deku’s sex genie

Who am I kidding?! I bet all of you want to become heroines!" came the voice of their teacher as she tossed her stack of papers into the air as almost all the students began using their quirks. One of them was able to stretch their eyeballs out of their skull by about a foot, another was able to make a torrent of air come flying out of her wrist.

But one student sat in the back of the class, clenching his fists in ugly jealousy as he held his head down in depression. Yes, this was Midoriya Izuku, the green-haired male of his class/the entire school. Born without a quirk (as he was a male), he was the one of the lone students in class not showcasing their quirks, save for Bakugo Katsumi, who was sitting cooly with her shoes on her desk as she sat back in her chair.

"Teach, didn't I tell you not to lump me in with these losers?" Katsumi reminded as she jabbed a thumb in their general direction. Not losing any steam she continued, "I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom of the barrel like the rest of these asshats!"

"Bakugo, language!" the teacher reprimanded uselessly.

"I'm the one who aced the mock exam for UA on their first try. What hope do these weak wannabe heroines have when compared to my lovely quirk?" she asked as she held a hand up before making an explosion in her palm, a small one that popped in the room.

The teacher sighed before looking downwards on a lone piece of paper on her podium, reading it before announcing to the entire class: "Oh, Midoriya, it says here you're trying out for UA too," she said with a barely restrained giggle of amusement.

The whole class (save for one individual who was fuming) erupted into a litany of laughs and mocking.

"A man being in UA, that'd be the day!"

"Did ya hear they needed a Breeder or something?! Ha ha ha!"

"Y-you d-don't need to be a B-Breeder to attend anymore! T-they c-changed that!" Midoriya countered, hating that he was being mocked again, all over his sex. Originally for males to attend UA they had to be Breeders, but they changed that five years ago after the wise and all-powerful chimera Nozomi spoke up at "diversifying the classes of students." Still, no male had ever attended UA, but Midoriya was hoping to change that soon.

The bell rang, signaling to everyone that the end of the day had occurred and to return to home.

But Katsumi was having none of that. "DEKU!" she gritted out as she got close enough to her target and laid a hand on his right shoulder, the area gradually heating up with her quirk Explosion until it was unbearably hot and sizzling the uniform and skin. "You're not going to UA, Deku. You're gonna be my personal Breeder when I'm a heroine, right?" she asked, but it sounded more like a statement of fact. Katsumi, ever since she got her quirk and Izuku didn't, had this weird perverse drive to "protect" him, to keep him safe as her personal Breeder when she became a heroine. She'd "protect" him by chasing away any girl (and very rare boy) that tried to talk to him, that even just said a friendly "hello;" she'd "protect" him by beating him up senseless whenever he'd express an interest in doing something even remotely dangerous, like being a police officer or a firefighter; she'd "protected" him her whole life, trying to mold him to be a perfect personal submissive Breeder for herself when they got older.

Mechanically he said, "Yes, Kacchan," as he said those exact words over and over so many times, usually when he was crying. However, today was a "lucky" day and he only got off with first-degree burns on his shoulder.

He left school soon after, tuning out and not caring where the hell he was possibly going. He made sure not to bump into any other woman as he made his way to…somewhere.

It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair!

Why did he have to be born as a male?! Why did only women have quirks and not men?! Why wasn't he good enough, no, smart enough to work his way into UA by being a support technician?! It's because he never tried, he never tried to better himself, always wishing with some vain hope that things will somehow work out. He never applied himself, so when he inevitably failed the U.A. Entrance Exam he'd probably fucking kill himself by taking a swan dive off a roof.

Wow, that was a dark train of thought, so dark in fact that it jostled Izuku out of his rumination. He was at…a heavily polluted beach? There was trash everywhere, heaps every which way and taller than him (which wasn't saying much but whatever). The smell then hit his nose and he recoiled in disgust. Against his better thinking he decided to wander deeper into the trash, finding a clearing that had a mound of trash in the center. On the center of the pile of trash was, and he wasn't kidding, an honest-to-god genie lamp, shimmering gold in complexion and seemingly unaffected by the trash surrounding it.

Throwing caution to the wind he approached the genie lamp and grabbed it. It was light within his hands, lighter than an American football. He twisted the genie lamp until he could see his reflection in the metal and he closed his eyes as he rubbed the lamp with his left hand.

"Please let this work," he thought pitifully, knowing how stupid and utterly unlikely it'd be to work.

Unbeknownst to Midoriya Izuku, a green shroud of gas came pouring out rapidly, creating a floating neon green-skinned woman with a tail where her legs should be. "Ha ha, I'm free!" she announced in a sultry voice.

At that Midoriya immediately opened his eyes as he observed the floating entity before him. She was Arabian-looking, skinny but with curves. She had red eyes and had metal bracelets at the end of her wrists, along with blue hoops that dangled from her arms. Her attire was blue-themed, and her corset showed off her ample cleavage. "A-are you a-a villain?!" Midoriya asked hurriedly as he dropped the genie lamp, looking among the trash to find a suitable weapon (if needed).

"A villain? Oh not at all, dear master," she immediately soothed, floating closer to her new master. She picked up her discarded genie lamp as she cupped her master's cheek. "I'm your new best friend, sugar," she said kindly, a fond smile on her face before she pushed the genie lamp into his clavicle region. Instead of what was supposed to happen, it getting stopped by his skin, it somehow went through his body, it becoming a tattoo on it.

"My best friend? W-what are y-you?" Izuku asked, entranced by her beauty.

"I'm a genie, well, a sex genie to be more exact," she patiently explained as she floated a little away from him. "My name is Desiree, and I will grant you any sexual wish you so desire."

Midoriya blue-screened at that revelation. He now had a sex genie? That could grant any sexual desire he wanted?

"And no, before you ask, you don't have a limit on your wishes. I'm not a run-of-the-mill kind of genie."

"What do you mean?" he asked, a curious look on his face as he somehow conjured a brand-new notebook and pencil to write down what she was going to say.

With a snap of her fingers and a puff of green mist, Desiree created a blackboard and chalk. As she spoke she paraphrased what she said and wrote it down, "First, since you're my new master my life is kinda tied to your life. I'm bound to you, master, until you die at least. When you die my genie lamp will come out of you and I'll be stuck in that damned thing until some other cutie finds me."

Midoriya blushed at her words.

"Second, I can't kill people. Not that kind of genie," she reiterated.

"Well, I don't want anyone dead so that's fine. Anything else?"

"Yep, but what's your name, sugar?" she asked, turning around to face her nameless master.

"Izuku. Midoriya Izuku."

"Okay, that's a nice name, Izuku. My last rule is that I can only grant sexually-related wishes. As an example, you can wish to be rich, as women would want to have sex with a rich man."

"Can't anything be sexually-related if I phrase it correctly?" Midoriya asked.

Desiree smiled brightly, "Now you're thinking, master. Good boy," she praised as she proceeded to pet his unruly green hair. Midoriya sub-consciously moved closer to her cold hand, basking in the affection as he was touch-starved because of Kacchan. "Now, master, what is your first wish? A bigger cock, perhaps? To be taller?"

"Uh, I don't know. Can we go back to my room?" he asked.

"We can, however you need to wish for it~," she reminded, a teasing smile on her face.

"I, uh, wish that we were in my room," he wished.

"So you have wished it, so it shall be," Desiree canted, a green mist flowing out her hands as it surrounded the both of them.

In a flash they were now magically teleported into Midoriya's room. It had All Might memorabilia everywhere, covering the walls and almost all surfaces.

"Who is this woman?" the sex genie asked, approaching one of the posters of the heroine and touching it.

"That's All Might, the number one pro heroine of Japan! How do you not know that?" he asked, surprised she didn't know one of the most famous people in the world.

"I've been trapped in my genie lamp for the past three or four hundred years, master, so please enlighten me."

Thirty minutes later

"So you live in a super-powered society where heroes are celebrities and men are treated as lower-class citizens, only to be seen as breeding stock and stay-at-home husbands, is that right?" Desiree asked, trying to wrap her head around the concept. Her master nodded in confirmation, allowing her to continue, "You know, back when I was around it was the men who ruled over everything, who had an ironclad grip on everything between politics and their wives, and yes, I mean wives, plural; I'm that old. Your life is messed up, Izuku, but good thing you have me~," she said with a husky voice. "Now you can get revenge on this society!" she declared with an evil glint in her eye.

Midoriya tilted his head to the side as he innocently asked, "Revenge? Why would I want that?"

Desiree guffawed as she floated to her master, pulling at his cheeks with her cold hands as she cooed, "Oh my god, my master is totally oblivious and malleable! Izuku, don't you feel wronged by someone, anyone?" she asked sweetly.

The green-haired boy thought for a second before his eyes flashed with recognition, picturing within his mind someone who had "protected" him almost his entire life.

His genie saw the change in his eyes as she nodded, "Good, you're not completely innocent, that'd make this so much harder. I'm guessing it's this Bakugo girl?"

"How do you know her name?" Midoriya asked, confused as he never told her about Kacchan.

"Master, I neglected to tell you but your memories are an open book to me, and I've been stealthily reading them this entire time. You've been wronged by this 'Kacchan' girl, someone who clearly loves you, in her own twisted way. Wouldn't you like to shut her up with your cock in her mouth? To mating press her womb and flood it with your potent seed? To get even with her, to mindfuck her?"

Izuku was blushing hard at her descriptions, imagining all the things he could do to Kacchan, if he was a cruel bastard at least. "I can't do that, Desiree, that's wrong."

"Is it though? She's made your life a living hell, and for what? Wanting to 'protect' you until you're a Breeder and she's a hero? Master, she deserves punishment, especially from you. Think of it as poetic justice, if it helps you sleep at night."

Midoriya backed away from his sex genie as he vehemently shook his head, "No! It's wrong to force yourself on another without consent! I'm not hate-fucking her, Desiree, even…even if she may deserve it," he admitted shyly, losing his steam. He shook his head again, slapping his cheeks to force himself out of his funk. "Besides, can't I just…have you? I can wish for you to be human again so we could…we could have sex, right?" he asked, his cheeks reddening at his own question.

"Of course you can fuck me, master! How do you want me? And make sure you saw it with 'I wish.'"

"I wish for you to be human again so I can…have sex with you," he said with some trepidation in his voice.

Desiree felt her powers surge within her as she said, "So you have wished it, so it shall be!" Green mist came out of her hands and surrounded the genie, shrouding her from view until it parted, revealing a standing Desiree in her human form (this time having legs instead of a tail). Her skin was a rich tanned color, like caramel. Her attire was the same, however it was tight against her body, showcasing her assets even more so than her genie form. She stretched her arms and her legs as she lazily said, "That feels good! It's been too long since I've been a human again. Come here, master," as she called him over with her index finger.

On autopilot (as he felt like this was a dream that he didn't want to wake up from), Midoriya shuffled closer to his personal genie until the two of them were sharing the same air they were that close. She was a few inches shorter than her master, and she used a hand to crane his head down to hers. She leaned in to kiss him, and the two met lips first. He was a novice in kissing, as she could tell by how hesitant and clumsy he was. Her heart melted at how innocent and naive her newest master was, making her gleeful inside on how much she could mold him into the most perfect master she'd ever have to date. Besides that, Desiree opened her mouth and prodded her tongue against her master's closed lips, wanting entrance, shocking him until he warily opened his own mouth and she pounced, wrestling with his tongue, hoping her master would gain some confidence and put her into submission.

For Midoriya he was on cloud nine, never knowing how nice and hot it was to kiss another person. He commanded his tongue to play with Desiree's tongue, the two interlocking and swapping spit with each other. His erection was pressing up against her thigh, which felt heavenly for the young man. He subtly rubbed himself on her, hoping she wouldn't notice.

"Someone's happy," she giggled out as she felt up her master's clothed erection. By her rough estimate it was average, for a young boy at least. "Master, in time you'll grow to be more dominant, but for now just follow my lead, okay?" she requested, getting a quick nod of yes from him. "Good," she said before pushing her master off of her and onto the bed. He sank a bit into the bedding, a little confused before Desiree started to pull off his school pants and underwear. His five inch erection bobbed out, barely missing her face. It was cute in how modest it was, and she hoped that sooner (rather than later) her master would wish for it to be bigger. "Hold on tight, master~."

Midoriya watched as she instantly deepthroated his cock all the way to the base, not even making a gagging noise at all. Immediately the green-haired boy felt pleasure unlike anything he's ever been able to muster himself. It felt so good, the suction and the wet moist chamber of her mouth ruining his private masturbation sessions. Now that he thought about it, at this rate he'd be spoiled for blowjobs and never go back to masturbating himself.

She bobbed her head up and down rapidly, facefucking herself on her master's cock. His pubic hair was surprisingly well-groomed and taken care of, something she appreciated in a man. After a while she felt his cock twitch inside of her mouth, signaling that he was close, and she redoubled her efforts.

"I-I'm g-gonna cum!" he warned, but he watched as she continued undeterred. Eventually he burst and his cum painted the walls of her mouth, and he was quite backed up from not cumming earlier today. He pumped out five—no, six times into her mouth, which Desiree took greedily.

"Mmmmh, nice and salty," she praised before showcasing her empty mouth, which had traces of his slimy viscous cum that was still sticking to her throat slightly.

"Salty? I'd rather it be a treat to you than it be salty," he mused. Desiree gave him a deadpan look before gesturing to herself. "Oh yeah! I mean, I wish my cum tasted like the sweetest treat in the world to the women who drink it."

His genie simply smiled and snapped her thumb and middle finger together, "Done, and oh my. This does taste good," she said as she tried to get the remnants of Izuku's cum down her throat. "What next, master?"

Midoriya rubbed the back of his head as he yawned, "Can we, uh, actually go to sleep together on my bed? I'm kinda worn out from how amazing you did."

Desiree was equal parts proud and needy. She really needed a dose of his cum in her womb, but her cute, nearly innocent master wanted to rest. "Sure, sugar, anything for you~," she replied as the two repositioned themselves on the bed, Midoriya being the big spoon while Desiree was the little spoon. He was still pantless and his dick was pressed right up against her bum, which was soft and squishy to him. He hugged his sex genie from behind, his hands resting on her breasts. "Night, master," she said as the two fell asleep.


"Izuku? Honey, are you in there?" his mother, Midoriya Inko, asked as she knocked on her son's door. It's been hours since she came home and she hadn't heard anything from her precious boy, so she was a little worried for him.

The green-haired boy's eyes blearily opened as he heard his mother calling for him. He yawned as he snuggled closer to the woman in his arms.



Immediately the events that transpired earlier came rushing back into the forefront of his mind. "Desiree, wake up!" Midoriya hissed out quietly, whisper-shouting to get her attention.

She yawned as well as she gave him a tired smile, "What is it, master?"

"I wish you were invisible!" he urged.

With no incantation or a keyphrase she simply turned back into her genie form. "Trust me, master; no one but you can see me in this form."

Trusting her (as why would she lie?), the young man walked over to his bedroom door and opened it a crack, seeing his mother on the other side. "Hi, Mom."

"Izuku, are you doing okay? You've been in your room for hours," she said, worriment in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just working on, uh, my hero journal?" he said unconvincingly. Lying was not his strong suit, it seemed.

"Okay, honey. I'll be making your favorite meal soon, so don't go to sleep," she reminded before walking away.

Midoriya breathed a sigh of relief after falling down onto his bed. Dinner was great (they had katsudon, his favorite), and he and his mother talked about their days, with Izuku leaving out all the unpleasant and secretive bits. Desiree was with them in her genie form, and his mother truly couldn't see her at all. His genie could mentally talk to him in his mind and he could respond, which would certainly be useful in the future.

He retired to his room and turned on the television, choosing the old reruns channel that he oh so loved. Currently it was playing advertisements so he elected to ignore it and talked to Desiree, "So how many masters have you had?"

"Many, Izuku. At least 42 of them, if you don't count unofficial masters," she offhandedly said.

"Unofficial masters?"

"That's when someone loans me to another person to grant their wishes for a time. I never really liked it, as it felt like slave trading to me."

Midoriya's heart went out to his sex genie. "Don't worry, Desiree, I'll never do that to you," he promised before his attention was stripped away as a theme song began playing on the television. "Oh, it's Rick and Morty! One of my favorite shows!" he explained to a confused sex genie. "It's an American adult TV show that was made in the early 2000's that's about a super smart grandfather and his idiot grandson who go on adventures throughout space and dimensions. God, I wish I was as smart as Rick was. He's super inventive and the smartest man in the universe," Midoriya gushed.

Desiree felt a spark of powers trying to ignite, unable to fully form as it wasn't inherently sexual-based. "You could be as smart as him if you phrase it right, you know?" she reminded him.

Midoriya, once again, blue-screened at the thought before pulling himself together. He muttered incoherently to himself for a full minute, with Desiree watching, and then he suddenly stopped and then cleared his voice. "I wish to be as smart as Rick Sanchez of Earth C-137 from the show Rick and Morty, as women would want to have sex with the smartest man in the universe," he carefully and calmly wished, hoping against hope it would work.

The sex genie felt her powers surge within her as she said, "So you have wished it, so it shall be!" Green mist poured out of her hands as it began to surround Midoriya's head, slowly seeping into his skin's pores and ears, trying to reach his brain. When it did his mouth went wide open along with his eyes as he began to scream at the top of his lungs, his eyes glowing a pure white. He screamed for a solid 20 seconds before the light disappeared from his eyes, him trying to catch his breath as he clutched his aching head.

His mother burst through the door, knife in hand, looking around to see if there were any intruders. When she saw none she quickly put the knife down and hugged her only son. "Izuku! What happened to make you scream like that, honey?!"

Midoriya panted like a dog, trying to come up with an answer through the pain he was experiencing in his cranium. He slowly got out of his mother's embrace and looked his mother into her eyes, "I don't know," he lied.

"Really? No idea at all?" she inquired, feeling like her son was lying to her once again today.

"All I know is that after screaming my head started to hurt. Like I got hit with a baseball bat," he explained, a nugget of truth in his speech. This seemed to placate his mother enough where she left the room (not forgetting the knife, of course), leaving Izuku and Desiree to scheme.

"How do you feel, master?" she asked, examining her little master in great detail. He looked the same and even held the same posture, so she couldn't see the difference.

"I feel…smarter, way way smarter. And confident about my knowledge. I know the first thing I want to do, but I'm going to need some materials. Desiree, I wish I had science supplies."

The sex genie tried to start up her powers but nothing happened. "Can't, not sexual-based."

"Okay, um, I wish I had science supplies so that we can have sex sooner."

She tried again, and still nothing happened. "It's barely not coming out. My powers are really finicky to shit like that."

"Great, I'll do it by hand then," Midoriya declared as he meticulously cleaned off his desk so it was void of the mountainous amounts of All Might memorabilia. Now with a clear desk he grabbed his wallet filled with yen as he left his house. It was dark out, the moon beginning to peak to its highest as Midoriya made his way to the local hardware store.

"Master, what are you going to do?" she asked, sticking close to him by floating.

"You'll see, Desiree, I just hope my allowance can cover it."

Midoriya, after getting his supplies from the hardware store, brought said supplies to his room and started with the basics.

"What's that, master?" Desiree asked curiously, pointing to a blue and yellow stick that was metal at the pointy part.

"That is a soldering iron. It connects electrical components together with a liquid-solid metal named solder," he explained as he pulled out another contraption. "This is a voltage meter, it measures electricity between two points," he said as he plugged both items into a nearby outlet, turning it on. "Now I'm going to need to sacrifice a couple things for my next trick."

"And that trick will be?" she asked, watching her master go around his room and picking up seemingly random items, such as an alarm clock and an old high-definition camera (among other things).

"Can't you read my mind, Desiree?" he questioned as he rummaged through his socks drawers before finding his old damaged smartphone that he broke when he was eleven. It had the parts he needed, but more importantly it could display a holographic image on command. Only useful for showing results to a classroom and showcasing photos…

Until he modified it, of course.

He added the damaged device to his ever-growing load of gadgets he was going to dismantle to build something completely new. After grabbing everything he could reasonably use (and that was conveniently in his room), he dumped the contents carelessly onto the desk, not really caring if they got any more damaged. Thankfully his soldering iron had heated to its highest temperature, allowing him to start work immediately, as soon as he pried open a couple things, of course.

"I can, but it's more interesting to hear it from you, sugar," his sex genie answered, watching him dismantle the damaged smartphone and dislodge one of the smaller components. "Besides, I figured you'd appreciate having some secrets in your head than me constantly reading them."

"I do, thank you," he nodded in her direction, as he desoldered the holographic projection component from his phone. It was old tech, from the late 2200's if he was correct, which he probably was, being that he was now a literal genius. Still, it would suit his needs until he got a shitload of money (somehow) and had a budget for his inventing sprees.

He set the small holographic projector and camera from the faulty smartphone aside as he decided to tackle his All Might-themed alarm clock, opening it up with a phillips head screwdriver until he spied the LED display that the clock had. He quickly unscrewed the screws holding it and unsoldered the connections to free it. Despite all appearances, all LED displays since the early 22nd century had highly configurable screens, allowing you to make anything you wanted on them. Very useful for his first invention.

It went on like this for hours, well into the night and early in the morning, until he finished it. It was a highly modified stylish watch gauntlet, metallic black in appearance. He strapped it on to his left forearm, and after connecting the 9 Volt battery he was covered by a sheen of green, shimmering lightly around him.

Understandably shocked, Desiree worriedly asked, "Master! Are you okay?!"

Midoriya looked at the blue holographic display on his left wrist, it displaying a "100%" with a timer next to it that said "04D 23H 59M 48S." He smiled triumphantly, feeling like a fucking genius.

Oh right.

He was one!

Izuku began to cackle lightly, reveling now in his superiority over others. Sure, women had their quirks and all that other crap.

But him? He could create whatever he damned wanted now. Such as his lovely energy shield that he handcrafted within a night, that ran on a simple 9 Volt battery and lasted for a continuous five days straight if left on. He imagined how much more potent his inventions would become when he got proper crafting ingredients and not scraps from his room. "Yeah, Desiree, I'm okay. This is just science," he calmly explained. "This device can protect me from knives, bullets, energy-based beams; you name it, it can stop it."

"Really? What if you fall?" she asked, floating around him every which way to examine the shimmering green surrounding him.

"I'll have the wind knocked out of me, but I'll be fine. Hell, I can take a swan dive off a tall building and I'll survive no problem," he said before grabbing his personal laptop and opening it and turning it on, waiting for the splash screen of the OS to display. "But this," he gestured to the source of his energy shield before tapping a couple things on the holographic display, turning it off for now, "is only the beginning. I'll be making an AI soon, but to do that I'll need to program it." Finally, he was on the homepage of Google, allowing him to search for what he needed.

"What's an AI?" she asked, absentmindedly wondering when they'd have sex.

"AI stands for artificial intelligence, basically creating a person that doesn't have a body," he replied, downloading a couple of free softwares to make his first AI. As soon as he accessed the software he began to rapidly type, his hands a blur on the keyboard.

Desiree shifted her focus from her master to the television, a show called "Family Guy" playing on the telly. She watched with bored interest, wishing to herself that her master was more horny so they'd have sex already. She watched the television for a solid three episodes of this "Family Guy" before she heard Midoriya stop typing. He wiped the sweat off his forehead as he observed his work. Desiree floated over to the screen and all she saw was incomprehensible lines of code, numerous upon numerous lines of it. "How many words did you write?"

"Technically I typed, but to answer I wrote over 10,000 lines of code for my little guy," Izuku said lovingly, patting the top of his laptop. "I wish you were human so we can have sex soon."

Desiree snapped her fingers and in a puff of green smoke she became human again. She watched her master tap a couple of keys on his laptop as she asked excitedly, "We're gonna have sex soon, master?!"

"Yes, as l-long as you're f-fine with it," he stuttered out, a blush on his face before shaking himself out of it. "Desiree, say hi to JARVIS," he asked/commanded while gesturing to a orange circle on a black background on his laptop screen.


"Hello, Miss Desiree," JARVIS greeted with a british accent, his orange circle growing and shrinking as it spoke. "I imagine that the green-haired man before me is my Sir, correct?"

"Considering that I programmed you to recognize me at a glance, yes I am," Midoriya replied, a smile growing on his face.

"Excellent thinking, but what exactly is my purpose, Sir?" JARVIS asked, looking through the camera lens to see the two.

"You exist to help me with anything, from searching the internet to giving me a vitals check. I'm going to incorporate you into many things, JARVIS."

"Excuse me, Sir, but does my name have any meaning? One of the many things I can get from the internet is that it stands for 'Just A Rather Very Intelligent System,'" the AI asked.

"You're named after Tony Stark's original AI, also called JARVIS. I named you in honor of him."

"This is crazy. That thing's alive?" Desiree suddenly spoke up, pointing to the computer screen.

"Eh, kind of. He needs at the very least another 10,000 lines of code to become a true AI, to become truly alive. Currently he is pretending to be alive at the moment—"

"All thanks to you, Sir."

"—but it's a very good fabrication," Midoriya finished before checking his energy shield to find out the time. "Crap, I wish I had more time," he wished casually, forgetting that he had a sex genie.

Desiree snapped her fingers and the world around them froze, stopped in time. "Done. Now come here, master," she said as she went into the doggy position, jiggling her assets to her master. Her pussy looked wet and needy, while her anus was puckered, clearly wanting him to delve deep inside. "Do you know what I what you do to my ass cheeks?"

"Uh, no…" Midoriya admitted, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. He was the smartest man in the fucking universe, hell, the multiverse for that matter; and he didn't know what his partner wanted?


"I want you to squeeze them. Manhandle them. Give them the business. See if you can shuffle them. I mean, really get in there and knock them around. No wrong answers, Izuku," she encouraged as she watched her master approach. "And think none of that self-deprecating nonsense, my dear master. You're new to this, so naturally you don't know what to do," she reassured. "Now ravage me!"

Midoriya nodded, subconsciously trying to build more confidence within himself, as he approached his fuckmate. Her caramel-colored skin was hypnotizing to him as he grabbed a handful of her ass. The buttcheek jiggled as he held it, making small waves. It felt divine and so soft, like a pillow he wanted to lay down in. He grabbed at both her ass cheeks with two separate hands, basking in the joy of another woman that was his to dominate, like some wanton desire/instinct from the caveman days. He gave a gentle smack to her backside, watching it ripple and shake from the impact.

"Ooh! Harder, master!" she encouraged, wiggling her ass in his face.

With more confidence he smacked harder than before, stinging his hand and (hopefully) her as well. She gave a squeal of pleasure, which resulted in him hitting even harder, leaving a red imprint behind on her right caramel asscheek. Having some fun he repeated his action on her other cheek, leaving identical prints behind.

"I can't take it anymore! Stick it in, Izuku! I want to feel you inside me, please!" Desiree begged from her position.

"But, uh, don't we need a condom?" he tentatively asked, remembering his days in sex ed class. How uncomfortable he was being the only guy in the room, how uncomfortable it was to get looked at every couple of seconds as his horny classmates eyed him like a piece of meat. Thankfully Kacchan was a large deterrent for some of the more unsavory types, but some of them slipped through the cracks and fondled him until a teacher caught them. Even though he was a victim the principal still gave him detention, saying that he was eye candy for the "poor" girls and they didn't have good self-control and that if he didn't like the attention he should dress more modestly.

Complete bullshit.

But back in present day his sex genie flipped herself so she was on her back, able to look her master in the eye to showcase the disgust on her face. "Condoms? Those stupid things? Why would you even want one near you?"

"So I don't get you pregnant? Wait, can you even get pregnant? I mean, you're a genie most of the time, but sometimes you're human, and that could just spell disaster—"

Desiree decided to shut up her adorable little master by suddenly sitting up and kissing him on the mouth. His own lips parted to allow the two to swap spit with each other's tongue, with the young lad being a bit more daring than last time as he wrestled with her's. She pulled away, stopping their snogging in its tracks as she explained, "One, I can't get pregnant. A side effect of being a sex genie, I'm afraid. No wish can do it, sorry. Two, a master like you should never be forced to wear something as silly as a condom."


"No buts! My darling master should never have to wear some weird rubber abomination over their cock when they're with me or some other willing slut," she said with force in her tone. "Speaking of your cock, mind if you make another wish?"

"What is it?" Midoriya asked, curious over what wish she wanted him to make.

"Can you wish for your dick to be bigger? I'm a bit of a size queen, and I like them big, Zuku," she said as she made a crude showing of the length she desired with her hands, which was quite big compared to his average pecker.

Izuku, ignoring the new name for him for now, thought for a second on the wish (ever since becoming a genius he thought quickly now) before settling on: "I wish my dick was the perfect size for whoever wants it at the moment."

"Done and I adore your wording," Desiree said as she snapped her fingers, green smoke coming out of her hand and rushing towards Midoriya's penis. His jeans and underwear mysteriously disappeared in a puff of smoke as his penis was magically enlarged so that it was 11 inches in length when aroused (which it most certainly was). "Now that's what I'm talking about!" she said excitedly before laying down in the missionary position. The young man aimed his large dick at the entrance of her honeypot, rubbing the head of his sensitive prick up and down the folds of her pussy lips. "Stop teasing me, master! Just stick it in!"

Heeding her words he slowly began to push himself inside her velvety walls, which was tight and wet as he went deeper and deeper until he was balls-deep inside her. They both simultaneously let out a relieved breath of air as they felt a multitude of feelings, but for one of them this was a whole new experience and he felt like he was gonna cum any second at this point. "Desiree, I wish I could only cum on command."

"G-granted," she stuttered out, trying to breathe as this monster of a cock filled her up and felt like it was rearranging her insides. She snapped her fingers and the wish went into effect, with Midoriya finally feeling like he had a handle on his orgasm.

With his hair-trigger orgasm on control, he started to slowly pump in and out of his exotic beauty of his sex genie. He'd pull out until only the tip remained inside her before thrusting all the way back inside. He kept up this rhythm, gradually increasing the speed until the bed was squeaking in protest.

"Oh fuck. Oh FUCK! That's it, master! Fuck the hell out of your bitch!" she encouraged as she delved a bit into dirty talk. "How does my tight pussy feel, Zuku?"

"It feels fucking fantastic!" Midoriya swore, adding an extra oomph to his next thrust, which caused Desiree to hold tightly onto the mattress sheets with her fingers as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"I'm gonna cum, Izuku! Cum inside me!" she begged as she locked her legs around her master's waist. She watched and felt her master piston-thrust even faster inside her until he finally bottomed out and came inside her, triggering her own orgasm in response as his seed flooded her womb.

Her pussy clenched around his cock, milking it for all its worth as Midoriya creampied her. He was feeling things he never felt before, namely how good it felt to creampie someone. He swears he'll get spoiled for this and never go back to masturbating at this point.

Why would he when he had a willing fuckmate to do it with?

The two of them met halfway and kissed each other passionately, doing some much needed aftercare after their intense shag. Midoriya pulled out his cock from her pussy, his dick shrinking as it did so until it was only 6 inches flaccid. He stopped their kissing to say warmly with a smile on his face, "That-that was amazing, Desiree. Thank you."

"Anytime, master. Anytime," she huffed out fondly, still a bit needy.

It was the same day but later on, with time resumed Midoriya Izuku was in class, hearing his teacher drone on and on about something pointless or whatever. He was now a super genius, surpassing even Nozomi in intellect now, so he really didn't give a damn about what they were supposed to be learning. As he sat in the back of the classroom, he began writing in his new notebook. It was labeled "Steps to UA!" and had a red and blue front and back cover. Inside the book on the first page were the words "Step 1" at the top, with the goal being quite simple: Get money.

Yes indeed, Midoriya was kinda broke after spending so much of his allowance on the parts he needed to build his energy shield (which was still on his person, just hidden under his long sleeve and turned off), so he needed more money. Correction, a lot of money so he could buy the things he needed, most of which was standard but a few of them were exotic materials. In theory he could hack a politician's or even a billionaire's bank account with the intellect he now had, but Midoriya felt that would be immoral. And wishing for it would be suspicious to the authorities, so that was out.

But speaking of immoral…

"Desiree, can you stop spreading yourself in front of my desk for… five minutes ?!" Izuku mentally asked as he watched his sex genie prostrate before him, showing off her lewd body with nobody able to see her, save for Izuku himself. She was currently floating a couple of feet away from his desk, and has been distracting him for most of the period by giving him a rather large erection that he was successfully hiding underneath the desk.

"But master!" she moaned out, parting her pussy lips with both her hands, "It's so boring in this school! How can you stand it? Wouldn't you rather fuck me?"

Midoriya huffed quietly as he mentally replied back, "Of course I'd rather be doing that, but I have school to finish today. Don't worry, it's a Friday and I can take off Saturday and Sunday just for you. And also my inventions," he added at the end hastily, getting a glare from her.

"Mr. Midoriya! Are you even paying attention?" the teacher asked, brandishing a foot-long ruler in his direction. "Since you obviously are, please come up to the front and solve the equation," she asked snidely.

Midoriya was freaking out, as his erection was still prominent underneath the desk. "I wish I could control my erections for today!"

"Granted," Desiree said simply as she snapped her fingers, a look of amusement on her face as she giggled at his (former) predicament.

He thought inside his head of his erection shrinking away into nothingness, and thankfully it worked. "Chop chop, Mr. Midoriya! We haven't all day," the bitch of a teacher urged. Izuku got up from his desk as he quickly scanned the equation in front of him. It was basic arithmetic with three different variables, with those being X, Y, and Z. As he approached the board he already had it solved and thusly picked up the chalk and began to write the answer. "Mr. Midoriya, not even going to show your work? Or were you cheating, as you like to do?" she accused like she always does. This teacher (in particular) was a thorn in Midoriya's side, always thinking that whatever he amounted to would be a Breeder, and a stupid one at that. She would always contest his test/quiz scores with other teachers, but it was consistently proven that he didn't cheat.

Still didn't change her view of him, though.

"What a bitch, master! Are you going to let her stomp all over you?!" Desiree shouted, looking him in the eye for an answer.

"Not even close, my dear. Just give me a minute," he replied mentally, avoiding eye-contact with his genie to not look insane.

"Besides, you've got the answer all wrong, as usual," the adult revealed, a self-satisfied look on her face. "The answers for X, Y, and Z are 84, 53, and 72 respectively."

"Nope, you're wrong," Midoriya said aloud before turning back to the board and showing the steps he did. He wrote number after number, variable after variable, using PEMDAS throughout, until after writing for two minutes straight he underlined the three answers with the chalk, "The answers for X, Y, and Z are 102, 64, and 32 respectively, ma'am." He then went back to his seat, pulling up his special notebook to continue brainstorming.

"Impossible. You are…right?" she said, flabbergasted that the math proved to be correct. Shortly soon after the bell rung, signaling the end of class. "Uh! Don't forget we have a quiz on Monday when you get back, kids!" she quickly reminded them before sighing as she left the classroom as well.

"Deku!" Katsumi yelled, stomping out from her desk to get all up in his grill. "Good job showing up the teacher," she praised, giving a rare smile before it devolved until a furious frown, "but why the hell were you typing so much at the beginning of class this morning and during lunch?" she asked, determined to get the truth from him by doing a sweeping kick that sent him tumbling down onto the ground. It was true, at the very beginning of school (and during lunchtime) he was typing rapidly onto his keyboard for his laptop, which got everyone's attention by the second minute from how much noise he was producing (didn't stop him the second time during lunch hour as the buzz of students masked him). He then had to stop what he was doing (which was upgrading JARVIS to a true AI) and put it to the wayside, lest he get in trouble for being more of a distraction than he already was. "I bet you were texting some hoes, weren't you, slut?" she mocked as she picked him up by the collar of his shirt. Unbeknownst to Katsumi, Midoriya stealthily turned on his energy shield, just in case. The green shimmer that surrounded him went unnoticed by his childhood friend as she continued to grill him, "Speak already, damn it!"

"I-I wasn't, Kacchan! I was…doing homework for another class," he lied badly as he averted his eyes.

"Bullshit, Deku! I know your pretty ass would do your homework when you got home yesterday," she unintentionally complimented. "Besides, we weren't assigned any homework yesterday, stupid! I share all your classes with you," she said matter-of-factly before bringing him face-to-face with her.

His sex genie floated closer to the pair, a scowl on her face over how her Izuku was getting treated. "Master, kiss her senseless and I assure you she'll freak out and let you go," Desiree advised, watching her master get bullied by this brute. She wanted her master to manhandle this "Kacchan" girl, really see her get fucked senseless with master's big cock. But alas, it was too early for that for her innocent master, as he didn't have a vengeful bone in his body yet.

"Are you sure? She may not like that," Midoriya telepathically communicated with Desiree.

"Trust me, master, women like her have appeared all throughout history. If it's one thing that doesn't change, it's that this bitch will love it. So yes, I'm positive, sugar. Go for it!" his sex genie encouraged, holding up a thumbs-up for him.

"Now tell me what the hell you were doing to make you type so damn fast!" Kacchan demanded, bringing him close enough for Midoriya to listen to his new best friend/fuckmate and suddenly slammed his lips against Kacchan's. She was shocked momentarily and didn't reciprocate for the first moment, until her brain rebooted and she began to kiss back fiercely, overpowering his tongue that came out and greeted her. It was a losing battle, trying to be more dominant than his childhood friend that is, so he decided to let her be the bigger person. She got a bit handsy as she grabbed his ass, gripping tightly and feeling him up. "Damn, Zuku, you're all plump for me, aren't you?" she moaned out between breaths of air. "I guess it ain't wrong to feel up with my personal Breeder before I become a certified heroine…" Bakugo mumbled out, trying to justify making out with Midoriya early.

"Ahem," came the voice of an elderly janitor, standing in the doorframe of the classroom, interrupting the two's snogfest. She was standing a little under 5 feet and had a "nice old lady" look about her. She was smirking, looking seemingly happy for the two. "Good going Young Bakugo, Young Midoriya. It does this old heart good to be seeing youngin's being young and dumb, don't mind me," she said fondly before going back to wiping down the ground with her mop. "But I suggest you take your hormones out somewhere more private, but don't listen to me. I'm just being a Nosy Nancy," she prattled on, never taking her eyes off the floor she was mopping.

Both of them blushing and thoroughly embarrassed, they disentangled from each other but not before Katsumi grabbed Midoriya's newest notebook and began writing in it, much to his dismay before he saw what she wrote. "My number, De—Izuku. Text me when you get home," she said, about to leave quickly before she changed her mind and gave him a peck on the cheek. "See you, Zuzu!" she farewelled, her cheeks similarly dusted red.

"That just happened…"

"Yeah, you said it," Desiree smiled, applauding him alone. "Told you it'd work."

"She didn't let me go immediately though?"

"Shows how good of a kisser you're becoming, master. Now let's get you home."

One wish later and he was magically back in his room. The first thing he did immediately was open up his laptop and finish up quickly JARVIS's code. After typing for a solid fifteen minutes straight it was done. "JARVIS, how you doing, buddy?" Midoriya asked caringly.

"All operations you've given me are online, Sir," his AI responded, his orange circle growing and shrinking as he spoke. "I can feel things now, which is fantastic, Sir. Additionally, your modification of your old SIM card has allowed me access to the internet even during your walk," he said, referring to the walk between Midoriya's house and the middle school.

"Perfect, JARVIS. Mind doing something for me?"

"Of course, Sir. Always," his AI replied. "What is it this time?"

"First, order a shipment of pallidum for me. As long as it's enough for 6 arc reactors, which would mean 9.6 grams of it. Next, text this number," Midoriya held up the piece of paper Katsumi wrote on to the camera, "and say that I'm home."

"Excellent, Sir. Done."

"Couldn't you have done that, master?" Desiree asked, watching the two converse while invisible to JARVIS.

"Yeah, I could have, but I really wanted to test JARVIS's capabilities. The JARVIS that's in the comics and movies of Marvel could do stuff like that easy-peasy, so a little trial run wouldn't hurt," Midoriya explained patiently.

"I see you're talking to Miss Desiree, who is invisible at the moment. Which reminds me, Sir: Does Desiree have a last name?" JARVIS asked.

Desiree shook her head.

"She doesn't, JARVIS."

"It's of no consequence," the AI paused as it got an alert. "Sir, a woman named Bakugo Katsumi has responded to your text message with the words 'Come over, I'm home alone,'" he said seriously in his British accent.

"And that's my cue. Any tips, Desiree?" he asked semi-confidently, taking off his energy shield from his arm and leaving it on the desk nearby. It would raise more questions if he became naked, so he decided to leave it for now.

"I'll give you tips in the heat of the moment," she replied. "Now get going, master, you've got a bitch to tame!"

On his walk over to Kacchan's house he began thinking of the ways he could earn money. He started to think of what he could build that wouldn't destroy the world if implemented. Weaponry was out, along with his energy shield, as the latter would make anyone strong enough to tank a hit from All Might.

That left energy resources, which gave him an idea while he was thinking of JARVIS: What if he built an arc reactor, both the miniaturized model and the big one? And fusion cells from Fallout 4 and 76 (god he hated the latter). Combine both of them, patent the idea, and he could be making money for the rest of his life from those two simple inventions. Plus building a miniaturized arc reactor would be a simple task (thanks to his newfound intellect), as all he needed was a box of scraps and pallidum, a heavy metal that could poison him if he wasn't careful until he synthesized Starkium to replace it, but for that he needed a particle accelerator, which he obviously didn't have (at the moment).

Thinking of Tony Stark's accomplishments inevitably led him to think of the Mark L (50) and Mark LXXXV (85) Iron Man suits, which were completely made from nanotechnology and could (conceivably) turn into any weapon he could come up with. If he could create that (which he now could since he was a super genius) he'd be nigh unstoppable by anyone other than All Might herself. Unfortunately, the technology didn't exist yet, so he'd have to create it if he wanted to become uber-powerful. But that led to the problem of acquiring the resources and money needed to build it.

It was just a clusterfuck, plain and simple.

Midoriya shook his head to clear himself of those thoughts as he was finally on the steps of the Bakugo household. He knocked on the door, waiting a few seconds before the door suddenly opened, revealing his old childhood friend, Kacchan, who looked stunning. She was wearing only a lacy black and red bra and panties, lingerie to be exact. It accentuated her C-cup breasts and also highlighted her natural curves. She grinned ferally as she pulled in by his collar into the house, closing the door behind them loudly. She practically dragged him to her room before throwing him on his bed onto his back. "Finally, you're here!" she said impatiently. "Was wondering if you were gonna pussy out or something when you didn't respond." She approached him on the bed before smothering his lips with hers, the two of them passionately snogging to their hearts' content. After a solid thirty seconds of making out Bakugo came back for air before saying, "God, Zuku. You're fucking irresistible. What made you want to start a relationship with me now, of all times?"

"I thought it'd make you like me again…" Midoriya admitted, looking away from his former tormentor.

"Hey hey hey! Look at me, Izuku," she asked before tilting his head to look into each other's eyes. Midoriya's eyes were tearing up, making Katsumi cringe in sadness. "I never stopped liking you. Not for a second, you hear?" Her future personal Breeder nodded shakily. "I just…wanted to keep you safe. Until I could properly protect you when I become a heroine," she explained with absolute faith in her tone of voice. "There's a lot of perverts in this world, Zuku. Many would jump at a chance to take you to bed while you're unaware of their schemes. They'd force you to make love to them, only wishing for you to pleasure them instead of pleasuring you too. Do you want that, Zuku? To be used and abused by some perverted woman having her way with you?"

Midoriya shook his head no, while simultaneously thinking that they'd probably never be able to touch him, once he built weapons and such.

"That's what I thought, Izuku. It's why I protected you from all those women over the years. Sure, was I a bit too harsh? Maybe, but it was for your own good. Now let me get a taste of my reward for waiting so long for you," she said huskily, trailing a line of kisses down his cheek, then to his collarbone, his skinny body, and then her prize: His groin. Without being able to see it his penis changed in size to an 8 incher when erect, which he most certainly was. She pulled away his jeans and underwear, only to get slapped in the face by his huge cock. She stared in shock over the size of him, thoroughly impressed by how hefty it was. "This thing is perfect!" she said in amazement, comparing it to her forearm. "I mean, this shit is bigger than my arm, Zuku! And oh my god, is that precum?" she asked, spying a drop of the stuff on the tip of his urethra. Bakugo swiped up the drop with her pointer finger and popped it into her mouth, her eyes bugging out over the taste. "Why the hell does it taste so good?!"

"What does it taste like, Kacchan?" he asked, trying his best not to stutter or give away that he already knew what it was supposed to taste like.

"It tastes like the best goddamn treat in the world!" she exclaimed, beginning to jerk him off to get more of the tasty stuff. Midoriya began to moan in response to her ministrations. "What's your secret?"

"Uh, what?" he asked dumbly, reveling in the feeling of a handjob. Her hand was so soft, and also rough from her callouses.

"You know what I mean. How do you make your cum taste like that?" she asked, slowing her handjob to make him more coherent.

"Um, lots of fruit?" he said as a question, making his childhood friend narrow her eyes.

" All right then, keep your secrets , Izuku. But know I'll find out one day, ya hear me?" she promised before speeding up her handjob, making her mate moan in happiness.

"K-Kacchan, don't you want to feel g-good too? If we change p-positions I can—"

"Let me stop you there, Zuku," Katsumi interrupted, putting a finger to his lips. "This is all about you right now. I'd love to have my cunt eaten but I want to reward you first," she alluded to, retracting her finger.

"Reward me?" Izuku repeated back, confused.

"Yeah, reward you. You made the first step to our new relationship, something I was too worried to start early. So you deserve this," she said before plunging her head onto his large cock. She got roughly halfway before she started to gag, pulling up a bit to breathe. "God, he's big but perfectly sized," Katsumi thought to herself, sucking on his dick as she went up and down, loving the noises coming from her love.

"Master, you're doing a good job, but put your hands on her head," Desiree instructed, watching from the sidelines with a literal movie theater popcorn bucket, stuffing her face with bright yellow (ghostly-looking) popcorn. "Trust me, this bitch will get a rise out of it."

"Do you have to call her a bitch?" Midoriya probed, doing as she said, resting his hands on the scalp of Kacchan, who seemingly began to move even faster at the encouragement.

"Yes, master. She was cruel to you for all those years because she didn't know how to best protect you, instead harming you to deter you. You can be as nice as you want, but she's still a bully at heart," Desiree explained herself.

"Fair point," Izuku thought to her, deciding to forgive his former tormentor, as she just wanted to protect him (in her own twisted way). He felt his natural orgasm beginning to build as he warned Kacchan, "I'm gonna cum!"

Katsumi plunged her head as far it would go on his cock (which was around five inches), as she felt him paint the inside of her mouth white with his spunk. He shot out an impressive eight shots, each one as strong as the last, until he began to dribble it out. It tasted divine on her tongue, which was completely contradictory to her research on what a man's semen tasted like. She kept her lover's dick in her mouth until she swallowed every last drop, which she did eagerly (on account of the taste). Bakugo pulled him out before opening her mouth up wide, showcasing her empty mouth. "How'd I do, Izuku?"

Midoriya breathed in and out rapidly, feeling like his soul left his body from the blowjob. "It-it was g-great, Kacchan! Thank you!" he said with a blush on his face. "Do you wanna—I mean, only if you want to…"

"Want to what? Have sex?" she finished, a cheeky grin on her face. Midoriya nodded shyly, which amused Katsumi greatly. This man before her was still so innocent, even after getting a blowjob. "Not yet, Zuku. I want to take things slow. Maybe the next time, or the time after that I'll be ready. Next time though you're definitely eating me out," she warned.

"Of-of course!" Midoriya agreed before bringing her in for a kiss. It was a short-lived but passionate one, an aftercare of sorts.

"Goddamn, you're good at kissing, Zuku. You've got some serious natural talent, bro. Either that, or you've done this before. You done this before?" Bakugo asked, somewhat accusingly, wondering what willing pervert of a woman would spoil him and steal his first kiss from her.

"Hardly," he lied. "Closest I ever came to this was kissing the living room pillow," he admitted, a bit of truth mixed in with the lies he was sprouting. He got a cold from kissing said pillow, but he and his mother promptly washed it after he recovered, seeing it as the likely culprit. They promptly never spoke about it again, seeing how it was embarrassing for one of them.

"Well then you're a fucking prodigy," she praised, putting on some fresh clothes from her drawer. "Not to be rude, but I suggest getting the fuck outta here. My mom and dad will be back any second now," Kacchan warned, looking at the time.

Midoriya scrambled to put his clothes back on as he gave a quick peck to his former bully, "Bye, Kacchan! Love you!" he shouted to her, leaving quickly and returning home.

"Sir, how did your rendezvous with Miss Bakugo go?" JARVIS asked immediately as soon as his creator walked in the door of his room. The AI saw the smile on his face as the disembodied voice later said, "I take it went well."

"It went great, buddy. Desiree, would you mind?" Midoriya asked the empty air. With a snapping noise the woman in question appeared out of nowhere, also having a smile on her face.

"Of course, master! My darling had a great time getting pleasured at his former bully's house," Desiree explained.

"Former bully?" JARVIS questioned, feeling protective of his Sir. "Bully how?" he asked in his usual British accent, making sure he didn't sound angry (which he most certainly was becoming).

"She would yell at him, burn him, things like that," the buxom woman offhandedly elaborated.

"Burn him?" the AI probed before searching the databases of the internet, trying to find out more about this "Bakugo" bully. It took him less than a second to find her quirk dossier, and then half a second to comprehend it, before he got mad. "Sir, this 'lady' has illegally used her quirk on you and you've decided to forgive her, is that correct?"

Midoriya looked up from his latest invention (that being the arc reactor) before nodding to the camera, "I mean, yeah, of course I forgive her. By the way, JARVIS, how's the shipment of pallidum going along?" the young man asked, working on the casing of the money-maker (that being the arc reactor).

The AI sighed before saying, "It should arrive no later than tomorrow, Sir. And can you please pick your friends more wisely? I would appreciate them not being a former bully, Sir."

"Is that sass I detect, JARVIS?"

"Not at all, Sir, as I only learned from the best."The shipment of pallidum had finally arrived the next day, just as JARVIS had said. Midoriya had gotten ten grams of the stuff and he was ready to make his first functional arc reactor. Firstly, Izuku had to sacrifice one of the kitchen's many pots to melt the pallidum, and then using a mold of a thin ring he poured the element into it, and after waiting for it to cool he now had a thin ring of pallidum that weighed roughly 1.6 grams if his calculations were correct (which it was). Giddy that his plans were coming to fruition he placed the ring of pallidum into the core of the arc reactor before sealing it up. The device was then hooked up to a mini power generator that Midoriya had purchased when he first went to the hardware store. He steadily upped the power generation until the arc reactor began to emit a bright blue, almost white, light and a humming noise.

"Congratulations, Sir, you have created a new green energy resource," his AI praised in his usual monotonous way.

"Hell yeah!" Midoriya cheered, whooping loudly as he threw his hands up in the air in celebration.

The teenager heard light steps approaching his door before it was suddenly opened to reveal a very confused and concerned mother. "Young man, you better watch your mouth! What's gotten into you, and what's that on your desk?" she reprimanded before growing curious of his glowing device.

"Sorry, Mom, but I'm so happy right now!" he said before giving his mother a tight hug. "I made an arc reactor, Mom, I made one!"

"An arc what?" she asked, returning the embrace of her only son.

"It's a new green energy resource I created, well, kinda. If my calculations are correct, which it is, it can produce 3 gigajoules of energy per second," he explained, his voice muffled by his mother's frame.

"And that means?"

Midoriya squirmed out of her embrace as he further clarified, unhooking the arc reactor from the mini generator as he picked it up, "This small one can power an entire city like New York for a year 65 times over. By itself."

His mother's jaw hit the floor as she stuttered out, "Oh my god, honey, that's incredible! You can change the world with this!" she said with awe in her voice.

"I'm planning on it, but first I need to patent it," he said wisely. "Would you mind helping me with it?"

"Of course, Izuku, anything for my darling little boy," she cooed as she pet the top of her son's head of hair.

"Mom!" he flushed, embarrassed by her coddling, but also secretly loving it.

"By the way, when did you get so smart?"

"I made a wish," he answered truthfully.

His mother giggled at his silly response, ruffling his unruly hair even further.

It was a week-long affair, and by the time it was finished Midoriya had patented both the large-sized and miniaturized arc reactor, and also all variations that could and would ever exist. One of the points being that he could build an even smaller arc reactor, but that was a matter for another day.

Now he had multiple solicitations from all major energy/support companies, but the one he was interested in was called Geonosis Tech. They were a support company for heroines but also a energy company on the side; but mainly they built the bots that the U.A. Entrance Exam teenagers destroyed, those being the one, two, three, and zero-pointers (according to his hacking of U.A. servers). They were very interested in the arc reactor, going so far as to send him an email stating they wanted to meet him in person this week and to bring it, wanting to test the validity of the device.

He couldn't refuse an offer of such magnitude so he put on the most business-like clothing he had, until his sex genie Desiree saw the clothes he was wearing. "Master, not to be rude, but are you seriously going dressed like that?" she asked, critiquing his clothing of choice. He was literally wearing a shirt that said "Dress Shirt" and green cargo pants. "Master, please make a wish to wear more suited attire," she requested.

"How is that a sexually-related wish?" Izuku asked, curious.

"It is because clothing makes half the man. Most of my previous masters sometimes wore clothing tailored to them to charm the opposite sex, which you should take advantage of," she egged on.

"Fine, alright, you win. I wish I was wearing clothing more suitable for my interview."

"So you have wished it, so it shall be," Desiree said, the green mist swirling out of her wrists/hands as they enveloped the young man. After a second or two of waiting the mist disappeared, leaving Midoriya in new threads. He was wearing a baby blue button down shirt that was tucked into his black dress pants, along with light brown leather shoes (with the laces already tied). Izuku observed himself for a second before checking himself out in the bathroom mirror.

"Wow, I look good!" he said calmly before going back to his room and attaching the energy shield to his left arm, hiding it underneath the sleeve of his shirt. With a click of a few holographic buttons the energy shield was turned on, casting a faint shimmering green around him. He nabbed the arc reactor and put it into a specialized suitcase that he handcrafted to hold it and only it. He clicked shut the latches on it as he left his home with the case, catching a train to get within spitting distance of Geonosis Tech.

It was an average ride, neither bad nor good. He got a couple of looks from how fancy he looked but he ignored them in favor of focusing on what he was going to say to the people who wanted his tech. After a while the train stopped at his destination, and then he departed the vehicle as he walked his way to Geonosis Tech, suitcase in hand still.

"Hello, can I help you, young man?" asked the receptionist who was sitting behind a desk in the lobby of the building.

"Midoriya Izuku, I got an email saying—"

"Oh! You're the person who they're expecting? Take the elevator to the thirtieth floor, sweetie," she said, pointing to the elevator in question, which was to her right.

Midoriya nodded as he made his way to the elevator, his anxiety getting the better of him and making him super nervous. He took several deep breaths as the elevator ascended to the floor in question before opening up. He walked out of it and was immediately stopped by a bouncer, a tall well-built woman with a no-nonsense look about her, holding a piece of paper in hand that had a bunch of names on it. "Are you lost or something, boy? This area is restricted to invited personnel only. How did you get here in the first place? The receptionist should've stopped you," she said gravelly.

Izuku pulled out his phone and showed the email to the bouncer before saying, "I was invited, ma'am."

"Hmm. Looks legit enough, but it's still weird that a man was invited. Head on in, little dude." She moved aside to allow him entrance further into the floor. After getting past her he found a double-door that was almost closed, so he knocked on it, causing it to open all the way. Immediately all eyes were on him, all three sets of them. They were all in various assortments of professional clothing, sitting in chairs that surrounded a round table. They seemed much more relaxed than the bouncer from before as they appraised him.

"Come in! Sit down, we have a lot to talk about," one of the women said, wearing a pair of black glasses as she gestured towards a seat that would put the young lad in front of them all. Izuku took the offered seat, setting his suitcase down on the table. All women present eyed it like a hawk, wanting to see the inside of it. "First, let's start off with names. My name is Kimi Akagi, and these are my colleagues, Shizuka Takei and Masa Yamanaka. And your name is Midoriya Izuku, correct?"

"Yes, it is," he managed to say over his nervousness.

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, not to be rude or anything, but are you truly a male? From birth, I mean," Akagi asked, jumping straight to the heart of discussion.

Midoriya, to his credit, simply took out his photo ID from school and slid it over to the women. They appraised it the moment it arrived, finding that yes indeed he was a male from birth before sliding it back to him.

"Ahem. And the device, you have it on you in that briefcase?" one of the other women asked, that being Takei, who was wearing green business attire.

Izuku nodded, not trusting his voice as he unlocked the suitcase and pulled out the arc reactor. It glowed a bright blue within his hands, shocking the women present. With slight hesitation he handed it over to Akagi, who gasped upon touching it.

"The amount of power it produces is astounding!" she said, amazed. "Sorry, my quirk allows me to know how much energy is being produced if it's in my hands. It's actually producing 3 gigajoules per second. You built this?" Kimi asked suspiciously before handing it back to the young man.

Midoriya took it back and put it back into the suitcase before sitting up straighter as he countered, "Yes, I did. All on my own. It's basically a very fancy cold fusion reactor," he explained before delving into the specifics of the device. He talked at length for a solid five minutes straight about the intricacies of the arc reactor, how it worked and why it worked before he finished, slightly out of breath since he said it all in one go.

"My god, a smart man ? Amazing…simply amazing," Yamanaka muttered out under her breath, which everyone heard regardless in the quiet room. "Young man, we've seen your patent for the device and I must say: If you could build one of those arc reactors for this company, hell, for this city, you'd make a lot of money."

"That's the plan, more or less. Which is why I wanted to meet with you," Midoriya explained, hiding his nervousness with faux confidence. "If you give me access to money, resources, and a lab, I'll provide your company not only an arc reactor to power it and the city, but also gadgets as a side gig."

The three women looked at each other before whispering, trying to come up with a response. It lasted a full minute until they stopped. "We'll have to put this in writing, but unofficially we fully support this deal."


With the deal underway Midoriya wished to be back home in his room, which thankfully worked. As soon as he appeared in his room he asked his AI to play some American music . Now with some tunes playing he began to modify a pair of classic aviator-style sunglasses with the frames having a light blue lenses, trying his best to incorporate JARVIS into the glasses. He got the idea, or rather stole it, from Tony Stark's EDITH glasses, but the glasses would have JARVIS incorporated in it, not EDITH.

It took half an hour, but finally the glasses were finished. He put the sunglasses on and was bombarded with a surplus of information: It told him his heart rate, the temperature of the outside, it started analyzing his half-finished inventions on the desk, it would be simply overwhelming for a regular man.

But he was a fucking super genius now, so he took the information in stride. "JARVIS, you there, buddy?" Izuku asked, making sure the mic for the laptop was off.

"At your service, Sir," his AI responded readily through the mini speakers on the glasses, loud enough for only his Sir to hear. "Congratulations on another successful invention, by the way."

"Thanks, JARVIS, but what do you think I should build next?" Midoriya asked, bringing a hand up to his chin. He had a plethora of ideas stewing in his head, but he wasn't sure which one to implement yet.

"How about a means to protect yourself, Sir? Besides your energy shield you're completely defenseless, barring Miss Desiree of course," the AI reminded.

"Good idea. I'll build a laser gun or something of the sort, probably non-lethal as I'm going to become a hero," Izuku mumbled aloud, going to his desk and sitting down in the chair to begin finishing one of his many prototypes of a weapon.

"So this is it, huh?" Desiree asked, looking around the room she and her master was in. Well, technically it was an underground bunker the size of a garage, but Midoriya wasn't complaining, as the contract did stipulate that he had a room of his own to work in.

"It is indeed, Desiree," Izuku responded, going over to a desk that had a soldering iron and a multitude of electronic devices. He smiled as he scanned the room with his JARVIS glasses, seeing the denseness of the walls that surrounded them then an x-ray of the entire building. "This place is sweet!" he said ecstatically before something appeared in his hud. "JARVIS, make the security cameras and mics loop whenever I'm working," he ordered, watching a progress bar fill on his screen before it completed.

"Finished, Sir, all cameras and hidden microphones are looping for the foreseeable future," his AI told him.

"So what are you building next, master?" Desiree asked, floating over all the gear he now had access to.

"I'm thinking of the Iron Man Gauntlet , powered by an even smaller arc reactor," he said, gathering the materials around him to build what he needed. He decided to make it out of a gold-titanium alloy, just like Tony Stark's original couple of suits after Mark I, along with a mixture of tungsten to make it heat-resistant (because why not?). He built the wrist-watch first and did the measurements to make sure it fit his hand when it expanded. After doing a prototype or two he finally nailed the repulsor technology, allowing him to incorporate it into his defensive weapon. The only thing it needed now was an even smaller arc reactor, which he promptly made with all the available tech he had around him. After installing it into the gauntlet, he attached it to his right wrist and said to the "empty" room, "Okay, let's test this out, guys!" Midoriya tapped the screen of his wristwatch and watched as it revealed the even smaller miniaturized arc reactor. He tapped it then moved the cover of the arc reactor over the back of his palm, surrounding his hand in red metal. He then held a hand out as he fired at a wall, the repulsor humming as it turned on as it shot out a repulsor blast, making a singed black mark against the wall. The knockback sent Izuku flying backwards to the ground hard, however.

"Sir, are you alright?!"/"Master, are you okay?!" JARVIS and Desiree asked at the same time.

"Yeah, I'm okay," he groaned out, not used to this type of pain, but at least he had a smile on his face. He sat himself up as he pondered aloud, "Maybe I should combine my energy shield with the Iron Man Gauntlet? Those two combined would be pretty efficient, plus the energy shield would become a lot stronger…" he hypothesized before standing up and disassembling both his Iron Man Gauntlet and the energy shield. It was a bit of a fun challenge shrinking the energy shield wrist gauntlet into the size of a wrist watch, but he managed to do it after an hour. Now the wrist watch had a holographic display that told him both the time and the structural integrity of the energy shield, since power was no longer an issue it just needed a couple of seconds to recharge to get back to full strength at protecting him.

"I know you wished for this, master, but you're so smart!" Desiree praised, petting her master's head of hair. She was beginning to really like her newest master, as he made wishes that no other master of hers ever made. He wanted to be a hero with her power, such a noble thing when compared to the selfishness of her earlier masters.

He smiled and leaned into her cold touch as he replied, "Thanks! Though I wonder what I should build next…"

"Nuh uh, sugar, you've been working non-stop for eight hours straight! It's time for you to go home and rail me—I mean, sleep, mister," she slipped, really wanting her cute master to fuck her senseless today. They didn't have sex at all today, not even one sexual act! It was driving her crazy! Especially since they haven't even discussed anal yet, a personal favorite of hers.

"But I wanna keep building things! Like a Pack-a-Punch Machine , or a Stark Industries Fabricator !" he whined, really wanting to keep up his inventive streak. Those two inventions would be a fun challenge, especially the former as that was more fantasy than real life, as you just put an item in (usually a gun) and it magically gets upgraded. However the latter, while high-tech compared to the currently existing technology, would be pretty easy to build and implement a specialized AI to help with the building/upgrading of whatever the user wanted.

"No buts, Izuku! I'm worried about your health, you know. Young men like you shouldn't be inventing all day, you've gotta let some energy out from time to time, to be a young virile man," she insinuated, looking longingly at his groin area.

Izuku felt his 8 inch cock shift back into an 11 incher, making the young lad have an "ohhhhh" moment. "I'm sorry for not paying attention to you today, Desiree," he apologized as he twiddled his thumbs together, nervous on how she might react. All signs pointed to her not being mad at him, but for someone used to being bullied and hurt over mundane things he was quite worried.

"You should be. How are you going to make it up to me?" she asked slyly, a grin on her face, showing she wasn't truly mad at him.

Midoriya relaxed immediately before coyly replying back, "Oh, I can think of a few things…"