doggy deku

When Izuku was first brought here, (wherever 'here' is..) bound, gagged and stuffed into a small wooden box, he had been prepared to fight as soon as he got the opportunity. As soon as he could use his quirk again. That was before the long hours of travel, body cramped and sore, with too much time to grow exhausted and panicked.

He was strong, so much stronger than he used to be. He would fight back, and he would escape. Later, after he regained some of his strength and he was in a better mind set.

That's what he told himself anyway..

Once upon a time.

He has no way of knowing how much time has passed, but it's enough that he's begun to lose himself.. At least, his sense of self.

He still hasn't given up, he won't, but right now he's too busy focusing on other things to form a solid plan of escape.

He's just trying to survive.

Izuku's learned to obey without question, and so far it's kept him alive. Even though it chips away at his soul each time he complies, even though he's beginning to feel less than human.

At least he's alive.

At least he's still breathing..

The first day, he'd arrived dazed, discombobulated. He had no idea who had taken him or where he was.

He couldn't open his eyes to see, his mouth was dry, head too foggy to form any real thoughts.

Whatever they had given him before they shoved him into that box had really done its job, unfortunately.

He had no control over his body, but he could still feel.

Hands. Someone was touching him, removing him from the crate. Multiple people. Hands all over him, voices all around him.

"He pissed himself," Someone had said, "And he's covered in sweat."

Izuku let out a surprised whimper when cold water suddenly sprayed over his body. He couldn't tell if he was fully naked or not, just felt the hard tile floor against his back, and hands tight around his ankles. Water soaked his legs, and then the unknown hands were prying them apart. The water, spewing from a hose that he only got a blurry glimpse of, washed over his inner thighs. Then the stream was beating softly against his balls and penis, making him gasp and squirm, but his body was useless and wouldn't cooperate.

Another set of hands held his shoulders down and before he could comprehend what was happening, someone else pulled his cheeks apart. Fingers stretched his virgin asshole, manipulating him open, and then the tip of the hose was pressed inside.

It was shocking and a little painful, but he couldn't even scream properly.

The pressure was way too much, way too fast, causing him to cry out as his stomach ballooned with more water than his body could hold. He groaned, unable to take anymore, gasping for release until mercifully the hose slithered free. Izuku's face burned hot with humiliation as icy liquid spilled from his anal cavity, leaving his insides clean and the floor a mess.

An unspecified number of people, strangers saw him naked, writhing on the floor as he was forced to receive an enema..

He didn't want to open his eyes and face his shame, but when he finally managed to, as he was being toweled off, the first person he saw was unmistakable..

Hawks, the number two hero, working with the League of Villains.

Shigaraki was there too, and Dabi. Thankfully, for now at least, no Toga and no knives. But that was only a small mercy.

He had to get free.

He had to tell the world that the well loved hero was actually a traitor.

He would, eventually.

Hawks led him to a cage that night and Dabi explained, way too patiently, that it was where he'd be sleeping from now on.

They told him what would happen if he ever tried to escape or if he disobeyed any of them. Especially Shigaraki.

Izuku actually managed to chuckle when he noticed the litter box in the corner, because the whole thing had to be a joke, but nobody else was laughing…

The cage was just big enough to hold him if he curled into a ball, with a box for him to piss in, right beside his water bowl.

He was pushed inside, rough hands prying his fingers away from the door as he was locked in. The padlock clicked into place around the latch and then he was left alone, in a dingy, barely lit basement.

He stayed crouched for a while, just staring at his surroundings, heart frantic in his chest. It felt somewhat better knowing who his captors were, even though he still had no clue where he was being kept, or why. The League had tons of connections, a member with a warp gate quirk that could teleport them at the drop of a hat, and nobody had ever found one of their hideouts and lived to tell about it.. But he was most likely still in Japan, close to home and at least these villains were familiar.

He was still completely terrified, of course, which made it near impossible to relax.

Eventually he gave in and curled up on the thick, folded blanket lining the cage and actually managed to fall into a restless sleep.

They keep drugging him, and at first he hates it.

It doesn't take long to learn what Shigaraki wants, how he wants him to behave.

He just doesn't know why..

Attempting to stand on two feet earns him a smack on the nose, enough to hurt, but not enough to seriously harm him. If he doesn't comply after that then he'll get hit harder, for 'bad behavior'.

Sometimes it's hard to remember to stay on all fours when his cage door opens, 16 years of normal human walking isn't easy to forget overnight, but after enough smacks to the face and back, it becomes easier.

Izuku knows exactly what these villains are capable of, having fought them numerous times before, so he obeys. He keeps his head down and doesn't fight too much, even when they take his clothes and force him to crawl around naked.

Pets don't wear clothes.

At least animals are born with hair or fur to cover their crotches and hide their shame. Izuku's cock and balls are always on full display, for everyone to see, dangling between his thighs as he's led around on a demeaning leash. His perfectly visible asshole might be the worst part though..

The food is horrendous, but it could be so much worse. At least they feed him real meat, cooked meat, and fish. He can't use his hands, only allowed to use his mouth to chew up the little pieces of food that they cut up for him twice a day. It's messy with no paper towel. It makes him nauseous to eat nothing but a rotation of different meats, and it smells just as bad. It's disgusting to eat naked, from a metal bowl, on the floor. It's worse to have to lap at the same water for the rest of the night afterwards. It's degrading to have to eat beneath, or beside the table while everyone else eats real meals, clothed. But at least he doesn't have to eat kibble, or anything raw.

Things could be so much worse.

He misses speaking. He's allowed almost no communication. He cannot, under any circumstance, use actual words. He can only whine, and nudge and make indiscernible sounds. People speak to him sometimes, but only like they would a pet. They pat his head and call him a good boy, if he's being one. They never discuss anything of value in his presence.

He gets baths, but not frequently enough to make up for the fact that he's shitting in a box and crawling around on the dirty floor all day.

He looks forward to the enemas now.

They take away his name, like they're trying to make him forget who he was before, what he was before.


Shigaraki already has a whole crew of humans, he tells Izuku, now he wants a pet.

None of the league can be bothered to think of a real name, so they just call him Inu.

So yeah, the drugs grow on him after a while. It makes him feel numb, makes him more amenable, and makes everything more tolerable. It helps him stay out of trouble. He's still pretty aware, so it's fine. It's a quirk suppressing drug, but he'll find another way out soon.

He hasn't lost hope.

He'll be rescued soon.

Every day he's a little more obedient, becoming what they want him to be, the routine becoming ingrained in his mind.

Izuku pisses in his box and buries it beneath the litter after he wakes, so it doesn't smell too strongly in his cage when he sleeps at night. He's allowed out most of the time now, because he hasn't slipped up in a while. Dabi scoops out his waste while he follows Shigaraki upstairs for breakfast.

He doesn't have to fake being excited anymore, he rubs his head eagerly against his master's ankles now, touch starved and craving attention.

When it's bath time, he lays in the grass willingly. He's no longer self conscious about his crotch, everyone's seen it and most of the league have touched him there by now. To clean, scratch, pet, or play with him. After his front is clean, he doesn't have to be told to flip over. He presents his ass for Shigaraki, or whoever else is taking care of him that day.

He hates himself.

..But if he's good, then they're gentle when they finger his hole open, hitting his prostate until he whimpers and shakes. He never gets scolded when his cock grows hard, or when he cums untouched, all over the lawn.

The time he was bathed indoors and accidentally came on the bathroom floor, Dabi rubbed his nose in it, and made him lick up the mess. He didn't seem all that upset about it though, rubbing his belly afterwards and getting him a fresh bowl of water.

But he tries to only let it happen outside now.

Not that much of anything is in his realm of control anymore..

Not every member stays at the house with them. It's mostly just Shigaraki and Dabi. Hawks is around quite a bit, though he doesn't interact with Izuku very much, aside from shooting him cocky smirks. Some of the others stop by occasionally.

Toga is forbidden from being alone with him.

Her weapons were quickly confiscated the one time she showed up, unexpectedly. Shigaraki threatened to gut her if she hurt his 'little pet', but that didn't stop Izuku from trying to hide.

Everyone knew Toga was weirdly obsessed with him.

She didn't hurt him.. but she was a little rough when she yanked him to the fenced in backyard to watch him piss in the bushes, practically giddy with excitement when she groped his soft cock after he finished. It wasn't like he could say anything or stop her. Not when she stroked him hard and milked him dry in front of the entire, amused household, and not when she got on her bands and knees and shoved her tongue deep into his asshole.

Her dirty talk was psychotic at best, but at least she talked to him. Besides.. her voice was kind of pretty, even if her words should be enough to have her committed.

He couldn't be blamed for liking her a little more after that day.

His master likes it when he pants, hums to the sound when Izuku willingly opens his mouth to accept two fingers. Shigaraki checks to see that his teeth are still healthy at least once a day, running fingertips over his canine and pressing down on the back of his drooling tongue.

Izuku likes the taste of him.

He likes the way those big hands slide through his hair after, gently scratching his head and behind his ears, making his tongue loll to the side of his mouth and drip saliva down his chin as he pants his contentment.

He craves affection desperately, after so many weeks or months (he really has no idea) of only being able to take what he's offered, never able to ask for more. Every word spoken to him, every command, every touch, he craves.

Shigaraki must be proud of his strong teeth, because for the first time in what feels like an eternity he's rewarded with a treat. He uses his pocket knife to cut him off a chunk of the apple that he's been eating, and holds it out in the palm of his hand. Izuku licks his lips, eyes darting from the apple to Shigaraki's assessing eyes, he's being tested.

No, Shigaraki just wants to make sure he's well behaved.

So he stays in place, sitting pretty, the way he was taught. He doesn't stare, doesn't beg, hardly even breathes until he's commanded to.

His master's voice is soft when he summons him, almost sweeter than the bite of apple that he eats from his palm. It's the best thing he's ever tasted, and he spends a long time licking Shigaraki's hand when it's gone, sucking his fingers clean to make sure he's gotten every drop of juice.

By the time Shigaraki pulls his hand away, chuckling at his enthusiasm, Izuku's balls are full, dick heavy and leaking between his legs.

Master quirks an eyebrow at him, his smile is slow and saturnine, like honey.

He doesn't usually get erections unless it's bath time, or if one of the league members teases his hole, but master looks pleased so he guesses it's okay.

Izuku gets a new collar.

Shigaraki is in a particularly good mood when he comes home that day, making himself comfortable on the sofa. He spreads his legs wide enough for Izuku to fit in the space between them, and pulls out a matte black box that makes him feel special, like he's getting fancy jewelry. His eyes grow wide and he pants his excitement when the box is opened up for him to see.

The collar is blood red, and much nicer than his old one. This one feels more permanent, since it was made custom, just for him. He knows, because his name is on it.

The tag is black, with 'Inu' engraved in red on the front. On the backside it reads, 'Property of Shigaraki'.

Izuku is typically more well behaved than this, but he can't help jumping into his master's lap at the sentiment, and licking his neck.

Shigaraki doesn't even get mad at him. He's not the monster that everyone seems to think he is. There are lots of good things about him. Things that the heroes of the world will never understand.

If he was the bad man that they all think he is then he would have punished Izuku. He lets him stay in his lap, calms him by slowly running his hand down the arch of his back and over his fleshy ass. His whines are high pitched whimpers that stop as soon as his master's hand pulls away.

He takes off his old, generic collar that looks like it could belong to anyone and replaces it with the new one, made in Shigaraki's chosen colors.

"For my favorite pet," He says, massaging the column of his throat.

More and more Izuku does feel like a pet. Maybe it's the drugs, thick in his system, lulling him into a false sense of security, because sometimes… he actually feels lucky to be the League's dog.

Happy to be Shigaraki's property.

Life isn't so bad as a pet, and anyway, he's given up hope that anyone's coming to rescue him. It's been too long.

The house that they're staying at has a lot of land, out in the middle of the country somewhere, with lots of room to run around. There's endless grass to roll around in, trees to mark, and rabbits to chase.

He used to contemplate escape when he was outside. Sure he could hop the fence, but then what? He has no clue where he is and he wouldn't make it very far, plus he's naked. He would get caught, and be dragged back to the house, where he would be punished worse than ever. In ways he doesn't even want to imagine. Izuku hasn't gotten into any trouble since the very beginning, when he spoke real words and had to wear a muzzle for a few very long days.

He doesn't think much about escaping anymore, not when Shigaraki sits in the grass with him and lets him fall asleep between his legs, worn out from a long day. Or when Dabi plays fetch with him for hours on end.

There's nothing to worry about here, no school, no hero business, just an easy life. He hardly thinks about his family anymore, he hardly uses his brain at all anymore, other than to remind himself of his new role and the new rules.

He's alive, and nobody has hurt him. He doesn't think anyone will, as long as he's a good boy and does as he's told.

He will.

Master likes when he begs, as long as it's not for food, and as long as it's not with words.

He tells him as much one day when his ass is high in the air and his face is buried in the ground, to quiet his whimpers.

Izuku isn't really sure why he gets enemas, but lately they've really started to feel good.

Today the hose is on a low setting, filling him up slowly. It should be agonizing, but instead it feels euphoric, the way the liquid takes forever to expand his insides. Shigaraki is behind him, occasionally fucking the hose into his eager hole, while Dabi in the front, palming his length. He doesn't know why he's getting so much extra attention right now, but he's about to blow all over the pile of leaves he's kneeling on, and he's not sure if he's ever been happier.

Water fills his ass and makes his belly swell until it touches the ground. He feels heavy, dazed and close to bursting. The tip of the hose slides against his sweet spot one final time and he shoots his load all over Dabi's hand, at the same time that master releases the hose. Only this time the water doesn't spill out of him in droves. Something new happens.

A plug replaces the water hose, fitting snugly into his asshole and trapping all the water inside.

He hasn't seen his own face in forever, can barely remember what he looks like anymore, but he's sure he looks worried, maybe even fearful as he's led back into the house and told not to make a mess.

Cumming always makes him have to pee, but this time he was dragged inside before he got the chance. The sound of water sloshing around in his gut only makes things worse and the immense pressure on his bladder is unbearable to the point that he swears he'll pass out. The basement door is shut, cutting off the path to his litter box and there's no doggy door to the backyard, even though Dabi keeps promising to change that.

He has to keep his ass clenched in order to make sure the buttplug doesn't get pushed out from the weight of the water he's carrying. He can't afford to leak, and he can't afford to piddle in the house.

All he can do is whine and cry and whimper and try to hold back tears, as his face twists in discomfort. Izuku would rather pass out from the pain than disappoint his owner.

He whines by the back door, scratches at it when he becomes increasingly desperate for relief. Dabi just stares at him and Shigaraki takes a seat on the couch, casually flipping through channels like Izuku isn't seconds away from combusting.

Somehow he holds it for minutes, but the minutes feel like hours and he can barely make it to the living room. He nuzzles against his master's leg, whimpers growing louder, but still he's ignored. A droplet of piss drips from his slit and he has to discreetly wipe it away, biting hard on his inner cheek to keep any more from escaping

It's torture.

He wonders if this is what Shigaraki meant when he said he liked when Izuku begged, because he's never been desperate enough to bark before.

Until now.

He barks and sounds absolutely pathetic, like a high pitched chiwawa, staring pleadingly at Shigaraki and trying to wordlessly convey that he needs to go outside. Now. Immediately.

That has to be what his master was waiting for. As soon as he barks a couple of times, Shigaraki pats him on the head, tells him he's a good dog for communicating his needs and lets him out the back door.

Izuku is barely even in the grass before the piss is gushing out of him at full pressure. Then Shigaraki is kneeling behind him, holding and rubbing his cock as he releases his build up, pressing firmly on his lower belly with his other hand.

He can feel a hard bulge digging into his ass. His owner is pleased with him. Pleased and erect and rasping praise in his ear as he waters the yard with his pee, clear from having only drank water for months.

When he's finished, the plug is pulled and even more water spills from his aching ass, until he's completely empty and feels a million times lighter than he ever has.

Buttplugs become a regular thing, sometimes to keep water in, but usually just.. because. He doesn't know why.

Days pass and they start getting bigger, stretching his asshole a few centimeters at a time. He wears each one for a few days before the size goes up.

It stays in all day, only allowed to be taken out when he needs to potty, forcing him to beg for release each time. The only time he ever barks, so his need can't be mistaken for anything else.

The bigger they get, the harder time he has keeping himself together throughout the day.

He can feel it inside, a heavy weight, rubbing his inner walls and teasing his prostate everytime he moves. His cock seems to stay hard, precum constantly bubbling at his tip.

It's a sweet kind of torture. The problem is that he can't touch himself, ever. Dogs don't jerk off.

Izuku can't help it when he accidentally rubs his hard dick across the plush carpet, seeking friction after so many unbearable hours swollen.

Hawks had come over to dog sit that day while the others had business elsewhere, and of course he notices the plug stuffed up his ass. He taps the end twice before pulling it partially out and fucking it back in. As soon as it bumps his electrified nerves and Izuku humps the ground once, he knows he's made a terrible mistake.

There's a single disapproving tsk, right before he takes a backhand to the face, hard enough that his head is knocked to the side.

"Bad dog," Hawks scolds.

The slap is painful, but the words leave him devastated, heart broken. He's immediately forced into the basement, and locked in his cage to think about what he's done.

It's the first time he's been in trouble in so long, he doesn't know what to do with himself. If Hawks is this upset that he humped the carpet then his master is going to be livid.

His master is going to punish him and he'll deserve everything he gets.

Izuku makes himself sick with fear and it's the first time he cries himself to sleep in ages, drowning in the fear of the unknown. He's been good and things have been fine, but one little mistake, like the one he made today and everything could change.

Maybe he'll get hit again, maybe worse..

Shigaraki doesn't return until late, but when he does he's alone. Dabi is out for the night. Izuku hears some muffled commotion upstairs and braces himself for what's to come.

In the distance the front door slams and then there's footfall coming down the stairs.

He's already waiting by his cage door with his eyes cast down, dreadfully awaiting his punishment, when his owner arrives.

"Aww," He teases, "Did someone get in trouble today?"

He says it like a joke, but the weight of the shame that he feels, knowing that he's a disappointment to his owner, feels suffocating. He can't look Shigaraki in the eye, doesn't deserve to.

After a long moment, keys rattle and then his door is being unlocked. Shigaraki opens his cage and steps aside, a silent command for him to come out, so he does. He moves tentatively, bowing before his master on all fours.

"What's going on with you today?" He asks, not unkindly.

Izuku can't answer, so he just sits there until Shigaraki grasps his chin and tilts his face up. He doesn't jerk away like he wants to, and he doesn't close his eyes to hide behind his lids. Tears line the bottoms of his eyes and his face is red hot with embarrassment, hotter where he can still feel the proof of his bad behavior marring his skin. He doesn't close his eyes, but he does keep them downcast.

"Hawks shouldn't have hit you," He says finally, running his thumb over the still-fresh welt on his cheek. "Your punishments are mine to give."

Izuku can't hold in his whimper at the prospect. He misses the frown that Shigaraki directs at the red mark on his cheek, and flinches a little when he wipes his tears away.

He hadn't even realized they'd fallen.

For the next two days, his punishment still doesn't come. He's constantly on edge, waiting in limbo for the inevitable abuse, trying extra hard to be good in the meantime.

He doesn't whine no matter how bad he has to potty, he doesn't pester anyone to play in the backyard, and he doesn't bother everybody who walks through the front door with a panting tongue and an invisibly wagging tail. He lays in a heap by Shigaraki's feet whenever he can, or alone in the corner when he's busy. His squeaky toys go untouched and his food left uneaten. He has no appetite.

When Hawks drops by that night, he sneaks away to the laundry room, the farthest away he can get, and makes himself scarce. For the first time, he wishes he could hide himself away in his cage.

On the third day, Izuku wakes up feeling a little better.

He doesn't mean to let his guard down, but master wakes him up early with lots of belly rubs and affection that make his cock twitch and his eyes glitter in adoration.

Shigaraki watches him piss in his box, before drugging him with his daily dosage, letting him out and taking him upstairs for the day.

After a quick, enema-less bath, his owner slips a lubed thumb into his asshole and teases him until he's hard and writhing on the floor. As soon as the plug touches his entrance, he knows it's a new one, the biggest one yet and now he's scared because the last time he wore one it was already too much and he did something naughty…

His bottom lip quivers just a little and Shigaraki sighs before continuing, pulling a stuffed bear out of seemingly thin air.

"Hawks has been dealt with," He says, rubbing the cute black teddy bear against Izuku's healed cheek. Soft. "I got you a new toy. You can hump it, fuck it, jizz on it, piss on it. Whatever you want. Okay? It's yours."

Izuku nuzzles his face into the bear's crotch, and then turns to rub his head against master's ankles to show him how happy he is.

He isn't going to be punished, after all.

Days go by and Bear is filthy.

He carries it with him everywhere, like it's his cub. Except, if it was his real cub he wouldn't rut against it every time he was horny.

Shigaraki suggested it and Dabi encourages it.

Sometimes one of them will stick something in his ass unexpectedly, to make him pop a boner, just so they can watch him hump his stuffie until he creams. His black bear has been covered in white so many times that it's already had to be washed once.

Now it smells like his owner's laundry detergent and sometimes he gets hard just smelling it.

At night, when he's alone in his cage, sometimes he fucks into his bedding instead, just so he can keep inhaling Shigaraki's scent.

There's a weird smell in the house today.

Izuku wakes frowning, feeling territorial for some reason, and almost growls when he gets to the living room and sees another dog.

A real one.

Izuku stays by Shigaraki's legs, probably being annoying, but not caring.

He needs to protect.

It's a big dog, he doesn't know what kind, but it would probably tear him to pieces if it came down to it. Still, he's glued to his master's side until Shigaraki leaves for the day.

His relief lasts for about ten seconds flat.

Shigaraki has hardly stepped out the door before Dabi gets cozy on the sofa, yanking his pants down to his ankles and spreading his legs apart.

Izuku's eyes widen in shock. He's never seen another man's penis, even though a ridiculous amount of people have seen his by now.

Dabi is hung, his adult cock much bigger than his own teenage one.

He repeatedly licks his lips, eyes roaming over Dabi's beautiful patchwork body as he summons that mutt between his legs.

His heart thunders in his chest as he watches, entranced.

The smell of peanut butter makes his pupils dilate and nostrils flare. He's so distracted by the wonderful smell that he almost doesn't notice that Dabi's rubbing a spoonful of it over his shaft.

The dog starts sniffing him before he's even finished, and then the mongrel is lapping the delicious treat off his crotch, without permission. Izuku has to wonder if real dogs get tired of their diet too? Maybe they don't even know any better..

But he does, and he's so jealous that he unconsciously moves closer to the pair, so close that now he can see rows of little metal balls lining Dabi's shaft, where the peanut butter's already been licked away.

Dabi keeps looking up at him, his smirk almost a smile. He reaches out a hand to him and Izuku moves closer, nuzzles into it, happy to take any attention he can away from the intruding hound.

Dabi groans and grunts in a way that makes him painfully hard too, jealous of the dog now for two reasons. He takes what he can get though, pushing further into the hand that grabs at his hair and slides roughly down his neck and shoulders.

Cum mixes with the peanut butter and the dog keeps licking like he doesn't even notice, but Dabi gets overstimulated quickly and jumps up to shower, leaving Izuku unattended in the living room. It's the only time it's ever happened.

Izuku glances at the door for less than a full second, before he crawls into his favorite corner to pound into the soft fluff of his teddy bear.

The next day Shigaraki leaves for a few hours again, the random dog is nowhere to be seen (thank God) and once again Izuku is left at the house with Dabi, who is sitting on the couch in only underwear.

Izuku curls up at his feet, periodically rubbing against his legs, and then his upper thighs when Dabi pats himself there, in command.

He doesn't rub against his groin, admittedly only because he doesn't want to get in trouble, but then Dabi moans and practically slams his face into his barely clothed crotch.

Izuku breathes in his musk until he feels even higher than he already was, and then buries his face in hard dick and soft balls, nuzzling until Dabi yanks his head back and pulls his junk free.

"Come on, Inu," He cooes, "You wanna be a good boy, right?"

He nods enthusiastically. He does want to be good, he really does.

"You want some peanut butter, don't you?" He doesn't wait for an answer before he's uncapping the jar and slamming his length straight into the container, like it's a fleshlight, like he's done it before.

His mouth literally waters as he watches, and drool slides down the corners of his mouth when he withdraws his erection and it's covered in nutty goodness.

Finally a taste that isn't turkey, chicken, or salmon. He moans before he's even gotten a single lick, and that makes Dabi happy.

Izuku pants and drools over his meal without a second thought as to what the hell's gotten into him over the past few months. The instant his tongue swipes over peanut butter coated cock, he feels the little balls that are pierced through the skin. He pays extra attention to cleaning them off as he licks and laps with unbridled enthusiasm. The taste is Incredible, making saliva pool at the back of his tongue that eventually drips back onto Dabi, for him to lick up again. It's a mess and it should be disgusting, really, but it's the best thing he's tasted in so long and he's not even sure if it has anything to do with the peanut spread…

Every sound he pulls from Dabi encourages him, makes his cock throb and his balls tighten with need.

He wants to suck each of Dabi's piercings clean, slurp every bit of peanut butter from his shaft, and swallow a mouthful of the man's cum. He wants to jerk him and touch him and curl his fingers around his length.

But dogs don't suck, they lick, which means Izuku has no choice but to keep lapping. And dogs don't have fingers, so he keeps his paws on the floor, where they belong.

Thank the Gods, Dabi gets tired of just his tongue and demands use of his whole mouth. With a hand on the back of his head, he thrusts into Izuku's mouth, fucking into his sticky throat until he's fighting back gags. Dabi stops moving as a growl rumbles from deep within and a second later, he's emptying hot seed into Izuku's mouth.

Like a good boy he swallows what he's been given, diving back down to lick the remainder off Dabi's rapidly softening penis before licking his own lips clean.

He barely humps his stuffie twice before slashes of white cover his cute face.

Bear needs another washing.

Something is different that day. He can tell as soon as the needle slides into his vein, disorienting him with its mind altering contents. His limbs feel heavier today, everything is slower.

Almost like the drugs were.. more? Many?


That's the word.

He's leashed and feels like a sloth as he's taken upstairs, where he's fed a messy breakfast of mystery meat, that keeps falling out of his mouth because it's not working properly.

Then he's taken out back to get hosed down.

Izuku feels the cold water, same as always, but this time he's almost numb to it.

He knows he isn't being good today, isn't being helpful, but can't do anything about it. He lays flat on his back, like a rock, and has to be flipped over and propped up by Dabi when it's time for his anal cleansing.

The enema feels funny in his butt and he can't tell if he's aroused or not since he can't touch his penis to find out if he's hard.

When his ass is so full of liquid that it starts to leak out, he moans and pisses a little. He feels like a balloon. A water balloon.

He ruts himself lazily against soft blades of grass, as more pee spills out, until he's humping a puddle of his own urine while Dabi dies laughing.

Later he'll be glad that master wasn't there to witness his humiliation.

Dabi doesn't hit him, or yell at him or anything, just rinses him clean again and pulls him further into the backyard.

Minutes or hours pass and Izuku lays on his stomach in the dirt, with his ass up, feeling all kinds of weak and useless.

After a while he hears Shigaraki and Dabi talking words that he can't understand right now and then he feels something cold and slippery on his backside. He can hardly manage to look over his shoulder before fingers are shoved into his ass, maybe three? Pumping into him and slicking him with lube.

The drugs must really be kicking in, because he can barely feel anything, almost like he could close his eyes and fall asleep.

More words in the background and then right behind his ear he hears panting, feels hot breath on the back of his neck.

When he turns his head, he locks eyes with the dog that he watched slobber on Dabi's cock the day before he got to.

Up close he's even bigger than he seemed that day in the living room. He's massive and black, like a hell hound, complete with short hair and a huge snout.

He's a beast. A salivating beast, positioned directly behind him, and dripping drool on his arched lower back.

Izuku frowns at the nameless, collarless dog and then his eyes drift to Shigaraki, master, who's standing a few yards away. Watching.

He can hardly think straight, but he doesn't have to because two large paws press into his skin, firm and heavy, weighing him down even more than the drugs. Nails scrap at his back as the beast hunches over his naked body and he can't move a muscle.

Way too late he realizes what's happening.



Something slimy pokes his ass, then again, finally aligning with his lubricated hole on the third try and Izuku's eyes bulge (he thinks). He tries, he really does, to lift himself and escape from beneath the hell hound. But his body is boneless and the dog's weight, not to mention his desire to mount, keep Izuku subdued.

Something that he doesn't want to admit is a red rocket, but there's no denying it, slips easily into his backside. The lube, the drugs and the weeks of anal stretching work together to make it all too easy for this dog to take his virginity, and Izuku doesn't know whether to be thankful that he's been thoroughly prepped or cry that he's even in this situation at all.

He grasps and tears at the grass, trying to drag his limp body to safety, but despite his best efforts, he can't move an inch. Can't even shift to a more comfortable position. He whimpers, tears trickling down his face, as he accepts his fate.

He's obeyed every order without complaint, has never even attempted to run, he's been finger fucked by half the League as well as Japan's number two hero, but this.. Fucked up the ass by a dog… Izuku is truly broken now.

The beast starts to thrust, slow at first and then faster, until he's humping quick and sloppy.

He cries in shame as his hole takes every inch, until his prostate is being stimulated relentlessly and he feels his own traitorous cock start to engorge too. He whimpers because this is the worst thing that's ever happened to him. His tears wet the lawn because he's truly, grotesquely ashamed. Because even though he's being raped by a house pet, while his captors watch in amusement, it feels good and he doesn't want it to. His body wants it, the proof is there, in the way his cock twitches and dribbles pathetically onto the ground.

Too suddenly everything stops and Izuku is left unsatisfied, only half praying that it's over. His stupid, hazy mind.. He hardly has time to remember simple biology before he feels it. The knot, bulging and swelling inside him.

Izuku cums in the grass as the dog knot stretches his asshole wide open, but then it just keeps expanding, until it's the size of a fist plugging up his hole. He should be screaming from the pain, he would be if not for the extra dose of drugs. As it is, he can only feel an intense pressure and a slight burn. It's the most he's felt all day, and for that he's incredibly thankful.

The mutt's hot breath is loud and fast in his ear as the little bit of pain finally subsides. He's pretty sure his ass is ripped and bleeding, but at least he's numb. The underside of the dog's belly is warm and soft against his butt as they remain locked together. Time is slower than molasses, his entire body tingling with the sensation of being full. So, so full. He doesn't hate the feeling nearly as much as he wants to.

His enema this time is dog seed instead of water. It's hotter and thicker and he's not nearly as numb to the feel as he was to the hose earlier.

Forever passes before the weight lifts, and he's free to try and move, but now there's no reason to.

Sticky white runs in thick spurts from his overfilled, over-fucked, gapping hole, as he lays still and defeated on the ground.

He's been stripped of the last of his humanity.

Shigaraki carries him inside and puts him to bed.

A real bed.

His bed.

Izuku wakes up at the foot of master's bed in the morning, still loopy and confused about his surroundings before he remembers…

Shigaraki let another dog breed him, and then he let him sleep in his bed.

He must shift on the bed too much and whimper too loudly when he feels an ache in his ass from his rough treatment the day before, because his owner wakes with a displeased groan.

Izuku doesn't want to upset him, but at the same time it's morning now and he always goes potty when he wakes up..

Shigaraki must understand his need. "Get down there and piss and then come right back."

Confused, he leans over the edge of the bed and peaks at the ground, noticing for the first time that his litter box is there.

He's not embarrassed to pee in front of his master anymore, not since the beginning, and anyway Shigaraki likes to watch. He's told him as much. So Izuku hops off the mattress and squats over his box, like he's done a hundred other times.

The relief is immediate and so intense that he moans, which makes Shigaraki snort.

When he's finished, his master pats the bed, summoning him once again and Izuku is quick to obey. He crawls back into the position he'd awoke in and his heart flutters when a strong arm wraps around his middle and pulls him closer.

Shigaraki nuzzles into the crook of his neck, speaking softly in his ear from behind. "You're a good boy, playing so well with that other dog. Good little puppies get rewards."

Izuku's breath hitches when the hand trailing up his abdomen slides around to his backside.

Being touched by Shigaraki is not quite the same as being touched by Dabi or Toga. All of it feels good, but his owner's attention is like a drug that he craves all day everyday. The promise of it is what keeps him going most days.

He doesn't know what to expect, he thinks it'll probably be a finger, hopes that Shigaraki is going to give him the one thing he really wants, and finally fuck him. Even though he's still sore, he's convinced that master's cock is a cure-all and he's been waiting forever for the opportunity to worship it.

Shigaraki does not sully his pristine digits by shoving them inside his plaything's ass. The pad of his finger barely grazes Izuku's anxious rim before he laughs at his pup's eagerness and cruely pulls away.

Izuku whines, and he sounds a lot like a dog who's been left home alone all day while everyone else is away having fun. Pathetic enough to make Shigaraki groan with something that sounds like arousal.

"Hands and knees," His command is clipped, voice deep.

He rolls onto his stomach and lifts into position almost immediately, cock hard as he tries desperately not to let it weep onto the satin bedding. He doesn't wish to upset his master, but it's hard to behave when he's horny and in such a compromising pose, ready to give himself to the enemy.

Ex enemy.

"Good. You should still be loose from yesterday," Shigaraki says, "But go ahead and stretch yourself open."

It's weird, he's never been told to do something that a dog can't do before. It almost feels like a trap. Still, Shigaraki's hardly even finished telling Izuku what to do before his impatient paws move to obey.

It's hard to reach his own asshole, he isn't used to doing this himself. Shigaraki, his savior, doesn't make him struggle for long though.

"Use this."

Something is taken from the nightstand and placed in Izuku's open palm, a hairbrush he realizes.

The handle is rubber and ribbed for pleasure, long enough to penetrate deep but thankfully not thick enough to tear him apart. He's not offered any lube, so he uses a mixture of his own saliva and precum to smear across his rim before inching the thing in. His cheeks heat from the depravity of the act, but it feels good to do as he's told, even if it stings a little painfully on the glide.

He finds a rhythm, pushing and pulling the hairbrush from his ass, faster and faster until his eyes are rolling back. The long white hairs still caught in the bristles tickle his taint until he feels like he'll explode. But he doesn't know if he's allowed and since he can't voice his concerns, all he can do is shoot Shigaraki a pleading look over his shoulder.

"So damn needy," He tsks, then, "Take it out and spread yourself open for me."

Izuku practically throws the brush onto the ground in his haste, leaning forward until his cheek is smushed, hardened nipples flush with the mattress. He pries himself open with both hands. Not just his fleshy cheeks, but his hole, until it's gaping open for his master to do with him what he will.

And he does.

The rustling of fabric and a weighty shift on the bed is all the warning he gets.

The head of master's cock just brushes the flesh of his stretched anal cavity, before a stream of hot piss begins to wet his insides.

They moan in tandem, Izuku from the horrible pleasure and Shigaraki from the relief on his straining bladder.

Countless enemas, and none of them have ever felt so good, so dirty. He writhes, humping the bed while trying to stay in place. He physically can't help moving, searching for friction, until his owner remembers how weak he is and stills him with a hand pressed to his lower back.

It feels too good, the flood of fire in his gut, the intimacy of being filled with his master's bodily fluid, of being useful in any way he can. He wants to rock backwards, and let his hands fall away from his opening, to feel Shigaraki's massive cock inside while he's used as a toilet. He wants to hold and massage his belly, swollen with the man's golden nectar.

He's paralyzed under master's firm touch and spoken order, so he stays in place, whimpering and shaking.

"Don't spill. I'll be very upset if you waste any," Shigaraki warns in a gentle tone, reserved for his ears only.

The sound of his voice is paradise, heaven.

Unable to do anything to stop himself from cumming, Izuku is crying tears of joy when his spent cock pulses where it hangs, tiny and helpless between his legs. A pool of sticky cum stains expensive sheets.

Shigaraki grips his hip tight, grunting as his flow begins to taper off. A few loose drops sprinkle onto Izuku's balls and make him shudder even harder.

There's a moment of dreadful silence, Izuku realizing that he might be in trouble, before suddenly a plug is shoved into his hole and he's able to drop his aching arms. They immediately move to hug his bulging tummy, pregnant with master's pee.

When he sits up, he swallows, looking remorseful at the mess he's made on the bed and then as apologetically as he can at Shigaraki. He's sorry, but he can't say so. He lowers his gaze and bows instead.

"You made a mess and now you need to clean it up," Is all Shigaraki says, not sounding upset in the slightest. He should have known, his master is kind.

Izuku feels a hand on the back of his head, fingers running through his hair, and then his face is being guided towards the mattress.

He knows what's expected of him, and sticks out his tongue to lick up a stripe of his own cum, humming when it tastes even better than he remembers. Maybe because he can taste a hint of Shigaraki's sweat on the used sheet. His own cum is not as good as Dabi's and not nearly as good as he knows his owner's would be, but it still feels like a treat instead of a punishment.

Shigaraki smiles down at him, pats his head like the good pup that he always tells him he is. "A little more training and you'll be ready to breed, my beloved pet."