Chapter 14: A Deer is BornChapter TextThe feeling of the scalpel piercing Bakugou's face was orgasmic. Garaki could feel his entire body shudder at the thought of cutting into and mutilating the perfect skin of the hero wannabe as his cock ached from the thoughts rushing through his mind. However, Garaki decided to ignore that feeling until after he was done with his side project since he still had a job to do. He had already gotten his most trusted Nomu to go and kill a few deer to take inspiration (and body parts) from, and now all he had to do was slice and dice until he was satisfied.

The snout seemed the most appealing to him so that's where he decided to operate on first. Slowly but surely he cut around the nose and lips, taking great care not to damage any nerve endings or the yet-to-be-separated skin. He would have to do some very difficult surgery to ensure the bone structure of the deer would merge seamlessly with Katsuki's. When he was satisfied with how he cut the skin, he carefully lifted it off of Katsuki's face and placed it in a sterile freezer for later use. After some trial and error, he found the perfect bones from his collection of deer bones and got to work to sew it onto the available patch in Bakugou's face. The stitching wasn't great but it would do and he could always use one of the healing quirks Master gave him to speed up the process when he was done. He trusted that the animal quirk he would force on Katsuki would take care of the nerve endings as it shifted the makings of his DNA later on since he was too focused on what other parts of Bakugou to mutilate to focus on it.

Garaki felt almost criminal in his immense excitement at cutting into different parts of Bakugou's body. He had decided that since he was doing the face, continuing with the ears and antlers would be the best course of action to take. Even though this was his first time doing an animal-to-human ear transplant, Garaki was proud of his work. It had taken a satisfying but strenuous process of careful cutting and stitching to make sure the ear canal was in the right place and angle and that the head would be able to support the added weight of the fluffy and long ears of a deer. He liked that the body had already started to get accustomed to the new additions as the ears slowly twitched with Garaki's every loud movement. When he was done having fun with the soft and delicate ears, he finally got to the part he was most nervous about…

The antlers…

He knew that the quirk he would force on to Bakugou would handle most of it but he knew that if he didn't create an opening in the skull that the rapid growth might damage the brain. Because of these possible complications, he decided to carve two tubes out of bones and implant them into the skull as a way to ease the growth of the glorious antlers. Since he wasn't a zoologist of any kind, Garaki made a quick estimate of the girth of the antlers and slowly started to drill into the skull to make a cavity to secure the tubes. He couldn't help his pleasure-filled moans as blood and bone fragments exited the holes he had created. Now it was time to insert the thin and short screws he had prepared into the holes alongside the tubes to completely secure them in place. He knew that as the quirk got accustomed to the body that this feature would lose its value but he knew that this would speed up the normal time it would take.

The last thing he had to fix on Bakugou's tainted face was his beautiful ruby eyes. He knew the color of them would remain but he didn't like how human they looked and he enjoyed the thought of taking as much as he could from Bakugou too much to leave those eyes alone. He knew that deer had worse eyesight than humans and imagining his dear Katsuki waking up to find that his vision isn't what it used to be sends jolts of pure pleasure into his member that he just can't say no to. It would be a complicated surgery, as with every other aspect of his current predicament, but he was determined to ruin the life of this potential hero. He first got to taking the eyes out of the deer carcasses he had in his possession to find the ones that were the right size for his pet to use. Finding the perfect ones was easier than he thought would be and so he swiftly took his eye speculum to further the surgery. He precisely but carelessly propped Bakugou's eyes open with the speculums and used a spoon-like tool to pop them out of their sockets. The eyes were now as far away from their sockets as they could be without damaging the veins which was exactly what Garaki was hoping to achieve. He then tried his best to play optometrist with his beloved patient and secured the nerve endings of the deer eye with the ones Bakugou had. He knew that he had succeeded in his endeavor when he saw the brown eyes he had implanted slowly started turning into the crimson that Bakugou originally possessed. The oval pupils centered on the ruby background was truly a sight to behold. Looking into those eyes was enough to make Garaki abandon his work momentarily to satisfy his violently twitching and needy cock and ejaculate onto the unconscious and altered body of his patient while moaning the name of said patient aloud.

It took him at least an hour to get all of the built-up cum out of his system and regain his composure to continue on the intense surgery he had dedicated his day to. He was now thinking of operating on Bakugou's muscular and ample legs and changing them into deer legs, fit with gorgeous cloven hooves. To say that he was excited would be an understatement as he started to draw the line he was going to cut on Bakugou's thighs. He took great care to mark around his beloved's tight ass to not undo his immaculate work. When he was satisfied with the lines he drew, he got out his trusty scalpel and stabbed it into the leg, cutting along the lines as he went. The separating flesh made squelching noises as the scalpel moved in between the two parts. Garaki carefully cut around the ass cheeks and finally finished cutting off the two smooth legs from his little fawn's body. He then handled the two deer legs in his hands with care and placed them into the empty sockets where Bakugou's old, and newly irrelevant, legs used to be. Using some of the excess skin he had collected from Bakugou's discarded parts, he wrapped them around the new appendages to sew them on more seamlessly. Despite the sloppy sewing, the legs looked like they were made to be there and the way they perfectly mixed into Katsuki's actual skin made his dick ache all over again. He lifted the new legs and played with them to see if they functioned like normal and even poked around Bakugou's new cloven hooves as if they were a fidget toy. When he was satisfied, he let them drop onto the operating table, the hooves hitting the table with a loud clank as he moved on to the last part of his surgery.

From the get-go, Garaki knew that the tail would be fun but complicated. He wanted it to fully connect to nerve endings and act like a real tail instead of as just a limp limb hanging from Bakugou's lower back. The hard part was that the body didn't actually have any nerves connected to where the tail would be attached to which made it hard to connect them in a way to make the tail move. He decided to access the nerves in his spine to connect them to the new addition of a tail which would provide at least a semblance of natural movement in the tail that the other methods wouldn't. He didn't know if giving Bakugou the animal quirk would help get all the nerve endings in check but he was hoping it would since he was a good doctor but this type of surgery really wasn't his thing. He didn't want to risk his many hours of work going down the drain but still decided to go for it. He adjusted the many straps around Katsuki's body to flip him around and put his tight ass on full display. Marking where the tail would go was complicated since he wanted it to be absolutely perfect for himself and his fawn, but he eventually decided to put it right above Katsuki's ass crack so that the little tail would hang down to exactly the place his ass curved.

The incisions and surgery took faster than Garaki ever thought was possible, but he chalked it up to the many hours he had spent in his operating room today. He was done with the tail before he knew it and looking down at the soft and sewn-on tail filled him with joy. The soft whimpers that came from the unconscious Katsuki lying on the operating table at his harsh tugs on the newly acquired tail confirmed for him that the operation was a success.Now all that was left to do was infuse Katsuki's DNA with that of the quirk. His master had taught him ways to transfer quirks for when he couldn't do so himself and even though it was a more strenuous and drawn-out process, he knew how to do it and was determined to follow through with finalizing the mutations Bakugou had undergone.

With great care, Garaki took out the vial that contained the essence of the animal quirk that Bakugou would receive in mere minutes and placed it on a test tube rack to open. He then poured in a sample of Bakugou's blood on the quirk to assimilate the quirk with the body it would soon take over. Next, he mixed it until it was fully combined and took out his syringe to get the quirk essence out of the vial. Finally, he located the part of the brain that controlled quirks and inserted the liquid into the brain. Now, all that was left to do was wait and see if he had fucked up or successfully and single-handedly done one of the best reconstructive surgeries in all of human history. He sat on his sofa and got comfortable to watch his truly fascinating side-project conclude in either victory or soul-crushing failure.

It took about thirty minutes for the first effects of the quirk injection to show themselves. Bakugou's shoulders, neck, and elbows started to grow fur that was the same ashy blonde that his hair was. The sloppily sewn on snout took a more centered place on the face and all the stitches disappeared one by one.The same could be said about most sewn on appendages as the flesh around the newly transferred legs showed a smoother transition and the leg hairs started shifting from their brown color to Bakugou's blonde with splashes of crimson and white as it went lower down his legs to his cloven hooves. His newly attached tail jolted with a twitch as it moved and changed colors to match Bakugou. Freckles started popping up under Katsuki's eyes and over his nose, coloring the pale skin in little dots of gold and ruby. The ears became even more animated as the quirk essence reached them and started making them move around at every small noise happening around them.

The biggest development that came from the quirk taking affect was the antlers that sprouted from Bakugou's head and curled and split into different directions like tree roots until they had a total width of 20 inches and a height of 25 inches, they resembled an explosion from afar with how interlocked and branched out they were. Bakugou's hair all around his body but especially on his head started to adorn red and maroon accents to them which, according to Garaki, made his dear Katsuki look even more pretty than he thought was possible.

After waiting a bit more for the transformations to fully dim down, Garaki decided to do a quick physical exam before waking up his Patient 0 and showing him that he passed his test with flying colors. He first opened those gorgeous eyes to check if they worked. He shined his flashlight into both eyes and observed the oval pupils dilate at the sudden change in lighting. He then propped Katsuki's mouth open to observe the changes made. He concluded that his tongue had grown longer to accommodate the longer snout and even his teeth had gotten somewhat flatter to support the deer anatomy that his body was forced to adapt to. Bakugou's fingernails had also gotten slightly longer and sharper with a darker hue to them, closely resembling his new hooves.

Finally, after a long hour of checking every nook and cranny of Bakugou's body, it was time to wake him up to show him the animal that he had become. Garaki slowly took out his smelling salts and placed it under Bakugou's rough and wet nose and waited…