mha femdom

The sunlight peeks softly through the blinds, dimly with the undercurrent of blushed hues that come with the evening. Denki is laying pressed against Kyouka's side, head resting on her chest as she lazily combs her fingers through his hair with the hand that isn't hovering over the open journal on her lap. It's propped up on her knee, opened to the page they've been working on all afternoon, chatting and discussing without haste.

"Okay, what kind of humiliation do you like?" she asks, and Denki responds immediately–


Kyouka chuckles a little, but Denki begins to disclose details shortly after, talking through what said humiliation specifically entails.

The two had been together for several months, and Denki spent so much time at Kyouka's apartment, he'd practically already moved in. Sex wasn't something new in their relationship, and they had done quite a bit of experimenting and discussion of kinks, but they hadn't designed a specific contract.

Kyouka suggested it after Denki had asked during sex last week for her to spit on him and pull his hair. Recalling it afterwards made him blush, but while riding that blissful edge, in the moment, he didn't care how weird it sounded or any of the repercussions that may accompany it. Kyouka politely suggested that night after getting cleaned up, lights off and laying squeezed together, "Hey, maybe we should just write something up. You know, like if we talked about some more like… sex stuff, if that's cool." He had agreed with a sleepy hum and nod of his head as he drifted off into a peaceful rest.

Denki wasn't new to contracts or scenes. He'd had doms in the past and been in relationships with them, too. But it wasn't quite the same as when Kyouka brought it up. Before, when it was someone close to him, it was usually someone who he had known for a long time. Not to say that he and Jirou hadn't been close, but with his previous romantic partners, the suggestion wasn't weird. When he was dating Kirishima shortly after high school, they had done a bit of ageplay, but it hardly felt weird when it came up because Denki had made jokes and referenced that he might be interested in being a little all throughout high school. In his close-knit group of bros, there was no shock or confusion when that discussion came up.

But Kyouka… He had no idea what she would think of some of his kinks. So it never came up.

Until he slipped up and demanded something a little beyond vanilla and in doing so ruined the front that when he said things like "haha choke me" and "step on me," he didn't entirely mean them to be a joke. Maybe they were actually invitations…

Kyouka seemed to have experience with BDSM because she wasn't mocking him or alienating him. She simply asked him if he would be willing to talk seriously about hard and soft limits, and they struck up a discussion.

They both looked at the screen, containing a lengthy list of common kinks and preferences, and they both filled out their hard limits and soft limits and talked through the specifics of things they like and don't like in scenes.

Although the conversation was filthy in nature, the atmosphere was very settled. They were both tired after a long day at their agencies, and it was nice just to be in the presence of each other. They were just talking, talking in a way that made discussion of their kinks feel just like talking about the weather. It was intimate, a precious moment of getting to know each other deeper, and Denki felt so relaxed under her touch, he could fall asleep.

"Okay, so…" Kyouka finished compiling the list, transferring their individual hard and soft limits along with kinks and fetishes to a final notebook page where they had set safewords and general needs for after a scene. "Do you have a preference for any… I don't know, like, names or stuff?"

Denki feels his cheeks heat up a little as he realizes what she is asking.

"Well… I mean… Like you call me 'sweetheart' sometimes, and that's cool," Denki says quietly.

Kyouka hums a bit, still petting the top of his head. "Yeah, that's cool… I mean, like, you know, if you want me to dom specifically. I don't know…" Denki knows exactly what she meant, but it doesn't make it any easier to answer her. He gulps and takes a few shallow breaths to collect himself.

"Uh- well… How would you feel about me calling you mommy?"

Kyouka stills, and Denki feels on fire with embarrassment.

"Oh," she says slowly, and Denki holds his breath, anxiously trying to ground himself because he knows logically that this is Kyouka. She's not going to judge or harass him. She doesn't sound angry with him, and she's not telling him he's disgusting or a pervert, and he knows she won't do that. Logically he knows that.

A devilish smile creeps onto her face as she meets Denki's eyes. "Yeah, okay, baby. You can call me Mommy…" Denki sighs a breath of relief before tensing up again, realizing quickly that Kyouka discovering this kink of his might very well undo him.

And undo him, it did. Well, eventually, at least…

See, all was good after their talk, even later in the week as they settled back into their respective routines. It was great even. They were all set up, having discussed boundaries, limits, establishing safewords and fetishes and preferences. Everything was perfect.

Except the mommy part.

It wasn't that Denki didn't want a mommy; it was just different. Denki knew in his heart and his mind that Kyouka would make a great mommy, but still something about the title didn't strike him quite the same as the daddies he'd had. His daddies had been mean to him: equal parts loving and caring but stern and harsh to match. Denki liked to be tousled a bit, roughed up and given a bit of hell when he was in little space. A part of him liked to be threatened with swats and teased relentlessly just to test his limits. Having a mommy sounded great, but it didn't sound the same, and that had nothing to do with Kyouka or her style but with the name in and of itself. Denki wanted a daddy, but it would be weird to ask that of Kyouka point-blank. So he settled, making himself content with the new title, weighing it on his tongue as Kyouka suckled there, tangled up on the couch as things started to escalate.

"Wanna?" Kyouka prompted, giving Denki's thigh a light squeeze. He hummed, high-pitched and strung out already with breathiness.

"Yeah, Mommy…" Denki started with pleading lips, clinging to Kyouka tightly. "Want you." Kyouka smiled, moving to massage a nipple under his collar, stripping him of his top to place her mouth there and then the tips of her teeth.

As the foreplay continued, their movements progressing to things hotter and heavier, Denki felt himself plunging further and further into himself, his mind getting smaller and smaller as thoughts shrunk away and disappeared. Suddenly, Denki wasn't Chargebolt, the hero anymore. He was little Denki, daddy's little sweetheart, the sweetest baby. And Daddy… Daddy was going to take care of him.

Something in his mind felt fuzzy, but it quickly went adrift, floating off into a midground where his thoughts were neutralized and eliminated. Despite whatever warning bell wanted to go off in his head, there just weren't any – not with a hand massaging his tummy, making him feel all warm and bubbly inside, a nice sensation, warm as a cup of milk, swirling there in his core.

Soon, he was babbling, talking to his daddy about how much he liked being touched, how good it felt. Then, something slipped past the filter and flew out of his mouth before he could form an opinion of it. "Right there, Daddy…"

He knew it wasn't right when he said it, but he couldn't quite justify why yet.

Kyouka cocked her head at him like she didn't understand. She was still for a moment before prompting, waiting for Denki to process. "Daddy?"

Oh. Denki blushed, his mind coming crashing back down onto him as he realized his mistake. The whiplash of slipping into little space and then falling hard on his face in reality competed inside of him, causing him to fidget on instinct. He stayed quiet, not answering, until Kyouka waited for his eyes to reluctantly meet hers. His hands folded in his lap and twitched nervously as Kyouka spoke again, this time firmly. "You don't want to call me 'mommy,' do you?" Denki kept his eyes fixed low but nodded slightly. "What are you shy for, sweetheart? You wanna call me daddy.? That's alright, honey. I'd like that."

Denki twitches a bit, holding back a whine as a full body shudder rakes its way through his body.

The two lock eyes, a look of amusement clear on Kyouka's face as Denki's face drops into a look of shock. He looks almost mystified, maybe horrified, but certainly intrigued, eyes blown wide and glazed over slightly as he processes what she's said.

"Oh. God…" he finally stammered in barely a whisper, breaths shaky.

Kyouka chuckled lightly and watched the excitement settle in. Denki just kept looking at her with a slack jaw, practically eye-fucking her, unable to vocalize much of anything else.

Kyouka decided to tease a bit and bent forward to place her lips near his ear, saying gently, "Do you like that idea, my sweet boy?" Denki whined in response, nodding quickly. He looked so immediately affected, Kyouka decided right then that she was going to have a lot of fun with this.

Kyouka pressed a wet kiss to his neck, and he immediately craned his head to give her more access. She snickered against his skin before pulling back to watch his eyes pool with unfiltered lust.

"Yes. Oh God, yes. I'm… oh God, I'm gonna cum so fast," he said nervously and breathily, Kyouka quickly glancing at the erection already filling out his pants.

Her gaze went darker, her voice dropping an octave as she purred in a sultry tone, "And when did I say it would be okay for you to come, baby?"

Denki's jaw plummeted as he gasped before dropping his head back and letting out a cry. Kyouka scoffed, turning on her heel to head off in the direction of their bedroom.

When she turned to look at Denki again, he had a tortured look on his face, watching her walk away slowly as he sat frozen. Kyouka sighed, jutting out her hip as she said sternly, "Well, were you planning on joining me?" Denki stood so quickly he knocked his knee against the coffee table, nearly causing a stack of magazines to topple over, leaving Kyouka giggling as he hurtled toward her clumsily.

He already had that childlike gaze ready in his eyes. Denki loved to obey. It made sense. He made an excellent little.

"Lay down, sweetheart," Kyouka instructs as she retrieves her strap from the drawer. Her cock is beautiful: thick and purple with veins running along the side. It doesn't have to vibrate; it's big enough to satisfy both of them.

Denki shivers as she takes it into her hands, smirking a little at him. "Hm? You like that, baby? You want this cock?" He nods vigorously with a small whimper, gulping. Her tone shifts, and the smile falls from his face as she says, "Well, that's too bad…" Denki just whimpers again, rendered speechless still as he lays against the bed frame, legs shuffling atop the sheets while his cock bobs with interest. Kyouka licks a stripe up the dildo, locking eyes with Denki, who can't look away. He's mesmerized by her, by how pretty she is, by how badly he wants to fall apart on her cock screaming for his daddy to let him cum. "Mmm, my turn," she says with a low hum, uncapping the lube and coating her cock with it. Once it's glistening with slick, she sits back, mirroring Denki's position, and slides the tip of the cock between her puckered lips. When it breaches, she pushes it back in one go, slowly but not stopping until it's bottomed out, reaching deep inside of her. She moans as it stretches her out, a low and seductive frequency that has Denki panting. He wants it. He wants it so bad. Wants to be the one taking it deep inside of him, to feel it brush up against his sweet spot over and over again until he's–

"Sweetheart, are you watching?" Denki is snapped out of his thoughts as his eyes snap up to meet Kyouka's. She's wearing a lewd and confident smirk as she slides the dildo in and out, slowly stroking her wet cunt with every movement.

"Mmhmm," he hums, pouting at her, body still rigid, compliant, obedient.

"Need you to watch daddy. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?" Denki nods in return, watching her fuck herself on her cock like he's under hypnosis. Kyouka makes a sharp noise on an exhale, a precious noise that makes Denki's cock throb. It twitches pathetically in his lap, but he just keeps staring, mesmerized by the scene in front of him.

"Want to touch yourself, baby?" Kyouka asks a little breathlessly, and Denki nods again, rapidly, eyes wide and pleading.

"Yes, daddy. Please. Please let me touch myself."

"Mm…" Kyouka says, as if she's contemplating, before deciding, "maybe if you're good…" Denki whimpers again. He can feel tears welling in his eyes, and he's prepared to throw a tantrum if need be. He's so horny and so needy. He wants his daddy to take him now and take care of him. "Ngh- think you can cum just from watching?" she asks, and Denki doesn't answer, just keeps staring at the heavy dildo nestled between her legs, how it squelches each time it enters her wet heat. She looks breathtaking, and every sound she makes is so hot, Denki thinks his dick might fall off if she continues to tease him.

"I asked you a question," Kyouka says firmly, and Denki's eyes dart up to hers again, lids heavy with lust. His movements feel like jelly, slowed down by how captivated he is with Kyouka.

"No, daddy. Need… more," he says, and Kyouka sighs.

"That's a shame… Because I don't really feel like letting you touch yourself, so… I guess you'll just have to watch me cum…"

"No! Daddy, no, no, no. Please. No, please. I'll be good. I promise I'll be good."

"Shh," she hushes him, and his mouth falls shut immediately. "I said no. Do not argue with me, or I won't let you cum at all." She's so mean when she says it, so harsh. It should feel really, really bad, being chastised like a little boy, but it doesn't. In fact, it feels really, really good, and Denki is rutting up off the sheets to make friction with nothing but hot air. He throws his head back with a moan that dissipates into a series of whines, begging for his daddy. "Look at me," she snaps. And his eyes snap back into place obediently as soon as she commands it.

Precum dribbles pathetically from the tip of his cock, and Kyouka smirks at him, a mean and smug stare that has his thighs quivering, begging for touch.

"Look at how good you are," Kyouka coos as he writhes against the sheets, sprawled out in front of her miserably, desperately. She looks so fucking good, waves of purple hair hardly out of place, voluminous after being released from her ponytail, sly smirk held without so much of a tremble of her plump bottom lip. Her top is loose-fitting and hanging off one shoulder, her thighs glistening with a sheen of sweat, parted to give way to a pink and plush pussy, stretched to take that cock like it was made for it, leaving it slick with every stroke, filling the room with sounds of it exploring her sopping cunt.

"Don't even have to tie you up. You listen so well. Huh, sweet boy? You being so good for daddy so you can take this cock? Hm?" Denki blubbers at that, so desperate he could cry.

Kyouka brings her free hand down her abdomen, locking eyes with Denki as she uses her pointer and middle finger to part her pussy lips, revealing her puckered clit. It's red and puffy, begging for attention just as Denki's cock does, and when she starts to rub slow, torturous circles over it, Denki thinks he might cry, dissolving into little sobs as he begs to be touched.

His cock is pathetic, twitching to draw attention, as if begging harder than Denki's lips can manage, to get some friction. But he can't take his eyes away from his daddy, commanding his attention as she smirks at him, legs spread wide as she seems to tower above him. She looks powerful like that, and Denki is prepared to worship her if she'd allow it. He'd fuck her for her, lick on that pretty cunt until her legs spasmed around him.

"Denki," Kyouka says sweetly, almost sing-songey as Denki looks up to her eyes with glassy ones. "Awww, what's wrong, baby girl? Are you gonna cry?" Denki grits his teeth even as a powerful moan shatters through him. It's guttural, desperate, as he feels actual tears well in the corners of his eyes. "Aww, you want daddy's cock that bad? Want to come over here and fuck this tight little pussy and make daddy cum? Huh? Awww…" she says mockingly, and Denki can't help it.

He mutters almost silently, "please…" Kyouka laughs at him in response, a deep and enticing chuckle that aches in his gut and throbs between his legs.

"Look at you, crying like a baby, and I haven't even touched you." Denki whimpers for effect, causing Kyouka to scoff. "Pathetic." And that… well, that shouldn't make Denki's eyes roll back like they do, but he feels himself slipping into a deliriously blissful mindset, losing his grip on reality as his brain swirls only with thoughts of his daddy and how pretty she looks and how bad he wants to cum.

"Wanna cum, wannacumwannacumwannacum, pleeeeease daddy, want to so bad," he babbles, thrusting his hips to show off his pulsing need, and Kyouka just smirks at him, teasing him with soft moans.

Everytime a soft sound leaves her lips, Denki moans louder in response, biting his lip with his head thrown back as he feels an orgasm pending even with no stimulation.

"Please," he starts to whimper, voice desperate as he watches Kyouka sink down onto the thick cock, imagining it's him instead. Her moans grow in intensity.

"M'close," she mumbles, and Denki whimpers, still pleading softly. "Watch me cum, baby. Eyes on daddy." Denki cries out as her mouth falls open in an o-shape, and her eyes flutter.

"Mm, good boy… she rewards, and Denki moans obscenely at the praise, watching his daddy come down from her high with such pretty little faces and sounds. Denki knows he sounds ridiculous babbling for her, his dick twitching with anticipation as if it knows what's next.

"Now go grab daddy's ring," Kyouka says, her voice returning to that harsh, critiquing tone that makes Denki's knees buckle. "Don't want you to cum too fast…" Denki pouts but obeys, grabbing the piece of silicone from the drawer beside him and giving it to his daddy who slips it onto his cock quickly.

The band is a tight fit since he's already hard, and he can already feel how the tension there presses as Kyouka assembles her strap.

"Alright, baby girl. Hands and knees, facing the wall. Thatta boy. Now let daddy see." Denki parts his legs as Kyouka climbs between them and by the first swipe of her tongue against the sensitive tissue around his rim, he's trembling, moaning loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

She eats him out for a while, taking her time in torturing him because she knows he won't cum like this, not with the ring gripping him so tightly. His cock is still hard, leaking from the tip, but that's all it can manage with the added pressure.

It feels amazing though, even as maddening as it is, having her explore every inch of him, her hands spreading him open. He's so breathless he can hardly articulate anything other than moans and "please."

"Please what?" Kyouka spits, yanking Denki up by his hair to look her in the eyes. His chin lifted, the sting at his scalp setting his whole body ablaze with simmering hot, shameful pleasure leaves his reply a useless moan. Kyouka silences this by spewing a glob of saliva into his open mouth, fisting his hair harder. "Use your words, bitch." Denki keens, crying like a toddler having a meltdown, and his dick waves with the ring still around him tightly.

"Please… pleasepleaseplease, daddy, want… ah– pleeeeeeeeease wannit— pleeease," he whines, rocking into her touch like a sex doll, blissed out and at his daddy's disposal. He wants her to do it again. Spit in his mouth and call him a bitch. Call him her whore. He's not sure how, but he's sure he'd manage to cum from it.

"I said what? Daddy's not going to give you anything," Kyouka said with a mocking tease to her voice, "if you don't use your words like a good boy. Is that clear?"

"Mmhmm," Denki cries uselessly, his cheeks a mess of tears and slobber as Kyouka thrusts a fourth finger inside of him. He takes a few deep breaths, trying to regain any level of clarity before he opens his mouth again, his brain hyper fixated on the singular thing that's driving him absolutely mad. "Y-your cock, daddy. W-want your… cock so bad…"

Kyouka flashes him a sadistic grin, dropping his head and shoving four fingers in with force, beginning to thrust ruthlessly. "You're such a dirty whore. Begging for my cock like that. Look at you, you pathetic cumslut. You're already almost useless, and I haven't even fucked you yet." Denki's eyes roll, and his mouth opens to scream, but his vision is hazy, blurring the line of consciousness as his dick drips a few clear, empty drops. The first thing that comes back to him after the ringing in his ears slows is his daddy's taunting laugh, making his body burn with the reminder that the ring around his cock is too tight to let him have a real release.

"Already trying to cum, love? How precious." Kyouka teased, and Denki plummeted headfirst into the bedding, fisting it frustratedly trying to decide if he wanted to scream in frustration or cry until Kyouka fucked him dry.

He already felt exhausted, cock wavering painfully and pulsing with need he couldn't fulfill if he tried. He was daddy's property now, just an object for satisfaction. All of his prior theatrics of moaning like a porn star faded as the reality of the situation crept up his spine. She was going to ruin him, and if he thought it was worth crying over before, he realized too late that he was absolutely fucked. His daddy meant business.

"You know I'm going to take care of you, babygirl, right?" Denki blinked once, then again, watching the pillow in front of him come in and out of view. Something in his mind switched, turning off again, and he nodded obediently, almost robotically.

"I'm ready, daddy. Please give me your cock."

"Such a sweet boy. I love it when you beg with nice words," Kyouka said, punctuating by poking her thick length into his tight little hole. Despite being stretched gaping wide, the adjustment to the thick silicone still made him ache, his rim clenching around his daddy with an insistence to keep her as close as possible to him.

When Kyouka started railing into him, Denki knew she was missing his prostate with purpose. Every strike of her hips was meaningful, intentional, as she massaged his walls. It didn't matter. He was still dazed from the feeling of being filled, her long length stroking his walls with stuttering movements, causing waves of pleasure to surge up his body until his spine was tingling, arching into her every movement, and he found himself chanting for his daddy. For what, he wasn't sure.

"'Daddy' what?" Kyoula mimicked him, and he groaned with frustration.

He seethed through gritted teeth, "Fuck. Me." He insisted seriously, trying to drive his point home by meeting her thrusts with all the force he could manage.

"I am fucking you, babygirl," Kyouka said with a chuckle, landing a hard smack on his ass cheek. "What else do you want?"

"More," he eased out on a broken plea. Kyouka gripped his hips harder, pulling him in and ramming hard against his sweet spot, finally.

"Alright. I'll give you more, baby, since you're such a sweet girl." Denki cried out helplessly, hips meeting each thrust as his eyes clouded over again, mind eager to chase a release. He could feel that heat pooling in his gut again, his balls fighting helplessly to draw up, and he fucked himself harder, trying to spear himself on Kyouka's cock as if it could help him at all.

The outcome was just the same. A sad few drips of clear spend, falling like tears onto the bedding. Denki shed real tears as he watched it, sobbing over the throbbing sensation that left him without an inch of pleasure. It hurt and God, Kyouka had never been so mean, and dear God, he loved it so much. It was sickening. The way the pain in his gut coiled and tore out pitiful whines from him, how his daddy degraded him in response. He felt absolutely worthless, and he loved it. He loved it so much that his cock still hung heavily between his spread legs as his daddy pounded him into next week.

He was drunk on pleasure, going absolutely insane and close to the precipice, and Kyouka just continued her slow torture, coaxing more whines and cries out of Denki who came apart piece by piece until he was empty. Just a cocksleeve, a vessel for his daddy to use.

He loved this feeling, that floaty in between space where time didn't control him. His only master was his daddy, and he made it known in his screams of rapture.

All too soon, that delicious give and take caught up to him, and Denki felt every inch of his body go alight, shaking and convulsing as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. "Oh! Oh, daddy, oh fuck... cumming." His whining dissolved as his mouth fell into a contorted look of bliss as his mind bubbled with that delicious, euphoric feeling he'd been craving.

When he came back to himself, he noticed his purple cock still straining against the cock ring, no cum having escaped. Kyouka's thrusts stilled as she looked between them.

"When did I give you permission to cum?" Denki's mouth fell open and then snapped shut, his eyes squinting in shame. "Denki, talk to daddy."

"I'm sorry," he croaked, "f-felt… too good."

"Sh," she cut him off, placing a threatening hand around his throat, and Denki's head went blissfully empty, a dopey smile coming across his lips at the thought of that hand tensing. "I don't care why you came. I asked you when I gave you permission. Because I didn't, did I?"

"No," Denki answered with a little laugh, his emotions bubbling up and uncontrollably slipping out of him.

Kyouka allowed it, her hand flexing gently as if a reminder that this hand was his collar, and he belonged to her only. "So you've been a bad little girl for daddy, then? Yeah?"

"Yeah," Denki whimpered, head craning in the sheets as tears started to flow again.

"You know daddy has to punish bad girls."

"M'sorry…" Kyouka sighed, running a hand along Denki's ass cheek gently as she pondered.

"Very polite. But you broke daddy's rule. Good girls don't just get to be sorry. I've got to spank you." Denki let out a drawn-out miserable squeal as he felt Kyouka slip out of him completely and stand from the bed. He knew exactly what came next, and he clenched in anticipation, fearfully fretting with a nervous eagerness what was in store for him.

The flogger came down hard, lashes painting pretty, pink stripes on his ass. One hit. And the first one always hurt. The second time it came down, Denki still flinched, body writhing in discomfort as those marks were branded over, made into something more pronounced. The second one always stung. The third thwack of the leather meeting his flesh pulled a desperate growl from his throat. This was where his fight would start to die, and the next hit would feel less like pain and more like a jolting sensation of pleasure, riding that fine line between too much and not quite enough. Misery and ecstasy.

Denki always loses count after that. He couldn't say his ABC's after that fifth strike. So he never quite knows when it ends as his mind checks out and takes a vacation, leaving him a slumped over heap of flesh for Kyouka to abuse.

Punishment had never felt so nice, and Denki became acutely aware of how his cock chased the mattress with each hit with purpose, trying desperately to gain friction even as the ring squeezed him uncomfortably.

Before he knew it. Kyouka was thrusting in and out of him again, and he couldn't even quite connect when the painful whips ended, and the pleasure began. It was all the same to him, her hips just as fierce as the toy, and he was trying to convince himself for some reason he could hardly comprehend not to cum again.

The stuttering motion of her hips punched out little squeals of pleasure from his lips. He knew he was crying, drooling, his cock dribbling and begging for release as she pounded into him. Each harsh thrust pushed breathy, staccato whines past his lips, leaving him absolutely breathless and helpless to the pleasure.

However, a surge of emotions hit him with full force once Kyouka started slamming into his prostate. He was still brainless and boneless, but something about the sensations were so intense and overpowering that it brought the passion into this predator/prey territory in the ancient recesses of his mind. Denki suddenly roared with enthusiasm again, holding out a long, pornographic moan as his back arched obscenely. "AH! PLEASE DADDY!!!" Another moan was cut up into choppy, wavering sounds as she mercilessly continued abusing his sweet spot. "P-P-PLEASE. OH, PLEASE," he screamed, Kyouka pulling his arms behind his back so he was forced to collapse against the pillow. "W-WANNA… CUM. PLEASE!" he continued to yell even with his face planted firmly against the bedding. Kyouka sighed, playing with some of the hair on top of his head absentmindedly as if she wasn't still fucking him into another plane of existence just wayward below the beltline.

"You wanna cum?" she asked as if uninterested, like someone who was hardly listening. It made Denki go animalistic, screaming and begging with absolutely no regard that probably half the block could hear him.

"YES! YES, DADDY," a strangled sob escaped his throat as he pounded a fist into the sheets, his cock twitching and trying to release again but failing miserably. It hurt, it pounded, it throbbed; it was miserable; and all Denki could do was whimper in defeat, "Please…"

"Hmm. Maybe."

"NO. NO, PLEASE. PLEASE. Daddy," he cried, his legs hardly holding up anymore as Kyouka rammed into him.

"Are you gonna be good?"

"Y-ye-" he tried to choke out, and Kyouka sighed.

Kyouka reeled back and grabbed a fistful of Denki's hair, forcing his head up, and he yelped, mouth wide and tears staining his cheeks. She chuckled a deep and hearty laugh, mocking him as she got close to his ear, still landing forceful thrusts. "I asked, are you gonna be good?" she asks, and Denki nods vigorously, tears pouring onto his cheeks in a steady stream.

"Y-yeah," he croaks, sniffing. "M'good. S'good. F-fuckin' so good fr'you. I'll be… sssssoooo fuckin' ah- s'good. Ahhh, s-s'good. Feels /so/ fuckin' good," he babbles deliriously, his eyes rolling back as he stops on a gasp as she pounds mercilessly against his prostate. His cock drips in vain, still hard and throbbing as she continues without a single pause.

"Mm, did you try to cum for me again just now, baby?" Denki whimpers in response, more tears running onto the mattress to join a puddle of drool. "And it didn't work, baby? Didn't feel good? You're still so hard and needy for me, baby, huh?" she taunts, and he just blubbers in response, ranting soft, barely coherent pleas. "Alright, baby. I'll let you cum now. Since you've decided to be a good girl for daddy." She brings her hands down to his aching cock, stroking it teasingly just to watch him scream in agony, and she lets out a huff of laughter. She finally slides off the ring, and Denki yells "Oh!" in relief as he ruts forward, making contact with the sheets and going silent in shock.

Kyouka starts grinding harshly against his prostate again, leaning up against him as she fucks into him hard. "Mm, you gonna come apart on my cock, baby girl?"

"Y-yeah… oh, yes. Yesyesyes," Denki mumbles between pants, his body jolting with the quick and labored thrusts.

"What's my name, baby? Who's taking you apart?"

"AHHHH, D-DADDY!" Denki screams.

"That's right, doll. /Say/ it. Say my name."


"Whose tight little pussy is this, huh? Is this Daddy's? Only Daddy can take you apart?"

"Y- yours! OH FUCK! Only yours, daddy. Yes…"

"Yeah, it's fucking mine. Cum for me, weak bitch." Denki screams as his entire body twists in violent convulsions, unraveling thoroughly until every last bit of him is coursing with the force of his orgasm. He rocks vigorously, his body wet with sweat and giving off heat like a generator.

Electricity starts to buzz along his skin, and Kyouka grits her teeth, removing her hands from his hips but staying sheathed inside of him as he fries the sheets beneath his touch.

He continues to cry out, screaming and babbling and whining and moaning as rivets of cum coat his entire chest and spill onto the bedding beneath him which he's clutching onto like he's hanging on to to survive.

He's sobbing by the time his hips still, and he collapses into his own mess, looking half-dead as his eyes stare like his mind is in another realm.

He looks just as dazed as he does when he overuses his quirk, and he may have perhaps done just that, but he's also thoroughly fucked out and spent.

He's still murmuring nonsense when Kyouka gently pulls out and steps out of her strap. She climbs into bed next to Denki and pulls him into her side, clutching him tightly around the waist as she shushes him softly and coos, showering him in gentle praise.

"You did so good, baby. So good. I love you so much, sweetheart. You did incredible. Look at how sweet you look. So pretty, baby. Love you so much." Denki just sniffles and hums against her, cooing softly at the praise as his eyes flutter shut and he begins to settle into the comfort of the space where he can finally let go and leave the scariness of reality to his daddy.

It will take him a while to come to, and he's in no shape to stand to go get cleaned up, so Kyouka just stays there with him, taking in the smell of dewy sweat and a hint of smoke, holding him tightly as his breathing slows, and he drifts off in her arms.

The tips of Midoyria's messy hair punctured through the surrounding sea of civilians. The Pro Hero folded the hood of his sweatshirt back and shook his locks out. The lingering sweat from Midoriya's workout flew from the ends, accidentally landing on the passing pedestrians.

People had just started to recognize him from the news as he reached the coffee bodega. He usually stopped there after visiting the gym- today was no different. At least, so far.

The villain watched him, a hand on the titanium metal at her hips, and another on the conspicuous bulge in her purse. She tapped that lightweight, metal cuff hooked onto her belt in barely contained excitement.

Midoriya pulled out his earbud to recite his order. Even in the drone of the city, Toga knew what he was saying:

"A medium coffee with light cream, please."

It's what he always got. She knew him better than anyone, she thought. She'd followed the poor, unsuspecting Hero through his daily life. Who else would be so dedicated, other than her?

"Better hurry up, Dove, you got patrol in an hour," Toga's ruby-red lips smacked together hungrily. She spoke lovingly -her teasing, but harsh whisper was all the delusional woman could manage in a way of a "loving" tone- despite Midoriya having no way of hearing her from the mouth of the alley she lurked in.

Every day was the same for Midoriya: Wake up, go to the gym, get coffee, patrol, then fall asleep at his desk finishing up his reports. Yet, the worried pinch in his brow was new, she noted. He hadn't heard from Ochako since last week, and they were supposed to meet up for dinner that night.

Of course, he'd thought, the one girl he liked would stand him up.

Actually, neither DynaMight nor Uravity had been spotted since the last Hero banquet at Momo's mansion. He wasn't ignorant to the rumors surrounding the two Heroes after their latest collaboration. Midoriya understood that no one Hero was strong enough to hunt down the remaining LOV members. Teaming up was the more obvious, and safer choice. Ochako and Kacchan probably kept "off-grid" for the sake of secrecy and stealth for that mission. He shouldn't worry.


Uraraka and Bakugo were complete opposites of each other. Ochako was soft and kind whereas Bakugo was harsh and crude. So it was no wonder that a relationship between the two would generate more gossip than usual. And more press coverage for Ochako meant a higher ranking.

Perhaps Midoriya just didn't like the thought of his middle school bully with his high school crush.

If she really did like Bakugo, he'd never stand a chance at winning her over, he thought.

What if it was true? What if Ochako only said yes to a date with him so as to throw peoples' suspicions off from her real relationship? Or worse: she only agreed as a joke.

He shook his head. How could he think Ochako would ever be that mean?

But...was it real attraction or was it pity that she felt towards him?

Midoriya turned from the bodega in carefully hidden anguish, completely ignorant to the eyes that still watched. He hastily started off down the path towards his agency, hoping to get to the company early and finish up some paperwork before having to head out on his daily rotation. Kamino Ward never disappointed him on his patrols- Hell, it was why he had so much paperwork, to begin with. Plus, he desperately needed a distraction to pass the time before his date.

Now if only he could have made it across the street before the light turned red again. Maybe the villainous woman stalking close behind wouldn't have been able to catch up. He might have gotten to the agency- maybe even have gotten to the restaurant tonight.

Regardless, Deku remained unaware - swaying restlessly from one foot to the other on the ridged ramp that led to the street - waiting for a gap in the stream of cars. His insistent bouncing was the perfect opportunity for Toga to lean into him. Her movement was subtle and when he inevitably bumped into her shoulder, he, of course, believed it to be his fault.

"Oh!" Midoriya ceased his jittering at once and turned to the hooded figure beside him. He couldn't make out anything aside from the pointed tip of a pale nose and a delicate frown. However, at his sudden attention, the sharp corners of their lips rose in shameless excitement.

The city held all sorts of personalities - he'd run into the shyest and the boldest of citizens - and still, something about the thin stretch of her lips had his adrenaline spiking. But he was No. 1 Hero for a reason, and he'd come to thank his mother for instilling manners into him at such a young age. After all, just because a person creeped him out, didn't mean he could be rude.

"Sorry about that, friend. Too much caffeine in this, I guess," He shook the styrofoam cup in his hand, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. Midoriya took a step back as the silence grew in the stranger's prolonged pause in response.

Geez, this is a long light, Midoriya thought.

"You're fine," A sliver of shaky breath touched his exposed forearm as the stranger finally spoke. It was a hollow, feminine voice- it made the hair on his body stand up on end.

"I was actually hoping you'd walk me across the street," The woman's voice cracked in odd mirth that seemed to jump from her mouth in sudden bursts of energy.

"Uh…," Midoriya shifted his weight to the left- away from the weird woman. His green eyes glanced up at the pedestrian light in frustration. As a Pro Hero, he was expected to maintain a good relationship with the public. He guessed this was just an annoying test of patience. So, with that thought in mind, he squared his shoulders and flashed the biggest smile he could muster.

"Alright, ma'am," He held out his arm for the woman to take. He didn't really know the protocol for walking people across the street, other than the occasional old woman, but he assumed offering an arm was expected. The corner of face visible beneath her hood revealed the smooth, creamy skin of youth- but he wasn't willing to call her out on abusing Hero services for something so simple.

"The city can be really busy around this time. Walking you over would be my pleasure."

She only chuckled at that. Her lithe fingers wrapped like-rubber vices around his bare wrist. His pastel pink Uravity sweatshirt was too short and barely made it to the middle of his forearm.

Toga thought the length was perfect, though. She wanted to see the delicate blue veins strung under his dark complexion throb and pulse with blood. Truly his best feature, in her eyes- his blood. That hot, soupy fluid that had tickled her gums when she drank from him in that forest. She could still feel the heat from Dabi's fire even after all these years. Maybe because it was also was a hot, muggy August morning.

The flow of pedestrians crushed around them as the cars were signaled to stop. Toga took complete advantage by laying her entire right side up on his side. The skill of stealth came easily to the woman- especially now, after years of working with the LOV and needing to get quick pinches of blood from the unsuspecting. And though she wanted Midoriya's blood, she didn't need it for what she had planned. At least, not yet, anyway.

In fact, the freshly harvested vial of blood - which currently sat snuggly in her bra - would be just fine for Toga's unique intentions. It had been the most difficult 10oz she'd ever managed to get before, but the efforts would be worth it. She even succeeded in keeping the "main supply" alive- locked up and unconscious at one of the LOV's safe houses outside the city. If everything went accordingly today, her precious Ochako would soon have some more company in that basement.

"You have a nice day now, ma'am," Midoriya nearly broke out into a sprint to reach the other side quicker. As soon as his boot hit the sidewalk again he retracted his arm, or, at least, tried to. However, the woman dug her nails into his muscle - almost as if anticipating him to suddenly let go.

"Could you please walk me back to my apartment? It's just around the block and I'm scared my ex-boyfriend might be waiting for me when I get there." The woman cooed in a saccharine voice. She crooked a finger to her left, where the crowds thinned out enough to allow Midoriya to see the few uncondemned buildings that still stood in the neighborhood. He really didn't want to walk with her any longer than he had to. Being the No. 1 was starting to look less and less appealing.

"Uh...s-sure," Deku stepped out of his current trajectory towards downtown and back into her space. Toga took his arm once more, despite him not offering it this time. Her skin was clammy and covered in sticky sweat. He could sense the woman was excited about something- maybe about her ex-boyfriend if he were to believe her.

Toga was excited- though, she hadn't realized it was so obvious to the Hero. Even if she did realize, she wouldn't care. Her plans were nearly started. She just needed him down the street a little further, and away from any prying eyes. Too much had led up to this part for her to fail now. Months of impatiently waiting. A drop of blood here, and drag of blood there. Not to mention, how long it took her to realize what she was missing in her life and how to get it.

Over time, as Stain's death grew older with the passage of time, Toga found herself becoming bored. She wanted to do what she wanted to do, not what Shiggy or AFO told her to do. Sure, she still ran the occasional errand for the group- she would never pass up an opportunity to assassinate another Hero if they asked her to. But she craved what the LOV could never give her: true love.

So she set out for information- taking Ochako's and Midoriya's Hero schedule's into account so she could "bump into" one of them. It was pure luck that Ochako and that other ugly Hero had "secretly" snuck into the base last week, though. The blond one was easy to dispatch- she didn't want to savor the fight with him anyway. However, Ochako was a different story. The Hero was slippery trying to get ahold of her. But ultimately, Ochako was no match against Toga alone. Since then, Ochako had been in and out of consciousness. Toga was always there- inside her, above her, or panting between her thighs. Sometimes, Toga would take blood from the blond Hero and fuck her with a natural cock, just for a change. Ochako was exhausted from the constant fucking. She just wanted to go home.

Just the mere thought of Ochako - unconscious, bleeding, cumming dripping from her holes - in one of the LOV's safehouse, was enough to get Toga soaked through her panties. She glanced up at the Hero above her and licked her lips.

She'll have to relieve some of this pent-up excitement somehow. What better way than with her other love?

"I hope I'm not keeping you from some important Hero work. You probably get no time to yourself, huh?" Toga gave a heated purred.

"Ah, yeah. My patrols can occasionally get out of control. Finding criminals in this district is neverending, it seems." Midoriya coughed out an awkward laugh that warmed Toga's heart.

Thank god, she thought, he hadn't changed at all. Even after everything her group put him through, he's still that goofy kid from years ago.

He was bloodied and bruised, then. She desperately wanted to see that look on his face now that he's grown into himself.

"Oh, Izuku," Toga snuggled into his shoulder deeper for just a moment. She felt his muscles tense and could all but hear the blood in his chest pump that much faster. It made her salivate in the worst way. She couldn't wait much longer. She needed more than just these simple, innocent touches.

From the angle the much taller Pro stood at, he couldn't see when her fingers dipped into her bra. Nor did he notice when she popped the opened vial into her mouth. The container sat on her tongue, already spilling the heady blood down her throat. It was only by subtly lifting her tongue up, that the rest of its contents were able to flow out and she was able to pluck the emptied vessel out again. She let her body change into her new shape- biasedly loving the bouncing brunette bob that grew into her face.

Meanwhile, Midoriya's skin prickled in his rising panic. That uneasy feeling exploded into dreadful horror at her words.


she knew his name.

He'd suspected she might have recognized him from the news. Maybe from the senior year Sportsfestival footage and knew Deku as the No. 1 Hero. But...UA was strict about releasing students' personal information. Especially now that he was No. 1, he made sure his assistants and sidekicks kept his identity away from the press.

It was unusual for people to recognize him in public outside of his work hours. There were times when his mask had been ripped off, or he had simply forgotten to put it on before throwing himself into combat. Though, those people only ever referred to him as "Deku."

Now he was really glad he'd been nice to this woman. If she knew his name the whole time, she could make his non-Hero friends and family vulnerable to villain attacks if she leaked the information to the wrong people.

He readied himself to confront her in the calmest tone he could muster. The stranger was too short, and her hood was too low to get any discernible identity. Could she have been at UA, as well? In General Studies or part of the Support class?

"Do...we know each other?" He stopped their walk just outside an alleyway and turned to the woman.

"Aw, you don't remember me?" The hand she wasn't using to steer Midoriya with crept drown to her hips. The hidden metal there was just a thin piece of fabric away.

"I'm sorry. You don't sound familiar." Against his better judgment, he reached with his free hand for her hood. The move startled her, and she jolted in place. Instead of pulling away from his grab, however, she let him unveil her transformed body.

Midoriya gasped, reeling his hand back as if burned. Ochako's face sneered back at him. It was an expression he'd never seen on his friend before. Yet, his heart lept with barely contained joy at the sight of her.

"Ura-?" He started.

"Looks like the criminal found you this time, cutie," In a snap as fast as light, Toga whipped the cuffs out, slapped a circlet on his wrist, and slammed him onto the alley's cold ground. He wasn't caught off guard by her attack, as she was expecting. So, his punch to her chest had her lung shrinking- forcing the air out and causing her to stumble back.

The precious time and space he created between the two let him wriggle away. Midoriya lunged towards her, hoping his non-quirk strength would be enough to keep himself defended.

"Izuku," The woman sputtered a bitter laugh, rubbing at the red mark appearing on her skin. "You always know exactly what I want, Dove."

The transformation quirk was all too familiar for Midoriya. He'd encountered Toga a few times before- all of which included the villain messing with him through her use of shapeshifting. Ochako was one of her favorites to turn into when fighting him, but it was Uravity's recent radio silence that had Midoriya's gut-twisting this time.

"What did you do with Uravity?" Midoriya's eyes were blown wide in confusion and quickly-rising anger.

"Why don't I just show you how she's doing, Dove?" Toga licked her lips like a hungry wolf. Midoriya's eyes followed the movement- hating how relaxed Toga appeared to be in the face of the No. 1 Hero and inheritor of OFA. Of course, with these cuffs on, that meant nothing now.

Toga's leg shot out, planting her heel firmly into his collarbone. The force pushed him back but his body reacted unconsciously. His cuffed hand wrapped around her ankle- twisting it away. She merely laughed and pulled out of his grasp.

Was she always that strong?

She stepped closer, making the Hero stumble back further into the alley. Her hands darted about the length of his body, delivering jab after jab of sharp pain into his softer parts.

She was too fast. He tried to sidestep her attacks- only managing to corner himself between two dumpsters. Rats dove out of the way of the two and back into the inky shadows of the rising sun.

Toga's swift reflexes made it easy to recapture Midoriya in a bone-crushing grip. She clamped down on his hair and threw him behind her onto the ground. Toga heard his breathing stutter- it brought another rush of warmth down to her cunt. She plopped herself down onto his hips to keep him from getting back up, and to rub herself up against his flaccid cock.

"Get off," Midoriya, ever the soft-spoken man hadn't realized how helpless he really was in that moment until it was too late. He should have screamed, shouted, done anything even if it revealed that the No. 1 needed help from another person.

Toga belted her hand across his face, knocking his head to the side- leaving a wicked burn on his left cheek. His hips rose, trying to buck her off. Nonetheless, it only served in making her wetter.

Her fingers made hasty work of clapping the other side of the cuff onto his free wrist. The cuff's properties would work the same with only one hand in them, though, she wanted complete control over the man.

With the Hero trussed, Midoriya suddenly found the alleyway too small. He couldn't see a way out of this. Ochako's toned shoulders did nothing to hide the Pro Hero's shaking form from the view of the street. Luckily for Toga, what her body couldn't hide, the shadows from the dusky morning managed to cover.

Toga clenched her jaw, her lack of fangs felt odd to her - the sensation of "dulled" teeth was always her least favorite part of disguising herself. Ochako had muscle in places Toga never realized could have muscle, as well. The cords ticked in annoyance when she struggled to drag the Hero deeper into the canal, laughing as she sent him careening into a stack of half-emptied trash bins.

Midoriya sputtered and gagged at the stench, trying to roll away from the sickening wetness that spilled from one of the crates onto his exposed back. He could feel shards of glass and rusted nails drag along his skin. The concrete was wickedly cold from the winter air, making the flesh tighten against his ribs- trying to retain some warmth. He needed these cuffs off. He needed to call for help. He needed-

Just then Toga stopped. She whipped around, and with Ochako's face, she gave him a twisted, and disgustingly-cruel smile. Toga loved watching him uselessly struggle in her hands and against the titanium cuffs. Their eyes met- false brown ones and fierce green ones.

He couldn't stop staring at the soft russet tones of the villain's eyes had taken on - so much like the women he'd come to care for, yet so horribly disfigured by bloodlust and sadistic pleasure that he could never think that she could be the real Ochako. His teeth ground into each other, biting into the firm rubber of the toy in his mouth. He wanted to scream.

"I brought one more thing, Dove," Toga's cruel laugh broke the rest of Midoriya's fragile composure. She dug around in the purse that remained strapped around her shoulders. His breath stalled in his chest as she pulled out a huge, ridged strap-on. The length of the brilliant red cock extended far past human expectation. The width at the head was a little smaller than a beer can, and it only grew wider the further down the shaft his eyes went. Then he noticed that the contraption continued- though the dual side was shorter and thinner than the other. Toga waved it mockingly in his face. She maneuvered the bigger dildo so the tip ran along his mouth's spread lips.

"Guess where this end goes," Her hips circled his as she spoke. The toy in his mouth blocked the continual stream of "No"s that started up in his rising panic. He struggled for everything he could then, pleading that his quirkless strength would be enough to save him.

It wasn't.

In fact, it really only served to help Toga work his pants off easier. Though, when she became impatient from the time it would take for that to happen, she drew out one of her hidden knives and sliced the fabric away.

She gazed upon the muscular thighs that Midoriya had developed. He could never be mistaken for a boy anymore. What she was looking at was all man- a man that she planned to ruin completely. She couldn't wait to burrow herself into that sweet man's honey pot. Perhaps she could take a little more than mere blood from him.

Midoriya squealed at the sensation of Toga's cold fingers around his pelvis.

"Now, now, be quiet, or you might just be impaled with something far less exciting." Her knife cut into the man's abs and he ceased his noise. Behind his set of freckles, Midoriya's face glowed with heat. A similar rosy tint alighted O̶c̶h̶a̶k̶o̶'̶s̶ Toga's face, though only from anticipation and not frustration and anger. Her fingers pried the boy's mouth open with sheer strength- her other hand pawing at the thick cock she knew he had in his pants.

She had just cut into his boxers when Midoriya let out a roar of anger. Without hesitation, Toga grabbed her strap-on and shoved the length down his throat to cut him off. She waited a few minutes in silence, waiting for someone to stumble across the scene and stop her.

When no one did, she turned back to Midoriya- who was struggling to swallow around the giant cock in his mouth.

"Look at you, Hero. No better than every other back-alley whore, huh? I thought you guys were supposed to be better than the rest of us? Turns out, we all take a peg the same way." Toga ran a nail up the remaining half of the strap-on, a cruel gleam in her eyes as she reached the duel cock head at the top.

With her attention turned away from his cock, could only be relieved for about five seconds before she was standing over his face. A finger pushed her lace panties to the side and then she was crouching down again. Midoriya watched as her pussy lips parted as she took the rubbed cock into her. Her breathing grew faster as she made herself take all of it- until she was hilted and resting under his nose.

"That's it, little Hero," A husky sigh cut off Toga's praise as she slid herself into place on the shaft. She rode his throat on the duel-side dildo. The soft 'THUMP's of his head hitting the concrete couldn't drown out the wet slurring of her pussy. She was quickly losing herself to the sensation; her hips snapped in rapid session, skull fucking the poor man.

His glass-green eyes glared up at Toga, who watched smugly through Ochako's eyes. Her fingers tangled themselves through the mess of green hair as she rode. The meaty head of the dildo hit the back of his throat uncomfortably. He could breathe properly- if at all when she pushed down hard enough. She held onto his hair for balance and she moved up and down above him. When Toga didn't soften her hold, Midoriya could only plead with his eyes for her to stop. The sight alone was almost enough to push her over the edge.

Her wetness dripped down the piece and onto his face like dew. It gave him a reprieve from the smell of rotting trash, he hesitantly admitted. She smelled like the rain.

If only he could taste her, he thought before realizing what that meant.

Mournfully, the huge dildo stopped his tongue from breaching his mouth, so he could only imagine if those juices tasted like rainwater, too. And though, he hated himself for it, his cock twitched as he was forced to witness Toga bring herself to orgasm. There was no stopping his erection from rising in his torn pants. It felt like a greater defeat than if she'd just killed him.

Her body shivered and wept onto him as she finally reached her first climax. She stilled for a moment, taking a second to breathe through her euphoria before the insistent lust began nagging at her again.

Toga stood up with a dismounting 'POP' and stumbled back down to his lower half. She was pleasantly surprised to see how excited she made him.

"Did you like that, little whore?" Toga strummed a finger along his cock, chuckling when he jumped. He whimpered pathetically into the dog toy. His hips leaped up to meet her hand as if begging for her to help it.

"Wouldn't the public love to know how big of a slut the No. 1 Hero is? No, no. I'd rather keep this secret all to myself," Toga threw her leg over Midorya so she could straddle his face again. However, this time, her face could reach his cock if she bent forward enough. She lapped at the straining skin a few times before locking back into place on his face. Toga swallowed him as best she could. Midoriya wasn't nearly the dildo's width and length, but Toga still found herself having to work in order to fit all of him in her mouth. She'd never had a real cock in her mouth before, so her teeth would graze his head. Or she'd forget to use her tongue. She also forgot not to bite, much to Midoriya's discomfort.

Toga just couldn't relax. Every time she pushed back onto the dildo, her body reacted: her stomach knotted, a flush would come to her face, and her jaw would clench. And just as Midoriya was relaxing onto her tongue - precum making her taste salt - she hit her own sweet spot. The resulting roll of pleasure that traveled through her body made her teeth pinch to the skin of his cock. He howled into the rubber cock in pain.

But a strange thing happened then- Midoriya stayed hard. If anything, the Hero got stiffer in her mouth. She hummed in mirth, continuing to suck and bob up and down until she couldn't keep her laughter in anymore. Toga turned over her shoulder to face the man under her pussy.

"My little masochist. If I knew you were into that, I would have brought my other toys," Toga wiggled on her dildo, pushing the head deeper into his throat, gagging him. Midoriya glanced at Toga- Ochako's flushed face and puffy red lips made were enough for his balls to draw up.

If he thought of Ochako doing this to him, as out of character as that would be, it made it easier for him. But easier also mean that he was more likely to cum, too.

"Cum for me, Dove," Toga attempted to imitate Ochako's soft tone. It seemed to affect Midoriya all the same. His eyes closed and he rutted into her mouth. Toga licked up from the green hair at the base of his cock, to the head and back down again. It took a pathetically short amount of time for Midoriya to cum into her mouth.

Toga was actually quite startled when a hot, viscous rope of cum burst from him. She swallowed on reflex; his cock too far down her throat for her to do anything other than drinking all of him. His hips shook from his release, and she had to hold them down to keep him from choking her. She slapped the side of his ass sharply when he still tried to shove his way into her.

"Heroes only get punishments, nothing else, whore." She reversed on top of him to deliver another vicious slap to the face. He blinked blurrily a few times, which made Toga want to cuddle up with him again. She moved to face him fully and pulled the deeply inserted cock from his lips.

"Aw, Dove, come to mommy. Let me kiss those booboos better." She swished her hips over his bared cock as she cooed. Meanwhile, in the clarity of his orgasm, Mirdoriya once again began to fight against her. She saw his chest plump as if taking a deep breath- hurriedly she searched for something to gag that hole. A flash of something shiny next to the dumpster's wheel caught her eye.

"Don't tou-!" Midoriya's yells are abruptly cut off as a slimy dog toy was stuffed into his mouth. Toga forced the stiff, red-rubber bone past his teeth. Looking around the scattered trash again, she comes up with a stained ribbon to tie both ends of the toy and fasten them to the back of the Hero's head. Midoriya's bonds kept him from fighting too hard against her. But he still managed to vex her by thrashing his head either way.

"No, no. You don't get to be a 'Hero' after that," Toga dragged him towards her shining cock, aligning his hips for the strap-on. The Hero's ass was plump and soft- in stark contrast to the cock that was about the break it open.

As if positioning a mere doll, Toga casually arranged the man over the head of her member. In a moment of predictability, she felt Midoriya tense up as if to scream, having figured out where this was going. Her hand pushed onto his lower back to make him arch into her.

Smirking to herself, she steadied the man's struggling frame and slammed down dry through his center. The tense ring of muscle yielded to her force unwillingly. Midoriya involuntarily swallowed up the head in an almost air-tight seal. She wasted no time waiting for Midoriya to adjust as she dragged her cock out before seating herself fully again. The cock in her pussy was lubricated by her excessive nectar and the friction was heavenly when coupled with the pull Midoriya gave her.

"P-please stop...," The words are barely discernable through the dog toy. The Hero's frame shook from the force as a thought occurred to her, eliciting a sadistic giggle into the weeping Hero's ear.

"How about some lube for the crybaby?" Toga pulled out of Midoriya until just the head remained inside. Grabbing the disgraded knife she'd dropped nearby, she ran the blade down his thighs. He tensed, inadvertently forcing more blood on, which Toga gathered and added to the shaft of her strap until rivets of the red water covered the girth of her cock. Though, both Hero and villain knew the blood could hardly alleviate Midoriya from the painful fucking.

Toga took hold of his restrained hands resting on his back. The angle forced Midoriya to further bend forward into the ground. His face smooshed into the trash and rust of the alleyway, but Toga hardly cared as the new incline let her stuff her cock even further into him. She bit into the fleshly part of his palms. Ochako's dulled teeth meant that she had to chew and tug for a bit longer before his blood came through. She lapped at the leaking cuts, loving the way the red stains clung to her tongue.

Her free hand gripped violently at the Hero's tapered hips, shotgunning her strap in and out without a care for Midoryia. She wanted to ride this orgasm out for as long as she could. The bulbous head of her piece jutted out from Midoriya's stomach with each thrust. His hole barely contained the massive girth of the strap-on.

Toga's breathing sawed in and out of her chest above Midoriya. He could feel his eyes roll back into his head, both from the never-ending pain in his ass, and the shocking pleasure as Toga would occasionally, though entirely accidentally, hit his sweet spot. His cock stood out stiffly beneath him, weeping from the overwhelming attention. Yet unable to cum. He wouldn't let himself cum again. He can't. It…would be…wrong.

Toga's pace grew merciless. She pushed his shoulders down so he couldn't keep himself up from the ground at all anymore without the help of his hands. Her thrust pushed him into the sticky metal of the dumpster over and over. His head was subject to the bludgeoning without being able to stop it. Hell- there was no stopping the rape, let alone his injuries. So, he endured. He had to. As his cock bobbed under him in sorrowful neglect- pitifully cumming once more when Toga slammed one last time into his prostate.

Drool leaked from the gap between his lips and the rubber toy. It tasted like mold and meaty saliva. He came with the taste of rotten dog teeth in his mouth and the smell of sickly sweet garbage beside him. As helpless as his days in middle school -quirkless and bound by a sadistic villain- blackness began to overtake his vision.

He never got to witness Toga's last climax. She drove the cock deep inside him, rolling it between her hips and thighs as she spasmed around the rubber. Blood ran in fragile lines from the man's raw, red hole. She watched them as she basked in her glow. Then ripped the piece out and licked him clean. If he were awake, he would definitely feel as her fangs melded back into her natural figure. They were revealed in the morning light as she smiled- the greatest sense of peace she would ever get to feel in this horrible world upon her.

She relaxed for a moment more, taking in the unconscious Hero between her legs. Then smirked.

"When I get you home, Dove, you better be awake. I want you to feel all of this," Toga 'WHAP's her dual-sided strap on his blushed ass cheek.

Or maybe she'd start anyway, and hope he'd wake up?