subconscious submission

Tanya is a perfectly normal young woman, though she does have one, tiny secret. Namely, she's absolutely obsessed with reading femsub fiction, wherein a protagonist is publicly raped and humiliated by other women, men, futas, shotas, lolis, or anyone else. Of course, Tanya is fully aware that fiction is fiction, and so she'd never even dream of trying to live out those perverted fantasies in real life...

...But one day, while she's riding the train home from work, Tanya catches the attention of two disguised succubi, who are all too willing to turn her subconscious desires into her reality. Tanya suddenly finds herself drowning in pleasure as she's molested and fucked by every single other person on the train, all of whom are acting more than a little odd... And that's only the start of the many lustful games the succubi plan to play with their adorable new pet.

A hentai-inspired tale of a young woman being forced to live out her dirtiest non-con exhibitionist fantasies, and shamelessly enjoying herself all the while. Tone is extremely smutty and mostly light hearted, though there are also some elements of surrealism and urban fantasy.


As always, this is your friendly reminder that fiction is fiction! Many of the events that take place in this work would not be ok if they happened in real life, but in the context of this VERY hentai-inspired story, no one is getting hurt, so it's all in good fun. In particular, amongst her other kinks, Tanya self-describes as both a lolicon and a shotacon, and will sleep with both lolis and shotas in a few scenes. There are also plenty of sex scenes between adults, but I just wanted to prewarn you in case those underage scenes are something that you want to skip.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: The Appetizer


Tanya boards the subway on her way home from work, unknowingly catches the eye of two succubi who can sense all of her deepest desires... and soon enough, the lustful sub is living out her wildest exhibitionist fantasies, as every passenger on the train uses her in every way that she has always wanted to be used...

Chapter Text

"Well, how about that one?"

"Hmm… No, her dreams are far too vanilla. That man, though…"

"Nah, look closer. All his dirtiest fantasies are about his wife. He'd just feel guilty if we tried anything."

"Then what about her…?"

"Ehhhhh, maybe. She's probably the best candidate we've got, but I'm not sure she has the stamina to make a full meal…"

Zeleeva let out a sigh as she sat there, arms crossed, right beside her bubblier companion, Valou. The two succubi had been riding this subway for almost an hour now, but they still hadn't found any suitable prey, and Zeleeva was starting to get frustrated. Every single passenger that they had observed so far was so bland, so boring, and it was starting to look like this latest hunt was going to be nothing more than yet another disappointment.

"Well, what do you think, then?" Valou continued, her voice coming out slightly more optimistic than her friend's. "Five or six more stops, then we settle for whoever looks the least tasteless?"

"…I suppose if we must, yes…" Zeleeva sighed again, then leaned back on the bench and closed her eyes. Over the past several weeks, none of their daily meals had had anything resembling true flavor, but sustenance was sustenance, and at some point survival had to take priority over pleasure. Still, it wasn't like they were going to starve if they waited another half hour, and 73rd Street was the largest commuter hub in the city, so there was always a chance they'd get lucky there.

"Now Arriving At. 41st Street. Station."

"Alright, here we go…" Valou began to squirm slightly as the train to come to a stop, but Zeleeva wasn't feeling particularly hopeful as she glanced over at the opening doors. The 41st Street station was never busy at this time of day, so it was unlikely that anyone was going to board the train at all, let alone someone who-

"Zel! Zel! Look at her! Do you see it?"

"…Oh my…" Zeleeva's eyes went wide as she took in the woman who quietly shuffled onto the train, then sat down on the bench across from them. At first glance, she was nothing special—she was in her mid-twenties, had dark skin and black, wavy hair that fell loose past her shoulders, and was dressed for some kind of white-collar desk job…

…But Zeleeva's attention was immediately drawn to the human's mind. The woman was obviously exhausted, and her hand kept fiddling with her phone in her purse, like there was some website she wanted to visit, but knew she shouldn't… but as Zeleeva delved deeper into the mortal's subconscious desires…

"Mhmhmhm… Oh, yes. I think she'll do just fine…"

A pair of devilish grins slowly spread across the two succubi's faces, and their eyes began to burn with a predatory hunger. As they met each other's gaze, it was immediately obvious that both were thinking the exact same thing: for the past month, Zeleeva and Valou had only fed on dull, uninspired humans, and hadn't had the chance to truly enjoy their meals… but now…

…Now an absolutely delectable main course had wandered into their path, and both Zeleeva and Valou could tell that it was finally time for a long-awaited feast.

God, what a day…

It took everything Tanya had to stay awake as she stood on the subway platform, still dressed in her work clothes, and nearly blinded by the midday sun. Three weeks earlier, she had been unwillingly 'promoted' to the pre-dawn shift at her twenty-four-seven tech support call center, and she still wasn't used to her new schedule. Heading off to work at one in the morning sucked; heading home before noon felt weird and wrong… and that was all before considering everything that had made today particularly shitty.

The day before, Tanya's car had broken down on the way to work, which meant she had gotten yelled at for being late, had been forced to find a mechanic, and now had to ride the stupid subway for the first time in years. The young woman didn't have anything against public transit in theory, but because of the way the lines were drawn, it turned a twenty-minute drive into almost an hour of travel time, including walking, transferring between two trains, and lots and lots and lots of waiting.

To make matters worse, this morning had been a particularly rough day at work. Though a few of the people Tanya had spoken to had been reasonable, she had also been screamed at by three customers, two of whom had been completely unwilling to follow even simple instructions. A fourth had been polite, but it had taken Tanya fifteen minutes to convince him to try restarting his computer (which had predictably fixed the problem he was having), and a fifth had hung up and called again because she didn't like Tanya's quote-unquote 'accent' and wanted to talk to someone 'who had a proper education.'

But that's all in the past now. I got through it, and that means I've earned a nice, relaxing afternoon at home! Tanya absent-mindedly slipped her hand into her purse and felt at her phone. As difficult as that morning had been, she knew that she had something to look forward to…

…After all, by some cosmic coincidence, four of her absolute favorite femsub authors had uploaded new works or chapters overnight, and based on the tags and summaries that she had already skimmed, Tanya knew for a fact that they would all be right up her alley.

…So what should I start with, then? The reader-insert forced exhibitionism? The futadom gangrape? The Porn with Plot that's heavy in humiliation kink and mind break? Or the shota and loli doms fucking their rope-bound mom? Tanya let out an exhausted-but-horny giggle as she contemplated her options. I won't be able to masturbate on the train, obviously, so I'll have to wait until I get home… But I've got hours of new stuff to read. Oooooooh, this is gonna be so good!

Once again, Tanya's fingers slid across the edge of her phone, and she briefly considered pulling it out and reading a few paragraphs as she waited on the empty station platform, but she figured she'd enjoy it more if she waited. First, I gotta get home. Then I'll take a nice, long bath, eat a good meal, drink enough coffee to kill a man, grab my vibrator, and then…

The woman's lustful thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an approaching train, and she did her best to collect herself as she waited for the doors to open. Right, I'll have plenty of time to be a perv later. Gotta make sure I'm not so distracted that I miss my stop.

Tanya kept her head down as she entered the train and took her seat on an empty bench underneath one of the large windows. She knew she must look like a mess—she was exhausted, her hair was hanging loose and unkempt, and she had already undone the top button of her shirt—but thankfully no one seemed to be judging her uncomposed appearance.

Still, as the doors slid shut and the train began to move, Tanya couldn't help but notice the other passengers around her. This subway line was never packed at this time of day, and this morning was no exception. There were only around sixteen other people in her car, including a husband and wife travelling with their two children, a gaggle of college kids loudly talking about sports, and plenty of other office workers who looked just as tired as she felt… But it was the two women sitting on the bench across from her that eventually grabbed Tanya's attention.

"…do just fine…"

"…right? I think we should start by…"

"…mmm, and then maybe…"

"…a long time since we…"

Tanya did her best to avoid staring at the whispering strangers, but frankly, they were both fucking gorgeous, so she couldn't help glancing their way whenever she thought she could get away with it. Though they were currently sitting, it was obvious that both women were quite tall—likely standing around six-foot-three at full height—as well as slim without looking anywhere close to sickly. Their clothes were casual, modest, and refined, but Tanya could still see their curves, and she was far too tired and horny to stop her eyes from occasionally lingering on their covered-but-considerable chests.

"…a great idea! Plus, then we could also…"

…But with that being said, the two didn't look like they were siblings or anything, and Tanya was just as intrigued by their differences as she was by their similarities. The first woman was a light-skinned blonde with almost-straight hair that fell well past her waist, and large glasses that were far more chic than nerdy. Frankly, she looked like someone Hollywood would cast to play an attractive hippie, or some kind of benevolent nature goddess, though her somewhat bouncy movements gave her a mostly playful vibe.

"…eight stops from now, so we should have plenty of time to…"

The second woman, meanwhile, was bald with light-brown skin, golden ring-earrings, and an almost regal demeanor. Where the blonde woman looked energetic and fun, the bald one was statuesque and calm, though both seemed to enjoy the other's company. Tanya once again took on the role of a casting director, and concluded that this second woman would make for an excellent queen, or possibly a stoic-but-seductive femme fatale…

But in any case, the two women's objective good looks were completely undeniable, and Tanya was more than a little curious about them. They were both obviously very excited by whatever they were talking about, but Tanya couldn't really hear the conversation, so she started to make up her own story of who they were and why they might be here.

They're not acting like a couple, so maybe they're work friends? Looking like that, I bet they're supermodels, here for a shoot or something. I should check out the magazine stands on my way home to see if they're on the cover of anything. Or I guess it's possible that they only do ads…

Tanya spent about a minute idly speculating, but eventually her mind meandered its way back to the smutty stories waiting for her online. Soon enough, she was thoughtlessly staring into the space in front of her as she once again debated where she should start, her anticipation growing all the while. That loli/shota author is probably my favorite, at least in terms of writing style… But I've been waiting like a month for Chapter 4 of the exhibitionism work. Then again, it's been far too long since I read a good futadom gangbang, maybe I should-

"Something on your mind, dear?"

"H- Huh?" Tanya blinked as she suddenly heard a voice just off to her right, and she jumped as she realized the brown-skinned woman was now sitting right next to her, so close that their shoulders were almost touching. "O- Oh, I, uh…"

"Don't worry, you can tell us anything! We won't judge, I promise."

Tanya whipped her head around yet again, and was startled to see the blonde had taken the seat immediately on her left. Wh- What? When did they sit here? Why did they sit here? And why on earth are they talking to me?

"Oh, but where are my manners…" The brown-skinned woman gently reached over and placed a hand on Tanya's chin and cheek, then turned her face until she was staring straight up into her gorgeous, domineering eyes. "You may call me Eva, and my friend there goes by Louise. It's an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance, Tanya."

"I… Uh… Wh- Wha…?" Tanya stammered as she met Eva's gaze. Nothing about this made any sense—seriously, why are these gorgeous women giving someone like me the time of day? Also, how do they know my name?—but try as she might, the flustered girl couldn't form any of her questions into words. Maybe it was just exhaustion. Maybe it was just a bout of pansexual panic. Maybe her mind was still distracted by thoughts of the smut she was going to read as soon as she got home…

"Hehe, no, no. Don't get up now! We haven't even gotten started yet~"

…But maybe it was something else. As Louise lightly wrapped an arm around Tanya's torso, the bewildered girl suddenly felt her muscles go weak, and her whole body began to slump back against the bench behind her. She wasn't completely limp, but she could no longer muster the willpower to shift her position, let alone jump to her feet like she had been trying to do just a moment earlier. Even her mouth went slack as Eva lightly caressed her face and Louise began to snuggle up against her from the other side. Whatever was happening right now, it was absolutely surreal, and Tanya's mind raced in dozens of different directions as she realized that she was completely powerless to resist whatever these two beauties were planning to do to her next…

"Mhmhm… Good girl…" Eva smiled as she let her thumb slip inside of Tanya's open mouth, then leaned forwards until their foreheads were touching. "…Now isn't the time to think about silly little things like escape. Just relax, and breathe, and let yourself live in the moment…"

"Yeah, we just want to have a little fun, is all!" Tanya's breath caught as she felt Louise's lips nibbling on her neck. "Mmmm, delicious. You're going to make an amazing snack, I can already tell."

…what the hell, What the Hell, What. The. Hell?!? By this point, Tanya's entire body was burning with equal parts confusion and arousal, and neither side of that equation was anywhere close to winning out over the other. She couldn't even begin to make heads or tails of whatever the fuck was happening right now, but Eva's fingers felt so gentle as they ran across her face, Louise's kisses felt so sensual on her skin, and soon enough Tanya's chest was heaving up and down as she imagined all the places this might be going next…

"E- Eep…!"

"Hehehe, your breasts are so soft, so sensitive~"

Louise let out a giggle as she undid a central button on Tanya's shirt, and let her hand slip inside. Soon enough, the blonde's fingers had found their way underneath the smaller girl's bra, and Tanya let out a lustful gasp as her molester began her work. Though she was admittedly a frequent masturbator, Tanya had never been touched by another person, and Louise quickly proved herself to be an impossibly skillful partner. The smiling woman was gentle, then firm; she alternated between toying with Tanya's nipple, then squeezing at her breast; and her every movement seemed perfectly calculated to send fresh shockwaves of pleasure pulsing through Tanya's veins.

Th- This… This feels so…

"Now, now, Tanya dear. You didn't forget about me, did you?"

Tanya's heartrate accelerated further as Eva subtly moved her hands so that one was resting on each of her prey's cheeks. The panting girl was still very distracted by Louise's play at her chest, but now she was also entirely aware of the beautiful woman looming over her, whose face was so close, and who had her completely under her control…

"Haaaa… You're just so adorable. I'm afraid I can't help but indulge~♪"

By this point, Tanya was already completely overwhelmed, but her thoughts only grew more chaotic as Eva gently leaned her head forwards, and met the girl's lips with her own. Tanya's mind reeled from this latest development; she had never kissed anyone before, but now a beautiful stranger's tongue was in her mouth, and she went lightheaded as the feel of it sent pure electricity surging through her brain. Time lost all meaning as she sat there, sandwiched between her two lovers, body acting as nothing more than putty in their skillful hands…

"Well, what do you think, Eva? Time to move on?"

"Yes, I suppose it is…" Eva smiled as she pulled her head back a few inches, then paused to take in Tanya's face, which had completely melted in lust. "…I'd say we've done a wonderful job preparing her, but she has so many lovely ideas in that brain of hers, so we should really get started if we want to have time to try them all~"

…In my… brain…? Tanya's eyes were glazed over as she stared up at the gorgeous woman above her, and it took her a second to register the meaning of her words. …A- Are they… Can they hear my thoughts…?

"Hehe, only 'cause you're thinking them so loud, you horny perv~" A pleasant shiver passed down Tanya's spine as Louise began to whisper in her ear. "Now just relax, alright? We'll take care of everything from here…"

Tanya could only pant in response as the two women began to reposition her, her body simply following along wherever her captors led. The next thing she knew, she was lying face-up on the bench, with her head in Eva's lap, and Louise sitting between her legs. All three were still fully clothed, but Tanya still felt more exposed than she ever had in her life… and it was only a moment later that her molesters finally began to strip her.

"There you go, dear. I'll have all these pesky little buttons undone in no time~"

"First comes the belt~♪ Then comes the skirt~♪ Then the shoes, the socks~♪ And finallyyyyyyyy~♪"

Eva cooed at her prey as she slowly unbuttoned Tanya's shirt, then gently guided her arms until they were free of her sleeves. Louise, meanwhile, improvised a little song while she pulled off the lower half of Tanya's clothes, slowly revealing her body to both women's hungry eyes. Before long, Tanya was down to just her panties and bra, and her heartrate reached light speed as she was admired like a roast turkey ready to be devoured.

"Mhmhmhm, her skin is so smooth…"

"Her boobs are so big!"

"And her arms, her legs… I do so love when they have a little meat on their bones~"

"Hehe, we really lucked out with this one, eh, Eva?"

"Indeed." Eva let out a contented sigh, then brought her hands around to gently tug at Tanya's bra straps. "…But let's finish unwrapping her now. I think all this anticipation is about to make our poor Tanya faint~"

"Right! On three, then?" Louise grinned as she reached down towards Tanya's panties. "One… Two…


In one swift motion, Louise yanked Tanya's underwear all the way past her feet, while Eva elegantly pulled her bra over her head. They had done it. Tanya was now entirely exposed. A- And they're looking at me, and they're so close, and they obviously like what they're seeing, and-

"…And it's not just us, my dear…" Eva smiled as she brought a hand down to turn Tanya's head to the side. "…You've been putting on quite the show for all these lovely people. Won't you say hello?"

…A- All these… people…?

Tanya's eyes went wide as she followed Eva's gaze, and was quickly greeted by the sight of over a dozen faces, all staring directly at her. The college kids, the office workers, even the family of four… Everyone was looking at her, drinking in her naked form, murmuring amongst themselves as they giggled, and pointed, and sneered. Several of the college kids had their hands in their pants, two of the office workers had not-so-subtly moved closer so they could get a better view, and even the two children were asking their parents questions, like Tanya was nothing more than a fascinating bug on display in a glass jar…

…I- I… They're looking… They're ALL looking…! By now, steam was practically emanating out of Tanya's ears, and her thoughts only grew more jumbled the longer her eyes darted around her audience. W- Why are they all doing this? Why is no one jumping in to protect me? A- And why…

…Why the FUCK am I so turned on right now?!?

Tanya was no stranger to exhibitionist fiction—in fact, it was probably her single favorite genre of written smut—but the key word there was 'fiction.' Despite her secret fetish, the prudent girl had never once even considered doing anything like this in real life. But now…

As she took in the gazes of the sixteen passengers, saw the hungry looks in all of their eyes, and realized that they were all turned on, all aroused, and all more than willing to see where this lustful game would go next…

…Well, Tanya couldn't exactly claim that she wasn't enjoying the attention…

"Alright, come on now. Who wants to take the first bite? There's no reason to be shy~"

"Oh, I know!" Louise suddenly jumped up from the bench, and hurried over to one of the college kids—a young light-skinned women with a brown ponytail. "Caroline, right? You've done this sort of thing a bunch of times before, I can tell. We're trying to help Tanya here feel really good, so why don't you start us off?"

The college girl didn't respond, and she almost seemed to be in a trance as she walked forwards, then knelt down right in front of the spot where Tanya was still splayed out. That done, Louise sat back down, and she and Eva worked together to rotate their prey on the bench until she was sitting up again, though now her right leg was in Eva's grip, while Louise held onto her other.

"Like what you see, Caroline?" Louise grinned as she and Eva spread Tanya's legs as wide as they would go, fully exposing her dripping pussy to the college student's intense gaze. Caroline didn't respond, but the look of pure desire that was dancing in her eyes made it obvious that her answer was a resounding 'yes.'

"I think you'll enjoy playing with this one, my dear…" Eva leaned over and gave Tanya a small peck on the cheek. "Caroline here is very popular with all of her sorority sisters, so she should have more than enough experience to make your first time one to remember~♪"

M- My… first time…? Tanya's heart was audibly pounding in her chest as she stared down at the girl between her legs, whose own excitement for this lustful task was obvious despite her continued silence. An eternity passed as Tanya sat there, torso limp, legs held off to the side, and still completely overwhelmed by the mesmerizing gazes of everyone on the train…

…And then Caroline gradually began to lean forwards. And then Tanya felt the girl's warm breath pass over her waiting sex. And then…

"H- Haaaaaa-!"

Tanya let out a lustful gasp as Caroline's lips finally made contact, and began to attack her pussy with absolutely every ounce of energy that she could muster. The lustful sub weakly writhed in her captors' grasp as her clit was massaged, as Caroline's tongue explored her depths, and as her own pleasure rose to heights she could have never even imagined. Eva hadn't been lying; Caroline was extremely fucking good at what she did, and things only got better when the brown-haired girl brought one of her hands around so it could help stimulate Tanya's pussy in all the best ways. Tanya moaned pure ecstasy as her sex was rubbed and licked; this new game had only just started, yet she was already firmly trapped on cloud nine, and her excitement only grew as she noticed that Eva was busy scanning the crowd to find her next molesters.

"Ah, I think you two will do quite well. Raul, Anthony, would you both be a dear and come help Caroline out?"

Tanya could do nothing but pant against Caroline's touch as Eva and Louise placed her feet back on the ground, then moved out of the way so that two more bystanders could take their place. One was a college-aged darked-skinned guy with short hair, and the other was a young, tan, long-haired office worker, who looked like he had been on his way back from lunch…

…But now, both men were entirely focused on Tanya's body, and soon enough they had knelt down on either side of her, and brought their lips to meet her breasts. Tanya let out another lustful scream as they began their work—neither of them were quite as skilled as Caroline, but it was still overwhelming to be pleasured by three people at once—and as her head fell back in pleasure, she suddenly realized just how absurdly lewd her current situation was.

Wh- Why is everybody…? They're all so close…! Tanya's head drifted this way and that as she stared up at the more then dozen people who were now crowded around her, all happily looking on as her body was violated. Some of them had their hands in their pants; a few of the girls were rubbing at their own chests; people were panting; people were staring; people were absolutely loving the perverted show…!

"H- H- HAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhh~~~~~~"

Tanya didn't have the words for all the wonderful feelings that were now pulsing through her body, but as she was taken by the most heavenly climax of her entire life, she knew for a fact that she wanted this to continue. The perverted girl's rationality had abandoned her some time ago, and now all she could feel was the pleasure of her three partners' touch, all she could see were the dozen voyeurs taking in every inch of her body, all she could hear were her own blissful moans… As well as the voices of Louise and Eva, whose whispered words somehow made their way into her ears, despite the fact that both women were now lingering on the outskirts of the crowd.

"You little perv… Are you really getting off to people watching you get publicly molested on a train?"

"…Mhmhm, ah, you really are such a marvelous treat, my dear. Now, let's see just how long you can last~"

What felt like hours passed as Tanya lay there, completely unaware of her surroundings, and reaching orgasm after euphoric orgasm thanks to her partners' skill and the onlookers' unbreaking gazes. Some part of her was fully aware that the train should have stopped at a station or something by now, and yet it travelled on, eventually going underground so that the erotic scene was only illuminated by the lights inside the car.

After what must have been Tanya's third or fourth climax, the men who were working her breasts tired, and were quickly replaced by two college girls, who were no less eager to attack her most sensitive spots. Then when Caroline finally rose from between Tanya's legs, she too was replaced by a new lover's lips, and so the lustful games continued. Tanya just couldn't believe how much she was enjoying this, how impossibly good it felt to be publicly raped where everyone could see… but every single time she assumed that her pleasure had found its peak, it somehow found a way to climb higher still…

I… I really am a… haaaa… a hopeless s- slut…! An exhausted smile crossed Tanya's lips as she reached yet another climax—possibly her sixth or seventh now—but still her abusers showed no signs of letting up. Reading about stuff like this is fun… But living it is so… so…!

"Mmmmmmmm… I'm so glad to see you're enjoying yourself, my dear…" Once again, Eva's voice drifted into Tanya's ear, despite the brown-skinned woman being nowhere in sight. "…But I think it's high time we got to the 'free use' part of the program. All these people have been working so hard to bring you pleasure… So how about you be a good little girl, and give them all a well-deserved reward~"

F- F- F-

F- FREE U- USE?!? Tanya had read more than enough smut to know exactly what that particular phrase meant, and the thought of it excited the horny girl down to her very core. Th- They aren't really going to…? All of them…? A- At once, or-

"W- Wah!"

Tanya yelped as the man between her legs suddenly grabbed her by the ankle, and roughly pulled her off the bench and onto the floor. The next thing she knew, she was lying face down on the ground, surrounded on all sides by her fellow passengers…

…All of whom were stripping away their own clothes. All of whom were staring directly at her sweat-drenched form. All of whom had pure, carnal desire painted all over their faces…

Th- This is really happening. THIS IS REALLY- Tanya's thought was interrupted as four people grabbed her by the limbs, then forced her to her hands and knees. There she was, in the middle of the train, in the middle of this crowd of people, crouching like a dog, just waiting for someone to finally-

"H- H- HAAAAA- Mmph!"

Tanya let out a yell of pure ecstasy as she felt a dick suddenly force itself deep into her pussy, but that sound was cut off when Caroline shoved her own cock (huh, apparently Caroline has a cock) all the way into the back of Tanya's throat. Neither of her two assailants were particularly large, but Tanya had never had real dick before, and this novel experience quickly put every dildo she had ever tried to shame. The cocks were just so much warmer than plastic could ever be, and they were twitching, and they were being forced inside her with so much strength and passion, and more than that, Tanya knew that it was real people who were raping her, and that they were enjoying it, and that they were enjoying her… It was all so… so… so…!

"M- Mmmmmmmph~~~~~~~~"

Tanya's limbs began to shake as yet another euphoric climax exploded through her veins, and five minutes later, her mouth was absolutely filled with her first taste of sperm. The lustful girl amazed herself with how quickly she was able to swallow it down, and she came again as she felt it sliding down her throat before coming to a rest in her belly. Whatever was happening right now, everything about it was absolutely heavenly, and Tanya didn't even try to resist as one of the younger college guys took Caroline's place, lined up his cock against her lips, and slammed himself forwards with all of his might.

Once again, hours passed as Tanya was used, this time by every single passenger in turn. The men and Caroline happily thrust their dicks in and out of Tanya's mouth and pussy, or otherwise stood back, stroking themselves off before covering her skin with their wonderful sperm. The other women, meanwhile, pressed Tanya's face against their pussies, or wrapped their own legs around hers so that their sexes would meet, or simply touched themselves while they watched, or took turns railing their euphoric victim with a strap-on that one of them had apparently been carrying in her purse. Tanya quickly lost track of how many times each individual passenger had used her, but it was all more than enough to cause her mind to go blank with bliss…

"Hey, um… Tall lady? Can we try too?"

However, even as Tanya reveled in her status as a free-use fucktoy for the whole train, two specific passengers had been hanging back, and only now started to tug on the sleeve of Louise's shirt. It was the children, a boy and a girl, both light-skinned with short dirty-blonde hair. They were obviously siblings, but the boy looked a little older than his sister, and both were likely in middle school. Tanya had been vaguely aware of their presence in the crowd, but neither of them had made any move to participate, and she was in no position to pick her own partners. Now, however…

"Oh, of course!" Louise grinned as she knelt down to the kids' level, then looked over in Tanya's direction. "You're… Matthew and Greta, right? Have you been having a good time watching this slut get her brains fucked out?"

"M- Mhm…" Greta nodded sheepishly. For some reason, neither of the kids seemed to be in quite the same trance as the adults were, even if they were still clearly being affected by whatever was making everyone act so shamelessly horny. "Th- That game they're all playing… It looks really fun…"

"Oh yeah, it's super fun!" Now that she was sure she had Tanya's attention, Louise turned back to glance between the two siblings. "Me and Big Sis Eva can show you how it works, if you like! Come on, I think those two are almost done… Which means your turn is next!"

Tanya was still very busy being spitroasted, but her mind quickly went to war with itself as these last two passengers took Louise's hands, and began to walk towards her. A… A shota… And a loli… And they're both so cute, and they're both about to fuck me?!? That's so… B- But I can't let them, right? I mean, I've read so many stories like that in fiction, but that's FICTION, and this is-

…This is… real… life…?

Tanya's train of thought was momentarily derailed as the cock in her mouth erupted, sending what must have been the tenth load of sperm directly into her belly… and as that man stepped back, an unusual idea began to form in Tanya's lust-addled brain:

H- Hang on… Have I really swallowed down ten loads of cum? If that were the case, then I should be full, or have been forced to spit some of it back out, or feel sick, or… or something! Hell, come to think of it, I haven't even gagged once! And more than that… it's been hours, and yet the train hasn't stopped at a single station. Also, why can't I talk? Why isn't ANYONE talking other than Eva, Louise, and the two kids? None of this makes any sense; none of these people should be acting this way! Why are they even raping me? Is this all really even happening, or is it just a dream?

…W- Wait… of course, that's it! I'm just dreaming! And since I'm just dreaming…

…Th- then that means, hypothetically… There would be absolutely nothing wrong with me fucking an imaginary shota and loli… r- right…?

A delirious smile spread across Tanya's face as she lay there, face on the ground, and butt in the air while an office lady used the strap-on to fuck her absolutely senseless. By this point in her ordeal, all rationality had left Tanya's brain, and so her lustful desires easily won the war against what little remained of her prudence.

A loli… And a shota… This is just like my stories, and they're both so adorable, and they're both so aroused, and they're probably not even real! I… I…

…I'm a horrible person for wanting this, b- but… I want it! I fucking want it! P- Please… Rape me! Use me! Treat me like the degenerate perv I am…!

"Mhmhm, you see that, my dears?" Eva smiled as she walked up beside Tanya—who was still bouncing against her rapist's thrusts—lovingly ran a hand through her hair, then gripped her head as tight as she could before pulling her face upwards to meet the gaze of the two kids. "I'm afraid Tanya can't exactly speak right now, but that look in her eyes means that she's excited to play with you too~"

"R- Really? Haaa…" Matthew panted as he took in Tanya's shamelessly lustful expression; both he and his sister were now naked, and his hand had drifted towards his own dick, which was standing fully erect. Y- Yes… Definitely a dream. There's no way some random kid should have a cock that big… "Th- Then what should I-"

"No, no, not you yet, silly!" Louise gave the boy a playful pat on the head. "You have to wait until Alison over there finishes using her sex… But her mouth is free now, which means Tanya can start teaching Greta all sorts of fun games. So come on, kid! Let me show you exactly what to do…"

"O- OK!" Greta broke into a light jog as she followed behind Louise, and soon enough the girl was sitting on the ground, directly in front of Tanya's face with her legs spread wide, and sex fully exposed. Tanya shouldn't have been turned on by this. She knew she shouldn't be turned on by this… And yet…

"Well, go on then, dear. Your dinner is waiting; time to dig in~"

Eva roughly shoved Tanya's head forwards, and the horny lolicon's lips began to move long before she could even think of holding back. This was her first time really eating anyone out, but Greta clearly appreciated her efforts, and soon enough the young girl was practically screaming out in indecent bliss.

"H- Haaaa, wh- what is she…! It feels so…!"

Tanya couldn't reply, but Greta's obvious ecstasy was amazingly addictive, and so she doubled her efforts as she did everything she could to heighten the girl's bliss. Besides, Tanya figured, the fact that a kid this young was actually enjoying sex was probably more proof that this was all just a dream, so there was really no reason for Tanya not to indulge in her most degenerate desires.

"My, my… I didn't expect you to be so skilled, my dear…" Eva smiled as she began to pet at the diligent woman's hair, reveling in the way that she was abandoning all her restraint. "…And would you look at that; it seems your pussy is free now. Do you want to let Matthew have a taste too?"

"M- Mhm!" Tanya moaned as enthusiastically as she could; in all the excitement, she had only barely registered that the woman with the strap-on had wandered off, but now she knew exactly who she wanted inside her next. Tanya's gaze were still fully focused on Greta's pussy, but her anticipation grew to unimaginable heights as she heard Matthew's panting growing closer, and closer, and closer, then felt a pair of hands come to rest on her hips, followed by something surprisingly large lining itself up with her sex…

"M- M- MMMMMMMmmm~~~~~~~"

Tanya's eyes rolled back in her head as Matthew finally pushed his dick inside her. His movements were hesitant at first, but he only became stronger, faster, and more confident with every passing second. Absolutely everything about this was so, so, SO wrong, but with her mind the way it was, Tanya just couldn't bring herself to care. In fact, the taboo nature of it all only heightened her arousal, especially as Greta reached her first climax thanks to Tanya's continued efforts at her sex…

"Such a perv… Are you enjoying being nothing more than Greta and Matthew's very first fucktoy?" Louise took a seat on Tanya's left, then reached down to playfully tug on her downturned nipples. "What would your coworkers say if they knew that these sorts of desires were hidden away in your mind? What would they think if they saw you now? What do you imagine all these wonderful people would call you, if only they could speak…?"

…Th- They'd call me a p- pervert. A whore. A s- slut! A shotacon, a lolicon, a pedophile, a degenerate, a freak!!! These words and others chased each other through Tanya's head, but the shame and humiliation they were bringing her only served to magnify her ecstasy tenfold. Here she was, getting her brains fucked out by an enthusiastic, shockingly-hung shota, while she ate out a loli who was practically shaking in pure bliss. And on top of all of that, there were still over a dozen people standing over her, watching her be used and humiliated, touching themselves as they took in the perverted scene, staining her body with yet more loads of their cum…!

"I- I- I feel… Something's going to-! H- HAAAAAAAAhhhhhhh!!"

What felt like an eternity later, Matthew let out one final gasp, and Tanya's own ecstasy peaked once again as she felt his sperm shooting into her eager womb. Greta, Tanya, and Matthew all moaned in simultaneous orgasms as they lay there, right in the center of the train, surrounded by a crowd of people, all while they experienced the absolute heights of erotic bliss. Th- This feels so good… This feels so…

"Now, now, my dear…" Tanya had gone limp thanks to the endless waves of ecstasy that were crashing through her veins, but eventually, she realized that Matthew and Greta had vanished into the crowd, and now it was only Eva and Louise who were crouching next to her sperm-and-sweat covered body. "Don't tell me you're finished already~"

"Yeah, we still haven't gotten to the best part!" Tanya's gaze shifted between Eva's smirk and Louise's grin. They were both still fully dressed, both still completely composed… And yet, by the look in their eyes, it was obvious that that was all about to change. "You've done such a wonderful job being a good little bitch for all these lovely people… But now it's finally time for the main event!"

M- Main… Event… It didn't take a genius to guess what Louise meant by that particular turn of phrase, and Tanya's heart rate sped up as the beautiful blonde reached into her own pants, and pulled out the largest dick the porn-addicted girl had ever seen. Frankly, she had absolutely no idea how Louise could possibly have hidden something that big inside her own clothes, but regardless, now it was mere inches away from Tanya's face as its owner gently rubbed it, all while smiling a seductively domineering smile.

"Like what you see, you adorable little slut?" Louise's voice came out singsong as she adjusted her position until the tip of her massive cock was lightly pressing itself against Tanya's lips, even as her own hand continued to glide along its length. "I've had so much fun watching you work, but you still haven't properly thanked me and Eva for setting all of this up for you. So whaddaya say? Are you ready to really test your limits?"

Tanya still couldn't speak—and her lips were currently spread wide around the head of Louise's cock anyways—but one desire was racing through her mind, and Louise let out another giggle as she heard that thought loud and clear.

"Hehe, I'm glad to see you're so excited! Now let's get you rolled over onto your back, then we can get started, ok?"

Tanya could hardly breathe, could hardly even think as she felt Eva and Tanya's hands gently grasping at her body, then moving her until she was lying face up on the ground, legs spread, and lips still twitching as they wrapped themselves around Louise's impressive member. The woman was now lying on top of her, with her own head just above her victim's pussy as she supported herself on her arms and legs, which meant that Tanya couldn't see anything other than Louise's dick and balls.

This is… There's just no way that whole thing can fit inside me… right? I mean, it's so wide, so long… She's can't possibly be thinking of-


"Haaaaaaaaah… Wow, you're really good at this, Tanya!"

Louise let out a satisfied moan as she slowly pushed her hips forward, not stopping until her cock was completely buried in Tanya's throat, all the way down to the hilt. Tanya gasped for air as she lay there, mouth and throat filled to the absolute brink. She had never had anything close to this big inside her before, but she was absolutely thrilled that she had pulled it off. And then there was the taste, the smell, the feel of Louise's balls resting on her face…!

Once she was sure she was all the way inside, Louise began to buck her hips back and forth, slowly at first, but then picking up speed with every passing minute. For her part, Tanya simply lay there, bathing in the glorious humiliation of getting face-fucked, and letting her tongue explore the massive dick everywhere she could reach. The horny girl loved this feeling of being violated, she loved the sounds of Louise's moans, she loved the way the beautiful woman was talking down to her…

"H- Hehe, you really are a good, obedient bitch, aren't you? I guess that means you deserve another reward~"

…And that was all before Louise lowered her head, and began her assault on Tanya's pussy. This was probably the tenth or even twentieth time Tanya had been eaten out on this very long day, but Louise's skill put all those other molesters to shame. The euphoric girl's muffled moans made it obvious that she was having the time of her life, especially as Louise grew more aggressive in her movements. This wonderful new game went on for what felt like hours, and eventually Tanya's vision started to go hazy, her legs began to twitch, the world itself seemed to turn white…

…And just as Tanya reached an indescribably euphoric climax, Louise's dick gave a powerful twitch, and the beautiful woman thrust her hips forward just in time for a river of delicious sperm to flow down her bitch's throat, and right into her belly.

"H- H- Haaaaaa… Amazing… You really were an incredible find. I haven't had a meal this good in ages~"

Louise's orgasm lasted minutes, and all the while Tanya could do nothing but lie there, swallowing it down as fast as it came. Even as her climax continued, however, Louise didn't let up on Tanya's sex for even a second, and Tanya completely lost track of the world around her as her pleasure rose higher, and higher, and higher still. The overwhelmed girl hardly even registered when the flow of sperm finally came to an end, though she was undeniably thrilled to realize that her rapist wasn't done with her. Soon enough, the dick in her mouth was once again moving back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, even as Louise's lips and tongue continued to explore her depths, bringing Tanya to one impossibly wonderful climax after another…

Louise came a second time, then a third, then a fourth, as countless lifetimes passed in a haze of pure bliss. Tanya couldn't even form one coherent thought in her head as she was used like the cheap fucktoy she was, and she could only barely understand the giggling woman's teasing words… But what she did know was that this whole experience was heavenly, and that she wanted nothing more than for it to last forever, and ever, and ever, and ever…

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah… Alright, I think that's probably all I have in me for now…"

…But unfortunately, even Louise had her limits, and after her sixth or seventh climax, she slowly got back to her feet, then slipped her now-limp dick back inside her pants. S- So, that's it, then? They're finally done with me…? It's all over…?

"Mhmhmhm, oh, not even close, my dear~" Tanya let out a quiet gasp as she realized that Eva was now completely naked, and her own equally-huge cock was swinging free. "Louise has had her fun, but now it's my turn… And I already know exactly how I want to abuse you~"

Without warning, Eva suddenly lunged at the exhausted girl with animalistic aggression. The tall woman was apparently insanely strong, and she effortlessly lifted Tanya to her feet before dragging her off to the side of the train car. The next thing Tanya knew, she was sitting on her knees on one of the benches, and her torso had been shoved against the window as Eva held her arms behind her back with one hand, and used the other to line up the tip of her dick with Tanya's dripping sex.

"Oh, would you look at that…" Eva's voice overflowed with sarcasm as she pushed the tip of her dick just inside the panting girl's pussy, then brought that hand around to grip Tanya's hair and force her body forwards until her face and tits were squished against the glass. "It looks like this train is coincidentally about to go above ground again. Hope you enjoy the view~"

Right on cue, the subway zoomed out of the tunnels that it had been travelling through for the past few… hours? Days? If someone told her that it had been weeks, Tanya probably would have believed them... and Tanya was momentarily blinded by the midday sun that was apparently still shining over the city. Or at least, she assumed it was the same city. Once her eyes adjusted, the confused girl suddenly realized that she didn't recognize where they were at all. I mean, I know I don't ride the subway often… But what are those buildings over there? Where's the 90th Street Tower? Why can't I see the river anymore? Wh- Where the hell am I…?

"Shhhhhhhhh…" Eva leaned forwards to whisper in Tanya's ear, even as she continued to firmly press her prisoner against the window. "…Don't you worry yourself about silly little details like that. It doesn't matter what city you're in. After all, you're right where your supposed to be: in my arms, in my grasp, and in my control. You are mine to play with however I please, my dear, so quiet your mind now, and let yourself be lost in all the pleasure I can bring…"

Despite Eva's words, Tanya couldn't stop staring at the strange, unfamiliar city that the train was now travelling through. It mostly looked normal, but then they'd zoom by a building that was shockingly high-tech, then another that looked like it was lifted straight from the bronze age. The sun was oddly bright, and she caught occasional glimpses of mountains and what looked like a dense jungle in the distance… But then she'd see what appeared to be tundra, then desert, then a lush valley. In all honesty, Tanya couldn't tell if the geography and architecture were literally shifting around her every time she blinked, or if this surreal city was just made up of so many biomes and cultures that-


Once again, Tanya's train of thought was completely derailed by pure bliss, and she let out a lustful gasp as Eva drove her entire cock into her victim's pussy all at once. Frankly, Tanya had absolutely no idea how such a massive thing could possibly fit inside her, but fit it did, and she was driven absolutely mad with ecstasy as soon as Eva began to thrust in earnest.

Like Louise, Eva was an infinitely more pleasurable partner than anyone else Tanya had lain with, and it was only a few minutes before the euphoric sub reached what would be her first climax of many to come. Wave after wave of pure sexual bliss crashed through Tanya's veins, and her mind was rocketed straight to cloud nine as she was ruthlessly raped. Eva was not nearly as gentle as her blonde friend had been, but Tanya was undeniably loving the aggression, and soon enough she reached yet another orgasm, then another, then another, then another, and then…

"NOw aRRivINg aT. WorTHleSS cuMDumP. StaTIon."

By this point, Tanya's brain had been completely consumed by lust and pleasure, and so she barely even heard the voice that crackled over the subway's speakers, though she did manage to register that it sounded distorted, and somehow off. Still, that couldn't possibly be nearly as important as the massive cock that was still slamming repeatedly into her sex, and so she once again let her mind drift away as… as…

…W- Wait… Who are those… and why are they…?

"Hmhmhm… Oh, don't mind them. I just thought I would invite some of my friends to come watch. After all, my dear… You're putting on such a wonderful show~"

Eva chuckled under her breath as the train slowed to a stop at an aboveground station, and Tanya suddenly found herself staring right into the eyes of dozens, no, hundreds of people, all of whom were grinning demonic grins as they stared at her through the window, taking in every inch of her naked, cum-covered form, even as Eva continued to rail her. Each and every one of these strangers was just as beautiful as Louise and Eva were, though other than that, their appearances varied wildly. Some were tall, some short, some young, some old, and they had countless different skin tones and hair styles, several of which looked like they belonged in a sci-fi flick, or a fantasy epic, or some crazy experimental art film. Their clothes came from all eras and continents; some of them were carrying strange contraptions the likes of which Tanya had never seen; a few looked like they might be cavemen, or came from outer space…

…But most importantly, every single one of these strangers had looks of pure hunger in their eyes. Every single one of them was eagerly watching Tanya get her brains fucked out. Every single one of them obviously wished they that were in Eva's place, turning a helpless bitch inside out, pressing her face-first into the glass, and leaving her silently begging for more…

"Mhmhmhm…" Tanya's latent exhibitionism surged to unbelievable heights as she took in the hundreds of eyes that were all fixed on her, and Eva chuckled again as she continued to use her prey to her heart's content. "I do apologize for the detour, my dear, but you're just such a lovely prize that I couldn't resist taking the chance to show you off. You don't mind the audience, do you? It's perfectly in line with all your other fantasies, after all…"

Tanya could only grunt in response, but as she reached yet another euphoric climax, she knew that there was absolutely nowhere else in the world that she would rather be right now. S- S- So many people, all staring at me, all objectifying me, all seeing me for the hopeless, perverted, filthy slut that I am…! It's so… It's so…!!!

"Ahhhhhhhhh… There we go…" Eva let out a quiet sigh as her own pleasure peaked, and soon enough an ocean of sperm was pouring straight into Tanya's womb as the grateful girl gasped in uncontrollable pleasure. Tanya had no idea how she was possibly holding all of this cum inside her, but she was also nowhere near able to think things through logically anymore. The only thing she could feel was the pleasure, the only thing that mattered was the bliss, the only thing she could ever want was for this beautiful, all-controlling dom to keep fucking her for as long as she was able…

"Now say goodbye to all these nice people, my dear~ I think I want to keep you to myself from now on…"

At Eva's words, the train began to move again, and soon enough the crowd of onlookers was far behind them, and they were once again zooming through this strange, patchwork city. None of the sights they were passing made any sense, but Eva was absolutely drilling Tanya with all of her might, and so the pleasure-addled girl hardly even noticed these architectural inconsistencies. Eva's cock was just so big, her thrusts were so powerful and fast, her voice was so beautifully mocking and cruel, and every load of sperm she gave her felt like a gift from heaven itself…

"H- Haaa… haaaaa… M- My my… Your endurance is really quite a- admirable, my dear…"

Eons later, Eva finished cumming for what felt like the dozenth time, and she finally pulled her now-limp dick out of Tanya's sex before roughly releasing her prisoner from her grasp, which left the exhausted girl with nothing left to do but collapse sideways onto the bench beneath her in a sweat-and-sperm drenched heap.

"Yeah, I'm really impressed she lasted this long!" Louise smiled as she skipped over, then began to lightly poke at Tanya's face—which had gone completely limp with ecstasy—while using her other hand to lightly rub at the girl's cum-filled sex. "Wish we could go another round or two, but I think she's finally reached her limit. We'll probably break her if we don't wrap things up."

"Agreed." Inexplicably, Eva was now fully clothed, and she smiled a contented smile as she stared down at the still-naked Tanya. "But I must say; this one was the best human we've had in a very long time. And it looks like she was planning on riding this subway tomorrow too… So, Tanya, as thanks for giving us such a wonderfully delicious meal…"

Eva knelt down to the ground, carefully gripped Tanya's chin between her fingers, then turned her head until their eyes met. "…We'll be waiting for you, my dear. If you want nothing to do with us, then simply get on any other car on this train. I promise we won't bother you if you don't want to be bothered… but you were an absolutely delectable treat, and we'd love nothing more than to have another bite…

"…So tomorrow, if you get on this car, and sit down in this seat… We will do absolutely everything in our power to make sure you have even more fun than you did today~♪"

"Now Arriving At. 109th Street. Station."

Tanya jumped as her eyes shot open, and her head began to whirl around as she took in everything around her. She was sitting by herself on a subway bench, surrounded by familiar people. There was the family with the shota and loli she had fucked. There was Caroline and the other college kids who had abused her with so much skill. A few of the office workers were nowhere to be seen, and she also spotted several new people who she was pretty sure she hadn't seen before, but there were also plenty of people that she knew for a fact had been here when she got on the train, and had covered her in their sperm, eaten her out, and brought her to the absolute heights of pleasure…

…So why are they all ignoring me now? Why are they all chatting with each other like it's just an average day? Tanya blinked as she stared at each of her rapists in turn, waiting for one of them to smirk at her, or shoot her a lewd comment or… or… or do something to prove that everything that had just happened had actually just happened. B- But, they fucked me! I know they did! And I'm still…

…Fully clothed? And not sweaty? …Nor covered in sperm? Tanya began to pat herself down as she inspected her own body, but try as she might, she couldn't find so much as a hickie to prove that she had spent the past several hours getting gangraped. S- So then… then that must mean…

…It WAS just a dream after all. H- Hah. Haha. Ahahahaha… Tanya leaned back on the bench, and did everything she could to get her breathing in check. I… I can't believe I managed to convince myself that any of that was real. I m- mean, I said it before: none of it made any sense! There was no reason that anyone should ever treat me that way, let alone over a dozen people! All that happened was I spotted two beautiful ladies, then fell asleep, and my stupidly pervy brain concocted a wild, c- completely unbelievable fantasy of getting dominated by a whole train of strangers. Th- Th- That's all…

Tanya nervously glanced over at the bench where Eva and Louise (assuming those are even their real names, and not just something my subconscious made up) had been sitting, and found that it was now empty. B- But that's not strange at all! I've been asleep for, like, seven stops. They could've gotten off the train at any time while I was out…

"Now Arriving At. 120th Street. Station."

…Speaking of… this is where I make my transfer. Tanya had only barely managed to collect herself by the time the subway started to roll to a stop, but a new thought suddenly occurred to her, and she whipped out her phone as fast as she could. …H- Huh, yeah. I've only been on the subway for fifteen minutes. I… I guess all those hours of fucking really were just some pervy fantasy…

Despite the many logical reasons to trust in this conclusion that she had reached, Tanya still felt uneasy as she got to her feet, and began to walk towards the opening doors. B- Besides, that'd be CRAZY if it were real, right? I was fucked by like a dozen strangers, including two children! There's no way that could ever happen; there's no way there'd ever be a car full of rapists in real life! I mean, y- yeah, sure, I enjoy that sort of stuff in fiction and fantasies, but this is reality, and I would never actually act on any of those desires! It was just a dream. It. Was. Just. A. Dre-

"See you tomorrow, then, my dear~♪"

Tanya spun around as a maelstrom of panic, excitement, fear, and lust surged through her brain, but she was now standing on the station platform, and the doors had already shut behind her. The flustered girl watched as the train slowly accelerated, then eventually disappeared around the bend… all while her mind went to war with itself over whether or not she had really just heard what she thought she had just heard.

N- No. It was just a dream. J- J- J- Just a dream. That's all. An immoral, slutty, perverted… wonderful… euphoric… dream… A- And it felt so real, and it was filled with gangrape, and forced exhibitionism, and a shota, and a loli, and futas, a- a- and…!

Tanya suddenly realized that she was panting, and forced her mouth shut before hurrying off towards the stairs. She had another train to catch, after all, and she'd be on that one for half an hour or so before she finally got home. B- Best to put all of this out of my mind. Pretend it never happened. B- Because it DIDN'T happen, obviously! It was just a dream, like I said. A dream. Nothing more…

Despite her determination to believe in this perfectly logical conclusion, as Tanya waited for her next train… as she sat on another subway bench, staring out at the familiar city skyline… as she got home, and desperately tried to distract herself with those smutty stories that she had been so excited to read… and as she lay in bed, unable to sleep thanks to the unquenchable lust that was still pulsing through her veins…

…Tanya just couldn't stop thinking about what exactly her tomorrow would bring.