bunny deku

"... Aaaand that's wraps. Thank you for your time, everyone!" The photographer said merrily, finally stepping away from the camera.


Izuku, still in his pose, giggled and hopped up. Like Kyoka, Ochako, Kirishima, and Todoroki, they all had Miruko's leotard on and taking a special photoshoot for the Year of the Rabbit, while the rabbit hero herself was wearing a nice kimono with a very similar theme in design and color.


Kirishima chuckled to himself and looked over at Todoroki, who was looking down almost grimly. "Hey, are you okay over there, Todoroki?"


"... This is humiliating." He said, looking down and rubbing his own bare thigh. "I'm not used to my thighs like this, and it's kinda tight on my…" He droned out, feeling his cheeks heating up while Kirishima began blushing too, rubbing the back of his head slightly.


"Yeah, I mean, it's fun, but it's still kinda weird… Midoriya looks like he's having a hell of a time though." The boys looked over at Izuku, who was doing a few stretches with a wide smile on his face.


"That's true. Although another big difference would probably be…" Todoroki stopped mid-sentence again and blushed a little harder, and so did Kirishima.


Quite frankly, the biggest difference between Todoroki & Kirishima to Izuku would be that Izuku looked amazing in this leotard. Both Kirishima and Todoroki considered themselves good-looking, but that was more handsome and rugged in Kirishima's case, and refined in Todoroki's.


Izuku, meanwhile, was pretty . He had a cute, roundish, and girly face with soft cheeks and cute freckles, wide emerald eyes, and a head of fluffy dar-green hair which complimented the white rabbit ears well.


But no one was really looking at Izuku's face . It had never really been highlighted before, but Izuku had amazing hindquarters. His limbs were lithe and fit, but his thighs looked mouth-wateringly thick, and all of that didn't even touch how good his ass looked, getting half of it brazeningly shown off and topped with Miruko's iconic cottonball tail.


Todoroki and Kirishima were still blushing, before Kirishima finally cleared his throat and patted Todoroki on the shoulder. "C-Come on, man, let's just get changed out of these."


Meanwhile; Rumi, Kyoka, and Ochako were still standing almost in the exact spot they were when the shoot ended. Izuku walked over to the photographer and asked to look, and his face visibly brightened as the photographer showed off his work.


They felt stun-locked ever since Izuku walked into the room cosplaying as Miruko. The rabbit hero was renowned for her ass and thighs, and Izuku was doing that reputation justice .


Ochako hadn't even brought herself down yet, she was just drifting in the air, her hands covering her mouth as she stared wide-eyed and blushing. Kyoka was in a similar position, clenching her thighs together and keeping her hands low.


Rumi looked the most reserved, nodding slightly as she blushed and her ears twitched slightly. She was still staring below Izuku's waist… Speaking of, she also took a moment to look at Izuku's very promising bulge. She bit her lip knowing that it was probably straining for release.


Finally, she made a decision: Izuku was cute, had a great ass, thunder thighs, a cock with a lot of potential, and since he was still attending U.A, was most likely a virgin. She licked her lips at the thought, knowing she had a perfect opportunity to mold the sexy bunny boy into a perfect, submissive twink-toy.


"Alright, don't wait up for me ladies… Or your friend, Midoriya~" She said with a wink, before sauntering Midoriya's way.


Ochako and Jirou each felt a spike of jealousy at Miruko's cocky demeanor and even glared, and Ochako finally released herself and dropped. "H-Hey, wait, Ms. Miruko!" She said, running over to grab her wrist, but Kyoka stopped her.


Miruko laughed at their display, and smacked her butt in their direction to rub salt in the wound. "Aw, it's alright. I'll send him back to U.A in one piece… Even if he's too worn to get back on his own~"


"N-No, it's just…" Ochako started, still clearly flustered beyond belief. "Well, everyone j-just finished with the p-photoshoot, so maybe you should just-"


Miruko just scoffed and turned back with a laugh, before continuing to walk back over to Izuku while Ochako gave a short, whining hum.


"W-We should just see what happens." Kyoka said, stopping Ochako from following them further, although she clearly wasn't pleased about it either.


Miruko walked up to Izuku's side and flung her arm around his shoulder as she looked at the camera too. "Wow… Impressive stuff. You look great here, Midoriya~" She said, nudging him slightly with a wink. He clearly got it, but instead of blushing and getting flustered as much as she hoped, he just giggled a little and looked back.


"Thanks. You look good too, Ms. Miruko. I kinda want to take a few more, you know?" He stepped away for a moment and did the classic bunny pose - One knee raised high, standing on his toes with the other leg, and making bunny ears with crooked hands. "One like this. Maybe we could all take one together."


He didn't stop there, but he winked which instantly made Miruko's heart skip a beat, which only reinstated her want to get in that leotard - Especially with how the pose highlighted his bulge and made his ass look deliciously tight.


"Oho? I'd love to do a shoot like that." The photographer laughed, patting Izuku on the shoulder as the younger man beamed happily. "But me and my crew are gonna take a break for today. But if you're ever up for it -" He slipped a card from his jacket, and Izuku slipped it into the collar of his leotard. "Give me a call."


Izuku thanked him again before the photographer walked off, and Miruko turned while holding him to lead him slightly away from everyone else. "Really though, you can make that outfit work, bunny boy~" She said with a low, pleased purr.


"I guess I do, right? It feels really comfortable too. I've actually thought about getting a new costume a bit more like this." He said with a small giggle, rubbing his thighs slightly while pretending not to notice how Rumi began rubbing his thighs too.


Or rather, he didn't react to it - Only by pushing himself closer as well. "And between the two of us… The reaction I get out of those two makes it more worth it."


Miruko looked over her shoulder again towards Ochako and Kyoka, who were still stuck staring below his waistline, now comfortable doing it a bit more shamelessly now that practically everyone else had left.


She smirked at them again, knowing her claim was all but completely staked. She turned back around to Izuku with the same amount of eagerness and pride. She had this pretty boy in the bag, and all that was left was to seal the deal. "Don't mind them. What about the effect it's having on me, huh?~" She purred, moving her hand to his chin and pressing a finger against it, guiding his gaze toward her.


"I noticed, and I'm glad you liked it…" Izuku's hand subtly went low and closer to her hips, barely grazing her kimono. "But the way you're talking, I don't think you just wanted to compliment me a little, did you?"


She smirked wider and slunk her arm further around his shoulders like a snare. He was hers, and she knew it. Ochako and Kyoka, meanwhile, looked at each other for a moment and looked back, feeling angstier than ever. 


Rumi brought her other hand to his chest, pressing against him slightly while leaning in to purr into his ear. "Nope. You know me, don't you? Gotta take every opportunity I can take… If I woke up in the morning without you in my bed, I'd have to live knowing I passed up an opportunity like this! " She said before suddenly punctuating her sentence by grabbing a handful of his ass.


Izuku didn't even peep and instead grabbed hers with twice as much force, making her entire body tremble with his grip, especially her ears which shot up straight on her head.


"Is that right? Then prove it. Go over there and lock the door, and I won't be letting you out until you feel like you've taken this opportunity to the fullest."


She opened her mouth to speak, but he just shoved her forward with the hand on her ass, sending her stumbled forward a few steps before she stopped. Her confidence had wavered considerably, and her ears flickered slightly as she looked back at him, then her eyes darted towards Kyoka and Ochako before going back to him. "E-Eh… Well, you heard him!"


Izuku's brow raised slightly. "They aren't leaving, if that's what you meant. They stayed, so they can keep staying." He said, before looking back and smiling at the pair sweetly. His cute, feminine face made such a faux-sincere smile so easily. "Not that you two would mind, right?"


Ochako and Kyoka whimpered a little and couldn't help but shake their heads. "N-No, Deku!" Ochako answered obediently. Her hands were lowered away from her mouth, showing her shaking smile and full blushing face, and hugging herself tight.


Kyoka, meanwhile, couldn't even bring herself to speak and just whimpered a little while her legs quivered under her.


Izuku smirked a little wider. The playful glinting in his eyes turning a little more sinister as he looked back at Rumi. "See? Now shut up and just do as I say. Unless you think you'll get embarrassed by your own performance."


Her ears twitched a little. Even through her own nervousness, the prospect of a challenge overrides everything else. "You know what? Fine!" She stomped over to the door and locked it tight, before grabbing a chair and propped the handle still with it.


"Ooooh! You've gotten really feisty, haven't you, Miruko-?" Right as Izuku was teasing her, she stomped back over to him and grabbed his ass with both hands before kissing him deeply. She threw away any subtly or flirtation in favor of pure roughness and lust.


Izuku kept kissing her back, moving his hands over her back and lowered, taking a moment to fiddle with her tail before moving further down, leaving one hand over her ass and the other went to her thigh. He lifted her leg up, making her balance against him.


Miruko, meanwhile, continued to kiss him while pushing her chest into his, trying her very hardest to assert dominance over him. It worked for a few moments - Before Izuku finally grabbed her by the sides and pushed her away, making her stumble and fall over onto her ass.


She opened her mouth to shout something at him, but she also noticed something… The bulge against his leotard, which looked so promising, was growing .


It steadily strained against the material even more, making the material so thin she was sure it would snap if it so much as twitched one more time. So, he used one finger and pulled it aside, letting his cock flop down and slap against his thigh. Which meant it was still mostly flaccid .


And another thing she quickly noticed: It was perfect. His skin was smooth and pale like the rest of him, and even his hefty, hanging nuts were smooth and almost looked pretty.


"What? All of that talk and feistiness, and you just clam up when you see a cock? Oh, I see." He grabbed her ears and yanked her up nearly to eye-level as he jeered. "You're a virgin. Or at the very least, you've never had any experience with real men. Only carrot dicks for the bunny, right?" He taunted with a small giggle, before dropping her again.


Her nose twitched as the heavy musk finally reached her. It was thick and virile, like a male during mating season.


Before she could speak, he pressed his foot down on her stomach, letting her know she wasn't allowed to move. "So you know what? I'll take it easy on you for a little bit. Why don't we start with…"


He pressed a finger against his chin as he thought, before lighting up in realization. "Oh, I know!"


"W-Wait! Shouldn't we-?!" But Izuku wasn't listening, and sat on the ground while forcing her forward, then tugged one of her ears sharply to make her head turn, then again to make her fully turn around and face away from him. And before she could actually say or do anything in protest, he closed his thighs around her head, and squeezed.


Even with all his muscle, there was still the thinnest layer of lean fat that squished against her cheeks, which offered only the slightest bit of comfort before his powerful legs began squeezing tight around her head, making her gasp and strain as the intensity mounted.


"G-Gaaaaughh~..." She groaned as her head and cheeks got pressed together. He even made a point to squeeze and relax his thighs slowly, letting her breathe better before crushing her again.


Rumi's body convulsed and twitched with pleasure. She couldn't even deny herself the pleasure, especially with how sudden and forceful it was, stopping her from making a single coherent thought.


"I saw how much you've been staring at my thighs. Give me a few kisses, and maybe I'll decide something else to do with you."  He taunted, before shifting his thighs up and down as she mewled.


"I-I… I…!" She still wouldn't obey after a few moments. She was clearly stuck in her own mind, wanting to try and regain her confidence and dominate him, but too shocked by the reversal of power to actually do anything.


Finally, he rolled his eyes and closed his legs tight with a smirk. He wasn't truly annoyed, but the dismissive gesture combined with the swift reapplication of strength made her shiver and shut up instantly. 


He shifted his thighs up and down, squishing her cheeks and flexing his thigh muscles to bully her even more. "Come on, you bratty excuse for a hero!~ Pucker up, or I'll have to punish you already."


Miruko shuddered, which only made Izuku grin wider. He looked cheeky and sadistic, like a prince entertaining himself by watching a gladiator fight themself to the bone. "Last chance, bunny girl~..."


She took a moment longer, but slowly and strenuously gulped. Then, with the brightest, most humiliated blush of her life on her face, she leaned forward to kiss his thigh softly. Izuku gave a soft, taunting coo of delight. "You act so tough, but you're actually pretty submissive, and your lips are really soft too."


She mewled as she kept kissing his thighs, moving over his strong, supple thigh meat to place more kisses over a wider area, before finally moving her head over to the other side to do the same.


Izuku cinched his legs around her head, forcing her to keep her lips against his thigh, so her only option was to keep sloppily kissing it while moaning like a whore.


Her own thighs were clenching together and pressing against her cunt, which only added to the sick pleasure she was feeling. She didn't want to feel good though - She was Miruko for fuck's sake! She was the strong, fierce one, not a submissive bunny!


But just then, she felt something thick land on her head. It was liquid, and absorbed into her hair, making her head feel dirty. She was distracted by his cock's scent, but she focused for a few moments, before her eyes shot open and she fully realized what was happening - Izuku was jerking off over her head while she was worshipping his thighs.


She only stalled for a moment, but Izuku still grabbed her ears and tugged while jerking off, then tauntingly slapped it on the top of her head, and dumping another massive glob of precum onto her sticky hair. "Man, you suck at this, Miruko… No, even that's generous. You probably suck at sucking dick too!~"


Finally, mercifully, he released Rumi from his thigh-guillotine and let her fall forward, just barely catching herself in a plank position, panting helplessly.


"Fine, let's do something else then." Izuku decided, before grabbing her ears again and yanking them back, making her back hit the floor while she yelped in pain.


She looked up as Izuku moved over her, and again; she opened her mouth to speak, but got silenced once he sat on her face, silencing her.


Her head got crushed between the floor and Izuku's bare cheeks. Like his thighs, they were muscular and lean but had a layer of fat that made her face feel like it was squishing against her. 


"Just stop trying." Izuku said, shifting his hips to rub his butt against her while she muffled and whined into his backside, and shifted so his nuts were pressing against her forehead and hanging over her head. "Bitches are seen and used, not heard. Besides, if I did let you speak, what would you even say?"


At that, he pressed into her face even harder, grounding the back of her head against the ground under the force of his weight and strength. "You're the one who came onto me, remember? So you'd just be begging for more - Or is the great Miruko a huge wimp that bites off more than she can chew?~"


Rumi stopped for a few moments, but soon after, she grabbed onto both sides of his hips and held them down, quickly followed by her lips finally opening, and to Izuku's delight; She started kissing his ass.


"Good girl~" He praised, shifting his hips more while she continued to sloppily kiss and occasionally lick him. With Rumi bullied into obedience, he finally turned his attention to Ochako and Kyoka, who were trembling even harder and leaning against each other for support. "Enjoying this so far, girls?~"


Ochako, the cute suck-up she was, instantly began nodding to him, while Kyoka still wouldn't even make eye contact, and just looked at his big, perfect, erect cock.


Satisfied, Izuku looked back down to Rumi, whose legs were squirming beneath her while her mouth got sloppier. He figured the poor girl needed a moment to breathe, but instead, he decided to press into her even harder to drain her of breath, before finally lifting himself up by a foot and looked down. "Do you have anything to say for yourself, bunny?"


Rumi panted heavily while drooling over the sides of her mouth. The hair on her head and ears were frayed, and even her eyes were hazy. Finally, she took a deep gulp of air before speaking again: "... M-More, please."


Izuku smirked and bent over to pat her on the cheek. "Good answer." He grabbed her by the sides of her head and lifted her up, making her back arch so her lower half was still on the ground, but her mouth was at level with his cock. And since she was top-side up, her eyes were staring straight at his nuts.


Then, he forced the head of his cock into her mouth after barely waiting a moment for her to open up, then slid it deeper and deeper inside. Sure, his cock looked smooth and pretty, but its sheer size and girth made her throat stretch, gagging and choking her like a whore.


Miruko, trying to brace herself, grabbed onto his thighs and gripped them tight, which only made his cock throb in her mouth while her fingers sunk slightly into them.


"Mmph~…" Izuku grunted as he forced his cock deeper into her throat, making her balls swing towards Rumi's sensitive nose while she huffed his scent. 


Spurred on by her heightened, instinctual lust, Rumi tightened her throat even harder and began sucking his cock, even using her tongue to worship the topside of it. All while his intruding cock pressed against her jugular because of the odd angle.


"Maybe I was wrong. You don't quite suck at this. Congrats, Miruko!~" He taunted, tacking one hand off her head to smack her tits, making her entire body convulse and spasm while she choked louder. "You officially make a better cocksucker than a hero!"


He kept pushing in without giving her a moment to rest by pulling away, until he finally hilted his cock into her mouth while she spasmed and gagged harder - Which only got more intense as she started to run out of breath with his thick, heavy nuts covering her nose.


He wiggled his hips, stretching her throat out further at every angle while smothering her with his balls, all while still smiling and holding her head tight in place. "Good bunny, keep sucking!" He ordered.


With the position she was in, Rumi's sucking and vain attempts at breathing only made her let out grotesque, schlocking noises from her throat and spit poured from her lips, running down her face, forehead, hair, and his balls. "GRK!! GLPH!! GLUK!! HRMPH!!"


Finally, Izuku pulled away by a few inches, dragging his now-sticky nutsack away from her nose so she could breathe clearly - Before just as suddenly slamming his cock back down her throat while she choked, and making his nuts slap her face against with a wet, loud 'Plap!'


Her grip on his thighs tightened, and so did his grip on her head. He started thrusting steadily into her mouth, grunting slightly every few moments while his cock hilted inside her.  "Thats it - Just tighten your throat and suck like a good bunny-slut!"


She could feel the massive amount of thick precum building up inside her, being lathered across her throat, then dumping into her stomach. Just a few moments of being skull-fucked and she already felt like she ate a full meal off his precum.


Her breathing never got better either - His pace only got fiercer and faster, meaning her windows for breathing were wafer-thin, and only got worse. 


Izuku, meanwhile, was fucking Rumi like a buck in heat trying to breed his mate. He grinned madly and breathed heavily through his teeth, more than happy to fuck and obliterate Rumi's throat even while she choked.


He kept forcing his cock down her throat, even to a point where he was trying to fuck her even deeper than he could reach, which only forced more of his ridiculously excess precum inside her.


"That's it, good girl! Choke on it like the useless mutant slut you are! You would probably die happy if I made you suffocate on my dick, right?" His hold on her head got tighter, and he hunched forward slightly to push his cock even harder against the back of her throat. "Hehe~... Given how you were reacting, I bet I could just smash your skull under my butt and you'd thank me for it!"


Rumi trembled in his grip and began to writhe harder, especially as her oxygen began running out with her nose deep in his pubic hair, and his sweaty, musky scent.


Izuku's breathing got heavier and heavier as he slammed into her face, before squeezing her head harder. "Fucking swallow, you dumb rabbit bitch!~" And just as he slammed into the back of her throat, his cock throbbed violently, closing her throat up right before he started cumming down her throat.

Rumi's voice became whiny and strained while he completely clogged her windpipe, setting an ultimatum: Swallow or choke. She desperately tried drinking it all down, making her throat ache and spasm while the thick, rich, and virile seed flooded her.


Izuku, meanwhile, was grinding his hips into her face while his hefty balls churned, pumping more cum into her throat. It all blasted into her stomach mercilessly, until he finally pulled out after a full minute, leaving her swallowing desperately.


She needed to force it down while putting a fist up to her mouth. She finally got it down with a large gulp, before looking up to see Izuku's cock still rock hard and throbbing. Rumi opened her mouth to speak again, but interrupted herself with a loud, high-pitched squeal as he grabbed her long, white rabbit ears. " Eeeeeei!!~ "


He lifted her higher until her feet was off the ground, and grabbed her throat with the other hand to keep her quiet. "You know, there was something I've always wanted to try…"


He let go of her throat and ears and let her fall onto her feet, making her knees shaky enough that she would have fallen the very next second if it weren't for the fact that he grabbed her ears again with each hand, forced them down, and wrapped them around her throat, and pulled them tight like a garrote.


It almost looked like a ribbon, going from her head, down her cheeks, then around her throat and extending out like ends. Izuku grinned wider with amusement while her eyes rolled back while she choked and began drooling over her own chin.


"Aww, what a cute face you're making, bunny-doll!~" He complimented, before yanking even tighter. "If you can beg while I'm doing this, I'll reward you even more." With that, he looked over his shoulders back at the girls, smirked, and began shaking his hips tauntingly at them. "And if you can't… Well, I still need a few holes to dump my loads into."


Rumi's throat made an odd quelching noise as she tried to speak, spitting up slightly while her body twitched and kicked unwillingly in response. He smiled a little wider and cinched her ears tighter when he heard the slightest noise from her that almost resembled speech.


Finally, a few moments later, he clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Poor, helpless bunny… Can't even beg." He taunted, before slowly shrugging. "Oh well. I don't necessarily care. I was going into this knowing I would fuck you either way."


He giggled and turned to throw her front down onto the ground. He took both ends of her ears like reigns in one fist and tugged down, keeping her face near the ground.


Her hands clenched against the ground while she choked. It was the greatest feeling in the world! Her insides were burning and tightened around nothing, as if she were in heat. The pleasure, pain, and sheer thrill of domination made her mind go blank - Which only added into the feeling of going into a mindless, primal heat.


"Good bunny! All that time you spent staring at my ass like some kind of degenerate bitch, you should return the favor." He insisted, before using his free hand to hike up her kimono, then spank her ass from one side to the other, finishing by using that hand to grab her asscheek and pulled it away, revealing her eager holes and wet cunt.


Ochako whined to herself as she ground her thighs together, creating just enough friction to set her nerves on fire. She looked over to Kyoka who was doing the same thing, although she was covering her face with her hands, and slipping her earjacks into the very tight space between her thighs.


Ochako slowly and nervously scooted over to her and placed a hand on Kyoka's thigh, who quickly returned the favor.


Rumi trembled under him and began biting her lip as he pressed his cock against her. Her pussy was beginning to gush against his dick, before he finally pulled away enough to press his cock against her cunt, and push in while tugging her ears down again.


Izuku let out a deep, passionate groan of pleasure while Rumi began to squeal while being choked out by her own ears. Her pussy was clamping around his cock and aching as if she were in heat - Given how turned on she was, plus how massive he felt inside her made her feel like a poor rabbit being fucked into utter submission.


She couldn't even scream properly either; His grip around her ears like a garrote never wavered, keeping her choked out and beaten without a chance to so much as breathe clearly without Izuku crushing her windpipe even further.


Izuku pushed deeper inside until he hilted inside her, pressing his hips against her ass while his smooth, heavy balls pressed against her thighs. Instead of pulling out, he began shifting his hips, grinding his cock against her hot, tight insides while Rumi continued to wordlessly gasp and moan.


"This is just something else… You're so small and you work out so much, it's made your cunt so tight! Plus, being in heat like the little bitch rabbit you are has made you even tighter and wetter than normal girls!" He tugged her ears and bent over her, just so she could see his smug, rude, and pretty expression. "Are you proud to have such a great pussy, Ms. Miruko?~"


She wanted to close her eyes tight and defy it, but that was quickly thrown out the window as he pulled his cock out - Dragging his cock against her insides as if he was going to pull them out, and thrusted back in, making her entire body jolt with pleasure. "Ah well, doesn't matter anyway!"


He kept pounding into her with a sense of ruthlessness and domination - Not caring how much she squealed, bucked, and jolted beneath him, just that her cunt kept squeezing around his while he pounded into her.


His pace rapidly increased shortly after, pushing his cock into her womb with each powerful slam, which drove her closer to collapsing against the ground. "You're definitely a keeper! I thought I would just one-and-done you just for the novelty of fucking the Miruko, but a cunt like this isn't one I'm just going to pass on!"

The higher-functioning parts of her brain were fucked into dysfunction, so all that was left were the primal parts of her mind which were squealing with joy at the idea; Her mind was more than happy to become the bitch of the man who was holding her down and fucking her into submission - And hopefully even breeding her cunt right there on the floor.


Izuku gave her another spank the moment her squealing began to get quieter, and kept going and going. It was almost like his supply of stamina was completely bottomless, and his energy or force didn't waver in the slightest, which was highly effective against Rumi's constantly weakening state.


Her pussy kept tightening against his cock while he slammed inside over and over again, pressing into the back of her needy, burning womb. "K-Kychh!!~" She screamed, choking while her throat was closed almost completely.


Izuku's thrusted suddenly got much tougher and faster than before, he even began pulling out less to keep more of his cock inside her as he thrusted like a buck in heat. "Take it you useless rabbit cunt! Just bow your head and get knocked up like the submissive little cunt you are!"


Rumi's limbs lost all the energy and strength they had, leaving her drooling and choking in the helpless position she was stuck in. Her eyes were rolled back, and her tongue hung out stupidly from how little of her brain was functioning.


Izuku pushed her front against the ground completely, squishing her tits and bulging, precum-filled stomach against the ground. Until he finally closed his fist around her sensitive ears as tight as he could and slammed into her womb.


Rumi's insides already felt inflated and full of his precum - But when he actually started cumming inside her, she really got to feel what being stuffed was like.


The first pump alone doubled the amount of seed inside her stomach, shocking her brain instantly from the sensation. But just as suddenly as her mind processed it, the second pump came, making her stomach bulge further and press more of her front against the ground.


As the third forced itself inside, all the precum and first load was being pushed out. As in, they pushed from the sides of his thick cock wedged into her cunt, while also being forced up and out of her choked-shut throat, flooding out of her mouth and spitting over herself.


The whorish, sloppy display forced her to give up any and all oxygen she had left, leaving her body trembling harder with the force of the orgasms rocking her body.


Then there was a fourth which pushed her even further and made more cum force its way to her mouth and out of her cunt. Then a fifth, sixth, seventh, and on the either he finally, mercifully stopped cumming.


By then, her face was slumped in a thick, mud-like pool of his jizz, overwhelming her senses with the overpowering gunk - A pool which left her body, knees, and front covered completely. Combined with the cum flooding her throat, and she was very likely to pass out or outright drown in his cum. A few air bubbles appeared as she tried to speak or breathe, but he didn't pay it any mind.


Izuku let out a short, satisfied huff as he let go of her ears, leaving a collar-like bruise on her throat from how tight he was holding her before she completely slumped into the pool of cum. The sheer amount that had spilled out of her alone looked like a spilled-over tub, and the amount that was still inside her looked like a few gallons.


He smirked and admired his own handiwork for a minute or so longer before turning around and leaving her behind to drown in his seed.


Ochako and Kyoka were on their knees while still clinging to each other, panting heavily and grinding their fronts against one another, with one hand deep in the other's cunt. On top of that, Kyoka's earjacks were pressing against Ochako's nipples like a pair of egg vibrators through her costume.


As he approached, the two seemed to get even more tense and excited, now practically vibrating against each other by the time he could reach them each.


Izuku kept watching for a few moments longer, before grabbing them both by the back of their necks and lifting them off the ground as effortlessly as if they were stuffed animals. "Aw, look what I found! A pair of desperate, slutty bunnies in heat." He taunted, before dropping them back down.


Ochako fell almost flat on her face, but quickly scrambled up and sat like an obedient pet, even placing her hands up like a rabbit on her hind legs. "W-We are! We're in heat, and we need your fat, thick carrot!~"


He reached down to pet Ochako between her rabbit ears, before looking at Kyoka who lowered her head slightly with shame. "... Th-This is so unfair… You know we couldn't h-help ourselves if you flaunt your cock like that and do that to Miruko! Please fuck us already!~"


With that, he began petting Kyoka too - And right at that moment, he pushed the two together over his cock, placing his smooth and bulbous cock head between their lips. 


He expected they would need some form of instruction, but instead, they closed the distance and began making out with each other and his cock. Not even normal kissing with their lips, but their tongues quickly shot out and began to massage and work around the tip, then against each other's tongue, then the other's lips, and repeat.


Their tongues and lips wiped cum from his cock and into their own greedy mouths, before quickly moving closer so they were pushing cum over his cock and into the other slut's mouth while moaning.


Part of their lips were against the other's and whatever open space was left in their mouths and between their lips were just his cock and more cum pushing in and out of their mouths mixed in with saliva - Leading to a lewd, semen snowball being shared between the two.


One of Ochako's hands went low towards his massive, hefty balls and cupped one of them, massaging it daintily. She mewled and shivered at the joy she felt while doing it - It was so heavy, warm, and smooth compared to her hand, so he felt like a King with a nutsack worthy of such a title, and she was just a bunny-bitch who was there to appease him. The other hand pressed against his stomach - Lean, gentle, yet muscular and solid.


Kyoka meanwhile brought her white-gloved hand to his cock and grabbed it. Her slender little hand couldn't even wrap around half of it, so she pulled it away and wrapped her jacks around it instead, extending it over twice in length just to get around him.


Then, she began to stroke it from the very top of his cock right under their chins, to the base of his cock over and over again, and simply wrapped her arms around Ochako to pull her in, which pressed their latex-covered chests and stomachs against his cock while Kyoka's jacks moved between them.


Izuku just stood there for a little while, letting the girls worship him like a pair of bitch-rabbits in heat before sending Blackwhip from his knuckles which snared Miruko around the neck and dragged her over.


"H-Hwuaaah..?" Miruko groaned stupidly, before hiccuping loudly and letting a thick glob of cum spill out of her mouth and onto the ground. 


Izuku pushed her to the ground again while she was slightly conscious of her situation, so she put her arms out and steadied her legs so she would get onto all fours instead of getting her face slammed into the floor. Then, he sat on her back without a word while keeping Kyoka and Ochako pampering his dick.


He kept letting the girls go at it, before finally grabbing them both by the back of the heads by their hair and yanking them away while they were swapping cum, leaving behind a bridge of cum between their mouths, falling onto his cock, thighs, and over their fronts.


He smirked at the two while they choked down his cum, before looking down at the mess he made. "Eeny… Meanie… Miney… Moe!" He said, looking at Kyoka before dropping her on her ass. "Kyoka, clean up while I play with Ochako."


He stood up straight while still holding Ochako. "Alright, little bunny, time to make you bounce. "


Next, he turned around to face Miruko and placed a foot on the space between her shoulder blades before stomping her flat onto the ground, then placing his other foot on her ass like she was a mat.


He smirked and bounced his heel on her butt just to watch it jiggle while tormenting her. "You know, I just realized something… My ass looks much better than yours in your outfit." He taunted, before turning his attention fully to the drooling, lust-driven Ochako.


He hoisted her up with one hand, before hooking the other under her leg, then the same to the other to pick her up in the suspended congress position, which made the brunette's ass pop out more as well. "Yours, Rumi, is muscle and fat that goes well together. Ochako, meanwhile-" He paused for a second to spank her ass while she squealed, making her cheeks wobble freely. "Is all fat."


Ochako bit her lip. "D-Deku~..." She mewled wimpily while squirming in his grip.


"Hey, what did I say to Rumi, Ochako?" Izuku said, suddenly stern as he pressed his cock against her pussy. And without warning, he slammed into her - His long, pretty cock easily forcing its way into her womb, making the girl scream and cry with pleasure. "Bitches are seen and used… Not heard."


Without letting her recover, he started bouncing her on his cock to slam into her repeatedly, punching the tip of his cock into her tight, hot womb while his nuts slammed against her jiggly, fat behind.


Ochako couldn't form words, and soon enough couldn't even form thoughts. She was helpless and beaten while her eyes rolled back into her skull and her tongue hung out stupidly.


Izuku pounded her harder, listening in satisfaction as his nuts slammed into her ass, making a loud and meaty clap. "Good girl. Just turn your brain off and take it like the bitch you are!" He ordered haughtily, before smirking wider and spitting straight into her mouth, making her swallow on reflex.


With Ochako fucked hard enough to make her lose at least half her brain cells, he looked over his shoulder to look at Kyoka, who was on her hands and knees, licking at the massive puddle he left after fucking Rumi. It was almost like watching a scrawny chihuahua trying to drink an Olympic swimming pool. 


He just looked back at Ochako. Even if he hadn't commanded Kyoka to clean, she still would have. Every girl and most of the guys he met would, as a matter of fact. Actually, he could just cum on the sidewalk and someone within the next minute would be there to lick it up… And he had .


Spurred on by the depravity he caused, Izuku put more force into bouncing Ochako on his dick and began to thrust upward, making sure to stretch her insides with his cock to ensure she wouldn't be walking right for ages by the time he was done with this round. 


Everyone always walked funny afterward, sure, but at one point he decided to make it a point to wreck them as hard as possible, making sure they couldn't so much as take a step without getting flashbacks to what he had done to them.


"Good bunny, slutty bunny~... Keep your cunt nice and tight, you cotton-brained bitch!" He jeered.


Izuku kept going while enjoying Ochako's pussy as it tightened around his cock further. That was until finally, Kyoka tapped his leg. He looked down and smiled to see her belly bulging against her leotard and cum covering her lips. She was all done cleaning, and was just barely holding it all down.


"Good girl, Kyoka! Here, lie down and I'll give you a reward to hold you over until it's your turn." He ordered, watching her slowly and nervously getting on her back.


"Atta girl~..." He praised. Then, he walked over to her, turned around, and sat on Kyoka's face with Ochako on his lap. His nuts were nestling comfortably between Ochako's ass and Kyoka's stomach. "Do whatever you want until we're done, got that?"


Kyoka let out a muffled, groaning mewl from under Izuku, making him fidget slightly before grinding his bottom against her face while she stuck her tongue out and began to sloppily french kiss it.


Ochako was able to take her first clear breath in about ten minutes but was cut off short as Izuku spanked her again hard enough. "And I told you it was time to bounce, didn't I?"


She let out another small whimper before she put up her shaky arms to make a bunny ear pose with her hands, and began to bounce on his lap. "Hah!~ Hah! Kya! Ah! Kya!!~ Yah!~" She moaned openly, letting her tits bounce in her leotard right in his face.


Each bounce added pressure onto Kyoka's head like she was being smashed by a massive, meaty hammer over and over again. They were friends, and Ochako should have at least slowed down, but instead, she was bouncing in desperation to recreate the back-breaking thrusts Izuku had given her just a moment ago.


Both girls' minds had gone blank one way or another, only leaving mindless bunnies craving his cock while they mindlessly served his ass and cock in the same way a mat would serve his feet.


Her bouncing got sloppier and more ragged, although just as energetic - So how much she rose, fell, and the force she fell with was as inconsistent and sloppy as her body and mind. Nothing represented this better than how she squealed like a pig as she came yet again, leaving her entire body jittering as if she were electrocuted.


Finally, Izuku grabbed her again and forced her down onto his hips while his cock began throbbing deep inside her cunt. And without another sign of warning, he began to pump her full. 'Pump' being the most literal and fitting word to describe it - Cum instantly made her womb bulge before the first titanic load went in, and only forced it's way up like magma in a volcano.


Hell, even magma may not have been quite so thick, and didn't rush nearly this fast through her body. The shock of pleasure made her body seize up while her brain fried instantly. A single thought didn't pass through her mind as it filled her insides, she just existed in a void of delight from the moment he began cumming inside her, and up until the point her cheeks puffed out while she tried not to vomit his cum over him.


He grabbed her chin and forcefully pointed it up, then gleefully squeezed her cheeks to force her to spew his cum out, flowing over her cheeks, hair, ears, rabbit ears, and down her body. Each pump of cum forced more out of her body and then onto it.


Ochako wasn't sure how much time passed and didn't even care, she was just left choking, moaning, and internally giggling in joy.


It seemed, however, that Izuku had gotten bored of her and stood up, still holding her by the chin, and discarded her without even a moment of hesitation. She fell with a wet, heavy "Thwack!" against the ground while cum splattered around her. She almost looked like a animal in a massive puddle of it's own blood.


Izuku hummed to himself before flexing his legs slightly with a short sigh. "Whew… That was fuck, but my legs are a little stiff after just standing and sitting there…" He looked over his shoulder and saw Kyoka with a full stomach of cum, sitting on her knees while shivering and blushing harder than ever. 


"You'll help me work it off, won't you?" He asked Kyoka, who slowly and absentmindedly nodded. He didn't even know if she could fully comprehend his words. She may have just been so lust-driven that she went along with whatever he said.


"Good girl!" He said regardless, reaching over to pet Kyoka inbetween the rabbit ears for a few moments while she happily mewled along.


Then, he pushed her over until her back was against the floor, and Izuku hoisted her legs over her head and pushed the leotard band to the side. He adjusted the dip of his cock as he squated over her, clenching his thighs and smirking down at her. His pretty, rounded, and freckled face put into such a sadistic expression made him look like the villain from a fairytale, or an eternally young, beautiful God who took pleasure in crushing his subjects beneath his boot.


Finally, he pushed into Kyoka, forcing the cum already filling her - Along with her organs out of the way to make room for the cock. A body like her's wasn't built to take a cock like his, but he didn't care.


"Ah~... Squats are my favorite. Plus, I get to use a nice cocksleeve and mat as I do them." He said, mostly joking to himself as he lifted up and slammed back down, rocking Kyoka and the very ground under her.


Like the other girls, Izuku didn't show a moment of hesitation or gentleness. He was like a real animal breeding his bitch without a second thought, slamming his heavy nuts into her ass with each slam.


Kyoka's squealing and twitching was accompanied by her jacks twitching like live snakes as well, along with her eyes rolling back in her head from pleasure. She lost any conscious control over her body, and instead allowed Izuku's cock to override control of her body.


She moved, screamed, and squirmed because he chose to. He gave a particularly hard thrust and made her cum instantly, just as easily as pressing a button on a toy to make it talk or glow up. 


Izuku smirked at how easy it was to push the girls around and do as he pleased to them. They really were like toys to him. Fleshy, soft toys that squealed and moaned while he fucked them like sows. Given how little brainpower they had to work with by the time he was done with them, they really would be better off as livestock than whatever life they had led beforehand.


Sometimes he thought he'd just ought to fuck most of his regular fucktoys into complete mindlessness. He could keep a sty for all his mind-broken fuckslaves to stay in, lazing away while waiting for him to come back and fuck them.


Then, he thought about how their reactions wouldn't be as sweet and satisfying seeing them go from full brainpower to only about one percent of it, so he decided not to… For now, at least.


Kyoka's pussy continued to spasm around his thick cock as he slammed into her, seemingly unable to stop herself from crying and cumming until her body was worn and her throat was hoarse.


It sloppily gushed her pussy juices and the obscene amount of precum already forced into her pussy, making a larger puddle each time he pulled out and slammed back in, coating their lower bodies in sticky, warm juices.


With Izuku's size compared to Kyoka's scrawny form, she felt like she would get skewered and snapped in two - And the pleasure overwhelming her nerves like a taser didn't help that feeling in the slightest.


Her cunt tightened even as he pulled out, leaving her painfully empty before he slammed back into her, filling whatever space was left inside her. 


"You're such a fun fuck, Kyoka!~" He teased, still smiling while pounding into her cunt. "You never get any looser, and you look just as messed up as the first time." He kept his mouth open a little, letting two strands of Blackwhip slither from his mouth and grab her jacks before yanking them into his mouth, then he bit down.


KYYYAAAA!!! " She screamed, squirming even harder beneath him while her sensitive jacks hummed in his mouth. The sensitive extra appendages only made her feel even more defensless, making each individual bite, thrust, and push send more waves of pleasure through her.


Soon enough, her mind blanked entirely, only leaving a squealing, moaning, tight husk of herself for the time being.


And Izuku? He just stopped talking to her. She couldn't react to anything he said anyways, so he just treated her like an onahole to jerk himself off with until her finally came inside her, making his cum overflow through her pussy and mouth within moments, spilling it over her cheeks, hair, and even making her rabbit ears slide off and away for several feet until his cum stopped flowing.


Izuku, with the same cheeky smile on his face, pulled away and hooked his foot under Kyoka's body. "Whew… You must weigh three times as much like this." He giggled, mostly to himself before casually throwing her onto Ochako - Creating an impact which made both the girls spill cum from their mouths and pussies.


He hummed to himself and began walking towards the door, glancing at Rumi, who was still twitching and moaning like a zombie, knowing she wouldn't be able to recover for a long while.


His smirk widened a little in self-saticfaction, before turning off the lights and leaving the studio.