mission turned sideways

Chapter 1: Chapter 1Chapter Text Mirko scowled as she stared at Deku. This is fucking babysitting duty, no matter how they're trying to advertise it! The hero grumbled under her breath, still not wanting to have some snot-nosed brat around her when she had to start a fight. When Mirko got the details of her new mission she was supposed to do alongside Deku, she switched her gaze from the assignment to Deku, watching as the boy nervously pitter-pattered beside her. How is this a shadowing program when I merely have to watch over him? Mirko continued to scowl but her scowling turned even worse when she reread the details of her new mission. "We have to stop a riot at Shotaville Juvenile Detention Center? Is this some kind of sick joke?" Mirko growled out the question but when she looked over at Deku, the green-haired boy tried to hide his nervousness over the woman's anger, knowing that the woman wasn't angry at him. 

Sensing that Deku was trying to calm down for her sake, Mirko decided to calm down, knowing it wouldn't look good for her to be shown getting mad at the kid for something that wasn't his fault. He's not the one who wrote the details of the mission. He was just like Mirko, being forced to deal with something he didn't want to deal with, even though he was happy to be with Mirko. Once they arrived at the building, Mirko knew it would be too stupid of her to send Deku into the riot and when she noticed the Admin Building, she turned to the boy. "Go figure out how this shit happened," she told him, making sure he was able to find the building safely. Once she noticed the boy walking into the Admin Building, she turned towards the main building, itching for a fight. 

Mirko was glad she didn't have to worry about Deku when she realized the situation with the riot. When the other children started to notice that there was another adult to fight, they started to surround Mirko. Knowing she couldn't put down the riot unless she was able to knock out some of the children, Mirko prepared herself for a fight, knowing she would have to put everything into the mission. I'm not going to fail this mission. I won't let anything stop me. The woman let out a growl as she started to pump herself up, knowing she had to make sure that the rioting would be stopped for good. 

When the children started to surround Mirko, she made sure to hold back, not wanting to seriously injure the kids. She understood that they were just being rowdy even though they were causing a riot. I can't just punch kids with my full strength. Not these kids. They aren't even on Trigger and if they are on Trigger, they are not hitting me like they are. The more Mirko was able to knock out the kids, the more she was starting to see the center of the building. "Alright," she cheered to herself. I'm almost at the center! I can stop this riot for good! However, Mirko knew she had started to cheer too early, focusing her sharp gaze on a girl holding a knife to a female guard's neck. "Oh shit," Mirko huffed as she slowed to a stop, not wanting anything to happen to the guard. To her credit, the woman still lightly struggled against the girl who was holding the knife. Even so, Mirko wanted to get her out of danger so she would be out of the way. When she focused her eyes on the girl, she realized she knew who the girl was. Toga Himiko. Mirko thought, knowing she needed to be careful, knowing what the girl could do with her quirk. 

"So they did send a hero, after all," judging from how amused the girl sounded, Mirko knew she wasn't mad to see her. Mirko bit her lip, not wanting to say anything that would offend the girl but suddenly, she had gotten an idea that she knew Toga would agree with. She doesn't want some guard. She's going to want me as her hostage. Mirko decided to take the risk of being Toga's hostage. It would be better than letting the guard remain in Toga's grasp. 

"How about we do a swap, kid? You can let her go and you can have me," Mirko told Toga, whose eyes widened at the words. She started to smirk at the woman, causing Mirko to know that Toga would probably make her regret willingly becoming her hostage but the pro-hero knew it would be better for her to become the girl's hostage. She was used to fighting against people like Toga. 

Toga giggled at the words. "I like that plan," and she released the female guard without any second thought. However, the moment Mirko is at Toga's side, the younger girl immediately sends a shock throughout the woman's body, causing Mirko to grunt at the pain. Toga knew she had done it as a precaution, not wanting the pro-hero to have the chance to escape from her just yet. Seeing that the woman was now weak and groggy, Toga managed to strip Mirko out of her leotard, leaving the pro-hero completely naked. 

Ready to have fun with the weakened pro-hero, Toga revealed her large cock as she couldn't help but tease Mirko. "Damn, you've made my cock angry. Now, I have to make sure you take responsibility for that," she told the woman. At first, Mirko was still confused but when she started to feel something hot and large slide between her breasts, she snapped her eyes down, only to see Toga's large, pulsing cock touching her chin with the tip of the girl's dick. H-holy shit! Mirko knew she should stop what was going on but she was still feeling groggy as she couldn't even think of a plan, even though she wanted to get herself out of the situation she was in. 

However, Toga continued to thrust her dick between her tits, watching the woman's breasts bounce as she enjoyed seeing the look in Mirko's eyes. "You look so surprised," she said giggling. "I was able to learn some new talents for my quirk," Toga released another giggle and Mirko knew she had to keep the information she learned inside her mind until she could write it down. There is no way I can say such information out loud. The public will have my head but people need to understand. Mirko knew she should stop thinking about the future so she could focus on the fact that Toga was using her body to give herself pleasure but Mirko could barely even move her fingers still. Ugh, whatever she hit me with, I can still fucking feel it! Mirko didn't like it.

She didn't like to feel weak and Toga was making her feel helpless. I am not some helpless bunny. The woman growled. "I am…not…some…helpless bunny," she growled out the words to Toga, who giggled while sneering at her while she continued to fuck the woman's tits with her cock. Toga knew she could get away with mocking the pro-hero, knowing she wasn't going to be able to do anything to stop whatever Toga wanted to do for the time being. 

"You can't even stop me right now so yes, you are a helpless bunny," Toga giggled, increasing Mirko's ire as she tried to do her best to move, even though she continued to fail at trying to even move just a tad bit. 

"What the fuck?" Mirko growled, wondering what Toga was going to do to her. She may just be fucking my tits but I know she's going to do something else. And even though Mirko wanted to be prepared for what the girl may do next, she hated that it did scare her a little bit that she didn't know what was next on Toga's list of fucked-up things to do to her. 

Soon, Toga started to grope Mirko all over her body, wanting to feel all of the woman's firm, muscular body. Mirko wanted to ignore the sensation her body was getting the more Toga continued to grope her all over. I am not getting excited over some fuck touching my body. It was worse because Mirko was trying to deny that Toga's touch was forcing her body to feel pleasure. I am not feeling pleasure. This is not real. The more Mirko wanted to deny what was happening, the more Toga decided to help the woman see that it was real, and she was going to make sure Mirko couldn't ignore what she was feeling. 

When Toga started to pinch Mirko's nipples as she continued to fuck her breasts, Mirko hated that it was driving her wild, even though she wasn't acting like it was. The sensation of Toga's fingers drove the pro-hero mad with want, even though she refused to admit that it did feel good. I can't let a villain win like this. Mirko refused to lose in such a way, knowing it would affect her pride as a pro-hero. 

Mirko let another growl fall from her lips and this time, Toga merely giggled at the sound, finding the woman non-threatening. Toga continued to grope all over Mirko's body, this time, clutching the skin of her ass. Mirko grunted at how forceful Toga was being as she made sure Mirko could feel her fingers gripping her fleshy backside. Shit! This time, Mirko couldn't ignore how wet she was starting to feel and she hated that a villain was making her feel such things even though it was her body's natural reaction to being teased and groped. Fuck, I am glad Deku isn't here to see this happening. Mirko hoped that the little squirt wasn't in such a situation as well. "D-damn," the woman knew her revolve was starting to crumble and even so, she knew Toga wasn't going to wait until she had completely broken. 

She just wanted to tease her for a little bit but seeing as the girl started to move her hands down Mirko's body, the woman knew she had to get ready, knowing that the girl wasn't going to be gentle. "You fucking perv-!" Whatever Mirko was about to say had been swallowed by her practically swallowing down the pain she was feeling when Toga slammed her cock into her cunt without mercy. Toga gripped her hips, wanting to keep touching all over the woman while she fucked her. 

"You're so tight," Toga seemed to enjoy the idea of being the one to enjoy fucking Mirko in such a way, and because Mirko could feel nothing but Toga's large dick inside her pussy, she couldn't do anything but try not to choke on any moans that would begin to fall from her lips. "Look at you, taking in my cock like the perfect slut," Toga moaned at the sensation, knowing she would do anything to keep the pro-hero moaning like a fucking slut the more she continued to slam her dick inside her cunt. Mirko bit her lip, not wanting to keep letting out embarrassing noises. She didn't want Toga to get the wrong idea. 

She was not enjoying what she was doing to her. Mirko growled at the girl and Toga continued to roughly thrust inside her pussy. "You're such a bitch," Mirko told Toga and she giggled at the words, seeing the sweat that was glistening across Mirko's forehead. She knew that it didn't matter how much Mirko was going to bitch and moan about not liking what Toga was doing to her; Toga knew Mirko's body was much more honest than the pro-hero was being. 

"You are not an honest woman, are you? Your body was telling me the truth, at least," Toga couldn't help but grin such a cruel smile at Mirko, causing the woman to wish she could still feel her fingers. 

"My body isn't telling you shit. Don't be so delusional," Mirko growled out at the girl. Soon, Toga started to fuck into the woman even more roughly than ever before, pressing her large pale tits against Mirko's tanned breasts, causing Toga to moan at the sensation. Mirko knew she could believe Toga moaning at what was happening but she couldn't believe that she could hear small moans falling from her own lips. I am not moaning at this. This is fucked-up. Mirko wanted to tell herself that she wasn't feeling any pleasure and yet, Toga giggled. "I wish I could crack your jaw so you would stop fucking giggling at me," Mirko threatened. 

Toga rolled her eyes. "Such a feisty hero and yet, you can't even stop me from fucking you," she mocked her. Toga continued to thrust inside her without any care in the world and Mirko hated that she couldn't help but focus on how hot her body felt. My body is enjoying this. The woman didn't know how to feel about the sensation she was feeling. She knew she was only feeling pleasure because of how much Toga decided to tease her before she had started to fuck her. I can't even deny that my body doesn't feel good. I am feeling nothing but pleasure and yet, I need her to fucking stop doing what she is doing. Mirko didn't like it. She didn't want to enjoy the rushes of pleasure she continued to get as Toga didn't bother to slow down with the pacing of her thrusts. 

She wanted to keep fucking Mirko at such a fast and rough pace, not wanting the woman to enjoy it. She just wanted an easier reason to dominate Mirko and right now, she was doing exactly that. She was giddy because she was ruining the pro-hero and she was going to keep ruining the woman. Mirko wanted to stop Toga but it seemed the girl knew when to give her a particularly rough thrust, stopping Mirko's attempt to stop her. Toga wanted to hear the woman moan as she didn't bother to stop fucking the woman, wanting to keep thrusting inside her extremely wildly. Because Toga wanted to do more things to the woman, Toga started to rub her large, pale tits against Mirko's tanned tits. "Damn, you're still feisty even thought I'm fucking you with everything in me," Toga wanted to make the woman angrier and she was glad that her efforts were paying off as Mirko continued to glare at her. "If your pussy feels this tight, I can't wait to feel how tight your ass is," Mirko tried not to startle at the girl's words but she knew Toga wasn't lying, seeing the way she was looking. She's looking very fucking excited. Mirko knew she needed to stop the girl but because Toga had the element of surprise, Mirko's body was still working against her. 

The pro-hero moaned despite how she felt about the situation. I do not like this and yet, my body isn't listening to anything I want. Mirko bit her lip, wanting to keep any more of her moans as quiet as possible. She refused to let Toga know that her actions were affecting her. No, I can't let her know that my body is enjoying the fucked-up things she is doing. A whimper fell from Mirko's lips and the woman hated it. 

Mirko wanted the girl to stop fucking her cunt and yet, Mirko knew that the girl wasn't finished with her once she was done with her pussy. She's going to fuck my ass next. And even though Mirko was sure Toga was only doing that because she wanted to humiliate Mirko even more. The pro-hero grunted when the blonde-haired girl continued to grope her body, enjoying the woman's firm muscles. "You're struggling so much and yet, you're squeezing my cock," Toga sneered at the pro-hero and Mirko growled at the villain, hating the way Toga was making her body feel. "You can keep growling at me all you want but you can't stop this," she warned the pro-hero and even though Mirko wanted to prove her wrong, the woman knew she couldn't do that. Her body was still weak from what Toga had done to her earlier.

Mirko also knew her energy was being sapped the more Toga continued to thrust inside her. She's trying to sap me of my strength and it's working! Mirko hated that Toga's efforts were working as she couldn't even ball her hands into fists. The only thing she could do was keep taking everything Toga was giving her. I can't stop her for quite some time. Seeing that the only thing she had to do was just take the pounding Toga was giving her, Mirko knew she wasn't going to just give in and let Toga do whatever she was doing to her. She was going to make sure Toga knew she didn't like it every step of the way. "It would be so much easier if you just give in," Toga told her as she continued to grope her firm body, pressing her breasts against Mirko's breasts, listening to the woman's grunts. She is very determined to make sure I know she's not enjoying this. Toga smirked at the sight, getting ready to start cumming. 

Once she started cumming inside the woman's cunt, Mirko's growls became even more louder. "Ugh, you fucking bitch," she hissed at the girl and Toga couldn't help but smirk at the pro-hero. 

"What?" Toga didn't stop thrusting either and soon, Mirko hated that she could feel the pleasure build up inside the core of her belly. Was she about to cum because of Toga? Mirko started to become even more displeased, not wanting to cum due to Toga thrusting inside her. However, despite her thoughts, Mirko's body wasn't listening as she started to cum all over Toga's cock. "You have been holding that in for quite some time,"  she teased, feeling how much cum was soaking her cock. Mirko let out a small growl and Toga sneered at the pro-hero. "Alright, I can fuck your pussy again later. It's time that I start fucking your other hole," Toga couldn't wait to explore Mirko's ass, knowing that the woman's ass was going to be tighter than her pussy and Toga couldn't wait to start fucking the woman's ass, knowing she would have to fuck all of the tightness out of her body.

Once she flipped the woman around, Toga didn't waste any time, still feeling hard as she pushed her cock inside Mirko's tight hole. "Oh fuck!" The girl was giddy to feel how tight the pro-hero truly was and the woman growled at the action despite knowing Toga wasn't going to stop until the girl had her fill of fucking the woman. At the rate she's going, she's never going to get tired of me. Mirko didn't know how to feel about that, not wanting the girl to keep fucking her. However, she kept gripping her hips whenever Mirko squirmed too much for Toga's liking and Mirko didn't like the way Toga made sure that the pro-hero could feel her fingers digging into her skin. 

"You fucking bitch…" Mirko grunted when Toga gave her ass a particularly rough thrust. 

"Shut the fuck up," Toga growled out, wanting to keep fucking the woman without having interruptions from the pro-hero. "Your ass is so tight!" Toga hissed at how tight the woman was and she was glad that she was the one who was able to fuck Mirko in such a way first. "I can't even say you're a slut with how tight you are," Toga couldn't help but become even more excited as she started to thrust inside the woman's hole even harder than ever. The only thing Toga was interested in was fucking the woman and filling her up with her seed, not caring about anything else. 

Mirko continued to growl but she couldn't do anything, unable to stop Toga fucking her tight hole even harder than ever. Fuck! She bit her lip, wanting to find a way to get the girl to stop but after a few moments, Mirko realized that there was truly nothing she could do. She had to wait until Toga was finished with her. Shit, I hope Deku is having a much better time than I am right now. Mirko continued to growl and glare at Toga without letting the girl see that the pleasure was getting to her. "You look like you're ready to start moaning for me," she commented, causing Mirko to swear at her. "Oh, good, you still have a lot of fight in you," Toga couldn't help but show how amused she was, knowing that the pro-hero would have still been pissed-off at her for her behavior. "You think you're winning this, don't you?" Toga teasingly asked, knowing she was in the position of winning. 

It didn't matter Mirko was thinking about punching the shit out of her once Toga gave her that chance to start moving, something she wasn't going to do in the first place. "You can't keep fucking me forever," Mirko tried to rationalize what the fuck Toga was doing to her and even though she couldn't explain it, she knew Toga had to stop fucking her eventually. She's not going to be able to fuck me forever. Mirko thought and she couldn't help but close her eyes when she felt Toga's cock twitch inside her ass. 

"Shit," Toga never stopped thrusting her dick inside Mirko's tight hole, even as she started to cum inside the woman's ass, painting her hole white, even as Toga kept thrusting her cock inside her ass. "What was that about me fucking you forever?" She asked, knowing that wasn't what Mirko was talking about. 

"You're a fucking bitch!" Mirko growled out. "Let me up so I can fight you!" She growled out and Toga stared at the woman's cunt, seeing how wet the pro-hero was. 

"Maybe this will shut you up," Toga pulled her cock from Mirko's ass before pushing her dick between the wet folds of Mirko's pussy. The pro-hero choked on a swear, feeling the girl's cock inside her cunt once again. She should have known that the girl would have wanted to go back to fucking her cunt. I need to stop her but I guess I can let her do whatever until she's ready to leave. Mirko didn't like somewhat giving in to her opponents but she knew Toga had been teasing her body with the intent of fucking her and even though she had started fucking the pro-hero already, Toga still wasn't satisfied with what she had done to Mirko so far. She still has a lot of energy. Mirko knew the girl was going to want to keep fucking her until she was satisfied for the time being. 

Once Toga was ready to start thrusting inside Mirko, she made sure she wasn't nice with it. She wanted Mirko to feel the roughness mixing with the pleasure. She can deny it all she wants but she will feel good. The girl moaned, feeling the woman's cunt tightened around her cock. "Fuck, you can't say you're not feeling good. You're squeezing me," Toga moaned at the sensation while Mirko still wasn't happy but she stopped growling at the girl, only wanting the girl to use her so she could finally get off of Mirko and let the pro-hero pummel her. 

"Shut up," Mirko grumbled. If she was going to get fucked by Toga, then she would rather get fucked silently. Toga pouted at the new treatment Mirko was giving her. 

"I liked you better when you were hostile. Go back to that," Toga told her, causing Mirko to let out another curse. 

"Didn't I say shut the fuck up?" Mirko hissed at the girl, glaring at her even though Toga's cock was hitting all of the right spots. No! Mirko closed her eyes, reminding herself not to feel pleasure at the villain's actions. This does not feel good. Not at all. The pro-hero kept her eyes closed tightly, not wanting anyone to see that she was trying to lie to herself. Her body felt nothing but pleasure, and Mirko hated it. I need to focus on something else. The pro-hero knew she needed to think about something else that wasn't related to the way Toga was rolling her hips. Anything else is better than thinking about the way she's moving her hips perfectly. Mirko groaned in frustration, not wanting to think about Toga thrusting inside her pussy. 

Toga didn't bother to slow her thrusting, wanting Mirko to feel everything she was doing to her. F-fuck. Mirko hated knowing she could feel her defenses weakening when it came to the girl who was still pushing her cock inside her cunt without mercy. Toga was chasing her own pleasure, not caring about Mirko feeling anything from her actions. It was clear Toga had fallen into a pace that she knew felt great.

Toga's small huffs made Mirko grit her teeth, knowing she had decided to let the girl fuck her until she was finished with her, and yet, Mirko wondered if the villain was ever going to be finished with her. At the rate she's going, she must be addicted. Mirko realized Toga hadn't even slowed down for a break and from the way Toga kept wildly thrusting inside her, Mirko realized that the girl had no intentions of stopping in the first place. Mirko glared at the girl, even though Toga's eyes had already closed due to the bliss she was feeling. This girl is crazy. Mirko hadn't expected Toga to have such stamina, and she was still fucking her. 

Mirko wasn't sure if she could stick to her plan of letting Toga tire herself out before pummelling her but it seemed that she had to wait until the girl was done with her. I need to wait until she's finished. Mirko thought, hoping it wasn't going to be too long of a wait. She had already let Toga take too much from her and yet, she couldn't do anything to stop the girl. Toga was going to keep thrusting inside her until she was finished fucking Mirko. I should have knocked her out when I saw she was here. Mirko grunted in frustration, hating that she had no choice but to let Toga keep taking more and more from her, even though she wanted Toga to stop using her in such a way. Damn it! Mirko wanted the girl to stop thrusting inside her and yet, she knew Toga wasn't going to stop. She wasn't going to stop until she was finished and Mirko had no idea when that would happen. She's relentless! The pro-hero couldn't hide her moans, knowing Toga kept thrusting inside her roughly to make her moan loudly. She doesn't care enough to hide that she wants to hear my voice. Mirko knew that the girl wanted to know she was humiliating her and she hated it. She didn't want Toga to know that she was winning, even though it was just for a moment. 

Mirko wanted to fight Toga and put her in jail but she couldn't throw punches at her nor kick her at the moment because the girl busied herself by using her cock. Mirko grunted in frustration, hating she couldn't do anything to stop Toga. I can't just sit here and take this shit! Mirko growled at the girl and without any warning, Toga pushed her cock inside her tight asshole once again. "When did you-!" Mirko was stuck when she started to roughly thrust inside her tight hole.  I hadn't realized she pulled out her dick! The woman didn't feel Toga pulling her cock from her pussy. 

"Your ass is still so tight," the girl moaned at the sensation, enjoying skin slapping against skin as she didn't want to stop thrusting inside Mirko. "You're fun to play with," Toga added, causing Mirko to growl at the girl. All the woman wanted to do was just make sure Toga was thrown into a jail cell once she was able to figure out what she was planning. She hated that it meant that she had to remain Toga's plaything for a while, something she wasn't looking forward to. Damn it! Mirko knew she was only letting Toga pull whatever shit she was pulling until she was able to do something about her. Mirko didn't like it but knew she would have to deal with it, regardless of how she felt about the situation. Mirko tried to ignore the sensation of Toga's cock working its way inside her tight hole and when Toga pressed up against her tits, Mirko glared at the blonde-haired girl, who only gave her a toothy smile in response. "Fucking you is so much fun. Has anyone ever told you that before?" The blonde-haired girl wondered even though Mirko hated her guts too much to even respond to her question. "Then again, with how tight you are, I'm wondering if you never cared about having sex. No matter how much I thrust inside you, you're still so fucking tight," Toga knew she was merely filling the silence. Mirko refused to let her moans sound, not wanting to give the girl anything to use against her. 

However, when Toga gave her a particularly rough thrust, Mirko let out a small growl, causing Toga to sneer at her. "You fucking…" Mirko should have realized what the girl had planned because now, Toga had pushed her cock back inside her tight cunt and was now thrusting wildly inside her pussy. What the fuck? Mirko wished Toga would hurry up and reveal what she was planning because she didn't want to remain the girl's plaything. Mirko was itching for a fight and she couldn't fight when she was stuck being fucked by the villain. Toga started back groping the pro-hero and even though Mirko tried to keep her moans to herself, it didn't work when Toga started to pinch her nipples, slowly causing soft moans to fall from her lips. I am not enjoying this! Mirko thought, trying to make it seem like the pleasure wasn't driving her crazy. Mirko didn't want her superiors to assume she was enjoying anything Toga was doing to her. I need to pretend it isn't affecting me. However, Mirko knew it would be hard for her to act like the pleasure wasn't making her feel good. Toga did nothing except smirk, knowing what she was doing to the pro-hero. 

The more Toga pushed her large cock inside her, the more Mirko wanted the girl to hurry up and be done with her for the moment. Mirko glared at Toga despite knowing her glare wasn't doing anything to the girl. She continued to ignore the glare Mirko sent her, only increasing the pace of her thrusts as she started to fuck into the woman even faster and harder than ever. F-fuck! Mirko wanted to ignore what was happening but she knew she couldn't. After all, Toga was making sure she was making things harder for Mirko. "Despite how you're acting, you have to be enjoying this, yeah?" Toga asked, knowing that the question was going to piss Mirko off even more, and when the pro-hero answered her with a much louder growl, Toga smirked at the sight of the snarl on Mirko's face. "So short-tempered…" Toga wasn't complaining. She enjoyed Mirko's fiery attempts to escape from her even though the pro-hero was failing to remove Toga from where she was. 

Toga pinched her nipples once again, causing a gasp to fall from Mirko's lips. Toga continued to roughly thrust inside the pro-hero, knowing she was going to keep doing what she was doing to the woman. "Keep fighting me," Mirko was struggling, trying to force the blonde-haired girl off her body, and yet, Toga's cock continued to get roughly pushed even deeper inside her pussy while Toga continued to grope all over her body and her nipples. When Mirko felt Toga's cock grow even harder at how much of a fight she was putting up, she couldn't believe it. She's getting harder! Toga knew she had cummed from her cunt already and now, she was trying to make sure she would cum from her cock. 

The girl groaned and soon, she started cumming inside Mirko's pussy, causing the pro-hero to hiss at the sensation as the girl made sure she couldn't go anywhere she continued to fill the woman up with her seed. Once Toga was finished cumming, she started back thrusting inside the woman's cunt, not wanting an orgasm to stop her from fucking Mirko. After a few minutes of thrusting inside her pussy, Toga decided to fuck her tight hole once again, causing Mirko to growl softly when she felt Toga push her cock inside her tight ass. This girl is relentless! The pro-hero wondered how Toga still had so much energy left. How is this possible? Mirko didn't want to ask the girl such a question out loud, not wanting Toga to assume she was coming around to whatever fucked-up thing Toga wanted to keep doing to her. I need to remind myself that I am not enjoying this. Mirko hated that she could feel the usual coil of pleasure unwrap itself as Mirko started to feel the urge to cum. "No," there was nothing she could do when that coil continued to unwrap itself, resulting in her cumming all over the place as Toga continued to fuck her tight hole. The girl sneered at the mess Mirko made on the floor and she never stopped thrusting inside the woman's tight ass. 

"Look at the mess you've made and you said you weren't enjoying this," Toga merely shook her head while she kept her hips moving, not wanting to lose the pace she had set for herself. The blonde-haired girl didn't care about Mirko cumming; she had picked the woman because she had been chasing her own pleasure regardless of how the pro-hero felt about it. I wasn't enjoying this, you fucking fuck! Mirko thought. She knew not to say anything to Toga, knowing that the villain was just going to mock her for cumming, and Mirko wished she could sock Toga in the mouth one good time. "I bet you're thinking about hitting me," Toga huffed, knowing not to play dumb when it came to Mirko, and the pro-hero sneered at the girl as best as she could. 

"Look at you, getting one thing right," Mirko couldn't help the amused smirk when Toga scowled at her words. 

"And yet, I'm still the one who has the upper hand," Toga reminded the woman with a rough thrust of her hips, causing Mirko to gasp at how roughly Toga was thrusting inside her ass. 

"You're annoying," Mirko muttered, causing Toga to giggle at the words. "I can't wait to pummel you into the floor," she said more loudly, wanting Toga to hear everything she wanted to do to her once she was able to recover from the things the girl had done to her. 

Toga didn't bother to respond, knowing Mirko didn't want her to say anything to her. Instead, she kept thrusting inside the pro-hero's tight hole. Mirko grunted, glaring at the villain as she didn't bother to slow down with her fast pace. She wanted Mirko to feel every thrust of her hips. Toga felt her cock begin to twitch inside Mirko's tight hole and she started to thrust even faster, knowing she was going to make the woman even angrier. She had already made a mess of her cunt and now, Toga was going to make sure she had cum leaking from her hole. Mirko growled when she felt the twitching, knowing Toga wasn't going to give her a warning, and soon, Mirko was glaring at Toga, feeling the girl's cock explode inside her hole. "Ugh…" Mirko could feel Toga's cum fill her ass and soon, she started to feel it dripping. "Fuck…" She never stopped glaring at Toga, who had her leotard in her hand. 

"This is the perfect souvenir of the quality time we've spent together," Toga was amused by the situation, sending a small grin Mirko's way before making her escape. 

Mirko knew she couldn't waste any time. She didn't care she was nude. She still had a mission to complete. She glanced down at herself. "Maybe this will help provide a distraction," Mirko had nothing but the mission in mind, wanting to complete it. 

Chapter 2: Chapter 2Chapter TextSince Toga left her alone, Mirko knew she needed to hurry up and finish the mission. I can't get distracted. The pro-hero thought, turning her attention to the groups of kids that were looking at her. What shocked Mirko was that most of the kids were fit and it showed in their strength. The pro-hero knew she had to get past the kids and even though she was a pro-hero, Mirko found herself struggling. I shouldn't be struggling to defeat some brats. Mirko was proud of her strength; right now, she didn't feel the strength she was usually proud of when standing still. Did that shock from Toga earlier have some kind of draining effect? Mirko knew she wasn't making shit up. While she was still strong and agile, the pro-hero felt sluggish, warm, and easily distracted. I can still feel my strength but my arms feel heavy whenever I attempt to throw many punches in a row. Mirko hated she was feeling such a thing, knowing it wasn't going to go away until the effects of the shock went away. I have to make the best of it. The pro-hero wasn't going to give up; she had already gone through Toga humiliating her. She was going to see the mission through. 

However, what was really getting to Mirko was that she had caught herself more than once caressing the very fit bodies of the kids she had defeated. Shit! I need to focus on getting out of here. However, Mirko's hands remembered how the fit body felt against the palm of her hands and she felt a twinge in her pussy. I am not feeling that for real. It must be fake. Mirko shook her head, knowing it had to be from the shock she had gotten earlier. She didn't have time to lose focus on what was in front of her. The pro-hero had a mission to do and she wasn't going to let anything stop from her finishing it. 

Once she arrived at the elevator, Mirko knew she was entering dangerous territory, knowing that the elevator led to the secured section of the center, where all of the kids with extremely damaging quirks were kept. Mirko made sure to keep her eyes peeled for anything new, and out of the corner of her eye, Mirko saw Shigaraki running down a hall. She started to chase after him but before she could get him into her sight, a young Nomu struck her, causing Mirko to turn her attention to the young Nomu. Kyudai came on a nearby television set. He was excited to see his Nomu up against Mirko. "I want to watch and see what my creation would do," the boy was amused while Shigaraki waved and ran off.

Mirko grunted in frustration, knowing she had to fight the Nomu first before finding Shigaki and that brat, Kyudai. I'm going to break that brat's fucking nose! Mirko knew what she was going to do to Kyudai but first, she had to get past the Nomu. This should be easy. The Nomus is another brat. Mirko sneered, knowing she wasn't going to hold back against a child who had been turned into a creature that longed for nothing more than destruction. 

Mirko started to throw punches and kicks at the Nomu, who blocked every single attempt Mirko had thrown at the Nomu, wanting to hit the child once. When Mirko felt the Nomu grab her, she assumed what was going to happen wasn't going to be too bad but that was before she felt her body break through several walls of the building. The woman coughed and groaned from the pain, looking up between her heaving cleavage at the Nomu, who was heavily muscular. "Is that it?" Mirko knew she was acting cocky but she didn't care. She was going to act as cocky as she can to see what the Nomu child would do. 

However, her confidence soon turned to shock as a huge, jet-black, horse cock appears over her, smacking the pro-hero in the face before it slams inside her all of a sudden. The Nomu continued to thrust inside her roughly and soon, Mirko realized she wasn't able to handle the fucking as the Nomu's rough thrusts forced her legs into a wide V position. The Nomu continued to thrust inside the pro-hero roughly, wanting to keep fucking the woman as much as the creature wanted. The Nomu wanted to keep thrusting inside the pro-hero and the woman found herself unable to escape from the Nomu, knowing that the creature kept his thrusts rough on purpose. Mirko groaned at the sensation, hating how roughly the Nomu was treating her but the woman knew she needed to find a way to escape from the creature, knowing she couldn't stay trapped within the Nomu's claws. Fuck! The pro-hero knew that the Nomu was focused on his own pleasure and so when his thrusting started to become even more rougher, the pro-hero knew she wasn't going to be able to escape if she kept allowing the creature to keep rutting inside her. Shit! Mirko knew she wasn't going to escape until the Nomu loosened up on how roughly he was thrusting inside the woman and it didn't seem like the Nomu was going to be doing that for quite some time. "Oh fuck!" Mirko knew she wasn't going to be able to escape from the Nomu until she had the chance to do and she was sure the Nomu wasn't going to give her that chance. Mirko growled at the sensation of the Nomu keeping his cock inside her tight cunt and the pro-hero growled at the creature that continued to fuck her. Mirko didn't want to think about the Nomu's large cock inside her and yet, it was so large that she had to think about it. 

The Nomu continued to rock against Mirko's body, making sure to keep the woman underneath him. He didn't want to lose his only source of pleasure and Mirko's pussy felt tight enough for his large cock. The pro-hero let out a small growl, knowing she couldn't do anything, knowing that being reckless in her position wouldn't be good for her right now. I can't do anything reckless right now. However, Mirko wasn't happy with the idea but she knew she was having a repeat of Toga and it was pissing her off. This is just a repeat of that damned girl but now, a fucking Nomu is taking its time fucking me! Mirko growled at her luck, knowing that the Nomu was going to start fucking another one of her other holes and despite the thought not giving her any pleasure, the pro-hero knew she wasn't going to be able to do anything to stop the Nomu at the rate the creature was going. Eventually, the Nomu came to a stop but Mirko refused to relax, knowing what was going to happen. The Nomu is going to pick another hole to fuck. The woman didn't want her ass to be next but she also didn't want her mouth to be next either. Shit, this is going to suck either way. Mirko growled when the Nomu turned her around, knowing what the creature was about to do with his horse-size cock. 

Mirko felt tears burning her eyes when the Nomu stuffed her mouth with his cock. The Nomu's cock was so large, Mirko was already choking by the time he had placed his entire cock down her throat. The woman was helpless to the relentless thrusts of the creature's hips as the Nomu felt her by her arms, leaving the woman unable to do anything except take getting her face fucked by the creature. Soon, the tears that started to burn her eyes started to fall down her face as the Nomu continued to stuff her throat with his large cock. The Nomu didn't care that Mirko was struggling to take all of his length down her throat; all he cared was that there was a warm hole he could use. Mirko couldn't even scream as the Nomu kept thrusting his hips relentlessly and repeatedly. He didn't care that Mirko was choking on his cock. All he cared about was chasing his own pleasure. 

The pro-hero squirmed in the hold of the Nomu but she couldn't escape from how tightly he was holding her. Fuck! This is driving me crazy. The musk from the Nomu's large cock started to get to the pro-hero and yet, the woman knew she couldn't give in. I'm a hero. I'm not giving in. I'm not giving up. The woman reminded herself, knowing it would be bad should she give into a mere Nomu just because of his large cock. Damn, I can't lose myself like that again. Mirko reminded herself that she was a hero and as a hero, she had to stop all villains and right now, the Nomu she was facing was a villain. As a hero, it is my job to stop any villains. Mirko knew she would get her chance to defeat the Nomu. She just had to be patient, like she was during her encounter with Toga. They're both trying to kill me with their dicks! Mirko grunted when the Nomu continued to slam inside her throat with relentless thrusts of his hips. Fuck! The pro-hero knew her jaw was going to be sore by the time the Nomu was going to stop using her throat as a place to fuck but for the time being, her throat was just another hole to fuck. 

Mirko knew she was trying her best to balance things out, trying to not focus on the way the Nomu was treating her. She knew it was easier said than done but she just wanted to have the opportunity to not think about what was going on at the moment. Mirko knew she couldn't pretend she was elsewhere but she knew she had to hold on until the Nomu was done with her completely. It will be a while before he is done with me. Mirko already knew to get used to remaining underneath the Nomu, knowing that he was going to keep fucking her until he was tired enough to give the woman an opening. However, right now, that was impossible. I'm going to be this Nomu's plaything for a while. Mirko knew she wasn't enjoying it, feeling the burning of her lungs as the Nomu continued to stuff her throat with his large cock. 

Mirko couldn't even growl at the creature because of how stuffed her throat was. D-damn it! The pro-hero grunted, hating what was happening as she wanted to have the chance to finally punch the damned bastard. However, Mirko knew she had to wait. After all, she knew that the Nomu wasn't going to be satisfied using her holes once and he has yet to start fucking her ass. Fuck! The pro-hero knew she was worried about when the Nomu was going to start fucking her hole, knowing she had no idea until he moved her into the position he wants her to be in. Mirko hoped that the Nomu stayed stuffing her throat because she was getting used to having her throat stretched out by the large cock. 

The Nomu continued to thrust inside Mirko's throat, wanting to keep fucking the woman's throat, not ready to move to her other hole just yet. The pro-hero's chest burned and soon, the Nomu had slightly pulled his cock from her throat, not wanting his plaything to pass out just yet. Mirko gulped down precious air, knowing that the Nomu was going to go back to stuffing her throat whenever he felt like she had enough oxygen back in her body. After a few more gulps, Mirko made sure her mouth was open, seeing the Nomu's cock coming back at high-speed, and just like that, the Nomu was back to fucking her throat as if she was nothing but his cocksleeve. Holy shit! Mirko knew she was grateful for the oxygen break but she wasn't sure if it would be enough with how long the Nomu expected her to keep his cock down her throat as her throat started to constrict around the creature's cock. 

Mirko wondered when the creature was going to get tired of her and she hoped it would be soon. After all, she wasn't going to be able to do much at the rate he was going. She couldn't defend herself and the Nomu could easily crush her if he wanted to. However, the Nomu was just happy he had a woman to fuck and he was going to make sure he got all of the use he could get out of the pro-hero. Soon, Mirko was forced to swallow the Nomu's cum as the creature started cumming down her throat. The woman hated that she was forced to swallow the Nomu's seed and yet, there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't pull her head away from the Nomu's cock and she swallowed every drop of cum that dripped down her throat. Once the Nomu was finished cumming down her throat, Mirko was grateful to finally receive more oxygen as he pulled his cock from her throat. 

Mirko wanted to massage her jaw but as soon as he pulled his cock free from her mouth, he forced the woman onto her back and without any warning, started to stuff her ass with his large cock. Mirko let out a wail when the Nomu continued to push his giant cock inside her tight hole. Once the Nomu had stuffed the woman's ass, Mirko's eyes nearly rolled at how full her ass felt. This fucker's cock can split someone in half! Mirko thought, hoping the Nomu wasn't going to start fucking her tight ass as soon as possible but unfortunately for her, the creature wasn't keen on waiting for the woman to get used to his large length. 

Instead, the Nomu gripped her hips and started to roughly thrust inside the woman's tight hole, wanting to watch the woman's ass bounce with every rough thrust slamming against her asscheeks. Mirko grunted at the sensation and the Nomu let out a pleased growl, enjoying how the woman's ass felt around his cock. The Nomu continued to thrust inside the pro-hero's ass, knowing that the woman was unable to stop him from doing the things he was doing to her. Mirko grunted at how the Nomu's cock was twitching inside her hole. However, the Nomu wasn't close to cumming, not at all. Instead, he was going to be thrusting his cock inside Mirko's tight ass for a while. The pro-hero growled at the sensation, hating the way the Nomu's large cock was making her feel. The Nomu wasn't even thrusting his large cock inside her cunt and yet, Mirko hated how wet she felt. I am not enjoying this. Mirko closed her eyes, knowing she wasn't enjoying what was happening to her. It was just her body trying to trick her. 

Mirko knew she was doing the right thing and pretend to be distracted by how the way the Nomu's cock felt and yet, she started to feel that pretending was dangerous. However, she shook her head, knowing she didn't find the things the Nomu did to her pleasurable. My body is reacting like that. It's not what I want. Mirko thought, telling herself that it was okay that she wasn't thinking about anyone else. Hell, she didn't even want to think about the Nomu fucking her tight asshole. She just wanted to have the chance to relax once the mission was over. That's right! I can think about what I will do after the mission. Mirko started to think about other things, knowing that was the only way to stop thinking about the sensation of the Nomu's cock twitching inside her tight ass once again. I will pretend everything that happened during this mission wasn't real. Mirko wanted to regain some sanity back in her life, knowing that the things that had happened already were too insane for her to want to rationalize. 

Soon, Mirko was forced to focus on the fact that the Nomu's cock was twitching inside her tight hole because the creature started to thrust inside her ass much slower than ever. "What the fuck?" Mirko demanded from the creature. "You fuck me all wildly and now, you're being all gentle?" Mirko was pissed because the Nomu understood how to be gentle. "What kind of fucked up thing did I walk into?" Mirko didn't want to find out and yet, she was going to be forced to because the Nomu continued to thrust inside her tight ass. The Nomu continued to let out pleased growls as the pro-hero's hole continued to tighten around his cock. The Nomu threw his head back, feeling nothing but pleasure from the woman's tight hole. 

Soon, the Nomu started to explode inside the woman's tight hole, painting the woman's hole white as the creature kept her ass stuffed with his large cock. Mirko grunted at the sensation of the creature's cock leaking inside her hole. The Nomu kept her asscheeks pressed against his hips, wanting to have the chance to keep spilling his seed inside the woman's ass. Mirko let out a small growl at the sensation. "Fuck…" The woman groaned at the sensation and yet, the Nomu kept her ass pressed against his hips, wanting to make sure he was finished cumming. 

Once the creature was finished cumming inside her ass, the Nomu turned Mirko around once again and suddenly, the woman's pussy was being stuffed with the creature's large cock once more. The pro-hero nearly choked on a cry as the woman didn't expect the Nomu to suddenly force his cock inside her cunt. "Fuck…" Mirko hated how broken her voice sounded in that moment and yet, she knew it was understandable. The Nomu stuffed her pussy with his large cock without any warning. However, once the woman gained back her confidence, she started to find her footing with being used by the creature. This shit sucks… The woman complained mentally, knowing not to say such a thing out loud. She didn't want to anger the Nomu, knowing that the creature was using her body for his own pleasure. 

The Nomu didn't care how much pain he was potentially causing Mirko; he was just fucking her relentlessly. He didn't care that Mirko had wanted him to stop and yet, despite the hope she had, Mirko knew that the Nomu wasn't going to stop fucking her until he was completely finished with fucking her and Mirko knew she had to be patient and wait for the chance she would have to stop the Nomu. The creature continued to roughly thrust his large cock inside her cunt and the woman grunted at the sensation, hating that her body was feeling pleasure from the Nomu rolling his hips against hers, pushing his cock even deeper inside her pussy. Fuck! The woman kept telling herself to remain strong. Mirko bit her lip, knowing that the Nomu was going to keep thrusting inside her without caring about what she wanted him to do, which was stop so she could knock him out. Mirko let out a small growl when the Nomu started to increase how hard his thrusts were. How much harder is he going to fuck me? Mirko was sure that the creature was already fucking her at how roughly he could do but no, he was increasing the pressure. 

"Fu…" Mirko choked on a moan as the Nomu continued to roughly thrust inside the pro-hero's cunt. The woman's large breasts bounced with every thrust of the creature's roll of his hips, and when Mirko started to feel the Nomu's gaze on her tits, she glared at the creature, already having an idea of what the Nomu wanted to do with her large tits. All of this is just a repeat of the shit Toga put me through. Mirko wasn't sure she was happy about making that connection but she knew Toga had a fucked-up brain and already told her crew about what would be 'fun', which was why Mirko could tell that the Nomu took in everything Toga had told him. The Nomu continued to groan in pleasure, feeling nothing but pleasure as he continued to thrust inside the pro-hero's pussy. 

The Nomu found himself fucking the woman even harder than ever, knowing he shouldn't give Mirko the chance to escape from him, knowing that the woman could knock him out with one kick. He continued to thrust inside Mirko, knowing that he was draining the woman's strength due to how roughly he was treating her and the Nomu continued to thrust his cock inside Mirko's cunt, knowing that the woman won't be able to do anything until he allowed her to move. Right now, the Nomu knew it would be in his best benefit to keep fucking the woman without mercy, not wanting her to get up and find ways to take him down. Mirko continued to grunt and growl at the sensation, knowing that the Nomu's cock was stretching out her pussy. Fuck! Mirko was pinned underneath the Nomu's body and he didn't let up on his thrusts. Instead, he seemed to be increasing how hard he was thrusting inside the woman. Mirko growled at the sensation, knowing she was going to be stuck for the time being. The pro-hero's patience was already wearing thin and yet, she couldn't do anything except wait for the Nomu to let her up. I have to wait for the Nomu to give me a chance to do something. Mirko knew she couldn't be reckless. After all, she still had a mission to do and she wasn't about to let a mission go to waste because she couldn't handle the villains using her as if she was just a hole for them. 

Mirko knew she was going to strike as soon as she was able to and even though she hated doing it, she allowed herself to relax, knowing that tensing up wasn't going to make things easier for her. I have to keep myself relaxed but not too relaxed. Once Mirko found the perfect balance she was looking for, her body continued to feel the pleasure from the Nomu's cock and even so, the woman ignored it, even as she started to cum on the creature's cock for the nth time. She was ignoring any and everything that made it feel like she was enjoying what was happening, even though she wasn't enjoying it. She wished she could pretend that it wasn't happening but Mirko knew that would be worse. I have to focus on the mission. This mission will be a fucking success. The woman thought, wanting to ignore how roughly the Nomu's cock was being pushed inside her body. Mirko growled at the sensation of the Nomu's cock twitching inside her and the Nomu let out another pleasured sound. She couldn't help but think about Toga and the Nomu both penetrating her at the same time and even though Mirko knew she shouldn't be thinking about it, she couldn't help but remember the way Toga's cock felt. Toga and the Nomu fucking me at the same time would be something else. Mirko's brain betrayed what she really wanted to think about.

Mirko knew that the creature was going to make sure he got his own pleasure while she was wishing he would hurry up and let the woman knock him out. I will be happy once I knock him out. The pro-hero frowned at the sensation, hating that the creature's cock was twitching inside her cunt. The Nomu hadn't cummed in a while and Mirko knew that the creature was about to paint her walls white. When the Nomu started to cum inside her, the pro-hero closed her eyes, knowing that the Nomu wasn't going to stop. He continued to thrust inside the woman even as he continued to make a mess of the woman's cunt. He's still cumming and yet, he's still fucking me? Mirko didn't want to think about it but she had no choice as she felt the creature continue to thrust his hips into hers. Damn it! Mirko grunted in frustration, hating that the creature was going to do whatever he wanted to do, and yet, Mirko knew she shouldn't do anything too rash, no matter how much she wanted to punch the shit out of the Nomu. 

The pro-hero knew she would have to remain patient and wait for the perfect chance. When the Nomu started to pull his cock from her cunt, Mirko wondered what the creature had next in mind. However, as she assumed, the creature started to thrust his cock between her breasts, wanting to feel the woman's tits around his cock. Mirko growled at the sensation and yet, she hated that her nipples hardened as her tits bounced. My entire body is burning with pleasure. The woman couldn't believe it and she also wanted to ignore it. She wanted to ignore the pleasure she was getting from the Nomu's actions. Toga had to explain what she had done to me in extreme detail. Mirko thought, knowing that the  Nomu was just doing what his masters were telling him to do, and yet, the Nomu was doing everything Toga had done and it made Mirko wish the girl was standing in front of her so she could punch the daylights out of the girl. That crazy bitch… Mirko thought as her tits continued to bounce as the Nomu continued to thrust his cock between her cleavage. This is crazy as hell. The pro-hero wasn't sure what to think and yet, she wasn't sure if she even wanted her brain to work right now. All Mirko wanted to think about was the mission but she couldn't even think about it properly. Instead, her brain was forcing her to think about the sensation of the Nomu's cock thrusting between her tits and Mirko started to shake her head, hating that she allowed any stray thoughts to get lodged in her brain. 

The pro-hero refused to even entertain the idea, not wanting to think about it ever again. I need to think about something else. The pro-hero thought, not wanting to lose herself to such thoughts. I need to remember that I'm a hero. Mirko told herself that she shouldn't forget who she was, knowing it would be bad if she got sidetracked by the enemy's cock. They are the enemy. Mirko thought, knowing she had to remain strong and make sure the mission would be a success. She didn't want to give in to the Nomu and yet, she knew she wasn't able to do anything to stop the Nomu until the creature had a stopping point and the pro-hero hoped it would be soon. She didn't want the creature to keep doing what he was doing and yet, Mirko knew she had to wait until the Nomu gave her the chance to attack him. Mirko grunted as the creature continued to thrust his cock between her large tits without bothering to slow down. Mirko wanted the Nomu to stop his actions but she knew the creature wasn't going to stop until he felt finished. What the fuck? The pro-hero was still confused that the creature was going to keep going without stopping. Do they ever get tired? Mirko wondered as the Nomu continued to thrust his large cock between her tits. 

"F-fuck!" Mirko felt the tip of the creature's cock touch the bottom of her jaw and she knew the Nomu was getting close to pushing his cock inside her mouth. His cock is monstrous enough to touch the tip of my chin from him giving himself a titjob. The pro-hero wasn't sure she wanted to keep thinking about the Nomu's cock but her brain was giving her no choice. The creature's cock was large enough to stuff her throat and even though Mirko was going to keep up a front that said she wasn't afraid, Mirko knew she couldn't deny that she was unsettled. Eventually, the Nomu's cock started to push inside the woman's mouth and she grunted at the sensation. "Your cock is too fucking huge!" Mirko said once she pulled her lips from the Nomu's cock. 

The Nomu chuckled at the pro-hero's words and it made the woman angry. How dare the Nomu laugh at her? She was ready and itching for a fight but the creature decided to fuck her mouth after feeling her lips on his cock. Mirko glared at the Nomu as he started to slam his large cock between her tits and into her mouth. Fuck! She thought. Mirko couldn't wait until she was able to fight back against the Nomu and even so, the pro-hero grunted in anger at the sensation she was forced to feel. I do not want to feel pleasure from this shit. The woman reminded herself that she was a hero and that she couldn't feel pleasure from a Nomu. This is an enemy. Mirko kept reminding herself that the Nomu was her enemy. She knew she didn't wish to feel the pleasure from the creature. Except, the Nomu didn't care about how Mirko was feeling about the things he was doing. 

The creature continued to fuck Mirko's breasts, which in turn, forced his large cock inside the woman's mouth, forcing her cheeks to look stuffed. Holy shit! The pro-hero closed her eyes, knowing she needed to think about something else so she couldn't think about the intense pleasure she was getting from the Nomu's actions. She didn't want to think about what was happening as the Nomu continued to fuck her breasts. Mirko knew that the creature was going to want to fuck her holes once again and even though the woman hated it, she knew that the Nomu was going to keep using her until he was finished using her. Damn it, when is this fucking going to be done with me? The pro-hero wondered. She gritted her teeth at the thought of needing to keep surviving the harsh thrusts of the Nomu and yet, Mirko knew she didn't have a chance. 

The Nomu wasn't going to stop fucking her until he was pleased with the amount of pleasure he could get from the pro-hero. I can't give in nor can I give up. I have to make sure I remain strong while staring at my enemies. Mirko reminded herself, knowing she had to make sure the Nomu wasn't aware of what she was thinking about. I need to keep myself aware of what is happening. Mirko grunted with every thrust of the Nomu's cock as the creature continued to fuck her cleavage. This fucking monster… The pro-hero didn't know what to think, knowing that the Nomu was going to keep doing what he was doing because it suited him. He was getting what he wanted from the woman, not caring about whatever protests she had. 

Mirko continued to growl and glare at the creature, knowing she had to keep feeling the sensations of the Nomu's cock without complaining too loudly. I can't even complain about getting fucked. Mirko rolled her eyes at the thought, wishing that the Nomu would hurry up and lose his concentration so she could fight him and knock him out. Soon, the creature started to cum all over Mirko's tits and her face, making a mess of the woman. "What the fuck?" She demanded from the Nomu, who merely stared at her. The Nomu moved his cock to her cunt, causing the pro-hero to grunt at the sensation. Fuck! Mirko grunted at the sensation, wishing that the Nomu would stop already. How much energy does this creature have? Mirko was scared to know the answer to her question, wanting to know how the Nomu still had enough energy to keep going. 

Mirko knew she needed to remain aware of what was going on and yet, she was getting tired because of how heavy the Nomu's thrusts were. He's thrusting so fucking hard! The woman knew she just had to keep her eyes open and hope for a chance that would present itself to her. I just got to keep my eyes open. However, despite thinking such thoughts, Mirko closed her eyes whenever the Nomu gave her particularly rough thrusts, which was often as the creature didn't want to give the woman any relief, wanting to keep fucking the woman as if she was just a sex doll for him to keep using. The Nomu continued to make noises of pleasure as he continued to thrust inside the pro-hero. The creature continued to make pleased sounds as he continued to keep thrusting inside the woman. The Nomu started to let out loud grunts as he started to thrust inside Mirko repeatedly, letting out a soft moan at the sensation, enjoying the woman as he kept thrusting inside the pro-hero. 

"You fucking asshole…" Mirko grunted at the sensation, not enjoying the sensation the creature was putting her through as her body continued to heave heavily at every heavy thrust the Nomu was giving her. "This is so annoying," Mirko grunted at the sensation, knowing that the creature was going to keep going until he was satisfied. This fucking is still going at it. The pro-hero assumed that the creature would have a stopping point eventually but the more she learned new things about the Nomu, the more she learned that the Nomu was boundless energy. Fuck! Mirko wanted the creature to stop using her as if she was a sex doll but the pro-hero knew that the Nomu was going to keep at it, roughly thrusting inside her cunt as if she had been made for his pleasure. The Nomu didn't want to stop thrusting inside the woman, wanting to keep fucking her without mercy as his hips continued to slap against the pro-hero's hips. 

"You should be tired by now, fucker," Mirko grunted at the sensation, feeling the creature's hips slam against hers. The Nomu ignored her words as he kept thrusting inside her without mercy. The Nomu didn't care about how Mirko felt about the sensation; he just wanted to keep thrusting inside the woman without stopping. The woman felt too good for him to stop pushing his cock inside her pussy. Mirko knew that the Nomu was ignoring her and even though it was pissing her off, she was relieved that the creature wasn't fucking her even more roughly as a consequence. He was just fucking her the way he knew how which was automatically roughly.  "Damn it," she grunted in frustration, knowing that the Nomu wasn't going to stop on her account. He won't stop until he's finished so I just have to keep up with the pressure he's putting on me. Mirko growled at the Nomu, knowing that the creature wasn't going to stop because she wanted him to stop. Damn it! She grunted once again, knowing that the creature was going to keep going. 

Mirko knew she had to remain strong, knowing that the Nomu was going to stop eventually. The Nomu continued to thrust inside her cunt roughly, not wanting to lose the pleasure he was feeling from the sensation of feeling the woman's pussy squeeze around his cock. The creature felt the woman's cunt squeeze his dick even more, causing a moan to fall from his lips. The Nomu enjoyed the pleasure he was getting from the woman, which was why he kept thrusting inside Mirko. He was going to keep fucking the woman until he was done with her. Mirko grunted at the sensation, wishing that the creature would be done with her already, knowing she just wanted to pause being used as a sex doll. However, she knew that the Nomu was going to keep thrusting inside her. The pro-hero grunted at the sensation, knowing that the creature was going to keep fucking her without mercy. 

The Nomu grunted at the sensation of the pro-hero's pussy, knowing he was going to keep fucking the woman for his own pleasure. The woman's cunt felt good, which was why the Nomu kept thrusting inside her without any mercy. Mirko continued to grunt at the sensation, knowing that the creature wasn't going to stop any time soon even though she wanted him to. I want him to stop but that won't happen anytime soon. The Nomu continued to thrust inside the woman roughly, wanting to keep his cock inside the woman, finding the woman's cunt extremely great to use. The Nomu grunted in pleasure as he continued to thrust inside the woman, wanting to keep fucking the pro-hero without stopping. 

Mirko grunted at the sensation of the Nomu's large cock still being pushed inside her cunt. The woman couldn't keep the noises she was making to herself and even though she was trying to keep herself from moaning, the way the Nomu was thrusting inside the woman made Mirko moan at the sensation of the Nomu's cock being pushed inside her cunt without mercy. He's still fucking me? Mirko assumed that the creature was going to stop thrusting inside her and even so, the Nomu kept up the pace without a sign of stopping. Damn it! Mirko didn't want to think about the Nomu's cock and yet, when she started to let out soft moans, the creature continued to keep thrusting inside her. The pro-hero grunted at the sensation of the Nomu's cock being worked inside her cunt.

The pro-hero couldn't help but keep moaning at the sensation of the Nomu's large cock kept being pushed inside her pussy. The woman moaned at the way the Nomu was thrusting inside her cunt and even though the pro-hero bit her lip to keep her moans silent, the Nomu had already heard her moans and thus, didn't care how silent the woman tried to be. The creature continued to thrust inside the woman, wanting to keep fucking into the woman, knowing that the pro-hero wasn't going to be able to do anything until he was willing to let the woman up from her position on the ground. Mirko grunted at the sensation, wishing that the Nomu was going to give her a chance to beat him without any mercy. Damn it! Mirko hated that the creature kept thrusting inside her without any mercy, wishing she could start punching the Nomu to stop him. 

Mirko continued to grunt at the way the Nomu continued to thrust inside her. She wanted the creature to stop fucking her and even though the creature wasn't hurting her beyond fucking her, the pro-hero wanted the creature to stop thrusting inside her. What the fuck? Mirko wondered when the creature was going to stop thrusting inside her, wondering how long the Nomu was going to keep fucking her. Where does he get the energy? Mirko couldn't believe that the Nomu was still fucking her without any mercy. What the hell is happening? Mirko wanted the creature to stop fucking her, hoping that the Nomu was going to get tired sometime soon. 

The pro-hero didn't want the creature to keep thrusting inside her, knowing she had to keep looking for Toga and hopefully, find Deku in the process. I need to think about the mission. Mirko reminded herself of the mission, reminding herself why she was there. "I need to stop Toga," Mirko told herself, knowing she needed to keep herself focused on the mission. Mirko cleared her throat, feeling her throat dry due to the sounds she had been making due to the Nomu thrusting inside her without any mercy. Damn it! Mirko knew she would need to take a minute once she managed to get away from the Nomu. 

The creature continued to thrust inside the woman, not caring that the woman wanted him to stop. Mirko grunted at the way the Nomu was thrusting inside her. I need this to stop. The woman released another grunt, knowing that the Nomu was going to take his sweet time torturing her with pleasure. The creature didn't even care about Mirko feeling pleasure; all he cared about was his pleasure as he continued to chase it by thrusting roughly inside the pro-hero. The Nomu didn't care how the woman felt about everything he had been doing to her, knowing he was going to keep fucking Mirko without any mercy. The only thing the Nomu understood was that Mirko felt good and he didn't care for any protests the pro-hero had as he kept stretching her pussy. This fucking monster is stretching out my pussy. Mirko wasn't sure how she felt about the Nomu fucking her without stopping. 

The only thing she knew was that the Nomu was making sure to keep using any of her holes, wanting to keep chasing his own pleasure. Mirko grunted, wishing the creature would just hurry up and be done with her so she could find a way to escape from him. 

However, the woman started to hear something crack beneath them and when the pro-hero realized that it was the floor, she started to grin a feral grin, knowing what was happening. Big boy's heavy thrusting is breaking the floor. Once the floor finally collapsed, causing both the Nomu and Mirko to start falling, the pro-hero wrapped her legs around the Nomu, finding the chance to finally regain her footing. However, they also started to cum together as the Nomu's cock brushed against Mirko's pussy even more and the Nomu also started to cum inside the pro-hero. The sensation made the pro-hero moan. She soon started to squeeze the Nomu and when she heard a loud crack, the Nomu finally passed out. Fucking finally. Mirko sneered at the Nomu before staggering to her feet,  looking at the shocked face of Kyudai on the TV screen. "I will crush you when I find you!" She promised him, causing Kyudai to look at the woman, still shocked she had managed to stop his latest creation. In the meantime, I need to find Deku. Mirko didn't know what had gone over her but she started to feel the desire to look for the green-haired boy. 

Chapter 3: Chapter 3Chapter TextOnce Deku entered the Admin building, he started to see if he would find anyone. However, the boy couldn't find anyone inside the building. The boy found it strange that he couldn't find anyone. However, he started looking for Mirko, knowing the woman would know what to do next. I probably shouldn't have separated from her. However, Deku knew that the woman had wanted both of them to have the chance to cover more ground but the curly-haired boy knew he couldn't help Mirko as much as he wanted because he couldn't find anyone in the Admin building. There is no way there isn't anyone here. The green-haired boy knew someone had to be in the building and yet, he couldn't find anyone as he kept looking.

He couldn't even find Mirko in the building yet and Deku hoped he would eventually come across her. When he finally found the woman, the pro-hero had a hungry lust in her eyes, shocking Deku. S-she has never looked at me like that before! Before Deku could think about the look in Mirko's gaze too much, Mirko lifted the boy into her arms before pulling him into a kiss where the woman pushed her tongue inside Deku's mouth. He didn't expect the woman to start kissing him and Deku knew that the only thing he could do was just kiss the woman back. However, the boy realized that what he was doing was making Mirko even more excited. While keeping the boy in the kiss, the pro-hero started to take off his shorts and shirt, stripping the boy of his clothes, wanting to see all of the boy. 

When Mirko pulled her lips away from Deku, the boy's cheeks were rosy and Mirko couldn't help but pull him into another deep kiss. Deku softly moaned into the kiss and to the pro-hero's delight, the boy kissed her back again. Now that the boy was naked, Mirko placed him on a table, ready to start doing more things to Deku. Mirko started to pull off her leotard. However, not wanting Deku to be bored waiting for her, the pro-hero wrapped her lips around the boy's cock and started to suck him off. Deku squeaked when he felt the woman's lips wrap around his dick. However, the more Mirko started to suck him off, the more the boy felt his cock hardened in the pro-hero's mouth. 

Mirko continued to slowly take off her leotard, wanting to keep her lips around the boy's cock. His cock is hardening in my mouth! The woman thought, not wanting anything to ruin their time. She was enjoying sucking the boy's cock and she wanted to keep doing it before moving on. Once she was ready to start fucking the boy, the woman stood up, shocking Deku, who didn't expect to see a dark-tanned cock pointed at him as Mirko was hard from sucking the boy off. 

The boy started to tremble and tears started to build up in his large green eyes when the pro-hero quieted him with another kiss on the lips. However, the kiss was long as the pro-hero wanted to make sure Deku wouldn't freak out too much. Once the woman was sure Deku wasn't going to freak out, she grinned softly at the boy. "I'm going to make sure you feel good, okay," Mirko told him, and before Deku could ask her what that meant, he suddenly felt the woman push his legs back, exposing his asshole to the pro-hero's hungry gaze. 

The woman spent some time staring at the boy's asshole, knowing she didn't want to simply tear the boy. Instead, she wanted to help him feel good. When Mirko started to gently push her large cock inside the boy's tight asshole, the sensation made both of them moan. The boy didn't expect to feel such pleasure even though the pro-hero had just started to push her cock inside the boy's tight hole. He's so fucking tight! The woman thought, knowing not to lose control of herself, knowing that the boy wasn't ready to be properly fucked. I have to remain careful. The pro-hero reminded herself to keep going slow with the boy, knowing she had to work the boy into cumming for her. 

The more she pushed inside the boy, the more Deku's cock hardened and suddenly, Mirko was staring at a completely hardened cock as the boy continued to moan at the sensation of the woman pushing her cock inside his tight hole. Once Mirko had her cock inside the boy, she started to thrust slowly, wanting to test her thrusting. After a few moments, the pro-hero started to thrust even faster inside the boy and once she set a comfortable pace, she lifted the boy into her arms and Deku wrapped his legs around the woman's waist, wanting to keep the woman's cock inside his tight hole. 

Luckily for him, Mirko wanted to keep fucking him and that was what the woman did, not wanting to stop thrusting inside the boy too early and the pro-hero knew she would keep pacing herself whenever she had to do so, not wanting to cum too early inside the boy's ass. Instead, she wanted to keep thrusting inside Deku, knowing that the boy was having fun with what they were doing and Mirko wanted to keep it going, knowing that the boy was enjoying getting his ass fucked by such a hot woman. 

Deku moaned at every thrust of the pro-hero's hips and the boy wanted the woman to keep going. The only thing Deku could think about was the pleasure he was getting from the pro-hero he was working with and Mirko wanted him to keep thinking about the way her cock felt inside his hole. "You're so tight, Deku," the Rabbit Hero growled out in pleasure, causing the boy to whimper, feeling nothing but pleasure as the pro-hero continued to roll her hips against Deku's hips, pushing her cock even deeper inside the boy's hole. Every thrust of her hips made Dkeu's cock jump as the boy's large cock decided to show how much pleasure Deku was feeling. The boy's cock continued to twitch with every thrust of the pro-hero's hips. "Feels good?" The woman asked, trying not to hiss at the boy but the pleasure threatened to overwhelm her, and Mirko couldn't help but throw her head back as she continued to thrust inside the boy's asshole. 

The Rabbit Hero's senses were filled with nothing but the boy and Mirko wanted to keep thrusting inside him. The pro-hero continued to growl softly as she kept the boy in her arms, pushing her cock inside the boy as her pussy continued to twitch at the sensation of her cock getting used. Mirko knew she wasn't going to stop for anything, knowing she was going to keep going, knowing that the boy was enjoying what was happening. Mirko knew she was having lots of fun as well, not wanting to stop anytime soon. Fucking him is fun! The pro-hero was enjoying feeling her cock harden inside the boy's ass, knowing that the boy was enjoying the sensation of his hole tightening around her cock. "How do you feel, Deku?" The woman growled out, wanting to hear the words fall from the boy's lips. The pro-hero wanted to hear how much pleasure the boy was getting from her cock. "Do you want me to stop anytime soon?" Mirko added another question, knowing she wasn't going to be able to stop anytime soon. The woman was getting addicted to the boy's hole the more she continued to thrust inside him and yet, the pro-hero didn't mind, knowing she was going to want the boy to keep melting at the pleasure he was getting from her. 

"I feel good!" Deku screamed, feeling his ass bounce every time Mirko rolled her hips against his, pushing her cock inside his hole. Deku's cock continued to twitch at the pleasure he was receiving. "No! Please don't…!" The boy's senses were overridden by pleasure and the only thing he could do was beg the woman for more, something Mirko was willing to do. 

The pro-hero didn't respond, only fucking the boy even faster, knowing Deku wanted to feel even more pleasure from her cock. Mirko felt Deku tighten his legs around her hips at the sensation and she smirked at the sight. He looks so wrecked already. The pro-hero was proud of herself, knowing she was going to enjoy fucking the boy for the time being. Mirko continued to thrust inside Deku's hole and the boy continued to moan at the sensation, not wanting the woman to stop doing what she was doing. The only thing Deku wanted was for the woman to keep thrusting inside his tight asshole. Mirko continued to do so, knowing that the boy was doing nothing except keep moaning at the pleasure he was getting from the woman. 

Mirko let out small growls, happy that the boy was feeling nothing but pleasure, knowing she would do anything for the boy to keep feeling such pleasure and that was why she kept fucking the boy, knowing Deku wanted her to keep going. "Mirko-san, your cock feels…" Deku moaned at the sensation, wanting the pro-hero to keep thrusting inside him. The woman kept doing so, knowing that the boy wanted her to keep giving him pleasure. 

Mirko knew that the boy wanted her to keep making him feel good and the woman didn't mind doing so, knowing she was going to enjoy fucking the boy. He wasn't the only one getting pleasure, after all. The pro-hero wanted to make Deku make a mess of himself, knowing both of them would enjoy doing that. The pro-hero grunted, keeping her hips at a steady pace as she kept thrusting inside the boy. Deku's moans kept getting louder and the woman enjoyed it, knowing that the boy was going to keep enjoying the other things she had planned, wanting to keep thrusting inside the boy for the time being.