kidnapped ochako

Summary:Toga wakes up Ochaco with a knife to her neck and the promise of a game: if Ochaco can survive her torture and the transformations she's curated to make this more fun, then Ochaco's parents will live. But the depths of Toga's depravity might be more than Ochaco can hold on through, no matter how badly she needs to try. Anonymous commission.

Notes:(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:"Wake up, baby," called a voice. A voice that made Ochaco groan and lurch upward slowly. Dulled senses tried to recover some sort of understanding of every sensation all at once wearing down at her, a pressure filling her head with confusion and burning her up with a marked lack of precision. The gradually-wearing numbness over her body helped her come back slowly to some sort of awareness of things happening to her, of feelings somewhere they shouldn't have been, but where were fingers meant not to be? Why wasn't her arm able to move?

Why was a cold, sharp edge running along her cheek?

Realization and memory snapped back in a surge of brilliant panic of Ochaco all at once, eyes snapping open and body agonizingly aware now of everything upon her. Tied down to the bed, Ochaco was sore and being molested by Toga, who loomed over her with a demented smile, caressing her cheek with a knife and finger her at the same time. Hand in hand with present awareness came what she remembered last.

Coming home to visit her parents, Ochaco was simply looking forward to a nice, home-cooked dinner. Her mother was out but would be home shortly, and her father was catching up with her, asking questions about what she'd been up to and avoiding sharing anything of his own, right up until he flung himself across the room and drive a syringe into her arm. A taser and the melting of his skin to reveal Toga underneath were the final, painful memories before she blacked out. It was a horrible treatment, a nightmarish realization she was now suddenly doomed to try and make sense of, left shrieking now in misery.

'What did you to do them?" she howled, trying to kick up and knock Toga off, but the ropes held her down, tied tight to the bed posts and offering almost no give for her. She was trapped there, but that wouldn't make her stop the thrashing and twisting, the struggle in hopes she could break loose.. "I'll kill you if you hurt them!"

"Shhh," Toga hissed, placing the knife down against Ochaco's lips like one would a finger. "Don't scream, it won't do anything for you. It'll spoil my fun, in fact. If you're screaming at the top of your lungs now, how are you going to react louder when I hurt you?" Toga leaned down and kissed Ochaco with the knife between their lips, eyes narrowing. "So shut up and behave, or else I really will hurt them."

Ochaco shuddered in disgust, but her screams did, by necessity, fall away. They had to. She was mortified and furious, but that outrage would do nothing for her. "Are they safe?" she asked, with measured and controlled a steadiness as she could muster. She was utterly miserable here, and left without any real idea of how to deal with this.

"They're alive," Toga said, providing a not-so-comforting answer. "And they will be, as long as you don't fight back. I want to play with you." The knife tip slowly dragged across Ochaco's skin, along her chin, down her tense neck, toward her chest. Down to her heart, where the tip loomed with the gentlest of touches. "Will you play with me, Ochaco?"

"I'll do it," she said through gritted teeth. Ochaco loved her parents. She loved them enough to dedicate her life to their comfort, to the hope she could give them everything. That alone was enough to keep her compliant, miserable as she was to think about doing so. She needed to behave if she wanted to make something of this, and that terror held her tight in its grip.

Toga let out a delighted noise and jammed fingers back into her pussy. Ochaco's hips wriggled a little, but she held herself back from anything too dramatic while the fingers pushed on into her, sliding forward with an urgent and reckless pace. There was so little meaningful slowness to nay of it, the relentless pace of fingers getting in there, jamming forward with reckless glee and excitement. "Mine, all mine," Toga cooed. Her eyes fell onto Ochaco's, staring with burning delight into them while she admired the fear and the anger flaring inside her. "We're going to play, and I'm going to love you so much."

The fingers were quick and greedy, imposing upon Ochaco an unwanted thrill of sensation and sensory pressure that did absolutely nothing to make her feel better. Ochaco didn't like the pressures behind all of it, the enforced sensation wearing at her with a merciless attention and a pressure built on the simple desire to make her falter. Toga spared no effort in the relentless back and forth of fingers seeking to undermine her thoughts and overwhelm her with the darkening indulgence behind all of it. It wasn't something Ochaco felt good about, and she worried deeply for the threat now behind all of these dark and depraved attentions.

She was fast and reckless, but there was something deft in Toga's touch. She knew how to find her most sensitive places, and worked at Ochaco with a gleeful push. "I've been you before," she explained. "I've experimented in this body and learned all your special places. I know how to make you cum so hard, and I bet I even know you better than yourself." Determined to express that and to make sure that Ochaco was powerless against her, she let her fingers probe about in madder delight.

But that knife wasn't going away. It slowly teased across Ochaco's skin with a sharpness that filled her with mad dread. Faint, pale, little hairs on Ochaco's outer arm were shaved off by the faintest little friction from the knife, expressing the terrifying sharpness of the blade and its readiness to do things to her body that would hurt much, much more. Ochaco's heart raced between the fear and the forced arousal all building upon her, an overbearing slide into darker feelings she wasn't sure she was able to fight off, melting into these dark panics and the possibilities awaiting her in their wicked advance. It was going to beat right out of her chest if this continued, and she didn't have any good way to avoid it.

"Did you hurt them?" she asked. It wasn't going to help her case. She wasn't giving Toga what she wanted, but the misery and the fear inside of all of this pushed her into the darkest of places, a terrifying certainty that she couldn't save herself.

"No," she said. "Right now you're the most hurt, with that injection I gave you. The quirk destroying drug, you know." She said it so casually, pushing down into kisses with her tongue invading Ochaco's lips, utterly shameless and reckless in how she pushed onward, the darkest and most miserable of attentions, the wicked insanity pushing along without any hesitation. Tears welled in Ochaco's eyes, the knowledge of what had been done to her ripping her clean apart, filling her with a potent dread and a panic she'd not have any easier a time facing. This was a nightmare.

A nightmare filled with deeply unwanted sexual gratification. Ochaco's body couldn't do much in the face of these growing attentions, a miserable swell of fever and confusion making her feel worse about this treatment, opening up to the dawning shames and panics ripping across her, filling her without sense. The back and forth was a merciless and reckless mess, inspiring potent dread and misery to have to give in to. She didn't like the thought of it, but such thoughts were no loner a priority upon her. Ochaco was going to have to give in to this and accept the profound powerlessness ripping across her, darker indulgences and pressures chaotic in their aims and forcing her to give up.

When she came, it was with an uplifting swell of pure agony and panic. Ochaco didn't want to give in to any of this, and the pressure forcing her down filled her with a hazy dread and a misery she couldn't do anything now to escape. Moans tore from her throat, and she found it impossible to make sense of them, thrown for a loop by the utter agony making her fall to pieces here. She didn't like it at all, and the forceful panic behind all of it taught her dark lessons of pure misery. Pleasure undercut by agony and pressure in equal measure.

She hated the pleasure, but couldn't deny it, trembling through the disgusted heat flaring across her, teaching her such dismal truths about her thoughts and the undignified weight of heat taking her down now. She couldn't make any sense now of these feelings, trapped unable to articulate her hatred of this situation, could she even? There was no freedom here for her, just the ugly swell of pressures and shames thanks to the looming danger of whatever Toga was about to do to her. She was trapped in this hell, miserable and lost in depths of pure insanity, a madness she couldn't possibly dream of escaping.

"Didn't that feel good?" asked Toga, looming with brutal delight over Ochaco, licking up along her cheek. Ochaco didn't give her an answer, which she expected, but which she refused to settle for. "If you can't be fun, then I'm not going to enjoy playing with you. Let me love you, and let me know how much you appreciate my love." Prodding and caressing, she let her hands work with gleeful wrongness across Ochaco's' body. "Didn't that feel good?"

"Yes," lied Ochaco with tears in her eyes. It was only fingers, but it had already left her feeling profoundly violated in ways she could do nothing to save, melting and struggling now under the demanding heat taking hold o her, filling her with a potent and intense misery.

"Good! Good. It's only the start of all the fun I want to have with you." She brought the knife to Ochaco's tear, catching it running down her skin and then bringing that salty bit of liquid up to her lips to lick off. "Mm, it tastes so good. I knew you would taste amazing, and I haven't even started yet." The threat of 'starting' more was a dark insistence, something that made her feel even worse, filing Ochaco with the potent certainty that she was about to hate every second of what was going to taker her. "Now be a good girl and give a me a real kiss now. I want to feel the passion."

Struggling to hold herself together, Ochaco offered a reluctant and not so eager push into the attention upon her. Her tongue met the invading pressure in her mouth, trying to meet these shameful attentions and do something, anything, to make sense now of all this crushing insanity. It was only a kiss, but it was so much more than a kiss in the darker sweep of shame and misery invoked by this. Affection at knifepoint for someone so broken that the only way she could feel another's touch was through violent extortion. Nothing about this made Ochaco feel good, but she was doomed to have to give in to it, aware on every level that she was doomed to this mess, trapped now in feelings of shame and frustration meant to further unravel her. To undermine her.

And she had no choice but to give in to them.

"That's so good," moaned Toga, pushing on into the makeout session. Ochaco's shameful warming-up to these attentions helped feed into slightly more insistent kisses as the pressures inside of her escalated, a feeling like she was going to explode into a storm of utter misery if she didn't do something to fight this off. Maybe it was just that when they were kissing, this almost felt normal, or like something approaching normalcy. No threats toward Ochaco's life, no comments about her parents, just something almost sort of like normal girls might do.

Then the knife sliced open her palm.

It was so seamless and so casual a moment that Ochaco had no warning for it, unprepared and unbraced, left shrieking out in a wild fit of panic and misery now as the knife slid across her skin and cut it open. The pain was instant, and Ochaco choked down on a scream. Warm blood ran down her palm and onto her arm, and Toga finally broke off from the kiss.

"Kissing a cute girl and carving her open; is there anything more romantic?" Toga licked her lips and dove in now for Ochaco's bleeding palm with the same vigor she had just shown Ochaco's mouth. Her tongue slithered against the broken skin and slit dragged with sloppy and loving caresses along it, licking up the potent scarlet and indulging in her thirsts without any shame. The senseless passion compelled her onward, burning with a desire only to get what she wanted. "You taste even better here."

Ochaco winced and squirmed. The pain wasn't to much; she was tough enough to handle more than a cut. The real danger was in what else Toga might do with the knife, if at any moment she might do something more bold and dramatic than simply take a shallow cut across her palm.

"It's okay if I hurt you if I kiss it better, right?" asked Toga, sucking at the wound and letting the blood pool in her mouth before drawing back and shoving back toward Ochaco's lips. The metallic taste of Ochaco's own blood hit her tongue, and she twisted in disgust, bucking underneath the body holding her down. She was filled with all new frontiers of revulsion and agony, the panicked shame she still couldn't do a damn thing to push back against in this hopeless state. Their chins and lips were now both smeared with Ochaco's blood, ad when Toga pulled back, she did so with a crazed, hazy look in her eye, a furious and fierce threat of what else she was capable of.

The knife danced along Ochaco's skin some more, never committing to a place, sometimes stopping or seeming like it was about to slice into her flesh, before moving along without a care instead. Psychological torment that taught Ochaco to fear the life, to live each second of it with a darkened sense of utter panic. There was always a danger of that knife simply lashing out at her, and to reinforce that came some quick cuts. Shallow and precise; Toga knew how to wield her knife perfectly, and she used it to cut at her with strategic, hateful delight. Every slice made Ochaco twist under these agonized shames, a feeling of panic and worry forcing her to have to give in deeper, struggling under the relentless pressures that knew how to be a surprise.

Each individual cut simply stung, nothing to be too afraid of, nothing to fully lose herself to, but within it was the unbearable threat that she might do more at any given moment.

"I'm going to have so much fun carving you up. You're so pretty, Ochaco, but I think you'd look even prettier covered in cuts. With my name carved in to you! Mm, maybe with these nipples trimmed down." She brought the knife to the tips of Ochaco's generous breasts and teased the idea of simply cutting her nipples off entirely. If the mood struck her, maybe she would. She felt limitless here, able to do anything she so pleased to them now. To Drive that point home, Toga circled Ochaco's areola with the knife, carving its outline and pondering doing more.

It put a look of utter agony onto Ochaco's face, the dark realization of hopeless and miserable possibilities. Ochaco was just about ready to beg her not to, when Toga instead shoved down to admire her new handiwork, lips latching the bleeding breast like a suckling baby. The sucking attention onto it sent a million different, clashing thoughts upon Ochaco at once, all meant to clash in her head and disorient her deeper. Toga wanted to make the most profane and vulgar of pushes forward here, and sought every way she could to toy with her and teach Ochaco these dark, deranged lessons now.

Toga sucked at the blood, moaning her way through the pressure of something that in her mind was as sexual an act as she could imagine performing with Ochaco, and the ways Ochaco writhed under this only further elated her. She was in a dark control now over this cute girl, and relished in her body, pulling back up and providing a few more cuts. Her shoulder, her torso, her arms... All shallow cuts, compounding with a stinging sensation of pain that was surely not too much for Ochaco to take, but it wasn't about inflicting mortal agony upon her.

Not yet, at least.

"You might want to close your eyes for this one," Toga warned, lifting up off of Ochaco and staring down between her legs, fingers tightening around the knife. "I'm about to make love to you with my knife."

"No," hissed Ochaco. That was over the line. Too much. "Don't. Toga, listen, that's too--you can't do that, that's not--" Toga ignored her and motioned downward, and Ochaco responded with the tight shutting of her eyes and a horrified shriek.

Only for the round, thick, blunt handle to penetrate her instead.

It was a deft trick of the hand, one that a knife freak like Toga had long mastered, but which she had never gotten to used like this. Her laughter was deranged as Ochaco's eyes opened and Toga beheld the look of utter fear across her. The handle was what she fucked her with, jamming it into her pussy like a dildo. "You missed my knife trick with your eyes closed," she said, sounding disappointed by it, pouting and shifting where she knelt. "It's a shame. I think you would have been really impressed."

Being fucked with any end of a knife still wasn't a particular hope-inducing feeling. There was only a miserable sense of churning panic to be found in this, and Ochaco shook where she lay, shuddering through this disgust without any clear idea of quite what to make of it. She had no direction or sense to help save her from these deranged feelings, and as she lay there to receive the probing attention, she felt herself only growing more miserable. The steady pumping of the knife handle into her felt good, better than she wanted it to, in fact, and the shivering panics behind all of it filled her with a marked lack of sense, the hopeless and dreadful reality of what hit her, a steady grind into the burning pressures and worrisome feelings made her feel utterly ashamed of these miserable attentions.

All Ochaco could do with any of it was lie there through these shames, her limbs bound, body bleeding in so many places, all while these darker and more insistent attentions forced her to reckon with the misery behind all of it. She was trapped in all of this, left ashamed and uncertain while the knife did its thing in her, and all Ochaco could think about was the distinct lack of sense behind it. Toga moved with such erratic and senseless gestures, gleefully drifting between ideas and acting on impulses and whims that seemed to only further threaten her with the wild possibilities swaying in all directions.

Cumming from being fucked by a knife was in absolutely no way something that Ochaco was built to face. The moans were even more intense this time as she came from these shameful attentions, a too-swift, embarrassingly fast breakdown of all sense. She felt awful about it, certain o the panics she melted in to and the ways she felt doomed to face such an insane and remarkable wrongness, but she was unable to do anything about any of it, faltering now under the ugly truths all ripping her asunder. She came from being fucked by a knife, and even this seemed like only the shallow regions of all of Toga's depraved ideas.

"You look so cute right now," moaned Toga, "but I want to do even more to you. Are you ready to play now?"

"This isn't playing?" Ochaco could feel her stomach sinking already.

"I have a game in mind. A fun game!" She pulled up off of the bed and moved over to a bag, drawing out five blood vials and placing them down onto the bedside table. "I've been saving up blood for the game! Tons of blood for a fun game where we can see if you're really all that perfect."


"Yeah, perfect. The perfect heroine, right? You're so strong and righteous, and you care about stuff like your parents. Well, I'm going to see if you're really all that perfect with these. Each vial has a different person's blood, and I'm going to go down the list with them and fuck you one by one as each person. Every time you scream, cry, or beg, I'm going to use my knife on you, and it's going to hurt. If you die before I run out of capsules, I'm going to kill your parents!"

"And what if I survive?" Ochaco's voice trembled in a new frontier of miserable panic, and only the laid-out threat to her parents kept her from even sort of being normal about this.

"If you survive, then they can live." Toga said. "I'll have to let you all go. Do we have a deal?"

There was no bargaining in this position. Ochaco knew that much quite clearly. She was tied down and powerless to do anything about it, but still, she listened. "We have a deal." Cooperation was the only way out of this shameful situation, a miserable mistreatment forcing her into depths of a new sort of misery.

"Great! Then let's begin with the first one. I have them all laid out in the best order too, for maximum fun!"

Fun. None of this was going to be fun for Ochaco. She trembled in disgust as she watched Toga take in the first vial of blood and turn into a woman covered in piercings, with a wild spike mohawk and vivid green make-up. A woman Ochaco had never seen before in her life, but recognition was not the real concern here; the way her fingernails were needles was.

"Let's start off with something fun," Toga said in the woman's voice. "And make this body even prettier." She jammed her index fingers toward Ochaco's breasts and forced the needles into them, drawing a panicked hiss from Ochaco. The heroine's hips bucked upward a little, but she avoided doing anything too loud, even as the pain hit her. "This lady's quirk is to give piercings. Not very good for hero work, but apparently she makes good money doing it. I thought she'd be perfect for making you look pretty." When she pulled her hands back, the needles remained inside of her, and Ochaco was now pushed through with barbell nipple piercings. "Do you like them?"

"Yeah," lied Ochaco in shaky worry, the miserable panic already escalating well beyond anything she was prepared for. She didn't like this at all, but the hands were insistent, recklessly seeking out more right away as fingers toyed with the barbells. The over-sensitive, freshly-pierced skin loathed the sensation, and Ochaco reeled back, feeling the pain swell inside her with something she was in no way built to want to processed, but the choice hardly felt like it was hers here.

"I like them too, they really make these big titties look better." The idle playing turned to pulling and twisting, torture of those sensitive nipples, and this time, a sound of pain spilled from Ochaco's lips. "Aw, you already lost? That's so bad." She let go of Ochaco's breasts and took, hold of the knife, taking a much deeper cut now around her other nipple, a deeper push of the knife. She bled much harder this time, as the punk-transformed Toga dove in to suck on the pierced, bleeding nipple, same as last time, but now harder, and with the added insanity of the piercing to add something deeply profane to all of this. Ochaco hissed in agony and in panic, melting into shame while she surrendered to all of these dark and insane feelings, to a mad and unfocused push into misery.

Ochaco bit down on her tongue as she bled. The punishment was clear, with expressed stakes that filled her with utter dread for the miseries awaiting her. She realized in that moment what a mess she had found herself in, and that the only escape was one of trying her best to obey, accept, and flee. She needed more self-control if she wanted out of this, now that she knew how intense each punishment was actually going to be. She was doomed, trapped, and miserable.

Toga pulled up from the bleeding breast and wriggled down. "Now that you've had a second to recover, let's see if you'll be better about it this time." Another fingernail reached between Ochaco's legs and loomed at her clit. The beginning of a plea not to was just on the tip of Ochaco's tongue, and she had to fight it off with all she had, struggling to avoid giving in just as fast now to the terrifying realities of giving up to this. The needle slipped into her clit, and Ochaco resisted still, eyes shut tight, body clenched a sense of steady misery now while Toga gave her a new piercing. "Your clit is going to look so cute in a second!"

When the hand pulled away, it was to reveal Ochaco's new clit ring, a piercing stuck right into the sensitive little nub that immediately swelled in agony under the pressure of this newfound ache. She swelled in utter panic, the throbbing shames and miseries teaching Ochaco an immediate sort of wrongness that she didn't have it in her to fight off.

"Doesn't it look beautiful? Mm, I could just eat you up!" Toga shoved her face down into Ochaco's pussy and got to work at precisely that, tongue working in relentless overdrive to lick and kiss all over her needy pussy, adoring her with reckless sweeps of her tongue in motion, ruthlessly seeking out the chance to make something of this. She didn't do much of a job of eating Ochaco out, focused instead on toying with the clit piercing with her wriggling, blood-stained tongue.

The clumsy mix of pleasure and pain swelled without sense across Ochaco, her body responding with misery and soreness to the insane and miserable sensations focusing now on her body. She felt ashamed beyond sense, the uncontrollable and dismal panic pushing her into these wicked feelings, into pressures she was powerless to do anything now about. The steady weight of agonized heat bore down on her with a dark pressure meant to make her feel the acute misery taking her now.

Focusing on Ochaco's clit with unstoppable vigor, Toga was ruthless with her tongue, forcing the mingling of pleasure and pain into Ochaco with the most acute form of pure overload she could muster. Relentless heat built inside of Toga, and she channeled all of it into making Ochaco writhe hotter on the bed, making her falter under the overlap of discomfort and pleasure. The sensitive clit wasn't ready for this at all, but therein lay the fun of pressing against her and making sure she suffered for it, the throbbing insanity of feelings running away from her now, inviting deeper and more crazed pressure into the mix until this was all just too much.

Ochaco was able to fight one thing, but not everything. To hold back on the pained noises was to concede he effort to fight off cumming again from all of this. It was at least a trade she could feel sort of better about as she fell into oblivion and chaos, unraveling in the face of these deeper, darker pleasures. Her hands clenched into fists and her hips bucked upward, a senseless swell of shame and confusion leaving her powerless and baffled while she fell now to pieces for all of these dark and brutal throbs of senseless wonder. Ochaco didn't have it in her to fight off these climactic throes, feelings of a dark insanity keeping her giving up now in futile agony.

"That's better," moaned Toga, lifting up from her pussy and admiring the sight of her in writhing panic. "Didn't that feel good?" The skin melted away, and Toga was herself again, looming with threatening excitement over her.

"Yeah," Ochaco whined, nodding along if only to pacify Toga. She didn't know what she felt in that orgasm, the conflict of pain and confusion leaving her exhausted and worn down harder, but she understood the dangers of doing anything now to provoke her.. A hand clasped her cheek, and she fought the impulse to reel away from it.

"It's better when you don't fight me. I can make you feel so good. I just want to love you. Now close your eyes and give me a kiss."

Toga leaned down into that attention, and Ochaco did as she was told, eyes shutting and lips parting, the acceptance of this situation leaving her utterly shaken. She wanted so badly to be freed, but a kiss would do, something that Ochaco was able to find comfort in while she loomed in this misery, surrendered to hotter embarrassments without any clear or focused idea of how to escape this.

But with her eyes closed, Ochaco couldn't see what was going on, which made it all the nastier a surprise to hear a familiar voice say, "Tell your father your love him, Ochaco." Her eyes snapped open once more, to find that Toga had transformed into Ochaco's father, and with a greedy smile, Toga sank that cock right into her pussy. "If I take your virginity, that will keep any awful boys from taking it instead."

Ochaco wanted to scream. This wasn't pain, but it was worse in some ways, the crushing panic and frantic worry of things that made her head spin and her body struggle now under the weight of a new terror. The psychological warfare of fucking Ochaco wearing her father's skin was a new kind of misery, a panic she didn't have any idea how to navigate now while hard strokes into her cunt started up in brutal earnest, ready to lay waste to her and to her dignity. There was no sense in trying to save herself here; Ochaco was trapped in this misery, fighting off clumsy panics meant to wear her down, and finding it impossible to make sense now of it.

Learning the size of her father's cock by feeling it stuff into her cunt did nothing to make Ochaco feel better, but once more, the blunt insistence of sensation was there to erode those worries. She held back her moans through gritted teeth while Toga railed her. It was Toga's laughter that came through, not his, amid the darker insanities that insisted this depraved pressure upon her. Ochaco wanted to escape these miseries, but found herself simply falling into a spiral of pure agony while she received all of this. It was inescapable and terrifying, all of the darkest intentions made manifest now through something beyond control or reason.

"Don't I feel good, honey? I just want what's best for you, like you want what's best for me. You've grown into such a beautiful young woman, how can I keep my hands off of you?" Reaching forward with groping touches, she fondled Ochaco's breasts, toying once more with the piercings for attention and pain. All of these scrutinizing pressures focused on building up into something reckless and mad. These thrusts were mad and unstoppable, a forceful; push into pleasures driven by simple intention, an escalation built to push her limits, to make her falter under these darkening pressures. Lustful misery and sweeping heat continued to work with unstoppable vigor.

Being met with her father's familiar, big smile while getting fucked was a new kind of agony, the miserable surges of feelings melting Ochaco's focus and pushing her into worsening attentions, into shames and panics she was powerless now to handle. This wasn't right, but within the senseless wrongness was something markedly miserable, a potent flare of wrongness and frustration meant to wear her down, to make Ochaco bend. A trap. And it worked. Ochaco couldn't fight off the miseries building inside of her. She felt it impossible to ward off these dark threats, a dismal insistence teaching her worse and worse lessons until finally she fell to pieces, struggling under obvious and senseless pressure of simply yielding, having to bend to these demands at their most agonizing.

Tears ran down her cheek, and the sounds of bawling misery finally spilled out of Ochaco. She cried and shook, the trembling misery of this treatment providing her something so horrible that it overrode any 'pleasure' of being fucked by a cock. She was falling to pieces here, trapped under this attention and feeling the wear of pure insanity as she learned these dark and hopeless lessons now with a blunt sense of true misery and panic.

"You lost again," Toga's voice chimed, before turning back into Ochaco's' father's voice for orgasmic grunts and slams of pure heat, of wicked lusts carrying him on before he sliced up Ochaco's arm. A place that wasn't 'too' important, where she could get the knife in a bit deeper and really lay on the agony for her. Ochaco hissed and thrashed in utter misery, a mistreatment meant to further reinforce the pressures and dark delights pushing her along in the name of pure insanity.

Ochaco wailed in pain once more, a sensation that, truthfully, helped her overlook the agony of being creampied by 'her father'. She trembled through these reckless panics, the continued pressure and shame exhausting her harder, but she'd held on, and she had some semblance of steadiness now to continue helping aid her in making some kind of sense now of these wicked and dismal mistreatments. She had to hold on to anything she could in this mess, and needed desperately to contain herself. There was nothing good here. Nothing sane. Only misery. Only agony.

But she was still alive.

Pulling back, Toga pondered this a moment longer before letting the disguise melt away. "You look so cute when you're in pain! I think I need to get another dick really fast, I want to see more of this. This next one is really special, too. He's a foreign hero from somewhere with really cool powers, wanna see?"

Toga grew almost seven feet tall in front of Ochaco, but took on a profoundly equine shape this time, doffing a cowboy hat to her with one hand opening a pair of weathered denim chaps with the other to reveal a monstrously endowed horsecock. Ochaco winced through the panicked realization of what was about to come over her, but before she could think much of it, the ropes binding her to the bed loosened up. Ochaco gasped, briefly hoping for a moment of freedom as they fell away from the bedposts entirely. This was her chance!

Then the ropes went taut again, and a mocking, "Giddy up!" helped cue Ochaco in to the worrisome treatment just in time for her to get dragged to the floor by the ropes. The cowboy horse hero's quirk was the ability to control ropes, allowing a hands-free manipulation of Ochaco's bindings now to pull her down into place. Overlapping and swirling around, Ochaco's bindings writhed around her body to form an elaborate shibari work that ultimately cinched around her throat, and the pull on that was enough to slam her face-down onto as much horsecock as she was able to fit past her lips.

Ochaco's jaw instantly flared up with pure pain at the sensation of horse dick crammed into her throat, a panicked swell of shames and worries she wasn't built to fight off, struggling to face now the dark insanities pushing her along. Soreness hit her in an instant, and the tug back and forth thanks to the rope forced Ochaco to gag down on the flared horse dick rammed into her throat. It maybe wasn't as big as a real horse's was, but still close enough to it to hurt her, just not to cease internal trauma and kill her on the spot.

"Come on, 'pardner', suck on my cock harder." Toga delighted this mockery, a chance to push for just something different and messy, sinfully spectacular in the face of growing madness, a greed she was able to push on with harder amid the growing insanity pushing her along. "You have some work to do, little lady."

"Gluk gluk gluk," was at least not something that Ochaco could get in trouble for, sparing her the punishments that could have ensued otherwise. The throat-clogging cock was a lot to take on and she felt miserable in receiving any of it, but she could at least try to focus stubbornly through the insane insistences building up within her. She hated every second of this, but she was at least able to hate it without screaming out in agony and getting stabbed. That was of very little reassurance to her, but it was the best she was going to get in this nightmare, a painful lesson in the dark insanities sure to take her, the deeper miseries treating her to pure wrongness and insanity. She was a panicked wreck, meeting these shames without any real idea of how to shake herself from these miseries.

Back and forth she went against her will, the tight grip on her throat working her upper body in vigorous, brutal motions back and forth, the intent being to ravage her in ways more deranged and potent than she was built to face, and each second of this agony taught her deeper, more senseless lessons about these truths and agonies. She didn't have it in her to pull back, and these dark shames continued their escalation, pushing against her with hateful insanity and a persistent, ruthless need to break her. She couldn't help it. Couldn't save herself.

Gagging on his cock in hotter panic and struggling to do anything to make this clam down. she felt herself simply breaking. The pressure upon her was unreal, and Ochaco had no idea how to save herself from these shames, mistreated to senseless panics so potent and sloppy that she felt herself doomed to fall to pieces, broken down in a shame of pure agony now, taught to lose her mind. She couldn't fight it off, mistreated in depths of agony and frustration. Her throat was stretched out by the huge dick and treated to utter agony by this disrespect. She didn't know what to do with any of it, and any attempt to think through this irrational agony was simply playing into the hands of these depraved ideas, faltering harder under what she was meant to crumble for. This was all a game, and it was a game Ochaco was profoundly losing.

With a sudden yank back, Toga fished the horsecock out of Ochaco's throat. It was drenched with it, and so heavy that when Toga slapped her with it, Ochaco fell off to the side from the sheer momentum behind it. "I'd love to cum inside you with this, but I don't want to ruin your appetite for my kisses," she said, continuing to loom with total derangement through these insane pressures. "Instead, I want you to show your love to me. This time, you're going to be the one to get to ride me."

Tears of pressure had welled in Ochaco's eyes, and she had no idea why Toga wasn't hunting down a reason to punish her, but she kept her mouth shut about it while trembling through these miseries. She got a likely answer in the form of the ropes on her body pulling away and seeking out a new configuration that was so much more damaging and sure to provoke something that Ochaco could get punished with. The ropes formed a noose around her neck that yanked Ochaco violently back, forced her to face the darker craziness and insanity teaching her a darker-still burn of utter insanity. She found herself lifted up off of the ground, forced to kick and flail her legs around in a madder fit of pure misery while she was lined up for these senseless attentions.

Toga lay down on the bed and spread out her legs, inviting Ochaco to be dragged into her lap and atop her cock. The ropes pushed out in multiple directions and went tight before giving her some slack and alleviating the pressure in her throat. "The game this is time is that you get to ride my cock if you want to avoid being choked!" she explained happily in her own voice, before shifting back to the horse hero's. "Now get ridin', pardner."

The yanking in all directions was instant and it was terrifying for Ochaco, a lesson in pure and simple brutality that struck her without sense. She was trapped in the sudden heat of this situation, feeling the tugging of the ropes individually going tight and pulling at her, providing her the distinct sensory insistence of dark pressures that could teach her all new sorts of ways to be miserable.

When she slammed down onto that cock, her cunt felt stretched to the brim, filled with an agonizing pressure filling her and making her feel the height of utter panic. She didn't want to take this much cock, wincing and trembling through this senseless pain, but she wasn't given much of a choice in any of this. She had to meet these feelings, awash in a panicked, shameful swell of attentions teaching her to have to falter, to melt under these intense and viscerally shameful attentions. There was no good way to escape these frantic attentions, the overbearing swell of a panic distinct and senseless, a marked pressure meant to force Ochaco to struggle harder for stability while getting turned inside-out by her own miseries.

But she rode the cock. She had no choice. Her body moved in frantic gestures while the pain of the oversized insertion rattled her. She understood the senseless pressures at work on her, the darkening panics of miserable heat forcing her into these darker mistreatments. She felt trapped here, and she understood that with every motion, she simply gave up more to Toga's satisfaction, moving with a reckless and miserable motion that only deepened the agonies inside of her.

"That's it. You're loving me so well now, Ochaco!" Toga's voice spilled through once again with encouragement and adoration, a fawning passion that rang hollow and agonizing for Ochaco now in the steady and senseless motions keeping her in action. Ochaco hated everything she was doing here, finding it impossible to make sense one way or another about the steady ugliness pushing her deeper. "Doesn't it feel good to be taking me all the way down?: To show me this love?"

Ochaco was too busy trying to breathe. The ropes were getting testy with her, a game at Toga's hands that forced Ochaco to struggle harder now with these wicked attentions, with feelings building out of control and pushing her into the deeper reaches of pure insanity. She had to ride faster, hard to go deeper down onto the cock, anything to chase the motion of the ropes forcing her to falter, melting into the deeper, more crazed chaos. Ochaco was trapped in this mess, finding it too insane to make any sense now of these feelings, panicked heats compelling her to keep moving. It was all built to force her down harder, frantic and messy under the feeling of pure wrongness.

It hurt so much to ride this cock, but it hurt even more to effectively hang herself. The noose forced her along, and every time she faltered, the pull at her throat was agonizing, forcing her to give in to these wilder pressures, a maddening feeling making her have to falter under the deeper insanity and chaos she was powerless to handle. It wasn't good, wasn't right, wasn't something Ochaco was built to deal with. There was no winning choice here, but definitely a losing one if she hanged herself to death just to avoid taking a too-big dick. The agonizing back and forth was made to ruin her, to violate her harder and messier in the name of a truly unstoppable agony now.

Toga came, and the wild eruption of burning, pure aggression sent her over the line, pumping hard into Ochaco and forcing her into a spiral from which there felt like no escape. She hated every second of this mistreatment, but found extra hate for the sensation of being creampied by an overloaded horsecock and pushed to feel such a blunt mess of pure misery. But the orgasm was only the beginning; in her thrashing, howling, neighing bliss, Toga didn't bother to try and manipulate the ropes being extending them fully and choking Ochaco out anyway, gasping in delight and bliss for the dark delight taking her.

"Toga!" wheezed Ochaco. Her legs thrashed about and she tried to rush up off of the cock, struggling to breathe and contain herself while being imposed upon so brutally. She couldn't kick off and pull away from this, wheezing and choking, grabbing madly at the ropes and trying to pull them off. "Let them go."

"Are you begging me?" Toga asked, rolling her eyes. The horse disguise melted away again too, and she rose up with her knife, giggling in wicked delight as she sliced across the rope, severing its connection and abandoning the quirk. Ochaco dropped to the bed again, but that left Toga gleefully able to plunge down on top of her and drive the knife into her shoulder. A clean, hard stab deep into her, bringing with it a whole new swell of mad agony. "You should know better than to beg me!"

Ochaco screamed and kicked about, her body reacting with wild and unrestrained motions of pure impulse and instinct. She hated this, blinded by a new and distinct pain thanks to the swell of a specific, focused agony now hitting her. The knife was stuck in her while she lay in utter agony, the pressures and shames now of trying her best to make something out of all this.

When she wasn't looking, Toga took in a new vial, and this time changed into one of her classmates. Denki sent a jolt of electric excitement right onto Ochaco's clit, a surge of pure electricity burning now across her body. She yelped and jolted up, agonized by the sudden swell of a new kind of pain.

"No, don't run away," Toga said, grabbing Ochaco by the hair and dragging her back along with her. Electric gropes sent shocks through Ochaco's body that felt like a new frontier still of pain. The knife was a kind of pain Ochaco felt prepared for. Too-big penetration and choking? She could manage that, sort of. It at least made sense.

But each zap from Toga-as-Denki made her body convulse in a swell of pure agony. It was torture. It wasn't sex. It wasn't sex-adjacent. Toga sent surges of electricity across her body and laughed every time she did so, overloading her body with things it was not meant to receive.

"Dance with me," Toga cackled, letting each shock pulse across Ochaco's body, letting her almost recover from the swell of agony before bringing another one down upon her. That was all part of the game now too, forcing her into the electric panic of something sloppy and mad, the overbearing heat of a continued mess of lust. She made sure that Ochaco continued in the depths of this miserable treatment.

This provoked lots of screams, lots of everything that Toga considered a 'failure' on Ochaco's part, but she continued on with them, zapping her again and again, adding on to the disrespect with each surge of electric vigor. Powerful and reckless, Toga reveled in the control she held, in the dark excitements pushing with ruthless vigor forward. "You're in so much trouble with how loud you're being," she teased.

For her grand finale, Toga grabbed the knife and grabbed Ochaco by the cunt, and began to pump voltage through her and to the knife. The screams reached their peak as she formed a loop of power, one that circulated electric power right through Ochaco's veins, making her heart skip a beat. Maybe even stop somewhere in there, but jumpstarting it before she could realize. The agonizing pressure of electric misery tore across Ochaco and taught her new agonies still, levels of depravity she'd yet to fully pursue, but which were there to ruin her completely. Agonized and overwhelmed, Ochaco fumbled deeper, struggling to make any kind of sense now of these senseless agonies, taught only to lose herself and to break down under the clumsy weight of pure collapse.

Ochaco was fried, left to pant and panic as she lay there on the ground, feeling utterly ravaged now, ruined by the dark insanities behind all of this. She didn't know what to do or how to pull herself back now from all of it. It was in that moment of exhaustion and distance that Toga hit up something new, the brilliant and burning excitement teaching her to give in to these sloppy ecstasies, to pleasures tearing hard across her, forcing her to just want to give in to these burning excitements.

"You have to stay strong. For me."

Another voice. An even more agonizing voice.

Izuku's voice.

"No," said Ochaco, shaking her head through this miserable build-up of pure agony. She didn't want to do it. Didn't want to face these attentions and the threats therein. "No, you can't be."

Sliding a cock into Ochaco's pussy, Toga reveled in the form she knew would do some real damage emotionally. "You need to be strong and fight. Toga wants you to cry, but you're too brave for that. You're so brave, Ochaco, aren't you? And brave girls wouldn't cry."

Well, Ochaco did cry.

Maybe she wasn't so brave.

"No, you can't. You can't do this to me." Tears ran now freely. She loved him, and his body was being used to torment Ochaco, to make her twist in agonized panic under the realizations there was no escape, the senseless and gooey heat of pure agony. "This isn't how it's supposed to happen."

"You should be happy that we're finally together, Ochaco," Toga replied. "I've waited a long time to tell you how I feel, why are you sad? These aren't happy tears."

The thrusts were more 'tender' this time, more careful. Ochaco hated every second of this, the mistreatments that taught her things she didn't want to face. The thrusts were remarkable, the shape of Deku's cock finally inside of her feeling like something that could satisfy her, make her happy. But it was a lie. It was Toga. It was the girl who held her captive taking on the form of the boy she loved to torment her, and she wasn't strong enough to process this. It was a punishing downfall into agony, into feelings she didn't want to consider but which took great delight in pushing her to melt and break. Ochaco wanted to be anywhere else, do anything else.

But she took Deku's cock, and she felt herself liking it.

The emotional wear of all of this made such a simple pleasure into something oddly relieving. The knife was still stuck in her. She was bleeding, tired, sore, and recovering from the electric torture. But she was, in that moment, being loved. Tenderly loved in some perverse way that was a hollow lie, but was still affection. That was what she needed, what she clung to hopelessly, losing herself to every dark craving and accepting this pleasure. Through her tears and her sobs, she moaned, allowing this dark mockery of the boy she loved to use her if only because the alternative was to have a mental break down entirely.

She didn't like it. She hated herself for this, knowing it was wrong and knowing she was going to regret everything about it, but accepting that there just wasn't any other option left for her. She was so tired and sore, so ready to stop fighting, and maybe this psychological warfare was the final step. Maybe it would be over soon.

Toga was relentless in how she used Ochaco, savouring every depraved glee and pushing her limits further and further along. "I guess you're not strong. I guess you're just a weak coward, and you deserve the pain." Still in Deku's voice, Toga twisted the knife physically and emotionally. Ochaco broke away from the kiss in gasping despair, worried and terrified and watching as Toga began to stab down into Ochaco, claiming her arm, her side, carving up her cheek, cutting her every which way with a searing misery and a pain meant to push her into new frontiers of horror and misery.

Blood-curdling wails followed, as Ochaco thrashed under the painful panic and the agony of being stabbed every which way, torn asunder by the blades and by her own heart. To look up and see 'Deku' carving her up with the blade, stabbing her, hating her. That it was a lie did nothing to make this easier for her to stomach, and the miseries escalated with little in the way of sense now, the brutality and the agony of relentless slams of the blade into her. The knife was reckless, shameless, pushing her to feel the most brutal and most hopeless of pressures.

Fucking her and cutting her up at the same time, Toga moved with reckless delight, wielding the cock of this form for pure satisfaction as she embraced all of these deeper insanities, the maddening chaos and pressure forcing her along. The knife sliced across her clit, stabbed into her belly, tore through her. It was a breakdown in all ways, the pent-up and owed stabbings all forcing her into utter madness as Toga made good on the debs owed to her, turning toward cackling bliss and ecstatic heat while she pushed on with all of this.

Ochaco was left a panting, agonized wreck, shivering and shuddering where she lay, so utterly degraded and terrified that she didn't have any idea now of what lay inside of her, or of what to do with these miserable treatments.

With a groan combining both Toga and Deku's voices, Toga came inside of Ochaco, groaning in heaving delight and pumping deep into her, filling her to the brim with the brutal, ugly trill of a mad satisfaction she felt utterly unable to contain. She made sure to fill Ochaco up with every drop of cum, reveling in the wicked, dark glee she pushed on with. The carving and stabbing finally fell away, and in its place was the looming insanity of wicked, dark kisses, the pressure brutal and forward now as she loomed over her.

The skin melted away and Toga was herself again, licking up Ochaco's bleeding kiss, rubbing her cum-leaking cunt and slipping fingers into her. Tender. Careful. Mocking.

But it was over. Five vials. The piercing quirk lady, her dad, the horse, Denki, and Deku. Five different transformations. Ochaco turned to see the lack of nay full vials on the bed. Ochaco survived. She needed medical attention, sure. Desperately needed to escape. But she could now.

"That's all the vials," she wheezed. "I survived your game, I'm--" She let out a pained noise, not a groan, not a sob. Just a noise. "It's over. I can go free now."

Toga laughed.

That wasn't a good sign.

Pulling up from Ochaco, an eye-rolling Toga reached into the bed and fished out five more vials. "I said it was over when I run out of capsules. I still have more, I just didn't put them all on the table." Her mocking laughter made clear that this was the plan, and the dawning agony in Ochaco's eyes was simply part of the fun. Toga cackled and shook, taking up her knife and licking some of the blood off of it. "Did you really think it was going to be that easy? I haven't even done all the fucked up things yet that I want to do to you. Did you know what a hardness kink does to a penis? It makes the base of the cock head into a razor blade. Wanna see?"

Another blood vial consumed, and she took the form of Kirishima, ready to use another classmate's cock to ruin Ochaco, who lay there unable to do anything now but silently sob and ache, dripping every which way from the stab wounds, losing lots of blood, but now treated to the threat of even more hate still as Toga pounced onto her, ready for more attention, and leaving Ochaco now agonizingly aware that, all things being equal, it was over for her. She couldn't survive another five rounds, she knew it. And she was fucking doomed to think of even trying, but to save her parents, she'd string herself along, maybe hold on to her dying breath until Toga was finished with her.

That was the goal now. To not succumb to injuries until she'd won. Not to survive. Not to live. Just to maybe live long enough to save the people she loved. Even that was, maybe, more than Toga was able to understand.