eri the class slave

The Slave of Class 1ALadyRedHeartSummary:As both an apology and congratulations for surviving the USJ attack, a girl named Eri is gifted to class 1A, meaning the girl is stripped of all human rights, and is now considered property of the class, to which the various students will happily oblige in using her for their own desires.


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Chapter 1: IzukuChapter Text"Settle down, class," Aizawa said as he entered the classroom. He didn't even need to look at the students when he said it, since he knew they were always rowdy when he entered the room. He walked up to the podium and faced the class, who were all staring at him intently. He sighed.

"Look, we're not gonna talk about the USJ, since I'm sure you're all exhausted from talking to the police," he continued. "All I'm going to say before class is one thing. UA has decided to give you a gift, both as an apology, and congratulations for surviving." With that, the class began to whisper among themselves, which Aizawa allowed for three seconds before he cleared his throat, and everyone stopped. He glanced at the door and it opened, a young girl stepping into the room. A small horn sprouted from her head as she walked in, up to the front of the class, and turned to face everyone. She had a sad expression, but despite that, everyone in the class instantly fell in love, and voices began to rise again before Aizawa cleared his throat once more.

"This girl is named Eri. From now until the end of the semester, she is considered property of UA. You may do whatever you like with her."

Instantly, the class erupted as everyone began to talk over one another about what that meant, who the girl was, where she came from, and if this was even legal, to the point that Aizawa sighed and scanned the room.

Everyone was talking except for one. Izuku was staring at zero open-mouthed, completely enraptured by the girl's adorable face and body. He just wanted to take her hand, hug her tight, kiss her on the head…it was almost as strong of a feeling as he'd had when he'd first met Ochako.

Before he knew it, his hand was raised.


Everyone quieted as they turned to the boy, who now blinked as he realized everyone's attention was on him, and he lowered his hand. "Um, when you say 'whatever'…?"

"As she is now considered property, human rights nor laws no longer apply. And before you ask if this is legal, yes. UA has the power to do this under very specific circumstances, under which Eri falls," Aizawa explained. "She has no quirk other than the horn on her head as far as we are aware, but she has been made aware that if she does have an otherwise hidden quirk and attempts to use it on any of you, she will face extreme punishment." Eri seemed to flinch at that but continued staring ahead. "Now, are there any further questions?" He waited, but none came, so he nodded. "Then we'll continue with normal classes."

The rest of the day proceeded as normal, or at least as normal as it could be after everyone had come into contact with real villains. Not that it mattered much to Izuku, whose eyes were continuously locked onto Eri as she sat at the front of the class, examining all the people who now technically owned her.

Every once in a while, their eyes locked, and Izuku tried to make his face as kind as possible, to which he swore at one point that her lips curled upward, ever so slightly.

Finally, it happened.

"Class dismissed."

Aizawa had barely taken two steps towards the door when Izuku was out of his chair and in front of Eri, holding out his hand. "Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet you."

"Wow, wouldn't have expected him to move like that," Mina said quietly.

"She is cute, so I don't blame him," Kirishima added. "Though knowing him, he probably isn't even going to do much with her."

"Mmmm…" Ochako mumbled to herself, unsure why she felt nervous about the whole thing, given that she was also sure Deku wouldn't do anything to the girl. He didn't seem like the type.

Though she supposed she didn't seem like the type either.

Eri slowly lifted a hand to meet his own, and they shook. "Hello," she said quietly, her voice soft and sweet in a way that made his heart melt. He knew his mom wouldn't be home today until late, so if he could just get her home…

"Would you like to come hang out with me at home tonight?" he asked softly. "I can make you dinner and we can watch some movies."

"See, I told you," Kirishima said.

"How dare he snatch her away so quickly only to make dinner and watch movies!" Mineta cried from the back.

"I thought you only liked busty women?" Mina asked with a frown.

"I'll take what I can get," he replied shamelessly.

"I'd like that," Eri replied, clutching his hand tightly. He nodded and without even looking back at the other students, the two walked out of the classroom.

With classes done for the day, students began to fill the halls, some giving Izuku and Eri confused looks as they walked down the hallway hand-in-hand. Even so, nobody stopped them as Izuku and Eri conversed. Mostly it was Izuku telling her about himself and his plan to become one of the greatest heroes in the world. Most of her contribution was smiling and nodding, but she did seem invested.

It didn't take them long to leave the school and head down the street back towards Izuku's apartment. Admittedly, Izuku was moving at a somewhat faster pace than he usually did, but Eri seemed to be keeping up.

He couldn't stop looking at her face. She was the most adorable girl he'd ever seen. The tiny horn on her head only completed the look as it served as further indication of her age. Every reminder of it only made him more excited for the coming evening.

Before long, they reached his apartment and went inside. As Izuku expected, his mom would be gone until late at night. He had all day to spend time with this wonderful girl, even if he barely knew anything about her. It had been clear from the few questions he had tried to ask that she didn't want to talk about herself, and that was perfectly fine to him, even if he was curious how she'd ended up at UA, and what qualifications Aizawa was talking about that she apparently met.

"Do you like noodles?" he asked, and she nodded. Izuku smiled. "Good, because I know how to make those, but it'll be a while. We have some movies on the shelf there if you want to pick something out, or just watch TV, and I'll join you later." He said, and the girl nodded, where she walked over to the couch, grabbed the remote and settled in as she turned on the TV. Izuku took a moment to examine her.

He had been so focused on her face that he hadn't noticed her outfit, a cute red sweater that was a little too big on her, a white skirt, and thigh-high socks, which he couldn't believe they even made for a girl her age and size. Izuku only felt his heart melt further as he studied the beautiful outfit, and it gave him the motivation he needed to turn around and begin cooking.

It took a little over an hour from start to finish, though it might've taken less time had he not kept glancing over at her, one time even catching a smile at something cute on the TV that made Izuku's toes curl in pure joy. How had he been so blessed like this, to get to do something he'd always secretly fantasized about? As long as Ochako didn't find out, that was all that mattered, as well. Despite how strong his urges were feeling at that moment, he still did like her, and valued her opinion of him, so he'd do whatever he could to keep it intact.

"Food's ready," he said as he decided to push those thoughts aside for now. Eri didn't seem like the kind of girl who talked often, so no matter what happened here tonight, it wasn't likely Ochako would find out. And if she happened to be into the same thing as him, which he frankly doubted, then maybe they could indulge together. For now, though, this night was his.

He sat down with his portion as she sat across from him, and as she took her first bite, he gauged her reaction. Her mouth twitched into a smile as she cupped her cheek, humming.

"Good?" he asked, and she nodded as she took another bite. He found himself smiling back as he took a bite as well. He watched the girl eat, every single action somehow appearing adorable. Izuku could barely contain himself, and he knew he wouldn't be able to last through an entire movie.

Thankfully, he didn't have to wait much longer before they finished and Izuku collected their dishes to put in the sink and take care of later. He walked over to the couch, where Eri eventually followed him. He sat down and patted his lap, to which she paused, giving him a look he couldn't quite decipher. He flashed her a warm, comforting smile, and she eventually relented, walking over and sitting on his lap. Instantly, he shuddered.

She was so light, so warm, so soft. He couldn't stand it, and if her gasp was any indication, she'd finally noticed how it was affecting him. Yet while he expected her to immediately get off his lap and call him disgusting, she didn't. Instead, she shuffled in place, which only caused her to shift against him, and he let out a small moan.

That was the last straw.

His hands moved before he could think, and pressed against her chest. Of course, there wasn't anything there, so before Eri could even question what he was doing, he moved his hands down, underneath the sweater, and back up to her chest. She didn't have anything on underneath, so his hands met her soft skin, and he couldn't stop the moan that escaped his body.

Izuku liked little girls.

He'd known this for a long time, even before he'd fully hit puberty, but had obviously hidden it from everyone. Despite that, he'd always managed to restrain himself and never act on his desires. It helped that there was content regarding that kind of thing on the internet he could use to vent his sexual frustrations.

But now that he had Eri, a girl who had no rights, who now technically belonged to the class and him, why should he hold back any longer?

"Eri…you're so soft…I can't stand it," Izuku said, panting as he rubbed his fingers over her tiny nipples, which began to harden under his touch. Eri shifted further as she stuck her chest out. "Eri…have you ever had sex before?" The girl shook her head.

"I…I don't know what that is…" she said softly, her voice that of an angel's. Izuku felt his already hard cock throb at the idea that he would be the first to defile this girl, all his perverted thoughts from over the years flooding to the surface.

"I'd like to do it with you. It might feel weird or even hurt at times, but I promise I'll make you feel good, okay?" the boy said gently, and after a moment, Eri nodded. He couldn't see her face, but he could picture what it probably looked like.

Taking a deep breath, Izuku pinched her nipples, and Eri let out a gasp that sent a shudder down his spine.

"H-Here, let's make this easier," he said as he reached down and grabbed the hem of her sweater, pulling it off her body and tossing it aside. He had to suppress another gasp at the sight of her bare back, looking so smooth and perfect that he knew he could touch it all day.

But he had another target, so he brought his hands back to her front, sliding over her chest once more to grasp at it. There were no mounds to actually grab onto though so he settled for touching her nipples again, rubbing and pinching them, and feeling white hot arousal at every lewd sound that escaped her lips. She was too soft, her small body perfectly sized and shaped, and he wanted more.

He reached for the side of her skirt with one hand and started undoing it as she rubbed further against his groin, her ass rubbing the engorged organ in his pants, to the point it was almost painful. Eventually, he got it unzipped, and she helped by lifting her hips as he slid the garment off. He felt himself shudder again as he took in the sight of plain white panties with a pink ribbon on the front, though he had to strain to see it. Thankfully she helped by leaning back against his chest, allowing him to see over her front, and further confirm she had no breasts to speak of. The sight of her panties drove him wild as he leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"Take off your socks and shoes for me, please."

And so she did, kicking her shoes off her feet before she brought one leg up to remove the thigh-high sock, the sight looking so erotic as it slid down her creamy, thin leg that he felt like he was dying.

Once she had removed it all, she was left in only the panties. He took a deep breath and let out a shaky exhale. Both of his hands went to her waistband and tugged on it enough to let her know his intentions. She hummed something, likely questioning if she should be doing this, yet at the same time, she likely knew she didn't have a choice in the matter. She lifted her hips and Izuku moved the panties off her legs until they came off her feet, and finally, the young girl was completely naked as she sat on Izuku's lap.

The softness of her butt against his thigh, the way his hardness screamed as she scooted back again against it, allowing it to poke against her sex, he couldn't stand it. But there was one thing he wanted to do first.

One hand went back to her chest and resumed playing with her hard nipple, but the other went down between her legs, where he was happy to find she was already damp. She gasped as he touched it, and another powerful shudder rocked his body. It felt so soft, even if he could feel that her lips were closed, never once touched, probably even by herself. He would have the honor of being the first.

Giddy with excitement, he started to rub, his finger sliding across her slit with ease, and he felt her body gently rock against his as a result. He still couldn't believe he had a naked girl like this right in front of him, on his lap for him to use however he saw fit. It was a dream come true, so much so that he was afraid it was a dream.

Eventually, his finger slipped in and she gasped as her head reared back, almost smacking against his own. Every shift on his thighs was a new sensation of pleasure that made it harder and harder to keep his cock in his pants, but he was determined.

He started to thrust his finger in and out of Eri, slicking it up with her juices in the process. Her moans became louder, more music to Izuku's ears. Her insides pressed in tightly on his finger every time he went in as if hugging it, and he couldn't help but start grinding his hips against her, at least as well as he could with the girl being on top of him. He pinched her nipple and pulled at it, stretching out her chest ever so slightly. It was having a clear effect from the way she shuddered and how she became even more wet than before.

Izuku was just starting to wonder if he should add a second finger when she suddenly jumped, crying out as she erupted onto his hand, her toes curling and her body bending as she came, the sight and sound of it finally tipping him over the edge. He needed it now.

He removed his finger and gripped her by the stomach, lifting her up and off of him. In her slightly addled state, she gave him a look of confusion, before watching as he yanked his pants and boxers down and off, revealing his cock in all its glory, rock hard and throbbing with need. Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed at the sight of it, especially when he grabbed her again and held her above his cock. He shifted his hips around as her tip rubbed his entrance.

Then, getting a different idea, he flipped her around so she was facing him, their eyes meeting as he tilted her so his shaft could rub against her still-wet lips. It was like sloppy kisses on his cock, making it more and more wet with every pass, and it was pure ecstasy to the boy, unlike anything he'd ever experienced before, and something he never wanted to end.

But eventually, it would have to, as he looked at the naked girl, her young, barely developed body resting above his cock. He was ready, and so, with a deep breath, he realigned then and went in. His dick entered her with relative ease, but he only got two inches in before he had to pause. Her face was contorted in pain as she twitched, and he felt a whirlwind of pleasure flashing through his core that he had to take a moment to collect himself from.

He knew it would be painful for her, so he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, sure that it would soothe her some. Her eyes went wide as she didn't kiss back at first, likely unsure even how to do so. Izuku didn't give up though, and gently continued kissing her, where she eventually relented and offered some resistance, pushing back, even if it was clear she'd never done this before.

Though to be fair, neither had he.

After giving Eri some time to adjust, he pushed in further, his cock sliding deeper inside her folds, leaving her to gasp against his lips, yet didn't break the kiss. Her arms even wrapped around him to pull him in tighter, and he was sure his kiss was helping with the pain. Meanwhile, for him, it was the most incredible sensation, the way her folds clenched his cock, as if her life depended on it.

Eventually, he was able to settle in even deeper until his length was fully inside the young girl, to the point he swore he saw her body bulge a little bit. She was panting against his lips but held tightly, so he grabbed her by the hips once more and lifted her, unsheathing his cock from her entrance a few inches before dropping her back down.

This time, she pulled away completely to moan, far back enough that Izuku's eyes moved to her chest, and he bent his head forward and down to place his lips over her nipple. It hurt his neck a bit to do so, but he didn't care. The sound she made as he did made up for it.

He resumed the motion, lifting her and dropping her back down repeatedly. Between his new strength and her light body, it was easy to do so, and every thrust inside her felt like pleasure stacked upon pleasure. He lost track of everything else around him as he slid in and out, pressure building inside him. He knew he wouldn't last long, but he'd make it last as long as he could.

He sped up as much as he could, gently biting down on the small girl's tiny nipple as she continued to tremble and moan in his hands. Her dampness was spread across his cock as the pressure grew unbearable, but he kept going. He would keep going to the last moment.

And that's what he did, his cock continuing to move in and out until he couldn't take it any longer. He slammed her down on his cock as he erupted, unloading himself completely inside her until he had nothing left until he saw stars from how hard he was climaxing.

He released her nipple as he came, and laid back fully against the couch once he was done, fighting to catch his breath. He'd finally done it, he'd gotten to fuck a young girl like this, something he never thought he'd do in his wildest dreams.

"Was that…good?"

Her voice was so quiet he almost didn't hear it but forced his head up to meet her eyes. He found a familiar look in them, a look of wanting approval, mixed with a hint of fear. Fear that if she hadn't done well, she could be punished. Smiling, he patted her head. "You did amazing."

Indeed, if this girl was going to remain part of their class for the rest of the semester, he was going to have a lot of fun with her. He knew the other students would probably try and borrow her for their desires and needs, but he would be happy knowing he was the first, that he got to share that special moment with her. No one would be able to take that away from him.

And as Izuku clutched Eri into a tight hug, his limp penis now resting against her soft skin, he smiled as he thought about all the amazing things he wanted to try with her.

Chapter 2: MinaSummary:After Izuku takes Eri home three days in a row, Mina steals her for a turn and shows her some more things they can do together~

Chapter Text"HEY! IT'S MY TURN!"

Mina charged up to Izuku as he was walking out the door with Eri in hand. Startled, he turned to face the pink girl. "H-Huh?"

"You've been taking Eri home the past three days, and I want a turn, so gimme!" Mina cried as she karate chopped Izuku's hand hard enough that he let go, and before he could do anything, Mina scooped up Eri's light body in her arms and took off down the hall, since classes had just ended. That left Izuku and the entire class staring blankly at the door.

"She was enthusiastic…" Ochako offered, feeling jealous that she hadn't gotten a turn yet, or rather, that she hadn't wanted to take her from Deku.

Meanwhile, Mina kept running until they were outside the school. She'd been debating taking her yesterday, but her parents would be out tonight so it was better to bring her home today instead. She was pretty sure her parents were already gone.

"So have you and Izuku had sex?"

She knew it was a bold question to ask, but even so, she wasn't surprised when Eri slowly nodded her head. Mina let out a chuckle. "I'm surprised he had it in him. What have you done?" Eri blushed as she quietly recounted the stuff they'd done together, and as soon as she was done, Mina was surprised.

"He hasn't eaten you out yet?" she questioned, only for the young girl to give her a strange look. Mina smiled wide. "Well then, that makes two things to try with you!"

Eri had a confused look on her face but didn't question anything further as they continued.

Before long, they'd made it to Mina's place, and just as she'd hoped, her parents were already gone, having left a note with instructions on how to make the dinner they'd left for her.

"Alright, since you've probably already gone through the drill with Izuku, I'm just gonna tell ya, go ahead and take your clothes off!" With that, Mina turned and walked towards the kitchen, feeling hungry enough for a snack but not yet hungry enough for dinner. As she rummaged through the cabinets, she heard rustling from the other room, and her excitement grew. She'd never considered herself a person who could get excited by a naked child, but how could she say no to the opportunity to try it when it was offered to her and the others on a silver platter?

By the time she made it back to the living room, a chocolate wafer in her mouth, Eri was watching TV, sitting on the couch completely nude. Mina nearly squeaked at the sight of her, her flat chest with tiny pink nipples, smooth stomach, and legs that were just barely plump at the thighs. She immediately finished her wafer and began to strip, throwing off her uniform as quickly as possible before she tossed off her bra as well, her considerable assets jiggling as she tore off the panties. Her butt wasn't as pronounced as her chest was, but it didn't bother her much. Either way, she was pink all over, including her tuft of pubic hair, which she didn't bother shaving because it felt like too much work.

She bounced over to Eri, who went wide-eyed at the sight of her, especially as she took in the sight of her bust. "Oh, I'm sure you'll get this big one day too!" She sat on the couch hard enough for Eri to bounce up a bit. "Now then, I'll make dinner for us later, but if you don't mind, I'd like to start."

"Already?" Eri questioned.

"What, does Izuku usually wait?" she asked, and Eri nodded.

"He says he likes to do a lot of…um…foreplay?"

"Oh, well yeah I planned to do that too, I mean does he usually do anything before that?"

"Well…he likes cuddling with me while we watch movies," she continued, the most she'd talked since the two met. "We've watched some old superhero movies from back before quirks became a thing."

"Ooooo, that sounds fun!" Mina admitted. "Though I think I'd rather just get right into it if that's okay?"

"Okay…" Eri answered quietly and went wide-eyed as Mina leaned in and pressed her lips to Eri's. Mina found herself shuddering at how soft the young girl's lips were as she gently pushed her down, one hand snaking up to her chest. She had absolutely no boobs to speak of, but she still squeezed and prodded at her chest regardless, as well as rubbed her thumbs over the girl's small nipples. Her body was unbelievably soft, softer than the softest pillow Mina could recall ever having.

She wasted no time in pressing her body against Eri's, suffocating her small chest with her own larger one as her hands went underneath her body to grasp at her tiny ass. She forced her tongue inside and wrapped it around Eri's, which the girl seemed to react to positively, meaning she'd probably done with Izuku as well.

Mina ground herself against Eri's body, rubbing against her as much as she could, eventually moving one hand to her front, happy to find she was already wet.

All at once, Mina pulled away, Eri leaning up as their kiss separated, and looking almost disappointed. Mina got down onto the floor and moved Eri around until she was sitting on the edge of the couch, legs spread. Mina knelt in front of her, and Eri seemed confused about what was going to happen until the older girl leaned in and began to lick at Eri's pussy.


Instantly, Mina saw pleasure shoot through the young girl's body as she twisted, her toes curling as she began to moan. Mina shuddered in delight both at her reaction and her delicious fluids. They felt sweet and pure, the nectar of innocence, even if Izuku had tainted that somewhat. It still tasted incredible.

Mina used her fingers to spread her pussy open as she leaned in, pushing her tongue deeper inside, which Eri seemed to appreciate as she sputtered and moaned, twisting her head this way and that. Mina could tell she probably wasn't going to last long, so she was going to wring out the most explosive climax she could.

After taking a moment to locate it, Mina pinched Eri's clit as she dove her tongue as far in as she could. The moan Eri gave was like music to her ears as she thrust her head back and came. It filled Mina's mouth with its deliciousness, and she licked and sucked it all down until Eri had nothing left, and she fell back against the couch panting as Mina pulled away.

"Can't believe he never tried doing that to ya!" Mina cried, and Eri didn't seem to be able to answer, so Mina giggled.

"Almost everything else I'd like to do to you is stuff he's already done, so there's just one last new thing I want to do with you first~"

Mina helped Eri onto the carpeted floor and once again spread her legs. Once again, Eri seemed confused as Mina got onto her back and scooted closer. She gave the young girl a single wink before pressing their pussies together.

Instantly both girls moaned as they made contact, their wetness instantly causing them to slide against one another even before Mina began moving. Eri's face was flushed, and she let out a gasp as Mina begun to shift her hips.

"This is called scissoring, and it's something only girls can do together~" Mina gasped as she felt Eri begin to move her own hips as well. The older girl smiled as the two went at it, their wet lips rubbing together over and over, both of them slowly increasing in speed, at least as much as Eri could with her small body.

Their moans became a cacophony of beautiful sound as they both felt pressure building inside them. Mina felt her breasts bobbing with every movement, and she brought her hands up to squeeze them as her hips moved at a blinding speed. It was something she'd always wanted to try with another girl but never had been able to convince anyone to try it with her. She had to admit she had expected her first time to be with a child, but it still felt incredible all the same.

Mina went as fast as she could, the pleasure and ecstasy nearly unbearable as wet noises filled the air alongside their moans, of which Eri's were the cutest she'd ever heard.

After what felt like hours of constant pleasure, it finally ended. Mina slammed her hips against Eri's as she came, and was happy to both hear and feel Eri cumming as well, the two of them finishing together, covering one another with their juices as they both collapsed onto the floor.

Several minutes passed as the two collected themselves before Mina let out a laugh.

"Woo…kind of a workout, isn't it?" she asked, and Eri gave a small nod as Mina sat up. "Well…I'm gonna make dinner for us, and then we can continue after, alright?" Another nod as Mina pulled herself to her feet, wobbling a little. As Eri slowly pulled herself back onto the couch to recover, Mina, still naked and dripping a bit, walked to the kitchen, a smile on her face.

She could tell it was going to be a long, fun night.

Chapter 3: BakugoSummary:Bakugo gets a turn after Kirishima suggests he uses Eri to relax a little.

Chapter Text"Huuuuuuuuh?"

The response was drawn out and matched with a look of annoyance typical of Bakugo. Even so, Kirishima simply laughed.

"What, you scared?"

"No, I'm just confused about what the hell you're saying," he replied, and his tentative friend rolled his eyes.

"Look, I'm just saying, maybe a little one-on-one time with a girl would be good for you," he went on. "I mean, I think Izuku has been a lot more chill since he started taking Eri home, so why don't you give it a try?"

"I don't need that kind of shit, it's a waste of-"

"Come on, man, don't be such a hardass," Kirishima cut him off. "Just give it a try, alright? No harm in that. Unless you're one of those types who's all 'I'm gonna save myself for marriage~'."

"Ah, shut up!" Bakugo cried as she slammed his hand on the man's desk, fire licking from his palms.

"Alright then, but you better hurry before he snatches her away." He gestured to the doorway, and Bakugo turned to find Deku leading the girl away. Snarling, he moved before he could think and pushed the boy aside as he snatched Eri out of his hands and into his own arms. Eri merely blinked in surprise as Deku jumped back.

"K-Kacchan? What are you-?"

"She's mine for today, got it?!" he screamed, and Izuku recoiled in surprise and shock.

"B-But, wait, why…?"

"Don't question me, idiot!" Bakugo screamed again before turning and leaving. With the young girl now in his arms and scowling, he made his way home.

However, as he was walking back with the girl, he realized he'd been tricked into this stupid plan, but given that he was both stubborn and already halfway to his house, he wouldn't turn back.

When he got inside, his mother was out shopping, and his father was in the living room. He opened his mouth to speak, but Bakugo got there first. "This is Eri. She's from my class. We're going to my room. Don't bother us."

With that, he stalked down the hall to his room, went inside, and tossed Eri onto the bed, the young girl having been silent the entire time. Bakugo slammed the door and locked it, though at first, he wasn't sure why. He wasn't really going to do anything with this girl, right? Even if she was now technically his—along with the rest of the class—property, he'd much instead use her as a training dummy than someone to fuck. Yet at the same time, he knew it would probably be mean to use her as a dummy, so what would he do now?

"Are we going to…have sex?" The first words she'd said to him, and of course, it was asking that question. He sighed and walked over to the bed, sitting down.

"No," he replied as he crossed his arms, and Eri blinked at him a few times.


"Don't question me!" he shouted, and she recoiled. He felt a tiny ounce of guilt, but not enough to say anything, and continued pouting.

"What are we going to do then?"

"I don't know."

"Why don't you want to have sex? Deku wants it all the time."

"Yeah, well, he's a nerd."

"What does that have to do with it?"

"Why are you so talkative all of a sudden?!" he cried, very annoyed.

"I'm just confused," she answered.


"Because don't you want to have sex?"

"I DON'T KNOW, I'VE NEVER DONE IT, SO STOP ASKING!" he screamed, but this time she didn't recoil. He honestly felt the urge to wrap his hands around her tiny throat with the way she was looking at him, almost with pity.

"Do you want to give it a try?"

"How many times until you listen?! I said—ah!" he started, but cut himself off as Eri placed her hand on his groin, where he was able to feel the softness of her small hand even through his clothes. He froze on the spot as he didn't know how to react for several moments, but eventually, he grabbed her hand and pulled it away, only for her to climb onto his lap, her soft bottom making him pause again as she looked into his eyes. "You're…persistent."

"I've just…it seems that's all anyone wants from me, so…maybe you'll like it too," she said as she grabbed his face and leaned in to press her lips to his. She was so small that she had to lift herself. As soon as their lips touched, though, Bakugo indeed found himself relaxing a bit. He wasn't sure why, and he had nothing to compare it to, but something about it simply felt nice.

It only lasted a few seconds before Eri pulled away and planted her butt back down on his lap. "How was that?" Bakugo immediately wanted to snipe with a snide comment, but instead, he answered honestly.

"It wasn't terrible."

Eri smiled, which annoyed him for some reason, as she got off his lap and faced him. She grabbed at the hem of her dress and began to lift it, to which he sat up straight. "Hey, what're you doing?"

"Stripping," she replied as she threw off the dress. She was young enough that she didn't need a bra, but her flat chest wasn't really all that appealing to the boy.

"Why?" he asked as she yanked her panties down as well, which got his attention more as her small closed slit came into view.

"Well, don't you want to do more?"

"I never said that."

"You kind of implied it."

"You're kind of a smartass for a kid, aren't you?"

Eri giggled at that as she stepped closer, though there was a noticeable blush on her face. "Deku has told me about you, you know. It's why I was surprised you wanted to take me. It's why I feel like I need to please you because he says you're always riled up, so I figured maybe I could help you relax. I just didn't think you'd be so…stubborn."

"Ah, so he's talking about me behind my back, huh?" Bakugo asked, feeling his temper flaring. Eri frowned and immediately ran up to him, placing both hands on his groin, which stopped him in his tracks as he sucked in a breath.

"L-Let me take care of you! I'm sure you'll feel better once I do!" she pleaded.

"It's a waste of time. I don't see the appeal."

"Let me try!"



"Why do you care so much?!" he demanded.

"Because…because…Deku cares…"

Bakugo snarled, but as he looked down at her face, her pleading eyes and quivering mouth, he felt his anger lessen just enough to sigh.

"Whatever. I won't make any promises that I'll like it though."

Eri seemed satisfied by that as she reached for his pants and slowly tugged them down to his ankles and then off entirely. She then grabbed at his boxers, which came off soon as well and left the man bottomless. His cock looked completely flaccid, but Eri was determined to change that.

She grabbed his cock and immediately leaned in to start licking it. The boy shuddered as her tongue made contact, and she tilted her head around this way and that as her tongue slid across his skin. It only took moments before she felt it twitch and then a few moments after to start getting hard. Within a minute of that, he was fully erect and lightly panting, much to Eri's happiness.

She slid her tongue up and down his penis, from the base to the tip, before moving over him and putting the entire head in her mouth. She licked at his slit as she went up and down. He was large enough that if she tried to take it all at once, she knew she'd choke.

And yet he seemed to have different plans, as he soon grabbed her by the hair and slammed his entire length down her throat.

She gagged as he then started thrusting, holding onto her hair to guide her head as well as the cock slid in and out of her throat. She could barely breathe, especially as her nose kept becoming buried in his pubic hair, but eventually, she adjusted and continued moving her tongue as her head was forced around. She looked up at him to find him staring intensely down at her, and she saw how he shuddered at her gaze.

She kept going, her tongue gliding against every inch of skin she could find, stimulating him as much as she could. She even reached up and gently tickled his balls, something she'd learned worked to help Deku feel even better. It didn't take much longer for him to cum, blasting it down her throat. She once again choked on it but held firm as it all came out, feeling Bakugo shudder from the waves as he rode it out until he was finished. When he was done, he let go of her hair as she pulled away, gasping. His panting was far heavier now, and he didn't meet her gaze.

"How was it?" she asked once she caught her breath, and he snarled before answering.

"It was…" He paused and sighed. "It was pretty good."

"That's good to hear," she said before he turned to look her in the eyes.

"I want more."

"Oh…okay, but you'll need to-" She started before glancing down, where she was stunned to see he was already growing hard again. "H-Huh?" Even Deku usually needed some time to recover.

"I can tell what you're thinking, and don't think I'm not better than that sniveling loser," Bakugo said as he stood and tore off his shirt, leaving him nude and towering over the small girl. "I'm going to be better than him at everything, including this!"

He reached down and grabbed her by the arms, flinging her back on the bed. She barely had time to recover before he grabbed her legs and forced them open. Her eyes widened as she felt his cock press against her pussy. It felt so much bigger than Deku's that fear began to grip her. The pain was instant as he shoved himself inside, tears filling her eyes as she felt her body stretching to accommodate the man's penis. It hurt so bad that she could barely think, and she must've been screaming because he suddenly latched his hands around her throat, cutting off her screams within an instant.

"Too loud," he snarled into her face as he thrust his girth inside her, back and forth, in and out. She tried to breathe but no air would enter her lungs. She was lifeless, and though her body's instinct was to reach for Bakugo's wrists to pull them away from her neck, she obviously was too weak to do anything. She thrashed around as he continued slamming into her over and over, leaving her with the pain of one of the few things she could register.

Her vision began to grow dark as her struggle became weaker and weaker. She could barely think, couldn't speak, couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything. She felt on the brink of unconsciousness when he finally released her neck, and sweet delicious air flooded back into her lungs, as well as the pain of their sex.

"Sorry about that," he apologized with a growl. "Didn't want to knock you out, but you were being too loud."

Eri didn't think that was much of a good excuse, but she kept quiet, not wanting to draw his ire again as she slowly caught her breath, trying to fight through the pain. She felt some regret that she pushed him to this, and simply hoped that this would be enough to satiate him, that they wouldn't have to do anything else afterward.

Finally, he plunged his entire length inside her and came, filling her with his seed, so much that it exploded out of the sides and onto the bed. Bakugo trembled with the release and gasped once it was done. He stayed in her for a minute as she caught his breath and finally pulled out, falling onto the bed as his penis leaked a bit. Eri shuffled back as well, catching her breath. She didn't feel aroused herself at all, something she would've felt with Deku.

"Okay…I can see what they meant now. That was pretty good," Bakugo said with a smile.

"So you're…done?" she asked.

"Yeah, for today at least. But I might take you again sometime, just for a little stress relief, ha ha ha!" he exclaimed. Eri pouted. Of course, he wasn't going to give her the same treatment. At least with Deku, he made sure to pleasure her and give her attention for all that she gave him. Clearly, Bakugo didn't think the same way, though.

To be honest, though, she was sure even if she brought it up, he wouldn't know how to do it right and would probably just hurt her if he tried to do something like finger her, so she kept quiet.

At least it was over, though.

Even if she still felt sore.

Chapter 4: TooruSummary:Tooru introduces Eri to the lovely world of sex toys.

Chapter Text"MY TURN!"

Izuku was left stunned as Tooru snatched Eri out from under his nose, scooping the small, light girl into her arms as she found herself winking at him despite knowing he couldn't see it.

"H-Hey, but I-"

"Izuku, you need to relax, man. You get her like every other day. Surely you can spare her some!" Tooru went on as she swept herself out the door to leave the boy staring after her with a look of disappointment.

As they were exiting the building, Tooru looked down at her. "He really likes you, doesn't he?"

"He's a little crazy, I think," Eri replied, and Tooru laughed. "So…if you're taking me home for sex…with you being invisible, I don't know how I'm going to-"

"Oh, don't worry about that. I actually wanted to try something else with you since I'm sure none of the others have yet…well, Mina might have," she admitted.

"What's that?" Eri asked.

"Toys." Eri stared at her in confusion.


"You'll see! I really hope I've beaten the others to the punch on this because I can't wait to see your cute little face when we try them out!"

It didn't take them long to get home, though, on the way, they did get several looks from people, likely from the weirdness of seeing a little girl seemingly floating in the air. Despite a world full of superpowers, there were still some things that could surprise people.

"I had to choose today since my parents are out and they won't bother us," Tooru explained, though Eri didn't need an excuse, given that she'd been taken home by Deku enough times when his mom was home that it didn't really seem to matter. Tooru walked to her room and set Eri on the bed before closing the door despite the fact they were alone. She wasted no time in going over to one of her drawers and rummaging around, pushing aside her underwear and socks to find something, which she then pulled out.

Eri immediately took note of the fact that it looked like a penis but made of plastic. Tooru must've seen the look on her face because she giggled as she walked over and quickly began taking off her shirt.

"Ah…if you take all your clothes off, won't it be hard for me to know where you are?" Eri asked.

"You don't really need to see me for this, don't worry," Tooru said, which only made her more confused about what she was planning to do. "Just get your clothes off, okay?"

Eri nodded and quickly disrobed, and even though she couldn't see them, she could feel Tooru's gaze on her the entire time. Once she removed her panties, Tooru squealed, now naked as well, the only indication of her presence being the floating toy.

"Wow! You are adorable, aren't you?" she asked, and Eri couldn't help but blush at her enthusiasm. "Okay, lay down on your back."

Eri did as she was told, and she felt Tooru climb onto the bed with her and ease her legs open with her hands. It wasn't anything new, but Tooru brought the toy up to her pussy and slowly began to rub the tip against her pussy. The rubber felt strange to the little girl compared to a normal penis, but she couldn't deny that it was beginning to feel good regardless.

"This is a dildo," Tooru explained. "If you don't ever have a penis around, it's a nice replacement." She gently pushed it inside the small girl once she was wet enough and started thrusting the same way a normal penis would. Eri's body started shifting back and forth, her body answering the call of the toy as she felt a swirling inside her beginning to form.

Then, all at once, Tooru removed it. "Though, to be honest, this is what I'd want you to cum to since you probably get dicked down by Izuku all the time anyway." She put the toy down and walked back over to the drawer, leaving behind a slightly disappointed Eri, before eventually, Tooru returned with another object. This one had a round tip connected to what looked almost like a long TV remote, with various buttons and switches.

"This…is a vibrator," Tooru presented.

"What does it do?"

"It vibrates!"

Eri stared at her in confusion as Tooru walked back over and got back onto the bed. She giggled and gently placed the round head against Eri's pussy before flipping a switch and pressing a button. Instantly, the tip started vibrating at a low intensity, but it was enough to make the young girl instantly gasp as pleasure shot through her. Her head reeled back as she let out an adorable moan that made Tooru giggle again.

"This is a very special toy you can use to stimulate yourself. It also has a variety of settings, so you can get super intense if you want. It also has different forms of vibration," Tooru explained as she turned it up to the next intensity. Eri gasped again as she felt that swirling inside her immediately grow much stronger.

"Ahhhhhh~" she moaned. "I-It's…!"

"Really nice, isn't it~?" Tooru asked as she glided the head of the vibrator across the girl's wet lips. Her chest heaved as Eri trembled, more adorable moans leaving her lips with every passing second. She felt so happy to see Eri enjoying herself so much, so she flipped a different switch and turned up the intensity. The specially ordered vibrator now didn't just simply vibrate but also began to thrust, a pump on the top pushing the wand's tip in and out of her while it shook.

"AHHHHHH~!" Eri's moans increased in volume as she was now completely on her back, her hips raising as her toes curled and her body shook. It felt so good that the young girl could barely think through the haze of pleasure. The now familiar pressure was building inside her at an alarming rate as she slammed her hand down on the bed over and over, unable to withstand it much longer.

So Tooru kept turning it up, now at almost a mid-level intensity. Eri moaned louder and louder until she finally came, exploding onto both the toy and the bed with a loud gasp. It came out in waves upon waves before she finally collapsed back entirely onto the bed, shaking with adrenaline and gasping for air. Her head lolled to the side as she felt the hazy fog finally beginning to dissipate. Tooru laughed and gently set the vibrator down, reminding herself to clean it later.

"There's one more I'd like to try with you," she said as she, again, went to the dresser. Eri was still panting by the time she returned, holding a strange object that looked like a harness with two dildos attached to it. "This is a special double-sided strap-on!"

"H-Huh…?" Eri questioned.

"Just watch," Tooru said as she attached the harness to herself and slid one of the ends inside herself, which Eri watched in fascination as it seemingly vanished into thin air. Tooru took a shaky breath as she finished getting the device into place and faced Eri. "Now…I can have sex with you as if I was a guy!"

"With…a fake penis?" Eri asked.

"Precisely! Except this one is special, so whenever I thrust into you, in turn, it stimulates me too!"

"Really?" Eri asked in surprise. "That sounds so useful!"

"It is!" Tooru said, happy at the girl's excitement. "So, are you ready?" Eri nodded her head, and Tooru leaned down to spread her legs and sidle closer.

"It looks so silly," Eri said with a giggle as the strap-on hovered in midair, and Tooru couldn't help but laugh as well.

"It does, doesn't it?" Tooru asked before clearing her throat. "Okay…I'm going in."

Eri nodded, and with the girl already sufficiently wet from the vibrator and her climax, Tooru was able to slip inside. As she did, she felt it respond in kind and press against herself as well, making her gasp. The device would be able to jostle just enough to stimulate her to a climax as well once she really got going, but she was going to start slow for the young girl's sake.

Part of her knew she should feel guilty about using a little girl like this, but not only did she know others had already used her as well, but she'd never had a chance to use this before since she'd been too shy to ask her classmates.

So it began. She eased the entire length inside Eri, a full six inches, and then pulled out and gently thrust back inside. She pulled out and did it again, and every thrust sent a shockwave back through the other end, giving her a nice, fuzzy feeling as well. One of Tooru's hands moved down to caress Eri's soft, youthful thighs while her other moved up to her large breast and began to squeeze. A moan escaped her lips as she groped herself with glee.

Eri's breathing slowly became more rapid and harsh as she once again felt the stirring inside her. It was growing quickly, though not nearly as fast as with the vibrator. It felt different from a real dick, for sure, but she could see how it was a nice substitute. Tooru's gentle fingers on her thighs also felt nice.

Tooru picked up speed as she could feel her climax building. It had been a while since she'd been able to properly release, so with this girl here to help, she knew it was only a matter of time until she could. So she kept at it, slowly getting faster and faster as she slid in and out of the girl, enjoying how their moans combined into a beautiful cacophony of sound around them. She squeezed her breast and rubbed her nipples at an almost violent pace, dragging out the climax as hard as she could.

Eri came first, but even as the girl was riding her second wave, her body lifting from the climax, Tooru kept going.


It only took a few more moments for her to finish as well, cumming hard from the stimulation, taboo nature of what she was doing, and overall lack of release lately, so just as Eri was winding down, she was finishing. Eri tried to catch her breath as Tooru trembled with release. It felt like minutes passed before she finally pulled out of Eri completely and flopped back onto the bed with a gasp, fighting to catch her breath.

A few moments passed before she spoke. "How…was that?"

Eri seemed to think about it for a little bit before she answered. "I…want one of my own," she said, and Tooru laughed.

"Maybe I can see about helping you get one. I'm sure Izuku would happily use it on you and see those cute expressions."

She couldn't see her, but Eri found herself smiling as her cheeks flushed, and she gave a small nod.


Chapter 5: KaminariSummary:With Izuku busy trying to raise his grades, Kaminari decides to take Eri home and have his first time.

Chapter TextAfter Tooru took Eri for a spin, no one else did for a while, meaning Izuku could finally have her all to himself for a while.

However, having sex with a cute girl every night led to his grades dropping, and his mother forbade him from bringing her home (since she had by then discovered what was happening and while she wasn't okay with it, she knew there wasn't much she could do against it, especially if she wasn't home) until his grades got better. So, for the past two days, Eri had simply stayed at the school, taking one of the beds in the nurse's office as her place to sleep.

However, someone finally decided to take her home on the third day.

Kaminari strode right up to her and offered his hand. She looked a mixture of relieved and saddened, which Kaminari decided not to take the time to decipher.

"Hey, don't be too rough with her, alright?" Jirou piped up from her seat.

"What makes you immediately assume I'm gonna do that with her?" Kaminari asked.

"Because you're a teenage boy with hormones?" she offered. He opened his mouth to bite back with something, but nothing came out, and he sighed. He simply took Eri's hand and walked out.

"How's the break been?" he asked as they exited the school.


"Not having to deal with Izuku for a while," he elaborated, and she made a noise of understanding.

"I'm not sure," she replied honestly. "It's nice in some ways, but I also kind of…miss it."

"Wow…he's really conditioned you that much already?" Kaminari asked.


"Ah, nothing," he said, the pair walking down the street, holding hands as if he were her older brother, making sure she didn't get lost. "So you probably have a lot of…experience now, right?"

"The invisible girl used 'sex toys' on me."

That threw Kaminari for a loop. Normally he would've tried to picture what that would look like and subsequently get aroused, but considering Tooru was invisible and he didn't even know how big her boobs were, it wasn't really something he'd be able to imagine. Still, knowing that made him shudder and grow just a little harder.

"Have you…uh…done it rough?" he asked.


"Like…it felt kind of harsh?" he pushed, and she seemed to give it some thought before nodding, her brows furrowing.

"The loud one went really, really hard, and he didn't even make me feel good after." Kaminari snorted, not surprised at all that not only did Bakugo get rough but didn't even bother to pleasure her back. He'd never find a girl like that.

"Well, I like going hard like that, but I promise I'll do my best to make you feel good too!" Eri seemed hesitant but nodded anyway.

Eventually, the two made it back to Kaminari's house, where his parents were conveniently out shopping and wouldn't likely be back for an hour or two. Even if they did get back, he was sure if he explained the situation, no matter their feelings on it, they'd just go with it as Izuku's mom did. Still, having the house to themselves for a while was nice.

As soon as they entered his bedroom, he took a step away from her and thrust out his arms. "Ta-da! What do you think?"

Eri looked around the room, noticing various yellow and black patterns and a general electricity theme. Otherwise, he had very modern furniture and quite a large bed and computer setup.

"It's cooler than Izuku's room," she eventually said. "He just has a lot of All Might stuff." Kaminari chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised." He patted the bed as he sat down, and she strode to sit next to him. Suddenly, he felt very awkward now that they'd finally stopped. "So…I guess we can just…start then?"

"If you like it rough, does that mean none of the special stuff before? The…foreplay?" Eri asked, remembering the word Izuku had said.

"No, no, we can do some of that. I want you to enjoy it too, after all, even though once we start, I'm sure I'm gonna lose a little control, hehe…"

Eri simply nodded, appearing to relax a little as she grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it up and off, leaving her dressed only in socks and shoes—which she quickly removed as well—and a pair of adorable pink panties. Already, Kaminari felt his breath escape him as he took in the sight of her. Normally, he was a big boob guy—probably one of the few things he saw eye to eye with Mineta on—but he had to admit that seeing her cute little chest and adorably tiny nipples sent a small shudder down his spine.

She stood up off the bed and dropped the panties as well, and even though it was the pussy of a child, it was still a pussy that was free from hair and looked so cute and tight that another, even stronger shudder ran through his body. "W-Wow…you're adorable…" he said, and Eri gave him a small smile.

"Thank you. Can I…see you now?"

"You…want to? I mean, yeah, obviously I'm gonna get naked to do it with you, but you…want to see it?" Eri nodded.

"Penises look weird but kind of…cute," she answered, and Kaminari swallowed. Hearing a girl her age say the word 'penis' made him excited for some reason, so he quickly stood and stripped out of his clothes. Eri's smile widened as soon as he dropped his boxers, exposing a rather large penis at half-mast.

"So, um…not sure what to do first because I've never…actually done this…" he started, and immediately gasped as Eri placed a hand on his cock, gently rubbing it, her hand too small to wrap entirely around the shaft. "O-Okayyyyy…" he groaned as her hand went up and down, her gentle fingers quickly getting him to full mast.

"It's big," she noted as she leaned in and gently kissed the tip, which made Kaminari gasp as electricity crackled across his skin.

"Fuck…" he said, before experiencing more pleasure as she opened her mouth and placed it around his head entirely, her mouth sliding up and down his cock, her small tongue touching every inch of skin she could find, even if she couldn't fit the entire thing in her mouth. For Kaminari, it was one of the most pleasant things he'd ever experienced, and he placed a hand on Eri's head to pet her as she sucked him off.

But he didn't want to cum this way.

He gently pushed her away, a trail of saliva connecting her mouth to his cock for a moment as she looked up at him in confusion. He took a deep, shaky breath, his mind already becoming clouded with arousal.

"Was I doing it wrong?" Eri asked so thoughtfully it broke his heart.

"N-No…I just don't want to cum that way…" he said before gently picking her up and placing her on the bed. "Like I said, I want you to feel good too."

"Okay…" Eri said softly as he leaned in and gently spread her legs, allowing him full access to see her cute, hairless lips. He gulped as he stared at them before leaning in and flicking his tongue against it. The sound that left Eri's lips sent a shudder through him once more as he used his hands to spread her lips open and lick even more inside. She tasted delicious, and every sound she made was music to his ears.

It didn't take long for his tongue assault to produce results, either. Before long, he was tasting a nice, sweet fluid coming from her that he happily lapped up like it was the nectar of the gods. It was the first time he'd tasted it, and he could see why people wished to do so.

He kept at it, burying his tongue as far inside as it would go, feeling her body twitch and thrash around as her moans became louder and louder. Her body clenched up as she finally released, cumming into Kaminari's mouth with a great moan of pleasure and joy, and he lapped up every drop that came out of her until she was finished. He pulled away and wiped his mouth, smiling down at her as she caught her breath. His eyes were still between her legs, however.

It was time.

He lined up his cock to her entrance and gently prodded it. Her eyes shot open as she looked over at him, and he only waited for her to give a single nod before he plunged himself inside, her lingering wetness helping him go in more easily.

She gasped as his girth filled her almost instantly, even as he continued pushing inside deeper and deeper. She winced as he shoved everything inside and had to pause to catch his breath. She was so tight, her velvety inner walls pressing in so nicely and holding his cock, that he almost lost his mind right then and there.

When he began to thrust, it only got better and worse.

He knew he was going to lose control as her pussy seemed to happily guide him along, Eri's hips shifting back and forth as he slid in and out. He could tell it hurt her but that she was still going on regardless, and he figured that was probably because he'd made her feel good first, and now she wanted to return the favor.

He sped up, slowly growing faster and faster, moving in and out at a fervent speed as his balls slapped back and forth. The haze was settling over him as he lost track of where he was, who was in front of him, losing track of everything other than his cock going in and out of the small girl's pussy.

"Gahhhh…" he groaned as more electricity sparked across his skin, occasionally zapping Eri, though she barely noticed through the mixture of pain and pleasure she was currently experiencing. For her, every thrust hurt, his cock perhaps a little too large for her frame, but at the same time, he kept striking a specific spot inside her body that made her feel so good that it almost made the pain worth it.

"Fuck…fuuuuck…" he continued, feeling the surging underneath his skin. He tried to wrangle it in, but the arousal and pleasure were too overwhelming, and as he felt pressure building inside him, he went faster, as fast and hard as he could manage, nearly tearing the girl open as he plowed her with an almost animalistic scream.

Finally, he thrust into her as he came, and he screamed as he came so hard he let loose his full power, and Eri's scream joined his as he electrocuted them both, managing to shock himself, too, until he completely finished.

Eri hurt, but thankfully, it wasn't anything she couldn't handle, though it was safe to say that when Kaminari pulled out, she was angry, and she saw up, ready to yell at him when she stopped. His hair was poking out in every direction, and his face had become…derpy.

"Hehe…" he laughed, his voice sounding strange compared to before, his cheeks bloated and squishy.

"What…?" Eri questioned, and then shook her head. "That hurt, you know!" She pouted.

"Oh…sorry…" he said, his voice sounding deflated and…dumb.

"Yeah! So…uh…make it better!"


"Yeah! Do the…the…the thing again! Lick me! Down there!" Eri couldn't remember the word, so she hoped he understood in whatever weird state he was in.

He saluted and immediately leapt towards her body, spreading her legs and, even though there was still likely some of his cum left over inside her, started licking at her again. He wasn't as careful or methodical as last time, but it felt almost just as good, so she wasn't going to complain. She simply laid back and allowed the pleasure to wash through her, feeling a pressure slowly building inside her.

She reached up and pressed her fingers against her nipples and started rubbing them. It was something she'd come to learn that made her feel great, so she rubbed the hard nubs in circles to further herself along.

Kaminari seemed to get even more into it as he dug his face in deeper, his tongue poking in as far as it could go and stimulating her in ways a finger or cock couldn't.

The pressure was growing stronger and stronger as he flicked his tongue against her over and over and over again. She grabbed his head with one of her hands to try and see if she could pull him even closer, as she just wanted more. She pinched her nipple and twisted it, pulling on it as hard as she could.

Finally, a moment later, she came hard onto his face, feeling him licking up her fluids as she let out a satisfying moan that made her whole body shudder and finally relax after the waves of pleasure washed over her. He kept going until the very last drop and then pulled away. Eri laid back fully on the bed as she caught her breath.

Eventually, she felt a body next to her and two arms wrapped around her. She opened her eyes and looked over at Kaminari, who had managed to fall asleep clutching her to his chest. At first, she wasn't sure what to do, but eventually, she relaxed again and cuddled up next to him, breathing into his chest.


Chapter 6: JirouSummary:Jirou discovers she can act out her fantasies with the wonderful Eri.

Chapter Text"My turn."

Jirou wasted no time in walking up to the front of the class as soon as it was over and grabbing Eri by the hand. The girl had been busy reading a children's book—something Aizawa has been supplying to her to read during class—and felt a little disappointed when she had to put it down.

"Woah. Wait, what? Jirou, you're into-?" Kaminari started, but Jirou raised her hand and pointed to him.

"No!" she said, her cheeks flushing. "Not that you have any right to judge me if I did, since you used her last time, didn't you?" The boy didn't have a response, so he simply sat down as Jirou stood up straight. "I need her for something, and it doesn't involve…that."

"I…yeah, I guess if anyone was going to take her and use her for something else, it would be you, right?" Kaminari said, and Jirou nodded. She was happy he wasn't questioning it further as, without waiting to give anyone else time to say anything, she turned and began walking away.

"What are we going to do?" Eri asked with curiosity as they walked down the halls. She hadn't gotten to do anything except have sex, so she was excited to see what Jirou had in store for her.

Jirou didn't answer until they'd left school grounds and walked out onto the street. "We're going to be doing something I'm almost certain none of the others have done with you."

Her reply made Eri falter as her confusion turned to concern, mostly at the tone of the girl's voice. There was almost a mad nature to it as Jirou kept her eyes away from her the entire walk, only squeezing Eri's hand more tightly as people passed them by without a second look.

Then all of a sudden, just before Eri was going to say something, Jirou pulled her to the left, and the two went down an alleyway, full of dumpsters, trash that was supposed to be in dumpsters, and a rat that scurried away when they went past, the sight of which made Eri shudder.

"Where are we going?" Eri asked nervously, her body beginning to tremble. She'd simply assumed that they would be going to Jirou's house just like everybody else, but now she was starting to worry about what Jirou had in store.

Just before she could ask another question, Jirou stopped dead in her tracks, and Eri almost ran into her. Eri heard the girl giggle, low and soft.

"Right here."

She was then slammed hard into the wall, knocking the wind out of her for a moment. She gasped as her hands shot reflexively to Jirou arm at her collar, and when she looked up, she finally met the girl's eyes.

Where she saw what could be best described as madness.

"I…ahhhh…" she gasped, and grabbed Eri's shirt with her free hand before tearing it off her body, leaving her topless, her small, undeveloped chest now exposed. Eri let out another gasp as she glanced over, the light of the street proper only a few feet away, her face flushing. Not as much as Jirou's, however. "Y-You're topless…in public!" She shuddered violently.

"Wh-What are you doing?"

"It's been a fantasy of mine for a while to do something like this," Jirou explained, nearly drooling as she stared at Eri's chest. "I hadn't expected to do it with a child, but I'm not particularly picky."

"Do what?" Eri asked, still confused as Jirou grabbed her skirt and yanked it down before flinging it off next to the two pieces of her top.

"Strip a girl in public and have my way with her," she finally replied as she picked up her legs and removed her socks and shoes before yanking her panties down her legs and tossing those aside as well. Eri's bare feet on the probably dirty ground made her feel weird and gross, but it was overshadowed by the embarrassment she felt as she was now completely nude within eyesight of the street.

"I-If someone walks by-!"

"They'll see you, yep! That's the point!" Jirou said. "Normally that would be illegal, but you're technically my property, so they don't have any right to stop us!"

"Why…why did you lie?" Eri asked, pouting as she tried to cover herself, continuously glancing over at the open street. Someone walked by, and Eri's eyes went wide, but he continued on without noticing the two.

"Well it's embarrassing, you know?" Jirou whimpered. "I couldn't tell them the truth, especially Kaminari…so you better keep this a secret, alright?!" Eri nodded fervently at her tone and wild eyes, eyes that roamed up and down her body. "Ahhh…I wish I could strip as well, but I can't push my luck…at least this time, though I'm sure there's slightly less public places we can go to that'll let me strip naked and still get me going~"

"So…we're gonna have sex again?" Eri asked, feeling more disappointed than anything now. She was still embarrassed and slightly scared about being caught, though it was as Jirou said: it didn't matter since she wasn't considered human anymore.

"Yep! And we're gonna do it in a special way, too~!" Jirou added as her earphone jacks began to move towards Eri. The young girl was about to question why when the earphone jacks began to run their tips against her nipples. Instantly, her body shook as she felt that familiar feeling of arousal shoot through her.

"How does that feel?" Jirou asked with a wide grin, and Eri moaned in response, which only made Jirou chuckle. "Well, you better prepare yourself~"

Eri wasn't sure what the older girl meant until he leaned in and placed her lips over Eri's at the same time one hand slid between her legs and began to rub her. Eri's eyes widened as she now had four things stimulating her at the same time, making her body shake and tremble with arousal and pleasure as her nipples grew hard and her lower lips began to get wet.

Even then, Jirou still wasn't done. Her earphone jacks traced circles around her aeroela before rubbing the hard nubs directly again as her other hand snaked behind her and firmly grasped her tiny, petite butt. Eri shook as she felt like she was being attacked with pleasure from all sides. Her arousal grew ever more apparent in how wet she was getting as Jirou slipped a finger inside her and started thrusting.

"Overstimulation~" Jirou said as she briefly broke away from the kiss before leaning in again, thought this time she pushed her tongue inside and wrapped it around Eri's, enjoying the taste of the child as she grabbed at her ass like she would fall off a cliff if she didn't. She couldn't get over how soft her body was, a benefit of being so young, she supposed. Her pussy was also incredibly tight, the wetness the only thing likely allowing her to slide the finger in and out the way she was. And every noise that came out from between their lips, even as muffled as they were, was like music to the girl's ears. She continued her relentless assault on her chest as well, flicking one of her nipples while her other earphone jack traced circles around her entire breast.

Eri could feel her body tensing up as the pressure was building inside her, the familiar feeling of a coming climax. She could barely stand against the onslaught of stimulation, and couldn't think through the pleasure either. It was too much for her small body, and finally, after what felt like ages for Eri, she came, spilling her fluids across the girl's hand and the ground of the alley as her entire body shook from the effort, and she finally collapsed in a heap, no longer caring about how dirty the ground likely was. Her eyes were rolled back as she was recovering from one of her most intense climaxes yet.

But even then, Jirou still wasn't done.

"Come on," Jirou said as she felt the woozy girl to her feet and the two of them walked further into the alley, leaving Eri's clothes behind, at least for the moment.

"Wh-Where are we…?" Eri started as they rounded a corner before they stopped and Jirou began to frantically strip, acting like her clothes were burning her. Eri's face flushed as she glanced around. She could see the light of another street, but it was far enough away that it wasn't likely anyone looking inside would be able to see them. Even so…

"Ah, that's so much better~" Jirou said as she now stood completely naked before Eri, seemingly completely unfazed by the face trash littered the ground around them. She stretched her arms above her head, making her already modest chest seem even smaller. Eri gave her body a once-over, finding a small trimmed bit of pubic hair above her groin. She wasn't sure what to expect next, especially as Jirou grabbed her and forced her down on the ground, making Eri recoil as she saw a discarded banana peel nearby that looked like it had been there for a while.

"I've always wanted to do this~!" Jirou cried, her eyes sparkling as her chest heaved. She was visibly damp between her legs and her nipples were rock hard. Eri could see her constantly glancing over at the light from the street, where she assumed Jirou was getting aroused from the idea of being so close to being caught, not that she really understood that concept herself.

She watched as Jirou sat herself down, and her confusion was finally cleared up when the older girl scooted forward and planted their groins against each other. Even just the most basic contact was enough to get both girls fired up, though it seemed to affect Jirou much more.

"I-I'm naked…in a semi-public place…fucking another girl…" Jirou said in a new whisper as she began to shift her hips back and forth. "My dream coming true~"

Eri started moving her own hips as well as she began to pant. She was somewhat glad she recovered from climaxes quickly so she wouldn't just be sitting here doing nothing while her partner was enjoying themselves, though she had to admit that watching the class and their dynamics, she never would've expected this kind of thing from Jirou.

It was certainly a new experience.

Eri could also tell that Jirou wasn't going to last long based on how fast she was already both breathing and trembling. The young girl had come to tell the signs of someone close to climax, information which she had a feeling she shouldn't have known in any context, but unfortunately did.

Thankfully, scissoring was having the same effect on her, making her almost ready to cum as well. She reached out her hand and gently grasped Jirou's in her own, finding the older girl squeezing back tightly. Eri closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath as she came, unleashing everything she had for a second time. A moment after she came, Jirou did as well, erupting over their conjoined pelvises as she reared her head back and let out a loud moan. Her body thrashed in place as she felt the waves of pleasure crashing over her until finally she collapsed onto the ground, panting wildly, her bare chest rising and falling with every passing second and slowly becoming more balanced.

Eri leaned back against the wall as she too fought to catch her breath. Jirou slowly sat up, a dumb grin on her face.

"Wonderful~! Absolutely wonderful~!" she said before letting out a satisfied sigh. "I definitely need to do this more often…there's a couple of places I've been wanting to try doing this sort of thing…" She was speaking quickly as she stared off into space. "The park, or a public bathroom…ahhh, there's so many possibilities~!"

"Um…" Eri piped up as she turned to see someone making their way down the alley. Jirou didn't seem to notice in time before they stopped in their tracks upon seeing the two, her face turning bright red.

"Wh-What the fuck?!" the woman cried. Eri was about to open her mouth and explain when Jirou grabbed her hand and the two of them took off, Jirou grabbing their clothes along the way.

"Hahahahahahaha! Fuck!" Jirou cried in delight, leaking her juices down her leg as they jumped behind a dumpster and hid between it and the alley wall as the woman rounded the corner and ran past, shouting. "Oh my god!" Jirou cried as she hugged herself and shivered. "So close!" She was back to heavy breathing, but it only lasted a few seconds before she took a deep breath and exhaled. "We should probably get dressed though…I'd still get arrested for public indecency, even if I wouldn't get charged for fucking you since you're property now."

Eri pouted at the reminder as her clothes were tossed to her, and a minute later, the two were back out on the street fully clothed.

"Ahh…I can't wait to take you out again to do so much more stuff I've always wanted to do~!" Jirou said as they walked back to her house. All Eri could think about the entire time was that she too had felt a strange sort of adrenaline when they'd been seen and had to run away nude.

That and the fact she was still surprised Jirou was such a pervert.

Chapter 7: MinetaSummary:Mineta wants to try having sex with Eri as practice for when he eventually tries to woo a girl, wanting to do it properly and with the girl in mind so they'll want more.

Notes:(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text"Eri, may I please have the honor of taking you home?"

Everyone stared dumbfounded as Mineta walked up to Eri, grabbed her hand as he knelt, and spoke those words as if he was proposing to her.

"I thought…you only liked busty women?" Jirou asked aloud, remembering a time when he'd made fun of her for her small chest before she kicked his face in.

"So your perversion has finally gotten the better of you, huh?" Kirishima said with a shrug.

"I mean…I think a third of the class now has done stuff with her, so…" Ochako said as she shifted in her seat, and everyone looked away from one another, especially those that had indeed taken the girl home to do lewd acts, all except Izuku, who didn't appear ashamed at all.

"I do like big, busty women, especially if they're older than me," Mineta said with confidence. "However, given that most of them seem repulsed by me, I figured some practice with Eri might help."

"Practice what exactly?"

"Pick-up lines and the like," he said, and everyone groaned.

"I am so sorry," Mina apologized to Eri, who just cocked her head in confusion as Mineta stood back up, gently took her hand, and started leading her out.

"So, I'm gonna start off by saying that was kind of a lie," he said. "I mean, I do want to practice pick-up lines and openers, but I'd also like to…explore you."


"You aren't a large busty woman, but you're still a girl, and I want to take the opportunity to check out a girl's body, so that when I do finally get to be with a woman, I can make her feel as good as possible."

"You want…to make them feel good?"

"Well, I also want to feel good too, obviously, but I figure if I prioritize them over myself, they'll come back for more, which is good for me."

"That makes sense," Eri agreed as they exited the school.

"So, how about this," Mineta asked as they walked. He turned to face Eri and gave her a finger gun as he smiled. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

"Huh?" Eri asked. "I didn't fall from heaven…I think…"

"No, it's a pick up line. I'm not saying you actually fell from heaven, it's just a way to call someone an angel."

"Ohhhh…" Eri said, and then smiled. "Well, thank you!"

"So you liked that, huh?" he asked, and she nodded. His smile grew wider.

"How about this then?" He cleared his throat. "Hey, so you're pretty, and I'm cute. Wanna be pretty cute together~?"

At that one, Eri giggled. "I like that one."

"Thanks! Do you think it would work on you?"

"Hmmm…I don't know."

"Alright, well how about this: is it hot in here, or is it just you?"


"Alright, fair enough, that one has been done a lot before. What about," he smirked, "are you sure you're not tired? Since you've been running through my mind all day." Eri smiled.

"That one's pretty good," she said, and Mineta nodded to himself.

And so that's how the rest of the walk back to his place went, him telling her corny pick-up lines and her rating them.

Once they got inside, with Mineta's parents gone for the evening, explaining why he'd waited so long to take Eri home, they walked back to his room and, even though they were alone, he reflexively shut the door.

"Alright, you know the first step, right?" he asked, and she nodded as she walked to the center of the room and quickly stripped down like she'd done several times before at this point. While it had become normal to her, when she turned to face Mineta, she saw he was staring at her with an open mouth.


"I just…even though you're just a little girl, seeing a girl strip naked in person is…" He shook his head and took a deep breath. "Alright." With that, he got on one knee before her. "Milady…may I have permission to examine your lovely body?"

"Oooh," she said. "Yes, you may."

"Thank you, milady," he said as he looked up at her. "Please, make yourself comfortable on my bed, however you'd like."

Eri nodded as she climbed onto the bed and settled in, grabbing the boy's pillows to stack behind her so she was more comfortable as Mineta stood in front of her.

"May I strip too, please?" he asked, and Eri nodded. Mineta stepped back and quickly stripped down himself, and Eri was not at all surprised to see his penis was quite small, along with the rest of his body, though she supposed it would potentially feel more comfortable with her own smaller body, if he decided to penetrate her.

He walked up to her and looked her in the eyes, waiting. She gave a nod and puffed out her chest as much as could, figuring it's what he'd want to look at first. She guessed correctly, as he leaned in and stuck out his hands, gently placing them over her chest, and squeezing. She huffed as she felt his small hands cover her chest and start feeling it up. She knew she didn't have much to give and based on what she'd heard, it seemed like he wouldn't like her sort of body, but even so…it was clear he was taking care of her.

His hands were gentle as they slid across her small chest, gliding effortlessly along her nonexistent mounds before he rubbed each of his fingers over her nipples. She began to moan as her heart started racing, though this time felt different. The tightness in her chest wasn't the same as it usually was. Perhaps it was the gentle way he was doing it but it felt so much more intimate than the others, even Izuku, who had often gone gentle with her. Mineta was just…unique.

He then surprised her when he leaned in and gently pressed his lips to hers. She was so surprised by it that for a moment, she didn't kiss back. It was clear he didn't have any experience by the way his kiss was rough and a little mushy, but she eventually recovered and started to kiss him back, closing her eyed as he continued rubbing her nipples.

Eventually one hand began to move down, sliding over her stomach and between her legs. She spread herself for him, silently giving him permission as his hand started to rub her lower lips. She was already wet, so his hand slid easily across her lips, making her moans increase in volume as he eventually started moving a finger inside. He slid in easily and began to thrust in and out as her body began to lurch. He pinched her nipple and lightly twisted and rolled it under his fingers as he continued kissing her, though he didn't seem to want to French kiss like some of the others, possibly because he didn't think she'd like it. Wanting to prove him wrong, she initiated it, pushing her tongue inside his mouth and wrapping it around his own as he let out a small sound of surprise. She could feel his cock stiffening against her thigh as he went faster with his thrusting.

Their bodies felt like they were melding together as he added a second finger and the kissing grew more passionate and intense. Eri could feel that pressure growing inside her more and more as he went to town on her body, until finally she couldn't take any more and she came. Her body jolted with the intense climax as she let out everything she had on his hand, which he kept inside while she finished.

Once she was done he pulled it out and pulled away from the kiss, both of them panting.

"So…how was that?" he asked.

"Wonderful~" she said, and he gave her a smile.

"Great! If I may ask, then, can we…?" he gestured down to his dick, and she nodded. "Great. I actually have a specific position I'd like to try. I've heard it's one of the most romantic ones there is."

"What is it?" Eri asked.

"You get on my lap, facing me," he instructed, and she did as he said, watching as he sat down and she climbed on top of him, their faces now in front of one another as she could feel his cock resting against her stomach as her hands went around his neck. They were now inches apart as he smiled at her. "Can you see why?"

"Yeah…it seems very…intimate," she said, and he nodded as he started shifting his hips.

"I'm going to go inside you now, okay?" he asked, and she gave him a nod. She moved herself as well, lifting up a bit so his cock could settle against her entrance. She took a deep breath as he pushed inside, only needing a second or two to go inside completely. She exhaled, happy that it didn't feel too bad as he started to thrust.

Eri shifted her own hips as well as she leaned in and kissed him again. He accepted her and soon the two were French kissing again as his cock slid in and out of her. It was perfectly sized not to cause her much pain at all, such a welcome change of pace from everyone else that it was further boosting her arousal already as she could feel pleasure swimming inside her again.

Mineta continued going, beginning to move faster as he groaned at her tightness, while one of his hands slid down to grope her ass, squeezing it tightly as he continued sliding in and out. His other hand went to her breast and started playing with her nipple again, and that only further Eri's own arousal as it built and built inside her. Her heart was still racing from how gentle he had been to her, and even now, when he was getting a little rougher, especially with how he was groping her ass, it still felt more gentle than times when Izuku did it.

She was still surprised when Mineta came at the same time as her, both of them shuddering at they unleashed themselves, with Eri feeling his cum filling her just like she had with all the others. They stayed still for a few moments even after they finished, until Eri finally got off of him and laid down on the bed next to him. He flopped down as well as his cock began to soften again.

For a while, neither of them spoke, but when they did, it was Eri.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Why do you act the way you do around women?"

Mineta sighed. "It's…not like I want to be weird and push them away, I just…can't control myself when I'm around them, especially when a lewd situation presents itself. It's like another me just takes over."


"Well, my primary theory was because I'm sex-starved and have never experienced stuff with a girl but…" He looked over at her. "I'm hoping that now that I have done it with you, maybe it'll be a bit better. I'll have to just kind of figure it out, I guess." Eri nodded, and a smile came to her face.

"I'm hoping so, too, because that would mean I was helpful, and…I like being helpful." Mineta returned her smile.

"Then…if it's okay…"

"I wouldn't mind doing stuff with you again sometime, if you want to experiment and stuff," she said, and Mineta let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks," he said before turning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Eri blushed, her smile widening as she felt happy.