant to be rolled out slowly, yet here you are the fourth time this month. Care to explain?"

The girl looked away from the principal "She started it, I don't see why I'm the one being punished like this." she spat out.

At that point Izuku remembered where he recognized her from. "She's the girl who won the most recent sports festival, right?"

"Indeed, Rumi Usagiyama - hero name Miruko. One of our best students, and one of our most temperamental too so we decided that she'd be a perfect fit for our new punishment system."

"New punishment system?" Rather than answer his question, Nezumi simply pointed back to the recording.

"Very well then, if that's how you want to do this than we can. I believe you should be more than acquainted with the rules by now."

Miruko's face flushed. "Yes."

"Good. Now, strip."

Izuku was taken by surprise by this development. As he paused the recording and looked over to Nezumi for clarification he found himself shocked again as the woman stripped herself naked revealing her lack of underwear before she knelt at his feet.

"Your father, the head commissioner and I felt that the newest generations of hero's were becoming too lax, and so to combat this we decided to take a rather bold approach."

"Can you even do this legally? Japanese law states that only parents have to authority to do punishments like this." Izuku had research quite a bit of these types of laws in the past few years, discovering that it was completely legal for a mother to punish her daughter 'However she see's fit to do so', meaning that basically every punishment from grounding to being forcibly paraded naked was legal; providing of course that it was orchestrated by the mother and that the daughter is not permanently and physically harmed or scarred in any way.

"Those laws don't need to apply here," she explained "UA, legally speaking, is it's own sovereign state." Izuku stared at her, eyes wide in confusion and disbelief. "I know, it sounds insane and like it took a lot of work to do discreetly - believe me it was - but I did it just incase something terrible happens and I need to transform UA into a sky base without the need to go to the government first."

Izuku felt like her explanation left him with more questions than it did answers, but his brain decided to focus on UA's new punishment system, rather than what kind of apocalypse Nezumi could possibly be preparing for. Having said woman be sat naked at his feet also helped take his mind away from that.

"So, how does that work exactly?"

"Well, UA exists as it's own nation within Japan that has it's own laws and government. It is, by some measures, a dictatorship with me in charge as I pass my own 'laws' as I see fit. One of which, is that every citizen of this 'country' may be punished at any time by someone of higher authority."


"Every one upon entering UA has to sign a document for their NDA, and for legal reasons because injuries will happen when training to be a heroine. In the fine print, everyone who signs that document is now a citizen of UA - which technically lasts forever, not that it'd matter to anyone though as Japan is the only nation that acknowledges us as a sovereign state, and only in secret at that."

Izuku was sure there were many more implications that should have on him but he couldn't deny that it wasn't what he cared about at this moment, not when he'd spent the entire conversation looking at the footage he paused right as Miruko was about to remove her shirt while Nezumi kneeled naked before his eyes.

Nezumi also seemed to notice his attention go elsewhere as she looked at the noticeable bulge in his pants. "Now that you understand the boring details, please, feel free to continue watching." She then bit down on his fly, seemingly trying to get to his dick with only her mouth. An endeavor which she was soon successful in, as the boys cock sprang forth, hitting her in the face.

As she shoved his cock down her throat Izuku, out of habit from using Himiko like a flesh light, used one of his quirks to enlarge his already impressive size until it was painful for Nezumi to continue taking it all in. Nezumi, being a massive masochist, decided to force herself down on it harder in response, making herself stay down with his entire dick in her throat until she was on the verge of passing out, before giving herself barely enough time to breath and shoving herself down once again.

As the office filled with the moans of Izuku and the gagging and pain of Nezumi, he finally started up the recording once more.

Reluctantly Miruko's hands unbuttoned her shirt, still trying to keep it closed until the final button where she let it fall revealing her black bra to Nezumi and the camera.

"I see you still hold no respect for the dress code, Miss Usagiyama. You know what the punishment for that is, correct?"

Miruko looked away, before she unhooked her bra and let it fall to the ground by her feet quickly moving one of her arms to cover her now exposed breasts. She brought the other down to her skirt, unzipping it and letting it fall to the pile of clothing that had accumulated around her feet revealing a pair of biker shorts beneath.

"Tsk tsk, and here I was thinking maybe you had been taught some respect by now, yet here you are, blatantly disobeying the dress code. Frankly, I don't even need to see them to know your panties are also in violation do I?"

"Of course I'm wearing these," Miruko retorted, "my fighting style is based around kicks, do you want me to flash everyone?"

"And tell me, for what reason would you be fighting in your school uniform? Anything you'd like to confess?"

Miruko, wisely, shut up and began to remove her shorts showing that her panties were indeed also black and in violation of the dress code before she took them off as well.

"Now that you've finally understood how to listen to instructions, place your hands on my desk, bottom out."

The girl did as ordered as Nezumi retrieve a cane from behind her desk and delivered the first of many strikes across her ass eliciting a grunt of pain from her.

"I knew from the inception of this idea that you would be the person receiving these punishments the most."

"What -uh- just because I'm not - ouch - not afraid to speak my mind to people?" the girl grunted out, being interrupted each time Nezumi swung down the cane.

"Speaking you mind is not necessarily a bad thing. However, there is a limit to which you should speak if you wish to have an at least decent public image, and insulting anyone who looks at you wrong is not how you go about that. Understood?"

"yes Ma'am." said Miruko, thoroughly cowed.

Izuku couldn't deny that the sheer difference in images was turning him on. On the recording he was seeing Nezumi sadistically punish one of her students not even an hour ago, while in the present moment the woman was chocking herself on his cock for his pleasure - even seeming to delight in the pain it brought her. This stimulation soon brought him to a climax, almost drowning an unsuspecting Nezumi with his semen - at least it could have if she didn't start drinking it all down immediately.

She couldn't drink it all however due to the ludicrous amount Izuku could ejaculate with his quirk, but that didn't stop her from getting on all fours and licking up all that she missed. Once she had consumed as much as she could she stood back up and began to dress.

"And with that our meeting is coming to an end, there's just a few more small details for us to go over." She walked around the desk and opened a drawer. "The punishment I mentioned in the recording is that the student will have her underwear confiscated if it is deemed non-suitable, so here." She held out her hand.

As Izuku reached out she placed the objects she had pulled out from the drawer into his hands, "Consider this a parting gift," she said as he opened his hands to find the confiscated underwear, alongside a second pair that he didn't need any help deducing the source of. "there is one more thing I would request of you, however."

"What is it?"

"What you just witnessed is part of a limited program, and not the standard punishment for female students," Izuku seemed slightly saddened by this before she continued explaining "we do however plan to make it the standard in a few years time. Five, to be exact. Coincidentally, that just happens to be when you will first be at UA, so my request is that we as the staff have come up with rules for all woman at UA, alongside ones specifically for students. But we don't believe it would be fair for us to devise our own rules and punishments. As such, I would like to request that, upon completing your first day at UA, you come to my office where you shall give me a list of rules for all of us to follow."

Izuku couldn't help but feel he was dreaming, but still the woman continued "To help with this here is a document detailing how authority is split among the staff, you're free to make minor alterations to it but any major one's must first be ran through me."

All Izuku could do was nod, ideas already forming in his head over what he could implement - still, there was no need to rush, he still had five years to come up with them after all.

Chapter 7: UA Exam


Sorry for the delay my mind decided to hyperfixate on something else for the past couple weeks, hopefully this goes back to posting as normal but I make no promises.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

UA University, February 2263

It still seemed almost surreal to Izuku, all his life he had dreamt of becoming as hero and now finally he was taking the final steps to make it happen. Sadly it all still had to happen in secrecy despite how much he would love to see the look on everyone's faces upon losing to a man at the entrance exams. 'Oh well, I've waited this long, I can wait a few months'

Due to this need for privacy, his father and Nezumi had decided that it would be best to conduct his 'test' while UA holds the recommendation exams to give him the smallest chance of being noticed while also avoiding the media wanting to stick their noses into it. As such his dad had teleported him to a secure spot behind UA to wait for his escort to arrive. His head perked up as he heard the distinctive sound of heels from around the corridor. Izuku stood up to greet her as she came into view in her very recognizable costume.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Midnight-sensei."

"please, Midoriya, the pleasure is all mine," she flashed him a sultry smile, "Nezumi has told me a lot about you."

"All good things I hope?"

"Yes, yes. All... very good~" Her eyes wandered down to his crotch, giving Izuku a very good idea of what exactly Nezumi had told her. "If you would please follow me, there's one stop we need to make before we conduct your test."

As Izuku followed her into the school grounds he used this opportunity to get a good look at the woman's costume - if it could even be called that. It consisted of a thin white body suit that covered her entire body yet left nothing to the imagination, proudly showing off the outlines of her nipples and her cameltoe, and a black bondage harness that emphasized the size of her breasts and ass. While Izuku was busy enjoying the view of Midnights ass they quickly made it to their destination.

As Izuku looked up he noticed two doors in front of him. Between the two laid a sign saying that it was the nurses office, while the left door was left ajar. The right door however was closed, featuring a sign designating it a "Male Only" area. Midnight unlocked the second door and gestured for Izuku to walk in, before she got on her knees.

"Please may I enter, Sir?" she begged looking up at him. Quickly, he realized that she was asking his permission to enter a male only space.

A few years ago having the woman who is considered to be one of the most sexually attractive heroines beg him may have been enough to fluster him and bring back his old stutter, but 5 years of living with Himiko and watching over Katsumi and his aunts punishment had made him much more used to these situations.

"You may, but only if you stay on all fours the entire time."

"Thank you sir."

The woman crawled in behind him, shutting the door behind them. Izuku took a moment to look around the room, noticing that it looked like what you would expect from a nurses office - with the sole exception of a large window on the left wall. Looking through the window he saw an attractive woman who looked to be in her 20's who Izuku easily recognized as the youthful heroine Recovery Girl, knowing that his dad had granted her a quirk to slow down her aging a long time ago, that he had stolen from an old associate, as thanks for having helped saved his life.

"What's this then?" He asked, looking down to where Midnight had taken a seat at his feet.

"This is one of the new Male Only spaces that Nezumi has placed across campus - she has been heavily anticipating your arrival and putting her own ideas into motion while you were busy designing the rules."

"Speaking of," he interrupted, before reaching into his bag and pulling out a stack of paper "I finished them for now, but I still reserve the ability to add whatever I want."

"Of course, Sir." she grabbed the rules out of his hands before flicking through them, chuckling to herself "Fufufu~, and here I was expecting you to laud your status over your peers~"

"Oh I still will be, just behind the scenes. The idea of making rules to force everyone to do what I want did appeal to me, but I figured that having that happen while all of them are completely unaware would be even sweeter."

"Fufufu~ I'll make sure to deliver these to Nezumi after we're done with your exam."

"Thank you. Now, you were saying?"

"This is a Male Only space, meaning that only you have the authority to enter, alongside anyone you let in - and they must follow what you ask if they don't want you to force them out." She moved over to the window that took up a large portion of the wall. "And this is something you'll find in almost any Male Only space, a one way mirror."

"Nezumi really knows what she's doing huh? Nice to see she's putting that intelligence to good use."

"The headmistress fell in love with the idea of no one having any privacy from you, so she's constructed everything in such a way that you can see into every area the students would consider private - even we staff don't have any area's away from your eyes." The woman moaned as she made the last confession. "And she asked the two of us to give you a little show before your test."

As she said that she walked over to the side of the room before opening up a control panel and pressing a button, sending a signal to Recovery Girl who left the room for a moment before coming back in with a very well endowed black haired girl who looked to be around Izuku's age.

"I apologize for the delay, there was some paperwork I needed to fill in before we could start."

The two continued to exchange pleasantries as Midnight pulled over a chair for Izuku to sit on. "Don't worry about them hearing us, sound only travels one way into the Male Only spaces, but can't travel out." The woman then undid the zip of his pants and fished out his cock before beginning to worship his balls, rubbing her face across his shaft. The man wrapped her hair around his hand before removing her from her place and forcing his dick down her throat, suffocating her and causing her to begin to tear up. Content with his new fleshlight that was now loudly choking around his dick, he looked back up to focus on the two woman in the other room.

"Now then, Miss Yaoyorozu," the nurse began, moving some equipment in front of the mirror Izuku was hidden behind "Did you ever have a physical examination at your previous school?"

"No, Ma'am. I studied under private tutors my family hired, so I never went to school."

"That's alright deary, I can walk you through it all. First, please disrobe."

"E-excuse me?" the girl asked, a blush creeping up her face.

"These measurements are going to be used to help you at UA," explained Recovery Girl, "so we need them to be as accurate as possible. Don't worry yourself too much dear, it's only the two of us here, this room has full privacy." Discreetly, she glanced at the one way mirror with a small smile on her face, before turning back to the girl.

"I-If you're sure." she said before she began to undress, opening up her shirt to reveal her massive bra covered chest and dropping her skirt, kicking of her shoes and socks in the process. Instinctively she moved her arms to cover herself from the nurses eyes.

"I'm afraid those will have to go too sweetie." Recovery Girl said, gesturing to Momo's underwear.

"W-what? Surely the weight of my underwear won't make any difference?"

"We need it to be as accurate as possible so that the support companies can do their jobs I'm afraid." she explained, before she seemed to have an idea. "Tell you what, would it make you more comfortable if I stripped down too?"

The woman didn't wait for a reply before she began removing her clothes, making sure to give their hidden viewer a show as she discarded her pink underwear leaving her body bare to his eyes. Momo, upon seeing this, finally got over her reluctance and let her underwear fall to the ground.

"Very good dear, now please step onto the scale." she gestured to the equipment she had set up before. Momo stood on the scale and looking forward, directly into the mirror, still covering her body from view.

"Stand up straight, hands by your side." The girl slowly complied, lowering her arms while her face blushes a bright red, inadvertently giving Izuku a great show of her body. The nurse came around the side and began to take measurements of the girls body starting with her height and weight, before moving on to her three sizes causing her no small amount of embarrassment hearing them said aloud.

Izuku meanwhile had been enjoying the show, forcing Midnights head up and down his enlarged dick, burrowing himself deep down her throat. As the humiliating physical of his potential future peer continued he felt his pleasure continue to rise as the nurse began to perform some less than conventional tests on the girl, measuring her just for the sake of it such as the weight of each of her breasts.

"Only a few more tests left, dear." The nurse said, wheeling out a gynecology chair. Momo's face flushed again, but even so she got onto it without much resistance. Recovery Girl strapped her limbs in place, leaving her completely defenseless as she moved the chair in front of the mirror and once again exposed to Izuku's hidden gaze. "This may hurt a pinch, dear, but stay with me."

With that vague warning Recovery girl began to test Momo's flexibility by spreading out the legs of the chair, forcing the girl into a perfect split while also fully exposing her pussy. Once the test concluded the woman walked in front of the girl and spread open her labia, careful not to block Izuku's view. The girl, who had been previously wincing in pain from unexpectedly being forced into a split, quickly took notice.

"Wh-What are you doing?"

"This is the last test dear, I promise. I'm just checking for a hymen."

"Why-why is that necessary?"

"Completely, don't you trust me?" the girl agreed and let the humiliating inspection continue.

Izuku, at the sight of Momo's spread, felt his climax quickly approach. He took Midnights head in both of his hands and held her at the base of his dick, ejaculating why her throat spasmed around him, desperate for air under his unrelenting assault. Eventually his orgasm would subside and Midnight could finally breathe properly without having her throat impaled after taking a single breath again, but first she grabbed a cup from one of the nearby cabinets and spat out a large quantity of Izuku's semen into it before placing it into a drawer next to the 'mirror'. Izuku was about to question her about it before she gestured for him to look back outside.

Recovery Girl, finally done with all of her tests, unstrapped Momo and let her down.

"How are you feeling sweetie?"

The girl looked thoughtful for a moment before responding "I'm alright, just wasn't fully anticipating these kinds of tests."

"I've got something that can help calm your nerves back down if you'd like."

"If it's not too much trouble."

"Certainly not dear." the nurse walked to a cabinet next to the mirror, taking out a cup full of a thick white liquid. "Drink this."

"If you're sure." The girl said, hesitantly, before bringing it to her lips and swallowing it all in a couple large gulps. "Augh." Her face contorted in disgust while recovery girl smirked, knowing the contents of the cup.

The nurse chuckled "You know what they say, good medicine always tastes the worst."

As the two woman redressed, Izuku - aroused again by the sight of Momo unknowingly drinking his seed - pinned midnight to the ground, preparing to make the most of her body.

UA, Gym Gamma

Later, once Izuku had orgasmed three more times in each of her holes, Midnight led him to Gym Gamma where his test was to take place. As he prepared for the 100 meter sprint, she leaned and whispered in his ear.

"Nezumi promised a handsome reward if you do well enough."

"A reward?" he asked, intrigued.

"Miss Yaoyorozu's exam was all caught on tape, as was all the others." He raised an eyebrow, prompting her to continue, "Every female at UA is required to take that exam, no exceptions. Do well enough here, and the video's are all yours. Of course, it's also mandatory that we take another at the start of each semester, so it's not like this is your only chance to see it, but the first is far more special, y'know?"

By the grin on his face she could tell she had got his attention.

"All right then. All of them if I do a good enough job?"

"All of us staff and the recommendation applicants - regardless of if they make it in to UA or not - now, and everyone else when they take theirs once school starts."

"Deal." The boy got back into place, far more motivated than before. He had known he was strong enough to get in, so why bother going all out was what he had thought before, but now with a reward dangled before him he could feel the energy of his quirks pump through his veins.



Ending it there because I can't write action to save my life. Just imagine him going very fast and nailing all the subsequent tests.

Posted 2 'chapters' in the omake fic that goes over some of UA's and the eventual Dorm's rules if you want to read over it. It'll probably be addressed at points in the story but in less detail. Feel free to go over and give me some suggestions if you'd like, I've already got some pretty good ones and I'm all open to more (like special classes that could be held, potential punishments for students and staff, privileges for Izuku, etc.). No guarantee I'll include them but i enjoy reading them none the less.

Chapter 8: Results and the First Day


Izuku and Himiko both receive their acceptance letters for UA, but not before Izuku has some more commands for his pet.

Soon after, we join them as they start their first day at UA


Recommended students and those that took the entrance exam probably didn't get their results on the same day in canon but I don't much care for canon.

Also sorry for the delay, ended up getting sick so I couldn't write for a bit.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku's House, March

Truthfully Izuku didn't know why he was feeling so nervous. He wasn't usually one to brag but there was no way he hadn't made it into UA, especially with all of the changes going on just for him.

"Izuku! Himiko! Your letters are here!" Inko called out from behind the connecting door.

"One second!" Izuku stood up, before looking to his pet on the floor. "Stay."

He quickly went to grab the letters from his mother, noticing that His and Himiko's felt quite different from each others, before returning to see that his pet had diligently stayed where she had been acting as his footrest before.

"Good girl," she blushed at the praise, smiling softly, before he continued "now then, come up here so we can see your results. And do try to remember what I said was waiting if I'm not impressed."

"Yes sir." she got up from the ground and sat on the couch next to her master, taking her letter from his hands and opening it to find a metal disc and a small pamphlet. Idly she fiddled with the disc to see what it does before a hologram shot out from the top.

"Greetings Miss Himiko," said the familiar voice of the principal Nezumi "And greetings to you too, Izuku. I've gone ahead and made the assumption that you would have your pet open her letter first, so I will be using this to address the both of you. Himiko Toga, you have passed the written test and managed to accumulate 26 villain points. But that's not all! Please, take a look at this."

The hologram cut away from the principal, instead showing security camera footage of the staff room, with the timestamp showing it to be from after the practical exam. A brown haired girl entered the office and began talking to a blonde heroine "Um, excuse me? Would it be possible to give my points to someone else? This cute blonde girl saved me while everyone else just ran away - but afterwards I heard her saying that she didn't feel like she got enough points and didn't want to disappoint someone."

"Don't you worry little listener, what kind of hero school would we be if we rejected someone who showed so much potential?" The hologram cut out for a moment, before returning to Nezumi.

"Indeed, and that is why you were not just scored based on villainesses defeated! Himiko Toga, 50 rescue points. This puts you at a total of 76 points, and is more than enough for you to be accepted into UA. Congratulations."

Himiko started quietly celebrating as Nezumi turned and managed to look Izuku in the eyes through the hologram.

"Moving on, Izuku Midoriya. You passed the recommendation exam with flying colors - as promised your reward will be ready for you shortly." Izuku grinned slightly, remembering seeing Momo in such a helpless position, wondering just how her assets would look compared to everyone else. "On to more formal matters, enclosed within your letters is a pamphlet that contains a brief overview of UA's curriculum alongside a QR code. Please scan this to receive the UA application - on which you will find a detailed breakdown of all of our rules and regulations at UA. I wish you two a good day, welcome to your hero academia."

Briefly he felt a wave of relief wash over him, no matter how small it was there was still a voice that remained from his childhood, one that told him he would never be accepted into UA. And now here he was, so close to turning this historic school into his own perverse playground, it was enough to make him laugh to himself.

Whilst he was contemplating all of this, Himiko was immersing herself into the provided app. She knew that Izuku had been busy coming up with and refining the rulebook that UA would work under, but he had never shared any of these with her, preferring instead to have her figure them out with the other girls saying it would be "More fun that way." Knowing the type of rules he had enforced upon her, Mitsuki and Katsumi however, she could confidently say that the comfort and enjoyment of any of the girls was not his top priority - which only served to turn her on more.

She had realized over the last few years that she loved the idea of being treated as an object for Izuku to enjoy, and that she shouldn't have any pleasure without it working to serve her master - it's for that reason he forbade her from masturbating without his permission after all.

Through her brief glimpse through the rules - specifically the punishments - she could see that her guess was correct. Punishments along the lines of "The female student will be stripped of the offending garment." or "This will result in a physical punishment to the female student, as decided by the overseeing authority." It didn't escape her notice how so many of the rules seemed to specify a 'female student'. Most wouldn't see it as weird, it's like how a restaurants rules would specify a 'waiter' or a 'chef' - but knowing what she knows about the man sat next to her it's unlikely that this is unintentional.

'Oh well, not like it's much use for a mere pet to sit here pondering on her masters scheme's.'

"Hey, pet?"

"Yes Sir?"

"I have to say I'm quite disappointed." Before Himiko could even begin to question what she had done this time he shoved a piece of paper from his own letter in front of her, displayed upon it were the top 10 results from the entrance exam. Instantly, Himiko realized the issue.

'2nd Place - Himiko Toga, 76 pts - 26, 50

1st Place - Katsumi Bakugo, 77 pts - 77, 0'

She had long since learnt that arguing with Izuku when he had decided she was to be punished was a futile effort, and so she quietly stood up and discarded her tiny skirt and flimsy almost transparent shirt, leaving her in just her collar, before she placed herself over his lap.

"At least you remember how to take your punishment," she said, palm hovering over her ass ready to strike "how about you continue reading those rules in the mean time. Out loud now."

"Yes S- ow, Sir!" she began, her speech being interrupted by his merciless spanks. "The female student dress code says ugh that all outerwear should only be ouch what you are provided by the school. In addition, shirts should be tucked beneath your skirt, and your skirt mu-uh must end between the mid thigh and a girls knee. Aaah-also, a girls underwear - if not supplied by UA - must be of a simple design. It mu-ahhhh-must be either white, black or pi-AHHH, pink. A girls bra must be a single color while her panties may be either a single color or alternating stripes of two approved colors. UA reserves the right to both inspect and change this without wa-AUGH- huff huff - without warning."

"Very good, very good. Say," he began, massaging her brutalized ass, "how about we have a little fun for your punishment? Rather than me just continue to use you for my enjoyment, how about I give you a task?" He effortlessly removed the girl from his lap, shoving her down to the ground, her head directly next to his crotch.

"Whatever you ask for, Sir." she replied, before using her teeth to open his pants, fishing out his cock before he even had to ask. He put his hand in her hair and shoved her down to his balls, his dick falling over one of her eyes.

"I need you to infiltrate all the other girls for me. I want these bitches to be constantly infighting, and I want you to be the main cause. Kacchan's also made it into 1A and will likely take the first chance she can to bad mouth me to the others. Rather than try to defend me, I want you to agree. All Kacchan knows is that you went to the same school as us, just make up a story about me humiliating you - you have plenty of material to work with for that. Once that's done, memorize the rules, find the loopholes, and use them to get yourself and all of the girls punished. Understood?"

"Yes Sir."

Rather than respond Izuku put his hand in her hair again before lifting her head and shoving his dick down her throat. She began gagging at the unexpected intrusion as he hooked a ring on the front of her collar onto a hook, forcing her to play one of his old favorite games. Either she would bring him to orgasm using just her throat and she would be released, or she would choke and pass out only to awake to more deep throat training as a punishment.

With his pets desperate gags filling the air Izuku moved his mind onto more important matters, such as how his App had turned out. And turn out wonderfully it had, Nezumi had outdone herself. Idly he grabbed Himiko's phone to examine the differences.

Quickly going through Himiko's app he saw all the base functions - currency, time table, uniform, rules, etc. - were all as they should be. He swapped over to his own to see how his unique features had been added, he had to look for a minute before he noticed that the UA symbol in the background had a different color to it. Clicking on it, he was brought to another menu with all of his specific commands.

First was "Camera's" which provided him a connection to UA's entire security camera network, covering everywhere from the entrance to the girls changing room (not that the students knew those were there) all from his phone to view whenever. Next he moved over to the "Uniform" section - this was much like Himiko's, but where hers only allowed her to view her own currently permitted uniform, his opened a drop down menu of every girl in the school, allowing him to see what the girl was and was not currently allowed to wear, alongside a "Report" button to cause the nearest teacher to conduct a uniform inspection on her at a moments notice.

After that he checked his balance, confirming that unlike Himiko starting with 10,000 his was simply listed as "unlimited", and that he had the option to view every other girls bank details directly. He compared what he saw to Himiko's, noting that the details were the exact same - his showed more even, allowing him a menu showing "Most recent Purchases" which was not available on hers.

Moving on he clicked the tab labeled "Profiles", being met with an unexpected pop-up.

'Greetings, Master! Miss Nezumi has selected two 'Students of Interest' for you to view. Would you like to see them now?' Two buttons appeared bellow the prompt. Deciding there wasn't much reason to say no he clicked onto the 'Accept' button and was met with a familiar girls profile enlarging on his screen.

The profile was that of "Momo Yaoyorozu", the girl whose medical exam he had been brought in to watch before his entrance exam. As if he could have forgotten it that fact was made even more clear as the displayed profile picture was taken directly from it, with her exposing her naked body with a large blush overtaking her face. The angle of the pictured seemed like it was designed solely to enhance her already impressive chest. While he was busy admiring her body, the pop-up appeared once more.

'The first girl is one Momo Yaoyorozu, sole heir to Yaoyorozu Inc. She has been selected and brought to your attention for two reasons. One, her mother is one of UA's main financial backers alongside your father. For this reason she is aware of the reason for the changes made to UA, and wishes to see her daughter undergo these. It is also worth noting that Miss Yaoyorozu has been raised with almost zero exposure to sexual ideas.' Izuku smirked at the idea, a mother who actively got off at the idea of her naive daughter being humiliated, he could certainly see why Nezumi wanted to bring her to his attention.

'The second reason is because 18 years ago, her mother made a deal with your father. As payment for this deal she was made to sell both herself and her newborn daughter to Hisashi's son, you. It was for this reason Momo was raised to be as naive as she is, and has been recently told that you and her are in an arranged marriage. Listed in her profile is her mothers contact information, feel free to meet with her whenever is convenient for you for more details.' Already Izuku was coming up with ideas, of plans on how to best use his newfound fiancée. Content with what he had learnt and making a note to meet with the Yaoyorozu matriarch at a later date, he moved on to the second "Student of Interest".

The first thing to pop out to him was how different her profile picture was. While Momo's had been vaguely professional, with it being taken from her medical exam, this one featured a girl tied up in Shibari bondage, completely suspended above the ground. Only, rather than ropes, the girl was tied up using a number of green vines that seemed to originate from the girls own head. These vines were also covered in thorns which, if Izuku had to guess based on the state of the few pieces of clothing being worn, seemed quite sharp.

'Secondly is Ibara Shiozaki. The reason she has been selected will first need some backstory. Many years ago, before your mother was even born, your father wanted to have some fun and so, noticing the decline in male birthrates, decided to create a cult focused around male domination named Unionism, after his quirk 'All for One'. As years have passed this cult has transformed into a legally recognized religion, although they keep all their practices a secret, preferring to only train their daughters and small numbers of new recruits in their ways.

One of the main families that founded this religion were the Shiozaki's. Historically this family only worshipped your father, but after he stepped away many decades ago they instead dedicated to training themselves to be the perfect slaves for his son. Due to this she has been informed that you shall be attending UA this year, but not what class you will be in. She has not however been informed of any rules we are adding.'

Izuku almost couldn't believe his luck, he had a second slut on the inside alongside Himiko. It could certainly make quite a few of his plans easier to pull off after getting her help.

Deciding he had explored the app long enough and could come back later he set down his phone, turning his gaze downward to confirm his suspicions that Himiko had passed out, unable to complete the challenge. Sure, he had rigged it against her in almost every way, but rules are rules and now she must be punished. Besides, she had best get used to rigged challenges if their time at UA was to go how he wanted - and he was certain it would.

But first, he got to come up with a way to wake her up. he was almost giddy as he wandered off, leaving her limp unconscious form there ready for him to torture upon his return.

UA University, Classroom 1-A

Izuku could feel the whole room go silent as he entered. He had managed the walk through UA without drawing too much attention to himself, but he had doubts he would be so lucky entering the class. He used the silence to survey who he knew in the class.

'There's Himiko, Kacchan, the brunette girl Himiko saved, Momo and Ibara, Endeavors daughter, and Aizawa hiding behind the teachers podium.' He briefly made eye contact with his new homeroom teacher before going back to the rest of the class. Most of the girls had an expression of confusion, no doubt wondering what a man was doing inside UA, with a few exceptions. Katsumi's face quickly morphed from her shock into anger that she was not as free from him as she had first thought.

Ibara's eyes had meanwhile gained a shine to them, no doubt overjoyed that her master had finally shown himself. Todoroki cast a curious glance his way, but kept her calm face on the entire time.

The silence was broken by a girl who seemed to have been arguing with Katsumi moments earlier. She began rapidly chopping the air before asking her question.

"Excuse me, may I ask what you are doing here? This is the UA heroine course, and for a boy like you to just wander in speaks poorly upon UA."

Izuku could just picture how lovely it would feel to replace the stick up this girls ass with his own, but before he could respond the girls comment had made a wave across the classroom. Everyone seemed to be speculating why he was there, with some even assuming he had broken onto the grounds somehow. One pink girl leaned over to her friend and started to whisper about UA providing them stress relief - Izuku almost wanted to laugh at how unknowingly correct she was. Of course, it was her who was acting as his personal relief toy, but the idea was still there.

The robotic girl seemed to realize the commotion that she had inadvertently caused and tried fruitlessly to quieten down her classmates so she could get answers from him. Knowing this would lead nowhere Izuku instead opted to head to his seat, right next to Katsumi. He shot the girl a grin as she stared at him, eyes wide in a mix of rage and horror. Before she could start anything however a woman's voice pierced the class from behind the teachers podium.

"If you must know he is here for the same reason as the rest of you. He passed the exam and earned his spot. He's also the only one out of all twenty of you to even notice me." Everyone's speculation quickly changed target as a disheveled looking woman appeared behind the podium. She glared at the class, paying attention to who was making the most fuss, before they all seemed to get the idea and sat down, ceasing their discussions.

The woman sighed, "It took all of you an unacceptable amount of time to quiet down, frankly you're all lucky Nezumi has disallowed expulsion as punishment this year." The woman took a moment to clear out her throat, before she gained a manic grin. "My name is Shoka Aizawa, welcome to UA. Your first lesson is now, follow me."

She walked out the door, not checking to see if the class was following. Everyone stayed put for a second, before realizing that she was being serious and scrambling to follow her.

'Well now,' Izuku thought to himself, 'this certainly seems like it will be an interesting few years.'