afo won

"All For One Always Wins."

"The only opinion that matters is a man's."

"Women Belong to Cock."

She shivered and averted her eyes, looking out through the glass wall to her left into the campus courtyard below. She shouldn't have.

It looked quite a bit like the scenic space she had remembered, except that now, the formally artistic curved stonework was simplistic and brutal. The colorful flower beds had become  just more patches of dull grass and empty space.

And everywhere she looked, boy students were using the girl's as entertainment.

Ochako covered her mouth in a gasp.

On one bench, a girl knelt with her face against the seat, her pussystuck up in the air while a boy pumped his dick in and out of her. 

Across the footpath from them, three girls danced around shaking their chests, their skirts flipping up to reveal their privates with every little jump, while a couple boys watched and laughed.

By one of the lamposts, Nejire lovingly kissed the tip of a boy's penis, then slid the entire length down her throat and wiggled her butt happily.

It shouldn't have been a surprise, she'd known from Miss Midnight's absurd parody of a lecture that this was how things were now. But seeing it in front of her was…

She looked away from the sight of her friends and classmates being used as pet onaholes, her eyes settling on the most striking addition to the yard.

In the very center of the space, looming over everything around him, a black stone statue of a broad man in a suit, with an indiscernible face. On either side of him in the same shiny rock, a naked girl knelt with a cheerful smile. They sat on their haunches with their arms raised like begging puppies, their boobs and pussies on display. On either of their necks was a big thick collar with a metal right on it, and attached to each ring a leash trailed back to All For One's clenched hand.

Ochako felt herself shrink back from the visage of the worlds worst villain, glorified like the greatest man in history. She had to find Mei. She had to fix all this.  Because this… 

This was All For One's world…

And if she couldn't fix it, it would be forever

Ochako closed her eyes, took a breath, and turned away from the mundanely horrifying nightmare outside. 

This was the scariest thing she'd ever seen, but she was a hero. She knew what she was doing, she knew where she needed to start. Find Mei.

She marched down the hallway with determination on her face.

She passed the science lab, the stairs and the drinking fountains, and finally rounded a corner to where the bathrooms had used to be, crossing her fingers. And oh good, they were still there at least that had been easy enough. She paced quickly towards them, but paused as she got closer.

The doorway was in the same place, but now instead of a small room with two doors leading to the mens and women's rooms, it simply opened up into one large room, barely even offering any privacy from the hallway! This place was so bizarre in so many awful ways, but she kept walking. It was just a bathroom, she was sure it still- 

Ochako's eyes went wide and her nose wrinkled as she was hit with the strong smell of pee the moment she entered the large restroom. What the heck was wrong with this place!?

Wincing and holding her nose, she pressed on. She was sure what she was about to find was going to be disgusting, but she had no choice. She needed Mei's help. She passed the line of sinks as she went further in, past a line of stalls on another wall, and then, at the back of the room, she found what she was looking for. The 'toilets.'

In the urinals the boys were lined up in front of were a row of girls, installed halfway into the wall. Each of the girls was seated in the basin or upside down, looking up at the boys who were using them as toilets. 

And each of the girls was a former student that Ochako used to go to school with. In front of her Jiro and Yui stared up with totally blank expressions and slack mouths as a pair of chuckling poys peed on them. One stall over was a basin that almost appeared empty, except that the urine from the boy using it illustrated Hagakure's otherwise invisible huge chest and widely smiling face. And then, at the end of the line, was Mei, her pink hair hanging out of the basin she sat in, dripping with pee.

 Ochako couldn't suppress a horrified mewl. They were all amazing intelligent girls, her friends, who studied and worked hard and could handle anything challenging, no matter how daunting. And now they have been reduced urinals, literally just places for boys to pee! Ochako watched as one of the most promising inventors in the world guzzled down a boy's piss before he slapped her and she thanked him with a smile. They, they- they had to fix this!

Ochako scurried over to the far side of the room, found around the boys waiting in line to- She shuddered. To use Mei. A boy stepped up and pulled his pants down right as she arrived, and Ochako did her best to just ignore it as he started peeing into the pink haired inventor's open mouth.

"M-Mei," she stammered nervously. Mei can, um, can you help me with something?"

Mei didn't even look at her. " Glug." she gurgled down the boy's piss, but it overflowed over her mouth and all over her face.

"M-Mei!" Ochako said it a little more forcefully. Damnit, come on Mei!

The boy using Mei glanced at Ochako and laughed a bit, but he didn't bother to say anything. He just kept peeing into Mei's mouth, until he finished up, shook he penis off over her, and then zipped himself up as he walked away. 

Without the stream filling her up, the yellow pool in Mei's mouth finally went down.

"GLUP!" She slurped loudly.  "Oh haiii!" Mei finally turned to look at Ochako with a big smile, and opened her mouth again. "I am a retarded toilet!" She said happily. "Please pee on my stupid worthless face!"

Ochako shook her head furiously. "Mei no, I need your help, can you help me?"

"Oh," Mei frowned a little, then nodded and smiled. "I can help you pee!"

Come on, even like this Mei had to be able to help her!

"Mei, I need you to make something for me ok," Ochako said forcefully. "Some kind of device, something I could use with my quirk to reopen a portal in time! I know you can do that, right?" She practically begged her former classmate.

"Hehe, well that's a stupid question." Mei giggled. "I'm just a braindead urinal! Urinals just exist to be peed on."

"No!" Ochako cried, and she heard some boys laugh behind her. "Your an inventor, you-" Ochako waved her right hand with Mei's invention on it in front of her face. "You made this!" panic was seeping into Ochako's voice, she needed this to work! You can make practically anything, I need you to make something new for me now, I need you to- hey!" Ochako yelped as one of the boys behind her shoved her to the side.

"Quit talking to the toilet, stupid cunt." He laughed as he unzipped his pants.

"Hey, she's-" Ochako made herself ignore the disgusting boy. "Mei you're one of the smartest people I've ever met." She pleaded. "Please, you have to help me, you have to build something for me."

"Sorry silly cunt, I'm just a stupid huge boobed toilet." Mei declared happily. "Toilets like me are way too dumb to be anything other than- Glrk!" Mei's babbling was interrupted as the boy who had pushed Ochako stuck his cock in her mouth.

"Gllrp!" Mei's eyes crossed happily as the boy sighed, relieving himself down her throat. A moment later he pulled his cock out and slapped her across the face with it. "Guuhh," Mei moaned, her eyes still crossed. "Thank youuuuu siirrrr." She slurred. "Hehe! What was I saying??" She looked back at Ochako. "Oh, hehe, that's right- I'm just a stupid huge boobed toilet!"

Ochako's heart sank. "my gosh, Mei…" she couldn't believe how happily the brilliant inventor degraded herself like this. "What… what did they do to all of you?" She stammered in horror.

"Hehe, they turned us into toilets silly!" Mei answered happily. "You're really stupid, maybe you should be turned into a toilet too!"

Ochako just shuddered, and backed away from her almost involuntarily, as the next boy stepped up and pulled his thing out. Mei… Mei couldn't help her…

Glancing around the room in a quiet near panic, Ochako's eyes fell across her own reflection in the big mirror or the sinks, and for the first time she realized she was wearing the humiliatingly slutty outfit as every other girl in the school. She'd been so preoccupied with everything happening around her, she hadn't even noticed herself.

Her boobs were smushed into the tube top giving her a bunch of prominent cleavage, and the short skirt-

"Eep!" Ochako gasped and her hands shot to cover herself as she realized everybody could totally see her butt and her private parts! Her face beat red, she stared at her reflection. Was… was this it?! Was this the fate of the world, the fate of all women? Was every brilliant amazing woman she'd ever looked up to doomed to be a brainless puppet for All For One and the men who were now so loyal to him to use for their own amusement, forever? 

Ochako could feel tears start to form in her eyes. But…

She looked at her right hand in the reflection, covering herself between her legs. Cracked, charred, pitted, Mei's wristband still sat on her arm. And that little green light still blinked. Mei's device had already protected her from being turned into a happy little penis slave like all these other girls, and it was still working, even now that she didn't need it anymore.

Ochako held back her tears, put her hand on her head, and did her best to recall everything Mei had said in the gym earlier. 

The gravity quirk device… that had been her second plan. But her first plan… her first plan had been some kind of time bomb- one that used the same technology as the wristband… Ochako looked at the little device on her arm, the only reason the world has any hope of being saved. Mei might not be able to help anymore, but she'd already invented this thing. Somebody somewhere out there had to be able to reverse engineer it, they had to be! It might take longer, it might be harder, but if it could work…

Ochako steeled herself yet again. If it could work, then it was what she had to do! She had to get out of here, away from this twisted version of her school, and find whoever was left still resisting All For One, she knew they had to be out there. Putting on her serious face, Ochako got herself ready to march right out of here.

She could do this, she-

"Hey guys, look," 

Ochako turned to the sound of one of the boys in the line to use Mei, speaking in her direction. 

"Looks like we got a new urinal!" He laughed and stepped out of line towards her, already unzipping his pants. 

Oh, he wouldn't dare, would he?!

"H- hey, wait," Ochako cried her eyes widening. "wait don't- AHH!" Ochako shrieked as the disgusting pervert suddenly started peeing right onto her chest!

"EW EW EW what the heck is wrong with you!" She shouted desperately. She hated this world more and more with every moment, how could it be like this?!

She tried to hope back away but found she was already pressed against the back wall, and threw her hands up to block the gross stream. "Stop stop dont-"

Czzt phrzgr- BOOM

 Ochako's blood ran cold, as the device on her wrist sparked, smoked, and then burst into a million tiny pieces with a flash and a bang.

"N… No…."

Ochako dropped her arms to her sides, and slid her back down the wall until she sat, her bare butt and pussy pressed against the cold floor, staring at the little pile of broken pieces in front of her while the boy's piss now landed on her head.

"Hah, whoops, looks like I broke her fancy watch." The boy smirked. "Good thing urinals don't get clothes, right?" 

"Hahaha!" The other boys around him laughed.

Ochako barely noticed them. 

The boy finished peeing on her, tucked his dick back away and walked out with his friends. After a few moments the other boys using the bathroom finished up and wandered out too, and Ochako was left alone.

That… That was her last hope…

Midnight and Deku and all her friends were obedient penis slaves.

Mei was a toilet.

And now the only thing that had been able to interrupt the complete rewriting of reality was a pile of smoking parts.

She'd failed. All For One ruled the world. Women were basically cumsocks.

She couldn't give up, she was the only one left who could undo all of this, but… But she didn't know how…

"There you are you disobedient little sperm dump.."

Ochako jumped at the sudden sound of Miss Midnight's stern scolding, scrambling to her feet as the turned towards the bathroom entrance.

Miss Midnight strode angrily through the bathroom towards her, her barely contained boobs flouncing with every forceful step. And behind her-

"Deku!" Ochako chirped. The timid little femboy who had once been her boyfriend followed nervously behind Miss Midnight. This version of Deku was clearly a lot more… reserved , but Ochako was still relieved to see him. At least she would have someone's support when-

"S- see miss Midnight, I told you she snuck out of class without permission like a bad hole!"

W- What…

"Yes Deku, I see that." Miss Midnight shushed him condescendingly with a little pat on the head. Now be a good girl and shut your stupid little mouth."

"Yes  mam!" Deku mewled and did as he was told, demurely holding his hands together in front of him. Now that he was standing, Ochako couldn't help but glance at the bottom of his tiny little skirt and- She flushed, as she caught a glimpse of his penis, locked in a flat little cage. As he stood obediently and Miss Midnight patted his head like a pet, it twitched, and a little white splooge dribbled out onto the floor.

He was just like Mei… 

"You've been a very bad onahole." Ochako's attention snapped back to the humiliatingly dressed teacher towering over her. "Going to pee without getting permission from a man"" Miss Midnight shook her head. "I thought you knew better than that." She snapped her fingers. "Now, you're going to follow me back to class. You're going to apologize to your male classmates, our owners, for being such a stupid pair of boobs. And you're going to happily thank them for whatever punishments they decide to give you. Does your tiny girl brain understand that, dummy?"

No no this was all so wrong!

"Miss Midnight, Please, you have to listen to me," Ochako protested. "This isn't how things are supposed to be! You're a hero, now some slave for boys to do whatever they want with!" She grabbed Miss Midnights hand desperately. "All For One messed everything up, b- But we can stop him, we can fix this if you just listen to me!" 

Miss Midnight's eyes widened, and behind her Deku gasped. Come on, they had to listen to her, even if they didn't remember how things were supposed to be, they had to see how wrong this was-


"AH!" OChako yelped and grabbed her cheek where Miss Midnight had smacked her.

"Bad hole!" Miss Midnight snapped, pointing her finger accusingly. "Going to the bathroom on your own like you have the right to make decisions was bad enough," She spat. "But suggesting a woman could ever be anything other than an obedient cockhole, suggesting that we could actually go against the will of any man, let alone our utterly perfect omnipotent all powerful master?" The older woman's nostrils flared with rage, and Ochako shrank back under the woman's withering gaze. "That's the last time you're ever going to get to use that tiny worthless brain of yours you stupid, disobedient jizz urinal. Get on your knees right now, and crawl behind me like the worthless hole you are while I take you back to my classroom for a proper fixing." 

"N- No…" She whined. How could a woman who had once been one of the most self assured pro heroes in the country act like this… She… She had to get out of here! 

"No!" Ochako gasped again, this time taking a step back and tensing. She glanced at the bathroom exit starting to panic. She couldn't get stuck here she had to get out! 

She lunged forward and Miss Midnight's eyes flared. She Just had to get past her teacher and she could-

"UNF!" Ochako grunted as Miss Midnight grabbed her by the collar she'd barely remembered she'd been wearing. "Ack,- No, No!"

"Stupid naughty cockpuppet!" Miss Midnight scolded her furiously. "I should've known you're clearly too stupid to do what you're told. Fine." 

Miss Midnight yanked Ochako back by the collar so her head was right in front of the woman's large bouncing chest, and then with a single movement pulled Ochako forward so her faced was smushed into the teacher's big soft boobs.

"Mmmfff!" Ochako tried to cry out but her voice was completely muffled.

"I guess your little poop brain forgot I'm still one of our Master's best henchwomen." miss Midnight smirked. "Other than serving our superior's cocks, enslaving disobedient cum dumpsters is what I exist for. Now go to sleep little urinal."

No no no, Ochako pushed desperately against her teacher's body, but Miss Midnight held her fast, and a moment later Ochako could feel the older woman's quirk filling her nostrils.

"MMMFFF, Mmm-! Mm, Mmmm…" 

No, no… She couldn't… get caught…

"Thaaaat's riiiiight…" Miss Midnight's voice sounded so far away. Ochako felt a hand petting her hair softly, but it felt so… fuzzy…

"Juuust goo to sleeeeeep…"

Ochakos eyes closed… her body went limp… 

And the world… 




Ochako blinked wearily, finding herself staring at a blurry blue expanse.  She groaned. She felt weird…  wet…? What… where was she…

She tried to move, only to find she could barely squirm. Wha- oh no, that's right! She blinked again and the tiled floor of her classroom came into focus, just as her awareness returned to her. Miss Midnight had told her she had to go back to class, then used her quirk to put Ochako to sleep now-

Ochako glanced around, already becoming frantic, and found she was standing in front of the class, next to the teachers desk. And she couldn't move and inch because she was wrapped up in-

Ribbit I Think Thee's waking up Mam!" Tsu announced, lisping with her tongue sticking out of her mouth.

Oh no oh no, Ochako squirmed but she got nowhere, Tsu's tongue wrapped her tightly and held her firmly in place. 

"Excellent timing." Ochako heard Miss Midnight's voice from behind her. "Just hold her there for my dummy."

"Yeth mam." Tsu affirmed obediently.

Next to them, Miss Midnight was bent over at the waist, her exposed butt stuck out for the class, while she rummaged through her drawers. Beside her, Deku stood awkwardly, looking like he was still afraid of getting in trouble, even though he'd just ratted Ochako out. Ochako looked away from the mewling obedient sissy slave her boyfriend had been turned into, but the only other thing she had to look at was her whole horribly transformed class, all of them staring at her.

Now that Ochako was looking at the whole class from the front, she realized just how different the makeup of the class really was. She didn't recognize almost any of the boys, all her male classmates she had once been friends with were now gone. These boys sat back with cruel and amused expressions on their faces. A couple looked like they were rubbing themselves through their pants in the middle of class, they- they werent actually jerking off to her being punished like this! and- Ochako shivered as she realized one of them was currently getting a blowjob from a naked girl, kneeling under his desk, and nobody was even paying attention, like that was just- normal!

Some of her female classmates were still here meanwhile, all of them mounted on their dildo's with studious expressions on their faces, like they were actually trying to learn from this! The class also now seemed to include Kendo, Setsuna, Ibara and Reiko, from Class B. Momo and Tsu of course still present too, but  Mina, Jiro, and Hakagure were all missing.

She knew why Jiro and Hakagure weren't there now... 'Mei was turned into a toilet- like all the girls with worthless quirks.' Deku had told her. And then she had seen them herself, turned into urinals just like Mei. Apparently their quirks were considered 'useless' in this insane nightmare world, just another cruelty on top of everything else. And she hadn't even seen Mina since this all happened, who knew what kind of horrors her friend was being subjected to now. 

"Alright class," Miss Midnight spoke finally, and Ochakos heart skipped a beat. "Today you'll all get a very special demonstration of how bad, disobedient holes are turned into good brainless semen dumps for our owners." 

Miss Midnight stepped into Ochako's peripheral vision, standing next to herself and Tsu. 

"Wait," Ochako pleaded. They had to listen to her, this was crazy! "Everybody please you have t– Mmmphhh!"

Ochako's protests were cut off as Miss Midnight clamped a hand over her mouth. "Quiet, stupid cunt." Miss Midnight admonished her.

"As you can see students, Ochako here has suddenly become extremely disobedient." Miss Midnight informed Ochako's former friends matter of factly. "She left to use the bathroom without permission from a boy, She disobeyed when I told her to come back and apologize, and she even suggested that we, a pair of women, could stop our glorious infallible master, whatever that means."

Several of the girls gasped.

"Mmmmpph, MPPHH!"

Ochako kept trying to plead her case, but Miss Midnight's surprisingly strong hand didn't budge.

"This ridiculous display of free will is obviously completely unacceptable." The sadistic teacher continued, ignoring Ochako's struggling. "So now you'll all have the pleasure of watching one of our wonderful supreme leader's many amazing creations in action!"

Miss Midnight held something out for the class to see. Ochako managed to turn her head just enough to get a look at it herself. It was a shiny rounded helmet, with circuitry and panels lining the outside of it, all leading to a button in the center of the forehead.

"Obviously, our tiny women brains are far to stupid for us to understand anything on our own." Miss Midnight declared shamelessly. "So for the dumb drooling holes who simply refuse to learn their place, our brilliant leader created the perfect solution. The instantaneous brainwashing helmet!"

Ochako's eyes widened.

"Mmmphrnrnn hrmmphhnt?"

"In a single moment, one of these incredible devices completely erases a woman's whole brain! With just the press of a button, any dumb semen toilet stupid enough to try and think for herself will be permanently turned into a perfect penis obeying onahole in an instant, and whatever annoying personality she had will be gone forever. Just watch!"

"MmmPPH!" Ochako thrashed as hard as she could. Nononono… She had to get out, she had to get them to listen, she had to do anything she could…

"You just plop the helmet down on the silly girls head,"


Ochako winced as the heavy device suddenly came down on her, its soft padded inside hugging her head snuggly.

She couldn't be brainwashed she- She was the only person in the whole world who still knew all this was wrong! If she was enslaved like everybody else then- Then- The world would be stuck like this forever, All For One would win, and women would just be mindless cum dumps forever!

"And then, once you're ready, just press the big button on the front!"

Nonononono she had to do something, anything anything please, she didn't wanna be a cumdump!

Miss Midnight slipped her hand off her mouth and Ochako cried out instantly. 

"Wait, Wait please," She begged. "Please y- You don't have to brainwash me, I- I- I'll do whatever you tell me to! " Ochako trembled as she pleaded pathetically. "Please I' I'll be a good hole, I'll do everything boy's tell me I'll- I'll be an obedient penis slave, please please please just don't erase my brain!"

The boys in class laughed at her as she debased herself in front of them. Miss Midnight giggled.

"As you can see," Miss Midnight addressed the class. "It's also very funny how stupid fleshlights panic like a brainless pair of boobies when their little minds are about to be erased." The class chuckled, and Miss Midnight turned back to Ochako. "Isn't it Ochako?" 

"Y-Yes Mam!" Ochako mewled desperately. "I- I'm just a dumb stupid brainless pair of boobies! Girls are all stupid toilets a- And i'll be a good toilet now, I promise! Please please I'll be a good pair of boobs!" Please please Miss Midnight had to let her go, she would do whatever she was told, she'd serve all the boys cocks however they wanted, please please they couldn't erase her brain…

"Hehehe, of course you will silly." Miss Midnight giggled. "Now say goodbye to your brain!"

No no no!

"Nonono please please please don't please please please!" Ochako babbled desperately, "Please No no no-!"

Miss Midnight reached over without sparing a moment, and tapped the button on the awful helmet hugging Ochako's head, no!


Ochako's eyes crossed and her tongue lolled out of her mouth instantly as the last thought she would ever have was sucked right out of her head. Then a moment later she peed herself as she felt her ideas, her free will, and her whole personality swirl, and swirl, and disappear forever as her brain was flushed right down the toilet. 

Just like stupid worthless garbage should be!

DING! The helmet made a hilarious chime noise to announce it had finished scrubbing Ochako's tiny stupid brain clean of any personality or freedom.

She felt the squishy tongue holding her in place slide away, and the helmet lifted off her head.

Ochako smiled like a brainless hole.

She stood slack in front of the class, her boobs smushed into a tight little top, her butt and pussy totally visible to the class under her tiny little skirt, standing in a puddle of her own peepee, with a big mindless smile on her face.

"See class?"


Miss Midnight slapped Ochako's big dumb butt for emphasis.

"Just a dumb brainless onahole now. Right stupid?"

"Yes mam!" Ochako nodded enthusiastically. "I'm a good hole now, I promise! Women are just dumb boobies and butts and pussies, and from now on I'll do everything I'm told and never try to use my stupid worthless girl brain and always obey cock because that's the only reason I exist!"

Miss Midnight giggled, and some of the boys in class laughed more at her, man she hoped that meant she was being useful to them!

"That's right honey." Miss Midnight praised her. "Now." The teacher pointed at the puddle of piss at her feet. "Lick that up."

"Oh" Ochako gasped as she was ordered to completely humiliate herself in front of the class. "Yes mam!"

Ochako dropped to her hands and knees and without the slightest moment of hesitation pressed her face into the puddle of piss and began noisily slurping it up. Her boobs were squished against the floor too, and she stuck her fat bubble but way up in the air so all the boys could see her ass and pussy waving around while she lapped up her own pee like a mindless urinal.

And with every gross gulp, her exposed pussy throbbed happily.

She was doing what she was told.

She was entertaining the boys who owned her.

This was why she existed.

After all, she was a woman.

Women were just cum dumps.

Notes:Oh no, The story's only half over but It looks like Ochako already lost! Well, I guess she's about to learn how her new life works isn't she?

So come back next week to learn how that works out for her!

Chapter 3Notes:(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter TextSlrrrrp.

Ochako noisily slurped up the last bit of pee, giving the floor a sloppy kiss and wiggling her butt and privates happily as she finished cleaning up her mess.

"All done mam!" She looked back up at her teacher eagerly, but stayed on all fours. Standing up on her own seemed like a decision, and obviously women weren't allowed to make decisions."

"Mmmm, good." Miss Midnight hummed, a mean note in her tone and a little smirk on her face. "Now, tell your superiors how sorry you are for trying to think for yourself." 

Oh no! Ochako flushed red as she remembered what a bad, disobedient sperm bucket she'd been. 

"Yes mam!" She said hurriedly. Shamefully, she spun herself around so she was facing the boys she belonged to, and bowed her face against the floor again, sticking her fat butt back up in the air. "I'm so so sorry I tried to make my own choices sirs, I'm such a dumb worthless cumsock my tiny woman brain must have just been confused!" She mewled pathetically. "Thank you so so so much for turning my stupid little brain into mush and making me back into a good mindless cock slave, I'm so lucky to be granted the privilege of doing whatever you tell me- Unf!"

Ochako's blubbering was interrupted as she felt Miss Midnight's heeled boot plant itself on her ass and shove her face further into the floor. 

"Muuuch better." Miss Midnight cooed. "Okay sirs." She addressed their amazing owners in the class in front of them. "How would you like to punish Ochako for her ridiculous attempt to have her own thoughts?"



"Oh oh, haha,"

Ochako could hear the wonderful boys murmuring amongst themselves about how to punish her for her stupidity, but she didn't try to get up or listen in. She just sat with her face against the floor, being rocked back and forth a bit by Miss Midnight's boot in her butt.

"Haha yeah, that's great" One of the boys declared. "Make her pierce her tits, then use her stupid quirk to make her big boobs float all the time."

"Oh, what a brilliant suggestion sir!" Miss Midnight gushed. "Momo." She snapped her fingers. "Get your fat tits over her."

"Y- yes mam!" Ochako heard the sound of Momo's chair sliding back, and then a wet pop as she slid off her dildo to rush to the front of the class.

"And you." Miss Midnight gave Ochako's ass another shove. "Get up."

"Yffffmmmm!" Ochako mewled into the floor. A second later she felt her teacher's boot pull away, and she pulled herself back up on her feet, standing in front of the class once again. She could now see Tsu had returned to her seat, and now sat planted firmly on her big dildo, hunched over her desk watching intently, like the rest of the mindless girls in class.

Momo scampered up to where Miss Midnight stood behind Ochako. 

"Momo," Miss Midnight addressed her, squeezing one of the big boobed students titties as she spoke. "Make a piercing gun for your superiors.

"O-oh!" Momo stammered, "Of course mam!" Momo reddened, sweating visibly in clear fear of disappointing her teacher, and more importantly, her owners. But like a good obedient onahole, she squeezed her boobs together, and a humming, shimmering light appeared in their center. A moment later, a shiny brand new piercing gun materialized from her tits, and Momo leaned forward towards Miss Midnight, using her boobies as a shelf to present the object to her teacher.

"Hmmhmm, good girl." Miss Midnight took the gun with a smile, and Ochako's stomach did a little flip. 

This was gonna sting… Good thing she was an obedient jizzwipe now, so she knew it didn't matter at all what she felt! She was just property, it was the boys right to do whatever they wanted with her, so sweating a bit she braced herself for her well deserved punishment.

She just needed to focus on-

"Eep!" Ochako yelped as Miss Midnight suddenly grabbed the front of her tube top and yanked it down, popping her big titties right out for all her classmates to see. 

"Ok Ochako," Miss Midnight instructed her, grabbing one of her boobs and placing the gun over her nipple. "Smile!"

Ochako did as she was told, smiling nervously. 

"Yes ma- EAAAP" Ochako shrieked as her right nipple was pierced. Without waiting, Miss Midnight grabbed her left boobie, and a moment later-

-EEEHK" Ochako yelped again.

"Hehehe, there we go." Miss Midnight chuckled, dropped Ochako's stinging titty and casting the piercing gun aside. "Now, make your boobies float like your owners told you, cunt."

"Y- yes mam…" Ochako looked down at her chest. Each of her nipples now had a large bar running through it, with a ball on either end. Wincing before she had even touched them, Ochako obediently reached down to take one in either hand. The moment she touched them they stung, but her discomfort was totally irrelevant, she was just a talking cum bucket. 

Biting her tongue, she channeled her quirk through her hands, reversing the gravity on each of the little bars that now ran through her nipples. Then, she let go.

Already chuckling amongst themselves, the boys in her class immediately broke out into laughter as her firm fat titties floated up, and came to a gentle rest pointing slightly upwards, like a pair of fake tits floating underwater. It stung. Ochako smiled like a good brainless jizz urinal.

Ochako gasped slightly as Miss Midnight lightly slapped Ochako's tits from the bottom, making them bounce lazily.

"Is that good sirs?" She asked the boys submissively. They were the ones in charge after all, even as a teacher, Miss Midnight was still just a stupid drooling cockhole.

"Hah hah, slap her tits again." one of the boys ordered her.

"Yes sir!" Miss Midnight chipped immediately, and-


"Eeep!" Ochako yelped yet again as her sensitive titties were smacked around harder this time.

"Spank her for being such a stupid hole." Another ordered.

"Yes sir!"

"Ah-" Miss Midnight grabbed Ochako suddenly by her collar, spinning her around and forcing her head and shoulder down, till she was facing away from the class and doubled over, her nude butt and privates displayed for them all.

"Now, apologize for being such a bad cumsock." Miss Midnight ordered her.



"Ah!" Ochako gasped. "I'm sorry for being such a bad cumsock sirs!"


"EEE!" Ochako whined as she was punished, doing her best to stay still and keep her butt pushed out for Miss Midnight to spank. "I'm so so sorry for being so stupid and worthless and-" 


I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! "

Ochako held back little tears in her eyes, until Miss Midnight finally finished spanking her. 

Anything else sir?" She asked the boys, ready to do whatever she was told.

"Yeah," the first boy said, leaning forward in his chair. "Smack your own ass too, for being too stupid to teach Uraraka how to be a good hole."

"Oh, of course sir!" Midnight turned around and bent herself over just like Ochako was, and-


"I'm so sorry for being a bad brainless teacher!" She gushed pathetically.


"I'm just a braindead peebucket, I'm too stupid to ever do anything right!"


"My tiny woman brain is just a big puddle of piss!"


"All women are worthless blabbering semen toilets who exist to be used until our masters decide to throw us in the garbage!" She moaned, giving her jiggling ass one final slap. She turned head to face the class without getting out of position, and Ochako did the same. "Any other orders for me to follow my amazing superior masters?" She asked demurely.

"Hahaha, that's good stupid pissbucket." The boy who'd told her to spank herself laughed.

Miss Midnight stood back up and Ochako followed suit. 

"Wonderful!" The teacher clapped her hands. "Now, one last thing." She stepped behind her desk, opened a drawer, and pulled something out before stepping back out in front of it, holding whatever she had retrieved behind her back. She snapped her fingers. "Come here Deku."

"Y- yes mam!" Deku nervously trotted over to the teacher as he'd been told. "Um- Eeh!" 

Deku gasped as Miss Midnight suddenly grabbed his silly little cock in her hand without even looking at him, and started massaging his balls.

"Oooo…" Deku went red and visibly struggled to keep his eyes from crossing stupidly.

"Deku has been a very good girl," Miss Midnight informed the class with a smile. "When Ochako went to the bathroom without permission, Deku came to me right away and tattled on her. So, now he gets a reward!"

Miss Midnight took her hand out from behind her back, presenting Deku with a huge wobbling dildo, almost a perfect replica of a massive cock other than the fact that it was shiny and green. Deku's eyes went wide with adoration the moment he saw it, and a little cum dribbled out from under his skirt onto the floor.

"For being a good slave," She continued, smiling. "Deku gets the honor of worshiping a perfect replica of our glorious ruler's amazing cock!" Miss Midnight put the tip of the beautiful idol in front of Deku's face. "Now, make out with your owner's cock like a good girl." She ordered him.

"Yes Mam, mwah!" Deku Immediately planted his lips on the head of the dildo and started slobbering all over it like the braindead cock slave he was.

"Slurp- I'm just a dumb drooling cumsock- slllllllllorp."Deku babbled adorably. " Slllk- I exist to obey my masters perfect penis- Glrp."

"Hehehe,"  Their teacher giggled at the stupid sissy's pathetic display. "That's right sweety. Now bend over."

Ochako saw Miss Midnight's hand squeeze Deku's little nuts tightly as she ordered him to present his hole for the class, and the sissy went red as he scrambled to obey.

"Y- yes mam!" He obediently spun around and bent over at the waist, the back of his skirt lifting to show off his big soft butt and tiny caged cocklet still in Miss Midnight's vice grip. With a smirk, Miss Midnight placed the tip of the dildo over his ass, and then without waiting a moment slid the entire thing inside of him until only the rounded little base was visible. Then, she pressed into the base, it made a little click, and the vibrating dildo buzzed to life.

"Guuuuuh…" Ochako couldn't see his face, but she was sure Deku was doing the dumbest little ahegao possible as he was made into a nice tight onahole for their master's cock. A moment later, his little cage bounced and several more pathetic squirts dripped onto the floor under him.

"Gooood girl." Their teacher cooed. Smack. She gave Deku's butt a little spank for good measure. "Now get back to your desks you two." She ordered them. "We still have time for one more lesson before you go off to lunch. 

"Y- Y- Yes, M- Mam…" Deku stuttered, his tiny brain clearly turned into jelly by the fake cock buzzing away inside him.

"Yes Mam!" Ochako echoed. Happily, she trotted back to her seat next to Deku, her floating boobies bouncing a little with every step. She pulled out her chair, wiggling her thick ass onto the dildo mounted on it, and plopped back down in her seat.

Guh ," She couldn't suppress a stupid little moan as the squishy fake penis filled her up.

It felt so right to be mounted on a cock, like a good hole should be. She couldn't believe she'd never realized before that she was just a fleshlight who existed to serve mens dicks, but she was just a dumb brainless woman after all!

Next to her Deku sat down with a big smile on his face, his reward buzzing inside him. He looked so stupid and cute with their master's amazing cock pressed against his bitch switch, Ochako couldn't help but be jealous. She should've sold herself out, then she could've been the one drooling on her desk like an idiot, being used as a nice warm cockpocket for a replica of their wonderful ruler's perfect dick.

She'd have to ask Deku to share with her later, maybe when he was being used by some boys! She had more holes that needed stuffing than him! She giggled at the thought.

"Now, pay attention girls." Miss Midnight announced at the front of the class, as she started writing on the chalkboard.

Oh duh, the lesson! Ochako did her best to make her tiny brain focus. If she wanted to get rewarded like Deku, she needed to study hard and do her best to be a good obedient onahole like the silly green haired sissy cumming his little brains out beside her.

Miss Midnight finished what she was writing on the chalkboard, tapping it to punctuate the message. ' What are women for? ' was scrawled across it in big block letters.

"Can somebody tell me what a woman's role in life is?" She asked the class.

Immediately, Momo raised her hand timidly. Miss Midnight sashayed over to the black haired girl's desk, her pussy exposed with each swing of her hips.

"Yes, Momo?"

"Um, W- Well," Momo answered nervously. "We exist to serve men, our rightful superiors, in any way they decide, r- Right, Mam?"

"Miss Midnight laughed mockingly. "Well if you weren't a girl that might be a good answer," She said, her voice dripping with condescension. "But everything women say is just annoying brainless blabbering, so obviously no, that's a very stupid answer."

Momo reddened at the scolding, shrinking back in her chair. Miss Midnight smiled meanly and patted her cheek. ""Next time you think you have something worth saying, remember that you're a dumb braindead urinal and just ask if someone would like to pee in your mouth."

"Y- Yes mam, I'm so sorry Mam, I'll learn to do better!" Momo babbled apologetically, grabbing her notebook and scribbling in it hurriedly.

Miss Midnight just giggled at her. "Alright, now does anyone smarter than a used condom know the answer?" She asked again. That obviously ruled out any girl, So Ochako didn't even bother trying to think up an answer. She just got her pen ready to write down whatever actually good answer a much smarter boy gave.

"Yeah." One of the boys sitting in the row in front of Deku and Ochako said, not bothering to raise his hand. It was the boy Ochako had noticed earlier who had a naked girl slobbering mindlessly on his cock.  Ochako didn't recognize the girl, and she wasn't wearing a school uniform, so it must have been an onahole he brought from home.

"Yes, sir?" Miss Midnight strode over to his desk demurely, bending over to present her jiggling rack to the young man as she awaited his answer.

"Yeah, you cunts exist to be fuckmeat." He casually reached out and squeezed her tits. "Duh."

"Oh my goodness, yes sir that's exactly correct!" She gushed. "We exist to be fuckmeat and living sex toys for all you amazing men!" She took a couple steps back to address the rest of the class. "If you stupid cunts aren't being good fuckmeat, that you're literally just worthless garbage. We exist to be dumb, entertaining, subservient cock toys for our superiors."

The girls all scribbled notes in their books, taking in the boys every brilliant word. Ochako had to push ehr notebook forward a bit so she could see it over her big floating tits.

E… A… T… ' Fuckmeat! ' Ochako finished writing.. She smiled. Every word Miss Midnight said made so much sense, at least to a stupid set of fuckholes like her. She was just dumb subservient fuckmeat, she existed to be useful to men! This was such a good lesson!

'Remember, we aren't people." Miss midnight continued. "We're objects, just things to be used! Our thoughts and feelings are totally meaningless, just stupid worthless garbage that nobody should ever care about- Oooooo…" Miss Midnight's eyes crossed mindlessly, as one of the boys reached under her skirt and started fingering her with a laugh. "Oooh, women are just property, we exist to be o- Ooooh, oooh, O- Owned!" She leaned on the boys desk with her hands and drooled  as he used her like a finger puppet. "P- Property doesn't get r- Ruh, Ruh… Rights, Property doesn't g- get to th- thu, ooooh, Th- Think, Pro- oooooh, property just O- Oh, oh oh! Obeys!" 

The braindead teacher whore humped at the air mindlessly like the stupid whimpering sex object she was, while Ochako kept scribbling down notes. There were so many important things to learn…

'sucking cock = GOOD :D 

Thinking = BAD :c'

She smiled at her piece of paper. Hopefully she was finally being a good student! She refocused her attention on Miss Midnight, who had just cum on the boy's hand. 

"Thank you for playing with my pussy while I babble like an idiot sir!" She thanked him eagerly. "Now, let's put what we just learned into practice." 

She strode back to her desk at the front of the class, and turned to look at the girls sternly. "Last week a male student told my owners, the school administrators, that he got a disappointing blowjob from one of the girls in the Henchwoman class." The fat titted teacher tutted scornfully. "Which means you girls clearly need to be trained better. So, for the rest of class, you dipshit girls will practice worshiping our superiors' cocks with your mouths." 

The buxom teacher picked up a plain looking red dildo from her desk, holding it up in front of the class.

"You don't just suck on a cock like a brainless vacuum cleaner, even if that is all you really are." She put a hand on her hip. 'Serving cocks is the only thing you're any good for whatsoever, and a blowjob is one of the many ways you show a cock how thankful you are for being allowed to exist."

She strode over to Ibara's desk, not even looking at the dumb girl as she grabbed her by her vine hair.

"Um- GLRP," The plant Henchgirl was cut off as Miss Midnight shoved the fat dildo halfway down her throat.

"See, cocks feel good when they have a warm hole to enter. You are holes. You exist for cocks to enter you." She said matter of factly, rhythmically sliding the rubbery cock in and out of Ibara's mouth. "Men don't need your brain or any of that worthless crap in your head. You're just a bunch of warm wet holes, and if they want to use those holes for their cock, then they get to!" She slid the bouncing fake cock mostly out of Ibara's slobbering mouth, before slamming it back down until the entire length had disappeared into her dumb cross eyed face.

GLLRRRP ." The stupid plant girl's eyes were contentedly half closed, and she stared ahead at nothing as she was used like the warm hole she was to serve the dildo.

Ochako nodded along intently at the demonstration. She could totally do that, she didn't need to breathe! Most of her brain cells had probably popped now anyways, it wasn't like her mind was worth anything! She scribbled more notes down with one hand, and started playing with herself with the other. She stole a glance at Deku to see he was doing the same, writing intently while his hips bucked idly in his seat. He was probably thinking the same thing as her. Well, if he was thinking at all. She giggled.

"Ok girls, get up and find a boy to serve." Miss Midnight declared. "These wonderful boys here are gracing us with their presence, so be good cunts and thank them by worshiping their cocks. Miss Midnight clapped her hands, and the girls immediately got up and moved to the closest man in the room.

Ochako got up, sliding herself off her dildo, and turned around to kneel in front of the boy who'd been sitting behind her. He reached out and batted at one of her floating titties, chuckling as it wobbled in the air.

'Alright dumb whores," Miss Midnight strode through the rows of desks, observing the kneeling girls. "Now greet your superior and ask him how he'd like you to serve his wonderful dick." 

"Hello sir!" Ochako chirped to the boy playing with her boobies. "How would you like me to serve your cock?" 

The boy gave her tits another smack. "Suck my dick, whore." He ordered her apathetically.

"Yes sir!" Ochako reached under his desk to unbutton his pants, and a moment later his cock sprang free of his pants. Ochako's eyes followed the way it bobbed with utter devotion. This cock owned her right now, she was so lucky she had the privilege of obeying it!

"Ah, good job Kendo."

Ochako turned to see Miss Midnight standing over Itsuka Kendo, who had used her quirk to make her boobies bigger than beach balls and was massaging her masters cock with the gigantic squishy milkers, kissing the head of hush dick each time it appeared in the middle of her massive cleavage.

"See class," The teacher told them. "Even though I told you silly girls to practice using your mouths, Kendo knows that what a boy tells her is always more important than what another brainless hole like me says." Midnight Patted Kendo's hair approvingly. 

The huge tittied henchgirl popped the penis she was obediently slurping on out of her mouth to look up at her teacher.

"Thank you Miss Midnight, I just love using my big bewbies soooo much, hehehe!" She giggled like an idiot. 'It feels sooo gooood to be a big bouncy boobied sex toy hehe," Slurrrrp. She sucked the tip of her master's penis back into her mouth.

"Ah ah ah.." Miss Midnight shook her head disapprovingly. "You're just a hole, dummy. The idea that what you want could ever matter enough to be worth saying out loud is completely ridiculous."

"Oh- GLLLRP! " Kendo was cut off as Miss Midnight grabbed her by the hair and forced her face down on her master's cock. 

"Keep worshiping your superior's cock, stupid hole." Miss Midnight ordered her. "Once class is over I'll give you a proper punishment for yourstupidity."

Oh man, girls really were just total poop brained idiots. Ochako was gonna have to study hard to make sure she didn't make any stupid mistakes like that, or-


Ochako's current master slapped her on the cheek, snapping her back to attention, before pointing down at his waiting cock.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so so sorry sir!" She moaned apologetically, reddening with embarrassment. She couldn't believe she'd got distracted from worshiping this boy's penis, that was the whole reason she existed!

She immediately dove forward pushing inch after inch of tasty man meat past her lips, doing her best to learn the wonderful lecture she'd just been given. She cleared her tiny dumb mind easily. There wasn't much going on there anymore, just like it should be! 

Slrrrp slrrrp slrrrrp. "

Her pussy throbbed happily as she obediently bobbed up and down on her master's dick, but she made sure to keep her arms hanging limply at her sides. She wanted to play with her drooling pussy of course, but she remembered what Miss Midnight had just said. Nothing a girl wanted ever mattered in the slightest! Besides, her pussy was her owner's property. It wasn't right to touch people's property without permission. So she just kept sucking brainlessly.

Slorp slrrrrp slorp."

She flicked her tongue against part of the cock as it slid in and out of her throat, until the boy using her seemed to settle into a comfortable pace, thrusting in and out of her like the mindless fleshlight she was. Her eyes crossed and she settled into her role as a nice warm hole for her master's cock to jerk off with, brainlessly kneeling nearly naked under the boy's desk for the next several minutes. 

After a while his pace quickened, and the boy grabbed her floating titties and started squeezing them as he humped her stupid face. Ochako moaned happily to let him know how eager she was to be a good cum receptacle. Finally, her master grabbed the back of her head and pushed her deep into his crotch until her nose was pressed against his tummy, and a moment later she felt his cock pulse in her throat as rope after rope shot down into her belly. She drooled as she was used. This was so much better than getting to think for herself! She was just a passive, braindead, obedient throat pussy.

Around her, the sound of stupid cunts slurping and gagging on cock told her her classmates were all getting the same treatment. Around her, Ochako could see that a couple of the girls already had loads pumped down their throats just like her, and the girls were now happily making out with their master's balls. To her right, Deku seemed to be liking this part, moaning a little with his superiors entire nutsack in his mouth, and his big spit covered cock resting and leaking on the braindead sissy's face.

Ochako's master took a handful of her auburn and started lazily wiping his dick off with it. Oh that was so nice, now she would get to smell like his cum for the rest of the day!

Eventually the sound of onaholes being used died down, as the last of the remaining boys dumped their sperm into their personal cum toilets, and Miss Midnight clapped her hands.

"Alright urinals, back to your seats now!" She ordered them with as much authority as a brainless leaking cumsock could.

The girls walked and crawled back into their chairs, and for a moment the class was filled with the hilarious sound of eight pussies being stuffed with fat jiggling dildos all at once.

"Ok girls, for a bunch of stupid babbling sperm buckets that was pretty good!" She praised them affectionately. "But of course, my opinion might as well be toilet paper haha." She chuckled mockingly at herself. "So to get an opinion that's actually worth something, sirs," She addressed the boys lounging around in the class. "Please take a stamp from my desk as you leave, and mark the cumdumpster you used with a grade. If you want to, of course! I'm just peebucket, obviously I have no authority over you all whatsoever!" The big tittied teacher beamed. "Now, class is dismissed, but I want all you girls to stay and wait until your superiors have left first, so they can grade you if they like." 

The boys began rising from their seats and filtering to the front of the class. A couple just left right away, smacking Miss Midnight's titties as they walked out, but the rest picked up the stamps off her desk.

The boy Ochako had served picked up a couple to see what each said, before settling on one with a smirk. Without saying a word, he strode back to Ochako's desk, grabbed one of her gently floating boobs, and slapped the stamp down on it. 

"There you go cunt." He laughed, and walked out of class with the rest of the boys.

"Eep!" Ochako yelped happily. "Thank you sooo much for grading me sir!"

Ochako looked down at her marked titty.

'B- '

What a generous grade she'd gotten for obediently slurping on his penis until he spurted down her throat!

Next to her, Deku beamed, with a big B+ stamped on his cheek. Wow, that was like, the best grade any stupid girl could hope for! Deku was always such a good student, he was such an inspiring fleshlight.

"Ok holes," Miss Midnight addressed the eight remaining cumbuckets. "That's it for today." She pointed at the red headed onahole in the back row. "Kendo, go to the bathroom down the hall and kneel next to the urinals. You're going to be a toilet for the next half an hour, as punishment for acting like your opinion is worth something."

"Y- Yes mam!" Kendo stammered obediently.

"Everyone else," She continued. "Get your big dumb butt's to lunch, and then make sure you aren't late to Henchgirl 102 with Miss Joke. That's your most important class of the day after all. Now get going."

"Yes mam!" The mindless cunts responded in disjointed chorus. The eight of them slid off their dildos for the final time that class, and lined up obediently as they strode out the door. Ochako strode next to Deku as they filed down the hallway towards the cafeteria, glancing down at her big  B- again as she they walked. It was very generous, but she still needed to work harder to be the best cum toilet she could be. After all if Deku could could a B+ , she was sure she-


"Oh!" Deku and Ochako yelped as the boy who had used Deku smacked both of their big fat butts from behind.

"Thank you sir!" Deku moaned like a good hole. 

"Yeah thank you so much sir!" Ochako followed suit.

"You did a good job in there cocksucker." The boy praised Deku, reaching under his skirt and squeezing his little peepee. "And it looks like you got the second best grade in the class huh booby bitch?" He observed, swatting Ochako's floating stamped titty lightly.  "My dad said he was gonna buy me one of my classmates for my birthday." He told them casually. "Maybe I'll decide to get one of you two."

"Oh my gosh! Thank you!" Deku gasped."I would be so honored sir!"

"Yes please!" Ochako echoed him eagerly. "I would be so happy to be your personal slave sir!"

The boy turned away with a dismissive smirk as they spoke, and went back to talking with some actual people, the other boys in their class. 

"Wow, maybe we'll get to be a boy's personal fleshlights for real!" Deku babbled happily. "That's so exciting!"

"Yeah I know, we're so lucky!" Ochako beamed at her friend. 

It was so exciting to know all their hard work could actually pay off.

They studied hard, they practiced all they could, and they were being recognized for it, by someone who's opinion actually mattered: A boy who wanted to use them as nothing more than brainless, obedient masturbation toys!

Ochako couldn't think of a higher compliment!