futa toga

As you all learned previously in school, Quirks began to appear around XXX years ago. At the same time, unique changes started to occur within the human body," Midnight announces at the front of a lecture hall filled with UA university students.

"The most noticeable change was the emergence of a new sex which had functional reproductive organs of both a male and female. This new sex has been classified as Hermaphrodites, or commonly referred to as Futanaris or Futas for short."

With the press of a clicker, a futanari model appears on the projector screen. The model shows a typical female body plan with more pronounced assets. However, most noticeable is the crotch area showing a penis with a pair of balls while underneath is a vagina.

"As shown here, futanaris are referred to those with female bodies that have both functional male and female reproductive organs: a womb and a penis," the Anatomy professor announces to the class.

With another click, the screen changes to a comparative diagram illustrating differences between the three genders: male, female, and futanari.

"Futanaris are generally taller compared to the other sexes; however, that is not always the case. As with Quirks, futanaris come in many shapes and sizes. This principle applies with males and females as well. The best way to identify one's gender is through their reproductive organs."

Midnight begins to hear murmurs from the students in the front row after her last statement.

"Yes, I under the general consensus of believing males can also be identified by their weak Quirk or lack thereof. However, in recent years, more males have been born with Quirks which can be as powerful if not stronger than their females' or futanaris' counterparts."

The R-Rated Hero looks to see the students have quieted down. She walks away from the podium to stride in front of the lecture hall. As she walks, she takes notice of several students blushing as she goes by. Midnight can't help but smile as she feels the students' eyes linger on her assets.

Once in the middle of the lecture hall, she readdresses the class. "Rather than just show a model on a screen, I think it best to have a physical comparison."

On cue, the side door of the lecture hall opens as two figures walk in. A tall woman with long, indigo-colored hair tied in a ponytail walks in followed by an average sized, by this world's standards, male with light blue wavy hair.

As a hero otaku, Izuku immediately recognizes the female guest as the pro-hero Lady Nagant. Sitting in the back of the class, the greenette excitedly starts sitting on the edge of his seat to get a better view of the Rifle Hero. However, the other students, specifically the females and futanaris, begin to react to the smaller guest.

"***Wolf Whistle***"

"You look good in that outfit, boy! Bet you'll look better out of it!"

"Damn! What an ass!"

"Let me put a finger in ya!"

Izuku Midoriya immediately becomes nervous and sinks back into his seat.

A snap of a whip gains the students attention. "As adults, I expect you all to be on your best behavior when guests are present," the professor growls.

The lecture hall falls into silence.

Midnight gives one last look of warning before approaching the guests who have made it to the front of the class. She smiles at both, "Thank you both for willing to participate in my class on such short notice."

Lady Nagant replies stoically, "It's no problem. I have some free time between patrols."

The male looks up to the much taller Midnight smiling. "I'm happy to help, especially seeing as how happy you are to see me," the bluenette says with a goofy smile and wink. He then looks slightly down towards Midnight's crotch.

Midnight blushes at the man's comment, but quickly regains her composure before readdresses the class. "As you can see with my guest presents, we can see the significant physical differences between the three sexes."

Standing next to each other, the difference between the three couldn't be more obvious. The curvy Midnight stands tall with her 2" heels adding to her already impressive natural height of 7'7". She pulls her hands over her head to accentuate her beach ball sized breasts. Her hips are pushed out to the side to show off her slim waist leading to an ass that could easily fill out a loveseat. While wearing her dominatrix hero costume hugging her hourglass frame, she gives off an aura of a sexual goddess. Even with her other impressive assets, the students' eyes are drawn to her prominent bulge between her long legs.

The lovely Lady Nagant stands at attention showing off her height of an even 7' placing her eye level to the dominatrix's chin. With her back straight, her jackfruit sized bust and athletic ass are noticeable to all the students present. Several individuals look at her crotch, but see no visual sign of a bulge. It may be hidden underneath her purple sleeveless dress.

The light bluenette stands between the two towering amazons with his hands in his pouch smiling casually. The man is of average build with an above average bubble butt. The top of his head only comes up to Midnight's underboob. He seems to wear a collar around his neck with a tag. As the trend goes, students look to see what the man is packing. Unfortunately, they are unable to see anything definitive due to his baggy pants.

Noticing the lingering eyes of the students, Midnight pulls her arm back down to her sides. As she walks in front of the male guest. "I can assure you all that my guests are female and male, so they lack a noticeable bulge such as mine. So please stop trying to look for one."

The students become embarrassed as Midnight resumes the lecture. "These are some of the visual differences that one can identify a male, female, or futanari. However, these differences aren't always the rule as not all futanaris are amazons or have an overly large appendage between their legs."

She pauses to press her clicker, switching the display to a male model from the Pre-Quirk Era. "Comparing the model and our kind guest, males over the years have become shorter for an average height of 5'. Men have also developed a larger gluteus maximus. These are only the visual changes; there have been internal changes to males as well."

As the Anatomy class continues, Izuku begins to tune out the lecture as he's heard it all before. Izuku looks around the classroom to see other students, mostly females and futanaris with a few males mixed in, paying close attention to the lecture. Though it's most likely due to the guests and Midnight herself as students eye them lustfully.

Izuku's mind begins to wander thinking about how he got into UA University.

(Start of Flashback)

Izuku Midoriya nervously shifts his weight back and forth. It's the only way he can stop himself from breaking into a muttering spree, especially when standing in front of the Dean of UA University, the mouse, dog, bear creature known as Nezu.

Nezu says nothing as the chimera continues to stir a cup of tea before taking a sip.

Hesitantly, Izuku looks around the large office observing that Nezu and himself aren't the only ones present. In the rear corner of the office, a figure leans against the wall trying their best to stay in the shadow cast by the sun through the wall of windows. Izuku can't make out who it is, but assumes they are a professor. Looking to his sides, a group of people his age stand on either side of him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all!"

Izuku immediately looks forward as Nezu finally addresses the group.

Nezu smiles, "Thank you all for accepting my invitation to come to my office."

"Not like we could refuse" , the youths collectively think.

"I know it must have been a surprise after all you only just finished participating in this year's entrance exam."

Izuku thinks back to earlier in the day from All Might wishing him luck when dropping him off to being saved from face planting by a nice girl to the eventful entrance exam.

"Yes, I was most impressed by your performances."

With a push of a button on the armrest, several holographic displays pop up with clips of the entrance exam. Each display focuses on a different participant currently present in the room. Izuku sees a screen showing the raven headed participant standing next to him. The avian is using what seems to be what can best be described as an eldritch shadow monster attacking all the robots within its range. One display is a mix of flashes, explosions, and profanity as a spikey, blonde haired imp flies across the faux street. While another shows an entire city block frozen over.

Izuku so desperately wants to take out his notebook to write down all these new Quirks. He stops himself when his attention is drawn to a video of him launching into action against the Zero Pointer. One punch fells the gargantuan mecha, but at the cost of a broken arm and two broken legs. Izuku cringes at the sight considering all the time spent training his acquired Quirk. He thought he had fixed that old habit. The video continues to show his death if it weren't for the nice girl from before saving his life again.

"I'm incredibly happy to see such talented youths enrolling in our fine hero course!," Nezu praises.

The group gains a sense of pride…

"Especially since you are male," Nezu states casually before sipping his tea.

…which is immediately replaced by dread.

The greenette's hand instinctively moves to his throat. Feeling a metallic band around his neck underneath his All Might brand crew jacket. A reminder of his place in the world.

With the rise of Quirks, the era of futanaris began. Over the centuries, the futanari populations grew while the male birth rate began to decline. With a declining male population and the drastic physical changes between males, females, and futanaris, a matriarchal society emerged. The leaders of the new era passed laws and regulations against males stripping them of rights and privileges. In short, males are treated as second-class citizens. Depending on which country a male is born, their experience may be worse or better. Some countries treat men as nothing more than property.

Unfortunately, Japan is one such country. In Japan, a male must be registered as property under his mother's or guardian's name until the age of 18. Therefore, a son can be raised however the mother or guardian sees fit. A prime example is a guardian's permission for males to attend school. By law, males aren't allowed in educational institutions unless permitted by their guardian.

Izuku was fortunate enough to have someone like his mother to allow him to receive an education. It's one of the reasons he even had a chance to attend UA University.

However, that privilege is taken away once a man turns 18. When he becomes of age, the government issues a mandated choker that must be worn at all times to indicate his eligibility. Futanaris and females alike look forward to finding an eligible male to have for themselves. At this stage of life, a male's only purpose is to find a futanari or female to have ownership over him.

Technically, a new law was recently passed to allow males over 18 to attend university; however, it's under the pretense that the male finds an owner among the students and/or staff. Therefore, Izuku is permitted to take the general entrance exam. Unfortunately, that does not apply for the hero course exam. Per the law, males are prohibited from being pro-heroes.

Thus, Izuku didn't even have a right to attempt the hero course exam. In fact, for breaking the law, Izuku may be sent to jail or worse. He's heard rumors of male criminals being taken away and auctioned off to the most influential and powerful futanaris or females.

Izuku anxiously looks to the other boys in the room to see their reactions. Some appear as pale as a ghost; while others remain stock still whether in shock, fear, or in some case indifference. One person though decides to bare his fangs.

"So, what if you know, rat bastard!," Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku's childhood friend, exclaimed. As he gets into a crouching stance, his palms spark and smoke preparing for a fight. "All I have to do is send you to kingdom come!"

Before even taking a step towards the dean, the sparks from his palms die down. Confused Bakugou looks at his palm before a gruff voice is heard. "As much as I would love to see you try, I need that "rat bastard" to sign off on my paycheck."

The group immediately turns toward the corner of the room seeing glowing red eyes looking towards all of them.

"Hahaha! I appreciate your enthusiasm, young Bakugou. Unfortunately, I prefer to not engage in any acts of violence."

The figure scoffs at the Dean's comment.

Nezu continues, "Please rest assured you all are not in trouble." The chimera moves to stand on the chair as the creature's tiny dog-like paws extend outward in excitement. "In fact, it's my pleasure to congratulate you all on successfully enrolling in the UA University's hero course!"

There is a moment of silence before all hell breaks loose.


"You scared the shit out of us!"

"Does this mean we don't have to kill you?"

"What a mad banquet of darkness."

Izuku is overwhelmed by all the noise around him. Nezu begins to laugh, reveling in the chaos. The figure in the corner sighs in annoyance.

After a moment, the shadowy figure finally had enough. With glowing red eyes, the individual coldly commands, "Silence."

Everyone in the room shuts up at once.

Nezu takes the opportunity to sit back down. "I understand your confusion and fear. But I want to assure none of you are in trouble."

Izuku and the rest of the boys look skeptically at the rodent. After all, in a world dominated by the opposite sexes, it's best to be cautious before acting out. Well there are always exceptions to the rule.

"Hahaha! Do not worry. You humans aren't all that special, including you males. After all, you all are not the first males to try and become heroes at UA."

Some of the boys become embarrassed for being found out; while others continue to cautiously observe the small white creature.

"In fact, I'm happy to tell you all that UA has a long history of enrolling males into our hero course."

Izuku's mind runs a mile a minute at Nezu's declaration. "That can't be true!? Today's society wouldn't accept the idea. UA would have been under investigation even if it was just a rumor of males in the hero course. Is this why All- I mean Ms. Yagi said it'll be alright for him to try and enroll at UA? In recent years, males are allowed to attend university, but typically that's so they could find an "owner" to claim them. Is this what Nezu is referring to? Otherwise, if what the stout said is true, then how come the male hero course students haven't been found out? The government issued collars are manufactured to be nearly indestructible and can't be taken off without a special access key. So, even if someone tries to hide it, you'll eventually be found out since it's difficult to cover one's neck the entire time throughout the rigorous hero training."

"What wonderful observations, young Midoriya!," Nezu happily exclaims, breaking Izuku out of his muttering spree. The greenette flushes red as he just realizes he's been muttering out loud all his thoughts.

"Rest assured what I said is in fact true. Despite society's views on the male gender being objectified and inferior, here at UA, we believe that males can be of great value beyond sexual gratification. Yes, there have been rumors around the school about males in the hero course; however, the reason there hasn't been an investigation is simply due to the large amount of blackmail I've collected over the years against those in power. While UA accepts males under the pretense of finding an "owner," we provide the best education to all our students equally, including the opportunity to participate in our wonderful hero course. One reason we have successfully had male hero course students is with a bypass key to remove the collars."

The boys take a minute to process all the information given.

Meanwhile, Nezu decides to sips his tea awaiting any follow up questions.

"If all you said is true, how come we have never seen a male pro-hero?"

All the boys turn to look at the two toned haired boy standing at the end of their single file line.

"Without the collar, it's very easy to hide one's gender. But mostly because we prefer to avoid the limelight if possible," the gruff voice responses from the corner gaming everyone's attention.

Stepping out of the shadow, a slender figure appears with messy, shoulder-length black hair that partially hangs in front of their worn-out face. The group notices the person's eyes are not glowing red anymore rather they are black in color. The staff member is wearing baggy black clothes with a long thin white scarf around their neck. Izuku feels he has seen this individual before.

"Who are you?," asks a boy with a black lightning bolt streak in his blonde hair.

"This, my young hero hopefuls, is UA University's Ethics professor and alumni of our hero course. May I introduce the underground hero, Eraserhead!"

The group is silent, but the looks on their faces say it all. "Who?"

All except one.

"Easerhead!? An underground hero only knew through rumors or hard core hero fans! No wonder Kacchan's Quirk did work. You erased his Quirk! It's amazing that you only need to look at someone to render their Quirk useless in a fight. Does it work on a group of people or one person at a time? What happens when you look at yourself in the mirror?"

Izuku rifles off facts and questions about Eraserhead. Only to stop when a realization dawns on him.

"You're a man."

It's stated as fact rather than a question.

Easerhead looks to Izuku. The scarf around the pro-hero's neck begins to unravel, realizing an unkempt stubble beard beneath a Totoro style smile.

"Hahaha! Yes, Eraserhead is indeed a male. Though he could try to properly shave to help hide his gender."

"It's a pain to shave everyday. Besides, women can grow facial hair too," Eraser retorts.

"True, but proper grooming is important for health. After all, how do you think I got such a wonderful coat."

"I rather not take health tips from a rat."

Before the back and forth can continue, someone asks, "If you're a man, how come the Hero Public Safety Commission hasn't stopped you from registering as a pro-hero?"

Eraser and Nezu look towards the candy cane haired boy.

Nezu decides to answer the question. "The HPSC would typically intervene; however, they have begun to see the benefits of the opposite gender in recent years. After all, I myself am a male, and have proven myself to be an ally they want rather than an enemy. Plus, it helps to have numerous scandals that the president of the HPSC would just love to have released to the public."

Everyone in the room sweatdrops.

Easerhead decides to explain further. "Don't worry about the HPSC. With All Might's retirement, villains have begun to mobilize more. Unfortunately, the current heroes aren't cutting it when dealing with the new wave of crime. So, the HPSC is looking to get help anywhere they can."

"True. All Might's presence kept villains away and in doing so many heroes have become lax in their duties. UA has always known All Might would eventually retire, so the school pushes for the best and brightest students to become heroes regardless of gender," Nezu remarks.

Nezu takes a moment to gather his thoughts before proceeding with his next comment. "You all have shown great promise which UA hopes to foster. We as a school are working to break the status quo, and usher in a new generation of heroes regardless of gender. So, on behalf of UA University, I officially ask if you all would enroll in our hero course!"

All the boys remain silent. Gathering their thoughts on what to say next.

Izuku becomes slightly downcasted at the mention of All Might's retirement. A small part of him whispers it's his fault for now possessing All Might's Quirk, but he quickly squanders the thought. Looking down at his callus hands gained through the hellish training, he recalls his mentor's words.

"Young man, you too can become a hero."

Clenching his hands, a sense of determination fills Izuku looking up with a spark in his eyes.

Izuku looks the chimera in the eyes with an anxious smile. "When do we start?"

The Dean smiles at Izuku's determination. Observing the other boys, they appear just as determined. Nezu looks over to the Eraserhead as if asking for his opinion. The pro-hero notices and after a moment gives a nod of approval.

Smiling, Nezu responds to Izuku's questions. "You'll receive your enrollment letter in the mail within a week. In the letter, there will be information on class selection, university orientation, and dorm placement. You'll also receive instructions on where to go to remove your collars before the school year starts."

All the boys begin to get excited as the thought of becoming a hero is no longer a pipe dream. Instead, it's becoming a reality.

As the boys celebrate, the stout gains a mischievous smile.

"However, there is one condition when enrolling in the hero course…"

(End of Flashback)

***Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong***

The noon bell breaks Izuku out of his thoughts.

"Oh how time flies, we'll resume our lecture on the internal changes that occurred in the three genders, particularly males." Midnight declares to the class.

The Anatomy teacher turns towards her guests smiling, "Thank you so much for joining the class. I hope the students learned a great deal today."

She begins to clap with the students following suit as a round of applause engulf the lecture hall.

The male guest gives a big goofy smile. While Lady Nagant only offers a small smile. Once the applause dies down, Midnight begins to lead the guests toward the same door they came through.

As the students begin to pack up, the professor turns to call out to her students before leaving the room. "Remember you have to read chapter 10 of your textbook for the next lecture."

She hears some groans before the door closes behind her.

Izuku slowly packs his yellow backpack, so the lecture hall can empty out before getting up.

"I think that male guest is a pro-hero like Mr. Aziawa," the person next to Izuku whispers.

Izuku looks over to see his classmate, Shoto Todoroki. His heterochromia eyes focused on the exit the professor left out of.

The greenette, genuinely curious, asks, "What makes you say that?"

Todoroki's scarred face turns toward him. "He was too calm during the lecture. Never nervous, always giving a smile. Most males can't do that in a room full of horny futanaris and females. Plus it seems like Midnight knows him. Present Mic mentioned Midnight was a UA student when Aziawa joined. So, he could have been in their class since Aziawa stated he wasn't the only male in his class."

Izuku interjects, "He could just be a claimed male of Midnight or Lady Nagant. After all, his collar had a tag."

With the government issued collars, a trend began with females and futanaris giving males a dog tag to signify they have been claimed.

The candy cane haired teen morphs into an inquisitive look, "So, does that mean he was a pro-hero, but is no longer one due to being claimed?"

Izuku takes a moment to look around to see the lecture is basically empty. As he gets up to leave, his friend follows suit.

As both boys stand, Izuku turns to walk out only to be met by Todoroki's bicep. Even though the scarred teen is average height for a male, he stands a head taller compared to Izuku's short stature.

Todoroki doesn't seem to notice and begins to leave. Turning toward the stairs, his large rear end nearly hits Izuku in the stomach. Luckily, Izuku, knowing about his friend's thicc ass, stepped back expecting it. None the wiser, Todoroki makes his way out of the classroom.

Izuku watches as his friend walks with a sway in his hips thanks to his large glutes.

" Men have also developed a larger gluteus maximus."

Izuku can't help but agree with Midnight's comment, especially regarding his own. Speaking of which, he goes to follow his classmate only to realize something.

He's stuck.

Turning his head, Izuku sees when he stepped back he ended up getting his ass stuck between the bottom of his lecture chair and the top of the chair in the row below. Whereas Todoroki is thicc, it's best to describe the freckled teen as dummy thicc with an ass that could rival most females and some futanaris in the school.

As Izuku struggles a little to get free, Todoroki turns halfway down the stairs to finally see Izuku's predicament.

"Need some help," Shoto asks in his typical monotone voice.

Izuku flushes red with embarrassment. "It's fine I got it." As he says this, he forcefully dislodges his butt.

He runs to catch up to Todoroki, careful not to get stuck again.

Making his way down, Izuku decides to shift the conversation. "Uraraka wasn't in class today. I'll have to share my notes with her."

Choosing to ignore Izuku's embarrassing mishap, Todoroki corrects him. "You won't have to. I saw her take a seat in the front row today as class started. She must have woken up late."

"Oh, that's good." Izuku declares a little bittersweetly. On one hand, he's glad the brunette made it to class. On the other hand, he doesn't get a chance to talk to her.

Todoroki, with his social wisdom, notices Izuku's response. "She's probably waiting outside the lecture for us, so we can walk to All Might's class together."

Izuku perks up at that…

"It would be rude of her not to say hi to her boyfriend when he has the same class."

…then immediately blushes and begins muttering about how he's not Uraraka's boyfriend.

Before he can properly defend himself, they have already reached the exit.

The pair open the large doors to see the hallway with a few students walking, talking, or just standing around. Most appear to females and futanaris students wandering to their next class.

Izuku only spots a handful of males, probably about 1 male per 10 females/futanaris, sticking close to the edges of the hall to avoid drawing attention. With their relatively small stature compared to the opposite sexes, they remain most unnoticed.

"Hey cutie~, wanna come with me~? My dorm's not too far~."

Well, not completely.

Izuku turns toward his right to see a futanari of average stature talking down to a male student. The boy is average height making the top of his head in line with the middle of the futa's bust.

"So-Sorry, but I-I can't right n-now," the boy timidly stutters.

Acting innocently, the futa states, "Oh, why not~? It's not like you have an owner."

She reaches her hand out to touch the collar on the boy's neck with no visible tag identifying him as unclaimed.

Trying to backway, the boy bumps into the wall.

"What's the matter~, sweetie~?," the futa playful says with a wink.

He skittishly moves to side step the futa only to come in contact with a protruding column against the wall. The futa moves in front to corner him.

"You know I got all hot and bothered after that lecture. I just want to relieve myself. Can't you help a futa out~?"

"I-I need to go to get to class," the boy nervously says in a quiet voice.

At this point, Izuku quickly scans the hallway to see if anyone notices the boy's plight. Unfortunately, every student pays no mind to the interaction between the two. Most females and futanaris continue on their way completely ignoring the futa's forwardness. Some even appear jealous or envious of what she's doing. The few males in the hall immediately scatter to avoid getting caught up in the situation.

"This happens everyday to males. It's best to ignore and keep your head low unless you want to get in trouble," a voice whispers in the back of Izuku's mind. It's an unpleasant thought. One that has been ingrained in his mind since childhood. It's meant to keep a man safe in a world made to be against you the moment you're born. If a man is to survive, it's best to keep to yourself…

"What was that? I thought you males are only here to find an owner. Well~, here I am~," the futa coos.

The futanari shoves her relatively small bugle, compared to Midnight's, into the boy's stomach, pressing him into the wall.

"You'll forget all about class. Once you have a cock down your throat~," the aggressor says as she licks her lips while looking down on the poor boy.

…however, Izuku tends to listen to his heart more than his head.

"He said he has a class to get to!"

The futa turns around to see who said that. She's expecting to see someone at eye level with her. Only to see no one. She looks around before noticing a tuft of green hair slightly below her line of sight.

The aggressor looks down to see a green, curly haired student looking up at her with an expression of determination and nervousness. She stops to process who's behind her.

"Who is this? A male? No, there's no collar. But he's short with a flat chest and huge ass. I mean look at that thicc ass! So, he has to be a boy. Wait, that uniform…it's a UA hero course uniform!"

Like any university, UA doesn't require its students to wear a standard uniform. Unless, you are in the hero course. The uniform consists of a long-sleeve, button-up white shirt, a gray jacket with blue-green stripes, and a red tie. Typically, the uniform includes a dark blue-green pleated skirt. Although, the school allows students to wear dark green-blue pants as well. Mainly for the futanaris to contain their member.

"He…I mean she's wearing pants. So, she must be a futanari, too!" The futanari's thoughts whirling to decide her next move. "If she's in the hero course, she must be strong. But why is she so short! I thought she was a boy. Unless she is a he…Impossible! Males can't be heroes!"

She takes another glance at the assumed futanari behind her. With her attention elsewhere, the boy beneath tries to slip away again, but the futanari continues to press the boy against the wall. She doesn't want him going anywhere until she finishes sizing up the short hero-in-training.

At first, Izuku was confident when addressing the futanari student.

"Alright I got her attention. Hopefully she shifts her focus on me to allow the boy to escape. I'll wait to see what she does next," Izuku's mind supplies for once not breaking into a mutter.

Unfortunately, the futanari continues to eye Izuku as if sizing him up while keeping the boy pinned to the wall.

"She hasn't made a move. Is it because she thinks I'm a boy? No, I'm wearing the UA uniform though I decided to wear the pants today. Does that mean she's assuming I'm a futanari?! If so, that's not good! She's trying to size me up to see if I'll back off."

Luckily, all his thoughts are kept internal. Even with his confidence slowly crumbles. He begins to nervously shift his weight back and forth on his heels.

That was a mistake.

Noticing the shift in Izuku's demeanor, the futanari cracks a smile.

"What's the matter shortie?," the futanaris says confidently. "You want to get in on the action~? I don't mind sharing~."

Izuku blushes in embarrassment and angry at the assumption.

"N-no!," Izuku nervously stutters. "H-he clearly doesn't want to go with you."

"Is that so~?," the futa states innocently. Turning her gaze down towards the boy with his head between her ample bust, she finally addresses him. "What do you say, cutie~? You wanna go with the kind but short hero student~?"

The poor boy takes a moment to look between Izuku and his capturer. Neither option sounds great to him, especially assuming the short student is a futanari as well. At least it seems the shorter one is trying to help. Deciding Izuku is the lesser of two evils, he opens his mouth to reply…

"Though, won't it be better to stick with a big, strong futanari that can actually protect you~?"

…then shuts it. Cautiously, he looks up at the futa who has a finger to her chin as if in thought.

The futa smirks at the boy's reaction, "After all, won't this keep happening until you get an owner? Someone to claim you as their own~." Her eyes look away from the boy to look into the distance. "Who knows what kind of person could claim you? She may not be as nice as me~."

Out of the corner of her eye, she sees the boy goes rigid. Deciding to drive her point home, she smiles, "All I'm asking for is a small favor~. After all, that's all you men are good for."

The boy looks down dejected at her words becoming limp against the wall. The futa smiles as she begins to revel in her success…

"That's not true!"

…which is quickly squandered by the short stack hero course student who she completely forgot about. She turns to Izuku to see his nervousness is gone and replaced by a quiet fury.

Throughout the whole discussion between the futa and the man, Izuku began to become more and more furious. Typically, his friends consider Izuku to be a nerdy, timid person with a big heart. He isn't known for getting angry easily. However, with a big heart, comes an immense desire to help those in need.

Izuku can tell not only is the poor boy suffering physically from being manhandled, but more importantly emotionally due to the futanari's words. Being told you're useless and anything you want or desire is considered pointless. That the only thing that makes you worthwhile is your body. Izuku can relate. Not just because he was born Quirkless, but also as a man in this matriarchal society.

Throughout the whole ordeal, Izuku couldn't help realizing that could have been him in place of the cowering male. If it wasn't for the fact he was given a chance to become something more than just a tool for sexual gratification. To become someone who helps people even if they don't ask for it. To become a hero.

"If you want to satisfy yourself, use your hand or go buy a toy to do it. Because that's not a toy, he's a man! A human being! Just because he doesn't have your lady parts doesn't make him any less human!," Izuku declares for all the students to hear.

Some students pause to look at the commotion; while others move with more urgency to not get involved.

"Sorry you had to hear that a class is more important than your needs. But guess what? This is a hard truth: not every man wants to get into your pants. Not all men come to UA looking for an owner! Some have dreams and ambitions that can only happen here!," Izuku states passionately. He decides to give an example, "Ever heard of David Shield? All Might's former sidekick and world renowned scientist? Guess what? He's a man! He didn't limit himself when people didn't accept the fact that he could do something other than being a piece of meat!"

"Maybe you'd learn something if you paid attention in class instead of staring at any man you see walking by you," Izuku jabs, taking a page from Kacchan.

Izuku takes a pause to look directly into the man's eyes.

"A man's value is more than his body. It's the courage and determination to push forward in a world that tells you everyday you can't do it."

Izuku takes a breath after his rant to calm down. After a month at UA, he's been bottling up all these emotions whenever he sees his fellow man suffer under society's norms. He did his best to help by getting a teacher or drawing the perpetrator's attention to allow the male to escape. Usually the sight of a UA uniform is enough to make someone back off. This time was different as the futanari kept pushing her agenda. It all was too much for Izuku's bottled up emotions, so naturally they gushed out all at once.

Everyone is left staring at the short greenette standing in the middle of the hall.

Todoroki is surprised by his shy friend's outburst. Glad to see his friend stand up for his fellow man, but also downcasted at the thought of his friend not sharing his pain.

Meanwhile, the pinned male looks at Izuku in wonder and awe.

As for the futanari, she is surprised by the smaller student's speech, but she seems more annoyed than anything. She's about to retort until someone decides to put themselves in the conversation.

"According to the UA student code of conduct, all students must follow the rule of consent," Todoroki voice interjects. "Which states that a person regardless of sex must willingly agree to one's sexual advances."

The futa turns her gaze to the slightly taller hero course student. The red and white haired teen is wearing a UA uniform, but in place of pants is a skirt. The futa assumes Todoroki is a female.

"To simplify it for you, you're breaking school rules. So, you can face suspension, expulsion, or worse," Todoroki clarifies.

The comment doesn't seem to register. The futanari is just angry that people keep interrupting her. She's about to reply until she hears the male below her murmur something.

"What was that, sweetie~?," she tries to say innocently, but it comes off as tense when looking down at him.

The pinned boy looks up at his capturer. He looks scared but decisive when he says, "No."

The futa's face morphs from a smile to confusion to anger. "What the hell do you mean by NO?!," she shouts as she grabs the male by the shoulders to shove against the wall.

The boy lets out a groan as the back of his head hits the wall. Despite the pain, the male doesn't back down, "No, I don't want to go with you. I want to go to class"

The now enraged futa is about to say something else, but gets interrupted again by the green hero-in-training.

"As hero students, we have an obligation to intervene in any form of sexual harassment that happens on campus," Izuku warns.

The futanari freezes as it finally dawns on her. That she fucked up.

The futanari looks around to see if anyone will defend her actions. Sadly, during the commotion, most of the students cleared the area right away to avoid getting in trouble. The few that stayed to watch immediately started booking it after hearing about the code of conduct. The UA University staff takes the code of conduct very seriously. If word gets out that students didn't interfere when a fellow classmate was breaking the rules, well rumor has it there are worse things than expulsion with Dean Nezu in charge.

Seeing as no one will help her, the futanari angrily shoves the boy against the wall again before releasing him. With her superior strength, the male gets the wind knocked out of him as he falls to the floor. Before the hero students can move to help, she stomps toward Izuku.

Todoroki steps in to stand between the angry futa and his classmate.

The angry futanari stops directly in front of the pair. Ignoring the scarred face one, she leans down to look directly at Izuku.

"Just because you're in the hero course you must think it's sooooo easy to get a man," she says in an angrily, mocking manner.

"Well, not all of us can get into the hero course! You may be short for a futanari, but it must be nice being born with a strong Quirk! You can have any man you want! Hell, you can have a whole harem like some pros!" The futa angrily rants to the greenette who she misidentified as a futanari.

Izuku can't think of anything to say. The situation has drastically changed from sexual harassment of a male to an enraged futanari throwing a tanturm over being denied.

Before he can decide on a course of action, the futa stands to her full height of 7'.

"You may be a hero course student, but you're still a futanari. And guess what? As a futanari, size matters!," she declares venomously as she pulls her hand back to strike Izuku.

The pair's training kicks in as Izuku and Todoroki get into a defensive stance.

Luckily, before either side can strike the other, someone grabs the assailant's hand from behind. Remaining in a defensive position, the boys' expressions visibly relax at seeing who grabbed the futa's arm.

Without looking back at who caught her hand, the futa tries to continue her assault. Only to relieve she can't break free from the person's grip. In fact, with her attempt at breaking free, the grip tights feeling as if in a vice grip.

"Do mind not hitting my friends. We have to get to All Might's class next, and I don't want to be late to another class after I have to carry you to the infirmary," says in a low, calm voice.

Infuriated by the fact of her failed attack and the assumption of her loss, she finally turns around yelling, "What makes you thin-...!?"

The futa's words die in her mouth as her mouth is left agape when she comes face to face with a pair of enormous breasts. She remains frozen in place as her mind is trying to process why she isn't talking to someone face-to-face. Rather she is staring at the largest bust she had ever seen on any female or futanari.

"Excuse me, but my eyes are up here," the calm voice states.

The breasts' spell on the futa is broken by being called out. Upon realizing what she was doing, the futa forcefully closes her mouth and involuntarily swallows any air down her throat.

She finally decides to see who the woman is. Starting at the bustline, the futa's neck slowly begins to raise. Moving up the breasts, it was impossible not to notice how each breast was as big and round as a large yoga ball easily dwarfing the smaller woman's head. Finally passed the woman's bosom, she continues upward to get past a muscular neck until reaching the woman's chin. At this point, the futa has to crane her neck to finally look at the woman's face.

The larger woman has auburn hair styled in a bob cut framing her round face. With a perpetual pink blush on each cheek and large, round eyes matching her hair color, she gives off an approachable and friendly air…contrary to the rest of her body.

The larger than life woman is built like an amazon: muscular yet curvy, giving off a warrior's aura, but most importantly tall. At 9' tall, Ochaco Uraraka is one of, if not, the tallest women in the freshman class. She stands head and shoulders above the average female and futanari height of 7'.

The smaller woman takes a chance to look at her arm still trapped in Ochaco's four fingered grip with the pinky finger up. Not only does the futa see how Ochako is only using a hand much less only four fingers to restrain her, but her eyes are drawn downward from the hero student's muscular arm to her protruding rear end. Ochaco is not only blessed with an out-of-this-world bosom, but also an astronomical ass to match. If Midnight's ass could fill a loveseat, than Ochaco's would fill an entire queen sized bed.

The more the futa wonders Ochaco's body; the more afraid she becomes. After all, as she just stated previously, "as a futanari, size matters." Which becomes the final nail in the coffin, once she looks at Ochaco's crotch.

The futa can confirm two things: 1) Ochaco is a fellow futanari like herself and 2) Ochaco is packaging a rocket launcher inside her pants.

The smaller futa can't help but feel inadequate compared to the amazonian woman in front of her.

Before entering the fray, Ochako came out of the restroom to see an average sized futanari yelling at her friends. She immediately began walking over to try to see what was going on and possibly de-escalate the situation. Until the futa made a move to attack her crush best friend, Izuku Midoriya. Ochaco moved on instinct to intercept the attack with an overwhelming desire to protect. Her thick, muscular legs combined with her overall height gave her a long stride to reach the fellow futanari in record time. She may have grabbed the other futa's arm too forcefully by accident, so she decided to take a breath to calm down before calling out the smaller futa.

Now, after having the futa stare at her for an uncomfortable amount of time, the shorter woman seemed to want to be anywhere but here.

"Um, are you alright?," Ochaco asks. Her voice changed from a previously low, calm tone to a concerned, friendly one.

The futa finally reacts to Ochaco's question. Feeling the grip on her arm loosen significantly, she pulls it out of the brunette's hand. Then, immediately, she turns on her heels to run away as fast as she can.

"Aren't you forgetting something?," a monotone voice calls out.

The futa pauses to look at Todoroki standing in the way of her escape. The temperature around her begins to drop, sending a shiver down her spine.

Not wanting to find out if that's the Quirk of the person in front of her. She quickly turns to the downed male and Izuku who went to help him as soon as Ochaco grabbed the futa's arm moments ago. She gives a quick bow while tensely saying, "S-sorry."

Before Izuku and the boy have a chance to reply, the futa resumes her sprint down the hall.

"What was that about?," Ochaco ponders seeing the futa's figure diminish as she runs down the hall.

Choosing to focus on her friends, she turns to see Izuku comforting a boy sitting on the ground against a wall.

"You're alright now. Just breathe. Like this," Izuku says as takes a long deep intake of air through his mouth. At the same time, he holds up a closed hand. As he takes a deep breath, he raises each finger until reaching his pinky. Then, he releases his breath while counting down his fingers until he reaches zero. He repeats the process again.

The sitting boy follows along with Izuku's breathing.

Ochaco walks over to see what she can do to help the boy. Unfortunately, as the boy is starting to get his bearings, he notices the amazonian futa's approach. With everything that's happened, you can blame him for getting scared.

Immediately noticing, Izuku tries to reassure the boy, "It's alright. She's a good friend."

Izuku's comments don't seem to reassure the male.

Realizing this, Ochaco pauses her approach with a worried expression on her face. She takes a moment to consider her options before remembering a trick she learned to seem less intimidating. The brunette gets down on her knees in a kneeling position. Then, she assumes a seiza-style position to become closer to the boy's height as best she can.

Finally, she offers a gentle smile before saying, "It's alright. I'll stay right here until you're all better."

It was a trick she learned when talking to males since most were intimidated by her large stature. Even though it is seen as a sign of lowering yourself to a male's level in today's society, Ochaco doesn't care as it was something she learned when talking with her dad.

It seems to have worked as the boy begins to steady his breathing again in time with Izuku's.

After about 5 minutes of the breathing exercise, the boy finally stands up.

"Th-thank you for your help. I don't know what would happen if you all hadn't intervened," he says shyly.

"It's no problem just doing what any hero should," Izuku replies with a happy smile.

Todoroki just gave a small nod of acknowledgement, but had the slightest hint of a smile.

"I just wish I was here earlier. I could have stopped it from getting too far," Ochaco muses.

During Izuku's breathing exercise, Todoroki informed Ochaco of what happened before she stepped in much to her shock and anger. Todoroki kept it in a whisper, so as to not cause any relapses from the boy…until Izuku's speech which Todoroki proclaimed at his normal volume.

Izuku blushed in embarrassment over his friend's reenactment of his outburst.

"It's awesome that you stood up to that futa, Deku! You must've looked so cool," Ochaco excitedly declared with a massive smile on her face. "I wish I could have seen it."

Izuku became even more flustered at her compliment. His face became so red his freckles became even more visible.

"Yeah, it was pretty cool," the boy stated as he looked down at the shorter male.

Izuku can't suppress the smile blooming on his face.

Ochaco smiles at her best friend's reaction. Deciding to finally stand up, she looks down towards the boy worriedly.

"You sure you don't need me to walk to class or the infirmary? People tend to think twice if I'm around."

Ochaco is a gentle giant at heart, but most people see her as a daunting amazon.

The boy shyly looks up at amazon, "I'll be fine. I just texted a friend to meet me at the West Entrance, so we can go to class together."

"We are heading in that direction for our hero class, so we can walk you there," Todoroki offers.

"Sure, that'll be great," the boy states contently.

The group begins to walk in comfortable silence down the hall. Walking side by side as Ochaco slows down her strides to keep pace with the shorter students.

Izuku observes that a few students are still lingering in the halls. Luckily, no one bothers them along the way. Either due to the fact they are a group of 3 hero students or most likely the intimidation factor of Ochaco's sheer size.

Once they exit the building, the group is greeted by a tall slender woman around their age.

"Oh thank kami, you're ok!." the girl exclaims before moving to give the boy a hug.

Ochaco instinctively steps in between the two. She already heard what happened with the futanari she let go. She'll be damned if someone else tries to harm the already traumatized boy.

The woman immediately backs off at seeing the imposing futanari in front of her.

"I-it's ok!," the boy quickly exclaims. "She's my friend I texted."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was just really worried once I got his text," the woman explains, looking disheveled as if she ran around campus in a hurry.

Trusting the boy's word, Ochaco visibly relaxes, "Sorry for assuming the worst. It's just, a lot of people can't seem to keep it in their pants."

"Yeah, I get it. Just because you have dick and pussy doesn't mean you're horny all the time. Otherwise, go to the restroom to take care of it," the slender female states while Ochaco nods along in agreement.

The woman finally glances downward to Izuku and Todoroki, "Are these two males as well?"

Izuku tenses, but Todoroki replies for them.

"No, we're futanaris," Todoroki states indifferently.

Graceful for the save, Izuku tries to reaffirm Todoroki's lie…

"Y-yeah, futanaris."

…with little confidence.

"Oh, sorry for assuming," the female student apologizes. " It's hard to tell with everyone being so different."

As his friend apologizes, the boy looks at Izuku and Todoroki questionably.

"I-it's alright. Happens all the time," Izuku reassures the taller student.

The female smiles, grateful for Izuku's understanding.

She takes a moment to glance at her watch, before addressing her male friend, "We better get going. Our class starts in 5 minutes."

Looking back at the group of hero students, she bows, saying, "Thank you so much again for helping my friend."

The male mimics his friend's gesture. "Thank you again for the help."

The trio of hero hopefuls smile. Glad they were able to help someone.

The duo bids the trio farewell as they head to class in the opposite direction.

Before turning the corner of the building, the boy decides to turn around one last time.

"Hey, I hope you can fulfill your dream too," the boy declares with a smile to Izuku before walking away with his friend.

There is a moment of silence between the trio as Izuku smiles to himself. Happy to see another male trying to chase his dream.

Todoroki leans in to whisper, "I think he knows."

The comment startles Izuku.

Turning towards Todoroki, he whispers back, "Maybe, but I think he only has a hunch. If anything, since we helped him, he'll probably stay quiet. Besides, Nezu said we only had to keep our secret from female and futanari students."

"What are we whispering about?," the brunette asks from above.

"Um…," Izuku ponders aloud trying to think of a response as he cranes his neck to look up.

Luckily, Todoroki comes to the rescue. "We're discussing how Izuku got stuck when leaving class."

Izuku looks at his friend with betrayal, "Todoroki!"

Ochaco can't help but laugh. "Hahahaha! Really, you got stuck?!"

"It's because the aisles aren't wide enough," Izuku defends.

"I thought it was because of your butt being too big," Todoroki states matter-of-factly. "Don't you think so, Uraraka?"

Ochaco takes a sharp breath at Todoroki's question.

"Well yeah," Ochako hesitantly says to the sky as to not look at Izuku and Todoroki directly.

"But Deku carries it well for a futanari her size. I think it looks good on her. Nice round, firm, and heart shaped. Most people would be jealous." Ochaco rambles as her face begins to heat up. "Not that that's your only quality! After all, people aren't just pieces of meat."

"Deku's kind, smart, and strong. I'm sure anyone would like her for who she is," Ochaco's voice decrescendos into little more than a whisper at the final comment. She presses her two fingers together nervously as her permanent blush becomes more pronounced.

Unfortunately for her, both of the boys heard that comment. Izuku began to turn crimson with steam coming off his curly hair.

Todoroki looks between the two. With his great social skills, the candy caned haired teen decides to give them space.

"I'll head to class alone so I don't be…hmm, what did Kaminiari call it 'a third wheel.'" Todoroki proudly declares in his usual monotone voice.

"That's not-", "We weren't-" Ochako and Izuku fumble over each other's words. Both become flushed in the face more so than they already are. If that's possible. Meanwhile, the scarred teen walks off towards class.

Ochaco seems to recover first or at the least wants to put some distance between herself and the one that causes her heart to flutter. She runs to catch up to Todoroki.

As Izuku is left behind to recover from Todoroki's comment, he observes how the stark difference between Ochaco and Todoroki once the amazon catches up. Todoroki may stand at nearly a foot taller than the freckled teen, but next to Ochaco he looks down right small. The two toned haired man barely comes up to the amazon's hip.

With the two walking away, Izuku's eyes wander down to their backsides. Ochaco's colossal rear end is accentuated by the uniform pants as she walks. While Todoroki's walks with a slight sway in his hips which is only highlighted by his skirt.

Seeing his friend's skirt and remembering the conversation with the angry futanari and the male's friend, Izuku recalls Nezu's condition for joining UA as a male in the hero course.

"However, there is one condition when enrolling in the hero course…you all must hide the fact you are male. If any female or futanari students finds out, you'll be immediately removed from the hero course."

It's why throughout the whole ordeal Izuku and Todoroki were mistaken for futanaris and/or females. Plus it explains why Ochaco has been referring to the two with the wrong pronouns.

Izuku understands it's the only way he or his fellow male classmates can become heroes without alarming the government. That doesn't mean he has to be happy about the fact that he has to hide a part of himself.

"Hahahaha! No way," Ochaco loudly laughs at something Todoroki said.

Izuku looks to see his crush best friend, smiling and laughing. He's overcome with a sense of guilt for lying to someone who he considers to be his first true friend since childhood.

Looking at the ground, he ponders, "Will she be mad at me for lying about my true sex? Will she still treat me as the same person? Do I never tell her the truth to keep what we have?"

"Hey Deku, you coming?," Ochaco calls out to the freckled boy.

Izuku looks up to see his friends have stopped to call out to him. Ochaco's looking back at him with slight worry, but once seeing Izuku's face, she breaks into happy smile.

Memorizing Ochaco's sunny expression, Izuku decides, "One day…when I tell her the truth…I want her to look at me the same way she does now…"

With renewed vigor, Izuku runs toward his friends. "I'm coming!"

Once he's caught up, the three hero students, one amazonian futanari and two disguised males, make their way across campus to All Might's hero class.