gang orca and deku 2

Musutafu Elementary


"All right, remember, class. Don't forget these chapters on Feudal Japan. We will be doing a test on it tomorrow." The lone teacher in the classroom stated before all of the students dismissed themselves and got up out of their seats to leave with their school supplies in their bags. Everyone seemed already out the door, but Izuku stayed behind a bit so that he didn't bump into anyone he had no desire to. He looked at his Hero Analysis for the Future NO.9 notes and put his pencil between one of the pages to find where he had left off. Izuku saw that the teacher had left the classroom, so he went to the door himself.

Izuku walked down the hall, clutching his notebook against his chest to keep it in his firm hold. He passed by a bunch of bullies picking on another Quirkless student, but they stopped when they fixed their gaze on him. They started making fun of Izuku, mainly the insults about what his Daddy does to him and how Izuku is the biggest reject in school.

Izuku exited the building expecting to see his Daddy again, gaining the attention of students and teachers alike but across the courtyard was a heroine. This heroine looked relatively young but still older than him and didn't look like any of the heroes in his multiple notebooks. She had light skin with long blond hair reaching her lower back. Her body was curvy with a reasonably large bust for her age, long legs, and wide hips accompanying a round ass. Granted, Izuku couldn't see her ass, but after spending enough time with his Daddy checking out both male and female pornstars online, he learned to see what someone's body had without seeing from behind or in front. Her outfit consisted of a purple and pale tan-colored skin-tight bodysuit with purple gloves and orange trim around the torso, legs, and gloves. She also wore a domino mask with large horns attached to it.

Izuku walked closer, wanting to meet a new pro-hero but stopped briefly as he read the large sign she held above her head. The sign read Izuku Sakamata on it. Izuku walked through the crowd of students walking home or just hanging about and went up to the heroine, looking for him.

"Hey, are any of you brats Izuku Sakamata?!" The heroine said, probably thinking he was supposed to have an orca body and head like his Daddy. Oh, how wrong she was.

Izuku finally found his way to her and spoke out timidly, "Um, I am Izuku Sakamata."

The hero looked down on him and answered, "Oh, that's what the big guy meant by 'my baby broccoli boy'..."

Izuku blushed wildly as the hero told the students around them what his Dad called him.

"Yeah, that's me. Who are you?" Izuku asked as he fished through his hero notebook to an empty page.

She saw this and asked, "Uh, kid? What are you doing?"

Before Izuku could answer, a student who bullied him said, "That Quirkless freak is a hero nerd."

"Oh! You're curious about me?" The heroine asks the broccoli boy, still blushing.

Izuku nodded. Unfortunately, the heroine shook her head, "Ok, let's make this quick. I'm Yuu Takeyama, also known as Mount Lady. My quirk is gigantification, meaning my body can grow nearly 68 feet tall. I'm also a third year at U.A. and interning at your Dad's agency."

Izuku's eyes shined with stars in amazement, "Wow, that is so cool! Can I have your autograph?"

"Sure. But after, I need to take you to your Dad. Never said why, though..." Mount Lady said as she grabbed the notebook and pen from Izuku's hand and signed the empty page, only to see that Izuku had just started sketching her look.

'Oh, My God! This nerd is so adorable!' Mount Lady stated in her thoughts as she returned the signed notebook to Izuku.

The heroine waved her hands back at the students having them realize she was asking them to back up and give her some room. Izuku watched as her body grew steadily up to 68 feet tall.

"Wow!" All the students and Izuku said as they gazed at the hero that had just become Godzilla-sized.

"Ok, kid, enough nerding out. Climb on." The giant of a lady said as she knelt her body down and laid her palm open on the ground so that Izuku could climb up. So, Izuku climbed into her palm, and Mount Lady stood up and started taking giant-sized strides to Gang Orca's agency.

Gang Orca Hero Agency

For Izuku and Mount Lady, It took just two minutes to get to his Daddy's agency, compared to his usual time of 20 minutes walking by himself on some days. Mount Lady laid Izuku back on the ground first before shrinking herself to her standard height of 5'4".

The two walked through the agency's entrance and entered the building. As they walked by, Izuku saw dozens of other heroes interning for his Daddy and many people wearing matching black skin-tight outfits with large gun-looking gadgets on their arms. The two reached the elevator and went up to Gang Orca's office. The elevator stopped at the top floor, and the two approached the door leading to Gang Orca's office.

Mount Lady stopped at the door and pressed the intercom button, "Mr. Gang Orca, It's me, Mount Lady. I brought your Son Izuku as asked."

It took a second for the message to come through, but she eventually got an answer from the other side, "Good, good, thank you for bringing my Son here. Send him in, and you can go home for the day."

"Got it, Boss." Mount Lady opened the door and ushered Izuku through the door, only to stop at Izuku's voice.

"It's been nice meeting you, Mount Lady!" Izuku said with a slight smile on his face.

Mount Lady smiled and giggled, "Yeah, you too, kid." At this, Mount Lady closed the door leaving Izuku with his Daddy. Izuku walked over to his Daddy's desk to see that he was typing away at his work computer while occasionally glancing at his paperwork.

The green-haired boy stopped at the desk and said, "Hey, Daddy, you wanted to see me for something?" Izuku felt he already knew what his Daddy wanted of him but still asked anyway.

The large DILF of an orca stopped working at his desk and smiled as he stood up and walked around his desk to Izuku. He knelt to his Son, grabbed his face with his large, rubbery black hand, and kissed his Son on the lips. Izuku leaned into the kiss, as his Daddy rarely goes soft on him, not full-blown over-the-table, raw anal sex. His Daddy's orca lips were always plump and smooth as before his Daddy started fucking him. The orca would always kiss him right on the lips as his way of showing affection at home, even slipping his long, meaty tongue stuffed into his mouth, down his throat.

Of which is what his Daddy was doing to him right now. Izuku leaned into his Daddy's touch, pressing his short and skinny body into the orca's much taller and fatter body. Izuku started gagging on the massive tongue as it cut off his air circulation and stretched the walls of his throat, bulging from its sheer size. His tongue came in as slow as it came out. Kuugo unhanded his Son as he started coughing, trying to get air back into his lungs as his mouth dripped his Daddy's saliva.

Izuku looked up at his father only to see that he was giving him his signature orca smile with red eyes and sharp teeth predatory teeth shining in the light of the room. He grasped the straps of Izuku's backpack and set it off to the side of his desk.

He walked back over to his Son and laid his large hand on his shoulder as Izuku still tried to breathe air in, "Slow down, Izuku. In, out, in, out, in, out..."

Izuku slowed his desperate attempt at breathing in all the air he could get and followed his Daddy's breathing pace. Izuku finally got his breath back and felt his Daddy ruffle his hair.

"So... What did you want, Daddy?" Izuku asked as he saw the orca slowly undressing in his office.

Izuku looked around the room, a bit nervous, only to hear his Daddy laugh, "There are no security cameras here. I explicitly told my technicians that I prefer my privacy when I see fit."

Kuugo removed his shoes and socks, putting them off to the side next to Izuku's bag. Next was his white suit, pink tie, and killer whale-like cape. He discarded them onto the ground, showing off his big belly and milky and full man breasts with his black nipples all hard and ready to be sucked on. Kuugo removed his pants and had no underwear underneath, so his massive 16-inch-long cock hung out flaccid with his full balls hanging from underneath. He turned around and leaned against his desk, leaving Izuku to gaze at his Daddy's large and plump bubble butt glistening with sweat, making it shine.

He turned his head to look back at Izuku, "I want you to undress and eat my ass while I work for the rest of the day until we head home." To emphasize this, Kuugo pulled apart his ass cheeks, showing his white donut hole that he called his anus, and gave a loud smack to his ass.

Izuku's blush went from 0 to 100 way too quickly, "Here? While you talk with others in the office or on your computer?! What about dinner?! Homework?!"

Kuugo looked bored right now, "In order: Yes. Yes, even when I'm talking to others. I will provide you with something later. When I'm no longer busy near the end of the shift, I'll help you with homework and head out. Satisfied?"

Izuku nodded, "Good, now shut the fuck up, undress, and eat my fucking ass!"

His Daddy walked around to his desk chair, moved it off to the side, and waited for Izuku to undress, so he did. He removed his school uniform, shoes, and underwear, neatly folded them, and put them somewhere no one would see them.

Izuku walked around the desk to where his Daddy's office chair should be, "Kneel right there and keep your body straight." He knelt on a pillow that his Daddy was generous to provide for his knees. As Izuku sat in his Daddy's desired position, he stood before his computer and squatted down as if he was about to sit in his chair. Izuku used his hands to guide his Daddy's gigantic ass and watched as the orca sat down on his face.

"Oh fuck, this feels quite nice. Having my baby boy pressed into my ass, about to eat me out for however long I want." Kuugo then started to feel a tongue lick around his ass, taking in his sweaty bottom, "Oh yes, make sure to get nice and deep in there!" Izuku did as commanded.

The orca returned to work by signing papers and typing documents on his computer with his boy eating him out. The sexual act continued for an hour until his desk phone went off, "Mr. Gang Orca, we have someone who wants to see you."

Kuugo pressed the button on the desk phone to respond, "Who is it?"

An answer returned, "It is All Might, sir."

'Shit, why him of all people!?' Was all the killer-whale hero thought before he came up with a response, "All Might? Alright, send him up." He stopped his message and looked down at his belly to see his massive length was hard. He stood up abruptly, grabbed Izuku's arm, and forcefully pulled him under his desk, with Izuku giving out a small yelp. He returned his office chair, sat in it, and returned to his desk.

The orca grabbed his girth with one hand and spoke to Izuku, who was under his desk, hidden away from everyone except himself, "Izuku, get between my legs and start getting that mouth of yours down; onto my cock." Izuku nodded, got between his Daddy's thick thighs, took his meat into his mouth, and moved back and forth and down his throat to the base of the thick meat. Izuku kept on going even after tasting a bit of precum coming (heh.) down his tongue.

'Oh Shit, I'm getting close!' "Izuku, I want you to drink all that cum and be silent. All Might is coming up." Izuku's eyes bulged, and he nearly took the cock out of his mouth until his father grabbed him roughly by the hair and pulled him back onto the cock, down to the base.

"That's not happening, boy. You will stay there, drinking up all of my seed while I talk to that bastard about why he wanted to see me. Now take it all." With that, the orca released his hot and creamy load down his Son's throat.

*Knock Knock*

"Mr. Gang Orca? All Might is here!" Sakamata's agency receptionist spoke on the other side of his office door with presumably All Might with her.

"Send him in, Ms. Yamamoto." Kuugo then continued his work as if he had never stopped. He also closed his legs around Izuku's head. Leaving him on his cock, trapped between his thicc thighs, unable to speak or breathe. Luckily for Izuku, his Daddy trained him to hold his breath for a few minutes, provided he prepared for it.

"Kuugo Sakamata! It's so nice to see you again!" The blond-haired bastard that was All Might spoke loudly as his voice boomed off the walls of his office.

"All Might..."

"How are you and Izuku these days?" All Might asked

"It's not easy being a widower with a child, but I do all I can to give my Son all of the love and support he needs to succeed in life as my Son. Now, why are you here?"

The Symbol of Peace looked hesitant to answer but steeled himself, "I wanted to speak to you and your Son, Izuku. We haven't spoken or seen each other since Inko's death."

Kuugo slammed his fist onto the desk in anger, "Don't you fucking dare speak her name! YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO USE IT! SHE'S NOT SOME COLLATERAL DAMAGE, SHE WAS MY WIFE, AND NOW SHE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!!"

All Might, being the ignorant dumbass he is, paid attention to something else, "Why are you naked?"

Kuugo stopped being angry, exhaled, and rubbed his eyes, "Trying to get back into a relationship, and I've been watching porn before you came in here..."

"O-oh..." That was all the blonde idiot said.

"Look, All Might, I don't need you or want you to speak to my Izuku or me unless it's about hero work. Can you respect that?" Kuugo said as he laid his face in his hands with his arms propped up from his desk.

All Might seemed hesitant at answering again and a bit discouraged but did so for Kuugo's sake, "All right, Sakamata, I'll go. I'm sorry for bursting into your and your Son's life."

Kuugo nodded, "Thank you, All Might."

"Of course. Don't let me stop you from finishing your session." All Might walked back to the door and left.

Kuugo looked saddened at being reminded of his wife's death, which killed his mood for the night: "Izuku, clean up down there and get dressed. We'll go to dinner, and I'll help with homework at home."

Izuku did as commanded, cleaned up his Daddy's cum-covered cock, and left it squeaky clean. They both started dressing themselves up, with Kuugo finishing up the last bits of work before they took their stuff with them and walked out of the agency together at night.

Notes:To Be Continued!

Chapter 7: Orca on Bottom and a Mission with Selkie.Summary:It was Friday, and today was Kuugo's turn to be bottom for once. He allows his son to be the one "dominating" him in the bedroom. The Orca asked to aid his old boyfriend from high school, Selkie, on a mission concerning villains that have been terrorizing the coast. So... In his infinite wisdom, he decides to bring Izuku along.

Notes:*Insert "Return of the King" meme*

After nearly nine months of not updating, it's making a return!

Novel AI pics used and generated.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter TextSakamata Household

Izuku is seen tiredly walking home from school. He had been in detention for defending himself against Kaachan and his friends. Of course, the teachers saw it as Izuku instigating the attack even though they saw the entire thing.

It sucks being the only Quirkless student in a Quirkist school where those with power are praised and not reprimanded for showing off their abilities.

All anyone saw him as was a training dummy for bettering their Quirks—even the most useless of them.

The only things Izuku did at school were keep his head down, lay low, study, do his work, and write in his hero notebooks. Anything annoying he knows maybe his fault is when he starts his muttering sessions. No one can stand them.

Izuku's treatment in school only got worse when his Daddy forced him into his sex life. The Orca did everything in his power to make sure his Son knew where his place was in life and to make him as embarrassed and uncomfortable as possible.

His treatment that started a few months ago was proof of that. Besides having to be fucked by his Daddy, Izuku was forced to wear whatever the Orca so desired or be punished. His wardrobe was far more limited than it used to be because his Daddy did not want to waste money on clothes that could be ruined.

His wardrobe consisted of a few styles of casual clothing for all seasons, his school uniform, sleepwear, and a bunch of kinky and fetish outfits. Sleepwear also fell into that last category.

Being treated this way felt wrong, especially by his Father, but he couldn't do anything about it. Why? Because no one would believe him if he told them the truth about his situation. They would all think he's sick in the head or delusional. So, he was forced to suck it up and try and continue living with the fact that his Daddy screws with him, in more ways than one, every day.

He was thankful that he didn't have any homework tonight. It would have been nice to lie in bed and watch some HeroTube, but sadly, the day wasn't over yet.

He fished the keys out of his pocket as Izuku walked up the front steps and unlocked the door. Pushing it open, he walked inside and removed his shoes at the entrance.

Izuku walked into the kitchen to see his Daddy humming a tune while washing the dishes naked. The Pro Hero's body glistened with sweat and stunk of his musk. To any average person, they would gag or repulse themselves from the smell, but Izuku was used to it as he was forced to endure it many nights.

(Gang Orca Naked)

Izuku walked up to his Daddy from behind, slid his hand over the Orca's huge blubber-filled ass, and grasped it. He was told repeatedly to touch his body whenever he came home from school.

Izuku didn't know why he wanted him to do this, but it couldn't be good.

Kuugo Sakamata's large body dripped with sweat as he scrubbed the plates, bowls, pans, glasses, and utensils with warm water and soap. He's been so distracted that he hasn't even noticed Izuku has come home until the sensation of his ass being grabbed reaches his brain.

He stopped humming, turned around, and saw Izuku behind him, grasping his heavy ass. "Hello, my little pup~. How was your day at school?" Kuugo asked with a smile.

Izuku shrugged, "It sucked. I got detention for defending myself from bullies."

"Well," Kuugo stopped washing, dried off his clawed hands, grabbed Izuku by the hips, and lifted him onto his shoulder before moving to their bedroom. "I'm going to fix that right now."

Izuku didn't object, mainly because he knew that whatever his Daddy had planned for him wouldn't be good. After all, one can expect to be punished by their parents after detention. However, Izuku had a slight feeling this would be more like a reward than a typical punishment.

Once in the room, Kuugo dropped his pup onto the bed and moved to his wardrobe closet to get something, "Take off your clothes, pup~. I want to see you in your outfit under all that~."

Izuku removed his school uniform and placed it on the nightstand beside the bed. Underneath his school uniform, he wore an assortment of skintight latex clothing. A crop top, fingerless elbow clothes, panties, and thigh highs. They hugged his body tightly as he became curvier with a chubby belly.

(Izuku Latex Outfit)

Izuku still couldn't believe he had to wear them at school. Yes, they were under his uniform, but there was still the chance of Katsuki lighting his clothes up in embers and exposing the latex underneath.

Once done, Kuugo returned with a collar and leash and began lacing it around his neck. Izuku sat there on the edge of the bed while his Daddy fastened the leather around his throat and attached the leash.

"There we go. My pup has been properly leashed like the little bitch he is~." Kuugo crooned as he rubbed his head up against Izuku's.

Izuku kept his head down and remained quiet as Kuugo moved around the room, gathering various toys and accessories. Some were straps, weights, leather bondage gear, a ball gag, etc.

'Where does Daddy even get this kind of stuff? Does he have an old friend that makes them?' Izuku thought as he looked at the vast assortment of items ribbed for one's pleasure.

Kuugo moved onto the bed and placed both hands on Izuku's shoulders before leaning into his ear to speak, "Don't peek, pup~. I gotta get everything prepared~." Izuku just nodded, not trusting his voice.

For the next ten minutes, all Izuku heard was the creaking bed frame, his dad's moans, and the straps. He wanted to see what was happening behind him but remembered that he was ordered not to peek.

"Okay, pup~. You may look~!" Kuugo crooned as Izuku turned around to see what the man was doing.

Izuku saw that his arms and legs were bound to the bed frame. Kuugo was on his hands and knees, thick legs spread apart, and large ass front and center. One last thing that Izuku noticed was that the leash attached to his collar was also connected to the Orca. Now, Father and Son are bound by a leash.

"Alright, kiddo~. You should know what to do~. Use this old whale's ass and stretch me~." He wiggles his ass side to side, making it jiggle.

It was at this moment that Izuku realized what his Daddy wanted from him, 'He wants me to be the one fucking him?!' he thought, shocked. He never expected this.

"You're going to fuck your Daddy's ass, aren't you, pup?" The Orca asked with a grin.

Izuku blushed and shook his head, "No, Daddy. I won't."

"Yes, you will, pup. If you don't, I'll make sure you regret it." The Orca growled darkly as he thrust himself forward on the bed, pulling the leash on Izuku and forcing his face right between his ass cheeks.

"I-I'll do it! I'll fuck you, Daddy!" Izuku exclaimed as he pushed his face out of the large rear end.

Kuugo laughed, "Good boy~. Go ahead and start licking~." Izuku knelt between the Orca's fat asscheeks and started stuffing his face right up in there. He was greeted with the strong scent of the man's musky pheromones mixed in with the taste of his sweaty ass, which made his dick go hard under his panties, straining the latex with his impressive bulge.

After having sex with his Daddy for so long, Izuku's body began having triggers. Certain things about his Daddy would make him hard in a near instant. To Izuku, it was like being a Pre-Quirk era Cold War sleeper agent who would do something involuntary. Except, it wasn't certain words or phrases. It was, in fact, the Pro Hero himself.

"Mmm... You're such a good pup, Izuku~. Take my whole ass into your mouth, my little slut~." Kuugo said as he felt his Son get deep into him. He started clenching his ass which squeezed Izuku's head in between.

Izuku let out a muffled moan as he lapped his tongue all over his Daddy's anus to get it as slick as possible before he was ready to take him up the ass.

Kuugo's asshole started getting wetter and wetter as his Son licked it all over. "That's it, pup. Make me wet and keep going~!" Kuugo moaned as Izuku continued his oral service.

He let out a loud moan as his big veiny black Orca cock stiffened as it grew in length and girth. Its bulbous head was swollen and leaking pre-cum everywhere.

Izuku's eyes widened as he could tell his Daddy was close to cumming. "Unngh...! Not yet. Not yet! Pup~?" Kuugo turned his head to look over his shoulder to address his Son.

"Y-yes, Daddy?" Izuku said as he pulled his face from his Daddy's plump rump.

"Fuck me, pup. Fuck your Daddy's ass." Kuugo commanded as he lowered his body closer to the bed but stayed up as he needed to cum soon.

Izuku shivered at hearing his Daddy saying that and hesitated but complied nonetheless. He lowered his panties to expose his dick along with his balls and bent forward, grabbing his Daddy's hips, and slipped his stiff cock into the Orca's ass. Pushing past his cheeks, Izuku fell right into his Daddy's hole.

"Uuunnggghhh..." Kuugo grunted loudly as he felt his pup's thick meat sliding into his tight hole. Izuku groaned as well, feeling how tight his Daddy's ass was.

He continued to push in and out of the Orca's ass. His pelvis smacked against the round rump, with loud claps filling the room. "Oh god... That feels so good... Uuhhnnn~!" Kuugo moaned as he was fucked by his pup.

The Orca was surprised that his Son could fuck him so quickly. He wasn't expecting him to do this right away. But then again, Izuku has been put through the wringer by him when he first fucked him. He figured that his young Son must've learned quite a bit about pleasing him during those times. And one of those is to do as you're told the first time.

Izuku felt his cock throbbing as it squeezed inside his Daddy's ass. He knew that it wouldn't be long before he cums.

Kuugo pushed his ass back harder to meet Izuku's thrusts. His meaty dick was leaking precum, and he desperately wanted to pump his shaft and be done with it. However, he also wanted Izuku to have a go at him for once, even making him cum.

Kuugo gritted his sharp teeth together and thought, 'Fuck! It's getting hard to focus. Why did I have to make these straps so tight?!' He asked himself as he tried pulling his hand to his shaft but was found too difficult without breaking the bedframe with the strap attached.

His heavy milk-filled tits sloshed and swung as they hung from his chest. 'I need to cum already!' Kuugo thought as he was out of breath with his long tongue hanging out of his mouth.

With another moan, Izuku shoved his cock into his Daddy's ass, bottoming out and filling him with his seed, "Oh Fuck! I'm cumming!" Izuku grunted as he emptied his balls into his Daddy's ass.

As soon as the first shot of hot cum erupted from his cock, Izuku immediately felt his orgasm wash over him like a tidal wave. His body tensed up, his muscles tightened, and his entire body became numb to everything around him except for the feeling of his Daddy's ass squeezing all around his cock.

Kuugo winced in pain as his pup's cock pulsated in his ass. He was not expecting this to happen, and he now realized why he had the straps so tight. His body started to twitch and spasm. Eventually, he blew a fat load of cum all over the bed sheets under his body.

'God Damn! Being railed by the pup feels amazing... I should do this more often. Give that womanly ass of his a break~.' Kuugo thought as it felt like he was on Cloud 9 with how good it felt being fucked by his offspring.

His thrusting slowed after the second blast of his seed was released into his ass. When he finally stopped thrusting, Izuku slowly withdrew his cock and held onto his Daddy's hips, feeling the Orca's ass and thighs quivering.

In exhaustion, Izuku fell face-first into his Daddy's ass, not caring that he got a face full of sweat splashing into him from smacking into the fat ass.

Kuugo was drenched in sweat as his body quivered in pleasure. He looked at his Son over his shoulder and said, "Hey, pup~?" Izuku poked his head into view, "Mind taking these straps off me~? I may have made them too tight..." Kuugo added as he tugged at the restraints around his wrists and ankles.

Izuku gave a slight nod before slowly moving off the bed and shakily undoing his Daddy's restraints. With them off, Kuugo collapsed onto his back on the cum-covered part of the bed and rested his body as Izuku pulled up his panties, got back on, and laid beside him.

They stared into each other's eyes, and Izuku tilted his head and whispered to his Daddy, "Did I do good, Daddy?"

Kuugo smiled and replied, "Yes. You have pleased me. I believe you deserve something to drink. Do you agree~?" He asked as he held his breast close to Izuku's mouth.

Izuku took the hint, got onto his Daddy's body, and began sucking on his nipple. Milk began pouring out, allowing him to start suckling on his Daddy's breast. After being the one to fill him instead of being fucked, the milk seemed to have tasted better than before. It was sweet, warm, and creamy at the same time.

Kuugo moaned as he messed up his Son's lovely locks of hair, "Mmmm... That tastes good, pup... Mmh... Make sure you keep at it until I say otherwise." He said as he arched his back, pushing Izuku's head into his breasts more.

Izuku moaned happily as he kept drinking from his Daddy's breasts, taking care not to waste a drop.


Kuugo's once delighted expression and warm smile turned to a sour look and annoyed scowl. Only one thing sounded like that—his ringtone for Pro Hero business.

"Of fucking course... Of course, it must be work when I have bonding time with my pup!" Izuku's Daddy complained as he reached over to the nightstand for his phone and brought it to his ear (or wherever that is on a killer whale), not bothering to check the caller's I.D.

"This better be fucking important that you would interrupt my time with my Son!!" Kuugo barked out as Izuku took his mouth off his breast to ask who it was, only to be shoved back on it to shut up and keep sucking.

"EEeepp!! Sorry, sir! It's me, Ms. Yamamoto!!" The female voice on the other end of the line cried out.

Kuugo groaned and calmed down before putting her on speaker, "What do you want?"

"Well... You're being asked to assist another hero on a mission along the coast. That hero asked me to inform you since you weren't in your office." Ms. Yamamoto answered.

Kuugo pondered for a moment before he sighed and said, "Fine. Who is it am I assisting? When and where?"

"You are to meet with Matsuhama Yukito. The Pro Hero, Selkie." Izuku looked up and noticed that his Daddy's eyes widened once the name was said. "At the Naval Station in the Verize Islands, assist him in dealing with some suspicious activities around the country's territorial waters. Time of departure would have to be around 6 AM tomorrow." Ms. Yamamoto concluded her briefing.

A/N: Selkie doesn't have a canon name, unlike other Pro Heroes. So, to fix this issue, I have requested ChatGPT's help developing the character's name.

Kuugo's eyes wavered. 'Matsuhama Yukito? I have not heard that name in years.' He smiled at his short memories of the man.

"Sir? Are you there?" Yamamoto called out.

Kuugo answered back, "Yes, yes. I'm here. Inform him that I'll be there tomorrow and that I'm bringing someone along." He told his secretary, who answered, "Yes, sir!" before ending the call.

He put his phone back on his desk and giggled before looking down at his Son, saying, "You may speak now." He said, his tone lightening up.

Izuku opened his mouth and said, "So... I couldn't help but notice you seemed distracted by the name. I know Selkie is a Pro Hero, as I watched videos of him before. But were you two friends?"

Kuugo set Izuku aside on the bed, got up, and moved to his closet to grab something. Izuku looked on and saw that he had a photobook in hand. He rolled back onto the bed, and Izuku cuddled up next to him as he opened the book to a page showing the two Pro Heroes as teenagers.

His Daddy smirked, "We were boyfriends back in our U.A. days. We were both in the same year and started as rivals as we were as strong as one another. Then, one day, he was stalking me, and I caught him with his pants down. As it turned out, he had a crush on me, and eventually, we fell in love not long after."

"Wow... I didn't know you were with someone before Mom... Why did you two separate?" Izuku asked.

Kuugo frowned sadly before he said, "Despite being both Pro Heroes, we had different ideas on what to do with our careers. He wished to stay on the open water and help the coastal communities, while I wished to stay close to home and help educate the people that just because you looked like a villain doesn't mean you are one. Eventually, we became so distant from each other that we broke up. A few years later, I met your Mother, and you came into the picture." He explained, looking away and closing the book.

Izuku hugged his daddy, and Kuugo smiled, "Thank you, pup~" He kissed his pup on the forehead and chuckled, "Now, we must pack our things. You're coming with me on this mission." He got up from the bed and went to their shared bathroom to shower with Izuku trailing behind. Not long after, they packed some things and got ready for tomorrow.

Saturday, 0515

The next day, aboard Gang Orca's private jet, the Manta, Father, and Son are seen sitting in their seats as the aircraft descends to land at the airport in the Verize archipelago. The flight lasted a few hours, and Izuku was tired from the flight as he didn't get much sleep beforehand as his Daddy wanted to get in one last session of fucking before leaving for the mission.

Kuugo, on the other hand, was awake the whole time. He was happy that Izuku was there with him, even if it meant he would be too focused on the mission to be able to fuck his Son again.

Once they landed, Izuku followed his Daddy to get a ride onto a bus that would take them to the Naval Station. Their destination was but a few minutes drive across the island. When they got off the bus when they arrived, they checked in through a security checkpoint for entrance and walked on in.

With directions, it took only a short time for the father and son duo to find the ship they would be aboard for the next day or so. It was a decent-sized patrol vessel and was quite seaworthy.

"Aye! She's a beauty, alright!" Izuku turned to see a large man walking toward them from the other side of the dock.

He was as tall as his Daddy and well-endowed in both ways, having a large chest and impressive bulge like his Daddy in his Hero Suit. This man had the body of a Spotted Seal with blue eyes and fur. He wore a tight wetsuit with some of his chest shown, a utility belt, boots, and straps. On top of his head was a captain's cap. This was the Sea Rescue Hero: Selkie.


Kuugo turned to face the man walking toward them, "Matsuhama! It's been a long time..." He greeted.

"Indeed, it has. How is my old boyfriend? Life treating you well?" Selkie asked.

Kuugo smiled, "It has been going well. What about you?"

Selkie grinned, "Not bad, not bad at all." He looked down at the kid beside his former lover, "Whose this?"

Kuugo grasped Izuku's shoulder. "This here is my adorable Son, Izuku," he said proudly.

"Hello, Sir..." Izuku greeted shyly.

Selkie nodded and said, "Pleased to meet you, Son! It was a pleasure to see such a young lad so eager to want to join his Daddy on missions! He takes after his Dad, eh?! What's your Quirk, kid?!" He said, giving him a slight pat on the back.

Kuugo shook his head, "No, no, he's nothing like me. He is Quirkless, but he's tougher than he looks."

Selkie gave him an amused smirk, "Oh? Well, now that I've met him, I can say that he seems like an up-and-coming candidate. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for me!" He winked.

Izuku blushed at the comment, 'W-what did he mean by that?'

"Do you need help getting those over to the ship?" Selkie asked Kuugo, referring to the luggage.

Kuugo shook his head, "No, no. We got it." He turned to his Son, "Come, let's not waste daylight. We got a long patrol ahead."

Izuku nodded and followed his Daddy and Selkie. They began making their way toward the ship and climbed down the stairs from the pier to board the vessel itself. Once on board, Kuugo helped deal with the mooring line, and Selkie was radioed by VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) that he was all clear to depart from the port.

After the ship made it out on open waters, Izuku sat on the bridge as his Daddy and Selkie stood by one another.

"Where's the rest of the crew?" Izuku asked.

"The rest of my crew were injured in our last encounter with smugglers. They were hospitalized, and I'm told they won't be able to return to service for a week or two." Selkie answered.

"Is it okay for me to help out? I want to show that I can be useful." Izuku begged.

Selkie scratched his chin and said, "Well... As long as it's okay with your Father, then I'm sure it's alright with me." He looked at Kuugo, who smirked and gazed at his Son, "Oh, you'll have plenty of time to help around."

Izuku gulped, 'Uh oh. I know that look... He can't seriously be suggesting that in the presence of another hero!' He thought.

Selkie looked at his ex, "Hey, isn't that the same look you gave me when you wanted to choke me out and pound my ass back in school?"

Kuugo chuckled, "Yes, you know how I get when I'm excited!" He teased, earning an annoyed look from Selkie.

The bridge was silent for a few minutes until Selkie pieced together some information in his head: the looks Kuugo gives his Son, how Izuku holds himself, the exchange of words and phrases, and the kid's build. He smiled slightly before turning to the Orca, "So... How is he in bed?"

Kuugo and Izuku, who had been drinking from their thermos full of hot coffee, then spit-taked as Selkie laughed at their reactions.

Notes:The next chapter will be a continuation of the mission with Izuku, Gang Orca, and Selkie.

Chapter 8: Two Horny Oceanic Predators and a PupSummary:While having lunch together, Izuku learns of his Daddy's and Selkie's relationship in the past. Afterward, Selkie suggests the three of them have some kinky fun together, and Kuugo couldn't agree more and has his pup put on the outfit his Daddy brought for him to wear. Izuku, however, is nervous about doing this in front of anyone that wasn't his Daddy.

Notes:Yeah, that's right. I'm not waiting till 2024 to update this story.

Enjoy the fun between the Orca, Seal, and Human!

Well... Not yet. Just a setup...

Don't hate me.

Chapter TextOki Mariner, Verize Archipelago 

It has been several hours since the Oki Mariner began her patrol. So far, there are no traces of suspicious activity around the islands or on open water.

Right now, Izuku, his father, and Matsuhama are on the rear deck eating lunch with the radio playing music in the background.

Kuugo packed his and his son's favorite meals with sushi, katsudon, and smoked meats. They also brought some drinks with them. Right now, the orca was relaxing, lying on the deck in his swimsuit, enjoying his time.

Matsuhama kept an eye on the scope in case something was spotted in the distance.

Izuku, on the other hand, has been jittery ever since he and his Daddy had come onto the boat. There was no doubt about it; his Daddy would fuck him in the presence of another. He tried to fill his head with other thoughts but became more nervous the more he distracted himself.

Matsuhama noticed how Izuku had been throughout the day and decided to get him talking, "So, you alright, kid?"

"W-what?" Izuku was brought out of his thoughts and turned to the hero.

"Are you alright?" Matsuhama repeated.

"Oh. Yeah…" Izuku blushed, looking away.

"You sure? Isn't there anything you want to talk about?" Matsuhama asked, prodding the kid, desperate to get the boy to be more open.

Izuku scratched his head, "Well… I would be interested in learning how you and my Daddy met. I suppose also how okay you are about… This." He gestured to his entire body and then to his Daddy.

Kuugo's red eyes opened, and he rolled his body from his back onto his side to engage in the conversation. With a grin, he turned to Izuku and asked, "You want to know what it was like being with this seal?"

Izuku nodded, and Kuugo turned to his ex and asked, "Do you want to share first, or shall I?"

Matsuhama grinned and messed with Izuku's hair, "It would probably be a good idea for me to start first." He looked down at the kid and started, "So… As your father may have mentioned, we were classmates in school…"


Kuugo Sakamata strode confidently down the bustling school hallway, his heavy footsteps echoing through the corridor. He was an imposing figure, but there was a warmth in his eyes when he interacted with his fellow students. He was well-liked, respected, and admired by many. 

Matsuhama Yukito watched from the shadows, his heart pounding. He had been following Kuugo discreetly for days, unable to muster the courage to approach him openly. Matsuhama was usually confident in the water and out in the field training, but when it came to his feelings for his classmate, he felt like a fish out of water. 

Kuugo paused to chat with friends, laughter filling the hallway. Matsuhama seized the opportunity to inch closer, staying out of sight. His heart raced with each step, his mind a whirlwind of emotions.

Finally, as Kuugo began to walk away from the group, Matsuhama's resolve wavered. He had to tell Kuugo how he felt. Gathering his courage, he whispered to himself, "Kuugo... I love you."

Kuugo picked up the whisper and turned around, puzzled. He spotted Matsuhama, who had turned a bright shade of red, his eyes filled with fear and longing.

Kuugo approached Matsuhama, his imposing figure towering over his timid friend. "Yukito, did you say something?" he asked, his tone curious and gentle.

Matsuhama bit his lower lip, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't back down now. "Kuugo," he stammered, "I... I love you. I've loved you for a long time."

Kuugo was initially confused, but then his expression softened, and he touched Matsuhama's cheek gently. "Yukito," he said, his voice filled with warmth, "I've known for a while. And you know what? I love you too."

Matsuhama's eyes widened in surprise, and a radiant smile spread. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. The relief and joy overwhelmed him as he hugged Kuugo tightly, burying his face in his friend's chest.

Kuugo returned the embrace, and the two young heroes stood in the hallway, lost in their world. The courage Matsuhama had finally found to express his love had brought them closer together, and they knew that their bond would only grow from then on.

The bustling school hallway faded into silence as their love for each other took center stage. They embarked on a new chapter of their lives, side by side, not just as friends but as something more profound: lovers.


"Wait, wait, wait." Izuku interrupted Matsuhama, "Just like that? I was expecting something more…"

"What, something more like what you see in the manga you read?" Kuugo asked as he explained, "Sorry to burst your bubble, pup, but that's how we got together."

Matsuhama cleared his throat and continued, "Anyway… Our time together was quite special. We did many things together and enjoyed every bit of time." The hero then starts telling Izuku all about the various things and dates he and Kuugo went on, with the orca providing some information to help fill some gaps.

There was their first date. The air was filled with the sounds of joy and excitement as Kuugo and Matsuhama arrived at the seaside carnival for their first date. The scent of popcorn, fried foods, and the distant crash of waves created a sensory overload. They shared a lingering, romantic ride on the towering Ferris wheel, the evening sun casting a warm, golden glow over the sea. As they reached the pinnacle, they stole a sweet kiss, their hearts racing in sync. Afterward, they wandered through the carnival, their fingers brushing against each other, as they indulged in cotton candy, oversized lollipops, and other sweet treats. Kuugo won Matsuhama a stuffed dolphin at a game booth, while Matsuhama won a penguin stuffed animal for Kuugo. They exchanged their prizes with smiles, a silent promise of more to come.

Spending time together under the blanket of an infinite starry night. Under the vast, star-studded night sky, Kuugo and Matsuhama walked hand in hand along the tranquil beach. The moon's soft silver light painted a shimmering path on the water. The soothing waves lapping at the shore provided a calming backdrop to their whispered conversations. They opened their hearts to each other, sharing dreams, hopes, and fears. The vastness of the universe seemed to mirror the depth of their connection as they gazed at the stars and held each other close, feeling the magic of the night enveloping them.

And then, the two of them have a movie night together. Kuugo and Matsuhama snuggled on the couch under a warm blanket, the soft glow of the television casting a warm, intimate light in the room. They took turns selecting their favorite hero films, laughing at the humorous moments, and cheering during epic battles. Sharing popcorn and a bowl of their favorite ice cream, they felt a profound sense of comfort and belonging in each other's presence. With each movie, their connection deepened, and they exchanged glances that spoke volumes about their love and shared laughter that echoed through the night.

Matsuhama finished recalling some spectacular memories of him and Kuugo's time as boyfriends, and Izuku couldn't help but be in awe at how romantic his Daddy was with another person.

"Shall I share what we did to each other?" Kuugo asked as both Izuku and Matsuhama turned toward him.

The seal-like hero waved him off, "I don't mind one bit. I'm sure your kid won't mind either."

Kuugo turned to his pup with an expectant look in his eyes. Izuku averted his gaze and blushed at the implications of what his Daddy and Selkie had done in their youth. So, he just accepted it: "Yeah, I don't mind…"

The orca grinned and recalled his favorite moments, "So, this one time. It was during a test we had..."


Kuugo Sakamata looked down at the list of questions and equations on the test before him. He clenched his fist tightly and silently cursed himself as everyone else around him was doing their best on the test. However, he didn't even study for it the night before as he was too busy beating his meat to the mere thought of his boyfriend wrapping his plump lips around his fat dick.

The orca felt a sensation and looked under his desk to see he was getting hard under his uniform. With a blush, he looked up and around to see Matsuhama, who looked struggling, on the other side of the room. He saw the guy's legs twitch and realized he was getting hard himself.

Kuugo faced the front of the class to see their homeroom teacher reading a book and raised his rubbery hand, "Mr. Yamaha?"

His teacher looked up from his book, "Yes, Mr. Sakamata?"

Kuugo grits his teeth as his cock gets stiff but keeps his composure, "May I use the head?"

Mr. Yamaha said nothing else but, "Five minutes."

Sakamata quickly left his seat and sprinted out of the classroom with his homeroom teacher, yelling at him not to run in the halls. Matsuhama saw his boyfriend leave and got up. "I also need the restroom!" Even though he had to get permission from his teacher, the seal went to catch up to the orca.

Matsuhama caught up to Kuugo, who grabbed him in front of the janitorial closet, opened the door, tossed both of them into the darkness, and closed the door.

Kuugo and Matsuhama were lucky since their orca and seal Quirks gifted them the natural ability to see in near-complete darkness like the undersea predators they appeared as. Kuugo smacked his lips into his boyfriend's, and Matsuhama quivered at the feeling of his classmate taking him. Sakamata licked the seal's cheek and bit into his neck. Matsuhama moaned as the tall orca-like student marked his much shorter form.

Kuugo moved his head to Matsuhama's ear hole and growled, "If you want my dick, get on your knees and work for it."

Matsuhama did so without question and sat on his knees. He began unbuttoning Kuugo's uniform and slid out the monstrously thick black cock from its prison, and began stroking it. Matsuhama got in nice and close as he took in his boyfriend's musk and slid his hands up and down the length of the girthy meat.

After a few moments, Kuugo grinned and rewarded his boyfriend, "Good. Now you may fill that greedy hole of yours with my dick. Open wide for Daddy."

Matsuhama was quick with his actions, wrapped his mouth around the thickness of his boyfriend's dick and sucked on the bulbous tip, and moved back and forth to take more of it. Kuugo held the back on Matsuhama's head and kept him in place as the inside of another's mouth was warming his meat. It was one of the best feelings in the world, alongside taking a warm shower and being in a hot spring alone.

They spent a decent amount of time doing this in the closet, and neither paid attention to how long they were there. Kuugo was close to unloading his seed into the cum-starved seal.

Gritting his teeth, he looked down to see Matsuhama nearly to the base of his cock. Suddenly, alarm bells went off in his head, and he stilled as the door burst open to see an angry Mr. Yamaha and the class pervert/teacher's pet, Yuki Mineta.

Author's Note: Don't think about it too hard. Yuki is an OC relative of our grape boi.

Before Mr. Yamaha could do or say anything, Kuugo grabbed Matsuhama's head as he came into his boyfriend's mouth. After a few seconds, the seal slid off the orca's dick, and he looked at an angry teacher and perverted classmate with cum dripping down his maw.

It was only till Kuugo shook his head that Matsuhama noticed the current situation, "Shit." That was all he could say as both were escorted to Principal Nezu's office and later punished for their promiscuous actions in the janitorial closet.


Izuku could only stare in shock as his Daddy finished the story of one of his and Matsuhama's various times fucking each other. Having sex at school in the janitorial closet must've taken a lot of guts to do.

"Well," Matsuhama gets up from his spot and stretches. I don't know about you two, but I want to do something fun before we return to patrolling." He turns to Kuugo and asks, "Do you have any ideas?"

Kuugo gains a thinking look and smirks as he looks at Izuku and says, "I got a few ideas, but first, we gotta get my pup in costume."

Izuku's heart skips a beat at not knowing that his Daddy brought him a costume. He doesn't know what it is but knows he will be embarrassed no matter what.

Kuugo gestures for his son to come with him, and they head below deck as Izuku blushes.

Ten minutes later, after hearing some arguing from below deck, Matsuhama is seen drinking to himself while watching some seagulls fly overhead. He hears the deck door latch open, and the hero spits out his drink at the sight before him.

Izuku was wearing what looked to be an outfit with an orca color scheme and black and white covering him. He had black forearm sleeves and black thigh-highs. The rest of his body, minus the head, feet, and shoulders, was covered in slick black latex, with white trailing down the front of his body to what looked to be an orca tail replica attached to his rear end. Despite the entire outfit, only one thing stood out that made Matsuhama burst out laughing in tears. And that was the very round and bulbous clothing around his waist and spreading his legs apart.

(Izuku orca suit)

"Bwahahahahaha!!!" Matsuhama slams his fist on the railing repeatedly, shaking the radio.

Izuku blushed as he knew that the scene of another hero laughing at his humiliation was not a good feeling. "L-look, please stop laughing… I don't know where Daddy keeps getting these outfits for me."

Kuugo came up from behind, naked and playing with his pup's hair. "Some of it I made myself while a buddy makes others I met overseas once."

Matsuhama calmed down and wiped the tears from his eyes before saying, "I had a feeling you looked familiar." He told Izuku, who looked confused, "I remember seeing that social media post by the pizza guy."

"Oh…" Said Izuku with embarrassment.

"So, what did you have in mind to do?" Matsuhama asked his nude ex-boyfriend.

Kuugo grinned as he touched Izuku's shoulder and answered, "How about we have some fun in the water? Get my pup accustomed to playing with the big boys in their natural habitat." Without warning, Izuku was hoisted up and thrown overboard with a scream, with his Daddy jumping off afterward with a cannonball.

Matsuhama looked over the railing in surprise at Kuugo tossing his son overboard. While, yes, he did witness criminals throwing hostages into the ocean on occasion to act as a distraction. But this was a controlled situation between father and son. One of them was doing so to get his son to have fun with his father and an old friend.

Shrugging, Matsuhama clipped his suit off and took a quick swig of his drink before diving off of the Oki Mariner gracefully, akin to an Olympic athlete. Now underwater, he swam up to the duo, wrapped his muscular arms around Kuugo's son, and held him against his furry seal body.

Izuku blushed at the feeling of being held by another man who wasn't his Daddy but was also quite furry instead of the rubbery feeling he usually felt.

"So, we're in the water. Now what?" Asked Matsuhama.

Kuugo swam up to them and wrapped his arms around the two of them, squishing his pup against their two bodies and head trapped between two pillowy sets of breasts. His answer was simple, "Now the real fun begins." He answered with a toothy grin as Izuku shrank in on himself at the two lustful looks of his Daddy and his ex-boyfriend looking down at his trapped form.

Izuku was the poor fish in a situation with two large undersea predators.