subconscious submission 2

Chapter 2: The Main Course


Tanya returns to the subway, and is elated to see Eva and Louise are waiting for her. Before long, the lustful sub is tied up in bondage gear, subjected to various sex toys, and then led off the train, and into the city streets. Tanya will soon learn that a subway car is only one of many public places where a hopeless exhibitionist can be forced to live out her dreams, and she'll meet countless people who are more than happy to molest and gangrape her like the degenerate slut she is...

Chapter Text

…It was just a dream. Just a dream! Nothing is going to happen today. Ab-so-lute-ly NOTHING is going to happen today. I'm just going to get on the subway, chill for fifteen minutes, transfer to my next train, stare out the window for half an hour, then walk home. Then I will eat lunch, take a bath, make a nice cup of coffee, and read that 'tied up and raped in a public bathroom' work that was uploaded last night. And I will touch myself, and I will have a good time, and Nothing. Else. Will. Happen!

The next day, Tanya's whole body was practically shaking with nervous energy as she stood on the station platform, waiting for the perfectly normal train that she would ride for eight, uneventful stops. Mercifully, her workday had been mostly stress-free, but now the young woman's face was burning crimson, her chest was heaving, and her clothes were damp with sweat as she thought about all the things that DEFINITELY WEREN'T going to happen as soon as she stepped onto the train.

…It's just going to be a boring subway ride. Those two women probably won't even be there! A- And I certainly won't be touched, molested, fucked, raped, and dominated by over a dozen people who will all stare at my naked body like starving animals while they treat me as the degenerate trash that I truly am inside and then they'll all fill me with their sperm and make me eat them out and leave me lying in a heap on the floor as they use me to satisfy their every perverted-

Tanya shook her head, and desperately wiped the drool for her chin as she heard her train approaching. No, bad Tanya! Like I said, none of that is going to happen! Because it didn't happen yesterday! I'm just going to get on the train, take my seat, and go about my perfectly normal…


Somehow, Tanya managed to collect herself just in time for the train to come to a stop, but as soon as she stepped through the open doors, the lustful girl forgot how to breathe. Like yesterday, the car was mostly empty—there were maybe eight people in total, all adults who were dressed for work—but right there, sitting on the same bench as the day before…

…It's them. It's them! IT'S THEM!!!

Tanya froze in her tracks as she stared at the two supermodels who were quietly chatting less than ten feet away from her. They were wearing different outfits this time—Eva was dressed in jeans and an elegant top that left both of her shoulders fully exposed, while Louise was wearing a tight T-shirt and a pleated skirt that ended just past her knees—but other that, they looked exactly the same. They were unmistakable. This was them! Which must mean…

Tanya's hand drifted to her chest as she stood there, panting, completely unaware that the train had already started to move. On some level, she knew that it was still technically possible that these were just two ordinary women, who happened to ride the same train every day… But it was also possible that they would make good on their promise, that they would make her feel even better than last time, that they would bring her to heights of bliss she could never even-

"…Excuse me, dear… Is something the matter?"

Tanya blinked as she realized that she had been staring a hole in the two ladies, both of whom looked perfectly innocent as they turned to glance her way.

"O- Oh! Uhhhhhhhh, sorry, I was just… Well, the thing is…"

W- Wait, what do I say in this situation? I can't just ask them to fuck me again, 'cause what if it WAS a dream? What kind of creep would tell two strangers that she had fantasized about them raping her? But then what do I do? How can I tell them that I want to-

"Hey, this next turn is pretty rough…" Louise smiled politely, and for the life of her, Tanya could not tell whether she was being teased. "…You should probably sit down so you don't take a tumble!"

S- Sit down? Tanya gulped as she glanced between the two women, neither of whom had even a hint of lust in their eyes. R- Right… Eva told me to sit in the same seat when I returned, so either that whole conversation was just a product of my imagination, and nothing's going to happen anyways, or as soon as I sit back down…

"Y- Yes. Of course, I- I'll just take my seat, then…"

Tanya's heart was pounding in her ears as she bowed apologetically to the two beauties, then hurried over to take up her position on the bench. And now, here she was. In the exact same spot she had been in yesterday. Watching, waiting, anticipating the moment when her horniest dreams would once again become her reality…

"Now Arriving At. 53rd Street. Station."

Two minutes passed in silence as Tanya sat there, silently begging the two women to hurry up and take her already… But they still seemed to be ignoring her as they continued their whispered conversation. Tanya knew it was possible that it had all been a dream, but she wanted it to be real, wanted to feel those feelings again, wanted to be used like the perverted slut that she was…

Two more minutes passed, then three, then four. Every second seemed to last an hour, and the horny girl grew increasingly worried that she had just imagined it, and that she really wasn't going to get the chance to-

"Mhmhmhm… Our sincerest apologies for making you wait, my dear…"

Tanya's heart leapt into her throat as she suddenly heard a familiar, seductive voice whispering in her right ear, and pure excitement exploded through her veins as she felt a pair of lips lightly brush against her left cheek.

"Hehe, we just couldn't help ourselves! You're such an adorable little perv, and we were having so much fun watching you squirm~"

"I- I… Haaaaaaaah…" Once again, Tanya lost the ability to speak as she sat there, Eva leaning against her body from her right, while Louise nuzzled her from the left. Tanya could've sworn that both women had been sitting on their own bench less than a second ago, but now they were here, now they were touching her, now Eva was nibbling on her ear, now Louise was kissing at her cheek, her neck, her shoulder…!

"My, my…" Eva cooed as she brought a hand around to gently squeeze at Tanya's still-covered breast. "…I must say, I'm impressed. You taste even more delicious than you did yesterday~"

"I know, right?" Louise, meanwhile, let her own fingers drift to Tanya's skirt, where they began to trace suggestive patterns on the paralyzed girl's crotch. "I had a great time taking her by surprise, but she has so much more flavor now that she's had a whole day to marinate in her filthy desires…"

Tanya went lightheaded as she was talked about like a dish her two lovers couldn't wait to consume, and her lust only grew as she saw what the other passengers were doing. Just like the day before, they had all gone silent. Just like the day before, they had all turned to stare directly at her. Just like the day before, it couldn't have been more obvious that they were all just as desperate to violate Tanya as Tanya was to be violated…

"Ah, ah, ah~♪" Louise shook her head, then playfully gripped Tanya's chin between her thumb and forefinger, and turned her face until their eyes met. "We did the whole 'raped by a crowd of strangers on the subway' thing last time. Don't you think we should get a little more creative today?"

C- Creative…?

"Indeed." Eva's smile was positively predatory as she held up a large duffel bag that jangled slightly as it moved. "Back when we started our hunt yesterday, we never could have guessed that we would meet someone as delectable as you… But this time, we knew you would come back, and so we had the chance to prepare…"

Tanya's eyes went wide as Eva slowly unzipped the bag, and revealed the largest collection of sex toys the perverted girl had ever seen. There were ropes of various lengths and materials, leather bondage gear, metal vibrators, plastic dildos, countless other devices that Tanya couldn't immediately name, and that was only what she could see on the top layer. The horde was enough to make a porn star blush, and as for an inexperienced girl like Tanya, who had only ever used a single, extremely cheap vibrator wand?

…S- S- So many… And they're going to… h- haaaaa… use them all on me…?

"Mhmhmhm… But of course, my dear~" Eva's voice came out smooth as honey as she slowly ran her fingers across the various devices, acting like she couldn't decide which to pick first. "We so rarely find prey who are truly willing to submit themselves mind, body, and soul… But enough talk, I'd say it's high time we began our play!"

"A- Ah~!"

Tanya let out a yelp as Eva and Louise suddenly lunged at her from both sides, grabbing at her clothes everywhere they could reach. The day before, they had made the act of stripping their prisoner into an elegant performance, but this time they tore at the fabric with abandon, all while their faces revealed a pure, sadistic glee. Buttons flew off of Tanya's shirt as Louise violently ripped it open; Eva literally tore her skirt in half rather than bothering to pull it past her feet; Tanya's undergarments were shredded with inhuman strength as she was haphazardly unwrapped like the Christmas present of a particularly bratty child…

…And then, as soon as she was completely naked, Tanya's two captors began to forcibly dress her in a new outfit… One that excited the perverted exhibitionist down to her very core…

"Hehehe… Wow, it looks really good on you. Really brings out your eyes~♪"

Tanya's chest was heaving as the still-fully-clothed Louise and Eva stepped back from her body, and paused to admire their handiwork. The shredded remains of her work outfit lay scattered on the bench and floor beneath her, but frankly, Tanya didn't even see them. After all… the sight of her own body was so… so…!

If Tanya was asked to describe her new look, she would have a very difficult time deciding where to start. By far the most notable part was the intricately-made leather harness that was weaving across her torso, encircling her breasts, and wrapping itself around her sides, stomach, and hips. Strange leather belts were binding her thighs and calves, holding them together so that her legs could easily be spread wide, but she couldn't extend her knees. A single rope had been tied around both of her wrists, and the middle of that cord had been threaded through a metal ring that was attached to the back of the choker Tanya was now wearing around her neck, meaning her hands were firmly trapped behind her head, and her elbows were splayed out to the side…

Long story short, Tanya was now completely immobilized, and far more importantly, completely exposed for all the world to see. Absolutely nothing was covering her breasts and pussy, and thanks to the way her arms had been bound, her torso, sides, and even her armpits were on full display. Tanya's mind was engulfed by a lustful inferno as she sat on the bench, staring down at her own body, fully aware of Eva, Louise, and the six strangers' predatory gazes…

"Well then, now that you've had a nice long, look… It's time for the finishing touch~"

Tanya glanced up just in time to see Eva descending on her, and the next thing she knew, the entire world went black. The blindfold was surprisingly comfortable—in fact, it felt like the sort of sleep mask you'd wear if you were planning to nap through a long flight—but that was hardly the most important part. What mattered was that Tanya had been completely blinded, which meant the lustful girl couldn't see anything that was happening around her, and thus had no way of knowing what her captors were planning to do to her next…

"Mhmhmhm… Perhaps this one will…"

"Oooooh, I want to try…"

"…Will make a fine addition to…"

"…I call dibs on…"

Tanya's heart pounded in her chest as she sat there, utterly helpless, and only barely able to hear Eva and Louise's whispered conversation. They're… What are they going to do to me? I can't defend myself at all; I'm completely at their mercy…! The imprisoned girl began to drool as she imagined all the places this might be going, and all the ways her two tormentors might-


"H- Haaaaah-!"

"Mhmhmhm… Well, that was quite the gasp. And this is only its lowest setting~"

Tanya's patience was finally rewarded when Eva firmly pushed a vibrator wand against her sex, sending shockwaves of pleasure cascading through her veins. This new device was far more powerful than the cheap wand Tanya had at home, so the horny captive quickly went loopy as-

*bzzzzzz* *bzzzzzzz*

"N- Ngggaaaaaah~~~~~~~~"

"Hehe, you're always so sensitive! C'mon, I wanna hear you sing!"

Once again, Tanya's thoughts were interrupted, this time by the two vibrator wands that Louise was now rolling back and forth against her nipples. Within a few seconds, Tanya was completely overwhelmed by the three toys, and it wasn't long before she lost herself to the-



Without warning, a fourth wand made contact with Tanya's belly, a fifth and sixth got to work on her legs, and a seventh and eighth began to run along her sides, eventually making their way to her armpits and biceps, then back again. Tanya had no way of knowing whether Louise and Eva had enlisted the other passengers' help, or if the two of them were somehow operating all of the wands by themselves, but frankly, either way worked for her. The lustful sub's voice rose to a scream of pure pleasure as she was stimulated in eight places at once by her unseen attackers, and less than a minute later…

"Ehehe, just look at her squirm!" Tanya thrashed against her bindings as she reached an absolutely earthshattering climax, her ecstasy only heightened by the knowledge that her captors were far from done. "Guess you really like this game, huh? And now that you're all warmed up, let's see just how much you can take~"

For the next several… hours? Eternities?... Tanya simply lay in her bindings as her mind was buried underneath a mountain of pure pleasure. The exhibitionist's lustful screams and yelps echoed off the walls as she was serviced, especially once the toys were switched to progressively higher settings. Tanya's body pulsed in euphoric orgasm after euphoric orgasm as the vibrations got stronger, and stronger, and stronger still, all while she still couldn't see anything at all, and all while her wonderfully cruel masters continued to mock her sorry state:

"Mhmhmhm… Oh, come now, my dear. Surely you can handle more than just that. Here, let me turn it one setting higher, I don't want you to be left disappointed, after all~"

"Hehe, that's gotta be like her eighth or ninth climax now, right? Wanna see if we can hit an even dozen before we have to move on?"

And so Tanya's body and mind continued to drown in wonderful sensations as her every erotic need was met. The euphoric girl couldn't tell if minutes, hours, days, or weeks passed as she floated in an ocean of ecstasy, but regardless, she had absolutely no desire to come up for air. Everything about this was heavenly. Everything about this was divine. Everything about this felt so indescribably good…!

"Well, that was a delicious appetizer. Shall we prepare the next course?"

…And best of all, Tanya knew for a fact that this was only the start of Eva and Louise's perverted games.

"Yeah, sure!" Louise let out a contented sigh, and one by one, the vibrator wands were pulled back from Tanya's skin. By this point, the lustful girl was an absolute mess, whose whole body had dissolved into the bench beneath her… But still her mind raced with exciting ideas for what might happen next:

M- Maybe now they'll let the passengers gangrape me, and cover me inside and out with their sperm… O- Or they'll have their way with me themselves, fill me all the way up with their enormous dicks…! Or maybe they have some new toy they're planning to use, or m- maybe-

"Now Arriving At. 73rd Street. Station."

"Well, this is our stop!" Tanya blinked against the midday sun as Louise suddenly pulled the blindfold off of her face, then undid the straps that were binding her legs. "Now come on, slut, get up already! We have places to go, and people to see!"

G- Get up…? Tanya stared at her bubbly molester in confusion. I can't just… get up. I'm still p- paralyzed…

"Mhmhmhm… Oh, are you, my dear?" Eva smiled as she reached down, then attached a bright pink dog leash to the front of Tanya's choker. "I know you love living that particular fantasy, but it's time to drop the façade. This next game won't work nearly as well if we have to carry you everywhere, after all."

…F- Façade? Fantasy? Tanya was only getting more bewildered by the second. I'm… I'm totally paralyzed, my body is completely limp! There's no way I could move, even if I wanted to. Th- That's how it was yesterday, and it's how it is now…

"Oh, is it?" Louise gave Tanya's cheek a loving pinch. "So does that mean you were 'completely limp' yesterday, when you spent hours holding yourself up on her hands and knees so a train car's worth of passengers could fuck you senseless? Were your mouth and tongue 'totally paralyzed' when Greta sat down in front of you, and you eagerly ate her out? Not to mention the way you've been writhing every time we touch you…"

"Mhmhm, let me tell you a little secret, my dear." Eva leaned in close to Tanya's ear, and gave it a small nibble. "You may enjoy pretending that we're in control here, that you're helpless against our enigmatic power… But this is your world, not ours. All we have done is… augment your subconscious, so that it can bend reality to its own will. You are the Focus of the Dreamscape we have created, and as the Focus, the rules are yours to define. You could have gotten up at any time. You could have run away and escaped our clutches whenever you liked. You could have ended this fantasy the moment it no longer matched your desires, and we would have vanished like a half-forgotten dream. So if you want to be paralyzed, then by all means, you can continue to be paralyzed…

"…But if you want to see what other games we have in store for you… then Get. Up."

No sooner had Eva whispered her enticing command, than Tanya's body suddenly lurched forwards, and the next thing she knew, she was on her feet, fully supporting her own weight. Tanya's torso was still bound in leather, her hands were still tied behind her head, and Eva still had her leash firmly in her grasp… But she had done it, Tanya was standing. And though she was too lost in her own lust to fully process most of Eva's cryptic words, the central idea had now firmly lodged itself in Tanya's head:

S- So does that mean…? Have I really been in control this whole time…? Is all this really happening… because I made it happen… somehow?

"You know it, you hopeless perv!" Louise gave her prisoner a swift slap on the ass, and Tanya yelped as another shockwave of exhibitionist bliss pulsed through her veins. "But that's enough chit-chat for now. We have all sorts of fun things planned for today, so we'd better get going!"

Eva—who now had the duffel bag draped over her own shoulder—suddenly tugged on Tanya's leash hard, and the confused prisoner started to stumble forwards, mind racing as she tried to think through the implications of everything her captors had just said. I… That can't be right, can it? I mean… I know I read this sort of stuff all the time, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying this… But how is it possible that I'm in control right now? I'm just kind of going with the flow, following along wherever these two…

…l- lead… me…

Tanya's train of thought vanished into thin air as she was pulled through the open doors, stepped onto the aboveground platform, and spotted her partners for this next 'game.' The city she called home wasn't particularly enormous, at least not by global standards, but it wasn't small either, and the 73rd Street station was right in the middle of the closest thing it had to a downtown. Skyscrapers stretched out in all directions for several blocks, the streets were wide, and always busy with cars, and while the sidewalks were never packed, there were always plenty of pedestrians around…

…And now, all of those people were crowded onto the platform… Dozens, no, over a hundred of them, all standing there, all staring at her, all with pure desire consuming their very souls…!

"Well then, my dear… I hope you have fun~♪"

Without warning, Eva suddenly dropped Tanya's leash, placed her hands on the panting girl's back, and roughly shoved her forwards, so that she stumbled straight into a man and a woman who had been standing at the front of the crowd. Thanks to her bound state, Tanya would have fallen flat on her face, but the two strangers caught her, and the next things he knew, they had pulled her deeper into the mob, so that she was surrounded on all sides by people, all of whom were leering at her, touching her body wherever they could reach, and grinning like vultures ready to devour their latest meal. Tanya's breasts were squeezed, her legs were rubbed, fingers found their way into her pussy and mouth, all while others explored her arms, her side, her back, her feet…!

Just like the passengers on the train, none of these strangers were talking, but Tanya hardly even noticed that fact as she was molested, groped, and stimulated by hundreds of lustful hands. The crowd passed her around like a communal bottle of fine wine, and absolutely everyone wanted to take a sip. By the time Tanya managed to register the face of one molester, she would be handed off to someone new, who would quickly prove themselves just as eager to attack her body. A man's fingers dug themselves into her sex, a woman's lips nibbled on her neck, an unseen assailant grabbed at her butt from behind, countless strangers groped at her breasts…!

Once again, Tanya lost all track of both time and her own climaxes as she lived out a free use fantasy far more intense than anything she ever could've imagined, and things only got better once her abusers began to pull off their own clothes. Soon enough, women were rubbing themselves against Tanya's sides, men were stroking themselves off until their sperm fell on her skin, and still, countless people were touching her, fingering her, molesting her, until she couldn't even think straight…

In this moment, Tanya was nothing more than a public-use slut, here for the entertainment of everyone around her… And the lustful girl knew for a fact that there was absolutely nothing else she would rather be.

"Haaaaaaaah… Well then, my dear. Have you had your fill?"

Hours, days, or maybe even months later, Tanya lay on the ground, panting, still bound, and absolutely covered in an ocean of sweat, sperm, and other fluids as a seductive voice drifted into her ears. The crowd backed away from their victim's body as Eva and Louise approached, then knelt down on either side of the girl, who by this point had been utterly broken by pure, exhibitionist bliss.

"Hehehe, guess that was a little intense for only the second day, huh?" Louise grinned as she gave Tanya a loving pat on the head, but then her expression shifted slightly. "…But wait, what's this? Ahahaha, you insatiable slut! I can see it in your mind: you still want more, don't you?"

"Mhmhmhm…" Eva chuckled, then let her own hand drift downwards to rub against Tanya's sex. "My, my, I was certain that we would have to call it there… But it looks like we picked our prey very well. You've got far more endurance than most of the humans we feed on, my dear…"

Tanya could only pant in response; even if she had been able to speak, she was in no state to form coherent thoughts, let alone audible words. G- Getting molested by a dozen strangers on a train was one thing… B- But that was… That was so…!

"Well then, come along now, my dear~" Eva suddenly gave Tanya's leash a sharp tug, and the sperm-covered sub was back on her feet before she could even think. "Since you're so desperate to keep going, I see no reason not to indulge you. And I know just where to go to continue our fun…"

"Wait, wait! Before we head off!" Louise suddenly lunged for the duffel bag that was still hanging from Eva's shoulder, and began to ruffle through it. "I know I put them in here somewhere… Ah, there we are!"

Tanya gulped as Louise turned towards her, now grinning ear to ear as she held two… somethings in her hands. They almost looked like large, pink clothespins, but they were plastic, and also had on/off buttons for some reason. Moreover, their backs were joined together by some kind of metal chain, which dangled loosely between them. Tanya couldn't even begin to guess what these odd devices might be for, but as soon as Louise got close enough…

"H- HYA-!"

"There we go! Looks like they fit you perfect!" …The predatory dom snapped one each on both of Tanya's nipples, and she quickly put two and two together.

N- Nipple clamps…? So that's what they look like… h- haaaaaa… Tanya began to pant as the small devices pinched her most sensitive spots; she had read plenty of stories involving this particular sex toy, but she had never seen one in person, and she was kind of surprised they looked so-


"G- GGgggggggg~"

Tanya gasped again as Louise dramatically turned the clamps on, causing them to vibrate with surprising strength… and long before she could get used to this novel sensation…

"…N- NGAAAAAA-!!!"

…Louise suddenly hooked a finger around the connecting chain, and yanked it as hard as she could. Tanya's large breasts jolted forwards as Louise began to tug them this way and that, sending painful—but extremely pleasurable—sensations rolling through her chest. This was absolutely unlike anything she had ever felt before, but Tanya was quickly learning that pain could feel very good in the right circumstances…

…And things only got better once Louise reached back into the bag, and slowly pulled out a third item, which was no less exciting than the other two.

"Well, what do you think? It's not quite as big as me and Eva's cocks, but I'll bet it's still more than enough to fill you all the way up~"

Tanya's brain kicked into overdrive as she stared at the large, metallic, silvery dildo that Louise was now turning around in her hands. The thing looked far more advanced than any sex toy she had ever seen before, and the lustful girl's anticipation threatened to overwhelm her as Louise slowly brought it lower, and lower, and lower, lined it up just right, and then…

"H- H- HaaaaaaahhhHHHHh~~~~"

Tanya let out a long moan as Louise gradually pushed the toy inside her inch by inch, taking her time even as her prey melted in ecstasy. As soon as Louise got it all the way inside, she held out her hand, and Eva passed her a wide roll of bondage tape, which she unfurled with a dramatic flair. The next thing Tanya knew, the dildo was firmly taped in place, so it wouldn't fall out no matter how much she squirmed, and as soon as that was done…



Tanya began to spasm as Louise tapped a small remote, causing the massive dildo to vibrate far harder than the clamps or even the wands that she had been subjected to earlier. Thanks to the vibrations of the three toys, Tanya's whole body was now shaking, and it was a small miracle that she was able to stay standing, especially once Louise reached forwards, and gave the chain a few more playful tugs…

"Hehe, alright, now she's ready!" Louise grinned back at Eva, whose eyes were sparkling with a domineering lust as she took in the erotic show. "Sorry for the delay, but it'll just be so much more fun to parade the perv around town like this!"

"Mhmhm, agreed." Eva smiled as she wrapped the leash around her wrist, then gave it another sharp yank. "Now come along, my dear… Our next game awaits~"

Tanya could hardly think as her whole body pulsed against the movements of the nipple clamps and dildo, but she didn't even hesitate to follow the pull of her leash, so soon enough she was stumbling forwards, even as pure pleasure coursed through her veins. The physical sensations were one thing, but Tanya was far more focused on her overall predicament:

After all, here Tanya was, still covered in dozens of strangers' sperm, hands still tied behind her head, torso still wrapped in leather, sex toys on all her most sensitive spots, and wearing a leash as two beautiful women guided her forwards like an obedient, but filthy, dog. More than that, there were still so many people around her, all drinking in every inch of her body as she went through her perverted ordeal, all gleefully leering as she was treated as nothing more than the plaything of her two gorgeous masters…!

Long before the trio had even made it to the platform's stairs, Tanya reached a heavenly climax, and her pleasure only rose as they descended to ground level, then began walking down the street. Every single pedestrian turned to stare at her as she passed, every single passerby grinned a sadistic grin at the sight of her, every single person was clearly loving the sight of this fully-bound sex slave, who was writhing in ecstasy even as she continued to walk forwards, loyally obeying her owners' every command…!

"Oh my, do try to pay attention, my dear. The light's red."

The euphoric exhibitionist blinked deliriously up at the traffic light above her, then stumbled back a few steps until she had made it back to the sidewalk. It felt… weird to think that she still had to obey traffic laws while being paraded around like a conquered bitch, but regardless, she soon learned there were new joys to be had in taking a moment to rest. After all, now that she was no longer moving…

…There was nothing stopping the bystanders from exploring her body to their hearts' content. Tanya's vision went blurry as strangers groped at her breasts, pinched at her sides, and kissed at her cheeks, neck, and lips. Someone's hand found its way down to her sex, and began to gently move the dildo back and forth, so that it jiggled inside her, even as it continued to vibrate. Another hand reached over to pull at the nipple clamp's chain, and another began to gently feel at the back of her neck, and another gave her butt a firm-but-loving squeeze…

"Light's green now! C'mon, we don't want to be late!"

A small pang of disappointment passed through Tanya's brain as she felt her leash pulling her forwards, forcing her to leave her latest molesters behind, but as she continued her trudge through the city streets, those negative feelings were soon forgotten. After all, every block brought new eyes to leer at her, and the trio was now 'conveniently' missing every single traffic light, so they had to stop again, and a half dozen new strangers could take the opportunity to touch her body everywhere they could reach…

"Well, here we are!"

By the time the exhibitionist and her two beautiful masters had finally reached their destination, almost an hour had passed, and Tanya was nothing more than an absolute mess. Sperm from the subway station orgy still speckled her body—though by this point, most of it had dripped away or dried—and she had spent the entire walk being stimulated by the sex toys and molested by everyone they passed. A- And it all felt so good, and everyone's still staring, and I bet whatever's coming next is going to be even better, and… and…

…And… Wh- Where are we, exactly?

"Oh, don't tell me you never go to the park, my dear!" Eva smiled back at her pet even as she continued to pull her forwards. "This city's public spaces are quite marvelous; it really is amazing that they were able to fit all this greenery in the middle of an urban center."

Th- The park… right… The sun was still high in the sky, but Tanya's vision was blurry thanks to the ecstasy that was still swimming through her veins, so it was more than a little difficult to get her bearings. Still, now that she had been told where she was, she eventually managed to register that she was surrounded by trees, park benches, and winding paths, and that the foot traffic around them had dwindled significantly. S- So… Why did we go to the park? what on earth are they planning…?

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough!" Tanya let out a lustful yelp as Louise gave her chain yet another tug. "We've got a specific destination in mind that we know you'll really-"

"Hey! What are you two doing to her?"

The trio paused as they were suddenly accosted by a voice off to their right, and Tanya's heartrate accelerated as soon as she spotted the speaker. It was a girl—a young girl, maybe around eleven or twelve years old—with extremely dark skin, long, wavy hair tied back in a high and poofy ponytail, and a look of mild concern on her face. She was obviously rather confused by the sight of two women who were leading around a bound, naked slave, whose whole body was vibrating as she moaned in indecent bliss…

"Oh, hey! Your name's Allison, right?" …But Louise simply shot Tanya a quick wink, then crouched down to the girl's level.

"Y- Yeah…?" Allison replied, shifting uncomfortably. It was clear that she didn't fully trust this stranger… but at the same time, her eyes kept darting over to the prisoner's body, and her breaths noticeably quickened as she took in Tanya's nude, sweaty, and cum-covered form…

"Well, Allison, this adorable little slut is named Tanya, and as you can see, she's very excited to meet you~♪"

I- It's… It's another loli…

Without even thinking, Tanya shifted her stance so that Allison would have the best possible view of her body, and her own eyes sparkled with desire as she looked the small girl up and down. The day's lustful activities had completely demolished whatever self-restraint Tanya would usually have, and so she didn't even attempt to hide her blatantly degenerate thoughts:

Sh- She's so cute… And she's l- looking at me while I'm all tied up and at the mercy of these toys…! A- And soon… soon she'll probably…

"Well, well, well…" Eva leaned in close to Tanya's ear, and brought her voice to a whisper. "…This wasn't quite what me and Louise had planned for you today, but I don't see any reason we can't adjust. After all… You've only had the chance to be molested by adults so far. Do you want to take a moment to scratch your lolicon itch?"

Y- Y- Yesssssss… Tanya's eyes glazed over as she stared down at the girl, who was still busy talking with Louise. I… I want her to… N- No… I need her to…

"…Oh, so she's, like, your pet, then?"

"Exactly!" Louise grinned. Tanya had been too distracted to hear what the blonde woman had 'explained' to the girl, but it was clear that Allison mostly believed whatever lies she had been told. "But she's also a very naughty girl, who needs to be punished as much as possible. So how about you-"

"But why is she wearing those things on her chest? Don't they hurt?"

Louise twitched slightly at the interruption, and a curious thought passed through Tanya's mind, even as she continued to moan against the sex toys' touch. W- Wait, why is this girl able to talk? Why isn't she just going along with things, and silently, mindlessly molesting me like all the adults do? C- Come to think of it, Greta and Matthew could talk too… Are children, I don't know, immune to whatever is happening here? Or something?

"Oh, well, yes, they do hurt her, that's right…" Louise continued, clearly improvising her way through this conversation. "…Buuuuuuut, I just thought of something you can do to help her feel allll better~"

Louise jumped back to her feet, then skipped over to her prey as Allison cautiously followed behind. For her part, Tanya was still staring at the girl, and her breaths grew heavy as she saw the arousal that was written all over Allison's face, and felt the girl's eyes dancing across her-

"H- Haaaa-!"

Tanya had gotten distracted, and so she let out a surprised yelp as Louise wrapped a finger around her chain, and gave her breasts another firm yank. "You see, Allison, poor Tanya here has been wearing these things all day long, so I bet her chest is really sore now. So what do you say? Do you think you could kiss her boo-boo, and help her feel all better?"

"O… OK!" A curious sort of excitement flashed across Allison's face, and Tanya's lust reached new heights as she realized exactly where this was going.

"Then here!" In one swift movement, Louise detached the nipple clamps from Tanya's chest, and Eva reached down to pull the bondage tape and dildo off of Tanya's pussy. For the first time in what felt like a lifetime, the horny sub was completely unstimulated…

"Well then, Tanya dear, what are you waiting for?" …But her focus was still firmly locked on the loli in front of her, and so her perverted excitement didn't falter for even a second. "Allison can't very well reach you while you're all the way up here. Go on then, you need to get on her level…"

Tanya's body shook in anticipation as she slowly sank into a squat, so that her knees were splayed out to the side, and her head was approximately even with Allison's. The prisoner's arms were still tied behind her head, her breasts were fully in the young girl's sight, and even her pussy—which by now, was dripping wet—was on full display… Tanya was nothing more than an obedient pet, a hopeless slut, a lolicon perv…

…And just a moment later, Tanya let out a euphoric moan as she finally received absolutely everything that she desired.

"H- H- Haaaaa~~~"

"W- Woah, did she make that sound because of me?"

"That's right!" Louise shot Allison a quick thumbs up. "She's moaning because you did a really good job of kissing her boo-boo. So, go on, keep it up! And maybe use your tongue a little more this time~"

Allison was clearly fascinated by the lustful noises Tanya was making, and so within moments of receiving Louise's permission, the young girl leaned her head back forwards, and once again brought her lips to meet Tanya's tits. Thanks to the hour (or however long it had been) Tanya had spent wearing the clamps, her breasts were now extremely sensitive, so the feel of this loli's mouth and tongue caressing her nipple was more than enough to drive her insane with bliss, especially because Allison was getting better at this perverted task with every passing second…

…And that was all before Allison's fingers found their way downwards, and began to slide in and out of her partner's waiting sex.

"N- N- Ngggggggggg~~~~"

Tanya almost tipped over as a fresh wave of ecstasy shot through her veins; Allison was shockingly good at this, and the young girl started to alternate between both of Tanya's breasts as she continued to 'kiss' and finger her with far more skill than even most adults had. If Tanya was thinking clearly, she might have realized that something was very off about this situation—after all, there was no way someone this young should be improving this quickly—but as it stood, the lustful lolicon was simply far too blissed out to care.

…She's… Her fingers are sliding across my pussy, her lips are on my breast! She's licking me, touching me, penetrating me, and she's enjoying it just as much as I am!

"Indeed she is, my dear…" Eva's whispered words echoed in Tanya's brain, even though her lips were nowhere near the spasming exhibitionist's ears. "Do you want to know another secret? I'm sure you noticed yesterday, but no one but the Focus can remember the events that take place in the Dreamscape… Or at least, not at first. You see, sometimes people will recall what happened a few nights later, and relive it as they sleep. Whenever you humans have a wet dream, whether you are laying with strangers or someone you know well… All you are really doing is replaying your own scattered memories of a time when you were caught up in someone else's Dreamscape. And that's not all…

"You see, for children, the lines between dream and reality are more… malleable, for lack of a better word. They recall even the most unrealistic nighttime fantasies as vividly as if they had lived it themselves; they are able to act with some level of freedom even when in another person's Dreamscape, though they are still inflicted with heightened lust… And more to the point, they are far more likely to remember it later.

"Just think of it… A few nights from now, Allison will likely wake up in a sweat, body burning, and sexual satisfaction swimming through her veins as she remembers the taste of your breasts, the feel of your sex, and the sounds of your moans… She will remember all of this, my dear; all of your slutty expressions, all of your blissful twitches, all of your pathetic, yet addicting, lust. You are playing a very important role in this girl's sexual awakening right now, one that will stick with her for a very long time. Who knows? Perhaps once she's older, she will find herself drawn to a girl who looks remarkably similar to you, and once they start to date, she will act on her inexplicable need to dominate another in bed…

"…So congratulations, Tanya, on awakening this girl's innermost desires, on giving her a taste of sexual domination that she will remember for the rest of her life. Now be a good little bitch… And make sure Allison's first time is one that she never wants to forget~"

"N- NNhhhhhaaaaaaaaah~~~~~~~~"

For what must have been the hundredth time that day, Tanya reached an absolutely heavenly climax, but this time, the physical pleasure was mixed with a mental euphoria that was nearly impossible to describe. If she was thinking rationally, Tanya would have realized that she had absolutely no reason to trust any of Eva's words, nor any way of knowing if the enigmatic woman was just messing her… But the idea that she was actively corrupting Allison's innocence, that she was playing a key role in the sexual awakening of a loli… It was so… It was so impossibly…!

Mere minutes after having this revelation, Tanya came a second time, and then she came a third. She just felt so dirty, so vile, but in the best possible way, and those feelings only got better as Allison increased the speed of her movements, all while the primal lust that was dancing in her eyes grew wilder, stronger, and more all consuming…

"H- Haaaa… HAaaaaa… I f- feel… Funny…" After what must have been at least a half hour of this wonderfully erotic play, Allison drew her head back, and did her best to speak through her own heavy breaths.

"Oh? Got a tingling between your legs, then?" Allison nodded, and Louise's smile widened into a positively Cheshire grin. "…Then in that case, I think it's time I taught you a new game… One that I think you'll both enjoy~"

Tanya couldn't think, could hardly even breathe as she crouched there, hungrily watching as Louise whispered in the loli's ears… and soon enough, her patience was rewarded as Allison began to strip away her own clothes. Once she was naked, the girl approached Tanya, and their breaths intermingled as they stood there, panting, staring at each other's bodies, absolutely desperate for what both knew was coming next…

…And then, Eva gently placed her hands on Tanya's shoulders, and pushed her over until she was lying sideways on the ground… And then, Louise walked around to show Allison exactly where she should sit, how best she could wrap her legs around the bound prisoner… And then, the woman and loli's sexes inched closer, and closer, and closer to each other… And then…!

"H- Haaaaaaaaah~"


Both partners moaned out in ecstasy as their pussies finally met, and both immediately began to grind themselves into the other with a desperate sort of desire. Tanya was still bound, so moving was a little difficult, but the shameless lolicon wanted this with every single ounce of her being, and pure ecstasy exploded through her body as she realized that Allison was having a great time too. Here she was, lying in the dirt, in the middle of a park, with her legs wrapped around a loli's, as both brought each other to the absolute heights of bliss…!

Just like when she had lain with Greta and Matthew, Tanya knew that everything about this was so, so wrong… But that sense of wrongness just made it feel a hundred times better, and it wasn't long at all before she reached yet another euphoric climax. Soon enough, both partners were writhing as their bodies pulsed with indescribable bliss, and yet both continued to move, to push themselves against each other, and to bring each other more pleasure than they ever could have imagined…

"H- Haaaaa… Haaaaaaah… Haaaaaa… Haaaaaaa…"

By the time Allison and Tanya collapsed in a joint puddle of sweat, both of their bodies were positively heaving with ecstasy, yet still, all the lustful lolicon wanted was more. Th- That was… I had her first time, and she might remember it later, and it was so fun, and she was so cute, and… and…

…God… Why the hell did that feel so good…? And why do I still need more…?

"Hehe, wow, you really aren't finished yet?" Louise giggled as she began to pet at the hair of her utterly blissed-out slave, then turned towards the equally euphoric Allison. "Hey, you were on your way to the playground, right?"

"Y- Yeah…" Somehow, Allison managed to respond despite the fact that she was still lying on the ground in an ecstatic heap. "B- But, how did you know-"

"That's not important, my dear…" Eva smiled as she glanced back and forth between the two exhausted lovers. "What's important is that Tanya here would really like to meet some of your friends. Do you think you could introduce them?"

H- Her… Friends…? I took a moment for Tanya to comprehend her captor's words, but eventually, it clicked…

"Y- Yeah… ok!" …And the lustful lolicon's anticipation grew exponentially as Allison shakily got back to her feet, walked over to Tanya's discarded leash, gripped it firmly in her hands, and gave it a gentle tug. "C- Come on then, I'll lead the way!"

Tanya's arms were still tied behind her head, so Eva and Louise had to help her get up… But less than a minute later, she was obediently following behind her young master as Allison pulled her along the park's paths, all while her beautiful doms flanked her on either side. Tanya's heart raced as she realized she was nothing more than a loli's pet, her plaything, her toy, and that soon enough, they would arrive at their destination, where Allison's friends—plural—would be waiting for her…

This is so… I'm being led to another orgy, but this time… This time my partners will be…!

Tanya had to actively fight off the urge to faint as soon as their new destination came into view. It was a fairly simple playground—the sort you'd see in any reasonably-funded city park—but there were easily two dozen kids running, playing, and laughing around the equipment. Oddly, none of them looked any younger than ten (which was suspiciously convenient, as it meant that they all fell exactly into Tanya's ideal age range), and their parents were all trapped in a familiar trance as they sat on the nearby park benches, but Tanya was in no state to think about things like that. After all…

"H- Hey! Look! Allison has a naked lady on a leash for some reason!"

…Barely a half second after she walked through the gate, Tanya was swarmed by a crowd of shotas and lolis, all of whom were so impossibly cute, all of whom had lust painted across their faces, all of whom were looking at her, and touching her, and feeling at the cum and sweat on her skin, all while they pointed, and chatted, and laughed…!

"Woah, check out how dirty she is. This white gunk is everywhere!"

"Ahahaha, she makes such a funny sound when I touch her here! What do you think will happen if I push my fingers in really deep?"

"Her boobs are so much bigger than my mom's… And they're so soft too!"

"Mhmhmhm… Enjoy the buffet~♪"

Eva gave Tanya a small peck on the cheek, then untied her arms, and violently shoved the panting pedophile back-first onto the ground, where she was immediately mobbed. By this point, the only bondage gear Tanya was wearing was the leather harness, her choker, and the leash, none of which were restricting her movements at all, but frankly, she was hardly even aware of her newfound freedom. After all, why should she spend any time thinking about meaningless concepts like her own ability to move, when she had far more adorable things to focus on…

"W- Wow… She's kinda chubby, and… and so pretty…"

"Hehe, look, she's kissing my hand!"

"She's moaning so loud, too! Guess she really likes it when I squeeze her like this, huh?"

"Oh yeah, she really does!" Louise and Eva were grinning ear to ear as they walked through the crowd, coaching each child in turn in how best to overstimulate their prey. "Now Gregory, why don't you try kissing her over here? Don't be afraid to use your tongue! "

"Penny, dear, see how her fingers are rubbing against your crotch? Let me help you take your pants off, so she can reach what she's trying to reach…"

"Oh, shoot, her mouth is totally unoccupied right now… Now how should we- Ah, King, you're perfect! Here, sit on her face, she'll know what to do next…"

Thanks to the tutelage of the two predatory women, the chaotic mob eventually organized itself into the perfect gangbang, as every shota and loli did everything they could to bring themselves and Tanya bliss. One shota panted out in ecstasy as he repeatedly slammed his cock into Tanya's grateful sex, while a loli playfully rubbed at her clit; another child licked at her breast while a girl who looked like she might be his sister worked the other one; a boy near Tanya's head pulled his own pants off, and eagerly sat down on Tanya's lips so she could begin to lick at his pussy; and Eva and Louise guided Tanya's hands forwards, until one of them was exploring a loli's sex, while her other was gliding across a shota's dick…

"H- H- Haaaaah… Th- This is so good!"

"H- Hey! No fair! I want a turn next!"

"F- Feel… haaa… I feel… like I'm gonna… gonna…!"

Tanya let out a lustful gasp as her womb was filled with a shota's sperm, and that rapist was quickly replaced by a girl, who didn't hesitate to start grinding her pussy against the spasming slut's, even as it dripped with fresh cum. This new game had only been going for around five minutes, and yet Tanya's brain was already completely overwhelmed with ecstasy. It just felt so incredible, to be pleasured by so many shotas and lolis, to bring them bliss as they used her body however they pleased, to know that each and every one of them might recall this day in a dream, and that they would wake up satisfied as they remembered the time they raped a dirty, pedophilic whore, who had absolutely writhed in the throes of ecstasy…!

Tanya came again, and then she came again, and then she came again, her pleasure only rising each and every time one of her partners reached a climax of their own. The boy on her face eventually got up, but mere seconds later a cock was shoved down her throat. The girl whose pussy she had been exploring eventually collapsed in ecstasy, but then her hand was grabbed, and brought into contact with a fresh sex. Load after load of cum covered her inside and out, joining all the dried sperm that was still staining her skin from earlier in the day…!

This… This is heaven…

Tanya simply didn't have any other way to describe it. Here she was, in the middle of her second gangrape of the day, and this time her assailants were all adorable lolis and shotas, all of whom were experiencing the joys of sex for the very first time. It was all too much, it was all too wonderful, and Tanya's mind went blank as she was completely overtaken by the purest form of euphoria she had ever felt.

"…Having such a good time… …do you say we… …little more interesting…"

Several eternities later, Eva's voice drifted into Tanya's ear, but the lustful exhibitionist was far too gone to make sense of anything the beautiful woman was saying. Still, she did notice when both Eva and Louise roughly grabbed her by the shoulders, and dragged her to the outskirts of the crowd.

N- No, don't… I w- want to keep p- playing…

"Don't worry, you're not done yet! All we're gonna do is…" Once again, Tanya was in no mental state to follow Louise's words, but fortunately, the woman's actions eventually made her intentions clear. All of Tanya's partners followed along as Eva and Louise pulled their prey over to a dome-shaped jungle gym, then propped her limp body up against it, and smiled as they pulled some more rope out of Eva's bag.

"…more comfortable in this position, don't you…?"

An exhausted smile spread across Tanya's face as her limbs were tied to the jungle gym's bars, leaving her fully exposed, fully vulnerable, and fully ready to continue their lustful games. Sure enough, as soon as Eva and Louise stepped back from their prisoner's almost-crucified body, the kids swarmed again, and Louise was introduced to the novel joys of being fucked senseless in this new position. A shota climbed up to force his dick past her lips; a loli held herself sideways as she sucked on Tanya's tit; another one hugged the bound woman's body tight, even as her fingers made their way into the lustful lolicon's sex…

…And then more of them climbed on top of her, touching her in all the right ways to send her absolutely loopy… And then several of her molesters went inside the structure to attack her from behind… And then the parents got up from their benches, and joined in the fun… And then each of her partners took a second turn using her, then a third, then a fourth, then a…

…Then a…

...Then a...

...…Then a...…

......Then a......

......…Then a......…



"H… H… Haaaaaaaaaaaah… H… H… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…"

"Oh my, I fear we may have accidentally gone too far this time…"

"Yeah, but, what else could we do? Her mind kept asking for more, so it's not like we could have cut it short if we wanted to."

"True, but perhaps we should have attempted to force the matter. If she cannot recover quickly, she may very well miss her station. Hm, no, actually, she already has missed her station. The train just pulled out of 135th."

"Ah, well, worse things have happened. That just means she'll get home a little late. The important part is that we helped this insatiable whore get everything she wanted! Isn't that right, Tanya?"

"H… Hh… Hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…"

"There, see? She had fun, we ate like queens, and all these kids plus everyone else she fucked are going to have wonderfully perverted dreams to look forward to a few nights from now. Everybody wins!"

"Mhm, I suppose you have a point. Well then, Tanya… Once again, we truly enjoyed our time with you. I do so hope we'll get the chance to see you again tomorrow…"

"Hh… Haaaaaaaah… Y- Y- Yeeeaaaaaaaaah…"

"Wonderful… Then in that case, make sure you get lots of rest. We got distracted from our planned activities for the day, but we'll be sure to let you live out that 'tied up and raped in a public bathroom' fantasy when next we meet. Until then, my dear~♪"

"Yeah, see ya later, you degenerate perv!"

"Now Arriving At. 143rd Street. Station."

Tanya's eyes drifted open, and she found herself lying sideways on the subway bench as the train pulled into a stop a full twenty blocks beyond where she was supposed to get off. The still-exhausted girl felt like she had been sleeping for a month, and her brain was extremely fuzzy… But at the same time…

Th- That… That was so…

Tanya slowly rose into a sitting position, and a delirious-but-pure smile spread across her face as she bathed in the post-coital bliss that was still swimming through her veins. Once again, everyone on the train was completely ignoring her. Once again, Eva and Louise were nowhere to be seen. Once again, Tanya had absolutely no proof that any part of the day's erotic ordeal had actually occured…

…And yet the lust that was bubbling inside her, the pleasure that simply refused to fade… That was all very real, and as Tanya stumbled off the train and eventually boarded another that was going in the opposite direction, the horny girl had no doubts in her mind that she'd be back the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. For regardless of whether any of Eva and Louise's words had been true, regardless of whether the two women were even real, regardless of whether the past two days had been nothing more than a product of her own overactive imagination…

…Tanya was already burning with impatience for her next chance to be treated like the hopeless slut she truly was.