
The moon. So big and grand. It was everything Lucy had ever wanted.

But what was here for her now that everyone she ever knew was gone?

From the old gang to the ones David ran with, from there to here, most of her life became a mess after meeting with that kid. There was no other way for her to process it all. Rebecca was crushed from the weight of Adam Smasher, and David gave his life up just to let her have this. But the satisfaction she had to actually float in zero gravity became a waste of her life. The loneliness felt by all of this was apparent, but still she chose to stay. There was nothing anywhere. Her dream was dead without him, even if this was her dream.

So what was the next move for her to make?

That question came in the form of an answer, when she received a Braindance from an account she never saw before. Normally she would ignore any such message sent her way, but this one was hard to do that with. The subject line.


'Rebecca'. That was the only word. It brought back flashes of memories of the short little gremlin, a blue skinned girl with the mouth of a sailor. From what Lucy recalled, she was crushed under the heavy weight of Adam Smasher months ago, right before David made his sacrifice. She could only speculate what could have come of that incident, other than confirmation of her death. Or possibly a last will and testament, as her brother had been dead for much longer, and something had to be done with their belongings.

Opening the Braindance with remorse, she immediately regretted the decision once the opening scene came into play…


Somewhere deep in the labs of Arasaka, Rebecca's body was restrained, although quite literally in a sense. Her torso and head were all that remained of her, as her robotic arms had been torn from her person. Her legs, which suffered the most dire of fates in the literal crushing blow by Adam Smasher, were nowhere to be seen either. In place of her limbs were blunt silver caps, leaving her a blue amputated shell of her former self. Soon after the footage began, her head lifted from its limp position, showing signs of life that only gave Lucy a sigh of relief. And even that was short lived when she reminded herself where this was all taking place.

A scientist walked into frame, holding a cybernetic pad as it studied the small cyber girl, testing for schematics and the like. When Rebecca finally obtained consciousness once more, she took a quick look around before spotting the scientist.

"Hey! Yo! What the fuck is this?!" Rebecca barked, her brows furrowed with rage. "Where's that Adam fucker?! I'll tear his limbs off! I'll fuck him u-...Uh?" It was only then that Rebecca realized she couldn't move, wanting so badly to punch the guy while delivering a middle finger with her other hand. But as there was nothing more to her than a naked torso and a foul mouth, her bark had certainly become worse than her bite.

"What…what the fuck…?!"

"Ah, good, the bitch that doesn't know when to stop is finally awake." Much to Lucy's horror, Adam Smasher came into fame, practically hulking about as he stood next to Rebecca's imprisoned body. He was so large that he could barely fit into the visuals, taking up so much space that it showed just how small the blue skinned gremlin was in comparison to him. "You've got spunk, meatbag. Anyone else under my foot would be flatter than a pancake. But somehow you ended up living long enough to be my new sleeve."

"Like I'm gonna fucking agree to that," Rebecca snapped back, "you think just because-"

"Whatever you're about to say? Yes." Adam Smasher looked down at Rebecca, the camera angle changing to fit a new direction by whoever had edited this together for Lucy's sake. "As I have to keep reminding you, we've taken your arms away, and you have no strong link to them that you could ever have them run through the building just to get them back. And without your legs, you're useless in combat."

"The fuck I am."

"Yes, you see, it's exactly this sort of attitude that made us bring you back, all for the sake of breaking you permanently."

There was pause from Rebecca, who took that time to process what Adam said. "You brought me back to life…because you want to break me again. Yeah, that makes total sense. You were fucking better off just leaving me on the ground where you found me!"

"Oh, no, I think you misunderstand." Bringing one of his mechanical digits against her lower stomach, Adam rubbed it upwards towards her clavicle, with every second leaving Rebecca shivering with the cold chill that his steel finger had. She still had a moment of post-traumatic stress throughout, thinking about what just part of him did to her previously. It was quite clear what the big galoot was going to do to her, and she was more concerned that whatever appendage wasn't so big that it would rip her in half.

"You seem very tense," Adam said, heaving the cold whimper of his captive. "That's good enough for me. I think you're going to like what I have in store for you."

Adam grabbed Rebecca by her torso, squeezing in on it until she gagged from the air forced out of her. The grip he had on her was tight, with the blue skinned girl worried that her insides weren't immediately going to shoot out of every hole she had. And then she saw for herself the sort of instruments that he had intended to use on her.

Lucy could see it on Rebecca's face that the shaft sheathing its way out of the cold, mechanical body was almost as big as Adam himself, no doubt able to reach his head with the tip. But with that length came some thickness, which looked to be twice as wide as the small girl's body. She tried to play it cool, but it was evident that she would be quaking in her boots, if she still had them.

"No, no no no no!" Rebecca said, kicking what was left of her thighs with no escape coming. "Don't do it, I'm not gonna survive - GLULUBGLHPHLGH!"

Adam forced Rebecca's lips straight onto his mechanical cock, her mouth and tongue feeling the cold sting of his steel as it made its way down her gullet. The blue skinned girl's jaw had been stretched to kingdom come as a result of the force, amazed that it hadn't become separated from the rest of her skull. What worried her, and Lucy by virtue of observing this after the fact, was that the tip had made its way to the back of her throat, and yet she still hadn't engulfed the glans.


"Just like any new meat, we're going to need some time to break you in," Adam said, "and you clearly need a lot of practice if you're about to take your new occupation."

With Rebecca's torso hanging in the air, Adam squeezed her skull between his fingers, using little of his strength to avoid popping it in like a grape. He used this to guide her back and forth on his steel member, looking to use her saliva to lubricate his length. He sighed as he felt the tip go into her throat, at last forcing it to bulge out in order to fit it inside with the rest of her wind pipes. The red and yellow eyes of the blue skinned girl were as wide as they could be, with her saliva building up in her mouth. Her lips were sealed tightly against his mechanical wang that she couldn't even spit it out, her cheeks swelling up with both her spit and his dick.

Observing the Braindance, Lucy grabbed her own throat, watching the slow and painful force that Adam put on Rebecca as she could see from the angle where the tip was at any given point as it aimed to make its way through to her neckline. And with her small size, it was no doubt going to be clear where the shaft was against her the rest of her body.

The constant bulge against her throat made Rebecca sick, so much so that she worried she might end up vomiting against the mandible, staining it with what little was left in her gut. Already the air had been crushed out of her, her lungs barely able to handle the lack of oxygen coming her way. Her nostrils could barely pick up a breath of fresh air, especially as all she could taste at this point was Adam's cold cock, the unpleasant steel taste overpowering every other flavor her tongue could handle.

The Braindance delivered the sense of pleasure to Lucy, with such an intensity she had never endured from a video message like this. She could feel every thought, every agonizing second in Rebecca's life that she swore it was even more than what was normal for something like this. Her hand still at her throat, she agonized at what Rebecca had to go through, wishing she had saved her body if she knew this would be her fate.

The steel cock finally made its way through Rebecca's throat after what felt like several minutes of struggling, breaking into her torso from there. An emotionless sigh of satisfaction escaped from Adam, his expression unchanging when anyone else would have smiled from success of this size. Rebecca's body shook, having spasms while her body continued to hang off the cock, though that would be short lived when Smasher removed his fingers from her head, gripping her body like a squeeze toy as he prepared to push his meat sleeve into full effect.

Rebecca's eyes shut as she prepared for the intense moment to arrive, expecting Adam to push through her internal organs like he would a normal pleasure toy. But no embrace for the inevitable could prepare her, as the feeling of being stretched out was more intense than she would ever think it to be. Lucy gasped, feeling that same jolt of agony as the chest grew outwards on the blue skinned girl, her chest expanding just so that the mechanical member could fit its way inside of her.

Lucy wasn't so sure in her observations, but she feared that Rebecca had become tube-shaped as a result of the forced expansion. She bit down on her lip as she tried to be brave throughout the Braindance, as she was so concerned about how this would end for her that she had to watch on like a bad train wreck.

Now that he had less concern about her torso compared to her head, Adam used Rebecca's body like the cock sleeve he intended her to be; the remnants of her limbs, the little stubs of thighs and shoulders, flailed about as Adam moved her back and forth on his digital dong, forcing the insides of the blue-skinned girl to feel the cold steel as they warmed him up. How he could even feel satisfaction from a cock that was as lifeless as him, Lucy couldn't ever understand, but it was evident he aimed to find a way.

With Rebecca's body bobbing back and forth, her saliva was present on the exposed portions of the shaft when it wasn't inside her mouth. His cock went all the way down to her belly button, which compared to the size of an average woman, wasn't all that far. Yet it was clear that Adam intended to fit her down to his base, no matter what it took in order to accomplish that asinine goal.

Then the crown pushed past that point, crushing down on her womb and canal as it made its way towards the rectal cavity. While it wasn't evident due to his grip on her body, Rebecca trembled in his hand as she felt him come so close to turning her sphincter inside out. Lucy grabbed hold of her ass, sharing the agony as the feedback continued to her body and mind. It was coming, but how bad it would be depended on how much effort Smasher put into the move.



Lucy's mouth hanged open as she viewed the footage, her body tense as she witnessed the mechanical member push through Rebecca's asshole. If it weren't for Adam's grip, she would be flailing around, agonizing over the penetration of her anus from the inside. When she came down from the odd high that gave her, Lucy fell to her knees, staring at the ground with a distant look. It looked painful, no doubt, and even her rectum felt that, but she still couldn't imagine how that felt for her shorter friend.

Even worse, Lucy could see the saliva that had built up inside Rebecca's mouth leaking out her ass as well, dripping onto the ground now that it had penetrated her so thoroughly. It looked so slimy and disgusting coming out of that end, though she knew it was worse off for the gremlin, who was gaining all of this more physically than she was.

And indeed, it was an intense, if humiliating, moment for the blue-skinned gremlin, her eyes rolling back so far in their sockets that she could no longer see the yellow irises. With the added pressure of such a girthy dong going through her, Rebecca's snatch gushed out her fluids, making a mess of the small room that they occupied. The scientist, who was still present inside, had to jump back as the power of her gushing orgasm was like that of a hose, going on for so long that even Adam had to chuckle.

"So you enjoyed that," Adam mused. "Very good for you. But it's going to be nothing compared to how I handle the rest of you."

Happy to have broken through his new toy, Adam rocked Rebecca back and forth against his cock, giving a deep tissue massage to her organs as he built up satisfaction. "I bet you're just dying to know how I can be so robotic, yet have the ability to shoot jizz like any meatbag can."

"Mph! Hrglk! HREH!" Rebecca couldn't respond, the steel rod so thick that her lips could barely move off of them..Adam pumped her away at his staff, with every push over her canal causing spurts of nectar to evacuate her body. Rebecca whimpered and choked, her eyes shut as she felt her lips ram into his torso, the cold of his body now on her. It was so flavorless, but there was so little she could do without her arms.

"Well, I'm afraid I won't be giving you that answer," Adam finally said. "Instead, let me remind you where your place is now that you belong to Arasaka."

Finally, Adam pulled Rebecca back from his waistline, bringing her back far enough that the crown laid dormant inside her stomach for several seconds. There was no roar of emotion from him, only a silent sigh as he expelled his jizz into her tiny little frame. Rebecca's eyes shot wide open as he left her there on his cock, free of his grip as he let the Braindance film her from the sides.

Lucy watched on, holding her stomach as she felt every pump of spunk drain from the shaft inside her belly. The expansion of her gut caused it to inflate so immensely, that it inflated like a balloon. The huge stomach grew out so far that it went down to Adam's knees, looking so large that she may as well be carrying a litter of children. Her stomach sloshed about as Adam resumed pumping her back and forth on his cock, just to demonstrate his dominance over the small woman and her normally filthy mouth.

When his cock popped out of her ass, so did his jizz, letting up somewhat on the size of her stomach. The creamy fluid plopped directly onto the floor, making a massive puddle that overshadowed Rebecca;s juices given its more solid state. The scientist that continued to observe the punishment her body took was left stunned, standing slack jawed as he forgot to take down any notes from the session.

When Adam finally popped Rebecca off his shaft, she was left a sputtering mess, both drool and cum dripping down to her chin. Her eyes were half shut, her jaw hanging open as if it hadn't just been stretched to kingdom come. Her anus still leaked out Smasher's substances, while her vagina still let out her own fluids. As it turned out, when his dick wasn't crushing her reproductive organs, there were still plenty of her lubricants to expel.

"Excellent," Adam said, watching Rebecca heave for air, "just how I like my breed toys. Silent, and without spirit. And I believe your body is broken in enough that I can travel through without problem."

"Fuh…hah…" Rebecca wished she could tell Adam Smasher to go and fuck himself, but the words couldn't come through at the right time.

"Rebecca…" Lucy stared on in disbelief, having some level of guilt that she allowed that gremlin to go down like this. Worse was that she felt everything secondhand from the feedback, which was about to end up worse when Adam tossed the limbless girl into the air, spinning her until her body was left exposed in his hands.

"Wha…what are you going to do now?" Rebecca asked, frightened as Adam lowered her back down to his expanded dong. "Wait, you're going to try and get in there?! You've gotta be crazy to think you can fit in there!"

"I've already demonstrated that I can stretch you out and fit you further than the limits of your body compared to my shaft size," Adam reminded her. "I have the confidence to pull this off."

"NO NO NO NO!" Rebecca continued to beg for mercy, but as Adam pushed his cold crown against her labia, he showed how seriously he took this. He would break Rebecca, assuming her hymen hadn't already been broken at this point.


When the crown made its way through her folds, Rebecca's voice died down as quickly as it shot up, without any further expression of agony on her face, let alone the rest of her body. With the steel staff filling her cunt, the blue-skinned gremlin stared distantly at the ground, noticing the bulge inside her stomach. Her saliva left her lips, as though the stretch made into her canal was the most numbing thing in her life. Lucy felt the pain, which quickly turned into pleasure, and then nothing.

Even for her, it seemed that the experience finally broke Rebecca on a mental level, that same cold gaze on her face as when Adam smashed her into a crater.


Then Lucy felt the pleasure feedback once more, her pussy aching as it felt further expansion through the tunnel. In the footage, she could hear whimpering coming from the blue-skinned gremlin, though now it had a different tone to it. She sounded like a dog full of shame and sadness, rather than from the pain that caused her to stop speaking. As Adam continued to force her down his staff, Lucy tensed up, rolling onto her side as her knees pushed into her chest, rocking around in the fetal position. The girth was much harsher on the snatch than her mouth or rectum, possibly due to how sensitive Rebecca was, yet there were still no signs of life coming from the short woman, other than the pouting dog-like moans.

The crown continued to ride up the stomach lining, with the steel tip going against her cervix. This was a moment of power for Adam, as it allowed him to show off his strength, yet even he could barely fit inside her womb. Instead, the continued force of his length inside her cunt caused it to stretch and expand along with it, forcing everything out of place. By the time his shaft reached the top of her stomach, Adam began pounding harder and faster against her insides, looking to destroy her internally.

Lucy held onto her stomach while remaining on her side, feeling every punch from the shaft within Rebecca. She couldn't hold herself back from such a violent feedback, It was like the largest child sitting inside her womb kicking with twice the strength. While she tried to turn the Braindance off after getting the picture of what her gremlin friend had gone through after she left the scene, it refused, going against her wishes as it played through the rest of the video.

As though to add insult to injury, Adam Smasher let go of Rebecca's torso, letting his member stand firm and long while remaining amused over how helpless the blue skinned girl looked on his dick. Her mouth was wide open, tongue hanging out with strands of drool hanging off before breaking off and landing in the jizz pile. Her eyes were still rolled back, but she looked unpleasant with a blank action on her lips.

"We're still not quite where I want this flat bimbo to be," Adam said out loud. "Perhaps if I could push her womb out of her mouth…"

"Please, no!" Lucy shouted, whimpering at the potential feedback breaking through her orifice.

"S-Sir, we don't recommend that," the scientist finally spoke up. "We want her to still be usable for future experiments, and not…well…a cadaver."

"Very well," Adam said coldly. "Then let's just watch how she moves when I do this."

Adam's hips gyrated back and forth, a cause and causation of his build. Rebecca vibrated on his shaft as a result, her upper torso bobbing about while the dick pinned against her stomach lining. Her teeth chattered together as she felt herself shifting around on his cock, the tip going against her cervix still. Over time, the stretchiness of her canal began to subside, reverting back to its normal state. But as that left more of her hanging off his member, Adam couldn't allow that to happen, squeezing her body and pulling her back in place while his hips continued to rock fast enough to create friction in her cunt.


As Rebecca shouted louder than a banshee, her yellow irises shrank in, as the cock finally broke through her cervix, wearing her small womb as a condom as it expanded the small space. Were Adam able to showcase his emotions, he would be quite pleased at the results. Lucy still felt that hard hit, as well as what came afterwards.

"Rebecca, no, stay strong, stay strong…HRRRRRRGH!"

Lucy felt the immense rush of Rebecca's fluids escaping her cunt, blasting out against Adam's cold metal body while his seed filled up her womb. Much like what happened with her asshole before, the blue-skinned girl felt the wild inflation inside her reproductive organs, plugging it up to ensure his jizz trailed through to her fallopian tubes. As her womb grew, so did her stomach lining, inflating so fast that Rebecca couldn't process it. Even if she could, she would soon find herself in a less than stellar evacuation from his staff.

Letting go of the girl and her torso, `Rebecca ended up sliding off as the member slowly retracted back inside his body, causing her to land on top of her bloated belly. The splatter caused the jizz to blast from her snatch, getting all over Smasher's feet, while she laid face down in the puddle of cum, unable to lift her face out of it.

"I would call this a success," Adam said. "But let's remove those steel studs off her stubs and replace them with something that can allow for more sharing among the employees here. Let's say, some specialized onaholes."


The video feed ended there, with Lucy lifting herself up from a cold sweat after witnessing such harsh feedback from the Braindance. Even after witnessing all of that, she couldn't believe that Rebecca had been alive all this time, let alone being used so poorly by the very man that ran her off Earth for good to live off that dream. But if this was how she would live out the rest of her life, it didn't seem very fair on her end. She contemplated her options, knowing that even if she did leave the moon at long last, she was bound to suffer the same fate as her blue-skinned friend. And by the time she came back to Earth, there may not be anything left of Rebecca to save.

Still, she had to do something for her. Rebecca was all she had left now. As troubling as things were about to be, she was going to have to head back home and win a fight that she was no doubt going to lose.

But at least she'd go down with a purpose left in her life.


The infiltration began smoothly, with Lucy breaking her way in by scanning a digitized employee card at the building entrance, using the most recently fired employee that was still in the system to gain her entry. After getting inside Arasaka in the open, it was time for her to explore through the shadows, finding the ducts while looking through her schematics towards security and where any given person would be during their rounds at the time.

For Lucy, there was no option to be seen by the staff and break out into a fight. The moment things went south, Adam would be there in an instant, given his body had just as much of the schematics as David did before he passed on. Then again, that was the risk for everything today, and if things grew as wild as they had last time, then she had to have some sense in her heart that she might not survive at all.

When she finally found the room where Rebecca had been filmed getting reamed by Adam into oblivion, trying to use as little of the Braindance footage as reference for its location to avoid further feedback damage. Once she peeked inside through the ducts, she covered her mouth in abject horror, almost vomiting where she stood.

Rebecca was still alive, thankfully, but what she had become in the time since the footage was taken was almost grotesque, mutating the little gremlin into something that looked like her, only immensely exaggerated in certain traits. Gone were the steel studs that connected to her stubs that used to be her limbs; they had been replaced with onaholes that matched the size of the holes left in her shoulders and thighs, and looked as though they had been through plenty of use in just that day alone. The small toys leaked out milky jizz onto the floor, and when they weren't being used by the Arasaka staff, Rebecca would stumble around on them, walking like a puppy while her stomach and tits dragged around the seedy puddle.

That was part of the change in Rebecca as well, hard to notice from Lucy's perspective. It also showcased how long it had been since she survived that splatter from Smasher, as her belly looked less soft and sloshy and more hardened. There was no doubt about it, that little gremlin was pregnant, no doubt thanks to Adam's swimmers. And her boobs had expanded as well, thanks in part to having to carry however many children were inside her womb at this rate, but Arasaka no doubt added some form of modification to them in order to keep them constantly milking. And the few times where Lucy saw her standing upright, she had been modified with large brass rings that weighed her nipples down, no doubt to stretch them out so that they could fill up with more milk.

And then there was the smile on Rebecca's face, how oddly cold her red and yellow eyes looked even as they seemed to always point upwards towards the ceiling. Her lips curled into a smile, with her tongue hanging out as both saliva and jizz rolled off of it. She looked broken, her face permanently stuck in the position of a permanent ahegao. Lucy spotted another modification to her body that left her in this sensation, a gigantic clit piercing that constantly vibrated against her genitals and caused her to leak out every second of every day. It must have been like experiencing seven hundred thousand orgasms, or just one very long one that never resulted in the harsh gushing climaxes Lucy experienced.

"Ugh, Rebecca," Lucy sighed with regret, "I'm so sorry this had to happen to you." It was evident she was far too late to save Rebecca, but as she made her way back here, she may as well fulfill her mission in freeing the little gremlin from this hellhole. Even at her broken point, anywhere must have been better than here.

Before she could get out of the air ducts and pull off the rest of her plan, Lucy gasped as the one side of the ducts caved in. And then the other. While she was horrified by the feeling that she was about to be crushed harder and faster than a person in an over-pressured travel device, this couldn't have possibly come from just anywhere. Someone knew she was here, and when the space she occupied was pulled from the ceiling, it was quite clear who had discovered her.

"Hello, Lucy." Adam Smasher tore off the top of the broken ducts like a can of sardines, looking down at her with the same stone-cold gaze that he had done with so many others. "I had a feeling that sending you that footage of your friend being mutilated by my dick would have you coming back to me."

"Fuck you," Lucy growled, holding back her fears in place of what courage she had left. "You already took so much from me-"

"I know, and I'm about to take even more from you." Adam looked over at the broken Rebecca, how she stood on her stubby thighs as jizz emptied out of her, panting and begging for more dicks to suck and fuck with her extra pussies. "This one has been broken for far too long, as you can see. I've stretched her out to the point that I feel nothing when I wear her on my dick. It's sad, depressing, even. To think that I might never end up having that same degree of satisfaction with someone so small. But, then, that's where you can come into play."

"Not if I do something about it first!" Lucy immediately went into rescue mode, her eyes staring off as she looked to hack into Adam's devices. On a mental wavelength she could easily pull it off, as she didn't think there was any part of him that was human, regardless of the fact he could fill Rebecca like a condom with his jizz.

Adam grabbed Lucy by her neck, pinching down hard on the hacking port placed there. Lucy winced, her feet kicking the air as Smasher pulled her out of her temporary duct prison. Her hacking attempt was cut short as a result, with her larger adversary looking at her with the least impressed expression he could give her. "Do you think I fear you?" he asked sincerely. "If I could laugh, I would do so at your behest."

The large digits on Adam's body reached out for Lucy's clothes, looking to get under them as he pushed against her collarbone. The pressure was too much for Lucy to bear, with her adversary failing to do as he wished with ease. With all the tools he had at his disposal, there was only one option; to use a laser pointer in one of his digits and shoot it into the fabrics to tear them off of her.

"NO!" Lucy struggled to get out of Adam's grip, unable to break free. Her clothes dissolved on impact, the laser destroying them as she was left buck naked. She tried to cover up her shame, but it was no use; as Adam tossed her out of his hands and onto the cum covered floor. The naked Lucy rolled towards the broken Rebecca, who seemed ignorant of her presence while two of the scientists, one male and one female, poked their schlongs into the onahole connected to her shoulders. Her head rocked back and forth as her holes were pumped back and forth, moving between them while her mouth hanged open, waiting for a third cock to shove its way inside.

"Rebecca, please," Lucy said as she lifted herself from the cum puddle. "If there's any sign of life left inside you, say something, anything that might be a full sentence."

"Cuuuuuum!" Rebecca's juices dripped out of her hole, trembling when the two scientists let their jizz fill her up so easily. While it didn't look as though anything came out of the silicone vaginas, Lucy could still see that their loads were going directly to her tits, filling up the stretched out space that came as a result of her weighed down piercings. They inflated quickly, ballooning to a more rounded size as they sat on top of her massively pregnant gut, with milk leaking out of the pierced nipples. Though by this point Lucy wondered if it was even milk anymore.

That did, however, illustrate the sad truth for Lucy; Rebecca's mind was long gone, and there was nothing left for her to save. Tricked into coming to Arasaka, hearing Adam's footsteps marching towards her, she felt that there was no reason to fight back, as painful as the next moment in her life would be; she stood with her bare back to Smasher, awaiting the punishment that would come her way in a matter of seconds.

"You're a brave woman, Lucy," Adam said, gripping her by her torso, "but with such a degree of bravery, there also comes a bout of stupidity at odds with that. And that's why we here at Arasaka will overtake the world one day; because good is dumb."

"So be it…WHOA!"

While Lucy had accepted her fate, that didn't mean she wasn't full of fear over having that metallic member destroy her from the inside out. Staring down the shaft for herself, she could see how easy that was for Rebecca to cave into, although with how Adam Smasher held her upside down, this was going to be the worst thing to happen to her in her life.

"GHPH!" Lucy's lips pushed against Adam's dick, the force coming from the cyborg making sure that she could squeeze the girth into her mouth. Compared to what she felt from the Braindance feedback, experiencing it first hand was much worse. When her jaw finally stretched out of place so that the steel schlong could fit into her mouth, Lucy felt her saliva drooling towards her upper lip, trailing its way towards her cheekbones and then her eyes. She kept them shut, but still felt the moisture making its way there. Were it not for that, it would have been a bit more evident that tears were starting to form in the ducts, as it would cover up any crying that she might make until her emotions went bankrupt from enough damage by Smasher.

When the shaft finally made its way down her gullet, she shivered inside Adam's grip, with his fingers holding down against her throat. This was much more painful than the feedback from Rebecca gave her, especially as the shaft tried to bulge out her throat even as the squeeze left little room for expansion. The pastel haired woman wanted to vomit, yet she was sure with all the pressure coming from his hands that she could even manage that.

"How pathetic you must feel," Adam said, "that you can't even take my dick with so much pressure on your throat. Rebecca could be choked out by our staff and their cocks. Isn't that right, whore?"

Adam's attention turned to Rebecca, her body lifted off the ground as she found herself skewered by three female scientists. Two of them stuffed their cocks down her throat, bulging it out immensely thanks to their combined size, while the one holding her up from the other end chose to occupy her asshole. There was another scientist in the room that had an additional cock implanted, but waited for the third one to finish, preferring to have both cocks in her ass and pussy rather than the one hole replacing her limbs at one time.

Seeing the attention Rebecca gained from the act, Lucy tried to end her despair by forcing herself down the dick, though it hurt to strain herself to do such an act. Like a worm in a human hand, she tried to wriggle out of Adam's hand, only to have him groan at her attempt. "Yes, you clearly do need help," Adam noted, "allow me to assist you in getting all the way through. But let's do so from the other side."

When Lucy's lips left the shaft, her vision turned upside down by the swing of Adam's wrist, her ass was placed against the crown, with Adam applying as much pressure as he could to get himself up her sphincter. Her eyes rolled back as her makeup began to run down her face, the stain of eyeliner trailing with the tears. She heaved through her open mouth, trying to lessen the pain mentally. But when it finally pushed into her anal cavity, there was only one thing going through her mind.


With her legs still outside of Adam's hand, her feet kicked against the cold steel as her anus stretched out to fit its girth into her small tunnel. Even with the knowledge that this would end unpleasantly for her, Lucy tried to get her arms out from within Adam's fist, unable to get out of there with the strength he had kept under wraps. There was a tiny part of her mind, however, that only wished she could have had a moment like this with David once he had all those additional implants placed on him, but with his psychosis, it might as well be as dangerous as this was about to become. Or at least, as it already was.

With her body re-shaped to fit the cold steel dong, she felt her belly pushed outward, the skin taking the shape of his crown and whatever other ribbings were on the device. It slowly made its way up her body, though nobody else in the room could see thanks to how his hand held onto her smaller frame. Nor were they all that concerned, as they preferred to get their rocks off onto Rebecca, who was already so far gone that she looked famished for semen despite having so much of it dumped inside her already. At least Lucy tried to watch on as a distraction, as it would only keep her so numb from the agony of Adam's dick burrowing through her.

"Haaaaaugh!" Lucy yelped as the cock pushed further through her rectum making its tight squeeze inside of her internal organs as it looked to complete its goal of digging through to the other side of the former Edgerunner. His tight fist only loosened up on her when he needed to get his shaft deeper into her torso, with the girth pushing against her arms as the thickness changed the shape of her entire body. It was like the same cylindrical from Rebecca was given, only now she still had her arms. But with how much pressure was placed on her body from the inside, she couldn't make some sort of clever escape. Failure was her only option, but there was no reason for her to stop struggling as the dick traveled further towards her chest.

"Well? Do you have anything to say?" Adam asked, his member sheathing further towards Lucy's chest, the staff pushing her ribs out of place.

"Go to hell," she groaned, "if there's even any part of you that's still considered human."

"I rather that as a compliment," Adam said. "At least I won't keep any sort of meat behind me for the worms to consume." Adam stopped giving Lucy the slow ride on his shaft, choosing to ram her down as he looked to inch his way out through her mouth. His shaft forced its way against her chest, causing her boobs to point out in opposite directions while it barged through to her throat. And that would be the ultimate source of agony coming to the pastel haired girl, as it was the tightest squeeze she would feel through the process.

Lucy tensed up as Adam rammed his cold steel shaft against her lower throat, trying to squeeze through like needling a thread. The violent force coming from Smasher caused inaudible glucking sounds to escape her open mouth, leaving her to worry how this would stretch her out. Even if Rebecca had survived such an effort, there was no guarantee that she might. For all she knew, this would rip her head off her torso, the worst fate she could imagine.

"HHHK! HREGH! GLREPH!" Lucy shook as she finally felt the crown ram through her throat, causing her air tubes to cut off circulation. Her lips pursed shut as she stared off into space, having an out of body experience that was more painful than the feedback she felt from the Braindance. She tried breathing through her nostrils, but that was just as bad for her. She gagged on the cold steel as it forced its way through, just so Adam could prove that he was able to do it to her. It was the worst her fear had reached, as the concerns about the cock breaking her mind, and her skull, were still present in her mind.


The crown managed to fit its way into Lucy's mouth, the feeling too familiar to a bad drinking night as it vomited its way out. It stretched out her jaw to an extreme, not unlike the footage of Rebecca having it shoot down the other way, with the rest of her body pushing down towards the base of his metal member. Much to her embarrassment, she was dripping out her snatch, with some of the substance getting on Adam's finger, brushing it off on her back before he started to utilize her new shape in full.

"That's a good meatbag," Adam said, "being a good flashlight for my package. You're going to go far as my new toy, just playing around my dick until I shoot my load into you. All the cleanup work that goes into the toys is nothing compared to permanent lubrication going through your organs."

There was no means for Lucy to respond to such a statement or refuse his claims, with her adversary still holding her like a chew toy in his hands. The ribbing in his mechanical shaft shaped her body as it moved back and forth over the giant rod, shaping her skin on the torso while her mouth remained permanently gaping to show the length coming out the other side. The indistinguishable sounds that did escape sounded desperate and depraved, only stifled by the giant mechanical rod that matched the scale of his oversized body.

As Adam's hand moved Lucy faster along his dong, cresting against her rectal cavity as the girth crushed her canal, she felt something that was unwitnessed from Rebecca's pleasure feedback; an eruption from within the metal dick. She had wondered how it felt, if there was a sign of release from the cold cock before it shot out. Now she knew, and by the sounds made by Adam Smasher, it was clear he was about to let his jizz slide out of her open mouth.

With the crown and glans outside of her lips, Lucy was able to witness for herself the perspective of shooting semen from her mouth from the point of view of the metallic genitals. Adam had her aimed at Rebecca, who sat back on the ground with her mouth wide open, ready to catch the jizz as it shot out of the giant rod.

Rebecca managed to catch his semen in her mouth, only because her entire body had been doused with the substance. Her blue skin became caked with Adam's massive load, the puddle growing in size until it finally reached the drains on the far ends of the rooms. Any employees that came in to have a turn with her had to wait until Smasher finished his release, which took an even longer time than what Lucy had seen from the Braindances. All the while, as the pastel haired woman suffered the vibrations coming through his steel shaft, her fluids spritzed from her crushed pussy, the snatch dribbling out the fluids until she was too exhausted to blast out any more.

And that was the state of Lucy by the time her body was removed from the shaft by Adam, her throat returning to normal size while the member continued to peel its way out of her. The cock was caught in her sphincter as it was about to leave, with Adam using all his strength to yank himself free from her anus. With a loud, sloppy pop, he had turned the woman inside out, her ass prolapse into a rosy pink blob.

"How satisfying," Adam said, "to turn you inside out. Just as I wished to do to your poor grade meat of a boyfriend."

"How…grhk…dare…you…" Lucy tried to sound threatening, but it was clear the life was drained out of her after having her body forced to take such a huge steel girder. She was none too pleased of how he spoke of David posthumously, wishing she could take him out with one swing. But even at full strength, she had no ability to get on an even keel with someone so deadly.

"Seeing as I'm the one who crushed his body and spirit, I think I have every right to dare." Adam looked down at Lucy, dropping her from his hand and onto the cum covered floor. Her body made a loud splash, with her ass hitting the floor so hard that her prolapse forced its way back inside her, in a manner that was painful to the Edgerunner. Walking on her onahole stubs, Rebecca came up to Lucy and licked at her anus, while the pastel haired woman hoped she would be comforting her. Yet at the level of gone the blue skinned girl's mind had become, she was never going to be an arm to rest her head on. Just a cock crazy shortstack who looked two seconds away from giving birth.

"Cum…cum!" Rebecca panted like a dog in heat as she tried to bite down on Lucy's ass, looking to pull her prolapse back out. She could smell the seed on her rectum, wanting to eat more of it despite the room swimming in it. Lucy shivered as she tried to crawl away, only for Adam to grab hold of Rebecca by her twin tails.

"You'll have your jizz," Adam said, "and we'll make sure that your friend watches you get the worst of it.

"You can't keep getting…away with this…" The threats coming from a tired and weary Lucy were seen as empty by Adam and the Arasaka employees, with two of them holding Lucy down to her knees. One held onto her arms behind her back, with another inspecting her neck. "What…what is…"

"Nothing to worry about," Adam said, placing Rebecca's mouth down on his crown. He kept her amputated torso hanging off, showing to Lucy how sloshed her stomach and tits were. "To any employees who want their turn with our relief station, you're welcome to join in. And take any extra holes that you can."

With the invitation spread throughout the building, many men and women within the company arrived to the room, with a line heading out the door. Lucy realized this was her fate if she couldn't fight back, but as one of the staff members held her down, they clamped a vibrating ring onto her clit, with a hanging weight that sat on her labia. The vibrations rolled down to her snatch, causing her to drip like a broken faucet onto the floor. Her fluids created a puddle separated from the rest of the jizz, growing larger the longer her pussy had that attachment on her.

With her body thrown off by the quaking in her loins, Lucy was forced to watch as the Arasaka staff member with an additional cock prosthetic approached Rebecca's small but pillowy backside, injecting both genitals in each hole. As one occupied her canal for breeding, the other burrowed into her anus for pleasure. The other employees allowed him to have his moment of fun, as he had been anxious to get such a turn with the blue-skinned woman. To Lucy, it looked as though her old friend was hanging off of Adam's Smasher literally by her teeth, probably biting down hard with the cold hearted man being unable to feel a thing due to the structure of his body.

Whatever it might be, Lucy could see the condensation escaping from Rebecca's mouth, her breath leaving a screen of breath on the metallic covering of the shaft. The reaming she took from the regular Arasaka employee was still rough on her body, even though the pastel haired woman couldn't see the same degree of punishment thanks to her stomach being so grotesquely enormous thanks to months of breeding with the staff. It looked as though Adam shivered over time, no doubt thanks to the blue-skinned breeding sow flicking her tongue away in the hopes of making Adam jizz down her throat while she remained on his glans.

"GHN! What the-What are you doing back there?!"

The removal of her hacking port was hard for Lucy to ignore, as it took some work to loosen up before the female scientist yanked it from the rest of her circuitry. While she worked away at fighting off the other scientists, they held onto her head to keep her from struggling, so that they could deliver a replacement port in is stead. Whatever it was, she couldn't see it right away, but it felt as though there was an air tunnel leading to the back of her brain, with an open slit on the other end. She gasped in horror once she realized what she was dealing with. "No…!"

"I hope that you like your new port, Lucy," Adam said to the helpless Edgerunner, "it's going to be quite fun to give you a new hole. And the staff will enjoy getting more fun out of you."

"No!" Lucy was forced to look at a mirror reflecting the back of her neck, showcasing an onahole sticking out. She was horrified at the placement, directly on the back of her neck, and had to ask, "Why?! Why would you do this?!"

"Because," Adam said, "it's a much easier way for everyone to fuck with your mind." With the snap of his fingers, two of the female staff members pulled Rebecca off of her, placing her on her thigh stubs so that their rods were level with her ears. "And trust me, the alternative was quite difficult to fulfill on this worn out toy."

Lucy was forced to watch as the two staffers brought their staffs to the blue-skinned girl's ears, the crowns applying pressure directly into her ear drums. It was clear to see now why Rebecca had become such damaged goods under Adam and Arasaka, as they had been working on several more holes to make out of her amputated body no matter where they were on her body.

Lucy winced, unable to turn her head away from Rebecca when the two cocks shoved their way into her eardrums, penetrating them and pushing their entire length until they met in the middle of her skull. Likely bucking against her brain, which had to be nothing but mush at this point, the two women groaned with every thrust as they rocked her head back and forth between them. Rebecca's tongue salivated, with her drool dripping onto her jugs and pregnant belly, with the only sound slowly turning into inaudible giggling, like that of a brainless vapid girl.

"Oh god, Rebecca, what did they do to YOOOOOOOU?!"

Her eyes went wide as Lucy felt the penetration from the onahole, no doubt wired into her nervous system as the shaft trailed down the ribbed canal before the crown jammed its way into the back of her brain. It was a gooey and unpleasant sensation, but it killed off all of her other bodily functions, other than leaving her body tensed up, frozen as she remained on her knees. As her pussy continued to leak out from constant vibrations, her irises shrank down to small dots, staring off into space as she heaved air through her teeth. With every jam into her mind, she felt every memory of her life starting to leave her, unable to control what was lost. Soon she would be as brainless as her blue-skinned friend, who was about to experience a double climax inside her skull, but could care less about it.

And in a matter of seconds, so would Lucy.


Lucy and Rebecca screamed in unison, as their minds filled up quickly with the sensational blast of spunk against their brains. For Rebecca, it was nothing all that new; her skull may as well have nothing but a mushy, battered brain swimming in jizz at this point, pleased with the ear reaming from both sides as her other pussies dripped with the creamy fluid. For Lucy, her brain was just losing its virginity, the onahole filling with jizz, while most of it filled the crevices on her brain. She was drowning in cum, and soon enough, she didn't seem to mind or care, as her eyelids grew heavy while her lips curled into a smile. Her tongue stuck out of her open mouth, with the sounds of a low, deep laughter coming through.

The staff members removed their shafts from the former Edgerunners' skulls, looking to admire their work. Lucy collapsed onto the cum puddle, her eyes still rolled back in their sockets. Rebecca crawled on her onaholes as she made her way over to the pastel haired woman, reaching her neck so as to lick at the cum leaking from her new entry port.

"How do you feel now, meat bag?" asked Adam to Lucy.

"Guh ha ha ha…" Lucy could only laugh, her body twitching as Rebecca lapped at the jizz on her neck. The only word she could get out was thus: "Cum."

"Perfect." Adam said, "Now that all of our threats are out of the way, we can start anew with our latest walking relief station."


"Ten o'cock! It's time for this department's hour of breeding fun!"

Lucy smiled as she walked into the pharmaceutical office of Arasaka, forced to take every step on her toes due to the shape of her latex boots pointing them downwards with a higher heel. She had the grace of a ballerina as she moved, every step a tap of her toes on the ground. Her arms were bound behind her, concealed in a latex arm holder that helped balance her body out. It was necessary, as her boobs had been replaced with an H-cup size pair of bolted on tits, which barely bounced with every step she took. Her nipples leaked with milk as the heavy knockers pierced through them, the best means of knocking on Lucy's doors to get her attention.

Those weren't the only changes made to Lucy, as her hips had become much wider over time, broken in by repeated reamings given to her by Adam Smasher. It was possibly his kids that she bore inside her womb, judging by the growth of her stomach, which was covered in many stretch marks and markings that indicated how many times she had been bred since her mind had been warped by repeated penetrative efforts.

As the staffers came up to Lucy for their time with her, they saw the leash that connected from her collar to Rebecca's, who followed behind the pastel haired woman while crawling around on her onahole stubs. Every 'step' she took sounded squishy, as cum evacuated her silicone pussies, dragging her impregnated stomach and milky tits

Lucy clumsily fell to her knees from her toe-pointed boots, as she could not find a proper comfortable manner to collapse. She showed no pain, only a lust for cum as her tongue stuck out of her vapid expression. Rebecca stood up next to her, showing her eagerness to be used as much as her pastel haired friend, showing that no matter what Adam might say of her, she was still good to go many rounds with the new freshness.

The male and female pharmacists lined up for a turn with the women, their cocks pulled out in eager anticipation. The floor was full of them, and with an hour's worth of time to fulfill, not everyone might have a chance with either woman. Thankfully, that was where all the holes came in handy.

"Ohhh! I got some new additions on me," said Lucy, shifting her chest from side to side as her fake jugs swung about. "Who wants to fuck my nipples?"

While there was buzz among the staffers looking to get a turn with her new additions, two staffers cleared off a table, with others helping Rebecca on top of it once the leash was disconnected between the two. With the blue skinned gremlin on her back, several of them swarmed around her, each one to a limb that had been turned into an onahole stump. The Arasaka staff member with two cocks stood before her, lifting up her pregnant gut to reveal her pussy and asshole, as well as the vibrating clit ring that left her permanently lubricated for every opportunity that existed for Arasaka employees to mate with her for stress relief.

Every hole on her body became utilized by the pharmaceutical staff, all of them moaning in pleasure. With Rebecca's head off the table, a male staffer turned it upside down, forcing its rod to fit its way inside of her lips. He watched as her throat bulged with his meat, with the quietest of sighs escaping her mouth. It was clear that nothing was ever going to be as enormous as Adam's staff, which stretched her so far that she could fit a million dicks of the same length at once, but he continued to work at her lips with what he was given.

As Rebecca had every pussy and other hole filled up, the staff had their fun with the living onahole, while the other was about to give it her all. Three staffers were before her, with a fourth standing behind her, ready to utilize her neck port for a fun reaming. Lucy leaned into the three cocks, her lips able to open up widely and stuff the triplet of dongs down her gullet. When the fourth one penetrated her neck snatch, she giggled emptily, the feeling of the crown pumping against her brain. Judging by the harshest thrusts coming from the Arasaka employee, it was evident that he aimed to destroy her brain, replacing it with all the seed that he had stored in his balls just for this moment.

While she used the cocks to satisfy her urges to swallow down their spunk, Lucy tried to talk dirty to them, a difficult task while she sucked the three members simultaneously. Her eyes rolled back into her sockets, thanks to yet another modification brought unto her body. This allowed her to look inside her skull, get a visual of the reaming her brain took from whoever penetrated the back of her neck. She could see the pleasure that came from her ribbed onahole creating enough friction that it brought satisfaction to her own vagina, leaving a thick pool of her nectar that spread around thanks to her vibrating clit ring.

Lucy hummed with delight as she felt the spray of cum fall onto her tongue, tasting the milky cream for the first time since they made their rounds on the last floor. She was happy to have such cream fill her mouth up, her cheeks grown out to fill them up, no doubt to pocket the load if she needed a snack for later on. Every day she and the rest of Arasaka were finding new surprises about her body, what modifications they gave her to please herself and the many people that found her so attractive that they wished to wreck her with their meat.

When the one plowing her neck port unleashed his spunk, Lucy shivered with satisfaction as her brain was showered with their load. She whimpered like a kitten, her eyelids fluttering while the three using her mouth stared down at her pure white gaze. She observed the inside of her mind, looking at the pool of semen bathe her brain, all while it splashed against her mushed up brain. Her tongue wagged against the three members stuffing her gob, causing them to tremble with the few seconds they had before release.

As the pastel haired woman felt the three rapid rivers of cum go down her throat, Rebecca remained on the table, moving her stubs just enough that she could help to stimulate pleasure in each employee that used her holes. While she still utilized her upside down mouth to satisfy another pharmacy member, the two women that used her ears as an entry point came back up to them, ready to breed with her skull once more. The blue-skinned girl laughed with little mindful emotion, just happy that someone wished to stuff even more of her into her brain. While her education had weakened already, and her brain practically nonexistent, it was still the most satisfying expression of intimacy that she could ask for.

When the three dicks in her mouth pulled out, they left Lucy slobbering their jizz on her lower chin, leaving a dripping mess that left her tits stained with the sexual substance. The next two staffers grabbed her knocker piercings, pulling on them to level her knockers with their dicks. The nipples were punctured with surprising ease, their thick slabs of meat riding through them as they would her canal. The lactation that sloshed around inside her fun bags helped to lubricate them, with someone using a marker to leave a mark on top of each one. It seemed that someone in Arasaka had a fun habit of tallying up how many times they had been penetrated and bred, with her tits being the freshest penetrative effort on her body.

"Oh yes! Yes, this is it! This is just the pleasure I've been craving!" Lucy shouted, rocking her chest back and forth against the shafts to help them get as deep within her boobs as humanly possible. "Stuff me good, fellas! I wanna have new titty babies!" As much as she desired such a thing, the modifications only allowed for so much to happen to her. The technology just wasn't there for breeding boob babies.

Rebecca didn't care for that, but as her vocabulary boiled down to just 'cum' and inaudible glucking created by the rod in her orifice, it didn't matter anyway. Every pussy on her stubby limbs pumped out some form of vaginal fluids, helping to lubricate the staffers for the final conclusion to their hour of fun in the pharmacy. She was ready to get off to such excitement, and so were the people using her to satisfy their sexual needs.

The moans coming from Lucy and Rebecca grew the loudest within the room, their screams growing to the same high pitch tones as that of the most erotic Braindances. Even though Lucy had yet to be penetrated through her natural genitals, all of the work on her tits and neck port were doing all the work to please her. She was pushed to the brink of climax, as was Rebecca, with every snatch on her limbs begging for cum.

"Cumming, cumming, cumming…CUUUUUUUUH!"

Rebecca wailed like a banshee as her pussies, asshole, and throat were stuffed with cum, the staffers ejaculating heavily inside her. The seed going through her shoulders led to her tits, ballooning them up even more. Lucy felt the much more direct approach going into her tits through the nipples, until they were so filled up with spunk that it began to leak out around the rods. It still made her cum from such a thrill, adding to the fluids she left on the ground.

But the fun didn't stop there. One of the male staffers in the pharmacy grabbed Rebecca's body, having the strength of a gorilla despite looking as thin as a pencil. Using his suspenders, he strapped Rebecca to his chest, with his giant dick going inside her rectal cavity. As it popped out of her mouth, he walked around the room with the blue-skinned gremlin bouncing with every step, happily parading her about while keeping her goods on display. The other staffers would shove their meat into her pussy, or the ones attached at the thighs, just to please themselves with stress before they head back to do their normal work around the Arasaka building.

"Not much longer, guys," Lucy reminded her friend as two more pharmacists used her short pastel hair to tug away at, "we've got another floor to get to…whooooop!"

With one of the staffers scooping her off the ground, he forced Lucy to face his direction, her legs going around his torso and locking at the ankles. He tongued at her mouth, despite the jizz that permanently left its taste on her buds, distracting her as he stuffed his meat inside her cunt. While nowhere near the size of Adam, it was still sensitive enough thanks to her vibrating piercing, that she could feel immense pleasure and joy before he even began rocking away at her muff.

"Mmmm, yes, don't say a word," Lucy said, even as her tongue pushed against that of the pharmacist. "I don't care what any of you have to say, just so long as you're fucking me like a solid stud! Give me that shaft and make a mess of my cunt!" The pastel haired woman practically slobbered against his mouth, a hidden desire to make out with someone and not just their cock. The pleasure grew as the pharmacist bucked against her snatch, causing both her own fluids and the jizz of the last person to use it to pump its way out. But Lucy didn't care, as she knew she'd be stuffed up easily in a matter of time.

"Haaaangh…" Lucy tensed up, her toes failing to curl inside her boots thanks to the shape, as not one, but two cocks jammed themselves inside her back door. Her anus took quite a stretch, which was nothing at a combined girth compared to how Adam treated her, but felt good all the same. "Such a feeling…" Lucy said between pecks to the staffer's lips. "I've never been plugged up by more than two cocks before! Oh, you pharmacists, you guys always seem to think of everything, don't you?"

By the time the two pharmacists filled her ass with as much length as they could get within her, Lucy's tits squeezed up against the very one she faced. He ended up getting smothered by her large melons, grabbing hold of her knockers while the added staffs in her rear end helped keep her in the air. She squealed with glee as her eyes rolled back from having her tits yanked so hard, the large knockers being given a proper opportunity to get abused by the employees. The pull on her nipples caused the milky fluid inside to lactate, getting all over his clothes and staining the markings left on her pregnant gut.

All the while, Rebecca became heavier thanks to all the attention put on her lower pussies, while every step taken by the pharmacist she was strapped to leaving a string of cum going from her rectum into her other organs. Her thighs became thicker as her stomach sagged further down, the vast amount of semen stretching her skin out more and more. There was no change to her demeanor, with her face in a permanent ahegao expression. Her mouth salivated a white milky color, as though her own drool had been replaced by heavy amounts of jizz built up inside her over the last several months.

Back to Lucy, all three pharmacists were ready to bust their nut inside of her holes, expanding every asset of her body even more. When it came time for a proper orgasm not caused by her piercing, she quivered between the Arasaka employees, squeaking through her gaping maw as she blasted away at his member. Her fluids caused any additional cum to escape out the hatch, covering more of the floor in her sloppy seconds sperm. The others were happy to fill her ass seconds after that, at last draining their balls within her and adding to the mixture of fluids that had already built up within her for the hours before now.

Rebecca was dropped off her suspension by the pharmacist, landing on her massive tits before she managed to roll back onto her onahole thighs. Whatever pharmacists had yet to have a turn with them encircled the two women, with Lucy purring like a kitten as everyone jerked off with their shafts over their heads. "Give it to us," Lucy begged, "Give us that big milk! Paint us white!"

"CUUUUUM!" Rebecca commanded.

Ribbons of cum flew from all directions, with Rebecca and Lucy getting coated in several layers of semen. Their faces were the most caked, while Rebecca's tongue managed to catch the most of the loads with her tongue. That prompted Lucy to lean into her and give a long lip-locking embrace, wanting to take most of the substance for herself. Rebecca made it evident that she wasn't going to let it go without a fight, her tongue wrestling around inside their mouths. The fluids split between them before Lucy pulled away, a long strand of saliva bridging before it broke off. This was in spite of more semen flying around the entire time, with very little of their skin shown under the spunk caked all over them.

"Mmmm, that was so good, wasn't it, Rebecca?"


Once the pharmacists had their fun with the girls, they left to make their way to their next destination, connecting the leash back up between Rebecca and Lucy. "Thank you everyone!" Lucy said with an empty giggle, clumsily standing back on her pointed feet. "Remember not to call in sick tomorrow, we'll be back for sure! Say bye bye now, Rebecca!"


With that, Lucy pivoted on her toes, taking small steps out of the pharmacy and onto the next floor. There was an odd proudness coming from the two ladies, as though they were satisfied with their work. It was as though their days as Edgerunners were behind them, which they may as well be.

But there were some curious thoughts forming in Lucy's mind. Namely, what would happen if they replaced her mouth with an interchangeable vagina? Something like the cyber mask Kiwi used to wear.