creating the perfect sex slave

Summary:Izuku gets kidnapped by everyone's least favorite villain, AFO.

AFO decides that all Izuku's good for is being his little cum dumpster and that he is a good fit to bear his children. But before that can happen, he needs his little toy to be modified.



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Chapter 1: The Torture BeginsSummary:Izuku wakes up in a strange room only to find that it is in the Number 1 villain's lair...

Chapter TextDeku awoke in a haze. His head ached and he couldn't feel his body.

Where am I? Why am I here?

Deku tried to think back, the last thing he remembers is getting up to go to the bathroom at the mall, and then… nothing. He was immediately alert, he lifted his head and tried to take in his surroundings. From what he could tell, he was in a lab of sorts with countless machines and cameras surrounding him and when he tried to get up to inspect it better, he noticed that his arms and legs were handcuffed to what seemed to be an operating table. He frantically tried to activate One For All to break free of the cuffs but couldn't feel the familiar tingle of the quirk.

"Well, well, well, seems like our little test subject is awake." Izuku felt dread pool in his stomach when he heard the familiar voice of the notorious villain, All For One. "It seems like the anesthetic wore off and I think you want an explanation, little Deku."

"What's happening, where am I?" Izuku yelled out, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"Oh my little Izuku, don't worry your pretty little head about it. You will never get out so I suggest you listen to me if you know what's good for you." Izuku quieted down in defeat. "Good girl, you probably guessed this but I kidnapped you. My wonderful subordinate Kyudai was talking about how perfect your body is to give quirks to and that you would be a perfect Nomu, and his kind words enlightened me. Since you don't plan on giving us your quirk, I decided to help my subordinate turn you into our slave." The green-haired boy couldn't hold back his terrified screams anymore. To put it plainly, he was horrified.

"You might be wondering what types of experiments these might be, Young Izuku, and I would hate to make you uncomfortable so I'm going to give you a short explanation." He chuckled slightly. "Aren't I so nice Izuku?" He waited for an answer from Izuku but when he didn't hear it, he decided to continue. "I guess we aren't there yet… No matter, I'm still going to tell you my plan, long story short, you are going to get pregnant."

Izuku's mind was ringing. how could he, a guy, get pregnant? As if he read his mind, All For One continued. "So you see Young Izuku, My subordinate is a very good doctor who studied medicine for over a century, and I am kind enough to give him all the resources and quirks he needs. Our plan isn't perfect but I'm sure you will love it. You will be heavy with my seed and carry my offspring. It will be a long and tedious plan but in the end, you will turn into an omega hungry for cock." Just as he finished his sentence, the doors to the lab opened, and a man with ugly glasses and a lab coat entered.

"Seems like our time is up for now My Precious Izuku, I will be sure to see you again later." With a chuckle, he turned off the microphone and Garaki started talking.

"Hello, my girl, I'm Doctor Garaki and I'm here to give you your first dose of injections and begin your stimulation."

"D-doctor, I think I misheard you, you meant simulation right? Not stimulation."

Garaki started chuckling as if what Izuku said was a joke, "My dear girl, you are so funny. Of course, we are going to stimulate you. How else are we gonna turn you into a little, submissive, omega?" And with that, Garaki took out a syringe and wordlessly injected it in Izuku's neck.

"W-what d-did y-y-you do t-to m-" Before Izuku could finish his sentence, he was passed out cold. The doctor just chuckled and continued his work.

Chapter 2: Cock & Ball Torture Isn't Everyone's KinkSummary:The experiments finally start and Izuku is introduced to a world of pain.

Chapter TextWhen Izuku woke up again, he was in a different room. His arms and legs were still tied but he was standing upright. When Izuku looked around more, he noticed that he was suspended in midair with his legs spread eagle and cameras all around him looking at his naked body. That's when he heard familiar footsteps.


"Helloooo~ my little experiment. How are you?" Garaki asked in a cheery voice.


"What did you do to me? I don't feel any different…" 


Garaki happily danced around the room, "My dear Izuku, I only injected your body with heavy doses of estrogen to make sure your body won't have a negative reaction to it. The only reason you don't feel anything is because I gave you anesthetics but from now on, that won't be the case." He paused to catch his breath and continued. "You see girl, our goal is to turn that cock of yours into a pussy and to make you capable of releasing omega pheromones from your body, making you able to get pregnant." There was no color left on Izuku's face by the time Garaki finished his sentence. He was speechless.


Garaki took Izuku's horror as a cue to continue his experiments. He took out a thin and long Black rod with bumps on it out of his pocket and held Izuku's 8-inch long cock in his hands. Carefully he started rubbing it with his free hand.


"S-stop" was the only thing he managed to say in between moans. His dick was so hard it hurt. Right when he was about to cum, the doctor stopped and harshly stuck the steel rod up his hard member. Izuku screamed in pain. Every tiny movement sent waves of pain throughout his body and it was unbearable. The rod denied him his release as it moved up in him. Izuku's body was convulsing, trying to get the foreign object out of his urethra but to no avail. Garaki put his thumb on the opening to not let it slip out while he used his other hand to inject a syringe near his testicles. His member went limp a few seconds after the injection and Garaki immediately got out a 4-inch long cock cage and forced it onto the flaccid dick. In his 2 years of being a hero in training, he had never felt this much pain before. 


The cage had a flat tip that didn't have any openings and the cold metal felt hot with how much pain he was in. His dick was aching, with a long rod in it and a small cage around it, every little movement hurt with arousal and pain. Just when Izuku thought it couldn't get any worse, he felt a rough hand grab his testicles and start fondling them with expertise. Before Izuku could get a word out, the doctor effortlessly twisted them, put a small orb on them, and put them in a cast made out of cotton. The tears in Izuku's eyes were flowing freely and he couldn't make them stop.

"Okay my dear girl, you did very well today, the rod and cage will be taken out every 4 days to make changes and sanitize them so that you don't get infected. Your testicles won't be an issue since as soon as we see the results we want we will schedule an appointment to get rid of them. We will correct your ass tomorrow since we can't afford to damage you this early in the process. If we see that you act like a good girl, I will give you a gift. The quirk-adding operation is supposed to be in about 2-3 months but until then we will have a constant stream of experiments. Finally, we will fix your chest area in 2 days." He gave Izuku's leg a quick kiss and with that, he turned around and left. "You will be given water and food in 10 minutes. Bye now~" With his final words, the doors closed and Izuku was left alone in this room to cry in pain and agony.


When his food arrived, Garaki took spoonfuls of it and put it near Izuku's face. "Come on girl~ eat up. Your food is getting cold." Izuku continued to refuse. "Well Izuku, I want to say that it's totally fine for you to not eat food but just so you know, if you refuse to eat any further, I will kill your mother…" The greenette's eyes widened as he started eating every spoonful in desperation praying that nothing would happen to his beloved mom. 


When he was done eating, Garaki shoved a water bottle in his mouth and ordered him to drink. Izuku drank with tears flowing down his eyes in a steady stream. He had to drink 2 liters of water before he was allowed to stop.


"Well done kid, now we just have to wait. You might not have noticed but I spiked the water with some medicine that is supposed to make your bladder work faster. In a bit, you will have to pee so I hope you have good bladder control because I wouldn't suggest peeing while in the cage." 


Just like the doctor said, Izuku felt a strong pressure in his bladder. He felt the urine moving inside of him and the strain against his member. 


That's when he saw it. A tiny white feather in Garaki's hand. He might've noticed, but it was a bit too late now. The doctor put it up to his nose and tickled it until Izuku lost any and all control he had. Close to 1 liter of transparent pee came rushing out of his dick with the force of All Might's Delaware Smash. Izuku didn't even have the energy left to scream anymore as his whole body convulsed in misery. His insides burned from the hot sting of piss and all he could do was cry. He didn't even have any tears in his eyes anymore.


"My, my. Seems like you couldn't control yourself. Oh well, I will see you tomorrow for your anal exam."


When Garaki left, Izuku let out gut-wrenching sobs, his whole body shaking with every sound and movement. There was nothing he could do but wait for tomorrow and pray that the pain leaves his body.

Chapter 3: Anal Can Sometimes be a Tad Bit Too MuchSummary:The front is done so now it's time for the back.

Notes:(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter TextThe next day came faster than Izuku would've liked. He couldn't sleep due to the pain and his head ached from sleeplessness. When Garaki entered through the double doors, all he could do was look at him with empty eyes. "Good morning my girl, today we will do your anal exam and start with the CSS" When his eyes looked at him with confusion Garaki chuckled "Sorry, I meant the Constant Stimulation System. You seem confused but I'm sure that confusion will be short-lived since the anal exam shouldn't take too long." That's when he took out a remote and pressed a button. A trap door opened, and a platform with a few tools that Izuku couldn't make out came out of it. "This might be a bit awkward but you will have to bare with me on this darling." Garaki started pulling levers that seemed to be controlling the handcuffs around his legs and with every second, his legs got lifted higher and more spread out. When his legs finally stopped spreading, Izuku felt like his muscles were ripping.


"Good girl, you are doing so good," Garaki exclaimed, half moaning the hollow words of encouragement to Izuku as he started to insert a dry, gloved finger into Izuku's tight ass. 


The fingers in his ass moved up inside of him and when Garaki couldn't stick them in any higher, he started moving his fingers in all directions, stretching the hole as much as he could. After 10 grueling minutes, he took his fingers out and inserted what seemed to be a water hose of sorts into his ass. Izuku did his best to hold back his screams and moans, only letting out soft whimpers here and there. Little did Izuku know, the worst was yet to come. 


When he was finally done with inserting the hose in place, Garaki pressed a button that started to make the hose tremble. Izuku only found out what the trembling was when he experienced its effects. It was a viscous fluid that flew out of the hose with extreme pressure, shaking him to his core and coating his insides with a weird glue-like substance. This fluid got sprayed all over his insides and Izuku was sobbing with desperation. 


Just when Izuku was ready to start begging for the crazed doctor to stop, he took the hose out and stuck his whole hand up the hole to plug it up, not letting the unnatural fluid escape. While he did that, he looked around, seemingly searching for something and when he found it, he made a slight hum of approval. When the seventeen-year-old finally got his head to look down at what the doctor was holding, he noticed that it was a 12-inch-long and 5-inch-thick translucent dildo that had the same weird fluid, that Izuku noticed was neon purple, dripping off of it.


Continuing with his habit of being wreckless, the doctor harshly took his hand out of the ass, making a weird sloshing sound as it went due to the wetness, and hastily stuck the dildo in not letting Izuku have a moment of peace. Izuku could feel the gigantic dildo scraping against his pelvis. The dildo went in all the way until not even the tip of it could be seen from Izuku's ass. Not wasting any time, the doctor took an unnaturally thick butt plug and plugged poor Izuku's ass even more. 


The teenager could feel every milliliter of liquid moving in him and he could see the tip of the dildo at his stomach. The thick butt plug not letting a single drop of fluid out. "I'm impressed my girl, I didn't think I would be able to fit the whole thing inside of you, but you turned out to be the type to surpass your limits. What was that word you like so much? Oh yeah, you went plus ultra." The insane doctor laughed at his joke for a few seconds before continuing to talk. "The fluid I inserted into your body which is called 26-FM-40, is a very special material that is supposed to slowly transform your 'male' organs into a more feminine state as well as increase stuff like hair and breast growth. It is made up of 40 different females' DNA and a heavy dose of estrogen that is very thick due to the concentration. Since you are the first person this liquid is being tested on, we don't know what will happen. We tested some small doses on rats and everything seemed fine so don't worry." Izuku was only half listening to what the doctor said. He was too busy trying to forget about the searing pain spreading throughout his body to even consider caring. 


He mustered up the energy to talk to the doctor after 4 minutes of complete silence. "W-why did y-you stick a d-dildo up my a-ass if j-just the butt plug would've b-been e-enough?" His voice was hoarse from all the screaming.


"You see, my darling, that dildo, the rod up your cock, the butt plug, and even the little orb I squished between your testicles have vibrating properties. They are what I mean when I say CSS. From now on, your privates will vibrate constantly at a steady speed to stimulate your body to its peak. The dildo will also help infuse 26-FM-40 into every crevice of your body more efficiently. Aren't I such a genius my dear girl? I planned everything so meticulously." The doctor, continuing his out-of-the-ordinary actions immediately stopped talking and took out a notepad from seemingly out of nowhere and started reading. "Aha! I knew I was forgetting something. The 26-FM-40 will be restored weekly since we expect your body to use it up pretty quickly. Other than that, the rod we stuck up your urethra will grow thicker and bigger with time while the cage will get smaller, so don't forget to be ready." 


Garaki then squinted as he read the final part of his notes. "Oh, and also, your breast surgery and exam are scheduled to be tomorrow so we aren't giving you any food until the end of it. Until then" Garaki then took out a gray remote and pressed a red button. "Goodbye, my love~" and with those words, Izuku felt his body starting to vibrate. He couldn't hold back his moans and let himself be overstimulated with pleasure. He couldn't even focus on the pain and discomfort of the fluid and dildo because of the intense vibrations. They started from the tip of his dick to his balls to up his ass. Garaki watched for a few minutes in amusement before swiftly exiting the room.

Notes:Thank you all for over 1000 hits

I really appreciate it... 😗✌️

Chapter 4: Garaki is a Man of CultureSummary:Its time for Izuku's chest and Garaki is very excited about them.

Notes:Hey guys, sorry I couldn't post the new chapter yesterday. I'm on a trip to Malaysia and I'm in the middle of the forest so the wifi is very shitty. To make it up to y'all imma post 2 chapters today.

Anyways, thank you for over 2000 hits and all the kudos. Hope you enjoy the chapter.


Chapter TextIzuku couldn't believe how much had happened in such a short amount of time. All of the messed up experiments probably happened in 2 days or less. 2 days ago, he was hanging out with his friends, on his way to be a hero and save the lives of hundreds. Now, he was a mess. He was an experiment, only created to get bred and be a test dummy of sorts for different chemicals. His mouth was frothing from the overstimulation his body was experiencing. He wasn't allowed to cum or even touch himself. His dick ached and throbbed with every vibration, almost purple from the tightness of the tiny cage and the rod inside of him that was so far down his dick that it was basically in his bladder. The rod had bent in a weird way when his dick had gone flaccid with the doctor's injection and after the cage was attached, he had seen pure white pain. 


The cotton cast around his balls felt like they were getting tighter every minute. Izuku wasn't sure if it was because of the intense vibrating and the way that they were twisted or if it was just an illusion created by his brain from the pain. His only wish was for the pain to go away, to be a normal person again. He knew that his wish could never come true and that he would suffer until the day he died.  


He prayed that whatever they were doing to him would kill him so that he didn't endure this pain anymore. He prayed that the next day wouldn't come. The only thing that he could do was close his eyes and try to forget about the unending stimulation.


When Izuku woke up from his restless sleep, he came face to face with the doctor who seemed to be examining his chest without touching him. 


The doctor, who seemed to get startled by the sudden movement yelped and then quickly regained his composure, trying to act professional after the previous scare. " G-good morning my dear, you scared me for a second. How are you this fine day?" Izuku stared at the doctor with anger and disgust. How dare he talk like nothing was going on? If his hands were free, he would have already started to strangle the evil man.


"As I've told you yesterday, today we are going to fix that chest of yours and then do a quick checkup of your privates. I hope you are excited because there is no escape now…" He took a quick breath as he started pressing buttons on a remote. He struggled with the remote for 3 long minutes, when he finally figured out what he wanted to do. With the press of a button, an operating table came out of the ground and Izuku was lowered down. Izuku winced when his ass touched the cold table, causing the large butt plug to move. "Now, since you are gonna be unconscious during this operation, I'll explain what I did to you after it's done. I figured that you won't struggle as much if that happens you know." He took a syringe from a table next to him and injected the fluid into his neck. "Good night my little test subject~" and that was the last thing Izuku heard before drifting off to sleep.


When he awoke again, he felt immense pain and heaviness in his chest, weighing him down. He was still groggy and when he looked around, he took notice that he was back in his old position again. After the paralysis of the drug wore off completely, he looked down to see what had been done to him. He couldn't see anything. The doctor had put a red towel around him, causing an obstruction for his eyes. He guessed that the doctor wanted to explain and show what he had done to Izuku himself. The thought of this crazed man doing experiments on his body made Izuku sick. He started muttering, thinking of what might have been done to him but was broken out of it when he heard familiar heavy footsteps.


"Helloooo~ Did you miss me my darling?" The doctor burst through the doors with his usual energy. Izuku just scowled at him. "U-um excuse me, sir, what did you do to me?" Izuku asked, the fear in his voice evident despite his efforts to hide it.


"Wouldn't you like to know sugar?" The doctor asked, his voice sickly sweet. "Well then Izuku, I genetically modified your DNA and gave you some sweet breasts. Every girl needs nice breasts and since you were lacking, I gave them to you." He then ripped the towel off of Izuku, revealing gigantic breasts with perky nipples. Izuku couldn't even see his stomach from the new addition to his body. 


Izuku screamed.


He screamed for what felt like an eternity. He was horrified. When he quieted down a bit, the doctor opened his mouth again. 


"Well, my darling, since your breasts are so new and giant, We couldn't possibly satisfy your womanly desires with basic teasing. So, I took the liberty of creating a special vibrator that I inserted inside of your tits. However, after I was done, I noticed that that wouldn't be enough, and since I couldn't risk scarring you with new adjustments, I created new ones for the outside of your nipples to keep you nice and horny." He took Izuku's nipples in his hands and squeezed. Izuku quickly moaned. 


"Ha ha, It seems the breasts are successful. Pay attention to where I'm squeezing Izuku, that's where the vibrators are and I can't risk them being harmed." He rubbed Izuku's nipples in a circular motion and he could feel the donut-shaped vibrators inside of him jiggling. They made his already gigantic nipples even more puffy and plump than they already are. After teasing his nipples frivolously, the doctor took out what Izuku assumed was the nipple vibrator from his pocket and put it right on top of where the others were. They must have been magnetic because when the doctor let go of them, they stayed still. "Izuku~ Are you ready for the best part?" The doctor sang as he took out a box from a drawer. Inside the mysterious box was a weird type of bra that was completely metal with a big hole in it for the nipples that had chains instead of straps. 


It confused Izuku since it looked too small and flat to fit his now D-cup breasts. However, the doctor didn't seem bothered by this predicament and skillfully placed the bra on his tits. The cold metal made Izuku shiver as the chains were tied and locked. His nipples were still exposed and Izuku noticed how the doctor was eyeing them. "W-w-what a-are y-y-you g-g-going to d-do t-to m-my n-n-nipples?" Izuku stuttered out, completely petrified.


"Well, my dear girl, to keep them nice and perky, I am going to clamp them," Garaki said plainly as he reached back into the box and took out 2 tiny nipple clamps shaped like flowers. Izuku could see the arousal in Garaki's eyes and the way he pinched his nipples sent ripples of pain throughout his whole body. Izuku bit his lip as Garaki clamped his nipples as hard as he could and Izuku could have sworn that he saw some blood leaking from the hole.

Chapter 5: Crazy Doctor's Deserve Pleasure TooSummary:Garaki 'pleasures' Izuku and then himself.

Chapter TextIzuku let out an involuntary moan as Garaki licked the blood from his nipples. He played with the nipple with his long tongue, moaning as he went. Izuku could feel the blood rushing to his permanently flaccid penis, making it ache with desire. He was making noises he wasn't sure were possible thanks to his arousal and the doctor seemed very turned on by these, moaning in unison with the teenager. With every second, the sucking and licking became more intense as the doctor used his other hand to squeeze the rest of the breast that wasn't covered by the comically small metal bra.

Izuku could feel an orgasm coming and wasn't sure how it was going to come out. His poor cock was locked up and there weren't any other places the fluid could come from. He couldn't even pee, much less cum.

That was when he felt something building up. He first thought it was vomit due to the sickness he felt but was quickly proved wrong when he saw droplets of a thick fluid come from his nipples. That must have only been a preview because, in 3 quick seconds, Izuku was squirting warm, thick, and slightly purple cum from the tips of his newly acquired nipples. He screamed in agony as his boobs shook with the force of 10 orgasms, and his hips started thrusting involuntarily with pleasure and a need for friction.

The doctor had stopped when he saw the droplets of cum and moved back, but the sheer force of the ejaculation had made the doctor soaking wet with the purple cum. Without a second thought, he licked some cum off of Izuku's nipples to examine it, making vile moaning sounds as it hit his tongue. 

"Magnificant, my dear girl. This tastes delicious. It tastes like happiness. I'm at a loss for words, honestly, I need to take this in for examination. Although it is a little bit weird that the color is a light purple. I wonder if it's because your body absorbed 26-FM-40 into your reproductive system. They were only supposed to help your transition go smoothly, make your penis shrink, and make your breasts grow faster but I guess this was a fortunate byproduct of my wondrous creation." The doctor was skipping in the room, basically dancing around Izuku with joy. 

"Since I'm so happy, tomorrow I'm going to come here with a little gift to make you pretty and I might even do a new experiment to make you better. For now, I'm going to leave because I need to examine your magnificent cum, but I will be back tomorrow with presents. Bye-bye~" He left Izuku alone, horny, and desperate. When he closed the door and was sure that he was out of earshot, he started cackling, his plan was working, the overstimulation was going well and Izuku was horny. His sensitivity had gone up and he was very obviously getting used to the devices inside of him. He would have to switch the cage and rod tomorrow and prepare for the 'gift' and do the new surprise experiment.

It was all a lot of work, but it would all be worth it in the end when they would able to impregnate him with Sensei's seed. He was so excited. He decided to turn on the camera to watch his little masterpiece. 

As soon as he turned on the camera, he noticed that his subject's tits weren't vibrating and that he wasn't as horny anymore. "FUCK, I FORGOT TO TURN ON THE VIBRATOR FOR HER TITS!" he screamed in anger. He then quickly grabbed the remote, stomped into Izuku's 'bedroom' turned on the vibrator, and stomped back out, not saying a word. 

When he looked back at the screen to watch his subject, he took note of how his tits were vibrating with intensity, causing an immense amount of the new cum to drip down, wetting his body as a result. "Maybe I should create a contraption to milk her like a cow, the sudden suction might even make her tits grow faster with the intense overworking. Her nipples would be so sensitive like that, and they would be so perky too. Aaauuuughghhhhh~ that would be so fucking hot." He was getting hard from the thoughts he had. He had to snap himself out of it before he started jerking off in the middle of his sterilized and oh-so-precious lab.

"Right, I mustn't get distracted. I need to examine her cum and start making the plans for her new operations and modifications. I also need to ask Master for a few new quirks. Ughhh, there is so much to do. I wish I could just sit in my office and watch my experiment cum."

In the background, loud screams of pleasure could be heard from Izuku who was cumming for the second time in the past 20 minutes. 

Chapter 6: Some Prep-Work For LaterSummary:Garaki is a very creative soul...

much to Izuku's horror!

Notes:(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter TextCreating new ways to torture his favorite subject had become Garaki's most awaited time of the day. After a sleepless night of experimenting with Izuku's delicious cum, he had concluded that it was a type of aphrodisiac that could increase the size of a woman's cup size 5 times the original size and could make them more sensitive. His mind went wild with new contraptions to milk his beloved girl.


He quickly drew up blueprints of a milking device that would attach to a piercing that he would add to his experiment. The device would constantly suck the nipples, making them puffy and even bigger than their already unnaturally big size. He even noticed that due to the immense stimulation, some of the cum would be held in the nipples, increasing their growth speed. At this rate, he would need to put cages on them to ensure they wouldn't grow too much.


From watching a sped-up version of the camera footage, he had noticed that Izuku's 8-inch cock had shrunk to a still larger than average 6,5 inches. This shocked him very much because he thought that it would take at least 2 weeks to get there. He figured this was because of the constant experimentation and the new additions to his precious little girl's body. He would have to change the locks to a smaller size to speed up the process at this point. 


And the appointment to get rid of those pesky balls seemed closer than ever. His little experiment would finally be a real girl and he was sure All For One would be very happy to hear about these new developments.


Without another moment to waste, Garaki got to work inventing his new devices for ultimate sexual torture. He had to hurry to deliver these to his subject immediately. He also had to look at her brain activity sometime to make sure she wouldn't break, but that could wait for another time.


Making the devices wasn't hard since he had a lot of parts lying around and a clear, twisted image in his head. The hard part was the attachment since even though he was a very gifted doctor, he had no expertise in piercings. It wasn't because he didn't want to hurt the young girl but because he didn't want to damage the goods. 


He immediately sat down at his computer and began typing away. He figured that he could program something on his computer to do the piercings, and he would just have to do the attachments of the 'milkers'. He was so grateful that All For One had given him a programming quirk a few years back. This experiment would be the perfect gift to give back to him for everything he has done. 


"Maybe when her little pussy gets finished I can add some piercings there as well. I can add some to her ears, her belly button, her eyebrows, her nose, her tongue, her lips…" he started mumbling, talking about all the places he could pierce. 


Finally, after 4 long hours of tireless work, he was done with everything. All that was left was to attach.


He entered the experiment room while whistling a happy tune. He was wheeling a cart full of the new 'gear' excitedly. He stopped walking when he saw how wet the floor around Izuku was. It was his cum, in all its translucent violet and lavender-smelling glory. He figured the smell was his omega pheromones starting to show, proving that the intense experiments he was doing on Izuku were working. He was overjoyed, to say the least. He couldn't conceal his excited and happy squeals anymore and he sounded like a pig on crack, laughing and giggling like a fifth grader.


He wordlessly grabbed a hose he had added to the room earlier to suck up the gorgeous goo, laughing as he collected it. When he was done, he looked at Izuku in an almost predatory way. The 17-year-old cowered under the heavy gaze. Garaki relished in the horrified expression as he went back to his cart and pulled it next to Izuku who was on the verge of cumming once more. Not wanting to clean up again, he pressed a button on his remote and stopped the vibrating, his poor little girl let out a whine, sad that she couldn't finish.


"There there, you will cum soon enough my girl." He tutted as he set up the little machine he had built for the piercings. It didn't take long, which he was grateful for because he was excited to see the results. He hurriedly started unscrewing the now soaking clamps on her nipples, his hands continuously slipping causing Izuku high amounts of stimulation. Finally, when both clamps were out, he noticed a slight issue… the tightness of them had made the nipples clover shaped! 


The crazed doctor let out a frustrated grunt as he started furiously playing with the half-inch thick and one-inch wide nipples, trying to shape them back into their old perfect shape. That was when he saw that the precious breasts he had worked on had grown half a cup. He would seriously need to start working on his 'tit cages' if he didn't want them overgrown and ugly. He decided to put that off for later as there were more pressing matters to deal with. He unchained the metal bra, took the vibrator off of the nipple, and sterilized the tip of the nipple thoroughly before lining up the machine and inserting the special piercings he wanted.


With those all prepared, he pressed the big red and weirdly nipple-shaped button on the device and started the countdown.







Notes:Hi everyone, thank you for over 4000 hits. I really appreciate it. Also, I am back from Malaysia so unless something happens, the chapters will continue to be uploaded regularly.


Chapter 7: Time to Check Up on the Cock and BallsSummary:The piercing device has done its job so now Garaki can focus on Izuku's lower region once again.

Chapter TextWith a final beep, the machine started whirring with a comfortable hum, contradicting the stuff it was about to do. It scanned Izuku's sensitive nipple and in the blink of an eye, pierced it and put the piercing on. The sudden movement resulted in precum dripping from Izuku's now pierced nipples.


Garaki didn't even wait 3 seconds before prodding the pierced nipples with his hands, trying to comprehend his greatness. "INCREDIBLE! Did you see that my girl? I pierced your precious and sensitive nipples. Now all that's left is to milk the everliving shit out of you." He started cackling again as he took out his milking devices. "Let me put these babies on you, I'm sure you will love the feeling you little slut." As he said those words, he had already begun assembling these new additions to Izuku's damaged body. 


They fit perfectly on his newly acquired nipples, almost as if they knew what they were supposed to do, perfectly sucking in the tips of the nipples, making Izuku moan as they did so.


After checking the results, Garaki took the milkers out again. He put on the previous devices back on for 'maximum' stimulation, watching Izuku's body start convulsing with pleasure while doing so, and when everything was completed…Izuku was perfect.


His nipples were completely hooked to devices and collecting Garaki's new favorite product as they worked away on the teenager's body. Garaki kept making sounds of intense pleasure and joy, watching Izuku cum every 2 minutes. Now he was sure that he should pierce the rest of Izuku's body. Just looking at the puffy and pierced nipples made Garaki so horny and he couldn't imagine how his little girl's pussy would look with piercings on.


Izuku's 6th ejaculation broke him out of his stupor. Garaki had completely forgotten to do the checkup on his darling's pussy. He had bought a special 2-inch long cock cage just for this occasion, along with a 1.5-inch thick plug for the inside of her pussy. He had even gone to the lengths of getting a special syringe just to inject her pussy with an extra dose of 26-FM-40 to help loosen her 'pussy boobs' so that they can be easier to remove later on.


Izuku was quick to take notice of the new torture devices that were to be added to his body, however, he couldn't do much when his mind went numb with pleasure every 2 minutes. He couldn't even think straight anymore because of the constant stream of vibrations shaking his body. Even with all of these struggles, he had hope. He did his best to try and stay untouched even if it was only for a few more painful seconds before Garaki took hold of the now almost permanently flaccid and caged dick.


Without much effort, he managed to unlock it, and as soon as the cage came out, the rod up his dick started slipping out. Izuku's lower half was quickly thrusting in ways Izuku never wanted. It was trying to get the foreign object out of his urethra even though it would never work. His poor hole was stretched too much. It wasn't normal and Izuku could tell this just by looking at it.


By some miracle, the doctor seemed to understand his pleas and took the thin rod out. That small action was all Izuku needed to get erect again, his 6 inches going up to a 9, even though it was leaking his unique cum and gaping open. The doctor let out a chuckle, "My my, you really are ready for this, aren't you girl?" I don't even think I'm going to use lube with how much your pussy is dripping with your milk. How about I fix that for you?" Without even waiting for an answer, he started licking the tip of the erect cock, slurping up the viscous fluid. Every shuddering moan Izuku made echoed through the walls, ringing in his ears. 


Garaki stopped after 5 agonizingly slow minutes and repeated the same process he had done a few days ago but this time, instead of sticking the rod up, he poured 26-FM-40 inside Izuku's gaping urethra. Without wasting a single drop, he forcefully stuck the rod up the same hole, making Izuku's whole body jerk with the intense pain. No matter how hard the doctor tried, the rod just couldn't fit like that so he stuck his fingers in and started widening the hole and after many long minutes of blinding pain, the rod was in. Even though Izuku's body continued to thrust with increasingly more force, the thickness of the rod kept it in place.


Just like the last time, he injected the needle right where his balls are, and Izuku's stuffed dick went flaccid, although the object inside still kept up the illusion that it was hard. He reached into his pocket and took out the upgraded version of the all too familiar cock cage which was now only 2 inches but was very thick, enough to keep Izuku's monstrously stretched dick in place and even squishing it so hard it went purple. Closing it was more difficult than before due to the abnormal shape but with some squeezing and squishing, he was finally done. Izuku could feel every nanoliter of fluid coating the insides of his dick and bladder. 


He knew that even if he was in more pain, the doctor wouldn't stop. His ass was next and just thinking of what would happen to it made him shudder. 


The doctor had already started caressing his ass cheeks, kissing them with his dry and chapped lips. As much as Izuku hated it, he couldn't deny that the doctor knew what he was doing. He could barely contain his moans while the doctor started slapping his ass. "You like that, don't you? You fucking slut…" 


Izuku could feel the thick cum building up in his tits again and along with the heavy vibrations going on around them, couldn't hold back anymore and let the cum rocket out of him with immense force and pleasure. His pleasure-filled screams echoed in the empty room, making him even more aroused than he was before. 


Much to his disappointment, the doctor stopped what he was doing when he heard the screams. He seemed to focus on what he was supposed to be doing immediately. Without giving Izuku any rest, he held the tip of the massive buttplug and started pulling. Despite the size and thickness compared to Izuku's ass, it came out very easily, only taking a few seconds, making disturbingly visual noises as it exited his ass.


Izuku whimpered when the object his ass had clenched around left his body, now making him feel empty. Next, the gigantic dildo that was basically like a new organ with how far lodged up his ass it had been was taken out with much struggle. The doctor had stuck his whole hand up his ass to take it out but failed to grip it due to the wetness around it. Izuku could feel every movement and struggle to take it out, the doctor's hand rubbing against his insides.


When Garaki finally managed to get a hold of it, he yanked it out… or at least he tried to. It took a good 7 minutes to take it out and when it was finally out, the sheer feeling of it being removed from his body made him cum. For the first time in 4 days, Izuku's ass was now empty. Izuku's ass was loose and dripping with the few leftover drops of 26-FM-40 which had been almost fully absorbed.


"You gorgeous girl, you are such a sponge aren't you? Waiting for your next fill to soak it all inside your gorgeous body again?" the doctor had a manic look in his eyes, excited about how well his experiment was going. Just like the last time, he picked the hose up from the ground and stuck it up Izuku's ass.


When it got properly secured, he felt the familiar vibration of the hose as the thick fluid came up it and into his ass. It didn't hurt as much as the first time, but Izuku could still feel the burning of his organs as the liquid washed his insides.


When the hose was done with its job, the doctor stuck the dildo in again, and then when it was time for the plug, he took out a bigger and thicker one. Despite Izuku's desperate pleas, he didn't listen and violently shoved it up his ass with immense force, causing Izuku to whimper like a lost puppy once more.

Chapter 8: Why Have Two Testicles When You Can Just Have NoneSummary:The last shreds of Izuku's manhood are gooing away...

Chapter Text"Good girl, you took that so well didn't you?" Garaki cooed at Izuku in the most sickly sweet voice he could muster. "I decided to give you some food today. My Nomu will be here shortly to deliver your food. Other than that, there isn't anything left for me to do today, however, in three days you have an important appointment. I won't tell you what it is but I'm sure you will love it…" he then slapped Izuku's ass, "Bye-bye now my darling, see you in three days. Have fun cumming." with that he left Izuku to vibrate and cum, waiting for his food.


When his food came, he was fed like a baby by the Nomu who seemed to be enjoying this a little bit too much, even making cooing noises and airplane noises when putting the spoon in Izuku's mouth. The Nomu's disgusting corpse smell made Izuku gag as he ate the food given to him which was surprisingly flavorful.


Throughout the next three days, Izuku was fed regularly, even though it was by a Nomu that was babying him. Still, that wasn't the only change that happened. Izuku's D-Cup boobs had now reached the DDD milestone due to the constant milking and vibrations as well as the 26-FM-40 being absorbed into his body. His dick had also shrunk to a measly 3 inches in height and 4 inches in width. If a hand was lubed enough, it could easily fit inside the unnaturally wide urethra. Izuku's vacant and originally quirkless body was perfect for these experiments. 26-FM-40 had already been fully absorbed and it hadn't even been a week since the first experiment had started. Izuku's ass was stretched to the brink and even the butt plug could hardly stay inside. Even Izuku's voice had gotten higher because of the high concentration of estrogen entering his body. 


There was only one thing left that was imperfect among some other stuff… his testicles. Garaki thought that since the experiments were going so well, he would do the procedure today and get it over with so that Izuku could heal quickly. It's not like it would be hard. He wouldn't even need to use anesthetics for a basic and supposedly painless surgery like this.


He had a cart full of special scalpels and needles he could use to make this more interesting for himself. According to his calculations, his balls had grown even though they were supposed to shrink. They were as big as melons, pulling down his entire body. He was pretty sure Izuku didn't even know how big his balls had gotten and was sure that the completely smooth and monstrous balls would shock him. He made a mental note of playing with them for a bit before getting rid of them just to torture Izuku further. 


Garaki had considered keeping them just because of their unreal size but then concluded not doing it to not damage his final vision for his project. If he felt like it, he could easily reattach them with some procedures. 


He wheeled the cart that was all too familiar to Izuku into the operating room and pressed a few buttons to make Izuku's legs spread more than they already were before picking out a scalpel from the cart. Then slowly started cutting into the cast that was way too small for the overly large testicles around them so that Izuku could see them one last time before they were gone for good. 


Izuku had become very sensitive in his lower region but mainly in his balls. The second the cast came off and his now weirdly larger-than-usual balls felt air for the first time in days, Izuku let out a spine-chillingly aroused moan. His body trembled with pleasure and his mind could only think of one thing…SEX.


His pleas for stimulation went on deaf ears as the doctor took out a pen and started drawing the lines from which he would cut. Even the cold feeling the marker left behind made him aroused. During the whole procedure, he could feel his orgasms continue even though he was numb to the pleasure they made him feel for the moment because of the immense arousal given to him because of his soon-to-be-gone balls. 


"I'm impressed at how aroused you are my dear girl, the quirk Master will give you when you are ready will be a perfect match for you. Did you know that quirkless people can't become Nomu's because of their unique anatomy? This means that we can give you as many quirks as we want without your mind breaking." Izuku let out a moan of pleasure as a response to the doctor even if he didn't mean to. 


"By the way, my girl, do you want to see your pussy boobs one last time? I want to play with them and I feel like it would be a shame if you didn't see my masterpiece before removing them." Izuku barely mustered out a yes as a mirror came out of the ground and angled itself in a way that Izuku could see them. 


The scream he let out was music to Garaki's ears. He could see Izuku's hands twitching as if trying to get out to play with the new massive additions to his body that were soon to be removed. Just for the fun of it, Garaki pressed the release button on the remote to lower him down. He wanted to see how the balls would affect his balance and what he saw made him go over the moon.


Izuku couldn't shut his legs. His balls were too big and they made his body convulse with every little contact they had with his thighs. Since Izuku couldn't reach his massive balls or even touch them, Garaki pressed the same button and recaptured him, not forgetting to spread his legs in an unnatural way as he did so.


Without giving Izuku's poor convulsing body a break, Garaki took out a whip and started harshly whipping the melons that his balls had turned into. Over and over again, Garaki whipped, slapped, hit and licked the balls, in return making Izuku pass his ejaculation record with 42 per minute. 


However, the fun had to end at some point, and he had to do what he set out to. He took one more look at the now even more swollen pair of testicles and slowly took his scalpel from the table. 


"NO! NO, PLEASE DON'T, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE" Izuku sounded like a broken record from how much he was begging. Ignoring how much it hurt to speak and how much his voice cracked, he begged. Despite the mutations, they were still part of his body and one of the last shreds of his manhood. He couldn't imagine being without them.


"SHUT UP YOU SLUT, LET ME DO MY WORK IN PEACE OR YOUR GOING TO LOSE MORE THAN THOSE MELONS!" Even though he sounded mad, Izuku could still hear the amused undertone to his threat, his mind probably imagining all the fucked up ways he could mess Izuku up more.


Garaki looked up at Izuku's face for a few seconds to make sure he had shut up and went back to re-marking his cut lines, trying his best to ignore Izuku's shivers and light moans as he went. Then, after all that preparation, the stage was set for his scalpel and medical prowess. He lined up his scalpel with the marks and slowly pressed down. It smoothly cut across the flesh, highly contradicting Izuku's screams and whines of pain and torture.


As more skin was cut and the balls were getting freer by the second, they actually started to tear the rest of the skin off with their weight, pulling Izuku down as they went. "Would you look at that you slut, I don't even need to do half the work. This just shows how much of a girl you are. Even your balls are trying to get away from your sorry self. Master will be so happy to hear this you know." Garaki's chuckles echoed around Izuku, making his pain worse.


When the skin finally ripped completely, the melons-like balls fell to the ground with a massive splat sound, similar to a balloon. Blood started dripping from the open wound and drip down on the castrated balls slowly as Garaki knelt down to pick them up and drag them to the cooler he had prepared previously.


"My goodness, these are heavy. How the hell did your body manage to carry this for a whole week? They are squishy too, maybe I can use these as a pillow." His lips curled into a slight smirk. "Well, goodbye now sugar. I'll send a Nomu to patch that up later." After gesturing for a Nomu to carry the testicles, Garaki promptly left the room, humming along to a tune in his head.

Chapter 9: Why Have 2 Testicles When You Can Just Have NoneSummary:Garaki talks to Izuku about a little surprise...

Notes:Wspp guys, I want to say that I am very sorry for the unexplained absence. I have been really overwhelmed and busy lately and I literally forgot to write the other chapters. I had a lot of stuff going on in my life and school and writing this fanfiction completely crossed my mind. The new chapter will come out today, but it is a bit shorter than usual and I will do my best to upload new chapters. From now on, I won't post every Tuesday but as soon as I am done with a new chapter. So there won't be a specific day where I will post chapters. I will try my best to not leave y'all without content for this long from now on. Thank you all for understanding and sticking around all this time.

Enjoy the new chapter 😗✌️

Chapter TextJust like Garaki said, a Nomu came to patch him up but the damage had already been done and Izuku could still feel the phantom pain where his testicles used to be. The pain he felt was unreal and he felt like he was still bleeding. This didn't stop Garaki however. If anything, he was even more eager to touch him and play with him.


Nevertheless, Izuku kept getting new injections of 26-FM-40 every week and with them, his body morphed even further. His skin had started getting a slight lilac tint to it from the fluid, his hair had grown very long and the rich green color had started turning an equally rich purple. His voice had gotten as high as Mina's from the lack of testosterone being produced in his body, making his moans sound even more graphic than they used to. The DDD breasts that he possessed were now even bigger at a whopping GG and they were producing his lilac pheromones 30 times per minute. 


Izuku had forgotten what happiness and a comfortable sleep felt like and the constant pleasure he felt along with the objects shoved in him kept his body from relaxing. He had even forgotten his name, the only thing he could remember being the name Deku and how long he had been captive. Finally, his cock was almost gone. It was about half an inch and stretched so wide that Garaki could stick his whole hand in it with no trouble. However, that still wasn't enough and Garaki had announced that the operation to turn that dick into a pussy was only a month away. 


"Good news sugar," Garaki yelled ceremoniously as he entered the lavender-smelling operation room. "Since tomorrow is your 6-month anniversary I decided to prepare a few surprises for you and I'm sure you will love them. I worked very hard to organize this and I think you will appreciate it." Izuku looked up at Garaki with empty, uncaring eyes. He had lost all hope of ever being rescued and rarely talked anymore. 


However, Garaki prided himself on his ability to read Izuku like a book and could tell his exact thoughts at any given moment. Granted, it wasn't that hard because ninety percent of the time he just thought of sex and pleasure but on the off chance he didn't think that, Garaki could still tell. He knew that Izuku was at least a little bit intrigued.


He turned around and started walking towards the door while waving his hand dismissively. "Well, anyway, that was all I wanted to say. You can go back to your pleasures my doll." with a final glance, he was gone again. 


Izuku looked up as if to call out to Garaki to stay. He was so lonely that he was desperate for any company. He wanted Garaki to talk to him or play with him like he usually does. His loneliness was causing him to have hallucinations of people that he couldn't remember. He kept seeing the same people, a red, spiky-haired guy, a blonde guy who kept calling him useless, another blonde guy with a lightening strike in his hair that kept biting a charger while taking pictures of him, and a guy with white and red hair that watched him silently from the corner of the room. He tried to reach out and ask for help or at least ask them to play with him the way Garaki does but he could never make the words exit his mouth. 


On rare occasions, he saw a green-haired woman that stared at him with disappointment and tears in her eyes. He knew that he must've had a connection to these people but how could he remember them when he couldn't even remember his own name? 


He tried his best to focus on these hallucinations and figure out who they were but the immense sexual torture he endured daily made it hard to think about these, or just think in general. He barely had any thoughts other than sex. The hallucinations haunted him throughout all of his torture, mocking him with their freedom and taunting him with stares. Izuku closed his eyes to try and unsee the mocking gaze of his new tormentors and decided to try and have another half-assed nap like he usually does when he gets overwhelmed. He hoped that Garaki's surprise was as good as he made it out to be.

Chapter 10: A New Friend Has ArrivedSummary:It's time for the surprise that Izuku has been waiting so excitedly for. I wonder what it will be 🤔

Notes:(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter TextIzuku was startled awake by the sound of the double doors being thrown open and Garaki walking in while carrying a boombox with loud music coming from it. 


"IT'S YOUR 6 MONTH ANNIVERSARY DARLING, ARE YOU EXCITED FOR YOUR SURPRISE?" Garaki yelled over the loud music, looking over at Izuku expectantly. Izuku let out quiet noises of excitement as a Nomu came in with something covered by a black veil. 


The surprise covered in the veil was enough to pique Izuku's interest and make him muster up enough strength to speak, "W-w-what's u-un-de-e-r t-t-he v-v-eil?" Despite the harsh stuttering, the doctor understood him just fine, "It's a friend for my darling subject. Are you happy?" that single statement was enough to make Izuku's eyes glisten with joy for the first time in months. "Y-y-es, I-I'm h-ha-a-ppy" Izuku stuttered out as best as he could, before a moan racked his body from his ejaculation again. Garaki paid no attention to it before he spoke again, "I have one more little surprise for you~" Garaki sang happily, dancing around Izuku like the maniac he is. 


After his dancing came to an end, Garaki gestured for the Nomu to go to Izuku. Even though this made him flinch violently at first, he soon saw that the Nomu meant no harm and was actually freeing him from the handcuffs that shackled him in his uncomfortable position. It took a painstaking 10 minutes and Izuku's constant cumming from the skin to skin contact to free Izuku's hands and feet and another 3 for Izuku to manage to stand up after months of atrophy. Finally, as if on queue, the second he stood up, the 'friend' underneath the veil started to move in aggressive and quick movements. "Oh!" Garaki exclaimed, "It seems your new friend is up and running. Are you ready to meet him my baby girl?" like an excited puppy, Izuku looked at Garaki with joy and curiosity. 


That was all Garaki needed to see to finally pull the veil off, revealing a tall and muscular guy with ashy hair and crimson eyes. Izuku looked at him curiously, studying his every feature. His hair came down to his chin despite still being quite spiky and unkempt and he had bags under his eyes. His eyes that kept taking in his surroundings contradicted the scowl on his face and his handcuffed hands kept fidgeting, trying to escape the shackles. His fidgeting stopped as he finally recognized the man that unveiled him, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD, WHY AM I HERE YOU ASS CLOWN? I KNOW WHO YOU WORK FOR. YOU FUCKING FANBOY WHAT AM I DOING HERE? WHERE AM I? WHO IS THAT FREAK OF NATURE STARING AT ME? WHAT I-" The doctor expertly gagged the boy with a gag ball he seemingly got out of nowhere and pet the boy's head as if he were an angry cat.


"All questions will be answered young Dynamight, please try and stay calm. Also, please refrain from calling my darling baby girl a freak of nature. She is just curious and I am sure she will be your only solace from now on." with a quiet chuckle, he pet the boy's hair. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to get to. Have fun chatting my darlings…" he then took the gag ball out of Bakugo's mouth, turned his back and walked out, the Nomu following him slowly.


The blonde boy slowly looked around the room trying to decipher the situation he was in. The creature before him was oddly familiar and he just couldn't shake the feeling of dread pooling in his stomach as the seconds slowly passed by. Both of them stared at each other for what felt like hours, not knowing what to say or do in each other's presence. Finally, Izuku made a move, slowly leaning forward in an effort to sniff this new human. His months of isolation gave him more animalistic characteristics that he decided to act upon. 


"WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH YOU, YOU FREAK OF NATURE?!?! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, GOT IT?" Bakugo screamed at the sudden movements of Izuku. When he saw Izuku cower in his presence at the loud voice, however, he looked down apologetically. "I-I'm sorry okay, I didn't mean to yell. I've been trying to be nicer and since you're probably going to be the only person I have for a while, I should be nicer. I'm just confused and depressed I guess." He looked at Izuku who was listening intently, "So, what's your deal? Why are you here?" Now it was Bakugo's turn to listen as he looked at Izuku curiously. Izuku tried to speak but was too nervous, not even knowing the name of the blonde made him unsettled and he couldn't bring himself to talk.


"So, from the looks of you, I can tell that you've been here for a while. Do you have a name?" He looked at Izuku again. He shook his head as a way to say no, and waited for Bakugo to talk again. "Okay, well I'm gonna call you… Lavender, since you smell like lavender and are purple. My name is Bakugo Katsuki, call me whatever you want I guess. I'm actually a hero in training. I go to UA and I'm the strongest. I don't remember getting kidnapped or anything, I just woke up under that veil. All I know about this place is that it has connections to AFO and shit since there was a Nomu here." 


He wanted to further the subject but seeing the tubes basically milking the watermelon sized boobs of this purple mystery girl kept distracting him. The more he looked at this girl, Lavender, the more he noticed sight details like the way her pussy was weirdly shaped and locked up with something stuck inside it, bobbing up and down in the wetness as if wanting to be let out; or the way her whole body was vibrating silently and how despite sitting down, her ass never touched the ground. However, the teenager in him made it so that he couldn't keep his eyes off of the watermelons that were this girl's voluptuous tits; they were connected to translucent tubes filled with a lavender liquid and the tubes were connected to her tits as if they were attached permanently. There was a metal bra The final thing he took note of was how her tits seemed to vibrate even more than Lavender was. 


"This is going to be awkward but what's up with you? Like in general, what's with this whole getup?" The question caught Izuku off guard but he decided to answer. His voice was shy and shaky as finally managed to speak. "I-I was kidnapped 6 m-months ago and they are t-t-trying t-to turn m-me into a b-breeding m-machine f-for N-Nomu." he said, stuttering heavily. "T-they e-experimented on me and t-turned me into t-this. T-their goal is t-to m-make me have t-their kids." Bakugo, to put it plainly, was disgusted and horrified. If this is what they did to Lavender, what would they do to him? 


"Can you tell me what exactly they did to you?" He tried to investigate but he noticed that just thinking about all the atrocities done to him were enough to make him cry and scratch at his arms. Bakugo tried to go to Izuku and hug him but the idea of someone hugging him just made him panic more. "I'm sorry" Bakugo exclaimed, "I didn't mean to make you sca-" before he could finish his sentence, Izuku moaned loudly, a new flow of the lavender liquid flowing through the tubes. His eyes were rolling into the back of his head with every squirt of cum coming from his nipples. Bakugo just managed to watch in awe and wonder as the phenomenon happened before his eyes.

Notes:Things are gonna get juicy in the next chapter. If there is anything you have in mind for Bakugo, y'all can comment it and I might just do it.

Anyways sorry for the late update. I'm alive again and I promise that the next chapter won't take this long to come out. Thxx for sticking around and I hope you all enjoyed this new chapter. 😎

Chapter 11: Bakugo's Getting Bitchy and (Reverse) BitchedNotes:(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text"L-Lavender, are you okay?" To say that Bakugo was shocked would be an understatement. He had never seen anyone but himself have an orgasm before and the intensity made his cock strain. Because of the intense ejaculation, Lavender hadn't even heard Bakugo. She kept clawing at the cock cage, looking up with glassy eyes. Before she could manage anything of value however, she passed out from exhaustion. 


Bakugo decided to not wake her up, instead opting to lay down next to her on the cold concrete and sleep. 


When he woke up again, he felt a tug on his arms and legs, as if he were being pulled apart. He felt groggy and confused as he looked around trying to figure out what the pulling was. That was when he noticed that he was in fact not on the floor but being held by chains in the air, laying horizontally. Lavender was also held up by chains but was held vertically, as if to make her watch Bakugo. She was already awake, staring at Bakugo with concern.


"Well, well, well. Guess who finally decided to wake up." Hearing Garaki's voice made him freeze. He tried to look behind him to look at Garaki but the chains were too strong and tight, not even letting him move an inch. "Since you're awake, I think it's finally time to mold you as I did to my darling 6 months ago. So, basically, since my darling is obviously a girl, I need a good breeding candidate before testing it out with master. I'm gonna make you an alpha, an animal, a sex machine." Even though he couldn't see Garaki, Bakugo could feel his evil eyes on him.


Bakugo once again tried to escape the chains but failed, having no choice but to accept his fate. However, this didn't mean he would go down without a fight. He could hear Garaki's heavy footsteps as he slowly approached Bakugo with something in his hand. "You see baby, I think you are gonna struggle a lot so I took precautions." Within seconds, Bakugo felt something encase his mouth and the back of his head. It pulled on his neck and stung his cheeks.  Before he could even process it, there was something covering the lower half of his face, hurting him and limiting the already limited mobility his head had. After he was done attaching the thing on Katsuki's face, he pushed a few buttons on a remote and lowered a full body mirror on Katsuki. That was when Katsuki saw the device put on his head, it was a muzzle.


Garaki had the AUDACITY to muzzle the great Bakugo Katsuki and try to make him a pet!


Katsuki was livid, a low growl escaping his mouth as he started yelling profanity after profanity to the doctor who just watched with an amused look in his eyes. "My dear, don't bother yelling. That muzzle is basically permanent from now on, or until I find a better substitute to keep you from biting while still being able to hear you scream. Anyways, I'm going to keep the mirror like this so that you can see everything I do, and if I catch you closing your eyes for more than two seconds, consider your eyelids gone." he then called over his Nomu to bring him his tools as if he hadn't just threatened to cut someone's eyelids out just seconds ago.


"Okay baby, first we are going to start with your ass since that will be done quicker and tomorrow, I will handle your cock as well as some regular injections. I will also put some of my dear darling's cum in you to speed up the process. Finally, I'm gonna work on your mouth and face in general. After that we will only have your additions left." He said with a manic smile as he made the chains move Katsuki to be in a more upright position. 


Without any time to waste, he starts the operation. He begins with sticking his dry fingers slowly up Katsuki's virgin hole. "Since you're meant to be an alpha, I don't think you should be able to experience pleasure from your ass so, I'm going to take that away from you." He chuckled softly, not explaining any further as to not ruin the surprise. As minutes ticked by, he kept inserting more fingers in his ass to loosen it. It was taking a while but hearing Katsuki's Loud moans and cries for help made it all better. After an hour of tireless fingering, Garaki took out a hollow anal spreader and slowly stuck it in the slightly gaping hole. Despite the screams coming from Katsuki, Garaki knew he enjoyed it, maybe too much…


He would make sure Katsuki would never feel anal pleasure again, no matter what it takes. The spreader looked so hot on Bakugo's ass, leaving a small opening enough to see the inside of the glorious tight cheeks. Garaki slowly but surely opened the spreader more and more, until it was wide enough to stick both of Garakis hands in it. Katsuki's horrified screams only got louder as he practically experienced being ripped in half. "My my sugar you're such a slut aren't you. Your tight little ass is so excited to have visitors, so ready to have your cheeks spread so wide I can stick both my hands in. I bet you want me to fuck you till you pass out, you want your ass to be used so bad its crazy. But that's not going to happen. I never thought you'd be a bottom slut, ready to have your ass fucked at any time." He kept rubbing Katsuki's prostate with his hands, satisfying him and traumatizing Bakugo to no end.


Bakugo had tears in his crimson eyes. He could feel cold air entering the inside of his ass as Garaki played with his prostate. He hated the fact that he got horny from this, moaning lewdly at the contact, slowly inching closer and closer to releasing his children all across the operating room. He could hear the sound of a marker's cap being taken off and Garaki slowly circling the outline of his prostate in his insides. The cold tip of the marker made him shudder with pleasure, tickling his prostate with the tip of it. When the contact suddenly stopped, he whined in distress, his actions betraying his mortified thoughts. Lack of contact wasn't long lived as he felt something cold and wide enter his ass, scraping the insides of the flesh as it went in. The cold object was metal according to Garaki's mumbling and it pressed against his prostate which made Bakugo whimper due to not being able to feel any type of pleasure from the metal plaque in his ass. That's when it hit him. Garaki was going to block his prostate, he was going to take away his source of pleasure with no way to regain it. 


That's when he heard the sound of a drill…


His whole world stopped…


He started trying to clench his ass hard enough to close the hole, and to shake his ass in an effort to get the metal out. Garaki only laughed at Katsuki's attempts as he put the first screw in. The screw was wet with what he figured was some sort of glue to keep it in place. He screamed in pain as the sharp screw impaled his insides, tearing open a hole in his flesh. Before he could even catch his breath, another screw went in, drilling away at his ass. The top two were done in a matter of minutes that felt like a millenia.  He could feel the sticky blood dripping out of his ass and onto the floor, making a small noise as it gathered in a puddle below. "I'm surprised you still haven't passed out my blasty boy." Garaki commented "It's only going to get worse from now on though, so brace yourself baby." Katsuki somehow managed to pale even more at the thought of the pain increasing. He was scared to ask what that meant even though his curiosity was eating away at him.


Garaki preferred to stay silent other than the few giggles he made in excitement to not ruin the surprise for Bakugo. He took the third screw and positioned it carefully. The drill put the screw in from the inside of Bakugo's ass as it kept spinning, way past the other two and finally breaking out from the  other side. When it broke free, Garaki poured alcohol on the wound to clean the screw and then screwed in a small ball on the tip. That was when it hit Katsuki, Garaki had turned the screw into a piercing. He knew that he had two dimples  just above his ass but he had never in a million years thought that they would be where Garaki pierced him, making the metal plaque even more unmoving. The same was done to the last screw but Katsuki couldn't even pay attention to it from the sheer amount of searing hot pain he felt in his ass.


Hot tears were streaming down his face at an alarming pace, dripping to the floor and mixing with the blood. He could feel the anal spreader slowly closing, meaning that the torture was over. He let out a small smile at the thought but immediately lost the smile when the spreader stopped midway. That was when the doctor put a small vibrator in his ass as if to tease him for his permanent loss of anal pleasure.While his hand was still in his ass, Garaki took the spreader out abruptly, causing the stretched ass to close in like a rubber band. The slapping sound it made around the hand resonated in the room for far too long, making Bakugo shiver at the sudden painful contact.


The hand slowly went out the ass until only Garaki's fingers were left, spreading the ass once more. It was significantly less painful but the vibrator still trapped in the confines of his tight ass made it more uncomfortable. Katsuki could hear the manic doctor tinkering with some other metal which he couldn't see. He froze when he felt it at the entrance of his ass, slowly penetrating him without any lube to slide it in. He could feel that it was a plug but there was something off about it. There were little slits in it.


He was lost in thoughts and pain when he snapped out of it due to Garaki's cackling. At first Katsuki wanted to know what for but then got the answer handed to him on a silver platter. The plug opened up. It bloomed like a flower in his ass, locking it close. His ass was spread on the inside but that still wasn't the end of it. Garaki locked it close with a second padlock, a heavy one pulling on his ass. Katsuki was then forced to watch as Garaki melted both keys with a blowtorch, permanently locking the access to his ass. He couldn't even try to hold back his screams and tears at the sight of his anal freedom leaving him. However, it still managed to get worse. 


Garaki started tickling Katsuki with something furry "Now that your ass is locked, it's time to decorate. I got you a tail, my baby. I'm going to sew it around your plug until I find a better lock honey." He said in a singing voice, smiling maniacally. He put the ash blonde tail in place and sewed it with no remorse. As if it wasn't enough, he started pulling and tugging on it until he was satisfied.


"So long now my sugars, I'll come back for you tomorrow!" Garaki laughed and left both test subjects to suffer.

Notes:I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Thxx to JadeRadmas for the inspiration.

Other than that, I actually did some research for this chapter so I'm practically a genius yk. Its slightly accurrate I think in like a medical way. So don't come at me if it isn't accurate.

Don't be too excited about this chapter coming out so quick because it was a one time thing. Sorry to break it to you but the next chapter is going to take at least a week to come out.

I promise I won't die on you guys like last time.

Anyways, byeee

C u next chapter <33

Chapter 12: Out of the Operating Room (For Better or for Worse)Notes:I'M STILL ALIVE GUYS!

I'm back and this time I promise I will try to be more consistent with my uploads again. I have been very busy the past few months and I literally forgot I was writing this fic. However, I promise that I won't abandon this fic and I will write it to completion.

Now enjoy the chapter

Chapter TextAbout 5 minutes after Garaki left, Katsuki's restraints started to loosen, eventually dropping him to the ground with a thud. He usually wouldn't mind falling on his ass but the recent torture had made it impossible to not scream and whimper at the pain. His ass hurt but he couldn't even pay proper attention to it because he was too busy touching it to find an opening to enter. The metal covering his insides bothered him to no extent, constantly scraping the walls of his ass with the rough, unpolished surface. He tried for what felt like forever or at least until his arms got tired from reaching around. Instead of giving up, Katsuki opted to now focus on the uncomfortable muzzle that dug into his cheeks. He clawed at the metal hoping that if he pulled hard enough, it would break. However, he had no choice but to accept that all his efforts were hopeless after a tireless hour of prying.


When he finally gave up and started paying attention to what was happening around him, he noticed that Izuku had been watching everything intently while being suctioned by those huge translucent tubes. He didn't fail to notice the subtle look of pity Izuku was giving him as he lost himself in the pleasure of his orgasm once more. He couldn't decide if the look of pity was for himself or for Katsuki. As he looked at Izuku, all he could think of was how he seemed to have accepted his fate. This made him livid because out of all the things the (Great) Bakugo Katsuki was, he was not a quitter and he was definitely NOT a pussy. He might have given up on getting out of the muzzle and that stupid fucking shit up his ass, but that wouldn't stop him from getting out of this godforsaken room and taking Izuku with him… as soon as he was done with his umpteenth orgasm.


The door was obviously locked from what he could tell, so Katsuki decided to look for possible air vents or small exits he could use without being noticed. He couldn't see any visible security cameras but he was sure of the fact that there were invisible cameras all around the room. That sick freak of a doctor was probably watching him now with a sadistic grin on his wrinkly face. Nevertheless, his eyes scanned the room, finally landing on a vent not too high up the ground that he could probably both climb in and fit comfortably…Bingo! 


He decided that he would try as soon as he could when he heard the doors open to reveal two Nomu's who were twice his height. One was carrying two syringes filled with a weird neon orange fluid while the other followed from behind with a blank look. They wasted no time, immediately walking over to Bakugo who had gotten into a fighting stance. Just as he was about to attack, however, they lunged at him, the empty-handed one held both of his hands tightly and used its legs to spread Bakugo's as wide as he could. That was when the second Nomu took action, roughly tugging at Bakugo's limp cock until it hardened. Despite what most people thought, he didn't have a very big cock, it was about 4.5 inches and the Nomu struggled to get a hold of it at first due to its massive hands. After the small cock erected, it only took the Nomu a few seconds to inject the even smaller testicles with the fluid.


Katsuki's struggles were meaningless next to the hulking strength of the Nomu's, even though he tried, he couldn't stop them from playing with his dignity, handling his cock as if it was playdoh. He knew he didn't have the biggest cock but that didn't mean it wouldn't wound his ever-present ego. The way his legs spread made him feel like he was being ripped apart and the injections burned him. He didn't know what was in those syringes but it felt like molten lava, he then watched helplessly as the Nomu twisted his cock like a balloon animal, breaking it in the process. The pure white pain he felt sent shivers up his spine, his screams echoing through the barren room and his body flailing in a final attempt to escape the grasp of the Nomu's.


He didn't know what he did in the end, but the Nomu's let him go and left the room as if possessed merely 20 seconds after they broke his shaft, Garaki coming in their place giggling with joy like a toddler. "How did you like the performance" he all but growled as he started poking Katsuki's dick. His face quickly fell when he noticed how truly small Katsuki's dick was compared to what Izuku's used to be. He knew it was small from his nightly stalkings but always assumed it grew to a decent size when erect. "My, my… I really got my work cut out for me don't I," he said with another chuckle and started massaging the broken dick with a viscous neon orange formula and bandaging it.


Bakugo couldn't even pay attention to what was being said to him as he lay on the floor sobbing uncontrollably. He was red in the face and was starting to lose his voice from the amount of sobbing he was doing. He only managed to pay attention again when Garaki slapped his ass and yelled at him for what felt like the hundredth time. "GET UP AND LISTEN TO ME WHORE! WE HAVE TO GO TO THE OPERATING ROOM AND YOU ARE REFUSING TO FUCKING COOPERATE. EITHER WALK WITH ME OR LOSE A FUCKING FINGER!"


He got up, ignoring the stinging and excruciating pain shooting through his lower body. Garaki seemed to not care for his injuries and turned around, walking towards the door. Bakugo was in so much pain while walking that he didn't even process the fact that he was outside of the usual operating room. He was so preoccupied with walking through the pain that he couldn't even start thinking of what going to another operating room meant for him. The only thing he could register was being shoved in a chair and having his arms and legs tied up in multiple tight layers of leather and titanium chains. His ass started hurting even more from sitting on it, he tried to squirm and reposition himself but his wiggling only managed to annoy Garaki and make him get his torso tied down like his arms and legs. He tried to scream but his voice was too damaged. 


From the corner of his eye, he could see Garaki take out another syringe and poke it into the side of his neck while he continued to struggle against the restraints. As the mysterious liquid took effect, Katsuki's vision started to go black. He tried his best to stay awake but in the end, his body won against his consciousness, making his dive into a deep slumber.

Chapter 13: Garaki's Side-Project BeginsNotes:(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter TextGaraki smirked at the sight of the passed-out hero wannabe. He had so many plans and all the support All for One could give him to make them come true. He knew that Bakugo was more of a personal side-project than Izuku and his sluttification but that did little to make him feel guilty for ruining the career of another potential hero. After ensuring that Bakugo was out cold by slapping the teen's head as if it were a ragdoll, he got to work by calling his Nomu into the room with his supplies.

As the doors of the operating room opened, revealing the Nomu and his seemingly unending collection of tools, Garaki couldn't help but giggle like a child on Christmas morning. The main thing he was planning on doing to Katsuki was sizing up his minuscule cock into a Lovecraftian monster of a dick. He was aware that his master had a quirk that could give people animal-like qualities which immediately made him consider turning Bakugou into a so-called "Alpha" as well as giving him some experimental plastic surgery to prepare him for the animal qualities he would receive. He had already been planning to give his slut a few extra quirks to make him even more submissive and breedable but he was sure Master wouldn't mind sparing a few more quirks to give his slut a new mate.

Garaki was certain that Bakugou would be distraught when he found out most of the changes made to his body, but he couldn't help but imagine how nice it would be to do all the operations now and then watch him have a mental breakdown over it when he woke up. With this newfound determination, he got to work to transform this aspiring young hero into a little pet to fuck his bitch.

First he decided to fix that atrociously small cock that Katsuki had. It would be hard considering the lack of materials he had, the said materials being Katsuki's dick, but he was determined to make that dick be at least 10 inches long. When considering his options, the best one seemed like pumping the small cock full of his darling girl's magical excretions. He knew for a fact that the bodily fluid had a way of increasing cock sizes from his own experiments and despite it not being permanent at the moment, he was certain he could figure out how to permanently alter the mistake that was Bakugou's cock. His running theory was that if he could figure out how to infuse it with the part of Bakugou's body that produced testosterone, he could somehow speed up the process and increase the size of the dick to unreal sizes easily.

He started by injecting the fluid directly into the tip and base of the cock to watch how it affected the size. It took a few minutes but as the fluid filled the veins in Katsuki's dick, the cock shot up to a towering 7 inches in a matter of seconds. Garaki grinned devilishly at the results and now injected Katsuki's balls with double the dosage. This time, the cock only took a few seconds to react to the fluid and grew another 5 inches with ease. The immense growth the dick went under in a few minutes was enough to make it tremble at Garaki's touch and immediately shoot out multiple thick squirts of cum which he took as a sign that he was on the right path. Now all that was left to do was ensure that this growth remained permanent by truly making it part of his DNA. After giving it some thought, Garaki decided to make this change through Katsuki's little balls. He carefully cut them off with a scalpel and put them under a bright light to examine them. What he found was unexpected but welcome, he found that Katsuki's balls were one of the main sources fueling the explosive quirk he possessed which made the little balls of masculinity more sensitive than the average pair of testicles. Garaki could see the burn scars on the inner parts of the testicles that happened from the over usage of the quirk as well as the small bumps on them that probably formed to preserve Katsuki's future children.

He wasn't sure how long he prodded into the severed balls but when he was done, the balls had started to make little sparks from contact due to how much they had been abused in such a short time slot. In the end, Garaki concluded that infusing the inner glands of the testicles would provide some sense of permanence in the balls and that the more Bakugou used or even attempted to use his quirk, there would be bursts of liquid going to Bakugou's dick to help maintain its new and enlarged shape. He quickly got to injecting the balls with the excretion in the correct areas and restitching the balls back to their rightful owner to watch it take effect. In the time it took for Garaki to do this surgery, the cock had shrunken back to its old size again which filled Garaki with immense amounts of pleasure since he would get to watch the dick grow once again from its measly 4.5 to a gargantuan 12.

Next up on his to-do list was adding some animal features to Bakugou to make his metamorphosis into part-deer more seamless. To be frank, he wasn't sure about the extent to which the quirk would transform Bakugou or any of the possible side effects. All he knew was that the quirk would biologically adapt to which animal the human looked and acted like and alter the DNA sequence to make the body forcefully accept the changes. It was risky but he decided that it was too late to give up on his dreams and let Bakugou remain unmutated. He had taken the liberty of making a list of all the changes he wanted Bakugou to have, such as a tail, a proper snout and nose, some hooves instead of feet, new ears, antlers, and some new eyes to impair his vision. Gifting Katsuki with the physical abilities of a wolf would be way too simple and too convenient for the aspiring hero and Garaki always preferred the long and challenging approach. It was ambitious but possible, and it ensured the fact that his new fawn would take longer to try and escape like he knew he was planning on doing.

Starting off with the face seemed like the best bet to Garaki since it looked like the most fun and he couldn't possibly wait any longer to cut into the smooth features of Bakugou Katsuki's face. So, with a hand trembling from a combination of pleasure and excitement he made the first incision.