gang orca and deku

Izuku was on his way home from school, looking at a video of his father backhanding a thief on his phone, which sent him into a taxi. The civilians at the scene had to back up as his father had a reputation for being ruthless and very deadly in combat.

He exhaled exhaustedly, put his phone back in his pocket, and continued home. Once he got home, before he could unlock the door, the door slammed open, revealing his father naked. The 37-year-old man-orca stood in the tall doorframe looking down at his son, that was barely half his height.

Where in the past, he was lean and muscular, now, he had a big "Dad Bod" appearance. He had a big round belly with some muscle but not a lot; his arms were still muscular, if not flabby. His chest had large pecs the size of giant pumpkins that resembled breasts with large puffy nipples.

The lower part of his body was just packing; his balls were the size of watermelons, his cock was 16 inches long with a thickness of 4 inches, his legs were strong with plump thighs, and his ass was huge. It could be described as the most comfortable seat ever. His body was completely soaked in sweat, showing he was recently working out.

"Oh god, Dad, you're lucky that no one is around to see you like this!" Izuku looked away embarrassingly, shielding his eyes from his father's giant body.

Kuugo looked down and gave a booming laugh at his adorable son that caused his chest to bounce a bit, forcing him into his fat body and hugging him tight. From this height, Izuku's face would be just above his cock and hitting the underside of his belly.

He held him there for a minute before saying, "Oh, how I missed you. I'm sorry for not picking you up today. I had lots of paperwork and had to go shopping while hitting it off with some villains". He stopped hugging his son but kept his large hand clasped onto his shoulder and walked inside the hose closing the door behind him and locking the door.

Izuku walked to the kitchen, got a grape-flavored Qoo (a Japanese beverage owned by Coca-Cola) out from the fridge, and popped it open before asking his father, "Did you have to hit the guy that hard?".

Kuugo sighed as he knew Izuku would watch the video because he's a Hero fanboy. The hero walked over to his bench press, sat on the sweat-covered seat, grabbed his beer on the ground next to his feet, and took a swig before tossing it into the recycle can with high precision.

He looked back over at his son and smiled widely, showing his razor-sharp teeth and answering with, "He was a criminal. I took him out before he could harm anyone else. It doesn't matter what I did to stop him. What matters is the reward that comes with it".

Izuku accepted that and drank his Qoo before walking to his room.


There was no dinner that night, but Izuku did hear loud animalistic noises coming from his dad's room. Though curious, he decided to ignore it.

Izuku was about to head to bed after brushing his teeth when he heard his dad call for him, "Oh son, could you come into my room for something? I need your help." His father said in a sing-a-long tone. Izuku paused before shrugging, headed to his father's room, and pushed the door open until it revealed his father.

Kuugo was lying against the headboard on his bed, covered in a thick white substance, with his hands massaging his large man breasts and rubbing his nipples with his palm. His cock was full-mast, with the liquid leaking and covering his large balls. His legs were spread apart across the bed, and he looked towards his son with a smile.

He motioned for his son to come up to the bed beside him and spoke, "I would like to show you something your mother and I used to do before you were born, however before I tell you, you must promise you will never tell anyone, is that understood?".

Izuku nodded, unsure what his father would show him, "Get up on the bed and between your Daddy's legs for me."

Izuku spoke shyly, "But I just showered and brushed my teeth and am about to head to bed."

Kuugo smiled warmly, "You will be sleeping in here with me from now on, and we'll move your stuff in here tomorrow. I'm going to be making it into a special room for later on. Now get on".

Izuku sighed, nodding, and got up and went between his legs. He motioned to be closer and closer until his face was near the orca's massive cock. The man told his son what would happen, "This is something that only adults do, but for you and me, it's something special. This is called sex, and what you'll be doing is giving me a good cleaning." He motioned towards his body covered in goo.

Izuku spoke dumbly, "What is it that I'll be doing exactly? How am I going to clean you?".

Kuugo giggled, "You'll be licking up all of the white liquid, also called cum, and you'll take my cock and suck on it like a popsicle on a hot summer day. Now get to cleaning". Putting his clawed hand behind his son's head and forcing it to his cock.

Izuku, still unsure of himself, started licking anyway, going over the thighs and stomach and then moving onto his nether regions. Struggling due to the musk and sweat filling his nose, making him cringe along with the salty taste of the cum.

Then he moved onto the massive cock. When he went to grab it, it twitched at his touch; he caught it and started sucking it like a popsicle. The head of it was easy to clean, but it became increasingly difficult once he got lower and lower to the base.

Kuugo saw this and took his son's head and forced his head down onto his cock, making Izuku gag due to the cock lodged in his tiny throat. Izuku stopped licking and sucking and took his head off of his father's cock and saw that he was smiling.

"Good job! Now I'm all sparkly clean down there." Kuugo said with approval towards his son. Izuku was massaging his throat to help it from the aftermath of the orca's cock.

The adult then sat up against the headboard and patted the part of the bed next to him, beckoning him to sit next to him. Once Izuku got to the spot, his father wrapped his arm around him, making him snuggle against the whale's body.

Kuugo took the blankets, set them on top of him and his son, and told Izuku to sleep. He watched as his son shut his eyes and breathed in and out softly, synchronized with his heartbeat. The act made him smile and gain a small tear in his eye. He, too, went to sleep, keeping a tight hold on his son and setting him so that Izuku was lying on top of him with his face between his pecs. His body rumbled softly, his belly going up and down with each breath.

'Izuku will love what I'm going to do to him.' His final thought was before his mind shut off, just focusing on sleep.

Notes:To Be Continued!

Chapter 3: Beware of Overprotective and Kinky Orca DaddySummary:The morning after the "cleaning" session between Izuku and his father. Izuku wakes up to find that his father had started moving strange looking equipment into his old room. Kuugo sees him and gets kinky and decides to walk him to school, only to find that he is heavily bullied by his classmates and the school due to him being quirkless.

Notes:Little fun fact about Killer Whales: A male is called a bull, a female is a cow (oddly enough), and the young are calfs...huh interesting.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter TextMorning

Izuku woke up to find that he was alone in his Father's bed with all his stuff on one side of the room. He got out of bed, walked down the hall, and saw that his dad was setting up strange equipment in his old room. He saw a long black table with many tools, long black ropes, chains, a swing, and an odd crib. Kuugo wiped the sweat off his face from setting up the room. He looked to the side and saw his son peeking around the corner. He chuckled and left the room, closing the door behind him. He stood next to Izuku and ruffled his hair.

"What are you looking for Izuku-Baby?" Kuugo questions with a grin.

"I woke up and heard you were in here and thought to peek at what's in there."

"Hm, are you going to shower? In a few hours, you've got to get to school," Kuugo asked with a smirk.

Izuku gave the least intelligent answer to him with, "Huh, oh yeah...".

He watched Izuku enter the bathroom, and Kuugo walked in after him. Izuku looked back and saw that his Father decided to join him in the bathroom. He saw that he locked the door and walked over to the sink, looking at something on his face. Izuku started taking off his clothes, and once he was done, he opened the glass shower door only to have it shut on him by his Father. Izuku looked at him only to see that his clothes were also off him.

"I will be joining you. Is that okay with you, Izuku?" He asked his son while rubbing his belly with a toothy grin.

"Uh, sure, I don't mind." Izuku, however, answered innocently, as he had always shared spaces with his Father.

Kuugo opened the door to the shower and turned the knob so that it would run with hot water. Izuku went in first, and then his Father joined after. For Izuku, the shower was large with glass walls on two sides, while the actual walls were made of polished marble. Even though it was large, It was pretty small for his Father. If he didn't have his prominent attributes taking up much space, it would also be ideal for him. Izuku grabbed some soap from the rack, washed himself down, and saw that his Father was doing the same. He saw his Father's belly bounce and jiggle from each wash over by his hands. He pinched, groped, and pushed his large breast-like pecs together. He rubbed his heavy balls and stroked his cock with his soap, and bent low, washing his legs. To him, this was a surreal experience seeing his Father clean himself like this. He wondered if he always did it like this.

"Izuku-baby, could you wash my big fat juicy ass for me? I can't seem to reach behind me. Could you do it for Daddy, please?" 

Izuku looked and saw his large ass and saw how shiny it was and thought it looked like two giant black balloons pushed together. He didn't answer and just started washing it. He poured a lot of shampoo into his hand and watched his Father's big fat ass jiggling from his tiny hands roaming around it. He found it difficult to clean between the cheeks since they were so plump and heavy. He managed to wash it all, but his Father clenched them together before he could take his hand out from between the ass cheeks. Izuku looked up at his Father, looking back at him angrily.

"Uh... I finished." Izuku said weakly, trying to pry his hand from his Father's ass.

"You are not finished till I tell you you're finished. You forgot to clean my insides." Kuugo pulled his cheeks apart, letting Izuku's hand go to see his Father's anus. To him, it looked like a giant donut covered in pink frosting with a small hole in the middle.

Izuku looked up at his Father with a sick expression on his face. He told him, nearly screaming, "I'm not going to wash you in there. That's just sick!".

Kuugo's eyes narrowed, and he growled at his son, raising his voice against him since he'd never done it before. Before Izuku knew it, his body was stuck against the marble wall, his head entirely covered by his Father's large ass pressing him against the wall with no means of escape. Izuku started suffocating from the lack of oxygen and struggled to get his Father off, but he got tired and stopped. Kuugo kept him there for about 2 minutes until he removed himself from Izuku, allowing him to pry himself from the wall. Before Izuku could speak about why his Father did that, Kuugo slammed him against the marble wall with his hand and kept him there.

"You have no right speaking to me that way. I am your Father, and what I say goes. In this house, my word is the law. If you don't do as I say or if you speak to me in that tone. You. Will. Be. Punished. Is that clear?" The Pro Hero said with promises of pain and humiliation in his voice. Izuku just nodded shakily, with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Good, we're on the same page then. Get dressed. I'm walking you to school." The shower turned off at this, and they dressed in the main bedroom. Izuku put on his uniform while his Father put on his latex black leotard that tightened around his big body with his hero suit over it. Kuugo caught his son catching a glimpse of his body and smiled, thinking that his son felt that he was hot. They ate breakfast together and walked outside the house with the Pro Hero locking it behind him and stashing the key under the doormat.

Once they got onto the main street to the school, dozens of people spotted and surrounded them, asking for autographs. The infamous Orca, of course, couldn't pass up the opportunity to provide for his fans. None stood out until a girl with a quirk that gave her scales ran to him with a magazine.

"Omg, omg, omg! You're Gang Orca, could you sign my magazine?!"

Kuugo and Izuku didn't think much of it until they saw the magazine cover. The magazine showed the Orca in a black latex one-piece swimsuit on a beach facing the ocean. His arms stretched over his head, and he held ice cream in both hands. He was looking back at the cameraman with his famous crazed smile and sharp teeth. The swimsuit was two sizes too small, and his body practically strained the fabric. His large, juicy ass took up most of his Father's body on the front cover. On his ass was a message that read Juicy Daddy, and the magazine title read Sexiest Pro Heroes and Heroines. Edition #2 DILFs. (Gang Orca page 72-75) Izuku saw something in the background that interested him. It was himself blurred in the background. He looked up to his Father to see him blushing up a storm.

"Hey, Daddy? Is that why it took you so long to get the ice cream at Zushi Beach?" Izuku asked, already knowing the answer to his question.

"Oh yeah, I remember doing that. That was such a nice day Hahahahahaha!" His Father laughed awkwardly but signed the girl's magazine anyway. She walked away giddily, giggling as she clutched her magazine, not wanting to let go.


They continued and got to the school grounds with Katsuki Bakugo and his goons at the front steps, waiting for the doors to be opened by the staff. Kuugo hugged his son and told him to study hard and have a nice day. They went their separate ways, and as the Orca went around the corner, he stopped and heard his son getting harassed and bullied by students. He swiftly returned to the school and briskly approached the boys beaten up by his son. He grabbed Katsuki's arm before he could deal another blow to his son on the ground with tears in his eyes. Bakugo looked to see who thought it was a good idea to stand up to him, only to raise an eyebrow.

"Who are you?" He asked, not knowing who he was addressing.

"I am Kuugo Sakamata, but you know me as the Killer Whale Hero: Gang Orca."

"So Izuku's Father is a Pro Hero while he is quirkless. Wow, and I thought he was enough of a freak before already." Katsuki thought that the hero would agree with him on the quirklessness of Izuku. But that thought disappeared when Kuugo squeezed his arm, threw him onto a grassy part of the school grounds, walked up to him, and spoke threateningly.

"I may be a Pro Hero, but I'm also a father first and foremost. I will not hesitate to distance you from my son permanently. Is that clear?" Kuugo said, his ruby red eyes narrowing at the heated, ashen blond-haired kid.

Bakugo just nodded and ran back to his goons, who entered the school as soon as the doors opened. Kuugo returned to his son and put all his schoolwork and items back in his backpack. He helped him up, wiped away the tears with his large, rubbery hands, and once more hugged his son, telling him not to be afraid to talk to him about issues he's having in school. He let go and watched as his son walked off into the building, giving a wave. Once Izuku was out of sight, he left the school grounds and went to his hero agency.

Notes:When I mentioned "Infamous Orca" I meant that his bad quality of being extremely ruthless to both villains and criminals just stealing someone's purse.

You guys may have noticed that Kuugo tends to lock things a lot. This is because he is afraid of being caught in the act of being intimate with his son who is underage.

To Be Continued!

Chapter 4: Punishment and A New Chapter In LifeSummary:After getting into an argument with his dad, Izuku's life just became even more less normal due to him and his fathers very sexual sessions after work and school. He gets a taste of what part of his life will now entail.

Notes:I apologize for the long ass wait, I have no excuse. :(


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter TextAldera Elementary

The bell rang at Musutafu Elementary School, signaling to the students that the day was over and they could now go home. Izuku returned his notes from today's lesson to his backpack and watched as Katsuki Bakugo and his goons shuffled out the door. Izuku waited until he was the last one in the room and went to the door. Once he left the building, he saw his father surrounded by students giving autographs and taking photos alongside them. He saw his son in the background walking towards and finished up a signature before clearing a path through the students of his son's school.

"Hey baby, how was school~?" Kuugo smiles at his son, giving him an eye smile with a tilt of his head and large arms across his chest.

Before Izuku could answer, they both heard giggling a few meters away and found Katsuki Bakugo and his goons laughing up a storm.

"Hahahahahahaha *Inhale* hahahahaha! Your Pro Hero of a father calls you 'baby'? Oh, that's rich. Do you wet the bed in diapers still? Hahahaha" Izuku found himself unable to answer and shrunk his head further into the collar of his uniform with a blush across his face. His father didn't react; he had just started thinking of new things to try out on his son. They were very kinky and NSFW thoughts on what to do with his son next. But before he can do these things he momentarily planned, he would need to go shopping. Kuugo calmly walks towards Bakugo and his group of goons and looms over them, locking the sun and covering them in his large shadow.

"Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't. Is there a problem with that? Children in your age range constantly have mental and physical problems with them. But I digress. It isn't your business how I treat my son anyway." He says with finality and begins walking away, guiding his son to walk with him off the school grounds. Bakugo seethes at this being shown up and leaves his goons behind to head home.

Musutafu Shopping District

With Izuku and Kuugo walking down the street, they are stopped a few times by people wanting to pose and take photos of the Orca Hero. Kuugo was ok with it the first few times, but as more people wanted to speak with him, he saw that his son was becoming discouraged and trying to make himself as small as possible. He just got angrier when he saw someone run into Izuku, causing him to stumble on the ground, This guy wanted his autograph, but he didn't have it. Kuugo knelt to Izuku and put his large hand on his son's small shoulder.

"Baby, are you alright?" He asked Izuku with fatherly concern in his ruby-red eyes.

Izuku, annoyed over his dad's constant worrying, yelled, "Dad, stop calling me that! It's extremely embarrassing. You don't need to coddle me whenever we go out in public. You can be like that with me all you want when we're at home, but when we are in public, you treat me like a fragile doll that needs constant protection! I may be Quirkless, but I'm not weak and worthless like you, and everyone else thinks I am." Izuku barked to his father.

Kuugo looked over his shoulder to see the civilians on the street stop what their doing and look toward the family of two. He heard them whisper how they didn't know he had a son and how Izuku is a disappointment to the hero seeing as he is Quirkless, thus a freak in society's eyes.

"Heh, Izuku, you're making a scene right now." The pro hero said, frowning cautiously, daring his son to take it further.

"What, you think I'm causing a scene? Every time we go somewhere, you are the one causing a scene with me at the center of it. Last month, you smashed some drunk guy's head into a table for trying to make out with me. One week ago, you argued with the convenience store clerk over not having your favorite alcohol in stock. Yesterday you stood out in the open naked in front of the house, with no one watching, thankfully. And now, today, you threatened Katsuki in front of my school so now everyone wouldn't stop talking about it. Right now, here you are, getting out of your fans' way only to embarrass me more by bringing the center of attention to me again. So really, it's not me causing the scene. It's YOU!"

Kuugo began growling with some people backing up, giving the two more space, "Izuku, you are treading on dangerous ground. You better stop while your ahead."

"Or what? You won't do anything in public unless it's not me you're dealing with. With how you've been acting since she died, she would be disappointed in you with what you had me do last night and this morning." Before Izuku could say anything more, he felt a quick sharp sting on his cheek and fell back into the ground. Before he could process what happened, he was hefted onto his dad's shoulder.

Kuugo looked around at the crowd surrounding the two, their faces displaying shock at what transpired just now, "All of you go about your business."

When no one moved, he stomped his foot into the ground, making a boot imprint and causing the ground to shake a bit, "NOW!" He said with finality watching as the crowd dispersed quickly, with everyone moving swiftly. He then started walking home with his son on his shoulder, holding his cheek, moaning a bit at the pain with tears leaking out his eyes. He didn't feel any less ashamed at publicly punishing his son, but he had it coming if he didn't shut his mouth.

Sakamata Household

Kuugo unlocked the door and swiftly closed the door behind him with his foot and locking the door. He swiftly went through the house towards Izuku's old room and dropped Izuku onto the ground, back first.

"Stay In here. I'll be back in a few minutes." With this, Izuku's dad walked out of the room and locked the door leaving his son locked away in his old room.

Izuku looked away from the door to see his old room for the first time. He saw an assortment of multi-colored tools and objects hung on a wall, the black-painted crib he saw this morning, and various other furniture he was unfamiliar with. The green-haired boy walked to his closet in curiosity and opened it with slight hesitation if it was anything terrible going by his dad's feelings towards him recently. He found various outfits made from different materials and colors. He looked through the assortment of costumes and took one out of the closet. He hung it in front of him and started blushing at the outfit. It was a black and white frilly outfit with a skirt that seemed to have a diaper sewn. He turned the girly-looking dress around and found some writing on the bottom of the diaper that disturbed him. The bold white kanji surrounded by black material read, "'シャチ痴女' Shachi Chijo (Orca Slut).


(This but with the words)

"Ah, I see you found an adorable outfit for yourself."

Izuku practically jumped out of his skin, for he didn't hear his father come in and dropped the embarrassing outfit on the mahogany wood floor that occupied his former room. Izuku looked towards his father to see him wearing his (two sizes too small) black latex leotard while having an enormous hard-on pointed upwards his body showing a visible outline of his 16-inch long cock and watermelon-sized balls bulging through the fabric. He blushed at the sight before him as his father took two steps towards him, picked up the outfit he dropped on the floor, and grinned menacingly at him.

"Take off all of your clothes and put this on. Now." Kuugo told his son, who glanced at the outfit uncertainly and shook his head nervously.

The pro hero has had it with his son's unwillingness and disobedience toward him. He took his unoccupied hand, lifted his son by his collar, and growled as he tried getting out of his hold. After about a minute of struggling, Izuku gave up trying to get his dad to drop him, so he hung like a shirt out to dry in the sun. Kuugo, satisfied with his son giving up his pointless struggle, smirked, dropped his son from the added height, and watched him land on his bottom.

"Do I have to wear that outfit? Is this my punishment for everything that I did today?" He looked up at his father with tear-stricken eyes and watched as he turned out of the room before looking back over his shoulder.

Kuugo said with a tone full of authority, showing he was not messing around now, "Put that on and come to the living room, then we'll talk."

He watched as his father closed the door behind him, hesitantly taking off all his clothing, and started putting on the black and white outfit. He noticed the costume was extremely snug, with the blouse portion just feeling like a silky shirt. The diaper portion, however, practically strangled his nether regions as it was either the diaper was small or it was just thick and poofy. Once he finished putting it on, he saw himself wearing the outfit in the mirror. He found himself rubbing the diaper, giving it a feel and found it was very snug and comfortable to wear. Not wanting to keep his father waiting any longer, he walked out of the room and walked towards the living room to find his dad watching some Nippon Professional Baseball on the 90" flat screen television with an opened bottle of beer in his hand with a pack of it on the coffee table.

The man-orca took a swig of his beer and looked over his shoulder to see his adorable and fuckable son. He motioned with his finger to come over and be with him on the couch. Once Izuku reached the sofa, Kuugo patted his lap signally to sit on his lap. As he went onto his father's lap, he unknowingly laid his hand on his dad's latex-covered balls and fondled and caressed them, causing a moan to escape his father's mouth. Izuku faced the television with his head leaning against his father's belly and sitting on his large balls. Kuugo saw that his son stopped moving and started gazing at the baseball game on the television. He gave a long sigh and caressed his son's hair, giving it some curls by twirling his finger around it.

"I am not happy with how rude and disobedient you have been towards me recently, and quite frankly it saddens me to think that you won't let me comfort you and be protective of you no matter where we are. I can seem tense and overbearing, but I don't want you to go just like your mother. I've been trying to give you the love and attention you deserve, but I have not been doing enough. I am a pro hero tasked with protecting the citizens of Japan, but I am also your father, first and foremost. No matter what, you are my number one priority, and that is staying that way until I am gone from this world, and we meet again in the next." He felt his son tremble in his lap, knowing what would be discussed next.

"Now you're punishment for today and tomorrow since there is no school on Saturday. You will wear that outfit the entire time—cooking, cleaning, sleeping, showering, bathing, anything and everything that goes on at home. If I catch you removing it, you'll be punished even further—the only time you are allowed to remove it is if you need to go to the bathroom. I also have a list of chores for you to do while I'm at work tomorrow, and you will finish all of it. Is that clear?"

Izuku nodded and softly said, "I'm sorry for disobeying and embarrassing you in public, Daddy. It won't happen again."

"It's ok, just don't do it again, I'll try to be less overbearing, but I can't promise I won't be."

Before either could say anything, the doorbell rang, "Ah, that should be the pizza delivery guy. I also forgot, if anyone is at the door, you are to answer it with the door wide open." At this, Izuku whipped his head from his dad to the door and back.

Izuku watched his father pull some yen from his large wallet and hand it to him.

"Well, go ahead and pay the nice man for his service and show him your cute outfit." Kuugo grinned playfully, which caused Izuku's face to morph into shock, with a blush covering his entire face. Izuku nervously took the money and walked to the door hoping the delivery guy ignored his outfit. He opened the front door to the house, and his heart was racing as if he was running across from one end of Tokyo to the other. The guy appeared to have white hair with purple highlights in it.

"Hello, is this the Sakamata household, sir?" The delivery guy looked up from his GPS on his phone to look at Izuku. He was trying to hold a laugh but was failing at it.

"Ok, look, just take the money, ok? This is embarrassing enough as it is." The guy pocketed the money quickly before snapping a picture of Izuku with his phone.

"Have a nice day, kid!" He said as he handed the pizzas to Izuku and walked off the property laughing all the way.

Izuku blushed even harder, walked back inside the house, and closed the door behind him. Hopefully, the guy won't post that on social media. There was no way he could be that cruel.

Oh, how he was. 

Notes:To be continued!

Chapter 5: Sakamatas Go On VacationSummary:Thanks to the social media post of Izuku wearing that embarrassing outfit, he's been bullied and teased more often. After a heated mating session between the two, Izuku thinks the both of them can go on vacation for awhile. His father agrees to this and they head to Hokkaido where they unexpectedly meet up with another father-son duo at the hot springs.

Notes:Back with more kinkiness between the killer whale hero and his absolute dork of a son.

All art and characters belong to respective owners


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter TextSakamata Household   

It's been a month since that embarrassing post of Izuku wearing his frilled diaper outfit by the delivery guy. He's been bullied and teased more than usual, and it's been getting on his nerves more than it should. No matter where Izuku and Kuugo would go, someone would mention the post around them, and his father wouldn't do anything about it. The orca sees it as reasonable that Izuku was forced to show off the outfit he got for him. It was a perfect way to break his son's disobedience towards him and mold him into what the orca wanted him to be. Wearing that outfit as punishment made Izuku not want to talk back to his father. It terrified him of what else he had in store for him. As the weeks passed, Kuugo would do all sorts of kinky and fucked up things to Izuku.

Right now, in the Sakamata Household, Izuku was taking his father's giant cock up his ass. They spent a great deal of time in this position, and the more they did it, the more Izuku's body adapted to the constant usage by his father. Izuku currently had a feminine figure to him with a sizeable bubble butt and thick thighs. The more Izuku rode his father, the easier it became to take his big meat. Kuugo was pleased that his son was becoming more comfortable with his advances but still wanted at least some resistance, which he got.

"Daddy, can we please stop? I don't know if my ass can take anymore today." Izuku struggled to say as his father kept ramming his meat in and out of his son.

"Baby, you know the rules. We can not stop until I fill your body with my seed, and I'm no longer hard." Kuugo said as he picked up the pace of impaling his son with his massive 16-inch long cock. His full watermelon-sized balls smacked roughly against his son, making the pro hero shiver with pleasure.

"I know the rules, Daddy, but you've been ramming me for over an hour, and I'm sore all over!" Izuku said as tears leaked out of his eyes due to the abuse his ass was taking. He knew that to stay on his father's good side. He had to do as he said when they were mating. However, when Kuugo had his way with him, he could sometimes go overboard.

"Don't worry, Baby. I feel I'm close; you gotta hold on some more!" The orca said as he felt his cock was about to burst like a pressure hose.

"Daddy, you know I won't be able to walk after this load! I really can't-!" Izuku yelped as he felt the massive cock inside him burst a gallon of hot sticky cum into his stomach. He hated having his father's seed fill his stomach.

Kuugo felt a massive release and waited until he thought he was empty of his seed and carefully took his cock out of his son. In doing this, some cum leaked from Izuku's ass and spilled onto the bed. He watched as his son struggled to get up on his feet but failed miserably. Izuku watched as his father got up from the bed and walked into the Pleasure Room (Izuku's old room) to get a new outfit for Izuku. He returned momentarily and told Izuku to roll onto his back, which he did.

The orca giggled, pleased with his son, "You know Izuku, even if you don't have a quirk, you certainly gained my durable body."

"Ok, baby, I want you to close your eye's so that the outfit is a surprise~..." Kuugo said gently as Izuku closed his eyes in preparation for what he would wear for the rest of his weekend.

At first, it didn't seem so bad because he felt long, smooth socks go over his legs. But then it started going downhill from there. He felt his father put a thick diaper on him and a buckle across his stomach. He didn't like where this was going as straps attached from the belt to the socks. Izuku then felt long gloves cover his hands and arms just below the shoulder. Kuugo grabbed one of his hands and pulled him to his feet off the bed. Izuku stumbled a bit but gained his footing eventually. Izuku was told to open his eyes, which he did, and saw himself wearing a thick black diaper with faux leather thigh-high socks and arm gloves. Izuku gained a blush at this and was about to say something until his father showed him his outfit, which caused his face to go full blush. A few minutes later, after putting on the outfit, Izuku saw that he was now wearing his frilly diaper suit with the words "Orca Slut" on the bottom. Izuku wearing two separate diapers made the outfit look thicker and caused his legs to spread out even more. Kuugo looked down at his son with approval at making him look cuter and led him out of the room into the dining room.

"Izuku, take a seat at the table. You earned it for pleasing your Daddy once again." Kuugo ordered as Izuku sat at the table while he put on an apron that read, "シェフにキスする" Shefu Ni Kisu Suru (Kiss the chef) across the belly. His large breast-like pecs pushed against the apron and the attached strings. The apron was tightened to his body as the apron was small and didn't even cover his body. The best it did was cover under his pecs and reach to the bottom of his belly, which left his cock bare.

"How do you feel about Macaroni with some hot dog slices?" Kuugo asks his son as he kneels on the ground looking through the bottom of the pantry.

Izuku heard his question and said, "Sounds good to me. Izuku continued to watch videos on his phone, occasionally wiggling in his seat to be more comfortable.

The orca finished making the pasta soft and tender and got to the mixing stage by mixing in the butter and sour cream (This makes it taste better). Unfortunately, he opened the fridge to see that there was no milk left and thought about skipping that and going straight to the cut-up sausages. Before he did this, though, he adjusted the strappings to his apron that strained against his pecs. In doing this, though, Kuugo noticed as the tension was released, he started lactating from his full breast-like pecs. Curious, he swiped and tasted a bit of his breastmilk with his finger. To him, it tasted way better than the milk you get at the store and was warm, which made it all the better. Looking back, he saw Izuku not paying attention to what he was doing, which made him grin. He removed his apron and squeezed his breast, causing warm breastmilk to burst out of his nipple into the pasta. Seeing that he had had enough, he mixed in what he needed to be left along with the cut-up sausages he cooked and went to the table with bowls filled for him and his son. Afterward, he got a glass from the fridge and returned to the table with him, sitting in his seat and setting the mirror next to Izuku.

Izuku was about to start eating but was stopped by his father, "Baby, what do you say before eating?".

Izuku looked sheepish for forgetting his manners at the table and putting his hands together as his father did. Together the both of them said, "Itadakimasu!". With this, they started eating in uncomfortable silence.

The child asked his father, "Hey, Daddy, do you think we can go somewhere for vacation?".

Kuugo looked up from his meal towards Izuku and asked, "Vacation? What brought this on?".

Izuku looked outside the window that showed the colorful lights of the city at night and looked back at his father, "I want to get away from the hate and bullying for a while. Ever since that delivery guy posted that photo of me online, I've been teased and bullied more so than usual".

Kuugo laid his head against his arm, propped up on the table, "Where would you want to go to?".

Izuku produced a pose reminiscent of Le Penseur's The Thinker, "I was thinking somewhere quiet, maybe take a week-long trip to Hokkaido?".

Kuugo closed his eyes, thinking, "I suppose we can leave tomorrow. Of course, I'll have to contact your school and tell my agency that we'll be gone a week, but I guess we can take a trip".

As Izuku is eating, he notices that his father is staring at him expectantly and reaches to drink from his glass but sees that it's empty, "Uh, Daddy, my glass hasn't even been filled."

Kuugo saw this, feigning ignorance, "Oh, I apologize. That drink was meant for me."

He reached over to the glass and brought it to his right pec. Izuku looked on, curious as to what his father was doing. Before he could say something, the unexpected happened. Kuugo squeezed his pec, and the glass started filling with warm milk straight from the tap. He then started drinking his milk from his glass and finished it in one gulp.

Izuku, in wonder and amazement, asked, "Just how long have you been able to do that? I thought only girls can do that". He knew that health class couldn't be wrong. There was just no way that his father could lactate despite being a male.

Kuugo giggled as he stood up from his seat and lifted Izuku's padded form, and held him in his arms, "I have no idea how it happened either. This just now happened for me when I realized we had no milk for the pasta". At this, Izuku stared at his now empty bowl of pasta and now realized that his father's milk was mixed in with it.

Izuku looked up to his father in wonder, "Hey, how are we gonna get to Hokkaido? Taking the Shinkansen will still take us at least 12 hours or more, depending on how many stops we take".

The pro hero gave a booming laugh at his son's sharp mind, "Why, we are going to take my private jet." At this, Izuku gained a quizzical look as he didn't know that his father had a personal jet.

  Flight to Hokkaido   

Both father and son were relaxing en route to Sapporo Okadama Airport in Sapporo, Hokkaido prefecture in Japan. They were flying in a black, stealth-looking jet called the Manta. Its name came from the fact that it's shaped like one and can fly underwater if needed. It had a sizeable plexan glass window in the mouth of the jet where two captain chairs sat side-by-side. Izuku was currently reading some manga in his seat while his father had a shrimp cocktail with a mimosa. The flight was only about 2-3 hours, compared to the Shinkansen, which would've taken half a day due to the number of stops.

(Yes, that's Syndrome's jet from  The Incredibles ).

The pilot, an A.I. specifically created to control the entire aircraft, spoke on the intercom, "Attention passengers! We'll be arriving at our destination in approximately 5 minutes. Please buckle up for the next few minutes as it's going to be a bumpy ride".

As the pilot says this, Izuku and his father are strapped in. Izuku puts his manga back in his backpack while Kuugo keeps his cocktail and mimosa steady amidst the bumpy turbulence. The jet twists and turns around the island's mountains and flies over a ski resort, and they come upon the city of Sapporo.

"It is 1:30 PM, and the weather is currently 65°F (18.3°C) with light clouds and sun for the next 6 hours." The pilot announces as both father and son look out the large window of the jet to see the bustling city down below.

The air control tower at Sapporo Okadama Airport permitted them to land, so they did. The jet was pulled to a hangar, and the pair went down the stairs parked next to the aircraft. They reached the bus depot and hitched a ride in a large taxi, and Kuugo told the driver to take them to  Mercure Hotel Sapporo. The drive through the city was pleasant. They rode past large shopping markets and passed many Pro Heroes walking along the streets. They made it to their hotel room and unpacked all of their stuff to rest for a bit. Later after a rest, they realized it was nighttime and decided to get some dinner in one of the restaurants part of the hotel. After a delightful meal between the two, with some people coming by to greet Gang Orca in their city, they took another taxi to head to the hot springs.

Random Hot Spring Near Sapporo 

The father and son duo made their way into the hot spring, where they were greeted by the front desk lady that had four arms.

"Hello, hello! Welcome to Random Hot Spring Near Sapporo! How may I help you two tonight?"

Izuku thought, 'What kind of name for a business is that?'

His father approached the desk, "My son and I are looking to relax for a bit, and we're looking for a hot spring to spend some time in."

The lady nodded and looked at her computer, "I can certainly help you two. We're pretty empty tonight, so it's nice to see another Pro Hero without the paparazzi here".

The elder Sakamata looked on, wondering who the other pro hero was that came to the same hot spring they did. He paid the amount for him and his son to spend about 2 hours in the spring. They went to the changing rooms, put their stuff in an empty locker, and locked it for later. They took their towels and went to the hot spring, where they got a blast of hot air and steam as they slid open the door.

(Imagine this, but it's more steamy for low visibility and some amount of privacy, it's nighttime, and there's no snow)

Izuku went into the spring first and to the far edge, huddling up against some rocks. He was relaxed until he saw his father take off his robe and approach him, swinging his hips, trying to be seductive to arouse Izuku. Izuku tried covering his blush by sinking his head into the hot steamy water, but it didn't help. Kuugo set himself next to Izuku and put his son's body against his. The boy's head was pressed against his father's pecs with his large rubbery arm against his body, keeping him in that position. Before either of them could start a conversation, they were interrupted by the sliding door opening to reveal the other pro hero and his son.

"Let this be a lesson, boy. Always go for the biggest spring when going to these places. The size shows that we are above those in the smaller springs, do you understand?" The older man spoke, and the steam cleared a bit to reveal him to be the pro hero, Endeavor

The boy next to him just nodded his head, and he seemed to have white and red-colored hair with his father's striking blue eyes.

"Father, there are already people in this one. They have their robes hung up here." The boy said as he followed his father into the spring.

Endeavor looked on through the steam to see Gang Orca"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise, Sakamata? What are you doing here?"

Kuugo looked up from his son to see his fellow pro hero, "I can say the same to you, Todoroki, but it's probably the same as my son and I. We are on vacation, and am I correct in assuming you are too?".

Both Todorokis took a spot across from the Sakamatas, and they lay there just staring at the other family and right back at them.

Enji Todoroki looked over to the huddled-up child next to the orca, "So, Kuugo, who's the boy next to you?".

Kuugo smiled at his fellow pro hero and said, " This is my ever so adorable son, Izuku Midoriya." With this, Izuku raised his hand to the two as a sign of greeting, and Shouto did the same.

Enji looked unimpressed, "So, what's his quirk? Attraction to small objects like his mother or you're strength and durability?".

The orca smiled a bit, "Izuku here doesn't have a quirk, but from what I learned, his body is quite durable." As he said the last word, Izuku looked up to see his father giving him a wink.

"Well, I see you brought one of your children here. Shouto, was it?" The orca questioned as the boy in question nodded his head.

The elder Sakamata saw that the boy had fantastic potential, but something stopped him: "Enji, your son has two Quirks, doesn't he?".

"That's correct. He gets his ice from his mother and the fire from me." Izuku's eyebrows rose at the mention of someone having two opposite quirks.

Izuku spoke in front of the two for the first time, "What, how is it possible that he has two quirks? According to recent studies on genetics and Quirks, that shouldn't be possible. There hasn't been anyone ever that's gained two Quirks in the history of Quirks. How does that work? Do you turn one on and off like a switch and go back and forth, mutter, mutter, mutter, Quirks? Mutter, mutter, mutter..."

Izuku's nerding out over Shouto's quirk caused him to go on a very long rant making the other child and the two adults gain a sweat drop upon their heads (Seems impossible thanks to them being in a hot spring already but fuck it, it's anime). Kuugo knew to wait it out, as when he stopped Izuku one time from his rant, he became highly apologetic and upset because people hate it when he mutters a lot. The other two stared at the quirkless boy as he didn't stop to take a breath and looked at each other and spoke as if they had connected their minds.