the bet

Summary:Katsuki enjoys sex with her boyfriends, she does. It's the best thing every, even if they want to fuck into their wolf forms more than not.

But the problem is that they enjoy sex a little too much. And it's starting to mess with her schedule. After a small fight, things escalate to the point that she makes a bet with them. No sex for a week.

Now they are going to see who cracks first.

Notes:This was originally for the poly bang but I did not have time to post it, so I'm posting it now! I hope you enjoy!

Please, please be aware: Tetsu and Kiri fuck mostly in their wolf forms and they talk about it a lot. Like a lot a lot

Work Text:Katsuki is nice and warm, nestled in sleep as she is. She hums to herself, sleep refusing to leave her, burrowing deeper into her covers….though she doesn't remember her covers being this fuzzy, but she's not complaining. Anything to drive out the winter cold. 

And the dream she's having- it's so good . There's nothing but darkness behind her eyes, but that means she can feel everything . Pleasure runs through her slowly, like honey, drawing her into a nice hazy place. She's not sure which boyfriend she's dreaming of touching her, but she doesn't care. As long as she can stay here. 

If only her hips didn't ache so much. 

Her nose twitches, face scrunching as she tries to shift to ease the ache. It's like her thighs are being forced open. Something stops her though, something big, pushing down on her legs. Keeping her trapped. 

No dream, no matter how good it feels, could stop her from waking up, even as she whines and grumbles about it. 

And then her cover grumbles back at her. Her eyes shoot up. 

She's met with piles and piles of silver fur and one gray eye glaring back at her. She frowns at it, instantly recognizing who it is. 

Tetsutetsu, laying across her chest and keeping her pinned to the bed and warm without a cover over her. And the dream hadn't been a dream apparently. 

A long flat tongue runs across her pussy lips, drawing a shocked moan from her. She can't see around Tetsutetsu's massive body, but she knows what she would see. 

A giant red furry head and a long, roving tongue licking at her most intimate places. 

"Guys," Katsuki whines, even as her thighs tense, more pleasure shivering through her. "The window is open." 

That doesn't seem to bother them. Tetsutetsu lays his head down, between his giant paws, seemingly content to continue to lay on her and allow Eijirou to lick at her at a leisurely pace. Neither are in a hurry and Katsuki has no idea how long Eijirou has been between her thighs, though she knows she's pretty slick. 

Neither cares that she had left the window open the night before and so if she makes too much noise, the neighbors were sure to hear. And while they can't see exactly what her "dogs" are doing, they might think it weird that she would be doing anything with them in the bedroom. 

What Tetsutetsu and Eijirou seem to forget is that not everyone knows they are werewolves, which is dumb because it's supposed to be a secret. But they always casually mention it, to Katsuki, to each other, and to their neighbors. It's gotten to the point that Katsuki is pretty sure the neighborhood just thinks it's a running joke between them. 

More than once, Katsuki had been out walking the two in their wolf form and a neighbor would stop to ask "Are these handsome boys your boyfriends?", laughing to themselves at what a wonderful joke they had made.

Katsuki hates it. But Kirishima and Tetsutetsu think it's the best thing in the world 

So no one would actually believe her if she said, don't worry, she's not a dog fucker, it's just her werewolf boyfriends have a fetish for fucking her in their wolf form. 

Yeah. That would go over super well. 

It's true though. The three of them have been together for six years now, and she can count the amount of times they had sex as humans on her hands. And a lot of those were because they hadn't yet told her they were werewolves.

But it was like, as soon as that secret was revealed, they couldn't stop themselves from wanting to stick their doggy dicks inside her. 

Tetsutetsu had explained, once, that it just feels natural, that it's like their wolves break forward, that it takes more effort to keep them back and can get distracting during sex. 

Eijirou says it's because their wolves are such a big part of them, that it's cruel to keep them separate from this part of their life.

And Katsuki gets that, she does. She can admit that they sure are more passionate as wolves, that they can go more rounds-even if they have to wait for their knots to disappear- and they they are more horny as their wolf selves. But still! Her human sensibilities have never gotten used to it.

They can eat her out as a human and keep the wolf sex for weekends. 

Her partners, of course, don't agree. 

"Tetsutetsu, come on," she whispers, holding back her moans with sheer force of will. "I need to get up for work." 

Tetsutetsu huffs at her. Eijirou licks at her harder, his tongue forcing her pussy open. The long appendage dips inside, spearing her open, and she closes her eyes, her body trying to arch into the touch. 

"You bastards, at least let me close the damn window. What if someone sees, huh?" 

Neither pay her any attention. Eijirou's paw forces her open wider, his snout digging deeper into her cunt as he licks up all of her slick. 

"Come on, ah, come on guys," Katsuki pants, squirming now. It's looking to be a losing battle against her desires, her eyes fluttering as pleasure races through her. Her orgasm is coming in fast and Eijirou knows it. 

He licks faster, slips his tongue in, parting her folds and getting her sloppy with his drool. His claws dig into her skin, leaving marks she will find later. 

Her eyes flutter. Her thighs try to close, but his giant fuzzy head stops her. Her orgasm builds and builds and builds till it rolls through her, fire through her veins. Her whole body shakes, her pussy slicking even more. She holds on tight to Tetsutetsu, trying to hold herself together as her orgasm comes and comes and comes.. 

Eijirou licks it all up, drinks every bit of her down. The wet noises make her sob, just once. Makes another, smaller orgasm slide through her. 

When she finally flops against the bed, it's hard to catch her breath. Tetsutetsu is too hot on top of her, but it's clear that he has no intention of getting up anytime soon. Instead, he turns his head, pressing his cold nose against her cheek and giving her face a lick. 

It's also clear that Eijirou is not done. Another swipe of his tongue along her pussy proves that. Katsuki groans, arching up. 

This is going to be a long morning. 


The lucky thing is that Katsuki's an author and can make her own hours. So being pinned down and eaten out till her boyfriends get full doesn't make her late for anything. 

She still grumbles about it, gingerly moving around her kitchen, making breakfast- though it's getting closer to lunch now. "I told you, I need to get those edits done today." 

"We're sorry," Eijirou says, now in his human form, where he is pouting at the table. He gives her his best puppy eyes. 

She has to look away. "You always say that and then you go ahead and do it again." 

"Come on, babe," Tetsutetsu says. He wraps arms around her waist, though he has to bend down in order to do so. Her head nestles in his large pecs. It's hard to be mad when she's being comforted by titties. "You're always more relaxed when you have a good few orgasms in the morning." 

She frowns, even as she stirs her pan. "Not when it makes me behind on schedule." 

"You're always ahead of schedule, because you get anxious about leaving things to the last minute," Tetsutetsu replies. Damn him, he's right though. 

Not that Katsuki would ever tell him that. "No sex for the rest of the day," she fumes, stirring the pan roughly.

"No sex, huh?" Tetsutetsu hums, kissing the top of her head. His hands slide down her body, one covering over her breast, squeezing the soft flesh. One drifts down, sliding along her thighs, before slipping under her shirt. 

She had only thrown on one of their shirts before going to make breakfast. And only the shirt. Which means that when Tetsutetsu's hand slides up, there is no barrier to stop him from sliding a hand over her pussy, covering the entire mound with his palm. His thumb plays with her folds, making her gasp. 

She arches away from the touch, but Tetsutetsu won't let her get far. He pulls her back, pressing his hard on to her lower back. He kisses the top of her head again, before sliding down to kiss behind her ear. "Do you really not want any sex? All we did was lick you, didn't even give you a knot. And knowing your pussy, it's probably lonely and cold. Didn't get to warm up at all." 

Katsuki's eyes flutter close for a second, before she forces them open. No! She will not fall for this, she will stay strong!

Then his big hand cups her pussy, completely covering it. They both can feel it pulse, like her heartbeat is stored down there. He kisses her neck, right on her weak spot, behind her ear. "Come on," he rumbles, bending down just a little to grind his erection into her back. "Don't you want to be a good girl for us?" 

That's playing dirty and he knows it. So she tries to play dirty too. "I'm still mad at you…if you want to get your dick wet, you have to do it as a human." 

Tetsutetsu pauses, and Katsuki grins.

Tetsutetsu looks down at her, a frown on his face. "Really?" 

She keeps her stare steady. "Really. I will only have sex with you if you do it as a human." 

Tetsutetsu raises an eyebrow before looking at Kirishima, who also raises an eyebrow. Both shrug. Katsuki keeps smirking. 

Great. Now she can actually get some work done. 

She starts to hum, going back to cooking. But before she can get too deep into it, those hands are back on her, cupping her breast and pulling her into a broad chest.

Lips are back on her ear, biting the lob. "I don't think you mean that," Tetsutetsu says, hot and breathy. 

Katsuki has to squeeze her thighs together, a pulse of arousal shooting through her…but then it's followed by a huff. 

"Yeah? You think I'm bluffing?" She asks. 

Those hands squeeze her and Tetsutetsu ruts against her back. "I think you like it when our wolf forms pin you down and knotting your greedy little cunt." 

"It could also use a human dick or two from time to time," she argues back. 

"Sure," he laughs. "Let me show you how wrong you are." 

Fingers slide up her thighs, sliding along her cunt again. She hates that she's wet, her pussy betraying her words. 

"Let's go back to bed," Tetsutetsu growls, pushing his fingers in, getting a feel of her. "And then I can show you how much you like my doggy dick." 

Katsuki is really tempted. It does sound good, spending the day locked on their knots…but.

But the fact that he's pushing her on this, sets off her competitive streak. Like he thinks he can win against her. Like he thinks she would break that easily. 

She grins to herself, letting him grind against her, letting him finger her for a few more seconds, before she pulls away and turns around. She leans in his space, getting on her tiptoes to kiss his neck, before she grabs his dick and squeezes 

He wheezes, nearly falling backwards, as she grins at him, showing off all her teeth. They may be blunt compared to the chompers on him, but she makes it mean . "I said," she purrs, "That I will only let you fuck me if you do it as a human. But since that's too hard for you, I think that I won't let you fuck me at all." 

With that, she makes breakfast for herself before she sashays out of the room, locking herself in her office room. 


Katsuki initially just wanted to tease them. Get them wound up, get some work done, and then maybe let them have at it.

But the longer the day goes on, the more she thinks about it, the more that competitive side of herself grows. She loves her boys but they get really pushy when it comes to stuff like this. And yes, she's never actually missed a deadline, is always working to make sure she can get stuff done early, actually. But that's not the point. 

They probably think they can get anything as long as they flash their puppy eyes. They probably think of her as some knot-happy slut- she is, but she isn't going to say that to them - think that she can't go a day without seeing their furry muzzles between her thighs. 

And that slightly pisses her off. So, as she stares at the word document before her, thinking of how they acted at breakfast that morning, she makes a promise to herself. 

She's not going to be the one to break first this time. 


Probably sensing her very real annoyance from this morning, the two thankfully leave her alone for most of the day. They only bother her when they need to go outside for a walk, scratching and whining at her door, back in their wolf forms. 

She does, not giving them their "good boys" at the end, before going back to work. 

But they probably didn't understand just how serious she was about the proposed sex ban till she decided to sleep in the guest room. With the door closed. Locked. 

"Wait, you weren't joking?" Tetsutetsu asks, watching as she drags her covers into the other room. 

"Nope," Katsuki says, popping her lips at the . "We're not having sex again until I get my novel done." 

"But that could take forever," Tetsutesu whines. Eijirou looks forlorn the entire time down the hallway, trailing after her with his literal tail between his legs.

"Are you doubting my skills?" She huffs, dumping all of her stuff into the room. She turns, hands on her hips, arching one eyebrow at him. 

"That's not what he meant," Eijirou pipes up. When she turns on him, his ears drop. "Come on, Katsuki. We're sorry about this morning. I promise we'll be more aware of your working schedule." 

She crosses her arms, well aware that it shifts her boobs up, distracting the two for just a second. Her eyebrow raises as she tilts her head. "You said that last time. And the time before that. How long did it take before you were back to doing whatever you wanted?" 

Eijirou looks properly chastised. Tetsutetsu doesn't. "So we like having sex with you, is that such a bad thing?"

"This is exactly why we're waiting till after my novel is done." She goes to step in the room and close the door behind her. 

Except Tetsutetsu snorts. "Like you can wait that long." 

She stills, her whole body freezing. Slowly, she turns her head to stare at him. "What was that?" 

"You heard me. You might think you're better than us but you are as much of a sex addict as we are. You won't even be half way through the edits for your novel till you're begging to bounce on our dick." 

"Oh? Is that so? You really think that?" 

"Think? I know so." 

By this point, the two are nearly chest to chest, Tetsutetsu bending down to look in her eyes. Eijirou stands to the side, nervously looking between them. He hates when the two get like this, two egos clashing together. He likes competitions, sure, but not when there's such tension strung between the three, when he's afraid one wrong move will have them descend into a screaming match. 

So he holds his breath and watches as they sneer at each other. 

Finally, Katsuki sniffs, nose in the air. She takes a step back and smirks. "How about a bet then? I bet that I can resist you two for as long as it takes me to write my novel. If I win, then you don't get to fuck me in your wolf forms for a least three months." 

Tetsutetsu eyes her, before he smirks too. "Oh that won't be a problem at all. Like I said, you're as much of a slut as we are. By the week's end, you're going to be begging for our knots. So when we win, you're going to do everything we say, no matter what, for an entire weekend. Deal?" 

Katsuki's grin grows. There's a slight feral hint to it. "Deal." 

They shake hands. 

Eijirou can only watch on at the impending train wreck. 


Katsuki didn't go into the deal expecting them to take it easy on her. Tetsutetsu is too much like her, unwilling to give up or give in, pride too much of them both to allow anything to ever be easy. 

So yes, she is expecting the way he walks around the house, naked. He somehow conjols Eijirou into doing the same thing, and now she has two Adonis tempting her with their goods. 

But two can play at that game. She smirks at them in the lacy set she had put on, purring a good morning to them when they stumble into the kitchen for breakfast. She knows exactly what the lingerie does to her ass and tits, how they make them look even more plush. Not to mention the little heart that frames her pussy. 

Tetsutetsu had only narrowed his eyes at her. Eijirou had drooled after her, begging to get on his knees to lap at her. 

She tells him no and stays strong in the face of his kicked puppy look. 

That might be why, surprisingly, Eijirou ups the ante. By masturbating at the kitchen table. 

Slow strokes along his massive cock, reaching down to cup those big breeder balls, rolling them between his fingers before he reaches up to play with his own tits. He pinches at his nipples, rolling the little brown nubs. He throws his head back, moaning and panting, as he thrusts up into the air. Turning into the mutt he is, unable to control himself as he humps. 

Tetsutetsu sees her looking and smirks at him. He walks over to Eijirou, slapping his own cock on the table. He grinds forward, in an imitation of him fucking. One of his hands reaches forward to help stroke Eijirou, teasing the other. Edging him. 

Eijirou pants, his tongue hanging out as he looks at her. It's an invitation, that much is clear. 

She swallows her drool. The lingerie backfires, clearly showing off her slick curls as she squeezes her thighs together. 

Tetsutetsu smirks at her, wagging a finger. Silently telling her off, right before he dips down to suck Eijirou's cock down his throat. 

Katsuki practically runs from the kitchen to lock herself in her work room. 

If they are going to play dirty though, so is she. 

She brings out the fucking machine. It's loud enough that it catches their attention, and she positions it right by the door. She leans against the door, moaning and whimpering as she's pounded into over and over again by a giant dildo, something that splits her open, something that settles deep inside her. 

Not like her boys' knots, of course, but she won't tell them that. 

Instead, she makes her whimpers as high and needy as she can, letting the door rattle. Letting them know exactly what's happening and that they aren't a part of it. 

Her boys do not take that lying down. 

When she tries to sleep one night, she can hear them howling and growling as they fuck each other. They leave the door slightly open, enough to let her get a peek inside. She sees that Tetustetsu has Eijirou pinned down into a mating press. Large hands have Eijirou's ankles held to the bed. Their large bodies clash together again and again, two powerful bodies molding themselves to each other. 

Tetsutetsu whips his head around, to stare her down as he continues to make Eijirou whine on his cock. His eyes are yellow, glowing, his wolf close to the surface, though all he physically has are two gray ears sticking out the top of his head. 

His tail wags back and forth. His thighs are muscular, and shiny with sweat as he uses them to fuck into Eijirou. 

He smiles, revealing sharp teeth. He licks his lips. 

Teasing ass. 

She slinks back to her room, fuming. She can't sleep at all, too horny from the sounds and too focused on trying to plan her revenge. 

Revenge comes in the form of waking up early to "clean" the kitchen. 

Her boys always sleep later than her- except when they wake her up for sex- so she's there for hours before they arrive. They come in tired, after a night of wild mating, but perk right up when they see her cooking their favorite breakfast. They perk up even more when they smell something special 

They keep sniffing around, keeping huffing and pawing at their noses, clearly confused. Because they can smell her, can smell how satisfied she is, the scent practically surrounding them, but Katsuki herself looks unfazed.

Finally, she takes pity on them and flips her spatula around, to show how wet the handle is. Then she shows them the handles of all their utensils. And the small wet spot on the edges of the table, where she had rubbed herself earlier.

She grins at their shocked looks, before leaving them forced to eat food made with the utensils she had masturbated with. 


Katsuki is trying to figure out her next step, what to do when they retaliate against her, when she gets a knock on the door. Frowning, she makes sure she's decent before answering. 

She instantly recognizes the person on the other side, internally rolling her eyes. The woman outside her door leads the HOA, and has absolutely let the power go to her head. Putting on her best smile, Katsuki opens her door. "Hello, Mrs. Karen, it's good to see you." 

Mrs. Karen smiles back. It's very tight lipped. Mrs. Karen is never happy to see Katsuki, but that might be because Katsuki doesn't put up with her bullshit. "Hello, Ms. Bakugou," she makes sure to emphasize the Ms . Her eyes seem to light at that. "Are your…roommates home right now?" 

Considering they're in wolf form, no, they're not. "My boyfriends are currently at work. Do you need them for something?" 

"Oh no, no. You can tell them my message just fine." She holds out a piece of paper. "We're citing you for breaking quiet hours." 

Katsuki snatches the paper out of Karen's hand, looking it over. She sneers back at the smirking bitch. "What the hell?" 

"Well," Karen sticks her nose in the air, sniffing. "I've had multiple neighbors complain of your…ahem, bedroom activities. You are being too loud, at a time when everyone is trying to sleep." 

Katsuki crosses her arms, crumbling the note up in her hands as she stares the other down. Karen does not seem impressed, even as Katsuki looks to the side- at a house that no one lives in and to the other side, where a lovely old woman lives, who has a hard time hearing Katsuki when she's two feet away from her. "Yeah? Who has complained about it?" 

Karen shakes her head. "You know I can't tell you that. I don't want you retaliating against them." 

"If I haven't done shit to you of all people, I'm not going to do shit to them." 

"Me? I have been nothing but kind to you despite your rude and degenerate behavior." 

"Maybe I wouldn't be rude to you if you didn't constantly call me and my boyfriends degenerates.' 

Karen puts her hands on her hips. "What else am I supposed to call the fact that you are living in sin. Constantly leading those two nice boys on by cheating with the other-" 

"Our relationship is not your fucking business. Never has been," Katsuki snarls. "Keep talking like that and I'm going to report you for discrimination." 

"I have done nothing of the sort and you can't prove it anyways." Karen points at her. "Pay the fines by the next meeting or we will fine you more." 

"Fucking bite me, bitch." Katsuki slams the door in her offended face. She grins to herself when she hears Karen start softly cursing her out as she leaves. 

The good mood is shortly lived as she looks down at the paper, biting her bottom lip. It's not the first time they've gotten a "noise" complaint, but this is the most expensive. They certainly can not afford another one. 

Then her phone rings. Sighing, she picks it up. Her brows crease when she notices it's her editor. "Yeah?" 

"Katsuki, I'm so glad you picked up." Her editor sounds out of breath and Katsuki can hear several papers shifting. "I hate to make this call, but I really need you to get me those next edits." 

"But I thought I had another week to get them to you?" Katsuki starts pacing, throwing the crumpled citation paper onto a nearby desk. 

"You did…a week ago." Her editor sounds nervous. "Look, Katsuki, I'm not going to get on you, because this is the first time you've missed a deadline, so I know it must be for something serious. But please, get me those edits as soon as you can." 

Katsuki promises to do so, hanging up. She runs a hand through her hair,  looking at her schedule. How did she get so far behind? 

Covering her face, she takes a deep breath. 

Unfortunately, at that time, Eijirou and Tetsutetsu come skidding in. Completely covered by mud. Which means they get it all over the floor she had just cleaned that morning. 

She slams her fists against the counter. "Can you two fucking stop?" 

Eijirou tilts his head, a small whine leaving his throat. But Tetsutetsu rolls his eyes. 

And that sets her off. 

"I do everything in this house. I clean. I cook. I work my fucking ass off, so you can enjoy this house and enjoy the fucking backyard and enjoy the food I give you. And you can't respect this one thing." 

Tetsutetsu shifts, just enough so he can get his mouth working. "Katsuki, what are you yelling about?" 

"I'm yelling about this mess on the floor." She gestures to the mud. She's so mad, steam is coming out of her ears. 

"You mean the mess we always clean up? Seriously, Katsuki, when have we ever left our mess to you?" It's clear that Tetsutetsu is also frustrated, his long teeth gnashing in the air. 

Eijirou shifts too, though he's mostly still fur. "Guys," he tries. "Let's take a deep breath-" 

"No, Eijirou. I want to know what her problem is." Tetsutetsu puts his hands on his hips, staring Katsuki down. "She's been jumping down our throat for weeks now." 

Katsuki steps up to him, punching a finger against his chest. "So it's a problem when I ask you guys to do stuff, is that it?" 

"It's not and you know it, Katsuki." Concern flashes across his face. His shoulders relax slightly as he reaches to touch her. "Katsuki,really, what is going on-" 

"Don't touch me," she hisses, slapping his hand away. She pinches the bridge of her nose, taking a deep breath. "I'm going to be in my office. Don't bother me." 


She stomps off before they can say anything. She does hear Eijioru whisper to Tetsu to leave her be, but that only makes her angrier. 

She slams the door shut, pacing around the room. She needs to sit down and work, she knows that, especially to help pay off the fine, but she can't focus. 

She's too mad. 

Her chest feels tight, and she's clenching her jaw so hard it hurts. Her nails are biting into her skin. She backs up, till her back hits the wall. She slides down, till she's sitting on the ground. She wraps her arms around her knees, putting her head there. 

Tears slide down her cheeks. She stifles her sobs, not wanting the two to hear her. She hates crying in front of them, no matter how many times they say it's ok. She always just feels weak when she does. 

But, as frustrated as she is, it's all she really can do, her emotions spilling out. Her whole body shakes as she cries and cries and cries. 


Katsuki stays in her room the entire day. She doesn't leave once, even when Eijirou comes to knock at the door. She waits till she can hear them leave before she goes to use the restroom. She doesn't eat anything, still too upset. 

She tries to work on her book, but she can't focus. Mostly, she just stares out the window and plays with a little fidget toy Tetsutetsu had gifted her at one point. 

It's only when she sees the sun rise that she realizes that she didn't get any sleep at all. She sighs, rubbing at her eyes. She feels…numb. The anger has long left her. There's nothing that keeps her in here other than lingering feelings of hurt. 

It's not the mess they brought in. Testutetsu is right, they do clean up after themselves, they always have. She's never once had to tell them to do so. It's one thing they fell into naturally. She likes to cook and clean, but having to do all of that on her own is too much. So since she's the best cook, she does much of it, while the other two clean up. 

It's always worked out for them. 

And really, it's not the crunch in deadline. She knows she can get it done. She does feel the familiar anxiety of not doing the best she absolutely could. But she had been working on that with her therapist. And Eijirou and Tetsutetsu had been a great help too. 

It's not even the fin. It's more annoying than anything, especially coming from Mrs. Karen herself, but she knows they're going to be fine.

No, if she really thinks about it, her frustration is because…she hasn't gotten a good orgasm in a while. Her toys might do a good job, but they don't make her squirt like her boys do. They don't finger her till her legs are shaking or eat her out till she's begging them to stop. 

And, most annoying of all, they don't stretch her pussy as well as her boys' knots do. So what's really driving her up the wall is that she really, really needs a good dicking. It's embarrassing to admit! It hurts her pride most of all. But damn it, she wants her boys.

She wants her wolves. 

But she knows she's not going to get it. She's not up to it, not after a night of being upset. And she doubts her boys will want to do anything after she yelled at them. 

It's just…with everything piling up at once, she had exploded. 

Her head leans back as she looks up at the ceiling. "And I was doing so well, too." 

She stands up, popping her back. Might as well as get some actual rest. She'll talk to them when she's in a better mood. 

Except, as soon as she steps out of the room, she's swept up into strong, muscular arms. Her cheek is squished against a strong pec. 

"Katsuki," it's Eijirou that says it. "You're ok." 

"I wasn't hurt," Katsuki mumbles, though she doesn't try to push away from him. 

"You smelled hurt," Eijirou says. He looks down at her and his big red eyes are glassy. "It stunk up the whole house."

"Oh," Katsuki says. She buries her face further between his cleavage. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." She sometimes forgets how sensitive their noses are. 

"I'm just glad you're ok." He starts walking, by passing the bedrooms. 

"Wait, where-" 

Then she smells it. Food is being cooked. Her stomach grumbles, making her blush. Eijirou grins down at her. "We know you didn't eat dinner yesterday, so we cooked a big breakfast for you." 

She squirms. She feels bad, accepting food after yesterday. But Eijirou won't take that as an answer.Eijirou doesn't put up with Katsuki or Tetsutetsu trying to punish themselves. She had sat on his knot more than once while he shoves food into her mouth, red eyes watching to make sure she actually eats it. 

So she says nothing as she is brought to the kitchen, where Tetsu is making what looks like a whole feast. He smiles at them when they come in, but doesn't say anything. Katsuki bites her bottom lip and lets Eijirou sit them at the table, with her in his lap. 

Finally, food is set up. Tetsu went all out, like he plans for them to be there. There is fluffy white rice and grilled fish but also some toast and big stacks of pancakes. Of course, there is also some bacon and sausages for the two wolf boys. 

They say their thanks and dig in. Katsuki keeps eying them, but they don't say anything. They also don't look upset, so she doesn't think they're too mad? 

She looks back down at her food. When she tries to stop, Eijirou makes her eat a couple more bites. 

"I'm stuffed," she complains but Eijirou shakes his head. 

"Just a little more. To satisfy my wolf?" He gives her his biggest puppy eyes ever and she sighs. 

Tetsutetsu looks at them and now there's a pinched look on his face. He looks back down at his food when he notices her looking. 

Katsuki squirms.. Squaring her shoulders, she reaches across the table, taking his hand. Tetsutetsu stills. He looks up at her. His eyes are shiny. 

"I'm sorry," she says. "You're right. You always pick up after yourselves. I was stressed. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry for that." 

He gives her hand a squeeze. "You never yell if you don't have a reason for it, not like that. I knew something was wrong." He tilts his head towards the side. On the counter is a piece of paper. It looks crumbled up, but someone had smothered it out. 

It's the fine. 

She looks at him. "You guys found it, huh?" 

"I wish you would have just said something," Tetsutetsu says. "We didn't realize that we were causing that much noise-" 

"We weren't," she jumps in. "She just wants to push my buttons, you know that." She takes a deep breath. "It wasn't just the fine. I also got a call from my editor. I'm behind on schedule." 

Eijirou rubs her arms and Tetsu gives her other hand a squeeze. She huffs a laugh at herself. "I guess my anxiety set in and it made me on edge." 

Eijirou wraps his arms around her, pressing her back into his chest. He buries his nose in her hair. She continues. "Everything kind of just set in at once and I guess I just…reacted to it." 

Tetsutetsu smiles at her. She smiles back. Well, if they've come this far, might as well, go all the way. "And to tell the truth, I haven't been sleeping that well, without you guys there." 

"I haven't been sleeping well, either." Tetsutetsu admits. 

"Oh thank god," Eijirou mutters. "So is this whole stupid thing over? Because I've missed cuddling my two favorite people and I want to do that. Like, right now." 

Katsuki laughs, leaning back to give his cheek a kiss. "I want to cuddle with you too." 

Before she can get another word out, Eijirou stands up, throwing her over his shoulder. "Then let's go cuddle." 

All Katsuki can do is laugh as Eijirou goes running down the hallway, nearly throwing her onto the bed. Her grin only widens when the bed dips again and Tetsutetsu takes her from Eijirou's arms. 

She's put between her two strong boys, wrapped in muscles and pushed between two magnificent sets of pecs. 

A whole night of worrying and sleep deprivation, plus weeks of missing this without realizing it, has her closing her eyes and instantly falling asleep. 

It's the best night of sleep she's ever gotten. 


Katsuki wakes up, warm and on her back, her thighs spread apart and two bodies between them. It's a familiar feeling. 

This time, she welcomes it. 

Her underwear had been pushed down, Eijirou's fingers pushing it out of their way. Two tongues working on her, taking turns as they slowly eat her out, licking up her slick and spreading her open on their tongues. 

She hums, reaching down to run a finger through their hair. Their human hair. She peeks one eye open, to look down at her body. Her shirt had been pushed up, exposing one boob. There's a little hint of spit there and a faint pair of bite marks. 

Going past there, she sees two hands, one Tetsutetsu's and one Eijirou's wrapped around her thighs to keep her spread. They're human, softy devouring her soft cunt. 

She swallows, before scratching behind Tetsutetsu's ear. His eyes flick up to her's. His eyes are dark, liquid silver. He leans back, his lower half wet, to give her a grin. "Morning, baby. We wanted to give you a proper greeting." 

He leans down to give her fluttering pussy a kiss. "I hope you had a good nap." And then both of them pull away, despite her whimpering. Eijirou leans up to give a kiss on her actual lips, as does Tetsutetsu. 

"We can cuddle for a couple more minutes, if you want? Or do you want to get started on your work for your book?" 

They look down at her, completely willing to do whatever she wants. 

And what she wants-

She reaches forward, grabbing a handful of each of their hair, dragging them down into a more passionate kiss. "I want," she whispers. "For you to to fuck me till I can't feel my legs." 

Tetsutetsu growls. Eijirou whimpers. They look at her with such lust, it makes her nipples pebble. 

She licks her lips. "...and I want you to do it in your wolf forms." 

Tetsutetsu blinks at her, looking at Eijirou. Eijirou tilts his head towards him, eyes flickering back and forth between the two. 

"You don't need to," Tetsutetsu says. His thumb rubs into the soft skin of her thigh. "This whole thing started because we have been ignoring your needs and what you were saying. Let me make up for that." 

But Katsuki is already shaking her head. She sits up, to cup his face. "I appreciate that, but I'm going to be honest. I want to be on my knees and I want you to breed me till I can't move." She grabs his chin, lifting him up so he's looking straight into her eyes. "I want your doggy cocks ruining my pussy and I want you to make sure we earn that fine we received. Do you understand me?" 

Tetsutetsu stares at her for a moment, searching her face. Then he grins, slow, full of teeth. "As you wish." 

Two big hands grab her hips, flipping her over. She grins into the pillow as he crawls over her, his body shifting along the way. Soon, where Tetsutetsu was now lays a giant silver wolf. His snout leans down to lick at her cheek, making her giggle. 

A hard, hot cock throbs against her pussy. He ruts against her, her folds sliding around his cock. Katsuki chokes, hanging her head. She always forgets how big they are in this form. It drives her insane. 

Tetsutetsu thrusts against her, humping against her pussy, so hard it makes her breasts swing. Eijirou, who has also transformed, worms his way under her to lick at her breasts. His sweet eyes look up at her, as he licks at her, like she will produce milk for him. 

She moans, closing her eyes. She missed this, she truly did. Maybe they weren't the only ones who couldn't go without this. Maybe Tetsutetsu was right. She's addicted to them, a knot-happy slut.

Tetsutetsu finally hocks his paws on her hips, holding her steady and with one well placed thrust, his cock slips inside her. She groans, throwing her head back to pant. She wasn't kidding when she called their cocks huge. 

They're gigantic, spreading her open so much. Stretching her pussy to its limits and burying it's way so deep inside her, she swears he's pushing all of her guts to the side. 

In this form, he has no self-control, thrusting hard and sloppy. She has to hold onto the sheets as she's pounded into. Eventually, she has to put a hand on the bed frame to stop him from fucking her through it. 

Tetsu growls and yips in her ear as his furry hips pound into her. Her cunt is so wet by now that every time he fucks into her, it sounds loud. Slick drips onto the bed. Her eyes roll into the back of her head, tongue hanging out. 

Her boys make her feel so good, they always do. They take her like beasts and fuck her till she's shivering and begging them to stop. Eijirou switches to her other breast, licking at for a bit before he leans up to lick at her mouth. 

She opens, allowing him to lick inside. 

Tetsutetsu lets out a loud woof, his hips going faster. She can feel the base of his cock thickening. He's about to knot her. 

She wants it. She begs for it, around Eijirou's tongue. 

Tetsutetsu bites down on her shoulder, shoving deeper inside her, as far as he can. His knot expands, stretching her poor pussy even more. Then he cums and cums and cums insider, hot and hard, filling every inch of her insides with cum. 

Katsuki whines her pleasure, body shaking as she milks him for everything she's worth. 

Tetsutetsu lays his head on her bleeding shoulder. Katsuki turns her head to give him a deep kiss too. 

For the first time since their stupid competition had started, Katsuki finally feels at peace. 


Katsuki has a laptop in front of her. She's gotten all the edits she needed done, so she's moved onto the next batch. She leans against a cushion, and there are a couple of water bottles around her. 

Her hips are held up by a breeding bench. Currently, Eijirou has mounted her, his knot throbbing as he fills her with cum for the nth time that day. 

A year ago, after a brief sex marathon, Katsuki had sat down with her boys to talk everything out. They agreed to leave long mornings of licking her out to the weekends, and then helped her make a new schedule, to make sure she doesn't overwork herself. 

After getting the needed edits done and sent off to her editor, she decided to surprise them with her own compromise. 

A fitted breeding bench, completely decked out for her comfort. She can lay in the thing for hours. 

And she has. 

Now, she can both work on her books and be satisfied by her boys, who get the chance to breed her as much as they want to. 

The best part? 

The sun beats down on her and birds sing. There are no neighbors to disturb her, the closet one being five miles away. 

It had taken a bit, but with Karen bothering them so much, they had gotten together to buy a nice little farmhouse out in the countryside. It allows her boys the room to run around as much as they like, she gets some peace and quiet with not a Karen in sight, and the best part?

Lots and lots of outdoor sex, especially under the full moon, when their wolves fully overtake them. 

It's the best. 

Eijirou pulls out, leaving her pussy dripping with cum and slightly gaping. He leans up to sniff at her hair, giving her a kiss. Katsuki smiles into it even as the breeding bench groans with Tetsutetsu's weight as he settles over her, raring to go, his hot hard cock pressing into her lower back. 

He pushes into her cum filled pussy, making her sigh. 

She has never wanted to have normal sex again.