izuku x shigaraki

On the other side of the portal was a bar where all the other villains were already there. Izuku was roughly thrown on the ground in front of were Shigaraki was sitting. Izuku was coughing trying to get enough air into his lungs. Shigaraki stood up, Izuku tried to make his fear unnoticeably but that was impossible since his whole body was trembling all over. Shigaraki knelt down in front of him and tilted Izuku's head up surprisingly gently. Green eyes unwillingly met red ones. Chapped lips broke into an eerie smile.

"Midoriya Izuku." Izuku shuddered, to hear his name from coming Shigaraki was just wrong as if his name didn't belong in Shigaraki's mouth. "Long time no see." Out of the corners of Izuku's eyes, he saw all the villains dispersing leaving the two of them behind. Maybe I should use my quirk. Then what, you're in the enemy's territory. If you kill Shigaraki, there will still a group of villains. In both cases, whether you use your quirk or not, you will die anyway. Izuku braced himself for what was going to come. Any moment now, Shigaraki would surely disintegrate him, leaving his ashes behind for the heroes to find- if they ever find him. Goodbye Mom, I love you. I'm sorry, All Might, for failing you, thank you for believing in me and training me. A single tear came out of the corner of his eye.

"Izuku…" Shigaraki murmured. Izuku closed his eyes resigning to his fate. "Will you marry me?"

Izuku's eyes snapped open in shock. It was the last thing that he thought Shigaraki would say. What? Izuku mustered up the courage and vehemently said "No. Never!" Glaring at Shigaraki hoping that all the hatred of him was in that glare. Izuku was trying to channel his inner Bakugou. "I would never marry someone as ugly as you."

To his surprise, Shigaraki, instead of getting angry at Izuku, he threw his head back and started cackling maniacally. "You thought that you had a choice?" Shigaraki said with hints of laughter in his voice, "Let me restate this: You will marry me."

Shigaraki roughly manhandled Izuku towards the bar. He swept a hand towards a barstool gesturing for him to sit down. Izuku sat on the uncomfortable chair in front of a computer that he didn't notice. On the computer was a live video playing. Izuku's heart stopped. The place shown was a kitchen, a very familiar kitchen. It was because it was the kitchen in Izuku's house. How do they know where I live?! Izuku thought in panic. The man carrying the camera started moving down the hallway towards the bedrooms at a signal from Shigaraki. The person stopped in front of a bedroom. Mom's bedroom.

The door was slightly ajar and the man which turned out to be Muscular opened the door silently. There was Izuku's mother in bed sleeping soundly. Muscular went into the room and stopped at the edge of her bed. Muscular turned the camera towards himself and pulled one of his fingers across his neck, the universal sign of killing somebody.

"So? What's your answer now?" Shigaraki said. Izuku was sure that Shigaraki was smiling smugly, Shigaraki knew that he had won. "Aren't you a true hero? Would you let one die for your personal gain?"

"What's your terms and conditions?" Izuku turned around to face the villain trying to keep his fear out of his voice. But it didn't work, his voice broke in the middle of his sentence.

Shigaraki's lips widened into a smile. "You will marry me and you will resign from U.A. If you try to escape or leak any secrets of the league including where you are and contact anyone without permission granted exclusively by me your mother will be dead. You also cannot fight back with your quirk or hurt anyone in the league." He said smugly.

"Wha- what about in self-defense?" Izuku was trying to find any loopholes in what Shigaraki said that would help to his advantage.

Shigaraki scratched his neck and thought for a moment. "As long as you don't instigate anything."

"Then I accept," Izuku whispered brokenly his voice small. Small rivulets of tears were coursing down her cheeks.

After he agreed, Izuku was roughly dragged towards a room. Inside the room was a long antique mirror and a chair with something white draped across it. Another person came into the room not long after.

"OMG! It's you. You are so cute." It was the same girl that attack Uraraka and Tsuyu. The energetic blonde reached and squeezed Izuku's cheeks tilting his head side to side. "I forget that you don't know me. I am Himiko Toga. You would look so much better covered in blood."

Izuku weakly tried pulling Toga's hands away from his cheeks. The last statement shocked him into letting go.

"If you're here, that means that you accepted Shigaraki's proposal!" She said in excitement. It was much of an option, though. Izuku thought bitterly, but he didn't voice that sentiment out loud in fear of ticking the crazy girl off. "We are going to become besties! And besties give each other gifts! I have a surprise for you." She skipped over to the chair and picked up the white clothing. It was a dress. A wedding dress.

Izuku couldn't stop the gasp of surprise that slipped through his mouth. "What is this for?" He murmured in confusion.

"It's your wedding dress!" Toga did not understand why he was so confused. She looked at him as if he was the crazy one, "You are supposed to wear it!"

"B-B-But. It's a dress!" Sputtered Izuku, his cheeks flaming red. Toga still had a confused expression on her face. "It's for girls!"

"Boys can wear dresses too. Besides Shigaraki was the one who wanted you dressed like this." Of course, it was Shigaraki. He probably planned this to humiliate me. Thought Izuku darkly. "Now strip!" Those words snapped Izuku out of his train of thought.

"Wh-What." Izuku blushed even more.

"You have to take your clothes off before you wear the dress," Toga said as if she was lecturing a kid.

Izuku slowly pulled his shirt off and his shorts leaving his All Might underwear. He was embarrassed when Toga walked around him looking his feminine body all over. "That won't do." She was looking at his underwear. "Wait here." As if I could leave.

She went out of the door and came holding a pair of pink frilly lace panties and strapless brassiere and held them out towards Izuku. Izuku hesitantly grabbed the things from Toga's hands, but he didn't put it on. Izuku stared desperately at her, looking at her and then towards the doorway."Oh. I get it. You want privacy?" She went outside the door and gently closed it.

Izuku was very grateful for her. Izuku slid out of his underwear and put on the lace panties. He tried putting on his bra, Izuku didn't know how to wear it. "Toga please help."

At those words, Toga slipped into the room and saw Izuku trying in vain to put it on and close it. She helped him put it on, he didn't have any big breasts so it was just for decoration. Toga then wordlessly help Izuku slip into the dress. It fitted perfectly, enhancing his girly body. Izuku always has known that he was slightly more feminine that all of the other boys in his classes but never did Izuku think that he would actually look like a girl.

"I helped pick this dress," Toga said as she immediately started staring at his face. "You look perfect. So I don't think that that you need any makeup."

Another villain than burst into the room. It was a big lipped woman that he saw at the camp. "Is he ready?"

Toga smiled, "He is perfect! What do you think?" Magne looked up and down appreciatively at him.

"I am so jealous that he is getting married before me." After they changed into their bridesmaid dresses, Magne pulled a veil over Izuku's head and led her down the hallway towards a closed door with another villain standing there. He was wearing a suit. "Hi, you are so cute. Shigaraki is so lucky! And I'm Twice, welcome to the family."

Before Izuku could respond halfheartedly, organ music began playing. He was handed a bouquet of wilting roses. Twice took his arm and led Izuku into the room. It was a sad attempt to recreate a chapel. As Izuku walked down the aisle, he saw Dabi, , and Spinner with Kurogriri playing the role of the priest. All were there except for Muscular. All were dressed up except for Shigaraki who was wearing the same thing as he wore at USJ.

When he reached the altar, Shigaraki raked his eyes over his body and his curves that was enhanced by the dress. As the warp villain droned on and on. Shigaraki's eyes landed on Izuku's face and stared intently at him. The hand that he was wearing blocked Izuku from reading his expression.

"Do you, Tomura Shigaraki, take Izuko Midoriya to be your lawfully wedded wife? For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" Kurogriri asked sounding bored.

"I do." Rasped Shigaraki.

"Do you, Izuku Midoriya, take Tomura Shigaraki to be your lawfully wedded husband? For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

"I d-do." Mumbled Izuku sealing his fate. Tears were flowing freely down his cheeks.

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Kurogriri said suppressing a yawn.

Izuku felt dread, he forgot about the kissing part. He could not believe that this was going to be his first kiss. Shigaraki peeled off Father and threw it said. Now Izuku could see his emotions, he had hunger in his eyes as he reaching for Izuku's veil, grabbing it with all five hands disintegrating it completing. Izuku felt chapped lips against his own, stealing his first kiss which is supposed to be a magical time. But all he felt is revulsion and disgust.

The league wolf whistled and clapped. Shigaraki only stopped kissing Izuku when he started pushing against his chest. He stared at Izuku's face, his freckled cheeks, his wild untamed hair and his rosy lips that had swollen due to the kissing. Izuku looked up to see lust in Shigaraki's eyes as he swept Izuku off his feet and carry bridle style, out of the rooms and Shigaraki stopped in front of a door. He kicked it open and threw Izuku onto the messy unmade bed.

"Do you promise that my mom is safe?" Izuku questioned.

"Not yet." Izuku looked to see a terrifying smile on Shigaraki's face.

"What do you mean?" Shouted Izuku having a bad feeling about where this was going.

"I will keep my promise..." Izuku let out a sigh of relief sagging bonelessly into the bed. "After we've consummated our marriage."On the other side of the portal was a bar where all the other villains were already there. Izuku was roughly thrown on the ground in front of were Shigaraki was sitting. Izuku was coughing trying to get enough air into his lungs. Shigaraki stood up, Izuku tried to make his fear unnoticeably but that was impossible since his whole body was trembling all over. Shigaraki knelt down in front of him and tilted Izuku's head up surprisingly gently. Green eyes unwillingly met red ones. Chapped lips broke into an eerie smile.

"Midoriya Izuku." Izuku shuddered, to hear his name from coming Shigaraki was just wrong as if his name didn't belong in Shigaraki's mouth. "Long time no see." Out of the corners of Izuku's eyes, he saw all the villains dispersing leaving the two of them behind. Maybe I should use my quirk. Then what, you're in the enemy's territory. If you kill Shigaraki, there will still a group of villains. In both cases, whether you use your quirk or not, you will die anyway. Izuku braced himself for what was going to come. Any moment now, Shigaraki would surely disintegrate him, leaving his ashes behind for the heroes to find- if they ever find him. Goodbye Mom, I love you. I'm sorry, All Might, for failing you, thank you for believing in me and training me. A single tear came out of the corner of his eye.

"Izuku…" Shigaraki murmured. Izuku closed his eyes resigning to his fate. "Will you marry me?"

Izuku's eyes snapped open in shock. It was the last thing that he thought Shigaraki would say. What? Izuku mustered up the courage and vehemently said "No. Never!" Glaring at Shigaraki hoping that all the hatred of him was in that glare. Izuku was trying to channel his inner Bakugou. "I would never marry someone as ugly as you."

To his surprise, Shigaraki, instead of getting angry at Izuku, he threw his head back and started cackling maniacally. "You thought that you had a choice?" Shigaraki said with hints of laughter in his voice, "Let me restate this: You will marry me."

Shigaraki roughly manhandled Izuku towards the bar. He swept a hand towards a barstool gesturing for him to sit down. Izuku sat on the uncomfortable chair in front of a computer that he didn't notice. On the computer was a live video playing. Izuku's heart stopped. The place shown was a kitchen, a very familiar kitchen. It was because it was the kitchen in Izuku's house. How do they know where I live?! Izuku thought in panic. The man carrying the camera started moving down the hallway towards the bedrooms at a signal from Shigaraki. The person stopped in front of a bedroom. Mom's bedroom.

The door was slightly ajar and the man which turned out to be Muscular opened the door silently. There was Izuku's mother in bed sleeping soundly. Muscular went into the room and stopped at the edge of her bed. Muscular turned the camera towards himself and pulled one of his fingers across his neck, the universal sign of killing somebody.

"So? What's your answer now?" Shigaraki said. Izuku was sure that Shigaraki was smiling smugly, Shigaraki knew that he had won. "Aren't you a true hero? Would you let one die for your personal gain?"

"What's your terms and conditions?" Izuku turned around to face the villain trying to keep his fear out of his voice. But it didn't work, his voice broke in the middle of his sentence.

Shigaraki's lips widened into a smile. "You will marry me and you will resign from U.A. If you try to escape or leak any secrets of the league including where you are and contact anyone without permission granted exclusively by me your mother will be dead. You also cannot fight back with your quirk or hurt anyone in the league." He said smugly.

"Wha- what about in self-defense?" Izuku was trying to find any loopholes in what Shigaraki said that would help to his advantage.

Shigaraki scratched his neck and thought for a moment. "As long as you don't instigate anything."

"Then I accept," Izuku whispered brokenly his voice small. Small rivulets of tears were coursing down her cheeks.

After he agreed, Izuku was roughly dragged towards a room. Inside the room was a long antique mirror and a chair with something white draped across it. Another person came into the room not long after.

"OMG! It's you. You are so cute." It was the same girl that attack Uraraka and Tsuyu. The energetic blonde reached and squeezed Izuku's cheeks tilting his head side to side. "I forget that you don't know me. I am Himiko Toga. You would look so much better covered in blood."

Izuku weakly tried pulling Toga's hands away from his cheeks. The last statement shocked him into letting go.

"If you're here, that means that you accepted Shigaraki's proposal!" She said in excitement. It was much of an option, though. Izuku thought bitterly, but he didn't voice that sentiment out loud in fear of ticking the crazy girl off. "We are going to become besties! And besties give each other gifts! I have a surprise for you." She skipped over to the chair and picked up the white clothing. It was a dress. A wedding dress.

Izuku couldn't stop the gasp of surprise that slipped through his mouth. "What is this for?" He murmured in confusion.

"It's your wedding dress!" Toga did not understand why he was so confused. She looked at him as if he was the crazy one, "You are supposed to wear it!"

"B-B-But. It's a dress!" Sputtered Izuku, his cheeks flaming red. Toga still had a confused expression on her face. "It's for girls!"

"Boys can wear dresses too. Besides Shigaraki was the one who wanted you dressed like this." Of course, it was Shigaraki. He probably planned this to humiliate me. Thought Izuku darkly. "Now strip!" Those words snapped Izuku out of his train of thought.

"Wh-What." Izuku blushed even more.

"You have to take your clothes off before you wear the dress," Toga said as if she was lecturing a kid.

Izuku slowly pulled his shirt off and his shorts leaving his All Might underwear. He was embarrassed when Toga walked around him looking his feminine body all over. "That won't do." She was looking at his underwear. "Wait here." As if I could leave.

She went out of the door and came holding a pair of pink frilly lace panties and strapless brassiere and held them out towards Izuku. Izuku hesitantly grabbed the things from Toga's hands, but he didn't put it on. Izuku stared desperately at her, looking at her and then towards the doorway."Oh. I get it. You want privacy?" She went outside the door and gently closed it.

Izuku was very grateful for her. Izuku slid out of his underwear and put on the lace panties. He tried putting on his bra, Izuku didn't know how to wear it. "Toga please help."

At those words, Toga slipped into the room and saw Izuku trying in vain to put it on and close it. She helped him put it on, he didn't have any big breasts so it was just for decoration. Toga then wordlessly help Izuku slip into the dress. It fitted perfectly, enhancing his girly body. Izuku always has known that he was slightly more feminine that all of the other boys in his classes but never did Izuku think that he would actually look like a girl.

"I helped pick this dress," Toga said as she immediately started staring at his face. "You look perfect. So I don't think that that you need any makeup."

Another villain than burst into the room. It was a big lipped woman that he saw at the camp. "Is he ready?"

Toga smiled, "He is perfect! What do you think?" Magne looked up and down appreciatively at him.

"I am so jealous that he is getting married before me." After they changed into their bridesmaid dresses, Magne pulled a veil over Izuku's head and led her down the hallway towards a closed door with another villain standing there. He was wearing a suit. "Hi, you are so cute. Shigaraki is so lucky! And I'm Twice, welcome to the family."

Before Izuku could respond halfheartedly, organ music began playing. He was handed a bouquet of wilting roses. Twice took his arm and led Izuku into the room. It was a sad attempt to recreate a chapel. As Izuku walked down the aisle, he saw Dabi, , and Spinner with Kurogriri playing the role of the priest. All were there except for Muscular. All were dressed up except for Shigaraki who was wearing the same thing as he wore at USJ.

When he reached the altar, Shigaraki raked his eyes over his body and his curves that was enhanced by the dress. As the warp villain droned on and on. Shigaraki's eyes landed on Izuku's face and stared intently at him. The hand that he was wearing blocked Izuku from reading his expression.

"Do you, Tomura Shigaraki, take Izuko Midoriya to be your lawfully wedded wife? For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" Kurogriri asked sounding bored.

"I do." Rasped Shigaraki.

"Do you, Izuku Midoriya, take Tomura Shigaraki to be your lawfully wedded husband? For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

"I d-do." Mumbled Izuku sealing his fate. Tears were flowing freely down his cheeks.

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Kurogriri said suppressing a yawn.

Izuku felt dread, he forgot about the kissing part. He could not believe that this was going to be his first kiss. Shigaraki peeled off Father and threw it said. Now Izuku could see his emotions, he had hunger in his eyes as he reaching for Izuku's veil, grabbing it with all five hands disintegrating it completing. Izuku felt chapped lips against his own, stealing his first kiss which is supposed to be a magical time. But all he felt is revulsion and disgust.

The league wolf whistled and clapped. Shigaraki only stopped kissing Izuku when he started pushing against his chest. He stared at Izuku's face, his freckled cheeks, his wild untamed hair and his rosy lips that had swollen due to the kissing. Izuku looked up to see lust in Shigaraki's eyes as he swept Izuku off his feet and carry bridle style, out of the rooms and Shigaraki stopped in front of a door. He kicked it open and threw Izuku onto the messy unmade bed.

"Do you promise that my mom is safe?" Izuku questioned.

"Not yet." Izuku looked to see a terrifying smile on Shigaraki's face.

"What do you mean?" Shouted Izuku having a bad feeling about where this was going.

"I will keep my promise..." Izuku let out a sigh of relief sagging bonelessly into the bed. "After we've consummated our marriage."Izuku's brain took only a second to process what Shigaraki had just said. Another second later, Izuku bolted upright ran towards the door. He skidded to a stop because Shigaraki stepped in front of him.

"Now. Now. Izuku, are you sure you want to do that?" Shigaraki crooned wagging his index finger as if Izuku was a disobedient child. "You have to remember, that you are in the middle of a villain's hideout. You are seriously outnumbered, even if you get past me."

Shit! Shigaraki was right. In his panic, he didn't think about the other villains. Izuku might be able to take out Shigaraki but not a whole league, especially if he didn't know what their quirks are.

"Are you really going to your mother die?" His mother. Izuku has forgotten about her. His mind flashed to images of his mother lying in lifeless in bed, neck twisted unnaturally, her dull eyes staring accusingly at him as if to say: 'This is your fault. You let me die.' Taking advantage of Izuku spacing out, Shigaraki grabbed Izuku and forcefully manhandled him towards the bed, Izuku let him do what he wanted.

For having a very skinny frame, Shigaraki was strong. Shigaraki pushed him onto the bed, Izuku's back in the middle of it. He straddled Izuku's hips trying to pull the dress off Izuku's lithe frame. But without Izuku doing anything, Shigaraki couldn't do anything. Shigaraki growled in frustration, as he grabbed the dress with all five fingers. It turned into dust.

Shigaraki pulled himself back to admire his view. Now without his dress on, Izuku looked even more beautiful to Shigaraki. Izuku's body was no longer covered by his dress, Shigaraki hummed appreciatively. He reached down to cover lips over Izuku's as Shigaraki's hand found Izuku's hip bones.

After a minute of passionate kissing from one side, Shigaraki pulled back to pull his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Izuku could only watch in horror when Shigaraki fumbled to get his pants off, which was also thrown to the side. The only barrier from Izuku seeing Shigaraki's nude body was his underwear which was also in the process of being taken off.

Fear coursed through Izuku's body as he saw the older teen's half hard penis. He knew how sex between guys worked since he himself was gay. But he never had sex before, whether with a girl or a boy. Sure, he had jerked off before but so did everyone. Izuku knew the mechanics of anal sex, he was sure that Shigaraki's penis would not fit inside his butt especially since it was his first time. But he didn't struggle, for some reason, probably fear, Izuku couldn't move. It was as if Stain paralyzed him again. So he could only watch in fearful anticipation as Shigaraki stroked himself in being fully erect.

He didn't start resisting until Shigaraki reaches to grab his panties. This time instead of using his quirk, Shigaraki just ripped the panties off Izuku and like with all other things, threw it aside. When Izuku's panties came off, Izuku halfheartedly tried to push Shigaraki off him. But Izuku knew that he would not stop from taking his virginity because he could let his mother die. Besides if the league knew where he lives, then they must know where Kacchan lived and he will not let them die if Izuku could prevent it.

Shigaraki just pinned Izuku's arms above his head, his pinky was the only thing keeping Izuku's wrists from disintegrating. Izuku gasps as Shigaraki's head rubbed against his anus, the feeling so unfamiliar and foreign. And yet Izuku couldn't decide whether he liked it or not.

Shigaraki hadn't given any hints of what he was about to do. Without any lube or any type of preparation, Shigaraki pushed his dick into Izuku with one try. Izuku let out a scream of pain while Shigaraki let out a moan of pleasure. He felt something rip when Shigaraki brute forced his penis inside.

As the haze of pain clouded Izuku's mind, he heard someone wailing in pain. Oh wait, he was the one screaming.

Izuku was no stranger to pain. After all, when he was quirkless he would be bullied and sometimes Kacchan was mad he would use his quirk to elicit screams from Izuku. He also broke many bones after receiving One for All. But this kind of pain was much worse. Also, the fact that Izuku had dreamed of this moment before but he never imagined his first time to be like this. In Izuku's dreams, the person taking his virginity was always people he loved and Izuku was doing it willingly. In the dreams, Izuku was always carefully prepared and the sex was always pleasurable.

Shigaraki stopped his cock buried inside Izuku until Izuku's screaming died down into broken sniffling. Shigaraki then pulled out with only the tip of his cock inside. He snapped his hips forward until his cock was fully inside again.

Shigaraki set a brutal place that made Izuku scream until his throat grew hoarse. Izuku was fairly sure that he was bleeding. As Shigaraki drew near his orgasm he thrusted into Izuku at a ruthless pace, not caring that Izuku's screaming was so loud it could burst someone's eardrums or that it Izuku's blood that lube his cock.

Izuku screamed for a new reason that was not because of Shigaraki fucking him roughly. When Shigaraki finally came, the pinkies that were the only thing keeping his quirk from activating clamped down on Izuku's wrists. Whether it was on purpose or not, Izuku did not know. When Shigaraki pulled out he let go of Izuku's wrists.

When Shigaraki went to put his underwear back on, Izuku didn't do anything and stayed sobbing on the bed only moving to cover his private parts. Through Izuku's tears, he saw an unreadable expression on Shigaraki face that might have been guilt, but that can't be right. Why would Shigaraki feel sorry?

Shigaraki then went out of the door for an unknown reason. When he came back with panties and a gown presumably Toga's, Izuku was still sobbing but it was dying down. Izuku shakingly put on the panties and gown. He tensed when Shigaraki climbed into bed next to him. But all he did was turn to the side and say "Go to sleep Izuku." Shigaraki then pulled the covers over the two of them.

That night, Izuku cried himself to sleep.