demon and goth girl

"You can't go in there! Don't you know who lives there?!" A frightened child's teeth clattered as he pointed to a continental home that's only visual crime had seemed to be a bit of wear and tear. It wasn't a specifically horrifying sight to see a house with chipped paint and dusty windows but the aura of something sinister haunted its' presence and had the group of scout-dressed boys on edge.

"A serial killer!" One boy blurted.

"A monster!" Another chimed in.

"A witch!" Children called out imaginary horrors that lay just past a steel gate, just about every fantastical hypothesis more terrifying than the last. If the pre-teen boys could agree on anything it was that there was no going to this home. The rounded-up boys stop their quest in selling baked goods to ire the consequences of even daring to sell a thing to whatever fabled occupants reside in that home.

"Aww c'mon guys monsters and witches aren't real. A house is just a house." Isaac said making him an outlier amongst his peers. Even among the church-based Sermon Scouts Isaac had been a particularly open-hearted and sweet child. With blonde hair and blue eyes, he held no ability to be anything but pure. The 11 year-old boy was like a little saint and even those in his church could speak to his levels of kindness.

"But don't you know who lives there?"

"Samantha Manson…" A silence fell over the boys, chilled by just the name.

"And don't you think Miss Manson might need some strawberry cupcakes to stay full and happy?" Isaac pitched to his fellow troops.

"No! I heard she hunts she feasts on the corpses of neighborhood pets she hunts down!"

"That ain't true. She takes nutrients from drinking human blood like a vampire."

"My big bro Tommy went to high school with her! She wears only black and vowed to never settle down with a man! Living a life of hedonistic polygamy or something like that!" The christ-loving boys found the thought of an unmarried woman as detestable as animal murder and blood-sucking.

"Well we got donations to make and I think that all sounds like a buncha of rumors and make-believe kinda stuff. If you don't wanna come with me then suit yourselves! I got some cookies to sell for the church." Not a single one of the church-based boy scouts had Isaac's back as he passed through the creaking gate.

"We'll pray for you Isaac!" A boy said as he trailed the rest of the pack who had broken into a sprint away from the cursed domicile.

The lone child moved with nothing but innocence in his heart and intention. Each step of the porch he walked up made an eerie creek. He was even too short to ring the doorbell, standing on tippy toes to alert whoever may be on the other side that they had an unexpected guest.

The door cracked open to the sight of something less horrifying than any made-up freights the other boys had conjured up. It was a woman and a perpetually bemused one at that. Her dreary affectation seemed to go fit her gothic aesthetic. With dreary lids, the woman was head to toe with black. Not an inch of her didn't have the onyx sign of death.

Her clothing alone would make it hard pass her off as 'evil' but Isaac knew to never judge a book by it's cover. Sam wore a thick black sweater which seemed to have punctured tears and holes to stylistically give way to smooth pale skin underneath. Even with the tops heft, it was clear that the woman had been endowed to an excessive enough level that even a parka would bulge with such weighty globes underneath. Her legs had far less coverage and painted more of her delightful figure with thick thighs coated in black fishnets that wrapped her bottom half. The shorts she had on were snug in the wide hips which already had one hand grasping at as she felt disturbed to even be led to her own front door.

"What the fuck do you want?" Sam sank her words to the kid like it was more of a threat to leave than genuine curiosity.

"Hello, Miss Samantha? My name is Isaac Doyle and I was wondering if you'd like to buy any baked goods from the United Salvation Center. Our church is having a donation drive and our members are baking all sorts of yummy stuff to help out."

"Charity for Jesus? Pffft. Can't say I'm surprised that they are using kids to snag people's money. What the fuck are you even wearing anyways? Is part of your religion looking that stupid?"

"I'm a Sermon Scout m'am. Our uniform is a signal to the community that we are here to help! We even get badges based on our service to the town and God!" Isaac pointed excitedly to the sash he wore pinned with stitched artifacts denoting his good deeds. The gothic woman felt disgusted with each one, seeing his little matching button-down and shorts topped off with a crucifix-stiched ascot made her only feel sorry for the kid.

"Look Isaac that's really sweet and all but I really don't give a shit. I don't know whose house you think this is squirt but you ain't gonna find a fucking cent around here for your little bible book club." Sam had no soft blows to give a child more than 10 years younger than her.

"So you don't like cookies?" Isaac looked up at the woman with innocent eyes. It would really take a true monster to not see how pure this little boy was. Sam looked back to be nearly thrown back by how truly wholesome this boy was in spirit and mind. This kind of purity was rare but most noteworthy was purity like Isaac's had a very useful purpose when it came to dark magic beyond the knowledge of a God-loving child.

"You know what… I like myself a little something sweet. Why don't you come in and give me the whole sales pitch or whatever."

"Really? Wanna hear about all our goods and our God and all that?"

"… Sure" Sam yanked the boy by the hand to pull his body inside with ease. His body reluctantly agreed as it found the proper footing to follow her up the stairs. The house seemed surprisingly hollow but Isaac was being led to a destination by the woman marching him through her home.

Isaac had zero suspicion of anything sinister, part of which he could attribute to his saint-like heart and another for his utter weakness for pretty girls. Even with all the gothic garb, Sam was an appealing force to the boy's budding knowledge of his sexuality. She had a soft face framed with raven black fringed bangs and shoulder-length hair. Even despite her pale complexion, she had a rinse of natural blush to her cheeks that looked quite adorable spreading across a button nose. Her eyes had sharp thick makeup in her signature color as pouty lips were not spared from dark cosmetics either.

Even if Isaac was a perfectly pure church boy he found her wonderfully beautiful, not to mention the massive set of cheeks bundled in those shorts that swayed only half a foot from his face as she pulled him around her home. He knew enough to realize he liked her body, alot, but knew even more that such curiosity is nothing but sin.

Making their way to a bedroom Isaac was thrust into an area that truly matched Sam's aesthetic. The walls were a dark tint of purple while the queen-sized bed was black down from the pillows to the sheets. At the side of the bed a skull rest atop a nightstand which was hard to discern if it was real or not, which it wasn't. Hung on the walls were several framed pictures of spider and bat anatomy. Even the dresser which held a large mirror was black. Sam's room was its own miniature haunted house but Isaac had not seemed to be phased by any of it.

"Sit." She commanded, aiming a finger at the bed. Doing as he was told Isaac brought himself up to the edge to sit back and look at her rear which was facing him. The boy did not struggle to withhold the urge to look at her delicate and plump area as Sam had been focusing on flipping through pages in a large book atop her dresser.

"So Miss Samantha what's your favorite kinda sweet? We got tons to choose from. Wanna see our brochure?" Isaac continued to pitch his church's bake sale but Sam was too busy with something else.

"Can you cut it with the Miss Samantha bullshit? Just call me Sam. But I guess it really doesn't matter."

"My apologies. I thought it would just be proper... But anyways, we got tons of options to choose from. The Frasers are doing brownies this year!" Sam had ignored the boy's talk of deserts as she lit several candles around her dresser. Moving forward several other candles were loitering around for Sam to light and she even had pulled the blinds so the only light coming through was lit by natural flames.

Isaac was set into a mood that he wasn't too sure of. Even with how little he could see around the room a particular object had caught his eye sticking from her closet. "Uh-uhm Samant- Sam... What's that thing over there."

Sam smirked to see the child's innocence slip as he caught sight of a particularly intimate item. "Oh that's a toy Isaac..." She traced her steps over to the closet to pull several other 'toys' from within. "You see, some girls like to play." Sam chuckled as it was clear as day what these toys were meant to resemble. Each one was a large foot-long falice that hardly resembled the anatomy of a human penis.

"What kinda games are those for?" Isaac asked with embarssed curiosity, wondering if those truly are what they resemble.

"Fun games. Masturbation kinda games Isaac..." Sam was proud to display just a little bit of her degenerate filth to the 11 year-old boy.

"M-masturbation? But it's wrong to act on your urges."

"Heh. What? Is it bad that I want a fat monster dick inside me?" Sam gave a smooch to a pink and white one that resembled the tentacle of an octopus. Isaac squirmed to come up with an answer, there was clearly discomfort inside him. "Isaac. Would you believe me if I told you I never even did the thing you probably think I do with these?"

"D-do what?" Isaac shivered.

"I've never fucked one of these things! I'm just as innocent as you." Sam put her toys away to go back to her dresser.

"So you don't masturbate?"

"Well... Let's just say I've been waiting for the right thing... I just like the way they look... and feel going down my throat."

"Oh..." Isaac was failing to see what could be wrong with these items. He knew there was a sexual component to them but was baffled about most any other aspect of their existence, especially why she would have them in her mouth.

"You know I wanna confess something to you. Kinda embarrassing but, fuck it. You aren't gonna be able to tell another person this." Sam had found the correct page of her book, specifically on summoning.

"Y-you can talk to me. But do you have to do it with such a fowl mouth? I'm not supposed to cus." Isaac said causing Sam to roll her eyes, but she was too pleased with how easily this opportunity fell into her lap.

"I might be able to Isaac. If you can do something for me Isaac... You see. I don't really like people. I don't really tolerate the living."

"Really? Even me?"

"Oh, I like you just the way you are Isaac. A pure-blooded virgin is exactly the kind of thing I require." Sam traced her hand along a stone dagger that was fabled to be hundreds of years old and imbued with Runes from the souls of boys just as innocent as Isaac. "You see... As embarrassing as it is to say. At 22 years-old... I'm a virgin too."

The revolution is not shocking to the boy at all. For all, he knew all women should be virgins before marriage and the stunning looks on her carried no weight in the sexual attraction men may or may have not sent her way.

"Don't worry Samantha! You're really pretty to look at, and cool too! You'll marry one day, I know it."

"Mmmm very flattering kid... but what I want to lose my virginity to isn't some silicone toy or even a human for all that matter." She turned over to the boy who looked nervous to be having this kind of conversation. Still, he had a good heart and thought nothing more than to give her advice.

"Oh well... Maybe you'll find the right kinda man to make you like humans a little more? Our Sunday service is always loaded with people and you are wel-" Isaac's sentence was swiftly cut off by the weight forced onto his legs. Sam had knelt down, letting her massive package of tit meat splash right onto the child's lap and squish right over his groin.

"What do you know about hell kid?" Sam asked as she watched the boy squirming under the belt of boobage resting onto his lap.

"Well.. I know it's a really scary place and if you sin a lot that's where you end up heading to..." Isaac said after taking a gulp of saliva in discomfort.

"Heh… I can think of quite a few sins that I wouldn't mind doing… But what about demons? Devils? The real shit?" As Isaac focused on the sweater-covered melons keeping him in place Sam held her dagger right from behind her back.

"Oh w-well I dunno about all that stuff. Sounds like a buncha s-silly make-believe stuff t-to me. But I dunno, m-maybe some of that stuff is real..." Isaac was struggling to think straight, he wasn't superstitious but with this much boob squeezing into him he'd probably believe in just about anything.

"So if I said I wanted to summon a demon you'd just think I'm crazy now would you?" Sam grinned as she squeezed her cursed dagger.

"Haha maybe a little. But I think you'd be r-really crazy not to try Mrs. Ritchie's c-carmel nut cookies!" Isaac was only eager to sell goods as he was starting to feel suspicious movement from his underwear.

"Pants off. Now." She hissed at the boy like venom.


"I want those sorry little sad-scout shorts off. Don't you know anything about making sales?" Sam was already moving to unbutton them from his waist.

"I… Uhm… N-no..." He held the open fly together as the woman attempted to strip him. She gave up trying to fight the kid's pants off knowing that a kid like this would need something much sweeter to get what she wanted. To lighten Isaac's nerves she had taken her top off. Under that cozy sweater where breasts tightly wound in a mesh bra textured with a black cobweb. They looked absolutely packed in that mold and now the boy could really see the cleavage that was bouncing on his knees.

"See look. I took something off too. Now stop being so wimpy and do what I say."

Isaac followed along with absolute nervousness. He knew this couldn't be right but the confined flesh mountains displayed before him was overwhelming more than his brain to have unbalanced feelings. He kicked off his little shorts and bundled his hands before his crotch to obscure any activity the woman had caused him from her flirtation.

"Underwear too brat. If you stop being such a dumb ass I might even give you a little peak at these." She squeezed her chest before his face.

"T-that's a sin I-I think…" He stammered but seeing such marvelous soft pillows squish together in front of him had him hardly able to think. As his underwear was pealed Isaac could have no hope of hiding any kind of excitement stirred up before him. From his juvenile groin sprung 10 inches of well thick cock. Even with its mighty height and girth it was concealed in a sleeve of the foreskin and had a smooth veinless surface that made it look just as immature. Testicles were just as worthy as the rest of his package with each clumped cum factory nearly the size of a baseball and dangling down each crowded thigh.

"God... fucking… damn kid..." Sam gasped with impressed shock.

"L-language..." Isaac said with his heavy dick right before Sam's face.

"Shut up." Sam barked as she sank herself even closer. Just taking what her hand could around the girth let the woman feel the strength of Isaac's underage meat stick. Sam was no stranger to handling overgrown members but none of them were real like this. The heat of his flesh and the trembling body it was attached to made each moment of cock throbbing into her fist more exciting. She felt honestly astonished at what an impressive cock this Bible-peddling brat had stashed away.

It almost made her break from her moody scowl to actually crack a smile. She contemplated for a moment if she had met a cock like this earlier in life if she too would be as stupidly devout as the boy. If she could possibly be a truly happy traditional housewife who had no greater pleasure than getting plowed by a well-hung husband. In reality, it was her grim prospects that ended her up with all this cock in her hands. Even if she was dumbfounded by how endowed this pre-teen was she had other plans for the other holes that had yet to be conquered.

"T-this is inappropriate..." Isaac whimpered out the little boy didn't know much but he knew that a girl shouldn't be clutching his private area and eyeing it like it was a delicious meal.

"What's inappropriate is for such a gorgeous piece of fuck meat on a dumb Jesus-freak brat."

"Language... Pleeeaaase" Isaac moaned out as her soft fingers rode up his shaft.

"What's FUCKING inappropriate is that this kid dick wouldn't even be scrapping on any slut until you're married or whatever your bitch church tells you to do. The only thing appropriate would be to let those fat balls get drained by real bitches that deserve jizz! I want you to blast out a sea of white for me to collect, now shut up while I give you the best last experience of your life!"

As she silenced Isaac's mouth she stuffed her own. Packing in as much of his obese crown between raven black lips. Her thick dick-sucking pillows squished against the boy's cock with a wet spongy grace that had him gasping out. With her piercing eyes, Sam looked up to see the boy struggle with getting his cock sucked. She felt pleased with how he was overwhelmed with enough pleasure to keep him moaning out instead of whining. She was even more pleased with the musky tastes of his meat's vigor.

Isaac was leaking such a mess of flavors that Sam was nearly losing focus. Her next move would have been to throat that flesh-tower like those toys had taught her to do but she was almost overtaken by the juices of thick underage pre-nut to do anything but leave her pursed lips honed around his tip. Her tongue lathered across what was stuffed in her mouth, delicately lining the piss slit to shovel more pre juices down her needy gullet. No amount of porn, dildos, or devil worship could get her prepared for how insanely satisfying it was to be tasting Isaac's cock. Sam was aware of how overindulged she was becoming and had to snap out of her slutty trance to further her mission and brace the boy for even more fun.

Challenging her throat Sam began to pummel that delicious boy-bat down her throat. Not for a second was the gothic mouth slut caught in a gag, she was well qualified for un-human objects that were even bigger than what this kid already unbelievably had between his legs. Her throat was burdened with the overwhelming pressure of giant underage cock, bulging more of her skin out as she sank more and more in. She couldn't stop till she was at the hilt but the way he throbbed slowly deeper into her tight esophagus she wasn't quite sure she could even wanted to do it yet. Sam couldn't imagine a kid could last too long, even with a pole like this but she was in no rush to work an orgasm out of her little 11 year-old toy.

"Ahh... ah mam..." Isaac squeezed out a few words. The boy's left eye was tweaking as he huffed for air. She could tell her blowjob was knocking him into bliss and as her lips made way to his smooth hair free pelvis she only thought of elongating the cock sucking torture.

Sam quickly tugged her skull backward, leaving a trail of throat slime on Isaac's cock as she dislodged the tasty behemoth from out of her breathing valve. She had a sick smirk smeared across her face, lathered in all the wet drizzle that sucking his cock caused her to soak into. It was impossible to service such a hung child and not get sloppy with it but the filthier it got the more turned on Sam had become.

With her mouth free, Sam dipped her head down the pillars of inches soaked in spit and focused her vision on the two cum tanks that now sank at her eye level. Isaac had a wonderfully plump set, almost devoid of any significant wrinkles despite how huge and full they were. Sam licked her lips just thinking of how much the kid would be able to spill out but more importantly how much would help her complete the mission. Each one had so much to offer and she didn't even know which deserved her attention first.

Isaac's balls were treated to an onslaught of smooches. Puffy soft and most definitely wet lips swarmed every cum stuffed curve of his pearls sending him into new ways to soak his groin that only made him pant out in childish distress. He had no idea what the woman was doing to him but his balls were quickly overlapped with the stains of black lipstick as Sam left a mark of her adoration on each messy kiss.

"I bet you have tons of fucking cum for me in here dontcha brat?" Sam asked with a delirious smile as she dragged her tongue around the balls.

"W-whats cum? I-is it more s-s-sin?" Isaac said with his body trembling and toes curling.

"Oh, I'll show you. Just don't you dare hold back."

"Hold back whaaaaaaaaaa~" Isaac melted into the new range of feelings Sam treated his cock to. No longer was she gargling balls but back to throating his cock leaving no inch un-sucked by her soft lips and wet sloppy throat. The girl was devouring the kid stick like it was her last meal. Doing her most diligent work to slam her skull up and down like it was a bungee chord. She simply would not stop bashing her hole face down to make her coughed-up spit gag out between her mouth grip on the cock.

This blowjob was far better than she could have hoped for. Deepthraoting him was just as much a gift to her as it was of the overwhelmed moaning mess of a child. It was only too soon that she knew that the real prize was coming. As she gently gripped and fondled the lipstick-stained pair Sam could feel the sloshing piles of goo building up. Her testicle-free hand found the stone dagger back at her side and took it into grip as she pumped away at the precious kiddy dick. Isaac was getting ready to eject and she could feel it. Sam knew she needed plenty of slop for her true goal but a few gulps of however many mouthfuls this child shoots her way wouldn't hurt.

"Mmnggaaahhhh... Missssss Sammmmmannnthaaaaa....." Isaac whined out. Sam could feel it, the cock had stiffened, and the child was crying out and gripping the sheets he sat atop. She held her face down to get direct entry as she glutinously awaited her delicious splatter but what hit the bottom of her cock craven stomach was not what she expected.

It wasn't thick piles of breeding slop shooting out of his urethra but Sam was mouthing a flesh straw directly funneling her piss. Hot frothing rancid urine was being forced down her throat and she was none be wiser as his blatter leaked out to sprinkle her digestive system.

Sam's eyes moved like daggers to dart back to the boy's face. Furrowed brows locked in on her target as putrid wash continued to sink into her. The woman was slow to take the leaking piss pipe from her lips but Isaac had not stopped urinating as each inch slowly sloped out from her mouth.

"Real fucking funny..." Sam remarked with cock no longer stopping her lips from scowling. Isaac still had another splash of piss to smack against her brow, making the yellow fluids drip down to her cheek and splash across an angry face.

"I-Im sorry... I didn't know I was gonna..." Isaac was shivering with embarrassed fear as the woman glared over him. He was undoubtedly about to cum but the need to piss had come over him. Cock and balls both looked swollen red as if they were desperate to churn out some real nut sewage.

"D-do you have a bathroom?" He uttered, trying to make sure he doesn't further anger Sam.

"You still have to fucking piss?" She eyed the massive kiddy gnob that just forced piss down her throat. He shook his little head feeling all out of words with all things considered. The anger on Sam's face underneath the splatter of piss was mostly just a facade. The tingling hot sting of urine that lingered on her tastebuds and washed down her throat was a taste she never expected to like this much.

It was surprising to enjoy sucking off an 11 year-old boy this much and even more revealing to her that the piss she just drank made her feel even more turned on. For however rotten that urine was, how pungently horrid every last drop was she couldn't help but feel something far from hate for it. Above else the fact that Isaac had sunk that much blatter juice down her tummy and still had more in him both charmed her even further. She felt a little remorse for what she was planning to do with that knife behind her back, being one of the few times in her life to feel anything but disdain for another human. It was hard to keep angry faces when each new turn made her like the kid more.

"The bathroom's right here, I'm your toilet." Wrapping both hands around his flagpole Sam knelt her face down and cooked her toilet hole as wide as it could stretch with out-turned tongue giving generous little laps at the droplets remaining on his piss slit.

"W-what no..." Isaac cringed at the idea.

"You pissed in my mouth before. Finish the rest in it too." Sam was practically trying to stroke the piss out as her hands eagerly yet slowly vibrated against his member.

"B-but thats icky..." Isaac protested but Sam wouldn't accept anything but more hot yellow kid-spill filling her stomach.

"Piss in my mouth NOW you fucking brat!" The fear alone would have spilled Isaac's blater. Yet again the golden stream of underage piss began to wiz again right into her thirsty mouth. The sudden blast of urine first came out like a shotgun blast, further splashing onto her face and even against her more than ample chest. Sam didn't mind one bit, she already had piss leaking into her cleavage and even just the smell had her whole body shivering with excitement.

As the stream focused to direct itself into her mouth Sam began to quench her sick pedophile thirst. She was delighted to have the pungent flavors back on her tongue, it almost made her regret yelling at him. Something about a kids huge fuck-hammer made her soft, it was another thing about jail bait piss that made her weak.

Isaac flinched to look down at the girl lapping at his urine. As her lips closed in around his tip he was put into relative ease with the comfort of her plush pillows soothed against his erect mass. He didn't know how or why to explain the wonder but at least he didn't have to watch her actively gargle down any more pee. Her mouth began to swell with cheeks full from the excess of piss flooding her. Isaac felt his tip bathe in its own rancid zest but even with how continuous his stream was Sam gave way to another loud gulp, clearing her throat and mouth to take in more precious piss.

Every mouthful was just another challenge for Sam not to smile. It was nearly 5 minutes and he had not given up on the mouth toilet she lured him into using. If all kids shot this kinda delicious blater cider with equally hung cocks she could gladly see a career in being a public school piss trough. She sunk into her desires going down another liter of piss, she couldn't get enough of it, she even had it rinsing through her gums. If Isaac could shoot out something this devastatingly delicious the single thought of his cum load made her wince with pure joy.

As she schemed and dreamed of ways to pump out the white gold Isaac's yellow fountain had begun to dry out. She sucked piss out of a fat underage cock for 5 minutes straight and she couldn't even put the front of anger or stoic bemusement to conceal how delightfully happy she was to have such a full stomach.

"Oh, you don't a deserve this... No man does." Sam had a calm smile on her face as she spoke. Isaac wasn't sure what it was that he didn't deserve but the woman's next move left him speechless.

Isaac treated her to a feast of pee so Sam decided to treat him to a feast of the eyes. The undressing of her bra was as if she was moving in slow motion, with massive inclined slopes of boobs falling free to make it feel as if everything was from a slowed-down perceptive. Each pale globe had a mass of dough flesh that rose just over watermelon in size. Deviating from her gothic abundance of black was a puffed-up areola that looked as pink as strawberry ice cream. The sensitive and pointed nipples cut in contrast with Sam's makeup and made her tits look all the more feminine and perfect. As they crashed down to her body they jumped back up and jiggled into one another. Sam didn't think she would be showing off her tits to any boy but with that giant piss trunk, she had stirred her into a generous and even hornier mood.

"Take em in cus I want the next thing coming out of that cock to be thick, creamy, white, cum. Got it?"

"I don't even know what..." Before he could even ask what cum was her tits piled into his lap. Just like before the chest weights had crowded onto his legs but now neither had clothes to confine how soft the skin-to-skin contact was. His naked bald groin became the hot spot for each tit to plop themselves right onto. Even his cock was pushed back against his torso under the weight of her plump milkers. Sam bit her lip as she swayed them left and right, letting the ever-hard fuck hammer shift into the warm fluff of soft cleavage. As soon as she felt his member get suckered into her chest fat she began to shift her boobs movement, pushing up and down along his crotch. Her perky nipples brushed into his pelvis as once again he felt his cock being stimulated and groomed for a mysterious climax.

She lifted her tits from him and dangled them across his glands, teasing him out with the cloud like the softness from two massive lumps of perky perfection. Again she lowered her melons onto him but this time she had pushed down gently. Simply showing off not only how much coverage over his length that she had but to let him feel how delightfully soft they are when squished against one another between the naked lap of a hung little boy.

In an end to her teasing, she nested his cock back between her rack. They looked even bigger and all the more juicy as she cupped the sides o to squish out a mass of puffy flesh that piled in every direction. Fingers tipped with black polish were enveloped in the doughy pile as she formed a tight crevice to fuck an underage cock with. He gasped to watch his weiner be enveloped by such soft possessive boobs. He was a bashful child but he knew he liked breasts and he definitely knew that he liked the way Sam started rocking hers up and down his shaft.

Sam looked away from the tip making its occasional peak from her boob lock to the boy watching with intense wonder. It was clear that he was overwhelmed with the stimulation she was pushing against his cock but there was a kind of naive joy in watching it all unfold. Sam couldn't help but have a slight smile on her face, almost proud of her hung little play toy to finally be taking interest in their session. She was glad that he was at least focusing on her tits and not one of the few genuine emotions she dared to never show a living soul. Milking him was nearly making her forget about what was needed with a pure hearted boy.

In a breakaway from the odd feelings of intimacy and recourse, Sam began plopping a kiss on the head poking out. As her lips smooched at Isaac's piss slit a canopy of drool began to cascade down his glans and soak his shaft. Sam pulled her tits apart only to let the wet spittle sink down then continued by spreading the drenched length of his oversized joy-stick with tits motioning in opposite directions. She slid each massive chest balloon up and down with a criss-cross motion as if her tits were climbing his cock like a ladder. The new intensity of warm spit spreading onto him had allowed Sam to break into a new speed. Seeing him struggle made her feel like her power was regained and any bit of joy was only from taking control of a child and not from the perverse pedophilic desire she had from playing with his cock.

Now she really wanted the boy to cum, slipping and sliding her chest along his shaft and giving the occasional lick and kiss to further moisturize her tit-pussy. Sam had even added further pressure to the sides to make them practically jiggle on his cock even further each time they crashed into his pelvis. Isaac's moans rang out and she knew that more tasty fruits of kid dick would be spilling out soon enough.

Sam sank her face into her own cleavage, slurping and sucking the cock even as it sank between her tits. Any of his shaft that would pop up from between her milkers would be immediately overcome by a hungry mouth. It was a warm wet mess being soaked and sucked between her massive pillows and Isaac was at his limit.

"Ahhhh no! I'm gonna pee again!" He screamed out. Even if Sam was only partially sure his blatter was drained she felt much more confident that this time his piss slit would be hosing her down with fresh breeding syrup. She held her mouth at the tip while letting her tits do the rest and soon her filthiest ambitions were tastfully achieved.

It was less than a second for her mouth to become overloaded with a child's spunk. Isaac's hung cock gifted her tastebuds to another thrilling flavor his cock had to give but unlike the piss this stream was truly blasting into her, nearly making her skull jerk from the whiplash of the initial pint worth ropes sank into her.

Sam could only marvel at the flavors she had become overstuffed with. The pungent piss clinging to her tastebuds were washed over with thicker, chunky, spoiled globs of semen that felt more like soft chunks of molten cheesecake rather than a liquid. It was even more brilliantly delicious than she could have hoped for and as she swallowed another gallon she truly lost herself, in total bliss in nothing but the child blasting chunky nut soup down her throat. But getting an innocent boy wasn't just a move of her depravity, all this semen had a purpose.

He had far less cum to hose her down with than he did piss. Sam indulged in a mouthful or two but she let the remaining bit dribble from her chin and onto her chest as to go back to her plan. With the dagger back in her hand, she scrapped her soft, jizz lathered skin as to nourish the blade with a sheathe of cock slop. Sam arose to turn back to her dresser now that the first part of the ritual was complete, the collection of a pure-hearted virgin's seed.

"Azazel ad altiora tendo." Sam spoke in a language unknown to Isaac. She held the dagger over one of the candles next to the book she was reading from. "Eno sivel ot evres eht drol fo lust." As droplets of liquid fell over the candle it's flame had intensified, not only the fire being fed but every candle in the room had a light doubling in size.

"Adsum reffo eht toor fo erup traeh. Eno sreffo ytingriv ydob dna soul." As Sam continued Isaac was still coming back to a level head after the first orgasm of his life. He had not even realized the strength of the flame reaching an unnatural level and was entirely ignorant to the obscured pentagram beginning to glow a mystic red from the bed underneath. "Azazel ekat siht lessev sa srouy ot klaw eht dnal neewteb heaven dna hell."

Just as Isaac was about to ask what she was doing his body began to float. Suspended in the air by nothing vissible to the boy. More than anything amongst the lost power in his body he could feel something watching him, lurking in the facets of a place of unthinkable darkness unknown to Isaac and waiting to strike.

"Ad victoriam Azazel!" Sam roared out causing Isaac to shout and clench his entire body. The boy's eyes shot open in a lense of pure black. In the moments he was helpless to simply be gone, unresponsive to anything. He stumbled back onto the bed as gravity returned to his body but what landed on the bed was no longer Isaac.

The body of a 11 year-old child lifted it's head in the only other person in the room. Sam had a pleased smile filled with curiosity on her face as red eyes look back at her. The boy's skin was riddled with visibly tense veins that coursed a vibrant red glow as they slowly settle and dim. He clenched onto his body to take note of his childish size. Sam still didn't know how much of success her summoning was but let who she hoped would take her virginity come to his senses. His eyes glanced at her with more interest in her body and nothing else. Just the massive tits alone were enough for a smile to come across his face, each tooth looked jagged and pointy while a pleasing tongue smacked across juvenile lips. "Are you the one who offered this vessel for me to take?"

The voice booming from the little mouth of a child had a crackle to it as if he was spitting stones to speak. It was far from human, Sam knew it. She was trembling in utter joy almost too happy to even respond. Without words she showed her devotion, quickly stripping her shorts off to only be clad in her fishnets and tiny black panties that were held together by black strings that rode up her hips. "Y-yes. Yes! I beg for you to take my virginity please!"

"Virgin?" Azazel stood up and chuckled while rather confused as to how someone this voluptuous had yet to be fucked. The demon had been summoned from hell straight into the body of an 11 ear-old boy but what stood out in the most remarkable of ways of this possession was this new cock. The now-gone Isaac was well endowed before but this was a whole different level, and shape than before. If the obscure toys Sam had collected were any hint of what represented and demon's cock then she should have been training her holes long before instead of holding out on giving her first time to Azazel because no amount of silicone could compare to what he had.

The thing was dangling past his knees. The once foreskin-covered tip was now flat, with no skin to be found or rather what his shaft and tip consisted of was a thick, beet red appendage. The end of it was flat almost like a horse's cock but this had an inexplicable slope to it, making it look curved forward while being rung around with jagged textures on its corner. The crimson shaft was curled over with throbbing muscles that were lined with fleshy two-inch throngs that looked smooth yet devastating even while soft. It was laced over with veins just as well but it didn't stop there. While the shaft was just as thick as a 2 liter of soda the base was inevitably bigger. Azazel had a foot of thickly muscled appendage while the part actually connecting to his hairless groin was an additional four-inch patch that was even thicker than the rest. His natural skin color was present on the knot which looked as if multiple hunks of meat had been stuffed into an added pouch of cock meat as thick as a basketball. Each rippling vein amongst the flesh-colored knot had a glowing red to it, eliminating any humanity from the hung underage cock that it once was.

"Azazel my leader! My lord! I pledge myself to you!" Sam begged for his attention. She didn't know if to fling her whole body for him to take or bow down or just bend over to get right to it. She was at his mercy and with the way his cock thumped while continuing to watch her there wouldn't be much mercy to give.

Azazel glared a toothy grin in pure lust at Sam's chest. Never before had she been so thankful to be endowed, her master was clearly pleased with the sights she had to offer and there was not a thing the demon could take that she wouldn't give to him with every fiber of her being.

Taking his eyes off the toy he would undoubtedly dominate he noticed the clothing over his torso. Azael was more amused with all the childish church badges pinned on the sash over his chest but it was the sight of an ascot that had him tear if off himself. All it took was a simple tug and the demonic strength did the rest to wipe his underage torso free of clothing. Looking down at the crucifix bundled in his balm Azazel's eyes began to lighten and a low voice spoke out. "Oh no..."

The demon brushed off the momentary lapse of control and tossed the torn-up garb to the side. Azazel had far more things to put focus on, aiming his eyes right back at the two huge breasts begging to be used. Stepping off the bed small steps were made toward Sam. He licked his lips under jagged teeth, almost teasing her with the way he looked at her fun bags.

"Take them! Have your way with my tits as you would any other part of my body." Sam cried out and thrust her chest forward to her demonic idle.

Azazel responded by giving her a backhand across the face. A man never had so much as laid a finger on her and now her cheek was swelling with the stinging mark of a child's impact. Not as if the hand that struck her was anywhere near juvenile in strength, still she clutched her face with a smile happy to take any abuse the demon wished to deal out to her.

"I'll do as I wish WHEN I wish you filthy mortal garbage." Azazel boomed back to her, making her only submit under his heel in ways that had her even further turned on.

"Y-yes my lord!" Sam whimpered out to her master, just as she was about to bow one of her tits had been grabbed at by the miniature-sized paw of a child. Azazel was pressing into her nipple, each digit sunk into her flesh as tit meat was clenched in an oppressive grab. Sam's other breast got a smack similar to what her face had gone through, both her cheek and areola stinging with pain.

"Ahh..." Sam tried to withhold her gasp. Azazel was using such an aggressive force to hit her and it was almost as if every contact of their skin made her feel electrified by something more than even just the impact of being hit. The pint-sized devil stopped taking hold of the other boob and began to use both hands to smack her chest. Left tit and right tit were bashed into a joyous jello-like clap with each smack they were met with. Azazel took great joy in watching his underling suffer and try to keep from gasping out as more and more pain slithered onto her milk tanks.

"W-wait..." Isaac managed to make a peep but yet again but soon enough the demon took back control of his body and continued to smack Sam's tits around.

The onslaught of tit smashing had relented for only a moment. Sam trembled with swelled breasts that had begun to wash over with a crimson stain from the oppression Azazel had asserted over her chest. She didn't want to seem weak even despite the pain, she knew that it was what he desired and most of all it felt good to be abused by the only thing worthy of her virginity.

"Samantha... Oh my gosh! Are you okay!?" Isaac returned only to see a beaten set of tits. Taking a clenched fist Azazel pounded his chest and growled to force the boy from making another apperance.

"This brat is really holding on..." Azael comented.

"Anything I can do about that master?"

"Yeah, shut your whore mouth so I can keep using you without distraction!" He took a clump of hair to lower the woman, forcing Sam to hunch over to get her breasts closer to him. Battered boob had begun to be soothed by the childish mouth latched to her nipple. Azazel had begun to suck against the bruised area that had become the target of his smacking. Sam felt soothed for only moments but then the nipple latching became an exercise for him to get even more boob in his mouth. Sucking in to make all the fragile skin pull into his mouth, Azazel even began to clamp his jaw down while pulling his face backward to make sure the tit was dragged along.

Her unsuited boob had a hand crashing back into it. Azazel was taking an aggressive squeeze to more than just her nipple with what portion of her areola his cherubic palm could clutch. Each jug was pressed and pulled as the demon buried his head and hand into massive globes that completely undermined his size. No matter how little his skull looked compared to the boob he never failed to gnaw at her nipples as he stretched it backward. Face and hands switched off on what titty would get his fierce attention, making sure to suck and nibble each one with diligence.

Sam's chest was building in intense pain. The sucking had not been so bad but he would follow it with a bite and then when it was pulled back she could feel every reddened nerve light back with the stinging burn his slaps left her in. She moaned out there was no way she could feign any facade of strength with such pain and pleasure washing over her chest. In a brief instant, she saw Isaac return nestled in her cleavage and looking up with wide blue eyes. It was nearly a relief to see some soft innocence but then again the demon took control and she was back to having her chest assaulted.

Azazel laughed while his tongue swirled around stiff strained nipples. His nibbling went into tooth clamps around her tit. Spiked teeth dug into her flesh just enough to keep her from bleeding as he sucked and held pressure on her at any moment feeling as if he could simply take a bite right out of her. He roamed over the curve of her massive chest, not just her nipples but he claimed down on every party that rang red. Leaving his mouth from the girl Sam was left with swelling tits that were bruised into a crimson heat as well as covered in bite marks and a child's saliva.

"It's about time I fuck you." Azazel declared with words have never hit Sam harder. Her eyes bulged with pure joy of what was to come. She had waited for so long, she dreamed day and night of this event. Her teeth were chattering together in pure excitement, she couldn't even speak. Her boobs might still be stinging but her heart was about to thump out of her chest.

Azazel didn't need her to say a word, he would be doing whatever he wished with her body with or without consent. He pulled on an arm and nearly flipped her entire body as she was flung to the bed. As Sam was trying to reorient herself and figure out where she landed on the bed Azael had leaped between her legs, a hand quickly grasping for the strap of her panties and tearing them as if it was simply a napkin covering her cunt. Sam's excitement only grew as she watched him fiendishly prepare for the sex they were about to have. He even tore apart the area of fishnets around her crotch to further clear the way for him to fuck.

"You really are a virgin." Azazel laughed as he inspected her pussy, digging his thumbs into her inner thighs to stretch the hole. Sam's slit was suprisingly compact with the hints of labia and clit just hardly peeking out of a puffy mound. There was no hiding anything from this demon and the slick juices running down her lips showed how devoted and excited she was for this.

"I waited for you. For something worthy of my virginity. Take it! Fuck it out of me! I pledge everything I am to you!" Sam's desperate cries only made her hornier to get railed by demon dick. Azazel was pleased with what a mouth-wateringly sexy human had summoned him. He would push this juvenile vessel to its limits but looking at how tight and inexperienced Sam was it seemed as if his cock would have trouble fitting in.

"Good... Good..." He chimed as he asserted himself over her. Azazel stood up in a squat while taking both of her shapely legs to squeeze in his clutch and spread her out. Sam's lower body was further controlled as the boy lifted and pushed her into a condensed position with her large ass being angled up towards his crotch and legs folding back towards her shoulders. It was effortless for him to manipulate her body with the new position practically making her leak fresh pussy juice onto her face, even with a small body Azazel had the kind of power she dreamed of being fucked by.

The gargantuan meat hammer slammed over her pussy lips as he smacked its length onto her pelvis. Sam bit her lip and groaned under her breath as she felt the trickle of each horned throng tease at her. Just grinding his cock against her had the woman on edge with tiny bits of penetration that would be in no way shape or form of the actual fucking Azazel would reign down on her.

"Once I plow this hole it's over. You'll be my ruined fuck slave and I won't let you see another man in your life." His hands dug further into her thighs. Clenching the shapley meat of her legs and making her body shiver under his powerful threats and control.

"That's all I want. Any amount of abuse, sex, or submission belongs only to you. I want to worship you Azazel. Destroy my body as you please!" Sam's eyes lit up as she saw the head of his monsterous cock left from between her legs. Azazel was angling it towards her, he was pleased to hear how pathetically helpless this human was for demon dick. He was going to slam a memory into her with such brutality that she'll never doubt her servitude for as long as she lives. Just as he was about to bring hell upon her virgin slit and force her virginity into a firey dimension of pleasure Azazel was interrupted.

"Noooo! Premarital sex is a sin!" Isaac shouted out only for Azazel to thrust in as he already planned. Isaac's lingering will was achieved. Sam had remained a virgin but the screaming moan was from the cock being barged into her asshole. Her tight pucker gaped to a giant mass in the seconds of being fucked by a demon. Azazel grunted, angry with being burdened by the child but pleased with the tight rim clenching his outlandish length.

"W-wai..." Sam tried to stop herself from protesting through grit teeth. The sudden force of demon cock busting into her puckered rim was something that burned desperate pain from the new shapes her ass was being stretched into. No amount of silicone toys could prepare any hole for this and not taking a ride on any of her toy collections had become an immediate regret. Her hands strung a bundle of sheets to manage the pain and she reminded herself who she belonged to.

Azazel continued to mush his cock forward. The hole that had been squeezing his meat was difficult to push through and he wasn't sure if it just felt that good and was finding trouble to stretch her further. The girth of his monster moved in to make for passage of a bowel tunnel that was nearly too tight to fuck but he had taken far younger and much tighter than this gothic woman had to offer. Even with the dramatic difference in sizes between cock and asshole nothing could stop the demon from taking joy in the sexual conquest cowering under his shaft. With a heavy grunt, he pushed a few inches more but that simple thrust nearly took all the breath out him.

"Fuck me with that perfect hell cock!" She cried out, fighting her best interests and encouraging her master to pummel her guts, but it looked as if all the struggle that painted her face was now burdening Azazel. Sam was upset to be waiting any longer to have her real virginity taken, upset with the pain stinging inside her stomach, but she was most upset that she felt like her body had not been brutalized. The way Azazel gently pushed back only to send in another thrust of dick started to ease her into anal. Her ass was struggling but still maintained its use and she figured that he must be saving his energy for her pussy. The equine-like tip was even leaking a pre-cum that was thicker and slimier than what a human cock would excrete, making her stretching bowel a better habitat to fuck.

"Do it! Pound me, master! Show my virgin asshole what hell is like!" She encouraged more, finding her ass adjusting well with all things considered. She was still as tight as any vice but each ripple pressing her ass open and further had caused his slow motions to go even smoother.

"I'M TRYING YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT. I JUST... JUST...." Azazel barked back and sunk his head to take in any air he could muster. The anal sex had stopped. She still had several pounds of underage demon cock in her ass but Azazel was clenching his teeth and resting his head on one of her thighs. "GRRRRRRRaaaahgghhh!!" He wailed and a gust of red smoke blew from his mouth. The colored mist arose above his head and then dipped down as it made the form of a demonic face that faded under the bed, under the floorboards, and back to hell.

As the boy's head stood back up the shades sky blue yes opened where red anger once remained. Isaac had purged the evil and returned to his body. The child inspected the naked woman spread below him seeing her pussy still maintaining its innocence even if she had something that looked far more freakish inside her ass. Azazel may have been banished but not without gracing the boy with his monstrous endowment among other gifts.

"I did it! No pre-marital sex!" He cheered, happy to see an unfucked pussy.

"What the fuck! What did you do with my Azazel!!?" Sam clenched, unable to do much with this crater of cock weighing down on her. Not only was she still plugged by half a foot of dick but it seemed that the boy could easily and confidently keep her legs pushed down and in a pile driver position even if Isaac had failed to notice it.

"I got him out! He sorta took over for a bit and then I went to hell. It's really not as bad as you might think if you can't make any friends. But I was wondering what was happening with you so I came back!" The boy was as innocent and childish even with his body being temporarily possessed, even with his trip to hell, and even with his two feet of monster cock buried in a grown woman. Isaac was simply too pure for Azazel and the forces of hell to overcome.

"Well get the fuck back down there. I want SEX!" Sam barked, trying to get up from under him but only reminded how much that cock controlled her body, with or without a demon powering it.

"No! You can't do it until you're married, Samantha. Your virginity is a virtue and I only want the best for my new friend. Plus my thingy is in your butt, isn't that enough for you anyways?" Isaac giggled and thrust a tiny bit inside her. The way a child was preaching to her while simultaneously filling her bowels was driving Sam crazy. She couldn't deny the bit of pleasure her now stretched hole had to have all this cock in her but she vowed her allegiance to a true force of evil that Isaac could never be, even if a demon literally takes over his body.

"Look you miserable fucking brat. Just get the fuck out of my shit hole. Just be a good little Jesus scout and maybe I'll blow you again to do things RIGHT this time. Your fucking cock is still hard so I know you wouldn't mind me soaking your cock again." Sam wasn't even sure if she could perform oral sex on him again with how beaten she felt from this position. She carried much anger to think of anything but performing the ritual again.

"No. No more blowjobs." Isaac said displaying more lost innocence. "You're real grouchy. You know that Azazel guy was really mean and angry too. Just hearing some of the thoughts he had got me a little spooked." Isaac giggled for a moment. "But he did know lots of fun stuff I learned before I went to hell too. I saw some of his like hazy funny memories of girls doing it right in this hole too and loving it. Anal? Anal sex! That's what it was. Maybe you just need some anal sex to get out of your bad mood." The boy smiled at the woman offering to fuck the bad vibes out of her ass.

"No! Get the fuck off! I need a demon raping my asshole not some annoying little shit!" Sam barked back trying to do anything to kick him off her.

"Hold on one second Samantha. I can help you find the light." With an innocent smile and tremendous power, Isaac took back a confident grip on Sam's legs. The boy pressed her meager movements forward so her knees spread to her shoulders and her ass further raised. While still inside her he stood on tippy toes to level out his new fuck tool. As she lost any hope of breaking free Isaac dropped down to slam her guts to force out a pleased scream from the once angry woman. In just a moment he had spilled his member down her asshole and pumped her rim at the base of his knot. She was in no way stretched enough to take that chunky addition but Isaac didn't need it to fuck her asshole as he saw fit. After her body settled with all that cock he raiesed himself again only to force back down and really put Sam in a bind she didn't know or maybe even want to get out of.

"Get off~" her attempt to order him around only shifted into a moan as his little body slammed into her once again. There was clearly no telling him what to do. All Sam could attempt was to look angry and pretend like she didn't like her ass being used around by a little kid. At the very least she wanted to keep herself from letting out a mother weak moan but with the amount of dick oppressing her bodily function she couldn't help but make out the occasional yelp and squeak.

Any task to keep herself in line was failing as Isaac gleefully plowed her body even harder. It was torture to watch such a happy-go-lucky God-loving child use a cock bigger than any one of his limbs to force open Sam's asshole. It was ridiculous to think she could be anything but doom and gloom but the slams of hefty demon dick made her truly debate if this goth and occult stuff was worth much of anything anymore.

"Wow, your butt feels even better than your mouth. I hope it feels food for you too!" Isaac settled his rod down at the start of his knot. While forcing her further into the mattress he pushed and wiggled his body weight down as to tease her already damaged asshole with the girth the rest of his cock had yet to dive in.

"Mmmmmnnnooo... I- mmmnghhaa... hate it... ffffuckmmmmm" Sam couldn't help but moan as only her angry eyes watered while trying to withhold the fake feelings she was displaying. She could feel that more cock had yet to claim her asshole. That full balls that quadrupled in size sank against her phat ass cheeks as he teased out what immense strength her ritual left him with.

"Doesn't sound like it! Don't worry, I been holding back!" No human can summon the strength or cock Isaac began to prep for impact. Raising his little body yet again Sam watched as a fat red cock slid from out her asshole. Each throng that popped out as he pulled back was another relief from the tension of being stretched so viciously. Still, the child had not taken all his fuck-hammer out of her, he simply gave himself space to gain momentum. She could feel his tip slobber more of its mystic pre-nut fluids to do what it could to lube her hole, Sam winced knowing what this boy was trying or would force himself to do.

The way Isaac through his body down to fuck her was so powerful it blew a candle out. In a heartbeat, he had dropped his obese dick so far and fast into her asshole that he had managed to fit half the knot in.

"Almost there..." Isaac panted, feeling an even tighter stretch on his package. Sam tried to scream out but only exhausted air passed out her lips as she was being forced to reform her asshole again. The womans legs felt entirely numb with the way even her already wide birth giving hips had to stretch as well as her asshole. Tiny hands dug into her thighs to pull his cock back for another momentous air strike in Sam's puntured shit hole.

"FUCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!" Sam finally found the strength to scream out a swear worthy of the bulk supply of kid dick rammed into her. Isaac had used demonic strength to force himself balls deep inside of her. Making their bodies clap together and sweat spill between the two in a sick new ritual of their own.

"Language!" Isaac replied as he truly took up the reign to plow her. Back and forth he squat with a now worse-for-worn asshole clung to his dick meat to stimulate the staggering inches he had to bury inside her. It wasn't just his whole body that was dropping into her but the strength lingered by Sam's failed experiment. The child had all the grip he needed on her thick thighs to pull more power than his body weight had to slam his giant knotted tree trunk down again and again.

"Nnngh! Faaaaaa!! FAAAAA!!" Sam whimpered and moaned and screamed out each time she felt her body become the new vessel for underage dick. She had no idea why she was holding herself from swearing but nothing made sense to her with an asshole stretched enough to give birth. Even just the way his heavy balls came smacking down into her made the woman want to obey his wishes even more.

"There we go..." Isaac said with an oafish smile. It may have took an inhuman amount of strength but to Sam's asshole was being plowed by the thickest hunk of cock meat to ever tear into her. The boy worked in clear joy as his oversized dick stretched and rubbed against tight asshole walls that shouldn't possibly be able to take a fucking like this. "You gotta like it! Dontcha?" His body continued to clap and press the woman down as he spoke. All senses of pain pleasure anger and love evaporated and expanded in the dilated pupil of Sam's eye.

"Y-you're amazing Isaac! P-please fuc- use... Use my body as you wish!" Sam gasped out, almost swearing in the ways she was learning not to do. Her brain was starting to realize it was useless to keep her feelings in check. This child was pounding her like it was as natural to him as whatever bullshit Bible verse that peddles cookies. He commanded so much damn power that she couldn't even control her body, let alone her thought process. He was slamming his whole cock and body down onto her and forcing those phat pale cheeks to jiggle each time those massive nuts swung down to spank her. Sam had so much desire and worship to aim towards Isaac but all she knew how to do was moan for more of him.

The violent thrashing of his demonic cock had picked up into a new speed. His knot was being passed in and out on repeat without a care of how much damage it was doing to her body. Nothing could compare to the way her brain was blanking to the rhythm of Isaac's thrusts. Sam's guts were being absolutely stomped on as if they were being raided by a village of bite-sized Vikings, but the only thing slamming force was just one little boy. The perfect little boy.

"Pound my pedo ass you beautiful little freak!" Sam finally came to her senses to realize this was the being who deserved her virginity most of all. The pounding impact of skin on skin as they clapped together became the new symbol of her depraved worship of Isaac. Any sense of dreary mood was gone from the goth's face as her mouth sprung to an open smile with her tongue hanging out and eyes rolling to the back of her head. She was insane for his dick and it was showing by the way she sank every feeble emotion into the way her ass was being turned.

"That's the spirit!" Isaac cheered only to continue his knots berating of her once-tight rosebud. Sam's hole even had such a grip that it would pull back and grip the knot as his body recoiled to thrust once again. It was as if his cock and body was beating Sam into the bed, the woman only had delighted screeches to ring throughout the house as fat underage balls came crashing down onto a fat ass that was being forced to endure a savage assault. It was a fantasy for Sam and the realm of heaven and hell felt completely empty for the filthy connection they had created.

"Agghhh! I'm gonna bust a thick sloppy load of cum!" Isaac was on the brink of an orgasm, and this time he was well aware of what he would be spewing out of his cock. He let her asshole wash over with his plentiful seed in his eruption of sludge but soon he pulled out to let his seed splash over her like a ball batter baptism.

Each shot was worthy of nearly a liter of fluid. Sticky chunky barrels of cum sprayed onto Sam's pale skin and even further around her room. Isaac's cock stood between her legs as if it was a mounted turret, machine-gunning more and more sludge onto the walls and even covering whatever objects that she had atop her dresser.

"Heh. That was neat." Reverting back to the child and not the monstrous-cocked sex machine Isaac leaped off the woman and let her body crash into the bed with plenty of cum still spilling from her used-up hole as well as around her body. The child's mating press had left the woman with a cratered asshole just barely held together by the seed spilled inside.

"W-wait… What about my other hole…" Sam said in a weak voice. She lay flat, body too used up to beg on her knees as she felt was owed to him. Reaching out with a nearly limp hand desperate for her new master to stay.

"Sorry, Samantha. That's a sin. That's real sex and if we aren't married I don't think it's right." Isaac said while scavenging for his shorts.

"I'll be your wife..." Sam let out in a low voice. The idea of monogamy with anything other than a demon was an idea that would have made her physically ill. She felt no attraction to her own kind for years but now the facets of her pent-up mind were being unraveled and untwisted by a child.

"Don't I needa ring and like a wedding and all that too?"

"We can worry about all that later. Please Isaac please, PLEASE! Please take my virginity. I want you more than I want to take another breath of air. I'll be your wife or your slut or your rape toilet or your precious little church participant. I'll do ANYTHING to make you fuck me! Please, Isaac!" Sam pathetically begged for cock. The woman who once showed a scarce amount of emotion was now tearing up in her submission to Isaac. Sam wanted him and was willing to give up every belief and individualistic personality trait to get him back in bed.

"Hmm… I guess that is kinda like marriage. But I gotta put a ring on you after we do it too."

"How about leeeeaaash?!-" Sam's voice cracked into a surprised yelp.

With another quick motion, Isaac leaped back onto the bed grabbed her by the hips, and flipped her onto her stomach.

"I gotta get you in the right spot…" Isaac easily pulled the woman up to have her on her knees. Sam hardly felt strong enough to keep herself prepped but was pleasantly turned on with how easily the boy could move her. Leaking down her thighs was the carnal residue that had continuously cascaded out of a slowly closing asshole. Sam's rim was left with a red ring of pain much like the stinging that was left on her tits.

Once Isaac had her phat ass bent over and facing his childish toro he began to squeeze and explore each cheek. His hands were hardly a quarter of what each globe had bouning in his face but he took plenty of enjoyment to push them together, rub and squeeze his tiny digits inward to practically melt into her excessive flesh.

"You have a really nice butt. I'm glad I know what to do with it now." Isaac said while teasing her out by fondling a rear end that was in position and eager to fuck.

"Grrrr.... thanks... You can do this and a lot more now too I guess..." Sam blushed as she received a genuine compliment. Usually, she would spit verbal acid or simply ignore any level of admiration towards her. It wasn't going to be easy to sink into this lifestyle and she wasn't even sure if she was too horny to be angry but her feelings had begun to change. A quick couple of smacks came against her rear end. Flesh bounced on the impact but unlike the way, Azazel hit her this wasn't of pure pain. Isaac could crush her with a single hand but he was going at a pace gentle enough to shock her nerves but also feel comfortable with maintaining her body's constitution.

"Mmmmm... Don't you want to put it in my pussy Isaac?" Sam cooed towards her childish groper to encourage what she had been waiting for. With how nurturing his touch felt on her skin she worked the energy to shift her ass backward and sway it if only a little considering she had just received the harshest anal beating her asshole would ever receive.

"I know you do! Your lady parts are all wet. I know that means your all excited and horny and stuff." Isaac sounded like a child but his new knowledge went so much deeper. His hand went up against her pussy to jam his fingers into his clit to tease her and push more juice out.

"Aghh! Yes! I'm dying to be fucked by you!" Sam's entire body trembled with just a single 11 year-old hand touching her pussy. It was insane to be teased out by a child like this but the anticipation was driving her mad.

"Okie dokie! I think it might be wet enough for me to go in." Isaac replaced the hand-fingering her with the head of his flat-horned cock to her entrance. The indescribable comparison between a little hand and a giant equine-shaped fuck-rocket riddled with pointed ripples had Sam on the edge of fear and excitement. As if her pussy juices weren't plentiful enough Isaac's finger-thick piss slit began to spray the same pre-nut lubricant that aided in her anal pounding. The juices mixed in with the dried cum and once again Sam felt the surface of a massive red penis grind against her pussy.

Isaac's hips flowed like water to enter her. A smooth yet forceful motion of his hips had her pussy stretched out and impaled for the first time. Unlike the intrusive collapse of the mega cock that nearly split her asshole these movements had been far more deliberately gentle.

"Ahhh... Isaac..." Sam moaned out. The walls of her cunt had been slowly opening and tightening around the thing slowly entering her. It was her own personal gates of heaven and each one of them where in thorough enjoyment of the feeling. Even the throngs bumping into each tight corner and a soft spot in her pussy felt right. Both girth and additional spiked appendages worked to comfort her into them losing their virginity to one another.

Cervix was easily met with the head of his cock. Not even halfway in and he was already poking at a limit she had not known wouldn't be smashed in. "Mmmm. The back of your pussy feels really good. I'm so glad I get to have you as a wife."

Sam wanted to correct him and claim to be a sex slave and/or cum toilet to keep her depraved perversions the center of their session but she couldn't bring herself to deny him anything. Isaac was already busted into her pussy but again he was teasing her by slowly pushing up against her cervix and just hardly opening up her womb. He wasn't even at the knot but was still perfectly capable of prodding even deeper in her guts. Part of the woman wanted him to bust in and dominate her, another part was barely managing to keep her body held together, and the most prominent part of her brain knew that her life would never be the same. "And I'm so glad to have my husband's giant underage cock inside me..." Samantha bellowed out assuring her new relationship status for the first time in her life.

As if her latest moan was a call to action Isaac took his smooth gentle rocking to really start fucking her. His childish hands gripped her phat cheeks to use as a tool to push and pull both their bodies back and forth. The wet froth between the two kept the motions slick yet fierce and rough. Samantha was clenching onto the sheets but knew this is what she wanted and knew that the cervix teasing wouldn't be getting any softer as he continuously bashed against it. He only retreated his mass of length as his tip prod the inside of her womb, the 11 year-old was deliberately keeping her cervix in check while forcefully pushing cock and spanking her.

"Gahhhmmmmnggg! Your cock is so fucking goooddd!!!" Samantha cried out, incapable of holding in the cus words her man ruled her to stop using. Whether it was in an act of punishment or to further pursue the perverted sex Isaac plowed in with vigours thrust breaking right through that limit he teased out. He pulled her ass back and flung his little bald pelvis inwards to finally pound past that tight cervix and invade her womb. Samantha let out a cry feeling all the more meat enter her pussy. Her tight stomach bulged from the shape of cock pushing through with even the throngs making the lining of her navel ripple.

Isaac continued his new womb-beating reign to rail his demonic dick into a woman who could and would not stop screaming for it. Samantha loved how each inch had her cunt stuffed and jabbed at, it was as if he was fucking her from every direction and making sense of the way she was so easily accepting a lifelong commitment to an 11 year-old boy. Even the balls swinging into her thighs gave her an additional sense of pleasure, even in a room of darkness she was starting to see what heaven truly is.

Even with how worn and stretched Samantha's insides were being turned out there was still the lingering question of the knot. As a little boy endlessly plowed into an ass that nearly doubled the size of his torso he still had more strength and cock to force into her. He let out little pants and huffs while pushing a foot of exquisite meat into an adult pussy. Even if he was just a sweet little boy he was anything but weak.

"Fuck me! Fuck me!!! Make a filthy whore trophy wife! Beat your cock into me until I know that no other man can ever be worthy of the markings my husband made I'm nothing but a sick pedo bitch and deserve to get used by your perfect kiddy dick!" Samantha cried out to spill more feelings to Isaac. She had never felt anything for a living person and now she was gladly underneath or rather bent over for a little boy.

"Mmmm. I wanna... I wanna do it really good and really hard... I wanna fuck my wife into a stinky pile of jizz!" Isaac moaned with the pressure of virgin pussy clenching his cock. The juices between the both of them had splashed juices out from her groin on each impact but he was still just holding back. Isaac moved his hands from her huge ass up to her hips, pulling her body he didn't push her back onto him but made way to leverage his body over her. His tiny figure straggled her ass and managed to ride up her thighs like a horse.

Sitting above her bouncy booty Isaac had taken the position to plow down on her with even further force. Now her womb wasn't just getting the occasional slam but a brutal beating as he easily manipulated his power over her to grip onto her hips and buck down into her pussy.

"AAAAGH!! FUUGGAAAAA!!! MMMNGGGGGGGGGNNNNNN!!!!" Samantha had no further words to humiliate or worship her husband. He was brutalizing her in ways that erased all speaking functions and all she could do was moan with pleasant drool spilling from her black lips each time the meat-bazuka would crash down on her. His dick was pushing more skin to bulge from her stomach and she didn't even know how she could keep herself prepped up.

In a brutal surge, Samantha's whole body lost its ability to feel anything but pleasure. A hairless underage pelvis clapped into her cheeks so hard that not only did her ass and tits quake with a jiggle but even her hair breezed back as a 11 year-old cock beat her into the mattress to a prone position. Once again Isaac knotted a tight virgin hole and Samantha was helpless to do anything but be a good fuck toy for him to plow his massive fuck-tower into again.

He plowed into her rear end like a trampoline. Pulling his knot and shaft away from her hole, only to thrust downwards and make her ass clap back on his groin and legs flail upwards as the rest of her body pushed in towards the bed. Samantha was absolutely braindead as the loud thuds of Isaac's body slamming her lower half were barely even registered into a man that could only feel and think of pure joy. Her virginity was being savagely trounced on and it only felt right to lay there and take it while she couldn't even moan out for it.

The woman was a wobbling jiggly mess. Her ass was constantly rocking in motion with the way a little boy trampled his dick behind it and her massive boobs squished into the mattress and plopped out at each side. They had remained bruised, red, and covered with beastly teeth marks. They had not stopped stinging for a moment but even while she was being brutally fucked Isaac came to their attention.

"He was real- MMnggghh- Really rough with these. They are way too perfect to be hurt like that." Isaac groaned out between thrusts. Samantha's pussy was being blundered by a massive knot going in and out of her pussy hole but her little husband found the angle and effort to squeeze each one. His little digits had a soothing grip as he fondled around the mass of damaged boobs. His hands were so gentle yet cock was so rough to put Samantha into a shocked ping of pleasure.

"Treat my body however you wish Isaac. Plow your stupid whore wife, knock a billion fucking babies in my womb! I want my fat cow tits to belong only to you and the children I nurture from the sloppy loads you dump into me!" Samantha found the words to beg for a life she never dreamed of. Having kids was never in the cards but feeling a fat knot crack open her pussy walls and flat kiddy dick tip bash her womb resulted in a sick new fate to be begged of her.

"I'ma do it! Ima breed you and keep putting my dick up your tight baby maker till I shoot my stuff in you! Every day I'm gonna feed your mouth and your butt and your pussy all my cum! I'm gonna make you the prettiest, sexiest slut of a wife ever!" Isaac cried out as he had to stop fondling the tits to slam inside with all his vigor. Even his balls hardly had the chance to smack down into her thighs as the speed he plowed his little body downward kept his every giant testicle flailing in the air.

Samantha was thrown into a fit of screaming moans. She was being fucked so hard that her body was imprinting into the mattress. If she wasn't crying out so loudly and didn't have a kid slamming into her ass they would probably hear the crack of wood underneath from the way the bed was incapable of withstanding their fuck session.

Before the bed could break Isaac had made good on breeding his wife. No pulling out was aloud on this climax and as his flat dick pushed the boundaries of her womb an excessive explosion blasted its way out of his piss slit. Samantha's scream shifted to a pleased grumble as her stomach swelled into a new size. Giant churning nuts worked out gallons of slop to fill the woman and she was quickly overcrowded with white breeding gold. The bruised tits puffing out from the side were quickly outshined with a bloat of cum infested stomach that outdid the size of her chest and almost her entire body. Samatha rest in the sticky pile, proud to be a future mommy and present wife.


"What the fuck do you want?" A woman said as she opened her front door.

"Samantha language!" A child's voice called from within the house to keep her in check.

"Sorry, hunny-bun." Samantha called back to her husband with a cheery voice finding her old habits would die hard. Turning her head back to the front door with a warm smile she was ready to properly greet who rang. "I'm sorry. How may I help you, young boys?"

Several Sermon Scouts shook in fear as they stood around her porch in battle position. They all had hastily grabbed weapons from hockey sticks to hands full of rocks and even one particularly scared child clutching holy water.

"Are you Sam Manson? The witch?!"

"Or devil worshipper?"

"No, she's a child murderer!"

The boys called out what to think of the woman standing at the door. All may have been somewhat true just a couple of days ago but since then she had done some updating to her public image, inside and out.

"Well actually, it's Samantha Doyle now." She never grew tired of calling herself that. In a stark change from the 22 year-old woman, Isaac had met Samantha now stood without a single item of black anywhere on or around her body. Her once raven-haired fringe bangs had been dyed a golden yellow more in line with her natural hair color with bangs now swept to the side with a pink hair clip.

Even with the accusations and potential threat of violence, she maintained a tender smile that felt as nurturing as a mother. The red lipstick on her face looked quite elegant and rather warm on her soft face. What threw off the boys most of all was a sundress covered in pastel flowers that looked rather dainty and feminine. Really it was the giant jugs that hung deep into the straps and pushed the limits of the neckline even lower to give the religious boys a run for their faith.

"W-where's Isaac?" One boy said trying not to look in the wrong direction and fall in love with her.

"Yeah! We saw him come here three days ago! Did you fatten him up and put him in soup?" Another boy squealed while hoisting his little league bat above his head.

"One moment boys, he's perfectly uncooked and inside... Isaac sweetie! Your friends are here." She called her child husband and waited as light footsteps made their way to greet the rest of the Sermon Scouts.

"Hey fellas. How're the donations going?" The blonde boy asked demonstrating that he was very much alive.

"ISAAC!" Several boys yelped in unison.

"What did she do to you!?"

"We got married!" Isaac grabbed the hand of his wife but what the shocked children had referred to was the freakish appendage leering down like a third leg from hell. Now that he was using Samantha as he wants when he wants clothes seemed a little pointless at most times of the day. Still, he pulled his beautiful transformed wife to lean in and give her a kiss on the lips.

"Married?! That's not what I mean! What's that?" A child said pointing at his dick with a baseball bat that seemed miniature in comparison.

"Why wasn't I invited to the wedding?"

"Did you get a ring?"

Much more pressed with the questions about his new wife and not his cock Isaac answered only a portion of what was asked him. "Well we didn't exactly do a wedding and I don't gotta ring yet. But she's my wife uh-huh."

The Sermon Scouts were baffled by everything going on. None of the children had any real understanding of what a marriage or even relationship was. Let alone why Isaac was naked and had that thing for a penis.

"That isn't a marriage I don't think."

"Yeah, you gotta go to a church and get a ring."

"And vows too!"

Each chimed in to dispute the legitimacy of Isaac's marriage. All they said may have been true but the real connection between them was far filthier.

"I can assure you boy we are very much married," Samantha said.

"Yeah, you guys don't get it. Lemme show you." Isaac grabbed the hem of his wife's dress and pulled it off with a swift yank. Any embarrassment the woman would have to be stripped down to an audience of children was quickly overturned as she felt Isaac give a powerful smack to her bare ass cheek.

Isaac was eager to demonstrate his marriage and quickly toppled over his wife so her back lay out the door. Between her spread legs, Isaac's appendage began to stiffen. Samantha didn't care if the whole world was watching and lapped her tongue on the flat tip as it became ready to fuck.

"Isaac no!"

"This isn't marriage this is perversion!"

"Oh my god, is he gonna do it with her?"

"Look guys you don't get it. This is what marriage is all about." Isaac said before slamming her pussy in deep enough to bulge her stomach. He began a brutal fuck session right on the porch and each child was mortified in their own unique way.

Three children had run in opposite directions. One had turned away to start puking. Another had begun to breakdown into tears and recounted every bible verse he could think of. One had looked in amusement and partial jealousy. "You mean I coulda been getting pussy instead of selling cookies?"