the bakugo’s

Text"Ah! Young Midoriya!" 

All Might's familiar, booming voice rang throughout the counselor's office at U.A. High School as his unassuming young protege poked his head through the door. Midoriya Izuku was timid and hesitant at the best of times, but looked particularly troubled on this day, despite All Might's attempts to prop up his confidence in the preceding months. The boy's earnest and expressive face was a always a portal into his inner thoughts, the opposite of the stoicism shown by Midoriya's classmates such as Shoko Todoroki, and this afternoon his eyes were wider than ever. "What's troubling you? Are you still worried about the sports festival?"

But the UA Sports Festival was the furthest thing from Midoriya's mind. "All Might, why didn't you tell me?" he complained, clutching his hands nervously to the waistband of his pants. "I didn't know that accepting One For All would cause this to happen to my body!"

All Might, dressed nattily in a golden pinstripe suit, brought a hand to his strong jaw. In his 'heroic form' he over two feet taller than the boy, who was called 'Deku' by his classmates but would forever be "Young Midoriya" to the towering and famous Symbol of Justice who, having passed on the One For All quirk, now acted as the boy's mentor. "Why, what do you mean?" he asked. "I already explained all of the risks. But in time, when you learn to control your power-"

"Not that!" Midoriya complained, and cast a worried glance out of the office door before sliding it shut behind him. "Something else!" His voice was tinged with shame.

"A different injury." All Might crossed his mighty arms. "Remember the strange metaphor of the microwave and the egg, Young Midoriya! If you bring too much power to bear-  

"No!" Midoriya cried, balling his fists, and All Might could tell for the first time that his young apprentice was quite upset. "I'm… not injured. It's… different than that." Deku's face was gravely concerned, and then his cheeks reddened with embarrassment as he refused to make eye contact, looking with half-lidded eyes at the floor.

"Well, whatever it is, Young Midoriya, I'm sure that you can handle it. A true hero must have the will to overcome all obstacles, mental and physical!" He struck a heroic pose and extended his thumb upward. "Now, I only have about an hour in this form, and I have a class to teach once lunch break is over-"

"Wait!" Deku cried, his eyes widening. His brow trembled under his mop of dark green hair. "You have to tell me what to do!" The urgency in his voice gave All Might pause. Clearly, Midoriya thought the issue was serious, something just as important the burning question that had once consumed him- 'Can someone without a quirk be a hero?' All Might's sponsorship had answered that question, but now it seemed the boy was beset by another that was equally worrisome. Softening his expression, All Might took on a serious tone and dropped to one knee, putting a hand on Midoriya's shoulder.

"All right, Young Midoriya. Explain the trouble you're having. You don't have to worry, because I AM HERE!"

"It's this!" Trembling with utter embarrassment, Deku brought his hands to the waist of his UA High School uniform pants and began to unfasten his belt.

Meanwhile, in an adjacent office, Mr. Aizawa, the bearded and long-haired UA teacher known popularly as "Eraser Head" for his ability-nullifying stare, was holding a meeting with Katsuki Bakugo and his mother Mitsuki. Katsuki, elbows on knees, looked on sullenly as the two adults discussed him as if he wasn't even there, fuming the entire time. To him, conversations about his behavior were a waste of time. Being the best was all that mattered.

Mitsuki and Katsuki, mother and son, bore an uncanny resemblance to each other, with similar skin tones and spiky, unruly hairstyles that seemed to mirror their sharp personalities. Katsuki, infamously the bully of his class, had a legendary temper and seemed to dislike offers of help and friendly competition with equal intensity; among the transgressions in his file, incidents of disrespect and verbal abuse of classmates were numerous, with a particular focus on Midoriya Izuku, or "Deku", as he called his former childhood friend. In a world where powerful quirks, or superpowers, could dictate a young man's entire future, Bakugo never missed an opportunity to call Deku a quirkless loser and say he would never amount to anything. In fact, he had come up with the nickname "Deku" himself as a term of derision. (The fact that some classmates now used it as a normal nickname for Midoriya annoyed him to no end.)

"Mister Aizawa, I'm worried about my son," said Mitsuki, earnestly and with almost ceremonial politeness. She was dressed in a tight white blouse under a purple shawl, with an equally tight black knee-length skirt - the sort of shapely and attractive maternal figure that the perpetually horny student Minoru Mineta would have gleefully observed. Her skin, because of her glycerine-secreting quirk, was as smooth and flawless as a teenage girl's, despite her age - a matter of great pride for her. All of these charms were on display as she spoke primly to Mr. Aizawa, though the perpetually low-energy teacher seemed as bored as ever. "His ego and temper are out of control. People have been telling him he's the best for so long, he believes he's above everyone else."

"I AM better than all of these rejects!" roared Bakugo at his mother, and was cut off at once as she clouted him on the top of the head. Anyone else who dared to strike him would have instantly found themselves in trouble due to the athletic boy's physical and metaphysical gifts and lethal temper. "Ouch!" he cried, and clenched his teeth into a shark's sneer. "Don't hit me, dammit!"

"Shut up!" his mother yelled back, clenching her teeth even harder. "You're going to be a villain if you keep this up! So just be quiet and let me talk to Mister Aizawa!" Her demeanor had changed on a dime from polite mother to growling, temperamental harpy, and switched back just as quickly as she turned back to Mr. Aizawa, smiling sweetly. "Katsuki needs to learn some humility! If he continues to receive nothing but praise, who knows what might become of him!" She produced a glossy tabloid magazine from her purse - the title read "Hero Week", with a picture of All Might on the cover, and pointed with one finger to the mid-right of the page. 

Mr. Aizawa blinked. One of the articles advertised was "Could Your Child Be A Villain?" He looked from mother to son with red-rimmed, tired eyes. "Well, your son's test results have been good. So he deserves praise for that much at least." Bakugo's mouth twisted into a satisfied smile at this praise. "As for teaching him about humility, we'll give him all the normal lectures, of course. About the true nature of a hero. But if we challenge him when he's not ready, it may make him resent others even more."

"I'm ready!" Bakugo insisted, smashing his fist into his palm. "I can take on any challenge, just try me!"

"I'm not talking about combat challenges," Mr. Aizawa sighed. "I'm talking about the challenge of respecting your fellow students."

Bakugo's face grew agitated. "Why in the hell would I want to do that?" he responded gruffly, then winced as his mother smacked him in the head again. 

Mitsuki's face took on a resigned look. "Are you saying you can't help, Mr. Aizawa?" 

"Basically, yes," Aizawa replied, his eyes more bloodshot than ever. This meeting was interrupting his nap. "There's only one way to truly learn humility. It can't be taught in any classroom. It has to come through the experience of real-life events."

"This is stupid, I'm outta here!" Bakugo growled, rising from the couch he and his mother shared and making for the door. As his mother and Mr. Aizawa looked on, he turned to offer one last decree before exiting. "You can't guilt me into being friendly to Deku or any of those other losers! They're the competition, and I"ll crush them all!" He shook his fist. "You hear me Deku, you damn nerd?!" 

As the door slid slammed behind him, Mr. Aizawa rose in unison with Mitsuki and offered his condolences. "He hasn't experienced a real defeat yet," explained the bleary-eyed, hobo-looking teacher. "Don't worry. It will come with time." But despite his assurances, the worry wasn't gone from the blonde woman's wrinkle-free and perfectly moisturized face. 

"Defeat, hmm?" she mused, almost to herself. Like her son, she was not used to waiting for circumstances to change. She would rather change them herself, for her son's own good. Gathering her things, she bid Aizawa good day and walked out into the hall.

All Might was laughing. His distinctive laugh could be heard even through the counselor's office door - the same laugh that had rung in the ears of so many rescued unfortunates and soon-to-be beaten villains. "Ha! Young Midoriya! Seems you're growing up quite quickly!"

Deku, who had never been more embarrassed in his life, had dropped his pants to reveal green boxer briefs with elastic piping. The front of his underwear was heavily weighed down a gratuitously large bulge. It seemed like a lewd joke, but wasn't. The geeky teenager, who couldn't even manage to speak to a girl like Ochaco Uraraka without nearly fainting with nervousness, had a penis that would put any full-grown adult to shame. One glance at the fabric could detect the way the shaft hung down, stretching the underwear with its weight, before curving to the side and coiling in on itself, leaving a roughly triangular shape of fat tubesteak smothered in underwear.

"This has to be because of One For All!" Deku complained, his eyes squinting shut. "What am I supposed to do! It even shows when I have my pants on! Everyone in class is going to laugh at me!"

All Might gathered himself and stopped laughing, putting his hands on his hips and thrusting out his chest. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Young Midoriya! This happens to all boys eventually. Soon, you'll notice that your testicles have descended, and you have hair where you had no hair before!"

"All Might, I'm not going through puberty!" Deku clarified with exasperation, nearly weeping at All Might's denseness. "That already happened! This is new, and it appeared overnight!" He took a heaving breath and hung his head. "This size is ridiculous! I can barely walk straight because it all hangs down between my legs!"

"Well, how long is it?" All Might asked, putting a hand to his chin thoughtfully. Deku's eyes bugged out of his head and he flailed his arms.

"What does that matter?"

"In order to solve this problem, we need to gather all the information!" the towering superhero assured.

"I don't know - at least 25 centimeters, and it's not even hard!" the boy replied, blushing furiously. His angelic and wide-eyed face was certainly at odds with the lewd length of cock in his boxers, which seemed to amuse All Might to no end. "We have to get rid of it!" For his part, Deku's vision was swimming with images of his classmates' disgusted faces - especially those of the girls. Ochaco's face, screwing up into a grimace like she'd just tasted some burnt rice, saying oh my god, what's that between your legs? He'd spent most of his life feeling like an outsider because he had no quirk, and now, those feelings were returning with a vengeance.

"If this doesn't go away, nobody will take me seriously as hero," Deku whined to himself, recalling one of his notebooks. "There have been heroes with enlarged body parts before, but the ones with enlarged penises never manage to rescue anyone! Dr. Lothario, Tripod and Testiclus can barely show their faces in public - they never get called when any serious trouble is going on. If I get lumped into that category, UA won't want anything to do with me, and I'll get turned down by all the good agencies! Besides, a big dick is useless at fighting evil! It'll just get in the way! Donger King didn't last two weeks once villains figured out his weak point! Plus, how will I wear a tight-fitting costume, like a real superhero, if I have a ridiculous looking bulge in my pants? I'm going to get thrown out of school and end up doing those weird movies, like Quadrodick! Even if I have One For All, no matter how much good I do, it'll be completely overshadowed by this! The media will be all over it. Two years ago, when Dr. Lothario helped defeat Doom Chill at Tattooin Market by using the penile neck-noose, the tabloids didn't focus on his heroic efforts at all, they just published a million photos of his dick that filled the newspaper with mosaics! And my situation is even worse! My penis isn't even useful for subduing villains like Dr. Lothario's, it's just this big long heavy thing! And if-"

"Stop nerding out!" All Might chided, startling Midoriya out of his mumbling. "That hero fanboy knowledge of yours comes in handy, Young Midoriya, but it also contains a record of every bad thing that ever happened to any hero. If you don't get a grip, it can sabotage you as well as aid you." He bent to one knee again and put a hand reassuringly on MIdoriya's shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll find a way to rid you of this burden. And even if we don't, you've come too far as my protege to quit now!" 

He rose again and struck his hands on hips pose. "This new power of yours is just as worthy as any other! The time may come, Young Midoriya, when it may be called upon to help others, and when that happens, you must not shy away! No! You must clench your butt cheeks, meet the problem head on, and cry out - 'Giant Schlong Smash!' He punctuated this absurd advice by making a hip thrusting motion. 

Unbelievably, this actually seemed to reassure Deku somewhat. While inspiring music played in the background, his wide eyes glowed with confidence as he clenched his fists to his chest. HIs wide eyes took on a half-comical look of determination.

All Might is right, he inner monologued. Even if this side-effect of One For All is embarrassing, I can't be ashamed of it. If I'm going to be like All Might, I can't be unsure of myself. I need to rescue them with a smile!

"Alright, All Might! I won't let this stop me!" As always, words of encouragement from his most respected hero were enough to set him on the right track. He gave a salute to his mentor, pulled up his pants (he was right - the bulge was rather noticeable) and walked toward the door, pulling it open… 

...and walking straight into Mitsuki Bakugo, who had left her meeting with Mr. Aizawa, only to pass the counselor's office and overhear a rather interesting conversation. She had been polishing the door with her ear, getting more excited by the moment at what she was hearing - only for Deku to suddenly leave and stroll right into her. His face, trembling and embarrassed, with pressed directly into the valley of her breasts. Needless to say, the inspiring music stopped immediately.

"Well, you must be Deku!" she said, gently. "Ka-chan has told me a lot about you!" Midoriya found himself completely incapacitated by his proximity to the rather shapely adult woman, and his face's current position, stuffed directly into her cleavage. She ruffled his hair like a woman playing with a favorite doll. "You're so cute, with your floppy hair and great big eyes! And these freckles! I just want to eat you up!"

Eat me up?!

Midoriya swallowed in exaggerated fashion, willing the strange sensations from his body. An older woman… so soft and inviting, yet so confident! "Umm… Miss Bakugo, yes, hello!" he stammered, his knees trembling as he pulled away. It was a conscious effort not to cover his crotch with both hands, as doing so would only draw attention to what was soon to be a serious protruding problem. "I'm afraid I have to go eat lunch before classes resume, so I don't have time to-"

"I was listening, you know." She winked suggestively.

Deku froze and breath wheezed out of his lips as sweat instantly gathered on his brow below his waving hair. His voice became a squeak. "L-listening?"

"Twenty five centimeters! Quite an impressive quirk." She took a step closer and pressed her body against his. She was thick and sturdy, with hips that curved out wider than his thin body. Her voice became a conspiratorial whisper. "It's just what I need to help Ka-chan!" Being paralyzed by indecision was not a new position for Deku, and it happened again in this case, as he found himself almost fainting with embarrassment and strain as Mrs. Baguko's hand slid down his chest to rub his crotch. 

"H-h-help...K-Kachan?" he squeaked, like a kettle about to boil. In the moment he looked every bit the ill-prepared youth, while the older woman was purring with confidence as he hand inappropriately explored the front of his pants. He uttered another peep and looked around as she grabbed his big, fat sausage through its wrapping… looking around to see who might be watching. But the hallway was deserted, with the student body on the main floor for more of Lunch Rush's famous cooking. 

Before Deku could consider it any further, Mrs. Bakugo grabbed him by the hand and began to insistantly lead him along, down the stairs and to the front door of the school. She was every bit as willful as her son, it seemed, and they had certain physical similarities - the firecracker blonde hair, smooth skin, well-defined facial features. That Deku could see the echo of Ka-chan's face in Mitsuko while feeling twinges of horniness added a very strange element to what was already a mind-blowing turn of events.

"W-wait!" he objected. "I have class this afternoon!"

"Ha! I'm going to show you something that your teachers won't!" the older woman replied. "So my son thinks he's god's gift to heroes, does he? Well, we'll just have to show him that other people have gifts as well!"


He was being pulled behind her, and could see her body feverishly foraging ahead, out the front door and to the bus stop. Her breasts were bouncing in her blouse, and her skirt undulated from side to side as her large and matronly rear moved from side to side to match her determined gait. They reached the bus stop and Mitsuki yanked the stumbled, overwhelmed Deku aboard, bidding him sit beside her, where he slumped, his mouth hanging open with crumpled exhaustion that was mirrored by his slack limbs. Indeed, he almost looked to have fainted.

Smiling thirstily and ruffling Deku's mop of unkempt hair, she pinched his cheek, gathered her copy of Hero Week, and began to explain her plan.

As Katsuki Bakugo trudged home from another day at UA High School with his trademark delinquent's slouch, he was still fuming to himself about the nerve of his mother. His goal was to be the best, not the most popular. Why couldn't she understand that? He was angry enough to want to find whatever pussy had written that "Could Your Son Be A Villain?" article and blast him into oblivion. Thanks to the unnamed author, he was sure to be subjected to more scrutiny of his behavior. So what if he didn't talk respectfully to his peers, or if he called them losers, bullied them, yelled at them, and rebukes all of their attemprs to socialize, make friends, or help him? Depending on stuff like that was the road to weakness. He didn't need mentoring from his teachers, or the aid of a quirkless, wimpy nerd like Deku! He would prove it by becoming be best, and beating all of them, without any help at all!

"Damn it, what a pain in the ass," he growled aloud, shouldering his bag and opening the front door of his home.

Bakugo blinked. His mother was not there to nag him, as he had expected. However, there was a strange noise coming from the living room, just around the corner from the entryway. A physical, strange noise. Slapping, Heavy breathing. His mother's voice, calling out gruffly.

"Oh, Deku! You're so huge!"

What? Deku? What is that damn nerd doing here!?

The image that greeted him as he walked around the corner would be burned into his memory for the rest of his life. Deku was seated back on the sofa, a two-person loveseat, naked except for his socks. Straddling his thighs, with her large body obscuring most of the boy beneath, was his mother, Mitsuki Bakugo, dressed in black lingerie. She was bouncing up and down on him, her ass pointed outward, with the crotch of her panties pulled aside to allow a long, thick penis to spear into her pussy!

DEKU'S long, thick penis! 

His most hated rival, the awkward and relentlessly friendly hero-otaku that annoyed him to no end by trying his best despite having no quirk or natural talents, had a really big cock! And at the moment, his mother was raising and dropping herself onto it and loving every second of it!  Bakugo's teeth clenched. His nostrils flared. His lips pulled back like an animal ready to bite. A deep growl, building from deep inside, rumbled out of his mouth. He seemed to be biting down so hard he could shatter his own teeth. Anyone who saw him in that moment would have concluded he was about to explode as his eyes followed what was happening and his mind tried to make sense of it. His mother, wearing nothing but a pair of sheer black lace panties, was bouncing her soaking, glycerine-oiled pussy up and down a really, really long shaft! He could hear her wet cheeks clapping and slapping on Deku's scrawny thighs!

Slap. Flop. Clap. Flop. Slop. Flap. That big, immaculately smooth, pale ass - the same skin tone as his own - rising and falling, cheeks spreading and receding, showing off every detail of that huge shaft splitting his mother's swollen, dripping pussy… she had totally oiled herself up for him, that much was clear. And that wasn't all that was lubricating their fucking. Strands and ropes of white goo were accordioning up and down as her thicc thighs rose off of Deku's relatively scrawny ones. But that meant- 

"Oh, Katsuki-kun!" said Mitsuki, looking back over her shoulder as she continued to service Deku's prong with her wet pussy. "Your friend Deku has already filled me with two of his huge loads!" she said, her breath unsteady, clearly the result of a long period of fucking. "He shoots so much thick cum, it can't even fit inside my pussy!" Her eyes rolled back a little as she seemed shuddered with lust. "And he's only a first-year high school student! What a stud!" She collapsed forward, huffing and puffing twice, and then rose off of Deku's penis by standing on the cushions. 

Katsuki's eyes seemed to quake in their sockets as he watched his mom's slick pussy sloooowly slide off of that big cock, hearing the schhlooorp noise that went along with it. Through the v-shape of her splayed, standing legs he made eye contact with a sheepish looking Deku for the first time. The smaller boy waved sheepishly, even offering a greeting, red-faced enough with embarrassment that his freckles were nearly obscured by the crimson hue.

"Uh… hey, Ka-chan!" he mumbled, unable to meet the explosive gaze of the other. "Y-your mom invited me over, and uh-"

"DEKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Katsuki roared. His fists clenched and unclenched, fingers trembling, and minor explosions started to detonate on his palms. It was impossible not to notice how huge Deku's cock was now that his mom's pussy was off of it - a big, lilting, bulbous prong as, sporting a thin, absurd patch of seaweed-green pubic hair just above the base that appeared to have only recently come in.

"Don't worry, he won't do anything!" Mitsuki scolded, dipping her hips and lining up Deku's long dick for another round of reverse-cowgirl fucking. She dropped her hips and moaned. "Katsuki-kun knows how his quirk will interact with mine." She winked back at Deku and kissed the sweaty hair on top of his head before turning back to her son. "Isn't that right, Katsuki? His sweat mixed with the glycerine in my body secretions will cause the formation of nitric acid… and this whole area is soaked because I've had so many huge, squirting orgasms from your massive young cock!" She moaned and, bouncing up and down faster, spreading her pussy lips with one hand so her son could see that big tool stretching her out and milking more and more juice from her wet hole. "Oh, fuck! Here comes another one! I'm going to squirt all over your face while Deku fucks my pussy, Katsuki-kun!" She bucked her trembling hips, bridging lewdly over Deku's body with only the tip of his cock inside her, and squirted a huge gout of clear liquid that arced over six feet, splattering into her son's face and bisecting him in a vertical line. She then flopped back down onto Deku, his cock sliding out of her twat and burping up a fat gout of semen onto the floor, all but burying him on the couch while her breasts rose and fell with the pace of her harried breaths.

"Take a look around," Mitsuki puffed, gesturing toward the couch, coffee table, and rug. "They're all soaked! Your little friend Deku has been making me squirt and cum like a bitch, all afternoon!" Her face turned into a sneer. "If you try to use your quirk, this whole place will be blown sky-high!"

Katsuki rubbed a shaking hand against his forehead, where his mother's hot pussy eruption had first impacted. Deku peeked out from around Mrs. Bakugo's torso and his eyes immediately widened with fear. The deterrent of an explosion had seemed like a reasonable idea when the older woman explained it to him, but the way Ka-chan was looking, and with his temper-

"W-wait! Ka-chan, I'm just doing this to stop you from becoming a villain!" he squeaked.

"Don't worry!" Mitsuki chided. "He can't possibly be dumb enough to disregard-"

"DEKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Katsuki roared. His palms flared alight with microexplosions. "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU QUIRKLESS LOSER!"

Mitsuki and Deku cried out as the younger Bakugo roared and propelled himself forward.

The explosion of the Bakugo home's east wall blowing out was heard several miles away, and shattered windows up and down the street. Inside the house, the living room was a shambles, and every dish was broken in the attached kitchen. Everything was covered in a thin film of soot and blast marks, and all three people present at the time had the clothes burnt to rags and blown right off of their bodies, leaving them wearing nothing but tattered remnants of socks, panties, and in Katsuki's case, about 5% of a UA High School uniform. 

All three were knocked silly, laying in a pile with Deku on top of Katsuki, and Mrs. Bakugo on one hip, wedged snugly beside. She was the first to come to, brushing debris from her spiky hair. "That IDIOT!" she cried, shaking her fist at her groggy son and showing the same infamous Bakugo temper that caused her to clout him in the head so often. "Stuff like this is why he needs to learn some restraint and humility!"

Meanwhile, the younger Bakugo groggily shoved Deku off of him, resulting in the two stumbling to their feet, ears ringing, bodies smeared with light blast marks, standing perhaps a foot apart. It was a few seconds before he could get his bearings, and during that time, his mother rose and knee-walked between the two boys.

"Hmmph! I knew you were waiting for something like this to happen," said Mitsuki, her voice emanating from near the boy's crotches.

"Mom, g-get... out of the way," growled Katsuki, swaying from side to side with the vertigo. "I'm gonna beat this worthless failure into the ground!" Deku, addled as he was, with his ears ringing and his hair filled with pieces of plaster, still had the sense to look suitably frightened.

"Oh, you're ranting about him again, are you?" snarked Mitsuki. "Well, if hate Deku so much, how come your little dick is hard as a rock?" 

Ka-chan froze in place as if time had stopped, his mouth open in mid-word. His clothes had entirely burned away and his mother was kneeling between him and Deku, stroking both of their dicks, looking up at him with an impish smile. She was jerking them both off, one in each hand, and Deku's penis was far larger than his own, which poked angrily into his mother's fist and barely emerged from the other side, leaking some tiny drops of clear liquid that were barely perceptible. His voice made a comical urk sound in his throat as he couldn't think of a thing to say, and his cheeks immediately blushed a deep red.

"Deku sure makes you look small, Katsuki-kun," his mother chided. "Look at his fat, thick cock - I can barely get my fist around it! But yours is what you'd find on a little kid!" She sighed, continuing her handjob. "Everyone always told you how great you were, how far ahead of the curve, and you were always making fun of Deku, calling him a failure and a loser. Why, I even heard you told him to kill himself. But it turns out he's way ahead of you!" She leaned in and kissed Deku's cock tip affectionately, causing the boy to bite his lower lip and shudder cutely, before returning to her lecture, looking up at her shellshocked son. "No son of mine is going to become an arrogant villain who cares nothing for others! You need to learn to be comfortable with who you are!"

"W-wait, it's not what it looks like!" Katsuki stammered, but his limbs felt heavy as stones as he looked down at Deku, the shorter, less physically gifted boy that had for so long been the target of his aggressions. Katsuki had never been interested in girls, focusing entirely on achievement and power, but the vulnerable way that Deku made him feel always brought him to fits of rage. Every his good-natured, doe-eyed classmate offered help, it reminded him that he might have to depend on others, might need something from them in some way. All he wanted was to be satisfied with his own power and not need any stupid help from any of his stupid classmates! But-

"I don't want you to become a villain, Ka-chan!" Deku pleaded, and there were thin slivers of tears welling in his eyes. "I have to help you!" His voice was growing ragged from Mitsuki's handjob, which was expertly milking his enormous prick to yet another orgasm.

"I… don't need… your help!" growled the other boy, and his voice, too, was strained. "You… fucking… loser!"

"Ka-chan! I… oughh!" Midoriya doubled over a little as Mitsuki gleefully jerked him off, and his pisshole dilated to send huge ropes of thick, chunky sperm spouting all over his classmate's dick, totally covering it, giving that smaller, cute-looking 10 centimeter cock a facial while Ka-chan's mom held her son by the base, presenting him to get spermified and cooing with pleasure as she saw that fat fuckmeat explode and dominate an inferior dick. She gathered the sloppy sperm and used it to bring her son to orgasm as well, and his knees buckled as hot, clear lances of semen painted the scorched floor. He followed these emissions down, dropping to his hands and knees, eyes dazed, breathing hard.

"Look at his huge fucking load," Mitsuki moaned, opening and closing her sticky, cum-chunk-laden hand in front of her son's face, so he could get a close look at the superior seed. "You're such a fag compared to Deku, Katsuki-kun. Do you realize how wrong you were about him? He's superior to you in every way! He's selfless, kind, and thoughtful, while you're a huge asshole with a chip on his shoulder! You just came like a sissy while having your childhood friend's fat cumload busted all over your dick, doesn't that tell you something about yourself?" 

She placed a hand under Bakugo's chin and tilted it upward so he was staring straight down the barrel of Deku's hanging, half-hard meat.

"I want you to suck your classmate's hard, fat cock," Mitsuki decreed, her tone of voice brooking no discussion. Deku's eyes bugged out, but she continued her instructions. "Learning to be submissive will save you from a life of villainy!" She reached out and slapped one of her son's athletic buttocks, causing it to jiggle. "You're well-suited to it. Nice asses run in our family, after all. And just look at these cute, puffy nipples!" She pinched one of these, running her thumb over Katsuki's pectoral, squeezing the flesh there. It was true - his nipples were rather puffy and pink. The blonde boy let out a moan as his mother pinched him, still utterly devastated by the most intense and humiliating climax of his young life. He arched his back as his mother secreted some glycerine, lubing up her finger to slide into his ass. With the opposite hand, she pressed behind his head, guiding his mouth to Deku's dick.

"K-Ka-chan!" Deku moaned. Looking down at Katsuki's slender body, muscled hips and abs, bubble ass, perfect skin, and perky nips was making his cock hard again. He hadn't expected this, but in a way he understood it. After all, it wasn't Ochaco or any of the other girls at school who had been his constant counterpart since childhood, the subject of his notebooks and nighttime ruminations, his tormentor and rival. It was, and always had been, Ka-chan. And as his childhood friend engulfed his cocktip with his warm mouth, Deku cried out again.

"That's it, you fucking fag!" Mitsuki cried, eyes gleaming while she had two fingers in her boy's ass-pussy. "Ooh, you learn fast! Your technique isn't great, but you're very enthusiastic!" Her son's expression was trance-like, he was totally overwhelmed by what was happening to him. Her heart felt a surge of relief. Katsuki was accepting the new truth of his inferiority - his ego would be forever curbed! She no longer had to worry about him as a supervillain! The change in personality was obvious in both his body language, as his body arched and twisted in response to his asshole and nipples being teased, and the expression on his face. 

Katsuki Bakugo had been a boy of many, many facial expressions, all of them rough and angled and angry. Now, his eyes were filled with plaintive lust as he gagged and slurped his pert, full lips around another boy's monster dick. Untold years of latent homosexuality was rushing to the surface. The feelings that had made him hate Deku would never have been accepted normally, but now that they were forced on him, he was able to let himself go. A labelled cross-section of his brain would have shown all the Anger, Competitiveness, and Selfishness shrunk down and replaced by sections reading Cock, Cum, and Throat Fuck and Ass Fuck.

But before Deku could reach his rapidly approaching climax and bust a huge nut all over Bakugo's face, it was the mother who separated them, leaving her boy gasping with ropes of saliva dripping down his chin and hearts all but dancing in his defused eyes. She flipped him over on his back like a turtle, and forced his knees up against his shoulders, leaving Deku with a perfect view of his wet, inviting asshole. It was dripping with his mother's lube, the rim raised just the slightest bit, nestled between those muscled, bubble-butt cheeks and below the smooth curve of his perineum and the tight satchel of his balls. His cock was rock hard and small, and poked pathetically into a light patch of pubic hair like a starburst pattern. Above that, the rock hardness of his abs, even in this compromising pose, his pectoral muscles, which his pronounced nipples made look like small breasts, his cum-wet lips, and his begging, expectant face.

Mitsuki laid her head against the underside of one of her son's thighs and looked up at Deku plaintively. "Please," she begged, planting a wet kiss on her boy's anus, preparing it for what was coming, sanctioning whatever might happen. "Rip apart my son's faggot ass with your monster cock! Turn him into a fag who drinks your cum and takes your fat dick in his ass-pussy every day. It's the only way he'll learn."

Deku dropped to his knees and closed his eyes as he felt Bakugo's mom guiding his jutting, rock-hard meat toward his friend's wet, tight asshole. He recalled what All Might had said.

This new power of yours is just as worthy as any other! The time may come, Young Midoriya, when it may be called upon to help others, and when that happens, you must not shy away!

He's right, Midoriya told himself. I have to use my power to help Ka-chan!" He tensed his body. Clenched his butt cheeks. As his leaking prick tip was placed against the other boy's twitching anus, he felt his veins throbbing with red and white light, a bottomless well of energy. If he didn't control it, it would shatter his cock. But if he did it just right-

"PROSTATE….. SMAAAAAAASH!" he cried, and drove into Bakugo's asspipe with all the force he could muster. The floor cratered beneath their bodies and Mitsuki was sent rolling backward down the hallway that led to the laundry room. The foundation of the house shook, sending plaster falling anew, but it held fast and did not collapse.

Katsuki Bakugo's destiny had been changed forever.

Two weeks later, Bakugo threw an arm around his friend as they walked to the school entrance. "Want to come over for dinner tonight? My mom is making something special!" This show of affection never failed to draw a smile from his friend. 

"Sure, Ka-chan!" Deku replied. 

The entire 1A class was convinced that Bakugo had gone crazy. Seemingly overnight, he had gone from a bad-tempered, selfish asshole who constantly tormented Deku, to a polite, good-natured and carefree friend. He even talked about becoming a sidekick once he graduated, with the implication that he'd like to be Deku's sidekick in particular.

They did not know that the formerly formidable Katsuki Bakugo was now a complete faggot, totally addicted to taking big, fat, cum spewing cocks deep in his ass. He loved to suck Deku's balls and slurp on his dick every chance he got, and during lunch hour the two would retreat to a bathroom stall or secluded on-campus room to do their business. After school, he would invite Deku back home so both he and his hot MILF mom could take that big dick in their asses. He loved felching big loads out of his mom's asshole and loved when she did it to him as well. His original fierceness still remained beneath the surface, but it was reserved for anyone who tried to take Deku away from him, like that flirting hussy Ochacho. He planned to get a tramp-stamp on his lower back reading "Deku" and barbell nipple piercings and a tongue stud to so he could give better blowjobs.

"Same place at lunch, right?" he whispered in Deku's ear. The smaller boy just blushed and nodded. He was scandalized by Bakugo's behavior, but he couldn't deny how good it felt to empty his balls into the attractive, muscular boy's bubble-butt or hot, faggy throat. Yet he was a little concerned that these 'meetings' might take focus away from his true goal - being the world's number one hero!

"Yes, same place," he said. Bakugo slid a hand across the bulge in Midoriya's uniform pants and walked suggestively away. From around the corner, Ochaco peeked at their interaction with a confused and watchful expression. 

Something was going on. She could just tell.

Chapter 2: Midnight's MischiefNotes:This additional chapter is a commission.

Chapter TextPlap. Plap. Plap. Plap.

Things weren't going how Deku expected.

After his explosive encounter with the Bakugo family at the home of his rival Katsuki Bakugo, he assumed that Ka-chan would have learned his lesson, and would temper his fiery nature, allowing Midoriya to focus on his true obsession - becoming the best hero he could possibly be. The freckled and seaweed-haired teen knew he still had much to learn about unlocking the power of One For All, passed down to him in part by the world-famous All Might, his mentor and faculty member at U.A. High School.

He'd expected this would be easier without Bakugo picking on him, verbally abusing him, and acting as his rival in all forms of hero progression.

In practice , however…

Plap. Plap. Plap. Plap.

Deku gritted his teeth as his long, smooth teen cock slid in and out of Ka-chan's ass. It was just at the end of lunch break, and they were both due to go back to a class on Modern Hero Art History, in which their teacher Midnight would discuss the evolution of hero costumes over the years, along with the changing rules regarding how much skin would be exposed. Deku, who was a hero-maniac of the highest order, was very interested to hear this lecture. He wondered if Midnight would talk about the early costumes of controversial foreign heroines like Sadistica, Blonde Bombshell, and the most risque of them all, the military-themed Major Juggs.

"Are you thinking about those stupid hero costumes again?" Ka-chan complained, looking back over his shoulder with an annoyed expression. "Never mind those women!"

"I'm… not!" Deku gasped, biting his lip cutely. Both of them were sixteen, both boys, and both attractive in their unique way. Deku's absolutely enormous eyes made his face look sympathetic and puppy-dog-like even when he tried to look serious. Then there were his trademark freckles and the physique he'd gradually built up hauling old refrigerators around during All-Might's signature 'training', which was muscled but also reedy and slender, befitting his age. 

His partner Bakugo's body was harder, but he still had bubbly and eminently fuckable boy-butt that he, in the wake of his total emasculation by his own mother (an act in which Deku was, really, only a semi-willing participant) presented to his 'best friend' Deku at every opportunity. Deku had lost a rival, he realized, but gained an extremely jealous 'boyfriend' who approached sexual service with the same intensity that he'd once applied to being the most powerful hero in their class.

"Harder!" Ka-chan seethed. "Harder!" His hands were flat against a row of lockers in the changing area, which was a very important place in a school with entire classes dedicated to the history of hero costumes. At the moment, though, it was deserted. "My ass feels good, right?"

Deku shut his eyes, kept his hands on Ka-chan's hips, and continued pumping in his frenetic rhythm. "Y-yes! I told you, it-"

"It's way better than that skanky Ochaco could ever be!" Bakugo growled, arching his back and letting his butt jiggle with each impact. His pink, perfect asshole was gripping Deku like a vise, and the plap noise that kept being repeated was their smooth, young bodies coming together, Deku's tight hips against Bakugo's round bubble butt.

"I told you, we're just… friends!" Deku complained. And now, with Ka-chan watching like the world's gayest hawk, it seemed like he didn't have any other choice. Ka-chan went into a rage of jealousy - not too far removed from his previous 'Dekuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!' rages - whenever he got the slightest hint that anyone, male or female, was horning on Deku's huge, One For All-enhanced cock. Ka-chan considered that big, long dick his personal territory!

"You want to cum on my face, right?" Katsuki moaned, his fingers fanning out against the metal locker as he was shoved against it. Both of the boys had made sure the room was securely locked, and according to the class schedule, nobody would be coming in. The sound of their fucking, restrained as it was, still covered up the turn of a faculty key in the lock… and the stealthy movements of one more versed in infiltration than they could ever be.

"Nnngh! Ka-chan! I'm… gonna cum!" Deku gasped, and he pulled back a little so his blonde, blowout-haired partner could turn and sink down to a lewd collapsed position, round boy-booty cheeks on calves, bare toes curled, face a submissive, waiting target. Deku, who in the intervening weeks and months had gotten used to handling his oversized organ and its issue, took one hand and stroked himself vigorously, framing his big, bulging cockhead up against Ka-chan's blushing cheek.

Bakugo opened up wide and lewdly, and his eyes, far from their usual intense glare, were filled utterly with devotion and pleasure. It was the difference between his former memories of Bakugo and this current state that really drove Deku over the edge. The same mouth that had once bullied him and encouraged him to commit suicide was now open wide, tongue extended, begginghim to unload!


This intimate scene was being observed not just by the two principles but by a third party. Peeking around the corner, utterly undetected, was the sexiest female member of the U.A. High School faculty - Midnight - clad in her usual dominatrix-inspired leotard and lingerie costume. Through the red-rimmed glasses that were her trademark, she saw something unfolding that excited her more than any act of sadism or mischief she'd seen in years . The innocence of boys had always turned Midnight on - she'd spent many nights with her raven hair fanned out beneath her on the bedspread, fingering herself and dreaming about one student or the next, imagining herself teaching them the ropes - figuratively and literally. But this.


What Midnight liked even more than innocent male students was boys fucking . Boys of U.A. High School age - fourteen, fifteen, or sixteen - had a body type she couldn't find in the legions of male admirers that heroes like her effortlessly piled up like simp dandruff. And to think, these two boys, two of the most promising students in their class, exploring their sexuality together… and she had a front row seat! She could hardly keep from squealing with excitement and ruining her cover… and as it was, she wiggled her shapely bottom and side to side and clutched her ample chest tightly with crossed arms, thinking: " Ah, boys will be boys! "

Every detail of what was unfolding was right up her alley. She'd already had both Midoriya and Bakugo in her sights since the first day of classes because of their cuteness and the contrast between them. Her mind whirled with fantasies about exactly how their coupling had come about, straight out of her favorite yaoi manga books. And the boys had even better physiques than she could have hoped! The supple, flawless skin, the trim muscle, now overly brawny but tight and appealing, and of course, those cute, bubbly boy asses ! Fourteen to sixteen was the sweet spot for Midnight; the place to catch boys before their soft, large-eyed features took a turn toward the swarthy, hairy, bulbous-nosed and lantern-jawed. And there was something else, something she detected early because it was impossible to miss.

That cute, seaweed-puff-haired, freckled Midoriya was hung like a horse! 

Midnight's teeth but into her voluptuous bottom lip as she looked like a steaming tea kettle about to blow on the stove burner, her breath escaping in a steady hiss from her nostrils. Her hand went to the crotch of her costume and she started to pleasur herself, adopting a bit of a lewd and bow-legged stance… she couldn't help it. Who would have thought, that cute, shy Midoriya was the one packing a serious hero sandwich in his costume, and that brash, growling Bakugo was on the bottom! It was a situation straight out of the lewdest her yaoi doujins!

Midoriyi was bent over slightly, stroking his long, glistening meat, and Bakugo was on his knees, waiting for the forthcoming explosion. In this state, Midnight pleasured herself right along with them, her eyes drinking in their behavior like a desert-stranded woman might attack a glass of water. Those cute boy butts! Those freckles! Those cute haircuts! All that meat ! Midoriya standing over Bakugo with that big dominant donkey dick while the blonde boy was jerking his much smaller, submissive penis!

I hope Midoriya calls him a cute name even though he's so tough , she thought, her fingers still rubbing up a storm.

"Ah, Ka-chan!" Deku moaned.

"Dekuuuuuuu!" growled Bakugo, his voice more of a sexual purr. "I'll swallow all your cum!"

Midnight was nearly lifted off her feet by the searing heat that exploded between her legs as the boys cutely addressed each other. It was beyond her wildest dreams, and as she heard the gasps and saw Midoriya start to shoot in his partner's face and mouth, the sheer amount of thick, gooey semen exploding on Bakugo's tongue, teeth, lips and chin, not to mention filling him to the brim, was enough to push her over the edge to her own firecracker orgasm. Midoriya was not only hung like a horse, he came like one as well. Those big, smooth-skinned balls, hanging down between his legs. It was easy to imagine how they would taste and feel hanging right in her face… and the fantasy was especially potent when imagining Deku, wide-eyed and shy, obeying her every instruction as she told him just how to use those baby-makers!

She shivered to her shapely core and slid down the wall as the boys panted and gasped to their own conclusions. For the next thirty seconds, there was no noise but the slowing of exhalations as they returned to their normal rhythm. Midnight didn't know what to expect. Would the boys tenderly kiss? Were they an item? Her honed instincts of homo-haggery scaled up to eleven as she imagined the permutations and associated imagery, getting herself horny all over again. Imagine, two prized U.A. High Students… having a hot boy-love relationship on the side!

When she peaked back around the corner again, she saw another heart-fluttering sight - the toned and fit body of Katsuki Bakugo clinging to one of Midoriya's legs as the latter tried to put his shirt on, cleaning his penis obediently with his mouth. The blond boy's face was totally plastered with cum, but he was still sucking on that dick like it was his entire world, in a state of submissive bliss! Far from the fearsome student she'd come to know. 

Midoriya looked scandalized and nervous. "Ka-chan!" he complained. "If you don't stop doing that, we'll be late for class!" The expression of worry on his face was adorable. But when he grabbed his boxers and tried to slip them on, Bakugo complained, cum-splattered cheeks blushing red.

"I want to keep sucking!" he said. "I told you, I'm gonna be better than any of those stupid girls!"

Better? Midnight wondered. Does he mean better at-

"Nnngh!" Midoriya moaned, as Bakugo went back to licking around his glans and tickling his large pisshole with tongue. "K-Ka-chan! If you keep doing this- everyone is going to find out!"

"I won't stop until you've totally given up girls forever," Bakugo insisted. "Except for my mom. But she doesn't count!"

"We've got to get to class!" Midoriya insisted, leaning back against the lockers and trying to resist the dick-licking pleasure provided by his male classmate. "Today we were supposed to learn about the history of costumes with Miss Midnight!" She winced and bit his lip. "Did you know that… the rules of costumes were changed because she used to walk around almost totally nude?"

Bakugo growled. "Are you trying to make me angry, you damn nerd? Stop talking about women! The only one who gets your dick from now on, is me!" He blinked, and then resentfully added. "And my mom, I guess." Now, he started jacking Midoriya's long cock off as if trying to get it hard again. "We still have time for you to fuck my ass-pussy again… or maybe you'd prefer my throat-pussy!" He grinned wickedly. "Who cares about some stupid class anyway? Even if Miss Midnight walked in here right now, I wouldn't let you pay her any attention!"

One skill of a hero is to recognize a fitting moment to make a heroic entrance, and as a veteran, Midnight knew hers when she heard it. The irony was thus appropriately perfect as she emerged from around the corner and surprised the two illicitly-engaged teen boys in all of her confident and curvy glory. "Did someone say my name?" she purred, her sultry voice punctuating every word with sexual energy.

The boys' reactions didn't disappoint either, with each of them turning red as a beet and scrambling to cover up. In the end, they backed up against the lockers with Midoriya looking petrified in his dress shirt, blazer, and nothing on below the waist, trying in vain to cover up his half-hard cock, which was enormous (and quite delicious looking, in Midnight's estimation) even at partial power. Bakugo was totally naked and using two hands to cover his penis, which, because of his smaller size, he succeeded at.

"Midnight-sensei!" Midoriya stammered. The color in his cheeks was reaching epic levels. "W-we were just changing into our costumes-"

Midnight put her foot up on the wooden locker room bench, giving both boys a licentious view of her thigh, and they both shrank away, eyes transfixed by the sudden sexy adult presence. "Changing, were you?" She reached back and let a hand wander luxuriously through her long, purple-tinted dark hair, smiling wider than ever. "Are you sure? Because I think I saw a lot more than that." She punctuated the question by thrusting her chest out and putting her hands on her hips, licking her lips expectantly as she gave her young charges a face full of the goods.


Deku and Bakugo looked at each other and swallowed hard. "Uh, well-" Deku stammered, and Midnight didn't even let him get started on whatever strange denial he had planned.

"Mister Bakugo… wasn't your mother recently at the school because of your disciplinary problems?" she teased, breathily. "Perhaps we should take this matter to her." She studied their reactions and saw something strange. Instead of the instant burst of begging and pleading, which she had expected, the boys only looked doubtfully at each other.

"Uh," Bakugo grumbled. "My mom… the thing is, she-"

"She, uh… she kinda already… knows about this," Deku added, looking more embarrassed than ever. Midnight's heart immediately started fluttering anew in her chest, as the situation got more and more curious. 

"There seems to be a lot you boys aren't telling me," Midnight purred, and then she sat down on the bench in front of them and spread her thighs, bracing her palms and licking her lips, staring at Deku's cock. She could see it jump, and also detected Bakugo's eyes burning into her with jealousy. She stared Deku down. "Now, I want you two to raise your hands, and put them behind your heads. And while you're in that position, you're going to tell me everything." She gave a sultry, smoky laugh. "Every… last… detail."

Deku and Bakugo, lacking any other option, raised their hands, exposing their delicious boy cocks - one huge, one fairly small. Then, with Midnight ogling their youthful bodies, running hands over their abs and pinching their hips and butts as if she was testing meat at the market, they told their story - the manifestation of Midoriya's One For All into a huge penis, its subsequent discovery by Mitsuki Bakugo, and the events that had transpired afterward, transforming Bakugo from his former hotheaded self into an insatiable cock addict who was only hotheaded about big dicks!

By the end, she couldn't resist slowly and seductively jerking both of them off as she gave them instructions about what would happen next. 

They all ended up being ten minutes late for the Modern Hero Art History class.



The repairs to the Bakugo house included a doorbell that rang with a singsong chime when pressed, and it was this sound which made Mitsuki Bakugo squeal with anticipation and delight in the hours after U.A. High School finished classes for the day. She had one simple rule - that every day, Deku would come over and visit, and fuck her with that big dick while she made her son watch and jerk off… followed by her headstrong and feisty boy being pounded in the ass as well! It was a routine she'd come to love after several months, and it had the desired effect of keeping Katsuki's ego in check and preventing his latent homosexual feelings and ego from turning him into an arch-criminal.

Today, she was dressed in black lingerie that was juuuust a shade too small for her matronly figure, cutting deliciously into her body at the hips and breasts and making her perfect skin seem to shine with pale vigor. "Coming, boys!" she said, planning to open the door and give that cute Midoriya a face-full of her bulging cleavage. She couldn't wait to suck Deku's huge cock in front of her son and call him a bitch while doing so. More parents, she decided, should safeguard their unruly boys in this way! Her hand turned on the knob and opened the door, but her face immediately transformed from lusty anticipation to utter surprise.

Three visitors, where she'd been expecting two! And, one was another adult! In fact, faculty at U.A. High School! This slutty-looking woman, whose hero costume made her look like a cross between a gymnast and a burlesque dancer, was standing between the two boys, and looking like the cat that swallowed the canary! 

"Miss Mitsuki Bakugo?" Midnight asked, smiling. Her wrist, with it's decorative handcuff, turned on Midoriya's shoulder and she draped her many-tasseled flogging whip over his chest. "I think we have a few things to discuss." She reached down and grabbed the crotch of both boys' uniforms, making them go wide-eyed. "Some big things," she purred, groping Deku's cock, "and some small things."

The three were swiftly invited inside, lest the whole sordid explanation take place on the front stood, in full view of prying neighbors. Despite this invitation, Mitsuki's first reaction to Midnight once all three entered the repair-in-progress living room was hostile jealousy. "What do you think you're doing?" she accused. "Trying to horn in on my relationship with Deku-kun? Well, I'll let you know right now, his big dick is spoken for!" She placed her hands on her hips for emphasis. With the backdrop of freshly-installed drywall and paint cans, she looked rather intimidating, with a figure that was thicker and more matronly than Midnight's busty bombshell curves.

"Oh, not at all!" Midnight said, seductively. "But I'm afraid your son is causing problems again. His activities at school show a lack of discretion!" The two boys stood ramrod straight as the older women talked, blushing with embarrassment.

Mitsuki displayed the fiery temper that her family was known for. "Nonsense! I've taken care of all that! With Deku-kun's help, we've put a stop to Katsuki-kun's violent ways!" She beamed with pride. "He's in no danger of becoming a villain now!"

"Maybe now a villain, but your son has become a total delinquent for big cock anal sex!" Midnight retorted, waving her whip with a flourish. "I saw Deku totally obliterating his tight bubble-butt just this morning in the locker room, and to hear them tell it, your son won't quit until he's taken at least three loads a day!" She gestured down toward the pants of the blond boy, gesturing at the modest erection that was clearly poking out. "Look! He's getting hard just hearing me talk about it!"

Mitsuki flew into a rage, showing teeth that suddenly seemed pointy and wolf-like in the moment as she pointed at her son. "You! You've been having sex at school? I told you, you're only allowed to get off by watching your friend shove his big cock up into my pussy!" Her fists were clenched and she seemed ready to give him a swat.

"Shut uuuuuuuuuuup! This is all your fault!" Katsuki roared back, and their foreheads came together with a clank as the temperamental mother and son got heated. "You're the one who got me started! Now I can't even control my feelings. I used to want to beat up this damn nerd, and now-"

"Now, all you want is for him to fuck you up the ass!" Midnight finished, purring out the words and then chuckling darkly. "Oooh, what an exciting situation. I haven't had this much fun in years."

"You're going to have to be punished," Mitsuki scolded, as the two continued to stare daggers at each other. "Here I thought I had Deku's big cock all to myself… and you were still sneaking some on the side!"

"Mooooom-" Katsuki growled, but his building rage lost much of its steam when Midnight put her hands on his waistband and yanked his pants and underwear down, revealing his boyish, toned lower body and the pathetically small erection that, despite his anger, was diamond hard. He looked down, wide-eyed.

"You're going to watch Deku fuck me," Mitsuki said, sternly. "Obviously, you haven't learned your lesson! I thought you'd stop with this attitude, but you've simply switched over from fighting to ass-fucking!" She knelt down and spread her thighs lewdly as she moved, with Midnight's help to expose Deku. The women undressed the boys until they were stark-naked, and though Deku was predictably hesitant about whether his role in Bakugo's 'rehabilitation' was really very hero-like, Midnight chimed in with several examples from hero history in which sadomasochism was used for the greater good - such as when Major Juggs convinced an hostage taker to refrain from torturing his captives… by offering to let him flog her huge honkers instead!  This seemed to calm the boy's fears, and this, when Mitsuki was down before him on all fours, pulling her black panties down over her thick MILF booty, the waistband making her buttocks compress and bounce back as it traveled, he considered the forthcoming plowing to be not a deviant act… but an act of heroism, worthy of All Might!

"I've got to do it, Ka-chan!" he said, his face full of wide-eyed determination. Mitsuki leaned forward, down to the ground, ass in the air, and spread her buttocks lewdly, baring her asshole and her wet pussy.

"Come on," she begged. "Fuck me up with that big dick, right in front of my disobedient son!" Deku dipped his hips down and placed the tip of his large, smooth cock against her soaking entrance, drawing a moan. "God, it's so big! It makes my son look like such a worthless queer by comparison!"

Katsuki had been instructed to stand perfectly still, and, now in the nude, looked especially vulnerable with Midnight squatting next to his leg and playing with his penis. "Ooh," she teased. "Look how hard you are, watching your mother give herself to your chief rival!" The inappropriateness of the situation, and its incorporation of her favorite elements - sadism and unbelievably cute teen boys - was driving her absolutely wild. "But don't worry… you won't have to just watch. I think you should have your own part to play!"

Bakugo watched, seething with a mix of anger and pleasure, as his mother moaned and gritted her teeth. She pushed her hips back against Deku's thrusts, and the audible wetness of her pussy (her natural production of glycerin meant she was always well-lubed) filled the air with the soaking sounds of sloppy sex. "His big cock… stirs up my pussy so good!" she moaned, squinting her eyes shut. "Your friend is making me his woman… with a big dick that's better than yours in every way!"

Midnight, meanwhile, was squatting and lusting around Bakugo's trim and taut midsection and pubic area, running her hands over his muscles and the tight, boyish cut of his iliac. Licking her lips, she leaned forward and enveloped his cock with her mouth, taking the modest length all the way to the balls easily as she made an obscene vacuum suck face and tongued the depression between the blonde boy's testicles. Bakugo clenched his teeth even harder, and after fifteen or twenty seconds of sloppy, loud sucking, she pulled her mouth off with a pop.

"What's with this tiny, faggy erection?" she purred up at him. "It's barely responding to my mouth, but each time you see Deku-kun's big, long dick sliding into your mother, it twitches a little!" Her tongue traced around her lips, and she pressed the pad of a finger against Bakugo's pisshole, withdrawing it with a sticky, translucent strand of pre-cum connecting it, until it grew too thin and snapped. "Mmm… your semen is so clear with barely any sperm in it… so much weaker than the big load in Deku-kun's balls! It's going to get your mom good and pregnant, you know?" She chuckled smokily and gave the diamond-hard cock a teasing kiss on the tip. "It's almost cute, how small and insignificant you are, compared to him!"

"It's… true, Katsuki-kun!" Mitsuki moaned, her ass bouncing and making a plap, plap, plap sound as Deku's pelvis crashed in with stroke after stroke. Her big boobs, freed from her bra, were swinging back and forth like the udders of a cow. "It's not a safe day for me! Pretty soon, your father is going to be paying for a new bundle of joy!"

Deku's eyes went wide as he overheard this, which for him was quite a feat, considering how big they already were. "W-what!? B-but I'm only in high school!"

Midnight chuckled again and waved a hand, jerking Bakugo's hard dick disrespectfully, as if it were an afterthought. "Oh, don't worry! We'll make your friend take full responsibility! You won't have to do a single thing!"

"Nnngh! Yes… that's right! Just dump your cum into me as if I was a toilet!" Mitsuki moaned, her body shuddering. "Don't stop! Impregnate me right in front of my impotent, worm-dick son!"

Bakugo's penis leaked another spurt of that clear pre-cum at this taunt, drawing a sadistic moan from midnight. "Look at you, getting turned on by being treated like a bitch who takes dick in the ass!" she purred, and then she gave the blonde boy's tight, bubble ass a slap. "Such a gorgeous young body. You were build to be a fag ! But I don't know if Deku is quite ready to impregnate your mother, with the doubts he's having-"

"Yes, I'm… having a lot of doubts!" Deku gasped, not stopping his thrusts, leaning over Mitsuki and breathing hard. "Maybe we could just-"

Midnight cut him off, continuing her lecture as she gently let the tendrils of her whip brush against Bakugo's hindparts. "I think he needs some help… to really get that big load out of his balls! Don't you think so, Miss Bakugo?"

"Yes!" Mitsuki moaned. "Katsuki should have to help Deku-kun as much as he can!"

Midnight moved with amazing suddenness, cutting Bakugo's feet out from under him and forcing him to a kneeling position, then planting one foot on his back in dominatrix fashion. She cracked her flogger against her own hip. "Get in there," she ordered. "And get your tongue up your friend's cute, teenage boy ass!"

"W-what!?" Deku cried, sweat running down his temples. "But that's-"

"Yes, do it!" Mitsuki moaned, panting. Her own lubricating sweat, glycerine-filled, was oiling up the sexual action and making each stroke effortless. "Slow down a bit, Deku-kun! Let him get in there!" Deku, in spite of any apprehensions, obeyed this command, sliding his cock as deep as it would go, body doubled over Mitsuki's thick, upraised MILF ass, and held it there, feeling the spasming of her molten, dick-milking insides. 

"Get in there, bitch!" Midnight prompted, and she used her boot to push Bakugo forward, burying his face between Deku's round, pale-skinned cheeks. Deku cried out with alarm. In truth, Ka-chan had been doing a lot of extremely gay things since their first encounter at the Bakugo house. The tramp stamp, the constant begging for dick… and boy, for such a tough boy, Ka-chan really did like taking big cumshots in his face and mouth, and drinking semen. But this is something he hadn't done yet! Deku felt two hands grip his shapely and exercise-sculpted bottom and spread it… then a warm, wet muscle slid up against his ass and inside.

"Ah!" he cried. But it felt good . And the sounds coming from behind him weren't exactly complaints. Ka-chan was going to work with the same hungry enthusiasm that he'd had for their blowjobs and ass-fucking! And while he was getting his bowel walls slurped from behind, Mitsuki's pussy was clamping down even more desperately on the other end as she responded to her son's humiliation.

"Nnngh, that's… so hot!" she seethed. "Katsuki will never be a villain now… you've turned him into a total fag who sucks your asshole! He's rimming ass like a bitch while his own mother takes a fat cock in her pussy! From now on, he's going to lick your asshole every day until your dick is hard, so you can fuck me on his bed!"

Midnight crouched next to Bakugo and assessed the situation. "Mmm… look! His tiny dick is rock hard from rimming out his friend from school! You like cute boy butts just as much as I do, don't you, you little faggot?" Bakugo moaned out into Deku's ass as Midnight reached through his legs and started milking his cock, drawing out a series of watery spurts, the consistency and feeble amount of which drew her ire. "Look at this pathetic fag juice !" she spat, giving Bakugo's rear a whack with her flogger, once, twice, three times.

Deku, having conflicted feelings, wondered what All-Might would do in this situation. On one hand, it felt amazingly good… but on the other, it seems like Ka-chan was really being bullied. Yet as doubts began to creep into his heart and his hold on Mitsuki's hips loosened with his lack of resolve, he heard a voice in his head, as if the world's greatest hero himself was talking to him in that unmistakable voice.

Don't worry, Young Midoriya! Heroism takes many forms! Sometimes, you will rescue children from a burning school bus. But just as often, a friend who is on the wrong path, will need to be shown the right way! Young Bakugo is at risk for delinquency if his feelings of superiority are allowed to rage out of control!

Deku took on his trademark look of determination. "That's right!" he said to himself. "Ka-chan needs my help!" His muscles galvanized and he drove his cock even harder into Mitsuki, starting up with more small, grinding thrusts that seemed to be pulverizing her pussy with meaty squelching sounds, drawing out orgasm after orgasm. She shortness of the strokes allowed Bakugo to give a deep rimjob all throughout, and Deku, though not exactly practiced in such things, did his best to add to the utter humiliation of the proceedings.

"T-that's it, Ka-chan!" he moaned. "Get your tongue in there!"

The din of voices became a cacophony as the orgasms were starting to approach. Midnight was jerking Bakugo off, but not out of any desire to give him pleasure… she clearly intended to humiliate him with the hardness of her penis during the emasculating proceedings. Mitsuki, eyes rolling, cunt mashed to pulp by Deku's monstrous meat, seemed to be having constant orgasms. And nothing could hide the fact that Bakugo was shoving his tongue up his friend's cute, tight ass like there was no tomorrow.

The replacement windows for the house had only recently been added, and those at the side of the property still had no shutters. None of the four principles in the sexual encounter noticed the prying eyes peeking over the window frame - three students from U.A. High School who had noticed the strange behavior of Deku and Bakugo and followed them home, suspecting foul play.

The three spies - Ochaco Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui and Toru Hagakure (who was completely invisible and would never have been seen in any case) - were getting much more bang for their espionage buck than they could have ever imagined. Ochaco had suggested the excursion, having been taken aback by Bakugo's almost fanatical blocking of her talking to Deku, and wanting to know the reason. But this?

"Ka-chan is almost as good with his tongue as I am, ribbit!" Tsuyu offered, in her nasal voice. Ochaco shushed her, but none of the three girls could look away. Being budding young things, they were as curious about sex and relationships as you might expect… and now, they were getting a crash course not just in teen boy/MILF relations… but in serious cute boy on cute boy ass-munching! 

Ochaco looked to the side and saw that Toru's uniform was piled on the ground… rendering her utterly invisible. "Toru?" she whispered. "What are you doing? She waved her arms around until she brushed up against an invisible wrist, and then grabbed it. "Don't even think about sneaking in there!"

"Oh, you're no fun!" Toru sighed. "But isn't Deku dreamy?"

"Hey," Tsuyu croaked, peeking up slightly in her frog-like stance. "Looks like something else is happening, ribbit!" Curious as the three girls were, that revelation hushed them all up, and they poked their heads up, shoulder to shoulder, and continued to stealthily watch.

Inside, something had caught Midnight's attention, and she left Bakugo to his ass-servicing duties to investigate. Behind a table, partially obscured, was stashed a rather intimidating sex toy that Mitsuki had no doubt planned to use later that afternoon if left to her own devices. "Oh my!" Midnight cooed, excited by just how scandalous it all was. "Now, just what did you have in mind for this ?"

She bent over, showing the amazing curves of her ass, and picked it up - a strap-on dildo, exceedingly large. In fact, it seemed almost identical to-

"I had a cast made of Deku-kun's cock!" Mitsuki moaned, still getting her wet pussy pulverized by the regular strokes of her young lover. "That dildo reproduces it in every detail - even the veins!"

Deku looked mortified for a moment, confirming that this had, in fact, happened. While the experience of having a plaster-like substance poured over his penis had been extremely strange, as with most things, he assumed that the resulting reproduction would be vital to keeping Ka-chan's delinquent tendencies in line. Midnight saw his expression and chuckled darkly. "Oooh… look at the size of this monster," she purred, licking up the rubbery green length adoringly before kissing the tip. "I think it's time we put it in action."

"That's not fair!" Mitsuki objected. "I haven't even had a chance to use it yet! It was completed just this morning!" But whatever stern complaint she'd been preparing to lodge was broken up by Deku's real cock mashing deep into her pussy once again, making her eyes roll and her tongue fall out of her mouth again as she arched her back and shamefully tried to give him as much access to her round, full ass as she could. 

Midnight laughed and flicked her flogger around. "Ha! You and your son are two of a kind! Both of you are total sluts! With that big dick stirring up your pussy, your brain barely works, doesn't it?" She arranged the belts and straps of the dildo about her waist and went about attaching it, looking down with satisfaction as the dangling dong protruded out in front with menacing size. The rest of her costume being BDSM-inspired, it looked right at home… though the green color of the rubbery silicone, which mirrored Deku's hair, wasn't quite a match for her crimson handcuffs and glasses.

With the sex toy secured, she strode up behind the ball-sucking, rimjob-giving Bakugo and let the toy bounce against his shoulder. "Personally, I think you both deserve a little punishment," Midnight teased. "For being such insatiable cock sluts!" Forcefully, she took a handful of Bakugo's blonde, explosive hair and pulled him away from Deku's ass (to which his mouth was briefly connected by long strands of saliva) before pushing him to the ground with her boot, forcing him into a face-down, ass-up position that mirrored that of his mother.

The two Bakugos, mother and son, each had their cheeks pressed to the ground, their faces little more than a foot apart. They ended up staring right at each other. Midnight gathered some of the spit and pre-cum that was clinging to Deku's cock and balls and used to theatrically lube up the monstrous length of the strap on. "This... is for your own... good, ...Katsuki!" Mitsuki assured her son, her voice quavering, buffeted by the impact of Deku's dick as it pummeled her womb.

Whatever claim Katsuki Bakugo might have had to being a 'tough boy' was incinerated in the instant that Midnight clenched her ample, shapely ass-cheeks and drove the long and turgid dildo deep into his anus, making the same manner of lewd and sloppy sound that his mother's pussy was making around Deku's cock, and sliding almost immediately to an amazing depth of more than 40 centimeters. It was at this depth that his face turned from the perpetually glowering, bomb-about-to-blow standard and morphed into something more like that of his mother - an eye-rolling, sexually satisfied mess!

In tandem, Deku and Midnight dug their cocks deep, the younger boy's supple teen ass bouncing in time with his teacher's curvier rear as they synchronized their penetrations. "It feels really good, doesn't it?" Midnight prompted, quite enjoying the way the strap-on pushed back against her pussy. "Tell your friend what you're feeling, Midoriya-kun!"

Deku had tears of exertion in his eyes as she hunched over Mitsuki's big, round MILF booty and sliced his cock in. "It feels… really warm, and wet!" he cried out. "Your mom's pussy… is a perfect dick sleeve, Ka-chan! It's like… it wants to drink the semen out of my dick! Your mom… is a hentai bitch!" Sllrrrch. Slrrrk. Slrrrp. The wet sounds of Mitsuki's matronly slit massaging his shaft punctuated the sentiment.

"You hear that, Faggot-chan?" Midnight purred, raising her flogger as she drove her dildo into Katsuki's tight, bubbly teen boy butt, and then bring it down with a smack on his cheeks, repeating the action every few words. "Your mom is creaming all over the dick of your biggest rival! You've totally lost! Now you're just a cum-chuggnig queer who gets fucked in the ass! I can feel your asshole trying to milk this dildo like it's a pussy!"

"Nnngh! Unnngh… oh! Nnnwaagh!" Mitsuki groaned. "My son… is just a butt-bitch who wants… to get  pregnant… in his ass-pussy!" 

"Hnnngh… hagh… ah!" Katsuki moaned back. Both of them were wearing utterly shameful ahegao fuckfaces, completely with drooling tongues and half-lidded, unfocused eyes. "Y-yes!" he grunted. "I… just want Deku's cock!" There could be no doubt from looking at him that any guarded hostility or pride had been driven out of him by sheer force of cock. The parts of his brain that had once been filled with plans of gaining might and being the world's strongest were now completely replaced by an insatiable lust for huge cocks, tearing up his asshole. The truth - that he really did wish he was a girl who could get impregnated by his cute teen friend - was written in his blanked and lustful eyes.

Midnight wasn't holding back on any of her strokes, forcing Deku to speed up and fuck harder to keep pace. Soon, both present members of the Bakugo family were gasping in short, staccato breaths in time with their bodies jiggling with impact. Mitsuki's huge, perfectly complexioned MILF breasts jiggled against the floor in glycerine-oiled drifts, the larger version of her son's perky and humiliatingly puffy boy-nips. Both of them had their asses in the air.

"Don't even dream… about becoming a villain!" Mitsuki moaned to her son. "From… now on… nnnngh! If you get angry… just suck a cock instead! You'll let… all the boys at school… fuck you in the ass from now on!"

"Okay… mom!" Katsuki barked, eyes rolling back as Midnight thrust deeper and harder. "I'll suck all of their cocks… and let them cum on my face!" He shuddered mightily and a stream of hot, watery jizz sprayed out of his small cock and splattered all over the floor, drawing a smoky cackle from Midnight, who slowed her thrusting not a bit.

"Ooh! Are you pissing, faggot? That watery cum has no chance of ever impregnating a woman!" She wound up and delivered four more flogger smacks to her victim, drawing a new spurt of semen with each impact. "To think, you used to be the toughest boy in your glass… and you've been totally feminized by your little friend's enormous cock. Your pride as a man has been totally destroyed!" She dug in her dildo deep and viciously, and Bakugo moaned pathetically. "Now look to your left, and see your mother get totally conquered by the boy you once called a failure!"

Deku, who had been picking up speed steadily and was growing ragged with his strokes as his orgasm approached. His large, heavy cockhead mashed up against Mitsuki's cervix easily and pressed flush as he cried out, wild hair waving, delivering a huge gout of thick, gooey semen that filled her womb instantly and splurted out back down her vaginal canal, slopping to the ground as it emerged from the seal her slit made around Deku's shaft.

The girls at the window, seeing this, were even more wide-eyed than before. "I think he's cumming!" Toru whispered, with the inflection of a veteran gossip. "Is he really going to get Katsuki-kun's mom pregnant?" Yet her words were also interspersed with harsh breaths, and Ochaco looked to the side suspiciously.

"Toru! Are you masturbating ?" she hissed, scandalized. In truth, she was feeling rather hot between the legs, watching the proceedings… but her wholesome nature had prevented her from giving in completely to the unfolding lewdness

"N-no!" Toru replied. Since she was invisible and had completely taken off her uniform, there was no way to know for sure.

"I think she is, ribbit," Tsuyu remarked. Of the three, she seemed the most unaffected by what she was seeing. They continued watching with bated breath. From outside, the voices were muffled, but they all heard when Deku yelled "Get pregnant Mitsuku-san!" and slumped over the larger, adult woman's rear, both of their bodies twitching.

"Look!" Mitsuki moaned at her son. "Deku is… filling me up with a huge load! It's so thick compared to the worthless piss that dribbled out of your dick! I'm going to get pregnant for suuuuure!" She launched into an expressive, teeth-clenching orgasm so powerful that it seemed she would dislodge her rider like a bucking bronco… but Deku was clinging to her with all his might, and they gasped through the liquid, sloppy sounds of sperm being pumped into her guts as their movements gradually slowed and then subsided.

Deku, barely able to stand, slid back away from Mitsuki, leaving her pussy gaping and leaking a copious, lewd creampie onto the ground between her trembling knees. Midnight withdrew at the same time, leaving the male Bakugo's ass in a similar state - stretched wide by the large, Deku-styled dildo. He'd cum repeatedly from seeing his mom get bred and the feeling of his friend's huge cock (or a replica of it, anyway) deep in his ass. Now, along with his mother, he wore the same dazed and fucked-out expression, cheek mashed against the floor, ass in the air in an utterly indecent stance.

Midnight fanned herself and looked down at the spiky-haired mom and son with satisfaction. "Mmm… I think once Katsuki becomes a hero, his name should be 'Bitch', she said, viciously. So much more fitting than anything you've come up with in class!" She turned to the exhausted Deku. "You've done fine work here, Midoriya-kun. The true work of a hero!"

Deku's face took on its trademark look of determination. Praise, from a member of the U.A. faculty! If he had that, he must be doing something right. "I did my best, Midnight-sensei!" he replied, dutifully.

But Midnight's attention was already elsewhere. She reached out with her boot-clad foot and tipped Bakugo over on his hip. "Lay on your back, Bitch-chan!" she ordered. "Your first duty as a hero is to eat Deku's thick and superior sperm out of your mom's slutty pussy!" Bakugo, looking utterly enervated, showed not a trace of the fiery, defiant, bull-headed nature that had caused him to clash with so many classmates… and Mitsuki, who had overheard the order, began to move into position, cradling her sperm-loaded belly. 

"I guess it can't be helped," she said, lifting one smooth, voluptuous leg over her son's face. Her pulled-down panties were wrapped around one knee like a misplaced garter, soaked with her wetness. Assuming a lewd squatting position, she dropped her pussy, and also her pleasingly large MILF rear end, directly onto her son's face with a satisfying whump . "Nnngh! Oooh… that's it, Katsuki-kun! Eat your friend's cum like a faggot!" She gasped as she felt a tongue start probing her sensitive pussy. "I'm sure Deku has… nnngh! Already… gotten me pregnant! Mmm! The baby will probably have a bigger cock than you do!"

Seeing the incestuous depravity allowed Midnight to finger herself as she watched, building to a climax that had been percolating ever since the day's events had started with her discovery of the boys in the locker room. Her penchant for sadism and manipulating cute teen boys had been completely sated, and she clenched her teeth and looked decidedly un-teacherlike as her eyelashes fluttered and glasses nearly slid off her face with the convulsions of her climax. She kneaded her breasts through her skin-tight costume, pinching her own nipples and grinding the pads of her fingers against the crotch of her leotard. "Oooh! Midoriya-kun!" she panted. "I hope you have something left in those big balls… because I need to get fucked as well!" 

A quick search for a place to brace her palms and bend over ended with the discovery of the rebuilt windowsill, to which she dragged her exhausted-looking student with firm insistence, tilting at the waist and giving the young teen boy a faceful of her shapely ass. "Tear off my costume!" she purred. "Don't worry… I've got plenty of them!" Having given this instruction, she turned back to the window, expecting to see nothing but the Bakugo family yard and the wall separating it from the street. But instead, her eyebrows went up as she came face to face… with Ochaco Uraraka and one of her school chums, crouching in the bushes. Nearby, a discarded uniform spoke to the presence of a third (and invisible) peeper.

The girls were aghast - the visible ones, anyway - but Midnight smiled a mischievous smile as she watched them scamper away at being discovered, the free-floating pieces of Toru's uniform gradually taking human shape as they were re-donned on the run. There was a tearing noise as Deku gripped the rear of her costume tightly and tore it, exposing her wet pussy and the round bubble of her toned and curvy rear. "Whoa!" the boy said, transfixed for a moment at the sight of that perfectly-formed adult bubble. But Midnight barely heard him. Her mind was turning with ideas about those sneaky female students… and how she might pull them into the web.

Things at U.A. High School, it seemed, were about to get even more interesting.